Storable segfaulting

2002-02-18 Thread raptor


I have object that inherit Storable... so I store the object.. later
when I try to "retrieve" the object I get :

Segmentation fault (11)

Mandrake 8.1, Storable 1.012

Can u help me .....


Re: performance coding project? (was: Re: When to cache)

2002-01-31 Thread raptor

One memory & speed saving is using global VARS, I know it is not
recomended practice, but if from the begining of the project u set a
convention what are the names of global vars it is ok..F.e. I'm using in
all DB pages at the begining :

our $dbh = dbConnect() or dbiError();

See I know (i'm sure) that when I use DB I will always initialize the
var. One other example is (

our $userID = $$Session{userID};
my $something = $$Request{Params}{something}

This is not saving me memory, but shorten my typewriting especialy if it
is used frequently or if I need to change FORM-param from "something" to

I think in mod_perl world we are about to search MEMORY optimisation
RATHER speed optimisation... :")


Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-19 Thread raptor

> work on Mars.  The investor claims to have evaluated Perl vs. C years ago, 
> to have witnessed that every single hit on the webserver under mod_perl 
> causes a CPU usage spike that isn't seen with C, and that under heavy load 
]- this seems to me like non-compiled script, module or eventually
running under Apache::PerlRun :"))

Setting Perl-stuff inside section

2001-10-05 Thread raptor


How can I set in  section, say :

PerlSetVar XXX On
PerlSetVar YYY Off

and similar...

$VirtualHost{address} = {
PerlModule => '',
PerlSetVar => { XXX => 'On', YYY => 'Off' }


Set VirtualHost IP-Address

2001-10-04 Thread raptor


Can I set the IP Address of VirtualHost via script from inside 
section in httpd.conf !?

site copies under the one httpd

2001-09-30 Thread raptor


I have a site, it has two copies one that is on the Dev server (dev-copy)
and the other Production one.
So what I want ?
I want to have the Production site on my dev machine ... ( i'm arraging that
the DB and all dependant stuff get copied after some time passes). But AS U
KNOW I can't have two different modules with the same name under one
mod_perl even if they are on different virtual-hosts, 'cause they get
precompiled under the same name...
Is the only solution to use differnt mod_perl processes to handle this
situation ?!!

Dynamic !?

2001-09-19 Thread raptor


Anyone to know a way to set the host virtual-address dinamcly i.e.depending
on what is the dynamic address I get by the pppd deamon when I connect !?!

Re: my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-10 Thread raptor

>Note that there are _no_ nested subroutines in Perl ..So what you
basicaly have are two global subroutines with
> local values. You get the closure for the first invocation. But it's
> not the same variable anymore.

]- Now understand  thanx alot

Re: my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-09 Thread raptor

didn't thought of that :")), but what will broke if the var is
copied/aliased every time not just the first time ...

I mean the call to closure make a new instance of the sub()  every time
isn't it ?!?
! I see the closures get bound every-time , but non closures only the
first time !
But still can figure out ...if I'm thinking correctly .

- closure makes a new instance of of itself and get the latest value of
outer-lexical variable in its private space.
- there is no reason why normal sub() can get/alias! this value every time,
this doens't broke the closure behaviour (i.e. normal sub() doesn't need to
make its own private copy but use the outer-scope-lexical  ) or I'm wrong

Re: my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-09 Thread raptor

Yes I see ... but I was interested WHY when we are in nested subroutines ...
the inner-one will see the lexical var only the first time !! I mean the
REASON of this perl behaviour ! It it closer/easier to think of it that
my-vars  are visible all the time in their inner scopes (except if u are
going outside the scope of the variable itself) .. what I mean if I'm not
very clear ... it is easy to think that :

$var is not visible here

 my $var = 5;
   { { sub blah {{ sub xxx{ $var is visible here all the time, not just the
first one } } } } }

$var is not visible here

On the other hand 'our' and "use vars" make a global var which as stated
anywhere is not a good programming practice (only in some special cases,
this is not one of them I think :")   / i mean use global where U need
global use local var where u need local/ ).   {note : not local-op }
So I'm using which compiles all scripts into one package (by
default) so the purpose of  lexical-scope split&conquer  is no more
valid... I mean that the variable 'say $ID into script I want to be
differnt from the $ID var into i.e. I don't want this :

package AllCompiledScripts;

our $ID;

sub compiled_blah {
  $ID =15;#or if u like our $ID = 15
sub inner_blah{   };

sub compiled_xxx {
  $ID =555
sub inner_xxx{   };

I want this :

package AllCompiledScrips;

compiled_blah ::  $ID is not visible here
compiled_xxx ::  $ID is not visible here

sub compiled_blah {
  my $ID =15
sub inner_blah{ compiled_blah ::  $ID visible here but compiled_xxx ::
$ID not visible  };

sub compiled_xxx {
  my $ID =555
sub inner_xxx{ compiled_xxx ::  $ID visible here  but compiled_blah ::
$ID not visible };

compiled_blah ::  $ID is not visible here
compiled_xxx ::  $ID is not visible here


So what is the REASON for this copy-on-first-call behaviour.(there have to
be some reason, if i'm not totaly dull to see it )

Thanx alot for your attention

> > r>I have the following situation... it is not big issue but
> > r>i'm interested why this happen...
> > r>
> > r>my $ID = 555;
> > r>sub blah {
> > r>...
> > r>$ID =  selectrow query;
> > r>...
> > r>}
> >
> > This is, in fact, a big issue. You should see a message in your error
> > "shared variable $ID will not stay shared." You should not use a my
> > variable defined at the top level of your Apache::Registry script in a
> > subroutine. See this entry in the mod_perl guide:
> >
> >
> >
> > The workaround is to make $ID a package global (use vars qw($ID)).
> With Perl 5.6, the following are roughly equivalent:
>   use vars qw($ID);
>   our $ID;
> However, you will need to put the `our' declaration within the block
> may happen implicitely with Apache::Registry).
> So (pre-5.6):
>   use vars qw($ID);
>   sub foo {
>   $ID = shift;
>   }
> But (>= 5.6):
>   sub foo {
>   our $ID = shift;
> }

my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-09 Thread raptor


I have the following situation ... it is not big issue but i'm interested
why this happen .. so here is it :

my $ID = 555;
print $ID;

sub blah {
local $$dbh{AutoCommit} = 0;
   eval  {
   local $$dbh{RaiseError} = 1;
   $ID =  selectrow query;#say it returns 111

 print $ID;

};#end blah

print $ID

So this shortened example prints sometimes :

111<- correct

rarely  :

555 <--- not correct

OK... this seemed to me like uninitialised variable ... or there is special
behaviour when using lexical-var insde "eval" 
but the problem dissappeared when I declared it like that :

our $ID;

Could someone explain me why this happen.

Re: Just while we are so nicely [OT]: SQL Search Results in pages

2001-08-02 Thread raptor

> This may be of interest:

]- Where is $h->{FetchHashKeyName}, I didn't found it even in the source
perl -m DBI my version is 1.18

> Tim.

Re: What counts as a real DBMS?

2001-08-01 Thread raptor

ok my 5c,

My vote is for Interbase. Why ?

+small runtime size
+zero administration
+I think it runs on more platforms than any other DB
+SUSPEND in stored procs
+stored procs can be used in FORM clause
+can run on less-powerfull PC's

Personaly I've used it on Win95, Win98, WinNT and Linux..

-no LIMIT and/or TOP

I had tried a litle bit both MySQL and PostgreSQL..

-the thing I hated in PostgreSQL was that u can't use VIEWS with agregating
functions 'cause of the way they are/was implemented ... don't know if it is
already corrected in newer versions..
-does it support FK already ?!? (PSQL)
+ InterBase,  PostgreSQL are multiversioning engines.. so they don't need
transaction log  (anyone with expirience with MS SQL transaction log
:") )

so I think InterBase counts as a REAL DB. :")

Re: Buffering Output

2001-07-31 Thread raptor

Anybody know if exist some module how CGI::Out for buffering output in CGI
script ?

]- The other approach if  U don't want to append to var...then U can do
something like this :

my $buffer;
sub xprint { $buffer .= @_ };

possibly U will want to move this code into separate module...!!

then use xprint instead of print... and on the end of the script just :

print $buffer;

I also often direct all my output like errors,debug messages etc... trought
similar function... this aproach is also very useful 'cause if for example
want later to switch to other envoirment u need to correct just one function
or if U use Template system...


Re: cached value !!

2001-07-26 Thread raptor

thanx alot I also thought it has to be closure... but didn't done it in the
right way...
i.e. i was doing this way :") :

 my $firstcall = 1;
 sub checkSomething {
 if ($firstcall) {$firstcall = 0; return 0}
code ...

but it has to be anonymous ...:")

> raptor wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > I have the following problem... a module/object that use a callback
> > func..example :
> >
> > use Blah;
> > my $obj = new Blah(...);
> >
> > ..later on ...
> >
> > my $firstcall = 1;
> > sub checkSomething {
> > if ($firstcall) {$firstcall = 0; return 0}
> >code ...
> > };
> >
> > $$obj{checkCode} = \&checkSomething;
> >
> > $obj->callSomemethod();
> >
> > the problem is that during the invocations of the script the $firstcall
> > sometimes stays "0", instead to be initialised to "1" on every
invocation of
> > the script  any ideas how can I cure this 
> >
> > Thanx alot in advance...
> > =
> > iVAN
> > =
> cf manual:
> --
> My mother always used to tell me, "The early bird gets the worm."
> The message seemed pretty clear to me: If you sleep late, you're
> a lot less likely to be killed by a bird.
> -- Elliott Downing

cached value !!

2001-07-26 Thread raptor


I have the following problem... a module/object that use a callback
func..example :

use Blah;
my $obj = new Blah(...);

..later on ...

my $firstcall = 1;
sub checkSomething {
if ($firstcall) {$firstcall = 0; return 0}
   code ...

$$obj{checkCode} = \&checkSomething;


the problem is that during the invocations of the script the $firstcall
sometimes stays "0", instead to be initialised to "1" on every invocation of
the script  any ideas how can I cure this 

Thanx alot in advance...

2001-07-23 Thread raptor

Re: Post processing Perl output through PHP

2001-07-15 Thread raptor

> Ironically, having tried the suggestion from Darren, I discover that I
don't have
> LWP installed. My sysadmin however, will install anything for me as long
> I provide him with an RPM for it.
> I don't mean to sound lazy, and I have just checked, but I
> quickly put my hands on an rpm which includes LWP::Simple for Red Hat 7.0
]- get checkinstall and install LWP on your computer as stated in the
checkinstall docs and it will make the RPM for U :")
after u install checkinstall u have to do something like this :

make test
checkinstall make install


[ASP] FileUploadMax --> FileMaxUpload

2001-07-13 Thread raptor

FileUploadMax wrongly stated in ASP docs, U should use :

PerlSetVar FileMaxUpload  xxx

One more thing, does someone knows a way to capture the error, if the user
tries to upload bigger file than accepted.
So I can inform him.
Is it possible to set CGI::POST_MAX on a per request i.e. dynamicly as I
read in the dosc set this value every time before it calls CGI to
handle the request...

Thanx alot

Re: [aliasing] Using mod_perl handlers for max speed?

2001-07-12 Thread raptor

!!! Is it possible to have  reference on the left side of the equation !!!
I've tried this to alias HASH :") but didn't succeeded...
sub {
 my \$hash = shift; # $_[0] is  \%myhash

Yes I know that there is aliasing : my *hash = \%{$hashref}..
And I see that here u use  : \$r->blah
...Never mind it is cute construct anyway. Do U have any benefit in speed
using it in this way ?!

PS. didn't u think that there must finaly "alias" keyword in perl

># ModPerl Handler
>  package Apache::bench;
>  sub handler {
>my(\$r) = shift;
>\$r->print('Hello ');
>  }
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::bench

!!!reevaluating part of the module

2001-07-10 Thread raptor


What I want is access from module to executed-at-the-moment script namespace

the module :

$"abc.asp"::buffer .= 'hello.';

the script xxx.asp :

use Utils;
use vars qw($buffer);
print $buffer


How can I do this. Currently I'm doing something like this :
the module :
(export  $buffer)

our $buffered = 1;
our $buffer;
eval qq{ $buffer = '' };

sub _print {
 if ($buffered) { $buffer .= $_ for @_  }
  else  {  print $_ for @_ };

the script :
use Utils;
print $buffer

but this still doen't clear the buffer betwen different invocation of the
tried also  :

eval q{ $buffer = '' };
eval { $buffer = '' };

how can I achieve similar effect .. or I'm doing something wrong

PS. It seems to work only if into the script I'm clearing $Utils::buffer at
the begining of the script, but this is exactly what I don't want to do...
want this to be done from outside... code reuse i say :"). It doesn't matter
too much to me where is the $buffer variable in Utils or in the script
name-space, I just don't want to clear it out manualy every time in the

Thanx alot in advance

[Solved] and multipart/form .. error

2001-07-10 Thread raptor


I moved to 2.74 and everything is OK now :")
So be aware that u may have problems with the following config :
RedHat 7.1  + Apache 1.3.20/mod_perl 1.25,, CGI ver 3.x  

CGI 3.01 even gives error on /compilation test.
CGI 3.02 doesn't give this error


Re: [] and multipart/form .. error

2001-07-10 Thread raptor

hi again,

I've made some tests and debuging, the problem seems to be in CGI module...
first of all in eg/file_upload.asp   this :

print $q->start_multipart_form();

returns this :

do U see no POST (the interesting thing is that $r->method returns GET in
this case i didn't knowed that :") ).. even when I make it manualy and put
debuging code into $Request object multipart handling

if($@) {
$self->{asp}->Error("can't use file upload without
} else {
my %form;
my $q = $self->{cgi} = new CGI;
$self->{debug} = '-->'.$q->param('xxx');# <=
there is one more text field in the form named 'xxx'
for(my @names = $q->param) {
my @params = $q->param($_);

I get nothing into $$Request{debug}


Thanx alot

> ivan wrote:
> >
> > hi there ,
> >
> > I encoutred a problem with (ver.2.17) and multipart form what is
> > happening is that when I try to use "file" fields I get something like
> > into the log
> >
> > [Mon Jul  9 23:20:22 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method
> > request -7d11b8668d0668
> > [Mon Jul  9 23:20:41 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method
> > request -7d13c1268d0668
> > [Mon Jul  9 23:21:41 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method
> > request -7d17811a20
> >
> > if the form is normal (w/o enctype="multipart/form-data" ) I'm getting
> > normally data into $Request.. nothing is crashing just I'm getting
> > into $Request collection...
> >
> Can you get the ./site/eg/file_upload.asp example working from
> the distribution?  If so, see what's different about your script.
> I believe I'm running the same Apache + modperl now too, and I
> have never seen the problem you report, Apache 1.3.20, mod_perl 1.25
> BTW, from the error, it doesn't look like it has to do with Apache::ASP.
> Maybe someone from the modperl list will give you some better info
> specific to modperl.
> -- Josh

Re: [preview] Search engine for the Guide

2000-05-19 Thread raptor


very interesting. Search for : "statinc" returns nothing and the box get filled
with "tatinc" instead "statinc" ?!?!:")

this under KDE viewer, now will try netscape   ...!!

Re: Want to work at a Game company?

2000-05-19 Thread raptor

On Thu, 18 May 2000, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
> legitimate job offers from a reputable company are never spam.

especially if your salary is not more than ~$150-$200 per month :"(

sorry for the off-topic


KHTTPD for static and Apache/mod_perl for dynamic??

2000-05-15 Thread raptor


My question is instead of using two Apache servers OR Apache+proxy scenario
(static vs dynamic pages) will it be possible to leave static pages to kHTTPD
and run only one APACHE server.
Did someone tried it...


Re: [RFC] XML/Apache Templating with mod_perl

2000-04-25 Thread raptor

Yeah that will be really cool... can you inform me about the progress on
this, if you made something ... I thought about something similar not exact but
some sort of processor to handle XML(XSLT) -> HTML conversations +
some sort of caching tehnique, but I also like this approachsomething like
this will help easy integrate XML stuff in the current scheme of producing
final HTML

see ya

mod_perl for BeOS ??

2000-04-20 Thread raptor

hi, someone to know is there a binary package of mod_perl for BeOS

Send directly to me : Apache - Linux vs BSD

2000-04-12 Thread raptor


Anyone with experience running Apache on both platforms any recomentation
pluses, minuses.
Send them directly to me not to the list. Not war's, I just need oppinions.
You can include Solaris too.

Thanx alot in advance

PerlTransHandler and sort of mapping

2000-04-07 Thread raptor


I was wondering how to map PerlTransHandler only for certain type of files.
( I'm doing URI rewriting not URI->filename translation ?!!)

Something like :

   PerlTransHandler  Apache::MyHandler

Yes I know this is wrong...can this be done in some other way ?



2000-03-31 Thread raptor


can someone point me to a place where I can see all the strings generated for

may be other too...


EXECUTE command from web script

2000-02-09 Thread raptor


how can I execute system command (f.e. ipchains) from within web script, securely
and easly.
[ f.e. - qx(ipchains ..blah..) ]
Now I get the following error :

"ipchains : Permission denied (you must be root)"

Second question :
Can someone recommend me a good RE for detecting browsers i.e.
or manly to distinguish between NN4+ and IE4+.
[ /compat/i for IE, /nav/i for NN ]

Thanx alot in advance.

No Subject

2000-01-28 Thread raptor


Check this :")

DB choice ?

1999-12-21 Thread raptor

pls send answers directly to me (so not clutering the list). Thanx

I have the following situation Apache Web server under Linux and we must decide
which DB server to use.
The choice can be Microsoft SQL/NT or Oracle/Linux.
I'm a teleworker at the moment, so get this in mind too.

Please give me PROS and CONS of both desicions.

Let me tell you what I'm thinking about this.
First they are pushing me to use MicrosoftSQL, and I have a little more knowledge
about this (than A/O solution), but as I think this desicion lack of flexibility
'cause :

 - All queries will be passed from DBI::ODBC to NT-ODBC and then to SQL server.

 - hard to make changes in configurations via Internet.
 - I think I can find more help on Apache/L->Oracle/L vs. Apache/L->MSQL/NT

 - The DBD::Oracle is well tested and is written from the creator of the DBI

what is the price difference.
ANY OTHER pros-cons pls.
(I don't have problem with learning something new I mean Oracle /i love this/,
but it will be good if I can start coding as soon as possible. I mean the common
DB stuff, not the ORACLE internals :"))

PerlModule/Require didn't work ??

1999-12-16 Thread raptor


I was wondering why the PerlModule and perlRequire didn't work for me.
I have a fresh installation of :
apache 1.3.9 + mod_perl 1.21 (that is bundled in RedHat6.1),
what was my surprise to see that when I try to use something like :

PerlRequire .../


PerlModule Apache::DBI Apache::ASP

the Apache won't start. When I start the apache i.e. :

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start 

I get  .. [OK]  , but nothing started nothing even in the error_log  :"(
(LogLevel debug).

I missed something or WHAT ?!?
I thought that it was 'cause now by default if Apache find suEXEC it runs in
suEXEC-mode, but I moved suEXEC and it dosen't use it then.

Another surprice was that if I go .../perl-status

Loaded Modules

I see CGI there, but I didn't point to it in .conf files.?!?!

Thanx alot in advance


1999-12-15 Thread raptor


Is there Session module that has capability more like ASP::Session
rather than Apache::Session.(I mean hanlidng the cookies too, Joshua is
it easy to extract Session functionality from ASP as a standalone module
what mostly the MASON people use to handle Sessions.


Logo: mod_perl Programmers demand is going up...

1999-12-06 Thread raptor

Isn't best to use Cheetah as a logo animal :")
That's mean speed.

LWP vs Netscape

1999-12-03 Thread raptor


If I put this on Location: bar on the Netscape browser, I get the result
of the search as expected (try it).

But If I try to do this via LWP package, I didn't get the result page,
but the FORM that is used to create this query(something is going
wrong). Why ?!?!? What also is nesecary to send to the Web server, some
Headers or what ?? Which ?
I even got this result if I try the same query via telnet ?

use LWP::UserAgent;
my $UA = new LWP::UserAgent;

my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET =>
my $result = $UA->request($req);
print $req->as_string;
 if ($result->is_success)
   $bb = $result->content . "\n";
   $bb =~ s/^.*.*$/$1/is;
   print $bb;
   else {print "no success\n";}


Query/Parse/Format/Display ?

1999-12-02 Thread raptor


I want to make the following :
1. Query a site ?
2. Get the results of the query in my script (we are still in Apache)
3. Exctract the information I need ?
4. Fomat it and send to the browser ?

Does someone made something similar. Example ?
Thanx in advance



1999-11-24 Thread raptor

a couple of questions.
I can't get the $ENV{REMOTE_USER} var., after succesfull
authentification - there is nothing in it.
Here is the configuration :

.blah ...

 AuthDBUserFile /work/.volunteers.db
 AuthGroupFile /dev/null
 AuthName 'Volunteers Members Area'
 AuthType Basic
  require valid-user

also if I dump the %ENV, like this :
map {print "$_ : $ENV{$_}\n"} sort keys %ENV;
it is not there ?!? What can be the reason ??

Second question :
 How can set/get cookies within sub handler{}.
 Also in plain .cgi/.pl file w/o using mod_perl,CGI,ASP or whatever, I
 to do it manualy. Pointer, sample !

Third question :
 Is there a way to tell Apache to reparse a handler, when I change the
 Not to "/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart"  - every time.

This is for now :")

AGAIN - mod_rewrite escaping ???

1999-11-01 Thread raptor


I've tried :

RewriteMap  escape-map  prg:/path/to/file/
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/index\.html$ /${escape-map:$1}

when the script is as follow for ex.:

$| = 1;
while(<>) { s/&/_/g;  print $_};

or similar it doesn't work (more precisely if I use <> or  ?!?!)
If I use this :

$| = 1;
print "hello";

it works only the first time ?!?!
If I use :

RewriteMap  escape-map  int:toupper
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/index\.html$ /${escape-map:$1}

it works. But :

RewriteMap  escape-map  int:escape
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/index\.html$ /${escape-map:$1}

doesn't work ?!!!?
What I'm doing wrong ?

> >RewriteRule ^(.*)\/index\.html$/$1
> >
> >rewriten like this :
> >
> >/
> >
> >and then in my script the result is that :
> >
> >QueryString("path") is equal to "blah", but not to "blah&wlah".
> >
> >HOW to make escaping in RewriteRule ?
> I don't see any way to do this without recourse to an external rewrite engine.
> .
> But, if you are already using mod_perl, you might as well ditch mod_rewrite
> and write your own PerlTransHandler for the URI. See Eagle book p.334,
> ,
> better yet, buy the book and show your support.

mod_rewrite escaping ???

1999-10-29 Thread raptor

hi there,

I have problem. The situation is as follow :

RewriteRule ^(.*)\/index\.html$/$1

The problem is that I have some directories named like this "blah&wlah",
so a request like this :


rewriten like this :


and then in my script the result is that :

QueryString("path") is equal to "blah", but not to "blah&wlah".

HOW to make escaping in RewriteRule ?


FTP hits counting

1999-10-28 Thread raptor


Does anyone has something for counting FTP hits ? What I mean ?
My idea (just thoughts) is as follow :
1. Put in my pages  link.
2. Write a rewrite rule, http -> ftp, if this is possible ?!?
3. And then count via perl script.
or something similar .

Any other ideas. I don't want to make counting via ftp .log files (I
need realtime results).
Also I want the dloading process to be via FTP not via HTTP. ?! :")

Thanx alot in advance


1999-10-19 Thread raptor

hi there,

1. Is there a easier way, I mean more transparent way to cache Tie to
DBM files (I need READONLY).
Something like "use Apache::DBI" in file  and then when I use
"tie" or whatever ... if there is cached connection to get it instead
creating new one, will this improve the speed very much. (I read
mod_perl manual,  but I want something simple for usage :")).

2. How big the DBM file can be  for ex. what size Celeron300/128MB
can handle fast enought, does anyone made some experiments. (At the
moment I can't use real DB, cause I'm doing this over telnet connection
:"(, and is very hard to configure a real one DB with all necesary

3. When I try to use
 tie %xxx,.., $DB_BTREE ;
 tie %xxx,.., $DB_HASH ;

I get the following error:
" type parameter is not a reference at /usr/lib/perl//
line 255"

If I doesn't specify the type explictly there is no error. What I'm
doing wrong.

Thanx alot in advance.

Re: Precomplie ASP ?

1999-10-07 Thread raptor

Lionel Benhaim wrote:

]- add to your file, something like this :

use Apache::ASP ();
Apache::ASP->Loader('/home/httpd/project/', "(asp|htm|html)\$");

You must have first in httpd.conf something like this :

PerlRequire /home/httpd/project/global/

Or you can add it directly in httpd.conf :

Apache::ASP->Loader('/home/httpd/project/', '(asp|htm|html)$');


> Hi everybody,
> Please,
> I'm beginer in Apache and ASP on Linux.
> I would like to know how can i precompile or compile the ASP.
> I have seen  in the docs ASP the fonction Loader(), but i don't
> understand how to use it, and where i must put it.
> Thank you very much :)