Re: [Mimedefang] Including archetypal filters to include in release?

2006-01-11 Thread Kelson Vibber

Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

(B) That's not a restriction of Windows, I believe.  That's a limitation
of certain Windows UA's.  I'm working on a patch to Thunderbird, that
should work on XP as well.

Yes, I was implying the MUA.  I don't see it chaning in Outlook/OE 
anytime soon so while it's nice that there is a thunderbird fix for the 
issue, the reality for me is that I believe this check will have 
hideously high FPs.

Then there's Eudora, which, at least through version 6, will HELO with 
the local host name attached to the domain name of the SMTP server. 
This gets really annoying, because chances are that the resulting FQDN 
doesn't exist if you're dealing with a home computer named by the end user.

This of course can be resolved by requiring SMTP-AUTH, but when you 
still have half your users on POP-before-SMTP, it limits your options a bit.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Pre-Emptive Greylist entries

2006-01-11 Thread Kelson Vibber

Gary Funck wrote:

But isn't it likely that if
are going to the trouble to add SPF records that they're also going to the
to retry after a tempfail, and thus defeat greylisting?

They haven't so far, and they've been using SPF records for, what, two 
years now?  Some groups of spammers were among the early adopters, 
because they thought it would get them a free ride past filters.

Of course, It's much easier to add v=spf1 +all to your DNS than to 
write an smtp client that will retry every delivery attempt in a 
situation where you expect most of your output to get blocked, dropped, 
or hidden.  Why waste the time and bandwidth?  It may not be your own 
connection anymore, but hey, access to those botnets costs money!

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] resending mail sent to /var/spool/mail

2006-01-05 Thread Kelson Vibber

Stephen Ford wrote:

We had one of our internal mail servers die for a
little while today and when I run mailq (I'm on a
Solaris 9 system) there are 1600 messages waiting with
connection refused errors in /var/spool/mqueue. 

This should do it:

sendmail -q -O QueueDirectory=/path/to/queue

That starts a sendmail process that will run through the queue once.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,
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message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: dictionary attacks looking for a valid user

2006-01-03 Thread Kelson Vibber

Kenneth Porter wrote:

--On Thursday, December 29, 2005 12:23 PM -0800 Kelson Vibber wrote:

There is also confMAX_RCPTS_PER_MESSAGE, which limits the total number of
recipients any message can target.  But that includes valid recipients.

Is that a global setting or can that be configured based on 
authentication or IP of the sender?

Global, IIRC.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,
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message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records *long w/morbid horoscope*

2004-08-12 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 06:27 PM 8/11/2004, Jeff Rife wrote:
it is the responsibility of the MX machine to know what is and is not 

Again, this completely solves the issue of forged return address bounce 
Actually, no it doesn't.
Let's try another ISP-as-MX scenario, this time where the company runs its 
own mail server as primary MX, but uses the ISP's server as a secondary:

1. Spammer targets the backup MX (us), assuming it's less protected.
2. We queue, reject, or discard the message.
3. Mail ends up at customer's primary mail server, which rejects *on 
different criteria*.
4. Customer's server issues an SMTP reject to our server.

At this point, we technically *should* generate a bounce.  The address we 
sent it on to was valid, but the message could not be delivered.  We have 
no way of knowing, short of something SPF-like provided by the apparent 
sender's domain, whether the return address is valid, invalid, or 
valid-but-forged.  On the other hand, if we *did* have that information, we 
could have blocked the mail without even queueing it up for the primary MX.

Now if you run all your MXes yourself, you can make sure they all use the 
same criteria and only reject mail at the border.  But that's a bit more 
difficult when one is in-house and the other belongs to your ISP, who may 
not even be running the same mail server software as you, never mind the 
same filtering software.

And then there's the scenario in which the forged message makes it through 
to a valid address, someone reads it and fires off a complaint to the 
person they think sent it...

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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RE: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-09 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 06:21 AM 8/9/2004, Joseph Brennan wrote:
Bounces would go straight to the FROM, I assume?
So, all we do is change all the mail servers on the net. :-)
Hey, most* people stopped running open relays, right?
Change IS possible.  It's likely to be painful, but it's possible.
* Yes, there are still open relays out there, but these days it's generally 
considered a misconfiguration rather than a deliberate setup.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-09 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 12:42 PM 8/9/2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
So SPF is a good technology to combat joe-jobs providing everyone in
the Internet uses it. :-( See
To be fair, SPF has never pushed itself (to my knowledge) as the FUSSP.
Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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RE: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-09 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 04:12 PM 8/9/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I agree that invalid bounces from forged addresses aren't really a blip
on the scale of email problems.  Also they can easily be solved using
existing technology - just have every organization push their valid
user list to the mail servers on their network boundary.  Then the mail
will be rejected at RCPT TO time, with no undeliverable message
generated.  (The ratware and spamware won't generate an undeliverable
message when faced with a 550 No such user.)
Unfortunately, this won't work until the entire Internet does it.
Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] SpamCopURI w/SA2.64 w/Chris' umask Patch

2004-08-05 Thread Kelson Vibber
On Thursday 05 August 2004 11:34 am, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
 Just an FYI that I edited the Makefile.PL for SpamCopURI to change 2.63 to
 2.64 (3 instances) for the new SA 2.64 w/Chris' umask patch and all seems
 to be working fine.

SpamCopURI overwrites two SpamAssassin files ( and 
with pre-patched files.  Unfortunately at least one of these has changed 
between SA 2.63 and SA 2.64, so you end up losing some of those fixes -- and 
the changes from Chris' patch -- if you install SA first and SpamCopURI 

It looks like the solution is to apply diff-2.63 from the SpamCopURI source to 
SpamAssassin and reinstall SA.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,
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Re: [Mimedefang]

2004-07-30 Thread Kelson Vibber
On Friday 30 July 2004 03:03 am, Martin Blapp wrote:
 Clamav is not catching 5 tests, and viri are slipping throuh ! At least
 test 8 and 23 are very important to catch I think:

There's timing... I was just looking at this stuff yesterday.  I got the same 
results initially (except for #25, which had been defanged), but after 
investigation was able to easily block the rest by copying a few bits over 
from the current example filter.  From what I can tell, it looks like these 
would all be detected by a default install of the latest MimeDefang paired 
with a current Clamd with the ScanMail option enabled.

 Test #5: Eicar virus sent using BinHex encoding (this is a rarely used
 Macintosh mail format)

 Test #8: Eicar virus sent using BinHex encoding within a MIME segment sent

Actually, it's MIMEDefang that doesn't detect these, because it doesn't decode 
BinHex.  So if you're just passing the message parts MD sees to ClamAV, it 
doesn't have a chance to see them.  ClamAV will detect them in the raw 
message if you have the ScanMail option active in clamav.conf.

Take a cue from the current example filter and call 
md_copy_orig_msg_to_work_dir_as_mbox_file() just before calling 
message_contains_virus.  This way, clamd gets to look at the raw message in 
addition to the MD-decoded parts and will pick out the binhex attachment.  
Note that you have to do something in response to this rather than wait for 
entity_contains_virus, because MD won't see that entity.

 Test #22: Eicar virus within zip file hidden using the MIME
 Continuation Vulnerability (attachment can be opened by all
 versions of Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express) sent

 Test #23: Eicar virus within zip file hidden using the Empty MIME
 Boundary Vulnerability (attachment can be opened by all versions
 of Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express)

Interestingly, after I made that change I discovered that Clam was picking up 
these two as well.  Given the wide range of MIME parsers and malformations 
that will slip by some and get picked up by others, it's good to have two 
different implementations scanning your mail.

Again, you have to take action on message_contains_virus, and not wait for the 
per-entity results, because MD will see these as invalid MIME and not as 

 Test #25 (non-virus): Attachment with a CLSID extension which may hide the
 real file extension. BThis does not include the Eicar virus/B, however
 your mailserver should still block this since the CLSID technique can be
 used to hide the true extension of a malicious file. (attachment can be
 opened by any Windows computer)

ClamAV has no reason to detect this: it doesn't include a virus.

That said, MIMEDefang's default filter_bad_filename should pick this up.  It 
does here.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,
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Re: [Mimedefang] staying synced with example filter (was: Re:

2004-07-30 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:40 AM 7/30/2004, Royce Williams wrote:
What's everyone else doing with reference to the example filter?
Well, I used to go through the example filter on each upgrade and copy bits 
over, but ours has gotten extremely complicated over time, so now I just go 
through the changelog and look for things that would be useful or necessary.

We also have a lot of custom functions that we keep in a separate file.
Eventually I plan to do a massive cleanup, at which point it should become 
feasible to maintain the rest of our changes as a diff and keep things more 
in sync.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang]

2004-07-30 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:55 AM 7/30/2004, J.D. Bronson wrote:
Could you kindly post exactly what you did?
Take a cue from the current example filter and call
md_copy_orig_msg_to_work_dir_as_mbox_file() just before calling
That's it.  I just placed md_copy_orig_msg_to_work_dir_as_mbox_file(); in 
filter_begin, right before message_contains_virus().  (Actually I still 
have some old code calling specific scanners, but that's the only change 
that was necessary.)

Can you also expand on this please?
(examples ?)
The mimedefang-filter.example probably says it better than I could -- 
particularly since I still have a lot of complicated code left over from 
older customizations.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: Re: [Mimedefang]

2004-07-30 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:24 AM 7/30/2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How bad would the performance hit be to do the action_rebuild on every
Not that bad.  If you add boilerplate, for example, you're doing that
anyway.  However, if you're short on disk I/O, it will cause problems,
because it essentially doubles your Sendmail queue I/O usage.
This would be done in the MD working directory, though, right?  So if 
you're running that on a ramdisk, it shouldn't be too much of a difference.

I would think the main drawback of this would be in altering signed messages.
Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Testing and dictionary attack..

2004-07-09 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:14 AM 7/7/2004, Net Guy wrote:
What has been decided:  Do I just drop eMail from whomever that has the 
wrong reciepent, or do I bounce it ( nouser: No user here by that name 
)?  In my limited view of things I see that either could have benefits:

Bounce - the folks that are real and not spammers know that they screwed 
up the address.
Drop - the spammers think that the address works, so the spam lists grow 
with invalid names.
I suggest bounce (in the action_bounce, reject at SMTP time sense).  The 
potentially large consequence of losing a legitimate message outweighs the 
likely small benefit of polluting the spammers' lists.

I say it's a small benefit because:
- If you're dropping the message, you still need to waste the bandwidth to 
make them think you've accepted it.
- Unless you're tarpitting it, it won't slow them down much.
- Many spammers don't clean up their lists anyway.  Heck, many legit 
mailing lists don't either.  We get lots of mail sent to long-dead 
accounts, some of which I ended up reactivating, watching for (and 
unsubscribing from) legit newsletters, and turning into spamtraps.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] grammar nit

2004-07-08 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 08:43 AM 7/8/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
He claims that some intellectual property has made its way into Linux.
Does anybody know specifically what he is talking about? Or is it all just
BS, and the real issue is that Linux resembles SysV UNIX, and therefore
it is theft of intectual property. Thats like suing a band who sing songs
that sound like Metallica songs!
Well, in 1 1/2 years they've made a lot of noise, but given no 
specifics.  On the rare occasions they've provided examples, those examples 
been debunked quickly (basic functions with obvious solutions, code 
available from other sources under the BSD license, etc.).  At times 
they've claimed to have millions of lines of infringing code, but lately 
they've said they don't know exactly what code was involved, and they can't 
find it without access to IBM's source.  The IBM suit is currently focusing 
on code IBM wrote in-house for things like the JFS filesystem, added to 
AIX, and later added to Linux -- basically claiming that because the code 
touched Unix at some point, SCO owns it.  (And they call the *GPL* 
viral!)  Sort of like suing a band for singing a song that Metallica *covered*.

An excellent resource on this issue, if you're interested, is .  Also informative: and

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Sender validation

2004-06-24 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 08:59 AM 6/24/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can you explain your criteria for accepting a sender if the host is not an
MX for the domain?  We have CanIT Pro and the mismatch rules tened to
block alot of the send the page to a friend and e-card type emails.  I
had to give up on them (the mismatch rules, that is).
It looks like he's not checking that the sending server *is* an MX for the 
domain, (which would cause problems with sites that use separate servers 
for incoming and outgoing mail), but checking *an* MX to see if it 
recognizes the supposed sender's address.

The logic is more along the lines of:
- Sender claims to be [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Look up MX records for
- Connect to and see if it accepts mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- From User unknown error, conclude that the sender is invalid and reject 
the message

In the old days, it might have been done using VRFY, but so many sites have 
disabled it to throw a roadblock in front of dictionary attacks.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications  

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Re: [Mimedefang] grammar nit

2004-06-22 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 07:47 AM 6/22/2004, Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:
The SCO that is now sueing the world has little to do with the SCO that
released SCO unix (formerly XENIX).

So I don't think the derogatory comment is warranted at all.
You are aware that the current litigious SCO has owned SCO UNIX for several 
years, right?

From the very page you linked to:
SCO announced on August 2, 2001 that they would sell their Server Software 
and Services Divisions, as well as UnixWare and OpenServer technologies, 
to Caldera Systems, Inc.
In August 2002, Caldera International changed its name to SCO Group

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Using DCC in SpamAssassin which is called by MimeDefang

2004-06-17 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 02:34 PM 6/16/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I asked a similar question recently: who has had what experience with
DCC/Razor/Pyzor, presumably via MIMEDefang and SpamAssassin?
All three will work with MD/SA.
Razor is probably the simplest, since SA is already running in Perl and can 
call the Razor Perl modules directly.  It also has the advantage that SA 
has different rules to handle various Razor results - if Razor gives a 
message a 50-100% probability of being spam, SA will score it higher than 
if Razor gives it a 10-50% change.  The main drawback to Razor is that it 
presently has the lowest hit rate of the three, although this should change 
soon since the next version of the client will add one of the more 
effective hashes being used by the SpamNet client (Razor's commercial 
sibling).  One trick I've found: I usually have to run make install 
twice, or it doesn't set up all the links in /usr/(local/)bin.

Pyzor hits more spam than Razor, but has two drawbacks: first, it runs in 
Python, and firing up a Python instance for each hit is slower than just 
calling a Perl module in an already runnng Perl.  Second, the client 
doesn't do much in the way of error recovery when it encounters a message 
it doesn't recognize.  This isn't much of a problem when called from SA - 
it just counts as if Pyzor didn't find it - but can be frustrating when you 
try to report a mailbox full of confirmed spam and it dies because the 
third message claims to use the plain content transfer encoding.  Be sure 
to check the Readme's section on file permissions.  I've actually seen the 
pyzor client get installed non-executable.

DCC has the highest hit rate, but that's partly because its stated goal is 
not to identify spam, but to identify bulk mail.  By definition that 
includes wanted newsletters, mailing lists, etc, although few people 
actually report mail according to that standard.  Because of this, I've 
lowered the SA score for DCC_CHECK from 2.9 to 1.  I remember having a bit 
more trouble getting it running than either Razor or Pyzor, but it's been 
long enough that I don't remember exactly what I had to do.

Several people posted some comparisons a fe months ago.  I think this was 
on the SA list.  There is certainly overlap among the three databases 
(about 60% of spam we see that trips one of them trips at least two), but 
there's enough difference that it could be worth running two or even all three.

In any case, I would recommend using the razor_timeount, pyzor_timeout, and 
dcc_timeout options in your SA config so that network slowdowns and server 
outages don't add too much time to your mail processing.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Using DCC in SpamAssassin which is called by MimeDefang

2004-06-16 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 01:30 PM 6/16/2004, Al Sparks wrote:
A simple question, so I know whether it can be done or not.
Is anyone using SA to access DCC iff SA is called by MD?
   === Al
Is that a misspelling, or do you mean if and only if?
If it's just a misspelling, then I can tell you yes, we use DCC through SA 
called by MD

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: Unsafe embedded Perl (was RE: [Mimedefang] [PATCH] Memleak bug in mimedefang found and fixed)

2004-06-07 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 10:35 AM 6/7/2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Kelson Vibber wrote:
 Does this mean the embedded perl should not be used *at all* on these
 platforms, or just that the normal reread method will not work?
Just that the normal reread method will not work, as far as I know.
OK.  Thanks!
Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications  

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Re: [Mimedefang] Can I bounce be looking at keywords in the body without using spamassassin?

2004-06-04 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 06:12 AM 6/4/2004, Mark Penkower wrote:
Can I bounce be looking at keywords in the body without using spamassassin?
Can you? Yes.
Should you?  Probably not.
Blocking mail by keyword is considerably more likely to cause false 
positives than score-based filters.  Some examples:

State of Virginia.
Breast cancer study.
The city of Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
News about assassinations.
Jokes or news about certain highly-advertised drugs.
Free software.
A sextet.  (Or sextuplets, or cities like Middlesex, Essex, Wessex, etc.)
John Hancock
You can probably think of more examples.
Plus, of course, $P@/\/\/\/\ERZ can just D|5GUl$3 orr miiispel there wurdz 
2 @V0|D the keyword filter.  By the time you put together a sufficiently 
long list of variations you may as well be using something more elaborate.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Correction about Autolearn Headers

2004-06-01 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:13 AM 6/1/2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
 Therefore, the only way to make this work that I can see is to modify  It would be a simple change to return $status, comment out
 the $status-finish, and return $status to the subfilter where you would
 need to run a $status-finish on it in the subfilter.
You can do this already; just call spam_assassin_status from your
filter, and process the status object yourself.  Heck, it's even
documented in the mimedefang-filter man page. :-)
This was possible in SA 2.5x - however, beginning with 2.60, the 
SpamAssassin object no longer exposes the auto-learn results or the 
function to build the status line.  (It didn't technically expose either 
before, but you could get the status line through an undocumented function 
-- which no longer exists.)  You can construct it from all the other 
pieces, but auto-learn isn't available.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] /var/spool/MIMEdefang

2004-05-21 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 08:55 AM 5/21/2004, Vivek Kumar wrote:
There are following 3 files in /var/spool/MIMEDefang directory, which
are pretty big in size.
What are these 3 files for ?? Does these files always grow ?? Can we
empty these files ( for space) ??
Those files are used by SpamAssassin for its auto whitelist and its 
Bayesian classifier.  You shouldn't delete them unless (a) the data has 
been corrupted or (b) you turn these features off in your SpamAssassin config.

The auto whitelist is more of a score averaging system - it adjusts scores 
based on what else that sender has sent you in the past - and if you have 
it running it updates the data whenever SA processes a message.

The bayes database learns from the spam and non-spam you get, based on 
manually teaching it (This folder is all spam, this one is all non-spam) 
and/or on messages that SA scores very high or very low, if you have 
auto-learning enabled in your SA config.  (The key command here is sa-learn).

In both cases, information is always being added to the database, so you 
can expect the files to keep growing until data starts expiring (see the SA 
docs for more info).

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Want to modify read-receipt img tags in mail

2004-05-20 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 01:50 PM 5/20/2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
 or replace with

   a href=$1$2IMAGE/a

 and leave the plain text alone.  Almost the same thing.

 I'd like to see this written out with HTML::Parser when you do it.
I don't understand what you mean when you put IMAGE above.
I think he means just the text IMAGE - so that the reader knows something 
was supposed to be there, but there's no risk of the server being contacted.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Sendmail Queue Runner

2004-05-13 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 10:02 AM 5/13/2004, you wrote:
Will Mimedefang cease to work if use it for other tasks?

If so, what functions would those be?
A queue runner is needed for any situation in which MIMEDefang creates a 
new message, such as resend_message, action_notify_whoever and 

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] evolution forging HELO?

2004-05-07 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 07:57 AM 5/7/2004, Ole Craig wrote:
He's using evolution, and it insists on sending HELO 
which of
course is my server, and not his laptop.
Hmm.  I don't use Evolution normally, but I have a copy for tech support 
purposes.  I just sent myself a test message, and HELO'ed with its own IP 
address.  (FWIW, this is Evolution 1.4 as provided by Fedora Core 1.)

Kelson Vibber
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[Mimedefang] Detecting bogus AOL addresses

2004-05-07 Thread Kelson Vibber
I recently came across the specification for valid AOL addresses.  It's 
simple, and easy to put into a regexp.  It's only blocked 8 messages in the 
last few hours since I went from logging to rejecting, but that's 8 messages 
that didn't need to be scanned for viruses or spam.

In case anyone else might find it useful, here's an abbreviated version of my 

sub filter_sender () {
my ($sender, $ip, $name, $helo) = @_;
$sender =~ s/.*\//;
$sender =~ s/\.*//;
$sender = lc($sender);

# Check for bogus AOL addresses as described at
# - all alphanumeric, starting with a letter, from 3 to 16 characters long.
if ($sender =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i  $sender ne '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 $sender !~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{2,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i) {
return ('REJECT', 'Forged AOL address detected.');
#md_syslog 'info', $QueueID: Forged AOL address detected.;

return ('CONTINUE', 'ok');

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,
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Re: [Mimedefang] OT: Sasser info

2004-05-04 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:56 AM 5/4/2004, SRAR Mail Administrator wrote:
From :
Microsoft has announced that it is working closely with law enforcement 
agencies, ... in an attempt to try and identify those responsible for the 
widespread Sasser internet worm.

Question: Will they be starting at Microsoft's headquarters, and arrest 
Bill's developer staff?
That depends: If a manufacturer discovers a defect and issues a recall, is 
it liable for damages that occur *after* the recall has been carried out?

To bring back the eternal car analogy: suppose someone discovers that a 
particular Ford model has defective airbags that will explode if the car is 
hit from a certain direction.  Ford issues a recall, there's been time for 
people to go in and get the airbags fixed.  Then someone goes around and 
starts hitting these cars with a sledgehammer in such a way as to trigger 
those airbags that haven't been replaced.

In this scenario, Ford would bear some liability for injuries, deaths, etc. 
from the defective product before the recall (shared, of course, with the 
people who caused the collisions), and possibly early in the recall 
period.  But what about damages *after* the recall, *after* people have had 
the opportunity to get their car fixed?  Assuming they didn't know about 
the defect when they sold the cars, is Ford still liable legally?  Morally?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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RE: [Mimedefang] Separate Filters for Separate Recipients

2004-05-04 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 04:43 PM 5/4/2004, Kjell Uddeborg wrote:
It does seem to split up the messages based on the recipients but they do 
not get delivered until I restart the sendmail server. Have you ever seen 
this problem before?
Anything MD resends goes into the submission queue, not the regular 
queue.  You need to run a second instance of Sendmail as a queue 
runner.  See the MIMEDefang README for more detail, but essentially what 
you need is:

sendmail -Ac -q5m
This will start a second sendmail process which will run through the 
submission queue every five minutes.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Skip MD for some users

2004-04-27 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 11:18 AM 4/26/2004, Nathan Martinez wrote:
Everything works fine for me, but now a few users want to be excluded
from the Spam scanning that I am doing.
Because of the way milter works, you cannot skip MD on a per-user 
basis.  There are two approaches you can take, both inside mimedefang-filter:

1. Use filter_recipient and the ACCEPT_AND_NO_MORE_FILTERING return code - 
which has the disadvantage that you stop filtering for any other recipients 
of the same message.

2. Check the list of recipients before doing the actual spam scanning 
(right before calling SpamAssassin, for instance).  This has the same 
disadvantage, but you can work around it using stream_by_recipient in 
filter_begin - which of course has its own disadvantage (resending the same 
message once per recipient).

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] surbl

2004-04-16 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 01:46 PM 4/13/2004, Lucas Albers wrote:
Need to patch SA.
I'm leery of modifying my code, and hopefully the package maintainer for
my OS will fold in surbl into their package.
As I understand it, the next release of SpamAssassin will be able to handle 
this type of feature without patching.

Kelson Vibber
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RE: [Mimedefang] surbl

2004-04-13 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 04:48 AM 4/13/2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
I think a DB of known spam URL's is safe.  Following URL's makes me
Then SURBL should be fine.  It's just a RHSBL, built from domains 
advertised in spam rather than domains that (appear to) send it.  A client 
using SURBL just parses URLs out of the message and queries the domain 
names against the SURBL zone.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] slave error with razor2

2004-04-01 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 01:24 PM 3/31/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 12 stderr: razor2 check skipped: Bad file
descriptor Died at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 409.
IIRC, this means queries to the Razor servers are not responding.

Try running razor-admin -discover as your MIMEDefang user.  This should 
pick up a current list of Razor servers.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] bounce without attachment

2004-03-30 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 07:02 AM 3/30/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In my mimedefang-filter, i have

if (filter_bad_filename($entity)) {
md_graphdefang_log('bad_filename', $fname, $type);
return action_bounce($ext found in mail - rejected);
My problem is, the mail est rejecter and mimedefand send reject 
notification with the attachment file. How can i reject mail with 
attachement and notify the sender without the file ?
Unless you've re-sent the mail locally (through one of the stream_by_ 
functions), you're not generating the bounce notice at all.  action_bounce 
only issues an SMTP reject code.  The notice you're seeing is actually 
generated by whichever server passed the mail to you.

If you have another server funnelling mail to the MIMEDefang server, you 
can reconfigure that one to generate  notices without attachments, but 
unfortunately you can't configure servers that aren't under your control.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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RE: [Mimedefang] Getting Error from multiplexor: ERR No response from slave

2004-03-29 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 05:59 AM 3/29/2004, Cormack, Ken wrote:
As for point-value, I am originally setting everything to a point value of 
zero.  My intent was to observe the performance impact of such a huge set 
of rules, without (yet) letting the rules otherwise influence the message 
in any way.
As I understand it, setting the score of a SpamAssassin rule to 0 disables 
the rule.  For testing, small values like 0.01 are recommended.

If all these scores are set to 0, SA isn't using them, so something else 
may be going on.

If you haven't already, you should run spamassassin -D --lint and -test to make sure there are no syntax errors lying in wait.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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RE: [Mimedefang] Command rejected

2004-03-25 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 11:40 AM 3/25/2004, Kelson Vibber wrote:
see the man page for mimedefang_filter for more options.
Er, make that mimedefang-filter.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: OT: Gentoo, Red Hat, etc. (was Re: [Mimedefang] Latest MIME-Tools)

2004-03-22 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 01:28 PM 3/22/2004, Justin wrote:
RPM is really quite lame.  If you ever want to really annoy RPM uninstall 
the very dated version of Perl and all it's various modules that come with 
RH and compile and install the latest greatest from source.  RPM will 
never forgive you that one. :)
Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried this on Debian?  How well does 
apt-get/dpkg handle that one?

And as I understand it, even in Gentoo you'd still have to use portage to 
get the benefits of its package management.  Sure, it'll be newer than the 
version in Red Hat or Debian Stable, but if you installed from source 
instead of using emerge, you'd still run into problems.

I don't think it's a failing of RPM so much as it's a failing of package 
managers in general - namely, if you install anything that the PM doesn't 
know about, it acts as if it isn't there.  The only way you can get around 
that is if you can override the PM and tell it, Look, Perl's really 
installed.  I know I can't tell you in detail where all the files are, or 
what libraries and utilities it depends on, but it's installed, honest!

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: OT: Gentoo, Red Hat, etc. (was Re: [Mimedefang] Latest MIME-Tools)

2004-03-22 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 03:48 PM 3/22/2004, Les Mikesell wrote:
There are two approaches that work.  One is to keep locally compiled 
things under /usr/local which is often their default, and adjust your PATH 
to use them instead of the system version when desired.
I used to do this.  Actually, I still do this on servers with sendmail, 
apache, and php.  Stow helps a little, but it's still pain to deal with, 
especially when you've replaced a system package or you need to uninstall 
or upgrade something.

The other is write a spec file (you can usually adapt the old one from RH) 
to build your own RPM.  The latter way keeps the RPM database up to date, 
makes it easy to install on other machines, and makes it possible to 
uninstall everything.
This is now my preferred way to handle it, both at home and at work.  It's 
just cleaner, and it's usually not much more difficult than building the 
source manually (and sometimes easier!).  Often all you have to do is 
update the version number and grab the new source (which you would have 
done anyway).  And it's becoming more common for projects (like MD) to 
include their own .spec files, so all you have to do is run rpmbuild -ta 

Although with my desktop machines running Fedora, I've found that using 
apt-get and synaptic with FreshRPMs, DAG and ATRPMs is very nice.  Often if 
I don't need something right away, I'll wait a day or two, see if it shows 
up, and only then build my own package.

Kelson Viber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Latest MIME-Tools

2004-03-22 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 02:43 PM 3/22/2004, Les Mikesell wrote:
But, it would be great if someone packaged MimeDefang and Clamav for an 
rpm install...
Both are available from the DAG RPM repository at  Alexander mentioned earlier today 
that Dag's .spec for MD is now included in the MD source distribution.

You can use apt or yum (at least, I *think* I remember setting up yum to 
use it at one point), or you can just go to 
and grab the RPMs.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] mount noatime (was: ramdisks on Linux)

2004-03-17 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 07:20 AM 3/17/2004, Chris Myers wrote:
Mount /tmp as ramdisk, noatime
Unless you're using tmpwatch to clear out old files in /tmp.  You can set 
it to decide based on mtime instead of atime, but atime is the default.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] special use IPv4 addresses to consider: RFC 3330

2004-03-10 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 07:34 PM 3/9/2004, Jeremy Mates wrote:
 Aaaa, block ALL incoming unroutable IP addys at the router. You should
 not permit an IP from the 192.168.. 10... ( can't remember that other
 one just now ) and
And if you can't/won't block it at the router, you can use filter_relay - 
but remember that locally-submitted mail shows up as being from!

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] How can I get this email blocked?

2004-03-09 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 11:06 AM 3/9/2004, Matt Rossiter wrote:
It usally gets tagged with a spam score of 2.5 and my tolerance is 
5.0.  The link in this email takes
you to a domain called - can someone suggest away of 
eliminating this spam?
If the messages include common phrases, you could write a SpamAssassin rule 
to catch them.  You'll probably be better off posting this to the 
SpamAssassin list, though.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] add to sa score for clients that only give hostname in helo.

2004-03-08 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 11:20 AM 3/8/2004, Jason Englander wrote:
...but you could set a global variable in filter_relay to reflect whether 
or not it only has a hostname component, then act on it where you can run 
action_change_header, change the SA score, etc.
Actually, no, you can't - filter_relay and filter_end can get run by 
different slaves, so variables defined in filter_relay aren't necessarily 
going to stick around.  (See the Global Variable Lifetime section in the 
mimedefang-filter man page.)

...unless this has changed between 2.39 and 2.40 (I haven't upgraded yet).

Kelson Vibber
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RE: [Mimedefang] New way of obfuscating text

2004-02-11 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:32 PM 2/10/2004, Randy Hammock wrote:
Have not seen this one yet; however, I've recently gotten SPAM where they
set the text color to be the same as the background color. They used this
mostly around blocks of random words (to fool Bayesian filters) and around
other random letters to obfuscate the words they wanted hidden from the spam
checker but show up when read.
If the text is the same color as the background on SPAM, it's waaay to old 
to eat!

Seriously, though, I think SpamAssassin already looks for that.

(SPAM = processed lunch meat, and spam = junk email: )

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] action_tempfail and delete_recipient question

2004-02-04 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 05:43 PM 2/3/2004, Xiaoyan Ma wrote:
How can I only tempfail 2 of 5 recipients then?
Unless I'm mistaken, you don't tempfail a recipient so much as you tempfail 
a message.  (If anyone can correct me, please do!)

Is stream_by_recipient the right approach
No, stream_by_recipient won't do what you want.  That would accept the 
message, then resend it locally.  As far as the sending machine is 
concerned, the message will have gotten through.

Kelson Vibber
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RE: [Mimedefang] Security note: Open port 25 on internal mail se rvers

2004-02-04 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 04:16 PM 2/4/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
One SMTP server (A) that accepts only authenticated sessions and allows
relay for those.
Another SMTP server (B) that accepts any session but does not allow relay.
The trick is to only have A listed as an MX record.  B does *not* need to be
listed as an MX record.  Usually B is listed explicity (by DNS name) in the
off-campus-client's email client as the Sending Mail Server or SMTP
Server - no need to advertise it in DNS, though a portscanner will still
find it.
Er, shouldn't that be the other way around?  Or am I misreading?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Additional Spamassassin Rules

2004-02-03 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 02:40 PM 2/3/2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
 Actually, the SpamAssassin docs state that you *shouldn't* drop
 local rules in /usr/share/spamassassin, since they will be
 removed when upgrading SpamAssassin (yes, I learned the hard
 way :-).
Not if you number them 70_* or higher, I believe.
Of course, this relies on SpamAssassin never changing their numbering system.

Better to stick with the recommended location (/etc/mail/spamassassin) than 
to watch things stop working when you install SpamAssassin 2005.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Has anyone used

2004-01-29 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 02:20 PM 1/28/2004, Cormack, Ken wrote:
Has anyone ever used (in the contrib directory of the MIMEDefang
source tree) to reconstruct an email?
It looks like I've just been handed my first-ever need to recover from a
quarantine dir.
I had problems figuring it out too, but I found that if you use 
quarantine_entire_message, it works to call:

  sendmail -f`cat SENDER` `cat RECIPIENTS`  ENTIRE_MESSAGE

(source: )

Kelson Vibber
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[Mimedefang] Using more than one virus scanner is a good idea.

2004-01-28 Thread Kelson Vibber
Mydoom/Novarg/Worm.SCO seems to be really persistent.  Despite using both 
ClamAV and manual checking (for known filenames or zips with the particular 
file size), one copy actually got through to my inbox this morning where it 
was caught by Norton Antivirus.  (Not that I would have opened it, of 
course!)  Now that File::Scan detects it, I'm still seeing a lot of copies 
slipping past it and getting caught by Clam.

So I'd definitely recommend using more than one virus scanner when possible!

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang with spamc/spamd

2004-01-28 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 09:19 AM 1/28/2004, Steve Moore wrote:
Is it possible to have mimedefang use spamc/spamd rather than loading 
spamassassin?  And if so what changes do I make to mimedefang-filter to 
accomplish this?
MIMEDefang calls SpamAssassin's perl routines directly.  It doesn't 
actually load SpamAssassin, so calling out to spamc/spamd would probably 
slow things down.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Anyone else having problems with Clamd 0.65?

2004-01-28 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 01:59 PM 1/27/2004, Lucas Albers wrote:
Can you try just running clamscan?
I was setting up a new backup mx server and when I ran clamd it had milter
problems, it appeared just running clamscan worked corrrectly.
That will probably be the next thing I try, if my current setup fails.  I 
looked up more info on clamav, and found a suggestion to move to a newer 
snapshot.  I'd been reluctant to do so before (since this *is* a production 
server), but in the face of Mydoom I decided it was time to give it a try, 
and I grabbed yesterday's snapshot.

It's held up for the past 18 hours or so, which is longer than 0.65 seems 
to have managed.  So far, so good.

I'm just reluctant to sacrifice the efficiency gains clamd has over 
clamscan.  But if push comes to shove, I'll drop back to clamscan.  These 
days, inefficient virus scanning is better than none at all.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Tracking down the delay (Razor timeout!)

2004-01-28 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 11:21 AM 1/28/2004, Adam Porter wrote:
So I guess my questions now are:  How do I find  set up a good, reliable 
set of RBLs?  Do I need to invest a lot of time or can I automate it?  Is 
this an anomaly with cloudmark's db/service or does this kind of thing 
happen a lot?  (PS: I re-initialized my razor client but it hasn't helped.)
I've heard of similar problems with Pyzor today (which is completely 
separate from Razor).  With two similar services bogging down, I suspect 
they are due to the increased traffic caused by Mydoom and sites that 
bounce/notify senders. states:
On Tuesday and today, people have noticed that the Internet is a 
percentage slower. The bounce-back e-mails could account for up to 25 
percent of this slowdown

It's especially applicable in this case.  The increased volume from both 
the virus and responses to it translates directly into increased load on 
Razor, Pyzor, DCC, and anything else where recipients check each message 
against a centralized server (or group of servers).

At least from the tone of the article, it sounds like more and more people 
are coming to realize that auto-notification on viruses just doesn't make 
sense anymore.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] Check extensions beforer virus scan

2004-01-27 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 02:25 PM 1/27/2004, Jim McCullars wrote:
So I guess the answer is in filter(), just change the order of the
virus scan and the bad_ext check, but leave the code in filter_begin()
Alternatively, remove the calls in filter_begin, then entity_contains_virus 
out of the if ($FoundVirus) block.  On one hand,
you do scan each entity individually.  On the other, you don't scan 
anything that you're already deleting.

Kelson Vibber
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Re: [Mimedefang] New .zip virus?

2004-01-26 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 04:57 PM 1/26/2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
I'm seeing bounces from messages I supposedly sent containing a .zip file.
I think there's a new .zip virus out there.  Watch out; the default filter
will not catch these.

Apparently it's called MyDoom, Novarg or Mimail.somethingorother, and 
infected machines are DDOSing SCO's website.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications 

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Re: [Mimedefang] rejecting on helo,drive-by-relay,forged_sender,

2004-01-16 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 10:00 AM 1/16/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As it's been said elsewhere, it won't take off until some of the biggies
adopt it - AOL, Yahoo, MSN.  Then it might catch on.
Actually, AOL is already posting SPF records, at least on an experimental 
basis.  (They turned it off over the weekend, then turned it back on with 
changes on Monday.)

Give it a try: dig TXT or nslookup -type=txt

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