RE: PerlModule options?

2003-08-14 Thread csebe
Hi again Stas  Perrin,

So, its a no-can-do then.

I'll keep putting the use in every module to import the symbols in the
proper namespace.
Alternatively I guess I could probably use the functions with fully qualfied
name Apache::ReadConfig::myFunction(), however this would add extra typing
and this is exactly what I was trying to escape from.

Thanks everyone for your time and kind answers.


Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 -Original Message-
 From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 7:08 PM
 To: Mike P. Mikhailov
 Subject: Re: PerlModule options?

 Mike P. Mikhailov wrote:
  Tuesday, August 05, 2003, 2:55:52 PM, you wrote:
  cfr Hi list,
  cfr One questions for the braves ;-)
  cfr As I understand, the directive
  cfr PerlModule Foo::Bar
  cfr loads the module but doesn't import the symbols since it
 is equivalent to
  cfr the use Foo::Bar (). Therefore I should use use Foo::Bar
 in each program
  cfr only to make the import.
  cfr Is there other way to load the module and import the
 symobols specified in
  cfr @EXPORT at mod_perl reloading time, without adding a
 special line in each
  cfr and every script using them?
  cfr Perhaps some options passed to PerlModule though adding
 (...) doesn't help
  cfr since PerlModule expects a list of modules.

  I think this will work
use Foo::Bar qw ( ... whatever you want to import ... );

 I think Lian was asking how to import symbols into his
 scripts/handlers at the
 server startup.

 Lian, you *must* put the special line in each and every script
 you want the
 symbols to be exported to, because exporting happens inside the script's
 namespace, which is no main:: under Apache::Registry, but special
 for each script.

 You can preload registry scripts using Apache::RegistryLoader, but this
 doesn't remove the need for an explicit import.

 Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

RE: ModPerl - CGI in the same request phase

2003-08-14 Thread csebe

I'm in the happy position of finding myself a solution to my problem. Here
it is for anyone interested ...

PerlModule MyModules::Module1
Directory /usr/local/apache1/protected
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler MyModules::Module1
PerlSendHeader Off

PerlModule Apache::PerlRun
Directory /usr/local/apache1/protected/admin/
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler MyModules::Module1 Apache::PerlRun
Options +ExecCGI

And then, inside my handler, when I decide the users are alowed to run
scripts from the /admin directory I let them through by returning DECLINE,
if not I print an error page and return DONE to skip the second handler in
this phase.

Thanks anyway,

Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 2:33 PM
 Subject: ModPerl - CGI in the same request phase

 Hi again everybody,

 I have the following interesting (I hope ;-) requirement. Sorry for this
 rather long posting.
 (mod_perl 1, Apache 1.3.27)

 I have a custom authentication  authorization handler of mine
 which is the
 king in a protected directory (and its subdirectories):

 PerlModule MyModules::Module1
 Directory /usr/local/apache1/protected
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler MyModules::Module1
 PerlSendHeader Off

 Then, for some users that I authenticate as SuperUsers, I should allow the
 execution of the administrative .cgi scripts in a subdir of this

 (One solution would be to integrate the cgi-s logic into my handler but
 let's say want to leave them as simple CGI scripts.)

 I tried to use the Apache::PerlRun in the subdir like this:
 PerlModule Apache::PerlRun
 Directory /usr/local/apache1/protected/admin
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
 PerlSendHeader On
 Options ExecCGI

 I tried also:
 Directory /usr/local/apache1/ssl/protected/admin
 SetHandler cgi-script
 Options +ExecCGI

 The problem is it allows anybody to execute the cgi's since it's not going
 through my handler anymore (a warn ... statement inserted in my handler
 shows it's not executed when requesting /protected/admin/* files.)

 More generally: how can I dynamically change a directory's handler during
 the same phase

 I was thinking about using dynamic stacked handlers, something
 like: if the
 user is allowed in the admin section, my handler should push the
 handler in the line of execution. However, the documentation says about
 stacking more custom created handlers and not those coming with Apache so
 I'm not sure how to do it.

 Thanks for your time,

 Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
 Freelance Analyst-Programmer

RE: PerlModule options?

2003-08-14 Thread csebe
Hello Mike,

Thanks for your answer, this should do it indeed. Super! Somehow I didn't
think about perl sections...

Thanks again,

Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike P. Mikhailov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 2:23 PM
 Subject: Re: PerlModule options?


 Tuesday, August 05, 2003, 2:55:52 PM, you wrote:

 cfr Hi list,

 cfr One questions for the braves ;-)

 cfr As I understand, the directive

 cfr PerlModule Foo::Bar

 cfr loads the module but doesn't import the symbols since it is
 equivalent to
 cfr the use Foo::Bar (). Therefore I should use use Foo::Bar
 in each program
 cfr only to make the import.

 cfr Is there other way to load the module and import the
 symobols specified in
 cfr @EXPORT at mod_perl reloading time, without adding a special
 line in each
 cfr and every script using them?
 cfr Perhaps some options passed to PerlModule though adding
 (...) doesn't help
 cfr since PerlModule expects a list of modules.

 cfr Thanks a bunch,

 cfr Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
 cfr Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 I think this will work

   use Foo::Bar qw ( ... whatever you want to import ... );

 WBR, Mike P. Mikhailov


 I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

RE: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-09 Thread csebe
Well, thank you very much for the references.

I guess I'll have to skip next few pints and finally get that book I've
heard so much about ;-)

Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 -Original Message-
 From: Geoffrey Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 3:15 PM
 Subject: Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

  So, while I'm not 100% sure about this, logically the $r-content_type
  should be empty before the response is prepared to be sent to
 the browser,
  so it should be empty in the Fixup stage.

 not necessarily.

 if you request index.html, mod_mime (at the mime-type phase) will set the
 content type to text/html based on the file extension.
 mod_mime_magic will
 do the same, but by analyzing the contents of the file.

 if you are generating dynamic content and there is no file type
 to examine
 (or consistently relate, as .cgi can produce multiple CTs), no
 default type,
 and no file to examine, then there is no way the mime modules can set a
 content type.  the end result would be undef in fixup and beyond.

  In fact what I miss (and I guess I'm not alone ;-) is a
 documentation that
  would take the $r from the newly born state and describe what's
  added/deleted to it during a full process loop, at each stage.

 there is lots of documentation on this kind of thing, but nothing
 like $r-content_type is set during the mime-type phase because things
 like this are dependent on varying circumstances.

 Part III of the mod_perl Developer's Cookbook talks about the
 each phase of
 the request cycle in depth.  you can read part of it from  the eagle book also covers it.

  Besides I'd like to know about each major optional module (like
  mod_ssl, etc) where they intervine in the loop and what they
 read/or set.
  Most of these one can guess but I'm not aware of such a documentation.

 that's complex.  for instance, mod_rewrite can enter just about
 every part
 of the request cycle, depending on how it's configured.

 the way to discover this is to look at the code (remember, it's
 open :) - at
 the end of each extension module is the place where hooks are typically
 registered.  look for a line such as

 module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT rewrite_module = {

 which begins the list of phases the module hooks into.



RE: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-08 Thread csebe
Hi Geoffrey  Xavier,

I don't argue on the fact the Content-type is an entity header available in
both situations. However I'm talking about how to get/set in mod_perl the
Content-type in those 2 situations, which according to the mod_perl 1.0 API
docs and as I understand it, are different animals:

1.7.8 $r-content_type( [$newval] )
Get or set the content type being sent to the client. Content types are
strings like text/plain,
text/html or image/gif. This corresponds to the Content-Type header in
the HTTP
protocol. Example of usage is:
$previous_type = $r-content_type;


1.5.16 $r-header_in( $header_name, [$value] )

Return the value of a client header. Can be used like this:
$ct = $r-header_in(Content-type);

So, while I'm not 100% sure about this, logically the $r-content_type
should be empty before the response is prepared to be sent to the browser,
so it should be empty in the Fixup stage.

In fact what I miss (and I guess I'm not alone ;-) is a documentation that
would take the $r from the newly born state and describe what's
added/deleted to it during a full process loop, at each stage.
Besides I'd like to know about each major optional module (like mod_rewrite,
mod_ssl, etc) where they intervine in the loop and what they read/or set.
Most of these one can guess but I'm not aware of such a documentation.


Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 -Original Message-
 From: Geoffrey Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:36 AM
 To: Xavier Noria
 Subject: Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

 Xavier Noria wrote:
  It seems to me that $r-content-type is for what your server
 sends to the
  client, which is probably undef in the Fixup stage, where you test it.
  You probaly meant to test for the
  $ct = $r-header_in(Content-type)
  if you wanted to see whats requested from the client.

 Content-Type is an entity header, so it can apply to both incoming and
 outgoing headers.  however, it's more generally seen as an
 outgoing header
 for normal web activity, leaving headers_in empty.

  But then, there are examples in the books that use that method that way.
  For instance, in recipe 14.1 of the Cookbook, which is about how to
  disable a configured mod_perl PerlHandler, the Technique section says:
Set the handler back to the default Apache content handler from a
# Only run the PerlHandler for HTML.
# For everything else, run the default Apache content handler.
$r-handler('default-handler') unless $r-content_type eq 'text/html';
  I think in the Eagle book there is some code like that as well, cannot
  check it right now however.
  So, looks like that test makes sense, or can make sense, in
 that handler.

 $r-content_type is generally set by mod_mime, during the
 mime-type phase,
 according to it's rules.  for most setups, it should be set to
 something by
 fixup, but I guess it's dependent on your particular settings.


RE: PerlModule options?

2003-08-07 Thread csebe
Hi Perrin,

I see your point. However I'm speaking about one simple templating module
exporting 2 functions that are used to generate HTML in every other module
on the server.

So it'll be pollution but bearable ;-)

Thank you,

Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 -Original Message-
 From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 8:29 PM
 Subject: Re: PerlModule options?

 On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 04:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  loads the module but doesn't import the symbols since it is
 equivalent to
  the use Foo::Bar (). Therefore I should use use Foo::Bar in
 each program
  only to make the import.


  Is there other way to load the module and import the symobols
 specified in
  @EXPORT at mod_perl reloading time, without adding a special
 line in each
  and every script using them?

 No, that would be Bad.  By putting a use Foo in each module that wants
 to import functions from Foo, you are explicitly saying please pollute
 my namespace to Foo.  That sort of thing shouldn't happen unless you
 request it.

  Perhaps some options passed to PerlModule though adding (...)
 doesn't help
  since PerlModule expects a list of modules.

 There's no way it could since PerlModule has no way of knowing what
 namespaces you are going to want polluted.

 - Perrin

ModPerl - CGI in the same request phase

2003-08-06 Thread csebe
Hi again everybody,

I have the following interesting (I hope ;-) requirement. Sorry for this
rather long posting.
(mod_perl 1, Apache 1.3.27)

I have a custom authentication  authorization handler of mine which is the
king in a protected directory (and its subdirectories):

PerlModule MyModules::Module1
Directory /usr/local/apache1/protected
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler MyModules::Module1
PerlSendHeader Off

Then, for some users that I authenticate as SuperUsers, I should allow the
execution of the administrative .cgi scripts in a subdir of this

(One solution would be to integrate the cgi-s logic into my handler but
let's say want to leave them as simple CGI scripts.)

I tried to use the Apache::PerlRun in the subdir like this:
PerlModule Apache::PerlRun
Directory /usr/local/apache1/protected/admin
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
PerlSendHeader On
Options ExecCGI

I tried also:
Directory /usr/local/apache1/ssl/protected/admin
SetHandler cgi-script
Options +ExecCGI

The problem is it allows anybody to execute the cgi's since it's not going
through my handler anymore (a warn ... statement inserted in my handler
shows it's not executed when requesting /protected/admin/* files.)

More generally: how can I dynamically change a directory's handler during
the same phase

I was thinking about using dynamic stacked handlers, something like: if the
user is allowed in the admin section, my handler should push the cgi-script
handler in the line of execution. However, the documentation says about
stacking more custom created handlers and not those coming with Apache so
I'm not sure how to do it.

Thanks for your time,

Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

RE: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-06 Thread csebe

It seems to me that $r-content-type is for what your server sends to the
client, which is probably undef in the Fixup stage, where you test it.

You probaly meant to test for the
$ct = $r-header_in(Content-type)
if you wanted to see whats requested from the client.

Anyway, as Christopher pointed out you can get the what's before load off
your shoulders ;-)


Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

 -Original Message-
 From: Xavier Noria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 9:40 PM
 Subject: Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

 On Wednesday 06 August 2003 20:26, Christopher Grau wrote:

  On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 08:24:30PM +0200, Xavier Noria wrote:
   To fix that, is it safe to change the test to
   defined $r-content_type and $r-content_type ne 'text/html';
   or is there a better way?
  I usually don't concern myself with the previous content type when
  writing Location-based content handlers.  My output is always
  text/html anyway.  Would it be safe in your application to just
  leave it out completely?

 Hmmm, you are right, now that I think about it /admin will only
 serve HTML and since I don't understand that undef I'll remove
 that line altogether, the test is performed by Location anyway.

 Now that I understand what happens I will try to figure out in the
 docs when $r-content_type returns something.

 Thank you very much to all, I was somewhat stuck with this.

 -- fxn

PerlModule options?

2003-08-05 Thread csebe
Hi list,

One questions for the braves ;-)

As I understand, the directive

PerlModule Foo::Bar

loads the module but doesn't import the symbols since it is equivalent to
the use Foo::Bar (). Therefore I should use use Foo::Bar in each program
only to make the import.

Is there other way to load the module and import the symobols specified in
@EXPORT at mod_perl reloading time, without adding a special line in each
and every script using them?
Perhaps some options passed to PerlModule though adding (...) doesn't help
since PerlModule expects a list of modules.

Thanks a bunch,

Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

RE: templating system opinions (axkit?)

2003-07-22 Thread csebe
Hi Jesse,

 -Original Message-
 From: Jesse Erlbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 8:50 PM
 To: 'Patrick Galbraith'
 Subject: RE: templating system opinions (axkit?)

 Hi Patrick --

  I like the idea of XSLT/XML, though I find myself trying to
  read between
  the lines of hype vs. something that's actually very useful.
  I don't know,
  so I don't have any opinions. I do know I'd like to use
  XSLT/XML so as to
  have a project to use it for, hence learn it.

 It's mostly hype in my experience.  And not even very useful hype, like
 Java or PHP, which are actually real things which people might want to

 XSLT seems to be XML geeks' answer to CSS+templating.  As if CSS wasn't
 very successful, as if the world needed another templating system, XSLT
 seems to have been invented to take the creative work of designing web
 sites out of the hands of HTML designers, and put it in the hands of
 XPath programmers.  You know.  Programmers who are really good at both
 creative design and communicating with human beings.  Not.

 Alright, pretty smarmy.  But unless you just happen to have thousands of
 XML documents sitting around on your hard drive, XSLT is a solution in
 search of a problem.  Most of my data is in a RDBMS -- not XML.  To
 enhance the *need* for XSLT, some databases will now return XML.  That's
 an interesting idea.  Instead of using a mature language like
 Perl|Java|PHP, let's use something like XSLT to turn my data into a web
 page!  It's new, shiny, and will solve the problem of TOO MANY people
 knowing the other aforementioned languages.  D'oh!

 Too cynical?  Maybe.  The fact that XSLT is still discussed in serious
 company just bugs me.  ;-)

  Not just that, but what about SOAP... Net RPC... I'd like to
  know where
  those fit in as well.

 Fantastic, useful stuff.

  I get so tired of Java types talking about how perl is just
  a scripting
  language.. it's not an application platform/server like
  Dynamo/WebSpere/insert $$$ java non-OS app here. I even
  tried to crack
  a particular Orielly java book and was turned off on a statement like
  Perl is good for proto-typing but not a full application
  server. Yes,
  there are a lot of prototypes getting millions of pageviews a day and
  generating signicifican revenue.

 You hit the nail on the head there:  Prototype in Perl, and then just
 keep using it!  A strategy for the NEW New Economy.




   Jesse Erlbaum
   The Erlbaum Group
   Phone: 212-684-6161
   Fax: 212-684-6226

It's nice to see that I'm not alone ;-)
Without trying to start a religious war, I think all the debate can easily
slip to: Is XML really useful? I mean besides creating new job positions,
new software, new frameworks, new problems to be solved, some overhead over
processing simple text files, etc.
But I shouldn't go in there...

As for Java, unfortunately the Perl community is in my opinion in a no-win
situation. I've seen lots of people in managerial positions hardly knowing
how to read/write their emails using Outlook, not knowing that Perl even
exists, but giving lessons about the Java usefulness; to quote a recent one:
You can't survive on the Internet today without Java.
There is a technical snobbery that is hard to defeat since snobbery itself
is human nature.

But what would I know? Quit cheap philosophy and back to work...

Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer

I'm not mad. I've been in bad mood for the last 30 years...

RE: CGI files in apache

2003-07-18 Thread csebe
Start by looking in Apache's error log to see what's reporting.


Lian Sebe, M.Sc.
Freelance Analyst-Programmer 

 -Original Message-
 From: AROSO Jose Antonio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 12:36 PM
 Subject: CGI files in apache
 When I run a cgi file codified in perl in apache server the 
 server says that
 have a 500 internal server error.
 What is it and how can resolve?

RE: Problem with PerlTransHandler

2003-06-27 Thread csebe
Have you tried to comment out the 2 DBI lines like this:

#my $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:mysql:db', 'user', 'pswd');

and is still not working? You really need the database connection?


 -Original Message-
 From: Sergey V. Stashinskas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 1:48 PM
 Subject: Problem with PerlTransHandler

 Hi all,

 Excuse me for my poor English because I'm from Russia.

 I have the problem with url translation.
 There are 2 scripts to do it.
 1st script work perfectly, but 2nd failed.
 Only difference between them is string my $dbh = DBI-connect...;
 I use Apche::DBI but without this module the same thing happens.

 package Apache::StripSession
 use strict;
 use Apache;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

 sub handler {
 my $r = shift;

 return DECLINED unless $r-uri =~ /^\/session\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{32})(.*)/;

 $r-subprocess_env(SESSION = $1);

 return DECLINED;

 package Apache::StripSession;
 use strict;
 use Apache;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

 sub handler {
 my $r = shift;

 my $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:mysql:db', 'user', 'pswd');
 return DECLINED unless $r-uri =~ /^\/session\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{32})(.*)/;

 $r-subprocess_env(SESSION = $1);

 return DECLINED;