[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n933

2000-06-02 Thread Bill Wright

I thought the Athens dancer had some pretty fly skills!

>Not to bring up the mosh thing, but I was visiting the southland last =
>week and caught the Mouse in ATL.  Anyway, at the show (which was OK but =
>not great relative to previows shows, save for the Les Savy Fav =
>set=3Dhot rocks) this reatard decked out in Korn garb actually recieved =
>permission from Isac (during Custom Concern, encore) to demonstrate his =
>"indie rock dance" on stage as they played.  Made a total ass of him =
>self just standing there head-nodding and rubbing his chin in passive =
>protest of the moshless crowd. He got booted after a minute or so, at =
>which time he went back to doing his air-guitar-headbang thing. Pretty =
>gross.  I was embarassed for him in a sngry sort of way.
>j.edgar =20

Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, skip please

2000-04-09 Thread Bill Wright

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

my first time posting one these things...I can't believe I submitted =0

>1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?


>2.What is your favorite mouse song?

Trucker's Atlas

>3.What are five records you couldn't live without

Boards of Canada--Music Has the Right to Children
Belle & Sebastian--If You're Feeling Sinister
Neutral Milk Hotel--On Avery Island
Beach Boys--Pet Sounds
Aphex Twin--Richard D James Album
Joan of Arc--How Memory Works

B&S and Joan of Arc could have been any of the albums really

>4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
>bad or good?

good--I'll listen to it, if I like it I'll but it, if I don't I delete it.

>5.  Ebay, bad or good?

Great! If you're going to be a capitalist at all, might as well do it to 
the broadest market available.  Bad only when selling illegal items (cd-rs 
of live shows etc)

>6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
>voting for himself or what?

Russ is hot!

>7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?

next question.

>8.  First live show?

David Copperfield, oh you mean music...

Helmet I think? In 1993 or so?

>9.  Worst live show?

>Dymaxion (openers for Stereolab.) Ick.

>10.  Favorite sound?

logarithmically decaying sine wave from 80hz to 0hz over about 5 s.

>11.  least favorite sound?


12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
>on the internet bad/good?

It bothers me just as much as guys posting their pictures and email 
addressesthat is, not at all.

>13.  What book should every person in america read?

Underworld by Don Dellilo or any of the short stories collections by Philip 
K Dick or LIfe After God by Douglas Coupland

>14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

whatever floats your boat

>15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
go naked for all I care

>16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

doesn't bother me

>17.  Favorite beer?

Gin & tonic with lime

18.  Favorite color?

overcast days
sunny days

19.  What are you going to name your first born child?

Jon-Benet Ramsey

>20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
>tons about a person)?

2001:  A Space Odyssey
nothing else is close

Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, skip please

2000-04-09 Thread Bill Wright

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
So, essentially you are saying:  this cd fucking rocks but don't you dare 
try to listen to it

Didn't we have this discussion a few months ago? didn't it end in broken 
bones? -BILL

>4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
>bad or good?
>Bad.  I don't care if the band doesn't try to stop
>you, you are stealing from them.  If you want to hear
>a record before deciding to buy it, cool.  But don't
>burn a cd that you want from a band you respect unless
>you plan on buying it when it comes out.
>5.  Ebay, bad or good?
>Bad.  I saw someone pay $30 american for two Jimmy eat
>world stickers that the band gave out for
>free...auctions are for the filthy rich, not the
>7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
>Yes, and to make this sound completely unpretentious I
>am one of the very LUCKY/fortunate few who actually
>paid for it legit online through K records.  Please
>kids, wait for the new record to come out, this is not
>worth 50 bucks.

[MMouse]: Fwd: early NMH being released

2000-02-23 Thread BILL Wright

Thought this might be of interest to some.

> >"There are currently plans to release a two-volume set of early Neutral 
> Milk
> >Hotel, featuring music from the early, self-released cassettes, live
> >performances, and unreleased recordings. The band wants to do this as a
> >of the excessive prices at which bootlegs are currently selling online and
> >elsewhere. They will be available from Orange Twin. No date has been 
> decided
> >upon for released. It could be awhile in the future."

Re: [MMouse]: Merchandice

2000-02-21 Thread BILL Wright


At 03:33 AM 2/21/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Where can I find some good Modest Mouse merchandise?

[MMouse]: What ebay will say....

2000-02-20 Thread BILL Wright

This boots thing came up a while ago on the Elephat 6 mailing list 
concerning some guy doing the same thing, selling a cd-r of rare 
tracks.  Here's what ebay mailed to the people that notified ebay of the 
non-official status of the cd-r he was selling.  I think it's a pretty 
sensible response and to me it does indicate ebay is willing to help out in 
matters like this


We have reviewed the auction you have brought to our
attention and taken
appropriate action. We would also like to explain
eBay's policy with
respect to reports like yours. eBay is not in a
position to make
judgments about the authenticity or authorized nature
of auction items,
except in the most extreme circumstances. This may
mean that we cannot
remove the item about which you contacted us. In some
cases, we refer
the information to the owner of the rights (copyright,
trademark, etc.)
involved, if we know who they are and how to contact
them. Although you
may be extremely knowledgeable about these types of
items, we often
cannot remove items upon the representations of third
parties whose
credentials we cannot verify, unless of course the
alleged infringement
is obvious on its face. That is why we strongly urge
you to notify the
rights holder of the suspected infringement and
encourage them to join
our Verified Rights Owners (VeRO) Program (formerly
called Legal Buddy
Program). This program enables them to request the
ending of allegedly
infringing auctions.
We appreciate your vigilance in helping us to keep
auctions off eBay. If we can be of any further
assistance, please let
us know.

eBay Customer Support
Your Personal Trading Community (tm)

Re: [MMouse]: that boots guy i just mentioned

2000-02-20 Thread BILL Wright

I think the best way to get action in this is to email 1) UP Records and 2) 
Ebay.  If you tell Ebay that someone is selling a unofficial cd-r, they 
will attempt to verify it through the label.  If it can be verified, they 
will take it down and try to stop further abuse of the same type.  So 
instead of writing to this guy, (which really won't solve the problem) 
everyone should write to Ebay and UP to let them know what's going on!


Re: [MMouse]: atheist or agnostic

2000-02-17 Thread Bill, Wright

 From merriam webster

agnostic: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is 
unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to 
believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

atheist: one who denies the existence of God

At 05:43 PM 2/17/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>okay i'm completely confused right now... i always though agnostic was when
>you believe in some kind of god but you aren't quite sure what god or gods...
>but i'm not sure if thats right now from some of the statements... what does
>agnostic mean?? am i right or wrong or just simplifying the whole term...
>just curious

Re: [MMouse]: intrigued

2000-02-17 Thread Bill, Wright

I've always wondered about the reasoning behind atheism.  It seems that the 
claim "God definitely does not exist" is very similar to the mind set of 
one who says "God definitely does exist".  And, all else being equal,  it 
seems a lot easier to pick the latter option given societal pressures.  I'm 
agnostic myself..(Shit, I'm taking a stance on something)

At 09:35 AM 2/17/00 -0600, you wrote:
>i'm intrigued with your atheism.  i'm not an atheist per se, but 
>intriguing, yes.  jamie
>Jamie R. Battey
>Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.  USA

Re: [MMouse]: HotMouseKids

2000-02-16 Thread Bill, Wright

I think we should add a talent contest to the hotpeople voting,as well as 
evening wear and swimsuit competitions.

  The winner gets to marry a multi-millionaire. (anyone else think the idea 
for that show is just  plain sick  yet at the same time funnier than most 
comedy? )

>if we really wanted to take this thing seriously:
>maybe all the pics should be collected (like have an entry date set) and
>restart the voting. then have perimeters set so you can only vote once
>or something.

[MMouse]: FA: lots of records

2000-02-13 Thread Bill, Wright

Hello, I am auctioning off a bunch of records on ebay in order to pay for 
some equipment in order to make my own music, and plus I don't want to 
carry them all with me when I leave college.  I guarantee everything here 
is 100% pure wax with no digital constituents.

I am adding more by the minute, and when I get them all up there there will 
be more than 100. There is currently stuff on there people on this list 
would be interested in (like Silver Scooter, Elliott Smith, Spinanes, 
etc).  Bids start at $1-$4.


Re: [MMouse]: contract (is not the issue)

2000-02-11 Thread Bill, Wright

it's obvious that my discussion is being ignored as witnessed by the 
following statements and replies.  Further, others simply solve this issue 
with "witty" and immature comments.  Thus, I think this discussion serves 
no purpose any longer (especially on the list). However, my original 
intention was simply to open a forum for discussion as witnessed by the two 
light and non-confrontational, if somewhat controversial emails I have 
sent.  However, others simply replied with more personal and bitter attacks 
which walked around the issues with accusations which had nothing to do 
with the topic of discussion.  I would be happy to further this discussion 
off-list, however, as it is a topic with much relevance as more revenues 
are lost due to mp3s and new avenues for music distribution arise (finally 
allowing the indies to finally take a large stake of the music market 
without enormous marketing machine budgets.  )This is a very complicated 
issue and one worth discussion, and I am disappointed that some are so 
quick to come to decisions without talking about things first.  Further, I 
never took one side or the other, I simply presented the other side because 
I think it is an important issue which one (self-serving) conclusion should 
be reach on immediately.   I have no problem with responding to logical 
arguments, but when the replies in a discussion are just plain silly and 
evasive of the central point, things can get quite non-productive.  I 
didn't realize some people would take this so personally, for me it is just 
an interesting topic of discussion and nothing more.

In the future I will only discuss how cute Isaac is.

--Teen Beat Fanclub Member #2884

1) I never claimed russ had the singles on mp3, just suggested that they 
were available to download

me: "How many people didn't buy the singles comp because they already had 
all the mp3 files?:
(my original query, which was not a statement and certainly not a specific 
one pointing fingers)

Philip: "If someone is downloading the
singles comp off of the internet, I don't think it's
from Russ, now is it? You're not going to find
domestically released songs on Russ's site, I'm

(something you made into a point of contention, for no apparent reason

2) you supported the decision to distribute the mp3s of the jap tour ep, 
which is what I am discussing, therefore there is an arguement, because  I 
believe it may not be the right of someone to distribute these at will

"I think the sale of the japanese tour ep is OK personally, because it is 
an official release that the modest mouse guy made money from. though I 
appreciate the mp3s immensely, and agree with you about the boots, I think 
this may be going too far. it's just a few steps away from saying "hey 
don't bid on that interstate 8 cd! download it here". And I do realize 
it is different..but at the same time these are songs which may very 
well be coming out in the US sometime soon, on the new album, or in another 

Philip: "I think it's excellent
that Russ put them up because not everyone had the
chance to buy them in the first place even if they had
the money."

3) you're stepping around my point, and my point is THE BAND HAS FREE WILL 

Philip: "Well, Bill, you seem to be awfully knowledgeable about
the music business. Perhaps you could explain to me
the inherent exclusivity clause in the band's

me: "But back to the point---it's not as if Modest Mouse is a victim to 
this major label. Don't forget they choose to sign with Epic. "

ie, I don't care about contracts etc.  At its base level, the band's 
relationship with its label and the public is determined by its own actions 

4)  I never claimed to have knowledge about the public, I simply asked a 
non-leading question to the list, and stated facts about several people I 
know, and their actions, in an effort to get a more general consensus 
through intelligent conversation, not name calling and insults.

Philip:  "And maybe you could also explain to me exactly where
you get all of these cold hard facts about the
record-buying public."

me:  "How many people didn't buy the singles comp because they already had 
all the mp3 files? There are people, I can guarantee you, who did not buy 
the singles comp because they had the files. I know at least three people 
personally who didn't."

notice I did not say "there are many people" or "I know everyone on this 
list didn't buy it" or "everyone in idaho didn't buy the singles comp 
because they had mp3s" (to further this point, I don't think it's deniable 
that there are instances on this list and on the usenet and other lists of 
people either offering for sale or trade a cd-r of these singles)

5)  there is no real comparison between full-length tracks (And usually ALL 
of the tracks off a release) bootlegged onto cd-

Re: [MMouse]: JAP tour EP bidness

2000-02-11 Thread Bill, Wright

your momma's ugly.,

- bill

At 03:06 PM 2/11/00 -0700, you wrote:

>Is this what happens when one "choose" to go to Clemson? My god, what's
>in that red tide they're serving?!
>BB: Crooks, every last one of them.

Re: [MMouse]: JAP tour EP bidness

2000-02-11 Thread Bill, Wright

Ok whether it is $6 or $15 is besides the point...  But back to the 
point---it's not as if Modest Mouse is a victim to this major label.  Don't 
forget they choose to sign with Epic.  Epic did not "screw the general 
public", Modest Mouse did.  If, instead of making it a Japanese tour only 
release, they also released it on Up Records or Epic in to normal 
distribution channels, there would be no issue.  However, Modest Mouse 
choose not to.  They are not a victim.

Given that Modest Mouse has chosen for this EP not to be in wide release, 
it is no one's right to say "Ok, well I want it anyways, I'll steal it."

And yes, it is possible for this to detract from sales.  How many people 
didn't buy the singles comp because they already had all the mp3 
files?   There are people, I can guarentee you, who did not buy the singles 
comp because they had the files.  I know at least three people personally 
who didn't.

It's very important to remember that the band has a large degree of control 
here.  Maybe you should be questioning the band rather than the label about 
its decisions?

I'm not saying I agree with either side, I simply want to present both 
sides because it seems people are too easily following the "big 
corporation=evil=I deserve the music" mind set.No one is protecting the 
artistic integrity of a band besides the artist themselves.  To say 
otherwise is bullshit.

I know this all sounds quite harsh, and that's not how I intended it.  I 
think Russ is a great guy and I like his music, I liked it enough to spend 
a lot of time doing a remix of it.  I appreciate what he does, and 
personally yes I did download and listen to the mp3s.  But I think the 
situation is a lot more complicated than most make it out to be.

At 10:45 AM 2/11/00 -0800, you wrote:
> > Same deal with the japanese tour ep. If you tried
> > hard enoughit was possible to get a copy for $6.
>I don't think the tour EP was EVER available for only
>$6, not even from K.  In fact, I know it wasn't.
>I was able to get four copies directly from a store in
>Japan for about $15 a piece, and that was without
>shipping (which got to be a bit salty, kids).
>Don't get me wrong, however.  I think it's excellent
>that Russ put them up because not everyone had the
>chance to buy them in the first place even if they had
>the money.  My understanding is that there are only
>700 copies in existence worldwide, and since it went
>out of print immediately, it's not like the mp3's are
>detracting from sales of the EP on the market or
>anything like that.
> > Certainly Modest Mouse isn't oblivious to the fact
> > that fans would want to hear these songs
>Well, that's exactly where the major label comes in.
>Epic declared that they would no longer allow the sale
>of the tour EP because some of the songs were/are/have
>been re-recorded, and they didn't want anyone to
>undermine the buying power of their newest signing.
>There are publishing and copyright issues that Epic
>felt the need to protect, and unfortunately that
>screwed the general buying public (in the USA, at
>least) out of this excellent collection of songs.
>But thanks to the legendary Ruxx, the saga continues.
>And if you haven't thanked him today, for the
>countless mp3's or for protecting the artistic
>integrity of one of yr favorite bands or for putting
>up pictures of dope hotties for you to drool over,
>maybe you should thank him now.  He's listening.
>unsolicited spokesman for the Ruxx campaign,

[MMouse]: Fwd: [indierockboots] Secretly Canadian Comp

2000-02-11 Thread Bill, Wright

>From: jonathan michael cargill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I just learned this info.  Secretly Canadian is releasing this.
>An A capella compilation featuring:
> Mimi Parker and Alan Sparhawk (Low)
> Jarboe
> Pedro the Lion
> P.W. Long and Richard Buckner
> Dave Fischoff
> Sharon Topper and Fly (God Is My Co-Pilot)
> Mark Kozeleck (Red House Painters)
> Appendix Out
> Nikki McClure
> Songs: Ohia
> Damien Jurado
> Suzanne Langille
> Tim Foljahn ($2 Guitar)
> Drunk
> Mia Doi Todd
> Japonize Elephants
> Danielson Famile
> David Grubbs
> Elliot Sharp
> Felvr Chom
> Jandek
> Swearing At Motorists
> Isaac Brock (Modest Mouse)

Re: [MMouse]: ebay and the MODEST MOUSE

2000-02-10 Thread Bill, Wright

I think the sale of the japanese tour ep is OK personally, because it is an 
official release that the modest mouse guy made money from. though I 
appreciate the mp3s immensely, and agree with you about the boots, I think 
this may be going too far.  it's just a few steps away from saying "hey 
don't bid on that interstate 8 cd! download it here".  And I do realize 
it is different..but at the same time these are songs which may very 
well be coming out in the US sometime soon, on the new album, or in another 
format.   I've sold my only copies of my modest mouse 7"s on ebay because I 
was brokefor $5-$20.  But at the same time, I spent probably 10 times 
that much in my time tracking these things down by browsing through loads 
of 7"s used and new to find them, in many record stores in many different 
cities.  It may have just been easier to pay 2-3 times as much in the first 
place  to find them.  Same deal with the japanese tour ep.  If you tried 
hard enoughit was possible to get a copy for $6. But these people who 
spent the time to track it down.well they have every right to sell it 
on ebay if they want to.  If you want to complain about anyone's actions 
here, it's probably modest mouse for making it so difficult to get what 
they undoubtedly know will be appreciated universally by fans, not just the 
ones in Japan.

Case in point---Warp Records recently released 3 peel session cds by 
Autechre, Plaid, and Black Dog because mp3s of them had been so rampant. 
(Even going so far as to packaging the cds in faux cd-r cases)Belle & 
Sebastian undoubtedly did the same thing about Tigermilk.  Certainly Modest 
Mouse isn't oblivious to the fact that fans would want to hear these 
songsespecially right after being picked up by a major label.

just my opinion of course.  I know everyone thinks I'm wrong. and 
oh...nothing personal, just a topic that I wanted both sides to be 
presented on. =)


At 08:38 PM 2/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
>hey there. youre getting this email because i saw that you had some kind
>of interaction with modest mouse and ebay.
>to those of you bidding on the japanese tour EP:
>this EP is available in mp3 firmat for free on my bootleg page. as are
>all the bootlegs there. they are free. in mp3 format. good quality too.
>dont spend money on it unless youre a real completist. cuz ebay and
>bootlegs are evil (only when used together. i like ebay for neat stuff
>like garbage pail kids).

[MMouse]: shitload of records FS

1999-10-27 Thread Bill Wright

Hi, I need money quick, so I'm having to sell a whole bunch of my record
collection.  A whole lots of this-listy stuff will be in there.  I've put
up about 60 7"s so far, and there are about 10 more 7"s and 70 LPs to come.
  the stuff is listed at


most of the bids start out at between $1-3, and for a lot of the stuff I
don't expect it to go higher than $5there are also some rarities too,
like early Rodan stuff, and a very rare first Sea & Cake 7" that I really
don't want to part with, but, alas I must. =)  Also some Mogwai, Palace,
etcremember I'll be adding about 100 more in the next couple of days so
watch out for those too...alright, sorry for wasting anyone's time


bill wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~wwright>

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n393

1999-07-02 Thread Bill, Wright

If memory serves, it's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" or something
similar, but I had a question too--has anyone read thea satirical rewrite
of this poem named "The Love Song of J. Crew something or other" or
something similar...I remember it being pretty funny, but can't remember
who wrote it.

At 11:22 PM 7/2/99 -0400, Michael R Bernstein wrote:
>brilliantly stated -- the point of kinsella -- especially with the new
>album, is to recognize influence -- to drop subtle hints -- and although i
>found his allusions to french philsophers a bitpretensious on the new LP,
>it is well done, and the point comes across -- and a bonus point for
>anyone who can name the ts eliot poem -- mike

bill wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~wwright>

Re: [MMouse]: home taping is recording music

1999-01-03 Thread Bill Wright

There is a programit's called "Virtual Audio Cable" (I think).  You can
use it to stream audio from a program to disc as a wav file.  With this
wave file, you can take over the world.  Or, convert it to mp3.  -BILL

At 07:43 AM 11/5/99 -0500, Matt  Evanosky wrote:
>does anyone on the list have enough computer savvy to know whether one can
>download realaudio tracks to save them like an mp3 file..?
>or is that why mp3s are available and realaudio is annoying..
>i found a virtual concert website, with apples in stereo and upon further
>inspection , 2 timid rodent shows from last yr in chicago...
>if my blatant lack of computing skills is too offensive , please disregard
>this pointless post...
>thinks that the state was pretty great, but viva variety had way better live
>talent, like the guy who could swallow big things.

bill wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~wwright>