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Thus ropers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake Sun, 4 Nov 2007 11:36:24 +0100:

> I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but Sorry, Could Not Resist:
> Timo--
> There are two ways to read your email:
> 1. You are trying to make a point about how to best lead the OpenBSD
> project.
> 2. You're being a jerk who's venting some kind of irrational pent up
> anger, and you're trying to publicly smear and humuliate Theo.
> In case it's (1):
> I don't know if you noticed, but OpenBSD is under the BSD license.
> Theo and most OpenBSD developers espouse a no-nonsense,
> tell-the-truth-consequences-be-darned, code-is-better-than-emails,
> shut-up-and-hack, it's-about-the-fucking-code-stupid approach.
> If you really believe that your way works better, go ahead and fork.
> Make your TimoBSD, where you are absolutely free to set the tone in
> any way you want. If you really believe that your way works better,
> then prove your point. Put your words into action and see if you
> attract more and better developers and if you can produce better code
> with TimoBSD. OpenBSD is widely considered the most secure OS bar
> none, has only had 2 remote exploits in over 10 years, yadda, yadda,
> yadda. The NetBSD bellends argued similarly to what's in your email,
> and OpenBSD, after starting as a NetBSD fork, is now twice as popular
> as NetBSD, without even ever trying to win any kind of popularity
> contests. ( http://tinyurl.com/28zowl ) I dare say, Theo has been
> proved correct. But again, if you want to revisit the old and lame
> style-vs-substance debate, go right ahead. Code is better than emails.
> Try to make TimoBSD have better code than OpenBSD with your style over
> substance approach. I dare you and I double-dare you. See how far you
> get.

Which part of my email did you actually read _and_ understand? The

> In case it's (2):
> I have recently learned that it can on occasion be quite helpful to
> seek assistance from qualified mental health professionals. I would
> kindly suggest you do the same.

Too little, too late, pal. You have to _learn_ polemics before trying
to use it.

> Sincerely,
> --ropers

Best regards,


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