Re: quoting and long lines

1999-03-04 Thread Sven Guckes

* Jeff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990303 18:49]:
> I'm around a lot of users who don't wrap at 72 or 76 columns, and so
> everytime I reply to their message, I get the first line with the
> quote-char in front of it, and the rest "unquoted". I've thought
> about using an external program like fmt to fmt the text before
> passing it into my editor (vim) but I also want to append a ">"
> before each new line to make it nicely quoted. I also tried setting
> the editor to fmt | vim but that doesn't work either :)
> Do I need to filter somehow? 


:se com=n:> set comment characters
:se tw=72   set the textwidth
{visual}select text
gq  reformat


Apply to body of mails:
Jump to first line, type 'V',
jump to last  line, type "gq".


Re: Mutt manual!!! :-(

1999-06-30 Thread Sven Guckes

* J Horacio MG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990629 21:00]:
> Are there very many changes?

Did somebody say "changes"?  Here, take a look at the history:


Re: Annoying feature

1999-07-01 Thread Sven Guckes

> When I 'G'et mail using POP3 internal to mutt, it writes
> directly to my mailbox. Is there a way to pass it to my SMTP
> service (I'm using qmail) instead and have it deliver the mail?


> This way I can filter it into appropriate folders as it comes in.

Shouldn't this be done by a mail filter?


PS:  Please do not reply when starting a new thread.
Other wise it gets threaded with non-related mails
as you can see from this screenshot of my mailbox:

   8058   X 990629 Fernando Blasco   ( 15) Port 50
   8059  SX 990629 Jeremy Blosser( 51) |->
   8060   X 990629 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( 31) |->
   8061   X 990629 Thomas Roessler   ( 34) |->
   8062   X 990629 Fernando Blasco   (  9) | |->
   8063   X 990629 Thomas Roessler   (  7) | `->
   8064   X 990630 Renaud Colinet( 18) |   `->[OFF-TOPIC] bulk mailing
   8065   X 990630 Lars Hecking  ( 15) | `->
   8066   X 990630 David DeSimone( 23) |   `->
-> 8067   X 990630 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (  5) | `->Annoying feature
   8068   X 990629 Lars Hecking  ( 36) |->
   8069  SX 990629 Ralf Hildebrandt  ( 36) | `->
   8070   X 990629 J Horacio MG  ( 24) |   `->
   8071   ! 990629 David DeSimone( 47) `->

Re: Mutt version history page

1999-07-02 Thread Sven Guckes

Sven Guckes [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Did somebody say "changes"?  Here, take a look at the history:

* Jeremy Blosser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990701 23:54]:
> FYI, all the 'changelog' links on this page seem to be dead.

Oops - the symlinks were still owned by an old id.
This obviously did not work out.  Should be fixed now.

And if anyone still has all those old announcements
to mutt95* versions (and some other)-  let me know!


Re: saving portions of a digest to a file?

1999-08-20 Thread Sven Guckes

* Ken W ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990820 15:48]:
> In the mutt pager, sometimes when reading a digest I would like to
> save one message from it to a file.  Is there any easy way to do this?

Mutt does not have support for splitting
digests and handling messages within.
I might be missing a patch, though..  ;-)

I remember some scripts which split up digests...  search the web!


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED] using mutt-0.96.4i  [990817]  WOOF!,,
MUTT  news:comp.mail.mutt   (__/'.
MUTT  /| |\
MUTT MUTT - *the* mailer for UNIX with color, threading, IMAP+MIME+PGP+POP

Re: Colouring of email addresses in headers

1999-08-20 Thread Sven Guckes

* Alisdair McDiarmid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990820 13:40]:
> I use vim and mutt together (as it should be :) and I'm trying to
> configure them to both have the same syntax colouring display.  [...]
> color header brightblue black [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
> in my muttrc file, the whole header line is coloured blue,
> when all I want coloured is the email address.

Mutt's "color header" colorizes complete lines only.  :-/


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]| MUTT - a UNIX mailer with support for
MUTT WOOF!,,  Usenet: comp.mail.mutt | color+threading, IMAP,MIME+PGP+POP
MUTT   (__/'.   | Tips on using the editor VIM:
MUTT   /| |\

Re: saving portions of a digest to a file? -> pipe to vim

1999-08-20 Thread Sven Guckes

* Ken W ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990820 16:47]:
> .. I was talking more about a way to say highlight block of text (even
> if you have to scroll a bit) and then write the block to a text file.
> The only way I have been able to do this so far is to edit the message,
> as if I were going to resend it, and in vim delete everything but the
> message I wanted to save, and then write it to a file, and exit vim
> and quit from the message.


Just pipe the message to "vim -" and select the text visually
(eg the current paragraph with "vip") and then ":w snippet".
Then exit with ":q".

Much quicker, I think.  :-)

> I have wanted to do this with individual messages as well, not just
> digests.
> If mutt cannot do this, I think that it would be a great function.

Sure - but then again, mutt should not become an editor.
This said, vim should not become a mailer, either.
If you want both in the same program, then, well, use Emacs!


Re: color definitions using the "current" color

1999-08-20 Thread Sven Guckes

* Stephane ENTEN ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990820 16:31]:
>  > Mutt's "color header" colorizes complete lines only.  :-/
> About that, I'd like to know if someone has a
> way to colorize the whole line with a background.

That reminds me:
Coloring addresses in quoted text do have the background color of the
quoted text - even when you define "default" as the background color.
I suppose the "default" simply refers to default color of the *terminal*.

I think we need a description that can make use of the "current color".

Here's an example of what I'd like to use:

color quoted white blue
color body   green current "(ftp|http):[^ ]*"

And what I'd like to see:

> quoted text with a URL within

Now,the text above the underscores is displayed in "white on blue"
whereas the text above the asterisks   is displayed in "green on blue".

Sounds like a simple patch...  anyone?


Re: showing recipients in postponed folder -> index_format %F

1999-08-20 Thread Sven Guckes

* Ken W ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990820 18:34]:
> I wanted to do this in the Postponed menu, the one you get
> when hitting 'P' (at least that is what I have it mapped to)
> and you have more than one postponed message.  Anyone?

Use the field "%F" for this in your index_format.
Example: index_format="%4C %Z %[!%y%m%d] %-17.17F (%3l) %s"

> This reminds me of a question I hd posted
> to the list but never got a response to.

Well, Ken, "RTFM"!  ;-)


Re: Killing an xterm with mutt

1999-11-10 Thread Sven Guckes

* Jan Houtsma ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991109 18:33]:
> If i run mutt in an xterm (xterm -e mutt) and i read email
> then when i kill the window with the X in the right top
> corner of the window of course kills mutt also.
> But apparently mutt doesnt catch this signal cause it doesnt
> update the status of the messages i already read in that session.
> Would that be nice to have? I am lazy and pressing that X is easier
> then typing "q", "y" :-)

:set quit=yes

Now you just have to type 'q' -
from anywhere within the xterm.
Isn't that much easier than
reaching for the mouse and
place it on the "X" first?  ;-)

But you have a point there -
mutt does not exit gracefully.


Re: Alternates - an example

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Nathan Cullen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [99 03:45]:
> I am trying to figure out the syntax of the "alternates" option.
> The mutt manual says "A regexp that allows you to
> specify alternate addresses where you receive email".
> My question is, can I have multiple "alternates" (one for each email
> address), or do I have to bunch them all in to one big regex?

The value of "alternates" is a regex.

Here's mine as an example:

set alternates=

(Yes, this is one line, of course. ;-)

The part "(-[a-z]*)?" describes an *optional*
extension to the address before the '@',
eg as in "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

This should catch most of my addresses:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  my very private address
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]free email addresses used for..
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ..making contact with me
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  my main address for slrn stuff (new!)
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   my main address for vi and vim stuff
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] my main address at the university
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]and some of my specialized..
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]..addresses used for filtering
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   my evil twin on comp.mail.pine

My complete setup is visible (as usual) on

Btw, mutt would be a LOT more useful for many people
if there was an additional flag for your work addresses.

Example:   set [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Work mails" would then show up with a 'W'
and would be selectable with "~W".
Then you can easily focus on your work stuff
looking at new work mails with command ",W":

   macro index ,W "l~N ~W\n"

One more for the wishlist, I guess.

Sven  [Where do I apply for [EMAIL PROTECTED]?]

Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]| MUTT - a UNIX mailer with support for
MUTT WOOF!,,  Usenet: comp.mail.mutt | color+threading, IMAP,MIME+PGP+POP
MUTT   (__/'.   | Heavily documented setup file:
MUTT   /| |\

Alternates, Groups, Lists, and Work

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [99 14:54]:
> > Example:   set [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > "Work mails" would then show up with a 'W'
> > and would be selectable with "~W".
> What's wrong in using procmail/maildrop to filter
> work-related emails to another folder and browse that?

Most people do not use a mail filter.  For them it is nice to
handle both personal *and* work related mails from the mailbox.

I want to keep a focus on new mails that are either personal
or work related with a limit to "~N (~p | ~W)".

I'd like to maintain a mail filter only for filtering out spam.

> Having multiple incoming mail
> folders is just too handy in Mutt,

No, mutt does not give enough support
for watching folders to be really handy.

> I don't see much point in adding a
> specific flag for some purpose like this.

I want an extra flag for "group" and "work" related mails
because I do not want to add such mails to my "personal" addresses.
The "reverse_name" feature acts up on mails sent to a group,
eg it's a bad idea to reply as "ME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>".  :-(

Here's an example of what I'd like to see in the index:

Mutt 1.1.1i: /var/mail/guckes (threads) [004/1374] [N=300,*=0,post=31,new=1]
1368 N +! 99 Gerhard Buergmann ( 13) BVI 1.2.0 und deine VI-Clone Seite
1369 N L  99 Sven Guckes   ( 50) Alternates, Groups, Lists, and Work
1370 N G  99 Mike Orr  ( 40) Duplicate messages, unreadable list
1373 N W  91 Felix von Leitner (123) *** (1t's a S3kr1t)
1374 N X  91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (666) spam spam - wonderful spam


Flag  Description   Mutt Option
   +  personal message  alternates
   G  personal message (but non a list) alternates_group
   L  "List" (mailing list) lists
   W  work related stuff, personal  alternates_work
   X  non-personal  not found in any of the above

In the end I want that the 'X' flag actually shows possible spams;
and work related mails are usually not spam.  ;-)

And then I'd like to be able to have mutt show
"/var/mail/guckes" as eg "MAILBOX" - much shorter.


Re: Sent mail -> Fcc: folder

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Subba Rao ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [99 16:36]:
> Where is the outgoing mail saved? How do I
> see what email I have sent through mutt?

Outbound mail is saved in the folder described in the "Fcc" 'header'
which you can see at the "send menu" (titled "Compose").


Re: Alternates regexp - literal dots

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [99 18:39]:
> > set alternates='^([EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL PROTECTED])$"
> BTW, aren't the .'s in the regexp supposed to be escaped, if you want
> them to match just a dot?  Admittedly in most cases it doesn't make much
> difference in the $alternates setting, as will match the string
> "" (as well as "hpXcom", but that's unlikely to ever be seen).

Yes and yes.  ;-)

But imagine the impact on some "alternates".  Example:

old:  set 
alternates=(sven|guckes)(-[a-z]*)?@.*(\\|||||||[EMAIL PROTECTED]
new:  set 

16 more backslashes - eek!


Re: Killing an xterm with mutt -> use "screen"

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991110 23:20]:
> What's different in the X server blowing up,
> why shouldn't Mutt exit gracefully in that situation?

Whatever it does - use mutt within "screen"
then the screen session will simply keep running and
you can reattach to it later and continue with it.


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] using screen-3.9.5 [990901]
SCREEN: - the terminal window manager!  Digraph input.
Run processes offline. Copy&paste text between windows. Create screen backlogs,
dumps and logs.  Share your terminal with others - see what they type.

[wish] foldername option

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Nathan Cullen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991112 00:19]:
> > And then I'd like to be able to have mutt show
> > "/var/mail/guckes" as eg "MAILBOX" - much shorter.
> I don't know about "MAILBOX", but I wouldn't
> mind seeing it replaced with the "!" shortcut.

# folder-hook ! set foldername='MAILBOX'
# folder-hook ! set foldername='INBOX'
# folder-hook ! set foldername='MAIL'
  folder-hook ! set foldername='!'



Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]| MUTT - a UNIX mailer with support for
MUTT WOOF!,,  Usenet: comp.mail.mutt | color+threading, IMAP,MIME+PGP+POP
MUTT   (__/'.   | Need a feature?  Let me know!
MUTT   /| |\ WishList!

[wish] alternates_work

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Byrial Jensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [99 23:21]:
> > Example:   set [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >macro index ,W "l~N ~W\n"
> It isn't necessary because you can put
> your work alternates directly into your macros:
> macro index ,W "l ~N ~C ^^guckes@work\\.com$\n" "Limit to new work mails"

OF COURSE I can do this.   But my point is:

I want an extra flag for work related mails
so they wont show up as  non-personal mails.

And I want an extra pattern modifier for these
so I wont have to use long regexp with limit commands.

And it sucks that the '!' flag overwrites other flags..


Re: Alternates

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Nathan Cullen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991112 00:37]:
> .. I can setup mailboxes like:
>   mailboxes =drdre
>   mailboxes =snoopdogg
> And the same goes for "lists".
> Why (rhetorical question) can't I do it with alternates?

It's a historical thing.  ;-)

> alternates dre@chronic\.net
> alternates snoop@lbc\
> Does that just look much cleaner?
> It would still allow the use of regexes.  Even if it meant a
> performance decrease in comparsion to a carefully crafed,
> single regex, i'd rather use something that I can read.



Re: [wish] alternates_work

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* David Champion ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991112 01:23]:
> > I want an extra flag for work related mails
> > so they wont show up as  non-personal mails.
> I have four jobs and a major identity crisis.
> I'd like to extend Sven's request to six flags, please.  [...]
> I use procmail to do it instead.

You got a point there.  So if everyone has a
mail filter then why use "alternates" at all?


Deleting all attachments matching regexp

1999-11-11 Thread Sven Guckes

So - what's the best way to mark all attachments
whose filename match a given regexp as deleted?

Sven  [weeding old attached patches from his mutt folders]

mutt wishlist

1999-11-17 Thread Sven Guckes

* Sven Guckes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wishlist?

* David DeSimone wrote:
> No disrespect intended, Sven,
> but do people read your wish list?

* Eugene Lee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991112 20:04]:
> I just did.  It took a while to find it, and it's actually
> located under Sven's home page and not the Mutt home page.

Well, my pages are not linked from any more.
I had hoped that the concept of sharing information by
means of a user page would move to the site
but apparently noone cares.  Oh, well.

I can only offer my information -
but if noone wants it - ok.


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]| MUTT - a UNIX mailer with support for
MUTT WOOF!,,  Usenet: comp.mail.mutt | color+threading, IMAP,MIME+PGP+POP
MUTT   (__/'.   | Need a feature?  Let me know!
MUTT   /| |\ WishList!

Re: Color xterm??

1999-11-17 Thread Sven Guckes

* Subba Rao ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991114 03:38]:
> Is color xterm a requirement for mutt's color feature?

A "color terminal" is a requirement - but xterm is not the only one.
(And, yes, a color monitor is required, too. ;-)

> If this xterm works for "ls" with color, then mutt's got to work too.
> I have installed ncurses-5.0 and that is not helping either.


Re: uncolor index *

1999-11-17 Thread Sven Guckes

* Andy Spiegl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991117 18:14]:
> when I type: "mutt spiegl -s foo < /dev/null"
> I get to see:
>  Error in /home/spiegl/.mutt/color, line 79: *: unknown command
>  Error in /home/spiegl/.muttrc, line 158:
>  source: errors in /home/spiegl/.mutt/color
>  source: errors in /home/spiegl/.muttrc

The Subject is to be specified before the addresses...

> In line 79 of ~/.mutt/color I've got this:
>  uncolor index "*"
> which is a documented command.

How about this (no quotes):
   uncolor index *

> When use mutt interactively I don't see these messages.
> Anyone have any clue what I am doing wrong?

Please tell what you want to do first!
Why do you use "< /dev/null" for example?


Re: forward with attached files -> set forward_attachment

1999-11-17 Thread Sven Guckes

* Reed Lai ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991117 05:34]:
> how to forward mail with its attached files?

  set forward_attachment


[wish] flag 'A' for multiple attachments

1999-11-17 Thread Sven Guckes

* F.Baubetm" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991117 18:05]:
> Another quibble from an EEL  (ex-Elm lamer ;-)
> Elm always had a flag in the main display that told me a file had an
> attachment, and when I viewed the message, there was a notice there too.
> Mutt doesn't seem to do this, and I've missed attachments  :-(

Mutt once did this - but the flag was dropped.  :-(
I think this was done as you'd see the flag on
almost all mails - even thought they'd only have
just a single one which might just be text/plain.

Then again I'd definitely like to see that
messages have multiple attachments, too...

> Anyone got a config fix ?



Re: Expire date ? - checking Expiry: - how?

1999-11-17 Thread Sven Guckes

* Christian Gall writes:
> is it possible to set an expire date, so that mutt
> automatically delets messages in a folder ?

* Andreas Kahari ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991117 13:36]:
> No, but you might define a macro. I use something like
>   macro index  "T ~r >1m\n"
> .. to tag all messages in the index that are older than one month.
> Pressing ';d' deletes the tagged messages
> (you might want to include that in the macro too).

I think Christian is asking for an automatic delete/move
on messages with an explicit Expiry header line.
But how would you check whether the expiry in that line applies?


Re: uncolor index *

1999-01-16 Thread Sven Guckes

* Andy Spiegl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991118 12:09]:
> > > In line 79 of ~/.mutt/color I've got this:
> > >  uncolor index "*"
> > > which is a documented command.
> Here are other examples with the same result:
>  echo test | mutt -s foo spiegl
>  echo test | mutt spiegl
>  mutt -a .zshrc spiegl < /etc/motd
>  mutt -s foo -a .zshrc spiegl < /etc/motd

I think the problem is somewhere else in your muttrc.
Have you tested mutt without a startup file yet?  eg:

echo test | mutt -F NONE -s foo $USER


Re: Status flags in 1.1.1

1999-11-22 Thread Sven Guckes

* Jeremy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991121 08:46]:
> I just upgraded to 1.1.1.  Previously, if a mail contained attachments
> (which require mailcap to view) they would have an M next to them in
> the index, with the status flags.  They don't anymore.  Is this a bug?


> It's still in the documentation.

Docs need update!


Manual: PGP variables need sorting!

1999-11-22 Thread Sven Guckes

* Martin Schröder ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991122 10:43]:
> On 1999-11-22 17:18:26 +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
> > In mutt, I can encrypt a message using the receipt's public key.
> > But if I also want to encrypt the mail using my private key, how
> > do I do this?
> RTFM mutt: pgp_encryptself

:set ?pgp_encryptself
pgp_encryptself: unknown variable

Btw, the variables in the manual.txt
are quite out-of-order.  :-(
Can anyone fix this?

"links" to related variables would be a plus.


$ grep '6.*p..g..p.._' manual.txt

  6.3.94.   pgp_autosign
  6.3.95.   pgp_autoencrypt
  6.3.96.   pgp_entry_format
  6.3.97.   pgp_long_ids
  6.3.98.   pgp_replyencrypt
  6.3.99.   pgp_replysign
  6.3.100.  pgp_replysignencrypted
  6.3.101.  pgp_retainable_sigs
  6.3.102.  pgp_show_unusable
  6.3.103.  pgp_sign_as
  6.3.104.  pgp_sign_micalg
  6.3.105.  pgp_strict_enc
  6.3.106.  pgp_timeout
  6.3.107.  pgp_verify_sig
  6.3.108.  pgp_sort_keys
  6.3.109.  pgp_create_traditional
  6.3.110.  pgp_decode_command
  6.3.111.  pgp_getkeys_command
  6.3.112.  pgp_verify_command
  6.3.113.  pgp_decrypt_command
  6.3.114.  pgp_clearsign_command
  6.3.115.  pgp_sign_command
  6.3.116.  pgp_encrypt_sign_command
  6.3.117.  pgp_encrypt_only_command
  6.3.118.  pgp_import_command
  6.3.119.  pgp_export_command
  6.3.120.  pgp_verify_key_command
  6.3.121.  pgp_list_secring_command
  6.3.122.  pgp_list_pubring_command

=== Sorted List:
  6.3.95.   pgp_autoencrypt
  6.3.94.   pgp_autosign
  6.3.96.   pgp_entry_format
  6.3.97.   pgp_long_ids
  6.3.98.   pgp_replyencrypt
  6.3.99.   pgp_replysign
  6.3.114.  pgp_clearsign_command
  6.3.109.  pgp_create_traditional
  6.3.110.  pgp_decode_command
  6.3.113.  pgp_decrypt_command
  6.3.117.  pgp_encrypt_only_command
  6.3.116.  pgp_encrypt_sign_command
  6.3.119.  pgp_export_command
  6.3.111.  pgp_getkeys_command
  6.3.118.  pgp_import_command
  6.3.122.  pgp_list_pubring_command
  6.3.121.  pgp_list_secring_command
  6.3.100.  pgp_replysignencrypted
  6.3.101.  pgp_retainable_sigs
  6.3.102.  pgp_show_unusable
  6.3.103.  pgp_sign_as
  6.3.115.  pgp_sign_command
  6.3.104.  pgp_sign_micalg
  6.3.108.  pgp_sort_keys
  6.3.105.  pgp_strict_enc
  6.3.106.  pgp_timeout
  6.3.112.  pgp_verify_command
  6.3.120.  pgp_verify_key_command
  6.3.107.  pgp_verify_sig

Re: alias use while creating note -> add aliased to header

1999-11-22 Thread Sven Guckes

* Subba Rao ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991122 19:22]:
> I have "set edit_hdrs", which allows me to edit my headers.
> I have "set askcc" too. If I decide to Cc someone WHILE typing the note,
> can I add the alias in the Cc field, or do I have to type the FQA?

Mutt checks the header for unexpanded aliases after you exit the editor.
So, yes, you can add your alias to address lines in the header
(To:, Cc:, Bcc:, Reply-To:), and mutt will expand them.  :-)

Sven  [header editing *rules*!]

Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]| MUTT - a UNIX mailer with support for
MUTT WOOF!,,  Usenet: comp.mail.mutt | color+threading, IMAP,MIME+PGP+POP
MUTT   (__/'.   | Heavily documented setup file:
MUTT   /| |\

Re: mutt like elm (once again)

1999-11-22 Thread Sven Guckes

* Daniel J. Wharton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991119 22:46]:
> I was wondering if there is anyway to change the layout of mutt a little?
> The president of the company is an ELM user,
> and I am going to switch him over to MUTT.

Wait until Jan 1st 2000.  Elm should probably collapse.
Show him that elm bellyflops - but mutt still works.
Then let him choose...

> Also, is there a way to put a space between the top bar
> and the first message when in the message index?

Yes - change the code.

(Mutt users dont need no steenkeen
 empty lines on their screen.)

> I also didn't notice a key binding setting for Abort.
> It is currently "q", but I would like to change it to "f."

bind index f quit

Note that this overrides the default for
'f' being bound to "forward-message"...



Bug! (Re: Bug/Missing feat: Replying to non-existant mails)

1999-11-22 Thread Sven Guckes

* Johannes Teveßen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991120 11:04]:
> I usually have several mutts open, sometimes two on the
> same mbox, but always only one in read-write mode.
> Now if I have mutt A opened read/write on a box and B
> opened read-only on that box, select a mail in B for
> reading, mark it for deletion and purge it in A and
> then try to make a reply in B on that mail, the editor
> is opened, Subject: etc. are set, but
> there is no quoted text in the editor.
> Mutt shouldn't let the user reply to a mail
> that has already been removed, should it?

I've just tried this with mutt-1.1.1 - same effect.
Mutt pokes somewhere into the folder for quoting.  :-(
Lookss like mutt-1.0 does not check whether the folder
has changed when it had opened it in read-only mode.


Aliases, Databases, Emacs, and Mutt

2000-01-18 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eugene Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000117 09:05]:
> I dunno about your suggestions for a new alias file format.  Have you
> looked at "ML" or "Pine" that do support rudimentary address books?
> I think it would be nice to be able to press '?' at any mail header
> and have Mutt bring up a list of all the available aliases,
> or be able to type a few letters, then press 
> to expand a list of all matching aliases.

Mutt already shows all aliases with  - but you have to invoke this
when mutt prompts you for an address on one of the address lines.

Mutt also interfaces to address databases such as lbdb and bbdb
(little/big brother database) - but I have not used tehse yet.

Emacs is also able to support these databases *and* knows about
the mutt aliases in the alias file with a special setup
so you can request "header editing" with mutt and
have Emacs expand your aliases within the edit buffer.

> Add support for an address book to the wish list?  Sven?  :)

Naah.  ;-)

Thanks for the CC, Eugene, - now I see that I was
unsubscribed to the mutt maillist since Xmas. :-(

Sven  [who just resubscribed to the maillists]

Re: saving mails -> savename + fcc-hook

2000-01-21 Thread Sven Guckes

* Jason Helfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000120 17:16]:
> .. everytime I send a msg, Mutt wants to create a mailbox for it.

I suppose you have "savename" set, ie mails to "user@domain"
are saved in folder "=user".  You might want to unset this or
define a fcc-hook to set the folder used for saving the copies:

fcc-hook  .   "=OUT"

The single dot always matches so folder "OUT"
should be used to save all outgoing mails.


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED] using mutt-1.1.2i [000108] and  ,,
MUTT  news:comp.mail.mutt  (__/'.
MUTT /| |\
MUTT MUTT - *the* mailer for UNIX with color, threading, IMAP+MIME+PGP+POP

Re: prompt for Fcc -> default fcc-hook

2000-01-20 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000120 14:15]:
> How may I set mutt to prompt for an Fcc in the case
> that there is no Fcc hook or rule already?

There is no such prompt for Fcc.
Workaround:  Set a default fcc-hook.


Re: group reply problem - cannot bind CTRL-G

2000-02-03 Thread Sven Guckes

* Jeffery Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000204 01:20]:
> In my .muttrc file I have remapped the g and ^G keys as follows:
> When I am in the index or pager and type ? it reports:
>   ^G  group-replyreply to all recipients
> However, when I type ^G nothing happens.

The ^G is used to abort commands.  Feature.

> Does anyone have a suggestion as to what might be wrong?

Your sig has TabDamage.


Re: Deleting IMAP folders - is it possible?

2000-05-15 Thread Sven Guckes

* Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000515 15:19]:
> Is there any way to delete IMAP folders
> (as opposed to mailboxes) using mutt?

Not sure - IMAP is not listed with the
description to "save_empty" (see below).

The section "4.11. IMAP Support (OPTIONAL)"
of the manual needs an update.  Anyone?

Sven  [no IMAP mailbox to test this]

  The Mutt E-Mail Client by Michael Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  version 1.2

  6.3.168.  save_empty -- Type: boolean -- Default: yes
  When unset, mailboxes which contain no saved messages
  will be removed when closed (the exception is ``spoolfile''
  which is never removed).  If set, mailboxes are never removed.

  Note: This only applies to mbox and MMDF folders,
  Mutt does not delete MH and Maildir directories.

maillist munging faq

2000-06-27 Thread Sven Guckes

* Brian D. Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000619 21:18]:
> Some mailing list software will rewrite the Reply-To on every message,
> assuming that the list subscribers are not competent enough to figure
> it out for themselves. [...]
> There are much better ways of marking list e-mail as such (see above
> and my previous post), and if your filter can't handle something of
> the form "Sender: owner-mutt" then you should get a better filter.
> If nothing else, the subject tag is a waste of screen space that
> could be used to show me more of the message's real subject.


Here is my little summary of why maillist munging is BAD:

Feedback appreciated!  :-)


Re: procmail

2000-06-27 Thread Sven Guckes

* Dale Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000618 21:23]:
> I may have got my procmail working!! Just opened my mbox folder
> and found new mail in mutt!!! I believe what may have done the
> trick was going into .muttrc and specifying mbox names..

The stup for mutt does not affect the
setup for procmail.  And vice versa.

> It feels great when it works!!!

Tell me about it!  ;-)


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] |procmail latest version: 3.11pre7 [970616]
PROCMAIL commented sample setup!
PROCMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED]send mail to subscribe!

Re: suggestion

2000-06-28 Thread Sven Guckes

* fman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000628 04:16]:
> The muttfaq says to send suggestions to this list.
> I suggest someone write a book on how to use mutt.
> Maybe a small book like those o'reilly pocket references.
> Mutt is popular enought to deserve one, no?

I had suggested this to O'Reilly two years ago.
They said there was no market for this and -
"mutt is an alpha version program"...
Maybe I should ask Tim O'Reilly personally?


Re: feature request: delayed delete

2000-06-28 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eugene Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000628 09:21]:
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 12:20:29AM -0500, Carlos Puchol wrote:
> :the idea is to delay-delete a message. the idea is to
> :mark a message for deletion, but not delete it for a while.
> :say i set my 'delay-delete' to 14 days.
> .. So you could do things like tag messages
> that are 14 days old or older.

Yes, you "delete by pattern" and use
"older than two weeks" as the pattern.
You can even bind it to a macro and you
can can have mutt execute it on startup.

But it may break threads which are about
two weeks old.  Not a good idea.

PS: Please quote with "> " - thankyou!


Re: URGENT: Regarding the just bounced message IRCD hosting

2000-08-18 Thread Sven Guckes

* Frank Altpeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000817 22:04]:
> I just bounced you [mutt-bugs] an email with subject: IRCD hosting ...
> This is very important. Because i got this mail and as i tried to
> forward it to another person, my mutt segfaulting with core dump.

Is this important because of the core dump
of because of the contents of the message?

> My current version is 1.2i on solaris 7

Have you tried mutt-1.2.5 yet?


Re: Encrypting attachments with GnuPG so that Eudora can see it... SOLUTION

2001-01-19 Thread Sven Guckes

* msquared <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010119 15:53]:
> Yes!  I figured it out!  In order to send encrypted attachments and
> such to Eudora, the MIME content that is encrypted MUST have the
> following as its FIRST header:
>   MIME-Version: 1.0
> Anyone know the correct procedure for notifying the development team?
> Anyone know if they already know about it?  Anyone know how you
> could configure Mutt to do that without modifying the source?  :)

This is a problem of Eudora, right?  Tell the Eudora developers!
Adding workarounds to mutt for other broken software is WRONG!
After all, a workaround for mutt just solves this for mutt -
but not for users of other mailers when sending to Eudora.

Summary:  Eudora is broken - fix Eudora!


Re: mutt as newsreader

2001-03-07 Thread Sven Guckes

* David Champion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010307 17:12]:
> "ndrw mchl grnbrg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, slrn requires some config, just like mutt does,
> > but all in all, I think it's a very good newsreader.
> It's not the configuration, mainly; it's the way it works.
> It doesn't accomodate the way I read news.

Either your are missing some commands/features -
or you really need a better newsreader - like Gnus.

> But the configuration is also less than ideal.
> I don't enjoy S-Lang.

Then you won't enjoy Gnus either.  ;-)


Re: next Mutt release?

2001-03-23 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eugene Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 23:39]:
> I'm just curious to ask is there a timetable for Mutt 1.3 to
> go stable and be released (Mutt 1.4 I assume?).  It would be
> neat if Mutt had a modular structure that lets people add
> functionality without having to significantly modify the core.

mutt should become a linux kernel module soon.


Re: [Fwd: mutt+gpg=screen_corruption]

2001-04-03 Thread Sven Guckes

* Lars Hecking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010403 15:29]:
> The problem is that every time he hits a signed message (during the
> same mutt session), the status line at the bottom gets corrupted more
> and more. It happens under xterms, gnome-terms, and the linux console.
> |Mutt 1.2.5i (2000-07-28)
> |System: Linux 2.2.17-14 [using slang 10202]
> | it's the standard mutt from redhat's 6.2 update - mutt-1.2.5i-8.6 
> All relevant system info is included below (RedHat/slang). The gpg config
> file used is from Gero Treuner's gpg-2comp, which I'm using, too.
> | the ilug post screenshots - just showing corruption.
> |
> |
> | your message corrupted:
> |
> | after ^L:
> |
> | note the bits of previous screens in the corrupted display - not just
> | at the bottom.

I keep seeing this with terminals which have the scrollbar on.
But I hardly ever see this when I use mutt within "screen".
As a CTRL-L usually fixes this I just dont care bothering. ;-)


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Setting up mutt? Read this:

Re: [Fwd: mutt+gpg=screen_corruption] -> output redirection

2001-04-03 Thread Sven Guckes

* Lars Hecking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010403 15:40]:
>  The "screen corruption" was due to the output of this command.
>  Workaround:
>   set pgp_getkeys_command="gpg --recv-keys %r > /dev/null 2>&1"

Redirection is a standard feature, so I'd call this a "solution".  :-)

>  Is that something mutt should take care of automatically
>  (unexpected output of some commands, that is)?

How does a program catch "unexpected things"?
Besides, if it expected anything they would
not be unexpected, now, would they?  ;-)


Re: German manual - mutt-1.4/doc/manual.txt

2001-09-25 Thread Sven Guckes

* Stefan Antoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010925 12:46]:
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 12:52:11PM +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:
> > does anyone have a german translation of the manual? A friend of mine
> > wants to use mutt, but he doesn't understand english very well.
> I don't know about a german translation yet, but
> if there is _none_, shouldn't we make one up?

I'd suggest to *translate* the manual
instead of making one up.  ;-)

> I got 2 weeks holidays from school beginning the
> next week, anybody interested in participating?
> if there would be 2 or 3 people including
> me we could combine effords :)

I suggest to make this a project of its own
(including maillist) and wait for mutt-1.4
to be released.  And *then* start the translation.


MUTT HOOKS EXAMPLE:  send-hook guckes set nopgp_autosign

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-11-30 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011130 14:14]:
> > At first it sounds good, but what happens if I want to change
> > to an IMAP folder? Prepending "=" obviously doesn't work.
> Then just have a .muttrc option like
> Set enable_default_folder="yes"
> for those that do not care about imap

and how about another* option
for those who prefer the '+'?

really - what next?
":set kitchen-sink=on"?

folks, get real - use a macro!
:macro index c "+"

Sven  [now, if someone would please change
   the default value for the attribution..]

Need Help?   Ask on the newsgroup "comp.mail.mutt" -
or post to group!

Re: a couple more questions -> sync-mailbox

2001-12-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* Paul Brannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011130 15:45]:
> 1) How can I refresh the current inbox?

Use the command "sync-mailbox" - bound to '$' by default.
And please use '?' to show the help screen
and '/' to search within.  Then go RTFM.

> 2) Can I set up vim to place the cursor in
> the "To" field automatically when composing a message?

"yes".  this is not a vim list, however.
oh, ok, it's just that easy:
  set editor="vim +/To:"


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] - editing emails and posts in color with VIM:
Just get the file
How to use this syntax file with Vim: ":syntax on" and ":source path/sven.vim"
Using mutt with Vim:

Re: a bunch of newbie questions

2001-12-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* Paul Brannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011130 15:42]:
> 1) When I start mutt, I see this message:
>  fcntl: No locks available (errno = 37)
>How can I make it go away?

use the file locking that goes along with your system?!

> 2) When I go to the index, I see this message:
>  /home/pbrannan/.mh_profile not found, mh format names disabled
>How can I make it go away?

well - are you using mh folders?

> 3) When changing between mailboxes, I am constantly asked whether I
> want to purge deleted messages.  I can make this go away with "set
> delete=no", but then when I press $ to expunge the messages, nothing
> happens.  What must I do to get rid of deleted messages when delete
> is set to no?

"delete=no" means "never delete anything".
check your logic!

you want "delete=yes" which means "yes,
delete those message and DONT ASK ME".

> 4) When I go to the browser, the selected mailbox is
> always the topmost one (INBOX).  How can I make the
> selected mailbox be the "current" mailbox?

not possible - unless the current mailbox happens to
be the first in the current ordering of mailboxes.

> 5) When displaying messages from the ruby-talk mailing list, the
>subjects are always of the form:
>  Re: [ruby-talk:12345] This is a subject
>This makes the threaded view interesting, to say the least, whenever
>someone's mail client doesn't set In-Reply-To:.  Can I change how
>these messages are sorted?

no - the problem is the missing reference
which is a problem with the $@#$ mailers.
now, you *might* come up with a filter rule
to use this info to fix the references
but this won't help anyone else, will it?
i suggest to hack the host of the
offender and delete his mailer.

> 6) When I try to postpone a message, I get:
>  Couldn't lock /users/pbrannan/postponed.
> My home directory is on NFS, so this somewhat makes sense.
> But how can I postpone messages in this case?

fix the locking, pal!

> 7) Can you point me toward any tips/tricks for using vim with mutt?
>I've already got:
>  au BufEnter /tmp/mutt* set ai et list tw=72
>  au BufEnter /tmp/mutt* set listchars=tab:>>,trail:.
>  au BufEnter /tmp/mutt* set comments=nb:>
>(stolen shamelessly from someone else's .vimrc).
>Is there anything else I should add?

you can group this stuff and have it used with
all files for which filetype mail applies..
easier to type, too. ;-)


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]| MUTT - a UNIX mailer with support for
MUTT WOOF!,,  Usenet: comp.mail.mutt | color+threading, IMAP,MIME+PGP+POP
MUTT   (__/'.   | Tips on using the editor VIM:
MUTT   /| |\

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-12-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011130 19:31]:
> According to Sven Guckes on Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 06:56:11PM +0100:
> > and how about another* option
> > for those who prefer the '+'?
> I never figured the difference between the '+' and the '='
> in this context.


it makes a good difference when you use it on the shell.

  mutt -f +folder
  mutt -f =folder

with the ZShell the equal sign is a meta character
where "=program" will evaluate to "which program";
*very* useful - but not with mutt in this case.

However, you can use command completion to...
wait, this is the mutt mailing list, right?  ;-)

> > really - what next?  ":set kitchen-sink=on"?
> Funny, when I saw who was in the ^From: line, I knew
> there would be a comment like this - I was right ;)

glad to oblige..

> Nothing I have seen convinces me that this is not a sufficiently
> useful configurable option to make it standard.

well, how about this then:
  $ cd ~/Mail; mutt
now you can save your mails *without*
any '+' or '+' - just type in the name!

why ad any code to mutt for
this simply startup method?


Re: narrow-thread patch - please add!

2001-12-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 15:09:36 -0500, Daniel Eisenbud wrote:
> I had a patch that added a $narrow_tree variable years ago, which
> made the thread tree take up only half as much screen real estate.
> Maybe it's time to resurrect this too.

* Vincent Lefevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011130 20:55]:
> Yes, I updated it to apply it to the latest Mutt versions
> (at least up to and still use it. But it
> isn't even sufficient for very long threads.

never mind the monster-threads - saving *some*
characters that way on screen is well worth it!
can this patch be added, please?


Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-12-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011201 09:09]:
> Changing and navigating folders is one of
> the most fundamental functions of a MUA...

or so it should be, one would think.
then again, managing messages could
be regarded as a database problem -
and thus it's not an mua prob at all.

> so something that makes this more convenient
> by obviating a silly keypress each time can IMO,
> hardly be regarded as adding a kitchen sink.

patch your own version?  insert a
'+' into the prompt by default?

> The reading and attaching problem, may be fixed
> if with the set editor command you could cd to
> another dir before launching your editor.

 set editor="cd /dir; edit %s"

ok, so you can oput this into a script
and then use "set editor=script"..

and what about this:
  save-hook . +


Re: folder with unread messages -> mailboxes command

2001-12-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* Dragos_C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011201 12:31]:
> set folder_format="%N %2C %t %8s %d %f"
> though I don't see a sign like ~N in browser
> for folder with unread messages. Any solution?

mutt shows the number of *mailboxes* with new mail.
if you have none defined then mutt wont check
anything - and thus the number remains zero.
so - set something like "mailboxes ! +foo +bar"..


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Setting up mutt? Read this:

mutt sample setup files (was: Email HowTo)

2001-12-17 Thread Sven Guckes

* Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011207 17:40]:
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 Roman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed into the ether:
> > what parts of mutt's documentation have you found lacking?
> > What are your patterns of use of mutt, and did you have
> > hard time setting it up the way you wanted, or was
> > everything you needed obvious from the manual?
> Not really - here are some stuff I thought was lacking :
> - A verbose .rc file, like the one Sven Guckes has for vim
> Is there something like this for Mutt too?

see here..*
990 Nov 18  2000 mutt.color
   8670 Aug  1 19:22 mutt.color.body
   6603 Nov 12 07:32 mutt.color.header
  17864 Nov 12 07:42 mutt.color.header.agents
  11135 Aug  6 05:01 mutt.color.index
  29273 Nov 20 07:34 mutt.personal
   1530 Oct 12 18:43 mutt.pop
   5573 Apr 18  2000 mutt.rainbow
   3200 Nov 17  1999 mutt_like_pine
834 Nov  1 21:41 muttrc
  43104 Nov 11 23:54 muttrc.forall
   6812 Sep 18 10:59 muttrc.minimal

knock yourself out! :-)


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mutt-versions]  Latest versions:
MUTT  news:comp.mail.mutt  mutt-1.2.5   [000729]
MUTT mutt-1.3.24  [011130]
MUTT MUTT - *the* mailer for UNIX with color, threading, IMAP+MIME+PGP+POP

Re: Bug Report with a contradiction

2001-12-26 Thread Sven Guckes

* Ralph Geier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011207 17:08]:
> I found the following bug in Mutt 1.2.5 / 1.3.24
> - first, save your 'mbox'-file (i.e. the folder
>   where read mail is saved), it will be corrupted
>   after trying the following!
> - assume you have 1 new message in your
>   spool mailbox (i.e. incoming mail)
> [..]
> Interestingly, if you started with an empty mbox, you will find the
> following: while mutt will recognize it as corrupted under normal
> circumstances - if you repeat the procedure above, the error is
> obscured now, so remove your mbox to reproduce the bug again!

Your suggestion contradicts to the assumption,
ie the mailbox being non-empty.  what gives?

> OS: ReliantUNIX-Y
> Configuration: see app.

[3,400 lines deleted]

> -- 
> Ralph Geier

Oh - Siemens..  no further questions.

Anyway, I have been opening folders
with more than one instance of mutt
and making changes - the locking
works and I have not lost one mail.  *shrug*
(at least not since some version 0.5x where
 one version screwed up at some point.)

PS: "Mail-Followup-To: Ralph Geier , [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Why should I reply to any *local* Geiers? ;-)
Hint:  set use_domain


Re: manual suggestion

2001-12-26 Thread Sven Guckes

* Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011207 19:38]:
> I think it would be really cool in the manual to see
> at what version of mutt each config variable came in.

"me, too!"  That's why I started writing my own manual
with exactly that in mind - but unfortunately this
was never included with the manual in the distribution.

My prediction is that someone will
rewrite mutt-2 with this in mind..
Some day some "poodle" will pee into
some "pine" woods - who knows?  ;-)


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]| MUTT - a UNIX mailer with support for
MUTT WOOF!,,  Usenet: comp.mail.mutt | color+threading, IMAP,MIME+PGP+POP
MUTT   (__/'.   | An alternative manual with tips:
MUTT   /| |\

mutt opens folders too slowly? (Re: Mutt is great!)

2001-12-26 Thread Sven Guckes

* Cleber S. Mori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011207 22:32]:
> Mutt have just one "problem". It is slow to open folders, because
> it does not cache them. Pine did it, and it feels much more fast.
> I don't know if there is a option for that, but I believe not.

If there was an option to make mutt faster
then it would be ON by defaultm wouldn't it?  ;-)

My mutt opens my +VIM folder with 40,000+
messages in less than a minute and takes
another 20secs to sort by threads.

If you can speed this up considerably by a patch
then you are welcome to show me the speedup by
downloading a copy of that folder onto your
machine and measuring the differences.  :-)


Need Help?   Ask on the newsgroup "comp.mail.mutt" -
or post to group!

charset="ks_c_5601-1987" -> ???

2002-01-08 Thread Sven Guckes

Mutt decodes messages with the following
charset to only a bunch of question marks:

  Content-Type: text/html;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Is this anything I should be able
to read with hangul fonts?

Sven  [getting a lot of weird emails lately]


Re: new user - editor setup problem?

2002-01-10 Thread Sven Guckes

* Daniel & Rachel Bomsta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020110 16:22]:
> I am a relatively new user to mutt ( about 2 months ).
> I have a recent problem with mutt-1.3.24.  When I
> compose a message I get the To: prompt and enter the
> address, then I get the Subject: prompt and can enter
> a subject, I hit enter and mutt is frozen.  I must
> kill it and I am still not able to compose a message.
> Any ideas?

Mutt calls the editor after that.
Which one did you set?  please check:

  echo $EDITOR
  echo $VISUAL
  grep -i editor /etc/Muttrc
  grep -i editor $HOME/.muttrc

now, if it is "vim" and the DISPLAY
variable is set then it migh try to
contact that DISPLAY - unto the timeout.

Try this then:
$ unset DISPLAY; mutt
Does it work now?

Next try: Chose a braindead editor:
$ EDITOR=pico; mutt




Re: fcc by recipient name to a subdir

2002-01-10 Thread Sven Guckes

* Michael Maibaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020110 16:37]:
> Stimulated by recent threads on organisation, I want to save
> the fcc copies of my outgoing mail to a subdir. At present
> they are saved by name to the top level of my Mail dir and
> to please my slightly obbsessive sense of tidieness I would
> like to move them to a subdir called outbox/
> this seems easy enough to do if you are saving all the mail
> to a single mailbox, but is there a way to do it if you are
> saving to recipeint named mailboxes?

  my_hdr "Fcc: /dir/outbox"



Re: Kill mails automaticly

2002-01-27 Thread Sven Guckes

* JASH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020127 17:46]:
> Is it possible to kill the last oldest messages in Maildir
> automaticly, for example if mails past 1000 already?

yes.  but mutt won't do this unless you start it yourself.
besides of this - mutt is not the tool for this.

hint:  maildir format + cron + fileutils


Re: how much CPU?

2002-01-27 Thread Sven Guckes

* Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020127 15:55]:
> I have one mailbox that has A LOT of messages in it, as in
> quite a few thousand.  It is in mbox format.  For mutt to open
> it as quickly as possible, it is dependent on processor speed?

no.   mutt works independently of procesor speed.
actually, it does not need any RAM or disk space.

and if you believe that then you'll believe anything. ;-)

> I moved my mail to a friend's server which has some really old
> hardware, and it takes a long time to open this mailbox, plus
> a few times it has simply stopped while opening it and
> I had to kill off the mutt process and open it again.

check the locking method of mutt and your machine.

Sven  [using mutt-1.3.27 - opening mutt folder
with 39,000+ messges in less than a minute.]

Re: rewriting message status -> set alternates + color index by ~P

2002-01-29 Thread Sven Guckes

* Bob Heckel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020129 02:42]:
> > does anyone know how to make mutt show messages from yoursef
> > (or another address) show up as read, or not new, or something?
> > it would be handy for high-volume lists.
> Here's a simplified version of how I set up my .muttrc:
> score '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' 100  # sent directly to me
> set score_threshold_read=80 # mark potential spam as 'read'

no scoring required! :-)

tell mutt about your own addresses by
setting "alternates" - and then select
these by limiting to the pattern "~P".
you can use this pattern for colors, too:

  color index red default ~P

The messages from yourself should now
show up in the folder index in red.

Sven  [see page in sig for more setup stuff]


Re: Is mutt really "handicapped"? - ha!

2002-02-28 Thread Sven Guckes

* Tim Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020228 19:55]:
> Is there anyone on this list that would like to
> contribute some comments about the advantages of
> switching from something like netscape mail to mutt?

  echo you cannot do this with netscape | mutt netscape-weenie

nuff said.

I have guided some Linux people to switch from Netscape to mutt.
So far they are not sorry at all.  But it does take a few things
to make them switch because you have to explain about some concepts.
If you want a full report, well, give a week to write it up.

> I'm putting together a march column in which I'm going to
> talk about my useage of vim, mutt, fetchmail, procmail,
> lynx, slrn, ncftp, and MC as my suite of tools, and
> I would like to user your comments in that column.

hmm...  see sig.

> In the current issue, I write about mailing
> lists and mention mutt there. ;-)

Sven  [who will present mutt in a demo on the next Linux event]

Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
PROGRAMSWeb pages about these programs:  agrep, awk, ed, elm, ftp,
PROGRAMSirc, ispell, less, links, lynx, mutt, ncftp, nn, pico, pine,
PROGRAMSprocmail, rxvt,   screen, sed, slrn, vi, vim, w3m, xterm, zsh.

Re: unable to send mails....

2002-03-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* Kanagesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020301 09:59]:
> I'm using Mutt to send and receive emails.  I am on a network,
> which is connected to the internet.  I am able to receive
> emails from both within and outside the network, but i am
> unable to send emails outside the network (like ids at yahoo,
> hotmail, etc...).  what could be the problem?  Does Mutt
> internally invoke sendmail to send and receive mails?
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.2-2 i586)

the problem is with your MTA.  ask news:comp.mail.misc!


Re: quote_regexp occasionally ignored -> quote_indet="_>_"!

2002-03-01 Thread Sven Guckes

* Andrew Pimlott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020301 11:10]:
> I'm using mutt 1.3.27i from Debian "testing".  I've noticed that
> occasionally, quoted text isn't highlighted in the pager.
> I have quote_regexp set in my .muttrc: [...]
> This should match (among other things) any line with a
> leading ">".  The attached message has several such lines,
> but none of them appear highlighted when I view the message.

Look again - the message was quoted with "_>_" -
and not ">_" (where the '_' represents a space).

I have noticed this, too, recently, but I was
too lazy to send a bug report.  Then again,
it just might be one of those new features... ;-)
Perhaps it's some internal default?  Who knows?


Re: mail archiv program

2002-03-02 Thread Sven Guckes

* Manuel Hendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020301 21:51]:
> I'm looking for a mail archiv program. It would be nice
> if it generates hmtl pages. Does anyone know a good one?

MHonArc?  Anyway - please ask on comp.mail.misc..


Re: set Folder - huh?

2002-03-02 Thread Sven Guckes

* Todd Kokoszka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020228 17:30]:
> I'm using the set folder command and I use the default value.

doesn't everybody?

> But when I don't open it in the default folder there's
> a problem. I notice it when I change mailboxes.

do you use a different setting here?

> If I change from my home directory and try to use
> tab completion it won't complete the folder name.
> But when I try and manually choose it,
> mutt is in the correct folder.

which keys did you type?

> Has anyone else had problems with
> this or could give me any advice?

give examples.


Note to experienced users: Please don't encourage anti-support behavior.
Don't try to answer questions from users who don't provide the necessary
information. Guessing what they did is an incredible waste of time. (DJB)

Re: mutt/sed/vi simple?

2002-03-04 Thread Sven Guckes

* Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020304 03:06]:
> I am working hard to improve my vi and sed skills
> right now.  It is amazing how complicated and
> powerful these supposedly simple tools really are.

well, "powerful" and "simple" contradict each other.
who said that mutt, sed, and vi were simple?  ;-)

PS: please dont delete the In-Reply-To: line -
this breaks the threading - bad on maillists!



Re: how to print html-mails -> return to sender

2002-03-04 Thread Sven Guckes

* Johannes Franken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020303 12:12]:
> Some people send me mails without msgtext,
> but one .html and some .gif files attached to it.
> What's the best way to print those mails from mutt -
> including the pics while not using X?

load them up in some ugly M$ web browser.
that' what they were intended for anyway.

my advice:  tell the sender to send you
a printout via snail mail.  works for me.

if i'ts ok for the M$ weenies to ask for
data in special formats - so can we.
why accept mails with problems anyway?


Re: Pager problems in 1.3.27 - ncurses 5.2 vs slang 1.4.4

2002-03-04 Thread Sven Guckes

* Raymond A. Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020304 15:09]:
> If I run mutt version 1.3.27, I get a blank screen
> when I view a message in the pager. The top and bottom lines
> are there, but the message headers and body are not visible.

is this for *all* mails in your mailbox?  or just for *some*?

please dont tell us that you only tried it on one message
which contains a text/html part only and that your mailcap
file tells mutt to use lynx but cannot be found. ;-)

> Everything else in mutt seems to work fine,
> except entering text, like in the To: prompt.
> I don't see the characters that I type there
> either, even though the cursor moves..

No, i wont try to guess what is happening there - no! no! no!

> Mutt seems to be the only ncurses program that shows this problem...

have you tried linking mutt with slang yet?


Re: Folder view -> use file mask!

2002-03-05 Thread Sven Guckes

* David Collantes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020304 17:09]:
> Does anyone knows how to view folders on more than one
> column?  Right now it shows one column only, but when
> you have a lot of mailboxes that gets quite long...

multicolumn output has not been implemented yet.
one column is all you get for now.  sorry.

anyway, mutt builds up the list of all
my folders in less than two seconds -
and i have quite a few folders there:

  cd ~/Mail
  ls | wc -l

btw: using 'm' to enter a file mask is a
much more powerful selection method than
displaying the names in multiple columns.
and you still get to jump to some folder
name by its index number.  :-)  try it!



Re: Pager problems in 1.3.27 - mailcap? TERM?

2002-03-05 Thread Sven Guckes

* Raymond A. Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020305 09:14]:
> On Tue, 05 Mar 2002, 09:25, Raymond A. Meijer wrote:
> > > have you tried linking mutt with slang yet?
> > I think so, but I'll try again and let you know what happens...
> Hmmm..all I get then is coloured bars..
> it looks nice, but I still can't see the messages :)

move your mailcap out of the way - and try again.
  $ mv $HOME/.mailcap $HOME/.mailcap.removed
  $ mutt

what now?

try with TERM=vt100, too:

  $ TERM=vt100
  $ export TERM
  $ mutt

still no go?


Re: Garbled charsets

2002-03-05 Thread Sven Guckes

* Johan Almqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05-03-02 10:27 AM EST]:
> Until yesterday, I used mutt installed from RedHat's RPM (1.2.5).
> I have now switched to mutt-1.3.27i-1.1.rhl6
> (linked from and ...

* David Collantes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020305 16:27]:
> Please check the whole thread starting with 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. The fix is there.

this is how the thread look like in my mutt's index:

  40640   X 020304 Johan Almqvist( 17) Garbled charsets
  40641   X 020304 David Collantes   ( 79) |->
  40642   X 020304 Dominik Mierzejew ( 28) | `->
  40643   X 020304 David Collantes   ( 95) |   `->
  40644   X 020304 Dominik Mierzejew ( 42) | `->
  40645   X 020304 David Collantes   ( 74) |   `->
  40646  sX 020304 Johan Svensson( 34) `->

I followed the given hints - and now I can see special
characters in the pager - but not in the index.  weird, huh?


Re: save_name -> one folder for each address

2002-03-05 Thread Sven Guckes

* David Champion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020305 17:52]:
> "John Buttery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  What in the name of all that is holy are you _doing_ in there?!
> He's set save_name, probably. I only have 2000 mboxes in mine,
> but Sven probably sends mail more broadly than I do.

yup - i have "set save_name" in my muttrc.
so for each new contact i reply to there's
one more folder in my $folder directory.


Re: external page: vi -> vim / avoid dangerous mappings!

2002-03-05 Thread Sven Guckes

* Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020305 22:13]:
> Well, I switched to vi (vim, actually) as the .

"as the ??"

> For page a vi junkie, this is really much better.  (And, for a
> person who doesn't really understand how to use mutt right.)


> I though I would pass along some helpful points
> in case anyone else wants to do this.  To start vi,
> I use the following set pager command in Muttrc:
>   set pager="vi -c /^$/ -c /"
> This moves the cursor to the start of the body of the email.
> Thus, you skip all the header stuff. I won't embarrass myself
> by telling how long it took me to figure this out.

if you'd looked at my setup file then you'd see this
and some more examples on how to use vim as the editor
and some other startup examples.  (see signature)

> Also, "set prompt_after=no" is handy.

that one is included, too.  *grin*

> To make it easier to read the mail, these three items in .vimrc help.
> map Z :q!
  <--fast quit without saving anything.

danger, will robinson!  you just might mistype
'X' with 'Z' and then all your changes are lost.

you had better leave out the CR which sends of this command.
then you can still back out from a typo with ESC.

besides, "ZZ" is the vanilla vi to exit quickly.
dunno why almost no description mentions that one.

> map z z
   <--- fast shift email to top of screen.
> First command given after email comes up in vi.

well, why not add this to the startup, too, then? ;-)

again - you had better not map away a single key.
after all, you are then missing the commands "zz"
and "zb" to redisplay the current line the middle
and at the bottom of the windows, respectively.

> I wish I could get this to happen automatically.
> map g !}fmt
  <---wrap those long lines around.

automatic reformatting can easily be done.
however, it is not always a good idea.
trust me on this one.

besides, this won't work for the windows version.
(then again, what does work with windows at all?)
better use the builtin text formating with "gq".

you might enjoy using CTRL-J for adjusting paragraphs:

" Formatting the current paragraph according to
" the current 'textwidth' with ^J (control-j):
" imap  gqap  " too dangerous for my editing ;-)
  nmap   gqap
  vmap   gq

NOTE:  This might require adjusting of the 'comments' variable.

> If there are any vi newbies who want to try this,
> remember that to enter ^M you need to type,
> while in the insert mode: control-v [enter]

see also:  ":help c_CTRL-V"


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sample Setup with lots of comments:
MUTT| |\

Re: webpages without doctype decloration harmful?

2002-03-05 Thread Sven Guckes

* Thomas Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020228 23:51]:
> > ;-)
> Hmm, I should do a nice long rant on why laying out
> stuff using tables,  tags, all the stupid style attributes
> and not including doctype declorations is concidered harmful ;)

go on - make my day!  *grin*

> I've completely replaced my use of ncftp with lftp.

list of reasons?  send it!

> > Sven  [who will present mutt in a demo on the next Linux event]
> Don't forget to leave the machine mutt
> is running on half way around the world ;)

no problem!


Re: mutt is not for everyone

2002-03-05 Thread Sven Guckes

* Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020301 09:20]:
> i love mutt, and wouldn't switch for the world, but i
> don't think that it's the mail client for everyone.
> i'd even be hesitant to recommend it to many of my
> (fairly computer-literate as a rule) co-workers.

that's fine.  dont give mutt to people
who are not able to configure it.

if they cannot be bothere by an "editor inteface"
for configuration and if they wont ever learn
the concept of regular expressions - forget it!

give GUI mailer to those who would rather "click
on a menu" than going through a list of commands
and reading the manual to understand them.

and dont waste your time on explaining "threading"
to those who quote in full and "reply to all". DONT!

> i do think that if the mutt developers and the mutt
> user community want to make mutt a more popular
> choice, that there should be more effort put into
> making mutt usable without so much configuration.

mutt does not strive to be popular with everyone.
after all, all those bad mailers were written
to *fit* some people - and they certainly do!
so dont take them away from those - they deserve it!


Everybody uses the editor/mailer/program/OS that he deserves.

Re: avoid dangerous mappings!

2002-03-06 Thread Sven Guckes

* Simon White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020306 08:45]:
> On 06-Mar-02 at 00:53, Sven Guckes's inspired musing was thus :
> > danger, will robinson!  you just might mistype
> > 'X' with 'Z' and then all your changes are lost.
> Not if you have a French AZERTY or german ZSDF keyboard...

sure.  but whatever keyboard there is... mapping a
single key to a command that aborts your editing
session no-questions-asked is *very* dangerous.

you may have heard the story about the admin
who mapped F1 to ":qa!" - rest in peace!
(it was not a pretty sight... eww.)


Re: FCC to a program/pipe? - FIFO? atchange?

2002-03-06 Thread Sven Guckes

* David G. Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020306 09:29]:
> I've been digging around for a bit trying to figure out the
> best way to do this:  How can I set mutt up to pipe an auto-FCC
> of my outgoing mail to a program, instead of a file?

use a file which was created a FIFO - that's the best way (I think).
(i have no experience with this, unfortunately.)

and then there is a program which watches files
for events, triggering programs if necessary.


Re: vim startup on first empty line

2002-03-06 Thread Sven Guckes

* John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020306 07:12]:
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 05:13:27PM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
> >map z z   <--- fast shift email to top of screen.
> >First command given after email comes up in vi.
> >I wish I could get this to happen automatically.
> Well, I'm pretty much a vi newbie myself but someone
> showed me a command called "normal" which lets
> you specify characters to pass arbitrarily to vi.

yup.  commands on the command line have to be "ex" commands;
no "normal mode commands" allowed.  however, bram added
":normal" as a pseudo ex command and thereby allows the
execution of normal mode commands on the command line.

everybody confused now?  good.

here's an example:
:au BufNewFile,BufRead  /tmp/mutt-* 1;/^$/:normal zt

> Oh yeah, and yes vi=vim in this email.  :)
> 5.8 specifically, and yes I plan to upgrade soon.

i think people *are* reading my posts.  *grin*


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [vim-versions]
Latest Vim VERSIONS  "release history"
release dates given  latest user  release: VIM-6.0  [010926]
in format "yymmdd".  latest developer release: VIM-6.1a.028 [020304]

News about Mutt ->

2002-03-06 Thread Sven Guckes

I have finally moved all the news items about mutt
from my main page about mutt to an extra page.
So now you can bookmark it and have NetMind send
you an update notice when the page changes.
further news welcome, of course. :-)

and for those of you who cannot read the table
with lynx - well, time to try the "links" browser. ;-)


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mutt-versions]  Latest versions:
MUTT  news:comp.mail.mutt  mutt-1.2.5   [000729]
MUTT mutt-1.3.27  [020122]
MUTT MUTT - *the* mailer for UNIX with color, threading, IMAP+MIME+PGP+POP

Re: News about Mutt ->

2002-03-06 Thread Sven Guckes

* On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Sven Guckes wrote:
> I have finally moved all the news items about mutt
> from my main page about mutt to an extra page.

* Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020306 13:41]:
> perhaps you should send the url in your email
> (the one in your signature is usable with lynx,
> so you probably aren't talking about that).

huh?  the URL is in the Subject: line...
anyway - here it is again: ->

mind you - the announcements of new versions
are available via mutt-dev and also on the
History Page - .


Re: Pager problems in 1.3.27

2002-03-06 Thread Sven Guckes

* Raymond A. Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020306 13:36]:
> I've tried all mutt 1.3.x versions, several $TERM settings,
> several compile options, but it still doesn't work...
> every 1.3.x has the problem.  Every 1.2.x works fine
> without any adjustments.  Sometimes the pager
> displays a bit more (something like "\222\222"),
> but I still can't read mail with 1.3.x.
> What should I look at next??

  $ mutt-1.3.27 -v

Does the output show "-HAVE_COLOR"?
If so then you'll owe us all a beer!

> I've been trying through the
> Windows PuTTY ssh client all along;

this is new info,  right?
cehck the color settings!

> P.S. I could make screenshots if anybody
> would want to see what's happening...



Re: Is mutt really "handicapped"? -> vim :split

2002-03-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020307 21:28]:
> On 07/03/02 Heiko Heil did speaketh:
> > I use the splitting-feature of vim (:help sp).
> How do you use it to read mail in a folder though?
> Do you open the mbox file?

  $ vim ~/Mail/michael.soulier

See?  ;-)


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] --> VINE author: Ron Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VINE Vim Integrated News and Email
VINE is a set of perl and vim scripts which run with the editor 'vim',
and make it possible to do all ones' email, USENET news, and calendaring.

Re: New to Mutt -> Sven's Setup Page

2002-03-11 Thread Sven Guckes

* Busby, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020309 12:23]:
> I have a RH 7.2 box and am interested in using Mutt. I have it
> installed, but I can't seem to get it to do anything - yet..
> I have looked at the man page but that really doesn't seem to
> help me. Can anyone direct me to a good new user location?
feedback welcome!  :-)


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mutt-versions]  Latest versions:
MUTT  news:comp.mail.mutt  mutt-1.2.5   [000729]
MUTT mutt-1.3.27  [020122]
MUTT MUTT - *the* mailer for UNIX with color, threading, IMAP+MIME+PGP+POP

Re: orange editor -> vim + highlight search

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* Michael Tatge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020311 13:12]:
> Todd Kokoszka muttered:
> > I happily use vi as my editor with mutt. However, when I started using
> > commands like d/. or c/; and the like (changing or deleting a line
> > until a specific character), my vi display under mutt changed.
> > Each character that I chose became highlighted in orange.
> Don't know about vi, but in vim set nohlsearch.

yup - that's probably it.

Todd - search for any character within your vi ("/.") -
is everything red/orange now?  If so then :set nohls".
And it's quite probably Vim - check with ":version".


Addicted to Vim  --  101 reasons
Got more reasons? Send them!

Re: system hang, lost mutt function

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* MuttER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020310 02:58]:
> Knute, later in this thread solved my problem.
> The .signature file was missing!

A missing signature file causes mutt 1.3.27 to hang?
Well, I just tried to verify this - but no problem!
I'll say - the problem must be something else...

> Pat Shanahan »»···»···»···   »»···  Registered Linux User #207535
> »· »··   Registered at:
> »·»···9:55pm  up  4:31,  3 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.09, 0.10

sigs looks bad when your editor shows you the TABs. ;-)



Re: flagged messages in folder_format? -> grep

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* Ryan Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 15:45]:
> just checked the manual, and it appears that there isn't
> a way to indicate whether or not a mailbox has flagged
> messages in it while in the file browser (folder_format
> has no equivalent to index_format's %S).

correct.  mutt won't be able to see them from outside.
so mutt won't know - and therefore cannot indicate them.

> is there a workaround for this?

select a folder - and let mutt look inside!  :-)

> i'd love to be able to flag messages that i
> need to deal with later and then see which
> mailboxes contain such important messages.

  grep -l -s -F 'X-Status: F' ~/Mail/*

just an idea..


grep -c -s -F 'X-Status: F' $MAIL

Re: mutt 1.3.25 soaking up 100M of memory

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 15:57]:
> I have a running mutt .. that is currently soaking up 100M of memory.
> It's been running for quite a while, just like my other mutt processes,
> but they aren't big (by one, in one case, or two orders of magnitude).
> When I start a new mutt on the same folder it only takes some 11M
> of memory.  How can I debug this running instance to perhaps see why
> it's using so much?

perhaps the first mutt is female and
the second one is a male mutt? *grin*

> I'm running 1.3.25 ..

install 1.3.27 and try again, please.


Ein  Mann - ein Wort!
Eine Frau - ein Woeterbuch.

Re: Transcoding -> use display_filter

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* Vincent Lefevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 15:49]:
> Could Mutt do transcoding when a character isn't
> available in the current user's charset?
> .. some people use the euro symbol (not in
> ISO-8859-1), and I'd like to see "EUR" instead.

Should be possible for you with "display_filter"...


Re: mutt's cvs

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* ??? ? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 12:08]:
> Is there CVS tree of mutt available?



$ dog | grep -i cvs | sed -e 's###g'
The Mutt CVS server has moved from to

Re: Mutt with IMAP - Mozilla and Kmail faster?

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* Gerhard Hring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 02:11]:
> Le 11/03/02 à 17:15, Gerhard Häring écrivit:
> > Le 11/03/02 à 15:54, Simon White écrivit:
> > > [mutt & imap is slow]
> > Reading the ~5000 emails from my mutt-user folder takes approx. 18
> > seconds. That's really slow, IMNSHO.
> Apparently, such a best doesn't exist and it wouldn't solve
> our problem, either. If I run mutt from my imap server machine,
> it's equally slow.  Mozilla seems to be faster, though.
> Apparently it caches the overview data on disk. kmail seems
> to also cache overview data, but its lost after restart.

"Dann geht doch rueber!"  ;-)


This message was encoded in "LANG=Kraut".
You are not supposed to understand this.

Re: system hang, lost mutt function

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 15:25]:
> ...and then Sven Guckes said...
> % * MuttER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020310 02:58]:
> % > Knute, later in this thread solved my problem.
> % > The .signature file was missing!
> % 
> % A missing signature file causes mutt 1.3.27 to hang?
> % Well, I just tried to verify this - but no problem!
> % I'll say - the problem must be something else...
> Perhaps not a signature file, but perhaps a signature *pipe*.
> All of these folks playing with sigrot get to
> have fun but leave themselves open to difficulties...

right - anyone using sigrot without knowledge
about pipes will shoot himself in the foot.

> % > Pat Shanahan »»···»···»···   »»···  Registered Linux User #207535
> % > »· »··   Registered at:
> % > »·»···9:55pm  up  4:31,  3 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.09, 0.10
> % sigs looks bad when your editor shows you the TABs. ;-)
> Hey, that's kinda slick.  Now I have to go back to your
> pages to figure out how to show tabs that way! :-)

David - I will you as as soon as use revert to standard
quote_indent and use a proper attribution (name+address) - ok?
(and learn to delete unnecessarily quoted line blocks!)

> [It would be nice if my mutt pager would show them
> that way instead of as an escaped octal, too *sigh*]

maybe use display_filter for that, too?


Summary: Name+Address of the author; short date+time optional.

Re: multiple attachments from command line

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* Eduardo J. Gargiulo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020307 19:20]:
> How can I attach more than one file to a message,
> without having to press a and browse for each one?

  mutt -a file1 -a file2 ... -a fileN address



Re: attribution and quotes

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Guckes

* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 16:31]:
> ...and then Sven Guckes said...
> % * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 15:25]:
> % > Hey, that's kinda slick.  Now I have to go back to your
> % > pages to figure out how to show tabs that way! :-)
> % David - I will you as as soon as use revert to standard
> Did you mean to say that you'd show
> me how or did you mean something else?

yes - "show" (it was missing).

> % quote_indent and use a proper attribution (name+address) - ok?
> *grin*  Never!  I like my %_ and I'm stickin' with it.
> When all of you folks move from >_ to > then *perhaps*
> you can come back and argue with me some more.

well, ">_" is standard with many programs, so one
should stick with it to allow recognition of quoted
text with programs who do not allow configuration.
"be nice to Mozilla and Outlook Express users".

> I didn't know there was a standard for attribution, and
> I'm not terribly impressed with yours.  No problem, though.

well, at least my attribution contains the persons address
so you can still use this info when following up to my mail.
it is vital on mailing lists as there is no repository as there
is with news servers from which you could request the parent message.

with your attribution this is simply no possible -
unless you have the parent message to mine.

moreover, an attribution without any "words" can be used
on any mailinglists - independent of its language.

> % (and learn to delete unnecessarily quoted line blocks!)
> Hey, I thought I trimmed enough.

you send lots of quoted empty lines - didn't you notice?

> % Summary: Name+Address of the author; short date+time optional.
> Oh, you mean like that.  Nice page, but you really shouldn't
> use two-digit years these days and I don't have a conclusive opinion
> on local vs UTC but would pick the latter if I had to choose.

I am aware that the short date form like 020312 could be mistaken for
1902-03-12 or 2102-03-12 - but so far it has not been a problem.  ;-)


Re: OT: date references as [yymmdd]

2002-03-13 Thread Sven Guckes

* Michael Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020313 07:44]:
> * Rob Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [12 Mar 2002 15:44]:
> > I'm against 6 digit dates as a communication
> > standard because they're easy to misinterpret.
> Same; hence my choice of the above attribution :-) It's bad enough
> trying to sort out 12/03/02, 03/12/02 or 02/03/12. Trying to read
> 120302, 031202 or 020312 causes my mental parser to have a nervous
> breakdown. It's one of the few quibbles I have with Sven's configs.

well, if it's the only quibble there is with my pages - good! :-)

I started using "[yymmdd]" as a date indicator on my webpages
before Markus Kuhn wrote ISO-8601 (in 1995) - so sue me!  ;-)

On my mutt pages there are some 160 of such dates -
and that's only the *mutt* pages.  There're more..
One day I'll use perl to change them all.  *grin*

The long format -mm-dd is four characters longer.
And I just find that too long to just be informal.
Anyway, if you don't like that info on my pages
then either ignore them or delete them.  *shrug*


$ grep -c '\[[09][0-9][01][0-9][0123][0-9]\]' mutt/*.html(.) | grep -v :0

Re: Auto insert subject (oops I mean BODY)

2002-03-13 Thread Sven Guckes

* Michael Montagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020307 16:33]:
> >On 07/03/02, from the brain of Michael Montagne tumbled:
> > I'm configuring my KDE clipboard menu to use Mutt.  I want to
> > be able to mail a URL string that is highlighted.  What
> > command line arguments can I use to insert the string
> > represented by "%s"?  The string used for the "mailto:"; link
> > is: konsole -e mutt `echo "%s" | sed 's/mailto://g'` It
> > doesn't seem to bring up mutt however, so I'm not sure it
> > works either.  If I can just get a command line string that
> > works, I can figure out how to get mutt to come up.
> Oops not subject.  I mean BODY.  I want the URL to be in the BODY.

when %s represents the URL:
  echo %s  | mutt address

when %s represents the mail address:
  echo URL | mutt %s

> On 07/03/02, from the brain of Michael Montagne tumbled

see sig.


Summary: Name+Address of the author; short date+time optional.

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