[MMouse]: crappy CDs for sale

2000-05-20 Thread Ryan Morgan

I am looking to sell some CDs that 
I'm not too fond of:

Cable Guy soundtrack
Filter Title of 
Jimmie's Chicken Shack Bring 
Your Own Stereo
Posies Frosting on the 
Singles soundtrack
Music For Our Mother Ocean Volume 1

Let me know if you're interested in 

I don't want much for them. I keep very 
good care of my CDs and the jewel cases, so they're all in good shape. 
Ummm...how about $6 each, including shipping? Prices are 


Re: [MMouse]: ann arbor show

2000-05-18 Thread Ryan Morgan

I do like small venues because it 
is easier to get close to the band, but the low ceiling didn't allow the smoke 
to rise, so it was always hanging around. I'm a non-smoker and cigarette 
smoke makes my eyes hurt. That is all I meant about the small venue. 
I guess I wasn't really clear. And about the stage, I couldn't see the 
band because it was so low. I don't like really high stages, either, but I 
would like to see the band. I was going to move, but I don't like standing 
in front of people because I'm 6'2 and most people are shorter than I 
am. I just wish the stage was higher because I often had to look at the 
mirror on the side wall to watch Jeremiah play drums.

I just wasn't sure if Isaac would sing like he 
normally does. He has a very distinctive voice, and I like his voice, but 
I thought it might be worn out from touring and stuff. I wasn't sure if 
his voice was going to have its high-pitched shrieking sound. That's all I 
meant by it. They did do some improvisation or whatever, and I liked 
it. I'm glad his voice sounded good.



-Original Message-From: 
paul groves [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Thursday, May 18, 2000 1:34 AMSubject: [MMouse]: ann arbor 
showI've never posted to the list before but I feel 
compelled from reading Ryan's review of the Ann Arbor, Blind Pig show. 
The Blind Pig sucked as a concert venue. It was very 
small, the stage was only one or two feet higher than the floor, and it was 
full of smoke. Plus my ticket said that the show was supposed to start 
at 9:30 p.m., but it didn't actually start until about 11:00 p.m. And 
the opening band, Califone, really sucked. They were the most boring 
band I have ever heard. 
I don't know about anyone else but in my book the smaller the venue the 
better. I really have no desire to see a band on a ten foot high 
stage. Yeah, your right about the time, it could have started a little 
earlier (i had a 5 hour drive ahead of me after the show) but it was a small 
price to pay for a great show. 
But Modest Mouse put on a decent show. They sounded really 
good. I didn't know if Isaac would be able to consistently sound 
like he does on the albums, but he pulled it off. Their performance 
was pretty boring to watch, though. For the most part, they just stood 
there and played. Isaac moved around a little bit. 
Again, I disagree. If I wanted to hear the CD, I'd play it on my 
stereo. The more variation and improvisation on a song the 
better. They sounded amazing to me  they were anything but boring 
to watch. Isaac wasn't as interactive with the audience as the other 
times I've seen him but they played a shit load of songs which more than 
compensated for the lack of jokes. Jesus Christ, can Jeremiah bang the 
shit out of a drum kit  Eric is one helluva bass player. Overall 
a great show. 
Well that's my two cents worth. blah blah blah 

Re: [MMouse]: show at the blind pig

2000-05-17 Thread Ryan Morgan

I too was at the Modest Mouse show 
at the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Monday night. I'm not the 
fratty guy with the Kentucky Elliott T-shirt, though. I had on a red 
Adidas hat, a navy blue Hum T-shirt, khaki cargo shorts.

The Blind Pig sucked as a concert 
venue. It was very small, the stage was only one or two feet higher than 
the floor, and it was full of smoke. Plus my ticket said that the show was 
supposed to start at 9:30 p.m., but it didn't actually start until about 11:00 
p.m. And the opening band, Califone, really sucked. They were the 
most boring band I have ever heard.

But Modest Mouse put on a decent 
show. They sounded really good. I didn't know if Isaac would be able 
to consistently sound like he does on the albums, but he pulled it off. 
Their performance was pretty boring to watch, though. For the most part, 
they just stood there and played. Isaac moved around a little 

When Isaac sang, the way his head 
moved reminded me of what the Canadians looked like on the South Park 

I didn't recognize Jeremiah Green 
or Eric Judy. Jeremiah has longer hair than what I've seen in pictures and 
Eric has some facial hair. They all walked past me at one point, before 
the concert began, but I only recognized Isaac. There was also another 
guitar player, but I don't know who he is. Does anyone know? Isaac 
said his name, I think, but the acoustics and the sound system weren't very 


-Original Message-From: 
Wednesday, May 17, 2000 3:51 PMSubject: [MMouse]: show at the 
blind pig
i was at the blind pig in ann arbor on monday night and i'm wondering if 
anyone else on the list was there too...i'm specifically looking for a 
rather fratty (but fun!) guy named dave who was wearing a kentucky 
elliott t-shirt and wanted to give me his yellow buffallo shirt...note 
on the show itself: amazing...i think the best show i've been 
to...i know i'm probably going to get torn down by some 
indier-than-thou fan who feels the need to critique 
everybody's opinion on shows for saying that, but the show rocked...i 
didn't get the set list but they played dramamine, trucker's atlas, 
trailer trash, i came as a rat, paper thin walls, cities made of ashes, 
crazy gnome, polar opposites, broke, cowboy dan, doin the 
cockroach and some other shit that i can't remember becuase i was going 
crazy, and just when i thought the show was over and there was no chance 
of an encore they came back out and played custom concern, breakthrough, 
all night diner, tundra/desert and...yeah. i hope someone who 
actually wrote down the set list will post it...that's enough outta 
me, i guess, thanks for listening,surfer 
Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: let's call the whole thing off (part 2)

2000-05-08 Thread Ryan Morgan

I didn't want to stay for the 
Bloodhound Gang, but a friend wanted to. They were dorks. Someone 
threw a 311 T-shirt on stage, and their bassist pulled down his pants and wiped 
his butt with it . . . and then flung it back into the crowd. Then they 
asked someone to volunteer to drink an entire case of Dr. Pepper (24 cans) for 
$100. They pulled some kid up on stage and he started to drink it. 
The lead singer told the bass player, who is really muscular, to swing hand over 
hand on a bar that circled the place. Clutch Cargo's used to be a church 
and is about the size of a basketball court. He got about three-quarters 
of the way around and then some guy in the crowd grabbed him and pulled him down 
. . . so he crowd-surfed back to the stage. During one of the songs, they 
asked for hot girls to come up on stage. About ten of them did, and about 
four of them took off their shirts . . . but the club didn't want any nipples to 
be shown because it was an all-ages show, so a stage hand had to put tape over 
them. One of the girls stripped down to her G-string and the tape over her 
nipples and started to make out with one of the other girls. 

Most of the crowd was there for the 
Bloodhound Gang, so most people enjoyed it except for me. I'm also kind of 
confused about all the nakedness. Being a straight male, I was sort of 
turned on . . . but at the same time, I was disgusted by the womanizing that was 
involved. Yeah, some of the girls volunteered to get naked, but the guys 
didn't have to touch them. And the Bloodhound Gang band members and Parry 
from Nerf Herder encouraged it. So while I was turned on, I was also 
disgusted. I have mixed feelings.

When the concert was done, the kid 
was still trying to finish the case of Dr. Pepper.

One of the rules was that he couldn't vomit or 
spill any of it.

I think he's still there.

living in the womb, running out of 

[MMouse]: let's call the whole thing off (part 1)

2000-05-08 Thread Ryan Morgan

I went to the Bloodhound Gang/Nerf 
Herder concert last night at Clutch Cargo's in Pontiac, Michigan. Tickets 
were only $18.50, and I really like Nerf Herder. I couldn't care less 
about the Bloodhound Gang.

We got there shortly after doors 
opened and a band called Powderfaith was playing. They were rocking and 
jumping all over the place, but they reminded me of a band like Staind. 
Their music sounded like it, and the vocalist always screamed, but he didn't 
sing like Aaron Lewis does. They were all right, I guess, but I'm not into 
that type of music a whole lot.

The next band was A (which is a 
horrible name for a band). They were from London. Their bass player 
was good, and the band was energetic, but I didn't like the music. I 
couldn't really compare it to anything, but the lead singer sounded like Angus 
Young and he liked to say the f-word.

Then Nerf Herder came on. The 
first thing Parry said was On the count of three, I want you all to say 
'f*** Subway!' It was an entertaining set, but they only played 
about eight songs. Most of them were from their first album. About 
the second song, my friend nudged me to look to my left. There was some 
chubby girl on a guy's shoulders with her tanktop pulled up, flashing 
everyone. Those were the first breasts I have seen in person, and they 
were gross. So I looked back at the band. During one of the songs, 
Parry said and now, it's time to sell our souls to the devil. If you 
don't want to sell your soul to him, you can leave. Then some weird 
guy came out with a long goatee and bleached blond hair and grabbed Parry's 
guitar . . . and proceeded to play part of a Slayer song. I found out 
later that this was the guitarist for the Bloodhound Gang. A couple 
minutes later, some girl in a red tanktop was being passed forward toward the 
stage. She was also flashing everyone while holding a beer in one of her 
hands. As she was being passed up, lots of guys reached up and grabbed her 
breasts. That's retarded. Nerf Herder pulled her up on stage and she 
started dancing with them. At one point, Parry pulled her down on top of 
him and she straddled him and started riding him. The set ended shortly 
after that.

[MMouse]: running for peanuts

2000-05-02 Thread Ryan Morgan

I run for fun. Actually, for 
exercise . . . but it's fun anyway. I don't run over the window, though, 
which means that I'm out of shape right now. I just started running again 
last week. Last summer I was running 5 miles a day, but I'm going to have 
to work up to that now.


Re: [MMouse]: Help Wanted

2000-04-22 Thread Ryan Morgan

Detroit: Magic Stick, St. 
Andrew's Hall, The Shelter, Blind Pig (in Ann Arbor)

Good luck.

-Original Message-From: 
Saturday, April 22, 2000 1:38 PMSubject: [MMouse]: Help 
WantedI'm wondering if you guys can help me out 
with something.I'm currently booking a tour and are looking for 
clubs in the following cities that have smaller undeground rock 
shows. Clubs that host bands like Boy Sets Fire, Rye Coalition, 
Joan of Arc etc.I'm looking for clubs in Washington DC, Maryland, 
Philly, Rhode Island, Boston, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati, 
Pennsylvania and Buffalo.I'd appreciate any help you can give 
me. ThanksJay MillerIll Miller 

[MMouse]: i am my own grandpa

2000-04-16 Thread Ryan Morgan

I went to see Bowling Green (Ohio) 
State University's Men's Chorus last night. They are really good. My 
best friend is in a barbershop quartet named Segway that is the second-ranked 
college barbershop quartet in the nation.

That may not mean much to you . . . 
but I think it's pretty groovy.

One thing about Men's Choruses, 
though, is that when the members get drunk, their favorite thing to do is sing 
barbershop tags.

It's really annoying.

Luckily my friend doesn't drink, so 
he doesn't embarrass himself by singing tags.

and my sister is my 

[MMouse]: Lacy Gapczynski

2000-04-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

but daniel was hot
he drew first and shot
and rocky collapsed in the 

[MMouse]: cheese

2000-04-10 Thread Ryan Morgan

Yup. It's 
Limbaugh. I too am a former spelling bee 

I won on the word 


[MMouse]: Howard, the strangest thing, has happened lately...

2000-04-10 Thread Ryan Morgan

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?Ryan Morgan/Monroe, 
MI/192.What is your favorite mouse 
Luck3.What are five records you couldn't live 
without?Hum: Downward is 
Built to Spill: There's Nothing Wrong With 
Radiohead: The Bends
Modest Mouse: This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing 
to Think About4. Putting records on the internet for 
free download: bad or good?Bad. It's 
going to hurt the music industry.5. Ebay, bad or 
good?Good. It's a public medium 
through which to get hard-to-find things. It needs a better system, 
though.6. Russ winning the hottest male contest, 
is he voting for himself or what?Who cares? It shouldn't 
mean anything anyway.7. Do you own the Japaneese Tour 
EP?Nope . . . I'm a fairly new Modest Mouse fan. I just 
learned about them about two months ago.8. First live 
show?Beach Boys, when I was about 11. My first show 
without my parents, though, was silverchair on March 19, 1999, at St. Andrew's 
Hall in Detroit.9. Worst live show?Marcy 
Playground, even though they did a cover of Son of a 
Gun.10. Favorite sound?Thom 
York11. Least favorite sound?Courtney 
Love12. Girls posting their pictures and email 
addresseson the internet bad/good?Well, it's kind of sad if 
they are doing it out of desperation for a relationship. If it's just for 
fun, like Kate Mercier's page, then it's fine.13. What 
book should every person in america read?To Kill a 
Mockingbird by Harper Lee14. Signing to a major 
bad/good?Good. It helps the band get more money and become 
popular. Some people, although not all, want small bands that they find to 
stay on independent labels, just so that person can say that they know of a band 
that nobody else has heard of. That's dumb. You should be happy for 
the band . . . unless they get screwed over with their contract. But 
Indier-than-thou attitudes suck.15. Wearing the t-shirt 
of the band you are going tosee?Ummm . . . I wouldn't do it 
because it seems to make that person completely dependent on that band, and it 
seems like it could be a suck-up attempt. But I don't think I'm better 
than people who do that. It's just not the choice that I would 
make.16. Modest Mouse list being oft-off the 
topicbad/good?Good. It helps me learn about new 
music.17. Favorite beer?I've never drank 
an alcoholic beverage in my life.18. Favorite 
color?Royal blue.19. What are you going 
to name your first born child?Lucky Luciano 
Morgan20. Five favorite movies (the question that 
tellstons about a person)?Good Will Hunting
Saving Private Ryan
Sleepy Hollow
The Godfather

[MMouse]: sick of apologizing

2000-04-09 Thread Ryan Morgan

Stuff I bought recently:764-HERO: Salt Sinks  
Sugar FloatsI like it. It reminds me of Modest Mouse, but the vocals 
aren't quite as harsh. And it's not as energetic and powerful. But 
it's still good.Nada Surf: Proximity EffectI like this one, 
too. It's a little more pop-rock than High/Low was. But it's cool, 
especially Mother's Day and 80 Windows. 
Elliott Smith: Either/OrIt's good, just like all his albums. 
He makes me happy. Sometimes he makes me sleepy, too, but that's 
okay. He's fun to listen to when I'm sad.They Might Be Giants: 
Factory ShowroomI like John Henry and Flood more, but this one is still 
pretty good.Superdrag: Regretfully YoursThey talk about cigarettes a 
lot. It's good. I like it more than Headtrip In Every Key. 
Sucked Out is much different from most of their music.Built 
to Spill: Center of the Universe import singleThere are a couple 
acoustic songs on here, with just Doug. And there's a song, Now and 
Then, that makes me happy and sad at the same time. I don't know 
why. It just does. I love that song.Owsley: OwsleyIt 
sounds kind of like Fountains of Wayne, but a little more electric. It's 
fun music, though. Not quite as good as FOW, but it's good for a change of 
pace.Smashing Pumpkins: Siamese DreamI had never heard this CD 
before. But everyone says it's their best one. I concur.Red 
Stars Theory: But Sleep Came SlowlyI like it, but it's kind of tiring. 
I like to listen to it when I try to go to sleep. It's just kind of mellow 
and...boring.Treepeople: Actual Re-enactmentI bought it because Doug 
Martsch used to be in the Treepeople. I knew he left before they made this 
album, but I thought it would still reflect his style. It does, kind of, 
but I don't really care for it much. It's okay. Where Is My 
Mind?: Pixies tribute albumI haven't heard of most of the bands on here, but 
I like it. I don't have any Pixies albums. I basically bought this 
because I like Velouria, and I knew Superdrag and Nada Surf were on 
here. I ended up liking most of the songs, though.Overall, I'm 
pretty happy with my recent purchases.~Ryanboring, but it's more 
action than youse guys have given in the last day

Re: [MMouse]: Built to Spill Live cd

2000-04-06 Thread Ryan Morgan

The album comes out on April 

Ralf Youtz

-Original Message-From: 
Thursday, April 06, 2000 10:41 PMSubject: [MMouse]: Built to 
Spill Live cdI was just reading Rolling Stone and saw 
that the Live cd from Built to Spill coming out got 3.5 stars. The 
review was rather short and didn't say much except that two songs are 20 
minutes long. It also says that they cover Neil Young's Cortez the 
Killer. It will be nice to hear a song I've never heard played by 
BTS. Or have I? That song title doesn't ring a bell. I 
hope it is not on any other cd.I don't think it is.Anyway, I was 
wondering if anyone knows when the cd is coming out. I know it has 
been said before but I sort of 

Re: [MMouse]: help..built to spill question

2000-03-21 Thread Ryan Morgan

Forget Remember 
When was on the Carry the Zero import single. I don't think it was 
on any other recordings.

It must be a homer, Simpson, 'cause the pitcher just went, 

-Original Message-From: 
Tuesday, March 21, 2000 9:57 PMSubject: [MMouse]: help..built 
to spill questionhmm..ok...does anyone know what the 
song forget remember when is on??..i've been to a couple 
discographys and can't find 

[MMouse]: you would try anything

2000-03-17 Thread Ryan Morgan

Does anyone know where I can find 
lyrics for Building Nothing Out of Something?


everybody's got somethin' to 
except for me and my 

[MMouse]: Needle in the hay

2000-03-05 Thread Ryan Morgan

Hey...does Elliott Smith sometimes 
go by Elliott? Because I found a show near me at pollstar.com 
for elliott and Im wondering if it's him or not. I know 
he's on tour right now...
If it's him, I REALLY want to go, 
so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


[MMouse]: goobers

2000-02-28 Thread Ryan Morgan

My friends have mp3s 


You should check them out or 
something. They're an alternative/grunge/power-pop band. They're 
pretty good, and that's listening to them objectively. So if you're bored, 
you know what to do.


Re: [MMouse]: waffles!!! / 'bulding nothing...'

2000-02-24 Thread Ryan Morgan

I'm sick of all this talk about 
waffles. Why can't we talk about something truly significant, like what 
the salary cap and free agency have done to professional football?

John Clayton


2000-02-21 Thread Ryan Morgan

Is there a Portland, 
Maine? I always thought it was in Oregon...


-Original Message-From: 
Monday, February 21, 2000 10:15 PMSubject: Re: [MMouse]: 
EXCITING PLACESum i like maine alot. i went to 
portland and had myself a grand ole time. the kids looked real 
cool and good shops, lotsa plush lobsters.. what else could u 
want?and man. why are so many kids over there conan look 
alikes?:D,set hey, on the subject of exciting 
places, MAINE is the least exciting place on earth...but the thing 
is..its still a really great place. its really safe and pleasent 
here..and there are a lot of rednecks here but they are almost amusing 
rednecks..not the typical scary bigot types or the scary DELIVERANCE 
types but just idiotic human beings that leave you alone. im mostly 
posting this asking if anyone on here has ever had the oppertunity to 
enjoy the MAINE experience? its the way life should you 

Re: [MMouse]:

2000-02-15 Thread Ryan Morgan

I think this contest is what a lot 
of people are trying to escape in real life: judgment based on physical 
But it is the person's choice to put their picture up on the page. 
If they can't handle losing, they shouldn't participate in the 

there's always someone out there who is better 
than you

-Original Message-From: 
amy wolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Tuesday, February 15, 2000 5:24 PMSubject: [MMouse]: 
 i'm the terrible mom who demands that the votes be 
recounted. i'm that girl in the back of the class who 
demands a perfect democracy. i'm thatperson who 
perfectly remembers that Mark Twain quote about statistics and lies. 
YOU KNOW -- i am in the using short paddles in the depths of 
my self-esteem over here.  i can't believe that i'm losing 
out (and so BADLY) to all these shiny whipper-snappers. i 
can't believe that THIS is where ten years of consistently putting 
Modest Mouse fans are SO GODDAMNED GOOD-LOOKING. Where 
were all of you when they played in SF??? Hiding in the 
rafters? Backstage? I mean, really, shouldn'tthere 
be a proportional limit to the cuteness of fans to the cuteness of 
theband?!?  You guys/girls are all so fucking hot, i can 
hardly keep my hands off my mouse button.it's 
true. i've been on that list since it first went up and i have 
lessthan fourty votes. fuck it, i'm not like the queen of hot or 
anything,butsome of these girls get like 40 votes the minute after 
this shit isuploaded! it's insane! how did they all get so 
hot and does this meanthat perhaps i am not an *authentic* modest mouse 
fan because my hotnessdoes not compare to the rest of them? 
;)- amy

[MMouse]: This is my conviction

2000-02-13 Thread Ryan Morgan

Okay...you guys have probably had 
this thread many times before...but I'm curious. What is your favorite 
Modest Mouse album? The only one that I have is This is a Long Drive 
for Someone With Nothing to Think About and I want to get another 
one. I just am wondering which other one I should get. 


[MMouse]: Schnickerpoople

2000-02-06 Thread Ryan Morgan

I just checked out the Hot Mouse 
Boys and Hot Mouse Girls pages.

You people are fooking crazy. 
Why am I even close to the lead?

I voted for Blake, just so you 
know. I would jump all over him, if he was gay...and I was gay. 
But...uhhh...yeah, he's a hottie. You people need to have RK 


[MMouse]: Bone Thugs 'n Harmony

2000-02-05 Thread Ryan Morgan

Does anyone know where I can find 
any Halo Benders lyrics? Thanks.


Re: [MMouse]: Bone Thugs 'n Harmony

2000-02-05 Thread Ryan Morgan

Thank you, Mr. or Mrs. 

Calvin Johnson

-Original Message-From: 
Saturday, February 05, 2000 3:03 PMSubject: Re: [MMouse]: 
Bone Thugs 'n Harmonyhttp://users.abac.com/lassie/bender.htmI 
think there are some there; I haven't tried the link in a long 
time... Does anyone know where I can find any Halo Benders 
lyrics? Th 

[MMouse]: The Very Old Man

2000-02-03 Thread Ryan Morgan

Is anyone else having trouble with 
the Hotboys and Hotgirls links? I am.

But my computer has had problems 
with an LSD addiction lately, so maybe it's his fault.

Damn computer. He's always tryin' to be 
like John Lennon.

have you seen the little piggies crawling in the 

Re: [MMouse]: modest mouse pitchfork mention on-line

2000-02-01 Thread Ryan Morgan

What about me?

-Original Message-From: 
Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:52 PMSubject: Re: [MMouse]: 
modest mouse pitchfork mention on-linejeff 
jlangdon is the hottest boy on the list..by 