Re: Mod_perl vs mod_php

2000-12-12 Thread spam

 Does anyone have any mod_perl vs. mod_php benchmarks?

Given the fact you are the good programmer either would be about the same.
If you can't program your way out of a paper bag, benchmarks won't help
you. Benchmarks are for managers, are you the one?

Re: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-10 Thread spam

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 I'm currently using the Tomcat at work, and I have to say that
 although I really love perl and mod_perl, there are real advantages to
 using java.  Over the past couple of years that I've been mostly
 lurking on this list there have been a couple common threads:
 1) Memory Usage: embedding the perl interpreter on every process uses
 lots of memory.  This of course can be tweaked and isn't as bad on
 good OS's, but it is a common thread.

You can do the twostage server if you are short on memory, speed is
important and usage of active content is relatively low. Setup a mod_proxy
and stripped down apache for port 80 and mod_perl for port 8080 for
example. Proxy certain urls to the 8080 and you are good. Set low number
for the mod_perl items, to avoid thrashing. I'd see where Java is weak,
integration wise like 2 MB per process and not even integrated string

 2) Sharing information between the processes.  There's lots of
 different ways to do it, but none really jumps out as an end-all

Java movement has stretched out itself too thin, they did not identify
themselves with a particular niche, and so we did it for them, where they
don't really excell either - web applets, flash is more fit for that sort
of thing. Perl is not very known for doing gui but spreading out knowlege
about perl/tk helps. Which is just as good as AWT(? not sure of the name)

 With a system like Tomcat running in a jvm outside of apache, you only
 have one jvm, and you get things like being able to share a cache
 between all sessions alot easier.

So is with FastCGI, reinventing the wheel man is not a good thing.
Sun people are on this thing to rewrite the world and put a Sun stamp on
it and make everybody use it. Whahoo.

 I personally find the configuration of mod_perl to be more straight
 forward than Tomcat, but I do see some advantages to that system (I'm
 sure there are some speed disadvantages to the tomcat communcation,
 but haven't done any benchmarks).

Try FastCGI, it is really fast if you can do multiplexing. Besides the
fact, I will write apache C modules if I need speed, not use some unproven
languages to handle maximum loads, with lowest response time.

 That being said, I wonder how difficult it would be pull the perl
 intepreter out of mod_perl and run a perl stand-alone multi-threaded
 daemon which listens for mod_perl api calls... :)
 This is very similar to SpeedyCGI + mod_speedy. Although it's more like a 
 servlet engine model than actually get access to Apache API. SpeedyCGI is 
 not web server specific (except the mod_speedy module).

Good one. However would you really get the advantage of performing
configuration manipulations on the fly? Or dynamic generation of the
configs form templates and lists of values?

 Things I would never even try with java:
 1) Talking any client/server protocol other than URLs.  The perl
 mail/ftp modules are so easy to use and they work great.  I don't even
 want to think about writing to syslogd from inside java... :)
 There have been public domain libraries to write to syslogd in Java for a 
 long time.  The only problem with Java in this regard is that there is no 
 CPAN. But if you search on the net, you can usually find something in Java 
 that has the equivalent to a CPAN module that deals with networking as Java 
 makes networking quite easy.

Sun was not onto community thing anyways, they're corporation, and giving
up a control something they spend money on, will give chills to the
managing types that are not for the OS thing.
No CPAN is an oversight for the Java people, but really how can they
implement it? Java runs across many platforms and VMs for it are written
by many companies. If one dares to do something like that.
For one they have to figure out how not to breach security of systems
where people will be installing custom java classes. Java like windows2000
was touted for the security and CPAN like thing will bring some bugs and
holes into the frame work I am almost sure.

happy hacking,

RE: [certification]

2000-12-09 Thread spam

On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 However, the fact is that their can be other distinguishing factors on a 
 CV, but to ignore those factors INCLUDING certs is just stupid unless you 
 have the luxury of only having some ridiculously low number of CVs to look 
 at and can spend that time interviewing people because you only have a few 
 straws to grasp.

Perhaps you are right if a department is hiring 50 people,get 500
resumes, they are bound to get 10-20% defective or non fitting employees.
Certifications perhaps is like firewalls. Certifications/contributions to
CPAN, should be use a perhaps a priority items. Such way you can compose a
set of people, where each is guaranteed to be able to somehow contribute
to a team development, other is when and how these people will be able
to fit with one another.
Also the other aspect, is work ethics. I can hack perl modules like crazy,
but I don't I do diagrams, see that I would have inside out understanding
of a problem and possible solutions, and then I code. 90% of people I
know just sit down and start to code until it is done. Rewrite the
project a few times perhaps. If you want just grunts 'shortlisting' is
perfectly fine. Difference between perlfect and alright is very thin one.
just 2c

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apache configuration error logging

2000-12-03 Thread spam

Here is situation:
1. I have written Auth, Authz and redirect handlers for user control. They
take in information from httpd file via PerlSetVar statement for
configuration purposes. They also log information into error logs via
2. I have integrated them to protect certain Location on the
VirtualHost. ErrorLog was setup correctly, everything works fine.
3. I take all the stuff copy over and change approprite paths, and create
new VirtualHost directive. ErrorLog is setup correctly.

After I restart webserver, there is no messages from my modules
into the appropriate error.log or any other error log. How do I fix this?
It seems that as I add in the ModPerl authentication code into the
new VirtualHost directive, errors stop coming into error log, regarding
that particular VirtualHost, but other continue to work fine. Is that
weird? The code in new VirtualHost functions correctly, besides inablity
to append to the error.log of the virtual host...

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Re: HTTP Mod_Perl mini-server

2000-12-03 Thread spam

On 3 Dec 2000, Greg Stark wrote:

 Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:
   Lately I've been getting very interested in using solid-state disks
   for high-performance issues.  They're expensive, but if you need that
   much speed, they're worth it.
  Are they?  I tried one once, and it wasn't any faster than my normal disk
  because I had so much RAM it was all getting buffered already.  If you
  don't have enough RAM, it might help, but I suspect these are more
  expensive than equivalent amounts of RAM.
 Solid state disks are very effective for particular applications like mail
 spools and database logs where the application waits for data to be flushed to
 disk before continuing. For most normal applications the same effect can be
 obtained by adding RAM and/or playing with tools like memfs. 

SCREW solid state disks. Get more ram. Depending on the size of your
website it might be smart to make a ramdisk of a 200MB in size... would be
lightning fast, and apache won't even know about it. For database
application with limited growth and size it might be very good thing to
do, like a dynamic website, from a content database, that is mirrored from
harddrive to the ramdisk on regular basis. Content editing is done
straight to the disk, but lock tables and dump the database, and go on
like a happy camper... =) NO RAID will be faster than RAM, and if it is,
it will cost a price of the new prosche and latency will never be anywhere
near ram... so I'd just give it up right now. Raid is good for large
amounts of data, but if your site is not over 500MB altogther, just get a
linux(or BSD) box fit it with 1G of ram 8G IDE drive and you will be
faster than amazon, provided, that you have enough processing power.

That is all.

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Re: i am looking for mod perl tutor

2000-11-23 Thread spam

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, mohammed abdul bari wrote:

 I am looking for mod perl tutors. I have a pretty good knowledge of perl but 
 just a lil bit about appache modules. I need some one who could spare a day 
 or 2 with 1 or 2 hours a day to get me basics. I live in santa clara.

Really if you want to code opensource stuff, you have to start learning on
by yourself. It is not easy, but as they say easy come easy go... if you
do with tutor. Pick up the Eagle Book, Programming Perl, Perl BlackBook
and some C manuals and start to sweat away at getting simple stuff to
work. If you really want to learn how to do good web application
developement, the Eagle Book (Writing Apache Modules in C and perl?) is
still really the resource to learn from to make good informed decisions on
how to build a particular site. It teaches where to use Java script, Perl
CGI, mod_perl and plain C modules that are compiled in perl.
Here's another trick, every time you have a question try to scan as many
sources as possible, that way you most of the time will get rounded
knowlege on a particular question. If you do it like that, you will start
make connections on what belongs to what and how one relates to the other.

Once you get basic idea how the web works, and how mod_perl fits in there
then you can send some questions up here. I as many people here are, like
to help, but would not toleration idiotism, sort of like some people like
to say well, can you just upload it into my head and I'll use it some
time.( You can say that I am bitter, cuz we just hired in the manager and
she is tries to stir the pot, as if she knows what she is doing, and
telling us that what we did is not best decision, and that there might be
better way to do it, and then goes off to ask her friends via e-mail and
then saying "Oh, I guess you are right, that is the only way to do that,
just because my all-know friend said it is so" freak. Sorry just had to
say that.)
Well once basically you gain general knowlege you can ask community for
help, we won't refuse!
Happy hacking to you,

Bask in the glow of the digital silence

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2000-11-21 Thread spam

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 This is a bit off topic as its not specifically mod_perl, but I wrote it
 for use in a mod_perl environment, so I figure it will be useful to other
 HTTP::GHTTP is a lightweight HTTP client library based on the gnome
 libghttp library. It offers a pretty simple to use API for doing HTTP
 requests. This can be useful under mod_perl because the alternatives
 (e.g. LWP) are quite large.
 Example usage:
 # short get() method
 use HTTP::GHTTP 'get';
 print get("");
 # longer OO usage
 my $r = HTTP::GHTTP-new();
 print $r-get_body;
 Supports proxies and authentication too. Heading to CPAN now.

Excellent! =)

Bask in the glow of the digital silence

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Re: Apache::Registry vs. Handlers

2000-11-19 Thread spam

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, E.S. wrote:

 All other things being equal, what's the general performance difference
 between writing your own handlers or using a templating system vs. using
 your scripts under Apache::Registry?  I've been running my old CGI scripts
 under Apache::Registry for awhile now, and they seem to be pretty speedy;
 what do I have to gain by doing it the "right" way?

Depends on implementation, and benchmarks, benchmarks... and benchmarks.
Tightly coded modules would be the fastest, and do them in perl perhaps
slowly translating them into C if you really want the
performance. However, flexibility here is last item on the list.

Templating system - written a few and all different, some real fast,
nearly as fast as custom modules others about 2 - 5 time slower, because
they are so flexible.

Apache::Registry - use it only for backend or lowtraffic sites. It does
not cache anything, so when you do databases, and files, can be bad to
horrible to use. Using with small MySQL databases (50,000 records) you
can get mediocre performance, cuz mysql connects require virtually no
setup overhead. So if basically you have bunch of old code you have to
throw up on the web and have no time this is the way to go.

So there,
Bask in the glow of the digital silence.

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Re: learning for someone like me

2000-11-18 Thread spam

Ok, run to a book store NOW, and get O'Rielly's Eagle Book!
Read it from core to the core and then post questions here, once you are
Good luck,

look @

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Re: [OT] Another *new* idea patented

2000-11-18 Thread spam

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Bill Moseley wrote:

 I know this is way off topic, but I couldn't resist.  Sorry if this is old
 First Amazon figures out that cookies could be used for, (who would have
 guessed?), maintaining state between sessions and patenting the concept.
 What a new idea!
 Now looking at eBay and I see that they have invented this thing called
 "thumbnails" that are miniature photos that you can, get this, click with
 your mouse!  Not only that, they have figured out a way to transfer images
 from one computer to another via HTTP!  Another brilliant invention that
 needs a patent.
  Our patent pending Gallery () is a new way of browsing items
  for sale at eBay. The Gallery presents miniature pictures, called
  thumbnails, for all of the items sellers have supplied pictures for
  in JPG format."


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Re: compiling modperl on alpha

2000-11-17 Thread spam

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Jimi Thompson wrote:

 Try getting rid of Perl 5.6 and using 5.005.  This has worked for me and for
 several other folks running other flavors of Unix.

Weird, but compiled 5.6 perl with default options does not mesh well with
mod_perl, however I run Mandrake Linux, and 5.6 precompiled for this
platform, seem to integrate into mod_perl somewhat seamlessly. I suppose
if you want 5.6 with mod_perl you gotta ask Mandrake folks for compile
time options.
just 2c

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Re: database access

2000-11-15 Thread spam

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Les Mikesell wrote:

 I wonder if Apache::DBI could figure out what connections are worth
 holding open by itself?  It could have some hints in the config file
 like regexps to match plus a setting that would tell it not to
 make a connection persist unless it had seen  x instances of that
 connect string in y seconds.

That really, really sucks, but Apache is selecting on the HTTP socket, and
nothing matters beyond that, except signals of course. What you are
implying is that DBI will be aware of the connections being closed or
SIGALRM coming thru to the apache and on its lap, but it won't happen.
Here you have to decide wether you will keep the connection or not, and if
it something happens, like closing, you have to wait until user hits the
page. Yes you can make ModPerl timestamp DBI links, so that they can be
timed out next time a user calls one of the DBI functions, maybe connect?
But asynchrosity is out of the question. It would be cool however if you
can insert your socket into apaches select queue... isn't that how it
works? Then you can really do some funky stuff...
just 2c

Re: Microperl

2000-11-15 Thread spam

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Robin Berjon wrote:

 I know what you mean but this is MicroPerl, not Perl. I don't know how much
 difference it makes, but it's certainly smaller. I'm afraid I can't help
 with embedding it though. I like the idea, not just for rewrites (I'm quite
 happy with mod_rewrite most of the time) but for all the conf stuff. It
 doesn't have dynaloader, but you could still do things like read conf from
 a flat file db or that sort of thing.

Hacking down the size of the code is good, but now when it comes down to
hacking down features, and features must go if you are to shrink perl. Ok
so the fullsize language is a ~350 K addon to apache, for that we get all
the good stuff like superoptimising compiler, that is very smart about
figuring out 'smart' code. If you really want to go that way, PHP4
probably one of the better shots you have. Besides PHP was vowed to be
an improved language over the perl for the web development, and to degree
it is if you just want to hack together a small database enabled comments
book. However me knowing perl is advantage over PHP, because horsepower is
cheap, disk troughput will always faster than that of a network speed,
modularity and superflexibility of the perl will always will be
MicroPerl is akin to what PHP zealots used to tout PHP as, and yes perl
can be awkward to read at times, but thats why it is good, there is
breathing space wasted to let coder's brain sort of relax, like long
function calls for invoking Regular Expressions on the string vs =~. PHP
in some ways is faster than perl, but hey, I do not compare Saleen Mustang
to a Lamborgini Diablo.
Hope you will make the right choice for yourself, not us ;-)

Re: [OT] mod_perl evangelism

2000-11-14 Thread spam

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Greg Cope wrote:

 I've always thought that php had better "web support" in terms of "How
 to do this  in php" or tutorials.  mod_perl's lack of similar
 resources is not a bad thing.
 Stas was up to something similar with sourcegarden - do not know where
 thats upto - I think Stas has been buzy with other things.
 I'd help with something  (sticking his head out on a block ;-)

Having such tutorials will bring more crowds to mod_perl commutity. Doing
so,(Shovel method) will scoop alot of unintelligent people who will be
posting idiotic questions to this list. So far I have see few and been
pleasently surprised! =)

Re: Modperl conflicting with other modules

2000-11-13 Thread spam

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Yu Di wrote:

 Hi, the problem is, when I compile Mod_perl and PHP both as static with
 Apache, none of them can work. And what's worse, when they are both
 static, I can't access any HTML pages either, the error log is just the
 same as described in my former mail. What is the problem here? 
 I forgot to mention that my Perl version is 5.6.0, can this be related to
 the problem? 

Well, that might be the problem, sysadmins at our workplace tried to
compile mod_perl with Perl5.6 default compiliation options, and it crapped
all over the place. I however use Mandrake built perl, and it seems to
work file for installing mod_perl.
However if you do like to have both items on the list, you might consider
making two apaches, whichever is less accessed, place it on some port like
8000 or 8080... and then compile the primary server with mod_proxy.
Then place ProxyPass I think it is called, to the the secondary server for
related URLs, or RegExp. Everytime people visit those urls primary apache
will open local connection to secondary one, and do the processing there,
and return results...
Good luck,

Re: Passing data structures between Stacked Handlers

2000-11-12 Thread spam

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000, Dave Kaufman wrote:

  Is there a module that can do "Stacked Handler Pipelining", but 
  doesn't pass around tied filehandles but data structures ?

Can't you allocate some generic namespace, or better yet, create your own
package called config and in that export functions get_config set_config
They will get/set a package wide variable. Then you make new,DESTROY, and
what other functions you need. Then you create/set object in the Init
module and the way you go, call get_config in each of the stacked modules
and insert data into it, so it will be passed along. Simple alternative,
you can store a hash in package wide namespace of the first package, and
access that via hashref, which is more convinient or Package::hashname
Thats how I did it.

  If there isn't, could it be implemented by dumping the data 
  structure to $r-notes (with Data::Dumper) and have it eval'ed back 
  by the next handler?

God NO! Have you read of overhead incurring on eval? Might as well go back
to the days of PerlCGI,choke, choke

Hope that helped.

premature TCP termination

2000-11-11 Thread spam

I wonder if there is some sort of notification my module can receive if
the user has terminated HTTP transaction(ie dowloading of a search
result), by closing TCP link, or the Apache's connection has timed out... 
URLs, pointers would be excellent.