Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Raymond Hoogerdijk

:I wouldn't call it easier, if I were you...
:By the way, I think I was wrong, it has to be hold key 5 to
:give ID 5 and
:hold key 6 to give ID 6... You can't give the interface ID
:7, if I remember
:the manual well (I have never tried).
:Manual? Did you say manual? Where is that manual or do you
:refer to  the readme on disk?

A real one, got it together with BERT...

But the BERT is sooo sloow Get a Novaxis for speed. And
installing a SCSI harddisk is'nt that difficult that you will need a manual
for it...

:Btw: does your way save the info in the clockchip or do you
:have to hold the key each time you reboot?
:Using SCSID you can do ID-switching with software by setting
:the proper ID, reset and let your software go on

It does not save it in the clockchip, for then I had to re-press it every
reboot... My batteries are down, so the info isn't stored. Nope, Novaxis
saves in the clockchip, but BERT saves it happily into a byte of flash-rom
or SRAM or whatever it is called, I don't know.


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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Kari Lammassaari

I havent wathed the thread (so forgive me, if I'm a latre echo), but the
SCSI-specification requires termination at the both ends of the SCSI bus. 
If you can have so called active termination on every device. (Passive
termination is made od resistors .Active termination regulates the voltage
of the bus lines)

Sincerely Kari Lammassaari

PS. I have noticed several times, that if SCSI-bus is not linear (ie. looks
like letter Y, you must terminate each end of the SCSI-bus. Actually I an
just now using this Y-shaped (plopably illegal) SCSI-bus. SCSI-bus shoulb
be daisy chained and linear !

At 02:26 16.10.1998 +0200, you wrote:
Laurens Holst wrote:
If the interface needed a terminator on HD2, then my current configuration
could not possible work, for then BERT should assume HD1 not available for
HD2 has got a terminator.
So I have SCSI'd for quite some time without terminator, I guess.

An idea is cummin' up; might this non-availability of a terminator have
caused those errors which sometimes occurred and at last the breakdown of my

Maybe, but I can tell you I've heard lots of stories from PC-people that
had perfectly working configurations with NO terminators at all, while
others had EVERY device terminated!

So it's hard to say...



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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 03:23 AM 10/11/98 +0300, you wrote:

How about can I use forexample same HDD at a same time, or do I have to be
sure, that it is not used that time by other computer?

Unless the SCSI interfaces have a DOS2 modified for sharing harddisks (does
this exist?), you will get troubles.

The type of problems you'll get are very typical of parallel computing.
Example: both computers want to create a file in the same directory. That
process includes the writing of the file name in the directory sector. This
consists of 3 actions:
1. read directory sector
2. add new filename
3. write directory sector
When computer A performs these actions, I'll call when A1, A2, A3, when
computer B performs them B1, B2, B3.
If the two computers perform the sequence one after another, like A1; A2;
A3; B1; B2; B3, there is no problem. But a sequence like A1; B1; A2; B2;
A3; B3 is a problem:
A1: A reads directory sector
B1: B reads directory sector, which doesn't include A's file
A2: A adds filename
B2: B adds filename to directory which doesn't include A's file
A3: A writes directory sector
B3: B writes directory sector, which doesn't include A's file
The result is that the file A tried to add, is erased from the directory
only moments after it is written.

So while some of you might think that writing a partition by only one
computer is a restriction, it might actually be a safety precaution which
will ensure correct writing of data to your harddisk.

The sequence 1, 2, 3 is an example of what is called a "critical section".
The execution of a critical section by two processes should never overlap
in time. A way to fix this is to make a process (computer) lock a sector
before it is allowed to modify it. This would add actions 0 and 4 to the
0. lock the directory sector
1. read directory sector
2. add new filename
3. write directory sector
4. unlock the directory sector

Does anyone know whether the BERT interface has a DOS2 inside which
properly addresses these concurrency problems, or whether using it with 2
harddisks is simply "hoping such bad things will never happen"?


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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Laurens Holst

:Hello ~Grauw
:For AFAIK the Bert doesn't have any flashrom or sram or
:anything battery backup memory.
:The Bert stores its info in the clock chip as well...

Well AFAIK I have never heard of that before, I might even have heard the
'tegendeel' from Hans himself (not sure about that). Plus that my clockchip
can't remember a single thing at the moment.

Well if the data in the clockchip isn't the ID-byte for SCSI-ID 7(or 5???)
then it might automatically select ID 6...

~Grauw "The name is Grauw not ~Grauw. ~ means bye or at least that it is
what it is supposed to mean."

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Laurens Holst

:I wouldn't call it easier, if I were you...
:By the way, I think I was wrong, it has to be hold key 5 to
:give ID 5 and
:hold key 6 to give ID 6... You can't give the interface ID
:7, if I remember
:the manual well (I have never tried).
:Manual? Did you say manual? Where is that manual or do you
:refer to  the readme on disk?

A real one, got it together with BERT...

:Btw: does your way save the info in the clockchip or do you
:have to hold the key each time you reboot?
:Using SCSID you can do ID-switching with software by setting
:the proper ID, reset and let your software go on

It does not save it in the clockchip, for then I had to re-press it every
reboot... My batteries are down, so the info isn't stored. Nope, Novaxis
saves in the clockchip, but BERT saves it happily into a byte of flash-rom
or SRAM or whatever it is called, I don't know.


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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Patriek Lesparre

Laurens Holst wrote:
If the interface needed a terminator on HD2, then my current configuration
could not possible work, for then BERT should assume HD1 not available for
HD2 has got a terminator.
So I have SCSI'd for quite some time without terminator, I guess.

An idea is cummin' up; might this non-availability of a terminator have
caused those errors which sometimes occurred and at last the breakdown of my

Maybe, but I can tell you I've heard lots of stories from PC-people that
had perfectly working configurations with NO terminators at all, while
others had EVERY device terminated!

So it's hard to say...



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SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

 But if one really wants to make a network, then you should just use SCSI or
 so... it is developed for it, is much faster and a lot easier to use.

So, can somebody tell me more about this? I have two Novaxis SCSI
controllers. Is it possibble to connect both of them to different
computers, put a cable between these computers and add a HDD too?

If this is possibble, then do I need some special software or can
I just use MSX-DOS2 and same SCSI devises in both computers ?

How about can I use forexample same HDD at a same time, or do I have to be
sure, that it is not used that time by other computer?

Do I get a probblem, if computers use SCSI at different speeds?
(R800  3.5MHz Z80)

I wanted to ask this, to avoid burning any of my computers or

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Maico Arts

How can I give this ID ?

With BERT I think you can press a number-key on boot.

No, you have to use a utility.
SCSID.COM. the /K option allows you to save the info in the

So, this means, that if I use same partitions at a same
time, my FAT
system will crach and I may lose some files, if I writed
same partition
with both computers ?

Only when you write with BOTH computers at EXACTLY the same

I recommend to wait with writing with one computer until the
other is finished...

Version 2.33. It also had some kind of CONFIG.SYS. I'm not
sure if it works
with any interface besides BERT. Anyway, I didn't use it
because it took
too much TPA memory.

That is also a reason for not using it.
This config.sys isn't that a config.BAT which acted  as a
REBOOT.BAST for the "normal" dos 2 versions?

MSX tR - Novaxis SCSI -- HDD -- CD ROM -- Zip -- Novaxis
SCSI - NMS 8250
ID#:  ???  1   25 ???

I wish I had thought of it, but Maico Arts had the
following solution,
which SHOULD work:

MSX tR -- NMS8250 with terminators removed from SCSI
interface -- HDD --
CDROM -- ZIP with terminators placed

Yes, that was one of my ideas to connect your equippement.

Maico Arts

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Leonard Silva de Oliveira

The best configuration is this :

  | 1ST HOST| -| targets  |--| 2ND host |

 SCSI buses are that flexible that allow even the host to be in 
the middle of the bus ... then there is no need to remove the SCSI 
terminator of one SCSI host ... just putĀ“em at the edges of the bus
and disable the peripherals terminators (easier to do).

 Leonard Silva de Oliveira   MSX user since 1987  
 MSX users channel on the undernet  : #MSX the MSX user's channel
 Nickname : Vic_Viper

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread M . K . t . Huurne

Grauw wrote:

I don't know where to get MEGASCSI either.

You can build one yourself!
Look at Takamichi's page for instructions:

You can also find instructions for ESE-SCC there. Has anyone besides 
me ever built one?
It's really cool, now I can upload my fake diskROM called JoyDsk to 
it and run DSK images from my PC harddisk using the JoyNet cable.

_JDSETDISK(2) inserts disk 2!

By the way, if you have a JoyNet cable, a PC, and a piece of RAM in 
the range 4000-7FFF which is not in the primary mapper (examples: 
ESE-SCC or second mapper or even non-mapped RAM), you are welcome to 
betatest JoyDsk. Mail me!


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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Maico Arts


AFAIK you don't need a terminator if you just use two
(interface included)...
With which interface?
I have Novaxis 1.50 with HDD and internal ZIP and if I dare
plug off terminators the whole thing crashes.

The two devices at the end of the SCSI-bus do need
terminators of course. The devices in between don't.

Maico arts

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Maico Arts

Hello all

Maybe, but I can tell you I've heard lots of stories from
PC-people that
had perfectly working configurations with NO terminators at
all, while
others had EVERY device terminated!

I have seen this also...

It is not hard to say. Just try... But first try with the
Sometimes even the sequence of devices in the SCSI-chain can
make a difference...

Maico Arts

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Laurens Holst

:] An idea is cummin' up; might this non-availability of a terminator have
:] caused those errors which sometimes occurred and at last the breakdown of
:] MK-interface???
:Yes. Surely. When you don't have a terminator, the signal is reflected at
:end of the cable and can disturb all traffic on the bus.

Whooo shoot.
Then I have 'destroyed' my interface by doing this or did it just cause all
those errors?


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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Maico Arts

It does not save it in the clockchip, for then I had to
re-press it every
reboot... My batteries are down, so the info isn't stored.
Nope, Novaxis
saves in the clockchip, but BERT saves it happily into a
byte of flash-rom
or SRAM or whatever it is called, I don't know.

Hello ~Grauw

For AFAIK the Bert doesn't have any flashrom or sram or
anything battery backup memory.
The Bert stores its info in the clock chip as well...

Maico Arts

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Laurens Holst

::SCSID.COM. the /K option allows you to save the info in
:You CAN hold number 6 while booting to give BERT SCSI-ID 6
:and hold key 6 to
:give BERT SCSI-ID 7.
:No, I am not wrong.  May be your way is also a good one.

I wouldn't call it easier, if I were you...
By the way, I think I was wrong, it has to be hold key 5 to give ID 5 and
hold key 6 to give ID 6... You can't give the interface ID 7, if I remember
the manual well (I have never tried).


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SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Giovanni dos Reis Nunes


  In last year, in last Brasilia meeting, I said two  Turbo  Rs
  sharing the same SCSI Bus. All computers was using a MegaSCSI
  (a Janapanese Model by ESE and other the  Carchano's  model),
  all computers runned Ok! Was two zip drives and one hard disk
  in the bus, but the computers crashed when the computers  try
  to access the same partition. :(

  I listen stories that in Japan, MSX users connect MSX  to  PC
  and Macintoshs for file transfer.

Giovanni Nunes -


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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread See Loy Lin

 If you're not using the BERT on a turboR, you can upgrade to BERT v3.0
 which works faster than Novaxis.
 I'm not sure how the situation is right now, because work on BERT is always
 progressing, but last time I checked the v3.0 didn't run on turboR because
 of timing-problems, it was going TOO fast or something...

How can I upgrade to v3.0 and how much money does it cost?
Greetings, See Loy.

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Alex Wulms

] So, this means, that if I use same partitions at a same time, my FAT
] system will crach and I may lose some files, if I writed same partition
] with both computers ?
] Only when you write with BOTH computers at EXACTLY the same time.
Approximately at the same time is good enough to get into deep troubles. And 
on the MSX turbo R, approximately is not even necesary because of the sector 
buffers of DOS2. They keep copies of the most recently used fat and directy 
sectors to reduce the amount of head movements necesary. Ideal scenario to 
get concurrency problems when both systems have write access to the same 

Just try the next thing on your MSX turbo R:
1) Start DOS2/command2.31
2) Set the amount of sector buffers as high as possible, for example 
3) Go to one of your harddrive partitions
4) Enter a directory
5) Enter the dir command
6) Turn of your harddisk and pray that your computer does not crash because 
of the possible powerpeaks
7) Enter the dir command again, and voila, you will see the contents of the 
directory again...

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread Patriek Lesparre

So, can somebody tell me more about this? I have two Novaxis SCSI
controllers. Is it possibble to connect both of them to different
computers, put a cable between these computers and add a HDD too?

I dunno about Novaxis, but I had 2 computers and a HD connected with 2 BERT

If this is possibble, then do I need some special software or can
I just use MSX-DOS2 and same SCSI devises in both computers ?

You don't need any special software.

How about can I use forexample same HDD at a same time, or do I have to be
sure, that it is not used that time by other computer?

With the BERT you can read/write to the same partition with both computers.
You can't write both at the same time, because of FAT-caching.
AFAIK interfaces other than BERT have restrictions, like assigning specific
partitions to either of the 2 computers. So never 2 at once on one partition.
Also, my experience with the BERT was that sometimes the SCSI-bus would
stall. If I used a special DOS which had a hotkey to reset the SCSI-bus, I
could continue, otherwise reset one of the computers.

Do I get a probblem, if computers use SCSI at different speeds?
(R800  3.5MHz Z80)

One of my computers was running 3.58 MHz and the other 7.16Mhz, so it
doesn't matter at all.

I wanted to ask this, to avoid burning any of my computers or

That probably won't happen :)

Unless you got an active terminator on your HD though, you have to have
BOTH computers activated on the same time. Or more correctly: both SCSI
interfaces have to be on. My solution was to place one of them in a
slot-expander with seperate powersupply. (The other computer was always on,
it ran my BBS)

I hope you succeed with you Novaxis interfaces! I'd be interested to know
how the Novaxis (and MegaSCSI) handles this situation.



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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

 I dunno about Novaxis, but I had 2 computers and a HD
 connected with 2 BERT
 novaxis can do so too, but you have to use a unique ID for
 each computer. On Novaxis thentrouble starts because there
 is only one computer which can write to one particular
 partition. All computers can read from every device. That is
 no problem.

How can I give this ID ?

 How about can I use forexample same HDD at a same time, or
 do I have to be
 sure, that it is not used that time by other computer?
 With the BERT you can read/write to the same partition with
 both computers.
 You can't write both at the same time, because of
 This will always be a problem...

So, this means, that if I use same partitions at a same time, my FAT
system will crach and I may lose some files, if I writed same partition
with both computers ?

 stall. If I used a special DOS which had a hotkey to reset
 the SCSI-bus, I
 could continue, otherwise reset one of the computers.

What version was that ?

 I wanted to ask this, to avoid burning any of my computers
 That probably won't happen :)
 Unless you got an active terminator on your HD though, you
 have to have
 BOTH computers activated on the same time. Or more
 correctly: both SCSI
 interfaces have to be on. My solution was to place one of
 them in a
 slot-expander with seperate powersupply. (The other
 computer was always on,
 it ran my BBS)

Aargh !!! I don't have a place for external power suply in my expander...
And I'll overload the SCSI bus, if one SCSI controller is offline? Hey
this is getting ugly... :-(

 Another possibility is to remove the terminiator resistors
 from the interface.
 your chain will look as follows:
 interface with terminator - harddisk or computer without
 terminator - hardisk with terminator

You mean, that I have to open SCSI controller and take some resistors
away? How about, if I do not do that for both interfaces, then I still
can't use both computers independent of is another computer on or not?
I mean, that only modifyed controller can be off?

I was planning exactly something like this :

MSX tR - Novaxis SCSI -- HDD -- CD ROM -- Zip -- Novaxis SCSI - NMS 8250
ID#:  ???  1   25 ???

... but I'm not sure anymore, is it a good idea :-(

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread Laurens Holst

:] You CAN hold number 6 while booting to give BERT SCSI-ID 6 and hold key 6
:] give BERT SCSI-ID 7.
:What's the difference between number 6 and key 6?

You know what I meant. the 7-key ofcourse! (for the ones who didn't get that


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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread Maico Arts

AFAIK you don't need a terminator if you just use two
devices (interface

If you have one computer and one harddisk they will both
have terminators. The interface has them and the harddisk
has them. These are most likely removable.

If you have more then 2  devices, then the one in the middle
must not have any terminators.
But I think you already know that...

Maico Arts

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread Maico Arts

MSX tR - Novaxis SCSI -- HDD -- CD ROM -- Zip -- Novaxis
SCSI - NMS 8250
ID#:  ???  1   25 ???

... but I'm not sure anymore, is it a good idea :-(

 Well, if you don't change, all SCSI boards (like Novaxis)
are SCSI ID 7.
Well, with a Mega-SCSI utility u can change its ID, I don't
know 4 Novaxis.
And in Japan, users used to connect 2 computers using SCSI
in order to
exchange programs. I don't know how, either.

With Novaxis goto setup be pressing DELETE on reboot or
startup of the computer.
in this screen you can change host-ID to 4 - 7. When in
Basic you can use this basic command:

call sethostid(var)
the var must then contain the value 4 to 7 and can be a
varibele or just a number.

Maico Arts

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread Laurens Holst

:On Tue, 13 Oct 1998 21:12:30 +0200, Laurens Holst wrote:
:AFAIK you don't need a terminator if you just use two devices
:(interface included)...
:With which interface?
:I have Novaxis 1.50 with HDD and internal ZIP and if I dare to
:plug off terminators the whole thing crashes.

I have got a BERT interface, linked to two harddisks like this:

BERT - HD2 - HD1

HD1 is always online (produces the less sound and is the most reliable).
The second HD is used for backups only, so it's offline most of the time
(awful lot of noise and I have experienced quite some breakdowns with it,
although my former MK-interface might have been the cause of that).

I don't know the ID/terminator-settings, for if I change the ID-settings it
doesn't work at all so I keep them in their standard.

However, my previous config was:

MK (precessor of BERT) - HD2

If the interface needed a terminator on HD2, then my current configuration
could not possible work, for then BERT should assume HD1 not available for
HD2 has got a terminator.
So I have SCSI'd for quite some time without terminator, I guess.

An idea is cummin' up; might this non-availability of a terminator have
caused those errors which sometimes occurred and at last the breakdown of my

~Grauw "Do you, I, still get this?"

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread Patriek Lesparre

Laurens Holst wrote:
First of all, IF I should get another one, then I'd get MEGASCSI.
Second, I bought BERT because I saw a test in MCCM about Bert 2.8 which
would be faster than Novaxis on a MSX2... So I ordered BERT... v2.7... v2.8
was never released so I bought v2.7 (not knowing the difference), a slower

If you're not using the BERT on a turboR, you can upgrade to BERT v3.0
which works faster than Novaxis.

I'm not sure how the situation is right now, because work on BERT is always
progressing, but last time I checked the v3.0 didn't run on turboR because
of timing-problems, it was going TOO fast or something...



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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread Patriek Lesparre

See Loy Lin wrote:
 I'm not sure how the situation is right now, because work on BERT is always
 progressing, but last time I checked the v3.0 didn't run on turboR because
 of timing-problems, it was going TOO fast or something...

How can I upgrade to v3.0 and how much money does it cost?

You have to contact Hans Oranje, but I'm afraid I don't have his e-mail
address. :( Someone please tell us what his address is!

About the costs, you just need a EPROM replacement which AFAIK is NLG 25,-. 



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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread Maico Arts

:SCSID.COM. the /K option allows you to save the info in


You CAN hold number 6 while booting to give BERT SCSI-ID 6
and hold key 6 to
give BERT SCSI-ID 7.

No, I am not wrong.  May be your way is also a good one.

Maico Arts

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