[MMouse]: Weezer

2000-07-14 Thread Taylor Antrim

Does anyone have any extra tickets to Weezer in SF?  I'm dying that I missed
getting them.  Please email me directly; i'd love you forever.


[MMouse]: word to star and sdre

2000-07-11 Thread Taylor Antrim

word, star. i'm diggin richard buckner 
addictively these days, and i've always had a thing for silkworm, though usually 
they just nail it on a few songs per album (except libertine, which is perfect), 
in my opinion.

i've been napstering the sdre album, to see if i 
want to buy. and it just makes me hanker for diary. i listened to 
that shit this weekend and i think its a crime they don't play off it anymore 
live. definitely their best album. this new album DOES sound like 
Rush, though i know they ain't got no geddy lee. it's just got this 
crisply-recorded, studio-geek feel to it. can not dig it.

anyone out there hear anything about the new 
bedhead project, called, like the new year or something? apparently they 
were going to play some shows in NYC before recording an album...


[MMouse]: danielewski and THIS AINT NO PICNIC

2000-06-29 Thread Taylor Antrim

yeah, i read House of Leaves and kinda dug 
it. It's overlong, overwritten, has possibly one too many self-indulgent 
spots, but if you get all the way to the end it actually works really well, is 
kind of moving, etc. Danielewski isn't much of a writer; he's more of an 
experiment guy, i.e. there are more cool ideas than cool sentences in the 
book. saw him read here in SF. Freak. for sure.


and for those going to this ain't no picnic, 
beware smuggling stuff in. last year they searched everyone's bags really 
thoroughly. we had a bag of weed buried at the bottom of our bag and it 
was shear dumb luck that they missed it. these dudes were on a 

[MMouse]: no other interests

2000-04-07 Thread Taylor Antrim

yeah, word to Phil.  eagerly anticipating the release of a new mouse album
on a MODEST MOUSE MAILING LIST seems pretty natural to me. bitching at
people you don't know for supposed narrowmindedness (how the fuck does he
know if we don't read books?) does not.  seth, we won't miss you.


[MMouse]: Bright Eyes

2000-03-31 Thread Taylor Antrim

Yes, folks, I saw Bright Eyes too, at Bottom of the Hill in SF, and the
way-too-short 45 minutes or so that they played absolutely blew me away.
I've ordered the new thing from the saddle creek web site and I think
everyone else should too.  Funny, they were playing with this band called
the Subtonix which were this lesbian chicks wearing trashbags, smeared with
fake blood, playing casios and a sax and generally punked out in a post-John
Hughes throwback kind of way.  Then the headliner was the Need which is more
weird chick performance art stuff.  Bright Eyes, indie boys in ill fitting
thrift store garb, heartbreakingly earnest, just didn't really fit the whole
vibe.  I was worried the Subtonix fans (also smeared with fake blood) were
going to riot.

Bottom line: Bright Eyes is incredible.


[MMouse]: Noise Pop

2000-02-26 Thread Taylor Antrim

Hey all,

I'm going to a bunch of Noise Pop nonsense including Magnetic Fields, Death
Cab for Cutie and Beulah.  And Bob Mould, for which I HAVE AN EXTRA TICKET
IF ANY ONE IS INTERESTED.  So that's Bob Mould at Bimbos on Friday the third
(playing with Mountain Goats and others).  Email me directly.


[MMouse]: impressed

2000-02-04 Thread Taylor Antrim

Big props to Russ and all that embraced this most recent concept of hotgirls
and hotboys on the mm list.  I'm particularly in to the same sex voting
thing.  Just very impressed is all.

Hey anyone like country music?


[MMouse]: Bright Eyes

1999-12-29 Thread Taylor Antrim

I took the recent slew of rec's on Bright Eyes 
to heart and am now the proud owner of the Every Day ep. 

Other cd's I picked up for 

Old 97s Too Far to Care
Blonde Redhead s/t
Luna Penthouse
Fiona Apple When the Pawn
Unwound A Single History
Black Heart Procession ep

Those and the Scribner's Best of the Fiction Workshops 
anthology; it's a compilation of the best of the best stories being written in 
graduate programs across the country and makes for more exciting reading than 
I've come across in a while. Not necessarily all brilliant, but all trying 
something new, and all refreshingly young feeling. Anyone read 


[MMouse]: just to keep the thread rollin

1999-11-22 Thread Taylor Antrim

I think there's got to be less sex among the so-called indie community than
any other.  I've been to shows with tons of good-looking people, none of
whom are able to make eye contact with each other because of a proscribed
indie misanthropy which seems to preclude good locked-eye flirtation.  The
jocks and thugs and sorority girls have this one down, but the rest of us
are eyes-ahead introverts.  Something should be done about this, I just
don't know what.

And DJ Shadow, Entroducing and Massive Attack, mezzanine are the two best
make out cds I have.

any word from anyone on the future of any ex-bedhead members?  that was
hands down one of my favorite bands and I keep looking for side projects.
does anyone know?

I like pedro the lion, but the dead-ahead christianity of the lyrics spook
me a little and i have no trouble believing this homophobia thing.  I'd
probably steer clear, I have to say.


[MMouse]: dfw vs. coupland

1999-11-22 Thread Taylor Antrim

I wrote a paper last semester about why Mark Leyner is destructive 
to the advancement of culture. Most of my evidence came from David Foster 
Wallace, from an essay in A Suppossedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do 
Again. My teacher then informed me that Wallace's whole argument was 
concieved out of mock-spite...apparantly, Wallace and Leyner have some sort of 
war where they trash each other all over the media and in thier work, but are 
actually (almost secretly) friends. Kinda like Stephen Malkmus and Billy Corgan. 
so ooops, my argument was slightly invalid, but regardless, I still find 
Leyner annoying and I think David Foster Wallace is doing some really 
interesting stuff. But they're both pretentious, although Coupland, who I enjoy 
most of the three, is more pretentious than the other two together.

props to you for writing on DFW who I consider borderline genius. But 
I'm definitely not with you on Coupland. Circa Gen X I was a big fan but 
Girlfriend in a Coma went way over the 

have you tried Matthew Sharpe or Lorrie Moore or David Sedaris?


[MMouse]: MM and LAL in SF

1999-10-02 Thread Taylor Antrim

Yeah, I'm going to both shows. No danger 
that his jaw won't be working right? Ad how is Love as 

As far as shows in SF, it has been and continues 
to be a great time right now. Magnetic Fields last week (amazing), modest 
mouse, more pavement, get up kids, chemical brothers and underworld and dj 
shadow, old 97s. Its going to be a good couple of weeks.


[MMouse]: best show I ever saw

1999-09-14 Thread Taylor Antrim

Best show ever is a near-impossible call. 
I did, however, just get back from Superchunk/Beulah at great american in San 
Francisco, and I have to say, it was a contender. Great beulah set, and a 
mindblowing one from Superchunk. Those guys just empty it out everytime 
I've ever seen them. Highlights from tonight's show: Water Wings, 
Detroit Has a Skyline Too, and unbelievably 100,000 Fireflies (the magnetic 
fields cover from incidental music). Five stars. Anyone else 

Oh, and I have high hopes for back to back mouse 
shows in October.

[MMouse]: braid woes vs. anti-libertarian angst

1999-06-06 Thread Taylor Antrim

The alternating grief over Braid breakup rumors vs debate over political
affinities has been VERY surreal.

[MMouse]: bts

1999-06-03 Thread Taylor Antrim

Whoever was talking about "that stupid line about how we're all just bricks
in the wall"  I think Martsch agrees with you.  If you listen to the song,
it sounds like he's heaping some irony on some old cliches: dust in the
wind, bricks in the wall, you can't always get what you want, hard rain's
agonna fall, etc.  Doug is way too smart to be rehashing metaphors for five
year olds without making some sly fun of them.  I think its a sad, regretful
song which rocks out in all the right places.  I didn't see them on Conan,
but I did see them at Slims and I had zero complaints.

Honestly I don't really understand all this bitching about Keep it like a
secret.  I have all the albums, bought in the right order, and I have to
say, I just think they keep improving.  The love album has some incredible
songs but isn't as solid all the way through as Perfect or Secret.  This is
just one more person offering his opinion, but I'm just knocked off my feet
a little everytime I put any one of their albums on and I don't really give
a shit if they don't want to write songs longer than 6 minutes.  Who said
songs have to be that long?  I'll take my BTS short and sweet if that's the
way they want it.  (the indie world could really do with more 3.5 minute pop
songs, if you ask me: keep us away from the neo-hippy Phish-esque jam on and
on bullshit).

[MMouse]: L. Phair

1999-05-24 Thread Taylor Antrim

Liz Phair definitely does not suck. Liz 
has barely laid down a note i don't like. Witness Juvenelia, an e.p. of 
early music with tracks like batmobile and especially, ESPECIALLY Dead 
Shark with its brilliant lyrical nods to Annie Hall and the just brilliant 
lines: I'm not looking over my shoulder / 
I'm not gazing up at the stars / I'm not thinking five years in the future / I'm just wondering you'll sleep tonight. She hits that right dead on, and I give anybody a lot of 
credit for lines like that, maybe not as ironic and sarcastic as the mouse from 
Summer or talkinshitaboutaprettysunset but still right on with me. 

Damn whos paging me now.