[mou-net] [mou-rba] Sand Dunes Forest Hike

2016-08-31 Thread Ron Taube
We went hiking with Gary Swanson at Sand Dunes State Forest  this morning on 
and around 253ave NW just east of CR 5. . We saw 35 Species of birds. The 
highlights were Least Flycatcher, Common Raven, Red Shouldered Hawks (2) Both 
Red and White breasted nuthatch, house wren, Bluebird, Brown Thrasher, the 
following Warblers, Nashville, yellow rumped, Pine (2) my first ever in 
Minnesota, Redstart, Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroat, and Magnolia,  We also saw 
and heard a couple of Eastern Towhee’s.  . No photos worth posting today.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Long Billed Dowitcher just south of Grassy Point in Duluth

2016-08-22 Thread Ron Taube
 While many others flooded Duluth looking at the Tall Ships my friends Travis, 
Herb and I were looking for shorebirds. Just south of Grassy Point we found a 
lone Long Billed Dowitcher in a small pond surrounded by gravel. We did hear 
his call and heard in the distance another call so there might be two.  He had 
no problems letting us get fairly close to him and was still there when we 
left.  This is not the Grassy Point trail but just down river from there.  
Later we explored closer to Duluth and found an  area where we saw several 
least sandpipers , and some lesser yellowlegs.  Also in the distance we saw 
some red heads. I’ve never seen them this time of year, and canada geese as 
well as mallards and perhaps a gadwall.  We did walk the Grassy point trail for 
a bit but near the end the boardwalk the trail was broken and it was a bit of a 
risk, especially with our camera equipment to go further.  I hope someone fixes 
it. We did see however a red eyed vireo .  We also visited Hartley Park in 
Duluth, another park none of us had heard of  and were guided around it by John 
Kelsey and his wife. What a lovely park and in spite of the fact that it had 
been pretty severely logged it is well worth checking out. We saw a jv common 
yellow throat and butterflies and a dc cormorant as well as a tadpole and a 
small frog. .  So we had a lovely day.  Here is my link to some photos.  
Ron Taube Coon Rapids. 

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Northern Mockingbird still in Rosemount

2016-07-04 Thread Ron Taube
The mockingbird  was reported by several people on Facebook on 140th street off 
of hwy 52 .  My wife and I went out to see it and hopefully the Blue Grosbeak 
spotted in the area but we did not see the Blue Grosbeak.  I’m hoping to go 
back tomorrow and look again. Anyway we got several good looks at this 
beautiful  bird and someone heard a Bells’ Vireo but i did not.  I did however 
see a Dicksissel and an osprey and nest, yellow headed blackbirds and cedar 
waxwings.  It is a nice area to check out.  Here is a link to a photo of the 
Mockingbird, my first of the year.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Summer Tanager at Minnesota Landscape Arboretum is still there

2016-06-28 Thread Ron Taube
I want to thank John Jonas for giving me the location of this bird and for 
others who shared it before him  Brand Gulstad and Wilmar Fernandez who I 
believe originally found it.  The bird is located near the children’s maze on 
the 3 mile trail at the Arboretum,  It is just south of the maze and could be 
on either side of the road. We watched him fly back and forth several times 
across the road..  He was easily located if you know his call at all.  I hope 
that he finds a mate.  Here is a link to some photos.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Yellow Billed Cuckoo at Carlos Avery Today

2016-06-11 Thread Ron Taube
Today with my every trusted companions Travis Bono and Herb Lindsay we went all 
around Carlos Avery Wildlife refuge and had a great day.  We stated out with a 
scarlet tanager and ovenbird then we saw at least two Yellow Billed Cuckoo’s.  
Photos were scarce but I will post one on the link at the end of this.  We saw 
the cuckoos north of 18 and south of Headquarters road along Old Game Farm Rd.  
 Later we also saw a number of warblers including Mourning, Chestnut sided, 
Yellow, Golden winged and Redstarts.  We also saw a Veery some black terns, 
Great crested flycatcher, another scarlet tanager, blue winged teal, sedge and 
marsh wrens, great egrets and quite a few species of dragonflies and a few 
butterflies.  Here is my flickr link for a few photos  

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Great Day at Carver Park

2016-05-29 Thread Ron Taube
Today with my friends Travis Bono and Herb Lindsay we went to Carver park.  We 
saw and got photos of some of our favorite birds.  We saw several Indigo 
Buntings, at least two Great Crested flycatchers, first of the year Bobolinks, 
my third Henslow’s sparrow of the year and common yellow throat, ruby throated 
hummingbird, red eyed vireo and several others.  What was most amazing was that 
we saw not one but at least two or three Henslow’s and we sat on a bench while 
we took photos.  Here is a link to some of my photos.  
The Henslow’s and Bobolinks were on the south side of Lake 2.  The weather held 
for us until we were ready to leave then it began to sprinkle.  Happy Memorial 
day to everyone
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Prothonotary Warbler at the Coon Rapids Dam Today BP Side

2016-05-25 Thread Ron Taube
 First of all I want to thank the people who told me about spotting this bird 
this year. Adam Roesch posted it and Jo Ann Morse told me about it.  I went out 
to the Bp side of the dam this morning and got caught in a deluge but I did get 
a warbling vireo before I got wet. So I went back this afternoon under a light 
sprinkle and found the prothonotary almost exactly where I was told that it 
was.  I didn’t stay long because the rain started to get heavier again but at 
my flickr link I have a few photos.  Thanks for all of you out there who post 
bird sites. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/with/26637549614/
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Henslow's Sparrow at Crow Hassan Park in Rogers

2016-05-17 Thread Ron Taube
We were out with Gary Swanson’s Tuesday hiking group and we saw and heard a 
Henslow’s Sparrow along the trail.  Gary asked that if I post this that anyone 
who sees the sparrow there to please stay on the trail and don’t drive it out 
of the area.  Other birds seen or heard on the hike were a American  Kestrel, 
vesper sparrow, grasshopper sparrow, field sparrow, Northern rough winged 
swallow, a baltimore oriole building a nest, scarlet tanager, warbling vireo, 
olive sided flycatcher, belted kingfisher and a single pelican.  We saw 52 
species in all.  Here is a link to some photos. and a video.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids Mn

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Today at the Bass Ponds

2016-05-07 Thread Ron Taube
Several of us went out with Gary Swanson’s Ornithology class to the Bass Ponds. 
We saw 64 species.  Among them were Black and White, Tennessee , Orange Crown 
and Yellow Warblers as well as a couple of Northern Waterthrush.  We saw  four 
maybe five  Dowitchers a lifer for me and heard a least flycatcher.  A clay 
colored sparrow posed for us and other shore birds included, Lesser yellowlegs, 
Solitary , spotted, and semipalmated sandpipers.  Also Barn, cliff tree and 
bank swallows.  We heard a couple of Baltimore Orioles but I never got a good 
look at one but they’ll be in my yard any day now. A female Hooded merganser 
with about six chicks was quite a treat to see and a single eastern towhee was 
heard.  It felt like we were finally seeing some good birds.
Here are some photos. 

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.   

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Lake Osakis on Earth Day

2016-04-22 Thread Ron Taube
A few weeks ago at the Coon Rapids dam I met a woman and we started talking 
about birding and the topic of western grebes at Lake Osakis came up in our 
conversation. I had never been there but she had so we agreed to take a trip 
there primarily to look for Grebes the Grebe I was most interested in was the 
Western Grebe, a bird that I had never seen before. She saw them last summer 
with their babies on their backs as well .   I had seen no postings this year 
of the Western Grebe so I wondered if they were even back yet.  We arrived at a 
resort on the north west corner of Osakis at 8 a.m. We were going to rent a 
small boat and motor but they gave us a deal on a pontoon boat so we took that. 
 My friend knew the lake and expected to see some western grebes from the shore 
but we didn’t. We did see and photograph a common loon close to shore. Once we 
got into the pontoon boat we drove slowly along the shore line looking for 
whatever and hoping for the grebes.  We saw a belted kingfisher soon but no 
photos. Lots and lots of coots and red heads. ring necks  and a few canvasback 
as well as a few pelicans were seen in the first hour. We also saw many double 
crested cormorants and then we saw a pair of Red necked Grebes  We got close to 
them. I had just seen two at Sherburne a couple of days earlier but no where 
near a close as these. My friend had never seen one before and we were both 
excited to get shots of this beautiful bird.  We saw several more pairs of red 
necks and a horned grebe before sighting our first pair of western grebes.   We 
were both happy to see this beautiful bird. The distinctive long white neck 
really stood out on the calm waters of Osakis today.  This was a lifer for me.  
We shot many photos and tried putting out bait but they didn’t get that much 
closer however we did attract a caspian tern (first of the year)who dive bombed 
into the water close to our boat.  He came back many times.  We then saw 
several more western Grebes but no large group as we hoped for and we didn’t 
see them do their dancing on the water act but they did do some courting.  We 
also saw many more pelicans, cormorants,  at least a dozen loon, a pair of 
common mergansers and a pair of red breasted mergansers, a bonaparte’s gull, 
another belted kingfisher,  We were out four and a half hours and it flew by 
like a few minutes. At one point the lake appeared to have many thousands of 
birds in it.   A great example of what to do on earth day.  Below is a link to 
some photos.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids. 


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge , Highlights Red Necked Grebe, Brown Thrasher and Wilsons' snipe

2016-04-19 Thread Ron Taube
We went out this morning with Gary Swanson’s hiking group on the Auto Trail at 
Sherburne.  It was fairly dark and a bit windy and felt colder than it should 
have.  We got , I think 45 species of birds. The list included 2 common loon, 2 
Red Necked Grebe (found on cr 5 in a pond on the west side of the road just 
before the turn off to the auto drive) pied billed grebe, . We also saw 
Trumpeter Swans, Blue Winged teal, ring neck ducks, Lesser Scaup, Bald Eagles, 
A sharp shinned hawk. pheasant, greater and lesser yellow legs, brown thrasher, 
barn swallows, bonaparte gulls, an eastern Towhee was heard but not seen, swamp 
sparrow and several eastern meadowlarks, sandhill cranes, great blue herons,  
several bunches of yellow rumped warblers and a belted kingfisher. We saw a 
wilson’s snipe practically right next to our car and i managed to get fairly 
good shots of him through the window and later outside of the car.   The photos 
at my  link are a bit dark and in the case of the Red Necked Grebes quite a 
distance off but they are at least id-able.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Trip to Miller Lake, Salt Lake and Big Stone NWR

2016-04-17 Thread Ron Taube
Trip to Miller Lake, Salt Lake and Big Stone NWR
Highlights include Semipalmated Plover, Western Meadowlarks, Marbled Godwit

My friends Herb Lindsay, Travis Bonovski and I took a trip yesterday 
(Saturday)to western Minnesota to Miller Lake in Yellow Medicine County, Salt 
Lake and Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge.   I had never seen Western or 
Clarks Grebes and I had heard that they were common out there.  I realized that 
it is a bit early the year but we were hopeful.  Herb picked me up in Coon 
Rapids at 4 a.m. and after picking up Travis we drove straight through to 
Miller Lake arriving at about 7 a.m.  We saw no other birders to our surprise.  
The lake was filled with birds however.  We immediately saw Northern Shovelers, 
Lesser Scaup, a couple of Pied billed Grebes and a couple of Horned Grebes but 
those were the only Grebes that we saw in that lake and we really searched.  As 
for shore birds we saw pectoral and least sandpipers killdeer and to our 
surprise a semipalmated plover.  We all took lots of photos of him. Also at the 
lake were a couple of yellow headed blackbirds many green winged and blue 
winged teal, bufflehead, coot by the hundreds,double crested cormorants, 
northern flicker,mallard ducks, ruddy ducks,gadwall, wood duck and red heads.  
Next we drove to Salt Lake. On the way there we saw and heard two 
western meadowlarks along the road. We also saw what we think was a vesper 
sparrow.   When we arrived at Salt Lake we went out on the platform on the east 
side of the lake and immediately saw a Savanna Sparrow.  We had our scopes and 
I immediately looked for grebes but again saw only pied billed and horned 
grebes.  We saw many northern shovelers bunched up on the shore, canvasback, 
redheads and several northern harriers.  Next we drove to the western side of 
the lake, the South Dakota side, and hiked out into the peninsula that divides 
the lake. We saw several hundred greater white fronted geese as well as five or 
six snow geese and a couple of dark morphed snow geese. some tundra swans, 
pintails, many green and blue winged teal, bonaparte’s gulls, wigeon, another 
western meadowlark, ruddy ducks and the high point for me a Marbled Godwit.  We 
first saw him fly from the south east side of the lake towards the platform  in 
the east then to the north west side of the lake where he landed and was near a 
lesser yellowlegs.  He stayed there a few minutes then flew straight east and 
we didn’t see him again. Thankfully we all got photos.  I hadn’t seen one since 
a Duluth trip four or five years ago.  We then saw some pelicans, 
From Salt Lake we went to Big Stone NWR and frankly did not see much. 
We did see painted turtles a white throated sparrow and my friends saw an owl 
possibly great horned but I did not.  We saw an eastern phoebe there near a 
pond where there was a platform and we saw northern shovelers and a snapping 
turtle and a tree swallow and a cedar waxwing. 
All in all we all felt that we had a great trip.  Travis did a total count for 
the day and came up with 62 then Herb added two with the pintail and brown 
headed cowbird so that made 64.Below are some photos. 
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids 

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] At Lake Cenaiko at the Coon Rapids Dam today

2016-04-09 Thread Ron Taube
I’ve been watching a Common Loon at Cenaiko Lake for the last three days.  I 
watched him catch a fish today as I followed him around the little Cenaiko 
Lake.  Also I saw at least fifty Tree Swallows sitting in the grass. I was 
taking photos of them as a girl rode by on her skateboard and she called out to 
me “Are you getting a Family Photo?”   I laughed at that because that’s what I 
was doing.  I saw two Osprey from the platform across the dam fishing in 
Cenaiko but I didn’t see either of them catch anything.  I saw two Great Blue 
Herons fly and sit by the lake but none in the Rookery. I was assured however 
by a couple that I run into from time to time at the Dam that they saw seven of 
them in the rookery last night.  I also saw a red tailed hawk, a broad winged 
hawk , gold finches, house sparrows, and canada geese.  On the river were some 
common mergansers, bufflehead, ring billed gulls .  I enjoyed the walk also in 
spite of the cold and the wind.  Here are a few photos
 Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Bass Ponds/ Lake Harriet

2016-03-29 Thread Ron Taube
We started out the morning at the Bass Ponds with Gary Swanson’s weekly hike.  
We saw 41 species including green winged teals, quite a few, northern 
shovelers, golden crowned kinglets, a single Greater yellow legs, wilson snipe, 
3 i think, an unusual juvenile bald eagle that had a lot of features one might 
associate with a golden.  We saw also tree swallows, blue winged teal (foy for 
me), a red tailed hawk, a sandhill crane, fox , song and tree sparrows, hooded  
mergansers(2), turkey vultures,wood ducks,great blue heron, northern 
harrier.and some leopard frogs .  After we left Gary he also found a long 
tailed Duck at the Bass Ponds.   Then my wife and i and a friend went to lake 
Harriet where we saw Northern Shovelers, Gadwall, Red Breasted Mergansers and a 
group of 6-10 horned Grebes that we followed around for quite a while. Then 
someone reported seeing a common Loon in the Lake and we found that . So we had 
very fine birding day in such nice weather.  I have posted some photos below on 
this link  https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/with/25499601883/ 
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] 180th street marsh and Lake Byllesby today

2016-03-19 Thread Ron Taube
Today with a  friend of mine we went to the 180th street marsh then toLake 
Byllesby and Industrial Park in Randolph.
To start out at the 180th street marsh we saw half a dozen or so Northern 
Shovelers in the north west pond.  As we headed east on 180th we saw American 
Wigeon, half a dozen, Hooded Mergansers, at least two, three Trumpeter Swans, 
some Redheads, fifty or more lesser scaup.a flock of fifty or so European 
Starlings, and some horned larks along 180th.  Next we drove to Lake Byllesby.  
 The water is very low there and much of it on the western area is essentially 
mudflats.  We walked along the shore and saw Gadwall. a dozen or so Green 
Winged teal, Ring necked duck, ring billed gulls, a couple of bald eagles and 
when we went on the south side we got a flock of 150-200 Greater White Fronted 
Geese with two snow geese in the flock.  We watched as they circled the lake at 
least twice.  We also saw more horned larks and Killdeer along the road to the 
boat launch on the south side of the lake.  Next we drove by the Church at the 
industrial park. There we saw half a dozen bufflehead, ring necked ducks and at 
least two Canvasbacks.  We also saw a red tailed hawk more horned larks.  It 
was a good day for us.
I posted a few photos on my flickr page below
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] 180th St Marsh/Industrial Park/Lake Harriet

2016-03-19 Thread Ron Taube
My friend Travis and I went over some of the same areas that i covered a few 
days ago. We started at the 180th street marsh where we got Horned 
Larks,Greater white fronted geese, Tundra Swans, canvasback, at least three, 
redheads, scaup, gadwall, Canada Geese and northern Shovelers. We needed our 
scopes for most of it.  We ran into several people that we knew including Gary 
Swanson who has hikes on Tuesdays.  We left shortly after Gary left and he 
called me to tell me that he saw a eurasian Collared Dove in Vermillion.  Well 
I had never seen on and Travis had never seen on in this state so we drove to 
Vermillion and saw two of them in a front yard on the west side of Vermillion.  
Next we headed for the Industrial Park near Randolph we saw four , possibly 
five eastern meadowlarks we got nice photos and a video of them, we saw half a 
dozen killdeer there also a red tailed hawk, half a dozen sandhill cranes flew 
over head and more horned larks. On to lake Byllesby where we saw many green 
winged teals but little else besides a couple of eagles. From here we heard 
that a Eastern Screech owl had been seen in Mpls and we headed over to where it 
had been seen and found a dozen photographers getting there shots. We got ours 
too then went over to Roberts Bird sanctuary where we saw a handful of turkeys 
and a couple who told us that there were red breasted mergansers in the middle 
of the lake. At first we weren’t sure that this was true then we saw them. One 
was on a floating dock taking rest and three others kept us busy photographing 
them for the better part of an hour.  All in all was a great day in march for 
both of us.  Below is a link for some photos.  
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Mountain Bluebird still at Clear Lake Location

2016-03-10 Thread Ron Taube
My friend Russ and i spent the morning and part of the afternoon at the Island 
View Park near Clear Lake location in Sherburne County looking for the Mountain 
Bluebird reported earlier.  We met several birders when we first arrived that 
gave us tips on where to look and then we met one man with a large camera when 
we first arrived by the river. He told us as the others did that this bird 
hangs out with several eastern bluebirds.  We saw nothing for at least an hour 
then a man and woman couple waved us over to an area downstream of where we 
started and for twenty seconds or so we saw a silhouette of an eastern bluebird 
and a mountain bluebird and then ti was gone.  We then met up with three other 
birders and talked to them for a while before splitting up with out seeing 
anything, or so we thought.  I took a couple of bad photos through some 
branches that I now see was likely the Mountain bluebird.  Russ and I then 
split up from the other birders and went back to where we started. After 
looking for another half hour i could see the other birders photographing 
something so we headed over to them opposite from the river or I guess you 
could say south and east a bit.  As I approached the other birders they said 
that yes they had seen the mountain bluebird and were within twenty feet of it. 
 One showed me an excellent photo. Next we definitely saw the mountain bluebird 
atop a large tree at the foot of the hill that lead back to the parking lot.  I 
got a few photos this time before it took off again chasing an eastern bluebird 
.  It was a lifer for me but it took us three hours to find it.  My photos are 
not that great but still I’m delighted to get what I did.  Unfortunately Russ 
only saw the silhouette of the bird and it was a long hike for him.  Here are 
some photos from today. Thanks to all the birders who helped us out today.  
What a great hobby this is.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids, Mn

Here are a couple of photos


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Update at the Coon Rapids Dam

2016-03-07 Thread Ron Taube
 I took a walk across the Dam again this morning at around 8:30 and saw a red 
head up close to the walkway  as well as several scaup.  I also saw ring necked 
ducks but didn’t get any photos and bufflehead.  I followed four of them up and 
down the river trying to get close but only got distant shots. Looked like some 
mating behavior going on.  I also saw dark eyed juncos on the island .  Not 
quite as many birds as yesterday but still a nice assortment. Thanks for your 
notes and comments they are appreciated.  Here is my link for some photos. 
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Migration sightings at the Coon Rapids Dam

2016-03-06 Thread Ron Taube
 I got out early with my scope at the Coon Rapids dam and saw a fair amount of 
waterfowl this morning.  I was there about nine thirty in the a.m. and upstream 
from the walkway I saw perhaps as many as two thousand birds.  Up close to the 
walkway I saw a dozen or so gadwall and twice that many lesser scaups both male 
and female.  As I was watching these and some goldeneye I noticed many birds 
half a mile up steam. So I lugged my scope to the Brooklyn Park side and hiked 
up the trail for half a mile or so.  It was then that I also saw two hooded 
mergansers crossing the river lots more of the Lesser Scaup, some red heads and 
a pied billed grebe.  I might have seen a bufflehead but since i neither got a 
good picture of it or saw it well in the scope i’m going to say only maybe.  As 
I stayed and watched the crowd of birds seemed to thin and then a couple of 
bald eagles drove some off.  As i was heading back across the walkway I spotted 
a single male Northern  Shoveler and some Common Mergansers to add to it.  Also 
I saw a bald eagle on the ice. I’ve posted a few photos. I’m afraid that they 
are not of the best quality because of the distances  but they do show some 
idea of what i saw.  At least it shows that the migration is in full swing
Here are some photos  https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] American Wigeon at Palmer Lake Park

2016-03-05 Thread Ron Taube
I got a call from my Friend Travis today.  He saw an American Wigeon, Drake at 
Palmer Lake Park.  I immediately went down there and met him there.  If you 
know the park at all it is in the north central part of the park where the 
bridge over Shingle Creek is.  From the bridge it was seen about two hundred 
yards north on the creek. There is a paved trail on the east side of the bridge 
that can get you fairly close to him if he’s still there. Here is a link to 
some of my photos and a very short video where you can hear him call.   Not 
much else besides Mallards there today however.   
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Veterans Park Shakopee

2016-02-27 Thread Ron Taube
Hello birders
Well my wife and I were down at the World Bird sanctuary showing at Carpenter 
nature center  in Hastings this morning and then we were looking at a dozen or 
so horned larks along 180th street when I got a call from my friend Travis 
reporting birds in Shakopee.  I missed the turn off to meet him and ended up at 
Veterans Park and called him because I was seeing better sightings than he was 
so he joined my wife and i.  First of all we saw a bird i had never seen 
before. We had to look it up.  It is called a Chinese Goose and it is descended 
from a wild swan goose. It is a domesticated goose apparently. Well wherever it 
came from it was certainly a lovely sight.  We also saw sever goldeneye, 
gadwall,coots, hybrid black ducks and a strange brownish mallard that was 
probably a hybrid.  I think we saw some cracking geese too but I’m never 
certain of those when I see them.  I posted some photos on my flickr page and a 
couple of video.


Happy birding to you

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Northern Goshawk at Palmer Lake Park

2016-02-23 Thread Ron Taube
Today with Gary Swanson’s  Tuesday hiking group we went to Palmer Lake park.  
The first thing we saw there was a Northern Goshawk.  It flew past us  off of 
73 rd st and then headed south to the south east corner of the park where it 
landed in a tree.  I tried to get some photos and did get some distant shots of 
it, though I’m not posting them. Gary id’d it positively as a Northern Goshawk. 
 We also saw at least three bald eagles, two red tailed hawks, northern 
cardinals, gold finches and house sparrows and a muskrat.  Here are a few 
photos from the day
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Black ducks and Green Winged Teal at Anoka Dam

2016-02-17 Thread Ron Taube
At the risk of posting too often to this site I want to say that I went to the 
Anoka Dam this morning hoping to see the Mottled duck that was reported. There 
were a number of birders that I saw but no one that I know of saw the mottled 
duck but I was delighted to see two black Ducks and when a man on the west side 
of the river started feeding the ducks in a parking lot i walked over and got a 
close look and photos of a green winged teal. Later I saw the teal in the river 
as well.  So even though I never got the Mottled Duck it was worth the trip.  
Here is my flickr link to a couple of photos
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids. 

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] White Winged Crossbills at Sherburne

2016-02-16 Thread Ron Taube
First of all I want to thank all those that have posted information on the 
crossbills  on various sites.  I hadn’t seen a WW Crossbill in years.  Gary 
Swanson formerly of the C.R. Dam has now started a weekly birding hike and this 
is where he took us today to the Blue hill trail at Sherburne National Wildlife 
Refuge. We found a small flock (25-35) of White Winged Crossbills about a mile 
or so north on the Blue Hill trail along the pine stand area.  We saw them 
several times as he hiked around and through the pines.  We also saw white and 
red breasted nuthatches, trumpeter swans, hairy and red bellied woodpeckers, 
tree sparrows and juncos.   Below is a link to some photos.  It was kind of 
dark but I did the best i could .   
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Long Tailed Duck still at the CR.Dam

2016-02-07 Thread Ron Taube
Hi I was out on the walkway this morning at the C.R.Dam between 8:30 and 9 a.m. 
and i saw two other men with scopes looking for the Long Tailed Duck One of 
them on the west side of the walkway spotted it first and pointed it out to us. 
 The long tail swam eastward generally for about half an hour. At one point it 
came within a couple of hundred feet of us so i took some photos.  Then it flew 
upstream after that.  Here is a link to some photos and thanks to Cole Foster 
for spotting this and reporting it.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids
Here is the link

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Trip to Duluth and Sax-Zim bog

2016-02-05 Thread Ron Taube
My wife Carolyn and I just came back from two days in Duluth and at the Sax-Zim 
bog and I want to first of all thank Clinton Nienhaus for all of his help. We 
were originally going to the bog with him on Friday for a Raptor hunt but he 
changed it to going raptor hunting in and around Duluth.  As it turned out this 
worked out great. I exchanged some emails with him asking about what was good 
to see and he told me where to find some black billed Magpies eating on a deer 
carcass.  We found the carcass along cr 133 near the meadowlands and saw 
several Magpies there eating on the deer.  We also found the Boreal chickadee 
gray jays and a porcupine along MacDavid road, not the one earlier reported on 
owl avenue. No we did not get a Great Gray Owl but i got one in December so I’m 
satisfied with that for now. We also saw Redpolls, pine siskins. and two 
roughed grouse but I did not see any sharp tailed grouse.  i think we arrived 
at the Lek too late.  I looked for the black backed woodpecker along the 
logging trail but it turned out that I was at the wrong end of the trail. Maybe 
next time. Today we joined Clinton as we toured  canal park several areas 
around Duluth then into superior.  We saw three peregrine falcons, a rough 
legged hawk, four bald eagles, a red tailed hawk.  We did not see any snowy 
owls or the gyrfalcon but I got the gray one last time i was up there. I also 
saw a Glaucous gull around sunrise. There were few gulls in canal park today.  
The highlight for me were the Magpies. This was my best shot at seeing them 
close and photographing them. Here are some photos and a video from the trip in 
my Flickr page.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Sunday at Canal Park and Superior

2016-01-25 Thread Ron Taube
Yesterday my friend Herb and i drove to Canal Park hoping to see the Kittiwake 
but even though we stopped in there three times we had no luck and none of the 
other observers said that they saw it either. Nevertheless we did see the Ivory 
Gull and a Greater Black Backed Gull and an American Black Duck.  As an added 
bonus we watched an Otter in the snow below the lighthouse swim to the snow 
covered rocks in front of the boardwalk and walk around on it for a bit. I shot 
a short video of this.  We then wen to Superior and saw the Gyrfalcon chasing a 
pigeon near Peavy elevator. We looked for the snowy on tower ave but had no 
luck. We then drove up to Northern Duluth looking for Bohemian Waxwings.  Two 
other men from California that we met at Canal park were also looking for the 
Bohemians. They saw on Facebook that some were reported in Agate Bay in Two 
Harbors so all of us drove up there but after much searching we never saw them. 
 It was a great day but i have still never seen a Bohemian Waxwing. This link 
offers some photos
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Townsend' Solitaire is still at West Mississippi River Park

2016-01-02 Thread Ron Taube
I went to west Mississippi River park and immediately saw the Townsends’ 
Solitaire there again.  The road was closed down to the boat launch but I 
parked and walked around it since there was no sign saying that you couldn’t go 
there on foot. After getting a good look at the Solitaire I walked down to the 
Mississippi River and saw maybe two hundred goldeneye and  half a dozen common 
mergansers .Walking back towards my car I saw two downy woodpeckers and a flock 
of 50 or so cedar waxwings who settled in a tree.  Here is a link to  a couple 
of photos.   https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/
 Happy New Year everyone!
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Trip to Sax-Zim

2015-12-23 Thread Ron Taube
My friend Russ and I went to the Sax-Zim Bog yesterday.  We were hoping for a 
Great Gray Owl and also to see Pine Grosbeaks that I haven’t been able to find 
for two years.  Also I wanted to see the Boreal Chickadee and perhaps a 
Northern Hawk Owl though I didn’t know if any had been spotted up there. Well 
when we first arrived at the bog  just after sunrise we stopped at the Kelsey 
Whitefish feeders and only saw a few downy’s and two common redpolls.  I had 
hoped to see at least a pine grosbeak but nothing there.  We drove around a bit 
hoping to see some pine siskins at least but nothing. Finally we went to the 
Admiral feeders hoping to see the boreal chickadee and stayed there almost an 
hour with no luck. As we were leaving we met a man, and I forgot his name but 
he said that there was a great gray almost parallel to where we were but on 
McDavit road. So we drove over there and searched with no luck so we headed 
back to the Admiral feeders and saw John Cay and a friend of his attempting to 
see the Boreal Chickadee. We stayed with them for some time but again no 
Boreal. As we all were leaving I asked them if they had seen the Great Gray and 
they said that they had seen two in the same area on McDavit as the first man 
so I asked them if they would show us and they said that they would so we 
followed them to the spot and we got our Great Grey for the day. Russ had never 
seen one. We then proceeded to Mary Lou’s feeders where we saw about twenty or 
so evening Grosbeaks  then we headed to the welcome center where Frank and his 
wife told us that they had seen some Pine Grosbeaks at the feeder and that if 
we could wait around a bit they might come back. We waited maybe half an hour 
and they appeared at the feeder outside the window. At least four males and 
three females.  I was very happy to see these beautiful birds.  We went to a 
few other spots after that but that was pretty much it for the day. We never 
saw a northern hawk owl though we went to several areas where i’ve seen them 
before and we never saw the boreal Chickadee.  Maybe next trip. Thank you to 
Frank and his wife for all their help and to John Cay.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids
Below is a link to some photos

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Snow Owl at Msp Airport

2015-12-05 Thread Ron Taube
 I got a text from Herb Lindsay that he was seeing a snowy owl at the Msp 
Airport.  My friend Travis and I were already at Black Dog so we headed over 
there and sure enough there was one there. At the very end of Cargo road  where 
you can park you can look through the chain link fence past one runway to the  
south and east is a snowy Owl. I had been out to the Airport several times last 
year and never found it but this time we did. Photos are not great from such a 
distance but I put one on my flick account so that you can at least see it.  
Here is my link  P.s. We looked for the eared grebe again at Harriet and did 
not find it but we did find the red necked grebe on Calhoun.
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Eared Grebe,Shovelers and a Hybrid Mallard at Harriet today

2015-12-03 Thread Ron Taube
Thanks to a posting by Peter Nichols yesterday I checked out Lake Harriet this 
morning In the south West corner of the lake ai at first found 15 Coots and 
amongst them was a winter plumage Eared Grebe first of the year for me. I 
followed him east as he and the Coots moved and eventually found a dozen or so 
Northern Shovelers as well as a hybrid mallard that a passing birder pointed 
out to me  I did not see any Gulls but then I was told that they don’t usually 
show up till evening and I won’t be able to come back in the evening.  So here 
is my link to some photos. Happy birding to everyone.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Varied Thrush still at Oakdale Cemetery

2015-11-30 Thread Ron Taube
My wife Carolyn and I went to Oakdale Cemetery this morning in spite of the 
terrible traffic conditions and found the Varied Thrush eating crab apples over 
by the Hobby Farm fence described by Milton Bloomberg.  I want to thank Milton 
for posting this. It was a lifer for both of us. I also want to thank Peter 
Nichols for posting his beautiful photos that made us want to find this 
beautiful bird.  The bird seemed quite content to eat the crab apples and I 
wouldn’t be surprised if he hung around even through the coming snow.  Here is 
the link to my photos I did not have time to make a search for the Tufted 
Titmouse.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Townsend"s Solitaire still at West Mississippi Park

2015-11-23 Thread Ron Taube
I want to thank Cole Foster for his report yesterday.  I found it just where he 
said he saw it just off of the western edge of the new parking lot near the 
river.  Another birder was with me and he saw it too through his scope.  It was 
my first of the year. Here is a link to some photos. I got pretty close to him. 

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids 

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Trip to Lake Mille Lacs and Aitkin County

2015-11-21 Thread Ron Taube
Herb Lindsay and I took a drive up along the west side of Lake Mille Lacs 
today. We were up there from about 9 a.m. on.  On the lake we saw several 
common mergansers, mostly female, a few coots, a lone female hooded merganser 
and a canvasback as well as several goldeneye.  At one point we saw twenty or 
more goldeneye floating high in the water and it took us a while to realize 
that they were decoys.  A laugh on us.  We also saw a couple of trumpeter swans 
and a dozen or so mallards as well as at least 3 bald eagles, one of them 
immature.  Once we were at the north side of the lake we decided to go on into 
Aitkin county to see what we could see. Well we were happy to see 3 rough 
legged hawks, all light morphed, a northern shrike, quite a few redpolls in 
several areas especially along CR 18 west of the Hebron Cemetery.  We looked 
hard but did not see any great grays. Here is the link for some of today’s 
photos. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/

Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids Mn

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] White Eyed Vireo This morning

2015-11-06 Thread Ron Taube
Thanks to the help of previous reports by Conny Brunell and others  and my 
friend Gary Swanson and a man named Dave Zumeta we found what the common 
consensus was a juvenile White Eyed Vireo this  morning at Woodlake Nature 
Center. Between about ten and ten thirty a.m. Dave saw both an adult and a 
Juvenile but I only saw the juvenile with the darker eye.  Where we saw this 
bird was a bit north and west of where it has been seen before along the fence. 
 Someone later saw one along the fence but I got over there and had no luck 
seeing it.  Several people encouraged me to get my shots and Dave even helped 
to get me a relatively unobstructed  view.  .  This was a lifer for me.  There 
was one reported earlier at Sunset Cemetery by my friend Travis Bonovski but I 
never saw it.  Anyway here are some photos from my flickr page. 
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] White Eyed Vireo Correction

2015-11-06 Thread Ron Taube
Hi Again
I exchanged emails with Dave Zumeta and It seems clear that my photos showed an 
Adult White Eyed Vireo so I wanted to make a correction here. Sorry for the 
wrong info.
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Has anyone seen the clarks nutcracker lately ?

2015-10-18 Thread Ron Taube
We are heading to Winona on Tuesday and I was  wondering if anyone has seen the 
nutcracker down there lately?  Any help would be appreciated.
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Good Day at the Coon Rapids Dam including a Red Shouldered Hawk

2015-10-07 Thread Ron Taube
Today at the Coon Rapids Dam on the Anoka County side Naturalist Gary Swanson 
lead his phenology group and we saw 43 species of birds.  Some of the 
highlights include several species of sparrows including white throated. White 
Crowned,Fox, Harris , Lincoln’s and Dark Eyed Juncos .  We also saw several 
species of raptors including a red shouldered hawk that we got good looks at on 
several occasions and a Red Tailed Hawk and a merlin.  We saw three species of 
warbler, the Orange crowned, Nashville and Yellow Rumped.  The only vireo we 
saw was a blue headed one. We also saw ruby crowned kinglets and a pair of 
juvenile bald eagles.  I have posted several photos on my flickr page  
including the Red Shouldered Hawk at this link 
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Northern Parula on the BP Side of the dam today

2015-09-10 Thread Ron Taube
Yesterday I reported a Northern Parula on the Coon Rapids side of the dam but I 
didn’t actually see it, only Gary Swanson the naturalist at the dam did.. Today 
I took photos of what i thought might be a Northern Parula but i had my doubts 
until I looked at my photos. So I think it is one .  Let me know if you think 
i’m wrong.  Here is my photo link. 

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Good Outing At the Coon Rapids Dam this morning

2015-09-09 Thread Ron Taube
Once again we had a good outing as Gary Swanson lead us on his phenology hike. 
We got 55 species of birds , including Palm, Yellow, Chestnut sided, Nashville, 
Tennessee,Wilsons,  and Northern Parula warblers.  Redstarts, common 
yellowthroat, yellow throated vireo,  We saw several flycatchers including the 
least and the pewee.  We saw three eagles, three female Scarlet Tanagers, a 
coopers hawk and finally a Female Merlin eating her prey on top of a telephone 
pole.  Here are a few photos from my flickr account. 
 I wish this could go on but I know it will soon pass.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Black Billed Cuckoo and 61 other species seen at CR Dam today

2015-09-02 Thread Ron Taube
We went on Gary Swanson’s phenology hike this morning and saw 62 species of 
birds including five species of vireo nine species of warblers and a black 
billed cuckoo.  Some of the warblers were, blackburnian, Tennessee, yellow, 
Chestnut sided, and black and white, .  We saw at least five female scarlet 
tanagers.  An olive sided flycatcher , female rose breasted grosbeak , female 
indigo bunting and others.  It was very dark and though I got many photos most 
were too dark to post but here are a couple on this link including the cuckoo.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Phenology Walk at the Coon Rapids Dam , Merlin spotted

2015-08-26 Thread Ron Taube
I was on Gary Swanson’s phenology hike this morning. He has one every Wednesday 
morning at the Coon Rapids dam on the Anoka County side at 8 a.m.   We saw 
Tennessee, Nashville and Chestnut sided warblers as well as red eyed vireos and 
several other species. What was most interesting today was when Gary spotted a 
Juvenile Merlin chasing Bluejays around and at one point one of them chased the 
Merlin. We watched his non stop action for over half an hour . We were worried 
that he would get worn out he was so active.  I have some photos on my flickr 
page at this link.  It was just a beautiful morning.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Yellow Crown Night Heron is still at Shiloh Park

2015-08-12 Thread Ron Taube
First of all thanks to Laura who first reported this  and to Peter Nichols for 
the update on this bird. It is a lifer for me.  I went out first on Monday 
morning and spent a couple of hours there with no luck.  But after hearing that 
it was being seen in the evening I tried again tonight and we got it.  We got 
there around 6:15 and there were several birders, a couple that I knew, already 
looking at it.  It was by the dock on the smaller pond. We watched him for 
about an hour and got photos before we left.  I am so grateful for all of you 
who post to this sight and not just Facebook. 
The link below shows him in several poses including eating what I think is a 
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Can any one give me birding info about Lac Qui Parle and Salt Lake and Big Stone?

2015-07-21 Thread Ron Taube
I know that this may not be the best place for this but my friend and I are 
planning a trip to western Minnesota eastern South Dakota in the next week and 
though I’ve heard of these places for years I’ve never been there and don’t 
know what to look for in birds. Can any one give some personal information 
about Lac qui Parle or Salt Lake or Big stone parks?  I could find precious 
little on the internet and nothing on Ebird for the last month so I’d 
appreciate any info you could share even best places to access the parks. 
Thanks so much
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids.

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Correction from yesterday At Randolph park

2015-07-19 Thread Ron Taube
I must have had a senior moment. Yesterday I reported seeing at Randolph Park a 
Savannah Sparrow. I went home from the park  knowing it was a Grasshopper 
sparrow then I had it in my mind that it was a Savannah  and I  posted that and 
even had my picture with the wrong info. I have corrected it and am sorry for 
any inconvenience it may have caused. 
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Some Birds at Randolph Park

2015-07-18 Thread Ron Taube
 My friend Travis and I went to Randolph park today in hopes of seeing the 
Dicksissel and what ever else was there. Well we saw a Dicksissel and a Savanna 
Sparrow and a Clay Colored Sparrow.  We heard a Western Meadowlark but could 
never quite see him.  We also saw a few horned larks but never got our cameras 
on them.  Later we stopped at the 180th street marsh and saw some young fledged 
eastern kingbirds but failed to see any of the hoped for Loggerhead Shrikes in 
the area.
Here are a few photos from today at this flickr link.   

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.  

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Finally found the Tropical Kingbird

2015-07-07 Thread Ron Taube
Thanks to various postings on here and the help of a young couple at 
Murphy-Hanrehan my wife and finally found the Tropical Kingbird. This was our 
second attempt.  I started noticing a pattern of postings and people seemed to 
be doing better in the evening so we arrived at the area a little after six 
p.m.  He was right up in the cottonwood where several have seen him.  We saw 
him catch some bugs and fly to another tree then when I was about to get a 
closer photo he took off.  Still at least we saw him. We also saw an eastern 
towhee and common yellowthroat as well as several other species in the area.  
Thanks to all who posted on here before for your help.  it was a lifer for me.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids
  Here is a link to some photos from today.

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Hooded warbler at Westwood Hills nature center

2015-06-17 Thread Ron Taube
Herb Lindsay and I went to Westwood Hills nature center and looked for the 
Hooded Warbler that was reported I think yesterday. .  We were up looking for 
almost an hour hearing two different birds calling at the same time and seeing 
them popping in and out of the canopy above. We didn’t think that we had any 
photos but a couple of times I just shot into the trees and hoped, and as it 
turned out I did get a picture of one when I put it on my computer and 
lightened it up.. It’s not a great one but i think you’ll agree that it is one. 
 My thanks to the staff at Westwood who gave us directions and to Herb who 
helped me look. IT was a lifer for me. Last year I spent countless hours trying 
to find one at Murphy Hanrehan with no luck.  Here is my photo, such as it is.  
Here is my flickr link
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Prothonotary Warbler is still at the CR dam

2015-06-10 Thread Ron Taube
This is an update.  Two weeks ago I saw a Prothonotary Warbler at the Coon 
Rapids Dam on the Hennepin county side. I went down there this morning and 
found two of them still there in the same area.  I got a couple of photos that 
are not the best but they are proof that a bird is still there.  This was the 
bird that Adam Roesch first spotted.  I am hoping that they are nesting there 
but I could not see any cavity in use though someone had pointed out to me 
where it was likely to be.  Here is a photo
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] White Eyed Vireo and Golden Winged Warbler at Sherburne today

2015-05-26 Thread Ron Taube
My friend Russ and I went to Sherburne today and though we didn’t get a lot of 
species we got some good ones.  On the Blue hill trail we saw a Golden Winged 
Warbler and got some nice photos of him.  I was hoping to get the Blue winged 
but no luck.
We saw several yellow warblers and heard many common yellow throats but little 
else except an eastern meadowlark. We then went on the auto trail and saw three 
more meadowlarks several eastern towhees and near the outhouse at the start of 
the trail we heard then saw a white eyed vireo on her nest. We saw maybe 
fifteen to twenty other species including sandhill cranes, trumpeter swans bald 
eagles and blue winged teals.  Here are a few photos from my flickr account.
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Correction on the White Eyed Vireo it is a least flycatcher

2015-05-26 Thread Ron Taube
Hi I apologize to everyone for my mistake on the White Eyed Vireo.  I relied on 
someone else’s id on this with out careful checking.  It was a least flycatcher 
that we saw.  I heard a vireo call and that’s why I just thought that the 
person who id’d it was right.
Ron Taube

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Ruddy Turnstones and Cape May warblers seen at Park Point today

2015-05-21 Thread Ron Taube
This morning my wife and I joined the Duluth Audubon group at park point and we 
had a wonderful morning.  We saw many species of warblers, including wilson’s, 
cape may, blackburnians, yellow, northern waterthrush,eastern kingbirds, brown 
thrashers, spotted sandpipers and many others.  We also got the presence of a 
Ruddy Turnstone for about five minute and a couple of terns, the caspian and 
the common.  What a nice group of birders it was to be out with.  My thanks to 
all of them for there spotting abilities and help. Here is the link to a few 
photos from the last few days in Duluth
Ron Taube

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Whimbrels at Park Point Duluth

2015-05-20 Thread Ron Taube
Last night someone reported seeing a whimbrel at park point with a Marbled 
Godwit so this morning my wife and i went down to the point and though we 
didn't see the Godwit we saw two Whimbrels and later on three of them walking 
slowly and occasionally flying in the direction of Duluth.  I followed them for 
almost two miles along the beach before they finally took off about 7:45 a.m.  
This was a lifer for me.  I also looked for the piping plover but today did not 
see it.  Here is a link to some photos.  I had a video also but was not able to 
upload it. I will either tomorrow or Friday.
P.s the warbler wave was considerably less than yesterday.

Sent from my iPad

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[mou-net] Piping plover on park point Duluth today

2015-05-19 Thread Ron Taube
In addition to several species of warblers seen on the point today ,including 
at least half a dozen blackburnians,many chestnut sided ,mourning, Canada and 
palm warblers we saw a piping plover on the beach thanks to some kind birders 
who pointed it out to us.  I was told that it was a female but I'm not sure.  
Here is a photo. Let me know if you can tell
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Carlos Avery today

2015-05-16 Thread Ron Taube
I went out with Lyle Bradley’s ornithology class to Carlos Avery Wildlife 
Refuge today.  We saw about 40 species including Eastern Wood Pewee, Black 
Terns, marsh and sedge wrens, Swainsons Thrush, Northern Waterthrush, and first 
of the year for me Scarlet Tanager and Chestnut sided warbler.  I have a photo 
of each of the last two on my flickr page.  Here is the link
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids. 

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Harris Sparrow at the CRD

2015-05-04 Thread Ron Taube
This morning while watching the Osprey at the CRD on the BP side  i saw a dozen 
or so sparrows mostly white throats but there was at least one Harris sparrow 
in the bunch. It was my first of the year.
Here is one photo.
 Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] FOY Green Heron in Coon Rapids

2015-04-28 Thread Ron Taube
While trying to get photos of the Eagle nest in Coon Rapids on Hwy 10 between 
Hanson and 242 I saw a Green Heron fishing in the stream that runs under the 
highway. I did not get any photos of the Eagle  chicks by the way, they were 
sitting too low at the time.  I have posted some photos and a video on my 
flickr account.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Belted Kingfishers and Vesper sparrows at West Mississippi Park Ramsey

2015-04-25 Thread Ron Taube
Among 45 species of birds seen on Gary Swanson’s hike at West Mississippi Park 
in Ramsey this morning were Belted Kingfishers, Chipping Sparrows, Vesper 
Sparrows and a Broad Winged Hawk.  There was at least one Eagle chick visible 
from the nest across the river . Here are a few photos from the hike.
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Black Crowned Night Heron and Avocet

2015-04-14 Thread Ron Taube
My wife and I hit several spots today including the ponds in Golden Valley off 
of Louisiana and Laurel mentioned by Tony Lau this morning.  We saw at least 
five maybe six Black Crowned Night Herons.  I posted one photo here  
Then we went to the bass ponds and saw quite a bit including the Avocet. Well I 
took photos but they are so distant that you might not see it clearly but we 
did see it.  Also a single Double crested cormorant , a single male bufflehead, 
quite a few shovelers, many coots, greater and lesser yellowlegs blue and green 
winged teal, tree swallows, mourning doves, eastern phoebe and a sulphur 
butterfly to name a few. Lastly we went to Lake Harriet hoping to see the Loon 
but no luck. There are thousands of Coots, a handful of red breasted mergansers 
and a few horned and pied billed grebes.  
I may post more photos later.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Loggerhead Shrike in Ramsey at Itasca Lake Confirmed

2015-04-11 Thread Ron Taube
I am happy to confirm the earlier spotting of the Loggerhead Shrike in Ramsey 
at Lake Itasca .  My wife and I went down there this morning and ran into 
another couple of birders and we saw what I think are two Loggerhead shrikes on 
several occasions in about a one and half hour period. We also saw another 
birder who also saw the loggerheads.  I’m pretty sure that the second  bird was 
a loggerhead also.  We did not get as close to the second one but my photos 
seem to support that they both were loggerheads. We also heard the call and one 
of the birders we were with played the loggerhead call from her device and it 
matched the call of one of the birds.  Here are a few photos and a short video 
but there is no call on the video.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Lake Harriet Today

2015-04-09 Thread Ron Taube
Upon the advise of a couple of birders that I know I went to Lake Harriet 
looking for Red Breasted Mergansers.  It’s one of my favorite migrants.  I came 
in on the west side and stopped near the north west corner of the lake and 
found two groups of waterfowl with fifty or more birds in each group.   There 
were a number of coots as well as red breasted mergansers (male and female) 
horned grebes (male and female) pied billed grebes and a few scaup probably the 
lesser.   I was happy to get as close as I did to these birds as I stood behind 
tree branches in a kind of a blind.I hoped to see some loons but had no luck.  
Later I went to the Coon Rapids Dam and saw some flickers, osprey, juncos, and 
for Adam Rausch’s benefit no yellow rumped warblers. Here are some photos
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Osprey Back at the Dam

2015-04-07 Thread Ron Taube
Yesterday I was at the Coon Rapids Dam around 5:15 and from the Coon Rapids 
side i saw two osprey on the power tower on the Brooklyn Park side. I 
immediately took some photos then drove over there where i saw a female osprey 
perched on the corner of the tower and the male flying around.  Later the 
female sat on the nest and the male sat on a nearby pole. It was my first 
sighting of the season. Here are some photos
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Sherburne Today

2015-04-04 Thread Ron Taube
My friend Russ and I drove up to Sherburne today.  We did the auto drive  
trail.  First we drove left off of 5 to CR 16 to check out the marsh there.  We 
saw some shovelers and a trumpeter swan then we started talking to some other 
birders who were also going to be doing the auctorial.  They asked if we might 
see Meadowlarks in this area and Russ and i told them that we had certainly 
seen them up there but didn’t know if we would see them this early even though 
I just saw several on 180th street marsh yesterday. We then proceeded on to the 
auto-trail and I stopped near the bathrooms and heard an eastern meadowlark but 
didn’t see him.  I noticed that there had been a control burn in the area bout 
a mile east on the trail.  After the trail turns right and then left there is 
an overlook and we saw four killdeer displaying.  It was fun to watch.  We 
proceeded east on the trial and about a mile further at about the two mile 
marker I asked Russ to stop the car because I thought I saw a Northern Harrier. 
 I can’t confirm that but as I was looking at a tree nearby I saw an eastern 
Meadowlark. Russ and I took photos and just as we were done the couple that we 
saw earlier approached just as the meadowlark flew off. I believe that they saw 
two of them flying off so I hope that they got them for the day.  Russ and I 
continued and saw quite a few sandhill cranes also displaying and in the sticky 
pond just before the end of the trail we saw a green winged teal land for a 
minute and then take off. We also saw a handful of tree swallows chasing each 
other over Stickney.   Later we decided to go to Pelican lake where a friend of 
mine saw a Mute Swan yesterday.  We drove to where CR37 and 119 meet then 
towards the lake where we stopped at several locations and looked but never saw 
the mute swan but we did see a couple of double crested cormorants flying 
around in circles.  I had hoped to see more but we were quite content for the 
Here are a few photos from the day.
One more thing. We saw the eagle nest on Highway ten between Hanson and 242 and 
she is on eggs but the Eagle nest at Sherburne made me wonder since both were 
off of the nest.  I didn’t see any sign of chicks but if there are any I’d 
appreciate someone letting me know.


Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] 180th Street Marsh/Industrial Park Randolph

2015-04-03 Thread Ron Taube
After stopping briefly in Rosemount where we saw four kestrels, two of them by 
the power pant where they nested last year my wife and i got down to the 180th 
street marsh around ten a.m. this morning.  We saw a pied billed grebe in the 
south west pool but  nothing else then on the north west pool we saw maybe 200 
Coots and several redheads, a couple of bufflehead, half a dozen ruddy ducks, 
ring necks and a few shovelers.  Next we went to the north east pool and saw 
maybe 100 or so greater white fronted geese and to our surprise two what looked 
to be Ross’s Geese.  Other birders in the area confirmed this.  We also saw a 
flock of fifteen to twenty tundra swans, two of which landed in this same pool. 
 As we searched the pool with binoculars and scopes we also saw three then 
another two wilson’s snipe, half a dozen green winged teal, a dozen or so blue 
winged teal, Canada Geese , a dozen sandhill cranes flew overhead and one 
birder saw a Woodcock but I did not see it.  Later in the day when we returned 
to this pool we saw two white geese in the distance that someone had reported 
were Ross’s Geese but  they were larger than the Ross’s and looked to some of 
my birding friends more like snow geese.  I think that the Ross’s geese swam 
right or east out of sight and then these two appeared in a more distant part 
of the pond and since others were reporting ross’s geese some assumed that that 
was what these were.  The Ross’s geese have smaller bills and are much smaller 
than the Snow geese.   In the south east pond there were at least fifty 
northern shovelers and some snipe and later on some wigeons.  We also saw a 
couple of killdeer.  My wife and i then continued down to the industrial park 
in Randolph where we saw at least half a dozen meadowlarks, I’m assuming that 
they were probably eastern as I’m not that good at identifying the difference 
between eastern and western.  I have some photos and I listed them all as 
eastern, if anyone sees a western in there please feel free to let me know.  We 
also saw a northern Harrier flying over the field very low and in the pond 
behind the church we saw some what I think are  lesser yellowlegs and some 
shovelers and ring necks.  I also saw a northern harrier near the 180th street 
marsh just west of it. 
Here is my link to some of my photos from the day.  I posted this because a 
young woman with her grandmother requested that I do it.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Coon Rapids Dam Update The Great Blue Herons are coming back to the Rookery

2015-03-30 Thread Ron Taube
I was back at the Dam this morning and again this evening. I saw a muskrat in 
the pond behind the visitors center then I met a fellow birder   We went 
looking   for the Long tailed duck. We went all the way north past the ravine 
and no sign of it was found. We did see two hooded mergansers, some redheads, a 
 bufflehead and some scaup and some goldeneye.. No sign of the Osprey yet 
though I expect them any day. We saw a couple of wood ducks in the river  and 
another one in the pond between the trails on the north side. South of the dam 
about half a mile or so we saw at least 15 great blue herons on nests in the 
rookery and a red tailed hawk near a herons nest. A friend that we ran into 
said that he had seen two red tails on a heron nest for the last two or three 
days which has happened there before.  Tonight I counted 18 great blue herons 
at the rookery but did not see the red tailed hawk. It was a beautiful night.  
The link shows a couple of photos.
Ron Taube Coon Rapids


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Long Tail Duck is still at the Coon Rapids Dam

2015-03-25 Thread Ron Taube
We went hiking at the Coon Rapids Dam above the dam between eight a.m. and 
eleven a.m. and saw the long tailed duck again.  I couldn’t get any good photos 
but I have a link at the end of this to show you that at least it is still 
In addition to the Long Tailed Duck we saw a couple of bald eagles, one mature, 
one immature, a red tailed hawk, some goldeneye, ring neck ducks, two hooded 
mergansers, two coots, lesser scaup, a single wood duck flying by plenty of 
Canada Geese, no redheads today that I could tell.  It was cold and windy. . 
Below is a link to a couple of photos.

Happy Birding
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Cinnamon Teal in New Germany

2015-03-21 Thread Ron Taube
Three of us drove out to New Germany to see the Cinnamon teal. We saw seven or 
eight other birders with scopes  so we all helped each other see the bird. This 
was a lifer for me. We saw him in at least five different areas on the pond.  
He was with blue winged teals in the beginning but was mostly by himself after 
that. We also saw some green winged teals as well.  I thank whoever posted this 
information for sharing this.  As an added bonus we also saw at least five 
Kestrels including two sitting right next to each other.  I have posted some 
photos. They are from quite a distance but at least I think you’ll find them id 

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Lake Byllesby/180th st Marsh report

2015-03-19 Thread Ron Taube
My friends and I went to the 180th street marsh and arrived just after ten a.m. 
  We saw at first only Canada Geese in the western most pools then we went to 
the eastern pools and on the north side quite a ways out we saw at least half a 
dozen Northern Pintails, a dozen or so Greater White Fronted Geese, a couple of 
wigeons, mallards and a couple of killdeer.  Next we drove back west towards 
Hwy 52 and saw at least twenty or so Horned Larks, mostly on the road.  We 
drove to the industrial boulevard on 284th and saw three killdeer near what was 
once a pond just north of 284th and then we went to Lake Byllesby. First we 
stopped at the cemetery and I walked down to the lake past the cemetery. I saw 
three green winged teals which soon flew off.  We saw a pair of bald eagles and 
then we drove around to the south side where the boat launch was.  Others have 
posted how low the water was and that is true but i would say more than 50% of 
the lake is open now. Here we saw 9 trumpeter swans, some bufflehead, common 
mergansers and a red tailed hawk sitting on an irrigation pipe.  There were no 
Greater White fronted geese at Byllesby when we were there.  I posted a few 
photos on my flickr link. They show just how far off most of the waterfowl were 
at the 180th street marsh.

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Long tail Duck at CR Dam

2015-03-18 Thread Ron Taube
I am going to confirm the spotting just posted by Peter Nichols of an Adult 
Male winter plumage Long tail Duck seen at the Coon Rapid dam between about 
8:30 and 9:30 this morning. He might still be there.  
Here is a link to a couple of photos that I got. He was just up stream from the 
dam on the Coon Rapids Side about in the middle swimming with some Hooded 
Mergansers and some goldeneye.
Here is the link to my photos.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Coon Rapids Dam Update

2015-03-14 Thread Ron Taube
It was another wonderful morning out at the Dam on the Coon Rapids Side. The 
redheads and the lesser scaup were still there and in increasing numbers but 
still not a lot.  I saw more buffleheads and goldeneye.  My friend Larry saw 
some ruddy ducks but they weren’t in the area that I was walking. I also saw my 
first bluebirds of the season. There was a pair by the walkway that hung around 
for quite a while.  We saw six or seven trumpeter swans a couple of bald 
eagles, more Canada Geese, and even more cedar waxwings.  There were at least 
20 hooded mergansers on the BP side of the river, thanks to a tip from another 
birder with a scope. There was a young man flying a drone near the channel.  He 
said that he had the sense to keep it way from nests so I was happy about that. 
Here is a link to some photos.  

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids  

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Dam migration update.

2015-03-12 Thread Ron Taube
I was at the dam this morning with my friend Larry. We saw no gadwall but did 
get some Redheads, male and female, a pair of bufflehead, three green winged 
teal flying and I believe some ring necks and the usual common mergansers, 
goldeneye, and a single Ruddy duck.   I’ve posted some more photos.  Not the 
greatest since they are from a distance but you should do well with your 
spotting scopes. People have asked me from where I saw these. Well first of all 
on the Coon Rapids side. If you don’t want to pay parking park outside on the 
street.  Then I would go up to the walkway first. It is closed to walk across 
but you can get up to it. Then I would take the trail east of the visitors 
center upstream or north and every couple of hundred yards look towards the 
river.  There are a couple of good areas to sit and wait maybe a quarter mile 
upstream and then another quarter mile.  There are not large flocks but twenty 
to thirty here and there.  Good Luck I saw several of you today.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

Here are a couple more photos from today

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] This Morning at the Coon Rapids Dam

2015-03-11 Thread Ron Taube
I’m not going to say that there is some major migration going on but this 
morning at the dam we did see six or seven Lesser Scaup mostly male but at 
least one female, at least two maybe three Gadwall, one in flight, a single 
coot, quite a few goldeneye, common mergansers, a brown creeper, and a bald 
eagle.  Gary the naturalist had 29 species the last time I saw him in the 
afternoon.  Below are some photos on my flickr page.  Happy Birding.  Spring 
will happen
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Snowy Owl in Arbor Lakes is still there.

2015-02-19 Thread Ron Taube
Hi I want to thank Pete Makousky for reporting the Snowy Owl yesterday at Arbor 
Lakes.  Today around noon I went to the top of the parking ramp and looked and 
found him on top of Bath and Body Works. Another birder saw him from there two 
and both of us went below and took photos. The mall music was playing and he 
seemed to be enjoying it.  I took some photos and a short video of the owl 
listening to the music.  Here is the link   
Thanks again for this wonderful group
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids. 

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Yesterday in Aitkin County

2015-01-09 Thread Ron Taube
Yesterday two friends and myself drove from Coon Rapids Via Brooklyn Park to 
Aitkin County.  We hit the usual roads besides 169. As we headed east on CR210 
we spotted three bald eagles.  We drove up CR 5 from Cr 210 to Palisades where 
we saw male and female common redpolls at feeders as well as black capped 
chicadees .   North of Palisades we saw a northern shrike and later a rough 
legged hawk (light morphed) on a pole The Hawk took off and we followed it a 
bit trying to get better photos when we saw another rough legged hawk.  Later 
as we reached CR18 we saw yet another rough legged hawk.  As we headed west on 
CR 18 we saw another northern shrike.  We drove up and down 18 looking for 
Great Gray owls but had no luck.  We drove up and down 320th pl or Pietzs road 
and saw very little.  on the way back down CR5 we saw the rough legged hawk 
again sitting on a pole near a farm house.  It was a snowy day and not 
particularly good for photography but I posted a few photos on my flickr 
account.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/ 
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Trip to Sax-Zim bog

2014-12-19 Thread Ron Taube
My friends Travis and Alyssa and I went to Sax-zim bog yesterday and had a 
wonderful time. We saw two great gray owls on Admiral Road moving up and down 
the road and one on Overton road later in the day.  A magpie was spotted early 
on by Alyssa but I never really got a good look at it..  We saw a flock of 
twenty or so pine siskins on 133 near Cotton.  We saw redpoles on several 
occasions including at the Welcome center.  At the feeders on CR 444 we saw 
purple finch, evening grosbeaks and redpoles. At the feeders on Admiral road we 
saw plenty of Gray Jays and black capped chickadees  but never saw any boreals 
and we came back there one more time.  We saw no northern hawk owls and at the 
welcome center we were told that there had only been one spotted recently.  We 
didn’t see any crossbills or Pine Grosbeaks which was a disappointment to me.  
I later saw a posting that the the crossbills had been seen in Meadowlands.  I 
have some photos on my flickr account . Here is the link
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Rough Legged Hawk at the Coon Rapids Dam

2014-12-13 Thread Ron Taube
Several of us were out on a guided hike by Gary Swanson the naturalist at the 
Coon Rapids dam and my friend Larry spotted a bird in a tree that turned out to 
be a rough legged hawk.  It’s the first one I've seen there in maybe seven or 
eight months.  It was dark and foggy but I managed to get a couple of photos of 
it to at least verify what it was.  Here is a link to some photos.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Two snowy Owls seen near Big Lake

2014-11-29 Thread Ron Taube
My friend Travis and I decided to go to Big Lake after the recent reports by 
Betsy Bennecke and others of Snowy’s seen there. We took 10 and turned south on 
17 as was suggested.  We found a snowy owl about a mile or so south of 10 and 
near one of the irrigation pipes, he was about one hundred to one hundred fifty 
yards from the road but we could see him with binoculars and we got photos of a 
fashion of him. There we met Michael Thompson who we talked to for a while and 
a guy named Jeff but I forgot his last name. Anyway Jeff told us that someone 
had seen a snowy off of 178th street so we drove over there and Michael 
Thompson was right behind us .  Travis exchanged phone numbers and we decided 
to go our own way and five minutes later Michael called us to tell us he had 
spotted a snowy right by the road off of 172nd st.  This would be a couple of 
miles south of highway ten.  We all sat there for over half an hour watching 
this beautiful bird who paid us no heed.   A few other cars arrived and Travis 
and I left but when we came back twenty minutes or so later it was still there. 
 Later we went back to the original bird on cr 17 and he was still there and we 
saw a red tailed hawk near highway ten.  It is wonderful to be seeing the 
Snowy’s so early in the year.   Here is my link to a couple of photos of the 
one near the road and the red tailed hawk 
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Cattle Egret at the bass ponds

2014-10-23 Thread Ron Taube
I got a call from Gary Swanson the naturalist at the Coon Rapids Dam about one 
p.m. He and some other birders saw a Willet and Cattle Egret at the Bass ponds. 
 I headed right down there from my coon rapids home and found them under the 
new cedar bridge. They had seen the Cattle Egret earlier just north of there 
and followed it to the bridge.  I saw it on the other side of the river and was 
able to get a few shots of it even at that distance.  I put one on my flickr 
account.  Here is the link  https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/
So they had the cattle egret in their sights before one and I saw it around two 
and by two thirty it was out of sight just south of the cedar bridge 
(presumably)  I never did get to see the willet but I saw some green winged and 
blue winged teals and some lesser, I think, yellowlegs and some northern 
shovelers and a red tailed hawk. I also saw at least two great egrets including 
one that was next to the cattle egret at one point.   
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] American Bittern at Hillside Cemetary

2014-10-17 Thread Ron Taube
My wife and I were out and about when I got a call from a friend of mine named 
Travis who had just spotted an american bittern at Hillside Cemetery in north 
Minneapolis off of stinson.  It was near the front of the cemetery and to the 
right before going up the hill.  It was under and right next to a maple tree of 
all places.  My friend had to go but I found it with his directions. This was 
between one and two p.m. today so I don’t know if he will hang around or not. 
He was there at least half an hour when Travis called and we watched him 
another half hour. He didn’t seem disturbed by other activities around him.  I 
told the groundskeeper about it and his comment was funny.  He said “We’re 
interested in things vertical as well.”Here is a photo at my flickr 
account.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/14937679074/in/photostream/
Good luck
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Wigeons at Grass Lake

2014-10-16 Thread Ron Taube
My wife Carolyn and I went to Grass lake  in south Minneapolis this morning 
between ten and eleven a.m. and we found at least fifty wigeons in and amongst 
numerous coots and mallards and Canada Geese.  I took a few photos and videos 
and posted some of them at my flickr account.  We also went to Veterans Park in 
Richfield but only saw a few birds amongst them was a pied billed Grebe.  Here 
is a link to my photos and one video.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] To the administrater

2014-09-16 Thread Ron Taube
I don’t want this to be a big issue but I’m wondering if we could just get back 
to this email site just being a rare bird alert like when I first signed on.  
I’ve spoken to a couple of other birders who also use this site and they agree. 
 As it is we have to read a lot of non rare bird emails to get to the rare bird 
alerts.  There are political issues and so forth. I have no problem if you put 
those issues in their own email site but why are they in the rare bird site?  I 
hope that this doesn’t make another issue to clog up the site.  So i want to 
address it only to the administrator.  
Thank you
Ron Taube 

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[mou-net] Wood stork

2014-08-17 Thread Ron Taube
Has anyone seen the wood stork lately off of manning in Washington county? 
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

Sent from my iPad

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[mou-net] Osprey Fledging at Coon Rapids Dam

2014-07-26 Thread Ron Taube
Some fellow osprey watchers and myself have been observing the three chicks 
atop the power tower on the Brooklyn Park side of the Coon Rapids Dam and two 
of the three chicks have now fledged. This is particularly good news in light 
of some losses at some of the other osprey nests.  
The first one fledged on thursday afternoon at 1:50 p.m. and the second one 
fledged yesterday at 1:35 p.m.  We expect the third one to fledge in the next 
couple of days.  The tower is 125 feet up and it’s tough to get good photos but 
I did the best I could.  There are some of my photos at my flickr page at 
https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/?deleted=14747581912.   I am a 
volunteer for the 3 rivers osprey project .
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Western Kingbirds and Orchard Orioles at West Mississippi Park

2014-05-29 Thread Ron Taube
I want to confirm the earlier reports of the Western Kingbirds at West 
Mississippi Regional Park
I saw at least two of them this morning around 9 a.m.  The park is at the 
intersection of Traprock and Highway 10 In Ramsey just west of Anoka.  I’ve 
seen these birds for three years now at this location .  I saw them several 
times coming and going within fifty feet of highway ten just off of traprock. 
They are easy to spot. If you don’t see them right away park in the lot just 
off of Traprock and wait.  I hiked around towards the river and on the paved 
trail about halfway between highway ten and the river I saw at least three 
orchard orioles.  Two females and a male.  I also saw eastern kingbirds and an 
osprey. There is a platform nearby.
Here are some photos from my flickr account.  
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Cerulean Warbler at Westwood Hills Nature Center

2014-05-14 Thread Ron Taube
My friend Travis apparently saw this Cerulean on a Facebook page so we have 
them to thank for telling us where to find this bird.  We saw the Cerulean at 
Westwood Hills Nature Center in St. Louis Park this evening.  We had no luck 
for the first hour then someone named Tony pointed us in the right direction 
and we found one just off the the steps leading up from the lake. He was moving 
fast along the ground and came within three feet of me at one point but he was 
moving so fast he was tough to photograph.  I got at least an id able photo as 
did Travis.  We also saw a chestnut sided warbler and a northern parula just 
off those stairs.  I did not get a photo of the parula.  What a nice park that 
is! Neither of us had ever been there before but we will surely be back.  This 
link will take you to my photo.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Yesterday at the CR Dam and Veterans Memorial Park

2014-05-08 Thread Ron Taube
Hi Birders
Yesterday was a great day and I hope many of you saw some of these birds

Yesterday morning under the expert guidance of Naturalist Gary Swanson we saw 
58 species of birds at the Coon Rapids Dam on the Coon Rapids  side.  The 
highlights of that hike were a northern Parula , Baltimore Oriole,broad winged 
hawk, Redstarts, great egret, double crested cormorants brown thrasher, white 
crowned and  white throated sparrows and a lincoln sparrow. 

 Later that evening my friend Travis called me and asked me if I wanted to go 
to Veterans Memorial Park in Richfield as he heard that it was good for 
warblers.  I readily agreed and from about six thirty to eight thirty last 
night we saw several  species of  warblers including yellow rumped, black and 
white, Yellow, redstart, chestnut sided, magnolia, black throated green, yellow 
rumped and palm .  We also saw catbirds, wood ducks, baltimore orioles, we 
heard a sora and I saw what was for me a lifer the black crowned night heron.  
Here is my flickr link where I have some of the photos from yesterday

Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Garganey at Crex Meadows

2014-05-01 Thread Ron Taube
Hi Birders
I want to thank all the people who kept reporting this or I wouldn’t have had 
the gumption to drive all the way up there to see this bird.  I was exactly 
where it was reported several times before just south of Able and west of 
county road F in the eastern most channel.  We first saw it at around 10 a.m. 
swimming with Blue winged teal, male and female, and a northern shoveler.  We 
got some shots then i later realized that my camera had been set at a way too 
high iso so we went back an hour later and he was still in the same channel 
there.  I also got a video .  You can see some shots and the video at my flickr 
link below
Again thank you all for this service.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids


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[mou-net] Garganey Ps.

2014-05-01 Thread Ron Taube
I’m sorry about the mistake.  It should have been east of county road F that we 
saw the Garganey on Able rd..
Ron Taube

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[mou-net] W.W. scoter still at Boom Island

2014-04-10 Thread Ron Taube
My thanks to those who posted this bird. I’d never seen one before.  We saw it 
just before noon downstream from the Plymouth bridge hanging around the 
channel.  She would struggle against the wind drifting towards the channel then 
fly upstream a couple of hundred feet then drift back towards the channel.  She 
was as close as five feet from shore.  I got some pretty good photos at this 
Thanks again and to the guy at the park who pointed us in her direction.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.

photo link

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[mou-net] Birds at the Coon Rapids Dam this past week

2014-04-08 Thread Ron Taube
There are a fair amount of waterfowl above the Coon Rapids Dam this past week. 
Yesterday and today I have walked above the Brooklyn Park side and around the 
construction zone to the river to find as many as several thousand waterfowl.  
Fair amounts of Scaup, mostly lesser I think, redheads(at least a dozen today) 
Bufflehead, hooded mergansers, common mergansers, ruddy ducks, double crested 
cormorants ( i saw over one hundred yesterday and less than that today), coots, 
blue winged teal and i think I saw two green winged teal this morning.  Also 
today I saw my first osprey of the year but some friends saw at least one 
yesterday.  The two I saw today seem to be comfortable around the nest.  On the 
Coon Rapids side upstairs behind the visitors center we have seen many of the 
birds listed from the other side as well as many eagles, and a few other 
raptors like sharp shins and red shouldered hawks and two rough legs.   I have 
a few photos from this past week at this link
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Lake Byllesby Area Today

2014-04-01 Thread Ron Taube
First of all I want to thank Conny Brunell for her report from yesterday on 
this area. She always does such a good job. 
My friend Russ and I went down this morning first of all to the Industrial 
park. We didn’t see too much the first time we were there, just a horned lark 
and some geese flying in the distance but they were too far off to id. They 
were flying towards Byllesby so we drove over there. I was surprised to find it 
mostly with open water. We saw many thousands of geese flying around the lake 
when we arrived.  For the most part they were greater white fronted geese with 
some snow geese amongst them.  I have a few photos that I will put the link on 
at the end of this.   We also saw  canada geese, a pair of northern pintail, 
scaup, canvasback, wood ducks and coots.  On a power line near the cemetery we 
saw a kestrel then we drove to the landing on the other side of the lake but 
saw nothing. Next we went back to the industrial park and saw hooded 
mergansers, in the open water near the church and another horned lark.  It was 
then that Russ spotted a meadowlark on a sign post.  We photographed it the 
best that we could but he never gave us a front view.  I cannot say if he is an 
eastern or a western meadowlark. I’ve never seen the western.  We also saw a 
northern harrier flying by the pond at the cup de sac.  We stopped at the 180th 
street marsh on the way home and saw only some coots, a muskrat and 3 red 
tailed hawks.
Here is a link to a few photos from today.  I wish they were better but i”m 
grateful to get what I got.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.

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[mou-net] Red Breasted Merganser at the Coon Rapids Dam

2014-03-06 Thread Ron Taube
Hi Everyone
I spent some time this morning looking at one of the Snowy’s in Ramsey.  He was 
sitting on a pine tree near the cell tower. There were several of us there.  I 
was hoping to see a horned lark like I did a few weeks ago up there but no 
luck.  Next I went to the Coon Rapids Dam.  ON the Brooklyn Park side I saw 
half a dozen common mergansers and a few goldeneye then I saw the Red Breasted 
Merganser.  I was with Gary Swanson the naturalist at the CRD yesterday and we 
spotted him from the Coon Rapids side but the only place that you can see him 
from that side is down near the pavilion so today I wanted to get closer.  I 
got several photos most of them kind of dark. One of the better photos is at 
this link.http://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/12974000233/   I 
understand that someone actually reported seeing him a few weeks ago so he 
might stick around.

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[mou-net] Snowy Owl with transmitter

2014-02-18 Thread Ron Taube
This was the first time I’ve been back to the Ramsey snowy owls since the 
transmitter was put on one of them. We found two snowy’s today.  One near the 
cell tower and the second with the help of an alert birder that we ran into. on 
the south side of highway ten about half a mile south and east of the cell 
I was using my old camera but my shot at least showed the transmitter on the 
owl.  We did not see a third snowy and we covered the area pretty well for over 
an hour. 
Here is a link to the snowy with the transmitter.  We also saw a horned lark in 
the field between the town houses and Coborn’s.   
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Possibly 3 Snowy Owls in Ramsey

2014-02-07 Thread Ron Taube
Hi Birders
Some of you might remember a few days ago that a woman named Monica asked if 
anyone would take her out and show her a Snowy Owl.  Well I volunteered and 
this morning we met up in Ramsey near the Cell tower. Actually she got there 
early and spotted that one Snowy that’s been hanging around the cell tower 
before I arrived.  I think that one is a juvenile.  When  I got there I saw the 
snowy landing atop a pine tree .  Monica and I got some photos then I asked her 
if she was interested in looking for the other snowy and she said she would. We 
drove to all the usual spots where the other one has been seen including around 
Coborn’s and the field just north of there but without any luck. Finally I 
spotted one atop a house just north of the field .  By the time we got near it 
it had flown to the field just south of the houses.  We watched it for a while 
then it took off and flew a block west to some other houses then it headed back 
towards us and the houses we were near and out of nowhere another one joined up 
with it and they seemed to make physical contact on the side of a house. I ran 
around trying to see where they went and they had both disappeared from my 
sight but Monica saw it too and saw them flying back west again towards the 
other houses  so we got into our cars and followed them but we had lost them . 
We then went back to the first snowy that we saw and he was still there in the 
pine tree resting near the cell tower on the other side of Armstrong.  I 
realize that it’s not proof but Monica agreed that it was very likely that 
there are at least three snowy’s in that area.  I hung around a bit longer 
after Monica left and found one back at the houses on the east side of 
Armstrong seemingly hiding behind a roof and then back to the cell tower where 
that one was now sitting next to the road so I got some nice photos of him.
Here is a link to photos of two of them, I never got a photo of the third one.  
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Two Snowy's in Maple Grove

2014-01-18 Thread Ron Taube
I don’t know if this has been reported yet but my friend Travis and I saw two 
snowy’s in Maple Grove this morning.  I had been on there a couple of times 
before and didn’t see any but this morning we saw two.  The first one was to 
the right or facing south on Jonquile road and 82nd near where the houses are 
being built. .  I would say that this was the juvenile reported earlier. 
Several people were out there with us then someone saw another one on the north 
side of the road on a snow hill. It then flew westerly and landed a hundred 
yards on a snow mound. We watched and photographed him for a while then he flew 
back to the hill near a road where we first saw him.  The other one was still 
in place where we first saw him so there were definitely two of them.
Here is the link to my photos and I do Id them as first and second Snowy.  

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[mou-net] Update on Snowy in Ramsey

2014-01-08 Thread Ron Taube
I got this update just minutes ago and was asked to pass it on on that snowy in 
Ramsey off of Armstrong ave and 147th that I reported on yesterday.
Here is the email
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

My father, Ken Oulman, sent me your message this morning. I am a Naturalist at 
Eastman Nature Center. I just wanted to update you on the Snowy Owl. I saw it 
this morning at 8:00. My 12 year old daughter was the one who actually saw it 
first. It was sitting on as light pole in the round-about on Sunwood Dr. that 
leads into Coborns, east of Armstrong. I went back with my co-workers at 9am 
and it was still sitting on the same spot. We watched it for a while and then 
it got spooked and flew and landed on a house north of Bunker Lake Blvd.  Would 
you be able to pass this update to the MOU alert?
Thanks and Happy Birding!
Vicky Wachtler
Interpretive Naturalist
Eastman Nature Center
Three Rivers Park District

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[mou-net] Snowy In Anoka County seen again

2014-01-07 Thread Ron Taube
I spent the morning trying to relocate the snowy owl off of 147th and Armstrong 
in Ramsey that I saw on Sunday.  After forty five minutes of looking around the 
cell tower and areas adjacent to that I drove east across Armstrong and near a 
mall where there is a Gym and pizza place.  On the corner of Sunwood Drive and 
Zeolite street sat the Snowy preening himself on a light pole next to the 
street sign and sitting comfortably in the sun.  I stayed with him for over an 
hour then he flew south and sat in the snow overlooking highway 10 then ten 
minutes later he flew back to a pole right across the street from where I first 
saw him.  I took many photos. Was trying to get a shot of him flying and just 
as he took off my cell phone rang and it was enough to distract me from a good 
shot. This was the first time he flew so after he returned to the other pole I 
watched him another ten to fifteen minutes then I took off.  As I was turning 
left onto Armstrong I saw some birders that were watching the Cell tower so I 
drove over and told them about the snowy on the pole and they followed me back 
to it.   We were watching it for a few minutes then a young woman saw us and 
asked me how long the bird had been there and I said well over an hour maybe 
two and she said that she had just seen one atop of the cell tower almost a 
mile away. So maybe we have two Snowy’s. I drove back there again and it wasn’t 
there but I suppose it is possible that there are two.  I uploaded three new 
photos athttp://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Snowy owl in Anoka County

2014-01-05 Thread Ron Taube
I want to thank the people who posted this owl in Anoka County especially 
Rebecca Field  who I ran into at the sight and pointed it out to me.
For anyone interested one of my photos of it is at this link.
I love this website.
Ron Taube

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[mou-net] Ross's Goose

2013-11-20 Thread Ron Taube
I saw the Ross’s goose on the water near the Theodore Wirth golf course with 
about 50 Canada Geese yesterday between 12:30 and 1P..m. and got decent photos 
of him.  There is a paved trail that you can take from just north of the Golf 
Course main building. After a mile or so you come to a footbridge and he and 
the Canada’s were sitting along the channel there.  If you want to see a photo 
check out this link.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/10949786615/   
I want to thank the people before me who have posted this .  I went out to 
Hopkins twice trying to see the one there but never did. 
Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids

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[mou-net] Coon Rapids Dam today

2013-04-07 Thread Ron Taube
I spent five hours at the dam.  It won't be long before the walkway will be 
closed for two years on April 15th.  I saw many species.  On the Coon Rapids 
side I saw an immature bald eagle in a tree with a red tailed hawk. Then I saw 
pied billed grebes, horned grebe and eared grebe, thanks to someone with a 
great spotting scope.  There were many scaup greater and lesser, and 
bufflehead, a few ruddy ducks still around, thousands of coots, ring necked 
ducks, another red tailed hawk, goldeneye, mallards,  I did not see any red 
heads or canvasback but I'm pretty sure I saw a northern Shoveler.  On the 
Brooklyn park side we saw our first Osprey back at the nest. There was a pair 
that looked like the same as last year and they were mating. The male was 
banded but I couldn't be sure of the band. I also saw a Merlin and several 
Golden Crowned Kinglets near the shore line.  I bumped a flicker, my first of 
the year while getting photos of the kinglets.  I saw  another red tailed hawk 
on the old osprey platform.  By the way on the Coon Rapids side of the dam 
there has been what looks like an injured Trumpeter swan for the last several 
days.  He seems to be nursing his right wing and I have not seen him fly yet.  
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

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