Re: About the OpenBSD repository

2009-06-23 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:16:12PM +0100, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
Pretty much every single new revision control system can import/export  
from CVS, so use whatever you want...

I tried git cvsimport on OpenBSD's tree and it failed, alas.
cvs2svn doesn't grok some peculiarities of OpenBSD's tree either.

Kind regards,


Re: About the OpenBSD repository

2009-06-23 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 02:11:21PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
What is wrong with CVS?  And no I am not talking about the hypotheticals
and some bugs that exist in the current code (that can also be easily
worked around).

- It's *slow* (once you've seen git's speed, both cvs and svn are snails
  against it; hg and bzr might perhaps compare with it, though).

- How often you've seen people (devs with commit access) do development
  without committing it because it wasn't ready for prime time, then
  committing it in chunks that can't be grokked any more because they
  have accumulated for months or even over a year? You can't have
  off-site development branches in centralized version control systems.
  You *can* with distributed ones. You can merge them *and keep history*
  later somewhat easier than without having distributed vcs abilities.

- Non-committers can keep track of their local modifications in a more
  structured ways (because they can too have local inofficial branches)
  with a distributed vcs. So submission of patches can be more structured.

- Did I mention: most current dvcs are *fast*. And you can usually
  mirror the repo (just as cvsync does, just you don't need an addon
  tool for it).

- The history is still kept at a file level. While we see commit mails
  in a changeset form, if I want to look at what has been changed,
  I have to check per file (first cvs log, then cvs diff, or the
  equivalent thereof on the web). Even with svn I can do so with *one*
  svn log, then svn diff for the *whole* commit. With git I can do so
  with *one* git log -p for the whole commit (no further diff

- Disconnected operation. With cvs I can do nearly nothing (related to
  version control, that is) offline. (Devs working on the plane,
  anyone?) With svn I can just check the status and the diff against
  the *current* pristine version. With git, for example, I can
  inspect the *whole* history up to now, and I can create new structured
  history from now. The only thing I can't do offline is get new
  history from others (upstream or other devs or other users) or
  export my new history (to an official repository or peer-to-peer to
  other users/devs).

- Sometimes even little features like git stash (put away uncommitted
  stuff for a moment in order to do something else, but ready to be
  retrieved again) or git add -i (prepare to only *selectively* commit
  changes) come handy.

- Oh, when I notice a mistake immediately after the fact, I can (a)mend
  it with git up to the moment I exported my history! Less of oops I
  committed this port to the wrong place. Of course without having
  to completely *manually* hacking the repository tree.

- For versioning local things (like /etc), I don't need to dedicate a
  completely different place for the repository. One .git directory
  is good enough for everything (where cvs needs a CVS/ directory for
  every directory in the working tree *and* a separate repository
  directory hierarchy). Same gripe about svn, btw (a .svn in every
  directory in the working directory, even more bloated than cvs,
  and a separate repository tree, also quite fat).

I have used just about all versioning systems, including ones that have
the price tag of islands in the pacific, and ultimately they all suck in
their special ways.  CVS works well-enough.

I beg to differ. I was somewhat relieved when we switched from cvs to
svn at work (for our work projects). svn does suck, too, of course. For
example, non-first-class tags and branches, big overhead in its working
copies, and it's slow too, but at least it has real versioning across
directory *trees*, so operations like ... log and ... diff actually make
sense, you can actually look at the history in a tree/changeset

Nowadays I still scorn svn here. But at the same time, I dislike cvs
more. cvs up -APd on /usr/src, or /usr/ports is just *so slow* even
with a *local* (cvsync) mirror. Even with async,noatime mounts and
export CVSREADONLYFS=1. cvs commit is slow (and non-atomic!).

Nowadays I use git-svn to make working with the company's svn service a
bit more bearable. And I profit of the ability to keep local branches,
to exporting new history at a time when *I* see fit, etc.

Kind regards,


Re: About the OpenBSD repository

2009-06-23 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 09:58:04PM -0500, Eugene Prodeguene wrote:

Because none of the above mentioned will allow for 70+ developers to
update ~1.2GB/~140,000 files of source code, allow anonymous checkouts,
has an available web based interface and interfaces with ssh.

Now, that page uses outdated comparisons. Ok, cvs works better than
sup... Wow. sup is such a current comparison ;-)

Now, git allows even more efficient updates and checkins, both
authenticated via ssh, and anonymously. For anonymous readonly access
you don't need ssh, because git uses sha1 hashes for everything. (Ok,
the use of sha1 becomes more and more debatable, of course.) You can
even gpg sign tags if you like (but unsigned tags are also available,
and tags and branches are *cheap*, no churning through thousands of
files for creating a tag or branch!).

Of course it has a standard web interface, too. And it's more
convenient, because you can look at changes in changesets instead of
spreading *one* commit over all the files touched as if it were
independent changes.

git is very efficient both for deep history and quite large trees.

Just as an example (other dvcs seem to perform well too on those lines
of comparison).

Of course svn offers similar features too (web interface, of course, svn
via ssh or own service or https/dav). It has some drawbacks (I'm not a
great fan of it anymore): non-first-class tags/branches, bloated
working-directory format, bigger repository (IIRC git has one of the
most compact repository packing algorithms).


Kind regards,


Re: About the OpenBSD repository

2009-06-23 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:48:33PM +0200, Artur Grabowski wrote:
Mic J writes:

  But to
 imply that CVS is better than (or equal to) Mercurial or Git is a bit
 ridiculous :)

Mercurial and Git are crap.

Why do you think so? My experiences with git are quite good.


From two hours ago at work:

$ svn cleanup
svn: Working copy 'lib/common' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)
$ svn cleanup lib/common
svn: Working copy 'lib/common' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)

Never happened for me.

ok. And of course the atomic commits are bullshit because even
though the commit failed and left a corrupted local checkout that I
had to manually nuke and then copy the right files over, it still did
commit some parts of my work. At least it didn't corrupt the database
like it did a year ago where we lost two days of work because the
only solution was to restore from backup. Now, only the tree was
broken until I could figure out wtf it was doing.

Never happened for me. That old Berkeley db stuff was shit, yes. fsfs
seems to do okish (though it's still bloated compared to git *g*). But I
didn't see half-commits. And at our companies we *did* switch to svn at
Berkeley db times. And I do know some points where svn sucks.

At least we know and understand the bugs and limitations of cvs.

You don't like it - don't use it, but god sake, stop telling people
what your favourite color is and why it should be their favourite
color too.

Of course I respect the right of the devs (and finally Theo) to choose.

Still I wanted to put forth what *I* (not you or other devs!) like about
other systems and what I came to dislike about cvs over the years (and
that me, who first was one pressuring to introduce cvs here at work in
the first place; then cvs was much better than no version control at
all, and then there were definitely no better alternatives available,
and first I wasn't really fond of the decision to switch to svn).

Kind regards,


Re: About the OpenBSD repository

2009-06-23 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 08:11:42AM -0400, Kenneth R Westerback wrote:

To assume that it is not superiour in the particular application
to which it is being put is also ridiculous. Having 1000 extra
features you don't use and will never use is not an advantage.

If one hasn't tried it out, it's difficult to assume one would never use
features like disconnected operations (devs on planes), local/inofficial
branches (devs working on new features that aren't ready for prime time
yet; I'm committing this, disconnected from the build, so others can
work on it wouldn't be completely necessary either, for example, if
one could share experimental branches using a dvcs).

But even for traditional operations... I'm for example hooked on the
mere speed of git compared to svn or cvs even for a not so big tree
like a private web project. And even for that I use the fact that both
repositories are equals. At home, I commit to the local repository on
the home box. Elsewhere I might remote-login to a leased server where
another repository lies (and where also the http server is, using a 3rd
copy which always is on the public branch, while the other
repositories also have other branches). Or I might temporarily clone the
repository from the leased server, work locally (perhaps doing more
than one revision), then push the work (in one hunk!) back to the leased
server and publish (i.e. update the public branch to the http server's
directory). Especially over slow lines, definitely an advantage over
having only one central cvs/svn repo on the leased server and only
working copies on the other boxes. Local operations are *fast* (e.g.
switching from one branch to another with git checkout,
compared to cvs up -r... for switching the branch or svn switch or ...).


Kind regards,


Re: About the OpenBSD repository

2009-06-23 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 07:39:41AM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
Manure alert!

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 02:16:39PM +0200, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 02:11:21PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
 What is wrong with CVS?  And no I am not talking about the hypotheticals
 and some bugs that exist in the current code (that can also be easily
 worked around).

 - It's *slow* (once you've seen git's speed, both cvs and svn are snails
   against it; hg and bzr might perhaps compare with it, though).

It isn't slow.  I can check out a tree in a minute.  Here is a nickel
kid go buy yourself some real disks.

Ok, just checked with git: Linux-2.6 tree.

Update after about one month:

I did by purpose separate the update into two parts: git fetch, then git
merge instead of the usual git pull, so I can measure timing separately.

git fetch origin (roughly equivalent to cvsync):
  about one minute, received a bit more than 17 MiB of data,
  roughly 8,5k changes (not files, but tree changes/commits) from
  the last update.

git merge origin/master (roughly equivalent to cvs up with appropriate
  options, up-to-date-check/check for conflicts, reset the local branch
  to the remote branch and checkout files):
  7738 files touched, 1m51 real time.

That's with a normal local desktop style disk, not with a high end raid
system or something like that. That is, a disk where it takes *several*
minutes to cvs up, and where it takes *several* minutes to check for
changes even after less time.

(time git status, i.e. check for local changes: less than 10 seconds on
the same tree).

 - How often you've seen people (devs with commit access) do development
   without committing it because it wasn't ready for prime time, then
   committing it in chunks that can't be grokked any more because they
   have accumulated for months or even over a year? You can't have
   off-site development branches in centralized version control systems.
   You *can* with distributed ones. You can merge them *and keep history*
   later somewhat easier than without having distributed vcs abilities.

Oh I guess the cvsync tree I have on my laptop and all my development
trees don't count.  This is all uninteresting blabbing of someone who
doesn't know how to use cvs.

I have a cvsync tree too. But your local trees etc. aren't versioned the
same way as they were with a dvcs. You can't commit to a cvsync tree the
same way as you can commit locally with a dvcs. (Because your local
commits would be overwritten on the next cvsync call.) You can, of
course, have several local checkouts from the local cvsync tree with
non-versioned, non-committed modifications. But if you have *one* strand
of local development going on where one step depends on the next one,
you can't version those steps in a structured *tool-supported* way with
a centralized version control system. (You can do so without tool
support if you copy out every version/commit to a separate directory
tree, which takes more time and space than a local commit in a dvcs.
That's about the same degree of organization as it was when one had
foo.c.version1, foo.c.version2 in times when our company didn't use
version control at all.)

 - Non-committers can keep track of their local modifications in a more
   structured ways (because they can too have local inofficial branches)
   with a distributed vcs. So submission of patches can be more structured.

see previous.

 - Did I mention: most current dvcs are *fast*. And you can usually
   mirror the repo (just as cvsync does, just you don't need an addon
   tool for it).


 - The history is still kept at a file level. While we see commit mails
   in a changeset form, if I want to look at what has been changed,
   I have to check per file (first cvs log, then cvs diff, or the
   equivalent thereof on the web). Even with svn I can do so with *one*
   svn log, then svn diff for the *whole* commit. With git I can do so
   with *one* git log -p for the whole commit (no further diff

Sure you found a nice feature but hardly killer or worth any downtime
and relearning of some other retarded system that is full of unknown

My experience is different. I deferred that learning curve for some
time, too, when friends already were telling of their (in their
experience, of course) good experiences with dvcs. Later I took some
spare time for that. Now even some co-workers sometimes moan about some
lacks of the company's centralized-only version control.

I haven't really, yet, stumbled over annoying problems of git, btw.

While OpenBSD committers seem to do so over problems of cvs, if I see
things right on source-chan...@.

 - Disconnected operation. With cvs I can do nearly nothing (related to
   version control, that is) offline. (Devs working on the plane,
   anyone?) With svn I can just check the status and the diff against
   the *current* pristine version. With git, for example, I can
   inspect the *whole* history up

Re: ntpd dies on startup if using -s option

2009-06-18 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:17:12PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
Jumping the clock doesn't play well with rtsol. If it jumps too
far, ipv6 timers expire, you lose your rtsol'd address/route,
and it takes a little time to reacquire them.

Shouldn't rtsold use something like clock_gettime and CLOCK_MONOTONIC
then?  (Or if it's about kernel parts, the kernel equivalent thereof,
i.e. monotime, if I remember things correctly w/o looking at the

Kind regards,


Re: Voice-chat on OpenBSD with nothing more than aucat and ssh

2009-06-05 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 06:02:01PM -0400, Ryan Flannery wrote:

deeper and more muted.  Any other options, to aucat or perhaps
audioctl, that one could play with to reduce this?

I guess you could try to reduce the buffer size on the aucat *servers*
(-b on the aucat *-l* invocations).

Kind regards,


Re: HD 'Analysis'

2009-05-18 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 03:21:25PM +0200, Tobias Walkowiak wrote:
On Tue, May 05, 2009 at 01:46:00PM +0200, Hannah Schroeter wrote:

dd if=/dev/sd1c of=/dev/null bs=64k

 Do yourself a favor and use the raw device.


If nothing else, it'll be much faster.

Kind regards,


Re: OpenBSD Libs

2009-05-14 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 03:34:17PM -0300, Joco Salvatti wrote:
I've been working on a project to create a smaller, functional version
of OpenBSD (50MB). One thing that I've noticed while carrying out this
project is that there are four types of libraries, eg:


What I would like to know is why are there four different types of
libraries? Since disk consumption is a
severe constraint, I would like to know which of these are of
paramount importance, mandatory for the proper
system operation.

In general,
Static library, normal build. Used only when you link a program
against -lfoo and you either specify static linkage or there's
no dynamic library available (or you're on an architecture that
doesn't support dynamic libraries at all).
Static library for profiling build (used when you link a program
with -p or -pg).
Static library, but build from the object files that are compiled
with -fpic or -fPIC (i.e. the object files that are used to build
the dynamic library). I don't know whether that's used for linking
with -lfoo at all (or only if you specify its full pathname).
Dynamic library. Used for linking with -lfoo unless one of the
others is used as described above.
*Also needed at runtime* if a program is linked against it.
If a program is linked against, you need
version x.z with the same x and z = y.

So bottom line, if you don't intend to compile or (re-)link anything
on your target system, IMO you should be safe to remove the lib*.a
files. You *should* keep the lib*.so.* unless you can be sure that
you don't need any binary that is linked against that library (check
with ldd).

You can of course do test installations e.g. in a chroot environment or
in a virtual machine (e.g. qemu) or on a spare machine where it doesn't
hurt if you break things by removing too much.

Kind regards,


Re: Unable to update ports since 4.4 and now with 4.5

2009-05-11 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 04:33:51PM +0200, Helmut Schneider wrote:
gf4o2m$ (openbsd.bugs, 08.11.2008)

I started the thread above when I upgraded from 4.3 to 4.4 and I never 
recieved a reply. Now with 4.5 the problem still persists and is very 

[r...@ns3 ~]# export 
-r)/packages/$(uname -m)
[r...@ns3 ~]# pkg_add -ui
Error from
ftp: Error retrieving file: 502 Bad Gateway
No packages available in the PKG_PATH

The problem is the extra / after the server name, fetch fails. I am 
highly frustrated. Really. Any suggestions? It sucks to copy all ports to 
the local disk to update ports.

env | grep proxy?

For me, pkg_add with a ftp_proxy never worked.

And, try adding a / at the end of PKG_PATH (though IIRC pkg_add is more
tolerant for missing slashes at the end now).


unset ftp_proxy
export PKG_PATH=$(uname 
-r)/packages/$(uname -m)/
pkg_add -uiv

Kind regards,


Re: HD 'Analysis'

2009-05-05 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, May 04, 2009 at 06:34:07PM -0400, STeve Andre' wrote:

I have a pile of disks that I suspect.  Looking at the drawer, I see 8
of them.  As I have time I test them, usually with dd:

   dd if=/dev/sd1c of=/dev/null bs=64k

Do yourself a favor and use the raw device.


Kind regards,


Re: Getting 4.5 from FTP

2009-05-05 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, May 05, 2009 at 11:39:31AM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote:
At 08:30 PM 5/5/2009 +0430, MANI wrote:

by the way I would happy to order OpenBSD CD,T-Shirts and support my 
operating system but I am afraid I am living in Iran (No Credit Card!), If
there is any other way to get OpenBSD CD's and T-Shirts please let me know!

How about a Paypal? I believe there is another similar service in the EU?

Since when is the Iran a member of the EU?

Kind regards,


Re: OT: Plea for HELP on dual boot MAC/OpenBSD disaster with refit that turn really bad! (Fixed)

2009-05-04 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, May 03, 2009 at 09:58:22PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2009-05-03, David wrote:
 Le dimanche 03 mai 2009 C  00:52 -0400, Daniel Ouellet a C)crit :

 Then I did the image of the drive from the external broken one to the 
 new clean internal one.

 dd if=/dev/rsd1c of=/dev/rwd0c bs=1m

 And let that go. Took for ever and I had no clue of progress.

 You can use Pipe Viewer (sysutils/pv) to get progress information.

it's slower that way. reading from disk and outputting to /dev/null:

- inside one dd process (dd if=foo of=bar)
0m32.33s real 0m0.24s user 0m9.42s system

- dd if=foo | dd of=bar
0m39.27s real 0m0.55s user 0m14.96s system

- dd if=foo | pv | dd of=bar
0m54.14s real 0m1.86s user 0m23.98s system

Missed the original post.

What about using stty status ^t before calling dd (e.g. the first
variant) and hitting ^t every time you're interested in the status of
the transfer?

Kind regards,


Re: How do I enable kernel in 4.4/i386?

2009-05-03 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, May 03, 2009 at 11:00:02AM -0700, J.C. Roberts wrote:

On all archs, when you wish to boot to a different on-disk kernel you
cab do it either by copying/moving kernel file to /bsd, and/or
specifying the kernel file at boot time `boot /mybsd.custom.hack`

Rather set image ... so you still have the timeout so you can override
your choice again.


Kind regards,


Re: I need to mount in a normal account

2009-04-16 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:18:12PM +0200, Juan Jimenez Galdos wrote:
Sorry, I pressed enter.

Strange software to punish you for a mere press of enter.

I add to sudoers (cd0 is the directory in /mnt/):
db ALL=/sbin/mount /cd0,/sbin/umount /cd0

But when I try mount /dev/cd0c /mnt/cd0 and i write the password it says
try again, and i have written the password correctly.

Your own password?  (Remember, sudo asks the *user*'s password!)

I am trying to do
the same without password:

db ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/mount /cd0,/sbin/umount /cd0

But something is wrong, and it says password:.

Thank you very much.

I'm not sure, but might perhaps a space after NOPASSWD: be needed?

Try sudo -l.

Kind regards,


Re: I need to mount in a normal account

2009-04-16 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:32:52PM +0200, Toma?? Bod??ar wrote:
Why is there cd0 even if it's directory name?
On this line you write only commands which you want to use
without/with password and not name of directories.

No, you can also name arguments if you want to permit them only if the
arguments match instead of permitting the commands for any possible


Kind regards,


Re: I need to mount in a normal account

2009-04-16 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 04:29:48PM -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Juan Jimenez Galdos wrote:
 I add to sudoers (cd0 is the directory in /mnt/):
 db ALL=/sbin/mount /cd0,/sbin/umount /cd0

 But when I try mount /dev/cd0c /mnt/cd0 and i write the password it says
 try again, and i have written the password correctly. I am trying to do
 the same without password:

 db ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/mount /cd0,/sbin/umount /cd0

 But something is wrong, and it says password:.

..are you sure? You've said here that db can run mount /cd0, not mount

Eeks, I even missed to see that argument mismatch in my last reply...
*rolls eyes*

Kind regards,


Re: I can't connect to Internet

2009-04-07 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 04:35:42PM -0500, alvaro wrote:
export env PKG_PATH=;

Drop that.

Kind regards,


Re: Donations (was, sadly, European orders)

2009-04-03 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 10:18:30AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2009-04-03, Martin Schrvder wrote:
 2009/4/3, Stuart Henderson
  cards,, since UK to euro-zone
  bank transfers are so expensive (cheapest is probably #8 for tipanet
  transfers, other ways can be much more).

 The UK is in pe, so -transfers to and from the UK should cost (next
 to) nothing; all the usual rules for the zone apply.

the rule is not about the actual cost, it's that SEPA transfers
in euros should cost no more than domestic transfers in euros.

I haven't checked, but I suppose the banks handle this by making
a high charge for domestic transfers on their euro-denominated
accounts (which almost nobody has, anyway)...


But IIRC it can be expensive between the UK and the Euro zone because
the UK doesn't have the Euro. I've understood the rules in the way that
the regulations apply only to transfers between countries that are both
in the EU *and* that have the Euro. I.e. not for the Vatican, or for the

Kind regards,


Re: Wim

2009-04-02 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 10:15:13PM +0200, Matthias Kilian wrote:
Wim *does* filter traffic from At least on ports
25 and 80:

$ telnet 25


$ telnet 80


Port 80 works from a private dialup as well as a private rented server.

Do you want to send mail to x...@*www.* I'd rather try the MX
record of, which is That worked for me too, from
the same both sources (spamd's greeting with the first few octets

But JFTR, also responds on 25, with a Sendmail greeting.

Did you retry to double-check that it wasn't the machine being rebooted
and just coming up pre-start of the daemons?

Kind regards,


Re: Wim

2009-04-02 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 06:48:48PM -0400, Ted Unangst wrote:
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 10:15:13PM +0200, Matthias Kilian wrote:
Wim *does* filter traffic from At least on ports
25 and 80:

 Port 80 works from a private dialup as well as a private rented server.

The problem is a man in the middle attack stealing all the ARP packets from 

That must be it. That I haven't thought of that... *rolls eyes* The
gaping security hole in OpenBSD... *rolls eyes more* I can't sleep
anymore as long as I keep running any OpenBSD host...



Re: PF Seems To Reload Its Default Rules Unexpectedly

2009-03-12 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 07:06:10PM -0700, Hilco Wijbenga wrote:

ext_if = sk0
int_if = sk1

set skip on lo
set block-policy return
scrub in

nat log on $ext_if from $int_if:network to any - ($ext_if)

block log
pass out quick from $int_if to $int_if:network
pass out quick from $ext_if to any
#pass in quick on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } from any to ($ext_if)
port { domain, ntp }
pass in quick on $int_if from $int_if:network to any

You missed the parens in the marked place.


Kind regards,


Re: Nginx: filedescriptors, users and login.conf confusion

2009-03-12 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 07:36:23AM -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote:

 I'm kinda lost on which user / which (new) login.conf class I should
 give more filedescriptors.
 Or how to find out which particular users/deamon needs them.

You can specify a the login class you desire when starting a daemon. See
su(1), specifically the '-c login-class' option. A common practice is to
copy the 'daemon' class to a new login.conf entry named whatever you
like, start your daemon using that class, then tweak as desired.

Why not write a new login class *referring* to the 'daemon' class using


Kind regards,


Re: Upgrade on non-live disk

2009-03-09 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 12:09:31PM +1030, Damon McMahon wrote:
Tue, 03 Mar 2009 07:17:56 -0500

On 3/2/2009 7:31 PM, Damon McMahon wrote:

   Is it possible/wise to follow the upgrade instructions on a non-live
  OpenBSD disk mounted on /altroot? I have a second drive I use as a
   non-live mirror with dd(1); can I use the Upgrading without install
   kernel instructions to upgrade this disk by mounting its file systems
   in /altroot and then substituting /altroot for / in the Upgrading
   without install kernel instructions?

Why not just continue to use your existing mirror process, and update the 
mirror once your prod drive is upgraded?

To minimise down-time to a simple reboot - best not to rush these
things, and there's nothing like a production system being down to
cause me to rush!

Thanks to Nick for the advice, it seemed to work fine. For the
archives, just make REALLY sure you replace / with /altroot at every
step in the upgrade instructions (I slipped a couple of times,
thankfully both instances were recoverable) and I did find some minor
steps e.g. running newaliases(8) that would seem to require the system
being upgraded to be live and running.

chroot /mountpoint /usr/bin/newaliases

Kind regards,


Re: Go order your 4.5 CD

2009-03-05 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 05:38:55PM -0500, Todd M. Boyer wrote:
On 16:47, Thu 05 Mar 09, Daniel Ouellet wrote:

 Theo just open the pre-order.
 Go order your CD, T-Shirt, etc.

4.5 pre-order!!! I just ordered 4.4 (and 4.3) slow down and have a beer ;-)

I ordered nothing.  But this, added with the previous (even $1 donations
matter) thread, inspired me to finally donate again.  Both a one-time
donation *now*, and ordering a periodical donation (bank-transfer, one
order for unlimited duration periodical transfers, no overhead for me,
on the recipient side it looks like manual orders, I hope they charge
Theo's German account nothing for domestic incoming money; else tell and
I could change it from monthly to two-monthly twice the amount, for

Kind regards,


Re: Inexpensive, low power, wall wart computer

2009-02-25 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:44:29PM +0200, Lars Noodin wrote:
As far as stability goes, I find the USB connections somewhat unreliable.

For me it just works (external USB2 hard disk).

Kind regards,


Re: Inexpensive, low power, wall wart computer

2009-02-25 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:04:01PM +0100, David Vasek wrote:

Perhaps. In case of firewire it depends on proper design of a connected 
device too, but I meant stability of your machine/OS. A device connected 
over firewire can do anything it wants with your machine, even crash it 
unintentionally if there is a bug in the device (quite likely).

Disconnecting (or accidentally having disconnected) an USB
harddisk/stick without unmounting it isn't exactly fun either.
At least last time I tried it.

Kind regards,


Re: Slow CD/DVD read time (AMD64 current 4.5 02/19/2009 12:11:00 PM on Intel Q9550, 8GB RAM, 1TB WD)

2009-02-21 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 04:20:07PM -0500, David Heinrich wrote:
I'm installing OpenBSD AMD64 current (4.5) as of 12/19/2009 12:11:00
PM. I am at the step where it says Getting started
out saying it would require 40 or more minutes and seems to be
transferring data from the CD to hard-drive at a rate of 20 KB/sec.
Why is it going so slow?

My DVD/CD drive has a DVD read-speed of 16X and a CD-ROM read speed of
48X. Given that, a trnasfer rate of 20 KB/sec seems awfully
I missing something?


Motherboard : Asus Intel P45 1600 FSB 4x DDR2 Core 2 Duo  ATX  P5Q-E
RAM : OCZ TechnologyDDR2 PC2-6400 800MHz 8GB Quad Kit (OCZ2G8008GQ)
Hard Drive : 1TB WD1001FALS SATA 7200RPM 32MB HDD Bare drive
CPU : INTEL Core 2 Quad Q9550 BX80569Q95502.83ghz
GPU : MSI Radeon HD4670 PCIE-512MB DDR3 Dual VGA/DVI (R46702D512)
PSU : 1050W Revolution 85+ PSU ATX12V Version 2.3 80PLUS Silver
Monitor : Sony GDM-F520 (CRT)
DVD Drive (Internal) : Samsung DVD Burner 22X SH-S223Q
USB DVD Drive : a LaCie Lightscribe drive (disconnected from workstation)

So you're using the internal one?

Keyboard : Northgate Omnikey Evolution
Monitor : Sony gdm-f520

dmesg output?

Kind regards,


Re: Assistance OpenBSD

2009-02-21 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 11:32:22PM +0100, Maxime DERCHE wrote:

In short :
* you *need* an Internet access to install third party software (like
web browser, text processing tools, and so on);

There are *some* packages delivered on the install CD. Or you can
download packages on one machine and install them on another one (BTDT).

* you have to setup a network interface in order to download the
packages (see for more
information, but all you actually have to do is setup
a /etc/hostname.if file, if this has not already been done in the
intitial installation process);
* you must setup the packaging tools, that is set the PKG_PATH
environment variable (see
for more details);
* then you can install third party software with the pkg_add command
(pkg_add -i mozilla-firefox, for example).

Or you pkg_add full_url_of_package. Of course, it's often more
convenient with PKG_PATH.


Kind regards,


Re: dmesglog

2009-02-13 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 09:47:38AM +0900, Jordi Beltran Creix wrote:


Forgive me, but wouldn't
(echo Subject: type of machine ; dmesg ; sysctl hw.sensors) |
sendmail -f$YOUR_EMAIL
be better?
Else, if the hostname is not a valid domain, the mail does not get through.

Your gripe is valid a bit.  Your command doesn't work either, though.

1. it misses a blank line after the subject header.
2. it doesn't set the envelope from if your user isn't in the trusted
   users list.

Better once and for all setup your mail system to send out mail with a
valid email address and host name (or use a smarthost to circumvent
the latter).  See masquerading for sendmail.

Kind regards,


Re: upgrading packages and ports, ugh

2009-02-11 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:00:31PM -0500, Juan Miscaro wrote:

Thanks everyone for these responses.

I've since tried to reinstall (make reinstall) one of those ports and
it now cries:

=== archivers/freeze
===  Cleaning for freeze-2.5
/usr/sbin/pkg_delete  freeze-2.5
Can't remove freeze-2.5 without also removing:
*** Error code 1 (ignored)

Really strange.

Like I said, I installed amavisd-new via ports (which brought in
freeze).  Then 'pkg_add -u' upgraded amavisd-new using packages.  Now
those packages that need to be upgraded via ports (freeze) cannot do
so without first removing amavisd-new!

What does one do in such cases?

make update, if the version number changes.

Else make package and pkg_add -riv /path/to/package/that/was/just/built
(copypaste the package path from the output of make package).

Kind regards,


Re: Reset root password on system with console insecure?

2009-02-05 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 07:27:56AM -0600, Phusion wrote:
I am looking for advice on how to reset the root password on an
OpenBSD system that has console set to insecure in /etc/ttys. I have
booted off the install CD and into the shell and mounted the /
partition read-write, but don't have access to vi to modify
/etc/master.passwd. I was thinking I could clear out the root password
and afterwards run pwd_mkdb. Let me know. Thanks.

If you mount the original / partition (like in mount /dev/wd0a /mnt),
you can then mount /usr, /var, too (e.g. mount /dev/wd0d /mnt/usr, mount
/dev/wd0e /mnt/var). Then you can chroot into your system:
/mnt/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt /bin/ksh. Then you can setup the terminal
(export TERM=pcvt25) and the editor (export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi) and
use vipw.

Kind regards,


Re: Reset root password on system with console insecure?

2009-02-05 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 02:39:18PM +0100, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 07:27:56AM -0600, Phusion wrote:
I am looking for advice on how to reset the root password on an
OpenBSD system that has console set to insecure in /etc/ttys. I have
booted off the install CD and into the shell and mounted the /
partition read-write, but don't have access to vi to modify
/etc/master.passwd. I was thinking I could clear out the root password
and afterwards run pwd_mkdb. Let me know. Thanks.

If you mount the original / partition (like in mount /dev/wd0a /mnt),
you can then mount /usr, /var, too (e.g. mount /dev/wd0d /mnt/usr, mount
/dev/wd0e /mnt/var). Then you can chroot into your system:
/mnt/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt /bin/ksh. Then you can setup the terminal
(export TERM=pcvt25) and the editor (export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi) and
use vipw.

Of course, after chroot you could also use the passwd command (passwd
root) to directly set a new password for root (and perhaps your own
user account if you've lost that password too). passwd doesn't ask the
old password if you use it as root.

And then, perhaps setup sudo so you can get root from your user account...

Kind regards,


Re: fetch package dependencies

2009-02-03 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 08:00:21PM +0100, Marc Espie wrote:
On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 02:02:59PM +0100, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 02:01:03PM +0100, Dorian B|ttner wrote:
 is there an easy way to fetch a package along with it's recursive 
 dependencies? Scenario is:
 eee904ha does not have network access at all right now. In order to 
 proceed installing useful things, let's say firefox, I'd like to suck 
 packages onto a usb stick and installl from there.
 I thought I could go to the soekris box, which unfortunately isn't that 
 -current, and do something like pkg_add -n mozilla -firefox,  but the 
 output is totally garbled with libc mismatches and things like that.

 Any idea?

 I'd think using a net connected box, setting PKG_CACHE and PKG_PATH and
 then pkg_add -n package_you_want. The required packages should end up
 in the PKG_CACHE directory. From there you should be able to transfer
 them over to the eeepc. If the soekris isn't current, you could try this
 in a chroot environment or a virtual machine (e.g. qemu) setup.

Yep, that's the intent.
PKG_CACHE + pkg_add -n will do it.

There's perhaps one thing we've missed: If some dependency package is
already installed (and current enough) on the source host, pkg_add -n
will probably not refetch it, so it will end up missing in the PKG_CACHE,
i.e. on the destination host. The playing with the signature trick
will avoid that, probably. Or perhaps one would need another option to
pkg_add (or a different, pkg_fetch or similar, frontend to the pkg_*
toolchain) to fetch *all* dependency packages.

Kind regards,


Re: fetch package dependencies

2009-02-02 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 02:01:03PM +0100, Dorian B|ttner wrote:
is there an easy way to fetch a package along with it's recursive 
dependencies? Scenario is:
eee904ha does not have network access at all right now. In order to 
proceed installing useful things, let's say firefox, I'd like to suck 
packages onto a usb stick and installl from there.
I thought I could go to the soekris box, which unfortunately isn't that 
-current, and do something like pkg_add -n mozilla -firefox,  but the 
output is totally garbled with libc mismatches and things like that.

Any idea?

I'd think using a net connected box, setting PKG_CACHE and PKG_PATH and
then pkg_add -n package_you_want. The required packages should end up
in the PKG_CACHE directory. From there you should be able to transfer
them over to the eeepc. If the soekris isn't current, you could try this
in a chroot environment or a virtual machine (e.g. qemu) setup.


Kind regards,


Re: KDE installation problem

2009-02-01 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 11:00:56PM +0100, Jean-Frangois wrote:
I have a problem while installing KDE on my computer since the graphic
mode used by default is not supported by my screen. I tried few things
but it looks like I need to use first start of kde kdestart with some
option that makes it run at some graphic mode.

Since this occurs at the startkde, I am not sure I can change it by mod
a conf file.

Please could you help ?

For me, KDE doesn't/didn't change the graphics mode, but the graphics
mode is set by the X server itself. The configuration file is
/etc/X11/xorg.conf. If it's not present, the X server autoconfigures,
but sometimes the settings derived by autoconfiguration probably won't
fit. You can generate a template xorg.conf by running X -configure
(probably as root). That should terminate soon and leave a file (a
message on the text console should tell you where the file is, usually
in $HOME). Move that file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit it to suit your
needs. Test it using startx rather than xdm. (That is, disable xdm until
everythin works.) For me, it works to symlink the .xinitrc and the
.xsession in the home directory of my normal user account, so startx and
xdm login sessions will work the same.

On one box, I have to play with xrandr because the intel driver doesn't
want to set my preferred resolution (the highest one available after
selecting viable modelines) by default, but a much lower one... So
there's a xrandr invocation early in .xsession/.xinitrc... Wasn't needed
in the legacy driver for the i810 chips; that used the normal selection
of the default resolution I was used to from all graphics drivers in
Xorg and XFree86 I've used/seen before.

Thanks a lot,

Kind regards,


Re: vnconfig and fsck

2009-01-31 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 08:51:46AM +0100, frantisek holop wrote:
i have an encrypted ffs diskimage.
it was created some time ago the usual way.

after my update to -current this is what happens:

$ sudo vnconfig -k svnd0 imagefile
Encryption key:
$ sudo mount /dev/svnd0a /mnt
mount_ffs: /dev/svnd0a on /mnt: filesystem must be mounted read-only; you may 
need to run fsck

when i mount the filesystem read-only, everything is ok.

but when i say:
$ sudo fsck /dev/svnd0a
fsck: /dev/svnd0a: unknown special file or file system.

Try fsck /dev/rsvnd0a


Kind regards,


Re: Openbsd mounting

2009-01-08 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 09:14:39PM +, Dorian B|ttner wrote:
rizzo0917 schrieb:
 and usb devices. 

keyword is hotplugd(8), includes example.

And what does happen if someone uses the example and then unplugs that
device? Then one has a mount with the block device used for it vanished.

Even if I mount things manually and even if I forget to unmount it just
once (e.g. an USB stick or an USB harddisk), my system is hosed. Not
even a forced unmount works any more (at least last time I did that).
Had to shutdown now, umount everything else so I had less unclean
filesystems (remount the root fs readonly) and then reboot.

amd, OTOH, would unmount the fs soon after it isn't used any more (which
can be lucky enough to be before it's unplugged). And on trying to use
it it would try to mount it which would either succeed (if it's plugged)
or not (if it's not (yet) plugged).

Kind regards,


Re: /usr/obj slice size

2008-12-15 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 02:24:18PM +, Dave Wilson wrote:

On that note, does anyone know how to poke the restrictions set in
login.conf on a temporary basis? The existence of datasize-cur and
datasize-max suggest I should be able to do this, but I can't find the
relevant command.

ulimit in Bourne-like shells, limit in csh-like shells.

I'd rather not do it in login.conf as its a useful
restriction most of the time to stop things running away. I'm trying to
create a 2G MFS for /usr/obj, but if I go much above 200 with
mount_mfs I get an error:

slash:~# mount_mfs -s 300 swap /mnt

mount_mfs: mmap: Cannot allocate memory
slash:~# mount_mfs -s 200 swap /mnt
slash:~# # Works OK.

You'll probably hit the intrinsic maximum datasize limit which you can't
cross even if you set ulimit -d unlimited.

Kind regards,


Re: getarg(3)

2008-12-15 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:19:29AM +, Jason McIntyre wrote:
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:05:29AM +0100, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
  we don;t build libroken, so i'm guessing that getarg.3, parse_time.3,
  and rtbl.3 should not be installed. however i have no idea where to turn
  that stuff off about.

  any kerberos people want to pick this up?

 It is not as simple as that, via lib/libkrb5 a lot of krb lib stuff
 --including linroken stuff-- gets built and installed. getarg seems to
 end up in libkrb5. 

it does? i do not have libroken here. we have asn1, com_err, hdb, and
kafs all linked to krb5, but i don;t see a libroken. i presumed it was
not built.

Yes, it does. nm /usr/lib/libkrb5.a | less, search for getarg, and
you'll see in getarg.o: 12a8 T getarg (on my system).


Kind regards,


Re: fvwm - move a window freeze others

2008-12-11 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 04:05:45PM -0500, Ted Unangst wrote:
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Jesus Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using FVWM as window manager and works really fine but when I have
 various windows (xterms for example) and drag one window to move it
 around, after a few seconds, all of them stops doing its work, also
 gkrellm freezes until I drop the moving window in any place, this is

I don't consider it particularly desirable, but that's normal for fvwm.

Yes, I can confirm that, too, also for fvwm2 from ports, alas.

Nice if that interrupts xmms from playing sound (because it blocks on
updating its display), for example.

Of course, for fvwm2, it's an upstream issue rather than an OpenBSD (or
port maintainer) issue.

Kind regards,


Re: possible bug in OpenNTPD code?

2008-12-10 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 10:36:46PM -0800, Anirban Sinha wrote:
How is it blocking indefinitely?  Is wait() not returning -1 with
errno == ECHILD when there are no children to reap?  What led you to
the conclusion that this code was blocking?  (What platform are you
running this on?)

Hmm, agreed. Looks like I was wrong with my analysis. In any case, I am
running the portable version of the ntpd on Linux. I am definitely
observing the parent still alive and blocked (sleeping) even when the
child is dead. I need to do some more digging on this.

IIRC, you can show the wait channel on Linux too, using something like
  ps alxww|grep ntpd

Then you perhaps can see what the parent ntpd process is really waiting

Kind regards,


Re: tar(1) bug?

2008-11-19 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 01:55:02PM +0100, LIVAI Daniel wrote:
$ uname -mrsv
OpenBSD 4.4 GENERIC#0 i386
$ pwd

$ tar -C / -cvf test.tar ./home/daniell/.ksh*
tar: Unable to access ./home/daniell/.ksh*: No such file or directory
tar: WARNING! These file names were not selected:

$ ls -l /home/daniell/.ksh*
-rw-r-  1 daniell  daniell [...] /home/daniell/.ksh_logout
-rw-r-  1 daniell  daniell [...] /home/daniell/.kshrc

Without the wildcard, it is working as expected. Anyone else 
experiencing this? Is this a known problem?

Wildcards are expanded by the *shell*. The *shell*'s working directory
is *not* changed by *tar*'s option -C. *tar* does *not* expand

Kind regards,


Re: Apache 1.3 in base or 2.2.8 from ports ?

2008-11-08 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 09:17:53AM +0100, Marc Balmer wrote:
Keep in mind that the Webserver in base has seen a lot of security and other
improvements like chroot() by default etc.  It is not a stock 1.3 Apache,
it is only based on Apache 1.3.

Apache 2 in ports was only imported to make it possible to test certain

Also, some applications work only with Apache 2 IIRC, like the
Subversion via http service. (However, svnserve works without any httpd,
but that requires a different account/password management/database IIRC,
and you can also do subversion via ssh.) Other webdav stuff, too, IIRC.


Kind regards,


Re: Xorg: ABI mismatch

2008-11-06 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 09:18:13AM +0100, giovanni wrote:
just updated latest Xorg. apart from the sync-to-vblank intel's issue no 
troubles at all at first glance 
but I start seeing this in the logs (excerpt)


I have many more issues.

For this issue, I regenerated the configuration file (X -configure),
and use only the modules named in the generated configuration file.

These are:

Section Module
Load  dbe
Load  dri
Load  extmod
Load  glx
Load  freetype

So GLcore, record, xtrap and type1 are gone from the previous config

However, my previous fontpath additions won't work. If I keep them, I
get this *fatal* error:

  Fatal server error:
  could not open default cursor font 'cursor'
  giving up.

If I keep only the default font path, things work.

My font path additions would be these:

+   #FontPath /usr/local/share/fonts/override/
+   #FontPath /usr/local/openoffice/share/fonts/truetype
+   #FontPath /usr/local/share/fonts/
+   #FontPath /usr/local/lib/metamail/fonts
+   #FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/terminus/
+   #FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/
+   #FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/mscorefonts
+   #FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/ecoliercourt
+   #FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/artwiz-aleczapka

All @fontdirs from ports (not even the complete list from all
my installed packages, as I see now, after a
grep '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS).

Another issue is even more glitches in xterm (when I move it around,
occasionally a line remains where it doesn't belong, until it's either
overwritten by text or a full redraw is triggered; and sometimes the
line between the scrollbar and the text pane wasn't seen; maybe both
issues are gone after I recompiled xenocara myself, at least couldn't
reproduce it today).

The old glitch (text is garbled after switching the font using the
Ctrl-Mouse3 menu) that has been there since the switch from XF4 to
xenocara is still there (and it's not necessarily from xorg, as it's *not*
there on Debian Linux, and it's not graphics card specific, because it
*is* there on two OpenBSD boxen with different graphics cards).

At least the issue with Greek fonts seems to be gone with the latest
update. :-)

Kind regards,


Re: Xorg: ABI mismatch

2008-11-06 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 02:35:30PM +, Owain Ainsworth wrote:
 (EE) Failed to load module record (module requirement mismatch, 0)

 (EE) Failed to load module xtrap (module requirement mismatch, 0)

 for taking away it I've temporary added

You should instead have removed the record, and trap extension from you
config. Those extensions aren't there anymore in the new xserver.

Why the strange error message? For me that occurred even after I wiped
/usr/X11R6 and reinstalled the x*.tgz tarballs. Why not something akin
to No such file or directory?

Kind regards,


Re: making man(1) to open a file

2008-09-21 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 09:22:24PM +0200, LIVAI Daniel wrote:
I think there is a way for this but I can not find it in man's man :)

Like in Linux there is a `-l' option to man(1) which opens a Local file, 
like man -l /usr/local/man/man1/somemanpage.1. I'm in trouble opening 
net-snmp package's snmpd(8) or snmpd.conf(5) man page, because it 
conflicts with the base's snmpd's man pages. Now I'm reading it with 
less, but it is less convenient :)

No, but in your case, you can use the option -M /usr/local/man (or -m
/usr/local/man) probably.

Kind regards,


Re: Patching a SSH 'Weakness'

2008-09-16 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 07:41:05PM +0300, Toni Spets wrote:
Stuart Henderson wrote:
 To all who opposed the suggestion to send one block of data
 when the Enter key is pressed: my suggestion strictly referred
 to the login procedure, not to the later data communication. I did
 not mention this because I thought it was clear from the context
 of the original poster who
 has expressively mentioned passwords. You may want to reconsider the 
suggestion in this light.

The initial password is sent as a block (of course that simple case
was taken care of). The problem OP mentions relates to passwords typed
within the session e.g. su, sudo, ssh to another host, ...

Wait, how do you know someone is typing a password inside the session 
and not just writing a text file or typing arbitrary commands?

At least things like getpass() would probably use a terminal mode that's
*line* oriented but with echo disabled. Because it's line oriented, you
lose nothing (like response to single character input) by sending
block-wise on the client's side, not even the echo because that's

That would be ECHO and ECHONL unset and ICANON set in the terminal local
flags. (Perhaps one could even don't care on ECHONL, because one will
send anyway once one reads a newline.) One would have to do
erase/werase/kill processing locally, though, i.e. one would have to
know the erase/werase/kill characters that would be in force on the
remote side to emulate that correctly.

Kind regards,


Re: SSH question (4.3)

2008-09-11 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:00:23PM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
On Wed, 10.09.2008 at 13:56:23 +0200, Hannah Schroeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 (I.e. check whether there's some intervening dir that's not accessible
 to user admin/group admin, but to group wheel).

that was the problem, thanks!

You're welcome.

Kind regards,

Kind regards,


Re: Little update to authpf

2008-09-11 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 07:52:14AM -0500, Todd T. Fries wrote:
I think you might want to check to see if the file exists not just if the
asprintf succeeds..

But yes I do agree this is useful functionality that I've tested quite

Another nit in the patch:

Index: authpf.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/authpf/authpf.c,v
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -u -r1.107 authpf.c
--- authpf.c   14 Feb 2008 01:49:17 -  1.107
+++ authpf.c   11 Sep 2008 12:49:09 -
@@ -314,10 +314,22 @@
   signal(SIGQUIT, need_death);
   signal(SIGTSTP, need_death);
   while (1) {
+  struct stat sb;
+  char *path_message;
   printf(\r\nHello %s. , luser);
   printf(You are authenticated from host \%s\\r\n, ipsrc);
   setproctitle([EMAIL PROTECTED], luser, ipsrc);
-  print_message(PATH_MESSAGE);
+  if (asprintf(path_message, %s/%s/authpf.message,
+  PATH_USER_DIR, luser) == -1)
+  do_death(1);
+  if (stat(path_message, sb) == -1) {

How about checking whether it's a regular file, too?

if (stat(path_message, sb) == -1 || ! S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {


Kind regards,


Re: Little update to authpf

2008-09-11 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 03:28:07PM +0200, Henning Brauer wrote:
* Hannah Schroeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-11 15:20]:
 On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 07:52:14AM -0500, Todd T. Fries wrote:
 I think you might want to check to see if the file exists not just if the
 asprintf succeeds..

 But yes I do agree this is useful functionality that I've tested quite

 Another nit in the patch:

 Index: authpf.c
 RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/authpf/authpf.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.107
 diff -u -r1.107 authpf.c
 --- authpf.c14 Feb 2008 01:49:17 -  1.107
 +++ authpf.c11 Sep 2008 12:49:09 -
 @@ -314,10 +314,22 @@
 signal(SIGQUIT, need_death);
 signal(SIGTSTP, need_death);
 while (1) {
 +   struct stat sb;
 +   char *path_message;
 printf(\r\nHello %s. , luser);
 printf(You are authenticated from host \%s\\r\n, ipsrc);
 setproctitle([EMAIL PROTECTED], luser, ipsrc);
 -   print_message(PATH_MESSAGE);
 +   if (asprintf(path_message, %s/%s/authpf.message,
 +   PATH_USER_DIR, luser) == -1)
 +   do_death(1);
 +   if (stat(path_message, sb) == -1) {

 How about checking whether it's a regular file, too?

to preven symlinks? nah...

stat follows symlinks, so that's no problem. However it'll prevent
directories, pipes, sockets and devices.

Kind regards,


Re: SSH question (4.3)

2008-09-10 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:55:00PM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
debug1: trying public key file /H/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys2

ls -ld /H /H/admin /H/admin/.ssh /H/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys 

(I.e. check whether there's some intervening dir that's not accessible
to user admin/group admin, but to group wheel).


Kind regards,


Re: Stop in line 888 of Makefile

2008-09-04 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 08:01:35AM -0700, Doug Milam wrote:
ln: /obsd: Operation not permitted
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC (line 888 of Makefile).

--running as root

Have you ever set an immutable flag? (ls -lo /bsd /nbsd /obsd)

Kind regards,


Re: Can OpenBSD run in 24 MB of RAM?

2008-09-04 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 06:19:30PM +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote:
On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 04:46:07PM +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote:
| Oh come on .. there's no challenge in 16M. Less, that's where it gets
| really interesting (if you're in to BSDM, of course ;)

OK, at 8MB it runs with a non-GENERIC kernel, still booting with all
the default services (including ntpd). Logging in over ssh is slow as
molasses, but it works (swap is not an option - it's mandatory now ;)

That were times when encrypted/kerberized telnet was really useful, back
then, when I really used small boxen as router. Even with more RAM, ssh
was *slow* (because of CPU) on some boxen, while e/k telnet was quite
fast still.


The first idiot to send me a dmesg of a working (real, no VMWare
trickery like I'm doing) machine with less memory can come by to pick
up a better machine (at least with more RAM) for free. (I may have
more machines I want to get rid of and am too lazy to take out to the
trash, first come first served)

About 10 years ago, I built a dedicated bridge-only system, using a 386
or 486 (don't remember any more, it was at times when obsd actually
*did* run, when GPL_MATH_EMU wasn't dropped from the kernel yet). It ran
on *4* MB of RAM, highly custom kernel, of course. Floppy only, no hard
disk. The only way to fix/customize the box was to generate a new floppy
image on my build host. The floppy was derived from the very old kernel
install stuff (crunchgen/crunchide based binary, initialization shell
script, but not ramdisk, but floppy as root filesystem!). IIRC the box
could be run without any fan, i.e. noiseless, and bridged 2 10-mbit coax
based ethernets quite fine (fine in relation to what was fine *then*!).

Kind regards,


Re: suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/sbin/suexec

2008-09-01 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 05:01:20PM -0400, Jeremy Huiskamp wrote:

Did you read suexec(8)?

Wouldn't one also need to copy over the suexec binary to the chroot for
chrooted httpds, nowadays? That isn't mentioned in the suexec(8) manual

Kind regards,


Re: keyboard encoding

2008-08-04 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 05:20:55PM +, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
Hannah Schroeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is a box that has *no* PS/2 connectors any more.

 But it still has a PS/2 keyboard controller.

 You're right: [...]
 That's quite unfortunate though if you can't affect the non-X11 keyboard
 mapping of secondary keyboards at all.

If you don't want to touch the startup scripts, you can just disable
pckbc in the kernel.

Would also be possible, of course. But as currently I only touch the
keyboard mapping in wsconsctl.conf, using /etc/kbdtype instead works for
me for now. But thanks for the hint to yet another possibility, which
helps once I need other wscons settings.

Kind regards,


Re: keyboard encoding

2008-07-29 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 07:30:35PM +, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
Hannah Schroeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is your keyboard an USB one? I observe the same with an USB keyboard.

 - keyboard.encoding=us.swapctrlcaps has no effect (in

These settings only affect the _first_ keyboard in the system
(wskbd0).  Unfortunately, for a PC that is usually the PS/2 keyboard,
even if none is plugged in.

 This is a box that has *no* PS/2 connectors any more.

But it still has a PS/2 keyboard controller.  Check your dmesg.  It
probably includes something like this:

pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0

You're right:

$ grep pckb /var/run/dmesg.boot   
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0

That's quite unfortunate though if you can't affect the non-X11 keyboard
mapping of secondary keyboards at all.

(And btw, in X11, somehow the setup of the keyboard mapping from
/etc/X11/xorg.conf is delayed, since about mid-December 2007. Before,
the mapping from there, and from a few xmodmap settings loaded in
.xinitrc, took effect immediately when X was up from startx, now it
takes quite some time, perhaps half a minute or so, for them to take
effect. Related to X11 privsep changes? Later changes using setxkbmap
take effect immediately, btw.)

Kind regards,


Re: keyboard encoding

2008-07-29 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 03:53:37PM +0200, Mats O Jansson wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008, Hannah Schroeter wrote:

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 07:30:35PM +, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
Hannah Schroeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is your keyboard an USB one? I observe the same with an USB keyboard.

- keyboard.encoding=us.swapctrlcaps has no effect (in

These settings only affect the _first_ keyboard in the system
(wskbd0).  Unfortunately, for a PC that is usually the PS/2 keyboard,
even if none is plugged in.


That's quite unfortunate though if you can't affect the non-X11 keyboard
mapping of secondary keyboards at all.

Thats not correct.

/sbin/kbd will change keyboard settings on ALL keyboards that has
support for the requested keyboard map.

wsconsctl has -f which allows you select which keyboard you are applying
the change to. For keyboard operations /dev/wskbd0 is default if not

read the man page!

Thanks for the hints. I see /etc/rc still can use /sbin/kbd to set the
keyboard type from /etc/kbdtype, in addition to load wsconsctl settings
from /etc/wsconsctl.conf (but the latter only to the default control
devices, to load settings to a *specific* different control device, it
seems you need to setup something on your own, e.g. in /etc/rc.local).

(And btw, in X11, somehow the setup of the keyboard mapping from
/etc/X11/xorg.conf is delayed, since about mid-December 2007. Before,
the mapping from there, and from a few xmodmap settings loaded in
.xinitrc, took effect immediately when X was up from startx, now it
takes quite some time, perhaps half a minute or so, for them to take
effect. Related to X11 privsep changes? Later changes using setxkbmap
take effect immediately, btw.)

It will always take the mapping from xorg.conf if it is defined there.
If no keyboard language is specified X11 will now make a guess depending
on which keyboard layout wscons has. But since X11 is reading the keyboard
raw any change made to wscons after X11 is started doesn't change anything
in X11.

No problem. I set the X11 keyboard layout using X11 means (xorg.conf,
setxkbmap, xmodmap). I just complained about the *delay* for the initial
setup from xorg.conf. That delay was introduced around in December 07.
Before that, the keyboard setup from xorg.conf used to be in effect
immediately after startup, now, directly after startup, it seems to be
the keyboard setup taken from wscons, and after about half a minute, it
suddenly changes to be that from xorg.conf.

Kind regards,


Re: keyboard encoding

2008-07-29 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 05:33:42PM +0200, Louis V. Lambrecht wrote:
Hannah Schroeter wrote:

No problem. I set the X11 keyboard layout using X11 means (xorg.conf,
setxkbmap, xmodmap). I just complained about the *delay* for the initial
setup from xorg.conf. That delay was introduced around in December 07.
Before that, the keyboard setup from xorg.conf used to be in effect
immediately after startup, now, directly after startup, it seems to be
the keyboard setup taken from wscons, and after about half a minute, it
suddenly changes to be that from xorg.conf.

Rem: the XlbLayout option in xorg.conf is a list which happens
to only have one member most of the time.

This said, in order to use the keyboard applet under GNOME, I needed
ln -s /etc/X11/xkb /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb
might explain some delay?

I don't think so. X11 *does* eventually setup the keyboard right, it
just has a delay, i.e. it first has the wrong keyboard mapping, later
the right one, without any user action. And I do *not* use GNOME or any
other desktop environment.

Keyboard switching is present in XFCE, but only enable the default.
Switching is planned for later versions.

I don't use xfce either. I use fvwm2 from ports, but for keyboard
switching (rarely needed, usually the initial mapping from xorg.conf
plus a few xmodmap settings, once it's active after the initial delay,
is ok for me) I use shell scripts involving setxkbmap and re-loading my
xmodmap modifications, called either from xterm manually, or from the
fvwm2 menu.

Now, fir the VT's, there *must* be a way.
Thinking of thre luit filter, now part of stock xorg.
Luit filters source codeset and dislays target codeset.
Intended for UTF-8 and the UNICODEs, what woud prevent it to translate
US-8859-1 from/to DE-8859-15 ?
Didn't try though.
Stiil convinced there must be easier ways.

luit isn't for keyboard mapping, but, as you said, for character
encoding. I don't use it (usually doing iso-8859-1 using a non-utf-8
xterm, for the rare instances I need utf-8, I use uxterm, and I nearly
never need anything besides those two).

Kind regards,


Re: keyboard encoding

2008-07-28 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 04:22:37PM +0200, Tony Berth wrote:
I have in 4.3 with a default US keyboard.

When I set wsconsctl keyboard.encoding=de in order to get a German one,
nothing happens! I get following reply:

keyboard.encoding - de

but my keyboard is still on the US charset!

What do I miss?

Is your keyboard an USB one? I observe the same with an USB keyboard.

- keyboard.encoding=us.swapctrlcaps has no effect (in
- The keyboard doesn't work at all in the kernel (e.g. boot -a - no
  way to continue) It works before, i.e. up to and including the boot
  prompt, and then again when init starts.

This is a box that has *no* PS/2 connectors any more.

Kind regards,


Re: OpenBSD 4.3 FAQ in PDF?

2008-07-22 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 09:32:15AM -0500, Daniel A. Ramaley wrote:
On Tuesday July 22 2008 09:04, you wrote:
 for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
 for i in 10 11 12 13 14 15; do

Wouldn't it be simpler to be done in one loop?

for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; do

Note that the 2 loops are not the same. You'd need:

for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; do
   ftp`printf %02d $i`.html

The number list could be collapsed into `seq 1 15` on a system with seq 

jot(1) helps.

$ jot 15 1
$ jot -w%02d 15 1

Kind regards,


Re: UPDATE: mozilla-firefox-3.0

2008-07-17 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 12:54:15AM -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 06:59:44PM -0700, Jason LaRiviere wrote:

 Flash has a place on the web, just like any other rich media format. It 
 should be used responsibly, as semantically as possible, and degrade 
 nicely for those who care not to use it. I make every effort to use it 
 within these guidelines, and present them as gospel to my clients. Many 
 (most?) modern web developers do too, except for the ones at a Flex 
 conference who still think drawing entire websites in Flash is a good 
 idea. Shame on them, but they are a dying breed.

Flash has one huge technical benefit.  There are a number of sites that
generate large amounts of dynamic images.  Doing this in a fast and
efficient manner requires an enormous amount of computing resources.
Using flash pushes that work out to the client where it can be rendered
on their own system.

What about four letters: Java? One advantage: No blob required. And at
least a *bit* more portable. And will eventually be quite open source.

Kind regards,


Re: UPDATE: mozilla-firefox-3.0

2008-07-17 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 03:38:35PM -0600, Mark Pecaut wrote:
On 7/16/08, Marco Peereboom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I for one am glad there is no plugin for that infectious disease called

But then how will I watch Ow!  My balls! videos online?  What will I do?

There's plenty of add-ons for firefox/... to download them. E.g.
DownloadHelper (which knows how to download the stuff from much more
than youtube/google video).

Kind regards,


Re: OT: Dissertation ideas for my degree

2008-06-27 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 07:06:53PM +0400, Vadim Zhukov wrote:
20 June 2008 P3. 22:13:12 Julien Cabillot wrote:
 Le Wed, 18 Jun 2008 23:53:33 +0100,

 Edd Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] a C)crit :
  Paul Irofti wrote:
   Or a cli music database collection, that scans your media with
   given regexp and scans for ID3 Tags and what not, with minimal
   user interaction.

  mpd + ncmpc? In ports :)

 ncmpc is cool but, write password in clear text in arguments is
 not a good solution.

You can set up password in environment variable.

In such cases I write wrapper scripts (say, ~/bin/ and,
possibly, add a shell alias like ncmpc=~/bin/

Writing clear text in the environment is no better than in arguments.

See the -e option in ps(1) (look for -e in the manual page).

Kind regards,


Re: broken dependencies ?

2008-06-22 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:08:39PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2008-06-22, Mihai Popescu B.S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can send the exact errors. It will be copy by hand, since my OBSD
 computer is almost not installed, without X.

If you're using any unix-like system, you should definitely learn
about redirection in the shell...

Redirection is cool.

E.g. make build 21 | tee make.out (if you want to watch it live too,
however you can do that too by tail -f on the output file).
or make build  make.out 21

Assuming a bourne shell (or ksh or bash, i.e. anything of the
bourne-like family).

In the csh family tree that'd be make build | tee make.out
or make build  make.out

Kind regards,


Re: broken dependencies ?

2008-06-22 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:08:39PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:

If you're using any unix-like system, you should definitely learn
about redirection in the shell...

In my last post, I got so distracted about redirection, but another
point: script(1) can also be useful more often than not.

Kind regards,


Re: OT: Dissertation ideas for my degree

2008-06-20 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 07:53:49PM -0400, bofh wrote:
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 7:34 PM, Darrin Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 How about a distributed network file system with RAID-like redundancy.
 Bonus for self tuning behavior (this machine gets shut down every night,
 don't rely on it being there).

Something like the infamous googlefs?  I'd be interested.  Lots of difficult
things still left to do.

For that, I'd think a generic user space filesystem binding layer would
be cool. We *do* have the hooks for the AFS client (/sys/xfs/). But are
they generic enough? Would it perhaps help to have FUSE compatible


Kind regards,


Re: OT: Dissertation ideas for my degree

2008-06-20 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 06:26:54PM -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
Paul Irofti wrote:

Do the CLI SIP Phone! I wanted to code that for so long, but the SIP
protocol and its friends tend to go so far as time just wasn't enough.
But it would be pretty cool to have that.

i would absolutely love to see this one go and it would be very useful.
maybe script some ssh-ing into it to allow for easy proper call
encryption? ;)

SIP/RTP are UDP based, so no fun with ssh. And... There're *standards*
for encrypting both SIP and RTP. Just not with (enough) widespread
implementation, alas.


Kind regards,


Re: tcpdump -s0

2008-06-18 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:32:04AM -0400, arthur wrote:
-s0 always error with 'invalid snaplen 0' and the man page doen't mention how
to capture full frame.

However, the man of tcpdump support s0

You don't invoke the manual page of OpenBSD's tcpdump via looking at a
foreign web page.

Either use man tcpdump on your OpenBSD box or use

I see nothing about a special handling of 0 as value for the option -s

How could I capture full messages.

Use an appropriate high value (e.g. as high as the MTU of the interface)
for -s.

Kind regards,


Re: tcpdump -s0

2008-06-18 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:52:43AM -0400, arthur wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:32:04AM -0400, arthur wrote:
 -s0 always error with 'invalid snaplen 0' and the man page doen't mention
 to capture full frame.

 However, the man of tcpdump support s0

 You don't invoke the manual page of OpenBSD's tcpdump via looking at a
 foreign web page.

 Either use man tcpdump on your OpenBSD box or use

 I see nothing about a special handling of 0 as value for the option -s

Thanks for the quick reply. I did check the OpenBSD man and find out 'the
man page doen't mention how
to capture full frame' (as in my email, sorry for my English)

Okay... Just: OpenBSD's tcpdump is not the same as the other tcpdump.

 How could I capture full messages.

 Use an appropriate high value (e.g. as high as the MTU of the interface)
 for -s.

I will do that. BTW, do you know is there any limitiation of the number.

I don't know of any, but I don't have the time now to check more

Kind regards,


Re: [Perl/locales] Warning about locales

2008-06-16 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 11:46:28AM -0700, F. Caulier wrote:

I tried to figure out why this problem occurs and
following to that I noticed that this perllocale
warning only comes up when dropping a pkg_* directly
in xterm. When using screen in an xterm and dropping
pkg_* to it everything will work fine. Same for tty
shells without X where everything works fine too. 

I don't know much about this terminal stuff, but if
everything beside XTerm works fine, could it be that
XTerm itself and not the locales are the problems'
source? Maybe XTerm doesn't manage to pass on the
locales correctly?

I don't get those warnings in xterm directly, either.

Try env | egrep 'LANG|LC_' in xterm. That shows your environment
settings. Then look for where those variables are set. The locations
depend on your shell. /etc/profile, /etc/csh.*, /etc/ksh.kshrc,
$HOME/.profile, $HOME/.login, $HOME/.bash*. grep them for LANG and LC_

For me, using the default (i.e. LANG and LC_... unset, which is the same
as if they were set to C) works well.

Could be screen just filters those settings out. Could be that xterm
executes a login shell and screen not or vice versa.

Some questions:
- Is this bug a dangerous one or can I ignore it

Probably not dangerous.

- Is this a bug related to XTerm?


- Should I set the LC_TYPE and LANG variables in
/etc/login.conf? (Is this a clean solution?)


- If I want to get the OpenBSD's default locale (is
this C/POSIX or another one?) back what file should I
link to whom? (Following Pieter's workaround)

No link. Just unset the environment variables in your shell startup
files. Use the default /etc/profile etc. Setup your shell startup files
in the home directories to *not* change the LANG and LC_... environment

- What about copying a CL_TYPE file from [0] in to the
concerned directory which is listed by perl?


What's CL_TYPE? locate CL_TYPE yielded nothing, even with a source tree
and a CVS repository installed.

Kind regards,


Re: [Perl/locales] Warning about locales

2008-06-16 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 03:26:05PM -0600, Philip Guenther wrote:

 I found a workaround:

 # ln -s /usr/share/locale/en_GB.ISO8859-1

That seems like a really bad idea to me.  UTF-8 and ISO8859-1 are
fundamentally different: UTF-8 uses variable-length characters while
ISO8859-* uses fixed-width (8bit) characters.  Giving the locale calls
the same data for those two is likely to result in incorrect behavior
for all characters 127.  Wouldn't it be better to simply not lie and
just set the locale to en_US.ISO8859-1?

Doesn't work for me either:

$ LANG=en_GB.ISO8859-1 perl -e 1
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
$ LANG=en_GB.ISO-8859-1 perl -e 1
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.


If nothing obvious sticks out, consider debugging further by checking
the environment seen by your .xsession (if you xdm) by adding a line
like this:
env  $HOME/.xsession-env.out

to it.  Similarly, check the shell's environment by doing something
similar from your .profile.

Oh, right. grepping .xsession or .xinitrc for LANG and LC_ could help

 I tried to figure out why this problem occurs and
 following to that I noticed that this perllocale
 warning only comes up when dropping a pkg_* directly
 in xterm. When using screen in an xterm and dropping
 pkg_* to it everything will work fine. Same for tty
 shells without X where everything works fine too.

Windows inside screen inherit their environment from the original
screen process.  So, how do you start the initial (daemon) screen
process?  From outside X, before running xinitrc?  From your .xinitrc
or .xsession?  From an xterm?

Or it could be a login-shell vs. non-login shell difference.

 I don't know much about this terminal stuff, but if
 everything beside XTerm works fine, could it be that
 XTerm itself and not the locales are the problems'
 source? Maybe XTerm doesn't manage to pass on the
 locales correctly?

Something is setting LC_CTYPE to an unsupported value.  That's the
program that needs to be fixed.

Or OpenBSD could get more locale support *ducks*. (No, I'm not
complaining so much, and I'm currently not up to having enough time and
energy for coding it).


Kind regards,


Re: OpenSSL On Openbsd help

2008-06-14 Thread Hannah Schroeter

Even if I'm not the OP, this is a good guide... Cool.

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 10:42:37AM -0700, Dustin Lundquist wrote:

The process of setting up signed cert is as follows:
1. Generate your private key and secure file permissions (you want to do
this in a secure fashion, i.e. on the box directly as a root or a
private user). Guard this file: if it is compromised the security SSL
provides is compromised.:
openssl genrsa -out 4096
chmod 400

Before all that: umask 077, so there'll be no window of time when the
key will be group/world readable.


3. Send the CSR (you can open the file and copy and paste the contents
into an email, or the certificate authority's website) to the
certificate authority along with what ever other documentation they
require (there job is to verify you are who you are requesting a
certificate for before signing the key, they usally require some proof
of domain ownership and everything else you entered in step 2).

4. You will then receive your signed certificate, you can either keep
the certificate in a separate file from your private key, or cat them
together to make a .pem file: cat; chmod 400
Configure apache to use your new cert and key:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/
 - or -
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/

Again, before the cat, use umask 077, for the same reason.

Since apache is chrooted, have to restart it to read the new key and

Dustin Lundquist

Again, thanks for the cool explanations and step-by-step kind of guide.
Will probably be helpful for more than the original poster.

Kind regards,


Re: Here's a trivial question. . .

2008-06-12 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 02:29:41AM -0700, Sean Kamath wrote:
Why is sendmail in /usr/src/gnu/usr.sbin?

sendmail is patently not a GNU application, and has a modified  
Berkeley license?

The license is so severely modified that its effect is more like GPL
than like BSDl/ISC. E.g. you must distribute source (1.b), under the
same terms as the original license. That is, if you create a derivative
work, the license is infective (just like the GPL), in my eyes. So it's
just similarly restrictive as the GPL, just in less words.

Kind regards,


Re: make build question

2008-06-11 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 09:50:07AM +0200, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
Hi, using 4.2.

Can I do a make build of the base system
without set previously a DESTDIR, and
after the build take the bins I want from the
/usr/obj tree??

What do you mean by take? Make build w/o DESTDIR already installs
things in the running system.

Does release(8) answer your question?

Kind regards,


Re: This seems like a good idea

2008-05-19 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 04:18:07PM +0200, ropers wrote:
2008/5/17 Curt Micol [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Here is some more information including a list of keys:

 Thought I'd share.  It's possible I am wrong and this isn't a good
 idea, but I can't think of any reason why it isn't.

I can actually think of an entirely theoretical reason why the
exclusion of the affected keys could conceivably, hypothetically be
considered to be disadvantageous: It reduces the key space; i.e.
future attackers of systems that have blacklisted these keys might
know that they have a few less combinations to try.

It excludes 32k or 64k possibilities out of *how many*? Frankly, how
many 512 or even more bit primes numbers are there? (You generate two
roughly 512 bit primes for a 1024 bit RSA key, that's the main grounds
for the key space of 1024 RSA keys.)

for a basic reference on that question: The *rough* estimate is, the
number of prime numbers below n is roughly n/ln n. So the number of 512
bit prime numbers is roughly (2^512 / ln 2^512) - (2^511 / ln 2^511).
The base 2 logarithm of that, according to bc, is about 502. So we have
about 502 bits of entropy to spend on *one* of the primes. If we exclude
2^16 of them, so what? Even if we excluded 2^501 of them, we'd still
have 501 bits of entropy left.


Kind regards,


Re: build a release

2008-05-19 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 02:05:14PM +0100, banana split wrote:
slowly by slowly I'm approaching to openbsd.
I've made some humble progress in this last month and I've a couple of
questions concerning the building the system from sources.

the $RELEASEDIR is filled with *.tgz after issued the make release but I have
these (ignored) errors at the end:

cd /usr/src/etc/../distrib/sets  exec  sh maketars 43
base: done.
comp: done.
etc: done.
game: done.
man: done.
misc: done.
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/*bsd* /usr/rel
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/*boot* /usr/rel
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/cdbr /usr/rel
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/*BOOT* /usr/rel
cp: /usr/dest/snapshot/*BOOT*: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/cd*.iso /usr/rel
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/Packages /usr/rel
cp: /usr/dest/snapshot/Packages: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/INSTALL.* /usr/rel
cp /usr/dest/snapshot/*.fs /usr/dest/snapshot/*.fs.gz /usr/rel
cp: /usr/dest/snapshot/*.fs.gz: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
cd /usr/rel;  md5 *bsd!(*.gz) *boot* cdbr *BOOT* INSTALL.* Packages *.fs
*.iso *.gz *.tgz  MD5
md5: cannot open *BOOT*: No such file or directory
md5: cannot open Packages: No such file or directory
md5: cannot open *.gz: No such file or directory
cd /usr/rel  sort -o MD5 MD5

(ignored): any explanation is welcomed

As others said, that's ok.

after made the release I clean all the stuff around in the following way:

rm -rf /usr/obj/*
cd /usr/src  make clean

No need for the last step. If you do a new build, my usual cleanup
sequence is
  rm -rf /usr/obj/*
  cd /usr/src
  find . -type l -name obj -execdir rm {} \;
  make obj
Starting from that, you can build again (special pre-build steps if
needed, build/install/reboot new kernel, make build, perhaps make

Kind regards,


Re: fsck large filesystem, memory limit problem

2008-05-19 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 05:49:57PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:

De fsck_ffs code allocates a number of arrays directly depending on
the # of indodes in setup(), totalling 4 bytes per inode. Some other
data is also needed, so it's not surprise you hit the 1G data space limit.

Any chance to get rid of that 1G limit that seems more and more
arbitrary nowadays? I remember reading that just upping that define in
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/include/vmparam.h doesn't help, i.e. that
something else interacts with that parameter too. I know that on
processors that have neither PAE nor non-PAE NX support one might not be
able to protect all writable data from execution eventually, if a
program should in fact allocate more than 1G (once the kernel should
need to allocate it with lower virtual addresses). However, the kernel
could be made to prefer high addresses for writable, non-executable data
(mmap without PROT_EXEC), and the super-user is to decide on how she
sets up the data size resource limits, so if that's = 1G the protection
should remain to be fine.


Kind regards,


Re: fsck large filesystem, memory limit problem

2008-05-19 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 03:00:08PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 02:38:35PM +0200, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
 On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 05:49:57PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:

 Any chance to get rid of that 1G limit that seems more and more
 arbitrary nowadays? I remember reading that just upping that define in
 /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/include/vmparam.h doesn't help, i.e. that
 something else interacts with that parameter too. I know that on
 processors that have neither PAE nor non-PAE NX support one might not be
 able to protect all writable data from execution eventually, if a
 program should in fact allocate more than 1G (once the kernel should
 need to allocate it with lower virtual addresses). However, the kernel
 could be made to prefer high addresses for writable, non-executable data
 (mmap without PROT_EXEC), and the super-user is to decide on how she
 sets up the data size resource limits, so if that's = 1G the protection
 should remain to be fine.

protection bits is only one of the things. there are more issues to
consider when enlarging MAXDSIZE. for example, how do you divide the
memory between sbrk() and mmap()?

How does Linux do it (where you can allocate about 3G of memory, IIRC
their kernel is mapped at about 0x3000u which sets the boundary)?
Who does still use sbrk() after OpenBSD's malloc uses mmap only? Where
does the break for sbrk() start? If mmap() tends to allocate far away
from the break first, it impairs sbrk() as little as possible/as late as
possible. Of course, one can always construct pathological scenarios
where you can't allocate the full amount of memory due to fragmentation,
but even then there'll be more available than the current 1G, and errors
due to fragmentation can still be signalled (ENOMEM). No reason to
refuse allocations that *would* succeed.


Kind regards,


Re: port/package messages about manual optional configuration?

2008-05-18 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 03:49:24PM +, Jay wrote:
The important messages from installing packages/ports.
There is something I have noticed in various package/port systems, including
OpenBSD, Debian, and more.
Here is an example:
$ sudo pkg_add python--- python-2.5.2 ---If you want to use
this package as your default system python, as rootcreate symbolic links like
so (overwriting any previous default): ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.5
/usr/local/bin/python ln -sf /usr/local/bin/pydoc2.5  /usr/local/bin/pydoc

Now, in this case, I have installed just one package, interactively, so the
point is mostly moot.But for the scenario of installing something with
dependencies, something that takes a while,where I walk away and come back
much later, these important messages, these messages aboutoptional manual
configuration, should be collected somewhere for my perusal.
Maybe they already are?

pkg_info -M package_name
pkg_info -M -a
man 1 pkg_info

Thanks, - Jay

Hope that helps.

Kind regards,


Re: port/package messages about manual optional configuration?

2008-05-18 Thread Hannah Schroeter

[Your quoting is severly messed up, please fix it; your line lengths too]

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 06:53:16PM +, Jay wrote:
That helps, thanks.
How about though for the scenario where I just installed something, and all 
its dependencies, without knowing what they are?

 cd /usr/ports/x11/kde
 sudo make install 

Seems like maybe the install messages should be logged somewhere specific?

 maybe sudo make install | tee lookthroughthislater.txt I guess I should use 
 tee or  more.

Ah, this is close:
 cd /var/db/pkg 
 pkg_info -M *

That's about the same as pkg_info -M -a

You know, at least it tells me for everything installed on my machine, not 
necessarily sorted by time or anything.

You can, of course, get an approximation by ls -tr on /var/db/pkg
(however already installed packages where dependencies are registered
get touched, too).

Also see script to record what happens on a make install/pkg_add

 - Jay

Kind regards,


Re: Editing C with...

2008-05-08 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 11:42:53AM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
ropers wrote:
 2008/5/4 Nick Holland [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  [vim] alters files in unexpected ways, which I consider a
  major sin.

 I didn't know that, and cursory googling didn't turn up anything
 enlightening. Could you elaborate?

 Thanks and regards,

It might have been better if I had said, alters my input, instead
of implying that I edit a file with vim and it gets saved
differently than loaded without my deliberately changing anything.

And yes, tabs and auto indent were some of the things.

Now, nvi has auto-indent too (:set ai), just not enabled by default.

I also had
an experience with it auto-inserting line breaks which caused me
large amounts of problem.

Could happen with nvi too (:set wrapmargin=42). Just not enabled by

All this stuff is there for a reason, and is great for the
intended purposes.  HOWEVER, it's annoying as heck when one's
purposes don't jive with the editor's defaults.

Now, on *OpenBSD*, the defaults of vim are quite sane IMO. (I.e. syntax
highlighting, auto-indent, text wrapping, smart-tabs, tab expansion,
etc. *off* by default, I have to enable all the fancy I really want in
my $HOME/.vimrc). It's vim as it's distributed on some Linux
distributions that sucks rocks through tiny holes.

Yes, all those
defaults can be changed, but on the machine I was fighting with
at the time, they were in some very inappropriate for my needs, and
quite unexpected behavior for something I invoked with the command
vi.  I won't dispute vim is a great editor...I just dislike it
pretending to be vi on some distributions of another OS.  In all
likelihood, it COULD pass as vi, but not with all the options
turned on.

Yes. Probably it works for me especially because I mostly use it on
OpenBSD. :-)


Kind regards,


Re: Editing C with...

2008-05-08 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 04:55:55PM +0100, overdrive openbsd wrote:
I don't want to start a flamewar, but I will say my experience; after
lot of years using vi and vim, I decide 'taste' emacs. Now I can see
that the major part of users those use vi/vim is because they never
tried more than 5 minutes on emacs or directly they never tried. Now I
am more productive (-; of course stupid devels will be stupid in vi or
emacs, but they will be slower to write their stupid code!

I beg to differ. Used emacs (back then when 19 was the current version,
heck, even *ported* emacs 19 to my machine then) for quite a long time
and moved to vim. Bottom line: YMMV. Find the tool(s) that fit(s) you
best and get proficient in it/them.

Borja Tarraso

Kind regards,


Re: mknod fails after wrong arch MAKEDEV

2008-05-05 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 03:09:25PM +, Paul Pruett wrote:
Isn't /tmp mounted with option nodev, by chance?

Would not explain it failing in /dev


How does it fail?

Try for example (manually):

mkfifo foo
mknod foo c 1 1

You see mknod fail with File exists. Even on a filesystem *not*
mounted nodev. (But then, MAKEDEV uses rm -f before mknod, as far as I
can see, so that should not be the problem.)

What *can* be an issue is that mknod inside a chroot is not allowed, as
well as mknod as non-root (except for pipes, i.e. mknod path p, which
is the same as mkfifo path).

Kind regards,


Re: Solved: Re: chroot issues with accessing /dev/ entries

2008-04-28 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 04:47:53PM +0200, Torsten wrote:
OK, thank you, that got me onto the right track, now I think I know what 
the problem is: mount_mfs.
/sbin/mount_mfs -s 9 swap /mnt
Is there a way to have devices under that mountpoint?
Of course, just mknod(8) them (each time after creating the mfs),

Thanks everybody for your help. For whatever reason it did not work (for 
me) to just copy (pax) the /dev/* files from / to my ramdisk-mountpoint 
(/mnt). The files were there but always caused a failed to open error 
when used from within the chrooted environment. It also did not work to 
first chroot and then (within the chroot environment) create the files 
with mknod.

The latter is clear: mknod is blocked even for root while chrooted.
See the kernel sources, /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_syscalls.c, function
if ((error = suser(p, 0)) != 0)
return (error);
If you aren't root, forget it
if (p-p_fd-fd_rdir)
return (EINVAL);
If you're inside a chroot, fail with error code EINVAL.

What worked was first creating the files with mknod and then chroot.

*nods* You can also use /dev/MAKEDEV for creating the devices.

Kind regards,


Re: chroot issues with accessing /dev/ entries

2008-04-26 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 05:51:22PM +0200, Torsten wrote:
# tcpdump
tcpdump: Failed to open bpf device for fxp0: Device not configured
Is /tmp mounted nodev?

OK, thank you, that got me onto the right track, now I think I know what 
the problem is: mount_mfs.

This is how I set up the ramdisk:

/sbin/mount_mfs -s 9 swap /mnt

Is there a way to have devices under that mountpoint?

Of course, just mknod(8) them (each time after creating the mfs),
after having mounted the mfs without the nodev flag. Or use the -P flag
to mount_mfs.

Kind regards,


Re: install42.iso hangs....any ideas?

2008-04-16 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 04:44:38AM -0700, Unix Fan wrote:

That was not what I was talking about, I know how to burn CD/DVD's,
obviously, I was asking of DVD-RAM drives/disks can be used just as if
they're sd(4) devices, read/write calls, i.e: UFS on a disk, mounted

(Please wrap your lines)

IIRC not, I have a DVD-RAM drive and it probes as cd(4), not as sd(4).

And btw, IIRC our UFS/FFS implementation does still not cope well with
sector sizes != 512 (which makes MO drive usage difficult too, as they
*are* sd(4), but with 2048 byte sectors). Or has that, at least, been
fixed in-between? IIRC, DVD-RAM has larger sectors, too, and *usually*
one uses UDF2 there (our UDF support is 1.1, read-only, only).

Kind regards,


Re: VIA Announces Strategic Open Source Driver Development Initiative

2008-04-10 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 10:12:49PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
hmm, on Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 03:35:18PM -0400, bofh said that
 Sun learnt a lot of lessons when it tried to merge sparc and x86 code bases
 together around the solaris 2.4 time, iirc.  That's why things like zfs are
 endian neutral.  OpenBSD started in the multi cpu world to begin with.

i might be wrong, but i thought as of yet, not everything
is endian neutral in openbsd (carp?)

FFS itself (the on-disk layout). In contrary, ext2 *is*.


Kind regards,


Re: Problems reading audio cdrom on 4.2 sparc64

2008-04-10 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 05:49:57PM +, Jacob Meuser wrote:
On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 06:25:53PM +0200, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 03:47:26PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2008-04-09, Unix Fan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you want to dump the contents into PCM audio, look in the
  ports.. install cdrtools and use the cdda2wav application.

 No need for 3rd party software for this simple task, take a look
 at cdio(1). It does a lot more than you probably expect.

 Nice, but it can't rip to stdout (for example to encode the data in a
 pipe, e.g. into mp3 or ogg/vorbis, w/o storing the uncompressed audio
 inbetween). cdda2wav/cdparanoia *can* do that. (Frontends like grip,
 can't, again, alas.)

$ mkfifo track01.wav
$ ffmpeg -i - track01.mp3  track01.wav 
$ cdio cdrip 1

Probably works, but *yuck*.

Kind regards,


Re: Use of 'Puffy' Logo

2008-04-09 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 01:21:34AM +0200, Martin Schrvder wrote:
2008/4/9, Matthew Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  A search of the site for a style guide or media pack has failed to turn up
 anything so I thought that I would ask here: how do I obtain

Click on the logo on the front page.

I read there (

  but do not make profit from them since our own T-shirt sales provide
  funding so that OpenBSD can continue to operate.

Recently it was said on a mailing list, that T-shirt sales do *not*
provide net funding, only donations and *CD* sales do. Which is true?

Kind regards,


Re: Firefox

2008-04-09 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 12:07:53AM +0200, Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 09:50:21PM +, james wrote:

 Include /usr/local/mozilla-firefox in the ldconfig line and run the ldconfig
 command through /usr/local/mozilla-firefox/ (or manually set
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/local/mozilla-firefox)

I think, the latter method is better suitable for including individual
cases. Or perhaps: would be, instead of is - because there's still
no desired effect. I can't see any difference.

I'm afraid, it can't be solved right now; currently it's just the way it
is, and one has to live with that.

It *felt* a bit faster after this:

cd /usr/local/mozilla-firefox/
: Include firefox dir to shared library path
ldconfig -m /usr/local/mozilla-firefox
: prebind
ldconfig -PS mozilla-firefox-bin 
: Exclude firefox dir again
ldconfig -U /usr/local/mozilla-firefox
: Rescan the normal shared libraries, to be sure
ldconfig -R

Kind regards,


Re: Use of 'Puffy' Logo

2008-04-09 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 09:46:00AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:

The project does not receive a dime from tshirt (or poster or sticker
or puffy doll) sales, and never has.

[... more explanation ...]

Thanks for your prompt explanation (and editing of the web page).

Kind regards,


Re: Problems reading audio cdrom on 4.2 sparc64

2008-04-09 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 03:47:26PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2008-04-09, Unix Fan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you want to dump the contents into PCM audio, look in the
 ports.. install cdrtools and use the cdda2wav application.

No need for 3rd party software for this simple task, take a look
at cdio(1). It does a lot more than you probably expect.

Nice, but it can't rip to stdout (for example to encode the data in a
pipe, e.g. into mp3 or ogg/vorbis, w/o storing the uncompressed audio
inbetween). cdda2wav/cdparanoia *can* do that. (Frontends like grip,
can't, again, alas.)

Kind regards,


Re: Firefox

2008-04-08 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 04:34:49PM +0200, Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 02:51:32PM +0200, Dusty wrote:

 I use Seamonkey. It works.
 Why use Seamonkey? It is more resource friendly than running

Both are starting in about the same - long - time: 20 seconds...  :/
(Pentium II 400, 256 MB RAM, SATA drive, OpenBSD 4.2)

Perhaps someone could make a tip, how could I make that start-up period
shorter? Yes, I know: buy new hardware. Any other available solutions?

Doesn't help. With 1GHz and 768 MB RAM, it takes two-figure amounts of
seconds, too.

Deleting the files XPC.mfasl and XUL.mfasl files in your profile
occasionally can help a *bit* in some aspects of performance, but as far
as I can observe, not in startup time.

There should be the other ones; on the NetBSD 3.1 Firefox is ready to work
in about 4 seconds... quite a difference, isn't it?

Do they already do prebinding?

Kind regards,


Re: zombies

2008-03-12 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 12:05:29PM +0200, Liviu Daia wrote:
On 12 March 2008, Lars NoodC)n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And, is there a generic way to prevent them?  The cause is a perl CGI
 called by apache2

Depending on what you're doing, make the parent wait(2) for the
processes or setsid(3).

setsid(2) (yes, it's section 2 on OpenBSD) doesn't make the child lose
the connection to the parent. See the source of daemon(3) for how to
use setsid in connection with fork and exit (in fact _exit) to make a
process disconnect from its parent and its controlling terminal etc.

Kind regards,


Re: floppy.fs

2008-03-06 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 11:22:11PM -0700, Paul Greidanus wrote:
I'm just wondering how many people out there are using the floppy.fs 
installer still?  I'm wondering if it would be a worthwhile thought to 
expand past the 1.44Mb limit for the CD and .rd install options if there 
are features that can be added to the installer.  No, I'm not thinking a 
gui/menu based installer as the main reason, but there might be benefits 
to something like that.

I used one recently to fix something on a box here at work. The box
*has* a CD-ROM drive (even DVD-ROM) but we don't have easy access to
CD/DVD *writers* and couldn't wait for shipment of a ready-made CD (e.g.
the official OpenBSD one). So had to write an install floppy, boot it,
use s and what is available there was enough to fix things up to being
able to boot from hard disk again and fix the rest from there.


Kind regards,


Re: /etc/ttys fields for reading from tty00

2008-03-02 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 09:05:53PM +0900, AE sysadmin wrote:
Dear List,

I am crafting C util to read data from tty00  (amd64, i386;
connected to the data src device directly by serial cable).

What should I put in /etc/ttys for the tty00 to make sure
I am doing things correctly? The util is to be run as root.

Would be grateful for any pointers.

IMO you don't need /etc/ttys entries for terminals unless you need the
terminal to be managed by init(8) or tty flags to be set by ttyflags(8)
at boot, or your own program wants to read information from the ttys
file using the ttyent family of functions (getttyent(), getttynam(),
setttyent(), endttyend()).

For normal tty access, you need open/close/read/write, perhaps adorned
by O_NONBLOCK (if you need to open the terminal line even though no
carrier is detected) and probably a few terminal controls (see tty(4)
and termios(4), using ioctl(2) and/or the functions described in the
tcsetattr(3) manual page).

Kind regards,


Re: Watching the prgress of dd if=drive1 of=drive2

2008-02-23 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 09:31:00PM +, Alexey Vatchenko wrote:
On 2008-02-23, Brian A. Seklecki (Mobile) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It should accept SIGINFO (control+G) on most terminals.  

Isn't it control+T?

By default it isn't mapped at all.

So use stty status ^t, for example, before starting dd. (Or other
commands that do something useful with SIGINFO, like ping or dump.)

Kind regards,


Re: ssh_config, chroot, or user rights to restrict user access?

2008-02-21 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 01:49:02PM +0200, Lars Noodin wrote:
1) What is the timeline for completely dropping scp?

I hope never.


Kind regards,


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