Re: What hurts you the most in Perl?

2010-11-30 Thread Chris Dolan

On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Bill Ward wrote:

What hurts me is that Perl has fallen out of favor so much ... I'm  
contemplating jumping ship myself, and moving to Ruby or Python, not  
because of anything intrinsic to the language but just because Perl  
is going the way of Cobol or Fortran.

In the early stages of my last big Perl project, a sysadmin happened  
to mention to the non-technical project lead that Perl is a dead  
language.  While that clearly was (and is) a falsehood, it nearly  
killed the project.  To me, the mere *perception* that Perl is a  
troubled platform hurts the most.

The funny thing, though, is that I've never worked in a language that  
hasn't been maligned by my peers or customers at some point.  Perl, C,  
C++, csh, Java, Actionscript, Python, Lisp, PHP, VB, Javascript, etc  
-- it always seems like there's someone in a position of authority who  
wants to trash-talk the technology.  Why is that?


Re: What hurts you the most in Perl?

2010-11-26 Thread Chris Dolan

On Nov 26, 2010, at 5:24 AM, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 04:54:31PM +0100, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni  
In terms of Perl itself, apart from the reference syntax, the thing  
really annoyed me recently was the lack of advanced debug tools,  
for example
to find memory leaks. None of the tools I found or was pointed to  

in my case.

Have you tried either


I like this one for finding design flaws in complicated data structures:


Re: Why are you releasing modules to CPAN?

2010-05-30 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 30, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

* On Thu, May 27 2010, Gabor Szabo wrote:
This whole thing makes me wonder, why do *you* really contribute to  

So that people other-than-me can fix my apps before I even know  


The real question is "why do you fix other people's code?"

Because if it's open source, then it's my code too.


Re: Why are you releasing modules to CPAN?

2010-05-27 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 27, 2010, at 6:33 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:

So why do *you* contribute to CPAN?

Cynical reason: Because otherwise code I write stays locked up in my  
employer's intellectual property.  Convincing them to release it as  
open source is easier than convincing them to let me continue to use  
it in my next job.  Especially if said employer goes out of business.

ROI reason: For the bug reports and patches -- the free labor nearly  
balances my additional support workload, and makes the code better.

Karma reason: Payback for other people's open source code that I use.


Re: how to set $VERSION throughout distribution

2009-09-13 Thread Chris Dolan

On Sep 13, 2009, at 7:36 AM, Shawn H Corey wrote:

Jonas Brømsø Nielsen wrote:

   dist_name => 'Workflow',
   dist_version_from => 'lib/',

I would be tempted to:

 dist_version_from => 'lib/Workflow/',


I thought about that too and rejected it as unnecessary complexity.   
You still need a $VERSION in anyway or else Workflow- 
>VERSION() doesn't work right, so why not just put the version in in the first place.


Re: how to set $VERSION throughout distribution

2009-09-11 Thread Chris Dolan

On Sep 11, 2009, at 8:08 PM, Jonathan Swartz wrote:

What's a good policy for setting $VERSION in the non-"main" modules  
of a distribution?

e.g. I've got Server-Control-0.08, and Server::Control contains

   our $VERSION = '0.08';

but none of the other modules in the distribution (e.g.  
Server::Control::Apache) contain a $VERSION. I can see at least  
three possibilities:

1) Don't bother putting $VERSION anywhere except the main module
2) Put a different $VERSION in each module, depending on when that  
module itself changes
3) Put the same $VERSION in each module, matching the distribution  
and the main module

1 clearly wins for laziness - is there a reason to do more? If so,  
pros/cons to 2 vs 3?


I always choose #3.

If you don't put a $VERSION in a sub-module, then it's hard for an  
arbitrary user to tell if he has a corrupt installation with mixed  
versions.  Consider the case where you rename Server::Control::Apache  
to Server::Control::Plugin::Apache between version 0.08 and 0.09.   
Then a user who sees Server/Control/ with $VERSION = 0.08  
knows that that is an obsolete file in contrast to Server/  
with $VERSION = 0.09.

With automated build tools (e.g. "perl -i -pe's/\$VERSION = 0.08/\ 
$VERSION = 0.09/' lib/{,*/,*/*/}*.pm") it's trivial to update the  
version number of the whole group of modules at once.  The biggest con  
is churn -- even if you don't change any of the code Server/Control/, you still must commit another SVN/Git/etc version of it  
just because the version number changed.  That makes it harder to read  
the version control logs.  The best practice to mitigate this is make  
the version number change be a single commit with no other changes.   
That way, the version change doesn't bury small code changes.  This  
churn also adds a little noise to the diff tool on


Re: question concerning module architecture

2009-08-09 Thread Chris Dolan

On Aug 9, 2009, at 3:03 PM, Geoffrey Leach wrote:

Is here any way for a module to
discover the package that requires it?

You can invoke caller() within Getopts::Auto::import


Re: Structured Changelog?

2009-06-28 Thread Chris Dolan


I participated in a previous thread on this topic, but I couldn't find  
it (maybe it was blog comments?)  From memory, I think we concluded  
that, no, there was no formal spec and that it would be too painful to  
build one broad enough for everyone's taste.  So, we dropped the  
idea.  My own ad-hoc syntax looks like this example:

In retrospect, I may have gotten a little carried away with too much  
detail...  For my own syntax, I wrote an author unit test that checks  
that all versions have a summary and a release date.  I never got  
around to writing the test that ensured the .pm's current version  
number had an entry in the changelog.


On Jun 27, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Joshua ben Jore wrote:

Last year I started seeing change logs in perl modules that looked
more YAMLish. Is there any spec out there on this? I'm currently just
copying input from `git log --pretty=oneline' into my Changes file and
as of this moment, including the git repo URL.

Is there any external standard or pattern I can conform to?

Revision history for Perl extension App::Perldoc::Search at

0.02  Sat Jun 27 08:33:00 2009
304a4464b38b71f10f34c8866da7e3bab1369d3e Clean up dependency list

0.01  Fri Jun 26 01:10:54 2009
9e60c318ebd5543bb342725f7f4834b2502e65f5 Add META.yml
c69869d09c07115b04120ce0d294011940d76321 0.01


Re: Module::Build + documenation woes

2009-06-13 Thread Chris Dolan
I believe you missed the point of Paul's joke.  He was quoting advice  
from ExtUtils::MakeMaker that many of us consider antiquated:


On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:41 AM, Jonathan Yu wrote:

I have *never* used h2xs to start a module, though I have copied the
basic scripts/structure/etc that other packages have (which likely
began with h2xs at one point or another)...

I prefer doing it on my own by hand, though I guess that's not an
option for people new to Perl packaging

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 04:12:32PM -0700, Bill Ward wrote:

If you really want people to adopt Module::Build, change the h2xs  
script so
it generates something like the above... (kidding - does anyone  
still use

h2xs to start a non-xs module?)

   Always begin with h2xs.
   Always begin with h2xs!

Paul Johnson -

Re: Help needed testing security of login module

2009-05-20 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 20, 2009, at 4:24 PM, Bill Ward wrote:

Over the years I've developed my own private Perl web login module.   
It takes a username or email address and password, checks it against  
the database, and creates the cookies.  It has a 'forgot my  
password' option which is reasonably secure (of course it assumes  
that the email address of record is secure, but that's  
unavoidable).  It uses MD5 to store passwords so there's no  
plaintext option, and I think it's "secure enough" for most Web  
apps.  I wrote the initial code many years ago and have been  
tweaking it and adapting it but never released it as its own module,  
which I'd like to finally get around to doing.

But I'm afraid I may have "missed a spot" security-wise and would  
like someone who's a little more of an expert in that area to see if  
they can find any holes in its design or implementation that would  
be unacceptable.

Any takers?

I highly, highly recommend reading this article in detail:
Some good takeaway lines are:

   "No, really. Use someone else’s password system. Don’t build your  

   "The problem is that MD5 is fast."

The post is in response to a security hole article on the popular  
"Coding Horror" blog (by Jeff Atwood of StackOverflow fame).

   "Rainbow Hash Cracking"
   "You're Probably Storing Passwords Incorrectly"
   "I Just Logged In As You: How It Happened"


Re: New Module

2009-05-03 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 3, 2009, at 6:54 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

* Jonathan Rockway  [2009-05-03 08:00]:

This is why Perl people should blog more.

Agreed, that helps up to a point. But you can’t natter on about
*every* module at the same level of noise.

I vehemently agree.  At the risk of derailing this thread, I'll  
digress to say the Iron Man blogging competition has actually made me  
read fewer posts -- my initial impression was that the quality of a  
post was lower if it mentioned Iron Man in the first sentence.

If you blog because you are inspired to say something important to the  
community, then I want to read it.  If you blog every time you release  
a module, or just because mst told you to, then you are just lowering  
the signal-to-noise ratio.

High S/N means optimizing quality/quantity.  Jonathan's simply-stated  
opinion pushes to increase the denominator, which may help increase  
the visibility of the community but hurts inside the community.


Re: Module for detecting is a method is overridden

2009-03-09 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Ovid wrote:

I want to write a module which allows me to quickly detect if a  
method is overriding a parent class method (I already know about the  
method cache invalidation problem).

Potential uses would be for something like this:

   use Attribute::Override;

   use parent 'Some::Class';

   sub foo :override{...} # fails if it doesn't override
   sub bar {...} # fails if it does override


   # needs to
   use Method::Override;
   Method::Override::overriden(qw/foo/);   # must be done after  

That can solve nasty problems where the developer accidentally  
overrides a parent method but doesn't realize it.  Still trying to  
figure out a "good" interface, otherwise it will never get used  
(unless it's built in to the language, I suspect it will never get  
used anyway, but what the heck :)


In Java, it's

   public void foo() { ... }

which is very close to what you've suggested with :override.  It is  
indeed quite useful because it checks both method name and signature.   
But for backward compatibility, it does not fail if it doesn't  
override, so there are third-party static analyzers (e.g. FindBugs)  
which take on that chore if you mark a superclass method as  
@MustOverride or something like that.  That's sometimes done for  
clone() or the like.



2009-02-21 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 21, 2009, at 2:10 AM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

Is there a critic metric for that?

There are several designed to protect internals.  Here are the ones  
among the Perl::Critic core policies:



RE: ARGH! (was FW: Perl Critic and (honest) hash references)

2009-02-18 Thread Chris Dolan
> Honestly I just left the default perlcritic test script in my package as
> generated by Module::Starter. This was the first time I had done so, and I
> really had no idea about Perl::Critic until last night when my module
> failed
> "smoke" testing after upload to CPAN. From the test script I am guessing
> that I cannot alter the verbosity setting (running on someone else's
> automated server).

Score one for the good guys: annoying our users into writing better code. 


Readonly::XS failure under 5.10

2009-02-07 Thread Chris Dolan


There's an utterly trivial error in Readonly::XS that prevents it  
from compiling under 5.10.  There have been three RT reports about  
this problem since Oct 2007.  The fix is incredibly simple: just put  
parentheses around the argument to Cart::croak.

Will you please fix this bug, or will you grant someone else co- 
maintainership?  Readonly::XS is much too important to let it stagnate.


Re: Module for base 85 encoding

2008-11-24 Thread Chris Dolan
> Yes. RFC 1924 specifies a way to convert an IPv6 address to ASCII, by
> treating it as 128 bit integer, writing the number in base 85, then
> expressing
> each base 85 digit as an ASCII character
> btoa and PDFs break up a stream of bytes into ASCII by treating it as 32
> bit
> integers (4 bytes become 5 ASCII characters), and (in the case of PDFs)
> then
> representing last odd 1 to 3 bytes as 2 to 4 ASCII characters. They also
> use
> a different subset of printable ASCII from RFC 1924
> Nicholas Clark

Given that, I second RJBS' suggestion of String::Base85 (or perhaps
String::Ascii85 for better searchability)

Re: Module for base 85 encoding

2008-11-24 Thread Chris Dolan
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:42:07AM -0600, Chris Dolan wrote:
>> I don't have a good name recommendation, but I do know there is a
>> PDF-specific implementation within this CPAN module:
>> I use that filter within my own CAM::PDF module.
> I infer that you only use it for input, because as best I can tell, the
> output
> filter does not work:
> Nicholas Clark

Hah, thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't noticed. You're right, I think
I've only used it for reading. It's not a commonly used feature in PDF
anyway since gzip is an obviously better filter.

Re: Module for base 85 encoding

2008-11-24 Thread Chris Dolan
> I've written a module that implements the base 85 encoding used by the old
> btoa program, and by PDFs as their Ascii85 encoding*
> I'm not sure what to call it. It's functionally equivalent interface to
> MIME::Base64, but this isn't a MIME standard, so that's not the correct
> top
> level to live under. It is, arguably, an encoding module, but it isn't the
> interface of Encode, which is what modules under the Encode top level
> provide.
> So I'm not sure what to call it.
> Nicholas Clark
> *

I don't have a good name recommendation, but I do know there is a
PDF-specific implementation within this CPAN module:
I use that filter within my own CAM::PDF module.

Re: The value of threads

2008-11-02 Thread Chris Dolan

On Nov 1, 2008, at 7:31 PM, Dr.Ruud wrote:


Wow, I was unaware of that module.  My primary problem with forking  
in applications is the programming overhead of joining and sharing.   
This implementation seems to hide a lot of that complexity.  The  
reuse of the threads API is an added bonus.


The value of threads (was Re: META.yml how to declare the need for threaded perl?)

2008-11-01 Thread Chris Dolan

On Nov 1, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Dr.Ruud wrote:

Gabor Szabo schreef:

I guess we can implement everything with fork but I think -
maybe because of my lack of experience in threads - that it will
be better to use them than to fork.

I think it was Randal Schwartz who said something like: If the answer
involves threads, then the question was wrong.

Most likely that quote comes from a year when multi-processor systems  
were not ubiquitous.

Every UI framework I've ever used was indeed written with a single- 
threaded event loop, but even in an editor it sure is handy to have  
background threads to do asynchronous work (syntax checking,  
rebuilding call graphs, Perl::Critic, etc) without having to  
explicitly chunk the work or coordinate multiple processes.


Re: META.yml how to declare the need for threaded perl?

2008-11-01 Thread Chris Dolan

On Nov 1, 2008, at 4:14 AM, Nicholas Clark wrote:

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 06:16:01PM -0500, Chris Dolan wrote:

Just add a dependency on thread::shared or one of the other threading
libraries.  Push your problem up the chain!

No, not threads::shared

$ /home/nclark/Sandpit/588ish/bin/perl -Mthreads::shared -e0

threads looks a better idea:

$ /home/nclark/Sandpit/588ish/bin/perl -Mthreads -e0
This Perl not built to support threads
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

Nicholas Clark

Aha, thank you for correcting me.

Re: META.yml how to declare the need for threaded perl?

2008-10-31 Thread Chris Dolan
Just add a dependency on thread::shared or one of the other threading  
libraries.  Push your problem up the chain!


On Oct 31, 2008, at 7:31 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:


currently I have this code in Build.PL to check if the perl where  

is being installed is threaded.

use Config;
if (not $Config{usethreads}) {
warn "Padre requires a perl built using threads\n";
exit 0;

Is there any way to add this requirement to META.yml?


Re: Integrating license related things of CPAN

2008-10-26 Thread Chris Dolan

On Oct 26, 2008, at 10:24 PM, Bill Ward wrote:

The problem is people may add it to META.yml but not remove it from  
the POD.  For one thing, it would be nice to be able to see what  
the license is when viewing the POD.  Once the module is installed  
META.yml is no longer present, and there's no way for someone using  
the module to determine the license from perldoc/man.

Also, some modules may include a separate LICENSE or COPYRIGHT file  
in the tarball.

(joining this discussion late...)

Isn't that just an authoring problem that already exists today?  The  
LICENSE file is not kept after installation either.  This is a human  
problem, so I think a human solution is appropriate, like a  
Perl::Critic policy or a Kwalitee rule or a distcheck action to  
ensure the META.yml matches the POD copyright.  The definition of  
"matches" is the hard part...

Getting co-maint for new modules in a package

2008-10-11 Thread Chris Dolan

The Perl::Critic team has a small but persistent problem with PAUSE.

We frequently add new policy modules to the distro.  When we do so,  
the person who does the release gets ownership of that namespace.  We  
have three co-maintainers who do releases, so reminding each other to  
grant co-maint on the new modules is becoming an unwelcome ritual  
before handing off the release baton.

Is there an easy solution to getting co-maint on all modules in a  
distro?  Is it just something we need to remember to do, or is there  
an automatic solution somewhere?


Re: Module::Install is a time bomb

2008-09-30 Thread Chris Dolan

On Sep 30, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Gabor Szabo wrote:

Excuse me?
and you kept this information to yourself all those years?

BTW Could I somehow install all the dependencies of a module but not
the module itself?

Yes, that's what the earlier "test ." recommendation meant.   
Personally, to get deps of darkpan code I usually do "cpan ." and  
then Ctrl-C when I hit the tests in ./t.  Sloppy, but effective.


Re: Must exist, right?

2008-06-18 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jun 18, 2008, at 6:35 PM, Andy Armstrong wrote:

I assume there's a module that works like this?


It's got to exist, right? I had a look but there are so many ^ 
(?:Object|Data)::.* modules that it's a bit hard to see the wood  
for the trees :)

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

Implemented!  See the attached .pm file and the file that  
verifies the four snipped use cases.  It could certainly be made more  
readable, but my interest is waning quickly.  :-)  I hereby grant  
anyone permission to use/extend this crappy code under the same  
license terms as Perl itself.


package MyFoo;

use Data::Auto::Objectify::Thing qw( my_data_field );

sub new {
   bless {
  my_data_field => {
 foo => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
 bar => { eat => 'drink', sleep => 'wake' },
 grid => [
[1,2,3,4,5,6], [7,8,9,10,11,12],
[13,14,15,16,17,18], [19,20,21,22,23,24],

package main;
use Test::More tests => 4;

my $my_foo = MyFoo->new;

is($my_foo->foo( 1 ), 2);
is($my_foo->bar->eat, 'drink');
is($my_foo->bar('eat'), 'drink');
is($my_foo->grid(3, 5), 24);

package Data::Auto::Objectify::Thing;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;

sub import {
   my ($pkg, $fieldname) = @_;
   my $caller_pkg = caller(0);
   no strict 'refs';
   *{$caller_pkg . '::AUTOLOAD'} = sub {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;
  my $autoload = do {
 no strict 'vars';
  return if $autoload =~ /::DESTROY$/;
  my ($fn) = $autoload =~ m/([^:]+)\z/xms;
  if (defined $fieldname) {
 $self = $self->{$fieldname};
  if (!exists $self->{$fn}) {
 croak 'No such field ' . $fn;
  my $field = $self->{$fn};
  if (!ref $field) {
 return $field;
  if ('ARRAY' eq ref $field) {
 $field = $field->[$_] for @args;
 return $field;
  my $obj = bless {xyzzy => $field}, 'Data::Auto::Objectify::Thing::anon';
  $obj = $obj->$_() for @args;
  return $obj;

package Data::Auto::Objectify::Thing::anon;

Re: Naming help - XML "plist" (Apple/Mac/iTunes)

2008-06-13 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jun 13, 2008, at 6:48 PM, Bill Ward wrote:

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 4:35 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis  

Note that plists can also be stored in a binary format; would you
want to support that also? If so, how about Parse::ApplePlist?

I don't know anything about the binary format but its existence
does argue against the XML prefix for sure.

On a Mac, you can use "plutil -convert xml1 -o out.xml in.xml" and  
"plutil -convert binary1 -o out.xml in.xml" to switch back and  
forth.  You can also use the -lint option to validate your data files.

I *think* the binary format was introduced in 10.4, but maybe it was  


Re: Licenses of CPAN modules

2008-06-06 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jun 6, 2008, at 4:58 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

* Barbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-06 11:35]:

(Spec 1.4) [required] {map} The license(s) under which this
distribution may be used and redistributed, using a YAML
mapping to describe the version and the file or url containing
the full text of the license. For a full list of acknowledged
licenses please see the Software::License distribution -


(Spec 1.4) [required] Explicit version number of the license
under which the distribution is being distributed.

I disagree with this. Version numbers on licences are just a
naming sleight of hand. GPLv3 differs drastically from GPLv2,
and while Artistic 2.0 is the spiritual successor to the Artistic
Licence, in legal terms at least it is a completely new beast.

The “version number” is part of the name. There is no GPL; there
are GPL1, GPL2 and GPL3, and you must specify which you mean. In
case of the Artistic Licence, there is no 1.0 version as it was
never called Artistic 1.0 prior to the work on Artistic 2.0.

Using a version number in the name is purely a marketing device.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Agreed.  "GPLv2 or later" is a common license which is not  
represented by the version number.  We really don't want the full  
Module::Build version syntax:

  - GPL:
version: '>=2, !=3'


Seriously, though, I like the idea of pointing at a file and an URL.   
I would switch the URL to, though, since it's easier  
to imagine that staying up-to-date (no offense, RJBS).  And I would  
use the file as the key since it's more definitive than the human- 
readable name. Or perhaps the URL should be the key?

  - 'Artistic.txt':
title: 'Artistic License v1'
url: ''
  - 'COPYING':
title: 'GPL v3'
url: ''


Re: How to challenge a cpan-testers test result?

2008-05-26 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 26, 2008, at 6:43 PM, Eric Roode wrote:

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Burak Gürsoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


It looks like you're suffering from a feature of MakeMaker. Add  
this to your

Makefile.PL options (WriteMakefile):

  PL_FILES => {},

so that your Build.PL will not be identified as some executable  

Hey, that's a great tip.  Thanks, Burak.
-- Eric

I highly recommend that you consider using the "create_makefile_pl =>  
'traditional'" option which takes care of these annoying little  
details for you automatically.

If you had done a web search for the error "Too early to specify a  
build action 'Build'" you would have seen that others have made this  
same error in their Makefile.PL files.  The first Google result, for  
example, has the solution:

Perhaps someone should file a bug against MakeMaker and/or  
Module::Build to emit a more useful error in this case?  Or make  
Build.PL be an explicit exception to MakeMaker's rules?  That won't  
help older installations, but it will make the future a happier place.


Re: Reporting CPAN Index Problem

2008-04-16 Thread Chris Dolan

On Apr 16, 2008, at 3:50 PM, imacat wrote:

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:00:05 +0200
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig) wrote:

It is a little known fact how decimal numbers convert to version
strings in perl. Frankly, I do not even know where it is documented.
% perl  -le 'use version;print version->new("0.3") <=> version->new 

This means that 0.3 is higher than 0.3.1. To beat 0.3 with a versions

I see.  I have filed an RT request (#35130) to Lingua-Features to
suggest a better version text naming.  But I think that it would be
great if 0.3.1 can be higher than 0.3, since that is natural to human
reading, and is the current practice of many open source projects.

I agree with that request in principle, but in reality it's too  
late.  Reversing the ordering would break hundreds of other CPAN  
modules, not to mention perl itself.  The easy way to remember it is  
that a second dot in a number triggers the elements of the version  
number to be split specially

  0.3   == 0.30
  0.3.1 == 0.003001
  0.3.0 == 0.003000

And of course:

  perl 5.5.0  == 5.005
  perl 5.6.0  == 5.006
  perl 5.6.1  == 5.006001
  perl 5.10.0 == 5.010

Looking at the right hand side, the ordering becomes obvious.  So,  
the common recommendation is to be 100% consistent with your version  
numbers.  Either always use two dots or always use one dot or always  
use strings.


P.S. What does Perl 6 do?

Re: publish/subcribe model via network

2008-04-11 Thread Chris Dolan

On Apr 11, 2008, at 9:23 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

I would like the "publish" clients to connect to a server, then  
their message and disconnect.  (Optionally, they can stay connected  

publish more messages.)

The "subscribe" clients would hold persistent connections to the  

(there are only 2 subscribers, though there could be more) and receive
the messages immediately after publication.


To put that in some rough but short code:

  my $fh;
  while(my $client = $socket->accept()) {
my $pid = open($fh, '|-') and next;
if(pub) {
  while(<$client>) { print $fh $_ }
else {
  while(<>) { relay_to_subscriber($client) }

I implemented something vaguely like this in a single threaded manner  
a couple of years back.  My implementation looked something like this:

while (1) {
  my $msg;
  my $client = $socket->accept;
  if (!$client) { # time out, send a keepalive to listeners
$msg = $self->make_keepalive_msg();
  } else {
my $response = $self->handle($c);
if ($response->is_new_listener) {
} elsif ($response->should_send_to_listeners) {
   $msg = $response->make_msg();
  if ($msg) {
for my $client ($self->get_listeners) {
  if (!$client->connected) {
$socket->timeout(undef) if ! @listeners;
  } else {
print {$client} $msg;

My real implementation did a lot more error handling, of course, and  
spoke SOAP but still netted under 200 lines.  Perhaps a difference  
between your problem and mine is that my messages were always short  
and my accepting server was allowed to be single threaded (very low  
traffic), so looping over the listeners in the main accept loop was  

Mine had to work on Windows, so I did as little forking as possible.


Re: Date::Piece -- Happy New Year

2008-01-03 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jan 3, 2008, at 4:48 PM, Johan Vromans wrote:

Eric Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 The caveat may apply if today is any day >= 28 -- if we run
out of days in the destination month, we stop at the end.

I'd say that January 30 + 1 month should be March 1, not February 29.

-- Johan

The Java world is considering the same question.  The current release  
has java.util.Calendar which does as you suggest, and it's a  
horrible, widely-despised solution.  The proposed change for Java 7  
is based on the library which takes an interesting  
approach: distinguish between adding a Duration and a Period.  What  
you describe would be adding Period.month(1).  Joda considers the  
difference between two DateTime instances to be a Duration.


Re: [Request] File::Wordlist

2007-12-11 Thread Chris Dolan

On Dec 11, 2007, at 3:55 PM, David Landgren wrote:

Chris Dolan wrote:

Dear really-really-lazyweb,
Would someone please create a CPAN module that finds a wordlist on  
the local computer in a cross-platform friendly manner, a la  
File::HomeDir?  For typical unix systems, that would be:

  sub find_wordlist {
  return '/usr/share/dict/words';
But it could be smarter and look for, say, /usr/share/dict/ 
scrabble-english first.  For Windows, maybe it would look for MS  
Office or OpenOffice files first.

Lucky I wasn't drinking anything when I read this part, otherwise I  
would have snorted stuff all over the keyboard. Like, as if an MS  
Office dictionary is going to be remotely parseable by anything  
outside itself.

Oh, and you forgot Lotus Notes .dic files :)


What can I say?  I'm an optimist.  :-)


[Request] File::Wordlist

2007-12-06 Thread Chris Dolan

Dear really-really-lazyweb,

Would someone please create a CPAN module that finds a wordlist on  
the local computer in a cross-platform friendly manner, a la  
File::HomeDir?  For typical unix systems, that would be:

  sub find_wordlist {
  return '/usr/share/dict/words';

But it could be smarter and look for, say, /usr/share/dict/scrabble- 
english first.  For Windows, maybe it would look for MS Office or  
OpenOffice files first.

For extra points, it could even parse those files if their not just  
word + newline.  For double extra points, it could download  
additional dictionaries from the web (ispell, etc).

Chris  ;-)


  /Library/Dictionaries/New\ Oxford\ American\ Dictionary.dict/ 


Re: RFC:

2007-10-07 Thread Chris Dolan

On Oct 6, 2007, at 1:27 PM, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:

Paul Hoffman wrote:

use relative to => "Enterprise::Framework" => qw(Base Factory);
# loads Enterprise::Framework:Base,  

Hmm, the last example is equivalent to this:

use relative qw(to Enterprise::Framework Base Factory);

Which might conceivably cause a problem for someone at some  
point.  You

might consider requiring the string ':to' instead of 'to'.

I agree that this syntax prevents from loading a module named  
"", but I think this is a good trade-off given than adding any  
other character will require quoting the word, and I'd like to keep  
the syntax as simple as possible. An acceptable compromise it to  
write it as C< -to => Root >

As a side note, using find(1) on a mini-CPAN and Google CodeSearch,  
I only found 3 modules named "" :

 - CGI::FormMagick::L10N::to (in MITEL/CGI-FormMagick-0.89.tar.gz)
 - DateTime::Locale::to (in DROLSKY/DateTime-Locale-0.35.tar.gz)
 - Number::Tolerant::Type::to (in RJBS/Number-Tolerant-1.550.tar.gz)

If you really wanted a ::to you could just rearrange the order and say:

  use relative qw(Enterprise::Framework Base Factory to);

The only thing it couldn't support is a single pkg called ::to.

Moving a module to another distribution

2007-10-06 Thread Chris Dolan
We're thinking about promoting one of the Perl::Critic::More policies  
to the core Perl::Critic distribution.  As long as the version number  
increases and PAUSE permissions are OK that should be fine, right? 


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Builder/More/Simple 0.72

2007-09-26 Thread Chris Dolan

On Sep 22, 2007, at 9:06 AM, Salve J Nilsen wrote:

- Set up some kind of syndication feed [RSS, Atom] [somewhere  
sensible] where one can read which distributions currently have a  
"pre-release" status. The feed might be called "NEED TESTING" or  
something like that. Make this feed visible on central Perl-related  
websites (Perlmonks,, etc.) and make it easy for Perl  
Monger groups to include this info on their websites.

- Add some way for authors to state what the purpose of a module  
release is (e.g. "stable", "security update", "pre-release", "dev- 
release") and make this available in the distribution META.yml file.

Well, one option might be something like:
Gabor, would it be easy to add an Atom/RSS feed for a particular tag?


Re: Should I include second-order dependencies in Makefile.PL?

2007-06-05 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:00 PM, Andy Lester wrote:

On Jun 5, 2007, at 7:42 PM, James E Keenan wrote:

Is there any reason *not* to do so?

Yes.  Second-order dependencies are beyond your control.  You will  
have false dependencies when an underlying module changes.

Say that Mech has dependency on HTML::Wango, which in turn has a  
dependency on Test::Tango.  So my dependencies are listed as

HTML::Wango => 1.00,
Test::Tango => 1.00,

SCENARIO 1: The maintainer of Foo::Wango decides that Test::Tango  
is unnecessary, and does without it.  He released HTML::Wango  
1.02.  Someone installing Mech must now install HTML::Wango and  
Test::Tango, although NOTHING in the chain requires Test::Tango.

SCENARIO 2: HTML::Wango uses some new feature of Test::Tango 2.00,  
and thus requires it.  Your helpful list of dependencies is out of  
date, because although you say that you are requiring 1.00,  
HTML::Wango requires 2.00.

I think scenario 2 is quite harmless.  If the user has...

 ... no Test::Tango version installed, then they will be properly  
upgraded to the latest CPAN Test::Tango 2.00+ at the first level
 ... Test::Tango < 1.00, then they will be properly upgraded to the  
latest CPAN Test::Tango 2.00+ at the first level
 ... 2.00 > Test::Tango >= 1.00 then they will pass the first-level  
dependency but get prompted and then properly upgraded at the second  

 ... Test::Tango >= 2.00 then they're already all set at both levels

So, at worst Jim's dependency flattening doesn't hurt in scenario 2  
and would help most users.

Still, scenario 1 is the killer.

SCENARIO 3: Combine 1 & 2.

The real solution is either: 1) for the CPAN shell to use the  
META.yml files to determine the chain of dependencies ahead of  
time.  Also, you don't always have to have the "ask" option on  
prereqs.  I think most people DON'T have it set to "ask".


I suspect this last point is wrong.  The default is "ask" and  
we know that most of the time most people just take defaults.  But,  
beside that point, I think Andy is on the right track with his "real  


Re: (Create a new ?) namespace for applications on CPAN

2007-05-19 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 18, 2007, at 10:01 AM, John M. Gamble wrote:

Yeah, there's no tree-browsing capability on CPAN.  I wish there was.

Take a look at Laurent Dami's Pod::POM::Web application.  it's for  
locally-installed modules rather than all of CPAN, but it does do a  
nice tree layout.



Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Re: bin:: namespace for utilities on CPAN

2007-05-18 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 18, 2007, at 3:15 AM, Dominique Quatravaux wrote:

Chris Dolan wrote:

Don't forget Mail::SpamAssassin.  That's a popular example of a
CPAN-hosted, end-user application.  I think it would not be an
improvement to rename it Application::Mail::SpamAssassin or

Does this mean you are advising Crypt::NutsPKI in my situation over

Maybe, maybe not.  I advocate for the name that would get the most  
hits in a search by a user looking for a module like yours.  Given my  
limited understanding of what you app will do, I *think* I prefer  
App::NutsPKI over Crypt:: because the latter sounds more like a  
library than an app.  That said, the "Nuts" part of the name means  
nothing to me...


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: bin:: namespace for utilities on CPAN

2007-05-17 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 17, 2007, at 10:26 PM, Andy Lester wrote:

On May 17, 2007, at 9:49 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

I'm actually having a difficult time getting you all to agree to
*recommend* that things which will be installed in a directory named
"bin/" should have a namespace named "bin::"?  Wow.

LWP::UserAgent has stuff that installs into bin.  WWW::Mechanize  
has stuff that installs into bin.  etc etc etc

Don't forget Mail::SpamAssassin.  That's a popular example of a CPAN- 
hosted, end-user application.  I think it would not be an improvement  
to rename it Application::Mail::SpamAssassin or bin::Mail::SpamAssassin.

I'm with Andy on this.  In the CPAN world, the stuff that gets  
installed in bin/ is usually thin wrappers around the real code which  
gets installed in lib/perl5/.  Should the rest of CPAN all go in the  
lib:: namespace?  And maybe .pod files belong under share::man3::  :-)


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: OO filename abstraction module?

2007-04-27 Thread Chris Dolan

On Apr 27, 2007, at 11:14 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

I'm thinking of using a filename as a unique identifier and I'm
wondering if there is a module on CPAN (in those 1483 search results)
that I can't seem to find which provides some kind of OO filename

Try this:
It has a very intuitive API and is based on File::Spec.  And it's  
written by Ken Williams, so it must be good.  :-)


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: echo die > Makefile.PL

2007-04-17 Thread Chris Dolan

On Apr 17, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

The suggestion people made was to have M::B produce a
'traditional'-style makefile as well. So at least M::B-deprived
systems might have a good go.

My problem with the create_makefile_pl => 'traditional' is that it
doesn't install Module::Build, so we're not making any progress.  If
you have a custom build subclass, you might as well put a die in

The passthrough seems much more sane because it actually installs
Module::Build, yet nobody seems to encourage its use.  Why?

I am a long-time supporter of M::B, but I consistently choose  
create_makefile_pl => 'traditional'.  I believe that successful  
install for the largest number of users is the most important goal,  
not progress.  Progress is what 5.10 is for, where M::B will be  
bundled.  I like 'traditional' because it's the easiest on the end  
user for packages that don't really need M::B's extra goodness (that  
is: the majority of CPAN modules).  It's easier because EU::MM is pre- 
installed and older pre-installed versions interact better  
with EU::MM than M::B.

Echoing die into Makefile.PL is like putting the following in your  

  die 'Time to upgrade' if $] < 5.008008;
Amusing, but ultimately counter-productive and disrespectful of users  
whose needs you may not understand.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Locally installed modules

2007-04-10 Thread Chris Dolan


This is kind of a wild guess, but perhaps your make install is using  
sudo?  Recent versions of sudo are more restrictive in which envvars  
get propagated.  One difference between your CPAN config and mine is  
the following:

  'make_install_make_command' => q[/usr/bin/make],


On Apr 9, 2007, at 11:27 AM, Bill Moseley wrote:

This may be a CPAN or MakeMaker question -- please point me to a
different list if so.

I just when through the exercise of installing Catalyst on a clean
Debian Stable machine into a local Perl library.  (Testing what
non-root user would need to do).  I first updated ExtUtils::MakeMaker
to the current version.

The only problem was Template Toolkit installation (which has the .xs
stash) tried to get installed here:

ERROR: Can't create '/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4'
Do not have write permissions on '/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4'

My setup is this in .bashrc:

export PATH=$LOCAL_LIB/bin:$LOCAL_LIB/script:$PATH
perlversion=`perl -v | grep 'built for' | awk '{print $4}' |  
sed -e 's/v//;'`

export PERL5LIB

And then customize .cpan/CPAN/ with:

  'make_install_arg' => qq[SITEPREFIX=$ENV{LOCAL_LIB}],
  'makepl_arg' => qq[INSTALLDIRS=site install_base=$ENV{LOCAL_LIB}],

So, does this need to be resolved with TT's Makefile.PL?  Or would I
need an additional config setting in  Or something else?

$CPAN::Config = {
  'auto_commit' => q[0],
  'build_cache' => q[100],
  'build_dir' => q[/home/moseley/.cpan/build],
  'cache_metadata' => q[1],
  'commandnumber_in_prompt' => q[1],
  'cpan_home' => q[/home/moseley/.cpan],
  'ftp_passive' => q[1],
  'ftp_proxy' => q[],
  'http_proxy' => q[],
  'index_expire' => q[1],
  'inhibit_startup_message' => q[0],
  'keep_source_where' => q[/home/moseley/.cpan/sources],
  'make_arg' => q[],
  'make_install_make_command' => q[],
  'mbuild_arg' => q[],
  'mbuild_install_arg' => q[],
  'mbuild_install_build_command' => q[./Build],
  'mbuildpl_arg' => q[],
  'no_proxy' => q[],
  'prerequisites_policy' => q[ask],
  'scan_cache' => q[atstart],
  'term_ornaments' => q[1],
  'urllist' => [q[]],
  'use_sqlite' => q[0],
  'make_install_arg' => qq[SITEPREFIX=$ENV{LOCAL_LIB}],
  'makepl_arg' => qq[INSTALLDIRS=site install_base=$ENV{LOCAL_LIB}],


Bill Moseley

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: CPAN testers machines that lack Module::Build

2007-03-15 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 15, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Adam Kennedy wrote:

Chris Dolan wrote:
M::B does not require make nor a C compiler to install or run,  
once you have all of its dependencies installed.  That means that  
in theory it can be installed on a Mac that lacks the Developer  
Tools or on Windows with just Perl, for example.

Again, neither does M:I or EU:MM (at least for the C compiler).

The one difference here is make.

Agreed.  My mention of the C compiler was a red herring.  Sorry about  
that.  :-)  What I really should have pointed out was that M::B can  
build XS and C modules even without make thanks largely to  
ExtUtils::CBuilder and ExtUtils::ParseXS.  The other point I failed  
to make was that M::B builds itself without resorting to a Makefile,  
which I've always found satisfying.

If you want to install modules from a source repository, you need  
the ability to work with source. I'd be quite (and pleasantly)  
surprised if the entire dependency chain of a typical catalyst  
application didn't involve needing a C compiler at some point.

It's actually not THAT bad.  My Catalyst app currently needs Perl  
5.8.6+ and the following non-portable/non-PARable dependencies:

  install PAR
  install Params::Validate
  install Date::Calc
  install DateTime
  install Encode  (>= 2.10)
  install Template::Stash::XS
  install DBD::mysql
  install Test::Exception
  install Config::Any
  install HTML::Parser
  install Time::Piece

I know this because I develop on my Mac and deploy on Mac, FreeBSD  
and Linux via a single .par file.  The list above are what I install  
by hand on each server and omit from the PAR bundle.

In any case, this isn't an attack on Module::Build, just a  
suggestion to refer correctly to the deficiencies in other things.  
The known deficiencies in Module::Install should be plenty to flame  
about, without resorting to adding more. :)

I certainly did not mean to dismiss M::I.  My goal was to reinforce  
the uniqueness of the M::B approach among the various CPAN toolchain  
elements.  M::I is a clever evolutionary step from EU::MM  
intermingled with a self-bootstrapping solution to the agony of  
installing prereqs.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: CPAN testers machines that lack Module::Build

2007-03-14 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 14, 2007, at 10:19 PM, Adam Kennedy wrote:

Johan Vromans wrote:

Jonathan Rockway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Why don't y'all just use Module::Install?

Because it doesn't perform a mere install, as the name suggests. It
builds, meaning it requires (and uses) a build environment -- and
scares away customers that do not want to have a build environment on
production systems.

Then again, so does EU:MM and M:B, so I'm not sure why that's a  

Adam K

M::B does not require make nor a C compiler to install or run, once  
you have all of its dependencies installed.  That means that in  
theory it can be installed on a Mac that lacks the Developer Tools or  
on Windows with just Perl, for example.

With M::B in core for 5.10, it will be possible to install almost any  
pure-perl module from CPAN with just 5.10 and nothing else.  This  
will significantly simplify bootstrapping CPAN on a bare bones  
machine (read: production systems).

I speak from negative experience: I tried to get a Catalyst app  
running on another developer's Mac this week.  I quickly realized  
that without make, we were dead in the water.  I suppose  
M::I::Catalyst could have helped build a PAR for me that I could have  
copied over, but his machine was Intel and mine was PPC so it would  
have been suboptimal at best.  So, we resorted to installing a build  
environment via the Mac Developer Tools disk...


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: CPAN testers machines that lack Module::Build

2007-03-13 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 13, 2007, at 7:41 PM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

Why don't y'all just use Module::Install?  It handles  
build_requires, AND you
can bundle modules with your dist, in case dependencies worry you.   


Jonathan Rockway

Because M::I still uses make, thereby failing at one of  
Module::Build's primary goals: to minimize non-Perl dependencies and  
achieve greater portability.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: CPAN testers machines that lack Module::Build

2007-03-11 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 11, 2007, at 7:43 AM, David Golden wrote:

That said, i agree in the meantime that providing a traditional
Makefile.PL along with a Build.PL is usually a wise approach, as Chris

Just to expand these thoughts, every one of the modules I maintain is  
Module::Build-based and I've never had a smoke report that failed due  
to a Module::Build problem.  And, yes, I'm a CPANPLUS user.  If your  
Build.PL is fairly simple, create_makefile_pl => 'traditional' is a  
very reliable fallback.

Both CPANPLUS and Module::Build are great ideas which have been  
bitten by compatibility problems.  They are both trying to remove  
external dependencies ("make", primarily) from the CPAN build process  
to help make that more portable and programmable.  CPANPLUS handles  
Makefile.PL well and handles Build.PL well, but the  
intersection of the two newer technologies, CPANPLUS and Build.PL has  
been more tumultuous.

Please, please don't give up on either CPANPLUS and M::B!  Despite  
some hiccups, these are important technologies that have driven the  
CPAN infrastructure forward.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: CPAN testers machines that lack Module::Build

2007-03-10 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 10, 2007, at 10:04 PM, David Golden wrote:

On 3/10/07, Paul LeoNerd Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am getting lots of test reports from machines that don't have
Module::Build installed, and so they all ultimately do something like

Is there anything I as the module's author, can do about these?  
Short of

(a) Use only Makefile.PL

(b) Include Module::Build explicitly as a prerequisite of your module

(c) Ignore test reports from CPANPLUS

(d) create_makefile_pl => 'traditional'


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Custom extensions to META.yml

2007-03-04 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 2, 2007, at 4:45 PM, David Golden wrote:

For the META.yml spec, should anything not expressly allowed be  

No.  Be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you  
emit.  Everything is hell for back/forward compatibility.

Personally, The best solution is to have an official policy for  
adding non-standard additions.  "X-" is bad for reasons that many  
people have shared.  I like the idea of a per-module special prefs  
area.  To insure that collisions are impossible, how about a URI for  
the prefs wrapper like below (sorry, not sure if this is valid YAML)

   cc_author: 0

That will enable the extension mechanism to work for non-Perl code  
too.  To me, that feels a little like the "-moz-*" CSS extensions  
that Mozilla and others use.


That said, the biggest drawback of this whole thing is that it's just  
one more piece of information that module authors need to think about  
when writing code.  Writing a good CPAN module is already a fairly  
hefty task.  I'm not saying there's an alternative, but really what  
we need is the module creator's equivalent of Perl Best Practices.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Another non-free license - PerlBuildSystem

2007-02-21 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 21, 2007, at 5:37 PM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Chris Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-21 16:00]:

For a while Path-Class, Archive-Any and even Encode all lacked
license statements. Happily these are now fixed, but if a
policy like what you propose had been in place they would have
not been allowed in CPAN, much to everyone's loss.

You mean the authors of these modules would have taken their ball
and gone home, instead of just fixing their lack of licence and

:-) True enough.  You've poked a gaping hole in my argument.   
Although I've declared I'm in favor of the ad hoc system that is in  
place now, I would not be opposed to a PAUSE rule that required every  
upload to contain a LICENSE or COPYING file.  That would certainly  
have made my Module::License::Report package easier to write!


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Another non-free license - PerlBuildSystem

2007-02-21 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 21, 2007, at 4:56 AM, Adam Kennedy wrote:

Personally, I've always liked the idea we limit CPAN to at least  
something like OSI-compatible licenses.

This would at least remove some ambiguity...

Adam K

I strongly disagree.  I like the current non-policy to let anything  
in, but retroactively to kick out the really nasty junk.  The CPAN  
FAQ says:

  "CPAN and PAUSE are not responsible for any licenses or lack  
thereof contained in the contents of the archive. We do recommend  
that authors license their modules to avoid legal ambiguity and so  
that people may use the code in good conscience. If you require help  
with a license, we urge you to consult legal counsel who can give you  
sound advice."


With that statement, CPAN is absolving itself of any claim to  
represent only open source code.  If we have an open-source-only  
policy, then someone needs to enforce it.  Who do you think should go  
through all of the CPAN modules to look for non-OSI-licensed  
packages?  Well, it looks like RT users are doing that a module at a  
time, but slowly: 

For a while Path-Class, Archive-Any and even Encode all lacked  
license statements.  Happily these are now fixed, but if a policy  
like what you propose had been in place they would have not been  
allowed in CPAN, much to everyone's loss.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Delete hate speech module

2007-02-08 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 8, 2007, at 9:24 AM, IvorW wrote:

Ahah, now I see the correct module name, I can browse the source  
and see what the issue is. The only difficulty is that the module  
could be somebody's incredibly poor taste sick joke, and people  
could raise the old chestnut argument about free speech.

Free speech varies by country, but generally only applies to public  
venues.  While CPAN may seem like a public resource because it  
generously hosts content for so many module authors, it is not a  
public venue and free speech laws certainly do not apply.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Delete hate speech module

2007-02-08 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 8, 2007, at 11:20 AM, David Landgren wrote:

I recommed against deleting it, because that only add fuel to the  
fire. The crackpot who uploaded this drivel in the first place will  
be able to crow freedom of speech and it's all a communist plot,  
there really is a perl cabal and they're out to get me and blah  
blah blah.

NOT deleting it could cause trouble for CPAN at large.  Some of the  
CPAN mirror sites are universities, etc. which may have policies  
against hate speech.

Freedom of speech varies across countries, but generally applies only  
to speech in public venues, or venues that you own/control.  CPAN is  
not a public venue, so freedom of speech does not apply here.  Just  
as I am not obligated to host such hate speech on my personal  
website, PAUSE/CPAN is not obligated to host it either.


P.S. Thank you Randy Kobes for quickly delisting this module.

Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Delete hate speech module

2007-02-08 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 8, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Tim Maher wrote:

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:58:01AM -0800, alan wrote:

On a more serious side, getting rid of it [Time::Cubic] should be
pretty open and shut. CPAN is a public resource managed by private

I'm generally against the idea of censorship in all its forms, and
/definitely/ against the idea of removing a Perl module from CPAN just
because something *within the code* offended somebody--or even lots of

I support the idea that a CPAN author has the right to write his (her,
etc.) code *any way he wants*/--which includes the use of comments  

might appear scurrilous to some (which appears to be the complaint
against Time::Cubic).

Yes, the author may have the right to write that code, but does CPAN  
have the obligation to host it?

What's the alternative? That we have every CPAN Module scanned for
offensive components, including comments (# shit happens!), variable
names ($KKK), variable names (my $ugly_female_boss), and statement
labels? (NUKE_OJ_BUSH_AND_OSAMA: for $ever)

The alternative is that the powers-that-be respond to the community's  
requests on a case-by-case basis using their own judgment.  Proactive  
scanning/moderation would clearly be impractical and has been  
rejected on previous occasions on this list.

Wouldn't we be better off investing our collective JAPHly energies in
the expanding our market share and completion of Perl 6 and rather
than the creation of "Regexp::Common::Enforce_Code_Nazi_Policies"?

Personally, I think fighting hatred is a more worthwhile use of  
energy than finishing Perl 6.

Your choice of the word "Nazi" is conspicuous given the  
ASCII art in the Time::Cubic comments.

If we /were/ to become Code Nazis, the slippery-slope that we'd be
embarking on would unavoidably affect many "eccentric" modules
which people value (Regexp::Common::profanity_us,
Tie:Hash::Cannabinol, etc.).

Is the slope really that slippery?  I doubt that anyone here finds  
any value in the Time::Cubic module.  Furthermore, I have not heard  
anyone complain about those other modules you mention.  I don't think  
anybody has proposed a blanket policy against offensive modules.   
Instead, the requests I've seen so far are simply to remove  
Time::Cubic from CPAN.

I think your invocation of the slippery slope argument is fallacious,  
and I have confidence in the CPAN community's collective wisdom to  
call for the removal of only truly inappropriate modules.

I realize that some CPAN users live in countries where people have
strict limits on their freedom of expression, and I empathize with
those who have taken offense at someone else's indulgences of their
unbridled liberties.

But remember, Perl is the language that has a "poetry mode"!
It's designed for those who value unfettered self expression.

Sure, but how does that translate into "CPAN must host all crap  
thrown at it"?


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC,
Public key:

Re: Delete hate speech module

2007-02-08 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 8, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Tim Maher wrote:

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:58:01AM -0800, alan wrote:

On a more serious side, getting rid of it [Time::Cubic] should be
pretty open and shut. CPAN is a public resource managed by private

I'm generally against the idea of censorship in all its forms, and
/definitely/ against the idea of removing a Perl module from CPAN just
because something *within the code* offended somebody--or even lots of

I support the idea that a CPAN author has the right to write his (her,
etc.) code *any way he wants*/--which includes the use of comments  

might appear scurrilous to some (which appears to be the complaint
against Time::Cubic).

Yes, the author may have the right to write that code, but does CPAN  
have the obligation to host it?

What's the alternative? That we have every CPAN Module scanned for
offensive components, including comments (# shit happens!), variable
names ($KKK), variable names (my $ugly_female_boss), and statement
labels? (NUKE_OJ_BUSH_AND_OSAMA: for $ever)

The alternative is that the powers-that-be respond to the community's  
requests on a case-by-case basis using their own judgment.  Proactive  
scanning/moderation would clearly be impractical and has been  
rejected on previous occasions on this list.

Wouldn't we be better off investing our collective JAPHly energies in
the expanding our market share and completion of Perl 6 and rather
than the creation of "Regexp::Common::Enforce_Code_Nazi_Policies"?

Personally, I think fighting hatred is a more worthwhile use of  
energy than finishing Perl 6.

Your choice of the word "Nazi" is conspicuous given the  
ASCII art in the Time::Cubic comments.

If we /were/ to become Code Nazis, the slippery-slope that we'd be
embarking on would unavoidably affect many "eccentric" modules
which people value (Regexp::Common::profanity_us,
Tie:Hash::Cannabinol, etc.).

Is the slope really that slippery?  I doubt that anyone here finds  
any value in the Time::Cubic module.  Furthermore, I have not heard  
anyone complain about those other modules you mention.  I don't think  
anybody has proposed a blanket policy against offensive modules.   
Instead, the requests I've seen so far are simply to remove  
Time::Cubic from CPAN.

I think your invocation of the slippery slope argument is fallacious,  
and I have confidence in the CPAN community's collective wisdom to  
call for the removal of only truly inappropriate modules.

I realize that some CPAN users live in countries where people have
strict limits on their freedom of expression, and I empathize with
those who have taken offense at someone else's indulgences of their
unbridled liberties.

But remember, Perl is the language that has a "poetry mode"!
It's designed for those who value unfettered self expression.

Sure, but how does that translate into "CPAN must host all crap  
thrown at it"?


Re: Dependency trees

2006-07-21 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jul 20, 2006, at 10:24 PM, Andy Lester wrote:

Is there anything out there that will generate a tree of  
dependencies, probably based on META.yml?

I figure I can pass in Mason, Test::WWW::Mechanize and Catalyst and  
get back a list of dependencies that those require.  It would be  
the entire tree, so like so:


If it doesn't exist, I'll write it.  I just don't want to reinvent  
the wheel.

Others have mentioned good candidates, but I thought I'd mention my  
own...  I've done something not-exactly-like-that in  

% license-report -a Module::License::Report
unrestricted File-Slurp
perl Module-License-Report
perl YAML

% license-report -a Test::WWW::Mechanize
Can't find a license for Test::LongString
perl Carp-Assert
perl Carp-Assert-More
perl HTML-Parser
perl HTML-Tagset
perl HTTP-Server-Simple
perl Test-Exception
perl Test-WWW-Mechanize
perl URI
perl WWW-Mechanize
perl libwww-perl

Something like that could be adapted to your purpose, maybe.


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: GraphViz , Leon Brocard (acme)

2006-07-02 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jul 1, 2006, at 7:21 PM, Jogi Kuenstner wrote:


I recently submitted a patch to the author of Graphviz : Leon  
Brocard (acme)

via the given email-adress in the module.
Unfortunately he didn't respond.
Does anyone have another way to contact him?
I assume my mails got lost in his spam-filter.


Leon is sometimes slow to respond (aren't we all?), but in my  
experience he does always respond eventually.  He has a lot going  
on.  For example, I've worked with Leon on Net::VNC and Image::Imlib2  
quite a bit in the last 3 months.  As others have said,  
is the best place to submit patches.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Preserving Supplementary Documentation for Modules

2006-05-12 Thread Chris Dolan

On May 12, 2006, at 9:03 AM, David Golden wrote:

John M. Gamble wrote:

CPAN, of course, is eternal, but putting the pdf in a module that is
only a tenth its size would be an undue burden on downloaders, not to
mention the lack of a clear policy on this.

How big is the PDF?  If it could be optimized down to the 100K  
range or less, I wouldn't really think twice about "undue burden".

So. Is there, or could there be, a separate spot on CPAN for
supplemental documentation like PDF files and graphics files? Has
this ever been discussed before?

My immediate thought it to just bundle it in another distribution,  
e.g. Math-Polynomial-Solve-Docs.  Give that a regular distribution  
skeleton with a Pod file that describes what it is and where it is  
in the distribution.  I think that if you create a "pdf/" directory  
and put the file in there, it will get picked up as part of "other  
files" by  Then just reference  
"Math::Polynomial::Solve::Docs" in your main Pod file.

If you want to get really fancy, you could also configure a CPAN  
install tool to install the PDF in the perl library path for local  
browsing. (See the Module::Build::Cookbook for some examples).

David Golden

I agree with David in terms of size, but license may be a bigger  
problem.  Unless the author of the PDF explicitly gave you permission  
to release under the same terms as Perl itself (or whatever license  
you have chosen for your code) you may need to follow the advice  
above and bundle it as a separate upload with a different license.   
In that case, you might consider making it a real Bundle so  
installing Math-Polynomial-Solve-Docs automatically installs Math- 
Polynomial-Solve too.


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: maintainer for PGP::Mail

2006-04-20 Thread Chris Dolan

On Apr 20, 2006, at 8:02 AM, Patrik Wallstrom wrote:

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Nicholas Clark wrote:

On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 02:49:51PM +0200, Patrik Wallstrom wrote:

Does anybody here know how to reach [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How have you tried contacting him, and how has it failed?

Yes, through that address three weeks ago. No response or bounce.

If that author is anything like me, he probably put the message in  
his TODO email box and then forgot about it.  Try sending it again.   
Or perhaps a spam filter caught it.  In any case, three weeks isn't  
that long a time in volunteer land.

Another good option is to post to to  Sometime RT email  
gets more attention because it's publicly visible.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Naming advice: parse info out of Build.PL/Makefile.PL

2006-03-14 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 14, 2006, at 10:30 AM, Steven Schubiger wrote:

There are two misconceptions here:

a) Module::Build::Convert transforms Makefile.PLs -> Build.PLs, so  

   exactly the other way round you thought it was supposed to work.

b) The Makefile.PL is statically parsed, i.e. it picks up the source
   code as good as it gets; if it can't (imagine complex Makefile.PLs,
   for example) it reverts to 'execute' the Makefile.PL via a
   'do Makefile.PL' and the overriden WriteMakefile() via a custom
   typeglob will return the processed output.

   So it certainly _doesn't_ do only dynamically execute code, it's
   more like a last resort.

Oops, you're right.  Sorry about that.  I was thinking of  
Module::Build::Compat and it's create_makefile_pl=> 'traditional'  

My proposed module would conceivably enable Module::Build::Convert to
easily test whether the Build.PL is non-trivial, and thereby suggest
to the author that he hand-edit his Makefile.PL instead.

Could we see it vice-versa integrated to Module::Build::Convert?
That'd certainly be nice.

Possible.  I still haven't written a line of code yet, so this is  
still all speculative.  :-)

Of course, I do not propose adding PPI to the M::B prereq list at  
this point.

I'm using this just as an example of where my proposed module would
offer novel functionality.

I'd be interested in having some of the outlined functionality in MBC.
I welcome any lending hand in the quest to extend MBC, because it  

could be better and less error-prone.

Sounds great.  Again, my comments above regarding M::B are because I  
was confusing Module::Build::Convert (a self-contained module for  
Makefile.PL -> Build.PL conversion) and Module::Build::Compat (part  
of the M::B distro for Build.PL -> Makefile.PL conversion).

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Naming advice: parse info out of Build.PL/Makefile.PL

2006-03-14 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 14, 2006, at 8:52 AM, Steven Schubiger wrote:

On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 11:44:11AM -0600, Chris Dolan wrote:
  * Simply automatic translation of legacy Makefile.PL files into  
Build.PL files

This functionality has already been made available via the  
distro, so no need to make your hands dirty and redo it. Have a  
look at it and if

you like, tell us what's missing from your point of view.

There was a typo in that bullet.  I meant to say "Simplify" not  

The difference is that Module::Build::Convert uses the *results* of  
Build.PL to compute Makefile.PL, not the source code.  Consider File- 
Extract as an example:

That Build.PL changes its prereq list dynamically after prompting the  
user.  Setting aside whether File-Extract's approach is wise or not,  
one can easily see that Module::Build::Convert would lose information  
about that prompting and would produce a naive Makefile.PL.

My proposed module would conceivably enable Module::Build::Convert to  
easily test whether the Build.PL is non-trivial, and thereby suggest  
to the author that he hand-edit his Makefile.PL instead.  Of course,  
I do not propose adding PPI to the M::B prereq list at this point.   
I'm using this just as an example of where my proposed module would  
offer novel functionality.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Naming advice: parse info out of Build.PL/Makefile.PL

2006-03-10 Thread Chris Dolan

On Mar 10, 2006, at 2:45 PM, brian d foy wrote:

I haven't been following the Module::Build stuff closely, but I've
always wondered about these sorts of intricate solutions. Shouldn't it
be enough to temporarily replace ExtUtils::Makemaker with something
that has the same interface and spits out a Build.PL and a META.yml? I
do something similar with Test::Prereq to see what's in PREREQ_PM.

No, because when you run Makefile.PL you only get the *output* of  
that program.  If it has any non-trivial code, then EU::MM is only  
seeing the reduction of that content.  For example, this cruddy code  
exists in one my own older Makefile.PL files:

   open my $fh, 'MANIFEST' || die;
   my @exefiles = grep {s/\s.*$//; /^scripts\/.*\.pl)$/} <$fh>;
   close $fh;

EU::MM only sees

   'EXE_FILES'   => ['', '', ...],

My proposed module would flag that Makefile.PL as non-trivial and  
recommend that the author convert it by hand.  I've tried doing this  
via regexps in the past, but it's too messy.  So this time I'm going  
to try with PPI.  The idea is to make it NOT intricate if possible.   
We'll see.  I haven't written the code yet...

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Naming advice: parse info out of Build.PL/Makefile.PL

2006-03-09 Thread Chris Dolan
I'm going to write a module that uses PPI to parse Build.PL and  
Makefile.PL files without executing them.  The goal of the project is  
to deduce information like version, dist name, author, abstract,  
prereqs, etc. from (possibly untrusted) packages that have incomplete  
or absent META.yml files.  Clearly, only a subset of Build.PL and  
Makefile.PL files will be easily digestable, but that's expected.

My expectations for the use cases for this module will be:
  * Simply automatic translation of legacy Makefile.PL files into  
Build.PL files

  * Extract info from modules that lack META.yml files
  * Further indexing of CPAN
and for my own Module::License::Report project
  * Exposing license information for CPAN modules to simply  

My current ideas for names:

Really this project analyzes packages, not modules, but the Module::  
namespace seems to be preferred over Package:: on CPAN.  (or am I  

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Namespace for locally used algorithms

2006-02-09 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 9, 2006, at 1:11 PM, Jonas B. Nielsen wrote:

Hi Chris,

I think Regexp::Common is nice, but there are several aspects of that
solution I am not too keen on.

1. The solutions are not regular expressions ... [snip]

2. I will be dependent on a different release cycle than one I could
control myself ... [snip]

Got it.  I didn't realize #1.  Keep in mind that #2 applies in  
reverse to other people.  :-)

If feasible, please make it clear in the docs for your package what  
is the distinction between your solution and what Regexp::Common does  
(perhaps obvious...)

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Namespace for locally used algorithms

2006-02-09 Thread Chris Dolan

On Feb 9, 2006, at 5:14 AM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

Hi Jonas,

* Jonas B. Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-02-09 11:35]:

Algorithm seems like the more general one, but since it is not
hard science simply modulus gymnastics and it is not security,
but mere validation and generation.

in a sense, everything is an algorithm. :-)  I see Algorithm:: as
the place for things whose purpose it is to perform some abstract
operation on a specific data structure. This is fuzzy, I know; a
more solid definition would be difficult to give, if it is at all

Your code is not an algorithm in that abstract sense, though.
Business::DK::* sounds perfect to me.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <>

I agree with Aristotle's reasoning.  I further suggest you try to  
work your algorithms into existing modules.  For example:

Regexp::Common::SEN - provide regexes for Social-Economical Numbers 
This currently lacks a Danish entry, so your contribution would be  
extremely valuable

Regexp::Common::zip - provide regexes for postal codes 

Danish postal codes are already present.  Here's the code at present:

Denmark =>  "(?k:(?k:[1-9])(?k:[0-9])(?k:[0-9]{2}))",
# Postal codes of the form: '', with the first
# digit representing the distribution region, the
# second digit the distribution district. Postal
# codes do not start with a zero. Postal codes
# starting with '39' are in Greenland.

The advantage of adding your code into Regexp::Common is that R::C is  
very popular, and your work would likely benefit more people than if  
you were to create a brand new package.  And perhaps some new energy  
would push Abigail et al. to finally release an updated version which  
could address some of the RT bugs, like getting Javadoc added to  

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (


2006-01-31 Thread Chris Dolan


I think what Frank is saying is that your license forbids CPAN from  
distributing or mirroring your package without your explicit  
permission.  That means that CPAN can't let anybody download it  
without violating your license.  If that's so, what's the point?

I personally suggest you consider one of the more well-known licenses: 
In that classification, yours clearly falls in the category of  

But, of course, I respect whatever choice you make.


On Jan 31, 2006, at 3:16 PM, Alex Peeters wrote:

Hi Frank,

This is the licence that i did use for the Application Monitor.

For the ASNMTAP and Nagios compatible CPAN modules you may suggest  
a good

licence and i will use it.

- Alex

-Original Message-
From: Frank Wiles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: dinsdag 31 januari 2006 20:14
To: ZXR750
Subject: Re: [RFC] ASNMTAP

On 31 Jan 2006 01:39:44 -0800
"ZXR750" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

=head1 LICENSE

ASNMTAP may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as
this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using
this code you agree to indemnify Alex Peeters from any liability that
might arise from it's use.

Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is
expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try
and make money off of my program.

Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the
Internet or in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header
must remain intact.

  It is entirely up to you as the author, but this license is going to
  drasticly limit the number of people who can and/or will use this

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: [RFC] Samba::LDAP namespace?

2006-01-16 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jan 16, 2006, at 3:13 PM, David Landgren wrote:

Gavin Henry a écrit :

Dear List,
I would like your opinion on the namespace:
I want to do this as I am halfway through writing an application  
"SOSA - Samba and Open-xchange Simple Administrator" using  
Catalyst (which
is to be released GPL) and I don't want to have to rely on the  
line smbldap tools from idealx being installed, so I want to CPAN- 
ize them

and have the modules installable from there.

Smb seems to be more common on CPAN, as well as most package  
systems I am familiar with.

I would be inclined to go with Net::Smb::LDAP, which leaves open  
the possibility that someone could do something useful with Net::Smb.

To elaborate on what I think David is saying, you should be careful  
about the distinction between SMB (a network filesystem  
specification) and Samba (an open source implementation of SMB).  If  
your package works ONLY with Samba, then that name is OK.  If you  
intend that it will work with other SMB implementations, use "Smb".

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: New module: FLV file parsing

2005-12-03 Thread Chris Dolan

On Dec 2, 2005, at 4:20 PM, Austin Schutz wrote:

On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 04:04:11PM -0600, Chris Dolan wrote:

The FF:: namespace is a terrible idea, in my opinion.  I expect that
it will be meaningless to the majority of module searchers.  The
argument that search makes names irrelevant is just silly.


Ok, I want to do something with my flash file. I search for
'flash file'...  Oh look, there's a flash file parser. Do I care  
what it's
called? No. I concur that the module name is effectively  
meaningless, but I

don't see that it makes any difference to the searcher.

Nitpick: FLV is not Flash.  FLV is a video format that is often used  
by Flash movies, but it is not Flash and does not work standalone  
without a Flash movie to control it.  SWF is the file format for  
Flash movies.

It's marginally helpful to have a useful name when including it
in a module so code doesn't look like $flv = new  
ASDFsdafs::sjhsdlk, but

beyond that, what tangible and practical difference does it make?

You assume that all authors discover modules solely through  I often discover modules by reading other people's  
code and seeing what modules they use.  If I see "use FF::FOOBAR" at  
the top of someone's module, I will have no idea what they are trying  
to do.  But if I see, say "FileFormat::Video::FOOBAR" then at least I  
will know the author is trying to interact with a stream of video data.

To me, it's as much about readable code as it is about findable modules.

If that
were true, the practice of bouncing name ideas off this email list
would cease, and I'd just name it

As I understand it there's some rationale for keeping the top  
namespace small, so that would probably not be a good choice.  
Beyond that,

name it what you will.
I submit these long threads about which module name is better than
some other similar name are a waste of time, and I do indeed suggest
we take them off list as a general rule.


I strongly disagree.  I think good naming is important for  
readability and maintainability.  Like good variable and method  
names, module names should be self-documenting whenever feasible.   
Since module names are harder to change than variable or method  
names, I say a little forethought and discussion is justified.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: New module: FLV file parsing

2005-12-02 Thread Chris Dolan
So, I already published it as FLV::Info, but this discussion has  
convinced me that FileFormat::FLV is the best option.  I may use that  
name for v0.02.  My only hesitation is that nobody else seems to be  
using that top-level namespace at this time.

The FF:: namespace is a terrible idea, in my opinion.  I expect that  
it will be meaningless to the majority of module searchers.  The  
argument that search makes names irrelevant is just silly.  If that  
were true, the practice of bouncing name ideas off this email list  
would cease, and I'd just name it

As for the Flash:: namespace, I don't think that's best.  While FLV  
is primarily used in the Macromedia Flash Player, it is not Flash but  
is a standalone video format.  That would be like naming a CSS  
parsing module HTML::CSS::Parser, when CSS clearly has utility beyond  
just HTML, despite its dominant usage.


On Dec 2, 2005, at 8:43 PM, Smylers wrote:

Eric Wilhelm writes:

# from David Nicol
# on Wednesday 30 November 2005 02:18 pm:

isn't there a multimedia name space? ame spaces per-product that is
being supported make sense --- Flash::parseFLV perhaps?

What else will appear in the Flash:: namespace?

It doesn't matter if nothing else appears there -- the module would
still have a name that's readily understandable.

What all file format parsers and dumpers have in common is that they
deal with File Formats.

Yes, but that isn't more relevant than the particular file format each
deals with.

For example, I'd be much more likely to first think that I'd be  

with Flash files, and then realize that I need to parse them, than to
start by thinking that I'm working with files that have a format, and
only then that the format is Flash.

In a lot of cases, the only module that is going to be created is for
that format.

And that causes what harm?

I'm working on CAD::DXF for now,

"Cad" is a well-known acronym.  I have no use for anything cad-related
in my life at the moment, so I know that I can safely ignore that
module.  But as it happens, referring to DXF in the context of cad is
enough to prompt me into recollecting that .dxf is an AutoCad file

but would rather name it FF::DXF,

Whereas if I saw that I wouldn't know what either set of letters mean;
"DXF" is sufficiently meaningful in my brain to make me think of  

without any context.  And "FF" could be one of many things: recently
I've seen it used to abbreviate "Firefox" in quite a few places; if  

just been reading some music (or trying to solve a crossword) I might
think of it meaning "very loud".

similarly with FF::SVG, FF::XAR, FF::PDF, etc.

What does that achieve?  Putting all the cad-related modules makes  

sense to me, and similarly for other things.

FF::FLV sounds best to me.

I wouldn't have a clue what that means.  I hadn't heard of FLV before
this thread, and I wouldn't guess "FF" without this thread either.

With Flash::FLV I still wouldn't know what "FLV" stands for, but I'd
have a clue as to its context -- enough of a clue to know whether I'm
interested in investigating the module further if it I see it in the
'recent uploads' list.

May God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a
difference in this world, so that we can do what others claim  
cannot be done.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

New module: FLV file parsing

2005-11-30 Thread Chris Dolan
I'm looking for naming advice.  I have created a new module that  
reads Macromedia FLV (Flash Video) files.   It's primary purpose is  
to extract metadata about the video files (number of frames, pixel  
dimensions, audio settings, etc).  Currently at v0.01 it has no  
support for editing or saving FLV files, but that's a future  
possibility. (or perhaps as part of a separate module?)

I'm currently calling it FLV::Info in analogy to MP3::Info and  
SWF::File.  I'd love to put it in the SWF namespace for better  
findability, but I think that's just not right because SWF and FLV  
are parallel file formats despite being closely related.

So, is FLV::Info fine?  Or File::FLV?  Or File::FLV::Parser?  Or  

The current usage is like this:
use FLV::Info;
my $reader = FLV::Info->new();
my %info = $reader->get_info();
print "$info{video_count} video frames\n";
print $reader->report();

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: When CPAN shell cannot find a module

2005-11-21 Thread Chris Dolan

On Nov 21, 2005, at 10:51 AM, Christopher Hicks wrote:

On Sun, 20 Nov 2005, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
I don't think many people would appreciate getting something  
installed they didn't explicitly ask for.

Hmmm.  I can have extra pain every time I'm installing something to  
avoid occassionally getting something I don't want or I can have  
pain every thousandth time I install something because oopsie I got  
something extra. It doesn't seem like a hard choice to me.  Let's  
just say your many people aren't the same folks as my any people.  ;-)

The lack of distname support due to anal retentive accident  
avoidance in CPAN is utterly odd considering the culture of DWIMery  
that is so much a part of Perl.  I'm not surprised that one person  
would think this was good, but the whole Perl community acquiescing  
to it is quite a shock.


If CPAN made it easy to install unintended software by mistake, that  
would be a huge security hole.  Some people run cpan as root.   
Defensive programming is absolutely the right thing here.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Name advice: check license of dependencies

2005-11-01 Thread Chris Dolan
Thanks for the feedback Mark and Sam.  I chose  
Module::License::Report and posted my implementation to CPAN this  

Further feedback would be VERY welcome, as the module uses a few  
sketchy heuristics to guess at the license.  To mitigate the  
uncertainty, I made it report a confidence number so the user can set  
a sketchiness threshold.  The confidence is just a guess, but it's  
better than nothing.  I'm thinking the next version should use  
multiple algorithms to guess the license and report higher confidence  
if they all agree.

On a side note, I discovered that using Data::Dumper on my output  
object causes memory use to go through the roof.  I think  
Data::Dumper is chasing into the CPANPLUS data structures and  
thrashing my machine.  Is anyone familiar enough with CPANPLUS  
internals to know whether Data::Dumper problems are well known, or if  
I've stumbled on some new bug?

Thanks all,

On Oct 31, 2005, at 2:51 PM, Sam Vilain wrote:

On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 11:20 -0500, Mark Stosberg wrote:

I don't like any of the names I've come up with so far.  It seems
clear that it should be in the Module:: namespace, but beyond that
I'm unsure.  Possibilities:

 From your description, this is much as about a module's  
dependencies as

it as a about a specific module. So I'll suggest:


Including "Report" signifies that the module has a "read-only"  

On the other hand, a license might be seen to implicitly imply
dependency on all of the things that it depends on (esp. if any are

I think your point is very valid, and perhaps the logic for figuring a
module's dependencies recursively should be available independently  

the logic to show the license for an individual module.

So, perhaps





Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Name advice: check license of dependencies

2005-10-31 Thread Chris Dolan
I'm toying with starting a new module and would like some naming  
advice.  My module will accept the name of another module and, using  
CPAN metadata and/or package contents, determine the license of that  
module's package and the license of all non-core packages that it in  
turn depends on.  This module would be useful for determining  
redistribution rights for aggregations of code, like PAR files.  It  
will probably employ CPANPLUS, YAML, Module::Depends,  
Module::Corelist and a bunch of heuristics to make its determination.

For example, my module CAM::PDF is Artistic/GPL but it depends on  
Text::PDF which is just Artistic.  This new module would help me to  
discover that fact.

I don't like any of the names I've come up with so far.  It seems  
clear that it should be in the Module:: namespace, but beyond that  
I'm unsure.  Possibilities:


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Releasing slower pure-perl module and faster Inline::C version

2005-10-16 Thread Chris Dolan

Hi Scott,

Here's how I would try implementing it as one module instead of two.   
I'm not sure if this is the best approach -- I'd be interested to  
hear if other authors have done anything like this.  Use  
Module::Build, and have a block like:

   recommends => { Inline::C => 0 },

Then in the module do this:

   eval {
 require Inline;
 import Inline C => "DATA";
   if ($@) {
 *great_circle = sub { ... pure perl implementation ... };
   } else {
 *great_circle = sub { ... wrapper for C function ... };
   ... C implementation ...

That way, anyone who installs Inline::C either before or after  
installing your module gets the speed boost.  The biggest risk, as I  
see it, is if the two implementations are not quite identical.  But  
some good regression tests could ameliorate that.  To help with that,  
there's a new CPAN module called Devel::Hide that can make your test  
code think that Inline::C is not installed.


On Oct 16, 2005, at 12:30 AM, Scott W Gifford wrote:


Some quick background: I've got some code I use that does a lot of
distance calculations.  I found that a limiting factor for me was the
time it took to do a "great circle" calculation, a trigonometric
calculation of the distance along the surface of a sphere (see
Math::Trig::great_circle_distance).  I rewrote that function in C
using Inline::C, and achieved a substantial speedup (a 300% speedup
for the great circle calculation, resulting in about 30% overall
speedup).  So I actually do have an application that cares about the
speed of this function, and I have benchmarked and the Inline::C
version is substantially faster.

I'm interested in releasing the Inline::C version of this code.
Because it's often called from within modules, I'd like to make it
easy for module authors to use the accelerated version if it's
available, but without limiting their support to platforms that have a
compiler and Inline::C.

I think the easiest way to do this would be to release the Inline::C
version as Math::GreatCircle::Fast and a pure-perl version as
Math::GreatCircle.  Math::GreatCircle would check for an installation
of Math::GreatCircle::Fast, and if it found it would override all of
its own functions with the C equivalents from the accelerated module.
That would allow module authors to simply say "use Math::GreatCircle"
in their module and "PREREQ_PM => {Math::GreatCircle=>0}" in their
Makefile.PL, and they'd get the fast version if it was available,
without having any dependencies on Inline::C or a compiler.  If a user
needed the faster distance calculations, they could install
Math::GreatCircle::Fast; otherwise things would still work OK, but a
little slower.

The functionality of Math::GreatCircle would be pretty much the same
as Math::Trig's great circle functions; primarily it's a wrapper for

Does anybody see any problems with, or have any objections to, this

Thanks for any thoughts,


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Checking for boilerplate

2005-08-24 Thread Chris Dolan

On Aug 24, 2005, at 10:56 AM, Andy Lester wrote:

Remember, CPAN thrives BECAUSE we allow unfettered uploading of shit,
not in spite of it.

Now there's a quote that needs to be added to the footer  
rotation.  :-)

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Checking for boilerplate

2005-08-24 Thread Chris Dolan

On Aug 24, 2005, at 7:46 AM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Aug 22, 2005, at 2:07 PM, Andy Lester wrote:

RJBS and I are going to put some tests into Module::Starter to  
check for

boilerplate.  Watch for it tomorrow, maybe tonight.

Personally I still don't think that's the best place for it.  Why  
make all the people who *download* your module check something that  
should be checked at "make dist" time?

Did people not like the idea of putting these checks as plugins  
into Module::Release?

I strongly suspect that the people who use Module::Release are not  
the ones uploading modules with boilerplate.  Putting the test in  
Module::Release is a good idea, but it would not abate the primary  
problem under discussion.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Help with naming: ASDoc to POD conversion

2005-08-10 Thread Chris Dolan

On Aug 10, 2005, at 12:28 AM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Chris Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-09 17:05]:

I like to Pod:: namespace, but that's mostly for modules that
convert  from POD, not to POD.  One exception is Pod::HTML2Pod,
which leads me  to one option:



I do think the Pod:: namespace is appropriate for this. The
primary purpose of the module has to do with POD, so that’s where
it should be filed.

I don’t like the 2Pod bit – both for the (common and established;
unfortunately) abuse of “2” just to save a character as well as
because the “to POD” part really is redundant. What you want is a
simple “From.”

I also think the “AS” acronym is way too opaque for this. I’m not
sure it needs to mention “Doc,” though “Javadoc” would be too

So I’d say this module’s name is


or if you think it’s unambiguous enough, maybe


both of which are plain, descriptive and memorable.

Thanks much, Aristotle!  I like your latter suggestion and will go  
with that.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Help with naming: ASDoc to POD conversion

2005-08-09 Thread Chris Dolan
I am working on a module that converts Flash Actionscript  
documentation (an informal variant of Javadoc) to POD.  What would be  
a good name for this?

I like to Pod:: namespace, but that's mostly for modules that convert  
from POD, not to POD.  One exception is Pod::HTML2Pod, which leads me  
to one option:


Any other ideas?  Good words to pick from: Actionscript, ASDoc,  
JavaDoc, Pod, Text.  Since this is just a text => text conversion,  
names that include "Flash" or "SWF" are not appropriate, I think.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Regexp code feature

2005-07-25 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jul 25, 2005, at 10:59 AM, David Landren wrote:

Note that $^R is broken. It won't be set correctly in cases like

'ab' =~ /^a(?{1})(?:b(?{2}))?$/

In this case $^R will be set to 1 instead of 2. I have filed a bug 
report on this, but I doubt it will ever get fixed unless Dave 
Mitchell find a pile of tuits. That said, looking at your problem 
domain, I'm not sure you'll encounter optional tails.

Plugging my own module here, you might find that Regexp::Assemble, in 
its "tracked pattern" mode, will do all that you need, and works 
around this bug. This should help save you a certain amount of 
development time.

Thanks for the info, David.  No, it should not affect my code, 
fortunately.  My regexps are designed so that at most one code block is 
hit, right at the end of the match (they are all at the end of a series 
of literals).

This is exactly the sort of feedback I was hoping to see, however.  May 
I recommend that you add a note about that $^R problem to the docs at

I did look at Regexp::Assemble at Sébastien's suggestion.  It looks 
very powerful.  My problem space is much simpler than that module is 
trying to address, however, so constructing a binary tree to represent 
the IP ranges and building my regexps from that tree was 
straightforward (and performant) in about 30 lines of code.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software 
( and partners in the revolutionary 
Croquet project (

Re: Regexp code feature

2005-07-21 Thread Chris Dolan

On Jul 21, 2005, at 3:17 PM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Chris Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-21 22:05]:

What's the minimum version of Perl needed to reliably exploit the (?{
code }) feature in regexps?

You can check at <>. The first
version where pelre documents this feature is 5.005.

Though as far as “reliably” is concerned: it has never lost its
“experimental” status. Even if I doubt that it would be removed
from Perl5 at this point.

Thanks, Aristotle.

After checking that URL, I've confirmed that 5.005 probably *could* 
work, but I've successfully tested my module on 5.6.0 and called that 
good enough (since I use "our", etc).  I've uploaded 
Net::IP::Match::Regexp to CPAN.

Yes, I see your point about the experimental status.  Well, it's the 
only way I could think of to implement varying return values via the 
regexp.  I'm using only the most basic aspect of the (?{code}) feature, 
so I'm safe unless someone takes $^R away from me.  :-)

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software 
( and partners in the revolutionary 
Croquet project (

Regexp code feature

2005-07-21 Thread Chris Dolan
What's the minimum version of Perl needed to reliably exploit the (?{  
code }) feature in regexps?

I'm working on a module that I call Net::IP::Match::Regexp which builds  
and runs regexps that contain simple code blocks.  It works great under  
5.8.1 on my Mac, but I haven't tested older Perl versions yet.

My code turns these IP ranges (randomly generated)> 1> 2  => 3  => 4> 5

into regexps look like this:

my $re =  

It's used in this context, pulling the code values out via $^R:

sub match_ip
   my ($ip,$re) = @_;

   local $^R;
   use re 'eval';
   unpack("B32", pack("C4", split(/\./, $ip))) =~ /$re/;
   return $^R;

Thanks much,
Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
( and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (

Re: Namespace Advice

2005-04-07 Thread Chris Dolan
On Apr 7, 2005, at 8:28 AM, Reinhard Pagitsch wrote:
Hello Chris,
Chris Dolan wrote:
On Apr 6, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Reinhard Pagitsch wrote:
I would suggest now to name the module 

I like this better than before, but why not 
Because not only MS documents can be read? There is also the 
possibility to read the summary informations
from text and and other files, if there is a summary information 

Hmm, I think it must be my Mac experience showing through.  I'll defer 
in this case, but permit me to further detail my thoughts anyway...  
When I think "Document" I mentally include any non-active file, 
including MS Office files, text files, PDF files, etc. but excluding 
executables.  To me "Win32::Storage" and "Win32::File" suggest the 
manifestation of the file in the filesystem, not the the contents of 
that file.  But perhaps my vocabulary of simply off base.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703
Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software 
( and partners in the revolutionary 
Croquet project (

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: How to force tests to issue "NA" reports?

2005-04-07 Thread Chris Dolan
On Apr 6, 2005, at 7:13 AM, Robert Rothenberg wrote:
Is there a way tests to determine that a module cannot be installed on 
a platform so that CPANPLUS or CPAN::YACSmoke can issue an "NA" (Not 
Applicable) report?

CPANPLUS relies on module names (e.g. "Solaris::" or "Win32::") but 
that is not always appropriate in cases where a module runs on many 
platforms  except some that do not have the capability.

There's also a separate issue of whether "NA" reports should be issued 
if a library is missing.  (Usually these come out as failures.)

(Co-author of CPAN::YACSmoke)
It won't help you *today* but there is a proposed META.yml field called 
"excludes_os" which fits your request perfectly.

See also ""
Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703
Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software 
( and partners in the revolutionary 
Croquet project (

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Namespace Advice

2005-04-07 Thread Chris Dolan
On Apr 6, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Reinhard Pagitsch wrote:
I would suggest now to name the module Win32::Storage::ReadSummaryInfo.
I like this better than before, but why not 
Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software 
( and partners in the revolutionary 
Croquet project (

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Namespace Advice

2005-04-05 Thread Chris Dolan
On Apr 5, 2005, at 2:44 AM, Reinhard Pagitsch wrote:
Win32::File::Prop - Perl extension read property informations from MS 
compound files and "normal" files, if the properties are set.
Question: Is this really Win32 specific?  Are you using Windows-only 
functionality, or would this module work fine on non-Windows computers 
(like the Excel and OLE modules do)?

I think "Document" may be better than "File" in this case.  My first 
impression was that "Win32::File::Prop" is would interact with Windows 
filesystem properties, like permissions, hidden flags, ownership, etc.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703
Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software 
( and partners in the revolutionary 
Croquet project (

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: lib::http - Using virtually a Perl library from the Internet with the HTTP protocol.

2005-02-21 Thread Chris Dolan
Check out PAR.  I believe it can do exactly what you are describing.  
It resembles Java's JAR concept, and it supports the ability specify 
remote archives of packages.

On Feb 20, 2005, at 7:14 PM, Graciliano M. P. wrote:
Felow PM Authors,
Recently I was developing a new module, called lib::http, where is 
to use a Perl library installed in other server over the internet. 
Also with
this release is distributed a modified Perl interpreter, actually a 
TinyPerl, that doesn't have any lib, but with it is possible to use a 
perl installation over the internet.

The main idea is to use Perl without need to install anything, and to 
have a
central point to load modules, where is possible to update a full grid 
servers changing only a single place. So, we can update all the 
writed in Perl that works in our grid changing a single Perl 
what is much more faster, and as a plus we can hide some modules, 
since we
can tell to load this modules only in the memory, without need to 
store them
fisically in the server.

lib::http was created only in the last week and still need tests, of 
but it's working very well, and already have support for gzip 
index of a perl library in the server side, and works in any simple 

You can find it at:
Enjoy! ;-P
Graciliano M. P.

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Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703
Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software 
( and partners in the revolutionary 
Croquet project (

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: CPAN question

2004-11-10 Thread Chris Dolan
I'm interested to hear what others say.  IMO, uploading to CPAN more 
than once a week on a regular basis is too much.  With mirror 
propagation time and caching of the module list in itself, you 
should expect at least a day or more of delay before people will see 
your uploaded module.

For more frequent updates, I think VCSs (like CVS) or SourceForge are 
better alternatives, with point releases going to CPAN.

That said, I think regular uploads to CPAN won't really hurt anything.  
It just won't help too much.

On Nov 10, 2004, at 10:57 AM, Sean Quinlan wrote:
Just wondering about appropriate PAN usage. I have a set of modules I'm
working on on an almost daily basis. They are alpha's currently (the
port from the working MySQL::Backup to DBA::Backup &
DBA::Backup::mysql). I talked about them at our local Perl mongers
meeting last night and a few people expressed interest in the project,
as well as a few collaborators.
My impulse is to regularly update the modules on CPAN, at least until 
get a semi-functional beta in place. But I'm apprehensive that using
CPAN like CVS might annoy some of the maintainers. :) What's the 
consensus, keep the modules on CPAN current, or use email/lists/etc. 
only update CPAN at significant development points.

Sean Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: MySQL::Backup?

2004-10-26 Thread Chris Dolan
Assuming it is based on DBI at its core, your module would fit better 
in the DBI extension area.  I think DBIx::Backup::MySQL would be good, 
as it would leave room for expansions to databases other than ::MySQL.

On Oct 25, 2004, at 3:00 PM, Sean Quinlan wrote:
Good afternoon,
	I've been working on a tool for automating log rotations and database
dumps for MySQL. This started during system administration discussions
in a development group I was in at MGH quite a while ago, and a few
people were involved in writing the first versions. I've just recently
gotten back to working on it again.
	I now have a working version that is being tested at a couple of 
I would be happy to send it to anyone (or the list) on request. It has
three components, a module, a conf file and a tiny script for 
backups, generally to be run by daily cron job. The documentation is
scattered about a bit still, but should be functionally correct.
	I would welcome any feedback on the module name. I've got it as
MySQL::Backup at the moment, and don't see anything currently on CPAN 
that name space. Does anyone have any other recommendations or concerns
before I upload it to PAUSE?

Sean Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, 313 W Beltline Hwy Suite 41, Madison WI 53713

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Application mechanizing

2004-04-26 Thread Chris Dolan
Thanks for the feedback.   I will use
and I encourage others to use the same pattern in the future.

On Thursday, April 22, 2004, at 06:56  PM, Gabor Szabo wrote:

The Win32:: namspace is also quite established to applications 
specific to
that platform so if the underlying application is Windows specific
I think using Win32:: would be a good idea.

I'd understand more something like Win32::Automate:: or
less than 2c.
Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, 211 S Paterson Suite 260, Madison WI 53703

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Application mechanizing

2004-04-22 Thread Chris Dolan

Using the handy Win32::GuiTest module, I'm automating control of a 
particular Windows application which lacks a specific command line or 
scriptable interface.   (We're still unclear on licensing issues, so 
forgive for simply calling it  instead of it's real name)  What 
sort of name would be good?  I'm thinking about something like 
 or , where
   = Win32, GUI, UI, App, ...
   = Mechanize, Automate, Truss, Script, ...

Alternatively, it could simply be ::Mechanize, but that creates a 
new top-level space for every application, which I'd like to avoid.

Surely there's a module which has already explored this conceptual 
space, but I can't find a similar example yet which doesn't just create 
a new top-level name for the application.  Win32::IE::Mechanize is the 
closest I've seen with a good name, but it definitely has a different 
goal (it's not really an application truss).

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, 211 S Paterson Suite 260, Madison WI 53703

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Debugging unfamiliar platforms

2003-08-26 Thread Chris Dolan
I'm maintaining a module, CGI::Compress::Gzip, which does 
auto-compressed output at for CGI scripts.  The module works very well 
for me under Linux, BSD and MacOSX, but I keep getting automated 
reports from CPANPLUS that the module fails under Solaris and/or 

I've tried replying to the bug report emails asking questions about the 
environment but, not surprisingly, I haven't gotten an answer.  I don't 
have easy access to a Solaris or Windows environment for testing Perl 
modules, so I have not been able to reproduce the bug reports.

How do others out there deal with module maintenance for platforms you 
don't support locally?

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 294-7900, 211 S Paterson, Madison WI 53703

Re: GZipped CGI output

2003-01-21 Thread Chris Dolan
On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 01:14  AM, Stas Bekman wrote:

Chris Dolan wrote:

I'm writing a module which subclasses and automatically gzips 
output if the browser has "Accept-Encoding: gzip" set and the script 
emits a text/html mimetype.  To be as drop-in as possible, it uses 
select() to make the gzip filter the primary output channel, and 
changes it back when the CGI object is destroyed.  It's relies on 
IO::Zlib to do the heavy lifting.
1) I was unable to find anything similar in CPAN.  Does anybody know 
if I'm duplicating
   existing effort (other than mod_gzip for Apache of course)?

You are. Check these modules at least:


Thank you!  I forgot to check the Apache:: tree since I rarely use 
those modules.  The Apache::Compress author pointed these out to me in 
a separate email.

However after some discussion with the Apache::Compress author, and 
examination of the source code, I'm convinced that my module likely has 
a very different potential audience, since those two are 
mod_perl/server-config specific and mine tries to more "user-space".  
That is, I focus on doing the compression in the space of the script, 
not the server process.  I think this empowers people who do not have 
control over the Apache conf, or those who aren't running Apache, or 
those who want to be able to turn the compression on or off at will.

Thanks again for the feedback.


GZipped CGI output

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Dolan
I'm writing a module which subclasses and automatically gzips 
output if the browser has "Accept-Encoding: gzip" set and the script 
emits a text/html mimetype.  To be as drop-in as possible, it uses 
select() to make the gzip filter the primary output channel, and 
changes it back when the CGI object is destroyed.  It's relies on 
IO::Zlib to do the heavy lifting.

1) I was unable to find anything similar in CPAN.  Does anybody know if 
I'm duplicating
   existing effort (other than mod_gzip for Apache of course)?
2) I'm leaning toward "CGI::Gzip" for the module name.  Is this 
appropriate capitalization?
3) Would anybody be interested in looking over the code and offering 
suggestions before I
   upload it?  It works fine on simple CGI scripts, and I have designed 
it to be mod_perl-
   friendly, but I have not yet tested on mod_perl.
