Memory mapper

1999-02-24 Thread Patrick Kramer

Does anyone have a schematic of a memory mapper that can use 1 MB SIMMs ? 
2nd question: where do I get 50 pin header connectors or experimental MSX
slot PCB's ?
3rd question: anybody happens to have the schematics of a Canon V20 MSX1 ?
4th question: does anyone know of a MSX-site that has anything related to
MSX-hardware (schematics etc.)


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-23 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 10:13 PM 2/22/99 +0100, you wrote:

[about using IM2]

>You should set your 
>interruptpointer at address #C0FF instead. As some of you might know, the 
>databus in the MSX is connected to VCC with pull-up resistors. As a 
>consequence the Z80 will always fetch the value 0xFF when reading from the 
>databus at a moment that no device is writing to the databus. For example, 
>when the Z80 reads the databus in IM2 after having received an interrupt 

Years ago, one of the NOP programmers told me that some devices do write a
value to the databus during an interrupt. To make sure your program will
work in any configuration, you need to fill 257 bytes with the same value.
For example #81 for a routine at #8181.


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-23 Thread Alex Wulms

] This is true on a standard MSX with correct devices connected to it. If on
] the other hand a device only checks IORQ and not M1, it might put data on
] the bus when it is read at interrupt-time (In this mode IORQ and M1 are
] both active).
A device which ignores M1 does not respect the Z80 nor the MSX bus protocol, 
hence is not MSX compatible! Such a device will not only cause problems in 
IM2 but also in IM0 (the Z80 expects to get an instruction, in the MSX it 
will always be 0xFF which is RST 38h) and even in IM1 such a device may cause 
problems. In the last case because a device may generate wait-states. 
Especially when it is slow. This might impact the timing of games, 
copyprotections and other softwares that rely on accurate timing. And 
ofcourse it might also impact the functionality of the device itself. Some 
devices reset/set some internal bits after they have been read or think that 
they have been read. For example, the VDP resets the interrupt request bit 
after its status port has been read and it increases the address counter 
after its dataport has been read. Ofcoure, the I/O decoding for the VDP does 
respect the MSX bus protocol so we have never had any problems with that. 
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned you should ban devices from your MSX that are 
not MSX compatible.

] Conclusion: Putting the interrupt vector on [I]fe (I believe the
] last bit is set to 0, since a 2-byte address is fetched) should be enough
The last bit is not set to 0 but read from the databus. Just like the other 7 
bits. If you store the interrupt vector at the even address, your program 
will NOT work. Just try it.

In a system that really supports IM2, you can have a convention that the 
device will only set the highest 7 bits and that the lowest bit musts always 
be set to 0. You can even enforce this with a specially designed circuit. But 
as far as the Z80 is concerned: it really reads all bits that are placed on 
the databus.

In the case that an incompatible device would place an arbitrary number on 
the bus -which can be both an odd and an even number- there is only one real 
good solution: make sure that the high byte and the low byte of the 
interruptroutine are the same. For example:

jumptable: equ  &hc000
interrupt_routine: equ &h8080
   ld   a,.high. jumptable
   ld   i,a
;initialize table
   ld   hl,jumptable
   ld   (hl),.low. interrupt_routine
;fill table up (from c000 upto and including c100)
   ld   de,jumptable+1
   ld   bc,&H100

   org  interrupt_routine
; the real interruptroutine

But as I already mentioned, you should ban such a device from your MSX 
anyway. And when using only compatible devices, my original routine is 
sufficient (store the pointer only at ofset 0xff in the table).

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms
Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-23 Thread shevek

On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Alex Wulms wrote:

> Thinking that you should set the interruptvector at #C000 when you set I to 
> #C0 is a commonly made mistake in the MSX world. You should set your 
> interruptpointer at address #C0FF instead. As some of you might know, the 
> databus in the MSX is connected to VCC with pull-up resistors. As a 
> consequence the Z80 will always fetch the value 0xFF when reading from the 
> databus at a moment that no device is writing to the databus. For example, 
> when the Z80 reads the databus in IM2 after having received an interrupt 
> request.

This is true on a standard MSX with correct devices connected to it. If on
the other hand a device only checks IORQ and not M1, it might put data on
the bus when it is read at interrupt-time (In this mode IORQ and M1 are
both active).

Conclusion: Putting the interrupt vector on [I]fe (I believe the
last bit is set to 0, since a 2-byte address is fetched) should be enough
on a corruct machine, but it is more secure to fill the whole table from
[I]0 to [I]fe, so:

jumptable: equ  &hc000
   ld   a,.high. jumptable
   ld   i,a
   ld   hl,interrupt_routine
   ld   (jumptable),hl
;fill table up
   ld   hl,jumptable
   ld   de,jumptable+2
   ld   bc,&Hfe


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-22 Thread Alex Wulms

] You probably won't get problems.
] However, in Dos it is easiest to replace the bytes at adress #38, for
] example putting a JP Interrupt there. In Basic, it is -to my opinion- better
] if you swith away the ROM, however you could also set the other interrupt
] mode (mode 2?) in which the high byte of the adress of a jumptable is set in
] the I-register and the low byte of the adress is determined by the devie.
] For example, set I to #C0, and then fill adresses #C000-#C0FF with words of
] the adress the interrupt should jump to (yes, indeed, the device can only
] set odd adresses) (there are no devices delivering this lower byte of the
] adress on the MSX. So #C000 can be assumed as the set adress. However, it is
] still safe to fill the omplete 128 words with the right value, just in
] case...)
Hi people,

Thinking that you should set the interruptvector at #C000 when you set I to 
#C0 is a commonly made mistake in the MSX world. You should set your 
interruptpointer at address #C0FF instead. As some of you might know, the 
databus in the MSX is connected to VCC with pull-up resistors. As a 
consequence the Z80 will always fetch the value 0xFF when reading from the 
databus at a moment that no device is writing to the databus. For example, 
when the Z80 reads the databus in IM2 after having received an interrupt 

This is for example a codefragment, which I used in the 'No Waste' demo:

intvector:  equ #88ff   ; int. vector int mode 2

scroll: di
im  2
ld  a,.high. intvector
ld  i,a ; Startoffset for int table
ld  hl,vertint
ld  (intvector),hl  ; Set interruptvector

vertint:in  a,(#99)
  ; some code cut-out

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms
Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

>I read (nearly) all the messages from the last time...
>- Oh my god! I really miss  mails refering to (program-) technical
>So - lets start a "serious" thread...   ;cP


>DOS 2 & memory
>I found out that the DOS2 page-switch routines are
>kinda slow. Does anybody know a simple, "legal", and
>compatible way to speed up those bottlenecks?
>Compatible, because I dunno how many different versions
>of DOS2 are in use. - And I want it to work with every
>kind of DOS2.

The segment number Dos2 returns is the same as the MemMap page-number.
Therefor, you can use the number you get if you allocate a page with OUT
(#FC-#FF). It is illegal (ofcourse), but it works. This way you an also
switch away page 3. But beware: If you set pages this way and you want to
read from disk to that page the Bdos sets the old page he's got in his
table. Really, these routines are made as fast as possible, so don't worry
about speed. And if you do use the thing stated above, take care...

>Oh - another question comes in mind:
>In DOS1 you are not allowed to "ask" the outs (#fe...) about
>the page number which they may contain.

You can't. Just use the pages starting with 0. So if you need 96k then use
pages 0-5...

>-> How will I know which ones are selected?
>-> Is there a _STANDARD_ definition which
>   memmaps are selected after the bootstrap?

In dos1, the following table is valid:
-3FFF: page 3
4000-7FFF: page 2
8000-BFFF: page 1
C000-: page 0

In Dos2 you should request the segment-nrs. using Get_Seg.

>DOS2 and Interrupts:
>I want to redirect the standard-interrupt (with use of
>IMx). Will I get troubles if there is NO(!) ROM selected
>in page0/1 the whole time? - I dont wanna load in this
>situation, only wanna switch mem...

You probably won't get problems.
However, in Dos it is easiest to replace the bytes at adress #38, for
example putting a JP Interrupt there. In Basic, it is -to my opinion- better
if you swith away the ROM, however you could also set the other interrupt
mode (mode 2?) in which the high byte of the adress of a jumptable is set in
the I-register and the low byte of the adress is determined by the devie.
For example, set I to #C0, and then fill adresses #C000-#C0FF with words of
the adress the interrupt should jump to (yes, indeed, the device can only
set odd adresses) (there are no devices delivering this lower byte of the
adress on the MSX. So #C000 can be assumed as the set adress. However, it is
still safe to fill the omplete 128 words with the right value, just in

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Re: Philips MSX-2 memory layout

1999-02-10 Thread Alwin Henseler

Hi again!

"See Loy Lin"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   wrote:

> > > > Yeah, I got this problem once. In a MSX2. But DD2 runs fine in my
> > > > MSX1, my MSX2 and my TR-GT. Even in BrMSX, VMSX and CJS MSX2 Emulator
> > > > (not in fMSX).
> > > On my Philips VG8235 and NMS 8245 (both MSX2) exactly the same 
> > > happened, but now I have a Philips NMS 8255 (MSX2 and with 512 Kb 
> > > RAM) and the game works perfectly with it!
> > 
> > Can you, please, tell me the memory map (RAM slot/subslot) and VDP
> > ports of your VG8235/NMS8245 and NMS8255? I'm curious about this crash of
> > DD2...
> I'm afraid I don't know much about the memory structure of my MSX...
> However, I will try to look at home for documentation, but has
> anyone more knowledge about this subject???

These MSX-2 models from Philips (and the 8280 also) basically share 
the same memory layout:

BIOS/BASIC ROM in slot 0,
slot 1 & 2 are the same numbered cartridge-slots,
and slot 3 is internally expanded (giving 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3),

128 KB. memory mapper (8 blocks of 16 KB. each) in slot 3-2,
MSX2 subROM in slot 3-0 (address -3FFFh), and
diskROM in slot 3-3 (address 4000-7FFFh)

You can discover such features easily using some debugging utility, 
or run MCCM's MSXMEM (it's pre-historic, but still good for this).

> > > happened, but now I have a Philips NMS 8255 (MSX2 and with 512
> > > Kb RAM) and the game works perfectly with it!

Ehhh, this memory mapper SIZE is not what does it, is it?

The VDP ports are 'ofcourse' the same as in any other MSX:
98h: read/write VRAM
99h: read: VDP status, write: VDP commands/register changing
These can also be found in BIOS-addresses 0006/0007, as any MSX 
programmer should know ( can find this anywhere)


Alwin Henseler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (MSX Tech Doc page)   (Computerclub Enschede)

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AW: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Robert Vroemisse

> --
> Van:  Laurens Holst[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Verzonden:dinsdag 12 januari 1999 15:48
> Onderwerp:Re: Memory...
> In MSX INFO BLAD Hans van Oranje wrote how to use SIMMs as MSX-RAM...
> So I guess it depends on the price of SIMMs and the parts used...
> Willem Cazander told me this design was not optimal, but I guess the
> design
> he was talking about is a little more expensive...
> ~Grauw
I know that there are kits available to build normal PC SIMMS into an MSX
Turbo R I bought such a kit last year (40 guilders). This was a set for
Turbo R, but maybe there are also kits for other Panasonic computers.


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AW: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Coen van der Geest

>Too much. Programmes don't arrive even to 512 K.
>If you refer to the price, something like 85 US$ or so...
>BTW, did you were a programmer for Sunrise and or Cain?

Moonsoft and Sunrise, but not a programmer, btw... I was involved with
the Sunrise Picturedisc and made songs for Moonblaster (and I was alpha
and beta tester for MB).


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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Laurens Holst

In MSX INFO BLAD Hans van Oranje wrote how to use SIMMs as MSX-RAM...
So I guess it depends on the price of SIMMs and the parts used...

Willem Cazander told me this design was not optimal, but I guess the design
he was talking about is a little more expensive...


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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 15:39 08/01/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Maybe an odd question but how much is 4 MB memory for the MSX nowadays? 

Enough 4 all the crazy things that I've in mind!

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1999-02-10 Thread Coen van der Geest

Maybe an odd question but how much is 4 MB memory for the MSX nowadays? 


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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Gabriel D.


>Maybe an odd question but how much is 4 MB memory for the MSX nowadays? 
Depends on where you buy it.
The cheapest I have seen is the Padial´s one. It´s wthout the box,
only the card. It cost approx 80USD.

Grets from TRD

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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Ramon Ribas Casasayas

On Fri, 8 Jan 1999 15:39:37 +0100, Coen van der Geest wrote:

>Maybe an odd question but how much is 4 MB memory for the 
>MSX nowadays? 
Too much. Programmes don't arrive even to 512 K.
If you refer to the price, something like 85 US$ or so...

BTW, did you were a programmer for Sunrise and or Cain?


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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Coen van der Geest wrote:
> Maybe an odd question but how much is 4 MB memory for the MSX nowadays?

Too much :-)
   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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memory problems with fmsx

1999-02-10 Thread Stefano Fronteddu

Hi to all,
  I'm here again for another question about fmsx. I made a .dsk copy of
xevius (space arcade), but this is one of that games that when starts needs
to press ctrl to have more memory.
I tried with poke &h,170, but it doesen't work. I also tried with -ram
32, -ram 16, -rom 1, but nothing.
Can someone suggest me a solution ?

Fronteddu Stefano

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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread J. Lautenbag

>In MSX INFO BLAD Hans van Oranje wrote how to use SIMMs as MSX-RAM...
>So I guess it depends on the price of SIMMs and the parts used...
>Willem Cazander told me this design was not optimal, but I guess the
>he was talking about is a little more expensive...

Are those schematics online somewhere? Or can somebody mail them to me?
Second hand SIMM's aren't that expensive...

Jasper Lautenbag.

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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Frengo

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 17:24:17 +0100, J. Lautenbag wrote:

>>In MSX INFO BLAD Hans van Oranje wrote how to use SIMMs as MSX-RAM...
>>So I guess it depends on the price of SIMMs and the parts used...
>>Willem Cazander told me this design was not optimal, but I guess the
>>he was talking about is a little more expensive...
>Are those schematics online somewhere? Or can somebody mail them to me?
>Second hand SIMM's aren't that expensive...

Yeah, I'm interested too !!

There's no nothing like that for Philips 8245 ?

by Frengo

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Re: memory problems with fmsx

1999-02-10 Thread Konami Man

>I tried with poke &h,170, but it doesen't work. I also tried with -ram
>32, -ram 16, -rom 1, but nothing.
>Can someone suggest me a solution ?

The POKE -1,shit is different for every machine. Try with this universal

POKE -1,((PEEK(-1)XOR&HFF)AND&HF0)*1.0625

It should work if the emulator is minimally good (BTW I don't know becasue I
don't use emulators...)

Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)Y
 Itsumo MSX user


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Re: memory problems with fmsx

1999-02-10 Thread Jorge Vidal Wulff

Stefano Fronteddu wrote:
> Hi to all,
>   I'm here again for another question about fmsx. I made a .dsk copy of
> xevius (space arcade), but this is one of that games that when starts needs
> to press ctrl to have more memory.
> I tried with poke &h,170, but it doesen't work. I also tried with -ram
> 32, -ram 16, -rom 1, but nothing.
> Can someone suggest me a solution ?
> Thanks

 Just use the "rom" vesion of xevious.Try fmsx xevious.rom and that's
it.I got it and
it works just fine.

Jorge Vidal Wulff 
Licenciatura en ciencia de la computación.
Depto. de Matemática y ciencia de la Computación.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile - USACH.

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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread shevek

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, J. Lautenbag wrote:

> >In MSX INFO BLAD Hans van Oranje wrote how to use SIMMs as MSX-RAM...
> >So I guess it depends on the price of SIMMs and the parts used...
> >
> >Willem Cazander told me this design was not optimal, but I guess the
> design
> >he was talking about is a little more expensive...
> Are those schematics online somewhere? Or can somebody mail them to me?
> Second hand SIMM's aren't that expensive...

Please put them online. I would like them too.


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Another memory problem?

1999-02-10 Thread G.S. Vigneault

Greetings Erik Maas,

EM>H What was the subject that resulted into these Flash
  >memory topics???

  Hmmm... maybe you could use a little nonvolatile memory yourself! ;)

  Here's a refresher, of the note that I replied to...

On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, MetalGear wrote:
>> De : Gabriel D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date : mercredi 7 octobre 1998 12:18
>> >1. I´m wondering how is the SRAM memory of Panasonic FM-PAC kept alive?
>> >Is there a battery (rechargeable?) inside ?
>> >I just don´t dare to splity my cartridge to check  :-)
>> SRAM = Static-RAM , doesn't need any power to keep data, but only to change
>> the stored bit value. I'm sure you can find lot of information about SRAM
>> (AFAIK called FLASH in some commercial products) functionning.
>> if I'm wrong, I hope to receive a copy of the correct information ;-)
>FLASH memory must be erased/rewritten by writing a (complex) bytesequence
>to certain memorylocations. So you can't use it as RAM.
>Jon De Schrijder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


  1998.Oct.13, Toronto, Canada

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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread Gerrit van den Berg

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: shevek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: dinsdag 12 januari 1999 18:16
Onderwerp: Re: Memory...

>On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, J. Lautenbag wrote:
>> >In MSX INFO BLAD Hans van Oranje wrote how to use SIMMs as MSX-RAM...
>> >So I guess it depends on the price of SIMMs and the parts used...
>> >
>> >Willem Cazander told me this design was not optimal, but I guess the
>> design
>> >he was talking about is a little more expensive...
>> Are those schematics online somewhere? Or can somebody mail them to me?
>> Second hand SIMM's aren't that expensive...
>Please put them online. I would like them too.

In MSX-Info Blad 8 there was a complete description of how to build SIMM
memory into a Philips NMS 8250/55/80 or into a Sony HB-500. In all
MSX-computers with a S-3527 engine this can be done! Unfortunately this
description is in Dutch only. If you can read Dutch, then you might consider
to order this issue of MSX-Info Blad. You can do this by contacting Rinus
Stoker on [EMAIL PROTECTED] or me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] !  The e-mail
address of the author is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Without permission of
MSX-Info Blad or the author this information may not be distributed freely!


Gerrit van den Berg
MSX-Info Blad

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Re: A BASIC compiler (dynamic memory)

1999-02-10 Thread MetalGear

Marcelino Luna Espinosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Yes, I'm a C maniac : )In fact, i want to make possible
> dynamic memory (one of the best carachteristics of high level
> languages) in the BASIC compiler, but I don't know how to
> implement it. Does anybody knows?

Maybe the idea is silly, but I'll tell about it:
since the new BASIC compiler must be in memory to permit new development
in this new BASIC, why not simple write a tiny C program, (once
compiled, it's machine code, isn't it ;-) that only contains a "int"
variable, set to what ever you want, plus a "malloc()" instruction sized
to your int
* sizeof(char), and once done, just unassemble this program, to see
what's the ML code for a malloc in C ;-)
(or even better, compare the code with and without the malloc()


I hope I understood "dynamic memory" the same way you did... And if you
meant "untyped" variable, thing about imitating the "VARIENT" type from
MS-VisualBasic... (IMHO very very silly) it will be a very consuming
memory system...


Les Petits Déjeuners du Cinéma
Forum MSX mag.

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Re: Philips MSX-2 memory layout/DD2

1999-02-10 Thread See Loy Lin

> > > Can you, please, tell me the memory map (RAM slot/subslot) and VDP
> > > ports of your VG8235/NMS8245 and NMS8255? I'm curious about this
> > > crash of DD2...
> > 
> > I'm afraid I don't know much about the memory structure of my MSX...
> > However, I will try to look at home for documentation, but has
> > anyone more knowledge about this subject???
> These MSX-2 models from Philips (and the 8280 also) basically share 
> the same memory layout:
> BIOS/BASIC ROM in slot 0,
> slot 1 & 2 are the same numbered cartridge-slots,
> and slot 3 is internally expanded (giving 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3),
> with:
> 128 KB. memory mapper (8 blocks of 16 KB. each) in slot 3-2,
> MSX2 subROM in slot 3-0 (address -3FFFh), and
> diskROM in slot 3-3 (address 4000-7FFFh)
> You can discover such features easily using some debugging utility, 
> or run MCCM's MSXMEM (it's pre-historic, but still good for this).

You're right! Last night, I also got the idea to use MCM's MSXMEM, 
and those computers have indeed the SAME memory-layout (as described 
> > On my Philips VG8235 and NMS 8245 (both MSX2) exactly the same 
> > happened, but now I have a Philips NMS 8255 (MSX2 and with 512 
> > Kb RAM) and the game works perfectly with it!
> Ehhh, this memory mapper SIZE is not what does it, is it?

You're right again, the size is not what it does...
However, I now know what does it: In my 8255 I have a DOS2 built-in. 
With DOS2 activated, the game doesn't crash at all, also it doesn't 
matter whether CTRL is pushed or not. 
I also tried to run the game on my 8235 with a DOS2-cartridge, and 
naturally the game runs as well...
But in the version I have, you can choose the stage you want to play 
in the beginning, but when you are supposed to progress to the next 
stage, you start in the same stage again???

> The VDP ports are 'ofcourse' the same as in any other MSX:
> 98h: read/write VRAM
> 99h: read: VDP status, write: VDP commands/register changing
> These can also be found in BIOS-addresses 0006/0007, as any MSX 
> programmer should know ( can find this anywhere)
Sorry, I'm not (yet) a programmer...

Greetings, See Loy.

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Memory, memory, memory...

1999-02-09 Thread Giovanni R. Nunes


> Do you know how can this computer (FS A1 WX) be upgraded or
> you have any schem about it? I'm interested on it (and not
> just to 128 kb).

  I found in a old MSX Magazine. But, like A1ST, it have a space
  to place the memory chips, or not? But the text is in japanese
  and is a 128Kb upgrade for A1WX (with 64Kb of RAM), because the
  A1WSX was sold with 128Kb of RAM.

  I have a A1ST with a internal expansion from 1024Kb using a 30
  pin SIMM module. I don't have this schem but involve connections
  with S1990 and R800.

Giovanni Nunes

"Os numeros complexos sao nossos amigos"

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Ramfile memory expansion...

1999-02-09 Thread G.S. Vigneault

Greetings Jimmy Hoffa,

JH>I have something called a "Ramfile" made by a company named
  >"Tecall". It has 16 kb batterybackuped RAM, and my question
  >is if its possible to expand ram on it? Its very useful, since
  >it allows the usage of files similar to autoexec.bas and so.
  >The two memory circuits, are of type 6464.
  >"JAPAN 8707  HM6264LP-15  UO522YYO"
  >The ROM is of kind "HN27128AG-25".
  >Please help me with this. :)

  An optimistic answer is "Maybe", depending on the Ramfile
  hardware and firmware. The likely realistic answer is "No".

  The two 6264s are 8k static RAM (SRAM) chips; the 27128 is
  a 16k EPROM chip -- for a total of 8k+8k+16k = 32k memory.

  The next larger capacity SRAM is the 32k 62256. The physical
  difference between the 6264 & 62256 is pin #1; for the 6264
  pin #1 is "no connection"; for the 62256, pin #1 is address
  line bit 14.

  There are 3 potential obstacles to expanding Ramfile memory...

  1) Hardware. If the Ramfile designers left the two SRAM pin-1
  unconnected, you can't use a 62256 as is; you'd have to do some
  soldering-iron surgery to the circuit board.

  2) Firmware. If that 27128 EPROM code doesn't know to use any
  more than 16k, then adding more memory hardware won't help.

  3) Memory map. The MSX uses a banked memory-mapping scheme to
  get around the Z-80's 64k limit. Adding memory must take into
  account where the new memory will reside, to avoid conflicts
  with other memory banks, and then the hardware decoding and
  firmware bank-switching routines created accordingly.

  98.Sept.13, Toronto, Canada.

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Question about 8235/00 , 8235/20 + Memory mapper designs

1999-02-09 Thread Leonard Silva de Oliveira

Philip wrote:
 >>>Ah, the famous /20-series... Can anybody tell me the difference
 >>>VG8235 and the VG8235/20???
 >Well, as far as I know, there is just a little difference between
these two
 >machines. I used to have the 00-version and that caused many
 >Why, coz the 00 has a hardware memory bug, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE
 >most cracked MEGAroms on disk, although you HAVE the necessary 128kB
 >memory. In the 20-versions, the bug is solved, so with that machine,
 >play the cracked games...

 Does this problem have something to do with the read of the mapper
registers ?
I know that some of the japanese memory mappers has no possibility  to
reply the data on the
mapper registers , making it unreadable. (You get only FF from it when
Wich makes allmost all dutch software unusable on it. I was working on
my own memory mapper
project using static memory chips. 
 I used 8 62256 , 2 74ls138 , 1 74ls30 and 2 74ls670
 The 1st 74ls670 does the mapper mapping and the second holds the
register value to make the
 mapper ports readable. Without this second one I noticed that programs
like Moonblaster
or any other european software wich uses mapper hangs or resets the
coputer while loading.

 By adding the 2nd 74ls670 I got all the tested software running fine

 I´m going to put the schematics online when I finish all my MSX
hardware projects . 

 Leonard Silva de Oliveira   MSX user since 1987  
 MSX users channel on the undernet  : #MSX the MSX user's channel
 Nickname : Vic_Viper

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Re: Question about 8235/00 , 8235/20 + Memory mapper designs

1999-02-09 Thread Erik

Leonard Silva de Oliveira schreef:

> Philip wrote:
>  >>>Ah, the famous /20-series... Can anybody tell me the difference
> between
>  >>the
>  >>>VG8235 and the VG8235/20???
>  >
>  >
>  >Well, as far as I know, there is just a little difference between
> these two
>  >machines. I used to have the 00-version and that caused many
> problems!!
>  >
>  >Why, coz the 00 has a hardware memory bug, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE
> to
>  play
>  >most cracked MEGAroms on disk, although you HAVE the necessary 128kB
> of
>  >memory. In the 20-versions, the bug is solved, so with that machine,
> you
>  CAN
>  >play the cracked games...
>  >
>  >Greetz,
>  >
>  Does this problem have something to do with the read of the mapper
> registers ?
> I know that some of the japanese memory mappers has no possibility  to
> reply the data on the
> mapper registers , making it unreadable. (You get only FF from it when
> reading)

No this problem is a pure disign problem , it has something to do with incorrect

> Wich makes allmost all dutch software unusable on it. I was working on
> my own memory mapper
> project using static memory chips.
>  I used 8 62256 , 2 74ls138 , 1 74ls30 and 2 74ls670
>  The 1st 74ls670 does the mapper mapping and the second holds the
> register value to make the
>  mapper ports readable. Without this second one I noticed that programs
> like Moonblaster
> or any other european software wich uses mapper hangs or resets the
> coputer while loading.
>  By adding the 2nd 74ls670 I got all the tested software running fine

most MSX's (like the NMS8250) use only 1 LS670 but the use a LS125 for readbackthe
design with 2 LS670 (also used in the megamapper from digital KC) will use less
(1 IC less) but a more complicated pcb design.

>  I´m going to put the schematics online when I finish all my MSX
> hardware projects .


erik de boer

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Re: Question about 8235/00 , 8235/20 + Memory mapper designs

1999-02-09 Thread Laurens Holst

:Does this problem have something to do with the read of the mapper
:registers ?
:I know that some of the japanese memory mappers has no possibility  to
:reply the data on the
:mapper registers , making it unreadable. (You get only FF from it when
:Wich makes allmost all dutch software unusable on it. I was working on
:my own memory mapper

Well I think (hope) every programmer knows that the result of a readout of
ports #FC-#FF cannot be trusted...


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-07 Thread Maarten ter Huurne


I've got a mistake to fix...

I wrote:

>Did you know that you shouldn't put the MoonSound volume too high? If you
>do, it will clip the sound and it will sound bad.
>I made a single channel that plays a sample which uses the full amplitude
>range. I put the volume for that channel on maximum and put the mixer on
>maximum too. About one third of the sample was clipped! And this occurs
when >playing a single channel, the other 23 were silent.
>Does anyone know what mixer setting MoonBlaster uses? I use %010 (2) for
>both channels now, that avoids clipping in most cases and is still loud

Well, it was my PC soundcard (PCI SoundBlaster) that did the clipping. I
blamed the MoonSound although it was not doing anything wrong...

The strange thing is that my soundcard clips around sample value 24000,
instead of 32767 as one would expect of a 16-bit sample. That's why I
thought the MoonSound did the clipping.

OK, a new MSX sound card trivia:
Did you know that Konami used 90 different SCC instruments in Solid Snake?
And it seems they can also mix instruments when playing, creating a new
waveform from two different source waveforms. This feature is not present
in any other Konami replayer I've ever seen.


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-06 Thread Alex Wulms

] I've been wondering. Except for the opcode and the timing, is there a
] difference between RET and RETI? I know RETN does iff1=iff2, RET. But my
] documentation on RETI only says that the program knows the interrupt is
] finished.
Quoted from a book about the Z80, describing the RETI instruction:
'The Zilog-periferal-chips can see that an interrupt routine has ended by the 
fact that the ED and 4D opcodes appear on the databus during the M1 cycle. 
When using a daisy chain, this instruction makes sure that nested interrupts 
with different priorities are handled in the proper order, by resetting the 
IEO of the device for which the interrupt service routine has just finished'

As you can understand from the above description, using the RETI instruction 
does not make much sense in a standard MSX computer. The standard MSX 
computer simply does not have any hardware device monitoring the bus to see 
if the RETI instruction has been executed. Though, one might build a 
cartridge or a hardware extension with such a hardware device...

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-06 Thread shevek

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

> The default MSX interrupt handler pushes all registers (normal and
> alternative) to the stack. This is safe, but slow.
> If you choose not to use the alternative registers in your program, and not
> to use them and IX and IY in your interrupt routine, you can make a much
> faster interrupt handler:
> intHandler:
>   ex  af,af'
>   exx
>   ... handle interrupt ...
>   exx
>   ex  af,af'
>   ei
>   ret

I've been wondering. Except for the opcode and the timing, is there a
difference between RET and RETI? I know RETN does iff1=iff2, RET. But my
documentation on RETI only says that the program knows the interrupt is
finished. Now my programs don't know anything themselves... Is it just to
be compatible with later (or earlier) versions of the Z80, which might do
something different, or does it do something I don't know about?


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-06 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 08:31 PM 2/5/99 +0100, you wrote:

>DOS 2 & memory
>I found out that the DOS2 page-switch routines are
>kinda slow. Does anybody know a simple, "legal", and
>compatible way to speed up those bottlenecks?

This is what PUT_P2 does on my GT:

jp  #EE3A
ld  (#F2C9),a
out (#FE),a

If that is too slow for your program, maybe you are simply doing too many
page switches...

But, if you really need to do it faster, here are a couple of suggestions:

You can "safely" assume that the jump table only contains "C3 ll hh"
entries. So you can jump to "hhll" instead of jumping into the jump table.
Saves one jp instruction.

A bit more risky solution is to use the addresses #F2C7..#F2CA hardcoded in
your program. I think that will work on all current DOS2 implementations,
but it's not good conduct. Anyway, this will save one CALL/RET pair, which
only a couple of clockticks, so don't do it unless you really need the speed.

>Oh - another question comes in mind:
>In DOS1 you are not allowed to "ask" the outs (#fe...) about
>the page number which they may contain.
>-> How will I know which ones are selected?

You can assume the mapper registers are initialised like this:
#FC : mapper page 3
#FD : mapper page 2
#FE : mapper page 1
#FF : mapper page 0
This is true in DOS, BASIC and when booting. I can't think of any other
situation from which your program is executed.

>-> Is there a _STANDARD_ definition which
>   memmaps are selected after the bootstrap?

See above.

>DOS2 and Interrupts:
>I want to redirect the standard-interrupt (with use of
>IMx). Will I get troubles if there is NO(!) ROM selected
>in page0/1 the whole time? - I dont wanna load in this
>situation, only wanna switch mem...

As long as there is an interrupt handler where the Z80 expects it, there is
no problem. An interrupt handler can be located in RAM.

You can use IM2 to set up an interrupt handler at any address, but it's
cumbersome to make it compatible. There was a discussion about this on this
list a while ago.
If putting the interrupt handler at #0038 is no problem, you can stick with
the normal interrupt mode (IM1).

There are a couple of things an interrupt handler must do:
- tell the device that caused the interrupt that it can stop asking for an
interrupt (example: read VDP status register 0)
- after that and before the end of the interrupt handler, execute the EI
- modify absolutely none of the registers that are used by the program

About that last point:
The default MSX interrupt handler pushes all registers (normal and
alternative) to the stack. This is safe, but slow.
If you choose not to use the alternative registers in your program, and not
to use them and IX and IY in your interrupt routine, you can make a much
faster interrupt handler:

ex  af,af'
... handle interrupt ...
ex  af,af'

For a normal 50/60Hz interrupt, such a speedup is not necessary. But if you
use more frequent interrupts (line interrupts, OPL1 or OPL4 timer), it
could be a good idea.

>hope to get interesting answers...

Thanks for the opportunity to boost the tech-level on this list.
I wonder why there is more chatting on this list than on the MSX IRC

Today's MSX soundcard trivia:
Did you know that you shouldn't put the MoonSound volume too high? If you
do, it will clip the sound and it will sound bad.
I made a single channel that plays a sample which uses the full amplitude
range. I put the volume for that channel on maximum and put the mixer on
maximum too. About one third of the sample was clipped! And this occurs
when playing a single channel, the other 23 were silent.
Does anyone know what mixer setting MoonBlaster uses? I use %010 (2) for
both channels now, that avoids clipping in most cases and is still loud


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[real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-05 Thread john . j


I read (nearly) all the messages from the last time...
- Oh my god! I really miss  mails refering to (program-) technical thingies...

So - lets start a "serious" thread...   ;cP

DOS 2 & memory
I found out that the DOS2 page-switch routines are
kinda slow. Does anybody know a simple, "legal", and
compatible way to speed up those bottlenecks?

Compatible, because I dunno how many different versions
of DOS2 are in use. - And I want it to work with every
kind of DOS2.

Oh - another question comes in mind:
In DOS1 you are not allowed to "ask" the outs (#fe...) about
the page number which they may contain.

-> How will I know which ones are selected?
-> Is there a _STANDARD_ definition which
   memmaps are selected after the bootstrap?

DOS2 and Interrupts:

I want to redirect the standard-interrupt (with use of
IMx). Will I get troubles if there is NO(!) ROM selected
in page0/1 the whole time? - I dont wanna load in this
situation, only wanna switch mem...

hope to get interesting answers...

(or call me chief-gavaman)

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