some extensions

2000-07-11 Thread Lukasz Stelmach


I've started using mutt yesterday and the first thing there should by
is something that all fido mailreaders and pine have. quote_chars in
those programs may contain initials of person who wrote the letter i
am replying. For example when you answer this letter it should be
quoted with "LS>". But when something is alredy quoted only '>' is
added at the end of "quotation mark" (LS>>, LS>>> and so on). I'have
done this in slrn using S-Lang scripts.

what do you think about it?

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy 


2000-07-25 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

Hi All.

Tell me if you know what part of message is passed to pgp (gpg) for
signing. When i sign a letter it consists of two attachments: the text
and the signature. When i save the text and the sugnature in separate
files and i try to verify the first with the second one the verification

The question is "What is signes?" or "how to check what is signed?"

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

pop3 support

2000-09-08 Thread Lukasz Stelmach


For now to download mail from server i use fetchmail but since i have
found that mutt is also able to do this i have been thinking how to
improve this ability without messing up with sources to much. IMHO there
might be another option in muttrc called for example ``spoolcommand''
which would specify the command to feed (via pipe) with downloaded mail.
It could be procmail which is able to filter and sort messages to
different mailboxes. Or simply sed to cut out advertisements form letters
from free mail servers or mailing lists. 

I have read the code but it is a little bit too complicated for me :(

What do you think about it? Anyone knows how to do it. ;)
|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Ona się odwraca. On pędzi przed siebie...

Re: mbox to maildir

2000-09-08 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

Greetings All!!!

Does anyone knows if procmail is able to handle maildir mailboxes. If it
is not is there any resonable way (excluding writing it by myself) to
force it to do so?

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Droga wśród jabłoni prowadzi w nieznane...

message 0 lines long

2000-09-08 Thread Lukasz Stelmach


The problem is: i have subscribed to two mailing lists and keep all the
letters from them in MH-style mailboxes (i am going to use maildir but
later). Procmail sorts the messages correctly, i have two message bases
but all of the letters in those MH boxes mutt shows are 0 lines long :(
Is this a matter of `Lines:' header? In normal mbox there is no such
problem even if that header i omitted.

Have nice day/nigh (eventually nobody knows when you receive it).
|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

...Przez ulicę przechodzi na żółtym świetle, jabłka obiera żyletką, lubi ryzyko

Re: mbox to maildir

2000-09-10 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 00:11:49 w sobota 09 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"Jason Helfman!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

>| Does anyone knows if procmail is able to handle maildir mailboxes. 
> Sure. The most recent version of procmail does

Thnx. I've just downloaded 3.15 one and will fight with it :)

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

...Przez ulicę przechodzi na żółtym świetle, jabłka obiera żyletką, lubi ryzyko

signing with PGP

2000-09-13 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

Greetings All!!

I wondreing what do I do wrong or is it the normal state. When i write a
message just befor sending i can sign it. OK i do it. Now there are two
parts in the message: the text and the signature. When i send it to
myself and open it with mutt there is no problem with verifing. But when
i save parts of message into separate files and i invoke "$ gpg --verify
sigfile textfiel" i get an error. What's up? Any one knows?

Best whishes...
|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... nothing is impossible in my powerful mind.

Re: signature detection for "color" and "mono"

2000-09-14 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 23:09:20 w środa 13 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"David Champion!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

> Is there any way to disable this?  I want the pager to treat signatures
> the same as the body 

Correct me if i am wrong you do not wan colorful signature? If so do in
your .muttrc this:

color white  black

This will make signatures be written with white (gray) letters on black
background. For more information see manual Sec. 3.6

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Droga wśród jabłoni prowadzi w nieznane...

Re: signing with PGP

2000-09-14 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 01:48:43 w czwartek 14 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"Lars Hecking!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

>> i save parts of message into separate files and i invoke "$ gpg --verify
>> sigfile textfiel" i get an error. What's up? Any one knows?
>  The signature is created over the whole body, including MIME headers
>  (but excluding the application/pgp-signature part, obviously :)

You mean everything what is between part delimiters?

Thank you.

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Od tej pory wszystko może się zdarzyć. Akcja toczy się...

Re: signature detection for "color" and "mono"

2000-09-15 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 15:58:34 w czwartek 14 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"David Champion!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

>>> I want the pager to treat signatures the same as the body 
>> Correct me if i am wrong you do not wan colorful signature?
> Correct, but I also want my body regexes to color parts of the
> signature -- I don't want it treated as a single big block.

Try to find in the sources the '-- ' (dash dash space) string and that
should be the right place to alter.

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Od tej pory wszystko może się zdarzyć. Akcja toczy się...

Re: Pruning threads... (i agree and support)

2000-09-20 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 14:32:55 w niedziela 17 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"Krist van Besien!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

> It would only have to remove the reference and in-reply-to headers
> from the selected message,

> An inverse of this that "inserts" messages back into threads that have been
> orphaned by mail program that don't properly set headers would be nice too.

It is a great idea. I know that by writing this words i am not inventive
in any way. But i do it to support your idea. I deal with the same
problem especially when people use outlook or "internet mail" which
handle References: headers wrong.

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Droga wśród jabłoni prowadzi w nieznane...

Re: About PGP encryption

2000-09-21 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 23:09:13 w środa 20 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"Eugene Paskevich!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

> P.S. How can I include cookies from fortune for example into my signature?
>  Answer directly please.

I am sorry but i only know how to answer the second question. 

If you use vi or vim or (AFAIK) elvis, you have to leave one blank line
at the very end of message and type:

:$!/usr/games/fortune -s 

You can also append the name of collection(s) that exist(s) in e.g.
/usr/share/games/fortunes you want use or build your own collection.

This command is a simple _filter_ which changes the content of the last
line. You can write your own script that would build entire signature
and put its invocation to vimrc.

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

...Przez ulicę przechodzi na żółtym świetle, jabłka obiera żyletką, lubi ryzyko

Re: A better mutt? (Was Re: catchup command?)

2000-09-24 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 12:44:04 w sobota 23 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"David Champion!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

> A few years ago, I was tired of my frustrations with MH, elm, and
> Columbia mm, and I hated Pine.  
> I was in the planning stages, and had written a tiny amount of core
> code, when I found mutt. Mutt is an excellent mailer, good enough to
> resolve almost all my issues with the mailers I've used over the
> years. 

But there is one major problem that none of well known text-based (of
coures that is not the matter of UI) mailreaders does not solve.
Spooling. When i use either mutt, pine or simple mail first i have to
set up sendmail/postfix/qmail which does spooling job. When nobody else
use this computer it is a bit pointless to set up mailserver. IMHO
spooling should be done before anything else will be thought about
(what a grammar construction ;). Walking further, the pop3 support
should give ability to plug in procmail somewhere to sort messages.

That would be The-Mutt-of-My-Dreams ;)

BTW. Anyone knows any other than 'serialmail' way to use qmail over
dialup (dynamic IP)

Best wishes... 
|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... nothing is impossible in my powerful mind.

scripts, how?

2000-09-25 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

Greetings All!!!

I have read some letters about perl/python scripts that can be somehow
connected to mutt. I use mutt 1.0.1i (i know it is old) and there is
nothing said in dox. Which is the first version that supports this
feature and is it clearly described in manual?

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Od tej pory wszystko może się zdarzyć. Akcja toczy się...

Re: A better mutt? (Was Re: catchup command?)

2000-09-25 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 12:46:39 w poniedziałek 25 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"Suresh Ramasubramanian!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

>> (what a grammar construction ;). Walking further, the pop3 support
>> should give ability to plug in procmail somewhere to sort messages.
> You mean a built in filtering interface?

No. Not a built in, just a "hole" to plug procmail in. Instead of
writing downloaded mail to a mailbox, pass it to an external command.
That is all i need.

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... nothing is impossible in my powerful mind.

Re: About PGP public key service. (With P.S.)

2000-09-27 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

  Była godzina 21:43:20 w wtorek 26 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
  i wrzasnął:"Dan Boger!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:

> Set your mutt/gpg to automatically get keys from a keyserver (like
> and then when it encounters a key it doesn't know, it'll
> try and get it and automatically verify it.  it's pretty cool. :)

And if you have not got a hard-wire? What then? I just call my teleco to
download mail and read offline. 

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... Droga wśród jabłoni prowadzi w nieznane...


2000-11-21 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

Greetings All!!

Here is my next idea :-) It conciders "list-reply" behavior.
When replying to a mailing list I would like mutt to combine author's
(of the message i am replying to) real name and an address of mailing
list. For example...

Joe wrote a letter to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> which i subscirbe. When i send
a reply to his letter to a mailing list i want my letter to be addressed
to "Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>". When he replies my message he writes to
"Lukasz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" and so on. 

Mainling list's address is in Reply-To and author's address&real name in
From. There is also "lists" option in muttrc.

|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /"\
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy  _  \ /
   Wstążka ASCII, przeciw  x
   HTML i .DOC w mailach  / \

... Droga wśród jabłoni prowadzi w nieznane...