Re: CA installation

2001-12-21 Thread Owen Boyle

andrew reid wrote:
> Hi  i created a certificate to used by apache but cant figure out how &
> were to install it help please.

You need a cert and a key. When you compiled apache with mod_ssl, and
did "make install", they should have been installed for you. Anyway,
they go in your apache conf dir (e.g. /usr/local/apache/conf) in their
own directories ssl.crt and ssl.key - then you have to point to the key
and cert in httpd.conf: 

SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key

Make sure the key and the ssl.key directory are readable ONLY by root -
i.e. permissions 400.


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: make certificate

2001-12-21 Thread Owen Boyle

Hong Tian wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed "make certificate TYPE=custom" during the build of
> mod_ssl-2.8.5-1.3.22 with Apache successfully as the followings:
> # cd ../apache_1.3.22
> # ./config ... --enable-module=ssl
> # make
> # make certificate TYPE=custom
> ...
> After I installed mod_ssl certificate, is there any quick methods to
> change some information of Common Name, Email Address, and Certificate
> Validity days of certificate again?
> Should I change the whole certificate again after making certificate
> if only some items of certificate need to be changed?

Think about it. If you could edit a certificate after it had been
issued, you could change its identity. So you could get a cert from
Verisign for your own site, set up a fake site, then edit
your certificate to pretend it was for Or you could extend
your certificate's life after it had expired (Verisign would love

You cannot edit a certificate it has been signed, it is a one-way
encryption. The only way is to make a new certificate.


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: DSO problems

2001-12-21 Thread J. Johnson

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, Simon Ritchie wrote:

> I don't think you have to go that far. 

No, but the computer does the work, and scrubbing and replacing the entire
distribution takes much less time than trying to find a faster solution.

=== JJ =

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

invalid request question

2001-12-21 Thread Hernan Salvarezza

Hello all



I am having some problems
with mod_ssl,i am getting
invalid method in request in my logs when i try to

The server
by using https://localhost.

The module seems to work when
I try http://localhost:443 ,my Listen directives in httpd.conf
are the following


Listen 443




thanks in advance


problem while giving url HTTPS

2001-12-21 Thread Bineet Suri


myself is bineet and i am developer in osprey software
technology in india actually just recently i have
configured apache v 1.3.22 with mod+ssl and my lynx
browser is 2.8.4 i am able to test through
http://localhost but when i give https://localhost so
it giving me "This client does not contain support for
https urls" i have done all the configuration which
have mentioned in installation file now i am really
helpless so please reply me or send me the appropriate
configuartion and required file as soon as possible i
will be very oblige to you



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undefined symbol

2001-12-21 Thread Ulrich Stärk

Hi there. I just compiled mod_ssl 2.8.5 with apache 1.3.22, php4.1.0 and
ApacheJserv 1.2.0, openssl-0.96
Everything works except of mod_ssl. i compiled everything statically into my
apache and am getting the following error in the error log
httpd: error while loading shared libraries: httpd: undefined symbol:

the same setup but with older versions works perfectly.



P.S.: I also tried the enable-rule=EAPI config for apache.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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loading private key? urgent.... please help if you can

2001-12-21 Thread Mike K

Hi all...
Before upgrading, one of my virtual domains (ip 
based) had SSL setup and was working fine.  The second domain did not 
work.  The error was odd according to people in IRC support channels, and I 
was told to upgrade to all of the latest versions.
I did that.
Now when I try to run startssl, I get errors on 
BOTH virtual domains.
The domain that had once worked produces these 
[Mon Dec 17 16:41:46 2001] [error] mod_ssl: Init: 
(.com:443) Unable to configure RSA server private key (OpenSSL 
library error follows)[Mon Dec 17 16:41:46 2001] [error] OpenSSL: 
error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values 
The domain2, that I couldn't get to work before the 
upgrade, produces these errors:
[Mon Dec 17 16:45:43 2001] [error] mod_ssl: Init: 
Private key not found (OpenSSL library error follows)[Mon Dec 17 16:45:43 
2001] [error] OpenSSL: error:0D06B078:asn1 encoding 
routines:ASN1_get_object:header too long
For domain1, I tried to check the md5's of each of 
the key and crt...
The md5 for the crt shows up fine.  When I try 
to get the md5 for the .key, I get this error:
# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in server.key | 
openssl md5read RSA keyunable to load 
I get this same "unable to load key" error for any 
key I try to get the md5 checksum for
Any help in getting both of my virtual domain's 
(the two that need SSL) working is greatly appreciated.
PS:  Here is the Virtual Server entry from 
httpd.conf for domain2... domain1 has the exact same (but updated ip and 
NamevirtualHost    SSLEngine 
On    SSLCipherSuite 
ServerName   CustomLog 
/www/logs/ combined   ErrorLog 
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" 
nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown 
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0    
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars    
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars    

Re: hi

2001-12-21 Thread Franck Martin

There is an SSL Certificates HOWTO on which explain the whole process. If you have problems then let me know so I can improve the HOWTO.



On Mon, 2001-12-17 at 09:29, Geoff Thorpe wrote:

Hi there,

This *really* should be on modssl-users ... please take any further 
questions and discussion there. This list is for users of OpenSSL. Your 
problem and any solutions to it are specific to modssl.

I am on modssl-users too - so if you are not already subscribed, please do 
so, and reply to this post on that list (if you wish to reply that is). I 
have CC'd that list for your convenience.

Re: loading private key? urgent...please help!

2001-12-21 Thread David Orman

I'm having the same trouble, same versions of the daemons/openssl/modssl,
I'm using FreeBSD ports collection to install apache/modssl, openssl comes
as part of the FreeBSD install. My FreeBSD install is sync'd with the -
STABLE source as of yesterday, and apache was rebuilt as such. The port
i'm using is "apache13-modssl". Ports collection sync'd as of today. Exact
same error as you, creating my certs using the methods both the port
offers and from various FAQ sites. I don't  have any commercial certs to
test with. I have no clue on a solution, and web searches have turned up
nothing. Just wanted to post so people (and you) knew it was not just a
problem that you experienced, I am also experiencing it as well.


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

IE6 Base ca-bundle

2001-12-21 Thread m . brulisauer
Title: IE6 Base ca-bundle

I have uploaded a IE6 based new ca-bundle.crt
containing all root cert's.

With Kind Regards,

Martin Brülisauer
Systime Informatik AG
Engineering & Support
Bruggacherstrasse 26
CH-8117 Fällanden
Phone: +411-806-8650
Fax: +411-806-8622

Re: Cipher suit problem

2001-12-21 Thread Götz Babin-Ebell

Patrick Li wrote:

Hello Paric,

> Looks like openssl doesn't like the "!" operation even though the openssl
> man page said "!" is supported.
> oscar% openssl ciphers -v ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP
> ADH: Event not found

Please read the manual for your shell.

Your shell interprets the command line and finds the "!".

If you retry the command line with single quotes, you will get
the expected results:

> ./openssl ciphers -v 'ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP'
DHE-DSS-RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH   Au=DSS  Enc=RC4(128)  Mac=SHA1



Goetz Babin-Ebell, TC TrustCenter AG,
Sonninstr. 24-28, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-(0)40 80 80 26 -0,  Fax: +49-(0)40 80 80 26 -126

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[BugDB] SSL handshake error (PR#647)

2001-12-21 Thread modssl-bugdb

Full_Name: Tom Watson
Version: 2.5.1
OS: Solaris 2.8
Submission from: (NULL) (

The following message is continuously being written to the error_log (approx.
every second) 

[Tue Dec 18 13:41:26 2001] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake interrupted by system
[Hint: Stop button pressed in browser?!] (System error follows)
[Tue Dec 18 13:41:26 2001] [error] System: Connection reset by peer (errno:

What is wrong here? The web app still works.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Change certificate

2001-12-21 Thread Hong Tian

I installed mod_ssl X.509 certificate signing request for Apache server

Is there anyway to change information of Common Name, Email Address,
and Certificate Validity days of certificate?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: hi

2001-12-21 Thread Geoff Thorpe

Hi there,

This *really* should be on modssl-users ... please take any further 
questions and discussion there. This list is for users of OpenSSL. Your 
problem and any solutions to it are specific to modssl.

I am on modssl-users too - so if you are not already subscribed, please do 
so, and reply to this post on that list (if you wish to reply that is). I 
have CC'd that list for your convenience.


> /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log contains the following two lines
> [Mon Dec 17 14:39:17 2001] [error] mod_ssl: Init: (
> Unable to configure RSA server private key (OpenSSL library error
> follows) [Mon Dec 17 14:39:17 2001] [error] OpenSSL: error:0B080074:x509
> certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

Look at the "OpenSSL library error";
- the area of code is "x509 certificate routines",
- the specific function is "X509_check_private_key"
- the reason is "key values mismatch".

It looks like the certificate you've specified and the private key you've 
specified don't match one another. That's why the certificate code 
("x509"), when checking the private key ("X509_check_private_key"), found a 

> i could not make out anything from these

then you didn't read them. The line before the one I disected also 
mentioned "Unable to configure RSA server private key". This suggests of 
course that it was in the midst of trying to "configure the RSA private 
key" when it failed. Moving on to that second line - it clearly suggests 
that the *reason* the private key was rejected was because it did not match 
up with the provided certificate.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

make certificate

2001-12-21 Thread Hong Tian


I have done "make certificate TYPE=custom" during compiling.

I hope to know what is the correct procedures if I want to change PEM pass
phrase and other information to get the new certificate of RSA. Should I 
run "make certificate TYPE=custom" again or should I uninstall or delete 
keys and use the command "openssl" to create the new certificate?

Which is the better way to create new certificate: using "make certificate
TYPE=custom" during compiling or using command "openssl" later?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[BugDB] Can't load mod_ssl module (PR#649)

2001-12-21 Thread modssl-bugdb

Full_Name: Franck Beulé
Version: 2.8.5
OS: WinNT4
Submission from: (NULL) (

I have somme trouble with the installation of SSL on apache.

I downloaded and installed the files :

following exactly the instructions on the How-To page given in the second file.

When I start my server, I obtain :
Syntax Error on line 196 of c:/program files/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load c:/program files/apache/modules/ into server: <126> Le
ule spécifié est introuvable:

I checked the file. Definitely, it's here ! on the right directory !!!

I checked to log files, nothing more is given, even if LogLevel is set to

Can you help me a little to identify the bug ???

Thank you.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problem while giving url HTTPS

2001-12-21 Thread Owen Boyle

Bineet Suri wrote:
> hello
> myself is bineet and i am developer in osprey software
> technology in india actually just recently i have
> configured apache v 1.3.22 with mod+ssl and my lynx
> browser is 2.8.4 i am able to test through
> http://localhost but when i give https://localhost so
> it giving me "This client does not contain support for
> https urls" 

Hi Bineet,

The problem is in your browser (lynx). The message is very clear: "This
client does not contain support for https urls" - it means lynx does not
know how to make an HTTPS request (as opposed to an HTTP request).

The HTTPS protocol is quite different from HTTP - you need a browser
which can support it. I don't know much about lynx, maybe you can get a
module or something to extend its functionality. If not, why not try
Opera or Netscape which have SSL support built-in.


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help with Certificates

2001-12-21 Thread lucmartineau

Hello Everyone
I need to create the key for my secure server
I am just starting out with SSL so do not want to pay verisign yet later
yes but now right now
I am reading a decent webpage that tells you how to do it but there is a
few paragraphs that I dont understand
Here is the website.

**begin paste*
How can I create and use my own Certificate Authority (CA)?[L] 
The short answer is to use the or script provided by OpenSSL. 
The long and manual answer is this: 

Create a RSA private key for your CA (will be Triple-DES encrypted and
PEM formatted): 
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 1024 

Please backup this ca.key file and remember the pass-phrase you currently 
entered at a secure location. You can see the details of this RSA private 
key via the command 

$ openssl rsa -noout -text -in ca.key 

And you can create a decrypted PEM version (not recommended) of this
private key via: 

$ openssl rsa -in ca.key -out ca.key.unsecure 

Create a self-signed CA Certificate (X509 structure) with the RSA key of
the CA (output will be PEM formatted): 
$ openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt 

You can see the details of this Certificate via the command: 

$ openssl x509 -noout -text -in ca.crt 

Prepare a script for signing which is needed because the ``openssl ca''
command has some strange requirements and the default OpenSSL config
doesn't allow one easily to use ``openssl ca'' directly. So a script
named is distributed with the mod_ssl distribution (subdir
pkg.contrib/). Use this script for signing. 

Now you can use this CA to sign server CSR's in order to create real SSL
Certificates for use inside an Apache webserver (assuming you already
have a server.csr at hand): 
$ ./ server.csr 

This signs the server CSR and results in a server.crt file. 
*end paste*

I dont understand what they meen about  preparing a script for signing.

can someone help me created my first certificates

thank you so much.


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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OpenSSL I/O error causing "Page cannot be displayed" in browser

2001-12-21 Thread Robin P. Blanchard

Here is the combination that did the trick for us:

SSLSessionCache shmcb:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_scache(1024000)
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  600
SetEnvIf ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0

Aaron Gee wrote:
> We tried that also. Below is a short list of the combinations and variations
> we have tried
> Notice some lines from the conf file do the same as others,  just trying all
> possibilities
> the comments (#) in front are my addition. I have tried almost every
> iteration of the following
> to get SOMETHING to work.
> Tried all of the following.
> #SSLProtocol SSLv2
> #SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
> #SSLProtocol all
> #SSLCipherSuite
> Tried both of these:
> #SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
> #SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
> downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
> Also tried these in various combinations with above:
> #SSLSessionCachenone
> #SSLSessionCacheshmht:logs/ssl_scache(512000)
> #SSLSessionCacheshmcb:logs/ssl_scache(512000)
> #SSLSessionCache shm:logs/ssl_scache(512000)
> #SSLSessionCacheshmht:logs/ssl_scache
> #SSLSessionCacheshmcb:logs/ssl_scache
> #SSLSessionCache shm:logs/ssl_scache
> #SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
> #SSLMutex  file:logs/ssl_mutex
> AG
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Bryan Field-Elliot
> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 12:57
> Subject: RE: OpenSSL I/O error causing "Page cannot be displayed" in browser
> Sorry you already gave up, but I believe the lines below should fix your
> problem (in addition to the SetEnvIf line you already added):
> SSLSessionCache dbm:/var/ssl_cache
> SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
> (change the path in the first line to one which makes sense on your server)
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Robin P. Blanchard
IT Program Specialist
Georgia Center for Continuing Ed.
fon: 706.542.2404 fax: 706.542.6546

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help with Certificates

2001-12-21 Thread Owen Boyle

> Hello Everyone
> I need to create the key for my secure server
> I am just starting out with SSL so do not want to pay verisign yet later
> yes but now right now

> $ ./ server.csr
> This signs the server CSR and results in a server.crt file.
> *end paste*
> I dont understand what they meen about  preparing a script for signing.

Just use the script you've been given ( Follow each step in the
instructions just as it is written. The main steps are:

- make a Certificate Authority (CA) key and certificate (this allows you
to pretend you are Verisign).

- make a website key for your site.

- make a website Certificate Signing Request for your website (this is
the thing you would send to Verisign and which turns into a

- sign the CSR using the CA cert -> outputs a certificate.

You need a key and a certificate for your site to work.


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

cypher suit error message

2001-12-21 Thread Luc Martineau

hello all
I am getting this error when I do a apachectl 
SSLCipherSuite takes one argument, Colon-delimited 
list of permitted SSL Ciphers (`XXX:...:XXX' - see 
manual)/usr/sbin/apachectl startssl: httpd could not be started
what does this meen?
can someone give me a example cipher 

RE: make certificate

2001-12-21 Thread Hong Tian


I created my own CA for signing certificate, not by a commercial CA like
Verisign. Now I try to make certificate again by "openssl" command on
and still have PRNG problem:

# openssl genrsa 0des3 -out ca.ket 1024
...PRNG not seeded...

I try to resolve it by looking at

(Thanks Samir Hatri), but still not clear about the solution. How to set up
SSLRandomSeed directives and create a $HOME/.rnd file?


-Original Message-
From: Owen Boyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 3:30 AM
Subject: Re: make certificate

> Hi,
> I have installed "make certificate TYPE=custom" during the build of
> mod_ssl-2.8.5-1.3.22 with Apache successfully as the followings:
> # cd ../apache_1.3.22
> # ./config ... --enable-module=ssl
> # make
> # make certificate TYPE=custom
> ...
> After I installed mod_ssl certificate, is there any quick methods to
> change some information of Common Name, Email Address, and Certificate
> Validity days of certificate again?
> Should I change the whole certificate again after making certificate
> if only some items of certificate need to be changed?

Think about it. If you could edit a certificate after it had been
issued, you could change its identity. So you could get a cert from
Verisign for your own site, set up a fake site, then edit
your certificate to pretend it was for Or you could extend
your certificate's life after it had expired (Verisign would love

You cannot edit a certificate it has been signed, it is a one-way
encryption. The only way is to make a new certificate.


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: invalid request question

2001-12-21 Thread Owen Boyle

Hernan Salvarezza wrote:
>Part 1.1Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

Please post in plain-text, I can't quote your message...

If http://localhost:443 works, serving plain HTTP, and https://localhost
doesn't work, producing "invalid method" then you must have accidentally
created a plain HTTP VirtualHost on port 443.

You need to have "SSLEngine on" inside the SSL VH. Do you?


Owen Boyle
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL I/O error causing "Page cannot be displayed" in browser

2001-12-21 Thread Jason

I am using a RedHat 7.2 with
Server Version: Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) PHP/4.0.6 
mod_perl/1.26 mod_ssl/2.8.5 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
For at least a year we have been getting complaints 
about people getting "Page cannot be displayed" when using IE.  We have 
tried disabling certain ciphers, and disabling keep alive to no 
I have read MANY openssl, modssl and apache 
suggestions on how to prevent this problem and none have worked.
When I turn on trace for the cipher engine I 
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [info] Connection to child 6 
established (server, client
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [info] Seeding PRNG with 2184 
bytes of entropy
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Handshake: 
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Loop: 
before/accept initialization
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [debug] OpenSSL: read 11/11 bytes 
from BIO#092E12D8 [mem: 09A1F068] (BIO dump follows)
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [debug] OpenSSL: read 43/43 bytes 
from BIO#092E12D8 [mem: 09A1F073] (BIO dump follows)
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 read 
client hello A
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 
write server hello A
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 
write certificate A
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 
write server done A
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [debug] OpenSSL: write 712/712 
bytes to BIO#092E12D8 [mem: 099E78B0] (BIO dump follows)
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 
flush data
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [debug] OpenSSL: I/O error, 5 
bytes expected to read on BIO#092E12D8 [mem: 09A1F068]
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Exit: error in 
SSLv3 read client certificate A
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [trace] OpenSSL: Exit: error in 
SSLv3 read client certificate A
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [error] SSL handshake interrupted 
by system [Hint: Stop button pressed in browser?!] (System error 
[17/Dec/2001 15:33:08 11905] [error] System: Connection reset 
by peer (errno: 104)
I have notice that it always fails in the 
same place with either a
5 bytes expected to read 
2 bytes expected to read
This seems to be a somewhat sporadic event... if 
the person presses reload repeatedly, the page will eventually display.  
However, obviously not all users will press reload until it 
Any ideas on how to correct this problem would be 
appreciated... I have seen it in both SSLv2 and SSLv3 connections.
And, if needed I can get a complete debug dump of a 
Thanks in advance.

Re: problem while giving url HTTPS

2001-12-21 Thread andrew reid

Try useing
as the url instead of just https://localhost

At 02:29 PM 12/21/2001 +0100, you wrote:
Bineet Suri wrote:
> hello
> myself is bineet and i am developer in osprey software
> technology in india actually just recently i have
> configured apache v 1.3.22 with mod+ssl and my lynx
> browser is 2.8.4 i am able to test through
> http://localhost but when i give https://localhost so
> it giving me "This client does not contain support for
> https urls" 
Hi Bineet,
The problem is in your browser (lynx). The message is very clear: "This
client does not contain support for https urls" - it means lynx does not
know how to make an HTTPS request (as opposed to an HTTP request).
The HTTPS protocol is quite different from HTTP - you need a browser
which can support it. I don't know much about lynx, maybe you can get a
module or something to extend its functionality. If not, why not try
Opera or Netscape which have SSL support built-in.
Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Installing a certificate

2001-12-21 Thread andrew reid

Hi group i made a certificate with the script and need some info in 
how to install it . Any ideas anyone?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: make certificate

2001-12-21 Thread Owen Boyle

Hong Tian wrote:
> Owen,
> I created my own CA for signing certificate, not by a commercial CA like
> Verisign. Now I try to make certificate again by "openssl" command on
> Solaris
> and still have PRNG problem:
> # openssl genrsa 0des3 -out ca.ket 1024
> ...PRNG not seeded...

1) Make a random data file and set it up as $RANDFILE

# cd /usr/local/apache/ssl/certs
# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/apache/bin
# export PATH
# cp /var/cron/olog temp
# gzip temp
# mv temp.gz random_data
# RANDFILE=/usr/local/apache/ssl/certs/random_data
# export RANDFILE
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Robin P.Blanchard OpenSSL I/O error causing "Page cannot be displayed" in browser

2001-12-21 Thread Jason

Your SetEnvIf directive is not functioning
it reads
SetEnvIf ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0
it should be
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0

- Original Message - 
From: "Robin P. Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: OpenSSL I/O error causing "Page cannot be displayed" in browser

> Here is the combination that did the trick for us:
> SSLSessionCache shmcb:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_scache(1024000)
> SSLSessionCacheTimeout  600
> SSLCipherSuite 
> SetEnvIf ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0
> force-response-1.0
> Aaron Gee wrote:
> > 
> > We tried that also. Below is a short list of the combinations and variations
> > we have tried
> > Notice some lines from the conf file do the same as others,  just trying all
> > possibilities
> > the comments (#) in front are my addition. I have tried almost every
> > iteration of the following
> > to get SOMETHING to work.
> > 
> > Tried all of the following.
> > 
> > #SSLProtocol SSLv2
> > #SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
> > #SSLProtocol all
> > #SSLCipherSuite
> > 
> > Tried both of these:
> > 
> > #SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
> > #SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
> > downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
> > 
> > Also tried these in various combinations with above:
> > 
> > #SSLSessionCachenone
> > #SSLSessionCacheshmht:logs/ssl_scache(512000)
> > #SSLSessionCacheshmcb:logs/ssl_scache(512000)
> > #SSLSessionCache shm:logs/ssl_scache(512000)
> > #SSLSessionCacheshmht:logs/ssl_scache
> > #SSLSessionCacheshmcb:logs/ssl_scache
> > #SSLSessionCache shm:logs/ssl_scache
> > #SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
> > #SSLMutex  file:logs/ssl_mutex
> > 
> > AG
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > Behalf Of Bryan Field-Elliot
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 12:57
> > Subject: RE: OpenSSL I/O error causing "Page cannot be displayed" in browser
> > 
> > Sorry you already gave up, but I believe the lines below should fix your
> > problem (in addition to the SetEnvIf line you already added):
> > 
> > SSLSessionCache dbm:/var/ssl_cache
> > SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
> > 
> > (change the path in the first line to one which makes sense on your server)
> > 
> > __
> > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> > User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Robin P. Blanchard
> IT Program Specialist
> Georgia Center for Continuing Ed.
> fon: 706.542.2404 fax: 706.542.6546
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using more then one CERT on a server?

2001-12-21 Thread Admin/Manager


  How can i setup more then one cert on a apache web server?

thank you.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: loading private key? urgent...please help!

2001-12-21 Thread Mike K

I got this fixed by re-installing OpenSSL from ports, then apache-modssl
from ports.  I also re-generated the keys/csr's and purchased new
certificates from (geotrust's quickssl $99).


- Original Message -
From: "David Orman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: loading private key? urgent...please help!

> I'm having the same trouble, same versions of the daemons/openssl/modssl,
> I'm using FreeBSD ports collection to install apache/modssl, openssl comes
> as part of the FreeBSD install. My FreeBSD install is sync'd with the -
> STABLE source as of yesterday, and apache was rebuilt as such. The port
> i'm using is "apache13-modssl". Ports collection sync'd as of today. Exact
> same error as you, creating my certs using the methods both the port
> offers and from various FAQ sites. I don't  have any commercial certs to
> test with. I have no clue on a solution, and web searches have turned up
> nothing. Just wanted to post so people (and you) knew it was not just a
> problem that you experienced, I am also experiencing it as well.
> Cheers.
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]