Re: Last insert id problem/bug

2004-07-23 Thread Scott Haneda
on 7/22/04 10:56 PM, Scott Haneda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am not sure this is just how it is, my issue, or a bug, I searched the
 bugs database, but don't really know what to call this in order to properly
 look up the info:
 MySQL 4.0.18-standard

Also note, I just tested this on 4.0.20-standard and I get the same results.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Re: Best Use of FULLTEXT and/or LIKE?

2004-07-23 Thread Raj Shekhar
MySQL wrote:
I want searches for News to be on the author, headline and content fields.
What is the best way to index and search this?
I would suggest a Fulltext index on headline and content. And then do a 
search using MATCH() and AGAINST(). For searching on author's names you 
can use LIKE .

From the manual
The `MATCH()' function performs a natural language search for a string 
against a text collection (a set of one or more columns included in a 
`FULLTEXT' index).  The search string is given as the argument to 
`AGAINST()'.  The search is performed in case-insensitive fashion.  For 
every row in the table, `MATCH()' returns a relevance value, that is, a
similarity measure between the search string and the text in that row in 
the columns named in the `MATCH()' list.

The results are sorted according to relevance, which I think is the best 
feature of the fulltext search. Oracle provides a thesauraus for Broader 
term and narrow term also. If you need something like that, you will not 
find it in MySQL.

There is a workaround for the 3-char minimum search string. You can use 
a LIKE search query when the search string is less than 3 chars or use 
the BOOLEAN MODE when searching (availble in MySQL 4.0.1)

Hope that helps
Raj Shekhar,
System Administrator
Media Web India
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Is there any Performance Improvement / Tuning Software for MySQL?

2004-07-23 Thread Terence
Is there any kind of performance / tuning guide software for MySQL?
I am looking for something which can look at the SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW 
STATUS commands, do some calculations and give some tips on how to 
improve the system?

Any such product available?
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Optimizing my scenario, suggestions needed

2004-07-23 Thread Scott Haneda
There are three tables:

This stores just a cosmetic name and a user_id which is used to find all the
account holders campaigns...
CREATE TABLE `campaigns` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `campaign_name` varchar(24) NOT NULL default '',
  `updated` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  `added` timestamp(14) NOT NULL default '00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

SELECT campaign_name from campaigns where user_id = 123; would show me all
the campaigns for a particular user.

I have another table, addresses, which stores unique to a account holder,
certain email addresses:
CREATE TABLE `addresses` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `first_name` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
  `last_name` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
  `email_address` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
  `updated` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  `added` timestamp(14) NOT NULL default '00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `emailuid` (`email_address`,`user_id`),
  KEY `email_address` (`email_address`)

The above email addresses can exist in more than one campaign, so I use a
3rd table to make that relationship:

CREATE TABLE `addresses_incampaign` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `email_address` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '0',
  `campaign_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `updated` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  `added` timestamp(14) NOT NULL default '00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `emailaddresscampaign` (`email_address`,`campaign_id`)

From all this, I most often will need to find all email addreses owned by a
user_id in a particular group, I am using the addresses_incampaign.
email_address and addresses.email_address to link these together.

I would have liked to use a auto_inc as the key to link them together, but
for reasons that are too long to explain, that is not how the data is
inserted.  Is this a big deal?  Or does mysql really not matter that a int
is not in my field where I will be linking one record to another?

Should I create any other indexes that I don't have here?

I have made 2 joins, they both seem to get me the same result, I am not sure
if either is optimum, can someone suggest some stuff to me:

select a.first_name, a.last_name, a.email_address, c.campaign_name,
from addresses as a
inner join addresses_incampaign as i on (a.user_id = i.user_id AND
a.email_address = i.email_address)
inner join campaigns as c on (i.campaign_id =
WHERE i.campaign_id = '1' AND a.user_id = '1' AND i.user_id = '1'

select a.first_name, a.last_name, a.email_address, c.campaign_name,
from addresses as a
inner join addresses_incampaign as i on (a.email_address = i.email_address)
inner join campaigns as c on (i.campaign_id =
WHERE i.campaign_id = '1' AND a.user_id = '1' AND i.user_id = '1'


Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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problems transferring database

2004-07-23 Thread james patrick
I previously had a server runnning RH 7.3, cPanel 9.41 and MySQL
4.0.20. I'm moving to a different server running Fedora 1, DirectAdmin
and MySQL 4.0.17.

I have a large database (200mb) and I'm trying to move it over.

I made a dump using mysqldump -u USER -pPASSWORD DATABASE 
filename.sql, transferred it between servers via SCP, and tried
importing it using mysql -u USER -pPASSWORD DATABASE  filename.sql.

After the last command runs for about an hour and a half, I get:

ERROR 1067 at line 161570: Invalid default value for 'membersince'

OK, so I look in the dump, and line 161570 has no reference to
'membersince'. The first occurance of that field is in line 326189.

Any clue?

Is this a bug with MySQL 4.0.17 and should I update?

I've tried creating new dumps, transferring it directly to the server,
transferring it from server - my pc - server, ftp, scp, etc. It
makes this error everytime.

Any help is appreciated.

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Re: RAM-usage and hardware upgrade 10gb RAM

2004-07-23 Thread Jan Kirchhoff
David Griffiths wrote:
We just put a new dual-Opteron server into our production environment. 
We ordered a Megaraid SCSI card and five 10k drives, and a 3Ware 
Escalade SATA card with six 7200 RPM drives (Maxtor) to see which ones 
were best.

Our network guy did a bunch of benchmarking on the drives and found 
that SCSI-RAID5 was a bit faster than SATA-RAID0+1.

The SATA was significantly cheaper (the 3Ware card was the same price 
as the Megaraid card, however). You might be able to tie a 10K SCSI 
rig if you went with the Western Digital Raptor drives.

We ended up putting the SATA drives in production - some bug in the 
SCSI driver kept crashing MySQL on index-creation, etc.

High Performance MySQL mentions that SCSI 15K drives are worth the 
extra money.

Thanks David for your post,
Does anybody else in this list have experience with SATA-RAIDs?
After having done some research it looks like we'll go with a 
dual-Opteron an 8-12GB of RAM and a SATA-RAID10 with 8-10 
250GB-SATA-discs. We are just waiting for the NCQ-SATA-drives to be 
available and for 2 colleagues to return from vacation since we want 
everybody to be here when we do that major change. (looks like we'll 
order the system in 2-3 weeks if the harddiscs are available)

Our most important tables that get selects all the time and get updated 
up to 30 times a second each (or even more often depending on the time 
of the day) are of a total size of about 5-6 gigs.
Is it realistic thinking that mysql/innodb would keep those tables 
totally in memory and reply to all selects without reading from the disc 
when we increase innodb_buffer_pool_size to 7 or 8 gigs (assuming we 
have 12gigs of RAM)?

I just wanted to make sure nobody has hit problems with such systems. If 
you could just send a short We're doing something like that and it 
works fine I could definitly sleep better ;)

thanks for all the posts so far and pointing me towards the right direction!
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Sum two column selects and put results in a different column

2004-07-23 Thread Rob Best
I hope this isn't a stupid question but this is my best place to ask...
I have a database where I need to do a sum of a returned select...
SELECT SUM(purchases.amount_of_credit_used) WHERE customer_id=jdoe;
and do a sum of another returned select...
SELECT SUM(amount) from deposits WHERE customer_id=jdoe;
So far so good. Above two statements work fine.
The problem is I need to two sums added together and put into a third 
table/field (customers.balance).
shorthand I would have expected the sql statement to look something 

UPDATE customers SET balance=(
SELECT SUM(purchases.amount_of_credit_used) WHERE 
SELECT SUM(amount) from deposits WHERE customer_id=jdoe
) WHERE customer_id=jdoe.
Unfortunately it does not work.
Does anyone know if what I want is possible? If so, would you be so 
kind as to provide sample sql statement?

District Technology Coordinator
 for N.E.R.I.C. at Potsdam Central School
 Phone: (315) 265-2000 x266
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Re: About backup/restore solution

2004-07-23 Thread Egor Egorov
Matsunobu, Yoshinori [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to ask about backup/restore(roll forward recovery) solutions 
 using mysqldump and binary logs.
 ^[$B!^[(JVersion : 4.0.20
 ^[$B!^[(JUsing 1 database.(ex. sample1db)
 ^[$B!^[(JAll tables are InnoDB.
 I'm considering the following solution.
 mysqldump --flush-logs --single-transaction sampledb1  dump1.dmp
 (ex. binary logs are generated
  hostname.001(binary log before mysqldump)
  hostname.002(binary log after mysqldump)
 roll forward:
 mysqlbinlog hostname.002  dump1.dmp
 mysql sampledb1  dump1.dmp

Use --master-data option of mysqldump. 

For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Egor Egorov
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MySQL is not starting

2004-07-23 Thread Sandro Dadaczynski

SEND-PR: -*- send-pr -*-
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed automatically, as
SEND-PR: will all comments (text enclosed in `' and `').
Subject: MySQL is not starting

my mysqlserver is not starting again :-(. i have installed my mainpackage with all libraries but i become a failt if i start.
the mysqld.log is as attachment in this mail.

	code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)
	how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)

Submitter-Id:	submitter ID
Originator:	Sandro Dadaczynski
 organization of PR author (multiple lines)
MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
Synopsis:	synopsis of the problem (one line)
Severity:	[ non-critical | serious | critical ] (one line)
Priority:	[ low | medium | high ] (one line)
Category:	mysql
Class:		[ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Release:	mysql-4.0.18 (Source distribution)

C compiler: gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
C++ compiler: g++ (GCC) 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
	machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: Linux PERSEUS 2.6.5-7.95-default #1 Thu Jul 1 15:23:45 UTC 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Architecture: i686

Some paths: /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/local/bin/gcc /usr/local/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-suse-linux/3.3.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/usr --with-local-prefix=/usr/local --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java,ada --disable-checking --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-libgcj --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ --with-slibdir=/lib --with-system-zlib --enable-shared --enable-__cxa_atexit i586-suse-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
Compilation info: CC='gcc' CFLAGS='-O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -DPIC -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing' CXX='g++' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fPIC -DPIC' LDFLAGS='' ASFLAGS=''
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1334147 Apr 5 17:16 /lib/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16782802 Apr 5 17:16 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 204 Apr 5 17:16 /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jul 4 13:36 /usr/lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 768036 Apr 6 03:50 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--disable-shared' '--enable-thread-safe-client' '--with-mysqld-ldflags=-static' '--with-client-ldflags=-static' '--without-berkeley-db' '--with-extra-tools' '--without-innodb' '--enable-assembler' '--enable-large-files' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=/usr/sbin' '--localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--prefix=/usr' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--with-mysqld-user=mysql' '--without-debug' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--with-extra-charsets=complex' '--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' '--with-libwrap' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -DPIC -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing' 'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fPIC -DPIC'

SEND-PR: -*- send-pr -*-
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed automatically, as
SEND-PR: will all comments (text enclosed in `' and `').
Subject: MySQL is not starting

my mysqlserver is not starting again :-(. i have installed my mainpackage with all 
libraries but i become a failt if i start.
the mysqld.log is as attachment in this mail.

code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)
how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)

Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
Originator:Sandro Dadaczynski
 organization of PR author (multiple lines)
MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
Synopsis:  synopsis of the problem (one line)
Severity:  [ non-critical | serious | critical ] (one line)
Priority:  [ low | medium | high ] (one line)
Category:  mysql
Class: [ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Release:   mysql-4.0.18 (Source distribution)

C compiler:gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
C++ compiler:  g++ (GCC) 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: Linux PERSEUS 2.6.5-7.95-default #1 Thu Jul 1 15:23:45 UTC 2004 i686 i686 i386 
Architecture: i686

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/local/bin/gcc 
GCC: Reading specs from 

Re: Last insert id problem/bug

2004-07-23 Thread Harald Fuchs
Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am not sure this is just how it is, my issue, or a bug, I searched the
 bugs database, but don't really know what to call this in order to properly
 look up the info:

 MySQL 4.0.18-standard

 CREATE TABLE `addresses` (
   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
   `first_name` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
   `last_name` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
   `email_address` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
   `updated` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
   `added` timestamp(14) NOT NULL default '00',
   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
   UNIQUE KEY `emailuid` (`email_address`,`user_id`)

 CREATE TABLE addresses_incampaign (
   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
   address_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
   campaign_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
   updated timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
   added timestamp(14) NOT NULL default '00',
   PRIMARY KEY  (id),
   UNIQUE KEY address_id (address_id)

 As you can see, I have a unique key on addresses.email_address and
 addresses.user_id, note the unique key on address_id in the second table.

 I insert the following data TWICE:

 (`user_id`,`first_name`,`last_name`,`email_address`) VALUES (1, 'Claire',
 'Altman', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
 INSERT IGNORE INTO `addresses_incampaign` (`user_id`, `address_id`,
 `campaign_id`) VALUES (1,LAST_INSERT_ID(), 2);

 Notice I am picking up the last_insert_id in the second insert, I then
 insert that data again, since I am using insert ignore and since there are
 unique keys on this, I should only still have one records in each table.

 Results are as follows:
mysql select * from addresses;
 | id  | user_id | first_name | last_name | email_address |
 | 148 |   1 | Claire | Altman| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from addresses_incampaign ;
 | id  | user_id | address_id | campaign_id |
 | 128 |   1 |148 |   2 |
 | 129 |   1 |149 |   2 | - SOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 Record 129 should not have been inserted, it should not have ever gotten a
 insert ID back from mysql, mysql said back 149, which is in fact the next
 record, but no new record was added to addresses so it really is not valid.

 Workarounds and suggestions?

The behavior is indeed strange, but it's not a bug, since it's documented:

 If you use `INSERT IGNORE' and the record is ignored, the
 `AUTO_INCREMENT' counter still is incremented and
 `LAST_INSERT_ID()' returns the new value.

The solution is, of course, not to use INSERT IGNORE at all.  You
should instead catch any error, check that it's ER_DUP_KEY and not try
the second INSERT in that case.

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Re: Sum two column selects and put results in a different column

2004-07-23 Thread SGreen
I know there are more ways to solve this problem (I can think of at least 
2 more) but I think the easiest approach is to break this into two stages. 
First stage, we compute the sums of the purchases and the credits:

SELECT @purchases := SUM(amount_of_credit_used)
FROM purchases
WHERE customer_id='jdoe';

SELECT @deposits := SUM(Amount)
FROM deposits
WHERE customer_id='jdoe'

Then we can do the update to the customers table

UPDATE customers
WHERE customer_ID = 'jdoe';

A second method is to perform two UPDATES in sequence:

UPDATE customers c
INNER JOIN purchases p
on c.customer_ID = p.customer_ID
SET c.balance = SUM(p.amount_of_credit_used)
WHERE c.customer_ID = 'jdoe';

UPDATE customers c
INNER JOIN deposits d
on c.customer_ID = d.customer_ID
SET c.balance = c.balance + SUM(d.amount)
WHERE c.customer_ID = 'jdoe';

The first update replaces the old value in customers.balance with the 
credit used total while the second update builds on the first value.

Do either of these approaches make sense for you? 

I don't know how busy your database is but for a real-world application I 
would either lock the tables to prevent outside updates during the 
computation, or I would wrap the whole process with a transaction. That 
way you can avoid updating the balance with only part of the information.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Rob Best [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 07:24:02 AM:

 I hope this isn't a stupid question but this is my best place to ask...
 I have a database where I need to do a sum of a returned select...
 SELECT SUM(purchases.amount_of_credit_used) WHERE customer_id=jdoe;
 and do a sum of another returned select...
 SELECT SUM(amount) from deposits WHERE customer_id=jdoe;
 So far so good. Above two statements work fine.
 The problem is I need to two sums added together and put into a third 
 table/field (customers.balance).
 shorthand I would have expected the sql statement to look something 
 UPDATE customers SET balance=(
  SELECT SUM(purchases.amount_of_credit_used) WHERE 
  SELECT SUM(amount) from deposits WHERE customer_id=jdoe
 ) WHERE customer_id=jdoe.
 Unfortunately it does not work.
 Does anyone know if what I want is possible? If so, would you be so 
 kind as to provide sample sql statement?
   Robert C. Best III   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 District Technology Coordinator
   for N.E.R.I.C. at Potsdam Central School
   Phone: (315) 265-2000 x266
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Innodb assertion failure after binary backup-restore

2004-07-23 Thread Sp.Raja
Hi List,

We are using 4.0.15a MySQL. We need to backup database at times and we employ the 
following method

tar -zcf backup.tar.gz ibdata1 ib_logfile0 ib_logfile1

and restore is reverse. We cannot overwrite all databases, some of them needs to be 
unchanged across backup and restores called persistent databases (just 1% of full 
data) so we employ the following

mysqldump on persistent databases
stop mysql
cd /usr/local/mysql/data
tar -zxf backup.tar.gz
start mysql
destroy persistent databases
run mysqldump sql files to get database back to shape

This method works fine expect for the case where backup is taken immediately after 
table creation and population.
When we start the mysql after restore of this backup. It comes up, but mysql 
connections to it asking for persistent database destroy hangs. When I do a 
processlist I get
| Id | User | Host  | db | Command | Time | State   | Info 
| 1  | root | localhost || Query   | 55   | Waiting on cond | drop database 
| 4  | root | localhost || Query   | 0| | show processlist 

When I open up another mysql client and query some of the tables, they also hang and 
processlist at that time shows
| Id | User | Host  | db  | Command | Time | State   | Info
| 1  | root | localhost | | Query   | 171  | Waiting on cond | drop database 
persistent1   |
| 6  | root | localhost |  data   | Query   | 59   | Opening tables  | select * from 
my_data   |
| 11 | root | localhost | | Query   | 0| | show 

After some time mysql.err reports
040721 14:43:49  InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 88 in file fsp0fsp.c line 2950
InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
InnoDB: Thread 88 stopped in file fsp0fsp.c line 2950
InnoDB: Thread 30 stopped in file os0sync.c line 509
InnoDB: Thread 96 stopped in file sync0sync.ic line 109
InnoDB: Thread 29 stopped in file sync0arr.c line 126

Please help me in resolving the issue by giving directions on how to proceed.
your help is much appreciated.

Thanks for your time,

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spatial data in MySQL

2004-07-23 Thread Lawrence Strydom
Hi List,
I have been looking for solutions to my problem for a while and this  
morning someone told me that MySQL 5.1 might be the answer.
In short what I need is an interactive map displayed in a web browser.  
Users should be able to click on any point in the map and add text. The  
map and the data added by the users must reside in a database so that I  
can run reports against it. FOr example,I will want to generate a report  
containing all the data added by users between two points on the map.  
Typically this will be a road and the data added by the users will include  
variables such as road conditions, location of road work crews, etc.
Am I on the right track with MySQL or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Lawrence Strydom
Open Source Software Solutions Consultant
Tel: +27 (0)44 8770453
Tel: +27 (0)21 4210882
Mobile: 0833809341
News and Info on the Garden Route at
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Re: Is there any Performance Improvement / Tuning Software for MySQL?

2004-07-23 Thread Brent Baisley
Your settings need to be based upon usage patterns. Some systems have 
lots of inserts, others are mostly selects, some have lots of joins, 
others don't. All these would have different settings. There are even 
cases where you would want a table to be InnoDB instead of ISAM or the 
other way around. It's all part of being a DBA, there is no holy grail 
where you can just push a button and magically have the best settings. 
Oracle and IBM (DB2) are just now coming out with self-tuning systems.

So, you would need a program to analyze your query logs (over say a few 
weeks), analyze you current settings, compare them against the hardware 
it's running on (which will dictates the limits) and come up with a 
recommendation. Usage patterns may vary throughout the day, so the 
program would need to take into account important times, otherwise your 
backup may run very well, but everything else would be slow. A design 
change in the database could then completely change the usage patterns, 
so you would then need to start your analysis over. But then, a lack of 
an index on a field could be the one thing that's killing your 
performance, not your settings.

Almost no settings would help a poorly designed database or poor query 

I know I didn't really help you, but I don't think what you are looking 
for exists. Best advice I could give is to look at your slow query log 
to see what's getting bogged down.

On Jul 23, 2004, at 3:52 AM, Terence wrote:
Is there any kind of performance / tuning guide software for MySQL?
I am looking for something which can look at the SHOW VARIABLES and 
SHOW STATUS commands, do some calculations and give some tips on how 
to improve the system?

Any such product available?
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Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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Re: Innodb assertion failure after binary backup-restore

2004-07-23 Thread Sp.Raja
In some cases mysql crashes while restore is trying to destroy persistent databases 
and mysql.err says

000121 21:02:23  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally.
InnoDB: Starting recovery from log files...
InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
InnoDB: log sequence number 0 867418
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 0 867418
InnoDB: Page directory corruption: supremum not pointed to
000121 21:02:23  InnoDB: Page dump in ascii and hex (16384 bytes):
 len 16384; hex (all zeros and dots in ascii)
;InnoDB: End of page dump
000121 21:02:23  InnoDB: Page checksum 1575996416, prior-to-4.0.14-form checksum 
InnoDB: stored checksum 0, prior-to-4.0.14-form stored checksum 0
InnoDB: Page lsn 0 0, low 4 bytes of lsn at page end 0
InnoDB: Page directory corruption: supremum not pointed to
000121 21:02:23  InnoDB: Page dump in ascii and hex (16384 bytes):
 len 16384; hex ...(all zeros and dots in ascii)
;InnoDB: End of page dump
000121 21:02:23  InnoDB: Page checksum 1575996416, prior-to-4.0.14-form checksum 
InnoDB: stored checksum 0, prior-to-4.0.14-form stored checksum 0
InnoDB: Page lsn 0 0, low 4 bytes of lsn at page end 0
InnoDB: Error: trying to access a stray pointer a1027ff8
InnoDB: buf pool start is at 2084, number of pages 512
000121 21:02:23  InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 43 in file include/buf0buf.ic 
line 284
InnoDB: Failing assertion: 0
InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 29183 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Writing a core file
000121 21:02:24  mysqld ended


 Original Message
 Date: Fri, Jul-23-2004 7:13 PM
 Subject: Innodb assertion failure after binary backup-restore
 Hi List,
 We are using 4.0.15a MySQL. We need to backup database at times and we 
 employ the following method
 tar -zcf backup.tar.gz ibdata1 ib_logfile0 ib_logfile1
 and restore is reverse. We cannot overwrite all databases, some of them 
 needs to be unchanged across backup and restores called persistent 
 databases (just 1% of full data) so we employ the following
 mysqldump on persistent databases
 stop mysql
 cd /usr/local/mysql/data
 tar -zxf backup.tar.gz
 start mysql
 destroy persistent databases
 run mysqldump sql files to get database back to shape
 This method works fine expect for the case where backup is taken 
 immediately after table creation and population.
 When we start the mysql after restore of this backup. It comes up, but 
 mysql connections to it asking for persistent database destroy hangs. 
 When I do a processlist I get
 | Id | User | Host  | db | Command | Time | State   | Info  
 | 1  | root | localhost || Query   | 55   | Waiting on cond | drop 
 database persistent1|
 | 4  | root | localhost || Query   | 0| | show 
 processlist |
 When I open up another mysql client and query some of the tables, they 
 also hang and processlist at that time shows
 | Id | User | Host  | db  | Command | Time | State   | 
 | 1  | root | localhost | | Query   | 171  | Waiting on cond | 
 drop database persistent1   |
 | 6  | root | localhost |  data   | Query   | 59   | Opening tables  | 
 select * from my_data   |
 | 11 | root | localhost | | Query   | 0| | 
 show processlist|
 After some time mysql.err reports
 040721 14:43:49  InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 88 in 

Re: How do I import a .dmp file?

2004-07-23 Thread Martin Gainty
There is an easier path-
you *could buy* a data migration tool such as ispirer
Martin Gainty
(cell) 617-852-7822

From: matt ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How do I import a .dmp file?
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 14:05:05 -0400
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Did you look at MYSQL LOAD DATA INFILE ???
doc is available at
Load data infile only works with a text file going into a table, if the 
data is in another format, like raw oracle, or EBCDIC it wont work, you'll 
need to convert it to ascii first.

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grants for non-root

2004-07-23 Thread Wolfgang Riedel
I try to set *all* privileges to a user, which should not called 'root' 
but should have its privileges (I'm connected as root):
mysql grant all on *.* to 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

But now I get
mysql show grants for 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
ERROR 1141: There is no such grant defined for user 'mysqladmin' on host 

What does it mean? What's wrong?
The problem occurs with MySQL-4.0.20 at Linux Fedora, it does not occur 
with MySQL-3.23.

Thanks for any help.
Regards, Wolfgang
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RE: spatial data in MySQL

2004-07-23 Thread Wilder Castelo
Solo hablo espaol. (Que Problema)
Estoy tratando de hacer lo mismo que tu.
ya ingrese la parte grafica a MySQL. Ahora estoy tratando de Visualizarala
por un browser.

Sorry, I don't write English clearly.
I speak Spanish (That is Problem) I am trying to do just like
your. The map already enters to MySQL. Now I am trying To
visualize it by browser. 

-Mensaje original-
De: Lawrence Strydom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Viernes, 23 de Julio de 2004 09:09 a.m.
Asunto: spatial data in MySQL

Hi List,

I have been looking for solutions to my problem for a while and this  
morning someone told me that MySQL 5.1 might be the answer.
In short what I need is an interactive map displayed in a web browser.  
Users should be able to click on any point in the map and add text. The  
map and the data added by the users must reside in a database so that I  
can run reports against it. FOr example,I will want to generate a report  
containing all the data added by users between two points on the map.  
Typically this will be a road and the data added by the users will include  
variables such as road conditions, location of road work crews, etc.
Am I on the right track with MySQL or am I barking up the wrong tree?


Lawrence Strydom
Open Source Software Solutions Consultant
Tel: +27 (0)44 8770453
Tel: +27 (0)21 4210882
Mobile: 0833809341

News and Info on the Garden Route at

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Re: grants for non-root

2004-07-23 Thread Aman Raheja
I have MySQL 4.0.18-standard on RH 9 and it works fine


mysql grant all on *.* to 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql show grants for 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
| Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mysqladmin'@'localhost' |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


I would recommend checking the user table in mysql database and see what
change your GRANT query did, if any. Let us see what it looks like, if
there is any entry for the user you are GRANTing privileges.


On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 09:50, Wolfgang Riedel wrote:
 I try to set *all* privileges to a user, which should not called 'root' 
 but should have its privileges (I'm connected as root):
 mysql grant all on *.* to 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 But now I get
 mysql show grants for 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
 ERROR 1141: There is no such grant defined for user 'mysqladmin' on host 
 What does it mean? What's wrong?
 The problem occurs with MySQL-4.0.20 at Linux Fedora, it does not occur 
 with MySQL-3.23.
 Thanks for any help.
 Regards, Wolfgang
Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
www.TechQuotes.comBrainbench Certified Linux (RedHat 9) Admin

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Re: can not start mysql daemon

2004-07-23 Thread Aman Raheja
# perror 2
Error code   2:  No such file or directory

You sure that directory exists?

On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 15:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I can not start the mysqld daemon. I had it running for a long time, but
   then had to reboot. Then I could no longer connect. 
   followed the directions on, but
   to no avail. When I run the first command there: sudo adduser -d 
 /workplace2/mysql -c MySQL account mysql
   I am informed that  this user already exists. This makes sense, but doing the
   daemon start: sudo -u mysql ./mysqld_safe --user=mysql 
   failes in the correct directory because there is no executable called 
 mysqld_safe at all.
   I tried setting up a new existense as mysql2, but to no luck. I also tried 
 starting it
   via the output that was generated when I did a mysql_install_db. It said that 
 it could
   not change directories:
 Can't change dir to '/opt/disco/third-party/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/mysql-3.23.55/var/' 
 (Errcode: 2)
 Originator:  Paul Ohlhaut
 Organization:  Seller Central
 MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
 Synopsis:can not start mysql daemon
 Release: mysql-3.23.55 (Source distribution)
 Linux Red Hat 7.2 
 System: Linux 2.4.21-2.3a #1 Fri Dec 5 04:53:08 PST 2003 
 i686 unknown
 Architecture: i686
 Some paths:  /opt/third-party/bin/perl /opt/third-party/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake 
 GCC: Reading specs from 
 gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)
 Compilation info: CC='/opt/third-party/depot/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/gcc-2.95.3/bin/gcc'  
 CFLAGS=' -mcpu=pentiumpro -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'  
 CXX='/opt/third-party/depot/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/gcc-2.95.3/bin/g++'  CXXFLAGS=''  
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Sep 30  2003 /lib/ -
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1283964 Dec  8  2001 /lib/
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 27314296 Dec  8  2001 /usr/lib/libc.a
 -rw-r--r--1 root root  178 Dec  8  2001 /usr/lib/
 Configure command: ./configure 
 'CC=/opt/third-party/depot/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/gcc-2.95.3/bin/gcc' 'CFLAGS= 
 -mcpu=pentiumpro -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' 
Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
www.TechQuotes.comBrainbench Certified Linux (RedHat 9) Admin

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RE: spatial data in MySQL

2004-07-23 Thread Wilder Castelo
Hi all!

Estaba trabajando con el ArcView by ESRI,
con una extension MySQL Connection 

l) permitiendo poder exportar un Shapefile (Archivo Vectorial) a MySQL
generandome el siguiente Peru.sql(que con gusto enviaria al correo que me
preste su ayuda)mediante sentencias
mySQL create basedata peru
c:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root  peru.sql
he llegado a ingresarlo. El Problema  es que aun no puedo visualizarlo.

Wilder Castelo Rojas
Analista de Sistemas III
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica
Lima - Perú

MySQL 4.1 cluster, help with BUILD/compile-pentium-max

2004-07-23 Thread crandler

the following problem occurs when I want to configure MySQL 4.1:

Building aclocal.m4
Running autoheader to build config.hin
Running autoconf to build configure
Building RPC client/server files
Building tags
+++ cd innobase
+++ aclocal
+++ autoheader
+++ aclocal
+++ automake
+++ autoconf
+++ '[' -d gemini ']'
+++ CFLAGS=-Wimplicit -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -Wcomment -W
-Wchar-subscripts -Wformat -Wparentheses -Wsign-compare -Wwrite-strings
-Wunused -mcpu=pentiumpro -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g
+++ CXX=gcc
+++ CXXFLAGS=-Wimplicit -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -Wcomment -W
-Wchar-subscripts -Wformat -Wparentheses -Wsign-compare -Wwrite-strings
-Woverloaded-virtual -Wsign-promo -Wreorder -Wctor-dtor-privacy
-Wnon-virtual-dtor -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
-mcpu=pentiumpro -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g
+++ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --enable-assembler
--with-extra-charsets=complex --enable-thread-safe-client --with-readline
--with-innodb --with-berkeley-db --with-embedded-server
--enable-thread-safe-client --with-vio --with-raid --with-ndbcluster
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux
./configure: line 1496: syntax error near unexpected token `mysql,'
./configure: line 1496: `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, 4.1.4-beta)'

Zlib works, just tested.
The System is Debian Sarge with the following tools/libs:

groff-base installed: No available version in archive
mc 1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre1-1 installed: No available version in archive
pciutils 1:2.1.11-11 installed: No available version in archive
m4 1.4.1-1 installed: No available version in archive
file 4.09-1 installed: No available version in archive
gettext 0.14.1-5 installed: No available version in archive
gcc-3.3-base 1:3.3.4-5 installed: No available version in archive
zlib1g-dev 1: installed: No available version in archive
rpm 4.0.4-28 installed: No available version in archive
sysv-rc 2.85-22 installed: No available version in archive
zlib1g 1: installed: No available version in archive
lynx 2.8.5-1 installed: No available version in archive
libconsole 1:0.2.3dbs-52 installed: No available version in archive
debconf-utils 1.4.29 installed: No available version in archive
iputils-ping 3:20020927-2 installed: No available version in archive
libstdc++5 1:3.3.4-2 installed: No available version in archive
findutils 4.1.20-4 installed: No available version in archive
libdb4.0 4.0.14-2 installed: No available version in archive
libdb3 3.2.9-20 installed: No available version in archive
libreadline4 4.3-11 installed: No available version in archive
login 1:4.0.3-28.4 installed: No available version in archive
libsigc++-1.2-5c102 1.2.5-1 installed: No available version in archive
libpam-modules 0.76-22 installed: No available version in archive
binutils installed: No available version in archive
cpp-3.3 1:3.3.4-5 installed: No available version in archive
coreutils 5.0.91-2 installed: No available version in archive
libtextwrap1 0.1-1 installed: No available version in archive
patch 2.5.9-2 installed: No available version in archive
grub 0.95+cvs20040624-3 installed: No available version in archive
libwrap0 7.6.dbs-4 installed: No available version in archive
libss2 1.35-6 installed: No available version in archive
tasksel 2.03 installed: No available version in archive
libusb-0.1-4 1:0.1.8-11 installed: No available version in archive
netkit-inetd 0.10-9 installed: No available version in archive
libpam0g 0.76-22 installed: No available version in archive
libncurses5 5.4-4 installed: No available version in archive
libgdbm3 1.8.3-2 installed: No available version in archive
nano 1.2.4-1 installed: No available version in archive
base-config 2.35 installed: No available version in archive
perl 5.8.4-2 installed: No available version in archive
sysvinit 2.85-22 installed: No available version in archive
initscripts 2.85-22 installed: No available version in archive
base-files 3.0.16 installed: No available version in archive
pppoe 3.5-3 installed: No available version in archive
console-common 0.7.45 installed: No available version in archive
procps 1:3.2.1-2 installed: No available version in archive
gawk 1:3.1.3-3 installed: No available version in archive
libcomerr2 1.35-6 installed: No available version in archive
psmisc 21.5-1 installed: No available version in archive
libglib2.0-0 2.4.2-1 installed: No available version in archive
manpages 1.67-1 installed: No available version in archive
liblzo1 1.08-1 installed: No available version in archive
grep 2.5.1.ds1-2 installed: No available version in archive
bash 2.05b-15 installed: No available version in archive
liblocale-gettext-perl 1.01-17 installed: No available version in archive
libgnutls10 1.0.4-3 installed: No available version in archive
libblkid1 1.35-6 installed: No available 

connect to an embedded database

2004-07-23 Thread Adrien Saladin

I made a small c++ program which uses the mysql embedded server. I would like 
to manually connect to the local database for faster debugging. Is it 
possible ? 


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2004-07-23 Thread Remember14a
Dear friends,
When I import records fron csv file.I window pops up, stating total number of 
records imported, however when I check table nothing has been imported.Any 


2004-07-23 Thread Robert J Taylor
On Friday 23 July 2004 11:14 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear friends,
 When I import records fron csv file.I window pops up, stating total number
 of records imported, however when I check table nothing has been

You are using some kind of middle-man program to populate a database. In fact, 
your description sounds awfully similar to how Microsoft Access works. 

What is the program you use to do the import? Can you describe the precise 
steps you take? 

 Any guidance, 

Tell us where you are so we can tell you how to get where you want to go.

Robert J Taylor

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2004-07-23 Thread gerald_clark
You don't say what version you are running.
Did you forget to commit?
Dear friends,
When I import records fron csv file.I window pops up, stating total number of 
records imported, however when I check table nothing has been imported.Any 


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no subject

2004-07-23 Thread Aeon McNulty
Hi, I hope someone on the list can help me.

Is there an easy and straightforward way way of displaying the data from
three tables in a spreadsheet like format using MySQL 4.0?

Table A has the column headings
Table B has the row headings
Table C is a line items file than cross relates the two

Many thanks

Aeon McNulty 

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Re: Sum two column selects and put results in a different column

2004-07-23 Thread Rob Best
Thanks! that worked great!
I ended up using the first one, I just liked the look of it better.
Because the customer might not have any deposit records or any 
purchases I changed the code to this:

SELECT @purchases := SUM(amount_of_credit_used)
FROM purchases WHERE customer_id=jdoe;

SELECT @deposits := SUM(amount)
FROM deposits WHERE customer_id=jdoe;
SELECT @purchases :=IFNULL(@purchases, 0);
SELECT @deposits :=IFNULL(@deposits, 0);
UPDATE customers
SET balance_cache = @[EMAIL PROTECTED]
WHERE customer_ID = jdoe;
Notice the IFNULL lines.
Thanks a million!!
I would nice to be able to run the above sql statement for all 
customers in the 'customers' table but I found a work around (a big 
.sql file that runs every night).

Something like:
SELECT @customers := customer_id from customers;
foreach @customers
SELECT @purchases := SUM(amount_of_credit_used)
FROM purchases WHERE customer_id=@customers;
But hey, I've got it working at least (thanks again!)
On Jul 23, 2004, at 9:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I know there are more ways to solve this problem (I can think of at 
2 more) but I think the easiest approach is to break this into two 
First stage, we compute the sums of the purchases and the credits:

SELECT @purchases := SUM(amount_of_credit_used)
FROM purchases
WHERE customer_id='jdoe';
SELECT @deposits := SUM(Amount)
FROM deposits
WHERE customer_id='jdoe'
Then we can do the update to the customers table
UPDATE customers
WHERE customer_ID = 'jdoe';
A second method is to perform two UPDATES in sequence:
UPDATE customers c
INNER JOIN purchases p
on c.customer_ID = p.customer_ID
SET c.balance = SUM(p.amount_of_credit_used)
WHERE c.customer_ID = 'jdoe';
UPDATE customers c
INNER JOIN deposits d
on c.customer_ID = d.customer_ID
SET c.balance = c.balance + SUM(d.amount)
WHERE c.customer_ID = 'jdoe';
The first update replaces the old value in customers.balance with the
credit used total while the second update builds on the first value.
Do either of these approaches make sense for you?
I don't know how busy your database is but for a real-world 
application I
would either lock the tables to prevent outside updates during the
computation, or I would wrap the whole process with a transaction. That
way you can avoid updating the balance with only part of the 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
Rob Best [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 07:24:02 AM:
I hope this isn't a stupid question but this is my best place to 

I have a database where I need to do a sum of a returned select...
SELECT SUM(purchases.amount_of_credit_used) WHERE customer_id=jdoe;
and do a sum of another returned select...
SELECT SUM(amount) from deposits WHERE customer_id=jdoe;
So far so good. Above two statements work fine.
The problem is I need to two sums added together and put into a third
table/field (customers.balance).
shorthand I would have expected the sql statement to look something
UPDATE customers SET balance=(
 SELECT SUM(purchases.amount_of_credit_used) WHERE
 SELECT SUM(amount) from deposits WHERE customer_id=jdoe
) WHERE customer_id=jdoe.
Unfortunately it does not work.
Does anyone know if what I want is possible? If so, would you be so
kind as to provide sample sql statement?
  Robert C. Best III   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
District Technology Coordinator
  for N.E.R.I.C. at Potsdam Central School
  Phone: (315) 265-2000 x266
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 Computer Coordinator @ Potsdam Central School
 Contact Info At:
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MySQL user passwords and ColdFusion MX6.1

2004-07-23 Thread Terry Riley
Helpful Hint:

I had a major problem not being able to register a DSN (Data Source Name) 
with the CF Administrator, using username and password from a MySQL 4.1.3 
beta user table.

After much hair-pulling, I discovered that CF cannot apparently handle the 
new 41-character format of the passwords. Killing these off, restarting 
with --old-passwords and redoing them as 16-char passwords allowed CF to 
register the DSNs.

Hope this might help someone else who's going prematurely bald.

Terry Riley

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Re: no subject

2004-07-23 Thread SGreen
If I understand you correctly Basically you want to convert this query 

|  a1   |  b1   |   c1  |
|  a1   |  b1   |   c2  |
|  a2   |  b1   |   c3  |
|  a2   |  b1   |   c4  |
|  a1   |  b2   |   c5  |
|  a1   |  b2   |   c6  |
|  a2   |  b2   |   c7  |
|  a2   |  b2   |   c8  |
|  a1   |  b3   |   c9  |
| ...   | ...   |  ...  |
| a(j)  | b(k)  |  c(n) |
into something like:
|   |a1| a2   |...   |   a(j)|
|  b1   | f(c1,c2) | f(c3,c4) |...   |...|
|  b2   | f(c5,c6) | f(c7,c8) |...   |...|
|  b3   |f(c9,...) |   ...|...   |...|
| ...   |   ...|   ...|...   |...|
|  b(k) | f(c1,c2) | f(c2,c3) |...   |f(...,C(n))|

Where f() represents one of the aggregate functions: SUM, AVG, STD, MIN, 
MAX, etc.

Bad news: MySQL does not have an SQL-only solution for the general case 
(when you do not know the number of columns)
Good news: it is usually quite simple to write a script to handle the 
general case.
Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns) the 
query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and is 
not hard to write at all.

If you would like help in writing a specific pivot table (cross-tab) 
query. Please post your tables' structures (I prefer the output of SHOW 
CREATE TABLE xxx)  and tell us how you want your cross-tab report setup 
(column headers from where, row headers from where, and a formula to use 
for your cells)

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 12:30:21 

 Hi, I hope someone on the list can help me.
 Is there an easy and straightforward way way of displaying the data from
 three tables in a spreadsheet like format using MySQL 4.0?
 Table A has the column headings
 Table B has the row headings
 Table C is a line items file than cross relates the two
 Many thanks
 Aeon McNulty 
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Locking in MyISAM

2004-07-23 Thread Michael Sleman
Does MyISAM lock the whole table when doing SELECTs?
How about if there are several processors? Is there locking?

Re: Returning Column and Row Headings Like a Spreadsheet

2004-07-23 Thread Aeon McNulty
Hi David

Thanks your response. I'm using Lasso but that's largely unimportant because
I still need to get the data returned in a way that I can use it. I should
not have said displaying - I meant returning.

I need to return only one column from table A (there could be up to 14
records). I need to return the data in such a way that I can display the
result horizontally, as column headings, with the data in table C still
being correctly related to them.

I need to return two columns from table B (there could be an unlimited
number of records). I need to show this data vertically, with the first of
the two columns as row headings. And they need to also correctly relate to
the data in table C.

I then need to return one column from table C (there could be an unlimited
number of records) so that I can display them in their correct places as
they relate to tables A and B.

Table C has two foreign keys that relate to tables A and B respectively.

I need to display something like this:

  A B C D E F G
1 1 XX
2 2  X
3 3X
4 4

The A, B, C data comes from table A, the numbers from table B and the Xs
from table C.

Sorry, I'm probably not explaining myself very well. Can you suggest

Many thanks

Aeon McNulty 

On 23/7/04 5:39 pm, David Brieck Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 17:30:21 +0100, Aeon McNulty
 Hi, I hope someone on the list can help me.
 Is there an easy and straightforward way way of displaying the data from
 three tables in a spreadsheet like format using MySQL 4.0?
 Table A has the column headings
 Table B has the row headings
 Table C is a line items file than cross relates the two
 Many thanks
 What language are you using? MySQL provides data, not an end user
 display. If this just a one time thing you might try using MySQLFront,
 it will let you save a result set to CSV.

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Re: Returning Column and Row Headings Like a Spreadsheet

2004-07-23 Thread Aeon McNulty
Hi Shawn

Yes, that's pretty much it.  I'm impressed that you managed to work that out
from my previous email which was a bit thin on detail!

 Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns) the
 query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and is
 not hard to write at all.

The number of columns are variable but they don't vary often so I can do a
quick query first to give me the number and then use that number to specify
the number of columns in the second query. Does that make sense?

Please see my other post. Does that give you enough information?

Many thanks

Aeon McNulty 

On 23/7/04 6:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I understand you correctly Basically you want to convert this query
 |  a1   |  b1   |   c1  |
 |  a1   |  b1   |   c2  |
 |  a2   |  b1   |   c3  |
 |  a2   |  b1   |   c4  |
 |  a1   |  b2   |   c5  |
 |  a1   |  b2   |   c6  |
 |  a2   |  b2   |   c7  |
 |  a2   |  b2   |   c8  |
 |  a1   |  b3   |   c9  |
 | ...   | ...   |  ...  |
 | a(j)  | b(k)  |  c(n) |
 into something like:
 |   |a1| a2   |...   |   a(j)|
 |  b1   | f(c1,c2) | f(c3,c4) |...   |...|
 |  b2   | f(c5,c6) | f(c7,c8) |...   |...|
 |  b3   |f(c9,...) |   ...|...   |...|
 | ...   |   ...|   ...|...   |...|
 |  b(k) | f(c1,c2) | f(c2,c3) |...   |f(...,C(n))|
 Where f() represents one of the aggregate functions: SUM, AVG, STD, MIN,
 MAX, etc. 
 Bad news: MySQL does not have an SQL-only solution for the general case
 (when you do not know the number of columns)
 Good news: it is usually quite simple to write a script to handle the
 general case. 
 Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns) the
 query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and is
 not hard to write at all.
 If you would like help in writing a specific pivot table (cross-tab)
 query. Please post your tables' structures (I prefer the output of SHOW
 CREATE TABLE xxx)  and tell us how you want your cross-tab report setup
 (column headers from where, row headers from where, and a formula to use
 for your cells) 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 12:30:21
 Hi, I hope someone on the list can help me.
 Is there an easy and straightforward way way of displaying the data
 three tables in a spreadsheet like format using MySQL 4.0?
 Table A has the column headings
 Table B has the row headings
 Table C is a line items file than cross relates the two
 Many thanks

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Consolidating Data

2004-07-23 Thread Marc Knoop

I have several (~12) web servers which all record web metrics to their own 
local mysql database.  I would like to consolidate data from each web server 
database to one master DB to within the hour.  I wish to avoid running 
multiple instances of mysql on the master server, so replication is not an 

What are the best practices for managing the consolidation of data?  Is it 
best to export the data on each web server and perform frequent bulk loads 
on the master server?  Or, is it better to have a robust Perl script on 
the master server that is responsible for pulling records from each web 
server?  I estimate 10,000 to 30,000 records per web server, per day with 
the average row size of 100 Bytes.  The web servers are all in remote 

The end goal is to have all web metrics available on *one* server from which 
a reporting server (M$ SQL server). 

Lastly, are there any experts on this list willing and available to code and 
document this, given more details, of course? 


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Re: Returning Column and Row Headings Like a Spreadsheet

2004-07-23 Thread SGreen
 I will be more than happy to help you build a case-specific crosstab 
report. I have almost enough information. Could you post a 3 column-query 
that will actually produce from your data the information you would like 
to have reformatted? 

Column one needs to be your column names, column two needs to be your row 
headers, and the 3rd column needs to have the data you want to see merged 
into your cells (I won't need the data only the query). It should look 
something like:

on = c.a_id
on = c.b_id
WHERE . (any condition will do)

I will also need a list of the potential column headers (this time I do 
need the data):


With that I will have enough information to pivot your query into a 
crosstab report. Hopefully you will be able to spot the pattern and be 
able to adjust it to fit your other situations as well. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 02:12:37 

 Hi Shawn
 Yes, that's pretty much it.  I'm impressed that you managed to work that 
 from my previous email which was a bit thin on detail!
  Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns) 
  query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and 
  not hard to write at all.
 The number of columns are variable but they don't vary often so I can do 
 quick query first to give me the number and then use that number to 
 the number of columns in the second query. Does that make sense?
 Please see my other post. Does that give you enough information?
 Many thanks
 Aeon McNulty 
 On 23/7/04 6:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If I understand you correctly Basically you want to convert this query
  |  a1   |  b1   |   c1  |
  |  a1   |  b1   |   c2  |
  |  a2   |  b1   |   c3  |
  |  a2   |  b1   |   c4  |
  |  a1   |  b2   |   c5  |
  |  a1   |  b2   |   c6  |
  |  a2   |  b2   |   c7  |
  |  a2   |  b2   |   c8  |
  |  a1   |  b3   |   c9  |
  | ...   | ...   |  ...  |
  | a(j)  | b(k)  |  c(n) |
  into something like:
  |   |a1| a2   |...   |   a(j)|
  |  b1   | f(c1,c2) | f(c3,c4) |...   |...|
  |  b2   | f(c5,c6) | f(c7,c8) |...   |...|
  |  b3   |f(c9,...) |   ...|...   |...|
  | ...   |   ...|   ...|...   |...|
  |  b(k) | f(c1,c2) | f(c2,c3) |...   |f(...,C(n))|
  Where f() represents one of the aggregate functions: SUM, AVG, STD, 
  MAX, etc. 
  Bad news: MySQL does not have an SQL-only solution for the general 
  (when you do not know the number of columns)
  Good news: it is usually quite simple to write a script to handle the
  general case. 
  Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns) 
  query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and 
  not hard to write at all.
  If you would like help in writing a specific pivot table (cross-tab)
  query. Please post your tables' structures (I prefer the output of 
  CREATE TABLE xxx)  and tell us how you want your cross-tab report 
  (column headers from where, row headers from where, and a formula to 
  for your cells) 
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 
  Hi, I hope someone on the list can help me.
  Is there an easy and straightforward way way of displaying the data
  three tables in a spreadsheet like format using MySQL 4.0?
  Table A has the column headings
  Table B has the row headings
  Table C is a line items file than cross relates the two
  Many thanks
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Logging on through ODBC w/o UN Password (Why is my query tool allowing this?)

2004-07-23 Thread john sayre
I am able to log onto a database through ODBC without using a user name or password.  
I don't want this to be possible for obvious security reasons.
What do I need to do to prevent this?
This seems pretty freaky!

Re: Consolidating Data

2004-07-23 Thread SGreen
You could consider another option: To have a robust script (daemon?) in 
each web server that periodically pushes metrics data into the master. I 
think this gives you better control over your data. If you lose connection 
or something goes wrong your web servers will be able to tell what DIDN'T 
make the transfer better than the master could. Also, considering the 
volume of information your master server will be asked to handle, it may 
be better to NOT require it to run 12 additional polling daemons (or 
however they will be written) on top of doing everything else. 

My 2 cents,
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Marc Knoop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 02:41:38 PM:

 I have several (~12) web servers which all record web metrics to their 
 local mysql database.  I would like to consolidate data from each web 
 database to one master DB to within the hour.  I wish to avoid running 
 multiple instances of mysql on the master server, so replication is 
not an 
 What are the best practices for managing the consolidation of data?  Is 
 best to export the data on each web server and perform frequent bulk 
 on the master server?  Or, is it better to have a robust Perl script 
 the master server that is responsible for pulling records from each 
 server?  I estimate 10,000 to 30,000 records per web server, per day 
 the average row size of 100 Bytes.  The web servers are all in remote 
 The end goal is to have all web metrics available on *one* server from 
 a reporting server (M$ SQL server). 
 Lastly, are there any experts on this list willing and available to code 
 document this, given more details, of course? 
 MySQL General Mailing List
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mysql grant privileges to many DB

2004-07-23 Thread Ginger Cheng
Hello, MySQL gurus,
	I am wondering how I can grant a user the privileges to all the db except 
for mysql DB. THere are many databases so I don't want to grant one by one. 
But 'revoke all on mysql.* from user' does not work. Thank you for help

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RE: Logging on through ODBC w/o UN Password (Why is my query t ool allowing this?)

2004-07-23 Thread Victor Pendleton
Is the ODBC account still enabled on the database server?

-Original Message-
From: john sayre
Sent: 7/23/04 1:38 PM
Subject: Logging on through ODBC w/o UN  Password  (Why is my query tool
allowing this?)

I am able to log onto a database through ODBC without using a user name
or password.  I don't want this to be possible for obvious security
What do I need to do to prevent this?
This seems pretty freaky!

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Re: mysql grant privileges to many DB

2004-07-23 Thread SGreen
Have you tried: GRANT USAGE on mysql.* TO ... (fill in with your user's 

From the docs (
USAGE = Synonym for ``no privileges'' 
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Ginger Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 02:58:31 PM:

 Hello, MySQL gurus,
I am wondering how I can grant a user the privileges to all the db 
 for mysql DB. THere are many databases so I don't want to grant one by 
 But 'revoke all on mysql.* from user' does not work. Thank you for help
 MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Logging on through ODBC w/o UN Password (Why is my query t ool allowing this?)

2004-07-23 Thread SGreen
Your default anonymous account is still active.  The Fine Manual describes 
how to fix this:

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 03:01:56 PM:

 Is the ODBC account still enabled on the database server?
 -Original Message-
 From: john sayre
 Sent: 7/23/04 1:38 PM
 Subject: Logging on through ODBC w/o UN  Password  (Why is my query 
 allowing this?)
 I am able to log onto a database through ODBC without using a user name
 or password.  I don't want this to be possible for obvious security
 What do I need to do to prevent this?
 This seems pretty freaky!
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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Re: Returning Column and Row Headings Like a Spreadsheet

2004-07-23 Thread Aeon McNulty
Hi Shawn

I hope this gives you what you need:

member.Member_URN = subscription.Member_URN
INNER JOIN company
company.Company_URN = subscription.Company_URN

From member:


Many thanks

Aeon McNulty 

On 23/7/04 7:35 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I will be more than happy to help you build a case-specific crosstab
 report. I have almost enough information. Could you post a 3
 column-query that will actually produce from your data the information
 you would like to have reformatted?
 Column one needs to be your column names, column two needs to be your
 row headers, and the 3rd column needs to have the data you want to see
 merged into your cells (I won't need the data only the query). It should
 look something like:
 FROM c 
 on = c.a_id
 on = c.b_id
 WHERE . (any condition will do)
 I will also need a list of the potential column headers (this time I do
 need the data): 
 FROM a 
 With that I will have enough information to pivot your query into a
 crosstab report. Hopefully you will be able to spot the pattern and be
 able to adjust it to fit your other situations as well.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 02:12:37
 Hi Shawn
 Yes, that's pretty much it.  I'm impressed that you managed to work
 that out
 from my previous email which was a bit thin on detail!
 Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns)
 query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and
 not hard to write at all.
 The number of columns are variable but they don't vary often so I can
 do a
 quick query first to give me the number and then use that number to
 the number of columns in the second query. Does that make sense?
 Please see my other post. Does that give you enough information?
 Many thanks
 On 23/7/04 6:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I understand you correctly Basically you want to convert this
 |  a1   |  b1   |   c1  |
 |  a1   |  b1   |   c2  |
 |  a2   |  b1   |   c3  |
 |  a2   |  b1   |   c4  |
 |  a1   |  b2   |   c5  |
 |  a1   |  b2   |   c6  |
 |  a2   |  b2   |   c7  |
 |  a2   |  b2   |   c8  |
 |  a1   |  b3   |   c9  |
 | ...   | ...   |  ...  |
 | a(j)  | b(k)  |  c(n) |
 into something like:
 |   |a1| a2   |...   |   a(j)|
 |  b1   | f(c1,c2) | f(c3,c4) |...   |...|
 |  b2   | f(c5,c6) | f(c7,c8) |...   |...|
 |  b3   |f(c9,...) |   ...|...   |...|
 | ...   |   ...|   ...|...   |...|
 |  b(k) | f(c1,c2) | f(c2,c3) |...   |f(...,C(n))|
 Where f() represents one of the aggregate functions: SUM, AVG, STD,
 MAX, etc. 
 Bad news: MySQL does not have an SQL-only solution for the general
 (when you do not know the number of columns)
 Good news: it is usually quite simple to write a script to handle
 general case. 
 Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns)
 query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and
 not hard to write at all.
 If you would like help in writing a specific pivot table (cross-tab)
 query. Please post your tables' structures (I prefer the output of
 CREATE TABLE xxx)  and tell us how you want your cross-tab report
 (column headers from where, row headers from where, and a formula to
 for your cells)
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004
 Hi, I hope someone on the list can help me.
 Is there an easy and straightforward way way of displaying the data
 three tables in a spreadsheet like format using MySQL 4.0?
 Table A has the column headings
 Table B has the row headings
 Table C is a line items file than cross relates the two
 Many thanks

MySQL General Mailing List
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precision differences between Windows Linux?

2004-07-23 Thread Kevin Ward

I have come across a very strange occurrence while working on a client's
system. I get different behavior between the two servers (one Windows, one
Linux) when it comes to a column defined as double(5,4). The Windows system
truncates new values (existing data in the table is not truncated) whereas
the Linux system does not.

On the Windows machine I have been unable to replicate the data that already
exists in the table! -- e.g., a value of 179. exists in the table but I
cannot insert that value back into the same column -- so that is why my
statements below illustrate the issue by selecting from the table.

Anyone witnessed this bizarre behavior or know if I should report this


First, tech specs:
Desktop: WinXP, MySQL 4.1.3b-beta-nt-max
Server: Slackware Linux 9.0, MySQL 4.1.1-alpha

Here are the statements I executed on both machines:

SHOW COLUMNS FROM scene LIKE 'max_lon';
SELECT max(max_lon) FROM scene;
CREATE TABLE t1 ( a double(5, 4) );
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT max(max_lon) FROM scene;

And here is the output:

mysql SHOW COLUMNS FROM scene LIKE 'max_lon';
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| max_lon | double(5,4) | YES  | | NULL|   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT max(max_lon) FROM scene;
| max(max_lon) |
| 179. |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql CREATE TABLE t1 ( a double(5, 4) );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO t1 SELECT max(max_lon) FROM scene;
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1

| Level   | Code | Message
| Warning | 1264 | Data truncated; out of range for column 'a' at row 14437
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT a FROM t1;
| a  |
| 9. |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW COLUMNS FROM scene LIKE 'max_lon';
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| max_lon | double(5,4) | YES  | | NULL|   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT max(max_lon) FROM scene;
| max(max_lon) |
| 179. |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql CREATE TABLE t1 ( a double(5, 4) );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO t1 SELECT max(max_lon) FROM scene;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT a FROM t1;
| a|
| 179. |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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building mysql-5.0

2004-07-23 Thread bruce

i'm building mysql-5.0 from src for rh8.0. my question has to do with
how/where i find the lib.

when i've built the mysql-5.0 i haven't found this file. it appears that
this file has been included in the mysql-shared-compat* file, but i can't
find this file either for the mysql-5.0.

the reason i appear to need this file is that when i try to use DBI in
perl, the perl app complains that it can't find the

so, i'm basically trying to figure out what i need to do/build/install to be
able to use perl (5.8.0) and communicate with a mysql-5.0 database...

all of this was working before i decided to test out the mysql-5.0

searching mysql/cpan/google hasn't shed any light on this issue...



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RE: building mysql-5.0 clarification

2004-07-23 Thread bruce

clarification, i'm using mysql-4.1.3. the reason i can't use the
binaries/rpms is that i have a dependency conflict with openssl..., so i
need to be able to rebuild to make everything work. unless anyone has a
different solution...



-Original Message-
From: bruce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 10:35 AM
Subject: building mysql-5.0


i'm building mysql-5.0 from src for rh8.0. my question has to do with
how/where i find the lib.

when i've built the mysql-5.0 i haven't found this file. it appears that
this file has been included in the mysql-shared-compat* file, but i can't
find this file either for the mysql-5.0.

the reason i appear to need this file is that when i try to use DBI in
perl, the perl app complains that it can't find the

so, i'm basically trying to figure out what i need to do/build/install to be
able to use perl (5.8.0) and communicate with a mysql-5.0 database...

all of this was working before i decided to test out the mysql-5.0

searching mysql/cpan/google hasn't shed any light on this issue...



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Re: Returning Column and Row Headings Like a Spreadsheet

2004-07-23 Thread SGreen
Yep, just what I needed.

, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='ABS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL))as 'ABS'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='BV', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL))as 'BV'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='CCS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'CCS'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='DNV', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'DNV'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='GL', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'GL'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='KR', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'KR'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='LR', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'LR'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='NK', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'NK'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='RINA', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'RINA'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='RS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'RS'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='CRS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'CRS'
, MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='IRS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date, 
NULL)) as 'IRS'
FROM subscription s
INNER JOIN member m
ON m.Member_URN = s.Member_URN
INNER JOIN company c
ON c.Company_URN = s.Company_URN
GROUP BY c.CompanyName

Now do you see why I needed you to send me the column names? It is a 
simple pattern but requires a little advance knowledge of the data. It 
should be quite easy for you to script a query shaped like this in order 
to return just the columns you get from any generic query.

The reason everything lines up by rows is because of the GROUP BY 
statement. Because you gave me a date column to work with I was limited in 
my choice of aggregating function. You can replace the MAX() in the above 
query from any other function in this list (so long as it is compatible 
with the data you need to aggregate) :

This works because for each column, the aggregate function either sees a 
value or a NULL. That's what the IF() is doing, picking what is MAX()-ed 
and what isn't based on the value of Member_Initials.

Have fun playing around with it!

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 03:19:41 

 Hi Shawn
 I hope this gives you what you need:
 INNER JOIN member
 member.Member_URN = subscription.Member_URN
 INNER JOIN company
 company.Company_URN = subscription.Company_URN
 From member:
 Many thanks
 Aeon McNulty 
 On 23/7/04 7:35 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I will be more than happy to help you build a case-specific crosstab
  report. I have almost enough information. Could you post a 3
  column-query that will actually produce from your data the information
  you would like to have reformatted?
  Column one needs to be your column names, column two needs to be your
  row headers, and the 3rd column needs to have the data you want to see
  merged into your cells (I won't need the data only the query). It 
  look something like:
  FROM c 
  on = c.a_id
  on = c.b_id
  WHERE . (any condition will do)
  I will also need a list of the potential column headers (this time I 
  need the data): 
  FROM a 
  With that I will have enough information to pivot your query into a
  crosstab report. Hopefully you will be able to spot the pattern and be
  able to adjust it to fit your other situations as well.
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 
  Hi Shawn
  Yes, that's pretty much it.  I'm impressed that you managed to work
  that out
  from my previous email which was a bit thin on detail!
  Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of columns)
  query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern and
  not hard to write at all.
  The number of columns are variable but they don't vary often so I can
  do a
  quick query first to give me the number and then use that number to
  the number of columns in the second query. Does that make sense?
  Please see my other post. Does that give you enough information?
  Many thanks
  On 23/7/04 6:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If I understand you correctly Basically you want to convert this
  |  a1   |  b1   |   c1  |
  |  a1   |  b1   |   c2  |
  |  a2   |  b1   |   c3  |
  |  a2   |  b1   |   c4  |
  |  a1   |  b2   |   c5  |
  |  a1   |  b2 


2004-07-23 Thread Robert J Taylor
On Friday 23 July 2004 03:02 pm, you wrote:
 sqlog program

What is sqlog program? Google shows me nothing familiar:

You need to provide more information if you want help. How do you run this? 
What OS? What options are you selecting? How do you connect the sqlog 
program to MySQL?

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Re: Returning Column and Row Headings Like a Spreadsheet

2004-07-23 Thread Aeon McNulty
That's just perfect!

Than you so much!

Aeon McNulty 

On 23/7/04 8:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yep, just what I needed.
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='ABS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL))as 'ABS' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='BV', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL))as 'BV' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='CCS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'CCS' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='DNV', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'DNV' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='GL', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'GL' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='KR', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'KR' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='LR', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'LR' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='NK', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'NK' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='RINA', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'RINA' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='RS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'RS' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='CRS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'CRS' 
 , MAX(IF(m.Member_Initials='IRS', s.Subscription_Expiry_Date,
 NULL)) as 'IRS' 
 FROM subscription s
 INNER JOIN member m
 ON m.Member_URN = s.Member_URN
 INNER JOIN company c
 ON c.Company_URN = s.Company_URN
 GROUP BY c.CompanyName
 Now do you see why I needed you to send me the column names? It is a
 simple pattern but requires a little advance knowledge of the data. It
 should be quite easy for you to script a query shaped like this in order
 to return just the columns you get from any generic query.
 The reason everything lines up by rows is because of the GROUP BY
 statement. Because you gave me a date column to work with I was limited
 in my choice of aggregating function. You can replace the MAX() in the
 above query from any other function in this list (so long as it is
 compatible with the data you need to aggregate) :
 This works because for each column, the aggregate function either sees a
 value or a NULL. That's what the IF() is doing, picking what is MAX()-ed
 and what isn't based on the value of Member_Initials.
 Have fun playing around with it!
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004 03:19:41
 Hi Shawn
 I hope this gives you what you need:
 INNER JOIN member
 member.Member_URN = subscription.Member_URN
 INNER JOIN company
 company.Company_URN = subscription.Company_URN
 From member:
 Many thanks
 On 23/7/04 7:35 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I will be more than happy to help you build a case-specific
 report. I have almost enough information. Could you post a 3
 column-query that will actually produce from your data the
 you would like to have reformatted?
 Column one needs to be your column names, column two needs to be
 row headers, and the 3rd column needs to have the data you want to
 merged into your cells (I won't need the data only the query). It
 look something like:
 FROM c 
 on = c.a_id
 on = c.b_id
 WHERE . (any condition will do)
 I will also need a list of the potential column headers (this time I
 need the data):
 FROM a 
 With that I will have enough information to pivot your query into
 crosstab report. Hopefully you will be able to spot the pattern and
 able to adjust it to fit your other situations as well.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Aeon McNulty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2004
 Hi Shawn
 Yes, that's pretty much it.  I'm impressed that you managed to work
 that out
 from my previous email which was a bit thin on detail!
 Good news: For a specific case (when you know the number of
 query you seek to write follows a simple and predictable pattern
 not hard to write at all.
 The number of columns are variable but they don't vary often so I
 do a
 quick query first to give me the number and then use that number to
 the number of columns in the second query. Does that make sense?
 Please see my other post. Does that give you enough information?
 Many thanks
 On 23/7/04 6:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I understand you correctly Basically you want to convert this
 |  a1   |  b1   |   c1  |
 |  a1   |  b1   |   c2  |

Errcode: 27

2004-07-23 Thread J S
I'm trying to run the following SQL (on 

CREATE INDEX timeindex ON internet_usage (time);
CREATE INDEX urlindex ON internet_usage (urlid);
but keep running into the following error:
Error writing file '/proxydb/mysql/tmp/STeR39Er' (Errcode: 27)
$ perror 27
Error code  27:  A file cannot be larger than the value set by ulimit.
The create index gets as far as actually copying the 18GB internet_usage 
table, and then does some processing (not sure what), then falls over with 
the error 27.

The message seems to be misleading because all the ulimit values are 
unlimited. Also the filesystem is large-file enabled as shown below:

$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 58124344
-rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql  0 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYD
-rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   1024 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYI
-rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8970 Jul 09 14:05 bulk_table.frm
-rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql18550068032 Jul 23 10:45 internet_usage.MYD
-rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql5150286848 Jul 23 11:08 internet_usage.MYI
-rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8856 Jul 09 14:05 internet_usage.frm
-rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql380 Jul 09 14:08 url_actions.MYD
File system name/proxydb
 NEW mount point[/proxydb]
 SIZE of file system (in 512-byte blocks)   [131203072]
 Mount GROUP[]
 Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?  yes
 PERMISSIONS read/write 
 Mount OPTIONS  []  
 Start Disk Accounting?  no 
 Fragment Size (bytes)   4096
 Number of bytes per inode   4096
 Compression algorithm   no
 Large File Enabled  true
 Allocation Group Size (MBytes)  64

I'm not sure what else could be wrong. I've tried creating another table 
with the new keys and selecting * from internet_usage table but I still got 
the same error there.

Here's some miscellaneous info which might be useful.
mysql show indexes from internet_usage;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | 
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| internet_usage |  1 | uid  |1 | uid | A
 |   23039 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
1 row in set (0.07 sec)

| Name   | Type   | Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length | 
Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | 
Create_time | Update_time | Check_time  | 
Create_options  | Comment |
| bulk_table | MyISAM | Dynamic| 0 |  0 |
   0 |  4294967295 | 1024 | 0 |   NULL | 
2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 11:08:08 | NULL|
 | |
| internet_usage | MyISAM | Fixed  | 579689626 | 32 | 
18550068032 |137438953471 |   5150286848 | 0 |   NULL | 
2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 10:45:04 | 2004-07-09 14:13:20 | 
max_rows=4294967295 | |
| url_actions| MyISAM | Dynamic|18 | 21 |
 380 |  4294967295 | 3072 | 0 |   NULL | 
2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-09 14:08:39 | NULL|
 | |
| url_categories | MyISAM | Dynamic|37 | 21 |
 780 |  4294967295 | 3072 | 0 |   NULL | 
2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-09 14:08:39 | NULL|
 | |
| url_methods| MyISAM | Dynamic|37 | 20 |   

Re: Errcode: 27

2004-07-23 Thread Aman Raheja
This should be a useful thread for you

Suggests using ALTER TABLE  MAX_ROWS=a big num

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 20:20:24 +, J S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 I'm trying to run the following SQL (on 
 CREATE INDEX timeindex ON internet_usage (time);
 CREATE INDEX urlindex ON internet_usage (urlid);
 but keep running into the following error:
 Error writing file '/proxydb/mysql/tmp/STeR39Er' (Errcode: 27)
 $ perror 27
 Error code  27:  A file cannot be larger than the value set by ulimit.
 The create index gets as far as actually copying the 18GB internet_usage 
 table, and then does some processing (not sure what), then falls over 
 the error 27.
 The message seems to be misleading because all the ulimit values are 
 unlimited. Also the filesystem is large-file enabled as shown below:
 $ pwd
 $ ls -l
 total 58124344
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql  0 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYD
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   1024 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYI
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8970 Jul 09 14:05 bulk_table.frm
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql18550068032 Jul 23 10:45 
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql5150286848 Jul 23 11:08 
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8856 Jul 09 14:05 internet_usage.frm
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql380 Jul 09 14:08 url_actions.MYD
 File system name/proxydb
   NEW mount point[/proxydb]
   SIZE of file system (in 512-byte blocks)   [131203072]
   Mount GROUP[]
   Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?  
   Mount OPTIONS  
   Start Disk Accounting?  
   Fragment Size (bytes)   4096
   Number of bytes per inode   4096
   Compression algorithm   no
   Large File Enabled  true
   Allocation Group Size (MBytes)  64
 I'm not sure what else could be wrong. I've tried creating another table 
 with the new keys and selecting * from internet_usage table but I still 
 the same error there.
 Here's some miscellaneous info which might be useful.
 mysql show indexes from internet_usage;
 | Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | 
 Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | 
Comment |
 | internet_usage |  1 | uid  |1 | uid | 
   |   23039 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
 1 row in set (0.07 sec)
 | Name   | Type   | Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length | 
 Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | 
Auto_increment | 
 Create_time | Update_time | Check_time  | 
 Create_options  | Comment |
 | bulk_table | MyISAM | Dynamic| 0 |  0 
 0 |  4294967295 | 1024 | 0 |   NULL | 
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 11:08:08 | NULL
   | |
 | internet_usage | MyISAM | Fixed  | 579689626 | 32 | 
 18550068032 |137438953471 |   5150286848 | 0 |   
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 10:45:04 | 2004-07-09 14:13:20 | 
 max_rows=4294967295 | |
 | url_actions| MyISAM | Dynamic|18 | 21 
   380 |  4294967295 | 3072 | 0 |   NULL | 
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-09 14:08:39 | NULL

Re: Last insert id problem/bug

2004-07-23 Thread Scott Haneda
on 7/23/04 5:30 AM, Harald Fuchs at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The behavior is indeed strange, but it's not a bug, since it's documented:
  If you use `INSERT IGNORE' and the record is ignored, the
  `AUTO_INCREMENT' counter still is incremented and
  `LAST_INSERT_ID()' returns the new value.
 The solution is, of course, not to use INSERT IGNORE at all.  You
 should instead catch any error, check that it's ER_DUP_KEY and not try
 the second INSERT in that case.

That's what I tried, I thought I was onto something, then I remembered... If
record does exists In the first table, it does not necessarily mean it
should or should not exist in the second table.  In the case where it does
not exist in the second table, I do need to insert it, but alas, with the
insert id of the found duplicate in the first table. I would have to select
the first table to get that id, which in this case, of hundreds of thousands
of imported records in batch, it just not feasible.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Another newbie question - using OR in WHERE clauses

2004-07-23 Thread Paul Fine
Is there a simpler way to write something like:


SELECT  * FROM tablename

WHERE columname = 'Bob' OR columname = 'Mike' OR columname = 'Betty'



Clearly this does not work:

WHERE columname = 'Bob' OR 'Mike' OR 'Betty' 




RE: Another newbie question - using OR in WHERE clauses

2004-07-23 Thread Kevin Ward


You can do the following:

SELECT  * FROM tablename WHERE columname IN ('Bob','Mike','Betty');


 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Fine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 3:01 PM
 Subject: Another newbie question - using OR in WHERE clauses
 Is there a simpler way to write something like:
 SELECT  * FROM tablename
 WHERE columname = 'Bob' OR columname = 'Mike' OR columname = 'Betty'
 Clearly this does not work:
 WHERE columname = 'Bob' OR 'Mike' OR 'Betty' 

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Re: how the redhat 9.0 adds the mysql user:

2004-07-23 Thread j.rabbit

 j.rabbit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is how the redhat 9.0 mysql.spec file adds the mysql user:
  ' useradd -M -o -r -d /var/lib/mysql -s /bin/bash -c MySQL Server -u =
  27 mysql '
  Anybody know why the shell is '/bin/bash' instead of '/sbin/nologin' =
  like other daemon users? Is this simply an oversite?
 I can't speak about Red Hat 9, but for MySQL itself there is no need to have
 a valid shell for the 'mysql' user.

Thanks for the response.  I just realized that slackware does this also, so there must 
be some reason for it.  This link may offer some clues:

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Re: Errcode: 27

2004-07-23 Thread J S
Thanks but that's not v helpful. Actually that was my thread! The problem 
there was that I didn't have a large-file enabled filesystem. The problem I 
have now is being able to create another index on a table but getting an 
errcode 27 despite no ulimits and a large enabled filesystem.

This should be a useful thread for you
Suggests using ALTER TABLE  MAX_ROWS=a big num

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 20:20:24 +, J S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 I'm trying to run the following SQL (on

 CREATE INDEX timeindex ON internet_usage (time);
 CREATE INDEX urlindex ON internet_usage (urlid);

 but keep running into the following error:

 Error writing file '/proxydb/mysql/tmp/STeR39Er' (Errcode: 27)

 $ perror 27
 Error code  27:  A file cannot be larger than the value set by ulimit.

 The create index gets as far as actually copying the 18GB internet_usage
 table, and then does some processing (not sure what), then falls over
 the error 27.

 The message seems to be misleading because all the ulimit values are
 unlimited. Also the filesystem is large-file enabled as shown below:

 $ pwd
 $ ls -l
 total 58124344
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql  0 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYD
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   1024 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYI
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8970 Jul 09 14:05 bulk_table.frm
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql18550068032 Jul 23 10:45
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql5150286848 Jul 23 11:08
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8856 Jul 09 14:05 internet_usage.frm
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql380 Jul 09 14:08 url_actions.MYD

 File system name/proxydb
   NEW mount point[/proxydb]
   SIZE of file system (in 512-byte blocks)   [131203072]
   Mount GROUP[]
   Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?
   Mount OPTIONS
   Start Disk Accounting?
   Fragment Size (bytes)   4096
   Number of bytes per inode   4096
   Compression algorithm   no
   Large File Enabled  true
   Allocation Group Size (MBytes)  64

 I'm not sure what else could be wrong. I've tried creating another table
 with the new keys and selecting * from internet_usage table but I still
 the same error there.

 Here's some miscellaneous info which might be useful.

 mysql show indexes from internet_usage;
 | Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
 Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type |
Comment |
 | internet_usage |  1 | uid  |1 | uid |
   |   23039 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
 1 row in set (0.07 sec)

 | Name   | Type   | Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length |
 Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free |
Auto_increment |
 Create_time | Update_time | Check_time  |
 Create_options  | Comment |
 | bulk_table | MyISAM | Dynamic| 0 |  0
 0 |  4294967295 | 1024 | 0 |   NULL |
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 11:08:08 | NULL
   | |
 | internet_usage | MyISAM | Fixed  | 579689626 | 32 |
 18550068032 |137438953471 |   5150286848 | 0 |
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 10:45:04 | 2004-07-09 14:13:20 |
 max_rows=4294967295 | |
 | url_actions| MyISAM | Dynamic|18 | 21
   380 |  4294967295 | 3072 | 0 |   NULL |
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-09 14:08:39 | NULL
   | |
 | url_categories 

Re: Another newbie question - using OR in WHERE clauses

2004-07-23 Thread Scott Haneda
on 7/23/04 3:00 PM, Paul Fine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 SELECT  * FROM tablename
 WHERE columname = 'Bob' OR columname = 'Mike' OR columname = 'Betty'

This is perfectly accurate
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Best field type for status codes

2004-07-23 Thread Scott Haneda
I often find I am using a field called 'status' and almost always store
boolean 1 or 0 in it, sometimes I may need a 2 or 3, but never greater than
9 for sure, Is tinyint(1) pretty much the most efficient storage means for
this type?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Re: Logging on through ODBC w/o UN Password (Why is my query tool allowing this?)

2004-07-23 Thread Mir Islam
In all likelihood in your database you have not setup any access
privilege yet. You need to look at GRANT command and assign password
to atleast root account and any other accounts which will be
connecting over network.

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 11:38:06 -0700 (PDT), john sayre
 I am able to log onto a database through ODBC without using a user name or password. 
  I don't want this to be possible for obvious security reasons.
 What do I need to do to prevent this?
 This seems pretty freaky!

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mysql /dbi issues

2004-07-23 Thread bruce
can anyone tell me why when i build/use perl/dbi it crashes because it's
looking for

i'm using perl 5.8.3 and mysql4.1.3. i've gotten the latest DBI (1.43).

why does DBI look for, instead of using is there anyway to force a change, and if i can't,
then how can i rebuild such that it uses my version of
openssl. i can't simply use the default rpm fom mysql



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Object pascal translation of mysql header

2004-07-23 Thread Leo
Dear All,

Not long ago Jorge del Conde gave me his amazing translation of mysql C
header file to object pascal unit
Including the remade dll,
It was able to solve my problem of migrating the apps from using mysql 3.x
to 4.x
But now I am facing a new difficulty of trying to implement mysql 4.1.3
prepared statement,
I already tried to edit the mysql.pas on my own, adding the declaration of
anything that has the word STMT on the header file.. But instead it crashed
my app
I also do some googling to find a lot of obsolote result, the mysql.pas for
mysql 3.X

Would some one please help me.. I never did any translation from C style to
pascal before
Or may be Jorge can help me providing the newest mysql.pas

Thanks in advance
Leonardus Setiabudi
IT Department
PT Bina San Prima
Jl Tamansari 10-12
022-4207725 #316

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