[MoLiCo] City of Springfield, MO Wants Input on Backyard Chickens

2010-05-06 Thread Glenn Gohr


City of Springfield, MO Wants Input on Backyard Chickens


Thursday, May 06 2010


(Springfield, MO) -- The city of Springfield has set an informational meeting 
to discuss a proposal to allow the keeping of chickens within the city limits 
of Springfield.

It will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Monday, May 10, 2010, at the City Utilities 
Training Center auditorium at 301 E. Central Street.

The city says representatives from the City's Planning Department will discuss 
a possible framework for allowing a limited number of chickens on residential 
properties for personal use.

They'll give background on the process to this point, and discuss research done 
on the benefits and concerns cities with similar ordinances have experienced.

The city says public input will be crucial to the meeting. A short survey will 
be available and city staff will ask for feedback from those in attendance.

The process for the ordinance began with a directive from City Council. It is 
still in the draft phase.

Following staff research and public input, the issue will then go to Council's 
Plans and Policies Committee for further discussion. 

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2010-04-02 Thread Glenn Gohr



Join us for a fun, food, entertainment and tax reform information..
Organized by Area Fair Tax Coordinators
Sponsored by KSGF Radio
Entertainment furnished by Barbara Fairchild from Branson.
Speakers: Ed Emery, Rep Dist.126; Sen. Chuck Purgason, both are sponsors of the 
MO Jobs and Prosperity Act; Darin Chappell, MSU professor speaking on 
Constitution and Taxation; John Putnam speaking on National Fair Tax. Tax Reform

Question and Answer period following speeches.
Food Vendors.Buckingham's Barbeque, McAlister's Tea, and Chocolate Chip 
Cookies as a fundraiser for little league group sponsored by Bob Heffington.
Other Patriotic events including the Hillcrest Color Guard with the 
presentation of Arms and presenting Old Glory for the Pledge of Allegiance..
Join us for a great educational and fun filled time, please bring your signs 
and join in the opposition of the Tax System as we know it or other issues 
happening to our country.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 

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[MoLiCo] House Deem-o-crats force showdown

2010-03-20 Thread Glenn Gohr

From: al...@libertyaction.org
Subject: House Deem-o-crats force showdown
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 18:04:21 -0600

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Today I am in Washington, DC. The political
atmosphere here is explosive! If the
Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of power has its way,
ObamaCare could be the law of the land on
Sunday. Backroom deals are being cut and
every manner of pressure is being applied
to get socialized medicine and tax-funded
abortion passed. Please read my important
report below. - Mat
President Obama's artificial, dictatorial deadline is
growing closer. The reconciliation process is crashing
forward. The "fix" bill has been posted. The bogus
CBO "estimate" has been leaked in lieu of waiting for the
official report.
All this contrived flurry of activity and its timing was
designed for one purpose: To give the impression that
ObamaCare's passage is inevitable. That's why the White
House has Press Secretary Gibbs issuing statements like,
"Our healthcare reform bill will be the law of the land
on Sunday." It's political drama at its worst.
But regardless of the socialists' stagecraft, I believe
that we can STILL stop ObamaCare!
Yesterday, Liberty Counsel delivered a letter
to Members of the House citing the
unconstitutionality of "deem and pass" in the
way the socialists are using it. We urged them
to obey the rule of law, stop this reprehensible,
unconstitutional process and say "No!" to ObamaCare.
As it stands right now, the Democrats do not have the
necessary votes to pass ObamaCare through the House using
constitutional means. If they did, they would have called
a vote a long time ago and the President would be touring Asia.
So, to no one's surprise, they are going to use the
unconstitutional legislative maneuver nicknamed "The
Slaughter House Rule" to pass the Senate bill by merely
"deeming" it so.
Nancy Pelosi said, "We will do whatever is
necessary to pass a health-care bill."
Republican Leader John Boehner said, "The
American people are saying, ‘Stop!' and they
are screaming at the top of their lungs."
Those statements from House party leaders do a nice job of
framing the colossal political showdown that is scheduled
for the House of Representatives this weekend. Even long-time
political leaders and seasoned congressional reporters say
this could be the most significant political event in our lifetime.
++The heat and pressure are reaching biblical proportions.
The Obama/Reid/Pelosi axis of power is pressuring undecided
Democrats with staggering inducements and threatening
potential mavericks with merciless punishment.
For his part, President Obama - who once again postponed his
Asia trip to better serve as Arm-Twister-in-Chief - is saying
that what happens to his healthcare reform bill will make or
break his presidency. The stakes could not be higher.
But Mr. President and Speaker Pelosi, don't your
recent losses in the states of Virginia, New
Jersey and Massachusetts come to mind? Why do
you INSIST on ignoring and marginalizing the
American people?
++When Nancy Pelosi says, "There will be no more deals," look
for the real back-room dealing to begin!
Pro-ObamaCare politicians and organizations know this is a
"no holds barred" brawl coming to the final round of the
fight. Unfortunately, the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis is
successfully flipping some votes by using intense pressure
and targeted pay-offs.
* Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN), announced his support
for ObamaCare after Democrats installed a provision
that sends Tennessee hospitals higher Medicaid
payments than other states are getting.
* After a promise of an immigration reform bill,
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), announced his support
of ObamaCare.
As demonstrated by the Gutierrez deal, pay-offs will not be
limited to the healthcare reform battle. That's why Speaker
Pelosi cheerfully exclaimed this week that when they kick down
the ObamaCare door, a lot of other initiatives can pass through,
as well.
++With Student Loans tacked on, it's a two-for-one takeover.
Here is a brief list of additional consequences we can expect
if ObamaCare passes:
* In a last-minute "sweetener," the government
will grab power from the insurance industry and
the student loan industry simultaneously. Banks
and lenders will be cut out of the guaranteed
student loan business, which of course will cost
jobs. If ObamaCare passes, the government will
become the sole source for federally guaranteed
student loans.
* Beginning in 2014, under the "individual mandate,"
Americans will be required to purchase insurance
or face stiff penalties for refusing.
* In an arrangement similar to KGB-style oppression,
ObamaCare will broaden IRS power, allowing that
agency to confiscate refunds or other payments
to Americans if there are unpaid penalties for
not buying "approved" healthcare insurance. The
IRS will have to hire tens of thousands of new
agents to enforce the law.
* The bill increases Medicare payr

[MoLiCo] Missouri High Court Vacates Red-Light Fine in Springfield, Mo.

2010-03-03 Thread Glenn Gohr

This is great news that aired last night on the TV news.


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[MoLiCo] Reflecting r Republic - MO7 Congressional Candidates Forum

2010-02-27 Thread Glenn Gohr

You are invited to "Reflecting r Republic - MO7 Congressional Candidates Forum" 
on Monday, March 1 at 7:00am.
Start Time: Monday, March 1 at 7:00am
End Time: Monday, March 1 at 8:30am
Where: Internet talk radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rabbieukel

Missouri 7th Congressional Candidates "Reflecting r Republic" Special Forum on 
Ramble & Rumble with Rabbi THE Venue For Vision & Values In Our Communities. 
United States Congressional Candidates for MO7 will be given seven (7) minutes 
without interruption to say who they are, why they are most qualified for 
Congress, and where American Patriots who are also voting citizens can contact 

New broadcast time for this "Reflecting r Republic" special, from 7:00-8:30 AM 

Call-in Number: (646) 929-1024
MONDAY MARCH 1, 2010 FROM 7:00-8:30 AM CST 

7:02-7:09 TIM DAVIS, Democrat 
7:12-7:19 JEFFREY WISDOM, Republican 
7:22-7:29 GARY NODLER, Republican 
7:32-7:39 MIKE MOON, Republican 
7:42-7:49 DARRELL L MOORE, Republican 
7:53-8:00 JACK GOODMAN, Republican 
8:03-8:10 BILLY LONG, Republican 
8:13-8:20 KEVIN CRAIG, Libertarian 
8:23-8:30 DEAN MOORE, independent 

To RSVP, follow the link below:
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[MoLiCo] Physician: Two-thirds of ObamaCare passed in stimulus package

2010-02-23 Thread Glenn Gohr

This was posted on the 912 list today...
BREAKING NEWS: 2/3 of ObamaCare passed in Stimulus Package!!!

Posted by Jared Law on February 23, 2010 at 1:57pm in Activism/Events 
Send Message   View Discussions 

This is very disturbing, it's precisely the sort of thing that Glenn Beck has 
been warning about for a long time, and IMHO, WE MUST STOP ALL LEGISLATION FROM 
PASSING until we have a chance to take out the garbage in November!!

Here's the story:

Physician: Two-thirds of ObamaCare passed in stimulus package

February 23, 2:40 PMConservative ExaminerAnthony G. Martin

A nationally-recognized physician has written a stunning article in which she 
says that two-thirds of the government takeover of healthcare is already law 
under the provisions of the stimulus package approved by Congress last year.
She further asserts that the bill that is now being debated, which Obama 
unleashed yesterday morning, is the dreaded 'third rail' that will effectively 
seize the remaining third of the industry that is not under government control.
While most citizens, including conservatives such as this writer, were focused 
on the avalanche of proposals with which Obama and company bombarded Congress 
last year, apparently the fact that hidden within the massive trillion-dollar 
stimulus package, which most Congressmen and Senators never bothered to read, 
was a key healthcare provision that was overlooked. 
The stimulus bill laid down two-thirds of the government takeover of healthcare 
by creating a national database for the health information of all Americans, 
thus ditching the time-honored principle of privacy, and by approving a 
provision that will mandate healthcare rationing based upon the ultimate cost 
and value of treating certain citizens.
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet lays out in frightening detail what has already 
happened and what is to come in the proposed 'third rail' that Obama proposed 
That 'third rail' is the takeover and control of the health insurance industry.
Once this third component is approved, which Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid 
declared would be done regardless, the destruction of the U.S. Healthcare 
System will be complete and the foundation will be laid upon which to build an 
entirely new structure, complete with rationing for the elderly and severely 
ill and disabled, taxpayer funded abortions, a national database that contains 
ALL of your formerly private medical information, not to mention the key 
component of the President's plan that all citizens be required to purchase 
insurance or else face heavy penalties by the government.
Why is this called 'the third rail?'  Those who are familiar with the subway 
system in large cities know that the commonly accepted adage for subway 
passenger safety is 'avoid the third rail.'  That is the rail that carries the 
electrical current and is the one that will kill you.
America as a nation is about to step on the third rail.  Two-thirds of the best 
healthcare system in all of the world has been destroyed by Obama and the 
Democrats with their 'stimulus bill.'  The upcoming third rail is a killer.  It 
will change everything from top to bottom.
Given that politicians cannot be depended upon to stop the onslaught of attacks 
on individual liberty and free markets, the only ones left to stop the marching 
hoof-beats toward Marxist slavery are the individual citizens.
If this report is accurate, we must redouble our efforts to stop the current 
hostile takeover of our Health Care System! 
Time to start making some more phone calls, wouldn't you say? Here is their 
contact information:


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[MoLiCo] Springfield Resistance meeting, Sat. Feb. 27th

2010-02-11 Thread Glenn Gohr

The next meeting of the Springfield Resistance will be held on Saturday, 
February 27, 2010 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Midtown Carnegie Library, 397 E. 
Central, Springfield, MO.
The meeting had to be changed to the 4th Saturday due to a conflict in 
scheduling at the Library.
Speakers will be Galen Chadwick of the Well-Fed Neighborhood Alliance. The 
president of the Ozarks Minutemen will also be speaking.
The WFNA is a local group of citizens who are dedicated to Local Food Security, 
the Re-localization of our food supply, and the sustainable, vibrant, local 
economy that this will produce. Last year the 1000 Gardens project was one of 
the results of their efforts.
Very few citizens realize that currently the majority of the many thousands of 
pounds of food needed to feed Springfield on a daily basis come from over one 
thousand miles away. In the 1940s, Missouri was a net exporter of food (we 
grew/shipped out more than we purchased) but today we grow only about 5% of our 
needs. At any point in time, there is only about a three-day supply of food 
necessary to feed the 150,000 residents of this city. Any significant 
disruption (ice storm, earthquake, terrorist attack, etc.) in our food or 
energy supply chain could result in an almost immediate crisis in our ability 
to feed ourselves.
Two of the key statements of the Minutemen are these:
We believe that it is the responsibility of Federal and State governments to 
secure our borders, police and control illegal immigration, and enact and 
enforce legislation which prevents illegal aliens from working in the United 
We believe that our government has failed in its responsibility to the American 
people with respect to border control and illegal immigration. Accordingly, we, 
the Ozarks Minutemen, believe that it is our duty as citizens, acting within 
the law, to prevent further damage to our communities, our economies, and our 
way of life by illegal immigration.
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[MoLiCo] Red Light Camera Protest

2010-02-11 Thread Glenn Gohr

February 14, Sunday--Red Light Camera Protest--Noon - 3pm

Organized by the Liberty Restoration Project & many other groups.
Make signs and join us at Glenstone & Sunshine

There will be handouts of the top 15 reasons why citizens should be concerned 
about red light cameras and 5 ways to prevent red light running. 


This is a Nationwide event.  There is a group on Facebook promoting this and 
giving updates on a national level.  It is called "NATIONWIDE RED LIGHT CAMERA 
Here's an updated list to the cities that are getting involved and protesting 
Red Light Cameras this Sunday, Valentine's Day. The word is getting out about 
this Valentine's Day protest. Here's the list of cities already involved:

Date: Sunday, February 14, Noon
Location: Intersection of Derrene and Abercorn

Date: Sunday, February 14, Noon - 3pm
Location: 39th and Southwest Trafficway

Date: Sunday, February 14, Noon
Location: Intersection Broadway and Providence Road

Date: Sunday, February 14th, Noon
Location: TBA

Date: Sunday, February 14, Noon
Location: Intersection of Glenstone and Sunshine

Date: Sunday, February 14, 2pm
Location: TBA

Date: Sunday, February 14th, Noon to 3 pm CT
Location: Intersection of Addison & Western

Date: Sunday, February 14, Noon
Location: S Broad St & S Penn Square

Date: Sunday, February 14th, Noon to 3 pm CT
Location: Intersection of Clayton and Hanley Road

Date: Sunday, February 14, Noon
Location: American Traffic Solutions HQ in Ahwatukee
9801 S 51st Phoenix, AZ 85044

Join us, won't you? Let's get these sCameras banned!!!

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RE: Deborah Solomon for U S Senate from Missouri

2010-01-29 Thread Glenn Gohr

I'd have to agree with what Charity says on the issues she mentioned.  I was 
bothered by what Solomon said on government-controlled morality and also by 
approving sporting guns only.  Doesn't make good sense, and it goes against the 
intent of the second amendment.  I have some problems with some of her other 
views as well.  People need to wake up and realize that what is written in the 
Constitution is there for good reason.

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Deborah Solomon for U S Senate from Missouri

2010-01-29 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is a message I received from Deborah Solomon of Independence, Missouri, 
who is running for U.S. Senate.  I am not endorsing her, but I want people to 
be aware of what she stands for.

From: Deborah Solomon [mailto:deb...@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 12:36 AM
To: Glenn Gohr
Subject: Fw: Deborah Solomon for U S Senate from Missouri

Subject: Deborah Solomon for U S Senate from Missouri


January 28, 2010

To my Assembly of God friends,

I have been privileged to be a part of the Assemblies of God all my life!  I 
also have family members that are Assembly of God ministers.  I am running for 
the U S SENATE from MISSOURI that Kit Bond is retiring from.  I BELIEVE THERE 
and TURN the TIDE for the NEXT GENERATION!   I have lived in the great state of 
Missouri for most of my life!  With God's help I have put together 
approximately 13,000 friends and contacts, throughout the world, on the social 
networks Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.  

SENATE CAMPAIGN, however, I'M GOING TO NEED YOUR HELP!  I would be honored if 
you would visit my political website and read about my views and consider 
becoming a political supporter by CLICKING HERE:  http://www.deborahsolomon.net 

I would appreciate if you have the opportunity to e-mail my campaign website 
information to any of your friends, family or associates.  I BELIEVE THERE HAS 
NEVER BEEN A MORE IMPORTANT TIME THAN NOW!  I pray everyday "Even so come Lord 
Jesus" and if by tomorrow we are still here I pray that God will give us wisdom 

Sincerely In Christ,

Deborah Solomon for U S Senate from Missouri
Independence, MO
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Conservative Resistance

2010-01-09 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is one more like-minded group that is involved in conservative restance:




This main site has lots of discussions and files to look at.


The group is also on Facebook:


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Freedom Alliance meeting, Sat. Jan. 9, 2010 at 2:30 p.m.

2010-01-05 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is a copy of an e-mail from Tom Taylor about the Freedom Alliance meeting 
this Saturday. Jan. 9, 2010 which takes place at the Library Center on South 
Campbell at 2:30 p.m.
In getting this e-mail you are invited to be a part of a “Freedom Alliance”. 
This alliance includes people who are members of these following groups in SW 
MO, but their official groups may not be. People attending will be from such 
freedom loving groups as: The Tea Party Patriots, Resist Net, 912ers, Campaign 
for Liberty, John Birch Society, Minute Men, SW MO Conservatives, Well Fed 
Neighbor, Ozark Property Rights Congress, Oath Keepers and others.
Each of these groups is doing a wonderful job in awakening the nation, if you 
are not a part of any of them, I'm sure any group would greatly welcome you. 
Those who are members of these groups, please spread the word among them about 
the Sat 9, 2010, 2:30 meeting listed below.
The goal is simple: We must protect our Food Supply while re-localizing our 
local economy. FOOD AND JOBS. That's it! All other differences must be put 
aside. If we can't eat on our own, FEMA camps and RFID chips may be our only 
Henry Kissinger said, “Control the food control the people.” The terminator 
seed company is working to do just that. It is being used in other countries 
right now. If it works on other populations it can work on us. 
There are a number of positive solutions that we will be discussing and it is 
important that we all become involved now! There is no one politician, 
presidential candidate or political party that is going to fix this. But there 
is you. You can save the situation. You can be the Paul Revere, Thomas Paine or 
Thomas Jefferson to your own friends. It is you that holds all the cards. So we 
pray that you attend our little get together. 
This meeting so important that one of our speakers will be traveling over 100 
miles to get here. The importance of this meeting can not be underestimated. 
Destiny hangs in the balance. 
Right now the constitution is hanging by a thread and some people argue it is 
the same for the Bill of Rights. Right now we have a window of opportunity; it 
is imperative that we act now!
In order to get the ball rolling we are going to meet in the auditorium at:
The Library Center (South of the New Sam's Club), 4653 S Campbell Ave, 
Springfield, Mo
January 9, 2010 from 2:30 to 4:55  (Saturday) 
You are encouraged to bring at least 3 new people; new people who are 
constitutionally minded. You will want to have your own notebook, pen, and 
contact information so as to network with others. Patriot business cards with 
your email address and favorite web sites will be good to trade with others. 
Speakers will be: 
Galen Chadwick from: The Well Fed Neighbor Alliance.
Bob Parker from: The Property Rights Congress & Freedom 21
Denise Hay from: Resist Net and the Springfield 912ers
The goal is for each of us to:
1.  Get the big picture and a game plan.
2.  To spread the word through DVDs, CDs, mp3 files and email. 
3.  To network with other groups.
4.  To come up with a weekly personal action plan like:
a. Pass out cd's, dvd's and booklets. b. Call into your local radio talk shows. 
c. Write a letters to the editor or legislators. d. Contribute to existing 
blogs. e. Go down the rabbit hole a little further yourself. f. Attend a 
conference phone call or start one. g. Get your own business card with web 
sites on the back to pass out to the general public. h. Have an in home Tea 
In order to get a lot from this meeting it is highly recommended that we watch 
these videos or listen to these mp3 downloads:
Vocal Local by William Roberts. Talk radio sample (866-841-1056)
Galen Chadwick
Sheriff Mack:
Looking forward to seeing you.
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7th District Grassroots Precinct Leadership Seminar, December 19, 2009

2009-12-08 Thread Glenn Gohr

A specially-organized precinct leadership seminar is being held on Saturday, 
December 19, 2009 in the upstairs meeting room at the Midtown Carnegie Library 
from 2:00-5:00 p.m.  Members of the Campaign For Liberty and Patriotic 
Resistance helped to organize this, and it looks like a really good informative 
meeting.  There will be guest speakers from out of town.
The 7th District Grassroots Precinct Leadership Training Seminar is a 
non-partisan effort sponsored by elements of both the Campaign for Liberty and 
the Patriotic Resistance organizations to educate residents of the 7th 
Congressional District about the most powerful political office in the United 
States--the office of Precinct Committeeman.
Learn about the office of Precinct Committeeman, why it is the most powerful 
political office in the U.S., how it is the basis of all grassroots political 
activity, and how becoming a Committee person can help you take real action 
locally to restore the Constitution and aid the freedom movement.
Guest Speakers will include William Roberts, host of the Vocal Local radio 
show, on the Oracle Broadcasting Network. Mr. Roberts is a researcher scholar 
and theorist of precinct based political activism. He will be speaking on the 
role of the Committee Person as the foundation of the American political system.
Eric Vought, President of The Statesmen For Our Consitutional Republic and 
Coordinator of the 7th District Campaign for Liberty will be speaking on the 
role of the Central Committees in shaping policy.
Catherine Bleish will be giving a presentation on this year in Missouri 
politics and why it now more than ever necessary to regain control of our 
government by regaining control of our precinct-representation. She is 
Executive Director the Liberty Restoration Project. She has been a National 
Delegate to the 2008 Republican Convention, and a Missouri Delegate to the 2009 
Continental Congress as well as a strong leader in the fight against the 
un-Constitutional MIAC Report.
Paul D. Sims of Rolla is the former 8th District Coordinator of the Patriotic 
Resistance and in 2008 he ran as a conservative candidate for Missouri 
Lieutenant Governor.  He will be addressing precinct committees and 
liberty-minded people running for office.
We will also be taking up donations to help defray expenses for those coming 
from out of town.   It should be good.  Hope to see you there.  
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Traffic/security cameras on Division Street

2009-12-02 Thread Glenn Gohr

I was driving down Division Street today and noticed a new traffic camera, and 
it looks like at least two more on Division are forthcoming (and these are not 
major intersections).  


One new camera is at the intersection of Division and Robberson  (NW edge of 
the Cox North Hospital).  It is a black bubble type pointing down, similar to 
what you see in Walmart and other places where there are security cameras.


Then there are wires and the base set up for a camera to be installed at 
Division and Washington (next to Central Christian Church and a crosswalk area 
for school children).


Then another camera looks like it will be set up at Division and Sherman (next 
to Tony's Spaghetti).


I didn't drive any further down Division checking for these cameras, and I 
didn't happen to notice any others while traveling elsewhere in the city today. 
 Has anyone else seen these cameras?  And if they are going up on less major 
intersections like these, then it seems like pretty soon they will be showing 
up at every traffic light.


What is the idea here?  Whose idea was this?  Where did the money come from?  
What is the purpose?   Why?  Why?  Why?

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Petition to protest forced vaccines

2009-11-07 Thread Glenn Gohr

This was on the WE THE PEOPLE website.  I signed the petition at the bottom.




***Group Alert***HELP***Do you want your child vaccinated at school? 
Posted by: "mofmars333" mofmars...@yahoo.com   mofmars333 
Sat Nov 7, 2009 7:45 am (PST) 

We need these signatures & you don't have to be a healthcare worker to sign. We 
know the mandate for H1N1 vaccination was reversed but the Healthcare workers 
who came out in protest that won that decision know they're not home free yet.

They have gathered here to plan their strategy: 

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NY-Vaccine-Strategy-Forum/ , & need your help.

If the shots become mandatory you may wish you'd signed. Now pass this 
everywhere & do your part because if you read their messages you'll see what 
they're doing & how badly they need your signature.

"First they came for the Healthcare workers, and I did not speak out—because I 
was not a Healthcare worker; Then they came for the ... 

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RE: Speech

2009-09-08 Thread Glenn Gohr

Linda and all,

I ended up sending a note to my son's school this morning to have him excused 
for a number of reasons:  1) the school failed to notify me or my son that they 
would be showing the speech, 2) I had called the school on Friday, and they 
said they would send a note home, but they didn't, 3) From my perspective 
giving a speech like this to school kids could be used as a foot in the door 
(so to speak) to eventually lay out an agenda for a proposed "youth army" which 
the President has talked about, 4) the school my son attends had low overall 
test scores last year, so it seems they need to concentrate on core classes and 
not much extra, and 5) it seems the school system, teachers, and parents were 
not given enough advance notice of this.


This morning I learned the school changed its mind from what they told me on 
Friday.  They did not show the speech today, but select teachers and classes 
are planning to maybe show the speech at some future time.  Now that the text 
of the speech has been shared on the internet and now that the actual 
presentation has been aired, school administrators, teachers, and parents can 
all preview what was said and evaluate it.  Apparently from all I've seen, some 
of the content of the message was changed as well as the study questions being 
changed due to some complaints beforehand.  So apparently the complaints did 
make a difference.  The final product is something that I can accept in a 
spirit of goodwill.


Here is an article by the head of the Republican Party in Florida who opposed 
the original version of the speech but now is happy with the final draft:





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Healthcare "Listening Forum"

2009-08-30 Thread Glenn Gohr
For anyone going to the Healthcare "Listening Forum" in Springfield on
Monday at 12:30, I've been told to get there at least by 11:00 a.m. (if not
sooner). Looks like it is first come, first served. Also, if you haven't
seen it, Obama and the Healthcare Advocates are pushing a placard to print
out and bring to the meeting to show support. Hopefully we can come up with
something as an alternative to these sigs.

MyBarackObama.com sent me this note:

Thanks for RSVPing to a health care event in your area.

Visibly showing your support for reform is one of the most important things
you can do at the event.

Would you please print off a flyer to hold up at your event?

Click here to download and print it:



Organizing for America

P.S. -- Please don't forget to be respectful of all attendees at these
events. We're not trying to out-yell our opposition, but rather to show them
who has the best ideas about reforming our nation's health care system.


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RE: The Phony Healthcare Debate

2009-08-23 Thread Glenn Gohr

I agree 100%.  I found out the same thing when checking on this.  The
Democratic Party is making calls galore to get people en masse to come to
the Town Hall meeting in Springfield.  I'd be curious what special
information they are giving out to those on the other end of the calls.

I sincerely hope the newspaper prints the letter.

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Fw: Interim Committee Formed to Study Controversial MIAC Report

2009-06-01 Thread Glenn Gohr

The local liberty-minded groups in Southwest Missouri and around the State
need to discuss this, get a consensus, get a list to present ideas, etc, &
then attend the hearings that Bob Dixon says will be conducted around the




June 1, 2009
Speaker Ron Richard
(537) 751-2173 
Rep. Bob Dixon
(417) 343-9560

Interim Committee Formed to Study Controversial
Report Issued by Missouri Information Analysis Center 
Jefferson City, MO -  On May 27, 2009, Missouri House Speaker Ron Richard,
R-Joplin, announced the creation of an Interim Committee on State
Intelligence Analysis Oversight to take a closer look at the origins of a
controversial report issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center.
Speaker Richard named Rep. Bob Dixon, R-Springfield, to chair the committee,
which has been charged with reviewing procedures for gathering, analyzing
and distributing information to law enforcement agencies. 
"Representative Dixon has been vocal in expressing his concerns about the
report issued by MIAC and he is one of the driving forces behind the
creation of this committee. I believe he is the ideal choice to lead our
efforts as we work to ensure there is an adequate level of oversight for
MIAC and the reports they produce," said Speaker Richard.

 The controversy surrounding MIAC began in February when a report issued by
the center linked supporters of third-party candidates and conservative
causes to militias. Because of the controversial report, questions arose
regarding the methods used by MIAC to compile reports and the amount of
oversight involved in the process. Lingering concerns among his constituents
about the process prompted Rep. Dixon to call for the Missouri House to hold
hearings on the issue. As the chair of the newly-formed interim committee,
Rep. Dixon will conduct hearings on MIAC procedures with the goal of
ensuring an adequate level of oversight.

 "I thank Speaker Richard for moving quickly on this issue and asking me to
chair the interim committee that will address this matter. I will work with
the committee members to make certain that future reports issued by MIAC are
compiled properly in a way that is adequately supervised," said Rep. Dixon.

 The interim committee will hold hearings around the state in the months
following the end of the legislative session.

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For those who fly

2009-06-01 Thread Glenn Gohr

This notice was just sent to me today by Great Southern Travel which issues 
flight arrangements for my work here in Springfield.  I will have to complete 
this information before the next time I fly.  Some of this information is 
rather interesting, in light of the MIAC report, etc.



To All Great Southern Travel Customers; 
A new passenger screening program knows as Secure Flight requires us to provide 
additional information to the airlines as we book your reservations.  It is 
important to follow these instructions to alleviate any additional security 
measures that you may be subjected to. 
1.  Name on your ticket – the reservation must be ticketed with your name 
exactly as it appears on your photo ID.   Your driver’s license may be 
different than your passport so you must be aware of how each is listed when 
you book your reservation. 
2.  Date of Birth
3.  Gender
4.  Optional Redress Number:  TSA issued code assigned to certain 
passengers whose names have erroneously appeared on the watch list.  You will 
know if you have been assigned this number as you will have contacted TSA to 
obtain one.  
We will modify your travel profiles to reflect this information for future 
bookings to avoid having to ask for this repetitively.  
The biggest challenge you may face is how your name appears on your frequent 
flyer accounts.  Again the name on your ticket must match your photo ID, so 
your frequent flyer account must also match your photo ID or you may not 
receive the applicable mileage credit.  
Most programs will also allow you to modify your profile on line if you have 
access.  It is important that you address this as soon as possible to avoid any 
problems.  As your travel agent we cannot modify your frequent flyer accounts, 
only the account holder is allowed to do so for security reasons. 
Full Legal Name 
   (Exactly as it appears on your government issued 
photo identification)
Date of Birth: //___
Gender:   [ ] Male   [ ] Female
Redress Number if applicable: ___
Contact Number: __
(This is just for our information if we have any 
questions of you)
Please fax this form to 417-888-4499 or email your agent
Secure Flight — Background 
On Oct. 28, 2008, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) published 
the Final Rule for the new Secure Flight passenger-screening program. This 
marks the culmination of an effort that began with Congressional passage of the 
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004. This law required TSA 
to assume responsibility for conducting pre-flight comparison of passenger 
information to Federal government terrorist watch lists - a job that has until 
now been performed by the airlines. Secure Flight will match name, date of 
birth and gender information for each passenger against government watch lists 
Identify known and suspected terrorists 
Prevent individuals on the No Fly List from boarding an aircraft 
Identify individuals on the Selectee List for enhanced screening 
Facilitate passenger air travel 
Protect individuals' privacy 
After matching passenger information against government watch lists, TSA will 
transmit the results back to the airlines, giving them the authority to print 
boarding passes.

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150 Marines ship out Wednesday morning. Can you be there?

2009-05-05 Thread Glenn Gohr
Here is a note from Vincent David Jericho of KSGF Radio.  Apparently this is
a BIG thing.  Not only has Vince been talking about this, but my work (the
Assemblies of God Headquarters on Boonville Avenue) has given permission for
any of our employees to go to this event to support these soldiers.  If you
are free around 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, this would be a positive thing to
do to Celebrate the American Spirit.  Come and show your support.





From: News Talk KSGF [mailto:k...@listeneremail.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 4:30 PM
To: Glenn Gohr
Subject: 150 Marines ship out Wednesday morning. Can you be there?








This is a special invitation for you to join News Talk KSGF's Vincent David
Jericho as he broadcasts a special show from 6am to 10:30am tomorrow morning
from Commercial Street in support of 150 Marines who are leaving to fight
overseas. He will be set up outside of Big Momma's Coffee & Espresso Bar
(217 E. Commercial St.) 

The marines will be leaving the Reserve Center around 10am and driving down
Commercial Street (from National to Kansas Expressway) on the way to the
airport and we would like you to line Commercial Street in support of the

Please come early as parking will be limited. Feel free to bring your flags
and signs of support for our troops. There will also be a limited amount of
supplies on Commercial Street to make your own sign.

hives_...@hotmail.com>  here to learn more about "Celebrate the American

We hope to see you there, 
News Talk KSGF Staff




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Re: Jeremy Cady for Zone 3

2009-05-05 Thread Glenn Gohr
Here is a note from Jeremy Cady.  He was in the running to fill the vacated
Zone 3 on the Springfield City Council.  The final decision was made last
night.  He was one of 3 finalists, but he didn't quite make it.


We are sorry he didn't make it, but we still support him in all that he




Didn't quite make it


Wanted to thank everyone again for your support.  It was greatly appreciated
and there isn't any way I would have made it this far without it.


Sorry that I didn't make it though, I would have been honored to have been
able to serve each of you on council.


My sincerest apologies and thanks again!



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"Cady for Zone 3"

2009-05-02 Thread Glenn Gohr

Jeremy W. Cady sent a message to the members of Cady for Zone 3.

Subject: On to Monday

I wanted to say thank you to each of you for your help and support...it is
greatly appreciated.

I have no doubt that the messages sent to the current council helped us work
our way up into the top 3.

However, we're not quite done yet, if you're one of the few that haven't yet
contacted Springfield Council, you still can.  We've made it to Monday night
and with your message to council, we could be attending the oath of office
May 18th.

Please let council know what you think.  Please tell others that they need
to tell council what they think.

Messages can be left over the weekend as well.

City Council contact information
Phone: 417-864-1651
E-Mail: citycoun...@springfieldmo.gov

Thank you again!


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Council to quiz three remaining finalists

2009-05-02 Thread Glenn Gohr

Council to quiz three remaining finalists



Jeremy Cady is one of three finalists vying for Ralph Manley's seat on City
Council (Zone 3).  Feel free to log in to the News-Leader website and
include some positive comments on Jeremy's behalf as a response to this
article.  The decision will be made Monday night at the City Council

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FW: Missouri: Ask State Senators to Protect REAL ID-Compliant Driver’s Licenses

2009-04-23 Thread Glenn Gohr

This looks like really bad news to me.  I've usually been in favor of the 
issues that Numbers USA promotes, but this is one issue that I disagree totally 
on.  I am very much in favor of Jim Guest's anti-REAL ID stance.  We need to 
promote HB 361.


Numbers makes it sound like the REAL ID is a way to counter illegal immigration 
(but of course it won't do that if the President and others push for a large 
amnesty bill).  Any ideas how we can get Numbers to change their view on this 
and how we can counter this attack on what Jim Guest is promoting?
Numbers has a huge following, so this will be hard to overcome.
I am against the REAL ID.  The REAL ID ACT is a federal program to force all 
Americans to carry a national ID card, a violation of our freedom and an 
invasion of our privacy.
--Glenn Gohr

Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:39:05 -0400
From: immigrationi...@numbersusa.com
To: archives_...@hotmail.com
Subject: Missouri: Ask State Senators to Protect REAL ID-Compliant Driver’s 


 Ask State Senators to Protect REAL ID-Compliant Driver’s Licenses

This is a special message for NumbersUSA members in Missouri.

Dear Missouri friends,

The Missouri House recently passed a bill (HB 361) sponsored by Rep. Jim Guest 
that would prohibit the State from complying with the secure-license 
requirements of the federal REAL ID Act, which are designed to prevent illegal 
aliens from getting standard driver’s licenses. If the State is non-compliant 
when REAL ID takes effect, Missouri driver’s licenses would no longer be valid 
for identification purposes when boarding an airplane. Moreover, the State will 
be foregoing the protections called for by the 9/11 Commission to prevent 
terrorists from obtaining driver’s licenses.

We hope to be able to defeat this measure in the State Senate again this year, 
but need your assistance in contacting key Senators. The Senate defeated the 
same measure in 2007 and 2008. Talking points and more background on REAL ID 
are included below.

The measure will likely be taken up again this year by the Senate Committee on 
Judiciary, Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence. If you are a constituent of one of 
the committee members listed below, we strongly urge you to call and email your 
Senator to ask for a NO vote on HB 361. If you are not a constituent of one of 
these Senators, please contact your own Senator to ask him/her to work for the 
defeat of HB 361. A Senate sponsor for the bill has not come forward yet, but 
last year’s bill (HB 1716) was sponsored by Sen. Chuck Purgason (R-33).

If you need to look up your Senator’s name, click on this link -- 
http://www.senate.mo.gov/llookup/leg_lookup.aspx -- then type in your zip code 
and click “Lookup Legislators." Select your State Senator from the list on the 
next page to obtain contact information.

All Senators use a standard email form. To email your Senator, please click on 
this link -- http://www.senate.mo.gov/webmail/mail_form.aspx -- and enter your 
name, address and comments. The form on that page will email your submittal to 
your Senator.

Senate Committee on Judiciary, Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence

Matt Bartle (R-8) Chairman (573) 751-1464

Jack Goodman (R-29) Vice-Chairman & Asst. Floor Leader (573) 751-2234 

Jane Cunningham (R-7) (573) 751-1186

Rob Mayer (R-25) (573) 751-3859

Kurt Schaefer (R-19) (573) 751-3931

Jolie Justus (D-10) (573) 751-2788

Jeff Smith (D-4)  (573) 751-3599

Talking Points

Please work to defeat HB 361, a House-passed bill that would prevent Missouri 
from adopting the secure-driver’s license requirements under the federal REAL 
ID Act.  We needs driver’s licenses that will help law enforcement protect 
national security, prevent identity theft, and combat illegal immigration.

If the State is non-compliant when REAL ID takes effect, Missouri driver’s 
licenses would no longer be valid for identification purposes when boarding an 
airplane or conducting business in a federal building. The proponents of HB 361 
argue that this is not important because any Missourian can apply with the 
federal government or the airlines to receive identification acceptable to meet 
security restrictions. Why should I have to go through this extra trouble? It’s 
already enough trouble to re-apply for a driver’s license.

The proponents of HB 361 were spreading misinformation about REAL ID in their 
effort to pass it in the House. For example, contrary to their claims, REAL ID 
is not a pre-cursor to a national ID card. In fact, it’s the best defense 
against government forcing a national ID card on citizens. Do not believe them 
when the Senate takes up the bill!

REAL ID does not create a centralized federal database containing personal 
information about all Americans from which information can be shared without 
any controls. Each state’s DMV would maintain driver information, 

Council should hold Burris accountable in e-mail issue

2009-04-20 Thread Glenn Gohr
I enjoyed the editorial in Sunday's News-Leader:


Council should hold Burris accountable in e-mail issue



I'm glad the News-Leader is still looking for some answers and
accountability on this issue.

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FW: Police/Fire Pension Fund Citizens' Task Force

2009-04-12 Thread Glenn Gohr

From: ronpaul...@meetup.com [mailto:ronpaul...@meetup.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:59 PM
To: ronpaul...@meetup.com
Subject: [ronpaul-29] Police/Fire Pension Fund Citizens' Task Force


Citizens who want to apply for a spot on the Police/Fire Pension Fund
Citizens' Task Force have another opportunity to do so by 5 p.m. Thursday,
April 16th, an announcement from the city said.


The application can be submitted online at  


Citizens who don't have access to the Internet can call 864-1010 to have a
copy of the application mailed to them, or they can visit the Busch
Building, 840 Boonville Ave., to pick up an application form during regular
business hours.



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RE: If your child's school allows "Day of Silence" propaganda, keep your child at home April 17

2009-04-08 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is info. from OneNewsNow, sponsored by the American Family Assocation:


Congress to vote on 'Day of Silence' 
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 4/8/2009 5:00:00 AM
A pro-family advocate is urging people to voice their concern over a resolution 
sitting before Congress.


Congressional Resolution 92 will receive an up-or-down vote on or before April 
17, which is the National Day of Silence -- a day when students across America 
are encouraged to show their support for the homosexual community by refusing 
to speak.
The resolution seeks to affirm congressional support for the event and 
encourage local education authorities to adopt policies that prevent bullying 
based on sexual orientation. Laurie Higgins is the director of the division of 
school advocacy with the Illinois Family Institute (IFI).
"It requests that the president issue a proclamation calling on the people of 
the United States to observe the National Day of Silence with appropriate 
ceremonies, programs, and activities," she explains.
Higgins urges concerned citizens to contact their congressmen and strongly 
express their concern. The resolution, she argues, is an outrage, and adds that 
Congress has no right to take a position on this issue, which is being pushed 
by a group known as GLSEN, or the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network.
"GLSEN has particular political goals," Higgins contends. "They go much farther 
beyond ending bullying to attempting to transform students' views on the nature 
and morality of homosexuality."
The IFI is also encouraging parents to pull their kids out of school for the 
day if their school is participating in the Day of Silence on April 17.

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RE: If your child's school allows "Day of Silence" propaganda, keep your child at home April 17

2009-04-08 Thread Glenn Gohr

My Middle School son says he has never heard of anything like this (but he was 
home schooled the last 3 years & this is his first year in public Middle 


My high school son says that some people will adhere to the silence kick on 
that day, but it is a select few.  Apparently the school system lets the kids 
be silent for this "cause."  I don't know if any teachers follow this silence 
practice for a day (if so, there would be no teaching).  That's all I could get 
out of my two sons.  My older son attends Central High School.



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Communities print own currencies to keep cash flowing

2009-04-06 Thread Glenn Gohr
USA Today online, 4/6/2009:



Communities print own currencies to keep cash flowing

By Marisol Bello, USA TODAY

A small but growing number of cash-strapped communities are printing their
own money.

Borrowing from a Depression-era idea, they are aiming to help consumers make
ends meet and support struggling local businesses.

The systems generally work like this: Businesses and individuals form a
network to print currency. Shoppers buy it at a discount - say, 95 cents for
$1 value - and spend the full value at stores that accept the currency.

Workers with dwindling wages are paying for groceries, yoga classes and fuel
with Detroit Cheers, Ithaca Hours in New York, Plenty in North Carolina or
BerkShares in Massachusetts.

Ed Collom, a University of Southern Maine sociologist who has studied local
currencies, says they encourage people to buy locally. Merchants, hurting
because customers have cut back on spending, benefit as consumers spend the
local cash.

"We wanted to make new options available," says Jackie Smith of South Bend,
Ind., who is working to launch a local currency. "It reinforces the message
that having more control of the economy in local hands can help you cushion
yourself from the blows of the marketplace."

About a dozen communities have local currencies, says Susan Witt, founder of
BerkShares in the Berkshires region of western Massachusetts. She expects
more to do it.

Under the BerkShares system, a buyer goes to one of 12 banks and pays $95
for $100 worth of BerkShares, which can be spent in 370 local businesses.
Since its start in 2006, the system, the largest of its kind in the country,
has circulated $2.3 million worth of BerkShares. In Detroit, three business
owners are printing $4,500 worth of Detroit Cheers, which they are handing
out to customers to spend in one of 12 shops.

During the Depression, local governments, businesses and individuals issued
currency, known as scrip, to keep commerce flowing when bank closings led to
a cash shortage.

By law, local money may not resemble federal bills or be promoted as legal
tender of the United States, says Claudia Dickens of the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing.

"We print the real thing," she says.

The IRS gets its share. When someone pays for goods or services with local
money, the income to the business is taxable, says Tom Ochsenschlager of the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. "It's not a way to avoid
income taxes, or we'd all be paying in Detroit dollars," he says.

Pittsboro, N.C., is reviving the Plenty, a defunct local currency created in
2002. It is being printed in denominations of $1, $5, $20 and $50. A local
bank will exchange $9 for $10 worth of Plenty.

"We're a wiped-out small town in America," says Lyle Estill, president of
Piedmont Biofuels, which accepts the Plenty. "This will strengthen the local
economy. ... The nice thing about the Plenty is that it can't leave here."

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FW: Libertarians are not Terrorists

2009-03-23 Thread Glenn Gohr
I just received the note below from the Southwest Missouri Libertarian
YahooGroup regarding the MIAC statement.


The text of John Britt's letter is included in the Life of Jason Blog:






From: southwest_missouri_libertarian_pa...@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:southwest_missouri_libertarian_pa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 10:57 PM
To: southwest_missouri_libertarian_pa...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [southwest_missouri_libertarian_party] Libertarians are not
Terrorists (Except Doug)


The Missouri Libertarian Party and 2008 Presidential Candidate Bob Barr, and
other Third Party Candidates got a apology from the director of the Missouri
Department of Public Safety on March 23,2009.The report listed many third
party's and their candidates supporters as possible (Extreme Right Wing
Militia Members).Thanks to the Missouri Libertarian Party and their
spokesman Mike Ferguson who spearheaded the effort Libertarians across
Missouri can be assured that they will not be profiled as possible
terrorists in the future. We would also like to thank the Missouri
Constitution Party and especially Cindy Redburn, Secretary of the Missouri
Constitution Party for her help coordinating there party's response. Keith
and I will be doing a show tomorrow night March 24, at 9 pm to clear up any
unfinished business concerning this matter. Feel free to listen to our show
or call in. www.blogtalkradio.com/showmelibertarians 
the call in number is 347-215-8507.

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Right.org bailout video

2009-03-18 Thread Glenn Gohr

Just heard about this.  It sounds like a really great opportunity for someone 
(if you win).  But even if you don't win, we can't have enough videos showing 
how ludicrous and bad the bailouts are:




Make a 30-second video exposing the bailout problems, and see if you win.  One 
of my cousins is entering this contest.



The quick facts

The prize:

first place:

second place:

5 runners-up:
$275 Apple Store gift certificates 

Video length:
30 seconds

"Why you oppose the bailouts."

Competition time frame:
February 23 - May 25 (3 months)

a panel of judges will select the winner from among the top 40 most viewed 

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MoDOT lobbies on taxpayer dime

2009-03-09 Thread Glenn Gohr


Here is an article in the Springfield News-Leader about MoDOT employees using 
taxpayer money to lobby for tougher seatbelt laws.  I say BRAVO to Shane 
Schoeller and Brian Yates for fighting this unethical use of taxpayer money.


MoDOT lobbies on taxpayer dime




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RE: Bill: Red-light cameras same as officer stop

2009-03-04 Thread Glenn Gohr

That is a super great idea.  I got stuck in the middle of the intersection at 
Kearney and Kansas yesterday.  I couldn't exit the intersection right away 
because the car in front of me was not out of the way.  The reason for this is 
that there was a long line of cars single file (other lane was closed) between 
Kearney and I-44.  They are doing road construction where Kansas meets with 
I-44.  It scared me that I might get caught by the camera (I don't know if it 
is issuing tickets or not yet).  Fortunately I got out of the intersection 
before the red light came on (but I didn't enter when it was red or even 


Yes, do get the dates the cameras were installed.  There is one set of 
dates--date camera installed, and another date when the camera actually started 
being used to issue tickets.



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Alternative pension plan to be presented this morning in Springfield

2009-02-24 Thread Glenn Gohr

Sorry, but I don't know the time.  This was just posted on the Springfield 
News-Leader website.





Alternative pension plan to be presented this morning in Springfield

February 24, 2009 


A group advocating a different approach to Springfield’s police/fire pension 
fund problem will hold a press conference this morning, according to a news 

Save Our Springfield (SOS) Citizens Coalition plans to give their alternative 
funding plan for solvency. 

Members of the Springfield Police Officers Association and Fire Department will 
attend, according to an e-mail from Mark Wright, a member of the group and 
former state representative.

The news conference will be at Big Momma's Coffee Shop at 217 East Commercial 
Street, the release said.

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Smart Parking Meters

2009-02-24 Thread Glenn Gohr
'Smart' parking meters catching on across U.S.




Here is one more way that city officials can "track" you.  If a parking
meter expires, they know it, and you are ticketed promptly.


I hope this doesn't come to Springfield.  Doesn't anyone realize that some
laws are made as a deterrent, but the original intent was probably not to
punish a person every single time there is a little infraction.  Examples
would be running red lights, going over the time limit on a parking meter or
a 2-hr. parking limit on a street, etc.  The same could be true for any
traffic violation.  Most of these are small infractions.  True, they should
not be encouraged or endorsed, but to be punished via camera, satellite, and
wireless networks leaves no room for error (or for grace).


The article says: ". meters linked by wireless networks that can be remotely
controlled and alert officers to parking violations."

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Price Cutter specials

2009-02-22 Thread Glenn Gohr
It looks like the Price Cutter at Division & Glenstone is going to continue
with their daily manager specials (maybe indefinitely).  Right now they are
also having drawings on Saturdays for a $50 shopping certificate (at the
store) and a flat screen TV.  Here are the daily specials this week (the
store is open until midnight each night):


Sunday 2/22 (today) - Best Choice Large eggs 1 dozen=69 cents (limit 2)

Monday 2/23 -Kellogg's Cereal 2 for $3.00 (Frosted Flakes, Raisin Brain &
Frosted Mini Wheats) (limit 2)

Tuesday 2/24 - 8 piece fried chicken $3.99

Wednesday 2/25 - 15 lbs. russet potatoes $2.99 (limit 2)

Thursday 2/26 - Best Choice sandwich bread 24 oz. 2 for $1.00 (limit 2)

Friday 2/27 - Tenderbird boneless skinless chicken breast 3 lb. bag for
$3.99 (limit 2)

Saturday 2/28 - Best Choice Sugar 4 lbs. for 99 cents (limit 1)


Also have weekly specials (this week end on Tuesday evening).  Right now
they have Buy One Get One Free on several items; seedless grapes (green or
red) for 89 cents a lb.; and several other good deals.


The daily specials are only good at the Division and Glenstone location.



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Re: Price Cutter at Glenstone & Division

2009-02-17 Thread Glenn Gohr
Some may be aware that the new Wal-Mart Supercenter at Glenstone and Kearney
has just opened up its food section.  This has caused some real competition
with the Price Cutter on the corner of Glenstone and Division.  That
particular Price Cutter is running daily manager specials in addition to
having drawings for prizes every Saturday.  They are doing this for at least
the rest of February.  You might want to check out the specials.  Here are
the ones listed for this week:


Tuesday-Whole Rotisserie Chicken--$3.99 each

Wednesday-Best Choice Vegetables-5 cans for $1.00 (limit of 10)

Thursday-Navel Oranges-8 lb. bag--$2.99 each

Friday-Chicken Leg Quarters-10 lb. bag-39 cents a pound (limit 2 packages)

Saturday-Dr. Pepper-12 pack of 12 oz. cans FREE (with purchase of a slab of
Zarda Smoked Pork Ribs at $10.00)


There is also a sale ad that can be picked up at the entrance.  And don't
forget the drawings for prizes.  These specials are only valid at the Price
Cutter at Glenstone and Division.

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Southwest Missouri Town Legalizes Medical Marijuana

2009-02-16 Thread Glenn Gohr
I just wrote up a blog concerning a town in SW Missouri that recently
legalized the medical use of marijuana:


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Tightening the noose on fluoridation in the US

2009-01-19 Thread Glenn Gohr
I am very much against fluoridation in the public water supply.  It is a
toxin, and its usefulness is debatable.  I subscribe to a newsletter that
discusses the need to take fluoride out of the water that we drink.
Springfield, MO is fluoridated, but I understand that Kansas City is not
(Yay!).  Anyway, some of you others may wish to write letters to your local
city water utility or to others in charge of fluoridating the water supply
to work to get this stopped.





From: Paul Connett [mailto:p...@fluoridealert.org] 
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 6:18 PM
To: archives_...@hotmail.com
Subject: FAN Bulletin 1041: Tightening the noose on fluoridation in the US



FAN Bulletin 1041: Tightening the noose on fluoridation in the US

January 19, 2009

Dear Glenn,

Before we get to "the noose" to end fluoridation in the US.  A couple of

We received a delightful note from Roger Masters responding to my discussion
on "keeping score". Roger wrote:

Aristotle defines "excellence" as doing something to the greatest precision
and effectiveness that's possible, WITHOUT REFERENCE TO EITHER REWARD OR
PRAISE. I respect Aristotle and accept his judgment: therefore I don't keep
score.  Get the facts EXACTLY right, then remember Einstein's rule: what's
needed to correct error is a combination of intelligence and stubbornness.
After all, at first a new truth is ignored, then it's attacked, and then
"everyone knows it."   

I'll take a victory with 99 runs over a defeat or even a tie with 100 runs
(whatever the record books say).


2. Fluoridation didn't make it into the top ten issues that the
Obama-Transition team's will be pursuing, at least based on our efforts.
However, the National Health Federation's statement did make it in to the
top issues (see http://www.change.org/ideas) and their statement "Health
Freedom is the First Freedom" did include as one of their health freedoms:
Freedom to drink municipal water free of fluoride and other toxins. 

So fingers crossed that this issue will be addressed by the next
administration. And now:

Tightening the noose on fluoridation in the US

Any one who can read must realize that the days of fluoridation in the US
are numbered. Here is a way to reduce the number of days we have to wait -
at least in the city in which you live.

Here is a three step program suggested to me this afternoon by Maureen Jones
 , a long time fluoridation fighter from

STEP 1. Write this letter to your local water utility:

Dear Director,

Would you please provide to me on your letterhead a reference to one
long-term toxicological study done on the product that you use to fluoridate
our water supply, which supports the certification required by ANSCI/NSF
Standard 60 (see paragraph 3.2.1).


Note: do not give him or her your phone number. You want this in writing and
on their letterhead. For your own information, no such study exists, which
makes what they are doing illegal. 

If they do reply take it to one of your councilors and advance to step 2. If
they refuse to reply, then ask your councilor to get a reply (in writing) on
your behalf. 

STEP 2. When your councilor is suitably shocked by their answer - or puzzled
by their unwillingness to respond - this is the time to give your councilor
the Professionals' Statement calling for an end to fluoridation worldwide,
now signed by over 2000 professionals, with the number rising by the day.
Hopefully, by the time you get to Step 2 you will have in your hands a copy
of our new DVD, "Professional Perspectives on the Fluoridation Debate" and
you should give that to the councilor as well.

STEP 3. Now that you have softened him or her up with the notion that this
practice is not legal (by their own limited standards) nor safe, it is time
to throw the third punch. Tell him or her that when they stop fluoridation
they are going to SAVE MONEY! That message is going to ring very loudly in

If you have any trouble negotiating these three steps please contact either
myself   or Maureen

If you live outside the US you might wish to find out if your country has
similar regulations on the chemicals they add to water.

Happy hunting!

Paul Connett


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KTTS Need-To-Know News

2009-01-17 Thread Glenn Gohr

I hate all the press that is being given to the Police and Firefighters in
regard to the sales tax.  From what I understand, the city is OBLIGATED to
fund the pension fund-regardless of whether a sales tax or anything else is
done-period.  So what is the purpose of using scare tactics and going on and
on about adding another tax on everyone?  Can't we tighten up our belts?
And shouldn't we tighten our belts?



KTTS Need-To-Know News

Police and Firefighters Out in the Cold

On this very cold day, don't be surprised if you get a knock on your door
from a police or firefighter. No, you're not in trouble...they're just there
to encourage folks to vote in the February third election. The president of
the local Springfield firefighters union says its members, with the police
officers association, will go door to door to raise awareness about the
election and the one cent sales tax that will be on the ballot for the
firefighter and police pension fund. The president of the union says the
fund is more than a hundred million dollars in debt, this tax would raise
more than 40-million dollars a year for five years.

6:25am 01/17/2009

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"Cracker Barrel on KTTS"--One cent sales tax

2009-01-16 Thread Glenn Gohr
Here is a note I received from Cracker Barrel.  This will be this Sunday
morning (Jan. 18th).

Cracker Barrel
Call (417)577-7000
7:00-9:00am Sundays



Bill Cantrell sent a message to the members of Cracker Barrel on KTTS.

Subject: Cracker Barrel this wekend.

An invitation to tune in to Cracker Barrel from 7am to 9am Sunday morning on
KTTS 94.7 FM or at KTTS.com. My special guest this week will be Springfield
Assistant Fire Chief David Hall who will talk about the proposed one cent
sales tax that would support the police and firefighter's pension fund.
Listen in and call with your questions/opinions. Thank you for being part of
the Cracker Barrel Facebook group! Invite your friends!!

Bill Cantrell

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RE: our next mayor

2009-01-16 Thread Glenn Gohr

I guess you didn't see the introductory article in the Springfield
News-Leader on Nov. 18, 2008, just after she filed.  She has no degrees.
The initials after her name stand for "poor hungry dangerous."





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RE: 2 questions

2009-01-13 Thread Glenn Gohr

I have to agree with Charity and with Cathy.  Right now, when people hear our 
name, it is unclear just what we stand for.  The CAGE name is easy to remember 
and really says what we are.  It is more focused.  (Also it would dispell any 
thoughts that we might be connected with the Libertarian Party.)  We are 
non-partisan.  I know we talked about this in the beginning, but I really think 
Citizens Against Government Excess is exactly what we are.  I would vote for a 
name change.
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Pension shortfall worsens, Springfield official reports

2009-01-08 Thread Glenn Gohr

Pension shortfall worsens, Springfield official reports
Springfield News-Leader online, January 8, 2009:
The shortfall in the city’s police/fire pension fund continued to worsen in 
November, with investment losses totaling $3.3 million.The latest figures put 
the fund’s overall funding shortfall at about $197 million.The latest losses 
were detailed at this morning’s police/fire pension board meeting.City Finance 
Director Mary Mannix Decker said the latest numbers represent investment losses 
in November.She told the board she hopes to have new numbers for the fund’s 
December performance next week.City residents will vote Feb. 3 on a proposal 
for a one-cent sales tax for up to five years to help bolster the ailing 
pension fund.According to the city, the tax could generate $40 million a year, 
all of which would go into the pension fund.The sales tax is the main element 
of an eight point plan City Manager Greg Burris has proposed to bring the fund 
into financial solvency.
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RE: Worst-case scenario

2009-01-07 Thread Glenn Gohr

What this sounds to me like is that when businesses issue W-2s there is a copy 
for the taxpayer, one to file with Federal taxes, one for State taxes, and one 
for local.  To my knowledge, Springfield/Greene County has never required any 
local tax based on income (but apparently some localities in the U.S. do this). 
 I wouldn't be surprised if Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC all have 
this type of a tax.  Thus when filing for income taxes, a person would need to 
file not only Federal and State, but also local taxes.  That would require a 
staff to determine the amount of taxes and also to take in the tax money (and 
also to enforce the taxes if they were not submitted as requested), as well as 
any other job positions in between.  This seems like it would be a little 
self-defeating to have to hire and pay for people to oversee and take in taxes 
(that would eat up some of the taxes)--and definitely, I do not want another 
tax of any kind.

<>Based on what I copied above has anyone ACTUALLY represented an 
"earnings tax" in the city on a serious note or perhaps with the process of 
advocating for it NOT to be used are people actually bringing this type of tax 
more to the forefront.tom
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Worst-case scenario

2009-01-07 Thread Glenn Gohr

See this 13-page document (PDF) that gives City Manager Greg Burris's 
recommendations regarding scenarios #3 & #4 for the 2009-2010 budget:
Also see the related article in the paper today:
Springfield News-Leader, Jan. 7, 2009:
Worst-case scenario
If tax hike doesn't pass, city budget will shrink up to $5.7 million, Burris 
City Manager Greg Burris laid out a worst-case budget scenario Tuesday that he 
said would set the city's quality of life back "a decade or two" if it had to 
be enacted.
The scenario makes deep cuts in 17 areas of the proposed 2009-2010 budget -- if 
voters fail to approve a one-cent sales tax to bolster the city's ailing 
police/fire pension fund on Feb. 3, and if sales tax revenue comes in below 
Unless the sales tax passes, Burris said the city would need to cut $5.7 
million from next year's budget, on top of $5.2 million in cuts that were made 
this year.
"Sobering doesn't do it justice," said City Councilwoman Mary Collette, as she 
reviewed the figures during a noon meeting at Busch Municipal Building. "I have 
a knot in the pit of my stomach."
The fourth floor meeting room overflowed into a nearby lobby, as city 
residents, employees and several candidates for mayor or council listened to 
Burris speak.
Burris said he'll present additional budget plans later to the council, and 
those would be based on the one-cent sales tax passing.
But when he goes into the community to talk about tackling the $194 million 
pension shortfall with a sales tax, Burris said people want to know what will 
happen if the sales tax is voted down.
He said the dire budget projections weren't meant to scare people, but were 
intended to show the "scope and magnitude" of the budget problem if the sales 
tax doesn't pass.
"We really did think this through," he said.
The city last year made a full $12.5 million payment into the police/fire 
pension fund, and the city's actuary says the city needs to pay more than $13 
million into the fund in 2009-1010.
Burris acknowledged the city doesn't have to make that payment because last 
year's full contribution met a state requirement to make a full payment once 
every five years.
Still, Burris said it's the right thing to do.
"The urgency of addressing the underfunded pension system cannot be 
overstated," he said. "If we let this obligation continue to grow, we may soon 
find it completely unmanageable, with dire consequences for the city."
City Councilman Dan Chiles questioned whether deep cuts might have unintended 
consequences for the city.
If the city cuts its support for nonprofits, Chiles questioned whether people 
who previously were served might now "end up at the doorsteps of emergency 
He also questioned whether Springfield might lose its reputation as a great 
place to live.
"I think your question is a good one," Burris said. "I've lived here for many 
many years. I've lived here for decades. If you look at what's proposed -- 
again, I don't want to make any of these recommendations. I don't want to cut 
any city services.
"But if our hand was forced and we had to do it, I think essentially what we're 
doing is setting Springfield back a decade or two in terms of quality of life."
Along with the proposed budget cuts, Burris said city staff would also receive 
a list of city property within two weeks that might be sold to help lessen the 
"We would identify those properties, list them with a Realtor and get whatever 
we could get," he said.
Although she wasn't advocating it, Rushefsky asked Burris if he had considered 
raising other city fees or enacting an "earnings tax" on people who work in the 
city but live elsewhere.
Burris said he had not considered an earnings tax.
"Personally, I think a sales tax is the most fair way," Burris said.
Councilman Doug Burlison said he hoped Burris wouldn't consider an earnings tax.
"I think the effect it would have is to deplete our sales tax base, by causing 
businesses to relocate outside our city limits," Burlison said.
Councilman Denny Whayne said he was concerned about Burris' proposal to 
reassign neighborhood and downtown police officers to regular duty.
"They are very instrumental in keeping crime down in the neighborhoods," Whayne 
said. "When these officers are absent, it seems to me crime is going to 
escalate. How are we going to combat the crime when these officers are away 
from home now?"
"Great question," Burris said.
Police hiring is on hold, and no new police academies are being formed until 
the city can afford to hire them and provide pension benefits they've been 
"The first rule, when you're standing in a hole, is to stop digging," Burris 
said. "That's why the academies are frozen for both police and fire. In my 
opinion, I can't open those academies and put more police officers and 
firefighters into a pension plan that's 

Group stumping for sales tax

2009-01-06 Thread Glenn Gohr

Probably most of you saw this notice earlier in the paper on December 30th.
Quite a few related stories in the News-Leader include these:
Related stories
Pay attention to city meeting (01/06/2009)Budget cuts discussed today 
(01/06/2009)Council to Burris: No on budgets (12/17/2008)Council supports plan 
to save police/fire pension (12/16/2008)Shortfall in city pension fund grows 
(12/12/2008)Council members support Burris' plan; public skeptical 
(12/11/2008)Binding city resolution sought on pension plan (12/10/2008)City's 
pension choices made sense, fire official says (12/09/2008)City sees pension 
fund tax proposal as vital (12/07/2008)Council sends tax plan to voters 
(11/25/2008)Council to tackle sales tax issue (11/24/2008)Burlison: Cut 
deferred 'bonuses' (11/20/2008)City pension fund losses grow 
(11/18/2008)Firefighters endorse sales tax (11/11/2008)LAGERS gets city's 
pension nod (10/31/2008)Repeal of existing city taxes suggested 
(10/30/2008)Burris seeks 1-cent tax to bolster pension fund 
(10/24/2008)Police/fire pension loses over $20 million (10/22/2008)Burris vows 
swift pension plan (09/19/2008)Sales tax might be pension solution (09/10/2008)
Springfield News-Leader online, Dec. 30, 2008:
Group stumping for sales tax
Alleviating police/fire pension shortfall is about safety, organizer says.
A group of community leaders is organizing a campaign to help pass a 1-cent 
sales tax in February for the city's police/fire pension fund.
Calling itself Citizens Keeping Our Commitment, the group filed organization 
papers with the Greene County clerk on Monday.
Its 16 founding members include chairman Robert Spence, president of Evangel 
University; Norm Ridder, superintendent of Springfield Public Schools; 
Springfield businessman Doug Pitt; and former library director Annie Busch.
The committee also includes two police officers and four firefighters.
Morey Mechlin, deputy treasurer of the group, said the committee's goal is to 
"make sure voters of the city have the information they need to make an 
informed choice."
The committee plans to mail literature to city residents about the pension 
fund's financial problem and about how a 1-cent sales tax would help alleviate 
the fund's $194 million shortfall.
If it can raise enough money, the group also might buy newspaper, radio and 
television ads, Mechlin said.
"Nobody likes taxes," she said. "I pay mine every year and I grumble.
"But our community made a commitment to our police and firefighters. It's about 
your safety, my safety, the community's safety. A pledge was made and we should 
keep it."
Mechlin, who recently managed the successful Question 1 statewide campaign to 
change the way local judges are selected, said Citizens Keeping Our Commitment 
will use a similar strategy.
The group hopes to deliver information about the complicated pension issue in a 
way that most city residents will be able to clearly understand, she said.
Spence said the group has hired Springfield-based pollster Mark Ellickson with 
Opinion Research Specialists to do a phone survey of city residents this 
"We want to get some scientific indication of people's perception of the 
problem and whether they understand the magnitude of it or not," Spence said. 
"We hope to get results back within a week."
Spence said the biggest challenge facing Citizens Keeping Our Commitment is to 
"keep clearly before us what the real issue is."
"It's not about whether a defined pension benefit is better, or about what was 
or wasn't done 10 years ago," Spence said. "My concern is that if this problem 
is not addressed now it will eventually suck a majority of the city's revenue 
and will adversely affect everything the city does."
Spence acknowledged the sales tax vote was coming at an inopportune time, with 
the economy in tatters and record numbers of home foreclosures.
"But that doesn't make the pension problem go away," he said. "It will only get 
worse if we don't do something about it."
According to the county clerk's office, Citizens Keeping Our Commitment has to 
file a campaign finance report by Jan. 26 -- eight days ahead of the sales tax 
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Budget cuts discussed today

2009-01-06 Thread Glenn Gohr

This may be of interest.  Greg Burris is making a presentation to the City 
Council today at their noon meeting to talk about the budget cuts in case the 
pension tax does not pass.  This was also on the front page of today's print 
version of the paper.
Springfield News-Leader online, Jan. 6, 2009:

Budget cuts discussed today
Burris mum on details of scenarios he'll present
The news today could be a bitter pill for the Springfield City Council to 
City Manager Greg Burris plans to detail deep cuts that could be pursued in the 
next city budget if voters fail to pass a one-cent sales tax for the 
police/fire pension fund on Feb. 3.
He'll present two scenarios tied to a failed sales tax vote.
- One, based on a slight 0.75 percent increase in sales tax revenue, would 
require more than $3.9 million in budget cuts.
- If sales tax revenue decreases by 1.5 percent -- a number some council 
members believe is more likely -- the city faces more than $5.7 million in cuts.
Burris declined to reveal what cuts he plans to recommend until he makes his 
presentation to the City Council at today's noon meeting. Those cuts would be 
on top of $5.2 million in budget reductions the city made this year, and a city 
hiring freeze Burris put in place on Dec. 19 because of declining sales tax 
Along with worst-case scenarios, Burris will have two other budget plans for 
the council to consider, based on voters approving the sales tax.
If sales tax revenue grows 0.75 percent, Burris projects a balanced budget in 
But if sales tax revenue decreases 1.5 percent, the city will have to cut 
$125,000 from the new budget, according to Burris.
All four budget plans are based on the city making a full payment into the 
police/fire pension fund, which the council has the option of doing. In 
2004-2007, the council chose not to make full payments, decisions that added 
$10 million to the fund's current $194 million financial shortfall.
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Pension tax proposal to be discussed at noon meeting Thursday

2009-01-06 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is another session whwere the City Manager and others will be promoting 
the pension tax.  Hopefully some of us can attend and express our concerns, etc.
Springfield News-Leader online version, Jan. 6, 2009:
Pension tax proposal to be discussed at noon meeting Thursday
Springfield City Manager Greg Burris will discuss the fire and police pension 
tax proposal during Thursday’s luncheon meeting of the North Springfield 
Betterment Association.The meeting starts at 11:45 a.m. at the Cox North 
Fountain Plaza Room, 1423 N. Jefferson Avenue. The cost is $8.00 and includes 
lunch.The public is welcome to attend.
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January Party Talk

2009-01-05 Thread Glenn Gohr

For those interested in what the local Republican Party is doing in 
Springfield, Missouri, the latest newsletter is out.  There is also mention of 
the mayoral candidates being interviewed on Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009 at 11:30 
a.m. at Price Cutter Restaurant on East Battlefield.  And Lincoln Days is 
coming up in February.


From: Greene County Republicans [mailto:grco...@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Monday, 
January 05, 2009 11:54 AMTo: Subject: January Party Talk


The electronic version of January Party Talk is now on our web page


Go to www.greenecountygop.org and click on Party Talk and then the January 09 
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City officials to address neighborhood group on proposed tax hike

2009-01-05 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is a meeting with the Seminole Holland Neighborhood Association to be held 
at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow night (Tuesday, January 6th) at Messiah Lutheran Church, 
925 E. Seminole Street.  The public is welcome.
They are discussing the proposed tax increase for the police/fire pension fund. 
 Deputy City Manager Evelyn Honea and Asst. Fire Chief David Hall are the 
principal speakers.
Springfield News-Leader online, Jan. 5, 2009:
City officials to address neighborhood group on proposed tax hike
The Seminole Holland Neighborhood Association is holding a general meeting at 
6:30 pm. Tuesday at the Messiah Lutheran Church, 925 E. Seminole Street.Deputy 
City Manager Evelyn Honea and Assistant Fire Chief David Hall will present 
details of the city’s proposed tax increase designed to fund the police and 
fire pension plan. A question and answer period will immediately follow. The 
proposed tax increase will appear on the Feb. 3 ballot.All city residents are 
welcome. Coffee and light refreshments will be offered. You do not have to be a 
member of the Seminole Holland Neighborhood Association to attend, however 
membership is encouraged. If you have any questions regarding the association, 
you may call Trish Pearson at 877-8238.
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White River Group to talk solar energy

2009-01-05 Thread Glenn Gohr

Springfield News-Leader, Jan. 5, 2009:
White River Group to talk solar energy
The White River Group of the Sierra Club will consider solar technology at its 
Jan. 13 meeting at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center.
Refreshments and networking begin at 6:30 p.m.
The speaker will be Carla Klein, former director of the Missouri Ozark Chapter 
of the Sierra Club, who currently is a sales representative for The Energy 
Klein will discuss affordable solar and wind options, including solar sheets, 
water heaters and small wind turbines suitable for homes and other buildings.
She also will discuss methods for calculating return on investment.
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Interview with Robert Stephens

2009-01-02 Thread Glenn Gohr
Teddy Fleck and Keith Rodgers have been interviewing various City Council
and Mayoral candidates in Springfield.  The interviews are being hosted on
Blog Talk Radio:




The next interview is with Robert Stephens, candidate for City Council
General Seat A.

Feel free to call in with questions or join the chat room. The time is 4 PM
Saturday January 3, 2009.  The call in number is:  347-215-8507

Past interviews can also be accessed on this web page.  So far they include:
Nick Ibarra and Tom Martz.



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2009-01-01 Thread Glenn Gohr
Here is an interesting write up about a man who had several run-ins with
local government.  He finally got mad enough to destroy a lot of property
and then killed himself-all in the name of liberty.  Not sure that I agree
with all of this, but you have to give the guy some credit.  Anyway, it is
an interesting story.





A related page and video of him using his bulldozer tank are here:


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Red-light cameras challenged

2008-12-31 Thread Glenn Gohr

>From today's Springfield News-Leader.  This concerns red light cameras in 
>Arnold and St. Louis, but it could easily apply here.  A state trooper is 
>challenging the ones here as being unconstitutional. What I really don't like 
>are all the comments posted after the article by "well meaning" citizens who 
>claim that those who don't want the cameras are all crooks and thieves.  You 
>will probably want to post your views to the online article website.--Glenn  
>Red-light cameras challenged
"Don't Tread on Me" committee alleges devices violate law.
Betsy Taylor • The Associated Press • December 31, 2008  
http://www.news-leader.com/article/20081231/NEWS01/812310401 St. Louis -- A 
group of citizens in the first Missouri community to install red-light cameras 
wants them taken down, saying they think tickets issued because of the cameras 
are unconstitutional. A committee called "Don't Tread on Me" said Tuesday that 
it's hoping to collect enough signatures in the eastern Missouri community of 
Arnold to either persuade the City Council to repeal the ordinance allowing the 
cameras or to let voters decide the issue on an April ballot. Arnold, a 
Jefferson County community with about 20,000 residents, passed a law in 2005 
allowing the city to be first in the state to have red-light cameras, which are 
now at four intersections there, said City Council member Matthew Hay, a member 
of "Don't Tread on Me." The cameras record vehicles that run red lights, with 
tickets later issued for violations. "Don't Tread on Me" said it needs 835 
registered Arnold voters for its petition to get the measure on the ballot to 
move forward. Another member of the group, former City Council member Paul 
Vinson, said about 450 signatures have been collected so far. "It's probably 
about 3-to-1, the numbers of people who are willing to sign it," he said. Phone 
messages left at Arnold City Hall were not immediately returned, and the police 
department did not have anyone available Tuesday who could answer questions 
about the city's red-light cameras. The citizens' group has a half-dozen 
members, who say they formed to promote independent thinking in municipal 
office. They believe tickets issued because of red-light cameras are 
unconstitutional. Hay said the tickets for running a red light are sent to a 
car's owner, even if someone else might have been driving it at the time. Group 
members also said that while crashes inside the Arnold intersections with 
red-light cameras may have decreased, they believe rear-end collisions there 
have increased, largely due to people stopping abruptly at yellow lights or in 
an effort not to run a red light. A federal lawsuit against Arnold was filed 
earlier this year in U.S. District Court in St. Louis. It seeks to outlaw the 
cameras that a growing number of communities see as a safety tool, but which 
critics see as a way to generate money. The ongoing lawsuit by Fenton residents 
James and Kara Hoekstra alleges that the ticketing process is illegal and 
unconstitutional, collecting fines through fraud and extortion to benefit the 
city and its red-light camera contractor. It seeks unspecified damages.
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RE: Poultry Plea

2008-12-30 Thread Glenn Gohr
The other article was in the Marshfield Mail, Dec. 15, 2008.  The article is
titled:  "Marshfield Mayor Decrees No Fowl."  I'm not able to access the
article online, but I have a clipping of it here at home.


It starts out thus:  "Never mind crossing the road; chickens will not be
permitted to live within Marshfield city limits. Mayor Bob Clark broke a tie
during the regular Board of Aldermen meeting Thursday, Dec. 11, on whether
city ordinances should be permitted to allow a ..."


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Poultry Plea

2008-12-30 Thread Glenn Gohr
This was in the Marshfield Mail today.  A similar article was in the
Marshfield paper a week or so ago.  The other article made a list of all the
regulations against poultry in various towns across the country-including
Springfield.  I have a copy of the other article if anyone is interested.




Making a peep for poultry plea

By Linda Greer
Marshfield Mail 
staff writer


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 4:57 PM CST

Earlier this month, Marshfield aldermen haggled over allowing city dwellers
to keep caged laying hens.

Half the board understood those residents want inexpensive, organic,
homegrown eggs while the other half feared poultry sights, sounds and smells
overtaking the city.

Mayor Bob Clark broke the board's 2-2 deadlock, decreeing fowl don't belong
in town.

Dogs can go right up to neighbors' fences and bark their fool heads off, but
chickens are banned at any distance.

Without a rooster, hens do little more than cackle unless startled. Properly
tended, bird aroma is better than most other natural scents.

As an online Marshfield Mail reader commented, "The next thing they'll do is
say we can't have gardens."


I know a fellow in town who is forbidden by his leasing agency to grow even
a single tomato plant in his yard - all in the name of uniformity.

Have aesthetics become more important than nutrition? Not all of us care to
dine on a plate of hormone-injected meat, radiated veggies and nitrate-laden
fruit with pesticide pie for dessert.

I understand chemicals enable America to feed the world. I just don't care
to use them myself.

In November, California voters said laying hens, veal calves and pregnant
pigs cannot be caged after 2015. Hens must be able to stand up, sit down and
stretch their wings without touching another bird.

Picturing all these West Coast chickens doing aerobics without bumping beaks
would be hilarious to us bumpkins, if it were not so frightening.

Are we now so removed from the farm that we do not realize where our food
comes from? If PETA-driven absurdity can make inroads in a ginormous ag
state like California, it can happen here.

Even without considering animal inhumanity issues, our farms and the crops
they raise have changed.

In 1900, almost all farms - 98 percent - had chickens, 82 percent grew corn
for grain, 80 percent had at least one milk cow and some pigs. Obviously,
most farms were diversified. They provided a variety of healthful foods for
their families and communities.

By 1992, only 4 percent of farms reported having chickens, 8 percent had
milk cows, 10 percent had pigs and just 25 percent grew corn. Most farmers
producing these commodities produced only one or two crops or livestock

It's a matter of simple economics. Farm machinery is expensive. To get the
most for his money, a farmer must plant more of a crop for which a
particular piece of equipment is designed.

Those storybook farmers like Old McDonald, with a moo-moo here and a
quack-quack there, are gone.

I've talked to youngsters who were shocked to learn food does not "come
from" the store and vegetables are grown in dirt, of all things.

We have raised an entire generation on pre-packaged, processed, fake food.
Is it any wonder Americans are heftier and unhealthier than ever before?

We are poisoning ourselves, one cheese puff at a time.

There is also a price to pay for the ease of nuking a three-pound lasagna
dinner without exerting an ounce of labor. For the first time in history,
we've had to build exercise machines to compensate for our labor-less

Maybe allowing Marshfieldians to gather farm-fresh eggs in town or grow
tomatoes behind their townhouses cannot undo 100 years of damage to our
American diet, but I see no harm in letting folks try.

I'd be first in line for a dozen of those eggs.

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Fw: Luke

2008-12-27 Thread Glenn Gohr
This is short and true...says it all.


Luke ''The Drifter'' says:


"We Americans were tired of being thought of as dumb by the rest of the
world.  So we went to

 the polls in November and removed all doubt."


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Guns for Cash

2008-12-15 Thread Glenn Gohr
>From today's Springfield-News Leader, a report of people in St. Louis
turning in guns for money:


Hundreds trade guns for cash in St. Louis


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Ethanol Foes Lose Appeal

2008-12-11 Thread Glenn Gohr

>From today's News-Leader.  Those battling against the ethanol plant near 
>Rogersville have lost.
Ethanol Foes Lose Appeal (12/11/2008)
Ethanol plant opponents lose appellate ruling (12/10/2008)
Judge's Opinion on Water Tapped (12/10/2008)
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RE: Statesmen For Our Constitutional Republic meeting Dec 13 th

2008-12-02 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is the info. on the meeting on Dec. 13th.  It starts around 11:00-11:30 
and ends around 4:30 p.m.  Part of the presentation will be by Galen Chadwick 
of the Well Fed Neighbor Alliance.  (He is also speaking in Springfield on Dec. 
20th if you can't make this event on the 13th).
This meeting on the 13th will be at North West Baptist Church on Norton Road, 
3075 W. Norton.
Go like you are driving into Lowes North but stay left and come around past the 
Humane Society to the first church on the right.  Here is the web 

Constitutional Republic meeting Dec 13 thDate: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 19:45:41 -0600

Can’t post it here?

From: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 4:07 PMTo: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Statesmen For Our Constitutional Republic 
meeting Dec 13 th

Email Eric Vought for the time the meeting will start.





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FW: Letter from Ron

2008-12-02 Thread Glenn Gohr

From: Ron Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: Letter from Ron



December 2, 2008

Dear friend of Liberty,

This past presidential season I saw a renewed enthusiasm from our country's

An excitement for liberty gripped the college campuses unlike I have ever
seen before. Young people were energized for real change.

Still to my amazement, our college rallies attracted thousands of young
people. Students were hungry for the message of freedom, peace, and

For this reason, a youth-based movement for liberty is essential to our
cause. It is these young men and women who will become tomorrow's champions
of liberty.

That's why I am giving my enthusiastic endorsement to Young
  Americans for Liberty (YAL); an organization that is
built directly on the success of Students for Ron Paul. 

My National Youth Coordinator, Jeff Frazee, is launching this organization
with an ambitious goal of starting over 100 campus chapters in 2009. They
have already started 47 chapters this semester.

Jeff worked with me exclusively to start the Campaign for Liberty (C4L) and
host the Rally for the Republic in Minneapolis. Now, he is leaving to follow
his real passion and lead Young Americans for Liberty.

The Campaign for Liberty has supplied $25,000 in seed money to help start
YAL. I hope you will join in support as well.

Young Americans for Liberty is the continuation of Students for Ron Paul.

Students for Ron Paul established over 500 college chapters in all 50
states. Over 26,000 students joined our campaign. With this network and my
support, Young Americans for Liberty is essential to building a genuine
liberty movement in America. 

You and I must remain serious about our ideas and goals. I am. I believe you
are too.

Back in the 1960s, an influential youth movement formed around another
anti-establishment presidential candidate. His name was Barry Goldwater. The
organization was called Young Americans for Freedom; and without it, we may
have never seen Ronald Reagan in the White House.

I have high hopes for Young Americans for Liberty, and wish them a similar

Please visit the Young Americans for Liberty website, sign up for their
weekly E-Newsletter, and read about their plans for next semester.

Their website is at http://www.YALiberty.org

The importance of YAL to the future of liberty cannot be overstated.

Young people have the passion, energy, and dedication that many of you can
relate to from this past year and a half. But, young people do not have very
much money. It is up to you and me to give them our support.

So please go to Young Americans for Liberty's website
  , sign up for their free E-Newsletter, and read
about the future of our youth.

In liberty, 


P.S. - Join me today to continue the Revolution on campus. Please visit the
Young Americans for Liberty website http://www.YALiberty.org
  to read about their mission and join their effort.



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RE government programs

2008-11-14 Thread Glenn Gohr
I have to agree with Charity's comments 100%.  I don't want Social Security
or Medicare or any other government "help" that is forced on me.  I think I
am wise enough to plan for my own retirement and health needs, and I'm sure
I can manage my money much better than corporate government.  But I am
forced to pay into these socialist programs, just like everyone else.  We
all know those plans are not working, but still our money gets taken with
little in return.

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high school drama

2008-11-13 Thread Glenn Gohr
If anyone wants to enjoy a little humor, the musical drama called
"Urinetown" is being presented at Central High School, 423 E. Central, on
Thurs. 11/13, Fri. 11/14, and Sat. 11/15 at 7:00 p.m. each night.  Tickets
($5:00 each) go on sale at 6:30 p.m. before each show (no advance sales).
It will take place in the main auditorium.  You may enter the south side of
the building from Central Street.  A family friend is in the production, and
I am going this evening.


Urinetown is an award-winning satirical comedy musical that pokes fun at
capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, bureaucracy, corporate
mismanagement, and petty small town politics, as well as advocating

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City Manager's Police Fire Pension Fund News Conference

2008-11-09 Thread Glenn Gohr
For those who missed the presentation at Big Momma's on Thursday, here is a
30-minute video of the same presentation that the City Manager delivered

City Manager's Police Fire Pension Fund News Conference
Oct 23, 2008
0 hr 33 min 0 sec

City Manager Greg Burris presents a proposal of a 1-cent sales tax for the
February, 2009 ballot in order to improve funding of the Police Fire
Retirement System.


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Shocking Loss of Freedom in U.S.

2008-10-23 Thread Glenn Gohr
Watch this interview with Naomi Wolf -- author of "Give Me Liberty: A
Handbook for American Revolutionaries" -- to learn why the U.S. is in the
midst of a coup that you didn't even know about.

In this video, Naomi Wolf, author of Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for
American Revolutionaries, discusses some truly disturbing facts: a political
coup has occurred that few are even conscious of, and even fewer know how to
deal with, simply because we believe "it can't happen in America."

Following the Blueprint for Fascism

Give Me Liberty is the follow-up to Naomi's book The End of America, which
details the 10 steps of fascism; chronological steps that, historically,
always take place when a would-be dictator wants to crush democracy and
seize power.

At minute 19 is info. on Homeland Security and local government.



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Hate Crimes Resource Manual

2008-10-17 Thread Glenn Gohr
I just joined the   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I looked online for any reference to "American Constitutional Militia


I came up with this address:


Hate Crimes Resource Manual (State of Indiana)



You guessed it.  They have the ACMN listed, as well as some other innocuous
grassroots groups.  This is quite an interesting resource manual.  But the
thought comes to me that if there is any "hate crime" being done, it would
have to be the Indiana Civil Rights Commission for profiling people and
groups in this way.


There is quite a list of contact people to report "hate crimes" and mention
of proposed legislation which would give law enforcement even more
authority.  This is only updated through 11/10/2005, and it only represents
the State of Indiana, but I wouldn't be surprised if most states have
similar guidelines.  These kinds of guidelines are scary.


What happened to the idea that comes from Lincoln's Gettysburg address:  ".
 . and that government of the people. . .by the people. . .for the people.
 . shall not perish from the earth."?

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Litigation targets red-light cameras in Springfield

2008-10-16 Thread Glenn Gohr

Litigation targets red-light cameras
Lawsuit accuses city's practice of violating Missouri, federal laws.
You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC.
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RE: Vote for the family

2008-10-13 Thread Glenn Gohr
Everyone is entitled to their opinions.  The video on Vote for the Family
was very helpful to me.  I saw nothing offensive about it, and I am glad to
have the information.  Thanks for sharing.



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Fox News Documentary on Barack Obama

2008-10-10 Thread Glenn Gohr

This was sent to me by a friend.
*You can also go here and watch the documentary now (it's broken down into 3 
different videos: College, Community Organizer and ACORN 
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Proposed Gun control in Springfield-Greene County

2008-10-09 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is a link to an article in today's Springfield News-Leader.  The City 
Council and others are attempting to prohibit firearms in public parks (which 
might leave victims unable to protect themselves).  This would be an 
infringement on Second Amendment rights.
There is a place to voice comments to the article.
Proposed weapon ban facing opposition
Gun groups against City Council's plan for parks and fields.
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Non-Partisan Court Plan on November ballot

2008-10-08 Thread Glenn Gohr

Here is info. on the Greene Co. Republican Women meeting tomorrow, Thursday, 
Oct. 9th at 11:30 a.m. at the Price Cutter Buffet at 3260 E. Battlefield.  Of 
interest may be the input of State Rep. Bryan Stevenson and Attorney Chip 
Sheppard who will be discussing the Non-Partisan Court Plan scheduled to be on 
the November ballot in three weeks.
Everyone is invited--male or female.  All are welcome as guests.
Additional information is found in the October issue of Party Talk 
(Republication Party newsletter), on page 6:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: State Women for McCain Rep and Non 
Partisan Court Plan Top Thursday's GCRW MeetingDate: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 11:30:57 


Three important guests will be joining the Greene County Republican Women THIS 
Thursday, October 9.


Sharon Barnes, State Coordinator of Women for McCain will visit with us about 
the last three weeks of the critical campaign.


Also, proponents for and against the non partisan court plan will be joining 
us.  State Representative Bryan Stevenson and local attorney Chip Sheppard 
willbe sharing their thoughts about the drawbacks/benefits of the issue on our 
November Greene County ballot.


Lunch  begins at 11:30--program at noon.  As always, we will be at the Price 
Cutter Diner on East Battlefield.


Join us!



Ann E. Compton  Compton & Company  417.838.0677
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