Re: New to MySQL on Linux

2005-02-12 Thread Terry Riley
Thanks, Joshua - just the sort of info I needed.

Off to find a more recent distro


- Original Message -

 On Friday 11 February 2005 09:15, Terry Riley said something like:
  Having inherited an elderly PIII/500MHz box with an 8Gb SCSI disk,
  that had an apparently unusable XP SP2 OS on it, I decided to wipe
  the disk and install my first Linux instead, using an ancient RedHat
  7.3 distribution.
 First suggestion: get something recent: Suse 9.2, Mandrake 10.1, Fedora 
 Core 3, the latest Debian.  A distro that old will have major security 
 (and probably usability issues).
  Now the question: If I'm only using this as a database (no
  development) on RH7.3, which is the preferred download? I am confused
  by the plethora of options available for Linux. Just need something
  that is relatively simple to install (either 4.1.9 or 5.0.x).
 I would doubt the current MySQL RPM's would support something as old as 
 RH 7.3.  If you install something recent, there will be recent versions 
 of MySQL (Mandrake even has 5.0 in the contrib section, I would assume 
 Fedora would too.
 You will have to intstall the server portion, and probably the client 
 portion.  You then can use the MySQL GUI tools to admin the box from a 
 Windows machine.
 Using something like Mandrake or Fedora, their installer tools will 
 resolve all the dependencies for you.
 Hope that gets you started a little.  If you need more detail, feel 
 free to ask.
 j- k-
 Joshua J. Kugler -- Fairbanks, Alaska -- ICQ#:13706295
 Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, 
 and under the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!

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join query

2005-02-12 Thread lauri

I made little board, where all postings are in one table:

Field Type
topic_id  int(6) unsigned
topic_pid int(6) unsigned
mail  varchar(255)
posting_time  timestamp(14)
body  text
reg_user  tinyint(1)

topic_pid shows what kind of topic it is, if 0 then its new thread else reply
for exist one.

Now i want to sort threads by last posting_time but because i havent mysql 4.1
in server then i cant use sub query. Is it possible to get it with joins and if
yes then how?


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instable behaviour of mysql

2005-02-12 Thread schlubediwup
Hi again mysql-listers
regarding the problem i  mentionned this morning:
for a description check out my message of this morning.
in the meantime i have found out
1. how to reproduce the problem
2. how to work around the problem
1. how to reproduce:
DROP TABLE afir_accounts ;
DROP TABLE afir_contacts ;
DROP TABLE afir_knowledge ;
DROP TABLE afir_tasks ;
DROP TABLE afir_timer ;
DELETE FROM participants WHERE ident = 'afir' ;
DELETE FROM part_val WHERE ident = 'afir' ;
REVOKE all ON afir_accounts FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE all ON afir_contacts FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE all ON afir_knowledge FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE all ON afir_tasks FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE all ON afir_timer FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE all ON afir_files FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE select ON participants FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE select,update ON part_val FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON *.* FROM 'afir'@'myhost.tld' ;
DROP USER 'afir'@'myhost.tld';
you may substitute whatever string for afir.
after such a sequence of commands the root-userid i described in my 
message earlier today cannot be used to access the mysql db anymore.  
you get the error message  host myhost.tld is not allowed to access 
this mysql server.

2. how to work around
i just added
to the above sequence, and everything works well.
this command, however, according to mysql docu, should not be necessary 
after such a sequence of commands.


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Re: slow query, how can i imporve it?

2005-02-12 Thread Chris Elsworth
On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 10:45:46AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Normally I do not reply to myself but I just realized that in my previous 
 response I confused COUNT(*) (which is slow for InnoDB because it always 
 does a table scan to resolve the version lock of each and every row) with 

Hello all,

You just reminded me about this, I've been meaning to ask; are there
any plans to fix this for InnoDB? It seems like quite a serious
omission that InnoDB doesn't keep an accurate internal row count. Are
there technical reasons why this isn't done, or is it in the TODO for
any time soon? It's really one of the biggest things stopping me from
switching wholly to InnoDB :(


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Is this a good scheme for EcoRegions?

2005-02-12 Thread David Blomstrom
I already have a series of tables defining the world's
continents, oceans, nations, states, etc. Actually,
it's just two tables. Type defines the kinds of
divisions, like this:

(ID) (Type)
pla | planet
kon | continent
oce | ocean
nat | nation
sta | state
pro | province

Table famarea lists geographic names, identifying each
by ID and type and matching them to their parents...

(ID)(Name)   (Type) (Parent)
us-al | Alabama | sta | usa
afr   | Africa  | kon | ear (Earth)
alb   | Albania | nat | eur
arc   | Arctic Ocean | oce | oce (Oceania)

Now I want to incorporate ecological regions. They
include the eight REALMS the world is divided into,
fourteen major BIOMES and over 800 ECOLOGICAL REGIONS.

I can easily define these three types in my Types

(ID) (Type)
kon | continent
rea | realm
bio | biome
eco | ecoregion

But then I quickly get confused because ecological
regions don't follow national or even continental

Adding a table similar to famarea, simply listing each
realm, biome and ecological region and including
parents, would probably be too complex.

My instinct is to first create three separate tables,
listing the realms, biomes and ecoregions,
respectively. I could also add parents to the
EcoRealms table, since there are only 8 realms, and
none have more than two parents:

(ID) (Name) (Parent 1) (Parent 2)
R-PA | Palearctic | Eurasia   | Africa
R-NA | Nearctic   | North America | (NULL)

I think I would then list two KINDS of parents for
ecoregions, the biome and realm:

(ID)(Name)  (Biome) (Realm)
NA010 | Great Plains   | B-5   | R-NA
NA011 | Tallgrass Prairies | B-5 | R-NA
AT023 | Steppe | B-5   | R-PA
NA10  | Boreal Forest  | B-2  | R-NA

For example, the table above identifies the Great
Plains, Tallgrass Prairies and Steppe as temperate
grasslands (biome B-5). However, it matches the first
two with NORTH AMERICAN grasslands, with steppes
matched to Eurasian grasslands.

If this is OK so far, then I need to figure out what
to do with biomes, each of which can have several
continents (or realms) as parents.

Should I just add extra lines for extra parents, like

(ID)   (Name)  (Parent)
B-5   | Temperate Grasslands | R-NA (North America)
B-5   | Temperate Grasslands | R-PA (Eurasia)

...or should I just make a table that simply lists the
biomes and ID's, then make a fourth table that matches
the biomes to their parents, like this?:

B-5 | R-NA (North America)
B-5 | R-PA (Eurasia)


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Importing ArcView Shapefile into a Database

2005-02-12 Thread David Blomstrom
I want to import some data into my database, but it's
in an ArcView Shapefile, which I've never worked with.
Does anyone know what kind of software I can use to
access this data? Actually, I'd probably import it
into a spreadsheeet first, then save it as a csv file
and import it into my database.


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Re: Importing ArcView Shapefile into a Database

2005-02-12 Thread James Cass
David -
Here is a link to search results on 
ESRI is the leader in GIS software and the maker of the application,  
ArcView.  Check out the link for the first search result on the link  
I gave you.  The first result is entitled ESRI Shapefile Technical  
Description .  It's a pdf whitepaper, and should get you started.

Also, here is GRASS (, the opensource  
alternative to ArcView...

On Feb 12, 2005, at 10:01 AM, David Blomstrom wrote:
I want to import some data into my database, but it's
in an ArcView Shapefile, which I've never worked with.
Does anyone know what kind of software I can use to
access this data? Actually, I'd probably import it
into a spreadsheeet first, then save it as a csv file
and import it into my database.

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Re: Importing ArcView Shapefile into a Database

2005-02-12 Thread Jeremy Cole
Hi David,
I want to import some data into my database, but it's
in an ArcView Shapefile, which I've never worked with.
Does anyone know what kind of software I can use to
access this data? Actually, I'd probably import it
into a spreadsheeet first, then save it as a csv file
and import it into my database.
I've been working on a library called libmygis which is able to read 
varoius types of GIS data files (mainly Shapefiles for now).

You're in luck.  I've recently gotten a working version of 
mysqlgisimport which is able to take a SHP/SHX/DBF set and turn it into 
SQL directly to be imported.

You can grab the source code of libmygis at:
If you have any questions or need help getting it to work (hey, it's 
new!) please feel free to drop me a line.  Same goes for feature 
requests. :)

Jeremy Cole
Technical Yahoo - MySQL (Database) Geek
Desk: 408 349 5104
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Re: Importing ArcView Shapefile into a Database

2005-02-12 Thread David Blomstrom
Aha - that's why I like to ask questions on newsgroups
rather than get secondhand news from Google! :)

This sounds really cool. One question, though...when
you talk about downloading the source code, are you
saying your program is for Linux only? As much as I
hate Microsoft, I'm still stuck with Windows XP.

Actually, someone gave me a computer with a dual boot
hard drive and SUSE installed, but I haven't had time
to learn how to use it yet. Thanks for the tip!

--- Jeremy Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi David,
  I want to import some data into my database, but
  in an ArcView Shapefile, which I've never worked
  Does anyone know what kind of software I can use
  access this data? Actually, I'd probably import it
  into a spreadsheeet first, then save it as a csv
  and import it into my database.
 I've been working on a library called libmygis which
 is able to read 
 varoius types of GIS data files (mainly Shapefiles
 for now).
 You're in luck.  I've recently gotten a working
 version of 
 mysqlgisimport which is able to take a SHP/SHX/DBF
 set and turn it into 
 SQL directly to be imported.
 You can grab the source code of libmygis at:
 If you have any questions or need help getting it to
 work (hey, it's 
 new!) please feel free to drop me a line.  Same goes
 for feature 
 requests. :)
 Jeremy Cole
 Technical Yahoo - MySQL (Database) Geek
 Desk: 408 349 5104
 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Importing ArcView Shapefile into a Database

2005-02-12 Thread Jeremy Cole
Hi David,
This sounds really cool. One question, though...when
you talk about downloading the source code, are you
saying your program is for Linux only? As much as I
hate Microsoft, I'm still stuck with Windows XP.
I developed it on Linux, and haven't ever tried to compile it on 
Windows, as I don't have a Windows compiler suite handy.  It would 
probably mostly compile on Windows. ;)

Jeremy Cole
Technical Yahoo - MySQL (Database) Geek
Desk: 408 349 5104
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Re: slow query, how can i imporve it?

2005-02-12 Thread Michael Stassen
Chris Elsworth wrote:
On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 10:45:46AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Normally I do not reply to myself but I just realized that in my previous 
response I confused COUNT(*) (which is slow for InnoDB because it always 
does a table scan to resolve the version lock of each and every row) with 
Hello all,
You just reminded me about this, I've been meaning to ask; are there
any plans to fix this for InnoDB? It seems like quite a serious
omission that InnoDB doesn't keep an accurate internal row count. Are
there technical reasons why this isn't done, or is it in the TODO for
any time soon? It's really one of the biggest things stopping me from
switching wholly to InnoDB :(
Shawn answered this in his previous message.  InnoDb uses versioning locks 
on it's records, that makes it practically impossible to determine exactly 
how many records are available to any user at any one time.  This improves 
concurrency but makes COUNT(*) hard to compute quickly.  In other words, 
yes, there is a technical reason why an accurate internal row count cannot 
be kept for InnoDB tables, because the answer to COUNT(*) is effectively 
connection specific.  If I have added 12 rows but not yet committed, and 
Shawn has added 23 rows but not yet committed, then you, Shawn, and I each 
get different answers for COUNT(*).

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certain content is causing an error with INSERT - please help

2005-02-12 Thread leegold
I'm ripping hair out, here's the problem...I'm trying to insert content
cited below into a field and it's causing this error, ie. there's
content i just cannot insert into the DB an it's causing the following
error message:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's

Here's the content that will not insert:

iHow to Get It: A Guide to Defense - Related Information Resources/i 
 (DTIC, 2002; Librarian's Edition). A reference published by the Defense
 Technical Information Service. The inspiration for this document.

I'm using PHP so I run the code below (note I think magic quotes might
be enabled on my server so the mysql_real_escape_string in the code
below might never be runned) but in any event it is escaped with:

if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
   $descrip_field = mysql_real_escape_string($descrip_field);

I do the same escape for the title field tooThen futher down in the
code actual INSERT code is:

mysql_query(INSERT INTO (title, descrip) VALUES
('$title_field', '$descrip_field'))
or die (Can't connect because .mysql_error());
$page_id1 = mysql_insert_id();
if ($page_id1 == '0' ) { die ('died : page_id1=0'); }

What's wrong??? It inserts for everything else OK, but just won't insert
when i try with the content i cited?

Lee G.

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Re: Importing ArcView Shapefile into a Database

2005-02-12 Thread James Cass
Sweet!  Thank you Jeremy!
On Feb 12, 2005, at 3:52 PM, Jeremy Cole wrote:
Hi David,
I want to import some data into my database, but it's
in an ArcView Shapefile, which I've never worked with.
Does anyone know what kind of software I can use to
access this data? Actually, I'd probably import it
into a spreadsheeet first, then save it as a csv file
and import it into my database.
I've been working on a library called libmygis which is able to read 
varoius types of GIS data files (mainly Shapefiles for now).

You're in luck.  I've recently gotten a working version of 
mysqlgisimport which is able to take a SHP/SHX/DBF set and turn it 
into SQL directly to be imported.

You can grab the source code of libmygis at:
If you have any questions or need help getting it to work (hey, it's 
new!) please feel free to drop me a line.  Same goes for feature 
requests. :)

Jeremy Cole
Technical Yahoo - MySQL (Database) Geek
Desk: 408 349 5104
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addendum - certain content is causing an error with INSERT ....

2005-02-12 Thread leegold
I fixed it. But I'm not clear on why. The following code ie. taking the
content and blatently putting the content through addslashes():


Fixed it. But the code:

if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
   $descrip_field = mysql_real_escape_string($descrip_field);

Did *not* fix it. So, to simplify this. Why would addslashes work and
the other code (which I see often as a recommend way to escape) not
work? This is a PHP question I suppose but I wanted to end the thread.
Sorry if I did not supply enough info up front for you to support.

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Re: Importing ArcView Shapefile into a Database

2005-02-12 Thread Jeremy Cole
Sweet!  Thank you Jeremy!
FYI, make sure you grab the libmygis-0.3.tar.gz or later instead of any 
other version.  I had some silly mistakes that made the DBF file 
required instead of optional.  I've also ported to Mac OS X in 0.3.

Jeremy Cole
Technical Yahoo - MySQL (Database) Geek
Desk: 408 349 5104
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Re: join query

2005-02-12 Thread Michael Stassen
I made little board, where all postings are in one table:
Field Type
topic_id  int(6) unsigned
topic_pid int(6) unsigned
mail  varchar(255)
posting_time  timestamp(14)
body  text
reg_user  tinyint(1)
topic_pid shows what kind of topic it is, if 0 then its new thread else reply
for exist one.
Now i want to sort threads by last posting_time but because i havent mysql 4.1
in server then i cant use sub query. Is it possible to get it with joins and if
yes then how?
You need to break it down into two steps: First get the latest posting 
times, holding the result in a temporary table, then get all the posts 
properly ordered.  Something like this (I'm using 'board' as the name of 
your table):

topic_pid int unsigned,
index (latest, topic_pid));
SELECT topic_pid, MAX(posting_time) AS latest
FROM board
GROUP BY topic_pid;
  SELECT board.topic_id, board.topic_pid,, board.posting_time
  FROM pt JOIN board USING (topic_pid)
  ORDER BY pt.latest DESC, pt.topic_pid DESC, board.posting_time DESC;
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Re: certain content is causing an error with INSERT - please help

2005-02-12 Thread Michael Stassen
leegold wrote:
I'm ripping hair out, here's the problem...I'm trying to insert content
cited below into a field and it's causing this error, ie. there's
content i just cannot insert into the DB an it's causing the following
error message:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's
Here's the content that will not insert:
iHow to Get It: A Guide to Defense - Related Information Resources/i 
 (DTIC, 2002; Librarian's Edition). A reference published by the Defense
 Technical Information Service. The inspiration for this document.
Without special treatment the single quote (apostrophe) in Librarian's 
terminates the string, leaving the rest as nonsense SQL.

I'm using PHP so I run the code below (note I think magic quotes might
be enabled on my server so the mysql_real_escape_string in the code
below might never be runned) but in any event it is escaped with:
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
   $descrip_field = mysql_real_escape_string($descrip_field);
The gpc stands for Get/Post/Cookie.  I'd guess that $descrip_field didn't 
come directly from a Get, Post, or Cookie, so magic_quotes didn't affect it. 
 In that case, you have to escape it by hand with mysql_real_escape_string, 
but you don't do that because magic_quotes_gpc is on.  I think this is a 
good example of why magic_quotes is a bad idea.  Better to turn it off and 
then *always* process your strings.

I do the same escape for the title field tooThen futher down in the
code actual INSERT code is:
mysql_query(INSERT INTO (title, descrip) VALUES
('$title_field', '$descrip_field'))
or die (Can't connect because .mysql_error());
$page_id1 = mysql_insert_id();
if ($page_id1 == '0' ) { die ('died : page_id1=0'); }

It is good that you are checking for errors and printing them when you get 
them, but often the error comes from the SQL statement not being what you 
think it is (as happened here, I think).  You would stand a better chance of 
catching that if you included the actual SQL in the error message.  I would 
use something like

  $query = INSERT INTO (title, descrip)
VALUES ('$title_field', '$descrip_field');
  mysql_query($query) or die (Query: .$query.\n failed with error: 
That way, you see the actual query that was sent, as well as the error from 

What's wrong??? It inserts for everything else OK, but just won't insert
when i try with the content i cited?
Lee G.
Then leegold also wrote:
 I fixed it. But I'm not clear on why. The following code ie. taking the
 content and blatantly putting the content through addslashes():


 Fixed it. But the code:

 if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$descrip_field = mysql_real_escape_string($descrip_field);
As I said, turn off magic_quotes, then use
  $descrip_field = mysql_real_escape_string($descrip_field);
 Did *not* fix it. So, to simplify this. Why would addslashes work and
 the other code (which I see often as a recommended way to escape) not
 work? This is a PHP question I suppose but I wanted to end the thread.
 Sorry if I did not supply enough info up front for you to support.
mysql_real_escape_string() should work.  The problem is that it wasn't being 
called when it needed to be.

See and

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Total Counts, Multi-Report Questions

2005-02-12 Thread Sue Cram
I have a request for a list of database entries Select x,y,z, etc that is now 
working OK.  I have several questions, however.  Here they are:
  1.. Can I add a total line at the bottom of the report (ex: Total 
Selected:  23) for the total number of entries that are listed in the report?  
  2.. I want to print the same information but sorted in a different order on a 
second page of the report.  Can I do that in one Select statement?  
  3.. If I need multiple select statements, is there a delimiter that says 
This is the end of my first select statement - the next thing you see is going 
to be a new select statement, so that all the necessary pages can be printed 
together in one job?
