Re: Finland ?

1999-02-20 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>Do you know if there are people from Finland subscribed to the mailing list ?

Yes, several, but I let them to announce themselves.

Why You need this information ?

I am Kari Lammassaari
 - MSX'er from 1985 :-)
 - Turbo Pascal inc's foe everyone (Now my work for Manuel is stalled, but
I'll be back)

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Re: Cd-rom

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

Hello Maurizio,

I would be glad to receive the source of this driver :-)

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari (Academy)

>I don't know if this can be usefull for someone, but i have a cd-rom driver
>that works with any kind of cd-rom. 
>I've tested it with a lot of different cd-rom and it always work.
>Perhaps this can be usefull for the fat16/24/32 developer.
> CIAO !!!
> Maurizio

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Re: Gen 80

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

At 10:42 1.4.1998 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi everybody   =)
>Does anybody have a documentation
>for GEN 80 ??
>If yes - it would be great if somebody would mail
>it to me...
Yes, I have it. I'll check, that can it be scanned to a text file.

The HSH-manual is rathes short, but adequate.

Sincerely Kari

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Re: More questions...

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>ii) In BASIC, I can use the function TIME to make a chronometer:
>2000 TIME=0
>2200 ? TIME(1)
>How I do this in Pascal?

If You have clock chip in your MSX, use my Get/ ( or
homepage of Manuel Bilderbeek

If there is no clock chip define SYSTEM variable JIFFY as Integer absolute !

Var Time :Integer absolute $fc9e; {Variable Time can now be used as TIME in
basic }

Sincerely Kari

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Re: MSX Faq + SME

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

At 15.22 15.6.1998 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Guys!
>I changed someting in the hardwarelist: look in the Sony section at the
>and 501P line (I have these machines myself now! GREAT!)
>Can anyone of you provide me with some info on the power-supply cable of the 
>SVI-728? I also have such a machine now! But not a cable for power supply 

According to SVI 728 tecnical and repair manual by Kimba Lau 1985

Pins 1 and 2  AC 16 V 

Pins 3 and 4  AC 9 V (goes to  4 diode bridge)

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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Re: MSX PC local network

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

The Music Module midi section is based on 68B50 - chip, which is cheap.
(You need ofcourse I/O-decoding, an optoisolator + clock circuit for the
sync chip, but they also are cheap :-) 

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

Btw. The transfer rate is 31,25 Kbaud ! Joystick connection is much easier
and faster !

At 07.29 17.7.1998 +0200, you wrote:
>There is a game called Trip¨lex which uses the midiports of
>the music module to creat a LAN. I think you can get much
>info out of these sources
>so we are going back to midi again...
>What would it cost to make a midi or LAN cartridge?
>Maico Arts
>>At 20:13 16/07/98 +0100, you wrote:
>>>>Looking at this, I prefer MIDI for data-transfer...
>>>I'm still in favour of the joystick solution :-)

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Have I been removed from MSX mailinlist ?

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

Hello there,

Have I been removed from msx mailinlist.

Last message I received was from Laurens Hols concerning his absence for
three weeks.

After that I posted a message to list . The message contained the sources
(MSX and PC) for 4-bit data transfer via joystick port and printer ports.

I havent received this message or any other messages ever since.

Harri, Nyyrikki, Manuel or any other friend there : Send me a personal mail
if you receive this via msx milinglist !

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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Re: Repost: Help! Need softools-c

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>The Borland extensions are not necessary (but appreciated :-) ), I think
is important to have the circle (?? don't rememeber the english word??)
commands (repeat..until , for , while) and the file manage routines.

The Repeat-Until, While - controls are built in TurboPascal. 
The Graphic extensions (Circle, Line, Paint, Box ...) , + MSXDOS1 and
MSXDOS2 support are available at or at the homepage of
Manuel Bilderbeek.
>The only extension that could be VERY useful is the ASM support, to work
with graphics and other 

I agree :-)
>>A good advice is to look at a CP/M ftp site. They might have PC to Z80
>>compilers as those compilers are usefull to the CP/M community as well.

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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New Turbo Pascal inc's

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

Hello TP-programmers, 

I have just programmed  some new include files for TurboPascal 3.xx.

incs.incAllows an easy way to chain Turbo Pascal procedures
as interrupt services. No ROM routines used.
Faster program execution !
  One line connects your interrupt service routine to MSX

IntNumber := SetInterrupt(Addr(My_InterruptServiceProcedure));

(Thanks to Manuel Bilderbeek and Bert Hoogendijk for the
   ideas :) 

intstest.pasa simple example of three user interrupts in a program A new MoonBlaster song and SEE sound SFX player for
MSXDOS2. Uses mapper pages for code and data storage.
Uses minimal conventional memory ! 
MoonBlaster and SEE interrupts are independent from
each other and can be used together or separately.
Uses !
Contain easy Init, Control and Load routines. 
Easy to use with a game. 
To start playback from program you need only three
program lines:

 If InitMbmPlayer Then

dosplay.mpc The MoonBlaster and See player code. 

dosplay.txt Documentation of  a parameter passing bug fixed in CallMapperPage - routine.

Sincerely   Kari Lammassaari 16.Nov. 1998

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

I havent wathed the thread (so forgive me, if I'm a latre echo), but the
SCSI-specification requires termination at the both ends of the SCSI bus. 
If you can have so called active termination on every device. (Passive
termination is made od resistors .Active termination regulates the voltage
of the bus lines)

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

PS. I have noticed several times, that if SCSI-bus is not linear (ie. looks
like letter Y, you must terminate each end of the SCSI-bus. Actually I an
just now using this Y-shaped (plopably illegal) SCSI-bus. SCSI-bus shoulb
be daisy chained and linear !

At 02:26 16.10.1998 +0200, you wrote:
>Laurens Holst wrote:
>>If the interface needed a terminator on HD2, then my current configuration
>>could not possible work, for then BERT should assume HD1 not available for
>>HD2 has got a terminator.
>>So I have SCSI'd for quite some time without terminator, I guess.
>>An idea is cummin' up; might this non-availability of a terminator have
>>caused those errors which sometimes occurred and at last the breakdown of my
>Maybe, but I can tell you I've heard lots of stories from PC-people that
>had perfectly working configurations with NO terminators at all, while
>others had EVERY device terminated!
>So it's hard to say...
>   Patriek
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,-.  ,.  ,-. TNI on the web:
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>  since 1991`--' '-'!/
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Connecting MSX and PC (solved)

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

As I promised , here is a working solution for connecting MSX and PC !

Try this Turbo Pascal code . 4 bits in 4 bits out via Joystick port and Pc
printer port . (Tested and works)

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari/Finland/ACDEMY 

Oh shi.. The cable pinout lacks. Post it tomorrow !(I have to measure the

MSX-side :

-- cut here --

{Connecting MSX via joystick to PC parallel port }
{by Kari Lammassaari (ACADEMY) 1996-98 }
{The routines for PC are in file  PC_MSX.PAS }

{REM IMPORTANT !!! In the block send/receive routines the two first
 sent/received bytes contain the total lenght of the block including
 the two first bytes (low byte first)}
{ This file contain following procedures and functions :

  - Procedure JoyByteSend(value:Byte);
  - Procedure JoyBlockSend(BuffAddr:Integer);

  - Function  JoyByteReceive:Byte;
  - Procedure JoyBlockReceive(BufAddr:Integer);

  and following type definition, which is used also in PC_MSX.PAS

Type DataBlockType = Record
   ChkSum :Integer;
   DataId :Byte;
   Data   :Array[0..255] Of Byte;

Procedure JoyByteSend(value:Byte);
  $3a/Value /
  $67/$cb/$3c/$cb/$3c/$cb/$3c/$cb/$3c/ {High nibble to H }
  $e6/$0f/ $6f/{Low nibble to L  }

  $3e/0/$d3/$99/$d9/$d9/$3e/$40/$d3/$99/$d9/$d9/$3a/Value /$d3/$98/
  {The code above just writes current byte value on vram addr 0 }

  $3e/$0e/$d3/$a0/$db/$a2/$cb/$47/$20/<-6/ { Wait until ready ? }
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/ $7d /$f6/$50/ $d3/$a1/  { Send high nibble }

  $3e/$0e/$d3/$a0/$db/$a2/$cb/$47/$28/<-6/ {Wait until PC has
received }
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/$3e/$40 /$d3/$a1/{Reset data ready signal }

  $3e/$0e/$d3/$a0/$db/$a2/$cb/$47/$20/<-6/  {Wait until pc ready }
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/ $7c/ $f6/$50/ $d3/$a1/   {Send low nibble }

  $3e/$0e/$d3/$a0/$db/$a2/$cb/$47/$28/<-6/  {... }
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/$3e/$40 /$d3/$a1/


Procedure JoyBlockSend(BuffAddr:Integer);
  Var BlockAddress :Integer;
BlockAddress := BuffAddr;


 {The code above just writes current byte value on vram addr 0 }


Function JoyByteReceive:Byte;
 Var Value :Byte;

  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/ $3e /$5f/ $d3/$a1/
  $3e/$0e/$d3/$a0/$db/$a2/$cb/$47/$20/<-6/ {Pc data ready ? }
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/ $3e /$1f/ $d3/$a1/  {Set joy port 1 fo
reading }
  $3e/$0e/$d3/$a0/$db/$a2/$e6/$0f/$6f /{Read and store data in L}
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/$3e/$4f /$d3/$a1/{Msx has read data }

  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/ $3e /$5f/ $d3/$a1/
  $3e/$0e/$d3/$a0/$db/$a2/$cb/$47/$20/<-6/ {Pc data ready ? }
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/ $3e /$1f/ $d3/$a1/  {Set joy port 1 fo
reading }
  $cb/$27/$cb/$27/$cb/$27/$cb/$27/$67 /{Read and store data in H }
  $3e/$0f/$d3/$a0/$3e/$4f /$d3/$a1/{Msx has read data }
  $7c/$85/$32/Value /
  $3e/0/$d3/$99/$d9/$d9/$3e/$40/$d3/$99/$d9/$d9/$3a/Value /$d3/$98/
  {The code above just writes current byte value on vram addr 0 }
   JoyByteReceive := Value;

Procedure JoyBlockReceive(BufAddr:Integer);

  Var Len,i :Integer;
   Len := JoyByteReceive + 256*JoyByteReceive;

   Mem[BufAddr] := Lo(Len);
   Mem[BufAddr+1] := Hi(Len);
   For i := 1 To Len+3 Do Mem[BufAddr+1+i] :=JoyByteReceive;

- cut here ---


 cut here ---

{PC_MSX:PAS by Kari Lammassaari 1996-98}
{The routines are to be used with the msx equivalent routines in }
{REM IMPORTANT ! The block send/receive-routines expect the two first
received/sent byte contain the total lenght of the block including
those two first bytes !}

{This file contains following procedures and functions:

  - Function ParallelByteReceive:Byte;
  - Procedure ParallelBlockReceive(DataBlock:DataBlockType);

  - Procedure ParallelByteSend(Value:Byte);
  - Procedure ParallelBlockSend(Var DataBlock:DataBlockType);
  and following type definition:
Type DataBlockType = Record

Re: joynet serial transfer routine

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>:>We still have to dream up a cable to connect the MSX-Joynet cable to the
>:>PC parallel port.
>Since PC-joysticks can have all kinds of fuzzy-wuzzies, I think you CAN
>write to the PC-gameport. However, this one is used to emulate a
>MSX-joystick. Therefor, the emulator should detect if JoyNet or a
>PC-joystick is attached.
>Besides, using the COM1-port (just like MSX: 9-pins) seems a good solution
>to me. And if no extra hardware is needed for this port uses the same pins
>(who will tell us?) it would be really perfect.

No, sorry to inform that PC serial ports use voltage range -12V - +12 V !
Psg would be damaged !

The only reasonable solution (,which has alredy been done) is to connect
JoysticPort to Pc parallel port ! 

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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Re: CP/M OS for MSX

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

At 03:28 PM 2/28/98 +, you wrote:
>Hi freaks ;-)
>Where can I find a CP/M OS for msx ?
>( or an emulator ? )
I can send You a diskimage of CPM 2.28 for SVI , but Ithonk it will work
only with SVI, because the disk I/O is mapped on addresses, which are used
only with SVI.

There is CPM ver 3, which can be used with any MSX2.

There are also some cpm emulators for PC. If You need information bout
them, I could see, if I have something in my archives.

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari (ACADEMY)

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Re: Cursor keys

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

At 03:28 PM 3/7/98 +0100, you wrote: 
> Hello,
> I'm busy with a small program on my MSX. But I cann't get the cursor keys
> read in Turbo Pascal. Does anyone know how I can 'see' which cursor key on
> the keyboard is pressed within Turbo Pascal?

You can use following method:

Program ReadKey;

Var Key :Char;

 Write('Press a key  , ESC = EXIT : ');
 Read(Kbd,Key);  {This is,what
You need.}
 Writeln(' You pressed key number ', Ord(Key)); { Test cursorkey numbers
UP= 30}
  Until Key = #27 , {ESC}

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari {Academy}

Btw . I have also KeyScan.Inc to monitor multiple keypresses !
Btw. There are severel TP incs available at Manuel Bilderbeek's homepage and

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Re: FREE stuff

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

At 03:27 PM 3/21/98 +0100, you wrote:
>I'm planning to throw away this stuff:
>- Philips NMS 8250 board ( = computer excl. diskdrives ) but with chips,etc
>- Idem Sony F700D board
>- and both keyboards of it ( Philips keyboard good condition , Sony's
worse )
>Maybe something for hardware-freaks ?? 
>- 3 dutch books: official Philips MSX2 BASIC/DOS book ( Sickler,v.Utteren),
>Designer Plus official book, MSX2 Machinetaal handboek (Klopper&Belle)
>   And a copy of official Philips Home office 2 book.
>Someone interested ?

Yes ! 
I here in the North , Finland . I even have 35 guldens (or what ever money
you use in Netherlands. I once wanted to buy the Copmjoetania demo ) for
postage .

Please, let me know, if my address is needed !

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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Re: SVI 738 - ram expansion

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

At 13.03 25.5.1998 GMT+2, Jaypee wrote:
>Can the ram on the svi 738 be expanded without using a ram cartridge?

Unfortunately not. There are no places for extra ram chips. (Actually there
are two empty palces, but they are for the 128 Kb video ram.)

Ofcourse You could solder ram chips piggy back and use the two unused slot
select signals (3-2 and 3-3) in the chip 63 . (You should also use 74 ls
133 chip to fix the inproper -select signal.)

But it's more intelligent to use those signals for internal MSXDOS2-rom and
one extra cartridge slot.

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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Re: Assembler programming

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>(The line is from (0,0) to (511, 211))
>ld iy,(0faf7h)
>ld ix,085h
>call 01ch
>There ara some things I don't understand:
>* the call 01ch is the way to call a routine in another slot.

Right ! He is calling the MSX2- sub rom, which contains MSX2 line drawing
routine !

>specification of this routine says that the slot may be specified in the 8
>order bits of the iy register... why the iy register has been loaded with
>the content of the addres 0faf7??

0FF7 is MSX2 system variable (EXBRSA) containing the MSX2 subrom slot id.

>* Is the 085h the routine to draw a line? It isn't specified in the
>Technical Handbook.

Yes,  it is ! 

>If it is, what are its parameters?
>* Why the calls are maked specifiing the number of the slot? Is to allow the
>call of the routine with different memory configurations? (from DOS or

Yes ! , but clling from dos is rther tricky ! 

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Re: Executing a program in ASM and DOS2

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>I'm doing a program in Assembler, using DOS2.
>How I make an Asm program call and run an other program?
>(e.g. a program X call and run program Y, and then quits)
Use msx dos function #43 to open file Y, function #48 to read file Y to
buffer (don't overwrite program X) , close file Y with function #45 and
jump to the first byte of buffer.

Remember to assemble Y program to operate from buffer. If Y is standard dos
program starting from #0100, the X program must operate from 'high' menory !

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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Re: A question about the PSG & samples

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>> The MSX-Audio is not only capeable to play 4-bit ad-pcm automaticly, but
this can be done for 8 bit pcm is too. Not many people have used this
feature, takes two >>times more memory for the same time and samplerate.
(PCM is better than ADPCM)
>I studied Y8950 data sheet but don't remember this option. How can this be

Yamaha can do 8-bit AD/DA - conversion via register $1a. See manual page
33. If You are TP-programmer there are TP include-files to do this at the
homepage of Manuel Bilderbeek or at ('s)

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari/Finland/Academy

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Connecting MSX to PC

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari


Msx has been connected to PC printerport without any extra hardware, only
the wire.
The connection in/out is 4 bits + 1 (2) handshake lines.

I've done it some years ago. File transfer was ok ! (I backupped my MSX
harddrive to PC).

The MSX side demanded MC-code (msx-interrupt routine resets the joystic
bits of PSG ) , but PC could do it with Pascal.

I'll post the basic code tomorrow :-) 

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the
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Ingnore this, just testing

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari


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Re: MSX Connecting to PC

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

This could be done, but msx printerport isn't bidirectional. (Actually 8
data + 1 bit STROBE out and 1 bit BUSY in .

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

>Hello everybody,
>I have found a document and programs to communicate between a MSX and a PC
>via the parallel-port of both computers. Why can't this connector be used to
>communicate? Is it slower?
>I can imagine that it can't be used in a multiple-computer network and only
>be used between two computers.
>S. Telgenhof
>MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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SVI 728 has 2 expansin slots !

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari


Somebody mentioned, that ther is only one expansion slot in SVI 278.
Actually the flat ribbon connector in the back of SVI 278 is the expansion
slot 3 of SVI 278. 
You jus make an adapter to convert it to a  cartridge slot ! (Very easy to
do !)

Nyyrikki was right about the quality of SVI 278 (=bad), but it's very easy
to be used as control device (Joystick ports as input and printerport as
outpot to relays)  
Control program with basic. 

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari 

I have programmed a driver program for 4*20 char LCD-screen. (It works also
with DOS ! ) Just write WIDTH 20 and  You have truly portable MSX. 

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Re: VDP 9938

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>Does anybody know how the Video-Ram-contents is changed
>depending on the settings of the moderegisters?
Some games change video mode, with the line interrupt (=screen is splitted
to two different screen modes) . So my conclusion is, that setting the mode
bits do not alter the contents of video ram.

Sincerely Kari

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Re: SVI 728 has 2 expansin slots !

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>uhm. Could you get me the schematics for this?
The schematics for the expansion slot of SVI 278 is very easy:

Pin 1  corresponds the pin 1 of game slot and so on ... :-)

Sincerely Kari

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1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

Hello Stephan,

I programmed about 10 years ago (with TP 3.0) a program, which puts basic
and mc-programs onto the tape .

Should I post it to you ?

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari
>Hi all,
>I'm searching for a program wich can convert programs from a tape to a disk
>(and visa versa).
>Who can help me !?
>Thanks in advance
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Re: Ramfile expansion?

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari

>Hey! First, I do not know what a light-pen is (something like those 'guns'
>with which you can shoot at the screen???) (hehehe...),

It's like a pen. You put it on the monitor screen, press the switch and
begin to draw.

>and second, it will
>have tobe connected to the joystick-port and therefor it will have to be
>read using the PSG.

No, You open Your MSX2 with VDP 9938 , solder the light pen and lightpen
switch wires on the VDP pins 26 and 27  and two wires on GND. (ps. VDP 9958
does not have  lightpen pins . Their function is changed :-( 
>The VDP has got features for it but they can't be used (unless you want to
>solder it to your VDP).

Both Nyyrikki and I knew that and I soldered my MSX 10 years ago :-)

Sincerely Kari

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Has Tristan Zondag given up

1999-02-09 Thread Kari Lammassaari


I've visited and it seems, that it hasn't been updated
since last spring :-( .  

Has Tristan Zondag given up the work ?

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

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