Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Aaron Ross
Hi Eric,
> class. What I'd like is to have my model (as in MVC) objects reuse the 
> process or maybe even server shared objects without doing any of these:
> 1. Using a singleton utility class
> 2. Needing to pass objects to model objects' new() in teh controllers
> 3. Instantiating the objects in the model classes themselves

I'm not sure if this violates 3 (the models classes have to know what
resources they need, so i am not sure what wouldn't), but could you use
a singleton for the resource and a factory to access it? The model
classes call a "static" factory method that handles the configuration,
cache, etc...

This solves the problem of having configuration and resource allocation
code in your model objects. It does mean that you have to write factory
classes for your resources, but they ought to be quite simple. 

package MyModel::SomeObject;


sub doSomething {
  my $dbiHandle = MyDBIHandleFactory->getHandle();


package MyDBIHandleFactory;

sub getHandle {
   if (defined $handle) {
return $handle # implement as singleton
   ... read config or something ...
   $handle = DBI->connect(...);


hth, aaron

Re: mod_perl PerlTransHandler weirdness

2003-06-20 Thread Aaron Ross
just fyi, mod_rewrite should be capable of handling those tests. See the
file tests under

HTH, Aaron

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 08:56, Joel Bernstein wrote:
> Alternatively, can anybody suggest a different way to offer this
> functionality? I don't think mod_rewrite applies, since the tests are
> too complicated, but would stand corrected if somebody knows
> different...
> I posted this to earlier and had no joy.
> /joel, getting a bit desperate.
Aaron Ross  
   company . Alias I, Inc 
  mail . 10 East 39th Street
 New York, NY 10016
 phone . 212 696 0690
   fax . 212 696 0626
  cell . 917 753 2323

Re: trouble with using $r->lookup_uri()

2003-05-31 Thread Aaron Ross
> my $uri = $r->uri;
> my $subr = $r->lookup_uri($uri);

Is this recursing? the subrequest will run all phases but the content
handler, so
i would think you'll need to add

return unless $r->is_main();

or something like it at the beginning of the routine.

-- Aaron

[JOB] Apache/Perl/Java Developer Available

2002-07-15 Thread Aaron Ross

Hi all, 

 I am currently seeking gainful employement in the San Diego, CA area.  I'm
 interested in full-time or contract employement.

 I have lots of experience with Apache/mod_perl, databases and software 
 design.  Although I'm ashamed to admit it here, I do have experience with
 some other programming languages and platforms. 

 My resume is available at

Thanks!  Aaron

Re: Mapping to location "/"

2002-06-12 Thread Aaron Ross

> to map to my main mod_perl script. 
> The first thing it does is to check if the uri ends
> with a .phtml extension (or or
> with subdirectories). If
> there is, I continue processing, otherwise I decline
> it and let Apache handle it. 




do the trick?

Aaron Ross . Alias I, Inc.
   web .
office . 215 545 6428
mobile . 610 517 2905

RE: MVC advice..?

2002-05-29 Thread Aaron Ross

> Is there a neat way of dynamically loading in the appropriate control
> subclass?  Something proven and widely used.

For what it's worth, I use the eval trick too.  Although it may seem a
little clunky, I believe it is "proven and widely used".  The
module uses code like this to load in the DBD drivers:

my $driver_class = "DBD::$driver";
eval "package DBI::_firesafe; require $driver_class";

I'm not sure this answers your MVC questions, but maybe it will make you
feel more comfortable with your solution.

hth, aaron

Re: Content management systems

2002-04-09 Thread Aaron Ross

> >
> >For community sites, use Slash - the engine behind slashdot
> >( - there's even a book about it.
> You should also check out scoop (, the engine 
> that runs It's also written for modperl, and IMHO has some 
> extra community features that makes it better than slash for more 
> "democratic" sites where there are no "editors" like on /. who decide what 
> stories get posted. Oh, and it does have diaries. ;-)

Does anyone know of a more "portal" oriented engine?  in addition to
discussions and articles, a calendar, object level access control,
polls, approval based content management. 

A friend has to put together a community portal site for the university
he works for, on biological terrorism, no less!  So far, we  have been
unable to find anything in perl that provides the functionality needed.

The ArsDigita code seems pretty good, but it's seems to be somewhat
adrift and sloppy at this point.

Zope provides lot of features, but seems to be a closed little world,
ie. it's own db and it's own templating language.

Anybody know of something in mod_perl with this out of the box
functionality in addition to content management?

-- aaron

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-22 Thread Aaron Ross

> (As an aside, I'm not sure I'll ever get over undef being proper closing
> of a database connection; it seems so synonomous to free([23]).  I
> expect something like $db->db_close() or something.)

 You mean like $db->db_close()? :)

> > my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
> > -Flags=>DB_CREATE,
> > -Filename=>$file,
> > -Env=>$env );
> > die "Can't open $file: $! ".$BerkeleyDB::Error."\n" if !$db_key;
> > return $db_key;

I was wondering if using tie() instead of just the OO interface was
causing a problem.  Maybe rewriting the code to just use new() would
help?  Of course that means losing the hash interface. 

 grasping at straws, aaron

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Aaron Ross

> >>  I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
> >>  ".mperl" (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
> >>  registry script).
> >
> >  I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
> >to blame.
> I tried doing it as a handler, using the configuration below (and the 
> appropriate changes in the source) and the problem persists. So it 
> doesn't seem to be Registry's fault.

 Bummer.  I wish I had a machine to test this code on, but i won't until the
 end of next week. it's ugly, but you could use Devel::Peek to look at why
 garbage collection isn't working, maybe there is a circular reference in

 Ugh.  Please keep me informed.

 -- Aaron

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Aaron Ross

> I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending 
> ".mperl" (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl 
> registry script).

 I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
to blame.

 hth, aaron

Re: inheritance and Apache::Request

2002-02-15 Thread Aaron Ross

> sub new {
>  my ($class, $r) = @_;
>  return bless { r  => Apache::Request->new($r),
>}, $class;
> }


 sub new { 
my ($class,$r) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($r);
# do your own init ...
return $self

aaron ross . alias i, inc
 phone . 215 545 6428

Re: Multiple authentication methods

2002-02-13 Thread Aaron Ross

shouldn't stacked handlers be the right solution here?  are stacked auth
handlers not allowed or something?


On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 09:02, darren chamberlain wrote:
> Quoting Marcel Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [12 Feb-02 16:15]:
> > I don't get the point why it did not work the other way round,
> > but now everything is just fine now :
> Make it a little more generic:
> package Apache::MultiAuthen;
> use strict;
> use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
> sub handler {
> my $r = shift;
> my($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
> return $res if $res != OK;
> # Tweak this; unsure about dir_config returning an array
> my @auth_modules = $r->dir_config("AuthModules");
> for my $am (@auth_modules) {
> load($am);
> if ($@) {
> $r->log("Error loading module '$am': $@");
> next;
> }
> my $handler = \&{"$am\::handler"};
> if ($handler->($r) == OK) {
> $r->log_reason("$am return OK");
> return OK
> }
> $r->log_reason("$am not OK");
> }
> $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
> }
> sub load {
> my $module = @_;
> $module  =~ s[::][/]g;
> $module .= '.pm';
> eval { require $module; };
> return $@ ? 1 : 0;
> }
> 1;
> __END__
> (darren)
> -- 
> Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by
> incompetence.
> -- Napolean Bonaparte
aaron ross . alias intelligence, inc
 phone . 215 545 6428

Re: Multiple authentication methods

2002-02-12 Thread Aaron Ross

>AuthName Test
>AuthType Basic
>PerlSetVar myPDC SAMBA
>PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenSmb Apache::AuthSybase
>require valid-user

is mod_perl compiled with STACKED HANDLERS?

the first module to run will need to return DECLINED for the second to
ever see the request.  You may need a simple AuthHandler that always
fails at the end. Try AuthenSmb, DECLINED or OK, try AuthSybase,
DECLINED or OK, then AuthFailed, always returned FORBIDDEN.

HTH, aaron

aaron ross . alias intelligence, inc
 phone . 215 545 6428

Re: [OT] callisto software graphics

2002-02-07 Thread Aaron Ross

> It just shows off the power of Orange...

 i, for one, believe in the power of orange.

> Nanoware...

 can i place a request for some orange nanoware?

aaron ross . alias i, inc
 phone . 215 545 6428

[OT] callisto software graphics

2002-02-07 Thread Aaron Ross v 


aaron ross . alias i, inc
 phone . 215 545 6428

Re: RFC: DBI::Prof

2000-11-28 Thread Aaron Ross

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Stas wrote:
> possible SQL calls manually, so I wrote this simple profiler. Take a look
> and tell me if you think it worths releasing on CPAN...

Definitely release it! It is a very elegant solution to a problem that I'm 
guessing many of us have dealt with.  I've always _tried_ to write a db
abstraction layer, so this kind of profiling would be easy. But I can easily 
think of two cases where i was trying to track down bad queries and this 
little trick would have saved me a lot of time.

[ couldn't you have telepathically told me how to do this a year ago?? ]

it would be a nice addition to the guide too.


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Re: premature TCP termination

2000-11-13 Thread Aaron Ross

at a time earlier than now, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if there is some sort of notification my module can receive if
> the user has terminated HTTP transaction(ie dowloading of a search
> result), by closing TCP link, or the Apache's connection has timed out... 
> URLs, pointers would be excellent.

 see the Apache::Connection class...  $con->aborted() is what you want i 


Re: Apache::ASP & HTTP's validation model

2000-02-12 Thread Aaron Ross

hi Dmitry!

 Wouldn't it be great it someone came up with a general solution for this...
some kind of logical class from which you could inherit and implement the
necessary methods. 

 There was an interesting thread about this problem with Mason. I'm sure it's 
come up before with ASP. The mod_perl guide has a great section on it.. so
what's missing for a mod_perl handler? what would it take to make a general 
solution... Well a general framework. Is that even possible?

 Just Curious,

> (Joshua, promise to let me know when you get tired of my "ideas" and I'll 
> stop :-)
> >No, this wouldn't make sense for most scripts which will
> >contain dynamic parts.
> What about a situation when the content is been dynamically generated from 
> a source that doesn't change often, but in an unpredictable fashion (e.g. a 
> guest book or such)?  I realize that it impossible for ASP itself to know 
> when the actual source has been changed, but it should be able to make an 
> educated guess with some help from the author.
> My original thought was to have a way to define file dependencies for an 
> .asp file.  If any of these files has an mtime greater then 
> 'If-Modified-Since,' then the .asp file gets processed, otherwise, the 
> client gets NOT_MODIFIED.  Then I realized that the datasource may not 
> necessarily be a file.  The data could be coming from a database, from 
> another web server, etc., so a more general mtime discovery mechanism would 
> be needed.  (perhaps a callback into the script?)
> Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Dmitry

$r->content_type clobbering outgoing headers

2000-02-10 Thread Aaron Ross

 I have an access handler that uses $r->headers_out->add to add a set-cookie


 If i try to access this in my ContentHandler, actually HTML::Mason, i find
a strange problem: Calling $r->content_type wipes out the header!

>From the

 sub handler
my ($r) = @_;

$r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT: $k=>$v"); 1; });

return -1 if -e $r->finfo && $r->content_type && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|i;

$r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT: $k=>$v"); 1; });


 The first do call works fine returning something like this:

[Thu Feb 10 12:11:47 2000] [error] OUT: Set-cookie=>MF_Session=14&950202707;; path=/

 The second returns nothing at all.

 Commenting out the content-type line fixes the problem... However, I like
that line and want it to stay!!!

  Confused in Swarthmore, aka Aaron

Re: $r->content_type clobbering outgoing headers

2000-02-10 Thread Aaron Ross

hi all!

 the problem is me. the handler works fine with a full, existing path. the
problem occurs when i think that a request for a directory is just like a 
request for a file, which is isn't. 
 basically, i need to handle setting cookies with a redirect, then this 
problem along with a related one for images go away.

 sorry to bother you all, 



> hi Tim!
>  tried it. didn't work.
>  what difference were you thinking that might make? maybe there is another
> way to achieve it.
> Aaron
> > Try retrieving the content type and then working on that scalar.
> > 
> > my $ct = $r->content_type;
> > return -1 if ((-e $r->finfo) && $ct && ($ct !~ m|^text/|i));
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Tim Tompkins
> > --
> > Programmer / IS Technician
> >
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Aaron Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 10:16 AM
> > Subject: $r->content_type clobbering outgoing headers
> > 
> > 
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > >  I have an access handler that uses $r->headers_out->add to add a
> > set-cookie
> > > header:
> > >
> > >   $r->headers_out->add("Set-cookie"=>$sesc);
> > >
> > >  If i try to access this in my ContentHandler, actually HTML::Mason, i
> > find
> > > a strange problem: Calling $r->content_type wipes out the header!
> > >
> > > >From the
> > >
> > >  sub handler
> > >  {
> > > my ($r) = @_;
> > >
> > > $r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT:
> > $k=>$v"); 1; });
> > >
> > > return -1 if -e $r->finfo && $r->content_type && $r->content_type !~
> > m|^text/|i;
> > >
> > > $r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT:
> > $k=>$v"); 1; });
> > >
> > >   snip 
> > >
> > >  }
> > >
> > >  The first do call works fine returning something like this:
> > >
> > > [Thu Feb 10 12:11:47 2000] [error] OUT:
> > Set-cookie=>MF_Session=14&950202707;; path=/
> > >
> > >  The second returns nothing at all.
> > >
> > >  Commenting out the content-type line fixes the problem... However, I like
> > > that line and want it to stay!!!
> > >
> > >  TIA,
> > >   Confused in Swarthmore, aka Aaron
> > >
> > >

Re: $r->content_type clobbering outgoing headers

2000-02-10 Thread Aaron Ross

hi Tim!

 tried it. didn't work.

 what difference were you thinking that might make? maybe there is another
way to achieve it.


> Try retrieving the content type and then working on that scalar.
> my $ct = $r->content_type;
> return -1 if ((-e $r->finfo) && $ct && ($ct !~ m|^text/|i));
> Thanks,
> Tim Tompkins
> --
> Programmer / IS Technician
> - Original Message -
> From: Aaron Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 10:16 AM
> Subject: $r->content_type clobbering outgoing headers
> > Hi!
> >
> >  I have an access handler that uses $r->headers_out->add to add a
> set-cookie
> > header:
> >
> >   $r->headers_out->add("Set-cookie"=>$sesc);
> >
> >  If i try to access this in my ContentHandler, actually HTML::Mason, i
> find
> > a strange problem: Calling $r->content_type wipes out the header!
> >
> > >From the
> >
> >  sub handler
> >  {
> > my ($r) = @_;
> >
> > $r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT:
> $k=>$v"); 1; });
> >
> > return -1 if -e $r->finfo && $r->content_type && $r->content_type !~
> m|^text/|i;
> >
> > $r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT:
> $k=>$v"); 1; });
> >
> >   snip 
> >
> >  }
> >
> >  The first do call works fine returning something like this:
> >
> > [Thu Feb 10 12:11:47 2000] [error] OUT:
> Set-cookie=>MF_Session=14&950202707;; path=/
> >
> >  The second returns nothing at all.
> >
> >  Commenting out the content-type line fixes the problem... However, I like
> > that line and want it to stay!!!
> >
> >  TIA,
> >   Confused in Swarthmore, aka Aaron
> >
> >

Re: Apach::Session with Sybase?

2000-02-09 Thread Aaron Ross

hi David!

 i remember that i couldn't get Sybase to work with Apache::Session b/c the
prepare statements use placeholders. you cannot use placeholders with a text
field in sybase. from the DBD::Sybase docs:

 Note that IMAGE or TEXT datatypes can not be passed as
 parameters when using ?-style placeholders, and ?-style
 placeholders can't refer to TEXT or IMAGE columns.

 if you got past this problem, please tell me how! i'd love to see this work!


> Dear Mr. Baker:
> I am trying to use Apache::Session module with a Sybase 11 server, but can't get it 
>to work. I think the problem is with the a_session field type. I tried with text, 
>varchar, varbinary, and binary types but without much luck. Can someone give me some 
>help on this, or point me to the right direction? Thank you very much!
> Here is the error message from the error log.
> [Tue Feb  8 11:33:16 2000] [error] Magic number checking on perl storable failed at 
>blib/lib/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 214, at 
>/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Session/ line 198
> -
> David Huang
> Macquarium
> 404-554-4214
> -
> David Huang
> Macquarium
> 404-554-4214

Re: coderef as arg to $r->custom_response(...)

2000-02-09 Thread Aaron Ross


> I'm trying to write a custom Auth/Authz handler, and want to handle
> the failure within my module as well, sharing some variables that I've
> already determined during the failure.  I can't output content during
> the Authz phase (or can I?), so I need to set up a very custom
> handler.

 You can certainly output content, if you pass a scalar to custom_response,
that's what will get displayed when the error is returned. so you could
at least generate a custom message and pass it in... not as neat, but it

> Anyone done anything like this?  Am I heading down a dark damp tunnel?
> -- 
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: CGI::Cookie parse

2000-02-04 Thread Aaron Ross

 Thanks for your help!

 I'll look at Apache::Cookie, too. Although I don't really see the big
difference in simplicity.


> On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Aaron Ross wrote:
> > Hi!
> >   I'm trying to write an AccessHandler. I'm using CGI::Cookie to, you got it,
> > create and parse Cookies.  However, I'm getting an error that I don't totally
> > understand. ( This is mod_perl related... just hold on. )
> > 
> >   If i call 
> > CGI::Cookie->parse($r->headers_in->get('Cookie'));
> >   I will get this error:
> > Can't call method "register_cleanup" on an undefined value at 
>/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ line 262.
> > 
> >   Now that is on this line in the constructor:
> > 
> >if ($MOD_PERL) {
> > --->Apache->request->register_cleanup(\&CGI::_reset_globals);
> > undef $NPH;
> > }
> > 
> >   Why does that fail? I'm running under mod_perl.. I mean this is failing when
> > it is called from a PerlAccessHandler!
> The solution is to add to I:
>   PerlPostReadRequestHandler 'sub { Apache->request(shift) }'
> ___
> Stas Bekmanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC
> single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven

CGI::Cookie parse

2000-02-04 Thread Aaron Ross

  I'm trying to write an AccessHandler. I'm using CGI::Cookie to, you got it,
create and parse Cookies.  However, I'm getting an error that I don't totally
understand. ( This is mod_perl related... just hold on. )

  If i call 
  I will get this error:
Can't call method "register_cleanup" on an undefined value at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ line 262.

  Now that is on this line in the constructor:

   if ($MOD_PERL) {
undef $NPH;

  Why does that fail? I'm running under mod_perl.. I mean this is failing when
it is called from a PerlAccessHandler!

  My second question is why does CGI::Cookie create CGI object just to get a
url! The call to CGI::new is becuase of this call in CGI::Cookie->new():

# IE requires the path and domain to be present for some reason.
$path   = CGI::url(-absolute=>1) unless defined $path;
# $path = "/" unless defined $path;

  removing the call to CGI::url fixes the error. 

 So.. any advice or explanation?


Re: 403 Custom Response?

2000-01-31 Thread Aaron Ross

hi Gerald!

 you rock

thanks, aaron

> >
> > Hi!
> >  I can't get Apache::AuthCookie to work without causing a login
> > box to popup.
> > I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and can help me clean up my
> > configuration.  can anyone point me to configuration directives
> > that might
> > be causing this problem?
> I recently run into this problem. It's not an configuration issue. Your
> login page must alter the http status to 200 (OK)
> Put something like the following at the top of your login page:
> $r->status(200) ;
> Gerald

403 Custom Response?

2000-01-31 Thread Aaron Ross

 I can't get Apache::AuthCookie to work without causing a login box to popup.
I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and can help me clean up my 
configuration.  can anyone point me to configuration directives that might 
be causing this problem? Here is my .htaccess file:

 # Protect All Files in this directory
 PerlAuthenHandler ForumCookieAuth->identify
 PerlAuthzHandler ForumCookieAuth->authorize
 require valid-user

 and here is my httpd.conf entry for the protected directory:

  AuthType ForumCookieAuth
  AuthName MathForum
  PerlSetVar AuthCookieDebug 3
  PerlSetVar MathForumPath /
  PerlSetVar MathForumLoginScript /signup.html

 The module return 403 after setting custom_response. I get a pop up box and
then if i cancel, i get the login script that was set as the custom response. 

 I thought the mailing-list archives would have yielded something, but if it's
there i can't find it.
