[mou-net] Waterfowl movement

2021-03-06 Thread William Marengo
Looking for signs of spring Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick and I spent time along 
the Minnesota River Valley in west-central MN today (March 6). 

We found 20 species of waterfowl. Significant geese movement occurred with 
thousands of Snow, White-fronted and Canada Geese flocks throughout the day. 
Cackling and Ross’s were also present.  Most of the flock flyovers were 
concentrated in the area of Marsh Lake and the Big Stone NWR. 

Most of the water is still frozen, but two spots held nice concentrations of 

- just upstream from the Lac Qui Parle dam on the southeast end of Lac Qui 
Parle Lake in Chippewa county. 
- in Big Stone county along 615th ave at the northwest end of Marsh Lake. This 
is also referred to a the “Louisburg Road”. 

Noteworthy were over 100 Bald Eagles concentrated along Lac Qui Parle and Marsh 


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[mou] Notes from Carver County

2006-09-04 Thread William Marengo
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Warblers were moving today in Carver county. Between Carver Park and my
house there were 15 species seen including: Bay-breasted, Blackburnian,
Black-throated Green, Northern Parula, Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, Mourning
and Canada.

I also counted just over 300 shorebirds at the New Germany area. The area
south of County Road 30 (between Yale & Yancy) is almost totally overgrown
with grass. There are some very distant shorebirds in here. Closer viewing
can be found by scanning the area north of county road 30 where Yancy comes
to a "T". Shorebirds present today were: Lesser Yellowlegs, Least, Pectoral,
Semipalmated, Solitary and Stilt Sandpipers and one Wilson's Snipe.


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Notes from Carver County

Warblers were moving today in Carver county. Between =
Carver Park and my house there were 15 species =
seen including: Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, =
Black-throated Green, Northern Parula, Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, Mourning and =

I also counted just over 300 shorebirds at the New Germany area. =
The area south of County Road 30 (between Yale & Yancy) is almost totally overgrown with =
grass. =
There are some very distant shorebirds in =
here. Closer viewing can be found by scanning the area north of county road 30 where Yancy comes to =
a “T”. Shorebirds present today were: Lesser =
Yellowlegs, Least, Pectoral, Semipalmated, Solitary and Stilt Sandpipers and one =
Wilson’s Snipe.



[mou] Renville-Yellow Medicine counties

2006-05-16 Thread William Marengo
Spent the past two days birding along the Minnesota River valley looking for 
migrants. In general, with the rain and north-northwest winds things have been 

However, I did find two birds of note:

Blue-winged Warbler - Renville county
At the county park located next to county road 6 and the Minnesota River.

Cerulean Warbler - Yellow Medicine county
At the campground of the Upper Sioux Agency State Park (both Monday and 
Tuesday). It is singing an 'alternate' song (similar to Blackburnian) near the 
parking area for the 'walk-in campsites'.

Other warblers that are present: Nashville, Yellow-rumped, Black-and-white, 
Magnolia, Redstart, Ovenbird, Tennessee and Northern Waterthrush.

As for shorebirds. none.  Hopefully, there will be more as I search to the 


[mou] Notes from west-central Minnesota

2006-05-21 Thread William Marengo
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I spent Tue-Fri this past week birding in Yellow Medicine, Lac Qui Parle and
Big Stone counties. Some highlights:

Snowy Egret found in at a wetland in extreme south-western Yellow Medicine
county on 5/16. This wetland covers both Lincoln and Yellow Medicine
counties and is located on the east side of county road 15 about 1.5 miles
from the South Dakota line.

Three Snow Geese and two White-fronted Geese at the same wetland.

An Eastern Screech Owl in the woods at the Bonanza Unit of the Big Stone
Lake State Park on 5/17 in Big Stone county.

The previously reported Avocet in Big Stone county (county road 54, 1 mile
west of county road 61) was still present on 5/17.

Shorebirds started to show up on 5/17 and were in various places but only in
small numbers.

Migrant warblers and vireos were pretty much non-existent throughout the
Minnesota River valley and surrounding areas.

One bright spot was an abundance of Swainson's and Gray-cheeked Thrushes.
They were present on nearly every wooded area I visited.


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Notes from west-central Minnesota

I =
spent Tue-Fri this past week birding in Yellow Medicine, Lac Qui Parle =
and Big Stone counties. Some highlights:

Snowy =
Egret found in at a wetland in extreme south-western Yellow Medicine =
county on 5/16. This =
wetland =
covers both Lincoln and Yellow Medicine =
counties and is =
located =
on the east side of county road 15 about =
1.5 miles from the South Dakota line.

Three =
Snow Geese and two White-fronted Geese at the same =

An =
Eastern =
Screech Owl in the woods =
at the Bonanza Unit of the Big Stone Lake State Park on 5/17 in =
Big Stone county.

The =
previously reported Avocet in Big Stone county (county road 54, 1 mile =
west of county road 61) was still present on =

Shorebirds started to show up on 5/17 and were in various =
places =
but only in small =

Migrant warblers and vireos were pretty much =
non-existent throughout the Minnesota River valley =
and surrounding areas.

One =
bright spot was an abundance of Swainson’s and Gray-cheeked =
Thrushes. They were present on =
nearly every wooded area I visited.



[mou] Notes from Lac Qui Parle county

2006-06-25 Thread William Marengo
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I awoke early yesterday spent the day in Lac Qui Parle county.  Some

Yellow-billed Cuckoos - a total of five found for the day along the MN
River, at LQP State Park and at the LQP county park.
Orchard Orioles - rather common throughout. They outnumbered the Baltimore
Dickcissels - abundant in prairie/grassland areas
Upland Sandpipers and Grasshopper Sparrows were also easy to find in
prairie/grassland areas.
American Bitterns - two seen at dusk along county road 15 one-two miles
south of the Big Stone NWR headquarters
Least Bittern - one fly-by at pool #4, east side of county road 15 about one
mile south of the MN River.

There were roughly 50-60 Lesser Yellowlegs in the east pool of Big Stone
NWR. I viewed this area by taking a gravel road into the refuge south from
Big Stone county road 21.  Also, present was an unexpected Willet!


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Notes from Lac Qui Parle county

I =
awoke early yesterday spent the =
day in Lac Qui Parle county.  Some highlights:

Yellow-billed Cuckoos – a total of five found for =
the day along the MN River, at LQP State =
Park and at the LQP county =

Orchard Orioles – rather common throughout. =
They outnumbered the Baltimore Orioles.

Dickcissels – abundant in =
prairie/grassland areas

Upland Sandpipers and Grasshopper Sparrows were also easy to find =
in prairie/grassland areas.

American Bitterns – two seen at dusk along =
county road 15 one-two miles south of the Big Stone =
NWR headquarters

Least =
Bittern =
– one fly-by at pool #4, east side of county road 15 about =
one mile south of the MN River.

There =
were =
roughly 50-60 Lesser Yellowlegs in the east pool of Big Stone NWR. I viewed this area by =
taking a gravel road into the refuge south from Big Stone county road =
21.  Also, present was an unexpected Willet!



[mou] Notes from West-Central MN

2006-08-26 Thread William Marengo
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Spent Friday & most of Saturday birding in Yellow Medicine and Lac Qui Parle
counties. Some high-lights:

Lac Qui Parle:
12 Plegadis Ibis were present at various points along the Big Stone NWR auto
tour route between 1:00pm - 2:00 pm Saturday

Shorebirds: The best shorebird spot was on the west side of the road to the
low flow area off Big Stone County Road 21. On Saturday afternoon there were
nearly 500 shorebirds present. The bulk of these were Lesser Yellowlegs and
Stilt Sandpipers. Also present were Baird's, Least, Pectoral, Semi-palmated
Sandpipers, Semi-palmated Plovers, Red-necked Phalarope and one distant
dowitcher (sp).

Another shorebird spot to keep an eye on in Yellow Medicine county is
Lanners WMA. This area is two miles east and two miles north from the town
of St. Leo. Water levels are still a bit too high, but there were
approximately 100 shorebirds present on Friday with over 25 distant
phalaropes present. I was able to i.d. only three as Red-necked.

Warblers were numerous on Friday at Upper Sioux Agency State Park. Abundant
were Black-and-white, Nashville and Wilson's. Also numerous were Canada and
Blackburnian. There were a total of 14 warbler species for the day.

Other interesting birds present at the park: 
Olive-sided Flycatcher (two)
Lark Sparrow (just one)
Scarlet Tanager (one)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (one)


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Notes from West-Central MN

Spent =
Friday & most of Saturday birding in Yellow Medicine and Lac Qui =
Parle counties. Some high-lights:

Lac =
Qui Parle:

12 =
Plegadis Ibis were present at various points along =
the Big Stone NWR auto tour route between 1:00pm – 2:00 pm =

Shorebirds: The best shorebird spot =
was on the west side =
of the road to the low flow area off Big Stone County Road 21. On Saturday afternoon there were nearly 500 shorebirds present. The bulk of these were Lesser =
Yellowlegs and Stilt Sandpipers. Also present were Baird’s, Least, Pectoral, =
Semi-palmated Sandpipers, Semi-palmated Plovers, Red-necked =
Phalarope and one distant dowitcher =

Another shorebird spot to keep an eye on in Yellow =
Medicine county is Lanners WMA. This area is two miles east and two =
miles =
north from the town of St. Leo. Water levels are still a bit =
too high, but there were approximately 100 shorebirds present on =
Friday with over 25 distant =
phalaropes present. I was able to i.d. only three as =

Warblers were numerous on Friday at Upper Sioux Agency =
State Park. Abundant were Black-and-white, =
Nashville and Wilson’s. Also numerous were Canada and =
Blackburnian. There were a total of =
14 warbler species for the day.

Other =
interesting birds present at the park: 

Olive-sided Flycatcher (two)

Lark =
Sparrow (just =

Scarlet Tanager (one)

Yellow-billed =
Cuckoo (one)



[mou] Short-eared Owls - Carver county

2007-03-22 Thread William Marengo
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Located two Short-eared Owls this evening at the Rapids Lake unit of the MN
River Valley NWR.  The birds were seen about  one-quarter mile
east of the intersection of county roads 45 and 50. This is just south from
the town of Carver. The birds were seen right at  sunset, which 
is when this unit of the refuge closes.

Also in the area:
American Woodcock
Song Sparrows


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Short-eared Owls - Carver county

Located two Short-eared Owls this evening =
at the Rapids Lake unit of the MN River Valley NWR.  =
The birds were seen about  one-quarter mile

east =
of the intersection of county roads 45 and 50. This =
is just south from the town of Carver. =
The birds were seen right at  sunset, which 

is =
when this unit of the refuge closes.

Also =
in the area:

American Woodcock

Song =



[mou] Willets - Hennepin county

2007-05-07 Thread William Marengo
Two Willets were at the Purgatory Creek area in Eden Prairie this evening
about 5:30pm. Also present were roughly 60 Caspian Terns. These birds we on
the island "sand-bar" easily viewable from the path behind the Flagship
Corporate building.

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[mou] Sibley county waterfowl - Swans, GWF Geese, etc..

2008-03-30 Thread William Marengo
Spent the day birding around Sibley, Renville and Nicollet counties.  The
most productive waterfowl spot I found, by far, was the Dehning WPA in
Sibley county. There were well over 1,000 individual waterfowl present in
this small wetland:

over 200 Trumpeter Swans
about a dozen Greater-white Fronted Geese (although there we certainly more
hidden in the grasses)
at least three Cackling Geese
plus 15 other species of waterfowl

This WPA is located on the east side of county road 12, just south of Silver
Lake about four miles east of the town of Arlington. All the larger bodies
of water are still frozen.

Also, three Snow Geese were at the Fairfax sewage ponds in Renville county.

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[mou] Avocet - Eden Prairie

2004-08-09 Thread William Marengo
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For those interested..

There was a single American Avocet in the middle of a wetland located in
Eden Prairie today around 5:00pm. The wetland is in the southwest corner of
the intersection of State Highway 5 and Prairie Center Drive.  Best viewing
of this area is from the parking lot on the south side of the Flagship
Athletic Club located along Prairie Center Drive.


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Avocet - Eden Prairie

For those interested….

There was a single American Avocet in =
the middle of a wetland located in Eden Prairie today around 5:00pm. The =
wetland is in the southwest corner of the intersection of State Highway =
5 and Prairie Center Drive.  Best viewing of this area is from the =
parking lot on the south side of the Flagship Athletic Club located =
along Prairie Center Drive.



[mou] Ruddy Turnstone - Purgatory Creek - Hennepin County

2004-08-24 Thread William Marengo
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This evening around 6:00pm there was a single Ruddy Turnstone on the south
shore of the Purgatory Creek wetland area in Eden Prairie. Other shorebirds
present were:

- Baird's Sandpipers
- Semipalmated Plover
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- Least Sandpiper


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Ruddy Turnstone - Purgatory Creek - Hennepin County

This evening around 6:00pm there was a =
single Ruddy Turnstone on the south shore of the Purgatory Creek wetland =
area in Eden Prairie. Other shorebirds present were:

- Baird's Sandpipers

- Semipalmated Plover

- Lesser Yellowlegs

- Least Sandpiper



[mou] Aitkin county owls

2005-01-09 Thread William Marengo
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Esther Gesick & I spent Saturday & Sunday surveying our owl routes in Aitkin
(and parts of Cass & Itasca) county this weekend. We were not disappointed.

We found 3 Northern Hawk Owls and 30 Great Gray Owls.

Instead of giving exact locations here are the general areas where most of
the birds were seen:

Hawk Owls:
Two near US 169 & Aitkin county road 18
1 on US 169 & Aitkin county road 21

Great Grays:
Many along US 169 between Aitkin county road 18 and Hill City
Several along Aitkin county road 7 west of US 169
Several along Aitkin county road 29 south of the town of Swatara
Several along MN Highway 200 west of Hill City to the Cass county line
Other single birds at various locations along back roads.

Wish we had time to survey the whole county!


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Aitkin county owls

Esther Gesick & I spent Saturday =
& Sunday surveying our owl routes in Aitkin (and parts of Cass & =
Itasca) county this weekend. We were not disappointed.

We found 3 Northern Hawk Owls and 30 =
Great Gray Owls.

Instead of giving exact locations here =
are the general areas where most of the birds were seen:

Hawk Owls:

Two near US 169 & Aitkin county =
road 18

1 on US 169 & Aitkin county road =

Great Grays:

Many along US 169 between Aitkin =
county road 18 and Hill City

Several along Aitkin county road 7 =
west of US 169

Several along Aitkin county road 29 =
south of the town of Swatara

Several along MN Highway 200 west of =
Hill City to the Cass county line

Other single birds at various =
locations along back roads.

Wish we had time to survey the whole =



[mou] Aitkin/Cass county owls, etc...

2004-12-11 Thread William Marengo
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Spent the day birding Aitkin & Cass counties with Esther Gesick, Charlie
Greenman and Bonnie Mulligan as part of the owl survey project. We had a
nice "wintery mix" of birds:

Great Gray Owls:
#1) on Highway 169 about 6 miles north of Aitkin county road 68
#2) on Aitkin county road 7 about 1 mile west of Highway 169
#3) on Aitkin county road 19 about 1.7 miles east of the Cass/Aitkin county
#4) on Cass county road 58 about 5.2 miles west of the Cass/Aitkin county
#5) on Cass county 58 about .2 miles east of the village of Mae (really,
it's in the Delorme!)

Northern Hawk Owls:
#1 & #2) both at the intersection of Aitkin county road 18 & Highway 169
#3) at the intersection of Aitkin county roads 1 & 21

Other birds of note:
All in Aitkin county: A couple of flocks of Bohemian Waxwings,  three - four
flocks of Pine Grosbeaks, one flock of Common Redpolls, a single Northern
shrike and several Rough-legged Hawks scattered throughout.

On Lake Mille Lacs there is still some open water and we were able to find a
nice flock of Common Goldeneyes and one lone Bonaparte's Gull near Garrison,
but little else.


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Aitkin/Cass county owls, etc...

Spent the day birding Aitkin & Cass =
counties with Esther Gesick, Charlie Greenman and Bonnie Mulligan as =
part of the owl survey project. We had a nice "wintery mix" of =

Great Gray Owls:

#1) on Highway 169 about 6 miles north =
of Aitkin county road 68

#2) on Aitkin county road 7 about 1 =
mile west of Highway 169

#3) on Aitkin county road 19 about 1.7 =
miles east of the Cass/Aitkin county line

#4) on Cass county road 58 about 5.2 =
miles west of the Cass/Aitkin county line

#5) on Cass county 58 about .2 miles =
east of the village of Mae (really, it's in the Delorme!)

Northern Hawk Owls:

#1 & #2) both at the intersection =
of Aitkin county road 18 & Highway 169

#3) at the intersection of Aitkin =
county roads 1 & 21

Other birds of note:

All in Aitkin county: A couple of =
flocks of Bohemian Waxwings,  three - four flocks of Pine =
Grosbeaks, one flock of Common Redpolls, a single Northern shrike and =
several Rough-legged Hawks scattered throughout.

On Lake Mille Lacs there is still some =
open water and we were able to find a nice flock of Common Goldeneyes =
and one lone Bonaparte's Gull near Garrison, but little else.



[mou] N. Saw Whet Owl - Sibley County

2006-03-11 Thread William Marengo
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Last night I spent some time owling along the Minnesota River Valley in
parts of Carver, Scott and Sibley counties. I managed to turn up one very
vocal Northern Saw-whet Owl in the High Island Creek County Park in Sibley

To get to this nifty little park, from the intersection of Sibley County
roads 6 and 12, go west 2 miles. Turn left (south) on a gravel road and
follow the signs to the park.


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N. Saw Whet Owl - Sibley County

Last =
night I spent some time owling along the Minnesota River Valley in parts of =
Carver, Scott and Sibley counties. I managed to turn up one very =
vocal Northern Saw-whet Owl in the High Island Creek County Park in Sibley County.

To =
get to this nifty little park, from the intersection of Sibley County roads 6 and 12, go west 2 miles. Turn =
left (south) on a gravel road and follow the signs to the =



[mou] Yellow Rails - Carlos Avery

2006-04-24 Thread William Marengo
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On Sunday, on my way to Pine County for an owl survey, I decided to stop at
Pool #4 at Carlos Avery WMA to look for that White-faced Ibis. While not
finding the Ibis, I did hear a familiar "tik-tik-tik"  coming about 30 yards
off the road. I listened to this from 6:40pm - 6:50pm then went on to the
owl survey.

On my way back, I stopped again at the same spot and the bird was calling
much more faster and frequently. This spot is at the north end of Pool #4,
about 50 yards south of the gate. Continuing north, away from Pool #4, the
road comes to a "T". Going left, after about one-quarter to one-half of a
mile I heard two other Yellow Rails along the south side of the road. They
were both no more than 20-30 yards away from the road. All of these were
heard between 11:30pm and midnight.


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Yellow Rails - Carlos Avery 

On =
Sunday, on my way to Pine County for an owl survey, I decided to stop at =
Pool #4 at Carlos Avery WMA to look for that White-faced =
Ibis. While not finding the Ibis, I did hear a =
familiar =
“tik-tik-tik”  coming about 30 yards off the road. I listened to this from 6:40pm – 6:50pm then went on to the owl survey.

On my way back, I stopped =
again at the same spot and the bird was calling much more faster and =
frequently. This spot is at the north =
end of Pool #4, about 50 yards south of the gate. Continuing north, away from Pool #4, =
the road comes to a “T”. Going left, after about one-quarter to one-half of a =
mile I heard two other Yellow Rails along the south side =
of the road. They were both no more than 20-30 yards away from the =
road. =
All of these were heard between 11:30pm =
and midnight.



[mou] New Germany - Shorebirds

2005-09-05 Thread William Marengo
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A brief visit to the New Germany shorebird area in Carver county today
turned up the following:

1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper 
2 Wilson's Phalaropes
A few Least Sandpipers
A handful of Pectoral Sandpipers
Several Stilt Sandpipers
Many Lesser Yellowlegs

Most of the birds were gathered near Yancy Ave but the Buff-breasted was
conveniently located just a few yards off of Yale Ave.


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New Germany - Shorebirds

A =
brief visit to the New Germany shorebird area in Carver county today =
turned up the following:

1 =
Buff-breasted Sandpiper =

2 =
Wilson’s Phalaropes

A few =
Least Sandpipers

A =
handful of Pectoral Sandpipers

Several Stilt Sandpipers

Many =
Lesser Yellowlegs

Most =
of the birds were gathered near Yancy Ave but the Buff-breasted was =
conveniently located just a few yards off of Yale Ave.



[mou] Notes from Yellow Medicine County...

2005-09-09 Thread William Marengo
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Spent the day birding around Yellow Medicine County. Best birds of the day
were shorebirds at the WMA two miles north and two miles east of St Leo:

Willet  (very late migrant) 1
Sanderling  1
Phalaropes (too distant to identify)2
Baird's Sandpipers  only counted 2
Dozens of : Lesser Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Least
and Semipalmated Sandpipers. 
The water levels and exposed mud flats look like they will provide several
more weeks of good shore-birding.

I spent the entire morning looking for migrant songbirds at the Upper Sioux
Agency State Park and the Veterans Memorial Park just south-east of Granite
Falls along State Highway 67. There were very few warblers and vireos and
one early White-throated Sparrow. Not much else.


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Notes from Yellow Medicine County...

Spent the day birding around Yellow Medicine County. Best birds of the =
day were shorebirds at the WMA two miles north and two miles east of St =

Willet  (very late migrant) =

Sanderling  =

Phalaropes (too distant to identify)    =

Baird’s Sandpipers  =
    only counted =

Dozens of : Lesser Yellowlegs, Stilt =
Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers. 

The =
water levels and exposed mud flats =
look like they =
will =
provide several more weeks of good shore-birding.

I =
spent the entire morning looking for migrant songbirds at the Upper =
Sioux Agency State Park and the Veterans Memorial Park just south-east =
of Granite Falls along State Highway =
67. There were very few warblers =
and vireos and one early =
White-throated Sparrow. Not much =



[mou] Black-throated Blue, etc... LeSueur county

2004-09-03 Thread William Marengo
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Spent most of Friday birding LeSueur county. Was surprised to find an adult
male Black-throated Blue warbler along the paved bike path that runs through
Sakatah Lake State Park. This is the first time I have ever found this
species in the fall.

Other migrants present at various places in the county:
Magnolia Warbler - 1
Canada Warbler - 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2
Black-and-White Warbler - 1
Wilson's Warbler - 2
Northern Waterthrush - 2
Yellow Warbler - 1

An early Red-breasted Nuthatch - 1 

Other than these, things were generally slow.


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Black-throated Blue, etc... LeSueur county

Spent most of Friday birding LeSueur =
county. Was surprised to find an adult male Black-throated Blue warbler =
along the paved bike path that runs through Sakatah Lake State Park. =
This is the first time I have ever found this species in the =

Other migrants present at various =
places in the county:

Magnolia Warbler - 1

Canada Warbler - 3

Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2

Black-and-White Warbler - 1

Wilson's Warbler - 2

Northern Waterthrush - 2

Yellow Warbler - 1

An early Red-breasted Nuthatch - 1 =

Other than these, things were generally =



[mou] Notes from LeSueur county...

2004-04-30 Thread William Marengo
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I spent the day birding in LeSueur county. Here are some of the highlights:

A single Peregrine Falcon at the St Peter sewage lagoons.

12 species of sparrows at the Kasota Prairie area. Abundant were migrant
Lincoln's and White-throated. Also present were a nice group of Harris' and
White-crowned. Three Lark Sparrows were also present.

Red-necked and Western Grebes on Lakes Scotch and Henry. Eared Grebes on
Lake Sakatah

There are still good numbers of waterfowl in various lakes (13 species of
ducks for the day).

Small numbers of shorebirds at the St Peter sewage lagoons and at the
Waterville fish hatchery. One of the ponds at the hatchery has been drawn
down nicely (seven species of migrant shorebirds for the day).

A nice early mix of warblers, vireos & thrush at Sakatah Lake state park
(seven species of warblers for the day). And one Rose-breasted Grosbeak also
at Kasota Prairie.

104 species observed today.


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Notes from LeSueur county...

I spent the day birding in LeSueur =
county. Here are some of the highlights:

A single Peregrine Falcon at the St =
Peter sewage lagoons.

12 species of sparrows at the Kasota =
Prairie area. Abundant were migrant Lincoln's and White-throated. Also =
present were a nice group of Harris' and White-crowned. Three Lark =
Sparrows were also present.

Red-necked and Western Grebes on Lakes =
Scotch and Henry. Eared Grebes on Lake Sakatah

There are still good numbers of =
waterfowl in various lakes (13 species of ducks for the day).

Small numbers of shorebirds at the St =
Peter sewage lagoons and at the Waterville fish hatchery. One of the =
ponds at the hatchery has been drawn down nicely (seven species of =
migrant shorebirds for the day).

A nice early mix of warblers, vireos =
& thrush at Sakatah Lake state park (seven species of warblers for =
the day). And one Rose-breasted Grosbeak also at Kasota =

104 species observed today.



[mou] Carver County - Mayer/New Germany

2004-05-02 Thread William Marengo
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I've been keeping tabs on the Mayer sewage ponds and the New Germany mud
flats for the past couple of weeks. Shorebird numbers have, finally, started
to increase. This past weekend there were Stilt Sandpiper, Wilson's
Phalaropes, both Yellowlegs, Pectoral and Least Sandpipers, Wilson's Snipe,
Long-billed Dowitcher and Solitary Sandpiper between both locations.

Conditions are ideal at the New Germany mud flats with plenty of exposed
shoreline and adequate water levels.


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Carver County - Mayer/New Germany

I've been keeping tabs on the Mayer =
sewage ponds and the New Germany mud flats for the past couple of weeks. =
Shorebird numbers have, finally, started to increase. This past weekend =
there were Stilt Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalaropes, both Yellowlegs, =
Pectoral and Least Sandpipers, Wilson's Snipe, Long-billed Dowitcher and =
Solitary Sandpiper between both locations.

Conditions are ideal at the New Germany =
mud flats with plenty of exposed shoreline and adequate water =



[mou] Notes from Clay/Norman counties...

2004-05-09 Thread William Marengo
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This weekend probably falls in the category of "How lucky can just one
person get.?"

Rock Wren - Felton Prairie
The bird was present Sunday morning between 9:00am - 9:30am and was singing
away when I left. It seems perfectly content singing on its rock pile.

Says Phoebe - near Felton Prairie
About two hours after spotting the Rock Wren on Saturday, I saw a Says
Phoebe feeding along Clay county road 34. I watched the bird for about three
minutes and eventually lost sight of it as it flew off to the south. I could
not relocate it on Sunday. See previous posts for directions regarding these
two birds. Thanks to Connie Norheim & Tony Hertzel for their prompt posts!

Other notes:
Wilson's Phalaropes:136 birds at the Twin Valley sewage ponds, 83 at the
Ada sewage ponds on Saturday.
Whip-poor-Will: one bird singing at the campground of
Buffalo River State Park.
Loggerhead Shrike:  one bird at the east end of Clay county 108 on
Sunday morning.
Harris & White-crowned Sparrows:everywhere!

Warblers, thrushes, vireos & flycatchers are just starting to show up in
this part of the state.

For the weekend:
13 duck species
10 shorebird species (few migrants around and little variety)
7 warbler species
14 sparrow species
119 species total


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Notes from Clay/Norman counties...

This weekend probably falls in the =
category of "How lucky can just one person get…?"

Rock Wren - Felton Prairie

The bird was present Sunday morning =
between 9:00am - 9:30am and was singing away when I left. It seems =
perfectly content singing on its rock pile.

Says Phoebe - near Felton =

About two hours after spotting the =
Rock Wren on Saturday, I saw a Says Phoebe feeding along Clay county =
road 34. I watched the bird for about three minutes and eventually lost =
sight of it as it flew off to the south. I could not relocate it on =
Sunday. See previous posts for directions regarding these two birds. =
Thanks to Connie Norheim & Tony Hertzel for their prompt =

Other notes:

Wilson's Phalaropes:    136 =
birds at the Twin Valley sewage ponds, 83 at the Ada sewage ponds on =

Whip-poor-Will: =
    one bird singing at the =
campground of Buffalo River State Park.

Loggerhead =
Shrike:  one bird at the east end of Clay =
county 108 on Sunday morning.

Harris & White-crowned =
Sparrows:    everywhere!

Warblers, thrushes, vireos & =
flycatchers are just starting to show up in this part of the =

For the weekend:

13 duck species

10 shorebird species (few migrants =
around and little variety)

7 warbler species

14 sparrow species

119 species total



[mou] White-faced Ibis - Meyer, Carver county

2004-05-13 Thread William Marengo
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The previously reported White-faced Ibis at the Meyer Sewage ponds was still
present as of 7:00pm this evening. I joined Craig Mandel in viewing the

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White-faced Ibis - Meyer, Carver county

The previously reported White-faced =
Ibis at the Meyer Sewage ponds was still present as of 7:00pm this =
evening. I joined Craig Mandel in viewing the bird.


[mou] Avocet - St Peter Sewage Ponds

2004-05-14 Thread William Marengo
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Today while birding around LeSueur county I found a single Avocet at the St.
Peter sewage ponds.

Note that these ponds are closed on the weekends but are open M-F during
normal business hours.

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Avocet - St Peter Sewage Ponds

Today while birding around LeSueur =
county I found a single Avocet at the St. Peter sewage ponds.

Note that these ponds are closed on the =
weekends but are open M-F during normal business hours.


[mou] Black-necked Stilts - Belle Plaine update & corrections

2004-05-16 Thread William Marengo
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I have two corrections regarding the Black-necked Stilts at the Belle Plaine
sewage ponds:

(1) The ponds are along Scott county road 6 about 1 mile WEST of town, not
south as in the first post. When I called Tony regarding these birds my
sense of direction was turned around. My apologies for the confusion.

(2) There are not two, but three Black-necked Stilts. A third one came out
of the brush about 10 minutes after I spoke with Tony.

Joining me out of sheer coincidence were Jim Otto and Doug Kieser in viewing
these birds. Doug, Jim & the three stilts were still present when I left the
ponds about 2:15pm.

There are also good numbers of other shorebirds present: Least, Pectoral &
White-rumped Sandpipers, Wilson's Phalaropes and Lesser Yellowlegs.


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Black-necked Stilts - Belle Plaine update & =

I have two corrections regarding the =
Black-necked Stilts at the Belle Plaine sewage ponds:

(1) The ponds are along Scott county =
road 6 about 1 mile WEST of town, not south as in the first post. When I =
called Tony regarding these birds my sense of direction was turned =
around. My apologies for the confusion.

(2) There are not two, but three =
Black-necked Stilts. A third one came out of the brush about 10 minutes =
after I spoke with Tony.

Joining me out of sheer coincidence =
were Jim Otto and Doug Kieser in viewing these birds. Doug, Jim & =
the three stilts were still present when I left the ponds about =

There are also good numbers of other =
shorebirds present: Least, Pectoral & White-rumped Sandpipers, =
Wilson's Phalaropes and Lesser Yellowlegs.



[mou] Prothonotary Warbler - Fort Snelling S.P.

2004-05-31 Thread William Marengo
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Around 10:00 a.m. this morning I found a singing Prothonotary Warbler at
Fort Snelling State Park. The bird was located near the visitor center, on
the south side of the Hwy 55 overpass.


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Prothonotary Warbler - Fort Snelling S.P.

Around 10:00 a.m. this morning I found =
a singing Prothonotary Warbler at Fort Snelling State Park. The bird was =
located near the visitor center, on the south side of the Hwy 55 =



[mou] Cattle Egret - Mayer - Carver County

2005-05-19 Thread William Marengo
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Four Cattle Egrets were seen around 5:30pm today in the town of Mayer in
Carver County. They were located on the east side of State Hwy 25 just south
of county road 30.


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Cattle Egret - Mayer - Carver County

Four =
Cattle Egrets were seen around 5:30pm today in the town of =
Mayer in Carver County. They were located on the east side of State Hwy 25 just south of county =
road 30.



[mou] Notes from west-central MN, Henslow's sparrows, etc.

2005-05-19 Thread William Marengo
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I spent the past five days birding Big Stone, Lac Qui Parle and Yellow
Medicine counties. Migration in general is very slow, most migrants are
late, in low numbers and shorebirds are scarce.

Two highlights:

2 Henslow's Sparrows are singing on at the Plover Prairie area in Lac Qui
Parle county. Directions: From Bellingham go four miles north on US Hwy 75
and turn right (east). Go east two miles. The birds are singing in the field
to the north. They can be heard easily from the road.

Four Avocets were seen in Big Stone County in a wetland just east of the
town of Barry. It is located on the north side of state hwy 28, 1 mile east
of county road 7. 


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Notes from west-central MN, Henslow's sparrows, etc.

I =
spent =
the past five days birding Big Stone, Lac =
Qui Parle and Yellow Medicine =
counties. Migration in general is very =
slow, most migrants are =
late, in low numbers and shorebirds are scarce.

Two highlights:

2 =
Henslow’s Sparrows are singing on at the Plover Prairie area in =
Lac Qui Parle county. Directions: From Bellingham go four miles north on US Hwy =
75 and turn right (east). Go east two miles. The birds are singing in =
the field to the north. They can be heard easily =
from the road.

Four =
Avocets were seen in Big =
Stone =
County in a wetland just east of the town of Barry. It is =
located on the north side of state hwy 28, 1 mile east of county road =



[mou] Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Prothonotary Warblers - MN River Valley NWR

2005-06-05 Thread William Marengo
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This morning between 9:00am & 10:00am I found a very vocal Yellow-billed
Cuckoo in the woods immediately to the east of the headquarter's building of
the Minnesota River Valley NWR. Down the hill there were two active
Prothonotary Warblers in the wooded backwaters of the Minnesota River. Also,
a late migrant Mourning Warbler was singing just below the overlook at the
headquarter's building.


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Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Prothonotary Warblers - MN River Valley =

This =
morning between 9:00am & 10:00am I found a very vocal Yellow-billed =
Cuckoo in the woods immediately =
to the east of the headquarter’s building of =
the Minnesota River Valley NWR. Down the hill there =
were two active Prothonotary Warblers in the wooded backwaters of the Minnesota River. Also, a late =
migrant =
Mourning Warbler was singing just below =
the overlook at the headquarter’s =



[mou] Acadian Flycatcher - Eden Prairie

2005-06-05 Thread William Marengo
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This morning around 11:00am, I heard an Acadian Flycatcher signing at the
Richard Anderson Park in Eden Prairie. This nifty little park is located on
the north side of US Hwy 212, just east of the Carver/Hennepin boundary (or
about 1.5 miles west of Hennepin County Road 4 and US Hwy 212). It has an
un-assuming parking lot (it's easy to drive by and not notice it) but the
park itself has excellent maple/basswood, floodplain forest and
juniper/grassland hillsides. It looks very inviting for the likes of
Cerulean Warbler or a Louisiana Waterthrush someday.

Anyone interested in more precise directions, feel free to contact me.


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Acadian Flycatcher - Eden Prairie

This =
morning around 11:00am, I heard an Acadian Flycatcher signing at the =
Richard Anderson Park in Eden Prairie. This nifty little park is located on =
the north side of US Hwy 212, just =
east of the Carver/Hennepin boundary (or about 1.5 miles west of Hennepin =
County Road 4 and US Hwy 212). It has an un-assuming parking lot =
(it’s easy to drive by and not notice it) but the park itself has excellent maple/basswood, floodplain =
forest and juniper/grassland hillsides. It looks very inviting for the =
likes of =
Cerulean Warbler or a Louisiana =
Waterthrush someday.

Anyone interested in more precise directions, feel free =
to contact me.



[mou] Minnesota River - Renville/Nicollet/Yellow Medicine counties

2005-06-19 Thread William Marengo
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I spent Saturday birding the length of the Minnesota River from western
Nicollet county to Granite Falls in Yellow Medicine county. 

Some highlights:

Two areas for Henslow's Sparrows:
1.  At Fort Ridgley State Park, in Nicollet county, there were two seen
and heard singing on the west side of Nicollet County road 30, just south of
the Renville county line. They were very close to the road.
2.  A single bird was also singing in a CREP field on the south side of
Renville county road 15, about 1 mile east of Renville county road 12.  This
is also about a couple hundred yards east of 200th street

Yellow-billed Cuckoos: one at Skalbaaken county park in western Renville
county. The other along Renville county road 5 about 1.5 miles northwest of
county road 16 in southeastern Renville county

Least Bittern: one calling consistently on the east side of Mud Lake in
southeastern Renville county

Willow Flycatchers: Two in Renville county along the Minnesota River.

Dickcissels and Lark Sparrows were relatively easy to find along side roads
that paralleled the river.


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Minnesota River - Renville/Nicollet/Yellow Medicine =

I =
spent Saturday birding the length of the Minnesota River =
from western Nicollet county to Granite Falls in Yellow Medicine county. 

Some highlights:

Two =
areas for Henslow’s Sparrows:

1.  =
At Fort Ridgley State Park, in Nicollet county, there were two seen and heard =
singing on the west side of Nicollet County road =
30, just south of the Renville county line. They were very close to the road.

2.  A single bird was also singing in a CREP field on the south side of Renville county road =
15, about 1 mile east of Renville =
county road 12.  This is also about a =
couple hundred yards east of 200th street

Yellow-billed Cuckoos: one at Skalbaaken county park =
in western Renville county. The other along Renville county road 5 =
about =
1.5 miles northwest of county road 16 in =
southeastern Renville county

Least =
Bittern: one calling consistently on the east side of Mud Lake in =
southeastern Renville county

Willow Flycatchers: Two in Renville =
county along the Minnesota =

Dickcissels and Lark Sparrows were relatively easy to find along side roads =
that paralleled the river.



[mou] Buff-breasted Sandpipers - Carver county

2005-08-21 Thread William Marengo
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At 8:30 this morning I saw four Buff-breasted Sandpipers mixed in with a
large flock of Killdeer at a sod farm south west of the town of Waconia. The
sod farm is located 
along State Highway 5 about two miles south-west of Waconia. Viewing
conditions aren't the best since the shoulders on Highway 5 are narrow and
there is a fair amount 
of traffic. I was able to view the birds from my car with a window mount.


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Buff-breasted Sandpipers - Carver county

At =
8:30 this morning I saw four Buff-breasted Sandpipers mixed in with a =
large flock of Killdeer at a sod farm south west of the town of =
Waconia. =
The sod farm is located 

along =
State Highway 5 about two miles south-west =
of Waconia. Viewing conditions aren’t the best since the shoulders =
on Highway 5 are narrow and there is a fair amount 

of =
traffic. I was able to view the birds from my car with a window =



[mou-net] Swainson's Hawk - Carver County

2011-04-30 Thread William Marengo
About 45 minutes ago, while checking out the abundant migrants in my wooded
back yard, I spotted an adult Swainson's Hawk soaring together with a Turkey
Vulture.  I watched the Swainson's Hawk for about a minute as it fought the
strong south-westerly winds and was gradually pushed north in the general
direction of Carver Park.

Also, there were numerous Black-and-white warblers, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers,
Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a couple of Ovenbirds, Orange-crowned Warblers,
single Least Flycatcher, Eastern Towhee, Hermit Thrush, Swainson's Thrush,
Blue-headed Vireo, Brown Creeper, Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the back woods

A nice day !!


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[mou-net] Whip-poor-will, Willets - Carver county

2011-05-06 Thread William Marengo
This morning at about 5:10am a singing Whip-poor-will was calling in the
woods on our property. Also, yesterday in the flooded field to the west of
our house were four Willets along with a few Pectoral Sandpipers, one
Semipalmated Plover, a few Dowitchers and close to 300 Lesser Yellowlegs.


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[mou-net] Notes from Lyon/Murray counties - Louisiana Watherthrush, Ibis, Snowy Egret, etc...

2011-05-17 Thread William Marengo
I spent May 12-16 birding in Lyon and Murray counties. Despite generally
abysmal birding conditions Thursday through Saturday (strong and steady
northerly winds, rain and cold temperatures) there are some highlights to

An out-of-range Louisiana Watherthrush is on territory at Camden State Park.
The bird is located at the "primitive group camp". It was here on May 13-14.

A White-faced and two other Ibis were seen at the Black Rush WPA on May 13,
14 and 16.  The three Ibis were visible Saturday feeding along the
north-south road that bisects the marsh allowing positive identification of
one of the birds. Viewing conditions were poor on Saturday and the other two
were left unidentified. Otherwise, on the other days, they were seen flying
around the marsh on several occasions.

An out-of-range Blue-winged Warbler was in the lower campground of Camden
State park on May 13.

A Snowy Egret was seen on Monday, May 16 at Buffalo Lake in northeastern
Murray county.

As far as shorebirds go, there is very little to report. Shorebird numbers
and diversity are both low. Looking at my notes form the past five days, I
only recorded 14 species in what is typically a shorebird-rich part of the
state at this time of year.


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[mou-net] Prothonotary Warblers - LeSueur & Sibley counties

2011-06-04 Thread William Marengo
After birding my BBA block in Nicollet county this morning, I decided to
check out some places on the Minnesota River for potential Prothonotary
warblers. I found two:

1.  Along the west side of LeSueur county 102 about .5 mile south of
state highway 99. This is about 100 yards south of where 102 crosses the
railroad tracks, right next to the "Speed Limit 40mph" sign.  The bird was
signing loudly and seen carrying nesting material into a hollow in a log
about 3 feet above the water level.
2.  Along the east side of state highway 93, just south of the town of
Henderson in Sibley county.  There is an "oxbow" in the river just south of
town and the bird was seen about 50 yards away from the road.

With all the high water levels, this would be a good year to look for these
birds along other parts of the Minnesota River where they might not normally
be found. There is more "habitat" now than in low water years.  Note Brian
Smith's post back on May 17 in Brown county.


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[mou-net] Henslow's Sparrows - Carver Rapids Unit

2011-07-02 Thread William Marengo
Two Henslow's Sparrows were present this morning at the Carver Rapids unit
of the MN River Valley NWR. 

>From the intersection of Carver county roads 50 & 11 (Jonathon Carver
Parkway), go north a little over a mile and park in the parking area on the
right (east) side of the road. Walk the two lane trail from the parking lot
north to the dirt road. Then follow the dirt road right (east). The
Henslow's were heard & see along this road.

Also present were Grasshopper Sparrows and a first year male Orchard Oriole.


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[mou-net] Prothonotary Warblers, etc - Brown, Nicollet, Renville counties

2011-07-03 Thread William Marengo
While surveying breeding bird atlas block this morning, I decided to explore
some parts of the Minnesota River valley from New Ulm westward. There were
three Prothonotary warblers at the following locations:

1.  MinneConn Park in New Ulm. It was singing way off on the east side
of the road on the way into the park at 6:30am. This may be the same bird
Brian Smith reported back in May.
2.  Along Nicollet county road 21, about .4 mile west of county road 14.
This one was singing and visible from the road around 10:30am
3.  Along Renville county road 5, just one-half mile east of county road
3 in the south-eastern part of the county. Again, it was visible from the
road and singing loudly about 1:00pm.

Other sightings of note:
-   a recently fledged Black-billed Cuckoo with a nearby adult in
Renville county
-   a very out-of-range and out-of-date adult Northern Parula warbler
along the "K.C. Road" in Brown county. This is the gravel road that
parallels the Minnesota River west out of New Ulm.


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[mou-net] Lake Waconia (Carver county) - single Black & Surf Scoters

2011-11-10 Thread William Marengo
A Black and Surf Scoter were seen on Lake Waconia today from 4:30pm-4:50pm.
They were still present when I left.  They were seen from the public access
on the east side of the lake along county road 155.


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[mou-net] Need past Loon issues ... ?

2012-01-11 Thread William Marengo

With all issues of The Loon available on the MOU web site, I no longer have
a need to fill up my rapidly diminishing storage space with 26 years of past
issues.  Before I send these to the recycle bin, if anyone has any
suggestions on who might benefit from these past issues, please contact me.
Otherwise, I am looking to free up some storage space.

Thank you

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[mou-net] shorebirds & waterfowl - Rice Lake, Hennepin & Carver counties

2012-04-07 Thread William Marengo
This previously mentioned location is shaping up nicely to be a worthwhile
shorebird area in the coming weeks. Today, I counted just under 400
individual shorebirds present.  Almost every one of these were either
Pectoral Sandpipers or Greater Yellowlegs. Only a handful of Killdeer and
Lesser Yellowlegs made up the remainder.

Also present were an abundance of waterfowl, but nothing out-of-the-ordinary
for this time of year.


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[mou-net] Shorebirds - Rice Lake - Hennepin/Carver counties: Marbled & Hudsonian Godwits, etc.

2012-04-15 Thread William Marengo
Between 5:30pm and 6:00pm Apr. 15, I counted just over 350 individual
shorebirds at the west end of Rice Lake. Most of these were Greater and
Lesser Yellowlegs along with a handful of Dunlin, one Least Sandpiper, nine
Hudsonian Godwits and one Marbled Godwit.  The godwits, to the best of my
judgment, were  just west of the county line, placing them in Carver county.
Good luck county listers !!

There was a similar sized group of shorebirds towards the middle of the
lake, but approaching storms prevented me from scanning these.


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[mou-net] mn river nwr - rice lake - update

2012-05-04 Thread William Marengo
With recent rains the water level of Rice Lake has risen, mudflats have
vanished and the shorebird numbers have dropped. This afternoon I counted
just under 100 shorebirds of three species. Almost all were Lesser
Yellowlegs with a few Greater Yellowlegs and two Wilson's Phalaropes.

I am checking this lake two-three times per week. If conditions improve, I
will repost.


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[mou-net] Jackson county: Blue Grosbeaks, Henslow's Sparrow - Watonwan county: Bell's Vireo, etc...

2012-06-24 Thread William Marengo
I spent Friday evening through Sunday afternoon with Esther Gesick and Paul
Egeland surveying some breeding bird territories in Jackson and Watonwan
counties. We came up with the following birds of interest:

A singing Bell's Vireo was heard on the south side of Watonwan county road
1, about 1.3 miles west of county road 18.  This is just south of Wood Lake.
The bird was heard Friday evening about 8:00pm. Note that we revisited this
spot on Sunday around noon and we could not hear the bird again.

A Henslow's Sparrow was seen & heard from a grassland area on Saturday
morning just west of the Cotton-Jack State Wildlife Management Area. This is
northwest of the town of Heron Lake. From the north side of the Cotton-Jack
State Wildlife Management Area, drive west on 440th street about .5 miles
until you come to 340th Ave.  The bird was in south-west part of this

We also located two Blue Grosbeaks today. The first was signing from the
shoulder along the I-90 and Hwy 71 intersection in Jackson.  The bird could
be seen conveniently by looking north from the parking lot of the Embers
restaurant, which is just south of the interstate and on the west side of
Hwy  71.  The second Blue Grosbeak was signing along the west side of Hwy 71
at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses just south of Jackson. I do not
have exact distances, but I don't believe this was more than 3-5 miles south
of Jackson. 

Also of note, an out-of-place Lark Sparrow was just south of the Jehovah's
Witnesses building.

Several Willow Flycatchers were found in the vicinity of Skunk Lake in the
southwest part of Jackson county just a couple of miles north of the Iowa

Dickcissels were everywhere.

Absent were Swainson's Hawk, Upland Sandpipers, Western Kingbirds and


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[mou-net] Townsend's Solitaire - LeSueur county

2013-01-01 Thread William Marengo
Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick & I birded from Chaska down to Mankato and back
today. Our best find was a Townsend's Solitaire at the Kasota Prairie area
in LeSueur county.


Go south from the town of Kasota about a mile to Kasota Twsp road 140. Turn
right(west) and drive another mile. The bird was foraging among juniper
trees on both sides of the road.

Otherwise, things were mostly quiet with the exception of four flocks of
Snow Buntings in Nicollet and Sibley counties.


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[mou-net] notes from west-central: waterfowl, etc.

2013-04-07 Thread William Marengo
I spent the past two days in west-central Minnesota (Chippewa, Lac Qui
Parle, Yellow Medicine, Swift & Big Stone counties)  with Esther Gesick,
Denis Ostroot and Susan Hartley.  Waterfowl migration is in full swing.

There are impressive numbers of geese, ducks and swans throughout this area.
The highest concentration was found in the wetland areas around the
Swift-Big Stone county line. One could easily drive within a few miles
either side of the county line and find literally thousands of geese, swans
and ducks.

White-fronted Geese predominated with thousands seen in several flocks over
the weekend. 
Snow Geese were far fewer in number but there were a couple of flocks
numbering in the hundreds of birds.
Ross Geese could be found easily by anyone with a scope and the patience to
comb though a flock of geese.
Tundra Swans were numbered in the hundreds.
Flocks of geese, swans and ducks paraded overhead throughout both days.

It was an impressive spectacle.

Also of note:

Two Short-Eared Owls were found both in Lac Qui Parle county on Sunday: 1 at
the Plover Prairie SNA and 1 at Big Stone NWR (C.R. 40 - 4 miles east of S.
D. border)

An out-of-range Eastern Meadowlark was singing in the grasslands just west
of Granite Falls on Saturday.


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[mou-net] American Avocet - Carver county - Wahibo Marsh

2013-05-09 Thread William Marengo
There was a single American Avocet on the south end of Wahibo Marsh this
evening at 7:45pm. It can be easily viewed from county road 30.

This is the same marsh that produced two White-faced Ibis in late April.

This former sod farm is turning out to be a very nice addition to the
county. It is located just west of Lake Waconia at the junction of county
roads 30 and 10.


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[mou-net] Carolina Wrens - Minneopa State Park - Blue Earth county

2013-08-04 Thread William Marengo
I found a pair of Carolina Wrens today  at 12:30pm along the "hiking club
trail" in Minneopa state park.  One bird was signing the typical
:"tea-kettle, tea-kettle" song. The other was giving a scolding call.  

Just prior to the campground, walk the "hiking club trail" west. It took me
five minutes of walking from where the trail intersects with the road to
where the wrens were located. I leaned several 5-6' tall sticks up against
an oak tree on the north side of the trail to mark the spot. The exact spot
can be viewed by querying the sighting in the Query Sighting's tool in the
MOU Web site.  Finally, Google maps gave me this link:



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[mou-net] Hawk Owl & Snowy Owl still present - Hutchinson

2014-02-23 Thread William Marengo
The Northern Hawk-Owl was present today at 11:30am about .5 miles north of
the intersection of Tagus and 220th Street. It was on a power pole at house
number 22749.

In Hutchinson the heavily barred Snowy Owl was still sitting on the roof of
the house at the corner of Bradford St SE and Denver at 11:45am today.


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[mou] Wolsfeld Woods - Prothonotary Warbler - etc...

2008-05-10 Thread William Marengo
Spent this morning leading a group through the Wolsfeld Woods SNA in western
Hennepin county.  Unexpected was a single Prothonotary Warbler 
along the east shore of Wolsfeld Lake. Other warblers present: 

Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat

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[mou] Sibley County - Prothonotary Warbler, Ruddy Turnstone, etc.

2008-05-26 Thread William Marengo
Spent part of the morning birding in Sibley county.

A Prothonotary Warbler was found just south of the town of Henderson in a
backwater (ox-bow) of the Minnesota River along the east side of state
highway 93. The location is .6 miles south of state highway 19.

Also, at the Gaylord sewage ponds, there were still three Ruddy Turnstones
along with Dunlin, Lesser Yellowlegs, Semi-palmated Sandpipers and Wilson's

A Dickcissel was located on county road 6, about a mile south-west of county
road 5.

Finally, I was not able to relocate the Louisiana Watherthrush reported by
Bob Dunlap, but a Cerulean Warbler was present in the same area ( a little
over two miles south of the intersection of county roads 12 and 11).


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[mou] Scott county - Kentucky Warbler, shorebirds etc...

2008-05-26 Thread William Marengo
Spent part of the morning birding in Scott county.

The Kentucky Warbler reported from the Louisville Swamp was still present as
of 7:30am.

Also in the area were two Mourning Warblers, a single Wilson's Warbler,
several Tennessee Warblers, two Black-billed Cuckoos 
and one Orchard Oriole.

At the Belle Plaine sewage ponds, some shorebirds were present:

Red-necked Phalaropes - 2
Lesser Yellowlegs - 3
Least Sandpiper - 1
Semipalmated Sandpiper - 12
Pectoral Sandpiper - 1


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[mou] notes from the MN River Valley & west central MN

2008-09-14 Thread William Marengo
Bonnie Mulligan, Charlie Greenman, Esther Gesick, Paul Egeland and I spent
Friday through Sunday birding along the Minnesota River to parts of
west-central Minnesota this past weekend. Some highlights:

Peregrine Falcon diving on Blue-winged Teal - Gaylord sewage Ponds (Sibley
Merlin - patrolling the shorebird area along state highway 4 in Nicollet
Red-necked Phalaropes - Gaylord sewage Ponds 
Two Buff-breasted Sandpipers - Fairfax Sewage ponds in Renville county

"Blue" phased Snow Geese - One in Yellow Medicine county and two others at
Salt Lake
American Bittern - Lac Qui Parle county
Sanderling & American Golden Plovers - Salt Lake

Sunday (all the Big Stone NWR):
Snowy Egret - On the shore of the MN River via the auto-tour 
One American Avocet 
One Black-bellied Plover

Shorebirds are still in good numbers at Salt Lake and in the Big Stone NWR.
The best shorebird viewing at the refuge is along a refuge access road south
of Big Stone county road 21, just south and east of Odessa. We totaled 19
species of shorebirds over the course of these three days.

Red-tailed Hawks, Cooper's Hawks and Northern Harriers were also plentiful

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[mou-net] Evening Grosbeak - Carver county

2009-02-02 Thread William Marengo
While working from home today, I had a female Evening Grosbeak appear at my
feeder at 11:45am and 12:15pm.  If it appears again I will re-post. 


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[mou-net] Avocets - Purgatory Creek - Hennepin county

2009-04-23 Thread William Marengo
Two Avocets were present today at 5:30pm on the western most "island" at the
Purgatory Creek wetlands in Eden Prairie. Also present were about 25 Lesser
Yellowlegs and one lone Greater Yellowlegs


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[mou-net] Notes from Swift county...Yellow Rail, etc

2009-05-19 Thread William Marengo
Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick, Bonnie Mulligan & I birded Swift county on
Monday (May 18th). Some notables:

Yellow Rail
-   a single calling bird was heard both Sunday afternoon and early
Monday morning at a marsh located just south of the Pope county line. The
marsh is just over a mile west of where state highway 29 crosses into Pope
county (just north of Lake Hassel)

Buff-breasted Sandpiper
-   a single bird was observed with other mixed shorebirds about .5
miles west of the intersection of state highways 104 and 9 along the south
side of highway 9.  Spring reports of this species are quite rare.

-   17 species total were found with no significant numbers or
locations. The best spot was located in the southeast part of section 33 of
Hegbert township. This is just west of Lake Oliver. Also, another spot with
about 50-75 shorebirds was located about a mile north of Kerkhoven along the
east side of county road 35.

-   13 species total with most birds scattered throughout the county.
The best areas were around the woods on into the Marsh Lake dam and at the
Pomme De Terre river wayside located on US12 about .5 mile east of county
road 20.


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[mou-net] California Gull - Agassiz NWR

2009-05-23 Thread William Marengo
I just received a call from Denny Martin.

At 2:00pm today Kim Eckert's Minnesota Birding Weekend found an adult
California Gull at the Headquarters Pool of Agassiz National Wildlife


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[mou-net] Notes from Sibley, Nicollet & Blue Counties

2009-05-29 Thread William Marengo
Spent the day in Sibley, Nicollet & Blue Earth counties. Some highlights:

Two Cerulean Warblers at the Vale WMA in Sibley county.
Also at Vale WMA were:  two late Mourning Warblers, one late Tennessee and
two Blue-winged. 
Another Cerulean was found along High Island creek, 2.5 miles south of
Sibley county roads 11 & 12. Two Yellow-billed Cuckoos were also found here.

A single Prothonotary Warbler is on territory at the north end of St Peter.
Look for the Traverse des Sioux historic site on the east side of US 169.
Park here and follow the minimum maintenance road that leads to the
Minnesota river. About 100 yards after the gate, the Prothonotary can be
found along the left side of the road. 

At Williams Nature Center in Blue Earth county, the Kentucky Warbler was
present and very vocal around 12:30pm. Also present was a late Canada

About 40 Dunlin were present at the WMA north of the town of Nicollet.

At the Gaylord sewage ponds, there were roughly 200 shorebirds present. Most
of these were Dunlin and Semipalmated Sandpipers. Mixed in were a few Lesser
Yellowlegs, two Ruddy Turnstones and a couple of White-rumped Sandpipers.


The Blue Grosbeak reported by Bob Dunlap is still present at the previously
reported location. It was also signing from the farm grove on the south side
of the road.

There were three migrant Alder Flycatchers all calling at the Vale WMA.

For those interested, the Vale WMA in Sibley county offer some dense wooded
birding not typically found in Sibley county. An Acadian Flycatcher would
not be unexpected here. Walk the path that runs straight north from the
parking area. This goes for about 1 mile into the valley of High Island
Creek. Directions to this WMA can be found on the DNR website
(http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/wmas/index.html) .


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[mou-net] Black-headed Grosbeak - any news?

2010-01-02 Thread William Marengo
Am contemplating heading out in the cold tomorrow to look for this bird.
Does anyone have any news of sightings seen on Saturday Jan 2??


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[mou-net] Black-headed Grosbeak - quick update

2010-01-03 Thread William Marengo
Was seen at 10:35am this morning Sunday, Jan 3rd.  Thanks to those who
answered my inquiry from yesterday.


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[mou-net] Cinnamon Teal update...

2010-04-18 Thread William Marengo
The Cinnamon Teal was still present at the location in Carver county this
evening.  It was seen in both the "flooded corn field" to the north of the
dairy farm as well as to the flooded grassy field to the south. This was
where it was last seen when I left at 7:45pm.  Also present were Milt
Blomberg and Marge & Dave Cahlander.


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[mou-net] snowy egret - purgatory creek

2010-05-07 Thread William Marengo
A Snowy Egret was at Purgatory Creek (Eden Prairie) today around

Also present: Caspian Terns, Forster's Terns and Bonaparte's Gulls


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[mou-net] Notes from MN River Valley - New Ulm to Appleton (Acadian Flycatcher, Prothonotary Warbler, etc...)

2010-05-21 Thread William Marengo
I spent the last five days birding the Minnesota River Valley between Swift
and Brown counties. Some highlights:

Acadian Flycatcher - Upper Sioux Agency State Park, Yellow Medicine County
This bird was discovered on Monday morning. It is located near the Riverside
campground. Take the road down to the Riverside campground. Near the bottom
there is an out-house on your left. To the right is a trail-head that splits
into two trails. Take the left trail. The bird was on territory after about
50 to 100 yards from the trail-head. It is very vocal (singing PIT-SEE) and
very active, staying mostly about 20-30 feet up in the trees and rarely
sitting still for longer than a minute. It was still present on Tuesday.

Prothonotary Warbler - Redwood County
This bird was found Tuesday at the Lower Sioux Agency Historic site along
county road 2 about 3 miles east of its intersection with US Highway 71.
Hike the river trail east of the interpretive center down to the river. The
trail makes a complete loop around the historic site and is rather steep in
places.  Listen for the Prothonotary along the backwaters of the river. It
was very vocal when I saw it mid-afternoon.

Other notes:

A cooperative Eastern Screech Owl along Chippewa county road 40 about .25
mile west of the Renville county line (or about 200 yards downstream from
the MN River public access).  Another Eastern Screech Owl in the tent
campsite at Fort Ridgley State Park in Nicollet County Wednesday night.

Eight calling Whip-poor-Wills were heard at Upper Sioux Agency State Park,
along Chippewa county 40 and Renville county's Skallbekken county park
Sunday and Monday night.

Two Swainson's Hawks in section 20 of Stately Township in Brown county on

Also on Wednesday, a Western Kingbird along Brown county road 9 one-half
mile north of the Watonwan county line.

Gray Partridge was seen Thursday at a WMA on the north side of state highway
68, two miles west of Brown county road 12. This is about midway between New
Ulm and the town of Essig.

Thursday, a single Henslow's Sparrow was heard singing along the east side
of Brown county road 11 in some CRP land just north of the town of Essig.

Also at Flandrau State Park on Thursday was a migrant Yellow-bellied

Migrating warblers were essentially absent in Chippewa, Swift, Renville and
Yellow Medicine counties Sun-Tues. Brown county hosted 21 species of
warblers on Wednesday-Thursday. These were found at Flandrau State Park,
Lake Hanska county park and along the Minnesota river. Interesting were
Mourning Warblers. There were none on Wednesday, but at least six were found
at Flandrau State Park on Thursday.

The Sleepy Eye sewage ponds were uneventful with very few birds to report.


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[mou-net] Sibley county: Cattle Egrets, Shorebirds, etc...

2010-07-18 Thread William Marengo
Doug Kieser's shorebird area is located 1.5 miles north of the intersection
of CR 12 and CR 13.  This is the northwest corner of CR 13 and 220 St.
Present today were Killdeer, Lesser Yellowlegs, Pectoral Sandpipers, Stilt
Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers, Semi-palmated Sandpipers, Greater Yellowlegs,
Wilson's Phalarope, Solitary Sandpiper and Spotted Sandpiper.

Another place to look for the Cattle Egrets (or other egrets for that
matter) is north-west of CR 12 & CR 13 intersection. Follow CR 12 west from
this intersection about one mile to 447th Ave. Turn north here and scan the
flooded area to your left as you pass over High Island Creek. I counted 85
Great Egrets here, plus many White Pelicans and the area "looks right" for a
Cattle Egret.

I spent 9:30am-11:00am waiting for the Common Moorhen to appear at Sand
Lake. It never showed itself. If you are going to attempt this, bring plenty
of sunscreen and patience !!


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[mou-net] Carver County - Warblers & Shorebirds - Aug 21

2010-08-21 Thread William Marengo
Following in John Cyrus' footsteps today.:

Carver Park from 11:00am - 2:00pm 

Blue-winged Warbler - 2
Golden-winged Warbler - 1
Nashville Warbler - 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 6
Magnolia Warbler - 1
Bay-breasted Warbler - 2
Black-and-white Warbler - 4
American Redstart - about 10
Ovenbird - 3
Common Yellowthroat - 3
Wilson's Warbler - 4
Canada Warbler - 7

West side of Salem Ave about one-half mile south of US Hwy 212:

Killdeer - over 20
Solitary Sandpiper - 2
Lesser Yellowlegs - 3
Semipalmated Sandpiper - about 10
Least Sandpiper - about 10
Baird's Sandpiper - 4
Pectoral Sandpiper - 4
Stilt Sandpiper - 2
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - 2 (feeding in the sod field)
Wilson's Snipe - 2

These were the ones I was able to find. Someone with more time and better
light would probably find more. 

Thanks John


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[mou-net] Lake Waconia - Surf Scoter, Loons & Gulls

2010-11-01 Thread William Marengo
With limited time this evening I was able to relocate the Surf Scoter
originally reported by John Cyrus. It was located on the south-east part of
Lake Waconia. I could not find any other Black Scoters.

I also saw nearly 70 Loons but all we too distant and light conditions too
poor to determine if there were any other than Common Loons.

Also noteworthy was probably the largest concentration of gulls I've ever
seen on this lake. When I left at 6:15pm there were easily over 2,000 gulls
present with more streaming in to roost. Most were Ring-billed but many
Bonparte's and at least one Franklin's was present. This would be a good
time & place to look for unusual gulls if one has the time.

Please note that while there are places to scan the lake from the south-east
side, please be aware of the many "No Parking" areas. Also, the park on the
south-east side requires a Carver County Parks permit sticker (daily or
annual).  This area was twice patrolled by the Carver County Sherriff while
I was here this evening.

Regards. . . . . 

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[mou-net] Black Scoter - Lake Mille Lacs - near Garrison

2010-11-06 Thread William Marengo
On a circle trip around Lake Mille Lacs today, Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick,
Charlie Greenman, Bonnie Mulligan & I found a single, female Black Scoter
around 1:00pm from the public access just south of the town of Garrison on
the west side of the lake.

Also in the same area were roughly 45 Common Loons.

Bonparte's gulls were common but not overly numerous.

We had a total of 50 species of birds today, but, on the whole, things were
spread pretty thin.

Regards , , , , 

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[mou-net] Notes from Grant, Traverse counties.... North Ottawa Impoundment update.

2015-03-29 Thread William Marengo
Hoping to find some open water and lots of waterfowl, I spent the weekend 
birding primarily Grant county with a brief visit to Mud Lake and Traverse Lake 
in Traverse county. 

Most of the lakes in this area are still primarily frozen. The open water that 
I did find had some waterfowl but was generally lacking in numbers and variety. 
Sunday brought an increase in waterfowl compared to Saturday. With several days 
of warm weather in the forecast, birding should pick up nicely in the coming 

For those looking to visit the North Ottawa Impoundment on the Grant/Traverse 
county line, be aware that it is almost completely dry. There is only a narrow 
band of water that rings the inside of the impoundment.  Unless this changes 
there is no point in visiting here for "water" birds. It may be favorable for 
shorebirds in a few weeks, but I would make inquires first before going out of 
the way to visit here. 


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[mou-net] Scott, Sibley, Nicollet & Carver counties- Shorebirds, etc.

2015-05-02 Thread William Marengo
Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick and I birded portions of Scott, Sibley, Nicollet & 
Carver counties today. Shorebird numbers were very good, but with some 
exceptions, were almost entirely composed of Lesser Yellowlegs, Pectoral 
Sandpipers and Greater Yellowlegs.

Scott county - from Jordan, go about one mile north of Hwy 169 and Scott county 
road 9. There is a pond that has exposed mudflats. Present here were Solitary 
Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers. 

Sibley County - the LeSueur sewage ponds held a single Hudsonian Godwit among 
the more common shorebirds. There is one pond that still holds water but will 
likely be dry in a few weeks. This pond can be safely scanned off of the north 
side of Hwy. 169 in the extreme southeast corner of Sibley county. 

Sibley county - the Gaylord Sewage ponds held 7 American Golden Plovers along 
with Wilson's Phalaropes.

Nicollet county - over 150 shorebirds were tucked into the pond that is about 
.5 mile south of the intersection of state highway 111 and county road 5.  A 
White-faced Ibis was seen here previously. Present today were 33 American 
Golden Plovers, Dunlin and unidentified dowitchers.

Carver county - The New Germany wetlands held over 650 shorebirds this evening. 
With the exception of a few Wilson's Phalaropes and a couple unidentified 
dowitchers, the remainder were the species mentioned above.

Also, newly arrived today:  Least Flycatcher, Nashville Warbler and Blue-headed 
Vireo at 7 Mile Creek park and Eastern Kingbird at the Gaylord sewage ponds.


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[mou-net] Ruff present now

2015-05-08 Thread William Marengo
Several are looking at the Ruff right now(4:20pm). 

We are viewing it from standing in the cattails looking to the southeast. 

Scope is mandatory. Ground is soft and muddy. Boots are helpful. 

It stands out by its larger size, bright rufous head and black chest. 


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[mou-net] Marbled Godwits-Carver county

2015-05-15 Thread William Marengo
There are currently 17 Marbled Godwits on the east side of the Wahibo Marsh. 
This marsh is accessed from county road 10 on the west side of Lake Waconia. 
Please do not leave the pull-off area. 

Also present Caspian, Black and Forster's Terns. 


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[mou-net] Excellent shorebirds - Sleepy Eye lagoons

2015-05-25 Thread William Marengo
There are over 300 shorebirds present right now at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds:

12 Avocets
Hudsonian Godwit
Ruddy Turnstones
White-rumped Sandpipers 
Both species of Phalaropes
Stilt Sandpipers
And more.


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[mou-net] Flandrau S. P. White-eyed Vireo

2015-05-25 Thread William Marengo
The White-eyed Vireo was present at 9:00am this morning per the directions 
previously given. 

Also present at Flandrau State Park were Yellow-bellied and Alder 
Flycatchers(both vocalizing), Mourning, Canada and Magnolia Warblers along with 
resident Wood Thrush, Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Scarlet Tanager amongst others. 


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[mou-net] Notes from Chippewa/Lac Qui Parle counties

2016-05-19 Thread William Marengo
Esther Gesick, Paul Egeland and I spent Monday and Tuesday birding Chippewa and 
a portion of Lac Qui Parle counties. Some highlights :

One Henslow's Sparrow at the Gneiss Outcrops SNA heard on Tuesday.

At least five different Eastern Whip-poor-wills in the extreme southeast corner 
of Chippewa county along CR 40 singing late Monday night. 

Unexpected Wood Thrush and Scarlet Tanager in the same area Tuesday morning.

The only shorebirds we found were at the southern end of Lac Qui Parle lake 
near the dam. Willet, White-rumped, Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers were 
present but little else of note. Water levels were high with no other mudflats 
that we could find. 

Marbled Godwits, Upland Sandpipers and Grasshopper Sparrows at The Nature 
Conservancy Chippewa Prairie just south of Appleton. 

A single Prothonotary Warbler was seen at Lac Qui Parle State Park from the 
hiking trail along the backwater that rings most of the lower campground on 

Apologies for the late post.


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[mou-net] Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

2016-05-20 Thread William Marengo
Are present at 5:30pm in the extreme southeast corner of Eggert Lake. They are 
frequently hidden from view. 

Thanks to all those who posted updates during the day. It made the decision to 
chase these birds much easier. 


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[mou-net] Northern Mockingbird- Brown County

2016-05-30 Thread William Marengo
Prior to our evening Marshbird survey for MN Audubon yesterday, Esther and I 
found a Northern Mockingbird on the southwest shore of Boise Lake in Brown 
county about 5:30pm.  This lake is located roughly midway between Springfield 
and Cobden south of US Hwy. 14. We were able to watch the bird for about five 
minutes and then lost track of it when it flew off into the brush.


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[mou-net] Snowy Egret - Gaylord Sewage Ponds - Sibley county

2016-08-13 Thread William Marengo
There is a single Snowy Egret amongst over 130 Great Egrets at the Gaylord 
Sewage ponds in Sibley county as of 4:50pm. 

It was last seen on the east berm walking among the rocks towards the south end 
of the first pond on your left. 

Also present were over 1,700 Franklin's Gulls. 


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Re: [mou-net] Beguiling Sandpiper Carver Cty - follow up

2016-09-20 Thread William Marengo
The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper was seen until about 7:10pm this evening by many 
people.  The group that remained lost track of the bird about 7:15pm and was 
unable to relocate it until dark about 7:45pm.

The bird can certainly still be present but can be time consuming to locate as 
it can spend time in the grasses and you have to filter out all the Pectoral 

Good luck!


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[mou-net] Notes from west central MN

2016-10-17 Thread William Marengo
Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick and I spent the weekend in Yellow Medicine, Lac Qui 
Parle and part of Chippewa county. Some highlights:

Spotted Towhee located in the eastern half of the Lac Qui Parle county park on 
Saturday. This park also held many of the usual sparrows, kinglets and late 
season warblers. 

A single Snow Goose and Red-necked Phalarope at the Dawson sewage ponds.

Four species of geese including 39 White-fronted, two Ross's and a handful of 
Cackling at the Clarkfield sewage ponds.

Miedd Lake in Yellow Medicine county was still hosting shorebirds including 
both Yellowlegs, Dunlin and Dowitchers (too distant and silent to make a 
positive I.d, but probably Long-billed) along with several hundred ducks, 
mostly Green-winged Teal. 


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[mou-net] Surf Scoter - Lake Waconia, LeConte's Sparrows continuing at Tiger Lake

2016-10-17 Thread William Marengo
A single Surf Scoter is currently present on the east side of Lake Waconia. The 
bird is just north of Lake Waconia a Regional Park about 50 yards from shore. 

For what it's worth, the handful of Scoters I have seen on this lake over the 
years have all been in the same general area on the east side of the lake. 

Also, at least eight LeConte's Sparrows are still present at the WMA on the 
west side of a Tiger Lake offering excellent views. 


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[mou-net] Two Harbors update

2016-10-21 Thread William Marengo
Several birders have searched for the Brant this morning without success. So 
presumably the bird has moved on.

A Red-throated Loon is present in Agate Bay. 

And the Cattle Egret is still present by Lou's Fish Shop right along Highway 61.


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[mou-net] Surf Scoter, Lake Waconia

2016-10-24 Thread William Marengo
The Surf Scoter reported last week is still present as of 8:30am Monday on the 
east side of Lake Waconia. The bird is just north of Lake Waconia Regional Park 
about 50 yards from shore. 


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[mou-net] Black Scoters-Lake Waconia

2016-11-02 Thread William Marengo
As of 10:00am there is a trio of Black Scoters on Lake Waconia, Carver county. 
They are viewable from Lake Waconia Regional Park on the southeast side of the 
lake. The birds were to the northwest from the park and were quite distant but 
readily identifiable. Scope is mandatory. 


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[mou-net] Long-tailed Duck-Tiger Lake, Carver county

2016-11-02 Thread William Marengo
As of 12:30pm, there is a single winter plumaged female Long-tailed Duck on 
Tiger Lake in Carver county. 

Tiger Lake is located just west of Norwood Young America on Highway 212. The 
lake can be scanned from a wildlife management area on the west side of Tiger 

The bird is in the middle of the lake together with numerous Coots, Ring-necked 
ducks, Bufflehead and other waterfowl. 


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[mou-net] Long-tailed Duck - Lake Waconia

2016-12-05 Thread William Marengo
There is a single Long-tailed Duck present on Lake Waconia right now. The bird 
can be seen from Lake Waconia Regional Park on the southeast side of the lake. 


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[mou-net] Cologne, Carver county update

2017-04-02 Thread William Marengo
The 150th street flooded fields are now mostly drained. 90% of the water that 
was here just a few days ago is now gone. The only waterfowl left are a few 
Green-winged Teal, Coots and Mallards. There are some shorebirds present 
including five Golden Plover's, both Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Wilson's 
Snipe and Pectoral Sandpipers. These are located at the west end where the last 
of the standing water remains.


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[mou-net] Notes from Blue Earth county

2017-04-12 Thread William Marengo
I spent yesterday birding Blue Earth county. As others reported yesterday in 
other areas of the state, migrants were numerous. 

Minneopa State Park had numerous Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Flickers, Hermit Thrush 
and Fox Sparrows. 

Waterfowl were still plentiful at the Born WMA(Indian Lake), the southern end 
of Madison Lake and at the Cobb River WPA. 

Some birds of note:
Red-necked Grebe - Madison Lake
Horned Grebe - Madison Lake, Lura Lake
Forster's Terns - Madison Lake 
Sandhill Crane - Minneopa State Park
Sora - calling after sunset at Cobb River WPA
American Bittern - one flew in after sundown at Cobb River WPA 

I struck out looking for Short-eared Owls. Three likely places to look for this 
bird right now would be (1) Cobb River WPA, (2) Roberts WPA and (3) Lincoln 


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[mou-net] Notes from southwest MN

2017-04-22 Thread William Marengo
Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick and I spent the past three days birding various 
parts of southwest MN. For the most part songbird migration was lacking. 
Sparrows in particular were absent and only a few kinglets and yellow-rumped 
warblers were observed compared to other areas of the state where these are 

But some decent birds were found as follows:

Two Short-eared Owls and two LeConte's Sparrows at Touch-the-Sky Prairie NWR on 

A calling Black-crowned Night Heron after sunset at the quarry ponds just south 
of Blue Mounds State Park on Friday. 

Also at the quarry ponds, two Great Egrets, a difficult to find species in this 
part of the state, on Saturday morning. 

10 American Avocets were at the Pipestone WTP on Saturday. 

Both the Pipestone WTP and Miedd Lake in Yellow Medicine county were loaded 
with ducks. Miedd Lake's water level is too high at present for any shorebirds. 

On a tip from Garrett Wee, Lone Tree Lake, just northwest of the town of 
Cottonwood, has exposed shoreline and produced some shorebirds on Thursday and 
Saturday. Dowitchers, Dunlin, both Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers were 

In Rock county, there are some flooded fields south of the town of Ash Creek 
that have potential for more shorebirds. We saw Yellowlegs, Dowitchers, 
Pectoral Sandpipers and Wilson's Snipe here the past two days. The flooded 
fields are on the west side of 140th Ave located about 1.5 miles north of the 
Iowa state line or roughly 1.5 miles south of Ash Creek. Anyone in this area in 
the coming weeks may want to check these out. 


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[mou-net] Carver county - some shorebirds

2017-04-25 Thread William Marengo
Two shorebird areas are in play this spring in Carver county.

The Tacoma Avenue area held nearly 700 individual shorebirds this morning. 
Virtually all were Lesser Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers. Solitary 
Sandpipers and Wilson's Snipe were also present. The water level here is very 
low. Perhaps the coming rains will keep this area active in the next few days. 
This area is located one mile west of the intersection of State Highway 25 and 
county road 32. 

Another area nearby are some sod fields just southwest of Waconia along State 
Highway 5. While they are close to highway 5, DO NOT stop on this road to scan. 
There is no place to pull off and there are no shoulders. A safer place to 
scan, although greater distance, is from Orchard Road immediately to the east. 
With a good scope and some patience, one should be able to pick through the 
shorebirds. This afternoon there were over 200 shorebirds here with Lesser 
Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers being the most numerous. Also included we're 
Dunlin, dowitchers, Greater Yellowlegs and Semipalmated Plovers. 


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[mou-net] Avocets - Albany WTP

2017-04-30 Thread William Marengo
At 4:45pm today there were 13 American Avocets at the Albany WTP in Stearns 
county. Other shorebirds present were multiple Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs 
and a single Dowitcher.


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[mou-net] Hok-Si-La Warblers

2017-05-09 Thread William Marengo
This morning Esther Gesick and I have tallied 20 species of warblers at 
Hok-Si-La Park in Goodhue County including:

Black-throat Green

Three species of cereals are also present.


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Re: [mou-net] Hok-Si-La Warblers - correction

2017-05-09 Thread William Marengo
Spell check strikes again. 

VIREOS not "cereal". 

Thanks to all who pointed out the error of my ways. 

May your future posts be typo-free. 

William Marengo 

> On May 9, 2017, at 1:44 PM, William Marengo  
> wrote:
> This morning Esther Gesick and I have tallied 20 species of warblers at 
> Hok-Si-La Park in Goodhue County including:
> Bay-breasted
> Golden-winged 
> Blue-winged 
> Magnolia 
> Black-throat Green
> Blackburnian
> Chestnut-sided
> Three species of cereals are also present.
> Regards,,,

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[mou-net] Tacoma Area - shorebirds

2017-05-16 Thread William Marengo
Recent rains have brought the Tacoma area field's back in business. There are 
currently nearly 300 shorebirds present including:

Ruddy Turnstone
Wilson's Phalarope
Short-billed Dowitcher
Lesser Yellowlegs
Semi-palmated Plovers
White-rumped Sandpipers
Least Sandpipers

With more rain in the forecast this area should be good for shorebirds in the 
coming days.


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[mou-net] Bell's Vireo - Blue Earth county

2017-05-27 Thread William Marengo
A cooperative Bell's Vireo was found this afternoon at the Lincoln WPA in 
west-central Blue Earth county. 

Directions: from the intersection of county roads 13 and 32 go south one mile 
to 169th St. Go east on 169th .7 mile and the bird was actively singing in the 
bushes on the south side of the road. 


William Marengo 

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[mou-net] Shorebirds at New Germany/Crane Creek area - Carver county

2017-08-05 Thread William Marengo
It's been a while since the New Germany/Crane Creek area had water levels that 
appealed to fall shorebirds. Conditions are about ideal right now. I counted 
over 1,100 shorebirds this afternoon in about two hours of scanning.  As is 
typical for this time of year the vast majority were Pectoral and Least 
Sandpipers along with Lesser Yellowlegs. Also present were small numbers of 
Semipalmated, Solitary and Stilt Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers and singles 
of both Wilson's and Red-necked Phalarope. I was unable to find any Baird's or 
Buff-breasted Sandpipers. 

The water levels appear to be dropping quickly, so any visits should be made in 
the next couple of weeks. 

Directions: From the town if New Germany, go south on CR 33. In less than half 
a mile turn west on CR 30. Drive about one mile to Yale Ave and turn south to 
view the mudflats from the east. Or continue on about another quarter mile and 
turn south on Yancy Ave to view from the west. 


William Marengo 

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[mou-net] Blue Grosbeak - LeSueur county

2017-08-06 Thread William Marengo
I spent the day birding along the Minnesota River in Scott, Sibley and LeSueur 
counties looking over gravel pit areas (there are several) and managed to find 
one Blue Grosbeak in LeSueur county. Directions:

Just east of the village of Ottawa, take CR 23 east about .25 miles. The road 
turns north and becomes CR36. The bird is at the point where the road turns 
north. The location is mapped in the MOU Seasonal Reports data base. 


William Marengo 

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[mou-net] Red Crossbills in Big Stone, Lac Qui Parle and Yellow Medicine - follow up

2017-08-17 Thread William Marengo
Paul Egland, Esther Gesick and I spent a frustrating day looking for Red 
Crossbills in various parts of Renville, Yellow Medicine, Lac Qui Parle and Big 
Stone counties. We finally located three Red Crossbills at the west Hanley 
Falls cemetery. We were unable to locate any other Red Crossbills after looking 
at over a dozen locations that had mature spruce trees with cones.

Note that there are two cemeteries located near Hanley Falls. We saw the Red 
Crossbills in the western cemetery that is located 1.5 miles west of Hanley 
Falls along County Road 18. The eastern cemetery is located at the intersection 
of County Road 18 and State Highway 23. Both cemeteries have plenty of mature 
spruce trees with cones and are worthwhile to be checked.

Other birds of note:

Among the many shorebirds at Salt Lake, we were able to identify both Hudsonian 
Godwits and Willets. Other shorebirds were too distant for identification. For 
migrant songbirds we found one Olive-sided Flycatcher in Lac Qui Parle county 
and two Northern Waterthrush along the auto tour drive of Big Stone NWR.

There were also late lingering single Orchard Oriole and Lark Sparrow.


William Marengo 

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[mou-net] Nelson's Sparrows - Tiger Lake Carver County

2017-09-28 Thread William Marengo
Three Nelson's Sparrows were found this morning at the Tiger Lake WMA. 

This WMA is located just west of Norwood-Young America on the north side of 

Basic directions to the birds:
From the parking lot, walk the trail north to the railroad tracks. Follow the 
tracks left/west. The birds were located in the reeds and bull-rushes along the 
north side of the railroad tracks within 50-100 feet from the trail.

Note this WMA is open for pheasant and waterfowl hunting. 


William Marengo

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[mou-net] White-winged scoter, Lake Waconia, Carver county

2017-11-05 Thread William Marengo
There is currently a single White-winged Scoter on the north side of Lake 
Waconia. It is viewable from the paved bike trail on the north side of the 
lake. The best place to search for the bird is along the east end of the paved 
trail immediately to the east end of the black chain-link fence that parallels 
part of the trail.

Note that I originally thought this was a Surf Scoter, but after scrutinizing 
the bird for about 20 minutes it finally showed enough of its wing while 
preening to see the white wing patch.

William Marengo 

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[mou-net] WW Crossbills - Waconia

2017-11-09 Thread William Marengo
Two White-winged Crossbills were present this morning in the spruce trees along 
the west side of the Waconia cemetery which is along the south shore of the 

William Marengo 

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[mou-net] Pine Grosbeak- Carver County

2017-12-17 Thread William Marengo
The Pine Grosbeak at the Arboretum is present as of 10:15 a.m. this morning. It 
is in the same place as reported yesterday behind the visitor center in spruce 
and crabapple trees.


William Marengo 
Chaska, Victoria, Waconia 

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