Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-17 Thread Ian G
Duane wrote:
Ian G wrote:

Ah, to clarify, I was sort of assuming they
wanted the cert for their website.  If they
wanted the cert for email/code signing,
then that won't be so easy.

Actually someone else pointed out an issue with the idea of screen
scraping a website to prove domain control...
There are usually much more people with content change rights on the
homepage than have administrative privileges on the server. The ability
for adding content to the page (that might be closely monitored by
others) is in no way equivalent to the ability to get an SSL cert for it
(that might get used on a fake host). It would be a really nice
privilege escalation.

Right.  That's an insider attack, or as pointed out, a
privilege escalation.  But the same applies to domains,
and indeed, any check that can be done can be
subverted by an insider attack.
The strategy is to find multiple checks that are cheap
but have little correlation with each other.  It doesn't
matter so much if there is an easy attack on the one,
as long as it is a nuisance to combine it with another.
Also, bear in mind, the more the combined attack
spreads more people, the more this indicates the
site shouldn't be using email-only-authenticated certs.
The intention is to secure a low value cert, not to make
it invulnerable.
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Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-17 Thread Ian G
Duane wrote:
Firstly we have to talk about where this piece of code has to be:
 - Many websites run a guestbook that allowes to insert html.
 - Some providers allow their users to run a private website at or
 - Some provider give users a subdomain like
 - Some ISP don't allow you to access but only
Secondly we have to think about who might be allowed to change this
index page:
 - Some WIKIs allow everyone to change their index page
 - Some pages have a newsticker on their index page that can be
   updated by normal users (e.g.
 - Websites are often run by a multimedia/design/... department
   that has nothing to do with administration.
... and...
Many websites run php/cgi/whatever scripts that are vulnerable to
code-injection, and would allow to put the cacert code wherever the
attacker likes to. phpBB comes to mind, and so many other

Good stuff.  Remember, there are no absolutely
secure systems.  Do not let the perfect be the
enemy of the good.  If you want references, I can
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Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-17 Thread Duane
Ian G wrote:

 The intention is to secure a low value cert, not to make
 it invulnerable.

I suggested this and no matter what I replied with you seemed to think
it was impossible to do (as did Nelson for other reasons)


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Nelson B wrote:
Now, if we could get a few standardized profiles of CAs, e.g. a
standardized high assurance profile, and a standardized low assurance
profile, then perhaps a cert could include an extension that says
this CA conforms to standardized CA profile number .
RFC3280 : Certificate Policies
   The certificate policies extension contains a sequence of one or more
   policy information terms, each of which consists of an object
   identifier (OID) and optional qualifiers. [...]
   In an end entity certificate, these policy information terms indicate
   the policy under which the certificate has been issued and the
   purposes for which the certificate may be used.  In a CA certificate,
   these policy information terms limit the set of policies for
   certification paths which include this certificate.
Just normalize an OID for the high assurance profile and the 
standardized low assurance profile, and include them in a multi-valued 
Certificate Policies field. Everything is there for it to work like that.

If the certificate doesn't include the extension with the needed values, 
it is possible to use an external source to add that knowledge(*), it's 
just more complex to manage.

* Just like NSS currently uses external methods to handle the 
SSL/client/code signing trusted info for CA certificates and doesn't 
extract them from the certificate content.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Nelson B wrote:
I think we're saying the same thing.  Lack of universally accepted
policies (er, policy OIDs) is hold policy extensions back.
Even if NSS implemented policy extensions today, lack of policy
definition would make it pretty useless, IMO.
Chicken and Egg. But really, it needs to be implemented first, and then 
it will be possible to do a small scale experiment to find what kind of 
OID to use and what to represent with those OID.

One can use there arbitratry OID, and even map them them later to 
normalized value via policy mapping, but if not enough is implemented, 
it's not possible to experiment.

A problem is that if it ever begins to develop, it will probably end up 
somewhat stepping on the extended key usage extension, I don't believe 
the two uses are fully orthogonal.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B wrote:
It seems to me that this idea of standardized profiles is essentially
what ETSI was trying to accomplish with their Qualified Statements,
about which most participants in this group have had little good to say.
I'm sorry, I must have missed that discussion. What were the nature of 
the objections to the ETSI work? Was this in reference to the standard 
certificate policies defined in ETSI TS 101 456 and 102 042?

I personally don't have any objection to CAs adopting standardized 
certificate policies (including standard policy OIDs), in fact I think 
it would be a good thing. However in practice I think this is unlikely 
to happen for various reasons, mainly because a) I don't think the 
vendors, i.e., the CAs and the various bodies like ETSI, ANSI X9, EAP, 
etc.) are really motivated to cooperate on doing this, and b) I don't 
think the market (i.e., CA customers and relying parties) really 
cares about this.

(Although one could argue that standardized cert policies would make 
comparing CA offerings easier, and hence be a boon for cert buyers, I 
don't think that would make an actual difference in practice because I 
don't think cert buyers make buying decisions based primarily on CA 
policies -- it's more can this CA sell me a cert that will cause my 
customers not to see warning dialogs?)

I also think that the ETSI classification of policies is a good attempt. 
My only point is that you still need a standardized mapping of the 
policies to particular types of certificate use (e.g., code signing, 
S/MIME email, and SSL servers in our case).

Also, a point of clarification: In the context of TS 101 456 and 102 042 
the word qualified when used in connection with certificate policies 
has a specific meaning IIRC: it refers to cert policies that are legally 
aligned with EU member state digital signature laws. That's why TS 102 
242 defines non-qualified (my term, not theirs) versions of the 
qualified policies defined in TS 101 456; the level of assurance is the 
same for the policies that have both qualified and non-qualified 
variants, but the legal implications are slightly different in terms of 
how the certs would be treated under EU and national laws and directives.

I'm not aware of any other efforts to standardize profiles.
Well, there's the EAP work I mentioned previously, but it is broader 
than just certs, and IIRC does not define standard policy OIDs.

Frank Hecker
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Ian G
Nelson B wrote:
 with known weaknesses.
Namely, they fall apart under not-very-difficult attacks.

Right.  So take two not-very-difficult attacks
or preferably three if you can think of them,
and force the attacker to do all three.  His
risks go up 10 fold each time.  This is what
you'd call common or garden grade security.
 But those weaknesses are not entirely correlated.

Not entirely, no.  One's email, the other's
a web site.
If both of these were requested, then an
attacker would have to change over the
domain name record of the email addresses,
as well as change over the DNS settings.

Both MX records (which direct email routing) and A records
which return IP addresses for host names are DNS records.
It suffices to poison the resolver cache of a single victim's
computer to accomplish the attack on both.

Right, there are multiple ways of doing that.

As the change for the DNS settings would
involve directing all (or most) DNS traffic
over a period that was hard to determine,
this would have a much greater chance of
being noticed.

Only the issuer's traffic need be directed.

That certainly makes it easier for the attacker
to pick off both, but bear in mind he still needs
to run a proxy or website or some such, so his
costs increase even then.
And, what I
would suggest is that the caring CA be aware
of this, and do a check from somewhere else.
use SSH and jump over to another box.  This
can be done via either email or for browsing.
Right.  But the web content is on a site
that is currently in use.  And, the more
it is in use, the more it is going to be
noticed, so this scales nicely with the
importance of the check.

Noticed by whom?

Anyone who's looking at his site.  His customers,
his users, his girlfriend.  The point is that this
isn't foolproof, but it raises the risks and costs
for the attacker.
You still haven't explained how web content is supposed to give
the issuer any more assurance about the party to whom an SSL
cert is about to be issued.

It shows he has control of the web site.  So
now he has control over the website *and*
the DNS records, he should presumably have
identified himself better than if he had
shown control over one factor.
I gather that you propose that
the issuer will look at the page that (supposedly) comes from the
requestor's server, and take assurance therefrom.  If that is your
proposal, then only the resolver cache used by the issuer's
machine need ever be compromised by the attacker.

That's a good point;  see above for a bypass
to that.
The reason the email trick works - I
guess - is because that email path is
never used.

uh, no.  It's because whatever email the issuer sends to the
intended recipient is intercepted by the attacker.  The attacker
can click on any links, and use any passwords found in the mail
that was intended for the proper recipient, since the email
messages were not secured in any way.
No, ok, let me spell it out.   The reason the
attack on the email goes by undetected is
because the admin name in the DNS record
is not used for any other purpose.  So any
other emails that would otherwise be stymied
are not going to help trigger detection.
Just so we're clear;  what is being proposed
is several small barriers and nuisances that
make it tricky for a thief to easily make one
hack and get away with it.  It's an economic
approach, it's how you deal with things when
they are low value, and you don't want to
spend any money.
Which is fine, because we are dealing with
the standard of using email to authenticate
here, we are not trying to compete with
hard paper Id forms.
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Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread J. Wren Hunt
Hash: SHA1
Ian G wrote:
| The reason the email trick works - I
| guess - is because that email path is
| never used.
| uh, no.  It's because whatever email the issuer sends to the
| intended recipient is intercepted by the attacker.  The attacker
| can click on any links, and use any passwords found in the mail
| that was intended for the proper recipient, since the email
| messages were not secured in any way.
| No, ok, let me spell it out.   The reason the
| attack on the email goes by undetected is
| because the admin name in the DNS record
| is not used for any other purpose.  So any
| other emails that would otherwise be stymied
| are not going to help trigger detection.
| Just so we're clear;  what is being proposed
| is several small barriers and nuisances that
| make it tricky for a thief to easily make one
| hack and get away with it.  It's an economic
| approach, it's how you deal with things when
| they are low value, and you don't want to
| spend any money.
| Which is fine, because we are dealing with
| the standard of using email to authenticate
| here, we are not trying to compete with
| hard paper Id forms.
Nelson's parent post which started this thread uses the words insecure
email I took his use of the word 'insecure' as deliberate and
interpreted it as saying that 'secure' mail would be just fine. We're
dealing with certs, why not just encrypt? A legitimate owner would be in
possession of the keys whereas MITM style attacks would not.
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mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Ian G
J. Wren Hunt wrote:
Nelson's parent post which started this thread uses the words insecure
email I took his use of the word 'insecure' as deliberate and
interpreted it as saying that 'secure' mail would be just fine. We're
dealing with certs, why not just encrypt? A legitimate owner would be in
possession of the keys whereas MITM style attacks would not.

It would be nice if we could use thunderbird
to create the keys, create a self-signed cert,
and start using it.  That wouldn't address the
identity problem, but we don't have an identity
problem when we are emailing, only an encryption
problem (and 99.9% of users are happy to take a
risk for 99.9% of email anyway).  Most of us send
email to people we already know, unlike with
web browsing to remote ecommerce sites.
But, as anyone can create keys, an email that
is uncertified wouldn't really add anything to
determining if you have the right to a domain,
would it?
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Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Ian G
J. Wren Hunt wrote:
If the email in question is being used by the CA to verify ownership of
the domain then yes, encryption would foil the attacker's ability to
perform any related change predicated of course on an existing
relationship between CA and its client. Or more simply, if you divert my
unencrypted mail you may act on the information you receive and I will
be none the wiser (at least in the short term). Divert my encrypted mail
and neither of us can act; you can't because you can't decrypt and I
because I wouldn't be aware of the now missing missive anyway.

Yes, but that's not the attack.  The original problem
here - I think, correct please if wrong - was that I
being the bad guy decide to get a cert for your domain.
I do the natty DNS poisoning trick that Nelson spoke
of.  I create a key and I send it to the CA.  Then the
CA sends back an encrypted email to that key, I
decrypt it, and follow the instructions...
You the original domain owner never get involved...
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Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Duane
Ian G wrote:

 I do the natty DNS poisoning trick that Nelson spoke
 of.  I create a key and I send it to the CA.  Then the
 CA sends back an encrypted email to that key, I
 decrypt it, and follow the instructions...

If I'm not mistaken this is the original snake oil that was pushed, and
the only long term problem, is with email addresses/code signing as you
pointed out Ian because it's the path less trodden.

People usually notice websites acting strangely (shortly there after
complain about it) and not being what it appears to be, and while the
dns may be poisoned for a small section of the internet this won't be
the sum total of it and there is numerous simple ways of over coming it.
Namely probing name servers in far flung locations, it might be easy to
poison one caching name server or one persons PC, try doing it to 50 or
100 though.

High profile sites pay lots of money for this exact service to ensure
that major providers aren't involved (directly or indirectly via
automated processes) in the distribution of poisoned DNS information,
low profile sites being a small target usually have their DNS hi-jacked
at the registrar level more often then not, which in this case they have
bigger issues then someone getting false certs issued.

The only issue with Ian's suggestion about probing a website/screen
scraping then is for the domains people only use for email or what not
and don't run websites, or run internal sites that are password
protected from the outside world...

Personally I have a number of domains I bought purely for email reasons,
and while it's not impossible to get a temporary site up, will everyone
else be in the same boat? What about the cheap email hosting deals but
they don't come with a website?


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Ian G
Duane wrote:
The only issue with Ian's suggestion about probing a website/screen
scraping then is for the domains people only use for email or what not
and don't run websites, or run internal sites that are password
protected from the outside world...

Ah, to clarify, I was sort of assuming they
wanted the cert for their website.  If they
wanted the cert for email/code signing,
then that won't be so easy.
I'm not sure how to cover that.
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mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Duane
Ian G wrote:
 Duane wrote:
 The only issue with Ian's suggestion about probing a website/screen
 scraping then is for the domains people only use for email or what not
 and don't run websites, or run internal sites that are password
 protected from the outside world...

 Ah, to clarify, I was sort of assuming they
 wanted the cert for their website.  If they
 wanted the cert for email/code signing,
 then that won't be so easy.

There was another point in there that I maybe didn't make clear either.
My primary constant use I use certificates for, is to protect my smtp
and imap sessions even though I don't use it for websites on the same


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-16 Thread Duane
Ian G wrote:

 Ah, to clarify, I was sort of assuming they
 wanted the cert for their website.  If they
 wanted the cert for email/code signing,
 then that won't be so easy.

Actually someone else pointed out an issue with the idea of screen
scraping a website to prove domain control...

There are usually much more people with content change rights on the
homepage than have administrative privileges on the server. The ability
for adding content to the page (that might be closely monitored by
others) is in no way equivalent to the ability to get an SSL cert for it
(that might get used on a fake host). It would be a really nice
privilege escalation.


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Nelson Bolyard
Ian G wrote:
If HTTPS is the use for the cert, then as I suggested
in some other random long rant today (!) we could
always ask the domain owner to stick something in
the HTTP page.
Sort of like a little icon ad that people commonly do,
you can see a couple of them in the below link.  I
think that makes a case that whoever stuck those
in there has at least some control over the domain,
for HTTP purposes.
Sorry for being thick here, but I don't understand what you're
suggesting.  How does the content of an insecure web page
offer any proof of ownership that is stronger than email?
One falsified DNS record, or one bad line in your hosts file,
is all it takes to spoof any/all insecure web content from any
one site.
Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Duane wrote:
Nelson B wrote:
I think the X.509 folks never dreamed that there would exist
low-assurance CAs.  They assumed all CAs would be high assurance.
That's just naive... What other types of security, physical or other 
wise uses a 1 size fits all policy?
The correct X.509 mechanism to handle different level of assurance for 
CA is by using certificate policies.

But this would require that implementations correctly support multiple 
certificate policies, equivalence between policies, a normalized set of 
policies to represent usual kind of assurance, and the validation of a 
certification path against a policy.

In fact, the hardest point is to find out how this can be handled in 
terms of user interface.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Duane
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
In fact, the hardest point is to find out how this can be handled in 
terms of user interface.
I consider a lot of other things the UI has over come as being more 
difficult, either people don't understand the implications of binary 
security or they don't care, or a combination of both... PS see my other 
reply as to you other points (my apologies for referring to you as 
Julian, I should check next time :)

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Ian G
Nelson Bolyard wrote:
Ian G wrote:
If HTTPS is the use for the cert, then as I suggested
in some other random long rant today (!) we could
always ask the domain owner to stick something in
the HTTP page.
Sort of like a little icon ad that people commonly do,
you can see a couple of them in the below link.  I
think that makes a case that whoever stuck those
in there has at least some control over the domain,
for HTTP purposes.

Sorry for being thick here, but I don't understand what you're
suggesting.  How does the content of an insecure web page
offer any proof of ownership that is stronger than email?

Both are insecure only in absolute sense.
In reality, both are reasonably secure, with
known weaknesses.  But those weaknesses
are not entirely correlated.
If both of these were requested, then an
attacker would have to change over the
domain name record of the email addresses,
as well as change over the DNS settings.
As the change for the DNS settings would
involve directing all (or most) DNS traffic
over a period that was hard to determine,
this would have a much greater chance of
being noticed.

One falsified DNS record, or one bad line in your hosts file,
is all it takes to spoof any/all insecure web content from any
one site.

Right.  But the web content is on a site
that is currently in use.  And, the more
it is in use, the more it is going to be
noticed, so this scales nicely with the
importance of the check.
The reason the email trick works - I
guess - is because that email path is
never used.
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mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Ian G
Duane wrote:
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
In fact, the hardest point is to find out how this can be handled in 
terms of user interface.

I consider a lot of other things the UI has over come as being more 
difficult, either people don't understand the implications of binary 
security or they don't care, or a combination of both...

It's not quite that...  It's based on the fact that
the secure browsing system has been in place
for a decade now and during that entire time,
people have grown used to the fact that it is
there and it works and it should be forgotten
as much as possible.
When it was put together, there was an enourmous
wave of commercial enthusiasm for something
that was loosely based on a threat that never
actually happened.  If you want to get into that
I'd suggest reading some of Lynn Wheeler's
entertaining stories about the good old days.
(Well, I find them entertaining ...)
Now, to all intents and purposes, this threat
was whalloped.  Completely destroyed, and
this built up the notion that the system is
perfect, complete and invulnerable.  Now,
there is so much 'belief' that the system is
like that, that even with today's top flight
security consultants, they have a very hard
time dealing with challenges to it.  It is
simply outside their world view to think of
secure browsing as subject to any threat.
Meanwhile along comes phishing in 2003
or so and just waltzed past SSL as if it
wasn't there.
Shmoo showed what this was about.  It drew
a straight line from dodgy domain to dodgy
cert to phish.  It did it so clearly that it
exposed the secure browsing system for
what it is:  a system that has never been
battle tested, and is full of contradictory
assumptions that leave open easy ways to
People are going to take some time to get to
grips with that.
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mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B wrote:
AFAIK, there's no uniform standard for classes.
Correct AFAIK, although there are some sort-of conventions (e.g., class 
1 = minimal validation, e.g., via email, class 4 = use of hardware 
tokens). Although of course this sort-of standardization is exactly 
what has plagued PKI from the very beginning (e.g., the proliferation of 
similar but not identical certificate profiles).

 It might help a lot
if there were.  WebTrust doesn't require classes.  They test only that
a CA does what their CPS says, whatever that is.
The ETSI standards (TS 101 456 and 102 042) do define a reasonably 
straightforward set of classes, although they don't the use the word 
classes per se. (They refer to certificate policies.)

Also, the Electronic Authentication Partnership does define a set of 
standard classes in their trust framework working draft:
However... beyond the lack of standardization, what I find problematic 
about all these documents is that they focus on levels of assurance in 
isolation, independent of the contexts to which the assurance is 
actually relevant. It's just rehashing the old PKI practice of focusing 
on authentication of entity identity as the only issue, and not looking 
at the actual real-world applications.

Frank Hecker
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Nelson B
Ian G wrote:
Both are insecure only in absolute sense.
In reality, both are reasonably secure, 
There is typically a low probability of attack against either
of them if they are low value targets.
 with known weaknesses.
Namely, they fall apart under not-very-difficult attacks.
 But those weaknesses are not entirely correlated.
If both of these were requested, then an
attacker would have to change over the
domain name record of the email addresses,
as well as change over the DNS settings.
Both MX records (which direct email routing) and A records
which return IP addresses for host names are DNS records.
It suffices to poison the resolver cache of a single victim's
computer to accomplish the attack on both.
As the change for the DNS settings would
involve directing all (or most) DNS traffic
over a period that was hard to determine,
this would have a much greater chance of
being noticed.
Only the issuer's traffic need be directed.
One falsified DNS record, or one bad line in your hosts file,
is all it takes to spoof any/all insecure web content from any
one site.

Right.  But the web content is on a site
that is currently in use.  And, the more
it is in use, the more it is going to be
noticed, so this scales nicely with the
importance of the check.
Noticed by whom?
You still haven't explained how web content is supposed to give
the issuer any more assurance about the party to whom an SSL
cert is about to be issued.  I gather that you propose that
the issuer will look at the page that (supposedly) comes from the
requestor's server, and take assurance therefrom.  If that is your
proposal, then only the resolver cache used by the issuer's
machine need ever be compromised by the attacker.
The reason the email trick works - I
guess - is because that email path is
never used.
uh, no.  It's because whatever email the issuer sends to the
intended recipient is intercepted by the attacker.  The attacker
can click on any links, and use any passwords found in the mail
that was intended for the proper recipient, since the email
messages were not secured in any way.
Nelson B
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Nelson B
Ram0502 wrote:
I'd like to see an indication of what information the CA is prepared to
defend and to what extend they are making that assurance on identity
(e.g. we assure you this is IBM, NY, US and provide warranty as
follows) as well as some indication for signed software as to any
policy they may have arround appropriate use such as requireing up
front disclosure about what the software does.
If I'm not mistaken, it takes the entire CPS to state all that info.
The indication of what information is the URL of the CA's CPS, IINM.
Some CPSes are hundreds of pages long.
Now, if we could get a few standardized profiles of CAs, e.g. a
standardized high assurance profile, and a standardized low assurance
profile, then perhaps a cert could include an extension that says
this CA conforms to standardized CA profile number .
It seems to me that this idea of standardized profiles is essentially
what ETSI was trying to accomplish with their Qualified Statements,
about which most participants in this group have had little good to say.
I'm not aware of any other efforts to standardize profiles.
Nelson B
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Nelson B
Ram0502 wrote:
I wish there were some way, but I don't know of any standard way to
represent the amount/strength of authenticity checking done by CAs
prior to issuance.  There would have to be a new extension, or
alternatively it could be new info stored along with the cert in
NSS's cert store.
I like that idea - I've started a thread that leverages it.
What thread is that?  What is the subject of that thread?
Nelson B
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-15 Thread Nelson B
Gervase Markham wrote:
Nelson B wrote:
mozilla treats SSL server certs like code
signing certs for java script served over https, IINM, 
I don't think this is correct. JS served over HTTPS has exactly the same 
abilities and restrictions as JS served over HTTP.
OK, I'm glad to hear that!  Thanks for setting that issue straight.
Nelson B
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Nelson B wrote:
[...].  mozilla treats SSL server certs like code
signing certs for java script served over https, IINM, [...]
I really don't believe so.
Well, it shouldn't be very difficult to test. If it works, I'll be 
amazed at how convenient it is, but it's just too convenient, they are 
many SSL Site on which I go that I don't trust to access all what signed 
js can access.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Nelson B
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
Nelson B wrote:
[...].  mozilla treats SSL server certs like code
signing certs for java script served over https, IINM, [...]

I really don't believe so.
Well, it shouldn't be very difficult to test. If it works, I'll be 
amazed at how convenient it is, but it's just too convenient, they are 
many SSL Site on which I go that I don't trust to access all what signed 
js can access.
That is a policy of the application, not of NSS, BTW.
I objected to it for the reason that the subjects of SSL certs are
typically subjected to less authenticity checking than code signing
certs, and this policy allowed the lesser assurance certs to be used
as code signing certs.  But the application folks seemed to want
added convenience more than the added security, IMO.
Nelson B
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Gervase Markham
Nelson B wrote:
mozilla treats SSL server certs like code
signing certs for java script served over https, IINM, 
I don't think this is correct. JS served over HTTPS has exactly the same 
abilities and restrictions as JS served over HTTP.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Nelson B
Duane wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:

 Choosing to be a low-assurance CA is a legit choice, IMO, as long as
 the low assurance CA doesn't then issue certs used in applications
 that require high assurance.

 Is there something that can be done to add extra bits to the server
I wish there were some way, but I don't know of any standard way to
represent the amount/strength of authenticity checking done by CAs
prior to issuance.  There would have to be a new extension, or
alternatively it could be new info stored along with the cert in NSS's
cert store.
I think the X.509 folks never dreamed that there would exist
low-assurance CAs.  They assumed all CAs would be high assurance.
They were thinking of an X.500 world model, in which directories and
CAs in each country would be governmentally regulated, and hence
held to high standards by their governments (as seems to be the case
in the EU, whence the X.500 folks came).
 when I see Class 3 server certificates in the browser it's
 purely informational,
AFAIK, there's no uniform standard for classes.  It might help a lot
if there were.  WebTrust doesn't require classes.  They test only that
a CA does what their CPS says, whatever that is.
 why not mark those certificates high trust with bits in the nss libs
 and then have the chrome show this information,
I think my predecessors (original designers of NSS) thought that
all SSL and code-signing CAs would be high assurance, and therefore
thought that the 3 trust bits (email, SSL, code signing) were enough
to distinguish (root CA) certs as to level of assurance.
Nelson B
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Ram0502

Duane wrote:
 Ram0502 wrote:

  I agree, I would like to see an indication of the representation

 Even something simple like a red open lock for no encryption or class
 (ie test cert with no verification), amber coloured lock for entry
 encryption, yellow for medium grade and green for high trust and a
 for class 4/military grade certificates if people want to get carried

 away with it... :)

I'd like to see an indication of what information the CA is prepared to
defend and to what extend they are making that assurance on identity
(e.g. we assure you this is IBM, NY, US and provide warranty as
follows) as well as some indication for signed software as to any
policy they may have arround appropriate use such as requireing up
front disclosure about what the software does.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

RE: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Alex Wight
Ram0502 wrote: 
 I'd like to see an indication of what information the 
 CA is prepared to defend and to what extend they are 
 making that assurance on identity (e.g. we assure you 
 this is IBM, NY, US and provide warranty as follows)
 as well as some indication for signed software as to 
 any policy they may have arround appropriate use such 
 as requireing up front disclosure about what the 
 software does.

Of the CAs whose CP and CPS I've read, they all severely limit their
liability and provide little-to-no warranty at all.  There may be some CAs
out there that do strongly warrant their identity proofing (note the use of
the word strongly), but they have no incentive to do so.   Digital Signature
Trust Co. used to warrant it's SSL server certificates and also warranted
its TrustID client certificates for a significant amount of money, but from
what I've heard they no longer do so.  My guess as to why would be because
they couldn't sell enough certificates (at whatever price the market would
bear) to pay for the insurance premiums that are necessitated by such a
warranty.  It seems like people won't pay for warrantees unless the pain of
not having one becomes worth the cost a warranty incurs on the system.

I have yet to see *any* CA require disclosure by a customer applying for a
code signing cert about what the software does.  If there was such a CA then
it wouldn't make sense for the CA to issue them a cert that could be used
over and over again to sign thousands of applications.  It would make more
sense for the CA to simply sign the *one* application they required
disclosure for and never give a customer a private key/cert capable of
signing code that wasn't part of the CA's code review process.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Ram0502
Alex Wight wrote:
 I have yet to see *any* CA require disclosure by a customer applying
for a
 code signing cert about what the software does.  If there was such a
CA then
 it wouldn't make sense for the CA to issue them a cert that could be
 over and over again to sign thousands of applications.  It would make
 sense for the CA to simply sign the *one* application they required
 disclosure for and never give a customer a private key/cert capable
 signing code that wasn't part of the CA's code review process.

VeriSign (and Thawte) have exactly that policy. It would certainly be
rough for a software publisher with lots of legitimate signed content
if they got theirt certificate revoked for a violation - but then they
are not as likely to do it. Having said that I still totally agree with
you - I think that is why some mobile phone platforms use an approach
where they can revoke individual signed packages in addition to or
instead of revoking the identity cert they were published by, I can dig
up a link if you want.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Ram0502

Nelson B wrote:
 Duane wrote:
   Nelson B wrote:
   Choosing to be a low-assurance CA is a legit choice, IMO, as long
   the low assurance CA doesn't then issue certs used in
   that require high assurance.
   Is there something that can be done to add extra bits to the

 I wish there were some way, but I don't know of any standard way to
 represent the amount/strength of authenticity checking done by CAs
 prior to issuance.  There would have to be a new extension, or
 alternatively it could be new info stored along with the cert in
 cert store.

I like that idea - I've started a thread that leverages it.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-14 Thread Duane
Nelson B wrote:
I wish there were some way, but I don't know of any standard way to
represent the amount/strength of authenticity checking done by CAs
prior to issuance.  There would have to be a new extension, or
alternatively it could be new info stored along with the cert in NSS's
cert store.
That's what I was hinting at... How hard would it be to do this without 
breaking backward compatibility, yet in future the UI knowing about this 
extension would be able to give the user more information?

I think the X.509 folks never dreamed that there would exist
low-assurance CAs.  They assumed all CAs would be high assurance.
That's just naive... What other types of security, physical or other 
wise uses a 1 size fits all policy?

AFAIK, there's no uniform standard for classes.  It might help a lot
if there were.  WebTrust doesn't require classes.  They test only that
a CA does what their CPS says, whatever that is.
Maybe this is something that needs to be part of what one of the other 
guys were suggesting as part of their to CAs that wish to be included, 
or remain in the browsers...

I think my predecessors (original designers of NSS) thought that
all SSL and code-signing CAs would be high assurance, and therefore
thought that the 3 trust bits (email, SSL, code signing) were enough
to distinguish (root CA) certs as to level of assurance.
Can we honestly say that is still the case, if not can it be addressed 
some how in a sane manner to give the user more information on what 
they're about to do, I guess this is similar to the debate over monetary 
values etc...

This situation reminds me of the situation with road works in Sydney, 
they tend to plan for the current needs instead of what will be needed 
in 5 or 10 years time, so it's a constant game of catch up rather then 
better planning to make everyone's lives a little easier.

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Duane
C. D. Rok wrote:
b) A certificate has a unique identifier (a name) and all that the
certificate ensures is that the combination of certificate issuer
identification and the name associated with the certificate is

Paradigm (b) is what we must accept and learn to work with.
Names by themselves aren't in most cases unique, unless you're refering 
to some abstract suggestion of making them unique some how, such as a 
combination of name + email address, or name + email + govt ID #...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Richard Freeman
Nelson B wrote:

 In a recent post, someone here attempted to defend the practice of
 using insecure email as the sole means of confirming the legitimacy
 of a request for an SSL server certificate.  I'm here to challenge
 that.  I think it's SO BAD a practice, in fact, that I think mozilla
 should specifically say, in the policy, that that's not good enough
 for a CA that is admitted to mozilla's trusted root list.  I am not
 targetting any particular CA here.  I think this is a matter of policy
 for all CAs.

I think the cert-by-email practice could work with suitable safeguards.

It all depends on what we're certifying.  Are we saying that you are
connected to, or that you're connected to a server owned by the
human being who bought  

The first prevents man-in-the-middle attacks, and the second prevents
phishing over SSL (or at least makes it easy to find out who the guilty
party is).  The first probably can be done via email.  The second would
probably require an in-person visit with government-issued ID (possibly
more than one form).  Anything less than visual inspection of ID by a
trusted party would make the system unsuitable for prosecuting somebody
based on abuse of SSL identity - which is what you need to stop phishing.

I'm not under the impression that the mainstream vendors do in-person ID
checks.  So, we don't have that level of protection currently.  

I think that domain control can be reliably verified using email.  I agree
that domains can be hijacked - but there are solutions to this:

1.  You sign up via a website.  The website sends you an email containing a
verification link.  All communications are signed, and include a copy of
the certificate request.
2.  They repeat this at a few intervals over a week or two.  At random

In order to hijack your domain, an attacker would have to be able to
intercept your email over a several days.  By including the request in the
email you might be able to prevent more subtle MITM attacks (I'm not 100%
sure this is even necessary - I have a few scenarios in mind but they're
probably not possible in practice).

While somebody might be able to hijack your domain for an hour to get a
cert, I doubt they could maintain this for weeks at a time and avoid

I'm all for having controls on the use of email - but I'm not sure that the
solution is to ditch it entirely.  

I guess it really depends on what you want SSL certs to prove.  I'd argue
that right now they don't meet the standard some people are proposing - so
why worry about lowering the standard?

The only way we're going to have really strong SSL certs would be if
governments issued them and they were kept exclusively on smartcards so
that the average member of the public wouldn't let them get out of control. 
That isn't going to happen soon (although one day it might - it would be a
big hurdle against identity theft).  You could have your webserver generate
a CSR and then sign it yourself using your government-issued ID (that way
you don't have to leave your ID card in your computer all the time).  You
could revoke your webserver at any time, and the government could revoke
your ID at any time.  Oh well, we can dream at least, can't we?
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Duane
Richard Freeman wrote:
While somebody might be able to hijack your domain for an hour to get a
cert, I doubt they could maintain this for weeks at a time and avoid
Actually this is another issue, if they can hijack your email for an 
hour they can hijack your domain for life as most registrars send 
passwords, changes to your domain name in plain text emails...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ian G
Duane wrote:
I'm kinda surprised you haven't made more noise about this when you 
made mention previously about some CAs offering snooping services to 
govt's and being a conflict of interest.

:-)  Well, it is because we are making some
forward progress.  The fact that the system
has some gaping holes in it needs to be
balanced alongside the fact that it *is* the
system, and AFAICS, it is the only hope for
dealing with phishing.
What's taken me a long time to discover is
that there are more people who actually
do agree with the flaws than I can see.  So,
in a sense, let's forget the job of needing
to hammer on the flaws, and start thinking
of the fixes ... in such a way that they improve
the product.

I would be surprised if phishers couldn't walk
through the major CA's practices right now like
chocolate through a goose...  There's a huge

So on one hand you are suggesting we foist problems onto CAs and on 
the other you show how that won't stop problems. So how is it forcing 
problems onto CAs is going to fix anything? :)

If I had a wife she would agree with you :)
Here's the thing.  If you've been following
the phishing adventure for the last 2 years,
as I have, after a while you get to understand
the measure of it.  And where it's heading
We do have the dilemma that phishing is
heading in a certain direction:  to more acute
and direct attacks on the browser's crypto
system.  Right now it bypasses it totally, so
we don't notice.
The Shmoo bug has shown all that in context.
It's drawn a nice line from phishing to HTML
to HTTPS to the user.
So, if you accept that phishing is going to
be forced in the direction of attacking the
CAs to fraudulently acquire certs, what to
do about it?
Well, we have to start protecting the CA's
space and patch.  To do that, we have to
create the branded space that the CA can
protect;  in order to give the CA what he
needs to protect himself, we must let him
define himself to the users.  Ergo, as Bob
pointed out, the original security model.
Once the CA has a space to defend, he can
figure out how to defend it.  It might mean
he has to change his business model, or to
change his CPS/CP stuff.  Or whatever.  But
at least he can do it.  At the moment, a CA
cannot defend himself because he isn't
defined.  There is no clear definition of what
a CA does ... c.f., the domain v. identity
discussion, cross-borders differences, and
conflicts of interest.  But once the branding
is in place, the CA and the market and the
users will create that definition.  Which can
then be defended.
If none of that makes sense, think think of
how innoculation works.  My current view
is that we have a period during which we
can innoculate the CA system.  Do not fight
too hard against a few minor but honest
problems ... because the result will strengthen
the body for the future real battle.
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ian G
Nelson B wrote:

Just over a year ago, someone published an article in a quarterly
journal exposing just how easy it is to hijack the email for a domain.
Read a draft of it at

An interesting read.  He brings up an awful lot
of problems.
Using a combination of techniques is probably
as good as it gets.  But even then, this is not
going to stop a fraudulent issue.  What's worse,
it may discriminate in ways that we would rather
avoid, given MF's mission to deliver to the world.
Digression:  I lived for 4 years in a country without
streetnames.  There were no addresses, because
there was no postal delivery.  If you wanted to get
mail you had to go order a post office box or share
one.  The electricity bill was not in my name, and
in fact I couldn't get a single piece of paper that
proved I lived in my house.  Nor did the company.
So much so that when we as a business moved half
a dozen countries down the road (well, island chain)
some of our team asked for the privilege of paying
the new electricity bill so they could get some proof
of existence.
This documents situation exists in a large
proportion of the world.  Wherever we are, we
should consider the fact that elsewhere, it's
just 'different.'  How are you going to sell an
SSL cert to someone who can't prove who they
are?  Or, are we saying SSL is only available for
those who follow our western notions of identity
(This problem becomes really dramatic when
trying to open bank accounts or digital money

It has been demonstrated that an attack on an email domain is orders
of magnitude easier than attacks on SSL.  So, if an attacker wanted
to attack a high value target, he would surely attack the email
channels before attempting to attack the crypto.

That's Adi Shamir's 3rd law of security:
   Cryptography is typically bypassed, not penetrated

And if browser users (relying parties) cannot tell the difference
between certs from CAs that base their authentication on no more
than insecure email, woe be to them!

Hallelujah to that!
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Duane
Ian G wrote:
This documents situation exists in a large
proportion of the world.  Wherever we are, we
should consider the fact that elsewhere, it's
just 'different.'  How are you going to sell an
SSL cert to someone who can't prove who they
are?  Or, are we saying SSL is only available for
those who follow our western notions of identity
I'm starting to get the feeling that some people are implying this, and 
things have gone back to being a flat earth that the sun resolves 
around... We both keep stating (as far as I can remember, which is about 
3 seconds ago) that there is no 1 size fits all, and binary security 
sucks and has no hope of representing this... I don't think sticking a 
logo on the chrome will fix this issue either...

Nelson pointed out how bad email verification is, but what if that's all 
you can prove?

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ian G
Duane wrote:
Nelson pointed out how bad email verification is, but what if that's 
all you can prove?

If email is the only use for the cert, one could make
a case that is good enough.
If HTTPS is the use for the cert, then as I suggested
in some other random long rant today (!) we could
always ask the domain owner to stick something in
the HTTP page.
Sort of like a little icon ad that people commonly do,
you can see a couple of them in the below link.  I
think that makes a case that whoever stuck those
in there has at least some control over the domain,
for HTTP purposes.
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ram0502

C. D. Rok wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:

  In a recent post, someone here attempted to defend the practice of
  using insecure email as the sole means of confirming the legitimacy
  of a request for an SSL server certificate.  I'm here to challenge
  that.  I think it's SO BAD a practice, in fact, that I think
  should specifically say, in the policy, that that's not good enough
  for a CA that is admitted to mozilla's trusted root list.  I am not
  targetting any particular CA here.  I think this is a matter of
  for all CAs.

 There are two paradigms:

 a) An identity exists as a meta-category, and someone or something
 to ensure that the certificate is issued with a name that without any
 possibility of doubt or error maps to that meta-identity.

 b) A certificate has a unique identifier (a name) and all that the
 certificate ensures is that the combination of certificate issuer
 identification and the name associated with the certificate is

 Paradigm (a) is naive and will never work in practice.

 Paradigm (b) is what we must accept and learn to work with.

 CD Rok

I don't think that the two you list are the only two options. To me
they read as the two sides of the binary assertions we can depend on
perfection from this part of the system. If I used the two suggested
models as my only options in the pedestrian world I would never use a
credit card in a store as I could not be assured a means of insurance
or protection from fraud; instead the credit card system relies on the
interaction of sub-perfect. When you soften (a) to require a high
probability of accuracy rather than perfection you end up with a
component you can build on.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ram0502
Ian G wrote:
 Duane wrote:

  Nelson pointed out how bad email verification is, but what if
  all you can prove?

 If email is the only use for the cert, one could make
 a case that is good enough.

I agree if your only concern is the email address of the sender or
recipient (e.g. maintain an ongoing discussion albeit anonymously) or
the establishment of a re-usable 'trust session' with someone you will
authenticate through other out of scope mechanisms.

 If HTTPS is the use for the cert, then as I suggested
 in some other random long rant today (!) we could
 always ask the domain owner to stick something in
 the HTTP page.

That's an interesting suggestion, it provides the same kind of
authentication for HTTPS as the above does for secure email. If the
session is initiated by the CA this proves the ability to control the
host at the specified location. I wouldn't give them my CC# but it does
create a relationship. I wouldn't provide any sensitive information to
them as they could be hard to track down if were facing fraud as
presumably I wouldn't know their identity.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread C. D. Rok
Ram0502 wrote:
There are two paradigms:
a) An identity exists as a meta-category, and someone or something
I don't think that the two you list are the only two options. To me
they read as the two sides of the binary assertions we can depend on
perfection from this part of the system.  ...
 When you soften (a) to require a high
probability of accuracy rather than perfection you end up with a
component you can build on.
High probability is good enough for manual transactions - such as the
credit cards in a store... But when a small level of uncertainty opens a
possibility for *huge* exploits, the confidence level better as high as
Presenting the site's key fingerprint to the user as a matter of course
seems more and more like something that can not be avoided.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Duane
Ram0502 wrote:
That's an interesting suggestion, it provides the same kind of
authentication for HTTPS as the above does for secure email. If the
session is initiated by the CA this proves the ability to control the
host at the specified location. I wouldn't give them my CC# but it does
create a relationship. I wouldn't provide any sensitive information to
them as they could be hard to track down if were facing fraud as
presumably I wouldn't know their identity.
But what if the certificate is only used to protect passwords for 
webmail and doesn't need the ability to be found for fraud?

Binary security can't deal with both situations simutaniously and 
adequately, it needs to indicate visually the level of security...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ram0502
C. D. Rok wrote:
 Ram0502 wrote:
 There are two paradigms:
 a) An identity exists as a meta-category, and someone or something
  I don't think that the two you list are the only two options. To me
  they read as the two sides of the binary assertions we can depend
  perfection from this part of the system.  ...
   When you soften (a) to require a high
  probability of accuracy rather than perfection you end up with a
  component you can build on.

 High probability is good enough for manual transactions - such as
 credit cards in a store... But when a small level of uncertainty
opens a
 possibility for *huge* exploits, the confidence level better as high

That's exactly it, the greater the potential exposure the greater the
need for security. If I'm reading some random blog musing my needs are
different than when I am managing my bank account, for the former I
don't necessarily have any real worries whereas for the latter I do. If
I am enabled to choose between building trust with what may be my
bank's website from scratch or start already knowing the identity of
the authorized site operator I wouldn't need pause to consider which I
prefer. Would anyone? So given a CA who associates their livelyhood
with their effectiveness as an identity authenticator I would
definitely feel better about trusting them. Knowing that the CA has
operating insurance or significant assets helps too (that's kind of
like how banks decide who they trust when lending money). So directly
to your point - the higher the confidence level the better when dealing
with significant exposures and therefor the more rigourous the CA's
policies in authentication the better off the relying party is.

 Presenting the site's key fingerprint to the user as a matter of
 seems more and more like something that can not be avoided.

That's a basic assumption in PKI - you need to authenticate sites in a
way that's reproduceable. The thing that happened was that folks
decided they would try to bring more robustness by adding the
identification of legal identity to system. I don't believe that
putting a string of numbers in front of a user is part of a well
thought out approach.

As a practical aside consider that a website may choose to update
their keys for hygenic reasons and may operate in multiple locations.
Each instance would have it's own unique keys and certificates and
those would change after certifiate or key lifecycle operations (like
key update or certificate renewal). This means that if I am a customer
of 50 sites in a typical year and they do annual key updates - I'm
tracking a lot of data which perhaps you could optimize the software. I
suggest that outsourcing that tracking and making your imposition on
the user one that is automatic and natural for the user - like
recognizing names of companies - may be a better approach as the user
much of the complexity is removed from the user and placed on folks who
compete in the market. Trust and security are native concepts to people
while cryptography is not so if I were developing software that used
cryptography to help improve user security I would use natural
constructs to present security decisions and hide to the greatest
extent possible the underlying science.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Duane
Ram0502 wrote:
key update or certificate renewal). This means that if I am a customer
Renewal doesn't usually effect the private key... Although multiple 
servers with different private keys would be an issue... The thing is 
while you're hiding the finger prints someone else is intercepting your 
traffic with a different key and unless you dig into the SSL dialogs you 
virtually can never tell if anyone is proxying your traffic or not...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ram0502
Duane wrote:
 Ram0502 wrote:

  That's an interesting suggestion, it provides the same kind of
  authentication for HTTPS as the above does for secure email. If the
  session is initiated by the CA this proves the ability to control
  host at the specified location. I wouldn't give them my CC# but it
  create a relationship. I wouldn't provide any sensitive information
  them as they could be hard to track down if were facing fraud as
  presumably I wouldn't know their identity.

 But what if the certificate is only used to protect passwords for
 webmail and doesn't need the ability to be found for fraud?

If I don't have any security requirements in my interactions with a
site because I have no risk in them than it seems I may not find it
very important to know who is on the other end of the session. Although
as part of managing access to my webmail account I may prefer to have
my password passed privately to the site, and for that to be useful I
need to know I'm at the right site though in this case I just need
consistency not a proper legal identity. Given a site that is careful
not to change DNS names, and careful to share their keys across all
machines that service it at all the locations they may have (Yahoo must
have multiple points of presence with racks of machines at each), and
the presence of some particular UI elements in web clients I don't need
a professional identity checker. These are non-trivial requirements on
the site operator but it would save them some money. I wouldn't be
surprised if there is room for innovation here but I wouldn't forgoe
all my other security concerns in favor of pursuing this functionality.

 Binary security can't deal with both situations simutaniously and
 adequately, it needs to indicate visually the level of security...

I couldn't agree more that visual feedback to the user is a good UI
mechanism. I'll start a thread with some ideas that have been bubbling
around my head - visual feedback plays prominently.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread C. D. Rok
Ram0502 wrote:
...Trust and security are native concepts to people
while cryptography is not so if I were developing software that used
cryptography to help improve user security I would use natural
constructs to present security decisions and hide to the greatest
extent possible the underlying science.
That layer used to hide the science is a Petri dish on which the
expolits breed.
CD Rok
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ram0502

Duane wrote:
 Ram0502 wrote:

  key update or certificate renewal). This means that if I am a

 Renewal doesn't usually effect the private key

I agree that it doesn't have to be this way but I bet few people change
their keys very often, I suspect certificate renewal is about the only
time it happens. I know at least one public CA that requires key
changes at the first renewal past a certain key age.

... Although multiple
 servers with different private keys would be an issue... The thing is

 while you're hiding the finger prints someone else is intercepting
 traffic with a different key and unless you dig into the SSL dialogs
 virtually can never tell if anyone is proxying your traffic or not...

I think you're saying that because the user isn't comparing key (or
cert.) finger prints that they don't know who they are actually
connected to. My expectation when I'm at home is that my browser will
show me the certificate details of the site *my* SSL session is
terminating at - which may be a proxy server. I'm pretty sure that's
the behavior of Moz., FF, and IE - am I wrong?

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Nelson B
Duane wrote:
Nelson pointed out how bad email verification is, but what if that's all 
you can prove?
IMO, there are cert applications for which low assurance is adequate,
and there are those for which greater assurances are needed.
By way of example, signed code poses higher risk than signed email text,
and so the certs needed for code signing should have high assurance,
higher than may be required for email certs.   SSL server certs are
somewhere in the middle.  mozilla treats SSL server certs like code
signing certs for java script served over https, IINM, so SSL server
certs really should be issued on the basis of the same strong
authentication as is more commonly used for code signing cert.
If a CA decides that they are unwilling or unable to do anything
stronger than weak assurances, then IMO they should limit themselves
to issuing certs that require only low assurances.
Choosing to be a low-assurance CA is a legit choice, IMO, as long as
the low assurance CA doesn't then issue certs used in applications
that require high assurance.
Nelson B
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ram0502
C. D. Rok wrote:
 Ram0502 wrote:
  ...Trust and security are native concepts to people
  while cryptography is not so if I were developing software that
  cryptography to help improve user security I would use natural
  constructs to present security decisions and hide to the greatest
  extent possible the underlying science.

 That layer used to hide the science is a Petri dish on which the
 expolits breed.

I agree. Thought it's not always the weak point. The RSA implementation
in NSS has never IIRC been found to be a failure point in the wild. I'm
not saying their perfect just that it's not worth attacking as it's not
a practical weakpoint. I think overall there are UI lackings that have
greater impact on web client security than the quality of the RSA or
SSL implementations in the NSS (or CAPI) stack do.

I'm not always convinced when dealing with car repair that I got an
accurate assesment or a fair price, I depend on reputations as reported
by people I know and journalists and my own experiences and instincts ;
I think this is the nature of the compromise we make when we decide to
pay others to do things for us.

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Duane
Nelson B wrote:
Choosing to be a low-assurance CA is a legit choice, IMO, as long as
the low assurance CA doesn't then issue certs used in applications
that require high assurance.
Is there something that can be done to add extra bits to the server 
certs, atm when I see Class 3 server certificates in the browser it's 
purely informational, why not mark those certificates high trust with 
bits in the nss libs and then have the chrome show this information, 
maybe instead of a padlock open/closed, have a set of different icons 
that show class 3 issued certs visually as being different then Class 2 
or Class 1, at present CAcert only issues from the 1 root cert, but we 
do issue different classes of certificates, at present the length of 
time is the give away... 180 days = low trust, 720 days = high trust... 
It's really a no brainier to take that 1 step further and issue them 
under different root certs etc...

Again, binary security can't deal with this other then with 
informational fields and they are more or less useless unless people 
actually pay attention to them, which I doubt most people will... So 
make it blatantly obvious for them, this is good for web mail, this is 
good for credit cards, this is somewhere in the middle of them both...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Ram0502

Duane wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:

  Choosing to be a low-assurance CA is a legit choice, IMO, as long
  the low assurance CA doesn't then issue certs used in applications
  that require high assurance.

 Is there something that can be done to add extra bits to the server
 certs, atm when I see Class 3 server certificates in the browser
 purely informational, why not mark those certificates high trust with

 bits in the nss libs and then have the chrome show this information,
 maybe instead of a padlock open/closed, have a set of different icons

 that show class

I agree, I would like to see an indication of the representation being

 It's really a no brainier to take that 1 step further and issue them
 under different root certs etc...

That seems to be a defacto standard - public roots tend to be specified
with a policy (aka class).

mozilla-crypto mailing list

Re: Using email to validate SSL cert requests (was Re: CAcert Root Certificate)

2005-02-13 Thread Duane
Ram0502 wrote:
I agree, I would like to see an indication of the representation being
Even something simple like a red open lock for no encryption or class 0 
(ie test cert with no verification), amber coloured lock for entry level 
encryption, yellow for medium grade and green for high trust and a tank 
for class 4/military grade certificates if people want to get carried 
away with it... :)

As far as I am aware, most CAs only issue class 1 to 3 certificates only...
That seems to be a defacto standard - public roots tend to be specified
with a policy (aka class).
I meant for CAcert specifically to issue certs differently in future :)
Currently these is only 3 classes we issue from, email verified only 
which to me doesn't seem good enough for credit card transactions, but 
is fine for other things like web mail, smtp, pop3, imap etc, that is 
simply for protecting passwords from people sniffing packets, which is 
where CAcert kicked off and that was to protect wifi connections from 
snooping, but not necessarily for protecting financial information.

The next class up is ID verified, by at least 2 others which we can 
request copies of paper work from at any time. Dates of birth, names, 
and govt issued photo IDs are checked in person etc...

Final class is those that want code signing, not only do they need at 
least 2 others to verify their ID, but they need to have a copy of their 
govt issued ID on file with CAcert...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
mozilla-crypto mailing list