Re: [Mono-dev] Bug preserving stack trace

2016-06-28 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Any responses?

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 7:59 AM
> I know you don't usually want to catch & throw, because you're not adding
> new information. If you want to add new information, generally you should
> throw a new exception and include an InnerException. Here are some
> examples of situations you would want to catch and rethrow:
> I also know you destroy the stack trace if you explicitly name the exception
> you're rethrowing. In order to preserve the stack, you should throw without
> any arguments.
> I know the difference between a debug build and release build, particularly
> with regards to optimizations and inlining.
> In a debug build, the following code behaves as expected (prints out the full
> stack trace) on .NET, but doesn't print out the full stack on mono 4.2.3. I'm
> pretty sure it's not an expected behavior.
> using System;
> namespace FunWithRethrow
> {
>   class MainClass
>   {
>     public static void Main (string[] args)
>     {
>   try {
>     Third ();
>       }
>   catch (Exception e) {
>     Console.WriteLine (e);
>   }
>     }
>     static void Third()
>     {
>   Second ();
>     }
>     static void Second()
>     {
>   try {
>     First();
>   }
>   catch {
>     throw;
>   }
>     }
>     static void First()
>     {
>   throw new Exception ("Something said... Not good...");
>     }
>   }
> }
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Bug preserving stack trace

2016-06-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
I know you don't usually want to catch & throw, because you're not adding new 
information. If you want to add new information, generally you should throw a 
new exception and include an InnerException. Here are some examples of 
situations you would want to catch and rethrow:

I also know you destroy the stack trace if you explicitly name the exception 
you're rethrowing. In order to preserve the stack, you should throw without any 

I know the difference between a debug build and release build, particularly 
with regards to optimizations and inlining.

In a debug build, the following code behaves as expected (prints out the full 
stack trace) on .NET, but doesn't print out the full stack on mono 4.2.3. I'm 
pretty sure it's not an expected behavior.

using System;

namespace FunWithRethrow
  class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
  try {
Third ();
  catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine (e);
static void Third()
  Second ();
static void Second()
  try {
  catch {
static void First()
  throw new Exception ("Something said... Not good...");

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Cross Platform on Linux/Windows with Mono.Posix reference on Linux

2016-03-30 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Chris Swiedler []
> Why not just include references to Mono.Posix.dll in the Windows build? You
> don't have to install the full framework.

Then when you run it on mono, you're using the Mono.Posix.dll that you packaged 
with your application, instead of using the one that's included in the OS. 
Although it's arguable which way is better, because each way has pros and cons, 
the OP specifically said he didn't want to do this (and I personally agree).

It's not difficult to write the abstraction factory, and it's the most elegant 
solution. I will advocate for this because I've been burned in the past by 
*not* doing it.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Cross Platform on Linux/Windows with Mono.Posix reference on Linux

2016-03-29 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Greg Young

(for clarification of my previous response, because I was asked for 
clarification off-list)

If you have some code that calls Mono.Posix.Something(), and you have a 
conditional reference to Mono.Posix in the project, then you're able to build 
on Mono, but on windows, without the reference, your call to 
Mono.Posix.Something() will not compile, which prevents you from building, even 
though at runtime you might never make that call. In order to compile on 
windows, you'll need to comment-out your Mono.Posix.Something() line, via #if 
or [Conditional], which means you need a compiler symbol to indicate whether 
you're building on mono or windows. This could be either separate project 
files, or multiple build configurations. (Or dynamically generated project 

Maybe you can have a conditional reference to Mono.Posix on mono, and have a 
separate conditional reference to ../../ExtraClassLibraries/Mono.Posix.dll on 
windows, with copy-to-destination, so you can get the same code to build on 
both mono and windows, resulting in an effectively identical cross-platform 
binary... But I'm almost certain I recall somebody on this list telling me, 
that the JIT compiler can or will or might in the future, eagerly link 
assemblies at runtime (or just before runtime), so the Mono.Posix.dll file must 
be present on windows at runtime in order to avoid runtime exceptions, even 
though the runtime code execution will never execute that path.

You avoid all these problems by abstracting the functionality you want into an 
interface or abstract class, and using a factory to perform a runtime dynamic 
load of a mono-specific or windows-specific assembly with a derivative class. 
You can build the mono-specific assembly on mono, or maybe you can use the 
double-conditional described above and get the mono-specific assembly to also 
be buildable on windows. No need to copy Mono.Posix.dll to the destination, 
because Mono.Posix will only be called at runtime when run on mono.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Cross Platform on Linux/Windows with Mono.Posix reference on Linux

2016-03-28 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Greg Young

That doesn't do the trick all by itself, because then your code won't compile 
on windows, in all the places where something references Mono.Posix. If you 
want to use this as a solution, you'll need to define a compiler symbol in the 
project, and maintain different project files (or different build 
configurations) when building on windows or mono, and then #if to remove 
references to Mono.Posix, when built in windows. While this technique works, it 
would result in binaries that are not cross-platform compatible (maybe you 
don't care). And you have to maintain the separate project files, which is 

The other way is to build a factory, and do a run-time check to load the 
appropriate assembly. For example, you can put the abstract StuffDoer class in 
a common assembly, which is available to all your platform agnostic code. Then 
write a StuffDoerWin derivative class in a windows-only assembly, and a 
StuffDoerMono class in a mono-only assembly. Choose which one to instantiate 
using a run-time check, like:

// This is defined in a common assembly
public static abstract class StuffDoer {
public static StuffDoer CreateInstance() {
if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") == null) {
// running on windows
// Use Activator.CreateInstance to return an object of 
type StuffDoerWin, from my Windows assembly
return newStuffDoer;
} else {
// running on mono
// Use Activator.CreateInstance to return an object of 
type StuffDoerMono, from my Mono assembly
return newStuffDoer;}
public abstract void DoStuff();  // Must be overridden in derivative 

// This is defined in a windows-only assembly
public static class StuffDoerWin : StuffDoer {

// This is defined in a mono-only assembly
public static class StuffDoerMono : StuffDoer {
// Here, I can use Mono.Posix stuff
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Unix Signal in mono

2016-02-29 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of techi eth
> Thanks for quick hint.
> We can receive signal by using signal handler using
> Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib.signal.
> I am trying to check possibility of sending signal from one process to 
> another.

Start with
Documentation > Getting Started > Overview > API Reference

And this should do it for you:

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Which mono libraries should be packed along with the mac app ?

2016-02-04 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Rajesh Khan
> 1- The first issue is that in my code I am doing this at the start
>  mono_set_dirs("/opt/mono/lib", "/opt/mono/etc");
> 2- Which libraries should be packed along with my .app ?

I don't know what mono_set_dirs is, or why you would need to use it. If you've 
installed the MDK in the normal way, and you're building and running your app 
in the normal way, you shouldn't need to do anything.

The mono class libraries are MIT licensed, so if you need to distribute those 
with your app, should be easy for you to comply. The mono runtime is GPL, so 
unless your app is GPL, you'll have a license conflict trying to distribute 
mono with your app legally.

If you pay for Xamarin.Mac, you are licensed to bundle the mono runtime with 
your non-GPL app. In fact, when you build your app, Xamarin by default bundles 
it automatically for you into the .app.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] mkbundle --mono : Cannot find assembly

2016-01-29 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Rajesh Khan
> /Users/User/MyApp/ext/mono/bin/mkbundle -o createcore_managed.c -
> oo createcore_managed_deps.o -c --nomain --config-dir
> /Users/User/MyApp/ext/mono/etc --config
> /Users/User/MyApp/ext/mono/etc/mono/config --machine-config
> /Users/User/MyApp/ext/mono/etc/mono/4.5/machine.config --mono
> /Users/User/MyApp/ext/mono/lib/mono/4.5/ --deps /Users/User/MyApp-
> Build/bin/CreateCore.dll /Users/User/MyApp-Build/bin/FM.dll
> /Users/User/MyApp-Build/bin/FSLLINK.dll /Users/User/MyApp-
> Build/bin/Ionic.Zlib.dll /Users/User/MyApp-Build/bin/PList.dll
> /Users/User/MyApp-Build/bin/Renci.SshNet.dll /Users/User/MyApp-
> Build/bin/MIConvexHullPlugin.dll /Users/User/MyApp-
> Build/bin/MathNet.Numerics.dll

I don't know if the options to mkbundle have changed over the years, perhaps 
the project you're building used an old version or something like that, but I 
know (man mkbundle) that currently --mono isn't an option to mkbundle. Neither 
is --config.

If that's the build process the project gives you, obviously you have to do 
whatever they support, but in general, mkbundle isn't necessary, isn't 
beneficial, and doesn't work great. What mkbundle does is kind of analogous to 
static linking. It's supposed to build a binary that has copies of all the 
dynamic libraries built-in to it, so it's not pulling from the dynamic 
libraries at runtime.

If the project gives you any other build method, that doesn't involve mkbundle, 
give that a try.

> I downloaded the mono project from the git resource
> git clone

There's also usually no reason for you to build mono from source, unless you 
want to develop mono internals. Usually the best thing to do is follow the 
instructions on

Caveat: On redhat systems, the mono yum repo only supports the latest version. 
(No centos6). In that case, there's probably some external repo that could get 
you a recent version of mono, but I don't know off the top of my head.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Data protection failed exception

2016-01-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Neale Ferguson
> Further to the problem, tt seems to be a threading issue since if a lock
> is put around this method call:
> return ProtectedData.Protect(data, extraEntropy, dataProtectionScope);
> then it would work. This seems to try an access some file in .mono/keypair
> and it seems to be some concurrency issue since we have multiple threads
> all calling this code at the same time and that’s where it get tripped up.

It sounds like you've nailed it. ProtectedData indeed accesses key files in 
~/.config/.mono/keypairs (slightly different from what you said) and if you've 
got multiple threads accessing that concurrently, locking or sharing will be 
necessary. Evidently, that's not working, so it should be a relatively 
straightforward thing to test (or find in source) if mono is / isn't supporting 
locking / sharing for those operations.

Given that you wrapping ProtectedData in a lock() solves the problem, most 
likely this is a mono bug, in which ProtectedData is not threadsafe. Your 
workaround will be to continue using the lock.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Debugging Mono applications under GDB

2015-11-14 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Chris Swiedler
> We have a server application that's being developed under Visual Studio and
> run under Mono 3.12. We're generating .mdb files from the .pdbs that VS
> creates. With those deployed next to the executable, mono will give full
> callstacks with source and line information when logging exceptions, so I
> believe the .mdbs are correct.

Have you considered monodevelop or Xamarin Studio?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] self hosted WCF service with client certificates?

2015-11-12 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Martin, is this a question for you?

> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Darkness
> I currently have the following up and running without issues:
> * self hosted WCF service, compiled with .Net/Visual studio 2013, running on
> Linux+mono 3.12.0
> * WCF service uses basicHttpBinding with transport security (self-signed
> certificate with rootCA certificate)
> * WCF client running on windows/.Net 4.0 with corresponding
> basicHttpBinding
> configuration
> The client can connect and communicate with this service (client currently
> ignores the certificate error due to self-signed certificate -
> ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback)

Does WCF service using basicHttpBinding use SslStream under the hood? Or 
something else provided by the OS?

Last I knew, SslStream as a server, works for self-signed certs, but fails if 
you have a real cert signed by a CA intermediate.

> However, I would like to add client certificates to this setup to be able to
> identify clients on the server side for client-specific handling.

Given that SslStream doesn't work in a *standard* configuration, is there any 
chance of client cert authentication working?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Buggered yum repo (Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 127, Issue 9)

2015-11-11 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Jo Shields
> I've added some explicit version numbers to the download page. I was
> under the impression the Centos 7 minimum was clearer, but I was wrong.

I never saw "Centos 7 minimum" or else I would have understood it clearly.

Thanks for adding the info now.

Bummer that there's no support for Centos 6.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Buggered yum repo

2015-11-09 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Right now, when I follow the instructions to install mono

rpm --import 
yum-config-manager --add-repo

rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm

On a RHEL 6.7 x86_64 box, fully updated, with EPEL repo installed, and then I 
run (as root)

yum -y install  mono-complete

I get a bunch of errors, including

Error: Package: mono-devel- 

So I double-checked that my system is fully updated, and confirmed that I have 
merely glibc_2.12.

So then I thought, maybe you guys support on Centos but not RHEL? And I looked 
at what's available in Centos ... Centos only goes up to 2.12.

So I have to conclude there's something buggered in your yum repo. Requiring a 
version of glibc later than what the OS provides.

This sort of thing happens often enough, that in general I don't use the mono 
repositories (because then I get stuck in positions like I am now, where 
installing mono is blocking productivity). I have to remove the mono 
repository, and rely on version 2.10 provided by epel. I wish you could improve 
the testing of this release process.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Compiling 64-bit windows mono-2.0 library with Visual Studio

2015-10-06 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Matt Guerrette
> I am currently trying to integrate mono into a project that I've built
> completely 64 bit.
> Currently on Windows there seems to be only 32 bit versions of Mono and
> no easy way to build a 64 bit version.

What do you mean you're trying to integrate mono into a project that you've 
built? This is presumably a C# .NET project you have in windows, so what do you 
mean "integrate mono?"
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Unexpected binary element

2015-09-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
I have a project that has always built fine before, in mono 4.0.3 and 3.8.1, 
but suddenly now, when I try to do anything with 3.8.1, I get "Unexpected 
binary element."

In monodevelop, try building or cleaning, "Clean failed: Unexpected binary 
element" and "Build failed: Unexpected binary element."

When I search around, it seems people always equate this to mono version 
upgrades, or target runtimes being unsupported. So I changed all the target 
runtimes to Mono/.Net 4.5, and still have the same problem. Have not upgraded 
mono or anything.

What else could cause this?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Accessing wifi by mono

2015-09-16 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of techi eth
> What is the way to access wifi under Linux by using Mono ?

How would you do it in any other language?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Class built by mono throws FileNotFoundException when run on windows

2015-09-02 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Greg Young []
> Use conditional compilation.

Unless I've somehow missed your point? You said that twice, so I want to make 
sure we're on the same page - You're talking about defining a compiler symbol, 
and then using [Conditonal] or #if, right? The end result would be different 
binaries for different platforms. But you can see in my original post, I got my 
ego bruised and I got taken down a notch by Miguel and others here for doing it 
- I am *specifically* looking to avoid conditional compilation. That was the 
point of the original question. The folks who maintain the mono source consider 
it incorrect enough to reject any pull request that does it, except for 
compiler code. I'm here to learn a new pattern that is better and more 
flexible, although not trivial to learn for the first time. That's exactly what 
I've gotten from Alex and Robert: Use a factory and two assemblies.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] SslStream X509 certificate

2015-09-02 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of lorenzo.delana
> I'm struggling to find a way to run a SSL server on Linux using mono,
> I have a certificate with a private key installed using certmgr and I can
> see by listing that the certificate is in the store with Private Key: True

I assume you mean you have a real CA signed certificate, with an intermediate, 
right? You're not doing self-signed or anything like that - your cert is not 
signed directly by any CA. The point is you have an intermediate, that needs to 
be served by the server, right?

Mono's implementation of SSL/TLS and x509 has always been rather incomplete. In 
particular, there are a series of bugs or missing functionality that prevent a 
mono SslStream server from sending the intermediate to the client, which is a 
problem. The official fix is in progress, but still a long way off - Miguel 
wrote about it here:

For business purposes, I have had to hack it to work. Officially, you should 
probably pay for Eidos SSLBlackBox, but it's kind of expensive. Unofficially, 
you can get my hacked version at and 
if you want to see my source changes ... Apparently I've deleted the github 
fork, so it'll be some effort, but I definitely have a local repo sitting 
around somewhere.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Class built by mono throws FileNotFoundException when run on windows

2015-09-02 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
I like the advice I'm getting from Alex and Robert.

Alex, you said you're using
Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "foobar.dll")

When I look around, it seems like this might be more reliable?
Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "foobar.dll")

I'm doing pretty well now, but not done yet - I have a base factory class, in a 
factory assembly, that returns instances of derivative classes from specific 
assemblies at runtime. The new question is: My main project only needs to 
reference the factory assembly, and in fact the derivative assemblies must also 
reference the factory assembly, because they derive from the factory assembly. 
So by default, the derivative assemblies dll files don't get copied to the 
build dir of the main project. I cannot reference the derivative assemblies 
from the factory assembly, because of circular reference. But I can reference 
the derivative assemblies from the main project, which seems to have the effect 
of copying their DLL's to the build dir, as desired.

So is it safe for me to reference the derivative assemblies from the main 
project, even though the main project doesn't actually use anything from those 
assemblies? Or is it possible that the JIT compiler or something will someday 
be aggressive and cause crashing? (I think it's good - just want sanity check).

And is this a reliable way of getting the dll's to the target directory? Or 
will the compiler/linker/whatever sometimes exclude those dll's from the build 
process, because they're referenced but never used? (Again, I think it's good - 
just want sanity check).

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Class built by mono throws FileNotFoundException when run on windows

2015-09-01 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
I've always used separate project files on windows and linux, in order to 
include different compiler symbols, in order to make projects build with 
different dependencies. I've been chastised here for doing it, so I'd like to 
find a better way. (Miguel and others tore apart a pull request, saying I 
should never check __MONO__, if I need behavior to be different on windows and 
non-windows, I need to use a runtime check. The problem is, as described below, 
the runtime check can't build or run on windows, so I'd like to figure out how 
it should be done).

Right now, I have a class, which is using Mono.Unix.Native, because of a method 
that does this: 
if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null) {

When built and run on mono, works great. The problem is building and running on 
windows. In order to make it build, I copied Mono.Posix.dll into the project 
and referenced it, with CopyLocal = False. This way, Mono.Posix.dll doesn't get 
copied to the build directory, which is good because it's already present on 
mono systems, and not needed on windows systems - the only reason for it to 
exist in the project is because windows can't build without it.

So it builds. But unfortunately, it won't run on windows. It throws 
FileNotFoundException "Mono.Posix.dll" before evaluating the if-clause.

The workaround I've found is to create a wrapper class MonoSpecific, so the 
if-clause and the Mono.Posix call are not in the same file. But this is clearly 
a hack. Is there a better way?

using System;
namespace helloProject
static class Hello
static void ChangePermsIfNecessary()
if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null) {

using System;
using Mono.Unix.Native;
namespace helloProject
static class MonoSpecific
static void DoChmod()

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono/Windows Services

2015-06-13 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Paul McEwan
> Thanks, the mono-service tool is working well so far

Glad it's working for you. I never had any luck with mono-service and 
mono-service2. What we did, instead, was to create a console application, and 
let upstart or systemd manage it. Easy peasy.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] NullReferenceException in Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate.Hash and IsSelfSigned

2015-05-28 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
The problem is confirmed Xamarin.Mac specific. And steps to reproduce are here:
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] NullReferenceException in Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate.Hash and IsSelfSigned

2015-05-28 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
The NullReference problem seems to be Xam.Mac specific. The problem doesn't 
happen in a console application, or even if I create a new Xam.Mac project. But 
my old Xam.Mac project has the problem - and I can't make any sense of it.

I've trimmed down everything I can, to this example project. Simply make sure 
you have no mozroots 
rm -rf ~/.config/.mono/certs
and launch the application in debug mode.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] NullReferenceException in Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate.Hash and IsSelfSigned

2015-05-28 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Recently, I'm encountering a problem where Mozroots is throwing 
NullReferenceException. I am working on a reproducible example, but until then, 
I'd like to revisit this issue:

First, here is reproduction code that shows the mac client requires mozroots to 
be run. This code throws exception on a pristine mac, but succeeds after 
mozroots has been run:

const string hostname = "";
const int PortNumber = 443;
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect(hostname, PortNumber);
using (var mySslStream = new SslStream (client.GetStream (), 
leaveInnerStreamOpen: false)) {
mySslStream.AuthenticateAsClient (targetHost: hostname, clientCertificates: 
null, enabledSslProtocols: SslProtocols.Tls, checkCertificateRevocation: false);

Given that the above throws exception, I'd like to ask, are there plans to make 
the SslStream client on mac utilize the system keychain, and if so, how soon 
might we expect it? The way things are now, we have to bundle a copy of 
Mozroots in our app, and programmatically call it. I would love to eliminate 
the need for this.

Right now, MozRoots is throwing the NullReferenceException on this line:
if (!trusted.Contains (root)) {

When I debug and step through, I can see "root" is a 
Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate, where Hash and IsSelfSigned both throw 
NullReferenceException if they're accessed.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an 
  at Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate.get_Hash () [0x00057] in 
  at Mono.Security.X509.X509CertificateCollection.IndexOf 
(Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate value) [0x00011] in 
  at Mono.Security.X509.X509CertificateCollection.Contains 
(Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate value) [0x0] in 

For reasons that I don't yet understand, this exception occurs when we call the 
MozRoots class in our app, but does not occur when I run "mozroots" command on 
the Terminal. So I'm still figuring this out and have not yet got example code 
to reproduce the issue.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] ECDSA support

2015-05-12 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of techi eth
> Is mono support ciphers ECDSA ?
> Mono 4.0.0 release show some handling of same under mono-
> 4.0.0/external/referencesource/System.Core/System/Security/Cryptograph
> y.
> Please let me know how to use the same in build.

Just in case you want, there's an example of bouncycastle ECDH usage here:

Depending on what you want to do, you might even use CBCryptKey from the above 
project (also available in NuGet). I found bouncycastle's API quite lacking in 
documentation, and kind of difficult to use, so the most useful stuff was 
abstracted to 

The ECDH and ECDSA keys are exactly the same - but it's recommended you be 
explicit (don't just use EC), and only use a key for its intended purpose. As 
far as I know it's not well studied if there might be some bad interaction 
between the ECDH algorithms and ECDSA algorithms. In other words, don't use a 
single key for both ECDH and ECDSA. Generate separate keys if you need both. 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] ECDSA support

2015-05-12 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of techi eth
> Is mono support ciphers ECDSA ?
> Mono 4.0.0 release show some handling of same under mono-
> 4.0.0/external/referencesource/System.Core/System/Security/Cryptograph
> y.
> Please let me know how to use the same in build.

If it's not coming for any reason, I know bouncycastle has it.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Is mono ready for backend deployment?

2015-03-27 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Gelin Yan []
> Unfortunately, at the time, mono crashed each time after a few seconds of
> pressing tests. (IAsyncResult was slightly better,
> it lasted a bit longer).

Check the mono compatibility guide.  All the async stuff, except for ASP.Net, 
has stabilized and is well supported, since ... I'm not sure when ...  But I 
know it wasn't stable in 2.10 when you tested it, and it is stable now.  I also 
know if you had checked the compatibility guide in the days of 2.10, it would 
indicate async was not yet stable.  Familiarization with the compatibility 
guide and the class status guide is an important part of cross-platform 
development for .Net and mono.

>By the way, Do you have any info about tuning GC on mono?  When I
> searched "mono, gc tuning" on google,  only a few results came out and a
> little bit outdated.

I have not had any reason to tweak the GC, but if you post questions here about 
it (start a new thread) other people here are experts on GC and can answer your 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Is mono ready for backend deployment?

2015-03-26 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Gelin Yan
>    A few years ago, I tried to port one of our server from .net to mono. At 
> the
> time. Mono 2.8 was just out. My server use socket (tcp almost) & thread
> pools heavily.

You're making a blanket statement, "ready."   My blanket response is:  Yes.  
Mono is ready.*

* Going into a little more detail, no matter what, you must acknowledge that 
there are major architectural differences between Windows, BSD, Linux, etc.  
Mono and .Net are enormous, and there *are* differences, and there always will 
be.  So you can never say "It's ready" meaning 100% compatible and bug-free.  
(Guess what, in my experience, I've found about equal numbers of MS bugs and 
Mono bugs.)  What you can do instead, is to develop and test on multiple 
platforms, and anyplace where something is different, solve the problem.

I personally develop a commercial product, that has windows/mac/linux client 
and server components, doing a lot of SSL communications over unreliable 
network connections.  We develop code on .Net, test on mono, and for the 
non-GUI server backend stuff, around 99% of the code simply works without any 
modifications.  We run into occasional snags, like, managing the SSL certs 
differently on each platform, and privilege escalation to bind port 443, and 
stuff like that, which are intrinsically different on different platforms.  
FileSystemWatcher works perfectly on windows & linux, but the BSD 
implementation of kevent/kqueue is fundamentally flawed and will never work, so 
FSWatcher simply doesn't work (reliably) on macs.  We had to get Xam.Mac and 
use FSEvents.  Also, mutexes and inter-process signalling, and file locking - 
we've had to do work in order to support multi-platforms, due to fundamental 
differences in the different platforms.  It's impossible for mono (or anything 
not running on windows) to implement file locking as designed in the MS API.  
Differences of filesystem charset, path separator character, etc.  Dramatic 
difference in RSA key generation, and absent support for EC keys...  To name a 
few of the areas that are different between .Net and mono.

You might be like I was originally - assuming .Net was better - but I have 
found in many regards, neither .Net nor Mono is better.  They each are better 
in specific ways, and the number and severity of differences doesn't add up to 
a clear "one is better."  For example, I found that .Net's implementation of 
RSA key generation greatly outperforms mono's implementation, but mono does a 
lazy key generation which means 99% of the time you can completely skip key 
generation (depending on your usage model).  And there's a huge list like that. 
 Dramatic performance differences in SHA and stuff.

We make heavy use of tcp sockets and threadpool, as well as manually managed 
threads.  Threadpool:  No issues whatsoever.  Tcp:  the timeout setting doesn't 
work unless you set it at the right time ... I forget ... after the connection 
is established?  I forget, but I could look it up.  We decided to manually 
manage the tcp timeouts.  (Not difficult; every time we create a TcpClient, 
create a timer, and when we receive bytes, consider resetting the timer).  
Whatever you do, frigging *don't* call Dispose on a SslStream.  On heavily used 
linux servers, we had to increase the number of tcp sockets in kernel - I could 
look up details if needed - 

So I would say ultimately, Tcp:  Barely any issues, which were easily managed.  
Unfortunately, SslStream was (and still is) not easily managed, if you happen 
to want a mono SslStream server.  But you didn't say SSL; you said TCP sockets. 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Net and SynchronizationContext

2015-03-07 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Federico Di Gregorio []
> Sent: Friday, March 6, 2015 8:43 AM
> races.aspx

Good one, thanks.  :-)  If Eric Lippert says so, it is canonical.  The only 
reason the other pattern was used is because the person who wrote it didn't 
know at the time.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Net and SynchronizationContext

2015-03-06 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Federico Di Gregorio
> I have discovered that the Mono implementation of WebClient doesn't
> behave as described in this MSDN article:

It seems, the class status page for WebClient indicates as you've said - is a 
known issue - Many of the Async methods are marked as broken or incomplete.

So the solution is to workaround until it's fixed.

> I can probably provide some patches but I don't know if there are plans
> to replace that code with the one MS open sourced.

That is the big operative question.

> As a side note, inspecting the code I found that in quite a lot of
> places Mono doesn't implement the "event handler" pattern correctly doing:
> if (Event != null)
>  Event(args);
> instead of:
> var e = Event;
> if (e != null)
>  e(args);

I agree that the pattern you've suggested is the better pattern, to avoid 
NullReferenceException in a race condition.  I don't see anything "official" 
out there suggesting this pattern; in fact, all the example code I see from 
msdn and elsewhere uses the former pattern.  Your post is the first time I've 
heard of the new pattern, and I'm going to use it from now on.  Hopefully 
nobody objects to the suggested new pattern, and hopefully those changes are 
acceptable, but if not, maybe you can find something official suggesting the 
new pattern.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Integration Tests

2015-02-05 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> • We are setting up a more comprehensive harness for SSL/TLS tests that do
> not depend on remote servers.

This is much appreciated, thank you very much.  There is one thing you didn't 

As far as I can tell, no mono developer has ever tested the real world use case 
of SslStream.AuthenticateAsServer with an intermediate cert connecting to 
SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient.  As far as I can tell, no mono developer has 
ever bothered to run the test I provided in the pull request.  The end result 
is that mono's implementation of SslStream.AuthenticateAsServer is simply 
broken, not usable, has never worked, still broken today.  I have a dirty 
hacked fork of mono that made it work, but those changes not suitable for pull 
into mono (see: dirty, hacked).

If it helps, I wrote a script that automates the creation of a root CA, 
intermediate, and signing of a server cert, suitable to be used in such a test. 
 Even if the script doesn't get run automatically in the build process, it's 
perfectly acceptable to generate certs in advance and hard-code them into the 
tests, as is done in existing pull-request test today.

The script is here:

And having used the above script to generate some certs, a hard-coded result is 
stored here:

There is no reasonable reason to expect it to ever work, if it's not tested.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Integration Tests

2015-02-04 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Does Mono have any sort of integration tests?  Maybe that's where this belongs? 
 I would like to make sure at some point, SslStream will be fixed, and the 
reason it hasn't happened so far was because nobody ever tested it with 
intermediate chain served by the server, which is of course the typical real 
world usage - I wrote a unit test for it, but have not had any progress getting 
it accepted, mono developers aloof and unresponsive, don't know why - I guess 
it's because it's more an integration test and not really a unit test - the 
inactive pull request is here:

I also have not been able to get any response from Martin Baulig, working on 
the updated TLS code, so it seems likely SslStream will continue to be useless 
as a server, unless something gives...

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] What will happen if Dispose() hangs?

2015-01-27 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Robert Jordan
> You may want to look up how a sane IDisposable pattern has to be
> sensibly implemented in .NET. You'll find out that Dispose()
> shouldn't be called from a finalizer.

Uhmm...  You got that wrong.  Here is the recommended pattern:

Basically, *always* call Dispose(false) from the finalizer, if present, but 
avoid having a finalizer unless you need one.

Fortunately, it looks like SslStream has no finalizer, so I guess the GC will 
never call any variant of SslStream.Dispose.  So I guess it's no problem.

> A blocking finalizer will hang the GC, but it looks like SslStream is
> implementing finalization correctly:

Finalization seems to be correct.  But Dispose hangs.  Doesn't seem to be the 
fault of SslStream, but one of the dispose methods that gets called, either 
directly or indirectly, from the SslStream Dispose method.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] What will happen if Dispose() hangs?

2015-01-27 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Greg Najda []
> Regarding the TcpClient timeouts, if you are setting the timeout before
> connecting, it is ignored. That is a bug. See
> As a workaround you
> can set the timeout after connecting.

Client-side, indeed I was setting timeout before connecting - Thanks for the 
Server-side, I was setting the timeout on the TcpClient after 

And the problem I'm observing is server-side.  So unfortunately this workaround 
doesn't work for me (for this situation).

The question still stands about what happens if Dispose() hangs during garbage 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] What will happen if Dispose() hangs?

2015-01-26 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
When I call SslStream.Dispose(), the thread simply hangs indefinitely.  (Well, 
I didn't wait forever; only a few minutes, which is longer than the underlying 
TcpClient timeout periods.)

Obviously this is a bug, but my question is - What if I simply ignore the 
problem, and don't call Dispose, and just drop reference to the SslStream?  
Presumably the GC will call finalizer, which will then call Dispose().  Will 
the GC thread also hang?  Will it put mono into a bad state?  What could 
possibly go wrong?

Possibly related - I observed that when I set TcpClient read & write timeouts, 
they seem to have no effect.  Set to 6 (60sec), wait a few minutes on a 
Read or Write (actually BeginRead/EndRead, or synchronous Write) and nothing 
happens.  Thread just blocks indefinitely or the end method is never called.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] cert-sync

2015-01-24 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Sebastien Pouliot []
> No. WebClient, HttpWebRequest, the default HttpClient handler... all uses
> SslStream which delegates the trust decision to the OS (on iOS, Android and
> Mac).

Wait - We've already established in this thread (see links below) that on Mac, 
SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient throws IOException if the Trust directories were 
empty or nonexistent, and SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient works fine if you've 
run mozroots, but on the same system with empty Trusts, 
WebClient.DownloadString works fine.  This suggested that WebClient delegated 
trust to the OS, while SslStream used the .Net trust store.

Are you saying that WebClient uses SslStream in some way different from using 

I tested OSX SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient without mozroots.  Failed.

Alexander tested WebClient.DownloadString without mozroots.  Succeeded.

Alexander confirmed my results.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Fork of certmgr - any ideas?

2015-01-24 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Arthur Peka []
> I don't see any solution files which can be easily
> built with xbuild/Monodevelop.

When you reply, please quote what you're responding to, and don't top post.  
Makes it hard to follow the conversation.  (Etiquette.)

You clearly have created solution & project files.  I don't know how difficult 
it was, but maybe you missed this comment?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] cert-sync

2015-01-23 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Sebastien Pouliot []
>> Thanks - so it sounds like WebClient, on OSX, iOS, and Android, are wrapping
>> around some API provided by the OS, correct?  Is the same true on linux?
> No, not for Linux. There is (or at least was) no OS API that provided that
> service and not every distro shipped/installed-by-default any library that
> could do this.

Thanks - so the present status is, WebClient should work on non-linux 
platforms, (at least OSX, iOS, and Android) even with an empty mono CA root 
store "Trust".  On linux, the mono store "Trust" needs to be populated - but 
recently, the rpm & deb packages were improved to automatically populate via 

Presumably there is no automated process to do this when built from source.  
Perhaps either the Makefile, or documentation should be updated to suggest 
running cert-sync on linux when built from source.

SslStream and other classes that rely on the .Net cert store management, are 
less fortunate - the mono CA store "Trust" must be populated.  This happens 
automatically when using the latest linux packages, but does not happen 
automatically for any other platforms, and not if built from source.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Fork of certmgr - any ideas?

2015-01-23 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Arthur Peka []
> stores). I want to improve usability, e.g.
> * Listing certificates from all the stores (except Untrusted) when called 
> with -
> -list -c without specifying the store. Now it fails when no store specified. 
> Can
> be useful to get all trusted certs.
> * When importing some well-known certificates (e.g. some Nuget-related),
> certificate is claimed to be invalid. Needs investigation.
> * Unit/integration tests
> * Colouring output for readability?
> * Other?

Those sound like good improvements - but I don't see any reason they shouldn't 
be part of mono.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] cert-sync

2015-01-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Sebastien Pouliot []
> In such case OSX (and iOS and Android) are
> delegating the trust decision to the operating system _without_ accessing
> any mono stores. IOW you should get the same decision from Mono that
> Safari would have.
> If you use the .NET API, like X509Chain, then it will still be using Mono's
> managed implementation - which depends on mono's certificate stores (and
> tools).

Thanks - so it sounds like WebClient, on OSX, iOS, and Android, are wrapping 
around some API provided by the OS, correct?  Is the same true on linux?  
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Fork of certmgr - any ideas? (Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 117, Issue 32)

2015-01-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Jo Shields
> it's
> easier to work with a standalone MD project than the whole Mono tree,
> when doing breakpointing & object inspection

Something I've certainly done in the past to debug mono sources, was to create 
a MD/XS solution in the mono source dir locally on my system, with a really 
basic console application that referenced some mono classes, so I could then 
debug my console app & step through mono source in the IDE.  After doing stuff, 
I chose to commit mono source changes and discard the IDE scaffolding because 
it was trivial.

In the case of certmgr, was there any complexity in creating the solution in 
MD?  If it's trivial, it might be reasonable for people to just generate them 
when they need them.  If it's non-trivial, it might not be unreasonable to 
include those in the mono sources.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] cert-sync

2015-01-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Alexander Köplinger []
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 7:16 AM
> I just tested as well and was able to run a simple new
> WebClient().DownloadString("";);  without issues
> after a fresh install of the Mono MDK on OSX, so I'm not sure why it only
> works after running mozroots for you?

Interesting.  Have a look in these directories:

If you have stuff there, it must have been populated by mozroots, or something. 
 I understand that the latest packages distributed by mono repositories have 
automated cert-sync in linux during package installation, but that's not yet 
present on OSX.  So on OSX, mozroots or something is necessary to populate the 
root Trust.

If you don't have those directories - or if they're empty - it will raise new 
questions about differences between WebClient().DownloadString() versus 
SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient().  I am using the latter, on mono 3.12 MRE for 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Fork of certmgr - any ideas?

2015-01-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Arthur Peka
> don't understand about what of kind of 'ethics' we can talk here.

Etiquette.  Not ethics.


Arthur, how about this:

Sometimes it may be true that it might be difficult to get changes pulled into 
mono source, but you haven't made a compelling case for certmgr to be separated 
out from mono source.  What exactly are the improvements you want to make, and 
why shouldn't they be part of mono source?  The changes that are in your fork 
seem to be all stylistic changes, refactoring variable names, changing 
whitespace, etc.

It's not clear right now, what the improvements are, or should be.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] cert-sync

2015-01-21 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Alexander Köplinger []
> I always thought OSX used the system cert store anyway and this was just a
> Linux "issue"?


I just tested to make sure, and OSX uses .config/.mono/certs just like linux.  
(Must run mozroots)
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] cert-sync

2015-01-20 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-

>] On Behalf Of Jo Shields


> Mono 3.12 will ship with a new tool, cert-sync,

> which populates the root CA store from a static concatenated file.

> This will be executed on package install on Linux

Thanks Jo,

It looks like it does the same job as mozroots, but pulls from the concatenated 
file instead of downloading from mozilla.  That file should be available on 
most (if not all) linuxes, but ... Any plans to support OSX?  And/or mobile 

If the presence of root certs is not automated on *all* platforms running mono, 
then the application developer is still required to programatically run 
mozroots anyway.

Automating the process into the installation package is a really nice 
improvement.  Even if cert-sync won't work on OSX due to having no concatenated 
file available, can mozroots be automated into the OSX mono installer?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] If you accept pull requests on Mono's github

2015-01-14 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> Pull Request:

Keepalive...  No responses for a week...
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Request for comments: mozroots, msroots, X509Chain

2015-01-08 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> To validate this concept, I'd like to point out that Microsoft ships Windows
> with a list of roots *and* a list of intermediates populated by default.

Bah.  I made a mistake.  The fact of the matter is, MS and Firefox (and 
probably others) ship with roots only, and no intermediates.  They 
automatically store any intermediates they receive from servers during normal 
usage, which can cover up problems if later connections fail to provide a valid 
chain.  I was misinformed because I looked at the intermediates list of a 
system that had been used to browse a lot of internet, but today I looked at a 
pristine windows installation and confirmed the intermediate list was empty.  
Also, I found a mozilla support article where they explicitly say "Firefox 
automatically stores intermediate certificates that servers send in the 
Certificate Manager for future usage. If a server doesn't send a full 
certificate chain then you won't get an untrusted error when Firefox has stored 
missing intermediate certificates from visiting a server in the past that has 
send it, but you do get an untrusted error if this intermediate certificate 
isn't stored yet."

So my long email is moot except for two points:  The root certs need to be 
automated, and mono SslStream.AuthenticateAsServer() needs to be fixed because 
it doesn't send the chain.  (The problem is underlying; not actually a flaw in 
SslStream itself.)
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Request for comments: mozroots, msroots, X509Chain (Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 117, Issue 10)

2015-01-08 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Jo Shields
> Extremely related: Mono 3.12 will ship with a new tool, cert-sync,
> which populates the root CA store from a static concatenated file.
> This will be executed on package install on Linux (on our
> packages, Debian/Ubuntu derivatives once 3.12 enters
> them, and hopefully other community distros), using the distro cert
> store as input. That's /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt on Debian
> derivatives, and /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ on
> Red Hat derivatives
> tl;dr: Anyone installing or upgrading mono 3.12 from our packages will
> get a populated CA cert store by default. No intermediates, since
> that's not how these facilities are provided.

It looks like it does the same job as mozroots, but pulls from the concatenated 
file instead of downloading from mozilla.  That file should be available on 
most (if not all) linuxes, but ... Any plans to support OSX?  And/or mobile 

Automating the process into the installation package is a really nice 
improvement.  Even if cert-sync won't work on OSX due to having no concatenated 
file available, can mozroots be automated into the OSX mono installer?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2015-01-08 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> Martin is creating the branch now where we bring the Microsoft SslStream
> into Mono as well as his crypto stack.
> For details see:

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Request for comments: mozroots, msroots, X509Chain

2015-01-07 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Is Sebastien on this list?  I'm just guessing he'll have an opinion, or at 
least a passing interest.  I guess Miguel, too.

When a client application makes a SSL/TLS connection to a server, the 
application must validate the server cert, validate any chain of intermediate 
signing certs, and conclude by validating a trusted CA root cert that 
terminates the chain, or else the connection is considered untrusted/insecure.  
No matter what, the server cert (leaf cert) is provided by the server.  No 
matter what, the root cert must exist in a predefined list of roots trusted by 
the client.  This leaves a little bit of ambiguity around the process of 
building the chain of intermediates - The server may send the chain to the 
client, or the client may construct a chain any way it can, but if it fails to 
build a valid chain, the connection is considered untrusted/insecure.

It is well known that mono ships with no trusted CA roots.  If a user wants to 
use a mono-based application to connect to any type of SSL/TLS server 
(including https), they are typically required to use the "mozroots" command 
(part of mono) to populate the root list.  There are several things wrong with 
this - 

#1, it's not user friendly to require users to manually run a command on the 
terminal before they can use standard internet resources.

#2, application developers are very likely to automate the mozroots process 
into their applications (I know I do).  This is cumbersome to developers, 
particularly because mozroots is a console application, not a class that can be 
called programatically.

#3, Although people generally know about the empty mono root CA list, most 
people don't know there is a separate list of intermediates (also empty).  Both 
lists are empty by default, but mozroots populates the root list by downloading 
from mozilla.  The intermediate list remains empty.  There is nothing strictly 
*wrong* with populating the root list and leaving the intermediate list empty, 
but it means the mono client is fragile.  If the SSL server fails to send the 
chain to the client for any reason, then the client has no other recourse, and 
will fail to construct a chain.  The client could be more robust, if the 
intermediate list were populated too.  Then, the client could usually build a 
valid chain, even if the server fails to send the chain.

To validate this concept, I'd like to point out that Microsoft ships Windows 
with a list of roots *and* a list of intermediates populated by default.

There is a bug in mono that prevents a mono server from sending the chain to 
the client.  This bug is being worked on independently of this email.  Since a 
mono client has no intermediates, it means a mono client is doomed whenever it 
tries to connect to a mono server signed by an intermediate, which is 
unfortunately the real world norm.  Interestingly, if you run a .Net client and 
mono server, then the connection succeeds because the client is able to 
construct the chain from the MS list of intermediates.  Also, if you run a .Net 
server and mono client, the connection succeeds because the .Net server 
successfully sends the chain to the client.  The incompatibility problem occurs 
strictly when a mono client connects to a mono server signed by intermediate.  
This lends even more validity to the concept of populating a list of 
intermediates on the client, to make the client more robust.

As a final piece of background information here, I need to point out that mono 
X509Chain currently does not attempt to use the intermediate store to build a 
chain.  So even if the intermediate list were populated, the mono client would 
still fail to build the chain.

So finally, I get to the meat of this email:

1- I would like to introduce a new way of populating the root list.  I would 
like to create a new MSRoots class, and corresponding "msroots" wrapper console 
application, that can be used instead of, or in addition to mozroots.  Users 
can run msroots from the terminal, just as they are accustomed to do with 
mozroots.  But application developers can also use the MSRoots class to perform 
the same job programatically - very easy.

MSRoots will follow the Microsoft practice of populating roots and 
intermediates, instead of following the mozilla practice of populating roots 
without intermediates.  Also, MSRoots will follow the MS selection of roots 
(currently 43 roots) and will not follow the mozilla list (currently over 140 

Copyright and license terms are a sticky subject when distributing CA certs.  
To avoid any difficulty, I support the current approach of *not* distributing 
certs, but instead, automating the download.  It is absolutely legal (fair use) 
to distribute URL's that refer to potentially copyrighted material; since the 
URL is only a reference, the URL is legal to distribute under fair use.  I 
hereby volunteer to maintain a list of references, and to automate the process 
of updating that list, so any ra

Re: [Mono-dev] X509Chain

2015-01-07 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> I do not believe we have made changes to X509Chain.

Ok, thank you.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] X509Chain

2015-01-07 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Miguel, you said

> We have implemented TLS 1.1 and 1.2 on top of the not yet open sourced

> networking stack and will be publishing it as soon as Microsoft open sources

> the .NET networking stack.

Have there been unpublished changes to Mono.Security.X509.X509Chain?

Something I think I could reasonably do, if it's not a waste of time, is to 
improve the Build() method, so it will build a chain using both the roots 
store, and the intermediates store.  And come up with a way of populating the 
intermediates store.  (Such as improvement on mozroots.)

I wouldn't want to work on that, if it's obsoleted by code that will hopefully 
be published soon...

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Posix Cross Compiling

2015-01-06 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Dave Curylo [] On Behalf Of David Curylo
> You're right.I didn't realize that was what's going on.  It looks like 
> conditional
> references need some hand holding like this:

Very nice.  I'm going to start using that.

Previously, you had a value 'Windows_NT' and now you have a value 'Unix' in 
there.  How do you figure out what values are valid?  I presume there's no such 
thing as setting a breakpoint inside the .csproj file to see what the variable 
is set to...
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Posix Cross Compiling

2015-01-06 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Dave Curylo [] On Behalf Of David Curylo
> You have to use conditional compilation for the code that uses the
> conditional reference, in this case Mono.Posix.  The reference appears with a
> warning in Visual Studio and you get a compiler warning, "The referenced
> component 'Mono.Posix' could not be found" but this is to be expected on
> Windows/.NET.  This may be an annoyance, but it allows developers to be
> productive developers on either platform, so I consider this to be a 
> functional
> solution.
> I created an example here on github:
> This builds fine on Xamarin Studio on OS X and Visual Studio on Windows,
> although given the conditional compilation, the resulting assembly is
> different.  We take this approach in my organization so that some developers
> can work on Windows with Visual Studio and other developers work entirely
> on mono (our target platform).

That's cool, but - You don't need to add the "Conditional" clause to the 
 tag of the csproj.  I just checked out your project, and got rid of 
the conditional clause in the csproj, so the reference to Mono.Posix is 
unconditional.  The behavior is the same.  It compiles fine and gives warning 
about the unused and broken reference.  The reason it works is because of the 
#if __MonoCS__ which eliminates any calls to the missing assembly.

As long as you can eliminate any calls to the missing assembly via #if or 
[Conditional], then you don't actually need the assembly and it's ok to ignore 
the warning about broken reference, missing assembly.

The time when a real problem occurs is when you actually *do* need the 
assembly.  For example, if I copy Mono.Security.dll over to windows, and create 
a project that uses it in both windows & mono, then I have something like this 
in the windows csproj:


Which will not compile on mono.  So in mono, I have to modify the csproj to be 
like this:

Which will not compile on Windows.

As far as I can tell, any attempt to use Conditional property in the 
 tag is simply ignored.  So I settle on using the kludgy hack of 
using different csproj files on windows & mono.  It works so I didn't spend 
more time on it - but if there's a more elegant solution, I'd like to know.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Posix Cross Compiling

2015-01-06 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of David Curylo
> If you edit the .csproj file, you can have a platform-specific reference
> Mono.Posix like this:

I've never gotten this to work before.  Moments ago, I pasted the above into a 
test project, just to see if the above would work - and it didn't.  The 
reference is still present, and still broken, if I open a project with the 
above line in Visual Studio.  Fortunately as long as you don't use anything 
from the missing assembly, the project still builds, so in some cases you can 
ignore the broken reference by using [Conditional] and/or #if to wrap around 
all the things that actually use something from that assembly...

The workaround I've always settled on was to make multiple versions of the .sln 
and .csproj files if I need different assemblies referenced on .Net and mono.  
(Which is usually the case, because of NUnit and Mono.Security, which I use a 
lot.)  If you find a way to make the conditional reference functional, please 
post.  I'd love to know.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2015-01-05 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> We have implemented TLS 1.1 and 1.2 on top of the not yet open sourced
> networking stack and will be publishing it as soon as Microsoft open sources
> the .NET networking stack.

Have there been unpublished changes to Mono.Security.X509.X509Chain?

Something I think I could reasonably do, if it's not a waste of time, is to 
improve the Build() method, so it will build a chain using both the roots 
store, and the intermediates store.  And come up with a way of populating the 
intermediates store.  (Such as improvement on mozroots.)

I wouldn't want to work on that, if it's obsoleted by code that will hopefully 
be published soon...
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] If you accept pull requests on Mono's github

2015-01-04 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Andres G. Aragoneses
> If it fails, you can decorate it with the attribute
> [Category("NotWorking")], but AFAICT contributing a failing test doesn't
> increase the chances of finding a contributor that has the time to fix it.

Got it.  Thanks.

Pull Request:

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] If you accept pull requests on Mono's github

2015-01-03 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Miguel de Icaza
> If you are accepting pull requests on Mono's github, please request that pull
> requests that were iterated multiple-times have their multiple commits
> squashed into one.

I consolidated a couple of commits into a single commit - Which is here:

Should I submit a pull request for this?  This test is known to succeed on .Net 
and fail on mono.  I don't know if you want tests that are known to fail.

The root cause is that the mono SslStream server, upon construction of the 
X509Certificate, strips the intermediate chain, so of course it cannot send the 
chain to a client, and the client cannot construct a chain.  Additionally, when 
the client attempts to construct a chain, X509Chain.Build() does not use the 
Intermediate store (which would be empty by default anyway) so the mono client 
is unable to compensate for the shortcoming of the server.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-19 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)

> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> I was able to trim this down to a specific subset and make a unit test out of 
> it.
> Although SslStream has compatibility problems communicating with other
> implementations (such as .Net), mono SslStream also has a problem talking
> to *itself*.  The root causes are the same for both the internal compatibility
> problem, and the external problems.  So the internal problem is
> demonstrated in  the SslStreamTest here:
> 995f88d78e1
> Should I submit a pull request?  Note:  This test currently passes on .Net, 
> and
> fails on mono.  I don't know if you guys want me submitting a test that is
> known to fail on mono.
> Should I file a bug in bugzilla?  (I'm not sure if I have sufficient 
> permission).
> And as a matter of style, in the above commit I needed to use some classes
> that weren't available in the MonoTest namespace, so I used
> "global::System." in several places.  Is this the correct and/or best way 
> to
> deal with it?  Or is there a better way to handle that?
> ___
> Mono-devel-list mailing list
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-17 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
I was able to trim this down to a specific subset and make a unit test out of 
it.  Although SslStream has compatibility problems communicating with other 
implementations (such as .Net), mono SslStream also has a problem talking to 
*itself*.  The root causes are the same for both the internal compatibility 
problem, and the external problems.  So the internal problem is demonstrated in 
 the SslStreamTest here:

Should I submit a pull request?  Note:  This test currently passes on .Net, and 
fails on mono.  I don't know if you guys want me submitting a test that is 
known to fail on mono.

Should I file a bug in bugzilla?  (I'm not sure if I have sufficient 

And as a matter of style, in the above commit I needed to use some classes that 
weren't available in the MonoTest namespace, so I used "global::System." in 
several places.  Is this the correct and/or best way to deal with it?  Or is 
there a better way to handle that?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-16 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> > From: Miguel de Icaza []
> >
> > We would love a test case to add to the test suite.
> >
> > We are building a new test suite as part of this work anyways.
> This is almost done.  Granted it is microscopic in scope - the test I've 
> written
> tests only for the case that I know fails; it's far from being a generalized 
> test
> for the SslStream class as a whole.

Well, this grew up more than expected.  I started writing a unit test, and 
discovered the behavior is variable based on the existence or non-existence of 
intermediates and roots on *both* the client and server...  Which means in 
order to test it thoroughly, the client & server cannot be on the same 
machine...  So it's really not a unit test.  Even more dramatically, the 
behavior depends on whether the server & client are windows or mono.  So 
ultimately this test requires 4 machines (2 windows and 2 mono) with 16 tests 
run on each combination.

I wrote a compatibility testing project.

In this project, I created a junk root CA, an junk intermediate CA, and a junk 
server cert, suitable for publishing and testing.  I also tested, offline, 
pasting some real root CA, intermediate, and real commercially signed certs, 
and found the behavior of real certs from real CA's to be consistent with the 
results of these generated junk certs.

There are ultimately 2 bugs causing mono to fail - (1)  The server doesn't send 
the chain to the client.  And (2) the client fails to build a chain from 
available certs, even if all the necessary certs are available to the client.  
I noticed "mcs/class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.X509/X509Chain.cs" doesn't use 
the intermediate store at all, when using the "Build()" method to build a chain.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-15 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Alexander Köplinger []
> We can add it to the website, do you have a suggestion on which page it
> makes the most sense? On the FAQ pages perhaps?

I don't have any suggestion better than FAQ.  It's unlikely that a person like 
me will find it all by themselves - but if it appears in a google search, that 
would be an improvement.  
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-15 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Eberhard Beilharz
> Wouldn't
> #if __MonoCS__
> do what you want?

Yeah, that works.  Thanks!  It's funny though, as I search around for 
__MonoCS__, there's little if any mention of it on any official documentation - 
it seems to be all institutional knowledge passed down on StackOverflow.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-15 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Alexander Köplinger []
> I'm curious: why do you need it to compile with MS.NET if you're testing
> Mono stuff?

This particular test fails on current mono.  So it's not sufficient to just see 
it fail on mono - to have any value it has to demonstrate failure on mono and 
success on .Net.

I'll look into __MonoCS__ to see if it does what I'm looking for.  And if not, 
I'll just comment out mono stuff to test on .Net.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-14 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Alexander Köplinger []
> You can find out if you run on Mono by checking if Type.GetType
> ("Mono.Runtime") != null.

That's helpful, but doesn't quite solve it, because compilation will fail on 
windows ...

I'm looking for something like this...

#ifdef MONO

#ifdef MONO

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-14 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Martin Thwaites
> Do we not have a flag for if it's compiled for tests, rather than release?

I don't need a flag to distinguish between tests & release - I need one to 
determine if the test is being run on mono or windows.

For now, I'm just commenting out mono-only sections when I run the test on 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-13 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> We would love a test case to add to the test suite.
> We are building a new test suite as part of this work anyways.

This is almost done.  Granted it is microscopic in scope - the test I've 
written tests only for the case that I know fails; it's far from being a 
generalized test for the SslStream class as a whole.

Quick question:

I'd like to make the behavior different on mono and .Net.  Particularly, I've 
generated a junk root CA, and on mono I'd like to use 
To programatically import that cert momentarily for the scope of the test (and 
subsequently remove it).

Obviously, this doesn't exist in .Net.  And as far as I know there is no way to 
programatically import a root CA in .Net.

So is there some #ifdef clause I can use to detect if this is mono or .Net?  

I searched the other test classes, and there's RUN_ONDOTNET,  but I'm not 
certain it's the right thing for the job.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] I would like to contribute to mono however it seems things are in flux due to the integration of .NET Core and .NET Framework; where to start?

2014-12-10 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Bernie Schoch
> I guess I'm saying, where would I be most useful say with contributing 20+
> hours a week in the near term (I'm between contract/jobs right now)

Huh.  I'm surprised nobody answered - 

If you haven't already, please be sure to see

And in particular 

Amongst other things, the above tells you where the unit tests are, and 

It's probably best to develop on mac or linux.  Personally I think, that since 
the latest ubuntu includes a recent-ish version of mono and monodevelop, that's 
the easiest way to get setup.  (But I loves me some sourcetree, so I prefer to 
work on the mac instead, despite a little more effort required to build.)

The source is on github.  Fork & pull request.

Discuss stuff on this mailing list first, so as to avoid wasted effort.  Thanks 
for offering to help.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-09 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> .NET's implementation of the TLS stack is built on top of native code, so it
> wont work on Mono.
> We have implemented TLS 1.1 and 1.2 on top of the not yet open sourced
> networking stack and will be publishing it as soon as Microsoft open sources
> the .NET networking stack.

Great news, thank you!  A follow-up question:

In the current released version of mono SslStream, if the server uses a cert 
that is signed by an intermediate chain, *and* a mono SslStream client 
connects, then the client rejects the cert.  The root cause is because the 
server does not send the intermediate chain to the client, and the client fails 
to construct the chain.  The behavior is specifically a mono-mono 
incompatibility - If either the server or the client is .Net, then the problem 
does not occur, because a windows server sends the chain to the client, and a 
windows client performs guerilla tactics to construct an incomplete chain.

So the question is, how could it be possible to add a test for this behavior, 
presuming it will some day get fixed and then we don't want it to happen again? 

I can easily enough write example code to demonstrate the problem.  But then 
there's a question about what cert to use for demonstration purposes - it's 
probably best to create a junk CA with intermediate cert, and some junk server 
cert.  I could easily enough publish those certs somewhere and/or hard-code 
them into the demonstration code, with something like 30 year validity.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 & 1.2

2014-12-09 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Does anybody know if support for TLS 1.1 & 1.2 will be released, and if so, 
going to be integrated into mono?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Building Mono on Windows - And Having a Windows Installer again

2014-11-30 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Daniel Morgan
> We could also save space in the installer if we only include the latest 4.5
> profile.  Another words, remove 2.0, 3.5, and 4.0..

Wed Oct 22, 2014:  "Heads up: Elimination of the 2.0 and 4.0 profiles"

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Building Mono on Windows - And Having a Windows Installer again

2014-11-29 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Daniel Morgan
> I see the latest version of Mono's Windows installer is 3.2.3.  Can this be 
> used
> to build the latest from git?
> I see a link for binaries for 3.4.0, but they are not official binaries.
> I am going to try build Mono on Windows using Cygwin.  Not sure how web
> the visual studio stuff works.

Search this list for Appveyor.  I know Alex Lennon was putting some effort in, 
and I think got to the point of having a reliable automated build process - but 
check with folks to be sure (I haven't followed very closely and I could be 
wrong).  At some point, Miguel pulled Duncan Mak into the conversation, so I 
would guess maybe Duncan is involved with distributing windows builds...  All 
of this occurred within the last ~ 1 month or so.

> Also, what is the best Linux distro to build mono?  OpenSUSE?  Debian,
> Ubuntu?  It has been awhile for me.  Not starting a flame war here - just
> wanting the easiest route to get the dependencies on linux  in order to build
> the latest mono from git.

On basically any system I've seen so far, building is easy.  The basic process 
of "./configure && make && make install" usually works.  If it doesn't, then 
add "make get-monolite-latest" before "make EXTERNAL_MCS=..."  as below...

On every redhat-based or debian-based (or even mac) system I've ever used, one 
of these two variants has always worked.

export BUILDDIR=/Users/whatever/Projects/mono-build
export NUMPROC=3 ; time ( test -d $BUILDDIR && rm -rf $BUILDDIR ; mkdir -p 
$BUILDDIR ; ./ --prefix=$BUILDDIR --disable-bcl-opt --enable-nls=no 
&& make -j $NUMPROC && make install && echo "" && echo "Done" && echo "")

Ubuntu 14.04
export BUILDDIR=/home/whatever/Projects/mono-build
export NUMPROC=3 ; time ( test -d $BUILDDIR && rm -rf $BUILDDIR ; mkdir -p 
$BUILDDIR ; ./ --prefix=$BUILDDIR --disable-bcl-opt --enable-nls=no 
&& make get-monolite-latest && make -j $NUMPROC 
EXTERNAL_MCS="${PWD}/mcs/class/lib/monolite/gmcs.exe" && make install && echo 
"" && echo "Done" && echo "")

> And I want to play with MonoDevelop too, but Mono comes first.

Building monodevelop is more difficult.  I've never succeeded - but I never 
spent a boat load of time on it either.  You can install MonoDevelop on the 
mac, no problem (they distribute a pre-built binary).  Also, the latest ubuntu 
includes a recent build of monodevelop.  I personally use VS on windows, XS on 
mac, and MD on ubuntu 14.04 desktop x86_64.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] What's the most efficient way to do XOR two byte arrays?

2014-11-18 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Obviously, I could just use a for-loop.  But then my code is theoretically 
telling the system to XOR each byte individually, wasting most of the CPU on 
each instruction.

I wrote unsafe code to do this with 32-bit and 64-bit int pointers.  
Surprisingly they both performed about the same (I guess, at least on my 
system, 64bit instructions take longer to execute, effectively eliminating most 
of the gains of the wider bus).  Unsurprisingly, they greatly outperformed the 
unoptimized for-loop.

Surprisingly, the difference between the optimized unsafe code and the 
optimized for-loop suggested it was a waste of effort.  (Only marginally 

I don't know what kind of optimizations the compilers are able to perform on 
this code:

for (int i=0; i___
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Cross-Platform GUI Tookit

2014-11-15 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Brandon Perry []
> Xwt aims to be a solution to this.

Thanks for the suggestion.

> Sent from a computer

No way...;-)
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Cross-Platform GUI Tookit

2014-11-14 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
I'm aware of Xamarin.Forms, but apparently only for iOS, Android, Windows 

Does something similar exist for Mac OSX, Windows Desktop, Linux?

I stumbled upon this:
Haven't tried it yet.  Maybe it's great, maybe not.  Are there some additional 
competing alternatives out there?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] Open source .NET and Mono.

2014-11-12 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-list-
>] On Behalf Of Miguel de Icaza
> Hey guys,
> I posted details about the open sourcing of .NET and Mono on my blog.
> We have already started the work to integrate the .NET Framework code,
> and once I get back to Boston after the event we will check in the
> results.   That is the reason we did not want to take the large #ifdef patch
> removal a couple of weeks ago.

WAA - HOO!!!  :-D

Awesome, awesome.   Thank you.   :-D
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] InvalidCastException - which makes no sense

2014-10-24 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> What happens is this.   The value returned from ExecuteScalar is boxed.   This

Got it, thanks.  In fact, I simplified to this:

Object foo = (Int64)0;
Int64 foo64 = (Int64)foo;
Int32 foo6432 = (Int32)(Int64)foo;
Int32 foo32 = (Int32)foo;   // Throws InvalidCastException

And I confirmed the behavior is the same in .Net and Mono.  So everything makes 
sense; it's just something I didn't know before.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] InvalidCastException - which makes no sense

2014-10-24 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
This is a fun one.  I'd love it if anyone could explain this to me.

using (var command = new SqliteCommand(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM someTable WHERE 
someColumn = @someValue ", dbConn))
command.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter("someValue", "foobar"));
object scalar = command.ExecuteScalar();// object returned has type 
Int64 count64 = (Int64)(scalar);  // works 
fine.  Value is 0
Int32 count32 = (Int32)(Int64)(scalar);// works fine.  
Value is 0
Int32 count = (Int32)(scalar);   // throws 

In the above, scalar is obviously an object, but the object returned by 
ExecuteScalar() is of type Int64.  The value is 0.

This works fine:
Int64 count64 = (Int64)(scalar);

This works fine:
Int32 count32 = (Int32)(Int64)(scalar);

This throws InvalidCastException:
Int32 count = (Int32)(scalar);

The best I can gather, the object needs to be cast to Int64 before it can be 
cast to Int32.  Which makes no sense to me, but that's the way it is.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Unit Testing process: Community Contributions

2014-10-21 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> I have not seen you discuss any pull requests on the mailing list.  Did I miss
> something?

In order to respond to this question, I just reviewed all the history of my 
pull request, but there was a lot of volume in disjoint places (github, 
bugzilla, this mailing list, xamarin support, xamarin forums, stackoverflow, 
etc).  By going through all that review myself, I concluded that there's no 
need to rehash it in detail.  This is the conclusion:

Back in April, I discussed the details of the bug on this list, with Sebastien 
(Xamarin employee and mono contributor).  Amidst my discussions with Sebastien, 
I asked what process to follow.  Rolf (Xamarin employee, mono contributor) said 
"The standard way is to fork on github, then send a pull request."  So that's 
what I did.  A week or two later, having received no reply, I emailed the list 
asking about status and referencing the pull request.  A week or two later, 
Miguel you assigned to @spoulliot, but you did not reply back to the list.  A 
month later, jstedfast (Xamarin employee, mono contributor) poked @spoulliot on 
github, but not on the mailing list.  At least one other user watching the pull 
request poked it trying to get attention to no avail.  Eventually, in 
September, I just kept whining on the list and the pull request was finally 
reviewed.  (Unfortunately, it was reviewed and rejected by Sebastien, without 
discussing on the list what's wrong, or how we could make progress and move it 
forward from this point - but that's a separate issue, that I can work through 
if I want to.)

So the conclusion is this:  In the past, as recently as September, it has not 
been clear what path to follow.  Even Xamarin employees and mono contributors 
(and even Miguel) didn't have any organized approach or good understanding of 
what path to follow.  So moving forward, what we all need to do is as Miguel 
says now:  Keep the discussion alive on the list, before, during, and after the 
pull request.  This is a clear direction, applying now and to the future, not 
in the past.

Xamarin employees who are mono contributors - Please spread this knowledge to 
other Xamarin employees & mono contributors.  If you guys don't spread it 
amongst yourselves, we'll have more problems like the one described above.

As to the non-connection between Xamarin and Mono support:  Got it.  Point 
taken.  In the past, there was something somewhere on 
suggesting that mono support could be obtained via Xamarin, but nothing of the 
sort seems to exist now.  Ok, no problem.  Can deal.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Unit Testing process: Community Contributions

2014-10-21 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> There is no need to presume, the actual issue was just articulated on a
> thread, please read it.
> Pull requests do not work well with Mono.   They need to be discussed in the
> mailing list

Did I miss something?  Do you not recognize that there's a problem here?

What are we supposed to do when we do all that stuff - discuss in mailing list, 
pay for Xamarin, contact Xamarin support, file or find bug in bugzilla, and 
even write our own patches and submit pull request to solve our own problems, 
and then *still* nothing happens?

Surely you are aware that the community in general is feeling discouraged about 
the state of contributions to mono, and the ability to get support for mono?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Unit Testing process: Community Contributions

2014-10-20 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> The build bot does some of this work when you submit a pull request.   It
> does not cover all platforms, nor all configurations, but it is a good first 
> step.
> But this is not a problem.   Not every patch affects all systems, and most of
> the code is cross platform, so testing on one is enough.

Can you please provide a better response?

The underlying question is, "How can we improve the state of affairs and allow 
a better sense of open source community involvement and contribution?"  The 
presumption so far has been, the enormous backlog of pull requests and ignored 
bugfixes is caused by the necessity to test and review them, for fear that the 
community contributions will break stuff.  But if the test process is fully 
automated, I guess that's not really the issue.

As a business owner who has staked the success of his entire company on the use 
and adoption of mono and Xamarin, and as a software developer, I am constantly 
asked by others to review my experience, and assess whether or not I would 
advocate those decisions to others, or regret my decisions.  It is extremely 
difficult to justify these decisions if it is impossible to get either free or 
commercial support for a core technology, *and* even if you fix some bug 
yourself you still can't submit or get any review or any type of resolution to 
the problem.

The sense of community contributions and bugfixes going unresolved hurts the 
community and hurts adoption / advocacy for mono.  Here's hoping we can 
overcome that problem.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Unit Testing process: Community Contributions

2014-10-17 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
This might have gotten buried in the other thread.  So here's a new thread to 
bring it up to attention.

Miguel, this question is probably for you.  (And by the way, thank you for 
everything, and especially thank you for participating here.)

The bottleneck that's preventing much community contribution is *primarily* the 
fear of community contributions breaking other things.

So this sounds like an area that is actually *feasible* to really make a huge 
improvement on:

Can we please, formally adopt a process that community contributors can follow, 
and reasonably expect (a) that their contributions won't break anything, and 
(b) that their contributions will consequently be reviewed in a reasonable 

One thing in particular that's missing is a formal definition of how the 
community contributors should run unit tests.  It doesn't necessarily need to 
be easy - As we all know, mono is a huge complex and awesome project.  If it's 
absolutely necessary to run unit tests on 7 versions of linux, OSX, android and 
iOS, then so be it.  While none of us are prepared to run those kinds of tests 
right now, you put the target up in the air and tell the community "Figure out 
some way community contributors can regularly and habitually run these tests 
before submitting code" and we'll be energized as a result of having a clear 
*direction* and I'm certain we'll find a way to hit that target.  I know 
there's lots of work on the platter, but this in particular is something I 
think you can afford to do, with huge implications of community good will, and 
long-term growth and adoption.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Pull Requests

2014-10-17 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> Getting reviewed is one thing.  (Difficult enough.)  Getting approved is a
> completely different thing - even more perilous.
> ... etc etc yadda yadda ...

Actually, I'm frustrated with MYSELF over this message, and thinking some more 
about what message the message sends.  As I said, I try to restrain myself and 
letting my jadedness come through.  But I obviously failed and let it through 
in that message.  (I'm choking and swallowing my pride and apologizing for not 
being more productive.)

As David said, I love .Net and C# and I invest time (me too) advocating it to 
colleagues and peers, but some parts (like my own email a moment ago) give me 
pause and make me hesitate and reflect.

So here's the deal.  Mono is huge and complex, and awesome too.  We don't have 
somebody the size of Microsoft supporting it.  If you go to 
and try to figure out, "How can I get support for mono" I forget exactly what 
you see, but it effectively says try the community, and consider paying 
Xamarin.  So we work with the community to encounter roadblocks and we pay 
Xamarin and still get no support for mono.  This is both a barrier to advocacy, 
and also a barrier to businesses who want to stake their business core on mono. 
 As a consistent advocate for mono and Xamarin over the last 2-3 years, I am 
constantly questioned by peers and constantly question myself, whether or not I 
regret my decisions to base my company on mono and Xamarin.  The question is 
still up in the air, but I weakly think I still agree with myself.

I know it costs money to support & develop mono.  I know none of the answers 
are easy.

Miguel, this is probably a question for you.  (And by the way, thank you for 
everything, and especially thank you for participating here.)  

I don't want to use the linux kernel development cycle as the model we should 
be following, but I do want to point out one thing:  They do indeed take lots 
and lots of contributions from hugely varied groups of diverse and disperse 

Here, my patch that got rejected, said it would break some other class or 
something that I never heard of before.  If that's true, it would only seem 
natural, that if I had run unit tests after making my patch, I would have 
discovered that before submitting the pull request.

Likewise, the bottleneck that's preventing much community contribution is 
*primarily* the fear of community contributions breaking other things.  My case 
is the poster child.

So this sounds like an area that is actually *feasible* to really make a huge 
improvement on:

Can we please, formally adopt a process that community contributors can follow, 
and reasonably expect (a) that their contributions won't break anything, and 
(b) that their contributions will consequently be reviewed in a reasonable 

One thing in particular that's missing is a formal definition of how the 
community contributors should run unit tests.  It doesn't necessarily need to 
be easy - As we all know, mono is a huge complex and awesome project.  If it's 
absolutely necessary to run unit tests on 7 versions of linux, OSX, android and 
iOS, then so be it.  While none of us are prepared to run those kinds of tests 
right now, you put the target up in the air and tell the community "Figure out 
some way community contributors can regularly and habitually run these tests 
before submitting code" and we'll be energized as a result of having a clear 
*direction* and I'm certain we'll find a way to hit that target.  I know 
there's lots of work on the platter, but this in particular is something I 
think you can afford to do, with huge implications of community good will, and 
long-term growth and adoption.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Pull Requests

2014-10-17 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Martin Thwaites
> Just to give my2cents on this.
> I would just like to know that things will get looked at approved at some
> point. 

Getting reviewed is one thing.  (Difficult enough.)  Getting approved is a 
completely different thing - even more perilous.

Here's my example:

Mono SslStream, when used as a server, is simply incompatible with mono 
SslStream when used as a client.  Mono clients can talk to windows servers, and 
windows servers can talk to mono clients, and windows clients can talk to 
windows servers.  The only incompatibility is Mono server & Mono client.

There was a bug report.  It was marked as fixed, and closed, even though it 
wasn't fixed (obviously nobody tested, or didn't care that the test failed or 
something).  I dug into it, patched it, submitted pull request, and we are now 
shipping product that requires customers to install our customized version of 
mono.  We are paying Xamarin customers.  For months, I tried to get attention 
amongst mono developers to review the pull request, and then - 

After I finally made enough noise, what happened was this:  Patch was reviewed 
and rejected.  Period.  No discussion, no attempt to create a new fix, no 
nothing.  It was the effective equivalent of telling me to shut up and go away. 
 (That happened like 3 weeks ago or so).

I am obviously left feeling extremely jaded.  I know for damn sure I'm not 
going to bother submitting any patches any time soon, and I have to restrain 
myself every time I hear other people on this list thinking they're going to 
submit patches or help improve mono.  Cuz I don't want to be the guy who just 
bitches and complains all the time.  I remain hopeful this can change someday, 
but I'm pretty badly burned at the moment.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Windows builds

2014-10-17 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Bryan Crotaz
> Who's with me?

FWIW, the state of mono for windows is really really bad, but it's not great 
for rhel or ubuntu either.  I agree *enormously* that there's a big benefit to 
improving the state of all these.  So FWIW I agree with you.  But I don't have 
time to contribute.

(tangent) The issue with the rhel/ubuntu setup is this:  As long as you build 
from source, it's pretty straightforward and reliable.  But as bugfixes and 
security patches get released, nobody will make a habit of literally building 
every time there's an update, in order to keep their systems up to date.  There 
needs to be officially maintained yum & apt repos - which there are - but 
that's the problem.  The yum & apt repos seem to be in a perpetual state of 
brokenness.  When we ask about it here, the answer is always "just wait a few 
hours or a day and try again," which doesn't seem to work, and doesn't really 
help IT people out there maintain their systems anyway.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Building mono on Windows issues.

2014-10-16 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Bryan Crotaz
> Basically if we could persuade Xamarin to get mono building on Windows and
> VS users able to debug Mono, suddenly there would be a lot more
> developers able to contribute without having to learn a whole new stack
> first.

As discussed previously on this list in other threads, the barrier to 
contribution to the mono code base is not a lack of developers - there are 
plenty of people willing and able to work with XS or MD on mac and linux.  The 
problem is bottleneck of Xam employees to review and test code submissions.  
There is already a huge backlog of pull requests; they just don't have enough 
human resource to handle it.  The community isn't pouring forth with 
experienced volunteer maintainers to step into that role either.  And it takes 
quite an investment to get all the build & test VM's up to run a full fledged 
test environment anyway, which is necessary to pass before pull requests can be 

Hopefully this can improve someday.  For now, community contribution is sparse.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Building mono on Windows issues.

2014-10-16 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Alex J Lennon []
> We use Visual Studio (plus Resharper as Bryan so rightly says - couldn't
> get along without it) as we find this to be a productive development
> environment.


> In addition there is a lot of development resource out there with people
> who know and are qualified on the VS toolchain.

+1 again

> From a productivity perspective and for risk management for testing and
> deployment I wish to be able to develop and debug under Visual Studio
> with Mono as a framework option.
> I'd like to be able to do that with Mono on Windows as a check that no
> issues come up between running on the .NET framework and running on
> Mono.

You can do that.  Don't need to build mono on windows - just do a normal 
mono-for-windows install - I haven't done it in a while, but there's a plugin 
to run your code against the mono runtime instead of .Net.  I'm pretty sure 
it's free - might even be a standard extension you can find with the Extension 

> In addition I'd like to be able to remote debug to Embedded Linux with
> Visual Studio - which  I used to be able to do with Xamarin's Monotools
> Server before it disappeared.

Again, you don't need to build mono to do this.  But this feature I'm sure, is 
not free.  It's included in Xamarin Business.  They offer Visual Studio support 
as one of the features of Xam Bus.  It allows you to do remote debugging with 
VS running a mono app on some remote mac or linux mono machine.

> I'm currently investigating a VS plugin to replace Monotools Server
> which I've not had much luck with yet, but I'm optimistic:

Interesting.  I guess I have to take back what I just said about "I'm sure it's 
not free."   ;-)   Should revise:  I'm sure Xam offers a commercial solution, 
and apparently there is also some hope for a free alternative.

So all the above boils down to ...  As I said, the only reason I know you need 
to build mono on windows is if you want to step through the *mono* code, not 
just your own code.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Building mono on Windows issues.

2014-10-16 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Alex J Lennon []
>> Generally
>> speaking, the only reasons to build on windows are because you want to
>> debug the code, which is generally better done on mac/linux.  Or you're
>> trying to accomplish something else, like obtain a specific DLL (such as
>> Mono.Data.Sqlite)...  Which usually you can obtain some other way such as
>> building on linux and then copying the DLL over to windows.
> Agreed, but the the other reason is that you want to use a current Mono
> yet nobody has gotten around to an official release of Mono for WIndows
> since 3.2.3.

Agreed, but that's the point - Why would you want to use Mono on windows?  The 
only reasons I know of are (a) you wish to debug the mono sources using Visual 
Studio, or (b) you wish to use one of Mono's assemblies in windows, such as 
Mono.Security, Mono.Data.Sqlite, etc.

For case (a), at least for me, it's been easier to transition to Xamarin Studio 
or Monodevelop on mac/linux.

For case (b) I was able to brainlessly copy Mono.Security.dll, and I struggled 
a little bit to copy Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll, but after a few tries, managed to 
get it right more easily than getting it to build natively on windows.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Building mono on Windows issues.

2014-10-15 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Chris Eelmaa
> I have question regarding building mono on windows,
> namely I've tried a lot of times, and had a lot of different

Many venture into the waters of mono build on windows.  Few live to tell the 

The honest truth is, many of us have sunk hours or days into trying to get it 
to work.  Many of us (including me) strike out and eventually give up.  
Occasionally, people come to this mailing list and post a procedure that worked 
for them.  I've never seen the same procedure twice, I always try, and it's 
never worked for me.

Your best bet is to search this mailing list archive for the most recent posts 
of people succeeding, and see if that's able to help you along.

Your *other* best bet, is to ask yourself "Why, God, Why?"  As I have done, and 
others like me who were also lost in the battle.  Generally speaking, the only 
reasons to build on windows are because you want to debug the code, which is 
generally better done on mac/linux.  Or you're trying to accomplish something 
else, like obtain a specific DLL (such as Mono.Data.Sqlite)...  Which usually 
you can obtain some other way such as building on linux and then copying the 
DLL over to windows.

So if you don't succeed at building on windows, then ask yourself (and this 
list) if there's another way to accomplish whatever you're actually trying to 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] apt-get update checksum error

2014-10-07 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of spiko
> This problem has been resolved for me. Running apt-get update today
> successfully got the repository details and I was able to install
> mono-complete v3.10.0

Nope, I'm stilling seeing same error:

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
sudo apt-get update

W: Failed to fetch
  Hash Sum mismatch
W: Failed to fetch
  Hash Sum mismatch
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones 
used instead.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] apt-get update checksum error

2014-10-06 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
Trying to run on ubuntu:
apt-get update

Gives me this error:
W: Failed to fetch
  Hash Sum mismatch
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones 
used instead.

Does this mean somebody just neglected to update a checksum file?

I have already
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

And then repeated "apt-get update" but still got the same error.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Json string handling

2014-09-22 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Miguel de Icaza []
> Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 9:50 AM
>> We've had a pull request outstanding
>> since April
> Perhaps the best thing to do is to file a companion bug, and raise the 
> priority
> of that bug to "major" whenever a patch is available, to trigger a review.

This one has been sitting around since April.  I don't have access to raise the 

We had to implement a workaround into our product for customer release, to 
workaround this issue.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Json string handling

2014-09-21 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Martin Thwaites

Agreed on all counts.  I agree, as Miguel mentioned, that it's necessary to 
have quality control in place before accepting commits.  As Martin says, don't 
let something get worse as a result of supposed improvements being committed.  
Well understood that the constraints we live in are: Xamarin is a commercial 
entity supporting an open source product that extends far beyond the scope of 
what's useful to Xamarin.  Xamarin's resources are not infinite.  

The mono community will grow more healthfully, and more rapidly, if Xamarin can 
nourish community contributions more.  Some efforts are already under weigh (or 
already completed?) to improve the mono source build process.  Making it easier 
to build and/or debug the source.  The source is easily accessible and easily 
forkable on github.  Build documentation has been greatly improved within the 
last year.  Binary distributables greatly improved.  Even the redhat roadblock 
has effectively been handled - circumventing the archaic crap in epel by adding 
a new yum repo.

Really the one part that's still a huge inhibitor to community involvement is 
just this one thing - even as paying Xamarin customers, you can't get support 
for mono bugs - even if you write patches yourself and try to contribute them, 
even as Xamarin customers you can't get anyone to review your patches.  For the 
time being, any bug or deficiency in mono is "take it or leave."  And hopefully 
this cycle can be broken.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Json string handling

2014-09-21 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> even as Xamarin customers you can't get anyone to review your
> patches.

As a tiny little baby step in the right direction, I think Xamarin could at 
least promise to review pull requests submitted by customers paying for 
support.  (This is a little bit shy of fully supporting mono, which would be 
even better.)

Right now, even if you're willing to pay for it, there is no such thing as mono 
support.  It's tough to get businesses developing applications on mono, staking 
the core of their business on mono development, with this kind of limitation.  
I know I made this commitment, starting my business, before I knew any better, 
and now that we're fully entrenched, people ask me in retrospect, did I make 
the right decision?  And the answers I provide are a big resounding "Maybe?"  
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Json string handling

2014-09-20 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> Tru dat.  However, 

I guess I'm actually trying to say two separate things:

* When broken stuff doesn't get fixed, it's a disincentive for usage adoption.
* When pull requests get ignored, it is a disincentive to contributors trying 
to contribute anymore (fixing things).

This is an unfortunate positive feedback loop, which can hopefully be broken 
some day.  I know based on my experience here so far, I'm not going to bother 
trying to fix anything anymore.  My time would have been better spent, finding 
an alternative to mono SslStream instead of trying to contribute the fix to 
make mono SslStream operational.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Json string handling

2014-09-20 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Miguel de Icaza
> It is not easy to add people.   We can only add people that have shown the
> practices and skills that come with reviewing patches and working through
> the system.
> If we had more of those, we would add them.

Tru dat.  However, when broken stuff doesn't get fixed, it drives users away.  
I'll cite myself as an example:  We've had a pull request outstanding since 
April, prior to which, SslStream is 
simply unusable (mono SslStream server is incompatible with mono SslStream 
client).  So we have to distribute our product using *only* our custom patched 
version of mono, cannot tell our customers to use any standard mono version, 
and since it's been ignored so long, the decision is long since concluded that 
we must bite the bullet and find some other SSL package.  It's too late for us 
- even if that pull request were to be merged today, the lack of attention 
demonstrates that those classes are poorly maintained, and we have to assume, 
possibly unstable or insecure in ways that we haven't yet discovered.  So for 
us the decision to get off is already done.  Hopefully the train won't keep its 
momentum in this direction.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] How to find extern definition for MonoIO void Lock(

2014-09-13 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: Rodrigo Kumpera []
> See icall-def.h

Thanks.  How did you know that?

Since I look in there, I can very clearly see a matching method definition, and 
what it's connected to, and I was then able to find the implementation in 
source and get all the answers I was looking for - But the method definition I 
was looking for was "Lock" which is quite a generic search term in hundreds of 

I'd like to know how I can find that again next time I need it.  Especially if 
it's some completely unrelated application (not mono source) where memorization 
isn't going to help me.

When an "extern" specifies the dll it comes from, that makes it completely 
obvious where to look.  But lots of times "extern"s don't specify a dll, and my 
best guess after that, is that the compiler / linker / something in Makefile or 
the csproj must be including it, which could be a horrible pain to track down.  
I'm hoping there's an easier or better way...

Thanks again.  Helped a bunch this time.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] How to find extern definition for MonoIO void Lock(

2014-09-12 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
I am trying to find the definition for this:
mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/MonoIO.cs:   public 
extern static void Lock (...)

I'd like to know how the Lock() method is implemented, so I can understand the 
valid parameters.  (I know the two ints must be >= 0, but I'd like to know what 
else.  And generally speaking, know how it's implemented so I can know its 
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Version metadata - reflection?

2014-09-11 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
In Visual Studio, you right-click a project, properties, application, assembly 
information, and set the version, which corresponds to AssemblyVersion and 
AssemblyFileVersion in AssemblyInfo.cs, and it can be detected at runtime via 

However, in Xamarin Studio or MonoDevelop, you right-click a project, options, 
main settings, and set version... It doesn't change AssemblyInfo.cs. Instead, 
it modifies the csproj.  I'm not sure how/if this metadata can be accessed at 
runtime.  Can it?  Or better yet, does Xam Studio and/or Monodevelop have some 
interface that allows easy editing of AssemblyInfo.cs as VS does?  I can edit 
the file by double clicking it and editing text manually, I just wonder if 
that's what people are intended to do.  (I am surprised to see a completely 
separate and completely analogous and confusing redundant project "Version" 
metadata setting which is unrelated to the version inside AssemblyInfo.cs).
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Performance tests/benchmarks for mono

2014-08-28 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (mono)
> From: [mailto:mono-devel-list-
>] On Behalf Of Liwei Peng
> I am evaluating mono for Linux (Ubuntu). One of my plans is to evaluate
> mono CLR perf compared with Windows .NET CLR perf.

Before you get into it, you should know a few things - 

Everything, literally everything, is variable.  Meaning, you'll write some code 
that uses some class method, and you run it on Windows, with optimizations, and 
then run again without optimizations, and then run on some version of mono with 
and without optimizations, and then run on a different version of mono with and 
without optimizations, and then run on a different platform (windows vs mac vs 
linux vs etc) with and without optimizations, and then run on a different class 
of hardware including or not including some hardware optimizations, and in 
every one of those situations, the performance varies.

Sometimes windows is faster for some things.  Sometimes mono is faster for 
other things.  Sometimes the .NET api provides different implementations to the 
same interface or abstract class - and sometimes mono ignores that and 
implements them the same behind the scenes just because that's what's 
available.  For example, some RSACryptoServiceProvider, and RSAManaged, and 
RSAWhatever ...  All functionally equivalent with different performance 
characteristics on windows relative to each other, but then in mono, they all 
map to the same RSAManaged.  (I'm speaking vaguely for example, maybe it's RSA 
or AES or other classes, I forget, I assume there are a bunch of things like 

The behavior is not always exactly the same - for example, in .NET you create 
an instance of RSA with RSA.Create(), and it not only gives you an object, it 
actually generates keys for you.  But in mono, they don't bother creating keys 
for you until you do some operation that requires the existence of keys within 
the RSA object.  So if you just measured the time to create an instance of RSA, 
you would be inaccurate in measuring the actual work time.

And guess what, .NET recently changed its behavior to be like mono.  Lazy RSA 
key generation.  So those performance measurements, once again, have changed.  
Moving target.  And I have reason to believe that windows pre-generates a cache 
of keys to be available upon user request, so it might perform really well for 
a number of keys and then suddenly drop to normal mono-like performance for 
sustained repeated key generation.  And the windows keys apparently aren't made 
to the same quality specification.

Etc etc etc etc.

You write some really simple code just to test the performance of calling 
methods recursively or something like that.  Compile it on windows, whose 
compiler will have some set of compiler optimizations, then run it on windows 
and on mono, where the JIT compiler will apply a second set of optimizations.  
Now compile it on mono, whose compiler will have a different set of compiler 
optimizations.  Again, run it on mono and windows for another set of JIT 
optimizations.  Yet another variable in the performance characteristics.

Perform an AOT compilation.  Yet another variable.

There is only one possible conclusion you can reach (I've done a lot of this 
myself):  Some things are faster in windows, others are faster in mono.  If you 
pick one specific thing and dig into it you can then explain the difference for 
that specific thing.  But you cannot draw any generalization.  You can only 
create a meaningful summary of performance comparison for a specific 
application.  And it will change over time, because of changes in both Windows 
and in Mono.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

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