Re: Question

2000-01-17 Thread Michael Elkins

On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 09:47:00PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Where do I edit/add this line at?

Like all configuration commands, they go in your ~/.muttrc.  I would highly
recommend looking through the documentation at

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Re: aliases with the same name..

2000-01-17 Thread Shao Zhang

Jeremy Blosser [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Eugene Lee [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > Add support for an address book to the wish list?  Sven?  :)
> There are already a few external address books made to work with Mutt, and

Please tell me some... I don't mind using an external
addressbook if mutt can query from it...

I search on freshmeat and it appears that abook claims that it
supports mutt, but it core dumped when I run it...



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

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Re: Question

2000-01-17 Thread Michael Elkins

On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 03:16:30PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I was looking ot change the default mailbox (mbox) to a differnt file name, such as 
>.inbox, or such, how might I go about doing that? T

set mbox=~/.inbox
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YA ph wrapper for query_command

2000-01-17 Thread Rich Lafferty

Hi, all.

I was poking through the ph wrappers on Brandon Long's page, and none of them
really let me do what I wanted (and none used the perl PH module, which is
handy), so I wrote my own.

The big difference is that it takes a bunch of arguments on the commandline
that let you customize the output a bit. Firstly, the server; this will let
you change query_command with a macro or hook to change your ph server. Then,
it lets you specify the name of the fields that the 'name' and 'email address'
are in. It's "name" and "email" here, but I'm not sure if that's consistent
everywhere. Lastly, it lets you specify other arbitrary fields to fill in
the "info" blank in the query results with whatever you like.

Brandon, I'd be charmed if you included this with the rest of 'em on your
mutt page..


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# muttph -- query program for mutt using Net::PH.
# Rich Lafferty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
# the same terms as Perl itself (although the author is particularly fond of
# the Artistic License, he'll tolerate the GPL too).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# To use, add to your muttrc (one line):
# set query_command = 
#   "/path/to/muttph '%s' phserver namefield emailfield [otherfield1 [otherfield2..]]"
#  where phserver is the name of your PH server
#namefield is the field which contains names
#emailfield is the field which contains email addresses
#otherfield1 etc. are fields which you wish returned in the query
#for informational purposes.
#  For example, I use
#   "muttph '%s' name email phone dept title"
# If you get an error like "Can't locate Net/ in @INC", then you need
# to install Net::PH, which is part of the libnet bundle:
# $ perl -MCPAN -e'install Net::PH'
# Querying is documented in the mutt manual, but you've already read that,
# so you knew that. :-) 

require 5.004;
use strict;
use Net::PH;
my $version = "0.1";

my ($query, $phserver, $namefield, $emailfield, @otherfields) = @ARGV;

print qq(Results for "$query" from $phserver by muttph $version\n);

my $ph = Net::PH->new($phserver,
  Port=> 105,
  Timeout => 120,
  Debug   => 0);

# Ask PH server
my $q = $ph->query({ name => "$query" },
   [$namefield, $emailfield, @otherfields]);

if ($ph) {
foreach my $handle (@{$q}) {
print ${$handle}{$emailfield}->text . "\t";

# Uncomment this if your PH server returns names in the format "SMITH JOHN"
# and you want to send mail to John Smith rather than SMITH JOHN. Of course,
# this breaks on anything more complex than LASTNAME FIRSTNAME, but it saves
# having to retype them *all* to make them look pretty. :-)
#   my ($lastname, $firstname) = split(" ",${$handle}{$namefield}->text,2);
#   $lastname = ucfirst(lc($lastname));
#   $firstname = ucfirst(lc($firstname));
#   print "$firstname $lastname\t";
# Comment this out if you've uncommented the bit above, and vice-versa.
print ${$handle}{$namefield}->text . "\t";

# Include other fields
foreach my $field (@otherfields) {
my $entry = ${$handle}{$field}->text;
print "$entry ";
print "\n";


2000-01-17 Thread aprossetti

I was looking ot change the default mailbox (mbox) to a differnt file name, such as 
.inbox, or such, how might I go about doing that? T

Re: Mutt and usenet

2000-01-17 Thread David Shaw

On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 03:56:03PM -0600, Ronny Haryanto wrote:
> On 14-Jan-2000, Subba Rao wrote:
> > Can mutt be used to access usenet servers?
> AFAIK, not directly. I don't really think it's Mutt's job to _fetch_
> news or mails. I use fetchmail to fetch my mails, and newsfetch to
> fetch my news.
> Now, if only Mutt support "Newsgroups:" header, and then post to
> newsgroups using a third-party program (as it use sendmail to deliver
> mails), it would be really cool.

I use something like this, along with newsfetch to do the actual fetching:

folder-hook . 'unmy_hdr Newsgroups'
folder-hook . bind pager L list-reply
folder-hook . bind index L list-reply

folder-hook "my_hdr Newsgroups:"
folder-hook News 'macro pager L \[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n'
folder-hook News 'macro index L \[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n'
folder-hook News 'set signature=".news-sig"'


   David Shaw  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  WWW
   "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
  We don't believe this to be a coincidence." - Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: accent

2000-01-17 Thread shawn a.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 12:04:12AM +0100, Lele wrote:
> I have this problem and i don't know how to fix it, so please 
> help me : i'm using mutt (of the Debian 2.1) and since i live
> in italy i'd like to view te letter a e i u o with their accent,
> if one is present now instead of the letter with accent i see 
> a questio mark.
> With my old mutt (Debian 2.0) i had not this problem.
Hi, I had this problem too. to fix it I switched back to red hat
 ;-) mabey you should send this to a debian list.

good luck,

Re: unqualified domain name [OT]

2000-01-17 Thread shawn a.

On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 01:49:31PM -0600, Jonathan Hseu wrote:
> My smtp server won't let me mail because of an unqualified domain name.  I
> "set", but mutt still doesn't attach that to the from
> address.  When mutt connects to the server, it does a "MAIL FROM:", is
> there a way to change this so it does a "MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"?
Hi, I had the same problem, but I fixed It by setting earthlinks mail
server as a smart host for sendmail, and doing this also fixed a problem 
I got with a few mailing lists:

<<< 553-See>
<<< 553-If you feel we mistreat you, do contact us. 
<<< 553 Ask HELP for our contact information.

I also got me a domain name... but I still got the dul
message, until I set up the "smart host"

good luck,

Re: accent

2000-01-17 Thread Dirk Pirschel

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Lele wrote:

> I have this problem and i don't know how to fix it, so please 
> help me : i'm using mutt (of the Debian 2.1) and since i live
> in italy i'd like to view te letter a e i u o with their accent,
> if one is present now instead of the letter with accent i see 
> a questio mark.

set $LANG properly


Windooze is bootiful

Re: aliases with the same name..

2000-01-17 Thread Jeremy Blosser

Eugene Lee [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Add support for an address book to the wish list?  Sven?  :)

There are already a few external address books made to work with Mutt, and
there is always the ability to use an external query with something like
LBDB.  I'd prefer it to stay this way, I don't need more complex address
handling and don't want to have to deal with it.

> I think it would be nice to be able to press '?' at any mail header and
> have Mutt bring up a list of all the available aliases,

Hit  instead, and it will.

> or be able to type a few letters, then press  to expand a list of
> all matching aliases.

Did you try this before suggesting it?  It does work.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

 PGP signature


2000-01-17 Thread Lele

I have this problem and i don't know how to fix it, so please 
help me : i'm using mutt (of the Debian 2.1) and since i live
in italy i'd like to view te letter a e i u o with their accent,
if one is present now instead of the letter with accent i see 
a questio mark.
With my old mutt (Debian 2.0) i had not this problem.

P.S reply me at my own address and not in ML, since i'm
not subscribed.
_,,  | Lele : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   (o o) |  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ooO-(_)-Ooo---   |  

real-time viewing output of the (sendmail) delivery process

2000-01-17 Thread Nathan Stratton Treadway

I recently upgraded from mutt 0.95 to 1.0i (using the Debian "slink"

I'm pretty sure that this upgrade is what triggered the following change
in behavior: before, I would see in "real time" the output of my
sendmail process (I have a -v on my sendmail command), but now I just
see the words "Sending Mail..." in the status line, and only get the
"Output of delivery process" (viewed with the internal pager) if the
delivery fails.

The manual says in the "sendmail_wait" section:
  Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child
  process will be put in a temporary file.  If there is some error, you
  will be informed as to where to find the output.

My sendmail_wait *is* 0, but it seems that the output is put into a
temporary file anyway. I assume that most people like the new behavior
better (that is, that it is a feature), but I like to watch the SMTP
connections as they happen and so I'd like to get the old behavior back. 
Is there any way to do this?

I didn't see this mentioned in the "changes" file (or the FAQ), or find
anything in the manual that looked apropriate.



Nathan Stratton Treadway  | Ray Ontko & Co. | Software consulting services
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Richmond, IN|   

unqualified domain name

2000-01-17 Thread Jonathan Hseu

My smtp server won't let me mail because of an unqualified domain name.  I
"set", but mutt still doesn't attach that to the from
address.  When mutt connects to the server, it does a "MAIL FROM:", is
there a way to change this so it does a "MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"?

Jonathan Hseu (Vomjom)


2000-01-17 Thread Jon Parise

On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 10:40:45PM -0800, Horton Geek wrote:

> Any idea where I could find this library for Mutt? I have an
> unsaticfied dependency. Help!

Jon Parise ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  .  Rochester Inst. of Technology  :  Computer Science House Member

Re: aliases with the same name..

2000-01-17 Thread David T-G

Shao --

...and then Shao Zhang said...
% David T-G [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
% > 
% > I don't get it...  What would this serve?  When you type "me" as your
% > alias, how is mutt supposed to know which one you mean?  
%   I would like mutt to give me the alias menu when there exists
%   duplicate entries, same effect of pressing TAB.

Ah.  OK; I can see the advantage of that.

% > Well, you could find some other way to make the aliases unique, like
% > using a firstname.lastname approach or maybe daniel.isp since the ISP is
% > very likely to be different...
%   It is no big deal, I can still live with it. It is just that I
%   think it is better for mutt not to overwrite those duplicate
%   entries.

That's a big re-think of the aliases file, it seems to me.  Not that
someone out there couldn't do it :-)

%   In addition, I think mutt should have a better support of
%   address book, such as searching the first name, last name and so
%   on.

Although I'd like that, too, I don't think of the aliases file as an
address book.  It's just an aliases file, and I don't think it was meant
to have all of those address book features -- that almost sounds like a
WinDoze mailer! :-)  My answer is to just pop open another screen console
and run my little 'la' or 'lla' listaliases scripts to grep for text.

% shao.

David T-G   * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
"Why2k?  Well, I didn't think at the time that I could charge any more!"
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

 PGP signature

Re: strange reply behaviour

2000-01-17 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-01-17 12:47:30 +0100, Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE wrote:

> I'm using mutt 1.1.2 and I've found one strange reply behaviour.

Not really.

> When I press 'r' as reply on message which have an attachment and
> I'm viewing it via 'v' as view-attachments command and cursor is
> on attached file(2), like this:
>   1  [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K]
>   2 lr61.jpg [image/jpeg, base64, 119K]
> mutt include my attachment to reply message! But when I'm on
> first entry and 'r'eply, mutt does not attach attachment.

OK, maybe I should have documented this change a little bit better.

The rationale behind the behaviour you are observing is this: When
you are replying to an attachment (or to a list of attachments),
mutt will try to included these attachments with the quoted part of
the message.  Now, there may be attachments with a content type
which can't be converted to plain text.  In this event, the
behaviour is controlled by $mime_forward_rest when you are applying
the reply function to a list of tagged attachments.  However, when
you are replying to an individual attachment which can't be
converted to plain text, mutt assumes (or rather, I assumed when
writing that code) that you do so on purpose, and includes it as an
attachment with your reply message without asking.

BTW, similar semantics apply when _forwarding_ attachments, but in
this case, mime_forward is used to tell mutt not to try to convert
_any_ attachments to text/plain.

You may also wish to try the various message-related functions on
message/rfc822 attachments.  For instance, try to resend-message the
message/rfc822 attachment included with an error notification from
your mail subsystem. ;-)


strange reply behaviour

2000-01-17 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I'm using mutt 1.1.2 and I've found one strange reply behaviour.

When I press 'r' as reply on message which have an attachment and I'm viewing it
via 'v' as view-attachments command and cursor is on attached file(2), like this:

  1  [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K]
  2 lr61.jpg [image/jpeg, base64, 119K]

mutt include my attachment to reply message! But when I'm on first entry and
'r'eply, mutt does not attach attachment.

In mutt version 1.0 mutt does not attach attachment any time.

I haven't set :set_mime_forward or any others settings on which it can depend.

 The messenger is not important!

Re: problem wit aliases

2000-01-17 Thread Marc van Dongen

Jeremy Blossom wrote:

:  > Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work and some aliases are
:  > not recognized. Is there anything else I need to know
:  > (documentation to read, etc.)

:  Section 3.2 of the manual.



Marc van Dongen
 Marc van Dongen, CS Dept | phone:   +353 21 903578
University College Cork, NUIC | Fax: +353 21 903113
  College Road, Cork, Ireland | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: aliases with the same name..

2000-01-17 Thread Eugene Lee

Add support for an address book to the wish list?  Sven?  :)

On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 05:38:59PM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
:   I understand that there are many ways to get around with my
:   problem. But I still think mutt should support that as a
:   feature.

I dunno about your suggestions for a new alias file format.  Have you
looked at "ML" or "Pine" that do support rudimentary address books?

I think it would be nice to be able to press '?' at any mail header and
have Mutt bring up a list of all the available aliases, or be able to
type a few letters, then press  to expand a list of all matching

Eugene Lee