Re: Single partition fs layout

2024-02-13 Thread Maja Reberc
A very nice explanation, Janne, thank you!

On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:12:10 +0100
Janne Johansson  wrote:

> A few. The partitioning scheme allow certain parts of the filesystem
> to have different permissions,
> /dev/sd1a on / type ffs (local)
> /dev/sd1e on /home type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> /dev/sd1d on /usr type ffs (local, nodev)
> /dev/sd0a on /usr/local type ffs (local, nodev, wxallowed)
> but also if something decides to log like crazy and fills up /var and
> you have /var ( or /var/log ) as a separate partition, the rest of the
> system is not affected by it going full and it might be lots easier to
> recover from it when the rest of the paths work as expected.
> It's a tradeoff between having to know in advance where data will go
> or not, versus being able to prevent some nasty issues that could
> occur if you let someone else run code on your machine.
> For a throwaway VM that you can reproduce, it would not matter so
> much. For a box you really care about and is meant to run for yeats,
> it matters more.

[aarch64] Pine64 Quartz64 SCB: Redshift support

2024-01-13 Thread Maja Reberc
Hello mailing list,

It is my hope to reach an owner of Pine64 Quartz64 SCB. Could anyone,
please, confirm that Redshift program works as expected on the board?

(Motivation: silent part-time desktop replacement without fans, and of
somewhat higher trust hardware-wise than modern PCs [Intel ME etc.].
Somewhat solid OpenBSD support for its GPU.)

I define works by that it actually reduces the colour temperature of
the screen, so that it goes "red." For example, Redshift does not work
on Raspberry Pi 4 (not even on Linux) and my Nvidia GTX 960 (OpenBSD)
because of insufficient GPU driver support.

This feature is very important to me, so it'd be nice to know before I
decide to order it.

-- Maja

Re: OpenBSD alternative setup to ZFS on Linux or FreeBSD

2023-11-22 Thread Maja Reberc
On Wed, 22 Nov 2023 06:47:11 -0300
Crystal Kolipe  wrote:

> I don't want to encourage people to just copy and paste some random
> scripts that were written to meet our needs but most likely don't
> exactly meet theirs.
> But as a _starting point for writing your own_, the following script
> will let you create and verify checksums, as well as identify files
> which don't yet have a checksum recorded.

Thanks a lot for sharing!

As recommended, I will use it to get to know the process and craft my
own tools.

Re: OpenBSD alternative setup to ZFS on Linux or FreeBSD

2023-11-22 Thread Maja Reberc
On Wed, 22 Nov 2023 05:25:22 -0300
Crystal Kolipe  wrote:
> We have been doing "something similar", in fact much simpler, on
> OpenBSD and other unix-like systems for > 25 years.
> It's trivially simple to protect your data, and you along with
> 99.999% of other people seem to be over thinking it.
> 1. Once data is no longer "work in progress", archive it to write-only
>media and take it out of the regular backup loop.  In most cases
> this drastically reduces the volume of data you need to manage.  Feel
> free to keep a local on-line copy on a regular disk too for faster
> access.
> 2. Write scripts to copy data that matters elsewhere automatically.
> This can be another drive in the local machine, or even another
> partition on the same disk.  This takes the place of your "RAID-1 or
> RAID-5", and is much, much less error-prone because it's just copying
> files around.
> 3. Write a script to verify the copy with the original version and
>highlight changes.  (Ours is 18 lines of shell script.)
> 4. Write a script to create and verify a file of checksums in the
> current directory.  (Also not complicated - ours is 15 lines of shell
> script.)
> We have kept many Tb of data intact and free of bitrot for decades
> using simple methods like this.  No need for fancy filesystems or
> command line parity tools, just use tar, sha256 and crucially a
> little bit of intelligence, and the problem is solved.
> And yes, we have certainly seen bitflips when reading from disk,
> reading from SSDs, (which overall seem _worse_ for random unreported
> bit flipping), and also bad system RAM which causes data in the
> buffer cache to be corrupted.  All of these threats are easily
> mitigated with tar and sha256, and the aforementioned application of
> some intelligence to the problem.
> The only problem is that it doesn't have a flashy name like "ZFS".

Thank you for this super interesting answer! I am very much for
functional simplicity over complexity one does not understand.

Presently, I use a script, utilising rsync, for fast backups and sync
diffs, but I'd like a more long-term reliable and checksummed solution.

Would you mind sharing the scripts you mentioned for us newbies?

Some additional portability rant:

Does anyone recommend FAT32-formatted 1 TB external HDDs for
OS-portable backups (using archive splitting to bypass the 4 GB limit)?
I've heard FAT32 is very inefficient with big partitions. I currently
have a mess of ext4 for Linux, ZFS (yes ...) for FreeBSD, and nothing
yet for OpenBSD (sadly, my favourite OS does not support redshift on my
Nvidia card, and that is a requirement for my eyes).

Re: OpenBSD_one_site_web_hosting_software_recommendation

2023-11-09 Thread Maja Reberc
WordPress and Joomla can be deployed without using a port/package. I've
always done it this way.

It's up to you which web server you choose. I'd go with OpenBSD httpd
because I really like its simple configuration (in contrast to Apache).
If you decide to use httpd, definitely read httpd(8). httpd.conf(5) has
some very neat config file examples.

If you plan on using an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, you will
find acme-client(1) most useful. It's really nice light replacement for

See this guide for installing WordPress on OpenBSD:

In essence, you'll need to set httpd up to use PHP (examples have that
covered), and set up MariaDB. Then you drop WP files, extract them in
the server root, and complete the process in the web browser.

WP also has an install guide you can follow:
This one will probably use Apache, though.

On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 12:38:27 +0100
"soko.tica"  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a task to launch from scratch one site web hosting google cloud
> instance.
> I know OpenBSD does have httpd web server, but I couldn't have found
> neither wordpress nor joomla software neither in packages nor in
> ports (7.4 -stable).
> Is there a possibility to launch wordpress or joomla on such an
> instance on OpenBSD? Which manpages should I read?
> Thanks in advance,

Re: __dead

2023-11-07 Thread Maja Reberc
There's also something about it in style(9) man page.

On Tue, 07 Nov 2023 16:01:12 +
Lucretia  wrote:

> I read the whole file top to bottom, slowly and with care, and saw no
> comments about __dead. Unless by chance they've been added since 7.4
> release.

Re: iPhone Charging

2023-10-29 Thread Maja Reberc
I saw the Qi standard is a wireless charging standard.

I'll suggest everyone using wireless technology to educate themselves
on dangers of electropollution (you might be more successful by
searching EMF).

Inductive charging is bound to emit relatively strong alternating
magnetic fields. Your phone and WiFi routers, on the other hand, will
emit quite strong radiofrequency radiation. If you're close to any of
these things (the very ugliest of extremes being placing a phone
against your ear), it's not doing you any health favours.

If you have a friend with an EMF meter, feel free to call them over for
a visit and let them measure it. No need to believe blindly.

To be crystal clear on this, I am not telling you what to do or what to
believe in. I just want to share the information that no one tells you
about, because or society is money-first: consumption of technology
precedes health. Do what you will with it.

If anyone wants to know more, but is reluctant to buy an EMF course,
you may also contact me privately and I'll tell you what I know.

-- Maja

On Sat, 28 Oct 2023 16:26:39 +
Katherine Mcmillan  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recommend looking into a power bank that leverages Qi
> (  I have one that also
> has a mini solar panel, you never know when you might need backup.
> Cheers,
> Katie

Re: How to break and smash things

2023-10-26 Thread Maja Reberc
Hey Maria,

this is a long shot, and most people will put it in the scam basket,
but I've heard of developers significantly improving their skills by
applying PhotoReading to code. One might even instruct the
other-than-conscious mind to help them look for bugs (or typos in
general text).

Do note that, when involving the subconscious, you *always* need a clear
purpose of what you want to achieve. It won't work otherwise. Forget
going into the book just because "you want to read it."

Also, if you want to be effective at reading, both this technique and
work by Tony Buzan strongly discourage simply reading books from cover
to cover. If your goal is to read more books more effectively (that's
how to get most out of it, I reckon), you might wanna familiarise
yourself with their opinions and test them out.

If such things interest you, feel free to give it a shot. Photoreading
does take time to master, though, especially without someone to guide
you. You alone decide how your time is best invested.

In any case, you'd learn a lot by reading other peoples' code, be it
regular- or photoreading.

-- Maja

On Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:48:43 +0600
Maria Morisot  wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been frustrated in trying to find a way to help the project and
> thanks to several people's replies I've been considering what I like
> to do with the operating system.
> My needs are simple, as far as personal usage goes; give me an
> offline system with vi and hard drive access and I'll happily write
> poetry to my heart's content in my favorite café.
> But I really want to help the project. I like the idea of trying to
> break things and get them to malfunction in order to expose bugs that
> have been overlooked.
> I like to smash things.
> Does anyone know of any good resources for this, or recommended
> software in ports that I should study and learn? I have an O'Reilly
> subscription, so and book recommendations from on there I should have
> access to. Blogs are great too.
> I have a pretty good understanding of randomness and know about the
> concept of fuzzing. I've done testing in my software courses and know
> a little about writing code for explicit bad cases. But my schooling
> was very lax and was easy to get A's so I didn't put much effort in.
> Thanks again to everyone who has tried to help me find my path here
> in the community, I know that I am a tough pill to swallow, that is
> why I generally play alone. -- Google doesn't need to
> know every time I fart.

Re: Two problems

2023-08-04 Thread Maja Reberc
On Fri, 4 Aug 2023 16:12:49 +0200
Karel Lucas  wrote:

> Hi all,
> On a desktop PC on which I have openBSD, I installed KDE. When I
> start the X-window system, I still see Fvwm, and no KDE. I also want
> to start the X window system when I start this PC, and that is not
> yet the case. How can I solve both problems?


as far as I know, KDE Plasma (the actual desktop environment) is not
ported to OpenBSD, just the KDE apps. You've installed the apps, not
the desktop environment.

If you want X to start automatically, enable the xenodm(1) service. It
will display a login interface for you. It seems to have autologin
functionality, if you want to be dropped into the desktop immediately.

To determine which desktop environment (or window manager) xenodm will
start, edit/create the .xsession file in your home directory.
  exec startxfce4
would make it start XFCE.

Re: Mounting an SD-card and an USB-stick

2023-07-25 Thread Maja Reberc
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 18:08:00 +0200
Karel Lucas  wrote:

> Dear all,
> For a fresh install of openBSD, I want to mount an SD card or a USB 
> stick on an existing openBSD install, but don't know which device
> name to use. Maybe someone can help me out?


a newbie trying to help a newbie, since I had to learn that too.

To see all available devices to be mounted, use sysctl(8) to read a
kernel variable:
  sysctl hw.disknames

In my case it outputs:
> hw.disknames=sd0:c9aecebcec28de24
So my I've got only sd0 to mount.

If you have just plugged in a device, it will show up in the recent
dmesg(8) output (use tail(1) to get the most recent lines):
  dmesg | tail

However, you generally can't mount a whole device, but its partition.
You can show them with disklabel(8) (as root):
  doas disklabel sd0

To mount partition i of device sd0 to /mnt/usb (directory must exist!),
you would use:
  doas mount_msdos /dev/sd0i /mnt/usb

Or some other mount command, depending on the file system that
partition if formatted with. The above is for FAT. See mount(8) for

Hope this helps.
-- Maja