Re: mutt and eterm

2000-02-20 Thread Hall Stevenson

The current version of Eterm no longer uses the type of "menu" shown
across the top of the window like those shown in the screenshots. It now
uses a "pop-up" menu, accessible by hitting your "F1" key. The same
choices are there...

I *think* the menus may be coming back though... in the CVS version of
Eterm, but they will be far more configurable. 

* finnegan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000220 14:24]:
> hi,
> shows very nice screenshots with mutt when opened in
> eterm; alas, my eterm doesn´t show this menu bar at the top;
> how could i tailor my eterm/mutt to get this ?
> is it possible at all ? is it of any use for mutt ?

Re: [ word wrap]

2000-03-11 Thread Hall Stevenson

* Matt Hortman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000311 11:30]:
> :set tw=70
> :map  gqap
> This will cause vim to insert a newline (as you type) between words so
> that the line is not longer than 70 characters.  This only applies,
> however, when the cursor is at the end of the line.  IOW, if you stop
> typing and go back up a line to insert more text, vim is not going to
> automatically reformat the entire paragraph for you.  That's why I
> mapped F10 to the command to reformat a paragraph.

Damn, you get such useful information from reading these messages ! ;-)

Thank you for that setting. It worked great !

Hall Stevenson


2000-03-14 Thread Hall Stevenson

What causes a "thread" of messages to break on occasion ?? Is the fault
of the sender or their e-mailer ??

What happens every once in a while is I can have a thread of messages
grouped together like they should be and then, for instance, the next
time my mail is checked, a new message that *should* be grouped with the
others in the thread stay at the bottom of my list.

Pressing "$" syncs my mailbox, right ?? Could it or should it also fix
any stray messages ?? Or, as I mentioned above, does the guilty e-mail
program somehow change a header or something similar that messes things
up ??

Hall Stevenson

Re: Problem: I recieved a strange email with several strange headers.

2000-03-30 Thread Hall Stevenson

Hmmm, oddly, I rec'd the exact same message today !! It appears someone
may have skimmed the mutt list for e-mail addresses.

But, why your name didn't show in the header was that you (and I and
probably others on this list) were "Blind Carbon Copy"'d. This is how
spammers do it. With a "BCC", what good would it do if I sent you an
e-mail and BCC'd your boss (because I didn't want you to know he/she was
copied) and all you had to do was check the message headers and find out I
did that ??


-Original Message-
From: Robert Suetterlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 30, 2000 12:20 PM
Subject: Problem: I recieved a strange email with several strange headers.

> I recieved a strange email from some company. The mail headers do not
list me as recipient so I do not know why I did recieve the mail at all.
Also the top 'FROM ' header line (and the derieved return path) is a bit
strange and I do not really know what to make of it. I attached the email
to this letter, so if any of You mail gurus are listening perhaps You know
why I get this mail and what to make of the header line.
> Robert S. {:).
>Robert S"utterlin
>office phone: +(49)89 / 3299 - 3545
>office address: Giessenbachstrasse, POBox 1603, 85740 Garching, Germany
>priv phone: (+49)89 / 54 76 31 83
>address: Siglstr. 15, 80686 Muenchen, Germany.

Re: 2 index option questions

2000-03-31 Thread Hall Stevenson

>1.  When i respond to a mailing list, i would like my message to NOT
>show up in my mailbox.  SO far, i have been using 'g' group reply for
>mailing lists.  DO i want list reply instead?  Or is there an option i
>need to set for this?

unset metoo

>2.  Is there a funtion for save-thread?  I know there is a
>delete-thread, but i haven't seen a save-thread.

I don't know... possibly a combination of "tag" thread and then save it ??


Re: Sorting

2000-04-04 Thread Hall Stevenson

>From the mutt manual, section 6.3:

Type: string
Default: date-sent

Specifies how to sort messages in the index menu. Valid values are

date or date-sent
mailbox-order (unsorted)

You may optionally use the reverse- prefix to specify reverse sorting
order (example: set sort=reverse-date-sent).

My best guess is: set sort=reverse-date-received (since, by default, mutt
will sort oldest to newest). As I said, it's a guess. Give it a shot !


-Original Message-
From: Lisa Phillips! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 4:11 PM
Subject: Sorting

>How can I set up mutt to display my email messages with the newest
>messages at the top?
>I'm using a pine-like .muttrc file, but all the mail that comes in new
>starts at the bottom.

Re: [newbie] slow on send?

2000-04-20 Thread Hall Stevenson

- Original Message -
From: "Bakki Kudva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] slow on send?

> Raymond A. Meijer([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 10:52:20AM
> > On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, 09:41, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> >
> > I'm using Linux too, and I suspect that the MTA is just waiting for the
> > proper MX records from the DNS server?
> >
> but why does mutt have to wait for the MTA? I thought mail would be
spooled and
> mutt would return right away. I tried changing fetchmail polling to 5
seconds and
> that didn't help. Wonder if there are any sendmail settings which effects

There's a setting that tells mutt how and for how long to wait for sendmail
(copied directly from the manual):

Type: number
Default: 0

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the sendmail process to finish
before giving up and putting delivery in the background.

Mutt interprets the value of this variable as follows:

>0  number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before continuing
0   wait forever for sendmail to finish
<0  always put sendmail in the background without waiting

Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child
process will be put in a temporary file. If there is some error, you will be
informed as to where to find the output.

Note: I don't remember who was the original poster of this message, but they
mentioned that they "made up" a domain name. That could very well be their
problem... You can't just make them up. How's it even working ?? I don't
know. My guess is sendmail is set up for "smart relay" and ends up using
that (usually your ISP's SMTP mail server).


Help with color

2000-04-24 Thread Hall Stevenson

I have these lines:

color   index   brightwhite default *
color   index   yellow  default '~l'
color   index   brightyellowdefault '~N ~l'

in my .muttrc file. As most of you know, messages that are from a list
(defined in .muttrc) are yellow. "New" list messages are bright yellow.

My problem is after the message has been read, it changes to a color
that makes the text literally illegible. This may be related to my mutt
window (under X-Windows) being an Eterm window with an image background.
Regardless, I want to know how to define a color for "read" "list"
messages. How do I do that ??

I *tried* this: color index green default '~R ~l' I made an
assumption that "~R" would get "read" messages... but I was wrong. ;-)

Any help is appreciated.


Re: Help with color

2000-04-24 Thread Hall Stevenson

* Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000424 09:47]:
> Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 24 Apr 2000:
> > I *tried* this: color index green default '~R ~l' I made an
> > assumption that "~R" would get "read" messages... but I was wrong. ;-)
> I don't know about Mutt 1.0, although I think it should be the same,
> but in Mutt 1.1.9 at least ~R is indeed "read messages".  So without
> actually trying anything, "~R ~l" should work. You could also try
> !~N instead of ~R, ie. "not new".

Well, actually they *both* work... ;-) It turns out that my choice of
color(s) was the problem !! But, at this point, I'm using your way, the
"!~N" flag.

Thank you very much !

Re: using Mutt with xbiff?

2000-05-01 Thread Hall Stevenson

> Looks like you should check into turning off autochecking.

Type: number
Default: 5

This variable configures how often (in seconds) mutt should look for new

What would "set mail_check=0" do ??

Re: using Mutt with xbiff?

2000-05-10 Thread Hall Stevenson

> That's not what I'm seeing - my xbiff notification flag goes down as soon
> as mutt(not me) see's that there's new mail.  What you describe is what
> I want(I want the xbiff flag to stay up until *I* read the new mail), but
> I'm not sure what's wrong or different about my setup.  I have
> procmail set to send ALL my email to a file on my local machine - and I
> have "set spoolfile" set to that file.  Any idea what I may not have set
> up right?

I don't know if this is related or not, but I use an "epplet" for
Enlightenment that watches my mail file... Tells me how many new vs total
messages I have. It seems to work fine... It will show new messages before
Mutt does for a couple of reasons:

1) it watches /var/mail/whatever
2) it updates every few seconds (mutt only updates every minute or two)
3) I use (mailbox format noted in # 1). Is that "mailbox" vs mbox or maildir

Are you by chance using mutt's "pop mail" functions ?? Can't mutt do similar
to what fetchmail does as far as retreiving, deleting, etc mail ??


Re: Three question items

2000-05-10 Thread Hall Stevenson

* Thomas Ribbrock ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000510 06:25]:
> On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 12:02:21PM -0700, Daniel Chetlin wrote:
> [...]
> > Item two: I tend to edit my emails once or twice before sending. When I use
> > textwidth in vim, it inserts newlines initially, so if I edit the text ends up
> > looking very choppy (30 character lines, etc.) and it becomes a pain to
> > re-join the broken lines.
> [...]
> I found reformatting in vi (vim, to be precise) is very easy when you simply
> mark all lines to be reformatted (visual mode) and then press 'gq'. Voilà -
> nicely formatted paragraph with lines in ideal length.

I have this line:

map  gqap

in my .vimrc file and it works great. Simply move to the begining of the
paragraph you want to re-format, hit "F10" and it tidies it up.


Re: Version 1.2 - any differences from 1.1.13?

2000-05-11 Thread Hall Stevenson

> Are there any significant fixes in version 1.2 compared with version
> 1.1.13, and/or will I lose anything by going to version 1.2?

Although I don't use either version (yet), 1.1.13 is a *development* version
of mutt. They use the same version numbering as the Linux kernel (and other
software, I'm sure). Features were likely added a few versions prior and
releases since then mostly involved bug fixes possibly introduced by these
new features. When the "problems" were taken care of, someone said "Let's
release it" and simply changed the version number.


Re: Newbie to Mutt: How can I get Menus with buttons

2000-05-11 Thread Hall Stevenson

- Original Message -
From: "Frank Derichsweiler"
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: Newbie to Mutt: How can I get Menus with buttons

> On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:55:51AM +0800,  wrote:
> > Can anybody tell me how I can get the nice menu buttons on
> > the top and text menus at the bottom as seen on the screen shot
> > at URL.
> >
> AFAIK the buttons are provided by eterm. Thers should be an eterm mode
> for mutt. Try searching at

I doubt there will be much info at mutt's site. Try these instead: or

Good luck,

Two "problems" with mutt-1.2

2000-05-18 Thread Hall Stevenson

I just updated my existing 1.0.x copy of mutt to v1.2 last night.
Configuration and compiling went okay with no errors. I used this to
configure mutt:

./configure --enable-pop --enable-flock --disable-fcntl
--sysconfdir=/etc --with-slang=/usr/include/slang

(I also tried it without the slang entry, so it used ncurses by

So far, I've ran into two "problems". They are this error:

Error in /home/hall/.muttrc, line 18: <0: invalid value
source: errors in /home/hall/.muttrc
Press any key to continue

This is the "guilty" line:

set sendmail_wait=<0

Perfectly valid, I thought. Worked fine with 1.0.x. And even the sample
Muttrc file shows it as an option.

My other problem is *no* colors at all. I'm using the same .muttrc file
as before and I had colors. Did I miss a configure option ?? Typing
"mutt -v" shows the "+HAVE_COLOR" flag. FWIW, here's all of what "mutt
-v" shows:

mutt -v
Mutt 1.2i (2000-05-09)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: Linux 2.2.15 [using ncurses 5.0]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
To report a bug, please use the muttbug utility.

Any help is greatly appreciated !! ;-) Thanks in advance.


Re: Two "problems" with mutt-1.2

2000-05-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

> Hall Stevenson proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> >set sendmail_wait=<0
> Try sendmail_wait=-1 :)

Thank you ;-) I'll give it a try this afternoon. Can I assume you use
this setting and it *does* work ??


Re: Two "problems" with mutt-1.2

2000-05-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

> On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:39:32AM -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> > My other problem is *no* colors at all. I'm using the same .muttrc
> > as before and I had colors. Did I miss a configure option ?? Typing
> > "mutt -v" shows the "+HAVE_COLOR" flag. FWIW, here's all of what
> > -v" shows:
> >
> > mutt -v

> My 1.2 looks very similar to the above and my colours carried over OK.
> The only major difference is that I'm using S-Lang, did you say you
> had tried both S-Lang and ncurses?  If you can use S-Lang I think
> getting colour to work is easier.

Yes, the first time I configured mutt, I didn't specify slang or
ncurses, but according to "./configure --help", it will use slang by
default. I'm 99% positive it found it -- would it compile if it didn't

My next step is to not use my "old" .muttrc file and let it use all
default settings. Then, in the global Muttrc file, I'll make *one* color
change and see what happens.


Re: Two "problems" with mutt-1.2

2000-05-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

> Hall Stevenson proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> >> Try sendmail_wait=-1 :)
> >
> >Thank you ;-) I'll give it a try this afternoon. Can I assume you use
> >this setting and it *does* work ??
> I don't, but Roessler does.
> $ cat /usr/local/doc/mutt/samples/sample.muttrc-tlr|grep
> set   sendmail_wait=-1   # Put sendmail (i.e., postfix) to the
> That do? :)

He's one of the developers, right ?? Yeah, I suppose I'll trust that...
;-) Can't hurt regardless.

Thanks again!

Re: Two "problems" with mutt-1.2

2000-05-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

...and then Hall Stevenson said...
% Error in /home/hall/.muttrc, line 18: <0: invalid value
% source: errors in /home/hall/.muttrc
% Press any key to continue
% This is the "guilty" line:
% set sendmail_wait=<0
% Perfectly valid, I thought. Worked fine with 1.0.x. And even the
% Muttrc file shows it as an option.

>> Hall, you've already seen the answer to this, but it's "the value
must be
>> numeric, not descriptive".

>> Mutt folks, is this any tougher to fix than the attached patch?  We
>> hearing this question (no, Hall, you're not alone!), so it seems that
>> manual needs a little clarification...

Thanks, David. I'm always relieved when I find I'm not the only one with
a certain problem !! At least I know it's not something that *I* did


Re: Two "problems" with mutt-1.2

2000-05-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

> On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 07:44:15AM -0400, Hall Stevenson
> > Yes, the first time I configured mutt, I didn't specify slang or
> > ncurses, but according to "./configure --help", it will use slang by
> > default. I'm 99% positive it found it -- would it compile if it
> > ??
> Really?  I have both ncurses and slang installed, and the
> configure script picked up ncurses to use.  If you had (n)curses,
> configure could have found and used that.

Sorry, I'm not positive right now... I'm at work, my linux box is at
home. I guess my main point is, it appears that neither option is
getting me color. I've got a few other things to try though. I'll report

> Should mutt -v spit out which library what used?

I think it does. I'll double-check that again.


Re: Two "problems" with mutt-1.2

2000-05-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

* Suresh Ramasubramanian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000519 03:03]:
> Hall Stevenson proclaimed on mutt-users that: 
> >set sendmail_wait=<0
> Try sendmail_wait=-1 :)

Cool, that fixed it !! ;-)

Thanks !

Re: Location of signature in replies

2000-05-24 Thread Hall Stevenson

> >> By the way, where are you finding netiquette rules for email?  I am
> >> curious.
> >
> >The standard reference is RFC 1855.  (One place you can find this is
> > .)  As with most RFCs, this is
> A much better reference is any standard book on good writing.  Just
> because you use a keyboard instead of a pen (or a quill, for that
> does not change the fact that you are communicating :)

Are you telling me I need to check the spelling of e-mail messages and
check for use of proper grammar too ?? ;-)

You're exactly right though. Writing an e-mail message does *not* negate
all the "rules" !


Re: 1.2 older than 1.0.1?

2000-05-24 Thread Hall Stevenson

> I wasn't able to install latest mutt rpm. According to the
> error message, I _already_have_ the newest package  :-(
> # rpm -U /home/rks/ftp/mutt-1.2i-1.cfp.rhl6.i386.rpm
>error: package mutt-1.0.1i-8 (which is newer then
>mutt-1.2i-1.cfp.rhl6) is already installed

I do use RPMs, but have never built one, so I'm no expert... ;-)

But, maybe the person who built either package had a wrong system date
??? There is a BUILDTIME file that may be a factor.

What you *could* do is simply "rpm -e mutt". This will remove the global
Muttrc file, so back it up in case you're using it. If you're using a
.muttrc in your home dir, rpm won't touch it. Then, install the 1.2
package with either "rpm -i mutt-1.2..." or "rpm -U mutt-1.2..."

Good luck!

Re: deleting and undeleting

2000-05-24 Thread Hall Stevenson

* Manuel Arriaga ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000524 09:57]:
> Once again proving myself a total newbie :-), I would like to know
> whether there is anyway in which I can undelete a message which "sits"
> in the middle of 10 other deleted messages, without having to undelete
> the first four - does this make any kind of sense to you?

Just type the "number" of the message and mutt will "jump" to it. Then,
hit your "d" key.



2000-05-25 Thread Hall Stevenson

> Guys,
> how do I unsubscribe from this list?

Remember the "Welcome" message you got when you subscribed ?? It tells
you how to *un-subscribe* too ;-)

Good luck,

Re: Reply-to-all function?

2000-05-30 Thread Hall Stevenson

>> It seems mutt's default behavior when replying to a message is to
only put
>> the sender in the To: header. Is there a way to add Cc: recipients as
>> well?

Are you using "r" to reply ?? If so, try "R" instead ;-) (look through
the Muttrc file for "clues" -- "R" is for a "group-reply")


Re: Reply-to-all function?

2000-05-30 Thread Hall Stevenson

> Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 30 May 2000:
> > Are you using "r" to reply ?? If so, try "R" instead ;-) (look
> > the Muttrc file for "clues" -- "R" is for a "group-reply")
> I don't think "R" is the default binding for group-reply, "g" is.
> But the binding can of course be configured.

Hmmm, "g" does sound familiar, but "R" does work for me... Of course,
I'm using someone else's *modified* .muttrc file. So, as you say, it's
likely been re-configured that way.

Sorry if I confused anyone !! ;-)


Sending messages to folders

2000-01-10 Thread Hall Stevenson

I'd appreciate any help with the following:

I've tried to set up my .muttrc file to have mutt "sort" incoming mail
into appropriate folders, obviously with no luck.

Here, I think, is the relevant part(s) of my .muttrc file:

## part of ~/.muttrc ##

lists   e-develop e-announce mutt-users mutt-announce

mailboxes ! +Enlightenment +mutt 

save-hook e-develop +Enlightenment
save-hook e-announce +Enlightenment
save-hook mutt-users +mutt
save-hook mutt-announce +mutt

The files Enlightenment and mutt do exist in my ~/mail directory.

Do I need more ?? Or is what I have incorrect ??

Again, any help is appreciated!

Hall Stevenson

Re: Unable to send mail to AOL?

2000-01-14 Thread Hall Stevenson

* Aaron Schrab ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000114 18:59]:
> At 07:04 -0600 14 Jan 2000, Alex Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Several times over the past two weeks, I have had occasion to send mail to folks
> > who, for whatever perverse reason, get their e-mail accounts through
> > AOL. Two separate people have thus told me that they have repeatedly not
> > received mail sent to them from mutt (or bounced again, later), though
> > when "forwarded" by hand via another account (e.g., my work account),
> > they receive my messages with no problem. Two other people who should
> > have answered correspondence have not done so, and I suspect it's
> > because they have not received *my* mail.

I've seen it happen on many occasions where I'll get a message while
"watch"ing mailq that my message has been deferred. AOL's mail server
will be something like "". I can leave my
connection up for hours and the message may still not go. Stopping and
restarting sendmail does nothing either.

Later, after I've disconnected, and say, the next morning, I'll
re-connect and the message will go within minutes. ???

It's easy to blame AOL ;-), but I really can't say for sure !

Help with 'folder format'

2001-09-02 Thread Hall Stevenson

Can anyone help me with setting up my 'set folder_format' setting so
that it tags folders that have new mail with an 'N". I'm looking for
something similar to this: The exact setup
doesn't have to be the same though. As I said, I'm mainly interested in
the 'N' flag.

I've copied the .muttrc setting from the screenshot (he provides it on
the site). I also added a 'mailboxes' entry to my .muttrc file. Here's
the relevant items, I think:

mailboxes ! +debian +enlightenment-devel +enlightenment-users +hall
+hallstevenson +inbox +mozilla +mutt +opera +testing +unixsig +yahoo

set folder_format="%F %-8.8u %-8.8g %d %8s %N %f"

or this one

set folder_format="%N %8s bytes - %d %f"

(neither does what I want)

I also have 'lists' set up with the same names as used for the mailboxes
listed above.

Any help is appreciated.


Re: Help with 'folder format'

2001-09-02 Thread Hall Stevenson

* Olaf Schulz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010902 17:30]:
> On Sat, Sep 01, 2001 at 02:47:24PM -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> > Can anyone help me with setting up my 'set folder_format'
> > setting so that it tags folders that have new mail with
> > an 'N". I'm looking for something similar to this:
> > The exact setup
> > the site). I also added a 'mailboxes' entry to my .muttrc file.
> > Here's
> >
> > set folder_format="%F %-8.8u %-8.8g %d %8s %N %f" or this one set
> > folder_format="%N %8s bytes - %d %f"
> >
> Do you have any biff-like software running?

The only thing possibly similar is gnome's 'Mail check Applet". I have
no problem turning it off for testing purposes. There... done.


Re: Handling attachments

2001-09-13 Thread Hall Stevenson

> That's not what I meant :); after pressing 'v', I get a
> of the attachments in this email. Suppose that one of them
> is an image, .e.g., monkey.jpg. How do I go about seeing
> that picture?

Mutt handles this through MIME/mailcap. See this page,, for more


Re: Defaulting to inbox on startup

2001-09-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

> > Another question I have is about using vim for writing
> > e-mails.  I have successfully been able to setup vim
> > to wrap at 80 or so...

> the easiest way i know of is typing:
> gqip
> which will reformat the current paragraph.
> gqap reformats all paragraphs i think.  quoting and stuff
> will be preserved as long as '>' is set in 'comments' in
> your .vimrc or in the systemwide vimrc (this is the default)

Can you expand on this please ?? Specifically the "as long as
'>' is set in 'comments' ". I use 'par' myself and it usually
does just fine. On occasion though, I've seen it do this to a

> this is an example of what 'par' has  > done to a paragraph
and I'm pretty sure > that it shouldn't have ;-)


Re: Binding Shift-keys?

2001-09-19 Thread Hall Stevenson

> I find the  key combination for the previous-new
> quite awkward, and I'd rather remap it to Shift-Tab.
However, I can't
> find a way to define this key combination. What am I

What do you mean 'define this key combination' ?? Do you set
it up but it doesn't work ?? If so, make sure there's not
another keybinding listed *after* your modified one. If there
is, it will replace the one you defined.


Re: Deleting Mails

2001-09-20 Thread Hall Stevenson

> After I have marked my mails as "d" for deleting can I
> delete all the mails at that instant without having to
> logg of "Mutt" and explicitly being asked for deletion?

'sync' your mailbox. On my setup, and this binding is the
default, '$' does it.


Re: deleting messages with same message id's?

2001-09-21 Thread Hall Stevenson

> is there a way to delete all the messages with the
> same message id upon entering a folder?
> should i even be doing this with mutt?

'procmail' can do this for you. This recipe, shamelessly
stolen from Tom Gilbert's website should do it:

:0 Whc: msgid.lock
| formail -D 16384 msgid.cache
:0 a:

You can change 'duplicates' to '/dev/null' if you trust the
recipe works.


Re: is it possible to have mutt use gzipped mailboxes ?

2001-10-05 Thread Hall Stevenson

> > Will see if i can build a debian package with this
> > patch included ...
> i think this is already in the debian package (for
> unstable anyway)

> and i'm pretty sure i've heard before that this patch is
> already in the debian version.

According to the description here,,

it may not include compressed file support, although I think
I've read somewhere that some packages do (maybe it was the
Mandrake RPM version ??). It doesn't 'depend' on 'zlib', so
does that mean anything ??


Re: is it possible to have mutt use gzipped mailboxes ?

2001-10-05 Thread Hall Stevenson

> (this machine has standard debian woody mutt
> package on it)
> notice +COMPRESSED and several other random
> non-standard features.
> so i'm pretty sure this is part of the debian package.

Cool. If Debian allows this patch in, they must consider it
perfectly 'stable'. I'll have to check into implementing this
feature, which I believe from looking in the past, that the
'spinnaker' site has information.
