Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread fredvs
Hello Graeme.

In some GitHub C projects where I participate there are automatic reviews
and checks that must be ok before the pull-request is acceptable.

For example:

Do you know it it exists for fpc?

And is it useful?


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 14/04/2021 9:02 pm, fredvs wrote:
> Hum, yes, but then Graeme and I have to fight against each other to decide
> who takes the chair.

LOL - it is very good practice to always do code reviews, so I'm
definitely in agreement with Roland on this. Whoever reviews first
can commit it, but I feel you [Fred] are more the driving force of
MSEide+MSEgui these days. That's definitely a good thing by the way! :)


mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread fredvs
> > Ok, perfect, and after the pull requests, you may accept it!  ;-)

> Yes, I know I could, but I will let you (or Graeme) do it. 

Hum, yes, but then Graeme and I have to fight against each other to decide
who takes the chair.

And it is not the moment to create a second "sofagate".



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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread Roland Chastain
> Ok, perfect, and after the pull requests, you may accept it!  ;-)

Yes, I know I could, but I will let you (or Graeme) do it.

> Nice work Roland.

Thank you for the compliment. Glad that you like it. The style is the
default PasDoc style.

See you.

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland!

> I will do the fixes, but I prefer using a fork and doing pull requests. 

Ok, perfect, and after the pull requests, you may accept it!  ;-)

> You can take a look to the latest version of the tenumtypeedit page:

Wow, I like it very much and about the colors it very pleasant and clear.
Great also the images included.

Nice work Roland.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread Roland Chastain
Thank you Fred, for that reminder about git basics. :)

I will do the fixes, but I prefer using a fork and doing pull requests. I
already forked the repository:

I continued to work on MSE documentation (the PasDoc version and the fpdoc
version). You can take a look to the latest version of the tenumtypeedit

(I paste the link as "raw text", so it won't make a dead link, if ever i
change the name of the directory.)

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland.

Yes, it is still me.

IMHO, msestrings.pas (and others) should be fixed, like in the commit of

To do this, a short remembering how to push the fixes:

1) Clone the last mseide-msegui:

$  git clone

2) Go in that directory:

$ cd mseide-msegui

3) Add all the fixes and commit it:

$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "My fixes"

4) Push to

$ git push --all


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Ooops, in previous post:

> Could it be the same for msestrings.pas and a  _ "_ is missing after
> 'Integer' ?

Please read this:

Could it be the same for msestrings.pas and a  ";" is missing after
"Integer" ?


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Roland.

Did you see one of the last commits of Graeme in mseide-msegui?

Here his comment:

"Documentation generator detected the malformed syntax, which is now
corrected. Having a documentation generator is handy. ;-)"

Could it be the same for msestrings.pas and a  _ "_ is missing after
'Integer' ?

If so, maybe you will have other surprises in other methods.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland.

About http vs https, it seems that FireFox does not like http anymore and
set as insecure.

About converting your site into https, maybe this could help:

About fpdoc-generate doc, I have to jump into fpdoc.
(But, sadly, I have lot of work now).


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread Roland Chastain
I don't know Fred. I have asked the question on a forum, but didn't received
many answers.

About the fpdoc-generated documentation for MSEgui, I see that there are
errors during generation process. For example this one :

Parsing used unit "msestrings" with commandLine "..."
Error: ...msestrings.pas(285,1): Expected ";" at token "function" in file
...msestrings.pas at line 285 column 1
Ignoring error, continuing with next unit (if any).

function msecomparestr(const S1, S2: msestring): Integer
   {$ifdef FPC} inline; {$endif}
//case sensitive
function msecomparetext(const S1, S2: msestring): Integer // line 285

I could try to add -dFPC in the command line. But in a pinch (1), it is the
code that should be corrected: the semicolon should be placed outside the

(1) I don't have any idea of what a pinch is. This is what Google Translate
suggest me to say. :)

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-11 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland.

My knowledge in Web things is very poor, but I have seen that you use a
no-secured site: "http://; vs "https://;.

Maybe there is something to do with this.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-11 Thread Roland Chastain
Thank you for the information Fred. No idea of what happens. (I don't have
that problem here.)

I will make a research with the message that you received, to see if I find

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-11 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland.


Superbe, but I have a strange problem that I dont have with any other site.

If I click on something, there is that message:

"La requête ne peut aboutir

Le site à l’adresse a subi une
violation de protocole réseau qui ne peut pas être corrigée.

La page que vous essayez de voir ne peut pas être affichée car une erreur
dans la transmission de données a été détectée.

Veuillez contacter les propriétaires du site web pour les informer de ce

If I click a second time, the page appears.

This happens for all your pages here with Firefox (I did not try with other


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-11 Thread Roland Chastain
>  Maybe I will use french in the PasDoc doc.

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-11 Thread Roland Chastain
> > You can see the result here:
> >

> Wow, sincerely the most clear and beautiful doc I ever seen.

> Congrats. 

Thank you Fred. (I have just seen your message.) I was about to delete the
PasDoc pages (Graeme converted me to fpdoc), but since you like it, maybe I
will keep them. (But of course I will use for that a private copy of MSEgui

> So maybe it will be faster and easier to do all the work in french and let
> Google Translate do the translation. 

Yes, I also had this idea. But, after reflexion, I think I will fill the
documentation with Martin's messages, as Graeme started to do. My personal
contribution will be code examples.

Maybe I will use french in the PasDoc doc. That way everybody will be happy.

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 11/04/2021 1:40 am, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> You use the EXAMPLE tag inside an ELEMENT tag. Here is a
> complete ELEMENT example:

I forgot to mention, you can also use the CODE tag inside the
DESCR tag. Thus you don't have to use a external file for the
code example.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 10/04/2021 9:25 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> Please could you tell me how I can insert a Pascal code example?

You use the EXAMPLE tag inside an ELEMENT tag. Here is a
complete ELEMENT example:

The constructor for TfpgSystemTrayIcon
Modern operating systems usually provide a special area on the desktop,
called the system tray or notification area, where long-running applications
can display icons and short messages.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Roland Chastain
>MSEide+MSEgui's latest `master` now contains the fpdoc project file and the
> xml documentation - moved over from MSEUniverse repo.

The generated HTML is beau-ti-ful! Graeme, you did a great job. I looked
into the little XML files: I think I understood the principle.

Please could you tell me how I can insert a Pascal code example?

The idea to fill the documentation with Martin answers is a very good idea.

I think I will fork the repository and make pull requests for new XML files.



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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Roland Chastain
Thank you for your work Graeme. I downloaded the msegui.inf file and tested
the integration into MSEide. It is great!

Just a small detail. I didn't understand where the FPCHELP variable is
defined. So I did put the explicit path to the file, and it worked.

Thank you for the links to IPF specifications and examples.



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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 10/04/2021 4:03 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> I looked for IPF syntax guide and examples but didn't find many things.

I've included the official documentation from IBM inside the fpGUI

The file you'll be most interested in will be: IPFREF_v4.INF

The docview.inf file also contain a small section "For Authors and
Developers" on writing IPF files, but I would recommend the IBM
document instead. The latter has a LOT more detail.

There is much to read, but I would start with the following sections:

 * Starting with the Tag Language
 * Displaying Text and Graphics
 * IPF Tag Reference

The second section will probably be the most useful and then using the
Tag Reference to look up any other syntax and more options for each
tag syntax.

As I'm NOT using the IBM IPF Compiler, but rather the OpenWatcom IPF
Compiler, the symbols don't all have to be escaped as the IBM docs

fpGUI's repository contains more examples for you:

 * a Quick Guide to fpGUI (ebook) in /docs/quick_quide/
 * Various files in

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 10/04/2021 11:20 am, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Like advanced search, inline annotations,
> runtime or compile time Index page building, runtime concatenation of INF
> files, very compact binary format etc.

I've just tested fpdoc (from FPC 3.2.1) generating HTML, CHM and INF help as
final output. To give you an idea of how compact INF help is...

Using latest MSEgui `master` source code resulted in the following help
file sizes:

   HTML - 242.0MB
   CHM  -  10.2MB
   INF  -   4.3MB

The CHM content formatting looked really bad using KchmViewer, and KchmViewer
is actually a pretty good CHM viewer. Also doing two searches caused
KchmViewer to crash (reproducible multiple times). There is also no help
Table of Contents, or Index generated for CHM. That's an extra step and requires
even more effort and disk space.

MSEide+MSEgui's latest `master` now contains the fpdoc project file and the
xml documentation - moved over from MSEUniverse repo. I also created a INF
help file attached to the latest release on Github.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Roland Chastain
Thank you Graeme for having taken time to give all these informations.

I tried (successfully) to generate a documentation for a project I am
working on. I simply used fpdoc to generate the IPF. I haven't yet tried to
create a project. I will try later.

I looked for IPF syntax guide and examples but didn't find many things. (I
found an interesting tool, which is also able to generate IPF from its own
special text format.)

I am ready to start the french interface for DocView  (when you have time of
course). It will be the occasion to take it in hand.



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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 10/04/2021 9:34 am, Roland Chastain wrote:
> So, I have a fully functional *wipfc* + *docview* + *fpdoc* installation. :)

That's excellent news.

> 1. To generate the IPF for MSEgui, do you also use the XML?

fpdoc can generate documentation output only using the source code, but
then there wouldn't be any actual documentation content. Only skeleton
documentation showing the structure, classes, methods etc, but no actual

The XML is used to add the content to that skeleton documentation. So if you
create documentation about TButton.Caption in the XML, then when you generate
the fpdoc output, it will include the TButton.Caption content into the
generated docs.

The nice thing of fpdoc is that you don't have to document everything in
one go. You can do bits at a time, and slowly build up your documentation
over time.

> 2. Did you make the main XML file by yourself, using a script or something
> like that? And the little XML files, I imagine, in a text editor.

The XML required for fpdoc is very simple in layout. You don't need anything
fancy. I created a few code templates for MSEide. So I can quickly add a
new topic. It's the actual help content that takes long (or longer) to

I'll merge the current MSEgui docs I have shown into the master branch, as
well as the fpdoc templates I mentioned. I'll make sure to update a
README file with starting instructions.

> The IPF format is very nice. I can't wait to learn it. One could write a
> book (as you wrote somewhere) using that format, and view it with DocView.
> :)

It is indeed a very nice format. Back when I started researching
documentation formats for fpGUI applications, I spent 3 months trying various
help formats to see what they offer and how good their help viewers are.
IPF was created by IBM and is actually very powerful, without the verbosity
or complexity of HTML and CSS.

IBM wrote tons of massive ebooks and help with IPF, so it was a very well tested
format. It was also quick to integrate it into application help
using Object Pascal. DocView took some time to write, but the end result
was well worth it. It is so fast compared to Windows HLP or CHM viewers,
and has many more feature over those too. Like advanced search, inline 
runtime or compile time Index page building, runtime concatenation of INF
files, very compact binary format etc.

> When I have time, I will try to make a french version of DocView. Please
> tell me your ideas about the translation system that you would prefer.

fpGUI already has a defined translation system using Object Pascal's
ResourceStrings and .po files. Docview and other fpGUI applications can
load those .po files and start-up, or you can recompile the application
with a new default language - if you don't want the external .po files.
You can use any know PO editor, or do it by hand.

I'll make sure to extract the resource strings into an initial English
.po file, ready for more translations. The fpGUI library itself already
has French translations, so it's just the Docview resource strings that
will need translating.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland.

> (I noticed that I waste too much energy to find words in english. Maybe I
> will continue in french.) 

Same for me.  But I notice that Google Translate works much better from
French to English than English to French.

So maybe it will be faster and easier to do all the work in french and let
Google Translate do the translation.

This because all the words used for computing are in english and so Google
Translate will not translate it.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland!

> You can see the result here:

Wow, sincerely the most clear and beautiful doc I ever seen.



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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Roland Chastain
I continue to explore the features of PasDoc.

Here is my first comment:

{++ Component for editing a value of enumerated type. The @code(OnInit)
event can be used to import the different values of the type.
  @includeCode(../../../contributed/examples/tenumtypeedit1.pas) }
 tenumtypeedit = class(tcustomenumedit)

You can see the result here:

(I no longer can bear this mailing list. I think I will migrate to the
russian forum.)

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread Roland Chastain
Hello Graeme (and other)!

So, I have a fully functional *wipfc* + *docview* + *fpdoc* installation. :)

I tested IPF to INF conversion (with wipfc): OK.

I tested HTML doc for MSEgui generation (with fpdoc, using the XML files
that you provided): OK.

I tested your Lazarus demo, including an INF help. It's great! I will
certainly use it for future projects.

Two little questions, to be sure that I correctly understood all.

1. To generate the IPF for MSEgui, do you also use the XML?

2. Did you make the main XML file by yourself, using a script or something
like that? And the little XML files, I imagine, in a text editor.

The IPF format is very nice. I can't wait to learn it. One could write a
book (as you wrote somewhere) using that format, and view it with DocView.

When I have time, I will try to make a french version of DocView. Please
tell me your ideas about the translation system that you would prefer.
(Recently I discovered this one:  Lightweight Translation Manager



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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 09/04/2021 7:41 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> ... never really got into the habit of using it.

Integrate it into MSEide and reassign F1 to trigger help based on where
the edit cursor is.

Instructions are here:

I personally use the Free Pascal's RTL + FCL and fpGUI docs inside
MSEide - while I do coding. I can't remember every method or class.
;-) I also have a lot of personal notes or examples embedded inside my
docs (thanks to the feature from DocView).

The same can be done with RTL + FCL + MSEgui docs in INF format.
Though it would be much better if MSEgui was actually documented, but
we can hope that one day the community would band together on that
effort. [fingers crossed]


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread Roland Chastain
Hello Graeme!

Glad to read something from you. Thank you very much for informations and
links. I will study all.

In fact, I already have DocView installed (I even have a shortcut on my
desktop), but never really got into the habit of using it. I remember I
failed to generate by myself the documentation. I will give another try.

By the way, the latest version of PasDoc allows to use external files.

Anyway, it's something that I do for myself. If it isn't useful, it won't
hurt. :)



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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 09/04/2021 12:35 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> I am playing with the latest release of PasDoc. 

Not again! This has been raised so many times over the years. Martin (and I)
full agreed that PasDoc is not the way to go, because it requires the
source code to be bloated with documentation and code examples.

A better alternative:
* "fpdoc" comes standard with FPC.
* It supports multiple output formats.
* Is very well supported.
* And most importantly, supports external documentation (not included
  in the source code files).

I've already started fpdoc based documentation back in 2015 to show Martin
and the MSEide+MSEgui community. But the uptake of somebody actually
writing the documentation has never happened. I only use the IDE of
this project, so was not going to consume all my time learning MSEgui,
just to document it. However, I did put some time into it:

In the above like I did the following:
* Created a fpdoc project file. Makes things so much easier than
  adding all those command line parameters in manually.
* Created documentation for 3 MSEgui units
* Found existing txt based documentation and moved what I could
  understand to the XML format.
* Generated INF binary help output to show usage with DocView.

I thought this would be a good enough proof of concept.

You can read all about it here (mailing list archive), with screenshots.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 09/04/2021 12:35 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> I am playing with the latest release of PasDoc. 

And I forgot to mention in my previous message, the fpdoc HTML output
doesn't have to look as ugly as the default FPC docs does. It's fully
customisable using CSS.

Here is fpGUI's Class docs generated as HTML, as an example of how it
can look different:

A specific method:

Main index:

The above docs were generate quite a while back. I believe the newer
fpdoc now supports built-in search capability too. Hence I always used
INF + DocView for searching and inline annotations/comments in my


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread Patrick

On 4/9/21 8:29 AM, fredvs wrote:

Example: application.checkwindowname vs Application.CheckWindowName.

But this is taste and using only lowercase looks maybe more pro.

Personally I use Uppercase for the beginning of words in all my projects.

It is definitely clearer to me when reading code to be able to quickly 
distinguish individual words.


mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread fredvs
Re hello Roland.

About taste and color.

Martin uses for all msegui methods lowercase.

Of course it is faster to write but, imho, to read, like in a doc, using
some uppercase make it clearer.

Example: application.checkwindowname vs Application.CheckWindowName.

But this is taste and using only lowercase looks maybe more pro.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland!

Houlala, beautiful!

Of course it will be very useful (once filled).


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