Re: NOVAXIS scsi and general questions added! HELP!

1999-02-20 Thread Maico Arts

 Van: Manuel Bilderbeek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Talking about SCSI interfaces:
 Which one is better: HSH or Gouda 1.001? (I can choose
I think Gouda, its faster and electronically stronger than
the HSH. (I
broke a HSH after 1/2 year use and using Gouda now for over
2 years)

It is still based on the same controler: I have 3 gouda's, 2
of them heve been broken at least once! (controller
problems).  Mari van den Broek has  (or had) a HSH with no
problemes at all.

 What's the story about SCSI terminators?
Leave terminators on interface and last device in the
chain, the rest no

That is the way it should be!

 What harddisks can I connect?
Everything: ZIP, JAZZ, Bernouli, Syquest, CD-ROMs every
capacity harddisk
with a 50 pin cable or any other with the appropriate
changer. No more than 7 devices, including controller. (You
can connect
tapestreamers, DAT drives, scanners, etc, but there is no
software to use
them, but they still work)

on MSX it is even possible to connect a second computer to a

 Do I always need a seperate powersupply for a harddisk?
Only if the drive is relative new or for use in Laptops
(e.g. Quantum LPS
I had one of those drives build into a Phillips 8250 with
no problems.

I asume you mean: if the harddisk doesn't need to much
power. But why connect the harddisk inside the computer?
Then your dos2 and scsi controller should be inside too! And
that is not going to be easy.

 Is DOS2 built in in one of these interfaces?
In HSH, no. In Gouda, yes in MK, yes but not all of them.

In the Gouda there is no DOS2 present!!
these are able to use the dos2 build in the computer,
regardless in which sub-slot DOS2 is placed. if you have a
hsh, then dos2 must be in a lower slot then the
hsh-cartridge itself. This also counts for the older
mak/green interfaces. The gouda uses in Turbo-R the build in
dos2, for MSX2 it should do either, but I am not sure (lets
try at the fair)

 If so, does it give a problem since I already have DOS2
built in my MSX?
no, one will shut off the other.

the first one will be used (in a lower slot)

 Any useful answers will probably be put in The Ultimate

Ask and you will get an answer if I can give you one

Maico Arts
Isabella van Portugalstraat 9
5346 PJ  OSS
the Netherlands
tel: +31-412-690757
fax: +31-412-690432
(using just one address is enough)

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Re: English Snatcher

1999-02-20 Thread Rieks W. Torringa


Does anybody know, what the current state of the
SNATCHER-translation is? Two years ago Oasis
announched this tranlation available for Zandford 97.

Well, the last thing I heard about it, was that it has been 
completed for a certain part, but that there were some 
troubles within Oasis with dividing the translation work.
After that, I haven't heard anything about it.

That was the last time I heard anything of Oasis.
I think, I heard sone rumors about a spanish version.
Can anybody confim this?

Haven't heard about a Spanish one, but it could very well
be possible, as there have been more games translated in

If a spanish version exits, it should be posible to
translate this one rather than then the japanese one.

I don't know. Ofcourse there 'll be more people to understand
Spanish than Japanese, but the amount of texts remains to be
the same. But who knows what 'll happen.


Herbert Kloseck

Herbert Kloseck #   University Of Dortmund
   # #  LS7: Computer Graphics
   # #  D-44221 Dortmund
 #  #   Germany


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Re: DS: English Snatcher

1999-02-20 Thread Rieks W. Torringa


Sargon has finished an English translation of Fire Hawk
We are now Working on Randar 2, and maybe we will translate Psycho 
World and
Randar 3 as well

Yups... As I am the one who will try to do so (and already finished 
Randar 2 was almost finished, but my harddisk felt the necessity to 
and wipe all the data away. I haven't tried to restore it yet, but I 
don't know
if it will succeed...


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Re: English Snatcher

1999-02-20 Thread Rieks W. Torringa


Second reason is that Oasis' way of translating is using a hex editor. 
method is not practical for a complex game like Snatcher.

Do you know a better (or:more comfortable) way to translate Japanese 
games ?
I, too, want to translate Japanese games (already have translated 
Firehawk and
Randar 2, but with the last one my HD crashed...) and I hate working 
with HEX-
editors, but I don't know another way... And sometimes, you aren't even 
to find the text back on the disk (Super Cooks, Madoumonogatari 1-2-3, 
example)... Do you have any tips ?


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Re: English Snatcher

1999-02-20 Thread Rieks W. Torringa


I'd preferred they would translated Emerald Dragon and/or Xak I 
instead of all this mess. 

Does anybody know if these rumours of Xak 1 already being translated
by someone are just rumours or truth ? If nobody is translating Xak 1,
I might take a look (but perhaps the insertion of English texts gives 
problems - this is my main problem at the moment).


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Re: AW: English Snatcher

1999-02-20 Thread Rieks W. Torringa


I only have an english version of Disc 1, which has only the demo
translated. That's all I know about it. Too bad, because it's a fine
game, I think. Judging from the story of SD Snatcher and I tried a
fighting scene once, it's a bit like the fighting in SD Snatcher.

Yes... I myself have played the PSX version (which is faster than the
MSX-version, has better graphics and more readable kanji) to a certain
point (I guess one third or so) and I, too, think Snatcher is very nice.
In Japan it has been very popular, too. They even now release trading
cards of Snatcher. The storyline follows SD-Snatcher a little, but
now and then tends to differ completely. Anyway, I guess it would be
nice if the translation should have been completed. I myself study
Japanese and therefore am able to get the point in most texts (as I
am only second year, my Japanese is still far from perfect, but with
a dictionary I'm able to translate most game-texts as they generally
aren't that complicated) and I can only say that I guess everybody 
be able to understand...


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Re: New program - New home page update!

1999-02-20 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 01:27 PM 2/19/99 +0100, you wrote:

Such stupid name hides a useful program: it enables you to create empty disk
image files of ANY lenght, from 10K to 32500K, as well as standard 1DD and
2DD disk image files. Of course with valid initialized boot sector  FAT.

I made something like that as well. My program creates disk images from a
list of files, which are placed in the disk image.
But I have a problem: the DiskROM expects the directory to be located in
sector 7. If you make a really big disk, the FAT becomes larger and sector
7 will be part of the FAT. Although it is possible to set the starting
sector of the directory in the boot sector, the DiskROM ignores this

If you know of a way to fix this, I will be very grateful.


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About Snatcher...

1999-02-20 Thread Konami Man

Just a crazy idea: maybe instead of translating Snatcher, it is a better
idea to capture graphics and reprogram the whole game with english texts?
Such type of game has not a very complicated programming structure...
besides musics can be converted to Moonsound for example! 8-)

Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v
 Itsumo MSX user

Test NestorBASIC!!

  *** Windows emulator for MSX error #34: ***
  No failures, System works!!

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Re: MSX-ATA-IDE Presentation

1999-02-20 Thread jalanc

Hi all!
This is the first time that I write here, so this pretends to be a kind of
presentation about me.

I'm Jose Antonio, from Spain. And I hope to get fun here.
If you want to know more about me, you only need to ask. :)

 / Well, let's go with some questions (today only one ;) ***/

I have an MSX-ATA-IDE interface in my MSX2+, and I only know one program
to run disk images: Start v 1.3
It work fine, but with some kind of disk images, like done from disks that
start with MSX-DOS, or MicroCabin games it seem to crash.

Anybody knows others programs to launch disk images using a MSX2 and an
Ide interface? 
This question I do it mainly because Start is older then the IDE
interface, so perhaps exist another programs like this one.

Thanks. ;)

Greetings for all people in R34.MSX (and you)

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Finland ?

1999-02-20 Thread Frengo

Hi all,

Do you know if there are people from Finland subscribed to the mailing list ?

by Frengo

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Re: Finland ?

1999-02-20 Thread Kari Lammassaari

Do you know if there are people from Finland subscribed to the mailing list ?

Yes, several, but I let them to announce themselves.

Why You need this information ?

I am Kari Lammassaari
 - MSX'er from 1985 :-)
 - Turbo Pascal inc's foe everyone (Now my work for Manuel is stalled, but
I'll be back)

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Re: New program - New home page update!

1999-02-20 Thread Alex Wulms

] At 01:27 PM 2/19/99 +0100, you wrote:
] Such stupid name hides a useful program: it enables you to create empty disk
] image files of ANY lenght, from 10K to 32500K, as well as standard 1DD and
] 2DD disk image files. Of course with valid initialized boot sector  FAT.
] I made something like that as well. My program creates disk images from a
] list of files, which are placed in the disk image.
] But I have a problem: the DiskROM expects the directory to be located in
] sector 7. If you make a really big disk, the FAT becomes larger and sector
] 7 will be part of the FAT. Although it is possible to set the starting
] sector of the directory in the boot sector, the DiskROM ignores this
] information.

] If you know of a way to fix this, I will be very grateful.
You can try to use MSXDOS2. On my harddisk, the root directory for example 
starts at sector 25. Not at sector 7.

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: MY story! 8-)

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

Just a comment about new hardware: I'm really happy with my moonsound, but
don't intend to buy a GFX9000 at all. Why? Apart from a demo of Xtazy and a
BMP viewer, I haven't see ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for this graphic card! Where
are the games for GFX9000? Where are the utilities for WIOS? What happens??

Today, at the fair in Nistelrode, I saw Erik Maas working with his Gfx9000.
He had made a top secret preprepreversion of a game for it (an aleste-like
shooter in space) which looked really cool. And the most fabulous thing was
that it only used sprites (even for the stars)! So he can very easily let a
background scroll at the background (which can actually be very large when
using patterns or the scrollregisters etc.)... He says it is far from
finished but I think it isn't. Just because he uses the very-easy-to-use
Gfx9000. If I had made Strategic Army for the Gfx9000 using the P1 modus, it
would have been ready now!!! (well ok, maybe not...).

Also cool: you an let the other VDP display statistics. In example some cool
text while you are playing on the gfx, or some nice debug-things. He (Erik)
had a speed-o-meter to diplay the time the routine took, for example...
Strategic Army loads while displaying a graphic screen. If the computer
hangs while loading, it's quite hard to trace where it hangs, because it's
not that easy to put text on a graphical screen. Using a Gfx9000 I can let
every part of the routine just display debug-text on the 'old' VDP using
simple Bdso-calls...

Now I've seen all this I really want a Gfx9000 (as soon as I've got the


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Re: tape storage details

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

Can anyone point me to or give me details of tape storage ?
I'm interested in file headers, bit representation and possible use of 
parity or CRC.

You can find those details in MSX Technical Handbook (chapter 5 if my
memory don't fails). You can donwload it from my home page.

You can also hack the BIOS...


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Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

Yes, and therefore I'd like to see a Moonblaster version with 18 wave
channels and 6 FM channels. Just to have that great plucked and synth bass

Make that 24 Wave and 18 FM channels... :)


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Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

I personally prefer the FM sound over the wavetable, because you can
manipulate and create weird effects with it. It's like analogue and
digital synthesisers. People created digital synths to make the sounds
more realistic and close to the original, but then they realised the
analogue sounds are much more sounds of their own in stead of (for
example) a violin. The same can be said about FM and wavetable. It all
depends on what you prefer: realistic sounds or self made sounds.

FM-sounds can sound really good without getting large.


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

I read (nearly) all the messages from the last time...
- Oh my god! I really miss  mails refering to (program-) technical

So - lets start a "serious" thread...   ;cP


DOS 2  memory
I found out that the DOS2 page-switch routines are
kinda slow. Does anybody know a simple, "legal", and
compatible way to speed up those bottlenecks?

Compatible, because I dunno how many different versions
of DOS2 are in use. - And I want it to work with every
kind of DOS2.

The segment number Dos2 returns is the same as the MemMap page-number.
Therefor, you can use the number you get if you allocate a page with OUT
(#FC-#FF). It is illegal (ofcourse), but it works. This way you an also
switch away page 3. But beware: If you set pages this way and you want to
read from disk to that page the Bdos sets the old page he's got in his
table. Really, these routines are made as fast as possible, so don't worry
about speed. And if you do use the thing stated above, take care...

Oh - another question comes in mind:
In DOS1 you are not allowed to "ask" the outs (#fe...) about
the page number which they may contain.

You can't. Just use the pages starting with 0. So if you need 96k then use
pages 0-5...

- How will I know which ones are selected?
- Is there a _STANDARD_ definition which
   memmaps are selected after the bootstrap?

In dos1, the following table is valid:
-3FFF: page 3
4000-7FFF: page 2
8000-BFFF: page 1
C000-: page 0

In Dos2 you should request the segment-nrs. using Get_Seg.

DOS2 and Interrupts:

I want to redirect the standard-interrupt (with use of
IMx). Will I get troubles if there is NO(!) ROM selected
in page0/1 the whole time? - I dont wanna load in this
situation, only wanna switch mem...

You probably won't get problems.
However, in Dos it is easiest to replace the bytes at adress #38, for
example putting a JP Interrupt there. In Basic, it is -to my opinion- better
if you swith away the ROM, however you could also set the other interrupt
mode (mode 2?) in which the high byte of the adress of a jumptable is set in
the I-register and the low byte of the adress is determined by the devie.
For example, set I to #C0, and then fill adresses #C000-#C0FF with words of
the adress the interrupt should jump to (yes, indeed, the device can only
set odd adresses) (there are no devices delivering this lower byte of the
adress on the MSX. So #C000 can be assumed as the set adress. However, it is
still safe to fill the omplete 128 words with the right value, just in

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Re: Your typical MSX history hardware setup

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst


I was born in 1982.

My father used to have a MSX1 (The Yamaha CX-5 (I believe), that music
computer... He sold it @$%^!!!). Sometimes I played a game on it but not
very oftern... I was still very young. I still remember the tapes... I was
sitting in front of the computer and my father said I had to wait for a
while before I could play the game.

After that he bought a Philips VG8235, and later a Philips NMS8255 (the
cover says 8250 but there is a stiker on the back calling it a 8255!!! Well
it had two drives so...).

At the first "user happening" he bought a Sanyop Wavy 70FD MSX2+...

Now he has a PC and my sis has the 8235 and I have the rest. I have later
bought a Philips VG8245 ("om te slopen") and a Sony HitBit 75P.

My current set is:
- MSX2+ Upgrade to 128k
- MSX2 upgrade to 7MHz
- MoonSound
- FM stereo PAK
- Korean FM-Ship
- Toshiba Music Module w/keyboard (Damn NWO support it, support it!!!)
- Toshiba MusMod working on 7MHz and with 32k sample-Ram.
- Broken MK SCSI-interface (but still with Dos2 working)
- B.E.R.T. SCSI-interface w/ 2 HDs total space 140MB
- 2MB Memory Mapper
- Barcode reader (Philips)
- Broken RS232 interface (Philips)
- MT Telcom 2 RS232-addition (however without the original modem :)
- Philips modem with RS232 built-in
- A set of 2 wireless joysticks.

and probably more...

Home-made stuff:
- Half-finished RC5 remote control transmitterreceiver
- Simpl (Covox D/A converter for printer port in a matchbox -used to be made
on a toilet paper cylinder-...)
- 2-computer JoyNet connector...

I have programmed some editions of Track (diskmag) and also some
music-discs; Overload (of Datax, my club. It was a moonsound-musicdisk while
I had no MoonSound!!! I sometimes still wonder why it worked...), and Music
Maniac 2 (of Kenda).

Last year, my father surprised me with a f7.50 priced F1-Spirit from a
'rommelmarkt'. Well that was because the guy removed the ROM so that he had
a SCC-cartridge... tsk tsk tsk...

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Re: Speeding up novaxis SCSI

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

I will make a driver for this so you simple run the program and it
will do
the rest.
There is a lot to improve in this rom The man used a lot of JR's
of JP (If no jump is made then JP is faster)

Greetings Marcel Delorme

Great Marcel, but don't forget your MBWAVE-project, hey!! :)

Umm Marcel, question: if I take the part of MoonSoft's MBWAVE-sources which
deals with the reading of the Philips Keyboard, and I modify it for use with
the Toshiba-keyboard, would you want to implement it???


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Re: IDE Problem

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

hi all,

is this problem also known with the Bert SCSI interface ??

IS there a problem with the Bert SSI-interface???


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Re: dd-graph/age cmp format

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

Wasn't there something in MILC about this???


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Re: New program - New home page update!

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

Cas Cremers wrote:
Hi people! In my home page you can find a new program I developped


give this man a cigar!

What is the utility of this? You surely have loads of MSX1 and/or MegaROM
games which needs disk image files to execute, and you have a collection
2DD disk image files storing it. Well, imagine for example to create a
image file of about 5M and put all your konamis on it... ;-)

or emulate a harddisk!

Haya Cas!!!
I can imagine your *big grin*, in fact I'm having one on my face too right
KonamiMan... The name you gave to this program is ***totally*** wrong!!!
But believe me... Cas is very happy with you!

Cas... I think this is worth more than a *big grin*. Make the man happy.
Give him a 1000 dollars (or guilders) (or pesetas) (or lires) (or


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Re: Old Skool Drawing...

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

 Has anyone ever seen the package from DD-Graph?

If you mean "who has got all programs provided with the DD-Graph package"
then I think I can help you out.


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Re: Refreshed!!!

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

A lot of people replied my letter about the R register
(flash trivia: did you know that Spectrum programmers thought
it was a "secret register"? I'm not kidding and have no idea
where they got that notion...) The use of it as a random number
generator is obvious (if not read too often, of course). Setting
it up, though, seems a dangerous operation on some computers...
Maybe it could be used for... Crashing the computer? Genetic
algorithms with real random mutations? Some kinds of computer

I was wondering: does the R-register still have its function on the R800 or
the Z380, I mean does it still change continuously??? I heard something...


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Re: New program - New home page update!

1999-02-20 Thread Konami Man

But I have a problem: the DiskROM expects the directory to be located in
sector 7. If you make a really big disk, the FAT becomes larger and sector
7 will be part of the FAT. Although it is possible to set the starting
sector of the directory in the boot sector, the DiskROM ignores this

(!OO) I did not know it! Maybe this is the reason because I have problems
with a 5M disk image! Emulating it under DOS1, some files give a "Disk I/O
error" when accessing it. Anyway, a "files" command gives all the filenames

If you know of a way to fix this, I will be very grateful.

A way to fix it? Make bigger clusters (more sectors per cluster than
normal), so FAT will not grown... this should work! With 3 sectors per FAT,
1022 cluster are available; with 64 sectors per cluster, we have a maximum
disk size of about 32M. Try it!

Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v
 Itsumo MSX user

Test NestorBASIC!!

  *** Windows emulator for MSX error #34: ***
  No failures, System works!!

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English Snatcher

1999-02-20 Thread jam

Hi, Herbert:

 HK Does anybody know, what the current state of the
 HK SNATCHER-translation is? Two years ago Oasis
 HK announched this tranlation available for Zandford 97.

Oasis left MSX translations one or two years ago. I'm afraid Snatcher
translation is not finished :(

 HK I think, I heard sone rumors about a spanish version.
 HK Can anybody confim this?

It is not true. Some spanish people tried to translate this game, but they said
that it's very difficult due to many programation troubles. It is easier to
re-make the original game using the original graphics and musics.

 HK If a spanish version exits, it should be posible to
 HK translate this one rather than then the japanese one.

It would be nice :)

Jose Angel Morente

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