Re: folder and you have mail

2000-04-26 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Rishi Maker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 I use procmail to filter mails from my mailing lists into folders in my home.
 Is there any ways of launching mutt and telling me in which mailbox a new mail has 
 thanx in advance

3.11 Defining mailboxes which receive mail

Usage: mailboxes [!]filename [ filename ... ]

  This command specifies folders which can receive mail and which will
  be checked for new messages.  By default, the main menu status bar
  displays how many of these folders have new messages.

  When changing folders, pressing space will cycle through folders with
  new mail.

  Pressing TAB in the directory browser will bring up a menu showing the
  files specified by the mailboxes command, and indicate which contain
  new messages.  Mutt will automatically enter this mode when invoked
  from the command line with the -y option.

  Note: new mail is detected by comparing the last modification time to
  the last access time.  Utilities like biff or frm or any other program
  which accesses the mailbox might cause Mutt to never detect new mail
  for that mailbox if they do not properly reset the access time.
  Backup tools are another common reason for updated access times.

  Note: the filenames in the mailboxes command are resolved when the
  command is executed, so if these names contain ``shortcut characters''
  (such as ``='' and ``!''), any variable definition that affect these
  characters (like ``$folder'' and ``$spool'') should be executed before
  the mailboxes command.

from manual.txt mutt version 1.1.12
  don't worry about glory

Re: Starting mutt with threads collapsed?

2000-03-27 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Ben Beuchler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 I have searched through the manual and can't seem to track down a way to
 start mutt with threads already collapsed.  Perhaps I'm missing something
 elemental about the way mutt works...

try this:

folder-hook . push \eV

I don't know version of mutt when push come in, but it works in 1.1.9

  don't worry about glory

Re: Charset problem ?

2000-03-21 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Jean-Sebastien Morisset ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 Whenever mutt displays a thread, the arrows look like "AA" with little
 accents on top. I'm using iso-8859-1 which I think is the default. Oddly
 enough, mutt can display french characters in messages. Am I trading one
 for the other? Which charset should I be using to support threads?

it's not a problem of charset, it's font problem. Try out another font, I
suggest with fixed fontsize.
I'm running muttin rxvt with font

  don't worry about glory

 PGP signature

Re: attachments appear as NoName

2000-03-08 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Lars Hecking ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

  At the company where I work, it seems that most people are using
  dtmail or netscape mail. 
  When I send mail with attachments from mutt, the attachments appear
  in those other mail clients as "NoName".
  If these attachments do not have a Content-Disposition filename=
  field, this would appear correct.
  I can't figure this out. The attachments appear just fine in the
  Bcc: copy of the mail that I receive.
  What can I do to fix this?
  I can confirm this behaviour with dtmail under Solaris 7.
  For instance, a recent message sent to mutt-dev with the structure
   I 1 no description  [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 1.6K] 
   I 2 |-no description  [text/plain, quoted, us-ascii, 0.6K] 
   A 3 `-TODO.diff [text/plain, quoted, us-ascii, 0.7K]
   I 4 no description [applica/pgp-signat, 7bit, 0.2K]
  appears in dtmail with an empty message field and three NoName
  attachments. So, I'd say that dtmail has certain problems with
  multipart/mixed. Attachment 3 _is_ named
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TODO.diff"
  and dtmail doesn't recognise this.

This q. was discused here few month ago and ppl from mutt-dev say thats problem
of dtmail.

Best on the end, dtmail from Solaris 8 distribution have this "bug" too.

  don't worry about glory

Re: sending uuencoded emails

2000-03-03 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Thomas Roessler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :


 I tend do use editor macros for this purpose, like this (for jed):

Yes, this is a one way but I wanted some advanced features, for example 
using that variable with send-hook.
I have some friend who can't receive mime emails and I wanted to make some
automatic send-hooks to don't care about uuencoding post by hand.

  don't worry about glory

sending uuencoded emails

2000-03-02 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


Is here a way how to send uuencoded email attachments w/o uuencoding attachments
in shell ?
Like a :set uuencode_post or something similar.

  don't worry about glory

Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Mikko Hnninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 You can actually get by with *no* .muttrc, pretty much everything in
 Mutt has reasonable defaults.

When I was starting with mutt I just get Sven's config, edit hostname and
headers and run mutt. When I needed to change something I look into
documentation and change it.

 It would be nice if Mutt did have some sort of configuration tool like
 the Linux kernel "make menuconfig" -- but that shouldn't necessarily be
 part of the Mutt program itself, just an additional tool.  Even with
 that you wouldn't be able to (easily?) create hooks and such, at least
 no complex hooks, so at some point you will have to resort to config
 file editing if you'd want a really complex configuration.
I don't think so, becouse make menuconfig mess new unix users, becouse they
don't read documentation just try it and if is somethink wrong they wrote emails
to conferece.
I think configure is pretty nice. I remember time when you was manualy edit
Makefile for compiler options.

 In my opinion the best way to help newbies create their first .muttrc's
 would be a tool like the linux "make menuconfig" that could have
 different sections (basic settings, POP setup, IMAP setup, mailboxes,
 mailing lists, misc advanced settings, ...) and then have
 context-sensitive help for each setting, direct from the Mutt manual
 SGML file.  However, doing something like that is a fair bit of work,
 and I know I don't have the time to do it.

This is absolutly wrong way! Becouse if you give newbie tool to create simple
config file, they'll expect tool to create complex config file.

  don't worry about glory

Re: selective attachment forwarding

2000-02-28 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Josh Kuperman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 Someone sent me a mail with about 12 attachments, some I need, some I
 don't, some I need to forward to a machine on a different network. Is
 their a way to tell mutt to forward a message and select attachments
 to be forwarded with the messages


try this, but maybe this will not work becouse you are using old mutt. This work
in 1.1 and later but maybe it work with your version.

Set mime forward byt typing 

:set mime_forward

in mutt

then press 'v' as view-attachments function, then tag wanted attachments with
't' and then press ';' and 'f' to forward these attachments.

  don't worry about glory

Re: generic bind q.

2000-02-25 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Mikko Hnninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Thu, 24 
Feb 2000:

 It should match, provided that there's no specific binding for the keys
 in that map (=the context, index/pager/etc.).  Ie. the map-specific
 bindings always override generic bindings.  So you can't make a generic
 binding and expect it to work immediately in all the different contexts,
 it only takes effect if those contexts don't have a definition in their

understant, but I have no map-specific bindings in pager bind to ?.
 So, I'm guessing that you have ? bound to help in the pager.

yes, but it's mutt default, but it's default for index too and there it works.

 Possible solutions:
 1) bind ? in pager (and all the other maps where you want it to work)
 specifically to search, and do the same for f1

this works, but q. is why does not work "generic" ?

Here are bindings and macros from my .muttrc

#some vi like bindings in pager
bind pager 'j' next-line
bind pager 'k' previous-line
bind pager \Cu half-up
bind pager \Cf half-down
bind pager \CU previous-page

bind index '{' previous-thread
bind index '}' next-thread

#go to first mail
bind index '+' first-entry
#go to last mail
bind index '=' last-entry

#opposite search
bind generic '?' search-opposite

#redefine help
bind generic 'f1' help

#rebind alias
bind index 'A' create-alias
bind pager 'A' create-alias

#clear N flag from messages
macro index \eN T~N\n\;WN\;W*
#delete big messages need sync mailbox for sucess
macro index \eD T~z1\n\;d
#macros for urlview(ctrl-b)
macro index \cb |urlview\n
macro pager \cb |urlview\n
#macro for jumping to flaged message
macro index aTab /~F\n

  don't worry about glory

remove from group reply

2000-02-25 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I'm using mutt 1.1.5 and I have q. if is possible tell mutt to remove my adress
from recipients when I'm group replying ?

unset metoo is in my understanding different but I tryed it and it does not

  don't worry about glory

Re: remove from group reply

2000-02-25 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Thomas Roessler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 On 2000-02-25 10:42:12 +0100, Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE wrote:
  I'm using mutt 1.1.5 and I have q. if is possible tell mutt to
  remove my adress from recipients when I'm group replying ?
  unset metoo is in my understanding different but I tryed it and
  it does not
 metoo is precisely the option you want to unset.  Note, however,
 that you'll have to correctly set up your alternates.

yes setting alternates helps.
  don't worry about glory

generic bind q.

2000-02-24 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I have defined
#opposite search
bind generic '?' search-opposite

#redefine help
bind generic 'f1' help

but this does not work in pager.

generic does not match pager section ?
  don't worry about glory

Re: digraphs

2000-02-01 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Andrzej M. Ostruszka ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 12:38:34PM +0100, Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE wrote:
  I have one problem, when I have some iso-latin2 characters in text and
  I want to change for example from lower to upper, ~ does not work. and
  in visual selection 'U' and 'u' does not work too.
  here is some characters for example:
 export LC_CTYPE=sk_SK (for t?csh I think it is: setenv LC_CTYPE sk_SK)
 and then start vim. I guess that you've wanted slovakian locale :). If
 not then amend LC_CTYPE to your needs -- you can use locale.alias for
 example (from my locale.alias):
 slovak  sk_SK.ISO-8859-2
 so export LC_CTYPE=slovak should work too.
 I prefer to communicate with computer in english so I'm not setting any
 other "locale variables" -- check "info '('" for more

Locale does not affect this problem.

Patch from "Stephen P. Wall" [EMAIL PROTECTED] works nice. It define new
variable flipcase and when you set it '~' works perfect.

 The messenger is not important!

mutt and slrn

2000-01-31 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


is here a way how to set mutt as mailer in slrn.
I tryed Svens solution:
 set  mail_editor_command "mutt -H '%s' ; exit 1"
but this does not work perfect.

 The messenger is not important!


2000-01-27 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I have a problem with pgp-hook
I'm using mutt 1.1.2 and pgp 5.0 on Solaris

I have defined this pgp-hook:

pgp-hook ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] 0xE7F985DC

and I send email to this adress I get 'select key message':
   1 +  3069/0xE148CBF9 ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
   2 +  3069/0xE148CBF9 ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3 +  1024/0x8798C0EB DSA  -s Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4 +  3069/0xE148CBF9 ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   5 +  3069/0xE148CBF9 ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   6 +  1024/0x8798C0EB DSA  -s Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7 +  1024/0x8798C0EB DSA  -s Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8 +  3069/0xE148CBF9 ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   9 +  3069/0xE148CBF9 ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  10 +   768/0xE7F985DC ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  11 +   768/0xE7F985DC ElG  e- Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12 +   768/0x1B1A83C9 DSA  -s Martin [Keso] Keseg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13 +   768/0xE7F985DC ElG  e- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14 +   768/0xE7F985DC ElG  e- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  15 +   768/0x1B1A83C9 DSA  -s [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  16 +   768/0xE7F985DC ElG  e- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  17 +   768/0xE7F985DC ElG  e- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  18 +   768/0x1B1A83C9 DSA  -s [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and I must choose. I don't know what some things means, like a ElG DSA or e- or
-s, if you have explanation plz explain it too.

 The messenger is not important!

strange reply behaviour

2000-01-17 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I'm using mutt 1.1.2 and I've found one strange reply behaviour.

When I press 'r' as reply on message which have an attachment and I'm viewing it
via 'v' as view-attachments command and cursor is on attached file(2), like this:

  1 no description [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K]
  2 lr61.jpg [image/jpeg, base64, 119K]

mutt include my attachment to reply message! But when I'm on first entry and
'r'eply, mutt does not attach attachment.

In mutt version 1.0 mutt does not attach attachment any time.

I haven't set :set_mime_forward or any others settings on which it can depend.

 The messenger is not important!

mutt and lynx

2000-01-12 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


Is here a way to set mutt as mailer in lynx ?

 The messenger is not important!

save all attachments

1999-11-24 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


Have anyone suggestion how to save all attachments in tagged mails?

It is no problem(with macro) if you have all emails just with  one attachment.
Here is a problem if here are different count of attachments.

 well done, easy gone

Re: problems with attachments

1999-10-06 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Raju K V ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 I am having some problem with attachments.
 1. When I forward a mail to somebody, the attachments in the forwarded
 mail are not sent. How do I enable forwarding of attachments?

:set mime_forward

  be smart,
   don't be retard!

Re: save-hook II

1999-09-28 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

David DeSimone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 Mikko Hnninen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The problem here is that the default behaviour for mutt for the save
  command (using the user's username from the email address) can not be
  re-established in any way once you have specified a default save-hook
  (save-hook .  +folder, or using ~A, or whatever).
 Is that true?  The manual lists the following expando:
   %O  (_O_riginal save folder) Where mutt would formerly have stashed
   the message:  list name or recipient name if no list
 It seems like a rule like this could be made to work:
 save-hook . =%O

yes this is exactly what I need. You can define for example this:

folder-hook . 'save-hook .* =%O'
folder-hook +work 'save-hook .* =work-done'

so if you are in folder =work every save will be have default filename set to

btw which manual do you using ? ?
  be smart,
   don't be retard!


1999-09-28 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


Is here way to set search-opposite with prompting for regexp ?
  be smart,
   don't be retard!

save-hook II

1999-09-27 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I have still probl. with save hook.

I define one save-hook (folder-hook +work 'save-hook .* =work-done') and when I
change to another mailbox save-hook is still =work-done. I find, that I can
define save-hook to ~f or ~F but it's not good. Example:
if From adress is "Mutt Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]" ~f offers save to "Mutt
Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and ~F offers Mutt Users and I need set save-hook
to mutt-users.
  be smart,
   don't be retard!

Re: save-hook II

1999-09-27 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Staffan Hamala ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE wrote:
  I define one save-hook (folder-hook +work 'save-hook .* =work-done') and when I
  change to another mailbox save-hook is still =work-done. I find, that I can
 You have to set a default for mutt to change back after you've visited a
 folder with a special folder hook.
 An example from my muttrc:
 folder-hook . 'save-hook . =saved-mail'
 folder-hook =FIXNEED$ 'save-hook . =fixed'
 This makes 's' save mails into the folder saved-mail in all folders except
 the FIXNEED folder.

yes, this is simple, but I want to keep "default" behavior, which is save mail to
folder with name "=from.who".
  be smart,
   don't be retard!

%Z in hdr_format

1999-09-24 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I'd like to know which "message status flags" are in %Z. I know there is 
r - reply
K - pgp key
P - encrypted message 

but for example I don't know what is b. Is somewhere list with description ?
  be smart,
   don't be retard!


1999-09-23 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I have setup for one specific save-hook in my muttrc:
 folder-hook +work set 'sort=date-received'
 folder-hook +work 'bind index d save-message'
 folder-hook +work 'save-hook .* =work-done'


 folder-hook . 'bind index d delete-message'
 folder-hook . set 'sort=threads'
 folder-hook "!" 'bind index d delete-message'

it works o.k for folder =work but when I switch to another folder, save-hook is
still defined and after pressing d default save option is =work-done.
I know I need to define something like this:

 folder-hook . 'save-hook .* default'

but this does not work, so I don't know how to give back save-hook.

  be smart,
   don't be retard!

Re: Does MUTT support command line interface

1999-09-22 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Kevin Arnold ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

   I have a program that currently uses sendmail. I want to be able to send 
 attachments so I was thinking about switching to MUTT. The program, 
 however, sends the mail using a perl scriptso it is done through a CLI. 
 Can I do the same thing with MUTT but with the attachment feature?


I don't know if I'm understand correctly, but my answer is echo "body of mail"
| mutt -a attachment -s subject recipient.
  be smart,
   don't be retard!

Re: pgp sigs in body of message instead of attach?

1999-09-10 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Jeremy Blosser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

 Eric Maquiling [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  I've been using PINE and PGP.  I like viewing messages as a signed document
  rather than the body of the email and the signature as an attachment.
 It's nice you like it.  It's not very practical or flexible, though.
  Is there a way to have pgp signed mail as the body of the message (no pgp sigs
  as attachments) and to have pgp encrypted mail as the body of the message?
 Read the FAQ and doc/PGP-Notes.txt from your Mutt distribution (or if you
 somehow don't have it,

Yes, but here is just pgp2 example. I tryed change it to works with pgp5 but I

  be smart,
   don't be retard!

special delete

1999-05-31 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I'm trying to setup one special folder (=work) for my bussines things. I'd like
to bind 'd' to 'save-message', but with parameter =work-done. I try put 
folder-hook +work 'bind index d save-message =work-done'
into my .muttrc but mutt say "to many parameters"

any suggestions ?
Our Pussys, Our Choice
 just like a suicide

generci bind

1999-05-14 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


I'm trying set up mutt and redefine bindings. So I try to bind search-opposite
to key ? and help to f1.
Everythink works o.k for index,pager... but I want to redefine this in all mutt
I try to put
bind generic '?' search-opposite 
to .muttrc but this works just in index and not in pager, browser etc ...

I know one solutiun but it's ugly:
bind index '?' search-opposite
bind alias '?' search-opposite
bind attach '?' search-opposite
bind browser '?' search-opposite
bind compose '?' search-opposite
bind pager '?' search-opposite
bind pgp '?' search-opposite
bind postpone '?' search-opposite

is here nicer solution ?

I'm using  mutt version 0.96.1i
Our Pussys, Our Choice
 just like a suicide


1999-04-27 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE


Is here a support for:

S/MIME Cryptographic Signature [applica/x-pkcs7-si, base64, 3.3K]