OT: Help with SQL SELECT on Varchar from character 0..n

2002-09-17 Thread Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN)


I'm using postgres and remember having done something ages ago with some
operator in mysql, although it makes zero sense to me now as to how I did
it the first time.  What I want to do is have a select return a partial
string from the ith character of a string to the jth character of a
string.  I'd like postgres to filter this partial string and return it to

Any ideas how I can go about doing this without using postgres regular
expressions?  Am I simply imagining that I managed to do this the first
time around?  Or should I be ashamed that I don't remember how to do it
this time around?



Re: OT: Help with SQL SELECT on Varchar from character 0..n

2002-09-17 Thread Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN)

Doh!  SUBSTR - I forgot to wear my brain this morning.

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:


 I'm using postgres and remember having done something ages ago with some
 operator in mysql, although it makes zero sense to me now as to how I did
 it the first time.  What I want to do is have a select return a partial
 string from the ith character of a string to the jth character of a
 string.  I'd like postgres to filter this partial string and return it to

 Any ideas how I can go about doing this without using postgres regular
 expressions?  Am I simply imagining that I managed to do this the first
 time around?  Or should I be ashamed that I don't remember how to do it
 this time around?



Re: Error messages in Apache::Registry

2002-09-17 Thread William McKee

On 16 Sep 2002 at 18:10, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 The way that most people would recommend in A::R or anything else is to
 trap errors with eval blocks and then handle them appropriately.

I thought I was doing that at a global level by throwing an error with 
die() that was caught by CGI::Carp. I'm realizing that it isn't so simple.

  Unfortunately, CGI::Carp is still not displaying my custom error message
  which I set in a BEGIN block using the set_message() function.
 I don't know a lot about CGI::Carp specifically, but I'm guessing it 
 tries to avoid catching any dies inside of evals, so you will probably have
 to modify it or roll your own if you want that behavior.

Ahhh, that makes sense. Of course, my application still stops executing, 
but I guess that is because the error percolated up to mod_perl then back 
down to CGI::Carp which had set the %SIG hash.

  I guess this system wouldn't work if I try to
  redefine the set_message function in other Registry scripts since 
  CGI::Carp is not being instantiated individually in each script (or is
 If it uses globals (as opposed to an OO interface) then it's the same
 globals for every Registry script.  That would be a problem if you only set
 it in the BEGIN block, but you could easilly set it on every execution of
 the script.

Ohh, well isn't that a good idea ;-p. I feel like a beginner all over 
again in this environment.

 If you leave $ set, it will cause A::R to return a SERVER_ERROR status and
 apache will send a generic error page after your message.

Oh, so if I handle the error myself, I should unset $@? I didn't see this 
in the example mydie function in the Guide. However, exit 1 is called at 
the end of the subroutine which may be sufficient for bypassing the A::R 

 You can override die, or install a signal handler for the DIE hook, or wrap
 your code in an eval block.

One of the the members of the CGI::Application mailing list suggested 
using Graham Barr's Error module and a wrap around the instantiation 
script. It's an interesting approach which I'm going to take a look at 

  Indeed, it appears that the suggestion in the Code Snippets section of
  the mod_perl guide
  o_ the_Client_Instead_of_error_log will not work as given for
  Apache::Registry scripts.
 It should work.  The signal handler is called even inside an eval.

Hmm, I'll try again. 

I still am having no luck. I've walked through the execution with the 
debugger and am finding that Carp::longmess_heavy is catching my die() 
calls despite the fact that I have set `local $SIG{__DIE__} = \mydie;`. I 
was using the diagnostics and warnings pragmas but turned them off 
(diagnostics was catching the die before Carp). However, I'm not using 
Carp... except in my startup.pl that I copied from somewhere on the net:
`$SIG{__WARN__} = \Carp::cluck;`

I removed that code but am still getting Carp being called before my 
custom handler. It must be some library I'm using but why wouldn't my 
localized %SIG override this value?

Very confused,

 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications  Database Integration

Re: Error messages in Apache::Registry

2002-09-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

William McKee wrote:
The way that most people would recommend in A::R or anything else is to
trap errors with eval blocks and then handle them appropriately.
 I thought I was doing that at a global level by throwing an error with 
 die() that was caught by CGI::Carp. I'm realizing that it isn't so simple.

Matt wrote some stuff for the guide explaining why the die handler is 
not the best approach.  Basically, it means all errors will be treated 
the same.

 Oh, so if I handle the error myself, I should unset $@?

No, I think I was wrong about that.  You shouldn't need to unset it 

 One of the the members of the CGI::Application mailing list suggested 
 using Graham Barr's Error module and a wrap around the instantiation 
 script. It's an interesting approach which I'm going to take a look at 

I don't recommend that.  There's no reason to use Error instead of just 
an eval block.  It can be this simple:

eval {
   ... your code here ...
if ($) {
   ... print nice error page with $ message ...

This will only work if you turn off all the DIE handlers.

 I still am having no luck. I've walked through the execution with the 
 debugger and am finding that Carp::longmess_heavy is catching my die() 
 calls despite the fact that I have set `local $SIG{__DIE__} = \mydie;`.

As you discovered, this seems to be interference from the debugger.  I'm 
not sure how to turn that off, although you could probably look at 
perl5db.pl and edit it.

- Perrin

Re: Error messages in Apache::Registry

2002-09-17 Thread William McKee

On 17 Sep 2002 at 13:27, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Matt wrote some stuff for the guide explaining why the die handler is not
 the best approach.  Basically, it means all errors will be treated the

Ahh, right. Is this what you're referring to? 
Thanks for your persistence in helping me overcome my ignorance.


 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications  Database Integration

Linux + Apache Worm exploiting pre 0.9.6g OpenSSL vulnerabilitieson the loose

2002-09-17 Thread Josh Chamas


There seems to be a worm spreading for Apache + Linux + OpenSSL
servers that I saw a discussion on at


Seems like we need to upgrade our apache servers to OpenSSL 0.9.6g
if we haven't already.  I didn't see this posted to mod_perl
yet, forgive me if this has been sent out already.

Based on discussion at:


it seems that we might need to upgrade modssl as well,
but I have not seen a release of modssl since June
( see http://www.modssl.org/news/ ), so this seems to
not be necessary, but do not take my word for it, upgrade
if you think its a good idea ( probably is anyway ).



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.http://www.chamas.com
NodeWorks Link Checkinghttp://www.nodeworks.com

apche + mod_perl

2002-09-17 Thread testic

Hi Guys,

Having decided to give Linux a go I installed Linux 
and Apache on a spare machine at work with the intention of using it to run an 
intranet. I managed to run Apache succesfully to serve up simple HTML files, but 
I wanted some dynamic content so I installed Mod_perl as well. However I have 
run into a few difficulties regarding its configuration. The install process of 
mod_perl didn't throw up any errors and no lines were added to httpd.conf. I 
added a few lines that I found on a website to run mod_perl when Apache starts. 
Unfortunatley Apache generates errors with this config so I modified it so 
Apache starts.

Could anyway tell me the lines I need to add to 
httpd.conf? Also, seeing as I've never used mod_perl (or Perl for that matter) I 
don't have any scripts, nor do I know how to add a script to a HTML page, so 
would it be possible for someone to tell me a very basic script that will merely 
let me know that it is running?

System specs:
RedHat Linux 7.1 (2.4.2-2) on i386 
installed in '/web/apache'
Perl 5.6.0
Mod_perl 1.99_5

I realize that this is a very menial problem, but I 
scoured the Perl section of apache.org and couldn't find the information I 

Thankyou very much for any help you can 


LibXML and PerlRun

2002-09-17 Thread Scott Nelson

I am having troubles using XML::LibXML with PerlRun.  The script I am 
running runs just fine under CGI, but when using PerlRun, I get the 
following message:

PerlRun: `Can't locate object method SendFault via package Entity: 
line 19: error: AttValue: ' expected
SupplierRQ ID=7 TSID=thermeon.eds StartLoc=345 TSStartLoc=
Entity: line 19: error: attributes construct error
SupplierRQ ID=7 TSID=thermeon.eds StartLoc=345 TSStartLoc=
Entity: line 19: error: Couldn't find end of Start Tag TravelSupplierRQ
SupplierRQ ID=7 TSID=thermeon.eds StartLoc=345 TSStartLoc=
Entity: line 19: error: Extra content at the end of the document
SupplierRQ ID=7 TSID=thermeon.eds StartLoc=345 TSStartLoc=
 at /usr/local/link/PerlRun/link line 26
 at /usr/local/link/PerlRun/link line 18, S chunk 21019.

The same script  input was used -- just the copy of the script in the 
cgi-bin directory works, and the copy in PerlRun doesn't.

Here are excepts from /usr/local/link/PerlRun/link:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use XML::LibXML;

my $parser = XML::LibXML-new();

eval { Main };  ##This is the line 18##

if ($) {
SendFault $;

sub Main {
my $doc = $parser-parse_fh(\*STDIN); ## this is the line 26 ##
my $message = $doc-documentElement();
### things cut here -- read message and process it ###

sub SendFault {
### things cut here -- build an error message and print it to 

Re: problem with $r-push_handlers()

2002-09-17 Thread Martin Moss

I have traced my problem to the following 
subroutine which populates the Hash I use to keep track of mappings of URL's to 
Modules (handlers)to use.
As you will see, at the very end of my parse_file 
subroutine I have two lines commented out. IF I uncomment these lines out, I end 
up overwriting the data in my hash with the clean data I supply. When I do this 
my Apache Multiplexer (the thing which does the 
$r-push_handlers($handler_bf)) works fine and all is fine. However if I 
leave the line commented out - as is here - I get the following 

[Tue Sep 17 22:41:35 2002] [error] Undefined 
subroutine MyMod::Apache::Test1 called, GEN2 line 2.

So I'm at a loss, any further help you could give 
would be useful,


Here is a sample file:-
/test1/ = 
MyMod::Apache::Test1/test2/ = 
Here is a file parsing subroutine I use to read the 
above file and populate a hash, which I export to another 

our (%HANDLERS);

sub _is_tainted{ not eval { 
join("",@_), kill 0; 1; };}

sub parse_file{ my 
$file=shift; print STDERR "Parsing file $file\n"; open 
(FILE,"$file") or die "Cannot open file for reading $file"; while 
(my $line=FILE) { chomp 
$line; if ($line=~/^\#/) 
{ next; 
} else 
{ my 
($keyname,$varname)=split/\=/,$line; print 
STDERR "Initial $keyname = $varname\n"; 

$keyname=~s/\/$//; my @tmp=split /\//, 
$keyname; my 
$untainted_keyname; while 
{ my $tainted_var=shift 
@tmp; if ($tainted_var 
$tainted_var=$1; die 
"$tainted_var is Tainted" if 
die "$untainted_keyname is Tainted" if 
{ die "Taint Check 
failed for $tainted_var\n"; 
} } 
$untainted_keyname.='/'; if 
$varname=$1; die "$varname is 
Tainted" if (_is_tainted($varname)); 
} else 
{ die "Taint Check failed for 
$HANDLERS{$untainted_keyname}=$varname; print 
STDERR "Added $keyname = $varname\n"; } 
} #$HANDLERS{'/test1/'}='MyMod::Apache::Test1'; 
#$HANDLERS{'/test2/'} = 'MyMod::Apache::Test2'; close 

  - Original Message - 
  Martin Moss 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:13 
  Subject: problem with 
  can anybody provide any help with this 
  problem - and maybe explain why I get the following 
  I've been trying to find the cause of the issue 
  but to no avail:-(
  I have MyMod::Apache::Test pre-loaded in my httpd.conf file.
  Here is an extract of code:-
  ($handler is defined from a Hash defined within 
  this Code)
  ($handler_bf is defined from a hash exported by a 
  module used in this code. to get to the stage in the code where the following 
  lines commence, I already have read the value from the exported hash and it is 
  held in the variable $handler_bf)
  #$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  $handler);$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  print STDERR "They match\n ($handler) = ($handler_bf)\n" if ($handler 
  eq $handler_bf);
  When I run the code I get the following error:-
  MyMod::Apache::Multiplex Matched /test/ to MyMod::Apache::Test 
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) for /mod_perl_push_handlers: Not a subroutine name 
  or CODE reference! at /usr/local/lib/perl//MyMod/Apache/Multiplex.pm line 
  101.They match(MyMod::Apache::Test) = 
  WHEREAS if I use the following code:-
  #$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  $handler);$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  print STDERR "They match\n ($handler) = ($handler_bf)\n" if ($handler 
  eq $handler_bf);
  It works and I get this output :-
  MyMod::Apache::Multiplex Matched /reconciler/test/ to MyMod::Apache::Test 
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) for /They match(MyMod::Apache::Test) = 
  So I'm still at a loss. I've tried checking for tainted variables as the 
  handler hash which fails is populated by reading the contents of files, 
  whereas the other is simply defined in the script.
  I'm guessing this is something more subtle like a configuration 
  I've tried stopping a starting apache after making each change to the 
  script. so each test is run on a fresh server.
  Anyway, Answers on a Postcard please:-)

RE: apche + mod_perl

2002-09-17 Thread Joe Breeden


below are a few links that should get you on your way:

start with "The Guide" http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/index.html. 
It has been very helpful to me when I have questions.
go to http://www.modperlcookbook.org/(buy 
their book) It has some sample code and such which should help out 
Finally visit http://modperl.com:9000/(buy this book 
also) It is a little hard to follow in the beginning, but it is worth while in 
the long run.

I hope 
these help and good luck with you mod_perl adventure.


  -Original Message-From: testic 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 
  3:22 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: apche + 
  Hi Guys,
  Having decided to give Linux a go I installed 
  Linux and Apache on a spare machine at work with the intention of using it to 
  run an intranet. I managed to run Apache succesfully to serve up simple HTML 
  files, but I wanted some dynamic content so I installed Mod_perl as well. 
  However I have run into a few difficulties regarding its configuration. The 
  install process of mod_perl didn't throw up any errors and no lines were added 
  to httpd.conf. I added a few lines that I found on a website to run mod_perl 
  when Apache starts. Unfortunatley Apache generates errors with this config so 
  I modified it so Apache starts.
  Could anyway tell me the lines I need to add to 
  httpd.conf? Also, seeing as I've never used mod_perl (or Perl for that matter) 
  I don't have any scripts, nor do I know how to add a script to a HTML page, so 
  would it be possible for someone to tell me a very basic script that will 
  merely let me know that it is running?
  System specs:
  RedHat Linux 7.1 (2.4.2-2) on i386 
  installed in '/web/apache'
  Perl 5.6.0
  Mod_perl 1.99_5
  I realize that this is a very menial problem, but 
  I scoured the Perl section of apache.org and couldn't find the information I 
  Thankyou very much for any help you can 

Re: LibXML and PerlRun

2002-09-17 Thread William McKee

Hi Scott,

I had lots of problems using XML under Apache until I recompiled Apache 
with the --disable-rule=EXPAT rule as partially described in the AxKit 
FAQ http://axkit.org/faq.xml. I'm new to the world of XML so don't know 
whether this will help you or not. You didn't mention a segfault but this 
is just the kind of thing I was experiencing when trying to use an XML 
library under mod_perl. 

Perhaps if someone from the AxKit project is reading this message, they 
can modify that FAQ to save others the trouble of figuring out how To 
compile Apache without expat, simply supply the option: RULE_EXPAT=NO. 
That is not a simple thing for new users g.

Good luck,

 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications  Database Integration

RE: Linux + Apache Worm exploiting pre 0.9.6g OpenSSL vulnerabilities on the loose

2002-09-17 Thread Christian Gilmore


I believe the virus only affects systems pre-0.9.6e:


Christian Gilmore
Technology Leader
GeT WW Global Applications Development
IBM Software Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Chamas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:43 PM
 Subject: Linux + Apache Worm exploiting pre 0.9.6g OpenSSL
 vulnerabilities on the loose


 There seems to be a worm spreading for Apache + Linux + OpenSSL
 servers that I saw a discussion on at


 Seems like we need to upgrade our apache servers to OpenSSL 0.9.6g
 if we haven't already.  I didn't see this posted to mod_perl
 yet, forgive me if this has been sent out already.

 Based on discussion at:


 it seems that we might need to upgrade modssl as well,
 but I have not seen a release of modssl since June
 ( see http://www.modssl.org/news/ ), so this seems to
 not be necessary, but do not take my word for it, upgrade
 if you think its a good idea ( probably is anyway ).


 Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
 Chamas Enterprises Inc.http://www.chamas.com
 NodeWorks Link Checkinghttp://www.nodeworks.com

Re: problem with $r-push_handlers()

2002-09-17 Thread Martin Moss

You are a star!!!

I ammended your syntax slightly
 and did this:-

my $sub_string='sub { '.$handler_bf.'($r) };';
$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = eval $sub_string);

Otherwise The handler routine of my handler module doesn't get passed the
Apache object as it's first argument.

It seems to work fine. Thank you.

One point to ask, Is this less efficient, as I'm passing an anonynmous
subroutine around rather than a code reference?

I can finally go to bed :-)

Kind regards


- Original Message -
From: Marcin Kasperski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: problem with $r-push_handlers()

  MyMod::Apache::Multiplex Matched /test/ to MyMod::Apache::Test
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) for /
  mod_perl_push_handlers: Not a subroutine name or CODE reference! at
  /usr/local/lib/perl//MyMod/Apache/Multiplex.pm line 101.
  They match
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) = (MyMod::Apache::Test)

 I have observed similar problem myself. I got the same error when I
 wrote in my startup.pl


 when I replaced it with

   sub { MyApp::Main::on_child_init(); });

 it works as expected.

 ( Marcin Kasperski   | You have the right to peace, fun, and
ctive  )
 ( http://www.mk.w.pl |and enjoyable work.

 ( Nie gub zgosze bdw:

RE: Linux + Apache Worm exploiting pre 0.9.6g OpenSSL vulnerabilities on the loose

2002-09-17 Thread Rob Nagler

Christian Gilmore writes:
 I believe the virus only affects systems pre-0.9.6e:

Also note that vendors may have retrofited older versions with the
patch.  For example, Red Hat still is at 0.9.5a  0.9.6b
(see http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2002-160.html for more info)


[OT] document management

2002-09-17 Thread Erich Markert

I do work for a Land Use legal center from time to time.  They have a 
project that eventually needs to find it's way onto the web in order to 
maximize information sharing.

What I need to find is a system that would allow users to upload word 
and/or pdf and/or html files into a library system that would 
automatically extract keywords and then file the documents into a 
database.  The goal of all this is to avoid having users doing double 
work, e.g. creating word docs only to convert, etc., while having a 
system that is as user friendly as possible because most of these users 
aren't technically savy.

I've been doing searches for mod_perl  non-mod_perl based solutions but 
haven't found anything (lot's of content management but no document 


Re: [OT] document management

2002-09-17 Thread iudicium ferat

On that note, lets go off into word matching -

On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 10:15  PM, Erich Markert wrote:
 I've been doing searches for mod_perl  non-mod_perl based 
 solutions but haven't found anything (lot's of content management 
 but no document management).

Here is an example of word matching:


# A Perl filter that will take the selected text, sort the
# words, put into a column, remove duplicates, then output a
# word count by each.

use strict;

my %count;

while (DATA) {
for my $word (split) {
  next unless $word =~ /\w/;
  $word =~ s/^\W+//;
  $word =~ s/\W+$//;
  $count{lc $word}++;

for my $word (sort keys %count) {
print $word $count{$word}\n;

sleep 30;

Dr. Seuss's Guide to the Internet
(with apologies to Dr. Seuss and you sheep)

Here's an easy game to play.
Here's an easy thing to say.

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!

If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,
And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,
And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash,
Then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash!

You can't say this? What a shame, sir!
We'll find you Another game, sir.

If the label on the cable on the table at your house,
Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,
But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol
That's repeatedly rejected by your printer down the hall,

And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of Gauss,
So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,
Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,
'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!

When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,
And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary RISC,
Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM.
Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom!

No, I didn't start this code, but I changed the data to protect the 

-Bill- :]

WC -Sx- Jones * Lead e-Systems Developer * http://insecurity.org/
FCCJ * 501 W State St * Jacksonville, FL 32202 * 1 (904) 632-3089
 __ __  __ __ __
/ // /__   ___  __ __  / // /__ _/ /_ 
   / _  / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ // / / _  / _ `/ __/  '_/ -_) __/
  /_//_/\_,_/ .__/ .__/\_, / /_//_/\_,_/\__/_/\_\\__/_/
   /_/  /_/   /___/
  Running LinuxPPC UltraPenguin SuSE 7.3 (-Sx-)
__ _ http://jacksonville.pm.org/
   / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __   http://cis4dl.sf.net/
  / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /   http://www.suse.com/
 / /__| | | | | |_| |  http://www.perl.com/
 \/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\   http://www.fccj.edu/