[MMouse]: OFF TOPIC: white stripes/MULTIBALL

2000-07-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah dogg the white stripes have a song with the dirtbombs on a split 7"
that comes packaed with a MULTIBALL magazine from last month or

MULTIBALL magazine. the only magazine i know dedicated to garage punk
and pinball


[MMouse]: dont believe the fuckin hype

2000-07-07 Thread Russ Sweetser

just for the record, since i didnt join the lemming crowd and post a
list of all the bands i like (because honestly who really cares?), id
like to say the two following statements in regards to the little symbol
list that mark just posted

a: lou barlow does NOT suck. freed weed is like a fuckin indie bible or
something.. yeah freed weed. 

b: OTC does not suck either, but only partially. 

the end


Re: [MMouse]: Re: modestmouse.net development

2000-07-06 Thread Russ Sweetser

what exactly does an editor do? you could do a shitload of rad shit with
modestmouse.net. like give us all dope email addresses. 
how awesome would that be?

and like... i think its really easy to allow ppl to upload their own
shit. theres like an html tag for it and everythin.. id like to see some
modest mouse artwork, stuff like that. im so slow at updating shit on
the web (mainly because i dont like the WWW very much... im more of a
chatty person as the 23423 of you who chat with me know well enough) but
if you could update it yourselves that would be the cats ass. huh?
whatchoo think about that shit?
i dunno. ideas would rock 


Grace Madden wrote:
> Nick,
> I have lots of HTML skills.  Let's all get together and make a site.
> Although Bruce Willen's is already pretty rad.  Everybody write in with
> ideas of something that hasn't ben done yet by Bruce or Epic--something
> along the lines of Russ' Hot Girls/Boys pages and boots pages.  Like maybe a
> photo album/diary/show reviews forum.  A fan site. I nominate Russ as
> editor.
> Grace

Re: [MMouse]: next time I see Isaac Brock...

2000-06-28 Thread Russ Sweetser

shit man i vote for two bucks. galaga takes a beating on my carpal


Philip Smoker wrote:
> "...how he's good at Galaga..."
> ...I'm going to say to him:
> What shall we wager, our immortal souls?  Two bucks?
> *phiL*
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
> http://mail.yahoo.com/

Re: [MMouse]: M & A liner notes

2000-06-26 Thread Russ Sweetser

well what the hell is a baby cum angel? i mean isaac has said some weird
shit in the past re: you get chicken but you dont get stuffing or i took
you out for a night on the town i drink my water but baby cum angel
doesnt really make SENSE in a song that seems to make sense. unless i
dunno what the fuck a baby cum angel is. anyone else ever heard these
three words in succession?
:D? dusty are you slacking off at work?


Re: [MMouse]: M & A liner notes

2000-06-26 Thread Russ Sweetser

speaking of the liners, i meant to say this a while ago
those lyrics are super long
look at the lyrics for third planet
the part that really goes "reminding me of when you used to be three and
i was two" is totally wrong. i dunno who wrote those up but im guessing
they arent right at all. baby cum angles cant be what he says. 
consequently, at the boston show, i was going to ask isaac what the hell
he said there. but he didnt hear my pleas for question and answer time. 


Re: [MMouse]: Any good bookz lately>?

2000-06-24 Thread Russ Sweetser

dood i hated this book. :D?

> i recommend The Sound and the Fury.
> !,
> set
> << I'm glad someone brought this up. I'm sick, so I need some new books. Help.
>  I just finished Fever Pitch, by Nick Hornby. awesome book for anyone who
>  considers themself a fan of sports.
>  Also, what's everyone's favorite David Sedaris book? I am halfway through
>  Naked..just wondering what everyone else thinks.
>  in the cd player: bright eyes,jawbreaker,the clash.
>  in the vcr: say anything.
>  .mer. >>

[MMouse]: the hotgirls/hotboys pages

2000-06-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey guys
i resized a lot of pics on the hotkids pages, they should load faster
theres new additions to both pages. i know it takes me forever to do
this shit. its like. time consuming or something. and im a born slacker.
underachiever and proud of it man? maybe. blah
so that address again:


know it, love it, live it

-rusty jones

Re: [MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

that is the most elitist assholish thing i have ever heard. 
and im not smiling or being funny in saying that. 


Blake wrote:
> one time some lame hippy chick came into my work (it being a headshop and Cd
> store) and she picked up an operation ivy CD, brought it up to the
> desk...and when she tried to buy it...i told her "no".  i just couldnt do
> it.
> ~blake

Re: [MMouse]: RE: [MMOUSE] Vinyl Again and Other Stuff

2000-06-19 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah thats great and all except its "building nothing out of something"
which doesnt really make too much sense in that context. 

russ - not assholish, just sayin'


> Has anyone else though that "Building Something Out of Nothing" was more in
> reference to how they made the album out of nothing but previously released
> songs? I suppose you could make a plea for double intendre (add accent
> marks) but that's what I got out of it.  MM is more in to bleakness and
> nothingness than building somethings out of nothings...

Re: [MMouse]: Sunday/Monday Recap from SF

2000-06-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

this shows something i think:

isaac is one of these guys who, and i could be wrong, will be extra nice
to a chick but not so nice to a guy. you guys know what i mean? uh..
theres a syndrome we put on it. oh yeah. the "calvin johnston syndrome".
meaning that if a guy were to talk to him on the street he'd be like
"hmph" but ANY GIRL could come talk to him and hes be totally into it.
not that theres really anything wrong with that, but i bet if i were a
VIXEN like morgan is, he would have played crazy gnome in boston. 

xoxoxo russ (who is reading through 217 fucking emails. THANKS GUYS)

Morgan Moore wrote:
> not to toot my horn.  but i was at the front of the stage and was yelling
> out crazy gnome (just for you, russ!) and he played it immediately
> thereafter.
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 7:31 PM
> > Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Sunday/Monday Recap from SF
> >
> >
> > Yeah Sunday was great they played lots of songs...They even
> > pulled out a
> > little Crazy Gnome action!!!  it was great. They played for about two
> > hours..the new guitar player was way to loud, at times
> > (especially during
> > allnight diner) I couldn't even hear Isaac singing..he needs
> > to go...anyway
> > the set list was something close to this
> >
> > Neverending math equation
> > Truckers atlas
> > 3rd Planet
> > polar opposites
> > wild pack of family dogs
> > cockroach
> > CRAZY GNoME ( a rare appearance says Isaac)
> > Eric and Jeramy jammed for a while
> > Dramamine
> > tiny cities
> > perfect disguise
> > paper thin walls
> > what people are made of
> > trailer trash
> > positive/negitive
> > cowboy dan
> > encore---
> > grey ice water
> > allnight diner
> > tundra/desert
> >

Re: [MMouse]: Re: modest mouse lawsuit

2000-06-08 Thread Russ Sweetser

not to mention it was from PUFFY. not from modest mouse. 

> What the fuck?
> "The plaintiff, Nicole Levy, was suing Modest
> Mouse for $2 million because she sustained a
> thyroid disorder after she was hurt at the
> charity event."
> She "sustained a thyroid disorder"?? Thats like
> saying "I sustained diabetes in a car accident".
> You can't get a thyroid disorder from being
> injured at a concert... it's the most riduculous
> thing I've ever heard.

Re: [MMouse]: modest mouse lawsuit

2000-06-07 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey dont take offense to this post ppl

but what kind of gay shit is this? why are people taking other bands and
putting modest mouse into it so that we will go look at the content?
bittersweet motel? puffy accusations? we dont need this kind of
bullshit. its like that time someone told us that modest mouse was on
conan obrien. lies! all of it! man. fuckin fuck this lame shit

russ - not one of my better posts, i know. 

edgar graham wrote:
> this found at:
> http://www.sohh.com/music_wire/news.cgi?v=news&c=Daily_Hip-Hop_News&id=052624245
>May 26, 2000
>Modest Mouse Settles Lawsuit
>As previously reported, Modest Mouse was
> facing a lawsuit from a victim of the
>chaos that occurred at a 1991 charity
> basketball game (read story here). The
>tables have now turned in favor of Modest
> Mouse, as the lawsuit was settled out of court.
>The plaintiff, Nicole Levy, was suing
> Modest Mouse for $2 million because she sustained a
>thyroid disorder after she was hurt at
> the charity event. Earlier this month Modest Mouse
>offered $50,000 as a settlement, but Levy
> felt "insulted" by the offer.
>Yesterday, they settled the suit out of
> for court for an unspecified amount. "It
>remains that Nicole Levy's case is
> without merit," said Modest Mouse's lawyer, Luke Pittoni,
>in a statement. "Rather than have
> protracted litigation, we have come to an
>acceptable resolution and are very
> pleased with the outcome."
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: top 5 favorite mm songs - in no particular order

2000-06-07 Thread Russ Sweetser

talking shit about a pretty sunset
make everyone happy/mechanical birds
teeth like gods shoeshine
edit the sad parts
third planet

from russ(ia?), with love

Re: [MMouse]: russ/hot girls page

2000-05-31 Thread Russ Sweetser

sorry all, for being so damn lazy on the hot kids page, which, fyi, is


im mustering up the nerve to make it more modem friendly. but its going
to take like an hour and a half to do and im such a fucking slacker.
anyone whom i owe tapes, letters, etc to can verify my slackerness. 
so email me yr pics, i keep them in a special folder and when i get
around to changing/putting them up, they will go up. dig? and if you
feel like giving me a kick in the ass emailwise like "hey you tubby
bastard get off your fat ass and fix the hotgirls page", be my guest

and to answer amy's question, the kid who owns the compouter that
digitalsushi is on often tries to install crazy modules and breaks the
webserver. it will be up when i point out to him that its not. 


[MMouse]: OFFTOPIC - western mass. indie concert this saturday!

2000-05-30 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey guys, heres a shameless plug

this satuday, june 3rd at the flywheel in easthampton massachusetts 
the electric kool-aid test
three bands for three bucks (thats what i was told)
those three bands are:

yars revenge (doods, its me, russ, on guitar and vocals. thats it.
please come see me play in my last east coast show ever :D?)

princeton reverbs colonial (super rock-i-fied music for kids of ALL ages
(features darren and I from the list... www.redcarpetring.com)

the wee turtles (super friggin awesome indie band! no kidding!)

it starts at 1 pm. what else are you going to do on a saturday? after
the show we are all going to TT's in boston to check out bright eyes.
make an indie day out of it :D?


Re: [MMouse]: Rescue me!

2000-05-26 Thread Russ Sweetser

kleenex girl wonder - ponyoak
mountain goats - sweden
heavenly - le jardin de heavenly
flaming lips - clouds taste metallic
aden - black cow

hope this helps. 


[MMouse]: someone out there is totally incognito

2000-05-26 Thread Russ Sweetser

this is going to sound friggin dumb
but did someone on this list randomly snail mail me a clipping from the
washington post of the modest mouse article? i VAGUELY remember talking
to someone about this but i cant remember who it was, and i coulda sworn
it was in person. maybe it was a dream i had? anyways whoever sent it to
me had no return address and didnt put a note in the envelope or NOTHIN.
and they had my home address. anyone? anyone? bueller?


[MMouse]: i scanned my november 5th 1998 modest mouse setlist

2000-05-25 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah thats right. its kinda big but you can see it here:


its the best setlist i have. and i saw the one from the march 14th 99
NYC show, and it was all handwritten and good. this badboy however, was
scrawled in a drunken isaac state. "truckers ass"? cmon. 
you know you wanna see it. 



ps. to all the people bitching at each other on the list. take it off
list for cry-iy. thats all.

Re: [MMouse]: isaac's tattoo/film crew/trophy

2000-05-24 Thread Russ Sweetser

i dont bootleg shows, i rely on the good hardworking bootleg community
to come through for me. 
uh. i dont have a very good connection for a few months either so the
boots page wont be seeing anything new until then :D?
but sooner or later there will be a "hella" lot more stuff up there. im
expanding to built to spill, guided by voices, june of 44, whatever man.
if i have it and its a boot, it will be available for download. expect
this around august. 


J to the R wrote:

> I did not tape the show, but maybe one exists?...(Russ, when do we get
> to see some new stuff on the boots page?)

Re: [MMouse]: LISP off

2000-05-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

dood its just you. 
the first time i heard lonesome crowded west im like "this guys voice is
listen to bankrupt on selling. 
listen to lounge
its wicked evident imho. 


> ok i am wondering if anyone noticed that in person isaac has a every evident
> lisp but on all recordings you cant really tell?  is this just me?
> .bagel.

Re: [MMouse]: a lengthy account of a boston MM show

2000-05-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah. awesome man... i hope you checked out the boots page. for a
second i thought you might have thought i was an mp3 narc or something

the microphone swinging thing was right up there with the time julian
koster from neutal milk hotel threw an accordian at my face and came
inches away from impact, and also the first MM show i saw in 98, when
the entire stage was on fire and some moshpit crazy bastard pushed me
into the flames. danger at its best. :D


> Hey,
> I saw you at the Boston show last night. You gave me a little post-it with
> the addresss for a Mouse boots website on it and you told me I should join
> this list, so here I am. In case you couldn't tell, I had a blast last night
> too. The Les Savy Fav guy swinging his mike like he was gonna whap someone
> with it ranks right up there with nearly having my eye gouged out by the
> bass player for US Maple on my list of "Scariest Concert Experiences".

[MMouse]: a shorter account of the modest mouse show in boston

2000-05-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

oh yeah. 
les savy fav rules you. totally energetic and in your face
califone is not as bad as i thought, although a sleeper. they meant well
although they had a slightly bad attitude to start. 
modest mouse. not their best performance (nothing beats the time i saw
them in november of 98) but still super awesome and energetic. the
setlist Neverending Math Equation
What People Are Made Of
Trailer Trash
Perfect Disguise
Paper Thin Walls
Doin' The Cockroach
Out Of Gas
Life Like Weeds
Cowboy Dan
Third Planet
Other Peoples Lives

and awesome show dood. hmm. thats it. tomorrows my birthday. woo. 
dont forget to yell out for humpkin pumpkin although i think they might
get really sick of hearing requests for it. just a simple science

i hafta tell you about the future!

[MMouse]: a lengthy account of a boston MM show

2000-05-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

awww yeah so as usual everytime i see the mouse i write up this really
long and exhausting account of everything that happened. therefore if
you dont feel like reading this you can refer yourself to the shorter
version that will most likely accompany this email. it should be in your
email box now unless previously deleted by you or someone you love. 

right then. so me and darred and paul cruise on down to boston, going
the "wicked hick way" as i have dubbed it, due to the fact that we took
the route straight from keene NH instead of claremont, where i would
normally have only minimal hick roadage before hitting speeds in excess
of 85 mph on the interstate. woo. so we get to boston and we are wicked
friggin early some, but theres these two kids waiting, so we make small
talk and it turns out that one of them is on the list, myabe both. but
hi john :D and uh, melissa was it? woop. so we go around back to see if
the vans have been loaded and they werent so we walked around for an
hour and came back and around back we could hear the mouse doing their
sound check. but it was just a regular old jam, nothing spectacular. so
we go wait in line and its just us five and people slowly trickle in.
After being accosted by boston's finest homeless man in the pizza place
we claimed our stake in line. 
yeah so then im inside and i met dusty (pronounced with an usty) insde
and we talked for a few minutes while in line for the tshirts. friggin
tshirts for the mouse are 15 bucks! and they didnt even have XL. what a
gyp. but i got both of them. one is blue with orange, the straight lines
spanning from a center point with modest mouse written below, the other
either a black or dark blue (im bad with black/dark blue
distinguishization) with this odd "half seesaw triangle" thing on it.
and oh yeah. i stole a poster of the new cover art off the bathroom
door. so i go up front and blah blah blah. 
so then les savy fav comes out. and i had seen them at the NYC show back
in march of 99 so i knew it was a good time to watch but it got s
much better. my friend amy who used to be on this list, who i see almost
everytime i go to the flywheel in easthampton, she loves les savy fav
and was talking about some other shows that she had seen of them, and
how super friggin kickass they were. anyways, the lead singer from les
savy fav has this total rip van winkle meets scary irish guy look? i
dunno, we saw him walking around before the show with a black sweatshirt
that had "timmy" airbrushed on it. amy had informed me that previously,
he had some super "county fair-esque" shirt with an indian and a wolf
airbrushed on it. i guess its his fashion niche. so hes got this sampler
thing and before les savy fav comes out hes all playin with it and stuff
and then they come out and he starts playing samples of danzigs "mother"
and hes like "were danzig!" and spews out this half satanic speech about
how we meet in the underground after dark and the band starts playing
mother for a little bit and then they kick into the set. 
and dood. les savy fav OWNS you. the lead singer is so charismatic, hes
like hanging from the pipes on the ceiling, climbing the monitors. that
girl melissa who was in front of us in line, he like went up to her,
licked her hair, rubeed it on his face and body. later in the show he
ran out into the crowd and got us all tangled up in microphone wire, and
we thought he was going to throw the microphone at my friend darren. hes
doin all this crazy dancing, running around, sampling hot for teacher.
haha, at one point they were having bass trouble... he instructed the
entire audience to turn around because it was embarrasing. when some
people didnt he was like "cmon guys im serious, this isnt funny!" but
the highlight of his crazy antics had to be when he straddled his crotch
right in my friend paul's face and humped him
then he fell over onto us and paul like half groped him until he got
back up onstage. it was classic. 
so yeah. go see les savy fav. 
rght. so then califone comes out. and the general list consensus
seems to be "califone blows monkey wad". and in a way its kinda like
"bleh" youre standing there, they are all slow and stuff. the lead
singer guy, he comes out and hes like "hey can you turn us up really
loud out there so i dont have to listen to these fucking people
thats a great way to win over the audience. but the music was actually
quite good i thought. i mean i didnt mind listening to it, even if it
was super slow and non-movable. they ended their set with a brian eno
cover, a song that elf power covers actually. the one thats called "the
needle in the camel's eye" or something. i dont have my cd case with me.
and it was a good cover. 
yeah dogg. then the mouse comes out and hmhmhmhm darren already posted
the set list but i will do it again:

Neverending Math Equation
What People Are Made Of
Trailer Trash
Perfect Disguise
Paper Thin Walls
Doin' The Cockroach
Out Of Gas
Life Like Weed

[MMouse]: humpin pumpkin idea

2000-05-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

darren from the list and i got an idea

tomorrow at the boston show we are going to shout out for humpin pumpkin
all you kids at other shows do the same
see if we cant socially engineer the mouse to play humpin pumpkin. if
anything they will be like "wtf?!"
so im wearing a black tshirt that has a pac man board in-play on it. 
and i think ill just tape a big sign on my back that says "russ"
so you two kids at the boston show, look out for me. darren is wearing a
764 hero tshirt, so he claims. that oughta help. talk to me or else. 



2000-05-18 Thread Russ Sweetser

no i didnt take it down. im hitting a spell where i wont mind
updating/changing/adding to the hotboys/girls pages. so if you guys
wanna be on it, email me your pictures and a description. if you wanna
be off it, tell me so. if you wanna change your picture, tell me so.
frenchy, i will change your picture as soon as i remember to. 


Re: [MMouse]: show at the blind pig

2000-05-17 Thread Russ Sweetser

the return of crazy gnome you say?! i cant fucking wait

russ - i am insane fucking clown crazy gnome

Re: [MMouse]: boston

2000-05-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey all

i will be at the boston show. more than likely wearing a pac-man tshirt
of some kind. if not i will give you details at they emerge. chances are
ill be at the front of the line somewhere as well. please please PLEASE
come and say hi if you see me. or maybe we can all hang out at the
greasy mcdoanlds across from the middle east or the burger king down the
street. and heres a hint for the middle east. the bands load up in the
back. so if you wanted to be a good samaritan and meet the band at the
same time, you might go back there early and see if the band needs help
unloading their shit. just a suggestion. 


Re: [MMouse]: Monday, where is thy sting?

2000-05-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

sorry all, i was on cape cod for a few days. came back to 86 emails. 

Philip Smoker wrote:
> Hey Ruxx, what will the new T/D be?  Do you think
> there's one song they will continue to close every set
> with, or are those days over now?

the song that they include in every set? truckers atlas seems to be a
pretty strong candidate. i havent really heard any '00 boots in order to
make a sound decision on this issue. they used to play stars are
projectors an awful lot, but i guess they didnt play it in chicago? so
who knows. i really wish they would expand their live set though. 


[MMouse]: the funny thing about the hotboys page

2000-05-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

you know. i cant remember if i said anything about this previously. 
hasn't anyone out there noticed that "sean" and "tommy" on the hot
modest mouse boys page are jeremiah green and eric judy? no one emailed
me about it, but someone voted for jeremiah like 100 times. theyve been
up there for quite some time. good ol' sean and tommy. 
and yeah. im pretty sure they know they are on it. its not like i found
pics and put them up. it was an engineered move. 


[MMouse]: hot MM girls and boys

2000-05-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

hahahah holy fuck i cant belive she asked him about my pages. how
(i think thats it)

oh yeah. vanilla coke rules. i never heard of it until pulp fiction. it
was vincent vegas beverage order at jack rabbit slims. 


Re: [MMouse]:

2000-05-07 Thread Russ Sweetser

its just the bullshit corporate hype that came along with it. 


Tom Popelka wrote:
> pardon my asking, but what the hell is "wrong on s many levels" about a
> t-shirt giveaway?
> >From: Russ Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [MMouse]:
> >Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 17:45:09 -0400
> >
> >jesus christ this is wrong on soo many levels.
> >
> >russ
> >
> >
> >
> >Toni Rickman wrote:
> > >
> > > This is awful...
> > >
> > > http://www.gigmania.com/promo/modestmouse/tix.asp
> > > 
> > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]:

2000-05-07 Thread Russ Sweetser

jesus christ this is wrong on soo many levels. 


Toni Rickman wrote:
> This is awful...
> http://www.gigmania.com/promo/modestmouse/tix.asp
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]: off topic: Apples in Stereo/Essex Green

2000-05-06 Thread Russ Sweetser

i will agree. i saw the apples in stereo live and was bored to the core. 
beulah opened though and they rocked the town like a bucket of muscle
it was a shame, i also was expecting something a bit better. oh well.
such is life. 


Jeff Peers wrote:
> Last night i witnessed something that was most unimpressive...
> The Apples in Stereo live.
> Am I alone? Was it just me who thought that they should chill out with the
> distortion and learn to croon? Horrible sound at the Horseshoe in Toronto
> surly didn't disuade my intrest. Did it? It was loud, slow, and boring
> (accept for robert schnieder, who reminded me of doug marstch in that
> "please be my father" sort of way). The Essex Green opened to the same
> result. It just sounded sloppy and boring. Not anything I would expect from
> the same Elephant 6 camp of live shows as The Olivia Tremor Control, Beulah,
> and Neutral Milk's boisterous mayhem. I am walking in a daze trying to
> remember one good moment. But i can't. Damn...
> Jeff.
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: new email for ruxxxxx

2000-05-04 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey guys its russ. i have a new email since my old school email will be
getting killed. so please update yr thingies and whatever. 

new email is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (yeah its a descendents reference)

dig? dug!


[MMouse]: metallica eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast

2000-05-02 Thread Russ Sweetser


i feel very strongly about the metallica thing. i want to see them crash
and burn in the worst way. i think im going to make an impromptu
metallica boycott activist site. if anyone wants to help give me a few
days and email me about it. 


[MMouse]: pac man's wife found alive and well

2000-04-30 Thread Russ Sweetser

ok so i found the ms pac man machine. its been relocated to the
claremont cinema center. so BRING IT ON
also taking applications for an asswhoopin of whodunnit, which also got
relocated to the movie theatre. 


[MMouse]: im gonna start a war...with the claremont bowling alley

2000-04-27 Thread Russ Sweetser

fucking claremont NH bowling alley GOT RID OF THEIR MS PAC MAN MACHINE
and they replaced it with "road runner"
what in the fuckity fuck fuck kinda fucking lameass move is that?
not only that
but they got rid of Who Dunnit (TELL ME MORE ABOUT TONY), and they
replaced it with an out-of-order copy of "indiana jones and the pinball
now, ive never played this game, so im hoping it owns up to the
awesomeness that indiana jones exceeds, but its fuckin broken! christ on
a cross, this didnt really roll in my welcome mat. 


Re: [MMouse]: Shirt idea / Palatka rip off

2000-04-24 Thread Russ Sweetser

fat kids look bad in ringers. 
the end. 


[MMouse]: metallica joke site

2000-04-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

check this out:



Re: [MMouse]: Pearl Jam & Cowboy Dan

2000-04-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah right huh?here are some other ideas:

pearl jam has decided to get on stage and cover "cowboy dan" 13 times in
a row and then call it a night.

pearl jam has hired john wayne's grandson "cowboy" Dan Wayne to be their
roadie. and he comes out before each set and hooks the mics up

pearl jam concerts are the secret meeting ground for the National Mean
Drinkin' Foot Stompin' Cowboy Association

there are plenty of other options. 

russ - its 4:20 on 4/20, and im listening to old sebadoh

Philip Smoker wrote:
> No one has said anything about Modest Mouse opening
> for Pearl Jam.  The only thing that was said by "edgar
> graham" ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - who first posted to
> the list shortly after the official site was launched)
> was: "if you go to see Pearl Jam this summer, you just
> might see Cowboy Dan" (I'm paraphrasing there, so if I
> have a preposition wrong, be sure to crucify me).

Re: [MMouse]: shirt idea

2000-04-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

i think thats a fucking rockin idea. 


blucadet3 do you connect? wrote:
> I ran this by Dave and he thought it was a good idea. Everyone was talking
> about shirts and stuff so I thought that I could make shirts for the list. > No 
>profit. I just thought this
> would be cool. Then we would bump into each other out there and be like Wow
> your on that mailing list! and everyone else would be like where the hell
> did you get that shirt yo? If anyone try's to sell these on ebay we will
> kill you. I thought it would be cool to just kill off the rest of these
> supplies that way. So i thought just making the colors random would be cool
> but some guys may object to a pink shirt. Anyway what do you think?
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]: the roads are maps of maps

2000-04-18 Thread Russ Sweetser

uhm. yeah. dann galucci used to be in modest mouse, and its fabled that
he taught isaac how to play guitar. and he played a ton of backup and
whatnot on some recorded MM shit, most likely in LCW. i think its all
over the liners as a matter of fact. 


steven hahnel wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, - Z wrote:
> being in modest mouse, i havent heard that. i know about all their past
> bands, so im assuming i would have noted this. the only thing i can think
> of is that maybe one of them guested a few live shows with MM. other than
> that, i doubt it.

[MMouse]: student.com review

2000-04-17 Thread Russ Sweetser


you can submit your own reviews too. dope. 



2000-04-14 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey. im no activist by any means. 
what kind of sell out, holier-than-thou elitist fuckhead bullshit is
this for metallica, a band who would be NOWHERE if it werent for the
trading of their original demo tapes through the underground music
trading circuit, to decide to target individual students, universities
and a program that abets in the practices they used oh-so-many years ago
to get their face on the map? this from a band who streamed their album
over the internet?! and not only that, but this from a band who
obviously makes a killing with each album they release and tour they go
on, who knows damn well they are only in it for the money, this isnt
about ethics i can almost assure you that. 

BOYCOTT METALLICA. as far as i'm concerned they deserve no more money
from anyone. it appears it has gone to their head. 

now most of you are prolly going "hey russ, we ALREADY boycott
metallica". if so, good job. spread the word. like i said, im not an
activist, so im not about to spam the planet with a metallica boycott
message. but if theres one thing that pisses me off, its some kind of
twisted fucking violation like metallica is pulling right now. i hope
you can see the light for what it really is. and dont give this band a
drop of your money. spread the word. 


russ - explicitly laid out like a fruitcake

Re: [MMouse]: city question ... philly, dc, nyc

2000-04-12 Thread Russ Sweetser

bring your mom or something and they should let you in. a kid i know got
his 14 year old sister in to see olivia tremor control and super furry
animals because him mom fucked shit up



> how difficult is it for a 17 yr old to get into the middle east ? does anyone
> think that modest mouse will go on another tour after this album ... like in
> the fall ...

Re: [MMouse]: t-shirts

2000-04-12 Thread Russ Sweetser

i made a tshirt once that had a pic of the mouse, the one thats kind of
panoramic, with all three heads. it said modest mouse in courier new
(red) at the top and underneath i scrawled with a permanent marker
"every winning opinion..." and on the back i wrote "I wish i had one"
no one ever said anything to me about it. i think it was the cause of
great tshirt confusion on campus. bah. 

russ - he doesn't even naturally exist so you better start shakin'

Re: [MMouse]: hot pinball action - ms pacman

2000-04-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

we spent so much time at those two pinball games. 
if you wanna suck the fun right out of pinball, go to athens goergia
every game is a quarter (thats not the bad part) but you get FIVE balls
with every game. and this was at multiple locations. no kidding. every
fuckin pinball game we played there gave us five balls. after a while
youre like "fuck this five ball shit!". seriously. 
on a different note, i skipped class today to play pinball. 
i went to the mall where the flintstones pinball game was, and the
entire arcade was gone. there was a moment of silence in effigy. 
then i went to the big mall and played 5 bucks worth of star wars
episode 1 pinball. needless to say RUX is the jedi youth master on THAT
and doods i was playing pinball for nintendo earlier (the one with the
penguins) and i broke 100,000 points. i nearly shat in my pants! the
flippers disappear. i got a screen shot of my high score. 
if you dig the nintendo action, i found the funniest goddamn page on the

i almost coughed up a lung laughing so hard. 

to jesse or whoever was putting the smackdown on ms pac man for
nintendo. my mspacman rom doesnt work. so uhm. do you have MAME? because
im down with MAME action. 
if you need it, email me. 
if you wanna know what MAME is, email me. 
if you wanna have some hot oral sex action and are a female between the
ages of 18 and 25, email me. 

russ - kiss your mom at the busttop cuz im takin you to school

Darren Cloutier wrote:
> Hey Kids,
> All this pinball talk made me remember this classic shot.  This is very on
> topic to the off topic stuff we have been speaking about lately.  This
> picture, get this, contains 4 main objects.  Two of them being Me and Russ
> (fits in with the whole survey business) and the other two objects are The
> Getaway and The Addams Family pinball games.  That's right, go and check it
> out at:
> http://www.redcarpetring.com/images/pinballkids.jpg
> yeah pinball,
> Darren
>  r e d   c a r p e t   r  i n g
> http://www.redcarpetring.com/

Re: [MMouse]: jackasses and cat piss

2000-04-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

uhm. which one did you buy?
and is this a metaphor? did you let your cat piss on it because you
didnt like it? share your feelings with the group. dont edit yourself. 

russ - sung to the tune of "i wont forget you" by poison

Andrew Hager wrote:
> hey sue me..i think that modest mouse is really good music written by jackasses
> oh yeah..RUSSyou are always talking about kleenexgirlwonderwell just to let 
>you know, i bought
> it today and my cat pissed on it within 10 minutes. im dead serious

Re: [MMouse]: drinky crow

2000-04-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

i cant figure out why anyone would automatically assume that in order to
like a band thats got a lead singer who enjoys substance abuse, you
yourself have to enjoy substance abuse. did every nirvana fan on the
planet advocate heroin? or barbituates and alcohol? i didnt hear about
any mass comacide across the country a few months before mr. cobains
i mean shit. i like magnetic fields but im not a flaming homosexual. i
like palace brothers but im not a jesus freak AT ALL. i like bright eyes
but im not some kid who sits around crying about lost love. oh wait. yes
i am. 
isaac isnt a role model, hes just a singer/writer with good ideas. i
find it kinda preposterous for people to say that theres a point in
saying that people dont drink yet they listen to a drunk. be your own

russ - when this baby hits 88 MPH, you're gonna see some serious shit

Re: [MMouse]: Re: pinball blues, baby.

2000-04-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

> bally-midway's "pinball2000" concept is cool . . . return of the invaders
> from mars (or something like that) and star wars episode 1 (which i've not
> found yet) are the only two they did . . . and now, bally-midway, the main
> producers of pinball goodness, will never again make a pinball machine.
> stopped.
> permanently.

no WAY. the pinball 2000 concept is so fucking money. for those of you
who dunno. theres a full video screen that hangs upside down above the
board and its reflected onto the playing field. when the ball passes
through the holographic video screen, the sensors or something pick up
on whats going on and the screen changes accordingly. so in star wars
episode one, theres all these droids walking around, and if your ball
goes through the screen when theres a droid there, he blows up and
anakin goes "HEY GUYS IM CUTE RIGHT?"

> i'd always planned on having a pinball gallery when i'm older and wealthier,
> but this might mean i have to hurry things . . .

me too. and ill be using ebay to get my games, most likely

> so, without further ado, some pinball titles for your consideration -
> banzai run (this is kinda old-school, and it was one of the ones where the
> ball could actually go up to the top-standing part of the machine, where the
> score is displayed)

this reminds me of the most awesome pinball game ever made that i forgot
to mention. 
this will be the first title i ever purchase. pac man that results in
hawt pinball action when the cards are right. cant fucking go wrong

> theatre of magic - i always feel like i got ripped off playing this one, but
> i keep coming back . . . maybe it's just the magnetic box, and i'm a
> simpleton, i don't know. . .

they have this at crossgates mall in albany. but whenever you get
multiball the game gets really stupid, and lets you keep playing while
it tells you you have lost. it pisses me off. fix yr fucking games
cybertron arcade. 

> road construction (?) - i can't think of the exact name, but it has two heads
> in the machines that represent your construction bosses. . .either way, it
> kicks ass.

road work? you like ROAD WORK? hor-ri-ble :D
(i suck at it)

> addams family - along with elvira, two pinball games that my dad and i wasted
> countless quarters on at the 7-11 back in my grade school days.

addams family DOES rule and so does the twilight zone pinball game. 

other honorable mentions:

Popeye - can be found in hyannis, massachusetts, on main street near the
carousel. its got two levels on it and some wicked crazy shit. 

Last Action Hero - has this crane and some other shit that makes it
really awesome, the only problem is the scoops in the middle of the
board tend to shoot the ball right at the slot between the flippers, and
yr shit outta luck 

flinstones - i like it. i dunno why. this arcade in colonie center mall
has flintstones and judge dredd, and youd think i would play judge
dredd, but flintstones is so much better. 

if you wanna check shit out, go to www.ipdb.com i think .the internet
pinball database. 


[MMouse]: hotkids updates

2000-04-10 Thread Russ Sweetser

oh hey. im not doing anymore hotboys/girls updates. so please dont send
the pics. :D?
hope this doesnt piss anyone off. its a pain in the ass to update. i got
something cooler in the works anyways. y'all are gonna dig it. 


Re: [MMouse]: PINBALL

2000-04-10 Thread Russ Sweetser

ho-hum. here the gat come

as for rating pinball (is anyone else a pinball fan around here? if you
arent , to paraphrase hamlet "GET THEE TO AN ARCADE". because i used to
think pinball sucked and then i played a few games and it rocks your
the best known pinball game ever ever ever made
is GUNS AND ROSES PINBALL. you cant beat this fuckin game. put a quarter
in and it goes "YOU IN THE JUNGLE BABY". its got so many GNR references
in it. it makes me clean up a mess in my pants everytime. so yeah. GNR
gets my all time rockin pinball game. 
whodunnit gets like a 7.5 out of ten. its way too easy. i mean hell i
put my 50 cents in and got 8 free games. what the hell kinda shit is
that. i dont really live around too many pinball games so its tough for
me to find the good ones. and they more often than not end up sucking. 
another great pinball game used to be at TT the bears in cambridge mass
(behind the middle east). it was this boxing game that had a boxer in
the middle who would turn around everytime you got a chance to bout, and
you would whack him with the ball a certain nunmber of times in the
allotted time frame. if you kicked his ass you went up in the ranks,
much like mike tysons punch out (BANZAI! - piston honda). in the corners
you could jump rope your ball and use it as a punching bag. very very

pinball games i hate include "black rose" and "medival madness". medival
madness is the only pinball game on campus, and its way too easy to lose
all three balls immediately. its one of those ones where youve got to
accumulate loop shots to get multiballs. and if you dont get the loops
or you dont hit the multiball switch, you aint got shit. 
high speed is a good game too. as is Congo and South park. and i wont
even go into the star wars episode one game. it blew my mind when i
first played it. 

shit man. now im jonesing. 
russ - see my hearts reflection in your eyes

[MMouse]: the galaga conquest - who dunnit

2000-04-10 Thread Russ Sweetser

my poor carpal tunnel hand has a hard time keeping up with galaga,
although i love it dearly. 
uhm. yeah, i know a kid who rocks the casbah at galaga. you two should
go head to head. 
and oh hell. you know what else. if anyone wants to see who can defeat
one another at the pinball game "Who DUnnit", i have some sick
fascination with it. i got two high scores in one night, and rooftop
champion. that means whenever youmake it to the slot machine, your
initials come up right before the slots spin. i should have been
creative and made my initials "CUM" or "GAY" but alas, i put RUX in,
unbeknownst of the awesome publicity it would bring me. so hmhmhmhmh.
who dunnit? anyone?
"tell me more about TONY."
CLUE FOUND 200,000!

oh well 


Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, clap your hands

2000-04-10 Thread Russ Sweetser

i dont know where there is a real pac man machine. but i do know where
theres a real ms pac man machine. availability comes into play when the
games are 20 years old :D?


Dustin Summers wrote:
> what? you cant handle the real pac man?
> --
> Dustin
> "keep your lamp light trimmed and burning"
> --
> >From: Russ Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, clap your hands
> >Date: Mon, Apr 10, 2000, 2:18 AM
> >
> > i will kick anyones ass at ms pacman on this list.
> > but it has to be on a REAL ms pac man machine. because my gravis gamepad
> > sucks for playing. so. if you want, go find yrself a ms pac man machine.
> > play it as long as you want. get a high score, take a picture.
> > and ill beat it :D?
> > haha
> >
> > russ - so cocky (sorry)
> >
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> >>> i challenge russ to Ms pac man if you are down
> >>
> >

[MMouse]: ms pac man smackdown

2000-04-10 Thread Russ Sweetser

hrm. i dunno man. i dont have ms pac man for the 8 bit. i think i have a
rom somewhere. oh hell. youre on. get me your high score by friday 


Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, clap your hands

2000-04-09 Thread Russ Sweetser

i will kick anyones ass at ms pacman on this list. 
but it has to be on a REAL ms pac man machine. because my gravis gamepad
sucks for playing. so. if you want, go find yrself a ms pac man machine.
play it as long as you want. get a high score, take a picture. 
and ill beat it :D?

russ - so cocky (sorry)


> >>> i challenge russ to Ms pac man if you are down

Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, clap your hands

2000-04-09 Thread Russ Sweetser

> >1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

russ sweetser - troy ny for another 25 days, then claremont nh for a
month, then hoffman estates IL for a while. 

> >2.What is your favorite mouse song?

talkin shit about a pretty sunset
runner up is mechanical birds. 

> >3.What are five records you couldn't live without

kleenex girl wonder: ponyoak
modest mouse: lonesome crowded west
flaming lips: clouds taste metallic
NMH - in the aeroplane over the sea
quasi - featuring birds

> >4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
> >bad or good?

wicked good. 

> >5.  Ebay, bad or good?

i think ebay is great for REAL stuff. unreproducable junk like garbage
pail kids and atari games. bad for stuff like "demo tapes" that someone
can make 87 copies of and sell for the highest price around (you guys
knew this)

> >6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
> >voting for himself or what?

doods im not even close to winning i swear!

> >7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?


> >8.  First live show?

sadly, my dad dragged me to see huey lewis and the news. 
but my first REAL concert was GNR, metallica, and faith no more in sept
of 92

> >9.  Worst live show?

shit. worst live show? theyve all been pretty good. ill say..
shit. thats really hard. i dunno. cracker and the meat puppets? it was
still a good show. dont get me wrong. i didnt like papas fritas very
much when i saw them. who knows. i cant tell . oh wait. i know. apples
in stereo. it was just really fuckin boring. 

> >10.  Favorite sound?

anything from pacman

> >11.  least favorite sound?

my old alarm clock. it was so fuckin annoyin.

> 12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
> >on the internet bad/good?
it was my idea. 

> >13.  What book should every person in america read?

The Big Book Of Conspiracy (Factoid Books) its like a comic book that
depicts all these crazy conspiracies. in fact, any of the big book
series would be fair game. they are just so damn amazing. 

> >14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

know where your allegiance lies, and you can do whatever you want. 

> >15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
> >see?

totally fuckin dumb idea. everyone KNOWS you like this band, youre at
the show. advertise for someone else. 

> >16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic
> >bad/good?

as long as its not about jesus, i dont care. 

> >17.  Favorite beer?

i cant hold beer down. vodka baby. 

> 18.  Favorite color?


> 19.  What are you going to name your first born child?


> >20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
> >tons about a person)?

pulp fiction
chasing amy
true romance
beautiful girls
fight club

Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, skip please

2000-04-09 Thread Russ Sweetser

man, you write faster than walt flannagans dawg. 

just one thing to ask i guess. since when was i winning the hotboys
blake has more votes than anybody. and the next winner is Jeremiah
Green, whom apparently someone recognized. both eric judy ANd jeremy are
on this page. no one seemed to notice. 

russ - moving to hoffman estates IL in two months: im sure ill see you

> 6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
> voting for himself or what?
> I think that's an honest question, but I hope that no
> one is desperate enough to vote for themselves for
> anything...

[MMouse]: doot!

2000-04-07 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah, in rebuttal to what this girl wrote:
this is the only list that i *like* being on. and its really not because
i'm some obsessed mouse fan (you are all shakin your heads at that one),
but its personal, not really elitist, the people on this list have IQs
higher than their shoe sizes, and it rarely gets out of hand. the talk
is nice, the conversation doesnt lean toward either pretentious or
completely retarded, and i never really groan from reading posts. some
other lists ive been on have sucked SO MUCH big dick that i felt really
bad for signing up in the first place. lists where either everyone and
their mother is bragging about some completely obscure show they saw
with some completely obscure band just to show off their indie cred, or
every post is about something so completely obvious that you just roll
your eyes and wonder who let the monkeys start using the internet. i
dunno. youre a great group of kids. thats a lot more than i can say for
a lot of other lists. 

russ - smoke a pack of whiskey with jesus christ

> I must agree with Seth i believe his name it.  This is one of the 4 lists
> I've been subscribed to over the years and this one has gotta be the worse
> with off topic stuff.  I dunno isn't there supposed to a  moderator? If i
> wanted to talk about a million different bands or what movie i just saw I'd
> talk to my friends or go somewhere else where it was appropriate.  As the
> anticipation thing- it's a littly psycho to be trying to get it early and
> stuff- I mean if i have the money sure i'll buy it the day it comes out-but
> chances of that are slim.  I mean everyone's a different level of being a
> "fan" i guess- but the off topic stuff is really bad.
> -Michelle `:o)
> "Rockin' the town like a moldy crouton"
> http://www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=fry615">Join
> AllAdvantage.com and get paid to surf the Web! Please use my ID (fry615) when
> asked if someone referred you. Thanks!

[MMouse]: crazy MM girls links all over the fuckin web

2000-04-06 Thread Russ Sweetser

ok so its not really ALL

i just checked out my logs. apparently everyone and their MOTHER is
linking the hot modest mouse girls page. SO
its in my best interest to protect the people on the page. im not in the
mood to go through and delete whoever wants me to delete them because
its a pian in the ass with the way the script works. so we have two
options. girls (and guys) who are connected to these pages, feel free to
privately email me with your input

your choices are:
a) i take down the pages altogether
b) i password the pages

pick one and lemme know. 

[MMouse]: hot chicks

2000-04-06 Thread Russ Sweetser

ok so realizing that jlangdon posted that yesterday, i thought he just
kinda nonchalantly put that link at the bottom of his email not that
it was actually from the page. (trying to cover my stupidity here :D?)
yeah. thats all. 


[MMouse]: hot modest mosue girls

2000-04-06 Thread Russ Sweetser

you guys. 
pitchfork media linked the hot modest mouse girls page to a short
article they ran on the album being pushed back. how crazy. doesnt
someone on this list write for them? wow. i feel half-famous. 



[MMouse]: good vibes

2000-04-05 Thread Russ Sweetser

i just feel like sticking up for colins side of things. 
colin doesnt come across as a prick or anything. 
im not going to say much more be cause an argument like this in public
is downright retarded. 


[MMouse]: MM/BTS european tour dates

2000-04-03 Thread Russ Sweetser

to the lymeys who want tour dates:

June 24
 London, England
  June 28
 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  June 29
 Groningen, the Netherlands
  June 30
Antagon Theater
 Frankfurt, Germany
  July 1
Bhf. Langendreer
 Bochum, Germany
  July 2
 Star Club
 Dresden, Germany
  July 4
 Koln, Germany
  July 5
 Freiburg, Germany
  July 6
 Munchen, Germany
  July 7
 Bielefeld, Germany
  July 8
 Columbia Fritz
 Berlin, Germany
  July 11
 So What
 Oslo, Norway
  July 12
 So What
 Oslo, Norway
  all dates with Modest Mouse

[MMouse]: barry jive

2000-04-03 Thread Russ Sweetser

ok this isnt funny. ive had TWO people tell me that i bear a "striking
resemblance" to barry, the fat elitist from High Fidelity. but i used to
have long hair. so maybe thats it. but :~(~~

russ - hey alright i might be goddamned

[MMouse]: napster - this will sound assholish

2000-04-03 Thread Russ Sweetser

bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine. 
my school has had a firewall up for the past two yeras. for you
non-computer people that means that i cant run a site, i cant really use
ICQ chat, i cant dcc send on IRC, and i cant run naspter. i have never
run napster. ever. well. i tried once, realized it wouldnt work on the
campus network, and there you have it. but! i have prolly WAY more mp3s
than all of you combined (that wasnt meant to brag, im just trying to
prove a point) there are WAYS to get your super k-indie-leet mp3s
besides using napster. be resourceful. examples:

 - irc channels like #mp3indie or #indiemp3
 - find someones massive list online and email them asking if they have
a super-k-indie-leet site
 - grow your own

the end. 

Re: [MMouse]: modest mouse in the uk

2000-04-02 Thread Russ Sweetser

in europe the mouse are touring with built to spill. if you want tour
dates you can check out www.builttospill.com


David Morris wrote:
> anyone from the uk here?  over here you can only buy 'lonesome crowded west'
> and 'the fruit...'.  i had to order the others from america, but it was
> worth it.  anyway, any of you guys know whether theyre coming to the uk
> anytime soon - im assuming the new album will be released here, being on a
> major.
> DavidM

[MMouse]: high fidelity

2000-03-31 Thread Russ Sweetser

so i just saw high fidelity and its really quite touching or at least i
thought. i could relate to john cusacks sorry rampant relationship

but anyways, two things. there is INDIE all OVER THIS MOVIE. they even
play something off the new belle and sebastian? or at least i never
heard it. i didnt dig boy with the arab strap too much so it might have
been something off that. but yeah. and theres this swt ladybug
transistor/of montreal poster from schubas in chicago thats on screen
like 35% of the movie. 

the other thing is theres what sounds like "nowhere nothing fuckup"
being covered by who knows what. is nowhere nothing fuckup a cover? or
did someone cover it for this movie? or did dug steal the say a word for
karen brown thing from somehwere? i totally blanked out on the dialogue
at this point in the movie because i was straining to hear the song. of
course they stopped it before the "nowhere nothing fuck up" part should
happen. clue me in. 


[MMouse]: i have two big hands and a heart pumping blood

2000-03-29 Thread Russ Sweetser

i would be interested in hearing a slew of mountain goats covers. 

the world shines as i cross the macon county line, 

Re: [MMouse]: modest mouse getting big

2000-03-28 Thread Russ Sweetser

hmm. jawdest mouse. it rhymes. 

im now reminded of the band "two live jews" who came out and sang that
song "oy me so humid". you guys remember them? two live jews? crazy


Pat Castaldo wrote:

> but modest mouse doesn't begin with "jaw" so i think they'll be okay.
> -pat.


2000-03-27 Thread Russ Sweetser

not only that but i hope you werent just braggin cuz youre about to get
about 8289364823 emails askin for a copy of that thing. i saw that brag
you posted about the tiger trap cd a few weeks back that was just a
blantant "brag". i mean im not out to point fingers or diss you or
anythin but did you think about what you were doin before you proclaimed
to 550 mouse fans that you got the new mouse?


> >>> Andrew Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/27/00 04:36PM >>>
> did anyone else on this list go to the michigan fest? i did..and holy shit some
> kid was selling burned copies of the new MM c.d! i was so psyched to get it. its
> sooo much different..i dont know if all of you already know this cause you have
> the japanese epi havent heard that so i dont know how it sounds...but the
> new one is great..but still so different. theres a lot of acoustic guitars...and
> the last song is wicked wicked catchy and radio friendlyi havent been able
> to let it all sink in yet...but im still completely stoked. oh well im done
> bragging. farewell.
> love
> andrew

Re: [MMouse]: bowery ballroom ny show

2000-03-26 Thread Russ Sweetser

i think darren and i might go to NYC for one of those bowery ballroom
shows, we will also be at the middle east show on the 21st. booyeah?


Re: [MMouse]: modest mouse at the middle fucking east

2000-03-17 Thread Russ Sweetser

oh yes. two days before my 22nd birthday at my favoritest indie rock
venue. yours truly will be right in fuckin front for that modest mouse
downstairs on the 21st show. shit dogg. 

russ - cleaning up the mess in his pants.

Re: [MMouse]: elliot sucks

2000-03-07 Thread Russ Sweetser

BASTARDS! i'll have their heads on stakes!

russ <--- complete moron hick 

Andrew Hager wrote:
> played at and thge sound system wasnt so great and they were like "sorry for the 
>technical difficulties, but what do you expect from new hampshire?" and they went on 
>to make some pretty innapropriate remarks about how all people from enw hampshire are 
>hicks and complete morons. needless to say they did not get the warmest reception 
>after that. oh

Re: [MMouse]: For a change of music

2000-03-03 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah and check out yars revenge. 
(hey, its kinda up that alley)


Danya Mohr wrote:
> > I'm looking for a new addition to my music lineup,
> > and I thought
> > y'all might be rather helpful.
> >
> > Any suggestions for something in the vein of Belle &
> > Sebastian,
> > Joseph Arthur, and Elliott Smith (who was great at
> > the BotH in
> > San Francisco wednesday night)?

Re: [MMouse]: flaming lips/BTS

2000-02-28 Thread Russ Sweetser

a friend of a friend of a friends friend told me that wayne is pretty
particular or something about who he likes, and he aint afraid to talk
shit. i just remember someone tell ing me once that wayne had said that
neutral milk hotel was boring and unoriginal or something, and we were
both like WAYNE? like why would someone say that publically, and then we
later found out that it was in a private letter or something. hell, the
guys entitled to his opinion i guess. 
i hate mogwai. 


Re: [MMouse]: Be on the lookout

2000-02-28 Thread Russ Sweetser

i personally believe all virii are hoaxes. 
even the ones that arent. 
but that doesnt mean you should send me virii to prove me wrong. 


morganm wrote:
> hey ryan, this sounds dangerously similar to the virus hoax: How to
> Give a Cat a Colonic
> http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/give.a.cat.a.colonic.hoax.html
> list, what do you think?
> nurse morgan

[MMouse]: modest mouse chat

2000-02-25 Thread Russ Sweetser

right. modest mouse chat. well now that the jesus talk has died down i
might as well remind you kids

theres a modest mouse chatroom. its on UNDERnet using IRC
acceptable undernet servers include but are not limited to:

and the list goes on and on

or if you wanna use what seems to be a very reliable chat applet i put
up to access this room check out


let it be known that i usually stay in the channel but i might not be AT
my computer. i have ethernet and my connection never dies, so i just
linger there. i think a lot of people dont like to go there because they
expect me to talk and im not there and they go HMPH WHYS RUSS NOT
TALKING and then leave. i see a lot of people pop in and then leave
right away. thats a good way to get no chat at all. but if you kids
wanna check it out there it is. i cant promise there will always be a
chat goin on, but if you wanted to organize a time to go there and chill
with other mouse fans be my guest :D?


Re: [MMouse]: waffles!!! / 'bulding nothing...'

2000-02-24 Thread Russ Sweetser

ok i was gonna keep quiet
but when i was in athens over january we went to the HUDDLE HOUSE which
was like the same font and sign as the WAFFLE HOUSE only it was a brown
sign and it said HUDDLE instead of WAFFLE. so we go in there and scott
spillane of neutral milk hotel/gerbils fame was there (he was just
getting out of the Princeton Reverbs Colonial/Fablefactory show that we
(PRC) had just played) and we sit in the booth in the corner and we get
our food and im not fucking kidding. worst damn diner food i ever ate.
worse even than this little trailer diner called "the country girl
diner" on rt 9 in brattleboro VT. horrible fuckin food. so what the hell
is HUDDLE and whats its relationship to WAFFLE. and oh yeah. there was
skanky white trash when we were there too. hah. not including us. some
retarded guy must have stared at me for over 20 straight minutes. :o


[MMouse]: how the hell?

2000-02-23 Thread Russ Sweetser

ok so somehow, i dunno how, the girls votes on the hotgirls page got
sothey are reset. if you are still interested in the hot modest mouse
girls you can go here. 


and represent. that is all 


[MMouse]: run lola run

2000-02-23 Thread Russ Sweetser

ok so i just saw run lola run, i remember a lot of you had mentioned it
during our best movies of 99 chat. 
this movie is the BEST movie of 99. better than fight club. better than
being john malkovich (only slightly). wonderful cinematography,
scripting, the premise OWNS YOU. its just SO DAMN GOOD. OH M AN .
im still kinda high from seeing it. you know how that goes. 
see it. if you can. gen-i-us


Re: [MMouse]: MAINE

2000-02-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

ahhh new hampshire. 
im from claremont nh a small city of about 13,000 and dropping. 
we are hated by every other town in the state because we sued the state
for more school funding. in order to do so we had to prove that our
schools were shitty. we won this lawsuit but we didnot reap the
benefits. so now we are that town that fucked everyones school budgets
up, plus we are known for shitty school and there isnt much we can do
about it. yay. we even got picked on in the wall street journal. 
someone told me theres a really high inbreeding rate in claremont. i
worked at the burger king there from 94-96. believe me, they are right. 
but claremont has a few perks. its the home of the super indie label Red
Carpet Ring, which i am a big fan of (for obvious reasons) and uh. hmm.
we have a super walmart? its open 24 hours, and seems to be the place to
hang out at 3 am. but maybe not. woo. 
alas alack i will not be a resident of claremont much longer. oh i will
miss that sad orange river that flows through our park, infested with
rust or something else unimaginable. i will miss the tampon factory we
all hold so dear to our hearts. and tin man, i believe i'll miss you
most of all. 



2000-02-21 Thread Russ Sweetser

being a fellow new englander i love maine
and i know what youre talking about when you mention the backwoods
rednecks that arent really as bad as redneck rednecks. my small town in
new hamsphire is just like that. lots of inbreeding and whatnot but no
one is really downright violent or activist redneck. i like maine. its a
nice place to be. very scenic. plus they have fun park in saco. 
and a newbury comics in portland. 


[MMouse]: open ses-a-me

2000-02-21 Thread Russ Sweetser

you guys want the password to the boots page just email me. theres no
need to grovel in the emails. :D!


[MMouse]: let the suckers be duped

2000-02-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

to all of you boisterous email writers out there, a pre-note before i
write my response to this:

technical school has warped my fragile little mind: i am not as
articulate as i wish i could be. therefore if i ramble, blame RPI. 

jackie 0 wrote:

> In essence, what you (Russ) are doing is assuming a position of
> intellectual property owenership over something which you are freely
> distributing, and which you are freely distributing in a way that breaks

im more or less saying that i made these mp3s off of a tape that i got
in the mail. 
i found a guy with the space to let me put them on the web. 
i let the fans know where they are. i claim no "ownership" of the stuff
contained in the file. 

> the current intellectual property laws.  You can't have it both ways, in
> other words.  By making mp3s of commercially produced music and
> subsequently offering them for free, you are breaking copyright law and
> "stealing" intellectual property (a sound recording).  You are then

ahh. this isnt commercially produced. well. besides the jap ep. and the
second someone in a higher power tells me to take that japanese EP down,
its goin down. so far no one has really done that. but none of this is
commericial. theres no full lengths, bonus tracks, 7"s available on my
site (unless a song from a 7" was available on the rare demos, in which
case if someone asked me to take it down i would)

> assuming intellectual property right yourself by claiming that someone
> has no right to do with the mp3s as they please - to use an imprecise
> metaphor, it's like yr stealing a few dozen CDs from the record label,
> handing them out to people, and then getting all huffy when one of them
> sells it at the pawn shop.  If you believe that people who freely
> receieve what you give them do not have the ability to do with it as
> they wish, then you are a hypocrite, as you yrself are going against the
> wishes of the people you received the music from.

youre right, this guy can do what he wants with it. thats why im not
going to his house and formatting his hard drive. but i can at least try
my best to try and reason with him. ill say that it was prolly not a
good thing for me to suggest that we harass this guy because he wouldnt
comply with my wishes. in fact it was a cheap immature tactic on my
part. but this guy was kickin below the belt to boot. and as i
understand that i am not the puppet master, with the strings of every
downloader in the palms of my hands, i have decided to throw passwords
on the boots page. not like that wont stop the 3000 people who already
downloaded from the page from doing what they will with these files, but
it surprises me that such a small handful of the people who get ahold of
this stuff actually think to do something sinister like make a profit
for the highest price around. 

> And ultimately, if someone wants to pay for a CD of rare mp3s, why is
> that so bad?  Believe it or not, some of us don't have the time or the

its not so bad i guess if they wanna pay like. 5 bucks. but we all know
ebay bids get high enough that you could pay your child support with
every rare boot disc you sell. so when ONE person gets duped into buying
a cd for 65 bucks by some slimy bastard who took 38 minutes to burn it
from mp3s that were free to all, i dunno. i mean i know you understand
the point behind why thats bad. so should i get all righteous and be
like down with ebay? or should i say "let the suckers be duped"? at this
point i dunno how much i really care. its not a fun thing to try and
stop people from doing something you dont like when they have no intent
on listening to you. this guy made some analogy like "its like an
antique store that finds junk, brushes it up, and sells it for a high
price". and thats fine when youre talking about unreproducable media.
but when you can make 80 copies of something and sell them one at a time
on ebay for 65 bucks each, youre a sleaze. 

> internet connection to download mp3s, and some of us also don't have any
> way to put those mp3s onto a CD.  Some of us also don't have very good
> speakers on our computer and much prefer to have the ability to
> transport the music somewhere else, or play it in our cars or Walkmen.

like i said before, im sure someone would be willing to make those
people a cd at cost. if i had more cds lying around and an 8x burner i
would do it for people. but i dont. 
(soon kids, soon. muhahahahaha)

> PS - This isn't meant to be "mean" or any kind of personal attack.  I'm
> just pointing something out.



[MMouse]: [Fwd: slander]

2000-02-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

this guy. hes claiming that he wants to sue me for inciting a riot and
so ive decided not to fucking care who does what with the bootlegs. 
but i AM going to password it. 
this whole mess isnt worth my time so some dumb fuckhead in south dakota
can feel like hes got indie-cred. 


HI! How are you... just so you know I've also called out the dogs on you!!! 
I've contacted my parents lawyer who have told me to keep record of EVERY 
person who emails me or IM's me or ICQ's me and if it exceeds a certain 
amount you can be held accountable for inciting a riot, slander, libel, and 
a few other charges. Not that I really care if I get a few emails or IM's 
but if this gets out of hand you will be feeling the wrath of online 
prosecution. Slander because it is not true and you can't prove that it is, 
so you saying it to get people mad at me is slanderous. There is no way that 
you can prove that I didnt get them from someone else (which I actually did) 
LIBEL because it is in print. And inciting a riot becuase you are making in 
a public forum a formal declaration of people to contact me. Therefore BY 
LAW you are liable for all of their actions.

Have a nice day, and I've changed my main AOL IM name and ICQ # already, 
email soon to follow so this will be all for naught anyway

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]: that boots guy i just mentioned

2000-02-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

man. this fucking guy! i just talked to him on aim and he got all cocky
on me. said that he was doing a good thing. im serious folks, this guy
has his head way up his ass. aughawksjfsadh fl
i mean. hey sorry to clutter your box with this. but am i the only one
who sees whats wrong with this? 

(who almost feels like taking the boots down when people abuse them)

[MMouse]: that boots guy i just mentioned

2000-02-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

oh, if you really wanna do him damage, 

his hotmail address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
his AIM name is jweihs1234
his ICQ is 17851906
heres his phone number: 605-367-9075
and his address:
Jayson Weihs
1015 W 12th
Sioux Falls SD 57104

i got all this information from the email he sent me after he had
thanked me for pointing him to the free mp3s of the demo that the OTHER
guy was selling on ebay about a week ago. if thats not super sleazy i
dont know what is. 
boys, do your worst. 

russ <--- really creased

[MMouse]: another fucking scumbag trying to sell demos on ebay

2000-02-20 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey i just sent this message to this guy:


if youre still out there and believe the music should be free and
unprofitable, please tell him that you think what he's doing sucks. 




i see youre trying to sell a CD of mp3s that I made and distributed
through my website at http://indieboots.digitalsushi.com/MM

i named the tracks that you have described and i provide these mp3s for
FREE because they are rare and demo tracks and theres no way you have
the right to be selling them on ebay unless youre going to get paid for
the cost of the disc and shipping only. dont make a fucking buck off the
mouse, or out of my hard mp3 work just because you have no ethical indie
werent you on the list of people that i emailed the LAST time someone
tried selling my shit on ebay? get a clue buddy. 
im serious. please dont sell this disc at high ebay prices. 
this message has been forwarded to modest mouse. 


Re: [MMouse]: descendents

2000-02-18 Thread Russ Sweetser

its called "homage: a bunch of bands doing descendents songs" and its
one of the best albums i ever bought. seriously. theres only like two
bad covers on the whole thing and the rest is descendents turned
indie-pop. HAIL TO THE DESCENDENTS - the original
"boy-out-of-place-in-the-big-world" music. (well maybe not ORIGINAL. but
for me it was the doorway)
its got the following on it
50 - Homage-09-BlackTrainJack-Catalina.mp3 
50 - Homage-20-FrankPhobiaAndClem-KabukiGirl.mp3 
50 - Homage-08-Drew-HeyHey.mp3 
50 - Homage-10-DoomsUK-SourGrapes.mp3 
50 - Homage-19-Wally-GetTheTime.mp3 
50 - Homage-21-Bunnygrunt-SillyGirl.mp3 
50 - Homage-16-Pavement-It'sAHecticWorld.mp3 
50 - Homage-24-TeenIdols-Cameage.mp3 
50 - Homage-03-GardenVariety-CleanSheets.mp3 
50 - Homage-13-JakeAndTheStiffs-I'mNotALoser.mp3 
50 - Homage-17-Snowplow-Cheer.mp3 
50 - Homage-07-Peepshow-Coolidge.mp3 
50 - Homage-01-Moped-GlobalProbing.mp3 
50 - Homage-29-Meatjack-Iceman.mp3 
50 - Homage-28-MeltingHopefuls-I'mNotAPunk.mp3 
50 - Homage-04-PlowUnited-Bikeage.mp3 
50 - Homage-16-Dunebuggy-GoodGoodThings.mp3 
50 - Homage-18-ShirkCircus-JeanIsDead.mp3 
50 - Homage-06-fF-StatueOfLiberty.mp3 
50 - Homage-27-Parasites-PepTalk.mp3 
50 - Homage-22-PKids-IDon'tWantToGrowUp.mp3 
50 - Homage-05-Inch-Kids.mp3 
50 - Homage-23-Squatweiler-Parents-ILikeFood.mp3 
50 - Homage-12-Soccer-ChristmasVacation.mp3 
50 - Homage-11-BouncingSouls-Pervert.mp3 
50 - Homage-25-Scarab-Green.mp3 
50 - Homage-14-ThrushHermit-Ace.mp3 
50 - Homage-02-Poole-CantGoBack.mp3 
50 - Homage-26-TruZero-RideTheWild.mp3 


"Christian A. Cundari" wrote:
> Friends:
> Does anyone know anything about a Descendents tribute album? (I saw it at
> Newbury Comics years ago) What is it called? Who is on it? I searched for it
> using that internet thing on my computer, but I plum ran out of resources.
> Email me if you know anything. Help is appreciated/liked a lot. Don't know
> why I'm thinking about it.
> Christian (a.k.a. Cool-C, The Big Love, Daddy Nice)

Re: [MMouse]: Never ending math eq. 7" on ebay

2000-02-17 Thread Russ Sweetser




> "Rockin' the town like a moldy crouton"

[MMouse]: the modest mouse chat room

2000-02-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

thats right gang! i made a modest mouse chat room. heres how it works
for you computer savvy people:

get on undernet using your favorite IRC client. valid undernet servers


the chan is #modestmouse


point your web browser to:


theres an applet there. i hope it holds its own. youll have to clikc
"grant"  when the little window comes up, and youll have to use a good
browser that can handle this kind of thing. pick a rad nickname and
choose a server and click connect. if i am online i will help you learn
the ropes. 
uh. sometimes undernet servers can be real bitches and not let you on.
try a couple different ones if you must, be persistant. 
rick? rock!


[MMouse]: new boys

2000-02-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

doods i just added some new boys. apparently one of the "girls" on the
girls page (my favorite girl asamatteroffact) thinks one of these boys
is drop dead gorgeous. so youll wanna go and check that out. and hey,
have fun and stuff. 


those links again:


pets are coming soon, when i get less busy
cuz i have a ton of pet submissions. 


Re: [MMouse]: re: mp3s

2000-02-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

man this kid stands up for what he believes in, talks good shit, loves
ponyoak AND incorporates his name into a halo benders reference. 
what more could we ask for. 

russ (totally not sarcastic)
ponyoak. best album ever fucking made. 

> this entire mp3 arguement is making me sick. i didn't want to post to the
> list because i don't want to piss things off more than they already are but
> this whole fiasco is just bullshit. It makes me wonder why i'm on the 
> worlds too big to fight about petty things like this. lets please just let it
> go so i can actually anjoy this list again.
> rick reel around the fountain
> p.s. anyone who doesn't have Ponyoak by the band Kleenex Girl Wonder should
> rush out and buy it right now. one of the best pop albums ever

Re: [MMouse]:

2000-02-15 Thread Russ Sweetser

its all a conspiracy. some horny guys out there making certain people
win. damn you! damn you all to hell!
no really. its cheaters. i saw someone (not mentioning names) get like
52 votes in an hour. in the spirit of good fun i guess i wont really do
much about it. but i think in a week i will ask everyone to get serious
and vote, and ill reset the votes, so everyone gets in at the same time. 

ps - kate, yr hot. 

pps - if anyone wants to chat on aim, my name is yarzrevenje


amy wolf wrote:

>  it's true.  i've been on that list since it first went up and i have less
>  than fourty votes.  fuck it, i'm not like the queen of hot or anything,
> but
>  some of these girls get like 40 votes the minute after this shit is
>  uploaded!  it's insane!  how did they all get so hot and does this mean
>  that perhaps i am not an *authentic* modest mouse fan because my hotness
>  does not compare to the rest of them?  ;)
>  - amy

[MMouse]: king of the world

2000-02-14 Thread Russ Sweetser

i vote phil king of the world. 
he is calm, cool AND collected. 


[MMouse]: hmhmhmh

2000-02-13 Thread Russ Sweetser

who runs this list? bruce?
how many people are on it? just curious i guess. 


Re: [MMouse]: contract (is not the issue)

2000-02-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

hot damn
leave me out of your philosophical catfight. 
if you have to, use "that guy with the mp3s" or "random mp3 guy" or
:D? kool and the gang? 


> 1) I never claimed russ had the singles on mp3, just suggested that they
> from Russ, now is it? You're not going to find
> domestically released songs on Russ's site, I'm
> that Russ put them up because not everyone had the

[MMouse]: boy

2000-02-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

man theres a lot of CHEATING going on the hotgirls/hotboys page. 
*tsk tsk*

im fixing it. 


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