Re: [mou-net] Morrison County Varied Thrush

2018-10-22 Thread Cathy Gagliardi
Very cool!! Love that bird
Cathy Gagliardi

> On October 22, 2018 at 8:54 AM Kimberly Emerson 
>  wrote:
> My dad just had a varied thrush bathing in his water feature. It took off
> with a flock of robins towards some crabapple trees. He is going to try and
> relocate it. People are welcome to look for it. Email me for his cell
> number.
> Kimberly Emerson
> Windom, MN
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[mou-net] Morrison County Varied Thrush

2018-10-22 Thread Kimberly Emerson
My dad just had a varied thrush bathing in his water feature. It took off
with a flock of robins towards some crabapple trees. He is going to try and
relocate it. People are welcome to look for it. Email me for his cell

Kimberly Emerson
Windom, MN

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[mou-net] Morrison County

2016-03-07 Thread Frank Gosiak
Things are starting to wake up in Morrison County. I had a flock of 50 Redwing 
Blackbirds South of Bowlus and more and more Geese and Swans are showing up 
South of the Little Falls Dam. The water North of the dam is starting to break 
which usually results in a large amount of water fowl. I am seeing a few 
and more and more Red Tailed Hawks and less Rough Legged. My Cardinals are 
calling a lot and I have been seeing the Eurasian Collared Doves in the area 
Pine Grove Park. There are not to many pot holes around because it seems the 
melt off went right down into the ground. Should be easier to find shore birds 
water fowl. Maybe its the good weather getting me going but I am sure excited 
about what is going to happen soon.

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[mou-net] Morrison County

2016-02-25 Thread Frank Gosiak
Seeing more Horned Larks showing up and less Snow Buntings and Redpolls. I did 
have my first nice flock of Pine Siskins come into my feeder today. Otherwise, 
a few Juncos, Cardinals, and the other common birds showing up. I am still 
occasional Rough Legged Hawks and more Red Tails.

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[mou-net] Morrison County

2016-02-15 Thread Frank Gosiak
I tried to attach a photo of the Varied Thrush but it was rejected. Other news: 
Morrison County still has a number of Redpolls and Snow Buntings about. Just 
North of Randall (on 1) I found about 50 Bohemian Waxwings and 1 Redwing 
Blackbird. There are still a large number of Eagles hanging out about 3 miles 
of Crane Meadows. While you drive around you will find Red Tailed and Rough 
Legged Hawks, a few Kestrels and I did hear a Red Shouldered Hawk. In the 
evenings the Great Horned and Barred Owls are making a lot of noise. heard 
rumors of a Black Billed Magpie but have not been able to relocate.

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[mou-net] Morrison County Youth Bird Outing. May 7th

2015-05-02 Thread Frank Gosiak
On May 7th,  Milt Blomberg, Gerald Yourczek and I (Frank Gosiak) are taking
40 High School Students on a bird/photography outing to Lindbergh State
Park, Schoessling Edition, and Camp Ripley. We will be at Lindbergh’s
entrance at 8:30 where we will spend an hour and a half in the park. Then we
will go to Camp Ripley for 2 hours (DeParcque Woods and Skoglund
Environmental Center) and end at Schoessling for an hour and a half. If
anyone would like to join us and mentor some of these students with bird
identification and nature photography tips we would appreciate your help.
Contact Milt at 320-828-1171 or Frank 320-267-1667. You can also respond to
this message. I think it will be a good day to build up your lists for
Morrison County, or the year, and to influence some new bird enthusiasts. 
Thanks for your time. Frank

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[mou-net] Morrison County - Crane Meadows NWR

2015-04-02 Thread Scott Dirks
We spent most of yesterday afternoon with Jerry and Carol Dirks walking the 
Platte River Trail at Crane Meadows NWR near Little Falls.  The walk produced 
24 species, about half of which were first of the year birds for us.  Sightings 
included a resting flock of about 300 greater white-fronted geese as well as 
about 75 swan scattered in smaller groups (including mostly trumpeters and some 
tundras), all near the observation deck on Rice Lake.  Scattered across the far 
side of Rice Lake were at least a dozen bald eagles, apparently resting and/or 
scavenging on the clumps of mud and vegetation.  Other birds of interest were a 
few northern pintail, bufflehead and lesser scaup; as well as an eastern 
phoebe, pied billed grebe, northern harrier, brown creeper, turkey vulture and 
an over flight of about 50 snow geese.
It was nice to see the migration ramping up with so much more to come!
Scott and Connie Jo Dirks  

Scott M. Dirks
320-732-8008 (home)
612-600-1795 (cell)

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[mou-net] Morrison County Snowy Owl

2013-12-12 Thread Frank Gosiak
The Snowy Owl is still present this evening near Royalton. The bird moves 
around a lot near 
the Royal Farms complex. Sometimes it moves South to the irrigation pipes. The 
road is 
very busy so be careful. Also, the bird is flighty and when one car approached 
to closely, it 
almost ended up in a pickups grill when it fled.

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[mou-net] Morrison County Snowy Owl

2013-12-11 Thread Betsy Beneke
I found a snowy owl near the intersection of Morrison County Road 27 (Nature 
Road) and 160th Ave this afternoon.  This is about one mile west of the town of 
Royalton - CR 27 goes west from the only light on Hwy. 10 in Royalton.  It was 
still in the same area at 4:30 p.m.  This is the same spot Frank Gosiak found a 
snowy - I think winter before last.

Betsy Beneke
St. Cloud

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[mou-net] Morrison County Evening Grossbeaks.

2013-01-27 Thread Frank Gosiak
Finally, found Evening Grossbeaks in Morrison County. Coming in to a feeder W 
of the 
Cushing Church North of Little Falls on Hwy10. The owner will call back if he 
sees them 
again. He has  seen them 3 times before .

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[mou-net] Morrison County Spring bird count.

2009-05-11 Thread Frank Gosiak
Colder day than normal (42-53 degrees) but we came up with 123 species.
Still very low with the warblers (7 kinds) and didn't get any Red Shouldered
hawks from the 4 usual sites. Worked real hard to get shore birds with the
most in the Upsala sewage ponds. Bowlus and Upsala ponds were overflowing
with Yellow Rumps and a few Yellow and Palm Warblers. Most waterfall came
from the Mississippi and the Bowlus, Sobieski, Flensburg, and Upsala sewage
ponds with only 13 regular species. All the regular Thrushes were found with
many Swainsons, less Gray Cheeked, 1 Hermit, 2 Wood, 1 Veery,good amount of
Blue Birds and tons of Robins. Heard 1 Woodcock and saw 2 Wilsons Snipe (not
sounding any more). White Throat Sparrows were coming through in large
amounts and picked up on some White Crowned and Harris Sparrows. The other
regular sparrows were in many places but no irregulars. A few Sedge Wrens
were calling with only 1 Marsh Wren reported. Got my first Indigo Bunting,
Black and White Warbler, and Rose Breasted Grossbeak of the year plus a few
Catbirds. Many Brown Thrashers have been showing up. Still waiting for the
Warblers. Soras are calling in many low lands and got 1 American Bittern.

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[mou-net] Morrison County and Albany.

2009-04-24 Thread Frank Gosiak
This Week. Many Yellow Rumped Warblers and Hermit Thrush. Wilson Snipe
flying in the lowlands (saw 9) in many places. Have come across  2 Great
Horned Owls and 2 Coopers Hawks.  The Mississippi just north of Little Falls
has Greater (a fair number) and Lesser Scaup along with a large number of
Red Heads. The Common Merganser have moved on but Buffllehead, Hooded
Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Canvasback, Pied billed Grebe, Horned Grebe are
still plentiful along with many Coot. Saw 1 Winter Wren in Lindbergh State
Park and a Peewee. A lot of Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers are around with
Flickers. The Osprey pair has been back at the tower by the dam in Little
Falls for the last 2 weeks. Shorebird numbers are still low and the only
other Warblers I have found are a few Pine Warblers that I heard. Looking
forward to the warbler migration and more shorebirds. At the Albany Sewage
Ponds there are many Scaup, a few Ringnecks, Canvasbacks, RedHeads, Ruddy
Ducks, and Buffleheads. Many Bonapart Gulls were also present. Water level
very high and no shorebirds are present.

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[mou-net] Morrison County

2009-03-25 Thread Frank Gosiak
Groups of Redpolls are still hanging out in the area. Some look like Hoary
(but aren't) and are light colored from feather loss (Redpolls have very
tight feathers for insulation and when they get into warmer weather they
pick off some to cool down which make them look lighter). Larkspurs are
showing up along with many raptors especially Red Tails. Harriers are
gliding everywhere and I saw one Rough Legged this week. More and more
Juncos are showing up and less Horned Larks. The Eagles are sitting on their
nests and the Blue Birds are everywhere. The Mississippi is low on action
because it is flooding in some areas and the water is moving very fast. I
have seen Common Golden Eyes, Buffel Heads, many Trumpeters, Canadian Geese
in larger numbers and a few Hooded and Common Merganzers. Tree Sparrows are
showing up and many, many Red Winged Blackbirds along with Grackles. Things
are becoming more active with birds calling in the morning. I think my Red
Shouldered Hawk is back because I heard a call but it could be the pesky
Blue Jay that uses this call to scare the birds out of the feeder. Anyway
things are becoming more active. SAND HILLS, BLUE HERONS AND KILLDEER ARE
HERE BUT NO OTHER SHORE BIRDS. Like other counties there is standing water

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[mou-net] Morrison County

2009-02-16 Thread Frank Gosiak
Average groups of Common Redpolls are found in many places along with more
groups of Dark Eyed Juncos. Along the road edges there are small groups of
Horned Larks arriving mixing with those that over wintered. Have also come
across Great Horned and Barred Owls in various locations which were calling.
Came across a Northern Harrier and more Red Tailed hawks are moving about.
The Bald Eagles are moving in in larger numbers and a friend did see 1 Rough
Legged Hawk. Also, Have checked out more Larch stands and did find stripped
trees but did not see any Black Backed or American Three Toed. Beyond this a
few Kestrels have been reported and a couple of Red Headed Woodpeckers are
at a feeder near Little Elk W.M.A.  White Winged Crossbills are still around
but it is getting harder to find them. I heard the Sax-Zim festival was very
good and I wished I could have made it. Hopefully next year.

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Re: [mou-net] Morrison County

2009-02-16 Thread M z
 Minnesota friends:

After receiving a call from Pat Dunn of EROS that he had found a field with
dozens of Bald Eagles one mile south of Valley Spring SD, just across the
border from Minnesota, Doug Chapman and I made a quick run to check it out.
We found a total of 12 adult Bald Eagles, two immature Bald Eagles, and one
RL Hawk in the fields indicated by Pat. The group of 14-20 eagles seen today
by birders has to be a Minnehaha County record for one spot. Pat indicated
the farmer had placed chicken innards for fertilized in his fields, and
somehow the eagles spotted it. The eagles were too far out for a great
photo, but one distant one is found below.

We also discovered that in the few warm days last week there was flooding
and massive ice breakup.
Flocks of Horned Larks were on the roadsides
On the way we saw Juncos and Downy WP at the Perry Nature Park near Sioux
Falls feeders, and Many House Finch, Downys, and WB Nuthatches at
Schmidtbauer Nature Preserve south of Brandon.
The eagles were no doubt migrants, and will probably hang around a few days.
The site is one mile south of Valley Springs on the west side of the

Mick Zerr
Sioux Falls Bird Club

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[mou-net] Morrison County report: Black Backed Woodpeckers

2009-01-20 Thread Frank Gosiak
As winter lingers and we scramble about looking for the few species we can
find, the terms ethics and correct identification seem to come up to fill
our spare time. I've enjoyed reading the articles (not reports) by Mike,
David, Sparky and Shawn which all seem valid. It causes me to reflect on my
own personal approach to birding. As Shawn wrote it is not  uncommon to see
the Hoary Redpoll in North Central Minnesota and he doesn't look at the bird
as a rare sighting and he recognizes the markings better from his
experiences. Others who are not as familiar with the bird might mess up a
little when they report a sighting , but, they should report it never the
less. How else can they become experienced unless they make a few mistakes?
Anyway let the Rare Bird committee sort it out. They have paid their dues
and have worked through their mistakes. Before I write my report I would
like to say this is still one of the best sites for info about birding in
Minnesota. Its not perfect but it sure has its advantages.

This winter has been good to me in Morrison County where I live. I got a
Varied Thrush, Long Tailed Duck, Golden Eagle and recently  I found a Hoary
Redpoll ( I know what they are I saw a few in Koochiching when I lived
there) and  3 Black Backed Woodpeckers (all new county birds). Also reported
by others in the county were another Longtailed Duck, White Winged Scoter
(Rice Lake by Crane Meodows National Wildlife Refuge) and a Harlequin Duck
(Lake Alexander) but they were all killed by hunters. The birds are here but
it takes work and more birders to find them. As far as the Black Backed
Woodpeckers, Milt Blomberg and I found 1 just West of Cushing in the
Tamaracks. This spot is easy to get to because you can follow the snowmobile
trail back. The other spot is on 200th street and County Road 11 in N.W
Morrison by the Little Elk W.M.A. Milt went back to find a nice male and
female but it is a very hard place to get to. You have to walk back to the
bog 1 mile down the river opening and then the work begins as you walk
another mile in the Larch Trees before you get to the site.. Milt used
snowshoes and I follow him back using boots. I was spent when I got to the
site. We took an alternate route back only to get tangled up and taking an
additional 3.5 hours to find our way out. We were totally shot when whe got
out which was not  very wise.Stick to the trail Milt went in on and follow
the same way back. Call for info if you are brave hearted and foolish
enough. Milts on a roll. He has found Black Backs in Stearns and now in
Morrison. They are in these counties but it takes a lot of work to cover
these out of the way places. I've been calling Milt:  Black Back Blomberg,
because of his ability to find them. The D.N.R reported 9 good Larch stands
in Morrison to Denny Martin. They also said they saw a Hawk Owl by the
Little Elk area. I haven't been able to locate it but if someone else is in
the area and they find it. Please report it to me. Have good birding
experiences and above all remain safe.  Frank Gosiak
1-320-267-1667 Little Falls Minnesota.

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