Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-28 Thread Ian G
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
Ian G wrote:
OK, that's good to know that there is no number
involved.  That just leaves us with determining
what information *is* in this cert, and how it is
that it needs to be presented to the user, and
what the legal and contractual ramifications of
all this information is.

We should refer directly to the documentation about that :
(also for more generic qualified 
certificate information)

(Thanks for the reference.  I should read that, but
won't have time, unfortunately.)
The fact that it might be easy to parse doesn't
make it easy to present.  How do you envisage
presenting this information?
What are the contractual ramifications for the
parties?  What happens if it goes wrong?
(And, I don't think the answer to the above is
"nothing" as if it was, there would be no need
for a law and no need for a critical bit.) 

In the case of the hungarian CA, I'm not sure "nothing" is such a bad 
answer. To be more precise, the qualified CA cert is just one step 
toward producing a qualified signature, which would be present only if 
all components were qualified. So as long as Mozilla is not qualified, 
it's not a qualified signature, and the use of a qualified CA changes 
very little.

What would seem to me adequate to present this information would be a 
text saying "this certificates claims to be a qualified certicate" in 
the certificat details. Nothing more.
(OK, my wording is wrong, as the certificate is not a living being and 
can't claim anything)

So, would we be agreed that it is certainly not
obvious nor clear what Mozilla should do?
Actually, for the monetary limit, I'd just add another text at the 
same place : "this certificate can be used as a qualified certificate 
for transactions restricted to a maximum value of _Amount_ 

That would open the way for Mozilla to have that
Now, this is tempered by for example the lack
of a contract between Mozilla and the user.  But,
this is an open question, and the Florida bank
case is being looked on to decide this issue;  so
until things like that are cleared up, I'd say that
Mozilla should play that one cautiously.,294698,sid14_gci1062440,00.html

About the can of worms, the one opened by those extensions does not 
really makes the situation worse for X509 certificates.
We've had the "Non Repudiation" usage bit for a long time, and nobody 
agrees on what it means exactly to assert it.

Right.  My own view is to ignore them.  Especially
non-repudation as that is actually a legal nonsense.
But, crits as well should probably be ignored as a
first approximation;  as they have no clear meaning,
the system should not then try and impute their
meaning, as to do so results in taking an active
If you concerns were fully justified, the current Mozilla could 
already be considered liable by not showing in a very visible way that 
this flag is asserted.

I believe that to be the case.  Mozilla follows the
docs, so it has raised the possibility of it being
liable.  It tries to do the right thing.  So a relying
party can say, "Mozilla set the standard of doing
the right thing, and I relied up on that."
Whereas IE raises no liability, simply because it
doesn't do the right thing.  It just prints out the
info and lets the user do whatever it likes.  It
simply declines to do the right thing and thus
specifically says "Not my problem, here's the
info, you deal with it."
This is a case of "doing the right thing" being
"the wrong thing to do."
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Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-28 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ian G wrote:
OK, that's good to know that there is no number
involved.  That just leaves us with determining
what information *is* in this cert, and how it is
that it needs to be presented to the user, and
what the legal and contractual ramifications of
all this information is.
We should refer directly to the documentation about that :
(also for more generic qualified 
certificate information)

The fact that it might be easy to parse doesn't
make it easy to present.  How do you envisage
presenting this information?
What are the contractual ramifications for the
parties?  What happens if it goes wrong?
(And, I don't think the answer to the above is
"nothing" as if it was, there would be no need
for a law and no need for a critical bit.) 
In the case of the hungarian CA, I'm not sure "nothing" is such a bad 
answer. To be more precise, the qualified CA cert is just one step 
toward producing a qualified signature, which would be present only if 
all components were qualified. So as long as Mozilla is not qualified, 
it's not a qualified signature, and the use of a qualified CA changes 
very little.

What would seem to me adequate to present this information would be a 
text saying "this certificates claims to be a qualified certicate" in 
the certificat details. Nothing more.
(OK, my wording is wrong, as the certificate is not a living being and 
can't claim anything)

Actually, for the monetary limit, I'd just add another text at the same 
place : "this certificate can be used as a qualified certificate for 
transactions restricted to a maximum value of _Amount_ _CurrencyCode_".

You're not giving an acurate representation of things.

Let me repeat what I said:  "It certainly opens
a can of worms."  That statement is as I see it,
and I'd dearly love to be corrected on that.
My "not acurate" was refering the following kind of statements you did :
">> What happens if   IangInsidiousIssues  sells
>> certs with the crit in it saying $100,000 but
>> inside the crit text, there is a caveat saying
>> that the limit only applies if spent in my
>> shop buying my goods?"
"what is inside the
extension packets is open, *by definition*,
and they may or may not be marked with a
critical bit."
About the can of worms, the one opened by those extensions does not 
really makes the situation worse for X509 certificates.
We've had the "Non Repudiation" usage bit for a long time, and nobody 
agrees on what it means exactly to assert it.
If you concerns were fully justified, the current Mozilla could already 
be considered liable by not showing in a very visible way that this flag 
is asserted.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-25 Thread Ian G
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
Ian, I have not much time now, but the hungarian cert in question is 
*not* using the monetary limit extension, only the extension to say it 
is a qualified certificate, which consists just of an OID and is 
therefore easy to parse.

OK, that's good to know that there is no number
involved.  That just leaves us with determining
what information *is* in this cert, and how it is
that it needs to be presented to the user, and
what the legal and contractual ramifications of
all this information is.
The fact that it might be easy to parse doesn't
make it easy to present.  How do you envisage
presenting this information?
Could you give us an example?
What are the contractual ramifications for the
parties?  What happens if it goes wrong?
(And, I don't think the answer to the above is
"nothing" as if it was, there would be no need
for a law and no need for a critical bit.)

Here's why it is important.  If the information
requires "special processing" then the mere
fact that the code in Mozilla goes on to do that
special processing creates a liability.  By doing
so - providing that processing - Mozilla has
accepted the contractual and legal ramifications
as presented by the cert and the EU directive.
If the information is of monetary important
(and this is the case AFAIK) then it becomes
monetary ramifications - liability.
So, if the code gets it wrong, there may be an action
against Mozilla.  As Mozilla seems to be out on
a limb on this (IE and Opera do not process
the crits) this could get messy, as by signalling
willingness to follow the contractual position
provided by the crits, when others have not,
this opens the door to some strange results.
This is probably one reason IE doesn't follow
the RFC on this:  they don't want to accept the
responsibility.  A second reason is that they
probably couldn't be bothered writing the code
to deal with it, because this opens the door for
any Tom,Dick,Harry CA to start asking for
special code.
Also the monetary extension is *not* as you say arbitrary text, it's a 
perfectly defined format, and even if there might text for the 
monetary unit, it is restricted to the value defined in an ANSI norm 
for the representation of currencies.

OK, so as you say that right now the monetary
extension is not being used, I guess we can skip
that debate for now.  Unless that is the Hungarians
or anyone is thinking of using this, in which case
it might be a good idea to see some examples of
You're not giving an acurate representation of things.

Let me repeat what I said:  "It certainly opens
a can of worms."  That statement is as I see it,
and I'd dearly love to be corrected on that.
In the law that asks for these process to be done
of the CAs, what is the legal requirement on the
software manufacturer?  What is the liability?
Is there any disclaimer in the law that says that
the software manufacturer is not a party to this,
or not liable?
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Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ian G wrote:
So the task for the Euro cert in question [...]
What planet are these guys on? What are we supposed to do, run it 
through a web translation engine?
It certainly opens a can of worms.  I asked
around for any experience of these things,
but got no answers on the cryptography
Ian, I have not much time now, but the hungarian cert in question is 
*not* using the monetary limit extension, only the extension to say it 
is a qualified certificate, which consists just of an OID and is 
therefore easy to parse.

Also the monetary extension is *not* as you say arbitrary text, it's a 
perfectly defined format, and even if there might text for the monetary 
unit, it is restricted to the value defined in an ANSI norm for the 
representation of currencies.

You're not giving an acurate representation of things.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-24 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
Ian G wrote:
What happens if   IangInsidiousIssues  sells
certs with the crit in it saying $100,000 but
inside the crit text, there is a caveat saying
that the limit only applies if spent in my
shop buying my goods?

There's crit text too? It's not just a monetary value?

As far as I understand it, what is inside the
extension packets is open, *by definition*,
and they may or may not be marked with a
critical bit.
The crit indicates that this additional
extension packet must be understood by the
code or the entire cert should be rejected.
That means the packet is a code+data
extension;  there can be data, there could
be text, numbers, logos, there could also
be code in there that is extracted and run.
Conceptually, at least.
So the task for the Euro cert in question is
that someone has to write some *code* to
interpret the extension packet.  Then, Mozilla
can "legally" interpret the packet, and present
it to the user.  Otherwise it should reject.
Which it does now, so according to the writing
of the RFCs, Mozilla is following the letter of
them;  whereas other browsers are not.
What planet are these guys on? What are we supposed to do, run it 
through a web translation engine?

It certainly opens a can of worms.  I asked
around for any experience of these things,
but got no answers on the cryptography
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Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-24 Thread Gervase Markham
Ian G wrote:
What happens if   IangInsidiousIssues  sells
certs with the crit in it saying $100,000 but
inside the crit text, there is a caveat saying
that the limit only applies if spent in my
shop buying my goods?
There's crit text too? It's not just a monetary value?
What planet are these guys on? What are we supposed to do, run it 
through a web translation engine?

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-17 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
Ian G wrote:
What is it you are going to put next to the
lock?  It seems to me that the statement is
potentially large and bulky...

The amount: ($1000) [8]
(where 8 represents a closed lock)

OK.  Now, the first issue there would be that
PayPal is not guarunteeing the $1000, so it
would need to have the CA listed there as
well, to avoid confusion.  (No bad thing!)
You could do half of what I suggested earlier
(and I think it was suggested that IE/Opera
do this) and put a Warning icon next to the
lock that was the same formfactor.  Clicking
would then bring up (any) critical display in
a generic form.

But if this practice becomes widespread, many sites would have warning 
icons. And an icon which signified "warning" would be unnecessarily scary.

If somebody is using a 'critical bit' then I think
we might be wise not to hide that.  To me, it's
pretty darn scary - as a security guy, I can't
think of anyway to ring fence it.  It's like saying
that any CA can issue a protocol-change without
review by the protocol people.
Also, any such icon wouldn't be much smaller than printing the limit.

If it is just the number, then fine.  This would
then leave us with the second issue, being the
cost of extracting the number and printing it.
But, can you draw the line in the sand?
What happens if   IangInsidiousIssues  sells
certs with the crit in it saying $100,000 but
inside the crit text, there is a caveat saying
that the limit only applies if spent in my
shop buying my goods?
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Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-17 Thread Gervase Markham
Ian G wrote:
What is it you are going to put next to the
lock?  It seems to me that the statement is
potentially large and bulky...
The amount: ($1000) [8]
(where 8 represents a closed lock)
You could do half of what I suggested earlier
(and I think it was suggested that IE/Opera
do this) and put a Warning icon next to the
lock that was the same formfactor.  Clicking
would then bring up (any) critical display in
a generic form.
But if this practice becomes widespread, many sites would have warning 
icons. And an icon which signified "warning" would be unnecessarily 
scary. Also, any such icon wouldn't be much smaller than printing the limit.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-14 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
Both of these are very difficult. I know that, as a user, if I want to 
buy £205 of books from Amazon, the fact that my browser has a little 
£200 displayed somewhere would make no difference whatsoever.

Yes.  Bear in mind that the requirement is
imposed on the CA, nobody else.  This is the
same convention I saw in cheque cards, where
the number 50 was often used to support
transactions up to maybe 200, etc.  It's the
choice of the merchant and consumer as to
what they do with the additional information
they have available to them.  The merchant
is not "required" to pay attention.
Also, what if the value is in euros, for example, and I'm in the UK, 
and the site accepts either currency? We may need to contact a 
currency conversion web service in order to make the UI meaningful. Or 
have the converted value as a tooltip.

Point.  People have tried this in the digital
currency world, and generally gone over to
a static conversion.  Dynamics cause too
many problems.  Unfortunately, a static
conversion makes no sense here as the
cert was created at least days ago...
For Firefox and Mozilla, it seems that the only sensible place to put 
it would be next to the lock in the status bar.

What is it you are going to put next to the
lock?  It seems to me that the statement is
potentially large and bulky...
You could do half of what I suggested earlier
(and I think it was suggested that IE/Opera
do this) and put a Warning icon next to the
lock that was the same formfactor.  Clicking
would then bring up (any) critical display in
a generic form.
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Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-14 Thread Gervase Markham
Nelson Bolyard wrote:
And, BTW, this applies to any use of these certs, not just https.
It also applies to POP, IMAP, SMTP, IMAP and whatever, when run over SSL.
So the UI challenge is greater than merely for the browser's chrome.
You're not kidding. This is a really nasty UI problem.
As there is no technical way of enforcing the limit, for enforcement to 
mean anything, we have to present the limit in the UI in a way which:

- allows the user to work out what it means
- convinces the user that they should not perform transactions greater 
than it

Both of these are very difficult. I know that, as a user, if I want to 
buy £205 of books from Amazon, the fact that my browser has a little 
£200 displayed somewhere would make no difference whatsoever.

Also, what if the value is in euros, for example, and I'm in the UK, and 
the site accepts either currency? We may need to contact a currency 
conversion web service in order to make the UI meaningful. Or have the 
converted value as a tooltip.

For Firefox and Mozilla, it seems that the only sensible place to put it 
would be next to the lock in the status bar.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-13 Thread Nelson B
The handling of critical extensions is an international standard.
I'm not asking you to tell me whether or not you think it is a
good idea for mozilla to follow that standard, though you seem
eager to opine on that subject.
I am asking the *UI czars* to consider dealing with standardized
security issues in the UI.
Nelson B
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-13 Thread Ian G
Nelson B wrote:
b) what should each application do about them? (this is obviously a set
of questions, one per application.)
...  The question then is, what
will the application(s) do with the info in this extension, if anything?
Now, recall that MoFo has no "security director" who decides how crypto
security policy affects UI.  And worse, it has no developer who is
actively working on the crypto UI (PSM is an orphan).  So, I am raising
the question that might otherwise be decided by that director or PSM
owner, if one existed.

I am hoping that the FireFox and ThunderBird UI czars will read this
thread in this group, and engage in discussion of this issue.
Ian, you've championed the idea of making crypto security less "binary"
in the UI, so I'd expect you to also like this idea, making a stated
limit of liability clear to the user whose money (and "security")
is on the line.

Well!  Many thoughts are bubbling away, and I might
be weeks away from feeling certain on this issue.  But,
here's some thoughts:
1.  The crypto layer really should be clean and sweet.
Taking responsibility for an open ended-policy feature
in certs would not seem to be in accord with that.
2.  The notion that someone can create a cert that has
a "break if you don't understand this" setting - the critical
bit - raises a whole host of security questions that I for
one do not see as answered.
Pausing for a moment here ... are these viewpoints that
the NSS team has already reached, and can be used
as "current viewpoints" ... or is there further debate?

3.  The policy question that is being asked - please
show the user this statement - seems to be quite a
reasonable one.  It is in line with current security
thinking that any security system has to consider
the user as an essential component in it.  What the
policy statement indicates fits well with that.
4.  In fact, the policy statement has simply been lifted
from standard european practice with cheque guaruntee
cards, I would guess.  There, to combat cheque fraud,
banks would issue plastic cards that had a value on
them that would guaruntee any transaction to that
amount as long as the shop copied the number onto
the cheque.  (I say European, I've only seen it in Britain).
5.  Giving the CA an ability to show some statement to
the user seems like a worthwhile goal.
6.  How this request comes about - the European legal
environment - raises some really interesting questions.
I'm hoping that any solution devised can be as neutral
as possible here.
7.  I read comment #17 in the bug report to say that
Opera and IE both take no action on the certs, other
than displaying the information if the user knows how
to dig that far.
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Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-13 Thread Ian G
Nelson B wrote:
There are two sets of questions before us regarding this new extension
and the "qualified statements" it contains.  they are:
a) what should NSS do about them?
In the cited bug, I have proposed to implement this extension in NSS
in a way that makes the support for this extension conditional on the
application that uses NSS.  As proposed, if the application that uses
NSS says to NSS, "Trust me, I handle this, you treat it as recognized
and supported", then NSS would do so.

I can't see that NSS can really do much more
than reveal the information.  As the critical
bit reaches well into the "policy & politics" layer
(shades of those old ISO 9 layer t-shirts) already,
most if not all of the action has to happen in the
One possibility is that there is some static flag
that is set by the application that says, if a critical
bit is set, then throw an exception.  The problem
with this is that even then, it has no meaning,
as the code that interprets the crit is almost
certainly in the application layer, and NSS does
not know what is up there.
One could talk about installing crit handlers
into NSS, but what are they to do?  What do
they have access to?  Drawing from my remarks
on the security implications of the critical bit
being used against the code, I suspect trying
to define the semantics of these handlers would
be a bit of a nightmare - shades of the Java
sandbox approach, which is vaguely workable
if you spend a lot of time on it, but nobody in
the serious security world that I know of thinks
it qualifies as security.
(I see that you are talking about just that in the
Bug posting...)
So if your API makes that information available
on request to the application, then that seems
about the right thing to do ... to me.  The alternate
that NSS should treat the crit as its _responsibility_
in terms of making decisions is troubling.
  The question then is, what
will the application(s) do with the info in this extension, if anything?

Which leaves open the question of what the
apps do.
PS: I seem to have shortened "critical bit" to
"crit" in the above...
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Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-12 Thread Nelson B
There are two sets of questions before us regarding this new extension
and the "qualified statements" it contains.  they are:
a) what should NSS do about them?
b) what should each application do about them? (this is obviously a set
of questions, one per application.)
In the cited bug, I have proposed to implement this extension in NSS
in a way that makes the support for this extension conditional on the
application that uses NSS.  As proposed, if the application that uses
NSS says to NSS, "Trust me, I handle this, you treat it as recognized
and supported", then NSS would do so.  The question then is, what
will the application(s) do with the info in this extension, if anything?
Now, recall that MoFo has no "security director" who decides how crypto
security policy affects UI.  And worse, it has no developer who is
actively working on the crypto UI (PSM is an orphan).  So, I am raising
the question that might otherwise be decided by that director or PSM
owner, if one existed.
I am hoping that the FireFox and ThunderBird UI czars will read this
thread in this group, and engage in discussion of this issue.
Ian, you've championed the idea of making crypto security less "binary"
in the UI, so I'd expect you to also like this idea, making a stated
limit of liability clear to the user whose money (and "security")
is on the line.
Please don't scare those UI czars away from this issue, or convince them
(by use of a dismissive attitude) that this isn't worth their consideration.
Thank you.
Nelson B
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-12 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Trying to accommodate the legal idiosyncrasy of one country or one group
of countries is an exercise in futility.  You can never conform to all
legislation everywhere, especially since different jurisdictions will
often have conflicting legislation.

Security should concentrate on keeping the product secure, not on
catering to every arbitrary legislative mandate made by every
jurisdiction in which the product might happen to be used.  I hope no
effort will be wasted trying to please EU legislators.


Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-12 Thread Ian G
That is a doozy!
Some points.  I don't really feel I've fully got to the
bottom of this issue, in the brief scanning, so these
are all highly debatable points.  Just to warn in
advance, they are primarily negative in direction.
1.  Critical bits are a can of worms.  They introduce
complexities that may be used against the software.
From my pov as a security guy, I see them as an
option to break security in the future.  I view them
distrust.  (All I really know about them is the debate
years back in the OpenPGP group where they decided
to discuss adding them, and there were no good
answers to concerns then.)
2.  Legislated crypto is probably bad law.  I'm not
really inclined to jump on the Larry Lessig "code
is law" bandwaggon here, but that's sort of where
this goes.  One has to establish that the law writers
knew what they were doing, and that's really hard.
And one has to establish that what they wrote made
sense, and that's even harder.  Not to mention, if
it made sense, why didn't we do it anyway, without
them making it law?  Anglo countries quite rightly
(IMO) ignored all the digsig laws, but the European
tradition is ... less humourous.
3.  If one country writes a law, this critical bit then
"becomes code."  That's the starting proposition.
But what happens if another country writes a law?
And another and another?  Can critical bits interfere
with each other?
Not only do critical bits allow anyone who issues certs
to raise all sorts of dilemmas, they at a minimum raise
a complexity issue that probably isn't justified by
their benefit to users.
4.  Some examples, ranging in ludicrosity (!):
4. a.  What happens if the FBI asks and Congress passes
a law that says that all certs now have to be escrowed,
and the critical bit set for all new escrowed certs?
4. b.  What happens if Verisign
decides that it is going to reissue all its certs according
to some law it found that said it should be paid extra?
4. c. Does this mean that CACert can go trawling thru
aussie law and find something to justify a critical bit?
4. d.  Does this mean I can become a CA, and issue
certs with critical bits that insist that my certs not
be used unless the user is shown the logo?
Obviously ludicrous examples!  But ... that's where this
thing might head.
5.  If you take *any* action at all .. that means you are
following the protocol or attempting to follow the
protocol.  If you get it wrong, you are now negligent.
Alternatively, if you take no action at all, then you
are not negligent, you just don't accept the contract.
As this involves money, and as the liability is clearly
present, this could get messy.  If a browser mucks it
up, and the CA gets sued, it could pass that across
to the browser manufacturer.

Having said all that, I'd say that you seriously think
about putting the "null" option on the table.  And
some variants of that.
The null option is to do nothing.  Leave it as it is.
So this cert with its critical bit gets rejected.  That's
actually the safest thing to do until all the angles are
analysed.  I think given the "Frank Hecker" sized
project here of figuring out all the angles here, that
might be the sensible short term course of action.
The near-null option would be to accept the cert,
and ignore totally the critical bits.  The rational for
this is that users want to see these certs, and the
law writers simply haven't paid you to write the code.
As a *thought* excercise by me, I might integrate
the critical bits into my branding CA notions this
way:  the cert is accepted, and the CA logo is shown
on the chrome.  Along side the CA logo is a hard red
warning sign like an (X).  Clicking on that brings up
a dialog (or changes the logo) to show the critical
bit markings.  No special code, just a read out of
what the critical bits are.  No active action, just a
hard red warning button beside the logo that the
user can click to see what it says.

I don't envy you guys on this one!
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