1999-03-17 Thread MARUJO

>>On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Alwin Henseler wrote:
>> (this is not via the MSX mailing-list)
>But it shouldn't be any problem if it was via the list. 

I agree.

>> Thank you for your clear, and complete description.
>> Based upon this, I am one of those people that COULD build a MegaRAM, 
>> or make a new/different design of it, if I wanted to.
> That's great! It's becoming hard to find MSX people who handles 
>with hardware nowadays.


My project with MegaRAM uses a double-bank  of  mapped 
registers (16 bytes select ever 8kb block).

>> Okay, you can use it as a RAM expansion. But doesn't the MSX have a 
>> thing called a memory mapper for that purpose?

>Yes, but I think I already said that Megaram was born earlier than Memory
>Mapper. When Memory Mapper was created, I didn't want to buy because I
>already had Megaram.

Reference for Mapped circuits are available on Elektor
Electronics Magazine. Principles of mapper are publis-
hed by brazilian Elektor  on  july'1986.  The  article 
name is "Eprom Expansions".

>> BTW. my question was just out of curiosity. I've heard this MegaRAM 
>> mentioned earlier, but what was it? How does it work? 
>That's the idea!

 -EXACTLY what memory ranges do these blocks occupy?
>>> There are blocks in the area 4000h-5FFFh, 6000h-7FFFh, 8000h-9FFFh and
>>> A000-BFFFh.

Graphic block diagram is:


   | h-3FFFh || | 4000h-5FFFh |   Block 0
   +-+  --+ +-+
   | 4000h-7FFFh |  | 6000h-7FFFh |   Block 1
   +-+  +-+
   | 8000h-BFFFh |  | 8000h-9FFFh |   Block 2
   +-+  --+ +-+
   | C000h-h || | A000h-BFFFh |   Block 3

>I'm sorry, I had forget this detail about Megaram: Megaram has only 4
>registers for block numbers.

Yes. Four registers of 8bit.

>This implies that, when you select a block
>over page 0, it will be selected on page 2, too. The same is valid for
>page 3, that acts on page 1, too.

The most mysteriuos MegaRAM's feature is the mirror :)
MSB of address bus (A15) is ignored by MegaRAM!

>So, you can use Megaram on page 0 and page 3, but when you're in "block
>select mode" 

IN A, (8Eh)

>and do a LD A,04h / LD (h),A the block 4 is selected for
>the area h-1FFFh and also for 8000h-9FFFh.

If Slot (and sub-slot) Register are  enable  for  same
cartridge. If not, you can select  and  read/write  on 
this 1st address, but not read/write on mirrored.  

You can use 4 MegaRAM for every 16kb on same computer,
1st MegaRAM on  0-3FFFh, 2nd on  4000h-7FFFh,  3th  on 
8000h-BFFFh, and 4th on C000h-h.  The  (8Eh)  port  
sets "block select/read mode" when OUT, or "write/read
mode" when IN.

The same mechanic is used for "MegaRAM Disk" cartridge
on  (8Fh)  port,  for  enable  internal  DiskROM   for 
RAMDISK emulation.

> The opposite is also valid,
>when you do a LD A,04h / LD (8000h),A the block 4 is selected for the area
>8000h-9FFFh and also for h-1FFFh. That's exactly what you said about
>many Megaroms (the most part of Konami ones).

Mirror or "shadow" is the best name for ?

>I had forget to explain. Megaram can be read and written in pages 0 and 3,
>and can also be "block-selected", but with the mirror effect over the
>pages 2 and 1.

MegaRAM can be read on all addresses. 
Write is possible only when R/W mode is enable, other-
wise block  select  is  acessible  when  "write"  page 
number over data area.

>> Second, if write-enable or block-switch state is undefined after a 
>> reset,

No. The mode  is  undefined  when  computer   startup, 
after reset none changes are made on this register.

>> it could ofcourse be in write-enable state at the time of 
>> reset, and behaving as normal RAM then, be detected as such (be it 
>> at 4000-BFFFh only).

Yes, will be detected as normal RAM. But how much  RAM
is found depends of registers value.

>But that's a good question! The computer could think that it's a normal
>RAM if the state is "write enable mode" while the slots are being scanned.
>I don't know how to answer your question, I guess that the start-up state
>should be "block select mode", but I'm not sure.

No changes are made when startup sequence begins. 
MegaRAM are "RESET-insensitive". See technical informa
tion and electrical diagram on CPU MSX Magazine nr 35.

>> Not at all: it makes sure that you have trouble with programs, that 
>> were written by some eggheads/stupids, that don't how to program in 
>> the first place.


>> For mapper size detection, I have seen things like:
>> OUT (port),xx
>> IF IN (port)=yy THEN "big enough" ELSE "not big enough mapper"
>I have never seen such a stupidity!

Registers aren't user RAM memmory. 
Registers only controls expanded address bus!

> Simple and good method

Re: AW: AW: English Snatcher

1999-03-17 Thread MaurĂ­cio Braga

Rieks W. Torringa escreveu:

> >The problem is that the taxes are too high. I mean, most of times, you
> will pay
> >US$ 20 just to send US$ 10 to someone from Brazil to Netherlands. And i
> didn't
> >even mentioned the time it will take for the software to travel from
> Netherlands
> >to Brazil by ship (2 or 3 months). Using  credit cards would be easier
> and
> Well, air mail also exists. It's a little more expensive, but when
> sending just a disk
> there isn't this much difference (I use to send everything I send from
> here (Japan)
> to The Netherlands by airmail).

Altough air mail is fast, it's too expensive. I use to buy books and CD's in the
net, and the price to send it by air mail would be too expensive if you're buying
only 1 or 2 cd's. And besides, why use our money with mail when we could use it to
buy more msx stuff, receiving them by e-mail?

> >cheaper. if he send it to me by e-mail, i could buy and receive it in
> no more than
> >2 days! (time needed to check the number of the card before sending the
> >software).
> Well, for me MSX and the like is some kind of hobby. We like doing
> things with
> MSX and so. If there was a possibility of easily installing a system
> like this, I guess
> it's okay. But I have very little knowledge of Internet (as it doesn't
> really have my
> special interest) and of foreign money flows (I always hated economics).

Someone here pointed to a site that could solve our problems. Check it and tell me
what do you think about it:

> That's why
> I don't really feel inspired to check it all out, I'm sorry. I guess
> there are some
> other ways, e.g. a club in Brazil importing larger amounts of
> software...

I talked with our local dealer in Brazil, and he explained that he can't import
larger amounts of software because the sales wouldn't be that good, so he would
loose money. And that's the problem: altough people from Brazil wouldn't buy
thousands of copies from a software, 15 or 20 copies would help someone to produce
more softwares. He wouldn't get rich, but it would help.


Mauricio Braga.

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Re: 64K VRAM?

1999-03-17 Thread shevek

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz wrote:

> How can 64kb of RAM be memory mapper? Memory Mapper with only 4 memory
> blocks is a bit unuseful!

Not at all. With a mapper every 16kB page can be switched on , 4000,
8000 or C000. This is useful for example when you want to use a lot of
memory under BASIC. You can lift the bottom of your program to C000 (F676
if I remember correctly) and then use page 2 as data-area. With a 64kB
mapper this still gives you 48kB to use, in stead of the 16kB you would
have without a mapper.


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Re: Linux 4 MSX????

1999-03-17 Thread shevek

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro wrote:

> At 22:47 16/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
> >
> >On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro wrote:
> >
> >>Well, I'll start a group to develop Linux 4 MSX
> >
> >What? 
> >I'm a linux user too.
> >But it's a pity that our Z80 hasn't multiprocess features.
> Sure, but there isn't any problem to do a multitask Unix system... =)

That is true, but you can't really prevent a crash. What would a
multitsker do against one of its program doing:
With no non-maskeble interrupts (Z80 has them, but MSX doesn't), it is
impossible to get out of the loop, except with a reset... So a multitasker
on MSX probably couldn't even stand a comparison with W95, which imo means
it's really bad


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Re: C

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Casali

I think to have this programm...


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MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread jam

Hola, Marco Antonio

 >> R-type, Dragon Slayer 4, Nemesis 3, Out Run . A lot of them!
 >> But  I can't remember if these cracks need 64KB or 128KB of RAM
 >> ... But ..Note that these megaroms are 2Mbit or 3 Mbit sized!
 MP> Are there some sites where we can download them?

I have made a CD with the Martos conversions and with my ROM version of more
than 500 games (including disk and tape games). Itsn't online yet, but I would
like to put it on soon.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada
... A long long time ago, planet Gradius was involved in three space wars .

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MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread jam

Hola Marco Antonio:

 >> would not have SCREEN 7 and SCREEN 8, not even a single page,
 >> because VRAM timing requires two RAM ICs connected. Does anyone know
 >> if machines with 64K VRAM were ever actually made?
 MP> I have never seen a MSX2 with less than 128kb of VRAM.

Mitsubishi ML-G1 is a nice example ..

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada

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Re: C

1999-03-17 Thread Gerald Stap

Stefano Fronteddu wrote:
> I know that for a lot of you this is a stupid question, but I need an
> answer.
> I've already visited MSX FAQ ... C on funet is ASCII C ? If not where can I
> find this language ? I need it to study it, I've downloaded a good manual,
> but I can't start without the language.
> Thanks to all,
>   Stefano

If you want to learn C ASCII-C is a bad place to start.
ASCII-C is a subset of C. And the libraries aren't that compatible with
most common pc c-compilers. It doens't support floating point, bit
structures, prototyping and many other thing found in a normal modern
c-compiler. Function definitions work on the old 'Kernighan and Ritchie'
way which means that instead of:

int func(int a, int b)

you get

int func(a,b)
int a,b;

And this is not so common nowadays.

If you discard all above the only advantage to ASCII-C is that it is
partly dos 2.20 compatible and produces the fastest code of all
c-compilers on msx (e.g. it doesn't rely heavily on the use of index
registers, it uses the sp instead).

If you want to learn clean c and you really want to do it on msx
use hisoft-c or hi-tech c instead. They are much more compatible and
portible with what's out there (although the code they produce is crap!)


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread benjamin B

[bit off-topic, but hey...]
Hey Roberto!

Nice to see you here!


Sander Zuidema

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Roberto Pinna

> > >BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
> > >had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?

Nonsense. all those MSX2 computers had (and have) mappers... even
the 64KB machines.
The 8235 also has a mapper... it has 128KB RAM on board. I suppose you
mean the 8230 with 64KB?... Well, guess yep, it also has a mapper.
On some machines the mapper registers ($FC to $FF) can't be read (write
only), but it's still mapped RAM.

I agree there are add-ons for MSX that aren't standard (eg. MSX-Audio,
which was skipped because of the high price, else it would have been
built into every MSX2 and higher).

Mappers on the MSX2 are as standard as the V9938


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Edwin Ploegsma

> >BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
> >had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?
> Memory Mapper is part of the MSX2 standard.
So the NMS 8220 e.d. where not part of the MSX2 standard ?

grtx, Edwin Ploegsma

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Alwin Henseler wrote:

> > > > Yes, no problem. About emulation, BrMSX already emulates some Megaram
> > > > models.
> > > So I noticed. I just wondered what the use was (still do I think).
> > > After all: you can run modified MegaROMs in it (or originals, with 
> > > the right loader), but what's the use if the emulator can emulate the 
> > > original MegaROM itself?
> > 

The MegaRAM was not added to BrMSX to improve game play.
Instead, I added it as a development tool.

I don't know what is your opinion, but I think it's much better to
develop programs in an emulator than in the real machine. I can compile
large files very fast in the PC, using a cross-compiler, and to test it, I
use the BrMSX fudebug (I think it's the best MSX debugger available,
mainly due to the step-by-step tracing and true breakpoints).

As a matter of fact, both "MUST" and "VIP" were 100% developed in
the PC, I just used the MSX to test the final version. Of course I
couldn't just the BrMSX mapper emulation - I don't have a real memory
mapper at home, and there's no point in developing programs for a system
you don't have.

Ricardo Bittencourt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Save the trees: eat more woodpeckers"

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Re: Athler Wars 2 cracked on Sony 900 with FM-PAC - continued. And oth

1999-03-17 Thread Laurens Holst

>>>You can't detect MSX-MUSIC using I/O ports, because all of its ports are
>>>write only.
>>ALL of them? Not even some small status-register???
>None that I know of.
>That's why you HAVE to detect them using ROM.

Ships... Well, I prefer MoonSound.


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Laurens Holst

>I have never seen a MSX2 before 1987. And this copyright doesn't mean that
>the production really started at 1985. When did you buy your 8235?

I have.

>BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
>had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?

Memory Mapper is part of the MSX2 standard.


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RE: ascii - Sea Sardine

1999-03-17 Thread Sandy Pleyte

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marco
> Antonio Simon dal Poz
> Sent: woensdag 17 maart 1999 13:14
> Subject: RE: ascii - Sea Sardine
> On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Sandy Pleyte wrote:
> > >  >> Hm. I have not finished Sea Sardine yet.
> > >  >>
> > >  SP> HMM, isn't that a msx2+ game  from MSX Magazine ?
> > >
> > > Yes, it is.
> > > It's made with the Yoshida Editor.
> >
> > So they are the same as:
> >
> > - Space Warrior
> > - Super zealogue
> > - Twinkle Star
> > - Twinkle Star 2
> >
> > Or Not ?
> Twinkle Star 2??? Where can I download these games?
No i'm sorry i looked again to the game, but it isn't twinkle star 2

I don't know what the name of the game is, but the intro screen shows 2
globes (a big one and a small one) with an title of 4 characters, after that
you can see some japanese text screens (one of them shows "SUPER ZELIXER").
Anybody knows the title of this game ??


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba wrote:

> Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz wrote:
> > Yep, and I think that's good, because when you turn on your MSX, the state
> > is completely undefined, but there's no useful data in Megaram, so the
> > current selected blocks aren't important. But after a reset, the
> > conservative characteristics are ever used to allow the software loaded
> > into Megaram to be restarted properly. This can happen specially when a
> > block number isn't changed in region 4000h-5FFFh or 8000h-9FFFh.
> Is this the reason why I could run Konami's Game Master
> with almost any Konami MegaROM game? In my old Expert,
> the RAM is in slot 2. With the MegaRAM in slot 3, I can
> load all the game in MegaRAM (without starting it), then
> load Game Master in main memory and start it. This isn't
> possible with MSXs with main memory in slot 3, or is it?

I think it's impossible, because when the system is booted, the systems
scans for the slot that has the main RAM. When the RAM test is made in the
slot where Megaram is, the current selected block is changed, and the game
loaded into Megaram won't be recognised. This doesn't happen if Megaram is
connected to a slot "after" the slot of the main RAM (because de memory
scan is cancelled).

But without a reset, you can also run in a MSX with RAM in slot 3. The
requirement is that Game Master be installed in a slot "before" the slot
where Megaram is connected.

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz wrote:
> Yep, and I think that's good, because when you turn on your MSX, the state
> is completely undefined, but there's no useful data in Megaram, so the
> current selected blocks aren't important. But after a reset, the
> conservative characteristics are ever used to allow the software loaded
> into Megaram to be restarted properly. This can happen specially when a
> block number isn't changed in region 4000h-5FFFh or 8000h-9FFFh.

Is this the reason why I could run Konami's Game Master
with almost any Konami MegaROM game? In my old Expert,
the RAM is in slot 2. With the MegaRAM in slot 3, I can
load all the game in MegaRAM (without starting it), then
load Game Master in main memory and start it. This isn't
possible with MSXs with main memory in slot 3, or is it?

`:) Parn
ICQ# 1693182
--- "Music of the soul", Mitsuo Hagita

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Re: 64K VRAM?

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Alwin Henseler wrote:

> > >Mitsubish ML-G1 had 64K VRAM, I think.
> > 
> > Philips has one also, I don't exactly know which type it was, but they
> > did have one. And it was not the 8280 :-) (nor was it the 8235, because
> > I had that one, nor the 8245 and 50, so it must have been one of the
> > others). And I actually knew someone with such an MSX (grin :-) )
> Maybe you mean the NMS 8220?
> That machine had only 64K RAM (normal memory mapper), but did still 
> have 128K VRAM, like every MSX2 I've ever seen...

How can 64kb of RAM be memory mapper? Memory Mapper with only 4 memory
blocks is a bit unuseful!

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Alwin Henseler wrote:

> Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> > That's great! It's becoming hard to find MSX people who handles with
> > hardware nowadays.
> I don't! I did, and I still can/know how to, but I don't 'do' in MSX 
> hardware anymore these days (sorry)

That's ok, nobody can make money with MSX hardware nowadays. But I think
that people who handles with hardware should be able to work together to
create a new MSX more powerful and still keeping the backward

> > We can get the MSX disks with Megarom games ready to run in Megaram and
> > run it directly in the emulator, without the necessity of extracting the
> > .ROM files from the .DSK file. The main reason is to emulate, in the best
> > possible way, hardwares that people used to use in MSX.
> That's what I meant! See: You have some original megaROM. Someone 
> makes a crack of it, or a loader that can run it in hardware like the 
> MegaRAM. Then there's an emulator.
> You say, logical is: have the emulator emulate that MegaRAM, so you 
> can run these same cracks, modified versions, or with special loader.
> I say, logical is: emulate the megaROM itself, with the original ROM 
> in there. If it can do that, no megaRAM emulation needed for that 
> purpose.

Then I say: both are logical! After Megaram had been created, some people
created some software specific to take profit of Megaram.

> > > As a pure piece of MSX hardware, this sounds quite usefull, but for 
> > > emulators, I don't really see the point.
> > It's just another kind of memory expansion.
> That would best describe it.

Yes, and there are some softwares that use it exactly in this way (and not
just for Megarom simulation).

> > For my personal use, that's a special utility: I use to load "Mega Assembler"
> > to Megaram, just to keep the standard RAM (or Mapper) free. I use Megaram
> > to simulate the presence of original cartridges.
> I still have a 256K memory mapper, where I added a write 
> protect-switch for similar purposes. Make sure it's write protected 
> when starting your machine (so that it's not used as normal RAM), put 
> some software in it using a debugger or so, flip the write-protect 
> switch, and voila, the RAM just became ROM, reset & overwrite-proof.
> Can enormously speed up some devolopment or research work, if you 
> have a use for it.

Yep, that's very useful. How did you make this write-protection that can
be enabled or disabled? This sounds very interesting if you have another
slot with RAM.

> > I'm sorry, I had forget this detail about Megaram: Megaram has only 4
> > registers for block numbers. This implies that, when you select a block
> > over page 0, it will be selected on page 2, too. The same is valid for
> > page 3, that acts on page 1, too.
> > 
> > So, you can use Megaram on page 0 and page 3, but when you're in "block
> > select mode" and do a LD A,04h / LD (h),A the block 4 is selected for
> > the area h-1FFFh and also for 8000h-9FFFh. The opposite is also valid,
> > when you do a LD A,04h / LD (8000h),A the block 4 is selected for the area
> > 8000h-9FFFh and also for h-1FFFh. That's exactly what you said about
> > many Megaroms (the most part of Konami ones).
> No, that makes this the same as with SCC's. Other Konami megaROMs 
> have a different arrangement, and non-Konami megaROMs might not 
> do this at all.

Why does this make the same as with SCC's? AFAIK, all Konami Megaroms
behave in this way. And I don't know why Konami had changed LD (4000h),A
by LD (5000h),A and so on.

> BTW:
> ---
> Some non-megaROM use this effect too. Interesting story:
> Some time ago, I broke my head on this puzzle: there exist some (16 
> K. or so) ROMs, that have their software run in the -3FFFh range 
> (jump/call-addresses all in that range). Sony's CrazyTrain and some 
> versions of Konami's Athletic Land are examples of this.
> These cartridges start with the well known ASCII "AB", and what 
> follows is a start-address somewhere in page 0.

Is Crazy Train really made by Sony? AFAIK, it's made by Konami.

> Okay, so what?
> The point is, that the MSX doesn't recognise a cartridge in page 0, 
> if it starts with "AB".  (!?!!??)

MSX doesn't recognise??? Then you found a bug in my SDC. Well, it's not
really a bug, but that hinders that I write it to an EPROM and create a
cartridge with it.

> I thought for a while, that maybe the crack authors re-arranged all 
> those jump- and call-addresses. Naaahh, too much work.

Really, too much work (and unuseful).

> Then I figured, maybe in the original cartridge, it once read "CD" 
> (the MSX-2 subROM is recognised by this, also occupying page 0), and 
> was changed in those crack versions to "AB", for whatever reason.
> Until I got my hands on an original of Athletic Land, and: it 
> occupied page 0, and it started with "AB", and with start-address in 
> page 0.
> But how could this thing start then?

I didn't 


1999-03-17 Thread Stefano Fronteddu

I know that for a lot of you this is a stupid question, but I need an
I've already visited MSX FAQ ... C on funet is ASCII C ? If not where can I
find this language ? I need it to study it, I've downloaded a good manual,
but I can't start without the language.
Thanks to all,

Fronteddu Stefano
Student in Software Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Sardinia, Robotics, Friends   MSX Soft Tips Page
Member of Miri Software - Italy
ICQ: 21401454

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Re: Linux 4 MSX????

1999-03-17 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 17:56 17/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
>> >Hm. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm quite sure there is a MINIX
>> >developed for Z80 atleast. That shouldnt be that hard to port to MSX, or? 
>> Nope, there is a Unix clone 4 CP/M, the Uzi. 
>> And it is very hard to port, there is a friend of mine who are
>> working on it.
>Ok, well, how is it going for him then? 

I saw last month a alpha version, it was pretty good. But, it's
still an alpha, and he's working almost alone. 

>> >There is something called Lunix developed for Commodore 64, and I know
>> >people that are working on actually writing for an example a webserver for
>> >that. 
>> Nice, but are they doing this Lunix using C or Asm?
>I dont know really. I think the Lunix is written in assembler, the
>webserver I dont know. I tried asking the author of it on Irc, but he
>didnt answer me. 


Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  Sola Fide  |
MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

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Re: Linux 4 MSX????

1999-03-17 Thread Jimmy Hoffa

> > >There is something called Lunix developed for Commodore 64, and I know
> > >people that are working on actually writing for an example a webserver for
> > >that. 
> > 
> > Nice, but are they doing this Lunix using C or Asm?
> I dont know really. I think the Lunix is written in assembler, the
> webserver I dont know. I tried asking the author of it on Irc, but he
> didnt answer me. 

Now I know this. :) The webserver is written in C and Lunix in assembler.

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Re: Linux 4 MSX????

1999-03-17 Thread Jimmy Hoffa

> >Hm. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm quite sure there is a MINIX
> >developed for Z80 atleast. That shouldnt be that hard to port to MSX, or? 
> Nope, there is a Unix clone 4 CP/M, the Uzi. 
> And it is very hard to port, there is a friend of mine who are
> working on it.

Ok, well, how is it going for him then? 

> >There is something called Lunix developed for Commodore 64, and I know
> >people that are working on actually writing for an example a webserver for
> >that. 
> Nice, but are they doing this Lunix using C or Asm?

I dont know really. I think the Lunix is written in assembler, the
webserver I dont know. I tried asking the author of it on Irc, but he
didnt answer me. 

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Re: Round 16... FAT! (help wanted!!)

1999-03-17 Thread Nestor Soriano

>If so, a FAT16 driver should not in any way depend on a certain type 
>of hardware/ROM, only change things that are the same with any disk 
>interface. Or any DOS2-using interface, if you like.

Yes, the standard way for accessing physical sectors is through routine
#4010 of diskROM. But the standard input parameters specification for this
routine allows only the use of 16 bit sector numbers. So, for accessing 24
bits sector numbers a controller specific routine is needed. Besides I need
to set the "disk change" flag under certain circumstances, and (AFAIK)
there is not standard diskROM routine for this.

BTW, routine #4010 of MegaSCSI was modified for accessing 24 bit (actually
23) sector numbers, so actually I use this routine in my driver. But I
don't know if other interfaces have also this modification, so I separated
this part from the main code. The modification is as follows:

Standard #4010 routine definition:
Input: C = Media ID

MegaSCSI #4010 routine definition:
Input: C = Media ID if bit 7 = 1
C = Starting sector number (bits 22-16) if bit 7 = 0

All other input parameters are identical in both cases.

>A FAT16 driver changes the FILE system, and thus should work with any 
>type of disk that supports that file system, in this case: any disk 
>hardware that could support FAT16 formatted disks, not just 

For this reason the controller dependant routines are separated from the
main code, so anyone knowing how other interfaces work (designers?
manufacturers?) can change it; sorry, I have only MegaSCSI and information
for MegaSCSI, so I can program only for MegaSCSI. BTW it is just three
routines: physical sector access, disk change flag setting, and checking if
a slot contains the controller.

>If it only works with MegaSCSI, then it's really a MegaSCSI 
>modification, not some kind of 'driver'. If so, I think you'd better 
>re-do it.

No. It is NOT a MegaSCSI modification, because I don't change anything of
MegaSCSI SRAM. My driver resides in a RAM segment. Besides when a FAT12
drive is accessed, my driver does nothing, and normal DOS code is executed:
no modification at all then.

>> - Jump to #0005 in TPA segment of page 3, via inter-segment call

By the way I commited mistake when typing this... it is "page 0" of course!

>a) Start & end your routines as much as possible the same way as is 
>done in the original routines (do some disassembling & code copying, 
>only squeezing your own version of the interesting parts in between), 

MSXDOS.SYS uses a lot of memory addresses which depends on the TPA end
address, so I can't make a "fixed" code emulating this. My driver takes
control via hook #F252, when DOS code and data segement are already set,
and stack is already placed in page 3, so I must not use these variable

>b) If possible, simply return/jump back to the original end of a 

What? Sorry I don't understand what you mean. Anyway I think you are maybe
speaking about "ignore" option, not "abort"...

BTW my driver will never show "ignore" option. Sometimes DOS shows it,
sometimes doesn't, and since I don't know how to decide if ignore should be
allowed or not, I'll never allow. If someone knows, please... I also don't
know how sector buffers works, as well as "fork a child process" (what the
hell is this???) X-)

Hasta incluso!

Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ#: 18281450
 Please don't send me messages with HTML code

   "New Pentium 34. Obsolete in 2 months. Guaranteed!"


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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro wrote:
> Nobunaga's Ambition, I think, is one of them. I saw the cartdrige in
> the last MSXRio'99.

Maybe I could dig on my old MSX-Fan and
MSX-Magazine to try again reading those
kanji, but I'm unsure if I'll be able to
do that. <:)

`:) Parn
ICQ# 1693182
--- "Music of the soul", Mitsuo Hagita

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 21:02 16/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
>this MegaRam-module wasmade before the MSX2 was released???

It was made before the MSX was released in Brazil...

It was developed by Ademir Carchano ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in 1987.

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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 10:56 17/03/99 -0300, you wrote:
>Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz wrote:
>> Beyond Metal Gear 2, do you know other Megarom games with 512kb of more?
>There are some strategy Koei games, but I can't read
>their names, they're completely in kanji! <:)

Nobunaga's Ambition, I think, is one of them. I saw the cartdrige in
the last MSXRio'99.

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Re: Linux 4 MSX????

1999-03-17 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 22:47 16/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
>On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro wrote:
>>  Well, I'll start a group to develop Linux 4 MSX
>I'm a linux user too.
>But it's a pity that our Z80 hasn't multiprocess features.

Sure, but there isn't any problem to do a multitask Unix system... =)

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  Sola Fide  |
MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

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Re: Linux 4 MSX????

1999-03-17 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 23:49 16/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
>> >Well, I'll start a group to develop Linux 4 MSX
>> What? 
>> I'm a linux user too.
>> But it's a pity that our Z80 hasn't multiprocess features.
>Hm. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm quite sure there is a MINIX
>developed for Z80 atleast. That shouldnt be that hard to port to MSX, or? 

Nope, there is a Unix clone 4 CP/M, the Uzi. 
And it is very hard to port, there is a friend of mine who are
working on it.

>There is something called Lunix developed for Commodore 64, and I know
>people that are working on actually writing for an example a webserver for

Nice, but are they doing this Lunix using C or Asm?

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  Sola Fide  |
MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Alwin Henseler

Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> > Thank you for your clear, and complete description.
> > Based upon this, I am one of those people that COULD build a MegaRAM, 
> > or make a new/different design of it, if I wanted to.
> That's great! It's becoming hard to find MSX people who handles with
> hardware nowadays.

I don't! I did, and I still can/know how to, but I don't 'do' in MSX 
hardware anymore these days (sorry)

> > > Yes, no problem. About emulation, BrMSX already emulates some Megaram
> > > models.
> > So I noticed. I just wondered what the use was (still do I think).
> > After all: you can run modified MegaROMs in it (or originals, with 
> > the right loader), but what's the use if the emulator can emulate the 
> > original MegaROM itself?
> We can get the MSX disks with Megarom games ready to run in Megaram and
> run it directly in the emulator, without the necessity of extracting the
> .ROM files from the .DSK file. The main reason is to emulate, in the best
> possible way, hardwares that people used to use in MSX.

That's what I meant! See: You have some original megaROM. Someone 
makes a crack of it, or a loader that can run it in hardware like the 
MegaRAM. Then there's an emulator.
You say, logical is: have the emulator emulate that MegaRAM, so you 
can run these same cracks, modified versions, or with special loader.
I say, logical is: emulate the megaROM itself, with the original ROM 
in there. If it can do that, no megaRAM emulation needed for that 

> > As a pure piece of MSX hardware, this sounds quite usefull, but for 
> > emulators, I don't really see the point.
> It's just another kind of memory expansion.

That would best describe it.

> For my personal use, that's a special utility: I use to load "Mega Assembler"
> to Megaram, just to keep the standard RAM (or Mapper) free. I use Megaram
> to simulate the presence of original cartridges.

I still have a 256K memory mapper, where I added a write 
protect-switch for similar purposes. Make sure it's write protected 
when starting your machine (so that it's not used as normal RAM), put 
some software in it using a debugger or so, flip the write-protect 
switch, and voila, the RAM just became ROM, reset & overwrite-proof.
Can enormously speed up some devolopment or research work, if you 
have a use for it.

> > There is one thing you should know:
> > Many megaROMs (most Konami's at least) also have their ROM contents 
> > available in unused pages (address -3FFF and C000-h) of 
> > their cartridge-slot.
> > For instance for SCC's, the same block you read at:
> > 4000-5FFFh can also be read at C000-DFFFh
> > 6000-7FFFh can also be read at E000-h
> > 8000-9FFFh can also be read at -1FFFh
> > A000-BFFFh can also be read at 2000-3FFFh
> > (SCC registers excluded in this case, they are always on the same 
> > addresses)
> > Note: the arrangement above is different with other megaROM types.
> I'm sorry, I had forget this detail about Megaram: Megaram has only 4
> registers for block numbers. This implies that, when you select a block
> over page 0, it will be selected on page 2, too. The same is valid for
> page 3, that acts on page 1, too.
> So, you can use Megaram on page 0 and page 3, but when you're in "block
> select mode" and do a LD A,04h / LD (h),A the block 4 is selected for
> the area h-1FFFh and also for 8000h-9FFFh. The opposite is also valid,
> when you do a LD A,04h / LD (8000h),A the block 4 is selected for the area
> 8000h-9FFFh and also for h-1FFFh. That's exactly what you said about
> many Megaroms (the most part of Konami ones).

No, that makes this the same as with SCC's. Other Konami megaROMs 
have a different arrangement, and non-Konami megaROMs might not 
do this at all.

Some non-megaROM use this effect too. Interesting story:
Some time ago, I broke my head on this puzzle: there exist some (16 
K. or so) ROMs, that have their software run in the -3FFFh range 
(jump/call-addresses all in that range). Sony's CrazyTrain and some 
versions of Konami's Athletic Land are examples of this.
These cartridges start with the well known ASCII "AB", and what 
follows is a start-address somewhere in page 0.
Okay, so what?
The point is, that the MSX doesn't recognise a cartridge in page 0, 
if it starts with "AB".  (!?!!??)
I thought for a while, that maybe the crack authors re-arranged all 
those jump- and call-addresses. Naaahh, too much work.
Then I figured, maybe in the original cartridge, it once read "CD" 
(the MSX-2 subROM is recognised by this, also occupying page 0), and 
was changed in those crack versions to "AB", for whatever reason.
Until I got my hands on an original of Athletic Land, and: it 
occupied page 0, and it started with "AB", and with start-address in 
page 0.
But how could this thing start then?
I traced the entire memory-searching procedure of my MSX, and no: it 
searched for "AB", but only in pages 1, and 2. Not

Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Alwin Henseler

Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> > >But Hinotori is a 128kb game. So, why do you need VRAM?
> > 
> > The ROM is 128K and it also needs some RAM (probably 16K) to run.
> > And ROM pages are 8K in size, mapper pages 16K. This means that sometimes
> > you need to duplicate ROM pages in the mapper to allow all combinations
> > used by the game. Example: ROM page 0 and 4 are used together, just as ROM
> > page 0 and 13. In the mapper you'll need 2 pages (32K) for those three 8K
> > pages (24K).
> If you have 256kb of RAM, there's enough space to do all the necessary
> combinations. Or am I wrong?

Suppose you have 128KB (1 Mbit) ROM = 16 blocks (0-15) of 8 KB.
If you want to have all combinations with block #13 in the lower half 
of a 16K page, than you need to store combinations 13+0, 13+1, 
13+2,,13+15 = 16 mapperblocks needed for instant retrieval.

The same for block 0, 1, 2, etc., and combination of blocks 13+2 
needs its own mapper block next to combination 2+13.
So you would need 16 x 16 = 256 mapper blocks = 4 MByte mapper for 

(damn, this could work! does anyone feel like writing a loader for 
this, so that you could run most or all 1 MBit Konami's just like 
that, if you happen to have a 4 Meg mapper?)

2 MBit ROMs = 32 blocks -> 32 x 32 mapper blocks =  
(slotexpander filled with 4 mappers of 4 Meg each)


Alwin Henseler  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) MSX Tech Doc page

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Re: 64K VRAM?

1999-03-17 Thread Alwin Henseler

Coen van der Geest  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> > MH> It is possible to make an MSX2 with only 64K VRAM. Such a machine
> > MH> would not have SCREEN 7 and SCREEN 8, not even a single page, because
> > MH> VRAM timing requires two RAM ICs connected. Does anyone know if
> > MH> machines with 64K VRAM were ever actually made?
> >
> >Mitsubish ML-G1 had 64K VRAM, I think.
> Philips has one also, I don't exactly know which type it was, but they
> did have one. And it was not the 8280 :-) (nor was it the 8235, because
> I had that one, nor the 8245 and 50, so it must have been one of the
> others). And I actually knew someone with such an MSX (grin :-) )

Maybe you mean the NMS 8220?
That machine had only 64K RAM (normal memory mapper), but did still 
have 128K VRAM, like every MSX2 I've ever seen...
Looks on the outside like a 8020 MSX-1 (with darker case), but with 
MSX-2 inside (no diskdrive built-in, but some Designer-plus like 
program in ROM as an extra). A bit like a NMS 8245 with the 
disk-electronics stripped from it.


Alwin Henseler  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Tech Doc page

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Re: Round 16... FAT! (help wanted!!)

1999-03-17 Thread Alwin Henseler

Nestor Soriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yep, tired of searching technical info, and since nobody does anything (eh
> Pazos! Esto no va por ti; yo ya me entiendo) I started my FAT16 driver.
> Unlike Pazos&Okei one, it is not a patch for diskROM, but a completely
> self-made driver which will be placed into a RAM segment.
> I'm making it for MegaSCSI, but the controller dependant routines (just
> three routines) are clearly separated from the rest of the code, so anybody
> can modify it for any other controller.

I am really sorry to have to write this, but:
Doesn't a FAT16 driver modify the disk system, and not the disk-I/O 
itself? For clarity: with 'disk system' I mean here: the non-hardware 
dependant software, that for instance resides in an ordinary 
DOS2-cartridge. With 'disk-I/O' I mean: the low-level, 
hardware-dependant part of diskROMs.

If so, a FAT16 driver should not in any way depend on a certain type 
of hardware/ROM, only change things that are the same with any disk 
interface. Or any DOS2-using interface, if you like.

A FAT16 driver changes the FILE system, and thus should work with any 
type of disk that supports that file system, in this case: any disk 
hardware that could support FAT16 formatted disks, not just 

If it only works with MegaSCSI, then it's really a MegaSCSI 
modification, not some kind of 'driver'. If so, I think you'd better 
re-do it.

> I almost finished the "basic engine" but I have problems with the error
> handling part, so I ask for help. Here is the problem:
> Imagine that a function call is being executed. Page 2 contins the DOS data
> segment. Page 0 should contain the DOS code segment...
(...more tech speak...)
> - Restore TPA segments in pages 1 and 2
> - Load C=#62 (program terminate) and B=Error code
> - Jump to #0005 in TPA segment of page 3, via inter-segment call
> It works and COMMAND.COM takes control, but next execution of a program
> causes the computer to hang.
> SOS... help... maidai... dios mio, esto es un infierno... X-) I just need
> to solve this problem for having a "releasable" version of the driver (I
> hope!!). Also, any suggestion & beta-testing offers will be welcome of course!

On error handling:
Why not -
a) Start & end your routines as much as possible the same way as is 
done in the original routines (do some disassembling & code copying, 
only squeezing your own version of the interesting parts in between), 
b) If possible, simply return/jump back to the original end of a 


Alwin Henseler   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   MSX Tech Doc page

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, J. Lautenbag wrote:

> >That's strange. I think that it's more natural to expand memory first, and
> >after expand video capabilities.
> Who needs more memory when all games are in ROM cartridges?

But ROM cartridges are very expensive. A memory expansion with exactly the
same format than Megarom games was a more intelligent solution than buying
several cartridges. Why didn't people from Japan create a kind of Megaram?

> Only people who want to play illegal versions of those ROM's... :-)

Oops, I think that I got burned now! :-)

There was another problem here in Brazil (and perhaps in Europe too):
there was no japanese softwarehouses representatives here! What were we
supposed to do?

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, J. Lautenbag wrote:

> >Ok, I didn't know that Memory Mapper of 128kb existed. But does someone
> >have an MSX2 with 128kb of VRAM and only 128kb of Mapper?
> All Philips MSX2 (except the 8230 I think) had 128 kB VRAM and
> a 128 kB memory mapper.

That's very good for VRAM and a few poor for RAM. And I still think that
128kb of VRAM for MSX2+ is too little.

And did exist 128kb of memory mapper expansion cartridge?

> >Beyond Metal Gear 2, do you know other Megarom games with 512kb of more?
> Hydlide 3?

Yes, but sometime ago, someone in this list had talked about a 768kb
Megarom game. Does someone know something about it?

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz wrote:
> Beyond Metal Gear 2, do you know other Megarom games with 512kb of more?

There are some strategy Koei games, but I can't read
their names, they're completely in kanji! <:)

`:) Parn
ICQ# 1693182
--- "Music of the soul", Mitsuo Hagita

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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread J. Lautenbag

>Ok, I didn't know that Memory Mapper of 128kb existed. But does someone
>have an MSX2 with 128kb of VRAM and only 128kb of Mapper?

All Philips MSX2 (except the 8230 I think) had 128 kB VRAM and
a 128 kB memory mapper.

>Beyond Metal Gear 2, do you know other Megarom games with 512kb of more?

Hydlide 3?


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread J. Lautenbag

>That's strange. I think that it's more natural to expand memory first, and
>after expand video capabilities.

Who needs more memory when all games are in ROM cartridges?
Only people who want to play illegal versions of those ROM's... :-)


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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

> At 02:40 PM 3/15/99 -0300, you wrote:
> >> And ROM pages are 8K in size, mapper pages 16K. This means that sometimes
> >> you need to duplicate ROM pages in the mapper to allow all combinations
> >> used by the game. Example: ROM page 0 and 4 are used together, just as ROM
> >> page 0 and 13. In the mapper you'll need 2 pages (32K) for those three 8K
> >> pages (24K).
> >
> >If you have 256kb of RAM, there's enough space to do all the necessary
> >combinations. Or am I wrong?
> It depends on the game. In theory, it could use 16 * 16 = 256 combinations
> of two pages. That would require 4MB RAM. But in practice, only a very
> small amount of combinations is actually used. 256K should be enough to
> contain all combinations in 95% of 128K ROMs.

Right, I was thinking in Konami games, that demands that only the block 0
be combined with blocks 4, 7, 10 and 13 (for 128kb games).

> >> Many MSX2 games use only 64K VRAM. Firebird and King's Valley 2 are >>
> examples.
> >
> >Ok, but VRAM needs to be copied to RAM. If you need to copy data, you can
> >transfer RAM to RAM and make the necessary block combinations with LDIR.
> Yes, RAM to RAM copy is preferable, _if_ you have enough RAM available.

Ok, I didn't know that Memory Mapper of 128kb existed. But does someone
have an MSX2 with 128kb of VRAM and only 128kb of Mapper?

> >I have never seen a MSX2 with less than 128kb of VRAM.
> Neither have I.
> But for example Hydlide 1 checks for 64K or 128K VRAM and displays a
> different loading picture for both cases.

Where can I download the entire Hydlide series? Funet?

Beyond Metal Gear 2, do you know other Megarom games with 512kb of more?

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> > > Yes, it has 128 kB mapped.
> > 
> > 128kb of Mapper? That's another thing that I didn't know!
> So you _still_ haven't read the MSX hardwarelist???
> ;-)

To say the truth, I had read the MSX hardware list (do you remember that I
pointed the bug in the Turbo-R's diskdrive connector?), but I didn't pay
attention to the hardware list, only in Turbo-R hardware details.

But, some minutes ago, I was filling out the guest book, so I didn't have
seen the hardware list. Now I saw (and saw somethings very strange!)

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> > > They did, Dutch magazines report MSX2 in 1986.
> > 
> > This explain why there's so many MSX2 in Europe. Here in Brazil, we only
> > can get MSX2 in 1988. So, I ever thinked that Megarom was born before
> > MSX2.
> So, probably after the birth of MSX2! My manuals of the Sony HB-G900P also say 
> (C) 1985 (and that is one of the very first MSX2 prototypes... But ok, it 
> doesn't have a memory mapper... Was the 64kB RAM in the HB-F500P mapped?)

I don't think so. When I send my MSX1 to be converted do MSX2 (adding an
internal board), I didn't get memory mapper, keeping with 64kb.

Memory Mapper started in Brazil as a cartridge!

> > You're saying that the opposite is the truth, aren't you?
> Yups.

That's strange. I think that it's more natural to expand memory first, and
after expand video capabilities.

> > > It has. (Why don't you check the MSX hardwarelist on the FAQ)
> > 
> > That's a good idea! But why the most part of Japanese game makers only had
> > stopped to do MSX1 games in 1988?
> Because many, many, many MSX1 machines were sold in Japan and the rest of the 
> world. And the games could still be played on MSX2.

And nobody was interested in transforming MSX1 to MSX2?

> > BTW, is there Megaram in the MSX hardware list?
> Ofcourse... If you only start to read it!!

Yes, I found it. And there's a 128kb Megaram, I also have never seen that!

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> > Yes, it has 128 kB mapped.
> 128kb of Mapper? That's another thing that I didn't know!

So you _still_ haven't read the MSX hardwarelist???

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, J. Lautenbag wrote:

> >I have never seen a MSX2 before 1987. And this copyright doesn't mean that
> >the production really started at 1985. When did you buy your 8235?
> In 1990, second hand, but I think MSX2 was officially introduced
> somewhere in 1985, 1986.

Wow! I had bought my first MSX1 in 1986. You had better equipment very
before me!

> >BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
> >had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?
> Yes, it has 128 kB mapped.

128kb of Mapper? That's another thing that I didn't know!

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: Athler Wars 2 cracked on Sony 900 with FM-PAC - continued. And oth

1999-03-17 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 04:34 PM 3/15/99 +0100, you wrote:

>>You can't detect MSX-MUSIC using I/O ports, because all of its ports are
>>write only.
>ALL of them? Not even some small status-register???

None that I know of.
That's why you HAVE to detect them using ROM.


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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 02:40 PM 3/15/99 -0300, you wrote:

>> And ROM pages are 8K in size, mapper pages 16K. This means that sometimes
>> you need to duplicate ROM pages in the mapper to allow all combinations
>> used by the game. Example: ROM page 0 and 4 are used together, just as ROM
>> page 0 and 13. In the mapper you'll need 2 pages (32K) for those three 8K
>> pages (24K).
>If you have 256kb of RAM, there's enough space to do all the necessary
>combinations. Or am I wrong?

It depends on the game. In theory, it could use 16 * 16 = 256 combinations
of two pages. That would require 4MB RAM. But in practice, only a very
small amount of combinations is actually used. 256K should be enough to
contain all combinations in 95% of 128K ROMs.

>> Many MSX2 games use only 64K VRAM. Firebird and King's Valley 2 are >>
>Ok, but VRAM needs to be copied to RAM. If you need to copy data, you can
>transfer RAM to RAM and make the necessary block combinations with LDIR.

Yes, RAM to RAM copy is preferable, _if_ you have enough RAM available.

>I have never seen a MSX2 with less than 128kb of VRAM.

Neither have I.
But for example Hydlide 1 checks for 64K or 128K VRAM and displays a
different loading picture for both cases.


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> > They did, Dutch magazines report MSX2 in 1986.
> This explain why there's so many MSX2 in Europe. Here in Brazil, we only
> can get MSX2 in 1988. So, I ever thinked that Megarom was born before
> MSX2.

So, probably after the birth of MSX2! My manuals of the Sony HB-G900P also say 
(C) 1985 (and that is one of the very first MSX2 prototypes... But ok, it 
doesn't have a memory mapper... Was the 64kB RAM in the HB-F500P mapped?)

> You're saying that the opposite is the truth, aren't you?


> > It has. (Why don't you check the MSX hardwarelist on the FAQ)
> That's a good idea! But why the most part of Japanese game makers only had
> stopped to do MSX1 games in 1988?

Because many, many, many MSX1 machines were sold in Japan and the rest of the 
world. And the games could still be played on MSX2.

> BTW, is there Megaram in the MSX hardware list?

Ofcourse... If you only start to read it!!

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread J. Lautenbag

>I have never seen a MSX2 before 1987. And this copyright doesn't mean that
>the production really started at 1985. When did you buy your 8235?

In 1990, second hand, but I think MSX2 was officially introduced
somewhere in 1985, 1986.

>BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
>had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?

Yes, it has 128 kB mapped.


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> > > Ehhh... Nemesis I says (C) 1986, my 8235/00 says (C) 1985, so
> > > MSX2 is older than Nemesis I! And if that's true, the memory
> > > mapper is older than your Megaram...
> > 
> > I have never seen a MSX2 before 1987. And this copyright doesn't mean that
> > the production really started at 1985. When did you buy your 8235?
> They did, Dutch magazines report MSX2 in 1986.

This explain why there's so many MSX2 in Europe. Here in Brazil, we only
can get MSX2 in 1988. So, I ever thinked that Megarom was born before

You're saying that the opposite is the truth, aren't you?

> > BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
> > had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?
> It has. (Why don't you check the MSX hardwarelist on the FAQ)

That's a good idea! But why the most part of Japanese game makers only had
stopped to do MSX1 games in 1988?

BTW, is there Megaram in the MSX hardware list?

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> > Ehhh... Nemesis I says (C) 1986, my 8235/00 says (C) 1985, so
> > MSX2 is older than Nemesis I! And if that's true, the memory
> > mapper is older than your Megaram...
> I have never seen a MSX2 before 1987. And this copyright doesn't mean that
> the production really started at 1985. When did you buy your 8235?

They did, Dutch magazines report MSX2 in 1986.

> BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
> had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?

It has. (Why don't you check the MSX hardwarelist on the FAQ)

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, J. Lautenbag wrote:

> >> this MegaRam-module wasmade before the MSX2 was released???
> >
> >Sure! It was created exactly after the born of Nemesis I.
> Ehhh... Nemesis I says (C) 1986, my 8235/00 says (C) 1985, so
> MSX2 is older than Nemesis I! And if that's true, the memory
> mapper is older than your Megaram...

I have never seen a MSX2 before 1987. And this copyright doesn't mean that
the production really started at 1985. When did you buy your 8235?

BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: For sale:Snatcher (MSX)

1999-03-17 Thread Anne de Raad

>Wat is the status for the moment?
>Je hebt nog geen reactie gegeven op mijn vorige mail
>(Waarin ik een belachelijk laag offer deed :)
>Is die Snatcher nog steeds te koop, enzo ja, voor hoeveel??
>David Heremans

Hm, really?! There is an original Snatcher being sold? I am also quite
curious what I should cost here in Holland


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread J. Lautenbag

>> this MegaRam-module wasmade before the MSX2 was released???
>Sure! It was created exactly after the born of Nemesis I.

Ehhh... Nemesis I says (C) 1986, my 8235/00 says (C) 1985, so
MSX2 is older than Nemesis I! And if that's true, the memory
mapper is older than your Megaram...


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Laurens Holst wrote:

> this MegaRam-module wasmade before the MSX2 was released???

Sure! It was created exactly after the born of Nemesis I.

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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RE: ascii - Sea Sardine

1999-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Sandy Pleyte wrote:

> >  >> Hm. I have not finished Sea Sardine yet.
> >  >>
> >  SP> HMM, isn't that a msx2+ game  from MSX Magazine ?
> > 
> > Yes, it is.
> > It's made with the Yoshida Editor.
> So they are the same as:
> - Space Warrior 
> - Super zealogue
> - Twinkle Star
> - Twinkle Star 2 
> Or Not ?

Twinkle Star 2??? Where can I download these games?

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: Linux 4 MSX????

1999-03-17 Thread Archi Schekochikhin

On 16 Mar 99 at 23:49, Jimmy Hoffa wrote:

> > On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro wrote:
> >
> > > Well, I'll start a group to develop Linux 4 MSX

  Sorry, I don't saw the original message, but I have some remarks about
the possibility of "Linux 4 MSX": It's absolutly (IMO) impossible (I say
about Linux only!, not about some U*X). The structure of Linux is very
complex and intricate and require the lot of resources (as the example
we can to look at ELKS - Embedded Linux Kernel - for the 8086 CPU - this
CPU has significantly more resources - memory and computing, but even very
simplified Linux-like kernel take almoust all of this resources and want
more and more... MSX's Z80 is very slow (at comparison with...) and MSX
has not too many memory (but with comparison with regular 8086 we are
ABLE to have the lot of memory - and again the 8086 able to have so many
memory as it needed through EMS - the neares mapper equivalent). As the
conclusion as want to say - don't try to develop "LINUX 4 MSX", the
"U*X for MSX" is significantly more reacheble target, and some steps
to this direction already done.

> > What?
> > I'm a linux user too.
> > But it's a pity that our Z80 hasn't multiprocess features.
> Hm. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm quite sure there is a MINIX
> developed for Z80 atleast. That shouldnt be that hard to port to MSX, or?
> There is something called Lunix developed for Commodore 64, and I know
> people that are working on actually writing for an example a webserver for
> that.

  The main inaccurace in these sentences (Linux for some one...) is the
naming Linux something which is not Linux (or Linux derivative) really.
It's may be some developed with influence of Linux ideas, but not Linux.

  PS: Don't think 'He is agains *X 4 MSX' - my vote is YES, but my vote


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Re: For sale:Snatcher (MSX)

1999-03-17 Thread David Heremans


Wat is the status for the moment?
Je hebt nog geen reactie gegeven op mijn vorige mail
(Waarin ik een belachelijk laag offer deed :)
Is die Snatcher nog steeds te koop, enzo ja, voor hoeveel??

David Heremans


"One difference between SuSE and Red Hat is that the 
former operates in a country where people don't sue 
each other over coffee being too hot."
Linus Torvalds

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Re: MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-17 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> >>Mitsubish ML-G1 had 64K VRAM, I think.
> >
> >Philips has one also, I don't exactly know which type it was, but they
> >did have one. And it was not the 8280 :-) (nor was it the 8235, because
> >I had that one, nor the 8245 and 50, so it must have been one of the
> >others). And I actually knew someone with such an MSX (grin :-) )
> Maybe the 8230 (or the 8220, if it exists?)

Nope, both have 128kB VRAM. But the 8230 had only 64kB RAM. I think you are 
confusing that. There are no Philips MSX's with 64kB VRAM...! According to the 
hardwarelist at least. Why don't you read it? It's on The Ultimate MSX FAQ.

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
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RE: Snatcher

1999-03-17 Thread Antoni Burguera Burguera

It's only project.
Some people is going to translate (in fact, they are going to
"remake" the whole game, but in english.) Snatcher. 
Nowardays exists a version of SD-Snatcher in english.
[Antoni Burguera Burguera]  
Also in spanish

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RE: ascii - Sea Sardine

1999-03-17 Thread Rieks W. Torringa

>>  >> Hm. I have not finished Sea Sardine yet.
>>  >>
>>  SP> HMM, isn't that a msx2+ game  from MSX Magazine ?
>> Yes, it is.
>> It's made with the Yoshida Editor.
>So they are the same as:
>- Space Warrior 
>- Super zealogue
>- Twinkle Star
>- Twinkle Star 2 

No, if I remember correctly, Sea Sardine only scrolls horizontally, 
the games you mentioned also contain vertically scrolling levels. 
the complete lay-out of Sea Sardine differs a little.

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