Thanks for the help

2002-08-01 Thread Rod Butcher

Thanks for the help I've got from this list over the past few years, esp. Randy Kobes. 
I won't be involved with mod_perl in the foreseeable future but it was fun being here.
regards, Rod

Apache modperl on OS/2 - realistic ?

2002-04-04 Thread Rod Butcher

Is Apache  modperl on OS/2 a realistic proposition ? Could anybody point me
to any literature ?
thanks. Rod
Corporate confidentiality statement goes here.

Re: [OT] email attachments - Win32 email reader to replace OE

2002-02-07 Thread Rod Butcher

Thanks to folks who contributed, Eudora seems the thing to go with here.
What I'd really like is  a Win32 version of KDE Mail, so I can have
cross-platform standardization.
regards, Rod
The sender has never accepted any funding
from Enron. Any suggestion to that effect
will be met with legal action.
- Original Message -
From: Todd Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] email attachments - Win32 email reader to replace OE

 I've used various versions of Eudora since around 1995.  It's not
 perfect, but it's better than most.  Recent versions have fairly
 powerful filtering capabilities, and it handles large mailboxes without
 difficultly (how large? My largest mailbox has around 35,000 messages
 in it, it's been higher).

 It also has nice functional keyboard shortcuts, so you don't need to
 use a mouse when you're handling mail.

 I can't comment on using PGP with it, as I've never tried that.  I
 can't imagine it being a problem, though.


 At 09:11 PM 2/2/02, Rod Butcher wrote:
 Guys, in light of recent messages, can you suggest a secure
 Win32 email reader (including optional HTML) with a brain that I can
 all my Outlook  Express stuff to and so escape the Virus nightmare and
 with PGP, GPG etc and hence use electronic communication the way it's
 to be used ?
 many thanks, Rod
 - Original Message -
 From: Jorge Godoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rod Butcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 12:24 PM
 Subject: Re: email attachments; was modperl growth
  clip clip...
   I'm sorry, but it was a GPG (a free PGP) signed message.
   Outlook is really lost when it sees that and, since you've bought
   from Microsoft, I think you should send them a request for them to
   implement OpenPGP standards in their mail reader.
   Unfortunately, you (don't) get what you paid for...
   See you,
   Escritório de Projetos --   Conectiva S.A.
   Projects Office --   Conectiva Inc.

Re: Installing from scratch Apache + mod_perl + Apache::ASP (+maybe others) on unix

2002-02-06 Thread Rod Butcher

This is exactly what I was alluding to in my previous post, and even
professionals are being driven mad, despite reading the Guide (which despite
being complete is still mysterious, it comes across as having a mission
statement to contain everything rather than to be useful, sorry). My .05 is
that all development be stopped until the instal process is up to the same
standard as M$. This is what made M$ rich, the sheer installability and
usability. I was visiting somebody yesterday and he had Win2K installing
while we talked for an hour.
Its no good complaining about the stupidity or laziness of M$ addicts, the
fact that HTML and Javascript jockies are deluded enough to think they can
contemplate installing servers. The fact is they do. And with M$ they CAN.
And that is why corporations will continue to buy M$, rather than get bogged
down in Harry Potter mystic rituals installing free software.
Sorry, this is not meant to criticize anybody (certainly not Joshua,
installing ASP was the least problem), everybody's tried really hard. I'm
available to help if I can, if you need an unsophisticated pro to test
stuff. But please, we need a professional approach to this issue now or
somebody else other than M$ will do it.
regards, Rod
- Original Message -
From: timj_moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:01 AM
Subject: Installing from scratch Apache + mod_perl + Apache::ASP (+maybe
others) on unix

Okay, I'm having a nightmare trying to install all this on both
Solaris and AIX. I'm finding the different installation methods for
each very confusing (and not only that but documentation and posts on
newsgroups all seem to vary in install methods).

snip snip

Does anyone have a very simple set of instructions (an 'idiots
guide', especially aimed at someone who's more of a Windows/IIS
expert than unix/apache) for installing Apache + mod_perl +
Apache::ASP that will work every time, including what I need to check
for on my system (the right permissions, though I'm running as root
to install, environment variables, required components and files,
should I be using gcc or not, etc).

Re: modperl growth

2002-02-04 Thread Rod Butcher

My .05... I run a small communal webserver. Software had to be free, secure,
stable, support Perl, multiple domains and ASP, be reasonably simple,
originally run on Win32 and be capable of migration to Linux later.
Nobrainer -- Apache, mod_perl, Apache::ASP.
Only difficulty was getting mod_perl installed, it helped that I had a
background in IT, I suspect a non-professional would find it impossible.
Which is a shame because Win$ users expect everything to work out of the box
wihout having to know anything. That's not meant as a criticism, but I think
it's the reality now.
regards, Rod
The sender has never accepted any funding
from Enron. Any suggestion to that effect
will be met with legal action.

Re: email attachments; was modperl growth

2002-02-02 Thread Rod Butcher

Folks, please don't send attachments, esp. with no explanation, it looks
just like these deliberate virus attacks to me and I refuse to open any
attachments unless I am personally familiar with the sender and know they
know what they're doing. If it's plain text please embed it in the email,
else provide a URL where one can download the attachment from.
Yeah, I know, use Linux, don't use Outlook Express, .txt attachments are
unlikely to contain virus, use antvirus software etc been there, done
that, I'm sticking to my story.
thanks  regards, Rod
The sender has never accepted any funding
from Enron. Any suggestion to that effect
will be met with legal action.
- Original Message -
From: Jorge Godoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Matt Sergeant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: modperl growth

[OT] email attachments - Win32 email reader to replace OE

2002-02-02 Thread Rod Butcher

Guys, in light of recent messages, can you suggest a secure full-function
Win32 email reader (including optional HTML) with a brain that I can migrate
all my Outlook  Express stuff to and so escape the Virus nightmare and deal
with PGP, GPG etc and hence use electronic communication the way it's meant
to be used ?
many thanks, Rod
- Original Message -
From: Jorge Godoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: email attachments; was modperl growth

clip clip...
 I'm sorry, but it was a GPG (a free PGP) signed message.

 Outlook is really lost when it sees that and, since you've bought it
 from Microsoft, I think you should send them a request for them to
 implement OpenPGP standards in their mail reader.

 Unfortunately, you (don't) get what you paid for...

 See you,

 Escritório de Projetos --   Conectiva S.A.
 Projects Office --   Conectiva Inc.

Fw: [OT] Re: New mod_perl Logo

2002-01-30 Thread Rod Butcher

 I'm going to have a spew here. I am sick of all the Anti-US bashing. You
 sent hundreds of thousands of your boys to help save Europe, Australia,
 Russia, Asia from slavery. We will never forget that. When any country is
 trouble it dials 1.  If in return we get to drink Starbucks and eat Burger
 King vegi-burgers or McDonalds Salads so be it, it's a fair trade.
 End of rant. Back to geek stuff.  Rod
 The sender has never accepted any funding
 from Enron. Any suggestion to that effect
 will be met with legal action.
 - Original Message -
 From: Stephen Reppucci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: mod_perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 2:15 AM
 Subject: [OT] Re: New mod_perl Logo

  All right -- I know I should just silently delete this, and let it
  go, but it's like a bad traffic accident, I just have to sneak a
  In exactly what way do you connote American-style out of any of
  those names?  The fact that Big Foot is a mythical being often
  associated with the US northwest? (I think the Canadians talk about
  Big Foot too...)
  And racist?? Come on, that's certainly a reach...
  When in doubt, accuse others of being provincial, and act damn
  indignant.  Curse their nationality too...
  Steve Reppucci
  On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Ron Savage wrote:
   Jeezus you guys.
   All these American-style names are verging on the racist.
   This is world-wide code, not f---ing American-wide code.
   Ron Savage
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 12:48 PM
 Subject: Re: New mod_perl Logo
 In a message dated 30-Jan-02 12:50:50 AM GMT Standard Time,
   How about BigFoot?
 Probably not the best for a server application. Might make one
   think of the footprint involved ... and isn't one of the major
   reasons to moving to mod_perl to reduce the overhead and
   footprint of the server?
 Now Yetti no conotation there. Or Swamp Beast, Sasquatch, or
   possibly even the local favorite Nessie (I'd love to see Ora get
   a picture of her on the next book!)
  Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  Logical Choice Software |
  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

publicity for modperl-friendly webring package

2001-08-31 Thread Rod Butcher

All you webmasters out there - Gunnar Hjalmarsson has upgraded his
(full-featured yet free opensource) webring maintenance package Ringlink to
run under mod_perl (via Apache::Registry), and I can report it runs well on
You can get it at
regards, Rod
This email message may contain the Ebola virus.
The sender is not responsible for any death, destruction,
reflux or tinitis that may result from reading this message.
The sender's lawyer forces him to write this crap.

Re: Apache, mod_perl

2001-08-29 Thread Rod Butcher

This message has confused many people including me. It usually means that
the mod_perl binary is incompatible with your version of Apache. Most people
compile the whole lot together. Randy Kobes has kindly compiled mod_perl
binaries for recent Apache versions at
You can download the version of mod_perl that matches your version of Apache
and unzip it into the Apache module library. You can then look at the
compile options.
regards, Rod
This email message may contain the Ebola virus.
The sender is not responsible for any death, destruction,
reflux or tinitis that may result from reading this message.
The sender's lawyer forces him to write this crap.
- Original Message -
From: H Jayakumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:38 PM
Subject: Apache, mod_perl

I have mod_perl and apache on NT.

I want to add mod_perl as a module to apache,  I built mod_perl and got
I have copied it to the modules directory in apache source tree.

When I start apache, it says  :

Syntax error on line 1049 of e:/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load e:/apache/modules/ into server: (126) The specified
module could not be found:

BUT the module IS PRESENT IN THE above mentined path.

This is line 1049 in e:/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

   LoadModule perl_module modules/

Could anyone help, thanks

[OT] compilers for c Appache modules

2001-08-19 Thread Rod Butcher

I know it's offtopic, please direct me to correct data source, can't find
For the first time I need to compile a module (mod_throttle_access) for
Apache on Win32.
I have the free Borland 5.5 C++ command line compiler. What settings etc ?
(Have the Eagle book, can't find it there).
thanks. Rod
This email message may contain the Ebola virus.
The sender is not responsible for any death, destruction,
reflux or tinitis that may result from reading this message.
The sender's lawyer forces him to write this crap.

Restricting MP3 files being served

2001-08-14 Thread Rod Butcher

I have a lot of large MP3 files, and want to restrict the number that Apache
serves concurrently. Is this possible ? I'm posting it here since I assume
it would require some sort of module to achieve it. ?? (Win 32).
Thanks. Rod

Want modperl-friendly web based email website builder packages

2001-08-07 Thread Rod Butcher

I run a community ISP on Win32. Can anybody recommend modperl-friendly
packages to do :-
1. webmail via smtp. Looked at Acemail, development seems to have stopped.
2. web-based website builder package (templates, image upload, etc).
thanks, Rod
This email message may contain the ebola virus.
The sender accepts no responsibility for any death,
destruction, reflux or tinitis that may result from reading it.
The sender's lawyer forces him to write this crap.

virus warning apology

2001-08-07 Thread Rod Butcher

Folks, please delete any email with attachment you may have just received
from me, somehow my Outlook Express got a virus, makes it send crap to
everybody in my Address Book.
apologies, Rod

module to hit back at default.ida atack ?

2001-08-05 Thread Rod Butcher

Anybody know of any module I can use to hit back at these default.ida bozos
(i.e. keep them away from my IP addresses ?). I'm running apache/modperl on
thanks, Rod
This email message may contain the ebola virus.
The sender accepts no responsibility for any death,
destruction, reflux or tinitis that may result from reading it.
The sender's lawyer forces him to write this crap.

Re: remove me

2001-07-20 Thread Rod Butcher

If you look at it rationally, if anybody other than yourself could remove
you on the say-so of an unverifiable email then there would be no security
worth mentioning. The removal-process address is in the headers of each
email published on the list.
regards, Rod
Two wheels good
Four wheels bad
One wheel circus act
- Original Message -
From: Gordon Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ModPerl mail list (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:14 PM
Subject: remove me


 Can someone please remove me.



Apache hangs on Win2000

2001-07-05 Thread Rod Butcher

Running Apache 1.3.19, mod_perl 1.25_01-dev, ActivePerl 623 on Win2000 SP2.
Apache hangs after 2-3 days, stranglely FTgate Pop3 server hangs at the same
time. I've been running this setup for many months now with no problems,
only seems to have happened since I upgraded to 1.3.19.
Does this ring a bell with anybody or is it a Win32 admin issue ?
Thanks, Rod
Two wheels good
Four wheels bad
One wheel circus act

Re: Authentication using NIS

2001-05-15 Thread Rod Butcher

I seem to remember having a similar problem with Apache::ASP and index.html
(i.e. the default page) when I accessed the site as until I
replaced Directory... with Files ... to specify pages to be processed by
the handler. Do other pages get processed correctly ? At the time this
seemed to me to be a bug in Apache...
- Original Message -
From: qazi Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 8:36 PM
Subject: Authentication using NIS

 Hi Gurus..
 I have got modperl installed on my system.
 When i check the error_log file, it shows that apache_1.3.19 installed
mod_perl-1.25 installed.
 Now in httpd.conf  i write the

 PerlRequire /../../../../
 Directory /guts
 AuthName NISAuthentication
 AuthType Basic
 PerlAuthenHandler  Apache::AuthenNIS
 require valid-user

 When i browse for the index.html present in guts it is not asking for
authentication, and just displaying the page.
 I dont know whether the Apache::AuthenNIS handler is being called or not,
but the server gets started without any errors.

 Any hints
 Thanks and Regards

 Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at

Re: mod_parrot

2001-04-02 Thread Rod Butcher

Does this mean Perl 6 is dogmeat ?
On Monday 02 April 2001 12:20, Bill Moseley wrote:
 I assume everyone saw this... ;)

 Bill Moseley

OT - linux sysadmin mailing list recommended ?

2001-02-13 Thread Rod Butcher

Can anybody recommend a list I can subscribe to which covers general Linux
system administration issues and problems, to complement this one ?

$:: problem in Converting CGI to Apache::Registry

2000-12-29 Thread Rod Butcher

I've installed a webring management system, works ok under CGI.
It uses $::vars everywhere. Under mod_perl / Apache::Registry these
variables are not populated, I understand because mod_perl is the Main
Any suggestions for a quick fix ?
(Win 32, ActiveState 623 Perl, Apache 3.14, Mod_perl 1.24_02-dev)

Re: Location directive not working for mod perl

2000-12-26 Thread Rod Butcher

I believe you need the trailing / 
i.e. Alias  /perl/  "/home/httpd/perl/"
(but why not use Scriptalias ?)

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Eberle" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 12:48 AM
Subject: Location directive not working for mod perl

 I hope this is the correct mailing list for newbie mod perl questions.
 I have just installed mod_perl 1.24 with Apache 1.3.14.  Mod perl seems
 to be running because upon startup of httpd, the Apache error log file
 Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) mod_perl/1.24_02-dev configured -- resuming normal
 The problem I'm having is that the Location directive does not seem to
 be working.  I have the following in my httpd.conf file:
 Alias  /perl/  "/home/httpd/perl"
 Location /perl
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI
  allow from all
  PerlSendHeader On
 I have placed a file called test-cgi in the directory
 "/home/httpd/perl/".  It is executable and runs if executed from the
 command line.  However, when I try to call this script through the
 browser using the URL http://localhost/perl/test-cgi I get a 404 not
 found error (The requested URL /perl/test-cgi was not found on this
 server.The requested URL /perl/test-cgi was not found on this server.)
 The ScriptAlias directive works fine.  I have:
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/"
 and the same file (test-cgi) placed in /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
 executes without problems.
 This all seems very simple so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
 Any ideas anyone?

Re: (Beginner) mod_Perl hosting scarce?

2000-12-18 Thread Rod Butcher

Garry, I can offer you free mod_perl hosting for low volume study-related
stuff. If you go commercial I'd have to charge.

- Original Message -
From: "Garry Heaton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "mod_Perl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 3:01 AM
Subject: (Beginner) mod_Perl hosting scarce?

 I'm considering studying mod_Perl with the O'Reilly book "Programming
 Modules with Perl  C" . I've heard it's the only way to run Perl at
 performance speeds comparable to other popular template-based technologies
 such as JSP and ASP. However, as a Perl beginner it will be a steep
 curve for me and I heard in the last digest that mod_Perl hosting is
 to find than JSP, ASP etc. in which case I might be wasting my time.

 My projects would typically involve small business online databases. If
 going to have trouble finding hosts it might be best to use JSP or ASP.
 What's the current situation on this one?

 Garry Heaton

Re: Apache::ASP error

2000-09-27 Thread Rod Butcher

Souds like you need to include the library where is located in your
Shold be something like
G:\Program Files\Apache Group\Perl\site\5.6.0\lib\Apache
- Original Message -
From: "Phong Le Quoc" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 7:52 PM
Subject: Apache::ASP error

   I installed Apache::ASP. When test with a simple asp
 page. I got an internal server error and the error_log

 [Wed Sep 27 02:11:07 2000] [error] Can't locate
 Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains: G:/Program
 Files/Apache Group/Perl/5.6.0/lib/MSWin32-x86
 G:/Program Files/Apache Group/Perl/5.6.0/lib
 G:/Program Files/Apache
 Group/Perl/site/5.6.0/lib/MSWin32-x86 G:/Program
 Files/Apache Group/Perl/site/5.6.0/lib . /apache/
 /apache/lib/perl) at (eval 4) line 3.

 [Wed Sep 27 02:11:07 2000] [error] Undefined
 subroutine Apache::ASP::handler called.


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Re: Apache::ASP problem

2000-09-14 Thread Rod Butcher

I believe you have actually specified that the pages must be served out of a
directory /asp/ ... irrespective of the .asp suffix.
If you want to drive it by suffixes not directories I suggest you try

AddType text/html .asp
Files ~ "\.(html|htm|asp)$"
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ASP

(remove htm etc if you don't want them parsed by Apache::ASP). This method
is less restrictive in that it allows you to keep binaries etc in the same
directories with confusing Apache::ASP.

This will also handle the scenario where the url from the browser does not
contain the .asp suffix, i.e. the client wants the index page.

- Original Message -
From: "Sophokles Zafeiris" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 6:37 PM
Subject: Apache::ASP problem

 I have an Apache server version 1.3.12 installed on a solaris machine.
 I'm trying to make ASP's work. I installed the mod_perl and the
 Apache::ASP and I added in the httpd.conf file the followin directive
   Location /asp/
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /tmp

 but the ASP's do not work. Actually the server handles the .asp files as
 if they were text files (I get the source on my browser's window).

 Is there something that I could do?


$$foo in Apache::ASP

2000-08-12 Thread Rod Butcher

I'm running Apache 1.12, Mod_Perl 1.23, Apache::ASP 2.03 on NT.
I can't get the construct
$foo = "xxx";
to populate $xxx with "yyy". Works in normal Perl.

Any sugeestions ?

Apache::ASP Response Redirect question

2000-08-05 Thread Rod Butcher

Can anybody please tell me whether the following internal redirect
causes the new URL to be sent back to the browser which then asks for
foo.htm to be served up, or does Apache simply serve up foo.htm
automatically ? The comments in ASP.PM are very cryptic.


Or is there a better (more efficient) way to do this ?


Re: question?

2000-01-20 Thread Rod Butcher

If I understand you correctly, you don't want to use mod_perl, just
If so, the easiest way to use perl is to dowload ActivePerl (free) from
Activestate website
It comes with great documentation, install it as per documentation.

If you wish to use CGI, the first line of each script should start with 
where x is the drive and yyy is the directory where perl.exe is.
This is known as the shebang line in the trade.

You should ejoin the activestate perl newsgroup at

Best Rgds
Rod Butcher

Jingtao Yun wrote:
I installed Apache Server for NT on my machine. But
 I don't know how to get perl to work not using module perl.
 Any message will be appreciated.

Rod Butcher | "... I gaze at the beauty of the world,
Hyena Holdings Internet | its wonders and its miracles and out of
  Programming   | sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs.
("it's us or the vultures") | And then the people of the jungle say,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 'It is but the laughter of a hyena'".
|Kahlil Gibran..  The Wanderer

Re: modperl success story

2000-01-14 Thread Rod Butcher

So, present us all with a detailed analysis of all Perl's failings and
its bad reputation compaired the competition, so that we may see the
light and turn to the true path. Until then we'll all stagger along
happily in the darkness.
Even better, write your own language like Larry did and see how many
disciples you attract.
Rod Butcher

Barb and Tim wrote:
 It could really enhance your integrity if you also
 presented honest evaluations of the downsides of Perl.
 The promotion of Perl on this site is so ubiquitous and
 one sided, and Perl has such a bad reputation in many ways,
 that somebody like me has a hard time swallowing the sunny
 prognostications and finally diving in, unless I see
 full honesty.  The language itself is hard enough to swallow.
 Just a suggestion.

Rod Butcher | "... I gaze at the beauty of the world,
Hyena Holdings Internet | its wonders and its miracles and out of
  Programming   | sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs.
("it's us or the vultures") | And then the people of the jungle say,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 'It is but the laughter of a hyena'".
|Kahlil Gibran..  The Wanderer