Question: One to One

2004-08-30 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I may have asked this before, at least to some degree.
Anyway I'd like to clarify.

I have two entities that need a 1:1 relationship.

PostID (int) (auto inc)   PostID (int)
DateEntered (timestamp)   VendorID (int) 
ReferenceID (varchar) Details (text)
MemberID (int)
.(other fields)

*The data must be tied together by the PostID.  The
*Details column in Table2 (which is the reason Table2
exists must relate back to the PostID in Table1

Dilemma: Table1 is innodb due to the anticipated
transactional activity.  Table2 is myISAM due to
needed full text, case insensitive capabilities.

Now  I realize at the application level I can make the
connection (PostID is consistent across both
transactions).  I would like the added security of
having PostID foreign key to Table1.  Obviously it
can't be done without changing the Table2 table type. 
Is there suggestions or something I maybe missing here

Thank you ,

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client timeout value

2004-08-30 Thread Joe Wong

 Is this possible to set a timeout value for mysql_query() call?


- Joe

Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
 GRANT usage on samp.* to 'permtest'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
 GRANT insert, update, delete on samp.secrettable to 
 GRANT select, insert, update, delete on samp.Account to 

This worked much better for me, though it's not a perfect solution (see below)

 This worked for me on 4.1.1a-alpha-nt-log. By explicitly denying access at 
 the database level, the only tables I could see in my test database were 
 the ones I specifically granted myself right to (even though there were 
 others in the database). 

In my case I was able to see all the tables but could not select any data from 
the restricted table (mysql-server 4.0.18-5 from debian testing)

 I was blocked from running a SELECT query against secrettable. I could 
 INSERT values but not DELETE them. I reason that this is because DELETE 
 ... WHERE ... requires a SELECT to be run on the table to identify the 
 rows to get rid of. The error I got when trying to delete was:
 ERROR 1143 (42000): SELECT command denied to user: 'permtest'@'localhost' 
 for column 'col1' in table 'secrettable'

Yes, this is the problem I ran into when trying to update any records in that 
table.  So it appears to be insert only.

 Let us know if this works or what errors you get.

Thanks for all your help.  This may be the best solution available.  Would it 
be possible to get it posted to a faq or mentioned in the docs?  I imagine 
it's a situation that may come up frequently for users.  

Also, if you have any ideas on how one might perform updates on specific 
entries in that table without select privileges I'd be glad to hear them. 
(though it sounds like it may be impossible)

Thanks again,


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Shared column name

2004-08-30 Thread Stuart Felenstein

I know what the deal is supposed to be but can't seem
to fix it.
Two tables, VendorID exists in both tables (neither
are primary keys)

I'm getting a VendorID in where clause is ambiguous 
Sometimes it actually processes the SQL weird.  
I think this is because same column name in both
tables, yet I have other same name in tables with no
effect.  I tried alias on VendorJobs.VendorId AS Ven ,
etc but it spit it back at me in the where clause with
an unknown.

Here is the SQL:

  INNER JOIN `StaIndTypes` ON (`VendorJobs`.`Industry`
= `StaIndTypes`.`CareerIDs`)
(`VendorJobs`.`LocationState` =
  INNER JOIN `USStates` ON (`StaUSCities`.`StateID` =
  INNER JOIN `staTravelReq` ON
(`VendorJobs`.`TravelReq` =
  (`VendorID` = 13)

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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread SGreen
I think that INSERT-only would be as good as we could hope for as I have 
been having a very hard time trying to think of a valid business reason 
why a user would be allowed to either UPDATE or DELETE rows from a table 
where they weren't allowed to even see the data. However I can think of 
several business reasons for an INSERT-only table:

A suggestion box
Sales figures
TimeCard entries
Anywhere that people need to add data to a common table but not see what 
anyone else had added to that same table.

I didn't test the situation but thought of two cases you might want to 
test for (I have already dropped my test tables and users)  Try 
running a whole table UPDATE or whole table DELETE. I wondered if you run 
those statements without a WHERE clause, would the engine allow them even 
if the user doesn't have SELECT rights?

UPDATE secrettable SET column = 'value';

DELETE FROM secrettable;

That could be a dangerous situation for you if you leave those two 
permissions on the 'hidden' table.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Todd Charron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/30/2004 03:55:00 PM:

  GRANT usage on samp.* to 'permtest'@'localhost' identified by 
  GRANT insert, update, delete on samp.secrettable to 
  GRANT select, insert, update, delete on samp.Account to 
 This worked much better for me, though it's not a perfect solution (see 
  This worked for me on 4.1.1a-alpha-nt-log. By explicitly denying 
access at 
  the database level, the only tables I could see in my test database 
  the ones I specifically granted myself right to (even though there 
  others in the database). 
 In my case I was able to see all the tables but could not select anydata 
 the restricted table (mysql-server 4.0.18-5 from debian testing)
  I was blocked from running a SELECT query against secrettable. I could 

  INSERT values but not DELETE them. I reason that this is because 
  ... WHERE ... requires a SELECT to be run on the table to identify the 

  rows to get rid of. The error I got when trying to delete was:
  ERROR 1143 (42000): SELECT command denied to user: 
  for column 'col1' in table 'secrettable'
 Yes, this is the problem I ran into when trying to update any records in 
 table.  So it appears to be insert only.
  Let us know if this works or what errors you get.
 Thanks for all your help.  This may be the best solution available. 
Would it 
 be possible to get it posted to a faq or mentioned in the docs?  I 
 it's a situation that may come up frequently for users. 
 Also, if you have any ideas on how one might perform updates on specific 

 entries in that table without select privileges I'd be glad to hear 
 (though it sounds like it may be impossible)
 Thanks again,

Re: Shared column name

2004-08-30 Thread Martijn Tonies
 I know what the deal is supposed to be but can't seem
 to fix it.
 Two tables, VendorID exists in both tables (neither
 are primary keys)

 I'm getting a VendorID in where clause is ambiguous
 Sometimes it actually processes the SQL weird.
 I think this is because same column name in both
 tables, yet I have other same name in tables with no
 effect.  I tried alias on VendorJobs.VendorId AS Ven ,
 etc but it spit it back at me in the where clause with
 an unknown.

 Here is the SQL:


--8-- snip

 (`VendorJobs`.`TravelReq` =
   (vendorjobs.`VendorID` = 13)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Re: Shared column name

2004-08-30 Thread Mark C. Stafford
Try specifying the source tables more explicitly in your SELECT statement.

SELECT table_a.VendorJobs opt_a
, table_b.VendorJobs opt_b

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Re: Shared column name

2004-08-30 Thread SGreen
You have to say which table's VendorID column you want to evaluate your 
WHERE clause against (just as the error message says). Try this

  (VendorJobs.`VendorID` = 13)

As a shortcut , and to keep you from getting typist's cramp, you only 
_need_ to specify the table name for columns that are NOT unique within 
the set of all columns in the tables you have joined into your query. For 
all uniquely named columns, you can drop the table specifier. 

Don't get me wrong, the way you are specifying your columns IS the 
**correct** method of being specific. I am merely suggesting a way for you 
to save yourself a few keystrokes and maybe a few typos along the way.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/30/2004 04:09:03 PM:

 I know what the deal is supposed to be but can't seem
 to fix it.
 Two tables, VendorID exists in both tables (neither
 are primary keys)
 I'm getting a VendorID in where clause is ambiguous 
 Sometimes it actually processes the SQL weird. 
 I think this is because same column name in both
 tables, yet I have other same name in tables with no
 effect.  I tried alias on VendorJobs.VendorId AS Ven ,
 etc but it spit it back at me in the where clause with
 an unknown.
 Here is the SQL:
   INNER JOIN `StaIndTypes` ON (`VendorJobs`.`Industry`
 = `StaIndTypes`.`CareerIDs`)
   INNER JOIN `StaUSCities` ON
 (`VendorJobs`.`LocationState` =
   INNER JOIN `USStates` ON (`StaUSCities`.`StateID` =
   INNER JOIN `staTravelReq` ON
 (`VendorJobs`.`TravelReq` =
   (`VendorID` = 13)
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2004-08-30 Thread Rhino
Hi Per,

Thank you for the additional information. It helps me understand your
situation a lot better. Unfortunately, it also raises more questions ;-)

My first comment is that you really ought to have a primary key on your
table. From the sound of it, you are new to MySQL at least and possibly to
databases in general. Are you familiar with Normalization, which is the
central activity of proper database design? I suspect you are not because
one of the main results of normalization is the selection of primary keys.

Normalization is not particularly difficult to do and I recommend that
anyone building a database use normalization in its design, even if it just
for a web page that supports one of their hobbies. It looks to me like your
'ettan' table is a completely un-normalized collection of data. If I'm
right, then you are going to have lots of problems with queries until you
normalize the design properly.

Unfortunately, although normalization is not terribly hard to do, it is too
involved to teach it to someone in a note in a mailing list. I suggest that
you use your favourite search engine and try to find a good tutorial on Data
Normalization. Or maybe someone here can suggest one. I looked for a good
normalization tutorial a while back but I'm fairly demanding when it comes
to tutorials and have never found one that really impressed me. (I just did
a Google web search and found over a million hits so you will have lots to
choose from! Maybe you can even find a good tutorial in Swedish.)

If you have questions about normalization in your chosen tutorial, be sure
to post here with specific questions and people will likely be quite

If you and I were to lock ourselves in a room without distraction, I could
probably get the information I needed out of you and normalize your data for
you in an hour. But I've done quite a bit of normalizing over the years.
It's going to take you longer because you've never done it before you and
have to learn how to do it first. But I think you will find it well worth it
to learn normalization because it will save you a lot of time down the road
since your database designs will be much better.

I realize that isn't the sort of specific help you had in mind. I would
rather have given you a specific answer, like Michael Stassen did, but I
think you need to get a proper database design first. I think you'll find
that a proper design makes your queries simpler and more obvious.

By the way, it was interesting to hear that you have drag racing in Sweden;
I'll have to share information with my friends who like car racing. I find
it very interesting that these races happen on the streets and with police
permission. We have a problem with street racing in this country (Canada).
It is very illegal in this country but some individuals and groups have
races anyway and there have been several people killed and badly injured in
these races. Although there are quite a few formal (and legal!) race tracks
in this country, for some reason, many people won't use them; I don't know

How did you ever persuade your police to permit street racing? What
precautions do they take to prevent people being hurt?


- Original Message - 
From: Per Lonnborg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: SELECT, ORDER  one DISTINCT kolumn?


I´ll try to tell you a bit more;

It's very hard to answer your questions, particularly the first one, since
you haven't provided the definition of the 'ettan' table (especially the
identity of the primary key) nor shown a sampling of what rows would
typically be in the table.

mysql DESCRIBE ettan;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| stad | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| ort  | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| datum| date | YES  | | NULL|   |
| plats| int(3)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| nr   | int(3)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| namn | varchar(25)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| fabrikat | varchar(25)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| reakt| decimal(5,3) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| 60fot| decimal(5,3) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| hast | decimal(5,2) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| tid  | decimal(5,3) | YES  | | NULL|   |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)


As you can see, I have no primary key...I went by the MySQL tutorial
a database for the first time and I don´t belive they mention the Primary
Key there.

Also, you haven't identified what version of MySQL you have. Newer versions
have more capabilities than older ones so the answer to your questions
depend on the MySQL version. For example, if you are 

Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
On Monday 30 August 2004 4:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think that INSERT-only would be as good as we could hope for as I have 
 been having a very hard time trying to think of a valid business reason 
 why a user would be allowed to either UPDATE or DELETE rows from a table 
 where they weren't allowed to even see the data. However I can think of 
 several business reasons for an INSERT-only table:

The situation I have is like this.  End User enters data in web page.  Web 
page data is encrypted using mysql's aes_encrypt and stored in remote DB (not 
the same machine as the web server).  If End User wants to update the data 
the new data is encrypted and overwrites the old (End User cannot see what 
old data was).  

If the db user account gets compromised via the web server (username and/or 
password gets disclosed/cracked/etc), the data (encrypted or not) cannot be 
retrieved via that account, only overwritten.

 UPDATE secrettable SET column = 'value';
 DELETE FROM secrettable;

That may be possible, but I can't really see anywhere where that would be 



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Re: Shared column name

2004-08-30 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Typist's cramp ? Can you say visual query builder.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You have to say which table's VendorID column you
 want to evaluate your 
 WHERE clause against (just as the error message
 says). Try this
   (VendorJobs.`VendorID` = 13)
 As a shortcut , and to keep you from getting
 typist's cramp, you only 
 _need_ to specify the table name for columns that
 are NOT unique within 
 the set of all columns in the tables you have joined
 into your query. For 
 all uniquely named columns, you can drop the table
 Don't get me wrong, the way you are specifying your
 columns IS the 
 **correct** method of being specific. I am merely
 suggesting a way for you 
 to save yourself a few keystrokes and maybe a few
 typos along the way.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 08/30/2004 04:09:03 PM:
  I know what the deal is supposed to be but can't
  to fix it.
  Two tables, VendorID exists in both tables
  are primary keys)
  I'm getting a VendorID in where clause is
  Sometimes it actually processes the SQL weird. 
  I think this is because same column name in both
  tables, yet I have other same name in tables with
  effect.  I tried alias on VendorJobs.VendorId AS
 Ven ,
  etc but it spit it back at me in the where clause
  an unknown.
  Here is the SQL:
  = `StaIndTypes`.`CareerIDs`)
  (`VendorJobs`.`LocationState` =
 (`StaUSCities`.`StateID` =
INNER JOIN `staTravelReq` ON
  (`VendorJobs`.`TravelReq` =
(`VendorID` = 13)
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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
Thinking about this some more, it might be possible to achieve what my last 
email suggests by allowing select on the primary key column.  Or would that 
set us back again?  Thoughts?


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OT - Gmail invite

2004-08-30 Thread Richard Whitney
Could one of you send me an invite to gmail?
I screwed mine up by admitting I sold some on ebay.
As soon as I did that I stopped getting any mail.
You may recall me as [EMAIL PROTECTED]


R. Whitney
Transcend Development
Producing the next phase of your internet presence
Premium Quality Web Hosting
The day this country abandons God is the day God will abandon this country

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RE: Business Rule lacking technical process

2004-08-30 Thread Stefan Holmes
Slightly off the main topic:

The point about retaining the data from abandoned carts is a very good one.
The idea of per-user discount based on a previous 'almost purchase' makes me
feel a little uncomfortable though.

Perhaps if more than one particular item appeared in (let's say) 10 shoppers
abandoned carts within a 14 day period, you might think about reducing the

If you _do_ like the idea of per-user discount, then please think about
involving more criteria. E.g.

  Did the shopper read the full item description (for more than 10 seconds)?

  Did the shopper also look at similar items in the same category (looked at
yellow, blue and green 'widgets' - at least you know they definitely want
that 'widget')?

  Did the user navigate to your site from a click-through price comparison

I could go on.  I'm sure the likes of Amazon have an almost scary amount of
statistical analysis driving their pricing structure and marketing.

--  ___
|  |
|  |.HushFriend (you'll see).
 .Stefan Holmes.
 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Audette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 30 August 2004 15:46
 Subject: Re: Business Rule lacking technical process
 I think the database is a better place to store a cart for a number of
 reasons. For one thing you can do analysis of shopping behaviour on
 abandoned carts and if a user was logged in while adding items to a cart
 then abandons the cart you can send a discount offer taylored to the items
 he almost bought. If you store this in session data its lost forever. I
 also think in terms of scaling to large numbers of users it is better to
 avoid using session state.
 Just another opinion.
 Fagyal Csongor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (I am trying to continue using the same analogy you started) A cart is
 usually just a table where lots of users accumulate purchases until
 are ready to buy. That implies 3 basic operations:
 1) The users can browse through a list of somethings and pick and choose
 what they would like to have
 2) As the users add and delete things from their cart, database changes
 occur. These changes should NOT affect the actual inventory numbers
 until the purchase is complete.
 All that changes is the cart table and it's contents **AS IT RELATES
 SPECIFICALLY TO THAT USER**. Typically there is only 1 cart table per
 design and a column is used to uniquely identify which user has shopped
 for which items.
 3) The actual purchase of the contents of the cart , at least for
 merchandise purchases, WILL involve external systems (generally EMAIL
 for verification and FINANCIAL for the purchase transaction itself.) and
 some sort of lock (reservation) on inventory so that you can ensure
 you will be able to deliver what the person is purchasing. This is all
 wrapped in a very critical transaction to make sure that if you get their
 money, they get their purchase
 IMHO the cart is something you store in a session, and not in the
 database. You save a lot of programming this way.
 In Apache::ASP (perl) this would be something like (a little
 simplified, no verification, etc.):
 if ($form-{'addtocart'}) {
 $Session-{'cart'}-{$form-{'itemid'}} += $form-{'pieces'};
 3 lines and you have a shopping cart. At checkout, you do the DB
 transactions  all.
 I might have been a little off-topic here, though :-)
 - Csongor
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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Charron
Sorry to reply yet again, but I think I have the solution.  After doing all we 
have said above I added

grant select(ID_Num) on sampdb.secrettable to 'user'@'localhost' identified by 

and of course updates and deletes are done via

update secrettable set secretinfo=blah where ID_Num=2;

So far as I've been testing this seems to work while preventing the user from 
ever selecting what's in the other secrettable columns.

Thanks again!


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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread SGreen
Yes, I think that _may_ solve your problem. Try granting only INSERT and 
UPDATE on the table then grant only SELECT permission on the ID column (I 
assume it's autoincrementing?) and the user_id column. If you don't make 
the user_id column visible, how will you ever discover the correct ID to 
update? (Unless there is only ever 1 record per user_id in which case you 
won't need an auto_incrementing ID column and you will already know which 
user_id to updatehmmmmaybe I should think just a bit more before I 
start typing... :-)   )

You only need to expose what would be public knowledge anyway, right? I 
think your encrypted data will still be protected by the database so long 
as the invaders do not get ahold of a privileged account.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Todd Charron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/30/2004 04:30:24 PM:

 Thinking about this some more, it might be possible to achieve what my 
 email suggests by allowing select on the primary key column.  Or would 
 set us back again?  Thoughts?

Re: very simple query but strange results

2004-08-30 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 
From: Kapoor, Nishikant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 2:41 PM
Subject: very simple query but strange results

This little sql has me puzzled. Would appreciate your help.

mysql drop table if exists T;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql create table T (title text, fulltext(title)) type=MyISAM;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql insert into T values ('01 test'), ('test resource');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql -- not working
mysql SELECT title FROM T WHERE MATCH(title) AGAINST ('test');
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Why 'Empty set'? I expect to see two rows. What am I missing?


mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.15, for mandrake-linux-gnu on i586
Server version  4.0.15
Protocol version10

I'm not sure.

I haven't worked with fulltext searches myself but your question intrigued
me. I tried creating the same table you did and then ran the same query: I
had the same result you did.

I went to this page of the MySQL manual, but couldn't see any
obvious error in your query based on the rules I saw there. I tried setting
up the table that they used in their examples and it gave the same result
that they predicted.

The big difference between your example and theirs was that their example
had the fulltext() function applied to TWO columns, title and body, while
yours applied only to title.

I wonder if there is an unstated rule that the match() function must always
be used against at least two columns? That strikes me as a very odd design
for a function so it doesn't seem likely. However, I am at a loss to suggest
another explanation.

Perhaps someone with more experience with MATCH() or one of the MySQL
developers could enlighten us on the correct technique for searching a
single fulltext column.


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Re: very simple query but strange results

2004-08-30 Thread Michael Stassen
Rhino wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: Kapoor, Nishikant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 2:41 PM
Subject: very simple query but strange results

This little sql has me puzzled. Would appreciate your help.
mysql drop table if exists T;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql create table T (title text, fulltext(title)) type=MyISAM;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql insert into T values ('01 test'), ('test resource');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql -- not working
mysql SELECT title FROM T WHERE MATCH(title) AGAINST ('test');
Empty set (0.00 sec)
Why 'Empty set'? I expect to see two rows. What am I missing?
mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.15, for mandrake-linux-gnu on i586
Server version  4.0.15
Protocol version10

I'm not sure.
I haven't worked with fulltext searches myself but your question intrigued
me. I tried creating the same table you did and then ran the same query: I
had the same result you did.
I went to this page of the MySQL manual, but couldn't see any
obvious error in your query based on the rules I saw there. I tried setting
up the table that they used in their examples and it gave the same result
that they predicted.
The big difference between your example and theirs was that their example
had the fulltext() function applied to TWO columns, title and body, while
yours applied only to title.
I wonder if there is an unstated rule that the match() function must always
be used against at least two columns? That strikes me as a very odd design
for a function so it doesn't seem likely. However, I am at a loss to suggest
another explanation.
Perhaps someone with more experience with MATCH() or one of the MySQL
developers could enlighten us on the correct technique for searching a
single fulltext column.
The answer is in the middle of that document.  Words which appear in 50% or 
more of your rows become stopwords, because they aren't very useful for 
narrowing your search.  One consequence is that you must have at least 3 
rows in a table before full-text indexing will find anything.  Full-text 
indexing is designed for large collections, not tiny test tables.

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Re: very simple query but strange results

2004-08-30 Thread Rhino
I skimmed the whole article twice, including the user comments, and still
missed that :-(

Thanks for catching that Michael! That explanation makes a lot of sense, a
lot more sense than forcing there to be at least two columns in the
fulltext() column.


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Kapoor, Nishikant [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: very simple query but strange results

 Rhino wrote:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kapoor, Nishikant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 2:41 PM
  Subject: very simple query but strange results
  This little sql has me puzzled. Would appreciate your help.
  mysql drop table if exists T;
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  mysql create table T (title text, fulltext(title)) type=MyISAM;
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  mysql insert into T values ('01 test'), ('test resource');
  Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
  mysql -- not working
  mysql SELECT title FROM T WHERE MATCH(title) AGAINST ('test');
  Empty set (0.00 sec)
  Why 'Empty set'? I expect to see two rows. What am I missing?
  mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.15, for mandrake-linux-gnu on i586
  Server version  4.0.15
  Protocol version10

  I'm not sure.
  I haven't worked with fulltext searches myself but your question
  me. I tried creating the same table you did and then ran the same query:
  had the same result you did.
  I went to this page of the MySQL manual, but couldn't see
  obvious error in your query based on the rules I saw there. I tried
  up the table that they used in their examples and it gave the same
  that they predicted.
  The big difference between your example and theirs was that their
  had the fulltext() function applied to TWO columns, title and body,
  yours applied only to title.
  I wonder if there is an unstated rule that the match() function must
  be used against at least two columns? That strikes me as a very odd
  for a function so it doesn't seem likely. However, I am at a loss to
  another explanation.
  Perhaps someone with more experience with MATCH() or one of the MySQL
  developers could enlighten us on the correct technique for searching a
  single fulltext column.

 The answer is in the middle of that document.  Words which appear in 50%
 more of your rows become stopwords, because they aren't very useful for
 narrowing your search.  One consequence is that you must have at least 3
 rows in a table before full-text indexing will find anything.  Full-text
 indexing is designed for large collections, not tiny test tables.


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MySQL logging level(s)

2004-08-30 Thread Newell, Gary
Hi -

I'm new to this list and I didn't see a FAQ (I apologize if I missed it somewhere).

How do I set MySQL's logging level?  And, where are MySQL's logs (i.e. is there 
anything in addition to  /var/lib/host.err)?



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Re: MySQL logging level(s)

2004-08-30 Thread Paul DuBois
At 17:42 -0600 8/30/04, Newell, Gary wrote:
Hi -
I'm new to this list and I didn't see a FAQ (I apologize if I missed 
it somewhere).

How do I set MySQL's logging level?  And, where are MySQL's logs 
(i.e. is there anything in addition to  /var/lib/host.err)?
The logs are discussed in the Reference Manual:
Since you mention that you're new to the list, I'll mention this tip:
The manual is your friend. Time spent getting to know it is time well
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Problem running MySQL in high school lab

2004-08-30 Thread Todd O'Bryan
I'm trying to teach my students how to use MySQL, and have installed it
on all the lab machines along with Cygwin. Originally, I had the
permissions set wrong and my students couldn't start the server, but I
fixed that, and now mysqld works fine.
Unfortunately, if you then mysql -u root, after a rather short period
of time, the program crashes and pops an error message to the screen.
The message, which I should have written down but didn't, says that an
assertion has failed in ftell.c (not sure about the filename, but the
gist is right) and stream != NULL (that I'm sure of) and then the
program dies.
I don't have similar problems when I'm logged in as me (which has
Administrator privileges) or the machine Administrator. It must be a
permissions problem, but I don't know what I need to give the students
to prevent it. The MySQL stuff on the local machines need not be
secure, so I've given full access to all users in the entire
/cygwin/usr/local/ directory and its subdirectories, which is where I
installed MySQL and all the other packages we're going to be playing
There are some kids in there who don't need the temptation of being 
in as an Administrator, and since we're going to be using JDBC later 
for which
the MySQL server will need to be running almost constantly in the 
I'd like to get this resolved with the least amount of temptation.

The lab is all Windows XP Professional machines, and the students log 
into a
domain hosted by a server in another teacher's lab.

Any ideas appreciated,
P.S. If you could cc me any replies, I'd appreciate it, since I read 
the list on

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ERROR 1005 - Please help

2004-08-30 Thread Mulugeta Maru
I have posted this in a subject called - InnoDB table
creation. I am just trying to be specific. Please
forgive me if this is not allowed. 

I have searched the online help and this site. I can
not find out why I am getting this error:

ERROR 1005 at line 33: Can't creat table
'.\enrollment1\enrolls.frm' (errno: 150)

Here is what I am trying to do:

PRIMARY KEY(courseID,sectionID,studentID),

Pleas help if you can. Thank you.

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RE: Problem running MySQL in high school lab

2004-08-30 Thread Donny Simonton
I don't use Windows XP as a production machine, but I do run MySQL on my
personal machine running Windows XP, I run the Windows version of MySQL.  Is
there any reason that you are using Cygwin to run MySQL when you can run the
MySQL windows binaries without any problems?  The only thing I can think of
is you are trying to teach them linux as well.

I know in the MySQL training classes offered by MySQL they are always taught
using Windows 2000 or XP, and they use the standard MySQL windows installer.


 -Original Message-
 From: Todd O'Bryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 8:09 PM
 Subject: Problem running MySQL in high school lab
 I'm trying to teach my students how to use MySQL, and have installed it
 on all the lab machines along with Cygwin. Originally, I had the
 permissions set wrong and my students couldn't start the server, but I
 fixed that, and now mysqld works fine.
 Unfortunately, if you then mysql -u root, after a rather short period
 of time, the program crashes and pops an error message to the screen.
 The message, which I should have written down but didn't, says that an
 assertion has failed in ftell.c (not sure about the filename, but the
 gist is right) and stream != NULL (that I'm sure of) and then the
 program dies.
 I don't have similar problems when I'm logged in as me (which has
 Administrator privileges) or the machine Administrator. It must be a
 permissions problem, but I don't know what I need to give the students
 to prevent it. The MySQL stuff on the local machines need not be
 secure, so I've given full access to all users in the entire
 /cygwin/usr/local/ directory and its subdirectories, which is where I
 installed MySQL and all the other packages we're going to be playing
 There are some kids in there who don't need the temptation of being
 in as an Administrator, and since we're going to be using JDBC later
 for which
 the MySQL server will need to be running almost constantly in the
 I'd like to get this resolved with the least amount of temptation.
 The lab is all Windows XP Professional machines, and the students log
 into a
 domain hosted by a server in another teacher's lab.
 Any ideas appreciated,
 P.S. If you could cc me any replies, I'd appreciate it, since I read
 the list on
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Re: ERROR 1005 - Please help

2004-08-30 Thread Michael Stassen
The problem is in table SECTIONS. From the manual, In the referencing 
table, there must be an index where the foreign key columns are listed as 
the first columns in the same order. In the referenced table, there must be 
an index where the referenced columns are listed as the first columns in the 
same order.

In SECTIONS, you have an unnecessary index on courseID (it's the first 
column in the primary key) and no index where sectionID comes first (it's 
second in the primary key).  The former is simply inefficient, the latter is 
causing the error.  Most likely, you should drop the index on courseID and 
add one on sectionID:

  DROP INDEX courseID,
  ADD INDEX (sectionID);
After you do that, the ENROLLS table creation should work without error.
Keeping the courseID index and reversing the primary key should also work, 
but a primary key on (sectionID, courseID) makes less logical sense, I think.

Mulugeta Maru wrote:
I have posted this in a subject called - InnoDB table
creation. I am just trying to be specific. Please
forgive me if this is not allowed. 

I have searched the online help and this site. I can
not find out why I am getting this error:
ERROR 1005 at line 33: Can't creat table
'.\enrollment1\enrolls.frm' (errno: 150)
Here is what I am trying to do:
PRIMARY KEY(courseID,sectionID,studentID),
Pleas help if you can. Thank you.

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Re: Revoking select on a single table

2004-08-30 Thread Michael Stassen
I was blocked from running a SELECT query against secrettable. I could 
INSERT values but not DELETE them. I reason that this is because DELETE 
... WHERE ... requires a SELECT to be run on the table to identify the 
rows to get rid of. The error I got when trying to delete was:
I don't know that I would have put it in those words, but yes, you have to 
have the SELECT priv to match rows with WHERE.

ERROR 1143 (42000): SELECT command denied to user: 'permtest'@'localhost' 
for column 'col1' in table 'secrettable'

Let us know if this works or what errors you get.
Then, in another message, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think that INSERT-only would be as good as we could hope for as I have 
been having a very hard time trying to think of a valid business reason 
why a user would be allowed to either UPDATE or DELETE rows from a table 
where they weren't allowed to even see the data. However I can think of 
several business reasons for an INSERT-only table:

A suggestion box
Sales figures
TimeCard entries
Anywhere that people need to add data to a common table but not see what 
anyone else had added to that same table.

I didn't test the situation but thought of two cases you might want to 
test for (I have already dropped my test tables and users)  Try 
running a whole table UPDATE or whole table DELETE. I wondered if you run 
those statements without a WHERE clause, would the engine allow them even 
if the user doesn't have SELECT rights?

UPDATE secrettable SET column = 'value';
Yes, this works.  UPDATE priv allows updates.  No WHERE clause, no need for 
SELECT priv.

DELETE FROM secrettable;
This works as well, for the same reason.
That could be a dangerous situation for you if you leave those two 
permissions on the 'hidden' table.
Shawn Green
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Tricky Date Query

2004-08-30 Thread Mike Blezien
Not sure this is possible to do with SQL or if needs to be done with in the 
application programming language we're using(Perl), but I need to get the a 
weekdate, IE

which would return 30
Now what I need to do, is if the query above is greater or less then 15, get the 
next month or current month date for the 15th.

IE if I ran this query today, and the value is 30(15), I need to generate the 
date 2004-09-15. If the query was run on 2004-09-14(15) generate the date 
2004-09-15, if the query was run on 2004-12-25(15), generate the date for 

Is this possible to do with MySQL ??
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Re: Data loading and foreign key constraints - help please

2004-08-30 Thread Todd Cranston-Cuebas
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your analogy to the waterfall. 
This helped me out tremendously. I was able to sort out the problem and 
all is now well! It appears that this wonderful little GUI tool the 
lets you create ER diagrams that auto-generate CREATE scripts assumes 
that you won't be including foreign keys in your entities. It expects 
you to build the relationship graphically and point out the primary 
keys, but it takes care of creating the foreign keys for you. My 

Since I put in foreign keys with the same name as the primary key in 
the related table, the GUI tool had no choice but to create new 
foreign keys with the same name appended with the number 1. The end 
result... total chaos. Fixed it though. I really appreciate your help.

On Aug 30, 2004, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Foreign keys are used to enforce foreign relationships. Translated:
Certain data values must exist in one table before another table can
contain those values in columns that participate in foreign keys. 
data must first exist in one table before it can be used as data in
another, you are required to fill in your FK-related structures from 
top down.

Start with your top-most table(s) in your structure (these are the ones
that the foreign keys are referencing but have no foreign keys of their
own). I think you said that you called them joblevel and jobtitile.
Fill those tables with data. With those values in place you can create
rows in the jobcode table that re-use certain values. You will not be 
to assign a value to any row in jobcode that does not exist in either
joblevel or jobtitle (for the columns that reference those tables as
foreign keys).

Keep filling in values in each layer of your structure until you get to
the bottommost table(s). (These are the tables that FK reference 
tables but have no tables that reference them.) It's kind of like a
waterfall, you can't get data into some tables until it exists in other
tables so it's like the data sort of trickles down the structure. 
analogy could also help to visualize how  the use of the word cascade
describes the auto-propagation of a delete or update to the dependent

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
Todd Cranston-Cuebas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
08/29/2004 04:09:15 AM:
I'm a total newbie to mySQL, but was hoping someone could answer a
question regarding adding a record into a database that has foreign 
constraints. Remember, I'm a total newbie so I'm hoping I'm using the
right words to express this. I'm taking a class that required us to 
an ER diagramming tool. This tool generates SQL table create scripts 
mySQL. After a little tweaking I got the scripts to work. An example 
as follows:

# Create Table: 'Jobdesc'   Job Description for Requisition
# desccode:
# jobdescription  :
# levelcode   :  (references JobCode.levelcode)
# jobcode1:  (references JobCode.jobcode)
# jobcode :
# titlecode   :  (references JobCode.titlecode)
 desccode   CHAR(8) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
 jobdescription MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,
 levelcode  CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
 jobcode1   CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
 jobcodeCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
 titlecode  CHAR(7) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (desccode,jobcode),
 INDEX idx_fk_Jobdesc (titlecode,jobcode1,levelcode),
CONSTRAINT fk_Jobdesc FOREIGN KEY (titlecode,jobcode1,levelcode)
 REFERENCES JobCode (titlecode,jobcode,levelcode)
This is a create script for a job description table. Job descriptions
are related to a jobcode table. That table in turn is related to
joblevel and jobtitle tables (i.e., the job title and job level
determine the job code). The jobcode is needed for each job
One problem I have is that the create scripts generated from the ER
tool makes all fields in the job description entity NOT NULL. If I try
to insert the description code (desccode), the job description
(jobdescription) and the associated job code (jobcode) I get the
following error:
#1216 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint 

This happens if I just try to insert the desccode, the jobdescription,
and jobcode data. I think this is happening because jobcode1,
levelcode, and titlecode are NOT NULL so when I update the record it
attempts to enter data (NULL) into these fields which are child rows.
Can someone explain what I should do? Should I just change these 
of data into NULL? I'm literally just trying to populate the tables
with enough data to run some test queries.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Tricky Date Query

2004-08-30 Thread Michael Stassen
Mike Blezien wrote:
Not sure this is possible to do with SQL or if needs to be done with in 
the application programming language we're using(Perl), but I need to 
get the a weekdate, IE

which would return 30
Now what I need to do, is if the query above is greater or less then 15, 
get the next month or current month date for the 15th.

IE if I ran this query today, and the value is 30(15), I need to 
generate the date 2004-09-15. If the query was run on 2004-09-14(15) 
generate the date 2004-09-15, if the query was run on 2004-12-25(15), 
generate the date for 2005-01-15

Is this possible to do with MySQL ??
Yes.  How about
 AS next15;
or better yet
 AS next15;
If you have mysql 4.1, there are more date functions, which would allow this 

 DAY AS next15;
There may be others.  See the manual for all the date and time functions

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multiple table query

2004-08-30 Thread Justin French
Can anyone help me optimise the way I do this?
I have two tables, 'article' and 'user'.  Article has a user_id which 
related to the user table.

When selecting all articles from the the article table, I'd like to be 
able to get the username of the user_id.  Currently I'm doing this as a 
separate query whilst looping through the articles, but this is 
obviously causing way too many DB calls.

some pseudo code:
SELECT * FROM article
foreach article
SELECT username FROM user WHERE id=$user_id
Perhaps I need a join, or maybe just a more complex query -- can any 
one lend a hand?

My guess is maybe something like
SELECT article.title, article.user_id, user.username
FROM article, user
WHERE = article.user_id
Justin French
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