Re: Interpreting HTML

2003-08-26 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Hey, I just noticed the first email that you sent, I must've thought it 
was a question - I must really need sleep since I've been mispelling and 
reading incorrectly today ;) Sorry for replying to it as though it was a 

Josh Chamas wrote:
js wrote:

I have apache2 and mod_perl2 setup and running without any problems 
with .PL

In apache2 I have my test directory setup like the following:

Alias /test/ C:/apache2/htdocs/
  Location /test/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
  PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  Options +ExecCGI
  How do I stop .HTML files from being interpreted?
You could always just match on .pl, like:

   Location ~ /test/*.pl
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
   PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
   Options +ExecCGI
For more on using Location, please see:



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

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Re: Interpreting HTML

2003-08-25 Thread Patrick Galbraith

instead of Location, use Files

Alias /test/ C:/apache2/htdocs/
FILES ~ \.pl$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
Options +ExecCGI
Hope this is the solution, or what you're looking for,



js wrote:
I have apache2 and mod_perl2 setup and running without any problems with .PL
In apache2 I have my test directory setup like the following:

Alias /test/ C:/apache2/htdocs/
  Location /test/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
  PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  Options +ExecCGI
How do I stop .HTML files from being interpreted?


Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

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Re: Interpreting HTML

2003-08-25 Thread Patrick Galbraith
LocationMatch I think is what you want.

Josh Chamas wrote:
js wrote:

I have apache2 and mod_perl2 setup and running without any problems 
with .PL

In apache2 I have my test directory setup like the following:

Alias /test/ C:/apache2/htdocs/
  Location /test/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
  PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  Options +ExecCGI
  How do I stop .HTML files from being interpreted?
You could always just match on .pl, like:

   Location ~ /test/*.pl
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
   PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
   Options +ExecCGI
For more on using Location, please see:



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

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Re: Interpreting HTML

2003-08-25 Thread Patrick Galbraith
yeah, I wasn't quite sure of it... I've been so busy, I never played 
with it to see what it was capable of. Thanks for the pointer!



Josh Chamas wrote:
Patrick Galbraith wrote:

LocationMatch I think is what you want.

 Location ~ ...


 LocationMatch ...

do the same thing.  The trick is the ~ after the Location.

Please see
for more information.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Reporting bugs:
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Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Patrick Galbraith

we had our own stripping methods. Just get the source for slashcode and look for

Slash/Display/   strip_paramattr = \strip_paramattr,
Slash/Display/   strip_urlattr   = \strip_urlattr,
Slash/Display/   strip_anchor= \strip_anchor,
Slash/Display/   strip_attribute = \strip_attribute,
Slash/Display/   strip_code  = \strip_code,
Slash/Display/   strip_extrans   = \strip_extrans,
Slash/Display/   strip_html  = \strip_html,
Slash/Display/   strip_literal   = \strip_literal,
Slash/Display/   strip_nohtml= \strip_nohtml,
Slash/Display/   strip_notags= \strip_notags,
Slash/Display/   strip_plaintext = \strip_plaintext,
and this'll give you an idea of what slashcode does to deal with it.

Hope this helps,


Aleksandr Guidrevitch wrote:
Hi, All

What have you used to stip out that stuff ? I've reviewied 
HTML::StripScripts, but it seems to be very slow. I've also
considered HTML::Filter to do that but I'm also affraid that 
HTML::Parser is not the fastest thing on the earth, even though
it will be invoked once during initial submission.

Could you also advise on this safe subset of html you use ?

Patrick Galbraith wrote:

Strip out stuff that could be problematic. This is what we did with 
Slash. We strip out javascript or any tag that can be problematic, or 
be used even to break the layout of the page. It'll make you're life 
much easier ;) Take this from someone who coded tons of features to 
ward off trolls!
Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: Apache::Session

2003-08-14 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Strip out stuff that could be problematic. This is what we did with 
Slash. We strip out javascript or any tag that can be problematic, or be 
used even to break the layout of the page. It'll make you're life much 
easier ;) Take this from someone who coded tons of features to ward off 

Aleksandr Guidrevitch wrote:
Hi, All

Sorry, this post might be out of scope of this particular list, but 
still... don't punch me heavily :) I just think the people here might 
have met this problem while deploying big public applications.

I use Apache::Session to identify logged in users. However, the users 
are allowed to post html (obviously with javascript) messages viewable 
by others. That could create an XSS vulnerability and allow to steal the 
sessions (cookies) from other users.

Is it possible to uniquely identify the user by some attributes ?
The only thing I consider now is IP, but what about proxies and NATs ?
User Agent string could also be stolen via javascript. That means I tend 
to make stolen session ids non-reusable.

Any thoughts ?

Aleksandr Guidrevitch
Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-21 Thread Patrick Galbraith
I'm guessing they use it for IMDB, although they may have other 
projects as well that use it. I do know that their core app is 
C++/apache, with some sort of perl glue to talk to the app.

Nice that they are such an apache/perl/OS house considering they're here 
in Seattle, mere miles from Redmond ;) They're also not one of several 
places who think jumping on the java bandwagon is the path to 
enlightenment. Ehem.

 On Mon, 21 Jul 
2003, Dave Rolsky wrote:

 On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Drew Taylor wrote:
  I personally have not seen an official announcement, but if you look
  at all their postings on you'll notice that nearly every
  one of them mentions Mason. I'm sure Dave will have more to say on the
  subject... :-)
 Not too much more.  But hopefully more will be forthcoming from people
 closer to Amazon than I.
 House Absolute Consulting

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: templating system opinions (axkit?)

2003-07-21 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Anyone on this list use AxKit? I'm curious how it pans out.

I like the idea of XSLT/XML, though I find myself trying to read between 
the lines of hype vs. something that's actually very useful. I don't know, 
so I don't have any opinions. I do know I'd like to use XSLT/XML so as to 
have a project to use it for, hence learn it.

Not just that, but what about SOAP... Net RPC... I'd like to know where 
those fit in as well.

I get so tired of Java types talking about how perl is just a scripting 
language.. it's not an application platform/server like 
Dynamo/WebSpere/insert $$$ java non-OS app here. I even tried to crack 
a particular Orielly java book and was turned off on a statement like 
Perl is good for proto-typing but not a full application server. Yes, 
there are a lot of prototypes getting millions of pageviews a day and 
generating signicifican revenue.

I'd like to see perl/mod_perl reclaim some of the lost ground. 

 On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Dave 
Rolsky wrote:

 On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
  I've been working at for a couple months contracting, and
  they use Text::Forge.
  I've been impressed by the performance, and wish it was a big player.
  Part of the reason it isn't is guys like me should contribute to it and
  make it a bigger player.
 I'd say the big reason it's not a big player is that it doesn't offer
 anything new.  It also doesn't seem to be very actively developed and has
 very little documentation.
  I really like the syntax - it looks a lot like JSP.
 Yeah, just like Apache::ASP ;)
  All of this said, what is the most commonly used system out there?
 The biggest players are Mason and Template Toolkit, judging from big
 companies that have used them, as well as job posting.  HTML::Template,
 Embperl, and Apache::ASP all seem to have reasonably active user bases as
 House Absolute Consulting

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-20 Thread Patrick Galbraith
I've been working at for a couple months contracting, and 
they use Text::Forge.

I've been impressed by the performance, and wish it was a big player. 
Part of the reason it isn't is guys like me should contribute to it and 
make it a bigger player.

I really like the syntax - it looks a lot like JSP.

They serve out around 12-13M pageviews a day using it. It just doesn't 
have a lot of active contributors to it now.

Eventually, they will switch to java/atg dynamo. ...

All of this said, what is the most commonly used system out there?

Jesse Erlbaum wrote:
Hi Chris, Patrick --

I post on this topic with some reluctance.  Asking which templating
system is best is like asking which operating system is best -- or which
political party is best (or political system, I suppose).  It's Jihad,
OTOH, I've never met a flamethrower I didn't like.

What's best depends on what your requirements are. As far 
as I can tell,
the big ones are Template::Toolkit, Mason, and 

One picky point:  Mason is NOT a templating system.  It is a programming
If you're going to call Mason a templating system, you might as well
refer to Perl as a templating system:
  my $name = Jesse;
  print Hello, my name is $name\n;
Presto, blammo -- a new templating system!

The big players are Template::Toolkit and HTML::Template.  It's no
secret that I'm a fan of HTML::Template -- Sam and I worked together
when he wrote it, and my module, CGI::Application, uses it out of the
box (although it does support TT).  

I use HTML::Template because designers can't be trusted to set
variables.  Boolean logic is about all their simple minds can handle.
Anything which doesn't look like HTML is likely to cause them to have a
stroke.  Yes, I'm a programmer-snob and a fascist, and I like to take
sharp objects away from the gentle creative types.
Aside from the fact that HTML::Template uses less RAM and is faster than
TT, this is the foremost reason I continue to use it.



  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

templating system opinions

2003-07-18 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Hi there,

Just wondering what the best templating system is to use and/or learn. 

I've briefly read up on the pros and cons of each, and am just wondering 
which one is the most widely _used_ and best to learn if you're wanting to 
know something that there are jobs for.

thanks ;)

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-18 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Thanks much,

Yeah, I worked with TT when I was on the Slash team ;) 

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, 
Chris Devers wrote:

 On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
  Just wondering what the best templating system is to use and/or learn.
  I've briefly read up on the pros and cons of each, and am just wondering
  which one is the most widely _used_ and best to learn if you're wanting to
  know something that there are jobs for.
 What's best depends on what your requirements are. As far as I can tell,
 the big ones are Template::Toolkit, Mason, and HTML::Template; each one
 makes different tradeoffs and makes different assumptions about the
 division of labor among programmers, web developers,  content producers.
 TT is probably the most flexible, but that or might not be what you want.
 Honestly, of the three I just listed, none of them are *that* complicated.
 If you want to learn these for job hunting purposes -- in which case it's
 not really fair to ask you what the requirements are, since you can't
 really know that -- you might as well experiment with all three.
 A good way to start might be by playing with different content management
 etc platforms that use these toolkits. From what I've read, the biggest
 examples I can think of are:
  * Slashcode (TT based, runs
  * Bricolage (H::T,,
CMS used by et al)
  * Request Tracker (excellent ticketing system, runs,
home page is
 Any of these can be downloaded  used freely. If you have the time for it,
 grab a copy of one or more and start playing around.
 Have fun :)

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-18 Thread Patrick Galbraith
The one thing about TT was that I don't know if I really liked how it 
had a different syntax than perl. Plus, as far as performance, we did 
some specific coding to make it faster for Slash so our templates would 
be in the DB.

On 18 Jul 2003, Mark Maunder wrote:

 Hey Peter,
 Template Toolkit rocks! (Sorry about the overt glee, but I am just
 finishing a project where it has been very good to me) Besides the
 complete seperation that it gives you between presentation and back-end
 coding, it's super fast. I benchmarked a 2GHz server with 256 Megs of
 RAM using ab (Apache bench) with around 10 concurrent requests and a
 total of 10,000 requests and was able to handle over 40 hits per second
 on our most dynamic page which has lots of conditionals and loops and
 even does a few function calls like this [% IF sess.is_logged_in %]
 where 'sess' is a perl object. NOTE: Make sure you cache your template
 object in package globals or something like that, or you'll lose
 I've written a couple of workable templating systems myself with good
 old $html =~ s///egs and a content handler (as a perl developers rite of
 passage don't ya know) and I wouldn't recommend it because you end up
 with something non-standard, and are basically re-inventing template
 toolkit which seems to have become the standard in templating over the
 last coupla years.
 Old, but still useful benchmarks if you're interested:
 On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 13:26, Ken Y. Clark wrote:
  On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
   Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 14:25:32 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Patrick Galbraith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: templating system opinions
   Hi there,
   Just wondering what the best templating system is to use and/or learn.
   I've briefly read up on the pros and cons of each, and am just wondering
   which one is the most widely _used_ and best to learn if you're wanting to
   know something that there are jobs for.
   thanks ;)
  Search the guide:

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-18 Thread Patrick Galbraith
TT was ok, but it did use a bunch of ram ;)

I gotta have something to counter PHP people with too ;)

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Chris 
Devers wrote:

 On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
  Yeah, I worked with TT when I was on the Slash team ;)
 Then why are you asking a question like this?? :)

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

How do you set vars via interactive startup?

2003-07-16 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Hi there,

I'm trying to figure out how one would set vars via a script or 
using PerlSections. I want to set a var on startup where I'll be prompted 
and a var that I can retrieve via $r-dir_config('FOO') will get me that 

I've tried endless ideas, none of which are working

The most promising is using PerlSections:

use Apache::PerlSections();

$Apache::Server::SaveConfig = 1;

if ($Apache::Server::Starting) {
print Enter some value you don't want written down: ;
$mytmp::value = STDIN;
chomp $mytmp::value;
} else {
print value = '$mytmp::value'\n;
push @PerlSetVar, [Foo = $mytmp::value];

print STDERR Apache::PerlSections-dump();


This is listed on and is an 
example by Stas Bekman. For me, it only works if I run a single httpd via 
-X (I set this in apachectl). It's something to do with the double start, 
which this example is supposed to overcome.

Other things I've tried are using HTTPD=/usr/sbin/httpd `moduleargs`
$OPTIONS -c $PERLSETVAR where $PERLSETVAR is set via $2
apachectl start foopass


But I'm not the best shell programmer, and somehow the shell program 
munges the PerlSetVar line. If I take the same output and run it via 
command line:

PASS foo'

It works, but that's not a good solution.

I've tried things like a set method that sets a class variable of the 
handler I'm calling in doesn't work.

So, I'm stumped. Any ideas? I'd be so greatful!

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer

Re: How do you set vars via interactive startup?

2003-07-16 Thread Patrick Galbraith
Yes, if I hardcode it, fine, but not via reading STDIN into a var, and 
then setting whatever to that var.

On 16 Jul 2003, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 17:39, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how one would set vars via a script or 
  using PerlSections.
 Is there a reason you can't just put it in a global?  The dir_config()
 stuff is really for when you want to config something specific to a
 directory or virtual host.
  I've tried things like a set method that sets a class variable of the 
  handler I'm calling in doesn't work.
 Something like this doesn't work?
 $Some::Package::Foo = 7;
 - Perrin

Patrick Galbraith
Senior Software Developer