Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread Timo Schoeler
Hash: SHA512

Thus Theo de Raadt [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake Thu, 01 Nov 2007
05:43:06 -0600:

 Where's the diffs Timo?
 Are you going to continue preaching bullshit, and then not showing

(Please see the bottom of the email for my reply. As it used to be.)
  Thus Coleman Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake on Wed, 31 Oct 2007
  22:03:05 -0400:
   Timo Schoeler wrote:
Thus Theo de Raadt [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake on Wed, 31
Oct 2007 16:04:31 -0600:
Perfect. You were the last person I suspected to post an answer
like this. However: Arguments? Or just polemics and poo?
Tough Shit, Timo.

Thus Kjell Wooding [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake on Wed,
31 Oct 2007 10:29:51 -0600:
@ragge: please don't top-post and full-quote ;)
STOP. there is NOTHING BLOODY WRONG with top-posting. It's
like arguing big-endian, little-endian.
(and it's his own bloody mailing list)

I tend to disagree, mainly because of following (IMHO most
important reasons mentioned on that site):
Best regards,
Timo (- Big Endian. Like Nature :)
  *snip sig*
   Um, I tend to prefer bottom posting myself for many of the reasons
   outlined. However, I've never had problems parsing or navigating
   the emails of those who do top-post. 
  But it's annoying and wastes time.
   I tend to agree with Theo and others
   here, more time is wasted by dealing with discussions on top vs.
   bottom posting by numerous email formatting Nazis.
  I agree with you and others that a useless thread popped up, BUT:
  I don't agree with Theo as I don't go down onto his crappy
  discussion level. (I now save much time by now writing what I
  wanted to.)
   Generally, I expect plain-text email on a list and as few
   flame-wars about off-topic points, the merits of which are not a
   science and more personal preference.
  True. But this does NOT legitimate offenses. Period.
   I mean, we're all volunteers here, and we really
   care more to focus on the project at hand.
  True. But does that mean to scream at each other like overly
  civilized people?
  Best regards,

Hi list, hi Theo,

IMO it's worse than annoying when language like the one you really
like to use is used on a (public) mailing list where grown up people try
to do some work -- regardless of being _paid_ for doing this work or
doing it _voluntarily_. It's just a question of being _nice_ and paying
attention to something like an _etiquette_ people around the world
usually do. It's just a matter of fact that _you_ are well known for
being 'difficult', having an 'abrasive personality', etc. [0]

Also well known (and documented) is your use of language on (not only
OpenBSD's) mailing lists. Everybody on the net can use her/his favorite
search engine and will get gazillions of hits. Or go to slashdot. Your
'use' of language is almost legendary (but not in a sense that it's

There are some things I'd like to point out (mainly to show _why_ this
_bothers_ me, and why _you_ should pay attention, too):

i) Theo, you are the (main) representative of the OpenBSD project. As
such, you have _a mission_. Neither I nor anybody else on the planet
thinks it would be an advantage for you or the OpenBSD project to kiss
about six billion butts on this planet; but this does NOT mean that you
should do quite the opposite of it and scream at everybody except your
best 20 developer buddies.

Theo, you are well-known thoughout the internet, as well as your use
of language which is more coprolalia [1] than communicating. Noteworthy
is the fact that, mostly in contrast to the GNU/Linux community, BSD
folks are well-known as _mature_ people who know how to behave. It's
not only about the work a developer does, but also _how_ he does it --
this includes communications with the rest of the world.

This behaviour of yours leads directly to problems with

ii) OpenBSD (and the OpenBSD project), and its deployability (also,
but not exclusively, at customers).

In the past I tried to support the OpenBSD project (this includes
_yourself_, just to remind you) as much as I could; I wrote articles in
_the_ german Unix magazine [2],[3] covering OpenBSD; I bought the
OpenBSD install media, T-Shirts, and other gimmicks; I spread the word,
and installed OpenBSD (sometimes even to replace another BSD) instead of
GNU/Linux or other OSes at customers' sites; I encouraged customers to
support the project by buying the OpenBSD install media or donating
money. I could continue this list.

BUT: How to explain to a customer why I use an OS and support a
project, even try to encourage _others_ to do so, when, at the same
time, the main representative of this project -- you, Theo -- bitches
around like this. For more than a 

Re: Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread ropers
EU bank transfer - Receipt

Sender:  Jens Ropers
Recipient:  OpenBSD
Oostveld Kouter 13
9920 Lovendegem
IBAN:   BE93737017743767
Amount: 10.00 EUR
Comment:Jens Ropers
I cannot afford anything right now
but I just had to send this as a
response to Timo Schoelers BS mail.
Your EU bank transfer order has been dispatched on 04.11.2007 at 11:50 h.

Anybody else care to join me and chip in on this occasion?

Re: Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread Timo Schoeler
Hash: SHA512

Thus ropers [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake Sun, 4 Nov 2007 11:36:24 +0100:

 I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but Sorry, Could Not Resist:
 There are two ways to read your email:
 1. You are trying to make a point about how to best lead the OpenBSD
 2. You're being a jerk who's venting some kind of irrational pent up
 anger, and you're trying to publicly smear and humuliate Theo.
 In case it's (1):
 I don't know if you noticed, but OpenBSD is under the BSD license.
 Theo and most OpenBSD developers espouse a no-nonsense,
 tell-the-truth-consequences-be-darned, code-is-better-than-emails,
 shut-up-and-hack, it's-about-the-fucking-code-stupid approach.
 If you really believe that your way works better, go ahead and fork.
 Make your TimoBSD, where you are absolutely free to set the tone in
 any way you want. If you really believe that your way works better,
 then prove your point. Put your words into action and see if you
 attract more and better developers and if you can produce better code
 with TimoBSD. OpenBSD is widely considered the most secure OS bar
 none, has only had 2 remote exploits in over 10 years, yadda, yadda,
 yadda. The NetBSD bellends argued similarly to what's in your email,
 and OpenBSD, after starting as a NetBSD fork, is now twice as popular
 as NetBSD, without even ever trying to win any kind of popularity
 contests. ( ) I dare say, Theo has been
 proved correct. But again, if you want to revisit the old and lame
 style-vs-substance debate, go right ahead. Code is better than emails.
 Try to make TimoBSD have better code than OpenBSD with your style over
 substance approach. I dare you and I double-dare you. See how far you

Which part of my email did you actually read _and_ understand? The

 In case it's (2):
 I have recently learned that it can on occasion be quite helpful to
 seek assistance from qualified mental health professionals. I would
 kindly suggest you do the same.

Too little, too late, pal. You have to _learn_ polemics before trying
to use it.


Best regards,


Re: Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread Timo Schoeler
Hash: SHA512

Thus Graham Gower [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake Sun, 4 Nov 2007
20:29:06 +1030:

 On 04/11/2007, Timo Schoeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Timo,
 Could you please stop spamming the mailing lists I subscribe to.

Your list? Or have something to hide? :)

 I'm only interested in the technical discussions.

No, you are not, that's why you responded. Just hitting the 'delete'
button of you MUA or pressing the appropriate keystrokes would have
deleted the message you are complaining about loudly; responding eats
many more CPU cycles.


You're welcome,

Timo :)

Re: Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread vivek khurana
On 11/4/07, ropers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but Sorry, Could Not Resist:

Not feeding a troll is better than posting childish replies like the
one you posted.


Re: Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread Timo Schoeler
Hash: SHA512

Thus vivek khurana [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake Sun, 4 Nov 2007
11:40:35 +:

 On 11/4/07, ropers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but Sorry, Could Not Resist:
 Not feeding a troll is better than posting childish replies like the
 one you posted.

What is a troll, btw? Someone who's raising a discussion to keep
something alive or enhance things?

Best regards,


Re: Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread ropers
On 04/11/2007, ropers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but Sorry, Could Not Resist:


 If you really believe that your way works better, go ahead and fork.
 Make your TimoBSD, where you are absolutely free to set the tone in
 any way you want. If you really believe that your way works better,
 then prove your point. Put your words into action and see if you
 attract more and better developers and if you can produce better code
 with TimoBSD. OpenBSD is widely considered the most secure OS bar
 none, has only had 2 remote exploits in over 10 years, yadda, yadda,
 yadda. The NetBSD bellends argued similarly to what's in your email,
 and OpenBSD, after starting as a NetBSD fork, is now twice as popular
 as NetBSD, without even ever trying to win any kind of popularity
 contests. ( ) I dare say, Theo has been
 proved correct. But again, if you want to revisit the old and lame
 style-vs-substance debate, go right ahead. Code is better than emails.
 Try to make TimoBSD have better code than OpenBSD with your style over
 substance approach. I dare you and I double-dare you. See how far you

Second thought, you don't even have to fork. Your TimoBSD already
exists. It's called NetBSD. You can go right ahead and join them. They
rule by committee, they are known to have been nice (i.e.
politically correct but inhumane and bonkers**), and I'm sure with
your masterful efforts you will lead them to world domination.


**For crissakes, they even substituted their really cool logo with a
bland flag, for fear of offending their valued anti-swearing,
evolution-denying reborn US-American Christian audience.

Re: Theo's new compiler and etiquette both in cyberspace and the 'real world' (was: Re: OT: Re: version info )

2007-11-04 Thread Timo Schoeler
Hash: SHA512

Thus ropers [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake Sun, 4 Nov 2007 14:22:43 +0100:

 On 04/11/2007, ropers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but Sorry, Could Not Resist:
  If you really believe that your way works better, go ahead and fork.
  Make your TimoBSD, where you are absolutely free to set the tone in
  any way you want. If you really believe that your way works better,
  then prove your point. Put your words into action and see if you
  attract more and better developers and if you can produce better
  code with TimoBSD. OpenBSD is widely considered the most secure OS
  bar none, has only had 2 remote exploits in over 10 years, yadda,
  yadda, yadda. The NetBSD bellends argued similarly to what's in
  your email, and OpenBSD, after starting as a NetBSD fork, is now
  twice as popular as NetBSD, without even ever trying to win any
  kind of popularity contests. ( ) I dare
  say, Theo has been proved correct. But again, if you want to
  revisit the old and lame style-vs-substance debate, go right ahead.
  Code is better than emails. Try to make TimoBSD have better code
  than OpenBSD with your style over substance approach. I dare you
  and I double-dare you. See how far you get.
 Second thought, you don't even have to fork. Your TimoBSD already
 exists. It's called NetBSD. 

You developer are _that_ bad in logic? YMMD, thanks.

 You can go right ahead and join them.

Where's your facts? I pointed out how OpenBSD could receive more

 rule by committee,

You missed the recent developments WRT Wasabi.

You obviously miss the point that without NetBSD OpenBSD would just
_not exist_. (There's it again, this 'logic' thingie.)

  they are known to have been nice (i.e.
 politically correct but inhumane and bonkers**), and I'm sure with
 your masterful efforts you will lead them to world domination.

Talk to your psychiatrist, maybe (s)he really can fix your problem,
just to paraphrase you.

 **For crissakes, they even substituted their really cool logo with a
 bland flag, for fear of offending their valued anti-swearing,
 evolution-denying reborn US-American Christian audience.

Is that _my_ problem?

Best wishes,
