RE: How to Version Control a database

2005-02-21 Thread Thomas Sundberg
 -Original Message-
 From: Will Merrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 20 February 2005 14:00
 To: Mysql Mailing list
 Subject: How to Version Control a database
 I have a project that involves several developers working on 
 their own machines. Each has a local copy of the database on 
 their own machine. Since we have some developers who develop 
 while not connected to the network, we cannot use a common database.
 How can I version control the database so that changes are 
 not lost or stepped on. Right now, we use mysqldump to dump 
 the database and version the dump file, but this still has 
 problems. Is there a better way?
 -- Will

We treat the database as any other source code, i.e. we store three sql
scripts in our repository and have a ant target that builds the database
from these scripts. If anyone need to change the database layout, the
default values or the test data then he or she just checkout the
corresponding file and make the change. If it isn't stored in the
repository, then it doesn't exist.


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R: How remove the closed connections

2005-02-21 Thread AESYS S.p.A. [Enzo Arlati]
It was my own mistake , I'm sorry.
Inside the program I leave a bug wich skip the call to RemoveMyConnection;
Now when I call it the connection closed is removed properly also from the
database connection list.

Just to answer to Philippe:
The thread didn't reopen itself, I explained myself badly, it just die. It
is recreated by it master when required.


-Messaggio originale-
Da: Philippe Poelvoorde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: venerdi 18 febbraio 2005 18.11
A: AESYS S.p.A. [Enzo Arlati]
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mysql. Com (E-mail)
Oggetto: Re: How remove the closed connections

AESYS S.p.A. [Enzo Arlati] wrote:
 I get an application with several thread , with each thread using it's own
 What I mean is that the thread create a connection at the beginning and
 close  anddetroyitbeforeitclose.

 Under some circustances some of these threads close itself and reopen
 few minutes ( for example 60 secs. ).

I don't really see the meaning of a thread that close itself and
reopen... If the thread return or die, you should explicitely close the
connection, if the thread is just sleeping, there is nothing to do, just
check the connection when the thread wake up.

 When this appened also if the connection is closed , it is still
 as active by mysql.

Then the connection is not properly close, and the thread still active
somewhere (in sleep ?) ;)

 So I got that each time a new thread is started a new connection is added
 the list of mysql connection.
 When the thread  died , mysql keep a reference to an idle connection until
 the wait_timeout expiration time.

 So I must keep the value of  wait_timeout  lower , ie. = 120, while the
 preferred value should higher that this value.

 There are some way to shorten the timeout for removing the connections
 without interfere with the timeout used for still active connection ?

 I'm using mdac with c++buider 6 and the way I create and destroy the
 connection are showed  belowe:

is mdac you database layer ?

 void __fastcall TDataModule_PMV::RemoveMyConnection(TMyConnection *
if( dbConn )
  dbConn-Connected = false;
  delete dbConn;
  dbConn = 0;

Does this mean that it will close the connection ?

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.

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Re: Problems with LOAD DATA INFILE

2005-02-21 Thread Heikki Tuuri
please print a detailed description of the latest foreign key error with
and post it here.
Best regards,
Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up MyISAM 

Order MySQL Network from
- Original Message - 
From: John Swartzentruber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:54 PM
Subject: Problems with LOAD DATA INFILE

I am new to SQL and to MySQL, but am working with it on a project for a
graduate Database system course. I'm running MySQL 4.1.10 under Windows
2000. I am trying to load a table from a text file. The table in
question has a foreign key. The table that it references contains data.
The problem is that when I load the data using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE, I
get this error:
ERROR 1216 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
constraint fails
That seems clear enough except that the foreign key constraint should
*not* fail. I've verified that the value exists in the other table.
What is really strange is that when I tried inserting the data directly
using INSERT INTO, it works. In this particular case, I only need to
load a handful of records, so using INSERT INTO is an option, but I
would really like to figure out what isn't working.
Here is my table definition:
create table Subscriber (
  UserIDint auto_increment,
  Name  varchar(50) not null,
  Password  varchar(8) not null,
  EmailAddress  varchar(50),
  primary key (UserId),
  foreign key (SGroupName) references AccessGroup(GroupName) on update
Here is how I am attempting to load it:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'c:/Documents and Settings/john/My Documents/Grad
  INTO TABLE Subscriber
  (Name, Password, EmailAddress, SGroupName);
Here are the first two lines of my data file:
Name, Password, EmailAddress, SGroupName
John Swartzentruber, 8490JTTT, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Administrator
And here is what *does* work:
 insert into Subscriber
 (Name, Password, EmailAddress, SGroupName)
  values (John Swartzentruber, 8490JTTT, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Can anyone see what my problem is? I really appreciate any assistance
you can provide. I hope this is the appropriate group for newbie 

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Re: Need older version of mysql (current version seeminly corrupts FTS tables)

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I suggest you to use 4.1.10 (in 4.1.8 was fixed a bug #6784,

I haven't seen it in a changelist of 4.0.x branch). If 

myisamchk -r *.MYI, myisamchk -o *.MYI doesn't solve the 

problem, as the last chance, use  USE_FRM mode of REPAIR

command. But you may lose some information about the table's

metadata, make a backup. See:

Steven Roussey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 Thank you. Nice link to have around.


 Key 3 is the FTS key. The others are a UNIQUE KEY (#1) and a KEY(#2).

Do you have the same values for full-text parameters (ft_mit_word_len

for example)?


 Not at first. I had noticed that not long after I sent my message, and I

 rebuilt all the tables with mysamchk -rf *MYI. That eliminated the

 Duplicate Key errors, but not the Incorrect key file... Try to repair it



 Did it again with 4.0.18 and had the same error. :(


 Next I did mysamchk -o *MYI to really be sure, and I even used the 4.0.18

 binary. Then I tried running 4.0.23 with debug turned on (somewhat) and

 still get the error. I'll try again with 4.0.18 (or 17) with debug and see

 if it has the same error at the same place.


 Here is what I had in the trace file (note that the query is a replace cmd

 that often is used to update an entry): Do I need more fine grain debug info

 to find the error?



 mysql_change_db: info: Use database: search

 do_command: info: Command on TCP/IP (9) = 3 (Query)

 dispatch_command: query: replace into forums_posts_1239959


 respond,loginid,ip,user_id,author,email,title,message,search_forumid )




 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','Message text deleted for

 privacy, but I can sent if needed','fid2255626')

 thr_lock: info: 0x0

 mi_get_status: info: key_file: 28418048  data_file: 39236852

 mi_write: error: Got error: 121 on write

 _mi_writeinfo: info: operation: 1  tot_locks: 1

 _mi_ck_delete: info: root_page: 19973120

 _mi_prefix_search: info: key: '004'

 _mi_prefix_search: info: key: '004'

 _mi_prefix_search: info: key: '004'

 _mi_prefix_search: info: key: '004'

 d_search: error: Didn't find key

 mi_update: error: key: 2  errno: 126

 _mi_writeinfo: info: operation: 1  tot_locks: 1

 my_message_sql: error: Message: 'Incorrect key file for table:

 'forums_posts_1239959'. Try to repair it'

 thr_unlock: info: updating status:  key_file: 28418048  data_file: 39236852

 mi_lock_database: info: changed: 1  w_locks: 0



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Re: ERROR 25 (HY000): Can't create symlink

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

May be comments at:

would be helpful for you. Does the altering successful if you 

executed a FLUSH TABLES before? See:

Mark Uhrmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Andy,


 I see that.  Unfortunately, I have no idea why mysql is trying to create 

 a symlink to a symlink it just created.  Does anyone have any idea why 

 mysql would do that?







 Ady Wicaksono wrote:


 Hi Mark,

 There's perror to check what happen, so when you have Error 17 you 

 check from your bash shell like this

 # perror 17

 Error code  17:  File exists

 Gotcha ! The reason is file exists :)

 Good luck

 Mark Uhrmacher wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've been getting a strange error when attempting to add an index to 

 a set tables that make up a merge table.  Here is a transcript of the 


 mysql alter table he_access_offline_3 add index status (status);

 ERROR 25 (HY000): Can't create symlink './Logs/#sql-156e_48d8.MYI' 

 pointing at '/var/lib/mysql/Logs/#sql-156e_48d8.MYI' (Error 17)

 mysql alter table he_access_offline_2 add index status (status);

 ERROR 25 (HY000): Can't create symlink './Logs/#sql-156e_48d8.MYI' 

 pointing at '/var/lib/mysql/Logs/#sql-156e_48d8.MYI' (Error 17)

 mysql alter table he_access_offline_1 add index status (status);

 ERROR 25 (HY000): Can't create symlink './Logs/#sql-156e_48d8.MYI' 

 pointing at '/var/lib/mysql/Logs/#sql-156e_48d8.MYI' (Error 17)

 What is interesting is that I could create that index on 

 he_access_offline_4 which is also a member of the merge table (called 


 Doing some research with Google I found someone had a similar problem 

 when they were using symlinks from files in mysql's datadir to the 

 actual location of their data files.  In my case the contents of 

 /var/lib/mysql/Logs are actual files and not symlinks.  The 

 permissions appear to be set correctly and, in fact, I've created 

 other indexes on these same tables using the same scheme.  I'm not 

 sure what has changed.

 Also, restarting the server doesn't eliminate the problem.

 System Info:

 MySQL 4.1.9 on Fedora Core 2.  I downloaded the binary from

 Any ideas?






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Re: download mysql 4 in rpm for Redhat 9.0

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko


sam wun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I realised that install mysql 4 thru rpm is the best way for a smooth 


 Can anyone please point me to a site where I can download mysql 4 rpm 

 for Redhat9?






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Re: Index key on yearweek(date)

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

No, you can't. But you can make some workarounds. For example

you may use triggers in 5.0.2 version (but it is still not

production ready) or use a separate field for storing the

value of the week.

Hany Nagaty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,


 I'm a bit new to MySQL, it's my first email to the list. 


 Well, my question is: Can I have a key on a function of the column.

 I have some table with a date column in it. I wish to have a key on

 yearweek(datecolumn). I don't want to allow having duplicate weeks in

 the table.


 Thanks for your support.


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Re: log-warnings

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

There is no direct way to load warnings into log files. But you

may use a small value for max_error_count and launch mysql  in a

batch mode saving results in the file.

Marcus Bointon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm migrating a MySQL 3.23 db to 4.1.10 (on Linux x86) and I'm getting 

 some infrequent warnings when importing data dumps created with 

 mysqldump, but I can't seem to find out what the warnings are.


 I'm typically importing around 100,000 records at a time, so using 

 'SHOW WARNINGS' manually is no use - and I can't yet nail down a query 

 that actually generates a warning anyway.


 I can start the mysql client using -v, but as even at the lowest level 

 or verbosity it always displays the query, and since my inserts are 

 often 30k per record, it's just not practical to scan the output, plus 

 it makes it go very slowly.


 I've got log-warnings in my my.cnf file, and mysqld is definitely 

 picking it up (adding it made log-warnings appear as set to 2, though I 

 can't find any reference in the docs for what the values mean), but 

 mysql is not logging any warnings at all.


 I have log-error=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.err set in my.cnf, and again it's 

 definitely being picked up by the server.


 If it makes a difference, I'm using all InnoDB tables.


 All I need is for warnings to be logged along with the query that 

 caused it without having to log everything and trawl through it - what 

 have I missed?!



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Re: problems

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I think, you don't have a server part of MySQL distribution.

You should install something like mysql-server-xxx.rpm

 when i run whereis mysql

Use 'l' query option for the rpm command to see all files from the package:

  rpm -ql mysql-3.23.58-1

ayion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 dear sir

 good wishes.

 i am using enterprise redhat linux 3. mine rpm version of mysql is

 -3.23.58-1 and it was installed by the time of linux installation.

 when i use if the rpm is installed or not by using the comman rpm -qa

 | grep mysql

 it shows




 now i am sure that mysql is installed.


 when i run whereis mysql 

 result is :

 /usr/lib/mysql usr/bin/mysql /usr/include/mysql /usr/share/mysql 



 my .cnf file is under /etc and its contents are look like this














 when i run: service mysqld start

 it shows unrecongnise service


 how can i run my sql in my machine?

 if you describe step by step procedure to run mysql i will be greatful.





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Re: REPOST: one long lived connection or one connection per query

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

queries will likely be spaced out by hours or days (idle disconnect?)

How long does it take to establish a new connection? If the time 

is large enough, may be you should make a temporary connection and

close it after timeout. If you deside to use a persistent connection,

don't forget about xxx_timeout variables.

Tommy McNeely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (REPOST: I never got my original post, or any answers, so I am 

 reposting, assuming it was lost in the mail)




 I apologize in advance, I am sure this question has been asked dozens

 of times, but my searches came up empty.


 I am building an IRC based application bot (using libmysql) .. that

 will take commands from users (!mybugs, !mybugs KEY !newbugs, !bug ID, 

 etc), do

 SQL queries and of course dump formatted results back to the channel.

 Currently its setup to open a single DB connection at initialization

 and use that connection over and over... would it be better or worse to

 have it open/close a connection for each command in the way a web app



 Some things to keep in mind :)


 - IRC server/services bot is half way across the US from the mySQL

 server (connection reliability?)

 - queries will likely be spaced out by hours or days (idle disconnect?)

 - when one person does a query, its almost assured that there will be

 10 more within 10 seconds, its contagious or something :)


 - I would *like* to do SSL (still studying how to do that), so that

 will most certainly increase the mysql_real_connect() time?


 Does the client library maintain a pool of connections or something

 like that?


 Thanks in advance,




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Re: Problem with the stopword file in 4.1.9-Max

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Full-text search successfully works on my 4.1.9-max instance:

mysql select version();


| version() |


| 4.1.9-max-log |



 `a` text,

 FULLTEXT KEY `a` (`a`)


 $cat ftopfile.txt



mysql select * from ft;


| a|


| gleb manual  |

| clear manual |

| cooler manual|

| af01e9f7ab799a2050c709ad68c3beee |

| 3aa4c2ebf3996f2754de213b527c4275 |

| 30f09732b77f417ae743a127c172a1ad |

| 30f09732b77f417ae743a127c172a1ad |

| 30f09732b77f417ae743a127c172a1ad |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 8ca42418d6c5902249c15e24c3ca2830 |

mysql select a from ft where match(a) against('cooler');


| a |


| cooler manual |


mysql select a from ft where match(a) against('manual');


| a   |


| gleb manual |

| clear manual|

| cooler manual   |


mysql select a from ft where match(a) against('clear');

Empty set (0.00 sec)

( 'clear' - is in the stop file).

mysql show variables like 'ft_stop%'\G ;

*** 1. row ***

Variable_name: ft_stopword_file


It works also with cyrillic words. My system (Fedora Core 3) uses UTF-8 locale.

Have you tried my format of the stopword file?




 I set ft_min_len_word = 3 and ft_stopword_file =

 /etc/stopword.cnf in my.cnf file under the [mysqld]



 I then restart the server and rebuild the indexes with



 The ft_min_len_word=3 seems to work: I get the

 expected results when quering for 3-letter words


 Unfortunately, that is not the same with the stopwords

 The default character set of the server is utf8. All

 data in the tables are utf8 as well. So, I thought

 that the stopword file should be in utf8 as well. If

 that is wrong please say so. Now the syntax of that

 file: I've tried one word each row, I've tried

 double-quotes around words, I've tried comma-separated

 as well as double-quotes and commas together, also

 tried space-separated. I've tried anything I could

 think of. None of those seem to work. When I query for

 one of those stopwords, I get results :(


 After each change to the stopword file, I always

 restart server, rebuild indexes etc.


 I've run out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated.

 Thx in advance, Nick




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Re: Problem with SUM and DECIMAL field

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I think you should read comments at:

They are related to the ODBC connector, but may be it will 

help you to solve problems with Connector/J.


 Hi everyone,


 I've recentely upgarded my servers from MySQL 3.23.49 to MySQL 4.1.9.


 Now I have a problem when using the SUM operator on DECIMAL field.


 The value returned by the SUM operator when used with DECIMAL field has a

 coma (,) as decimal separator while it used to be have a dot (.) . If I

 query my table to display the DECIMAL fields (SELECT * FROM ...)  I get a

 dot as decimal separator as expected.


 This doesn't look like a big issue but it prevents Connector/J from

 retieving the data properly. Connector/J can't parse the value of the field

 as it's expecting a dot as decimal separator.


 Here is the stack trace :


 java.sql.SQLException: Bad format for BigDecimal '12660,95' in column 1( .

 () . SUM(AMFTPF)()).

at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet.getBigDecimal(




 I'm using Connector/J 3.0.16.


 One last thing : this seems to happen only on AIX. I have tried on Linux and

 Windows XP and everything works as expected.


 Is there something wrong with some of my database parameters or is this a

 bug ?


 Please let me know if someone is interested by a testcase.







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2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Sergei Golubchik said that we can't change the value of the blocksize

of a key (it is chosen in mi_create.c) and there is no workaround

with this LOAD INDEX problem.


 Hello there.


 OK I'll paste the results of commands you asked right after my reply,

 because we found out where the problem comes from.

 The myisamchk command showed that the index on the VarChar has a block

 size of 2048 instead of 1024. However, when I turn this index to a

 FULLTEXT one, the block size is back to 1024, and the LOAD INDEX INTO

 CACHE works.


 Now this is a problem because our huge table needs both our FULLTEXT

 indexes and some on VARCHAR fields too. At least we know where it

 comes from. Now, is there a fast solution ? We were waiting for this

 bug correction to study a release date for our application :/


 Thank you, and here is the results :







 CREATE TABLE `tbltest` (

  `testid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

  `testvalue` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',

  PRIMARY KEY  (`testid`),

  KEY `BOB` (`testvalue`)







 | Variable_name   | Value   |


 | back_log| 50  |

 | basedir | D:\mysql\4.1\   |

 | binlog_cache_size   | 32768   |

 | bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608 |

 | character_set_client| utf8|

 | character_set_connection| utf8|

 | character_set_database  | utf8|

 | character_set_results   | utf8|

 | character_set_server| utf8|

 | character_set_system| utf8|

 | character_sets_dir  | D:\mysql\4.1\share\charsets/|

 | collation_connection| utf8_general_ci |

 | collation_database  | utf8_general_ci |

 | collation_server| utf8_general_ci |

 | concurrent_insert   | ON  |

 | connect_timeout | 5   |

 | datadir | D:\mysql\4.1\Data\  |

 | date_format | %Y-%m-%d|

 | datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s   |

 | default_week_format | 0   |

 | delay_key_write | ON  |

 | delayed_insert_limit| 100 |

 | delayed_insert_timeout  | 300 |

 | delayed_queue_size  | 1000|

 | expire_logs_days| 0   |

 | flush   | OFF |

 | flush_time  | 1800|

 | ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|  |

 | ft_max_word_len | 84  |

 | ft_min_word_len | 4   |

 | ft_query_expansion_limit| 20  |

 | ft_stopword_file| (built-in)  |

 | group_concat_max_len| 1024|

 | have_archive| NO  |

 | have_bdb| NO  |

 | have_compress   | YES |

 | have_crypt  | NO  |

 | have_csv| NO  |

 | have_example_engine | NO  |

 | have_geometry   | YES |

 | have_innodb | DISABLED|

 | have_isam   | NO  |

 | have_ndbcluster | NO  |

 | have_openssl| NO  |

 | have_query_cache| YES |

 | have_raid   | NO  |

 | have_rtree_keys | YES |

 | have_symlink| YES |

 | init_connect| |

 | init_file   |  

Merging / Moving InnoDB Databases

2005-02-21 Thread James Green
Server A - Multiple InnoDB databases
Server B - Replication of Server A
Server C - Other InnoDB databases
I need to be able to move Server C's databases onto Server A and 
continue to replicate (with new databases) to Server B.

Can I:
1. Take down Server C, use ibbackup to back up the innodb data files and 
frm data
2. Taken down Servers A  B
3. Put on Servers A  B the data files from Server C, but under 
different InnoDB names (ibdata3 for example)
4. Start Servers A  B and watch all the databases fly happily?

Is this the correct procedure?
James Green

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Re: Approximately when is a beta with useable stored procedures

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 I have downloaded both 5.0.0 and latest 5.0.1 binary snapshot but I

You may use 5.0.2 - a lot of bugs were fixed during a half year development

period between the releases.

Bereczki Gabor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have downloaded both 5.0.0 and latest 5.0.1 binary snapshot but I

 found that the stored procedures are very unstable. E.g. when I fetch

 empty string into variables, the server crashes.

 It seems like 5.x development has been ongoing for more than a year.

 Can somebody give me a rough estimate about when a beta is available

 with useable stored procedures?

 If not what other options do I have for fast cursor processing?

 (I dont want to code in C.)


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Re: Memory table questions

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

You may use 'CREATE TABLE ... SELECT' statement:

  create table t3 type=heap select * from t2;

But be careful, as it doesn't create indexes automatically, unless you specify

them manually in your statement. See: 

You may put your statements into the file, and tell mysqld to read it at 

every startup with --init-file command line option. See:

We are building two copies of our commonly used tables.  When we have to

write something we write it Both tables:



When we read to run our script we only read from he MEMORY TABLE.

My question is how do I tell TABLE B to clone TABLE A after a reboot

automatically.  That is actually part of the table build itself right? what

does that SQL look like?


Donny Lairson


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Re: Problems with LOAD DATA INFILE

2005-02-21 Thread John Swartzentruber
On 2/21/2005 4:21 AM Heikki Tuuri wrote:
please print a detailed description of the latest foreign key error with
and post it here.
Best regards,
Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up 
MyISAM tables

Order MySQL Network from
Thank you! I won't bother to post the results because the command showed 
me the problem. The problem appears to be that the parser doesn't skip 
whitespace after separators as I assumed it did. The result is that my 
key was Administrator, but it was looking for  Administrator. 
Removing all whitespace allowed it to work correctly.

To me, this parsing is either a bug or a feature that should be 
documented in red letters. But it isn't a InnoDB issue.

Thanks again for your help by pointing out this very useful command.

- Original Message - From: John Swartzentruber 
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:54 PM
Subject: Problems with LOAD DATA INFILE

I am new to SQL and to MySQL, but am working with it on a project for a
graduate Database system course. I'm running MySQL 4.1.10 under Windows
2000. I am trying to load a table from a text file. The table in
question has a foreign key. The table that it references contains data.
The problem is that when I load the data using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE, I
get this error:
ERROR 1216 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
constraint fails
That seems clear enough except that the foreign key constraint should
*not* fail. I've verified that the value exists in the other table.
What is really strange is that when I tried inserting the data directly
using INSERT INTO, it works. In this particular case, I only need to
load a handful of records, so using INSERT INTO is an option, but I
would really like to figure out what isn't working.
Here is my table definition:
create table Subscriber (
  UserIDint auto_increment,
  Name  varchar(50) not null,
  Password  varchar(8) not null,
  EmailAddress  varchar(50),
  primary key (UserId),
  foreign key (SGroupName) references AccessGroup(GroupName) on update
Here is how I am attempting to load it:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'c:/Documents and Settings/john/My Documents/Grad
  INTO TABLE Subscriber
  (Name, Password, EmailAddress, SGroupName);
Here are the first two lines of my data file:
Name, Password, EmailAddress, SGroupName
John Swartzentruber, 8490JTTT, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Administrator
And here is what *does* work:
 insert into Subscriber
 (Name, Password, EmailAddress, SGroupName)
  values (John Swartzentruber, 8490JTTT, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Can anyone see what my problem is? I really appreciate any assistance
you can provide. I hope this is the appropriate group for newbie 

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Help with a query please

2005-02-21 Thread shaun thornburgh
I am having trouble with the following query:
FROM Users U, Allocations A
WHERE (U.User_ID = A.User_ID OR U.User_ID = 101)
AND A.Project_ID = '12'
AND ( U.User_Type = 'Staff'
OR U.User_Type = 'Manager'
OR U.User_Type = 'Administrator' )
ORDER BY User_Firstname;
The query is meant to return all the users in the allocations table plus 
user 101, however the query returns 15 instances of the 101 user along with 
all the users in the allocations table...

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

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re: can 5.0.2 be built for Solaris 8

2005-02-21 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1
I have tried to compile mysql, and got some linking errors. Any chance a
binary for Solaris 8 can be made available?
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Re: Help with a query please

2005-02-21 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 
From: shaun thornburgh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 7:28 AM
Subject: Help with a query please


 I am having trouble with the following query:

 FROM Users U, Allocations A
 WHERE (U.User_ID = A.User_ID OR U.User_ID = 101)
 AND A.Project_ID = '12'
 AND ( U.User_Type = 'Staff'
 OR U.User_Type = 'Manager'
 OR U.User_Type = 'Administrator' )
 ORDER BY User_Firstname;

 The query is meant to return all the users in the allocations table plus
 user 101, however the query returns 15 instances of the 101 user along
 all the users in the allocations table...

What's the problem then? It seems to be doing exactly what you want to do.
Can you clarify how the actual result differs from the expected result? So
far, they sound the same


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Re: Help with a query please

2005-02-21 Thread shaun thornburgh

To: shaun thornburgh 
Subject: Re: Help with a query please
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 08:22:29 -0500

- Original Message -
From: shaun thornburgh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 7:28 AM
Subject: Help with a query please

 I am having trouble with the following query:

 FROM Users U, Allocations A
 WHERE (U.User_ID = A.User_ID OR U.User_ID = 101)
 AND A.Project_ID = '12'
 AND ( U.User_Type = 'Staff'
 OR U.User_Type = 'Manager'
 OR U.User_Type = 'Administrator' )
 ORDER BY User_Firstname;

 The query is meant to return all the users in the allocations table plus
 user 101, however the query returns 15 instances of the 101 user along
 all the users in the allocations table...

What's the problem then? It seems to be doing exactly what you want to do.
Can you clarify how the actual result differs from the expected result? So
far, they sound the same

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Hi Rhino,
Thanks for your reply, I would like the query to retun one instance of user 
101 rather than 15!

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Re: Help with a query please

2005-02-21 Thread mel list_php
what about your query returning all the users UNION your query returning 
user 101?

FROM Users U, Allocations A
WHERE (U.User_ID = A.User_ID)
AND A.Project_ID = '12'
AND ( U.User_Type = 'Staff'
OR U.User_Type = 'Manager'
OR U.User_Type = 'Administrator' )
ORDER BY User_Firstname
FROM Users U
WHERE (U.User_ID = 101)
not sure to understand what you want to do with the join if you anyway want 
to retrieve user 101 and select only the parameters from the first table

From: shaun thornburgh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Help with a query please
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 13:24:55 +

To: shaun thornburgh 
Subject: Re: Help with a query please
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 08:22:29 -0500

- Original Message -
From: shaun thornburgh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 7:28 AM
Subject: Help with a query please

 I am having trouble with the following query:

 FROM Users U, Allocations A
 WHERE (U.User_ID = A.User_ID OR U.User_ID = 101)
 AND A.Project_ID = '12'
 AND ( U.User_Type = 'Staff'
 OR U.User_Type = 'Manager'
 OR U.User_Type = 'Administrator' )
 ORDER BY User_Firstname;

 The query is meant to return all the users in the allocations table 
 user 101, however the query returns 15 instances of the 101 user along
 all the users in the allocations table...

What's the problem then? It seems to be doing exactly what you want to do.
Can you clarify how the actual result differs from the expected result? So
far, they sound the same


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Hi Rhino,
Thanks for your reply, I would like the query to retun one instance of user 
101 rather than 15!

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Re: Help with a query please

2005-02-21 Thread Andreas Ahlenstorf
shaun thornburgh schrieb:

 Thanks for your reply, I would like the query to retun one
 instance of user 101 rather than 15!



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How to make so I only need to specify the id once..

2005-02-21 Thread Joppe A

I have a small problem that is probably easy to fix but it is to advanced for 
me as a newbe. In my sql-query (below) have I the ID specified twice, I 
wonder if there is a easy way to solve it so I only need to write my ID once in 
the query?

subs_erased WHERE id=1);

Thanks in advance!
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Re: how to write this query?

2005-02-21 Thread Jerry Swanson
It's not precisely correct. 

When time difference is less than 7, the time is calcualted wrong 

end_time 2005-01-10 17:53:33 
end_time  2005-01-04 16:44:57

Result: days 6
Result: bussiness_days 6

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 09:50:06 -0500, Mike Rains [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 14:01:05 +, Jerry Swanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have two dates (start_date, end_date). Datediff() function returns
  difference in days.
  I need the difference but not including Satuday and Sunday.
  Any ideas?
 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\binmysql -utest -ptest test
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 43 to server version: 4.1.8-nt
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql CREATE TABLE `DateDiffs` (
 -  start_date DATETIME,
 -  end_date DATETIME
 - );
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)
 mysql INSERT INTO DateDiffs
 - (start_date, end_date)
 - ('2005-02-14 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-02-07 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-02-04 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-01-31 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-01-28 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-01-28 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-01-24 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-01-21 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00'),
 - ('2005-01-17 00:00:00', '2005-02-18 00:00:00');
 Query OK, 9 rows affected (0.06 sec)
 Records: 9  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
 mysql SELECT
 -datediff(end_date, start_date)
 -AS dd1,
 -datediff(end_date, start_date) -
 floor(datediff(end_date, start_date) / 7) * 2
 -AS dd2
 - FROM DateDiffs
 - ORDER BY start_date;
 | start_date  | end_date| dd1  | dd2  |
 | 2005-01-17 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   32 |   24 |
 | 2005-01-21 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   28 |   20 |
 | 2005-01-24 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   25 |   19 |
 | 2005-01-28 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   21 |   15 |
 | 2005-01-28 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   21 |   15 |
 | 2005-01-31 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   18 |   14 |
 | 2005-02-04 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   14 |   10 |
 | 2005-02-07 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |   11 |9 |
 | 2005-02-14 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |4 |4 |
 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql DROP TABLE DateDiffs;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec)
 mysql exit
 The column dd1 contains the unaltered DATEDIFF() which includes the
 Saturdays and Sundays, while the dd2 column contains the number of
 business days omitting the weekend days.

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Re: How to make so I only need to specify the id once..

2005-02-21 Thread Johan Höök
why not try:
FROM subs s
INNER JOIN subs_erased se ON s.Id=se.Id
WHERE s.Id=1;
Joppe A wrote:
I have a small problem that is probably easy to fix but it is to advanced for me as a 
newbe. In my sql-query (below) have I the ID specified twice, I wonder if 
there is a easy way to solve it so I only need to write my ID once in the query?
subs_erased WHERE id=1);
Thanks in advance!

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Re: How to make so I only need to specify the id once..

2005-02-21 Thread Martijn Tonies

 why not try:
 FROM subs s
 INNER JOIN subs_erased se ON s.Id=se.Id
 WHERE s.Id=1;


This won't return the same result if there's no entries
in subs_erased for the ID = 1.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

 Joppe A wrote:
  I have a small problem that is probably easy to fix but it is to
advanced for me as a newbe. In my sql-query (below) have I the ID
specified twice, I wonder if there is a easy way to solve it so I only need
to write my ID once in the query?
subs_erased WHERE id=1);
  Thanks in advance!

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2005-02-21 Thread HMax
So this means we cannot combine both FULLTEXT and classical indexes if
we want to use a LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE, and that we won't ever be able
to ?

How about being able to specify the indexes we want to load into the
cache. It's supposed to work this way (but it is told in the doc it
doesn't yet). This would solve the problem I believe, if we specify
what index we want in cache.

What I don't undestand is that when not cached using LOAD INDEX INTO
CACHE, FULLTEXT indexes can be into cache, the ones on VARCHAR too,
and this does not see to cause any trouble. But using LOAD INDEX, it
doesn't work. Is there really no workaround ? We have for about 1.5Go
of fulltext indexes and if they were in cache, this would speed up
things so much !

Thx for your advices

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 18:01:29 +0200, Gleb Paharenko
 Sergei Golubchik said that we can't change the value of the blocksize
 of a key (it is chosen in mi_create.c) and there is no workaround
 with this LOAD INDEX problem.
  Hello there.
  OK I'll paste the results of commands you asked right after my reply,
  because we found out where the problem comes from.
  The myisamchk command showed that the index on the VarChar has a block
  size of 2048 instead of 1024. However, when I turn this index to a
  FULLTEXT one, the block size is back to 1024, and the LOAD INDEX INTO
  CACHE works.
  Now this is a problem because our huge table needs both our FULLTEXT
  indexes and some on VARCHAR fields too. At least we know where it
  comes from. Now, is there a fast solution ? We were waiting for this
  bug correction to study a release date for our application :/
  Thank you, and here is the results :
  CREATE TABLE `tbltest` (
   `testid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `testvalue` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   PRIMARY KEY  (`testid`),
   KEY `BOB` (`testvalue`)
  | Variable_name   | Value   |
  | back_log| 50  |
  | basedir | D:\mysql\4.1\   |
  | binlog_cache_size   | 32768   |
  | bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608 |
  | character_set_client| utf8|
  | character_set_connection| utf8|
  | character_set_database  | utf8|
  | character_set_results   | utf8|
  | character_set_server| utf8|
  | character_set_system| utf8|
  | character_sets_dir  | D:\mysql\4.1\share\charsets/|
  | collation_connection| utf8_general_ci |
  | collation_database  | utf8_general_ci |
  | collation_server| utf8_general_ci |
  | concurrent_insert   | ON  |
  | connect_timeout | 5   |
  | datadir | D:\mysql\4.1\Data\  |
  | date_format | %Y-%m-%d|
  | datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s   |
  | default_week_format | 0   |
  | delay_key_write | ON  |
  | delayed_insert_limit| 100 |
  | delayed_insert_timeout  | 300 |
  | delayed_queue_size  | 1000|
  | expire_logs_days| 0   |
  | flush   | OFF |
  | flush_time  | 1800|
  | ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|  |
  | ft_max_word_len | 84  |
  | ft_min_word_len | 4   |
  | ft_query_expansion_limit| 20  |
  | ft_stopword_file| (built-in)  |
  | group_concat_max_len| 1024|
  | have_archive| NO  |
  | have_bdb| NO  |
  | have_compress   | YES |

Re: Problem with SUM and DECIMAL field

2005-02-21 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

LAFONTAINE Julien - LYO wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I've recentely upgarded my servers from MySQL 3.23.49 to MySQL 4.1.9.
 Now I have a problem when using the SUM operator on DECIMAL field.
 The value returned by the SUM operator when used with DECIMAL field has a
 coma (,) as decimal separator while it used to be have a dot (.) . If I
 query my table to display the DECIMAL fields (SELECT * FROM ...)  I get a
 dot as decimal separator as expected.
 This doesn't look like a big issue but it prevents Connector/J from
 retieving the data properly. Connector/J can't parse the value of the field
 as it's expecting a dot as decimal separator.
 Here is the stack trace :
 java.sql.SQLException: Bad format for BigDecimal '12660,95' in column 1( .
 () . SUM(AMFTPF)()).
 at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet.getBigDecimal(
 I'm using Connector/J 3.0.16.
 One last thing : this seems to happen only on AIX. I have tried on Linux and
 Windows XP and everything works as expected.
 Is there something wrong with some of my database parameters or is this a
 bug ?
 Please let me know if someone is interested by a testcase.


Connector/J uses the locale of the _client_ computer to parse numbers.
It seems your AIX box and your MySQL compile are 'sensitive' to the
locale, and thus returning numbers formatted different than your client
expects them.

If you use the 'mysql' client, does it show decimal numbers with comma
separators as well?

Since MySQL doesn't actually have configurable locale, and doesn't
expose this information in any status variable, you will have to set
your client to the same locale as your server to get these numbers to
parse, see:



- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Client Connectivity

MySQL User Conference (Santa Clara CA, 18-21 April 2005)
Early registration until February 28:
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help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread J S
I need a bit of help with a mySQL query. I have a list of users in a text 
file called 'users':

and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in the 
last 3 months.

In my database, there is a table for the users:
mysql desc user_table;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
| uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:
mysql desc t20041209;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
| cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I would 
be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table name if the 
user's uid was present in there).

Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?
Many thanks. Please let me know if you need anymore information.

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Re: how to write this query?

2005-02-21 Thread Mike Rains
   DATEDIFF(end_date, start_date) -
   (WEEK(end_date) - WEEK(start_date)) * 2
   AS business_days
FROM DateDiffs
ORDER BY start_date;

| start_date  | end_date| business_days |
| 2005-01-04 16:44:57 | 2005-01-10 17:53:33 | 4 |
| 2005-01-17 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |24 |
| 2005-01-21 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |20 |
| 2005-01-24 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |19 |
| 2005-01-28 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |15 |
| 2005-01-31 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |14 |
| 2005-02-04 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |10 |
| 2005-02-07 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 | 9 |
| 2005-02-14 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 | 4 |

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Re: How to make so I only need to specify the id once..

2005-02-21 Thread Johan Höök
Hi Martijn,
yes of course you're right but
  (SELECT COUNT(se.Id) FROM subs_erased se WHERE s.Id=se.Id)
FROM subs s
WHERE s.Id=1
might work, at least in 4.1.x. I did test it with 4.1.9.
Martijn Tonies wrote:

why not try:
FROM subs s
INNER JOIN subs_erased se ON s.Id=se.Id
WHERE s.Id=1;

This won't return the same result if there's no entries
in subs_erased for the ID = 1.
With regards,
Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

Joppe A wrote:
I have a small problem that is probably easy to fix but it is to
advanced for me as a newbe. In my sql-query (below) have I the ID
specified twice, I wonder if there is a easy way to solve it so I only need
to write my ID once in the query?
subs_erased WHERE id=1);
Thanks in advance!

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Postcode Proximity Search?

2005-02-21 Thread Peter O'Brien
Hi I'm just starting out with PHP and MySQL
My database has a postcode column and I want to be able to run a search 
(using a part of full postcode) to return results in order of proximity 
within a given range.

If anyone could point to a decent tutorial / resource, or give me any 
advice or hints I would greatly appreciate it.

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Re: help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread J S

J S wrote:
| Hi,
| I need a bit of help with a mySQL query. I have a list of users in a
| text file called 'users':
| u655354
| u687994
| u696974
| u728141
| ..
| ..
| and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in
| the last 3 months.
| In my database, there is a table for the users:
| mysql desc user_table;
| +---+--+--+-+-++
| | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| +---+--+--+-+-++
| | ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
| | uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
| +---+--+--+-+-++
| 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:
| mysql desc t20041209;
| +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| | ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
| | cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I
| would be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table
| name if the user's uid was present in there).
| Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?
| Many thanks. Please let me know if you need anymore information.
Select u.uid, max(l.time) as lastLog
~   From user_table u join t20041209 l on u.uid = l.uid
~   Group by uid;
Thanks Mike. I need to run this query over 3 months though. Is there a quick 
way to write:

t20041101 union t20041102 union t20041103 union ... t20050125 union 


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2005-02-21 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Feb 21, HMax wrote:
 So this means we cannot combine both FULLTEXT and classical indexes if
 we want to use a LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE, and that we won't ever be able
 to ?

No. FULLTEXT indexes now have small block size (1024) so they should
load ok. Only long varchar indexes will be a problem (but not
'ever', see below :)

 How about being able to specify the indexes we want to load into the
 cache. It's supposed to work this way (but it is told in the doc it
 doesn't yet). This would solve the problem I believe, if we specify
 what index we want in cache.

Right, it's in the TODO.
Here's the problem: LOAD INDEX reads the complete MYI file
sequentially, block after a block, and loads them in cache.
If blocks would have different sizes it would be not possible, because
block header does not store block size.

Loading only a selected index does not work either, because block
header does not store what index it belongs to.

The only solution would be to traverse the index tree from the root -
but it'd be slow, because it implies random reads from the index file

Instead, we plan to store index number in every block, but it means
incompatible change in MYI file format, so it's not for 4.1 (and not
even for 5.0 which is almost frozen now).

 What I don't undestand is that when not cached using LOAD INDEX INTO
 CACHE, FULLTEXT indexes can be into cache, the ones on VARCHAR too,
 and this does not see to cause any trouble.

See above, regular btree traversal is not a problem. Sequential MYI file
access is.

 But using LOAD INDEX, it doesn't work. Is there really no workaround ?
 We have for about 1.5Go of fulltext indexes and if they were in cache,
 this would speed up things so much !

It's fixed in 4.1.8.


   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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how to make question that check...

2005-02-21 Thread Joppe A
The following statement helped Roger Backlund me with a few days ago, It works 
great but now I need to make it more advance and I don#t get any where to find 
the right solution..

where date_format(
date_sub(now(), interval 1 day),
'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') = created;

the db-table (table name is SUBSCRIBER) have the following columns as follows:

ID  email created   updated
001 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  20050215131034   20050215133401
063 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  20050215141034   20050215141201
076  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  20050215134500   20050215134556

The other table is called SUBSCRIPTIONS and look like following

ID  sys_id  
001 1
063 2
076 3   

The data type of the columns are:
email   =VARCHAR(255)
created =VARCHAR(14)
updated =VARCHAR(14)

sys_id  =VARCHAR(14)

What I want to do is to be able to check the last hours  new rows for  a 
specific sys_id ,  (not list) only to get out how many rows that have been 

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2005-02-21 Thread HMax
Thank you for your answer Sergei,

It's all clear now, and I'm glad to know where the problem comes from.

Now if I understand correctly, my only solution is to manage to create
indexes in my tables that ALL have the same block size (1024). This
would mean reducing the size of the indexes on my Varchar fields,
which I think I can. What is the max characters I should use when
indexing my Varchar so that block size are 1024 ? (if possible of
course). I have no idea how to calculate this. And is there absolutly
no way to force 1024 block size even for varchar ?

Thx again for your enlightment

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 17:41:40 +0100, Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 21, HMax wrote:
  So this means we cannot combine both FULLTEXT and classical indexes if
  we want to use a LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE, and that we won't ever be able
  to ?
 No. FULLTEXT indexes now have small block size (1024) so they should
 load ok. Only long varchar indexes will be a problem (but not
 'ever', see below :)
  How about being able to specify the indexes we want to load into the
  cache. It's supposed to work this way (but it is told in the doc it
  doesn't yet). This would solve the problem I believe, if we specify
  what index we want in cache.
 Right, it's in the TODO.
 Here's the problem: LOAD INDEX reads the complete MYI file
 sequentially, block after a block, and loads them in cache.
 If blocks would have different sizes it would be not possible, because
 block header does not store block size.
 Loading only a selected index does not work either, because block
 header does not store what index it belongs to.
 The only solution would be to traverse the index tree from the root -
 but it'd be slow, because it implies random reads from the index file
 Instead, we plan to store index number in every block, but it means
 incompatible change in MYI file format, so it's not for 4.1 (and not
 even for 5.0 which is almost frozen now).
  What I don't undestand is that when not cached using LOAD INDEX INTO
  CACHE, FULLTEXT indexes can be into cache, the ones on VARCHAR too,
  and this does not see to cause any trouble.
 See above, regular btree traversal is not a problem. Sequential MYI file
 access is.
  But using LOAD INDEX, it doesn't work. Is there really no workaround ?
  We have for about 1.5Go of fulltext indexes and if they were in cache,
  this would speed up things so much !
 It's fixed in 4.1.8.
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany


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Re: help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread Michael Satterwhite
Hash: SHA1
J S wrote:
| J S wrote:
| | Hi,
| |
| | I need a bit of help with a mySQL query. I have a list of users in a
| | text file called 'users':
| |
| | u655354
| | u687994
| | u696974
| | u728141
| | ..
| | ..
| |
| | and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in
| | the last 3 months.
| |
| | In my database, there is a table for the users:
| |
| | mysql desc user_table;
| | +---+--+--+-+-++
| | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| | +---+--+--+-+-++
| | | ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
| | | uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
| | +---+--+--+-+-++
| | 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| |
| | and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:
| |
| | mysql desc t20041209;
| | +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| | +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | | uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| | | ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
| | | cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | | action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | | virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | | useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| |
| | The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I
| | would be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table
| | name if the user's uid was present in there).
| |
| | Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?
| |
| | Many thanks. Please let me know if you need anymore information.
| Select u.uid, max(l.time) as lastLog
| ~   From user_table u join t20041209 l on u.uid = l.uid
| ~   Group by uid;
| Thanks Mike. I need to run this query over 3 months though. Is there a
| quick way to write:
| t20041101 union t20041102 union t20041103 union ... t20050125 union
| t20050126
Not that I know of. Why are you using a different table per day - as
opposed to a single log table with a field containing the day? I'm sure
there's a reason for the current structure, but having a logday field in
a single log table would make this kind of query much easier. A simple
BETWEEN clause would suffice if it was in a single table.
As it is, all I can suggest is to JOIN on all 90 tables - and hope MySQL
can handle the query - and that you can type all of them without error.
Note that if you use a UNION query as you suggest above, you will get
the last login FOR EACH DAY - not the overall last loging.
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Re: can 5.0.2 be built for Solaris 8

2005-02-21 Thread Alex S Moore
James Black wrote:
Hash: SHA1
I have tried to compile mysql, and got some linking errors. Any chance a
binary for Solaris 8 can be made available?
I cannot answer your question, but I am currently building 5.0.2 on 
Solaris 8 sparc and the build works.  It does require some dependencies 
to be installed from

I build sparcv8, sparcv8plus+vis and sparcv9 daemon and shared 
libraries.  The sparcv8 portion has finished.  Then, I need to finish 
sparcv8plus+vis and sparcv9 and package it and run it through the test 

If you are interested, just say so, but note that it is not a supported package.  Our official released package is 4.1.9, with 
4.1.10 due this week.

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unable to start mysql

2005-02-21 Thread ayion
dear sir
good wishes.
in my previous mail i explained mine mysql regarding problem.
here is my mysqlbug file.
i hope i will help you to solve my mysql regarding problem.
 help me to run mysql.

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GPL license issue

2005-02-21 Thread Dan Meany
It appears that the requirement #2 on the MySQL
license page
is not consistent with the GPL, which does not impose
restrictions on non-linked programs.  However use of
the MySQL client JDBC or ODBC driver would appear to
require either GPL'ing your code or your customers
buying the commercial license, so in essence it is the
same.  Comments?  Would use of a JDBC type-3
intermediate server be restricted as well, if only the
intermediate server was GPL'ed?

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RE: how to write this query?

2005-02-21 Thread Gordon
This works if you don't care about holidays. 
If you do the only solution that I have seen that works is to create a
business day table. Ours is shown below. You have to hand construct the
calendar by removing weekends and holidays for the specific entity. This
calendar forces a non business day DATE to the next business day. Date
arithmetic then becomes simple including FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH in the US
where many holidays fall on Monday.

clnd_Day is the relative business day since 2000-01-01 
clnd_Week is the relative business week since 2000-01-01 

mysql show create table calendar;
| Table| Create Table

| calendar | CREATE TABLE `calendar` (
  `clnd_Day` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `clnd_Date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `clnd_Week_Day_Txt` char(9) default NULL,
  `clnd_Week_Day_Num` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL,
  `clnd_Char_Date` char(12) default NULL,
  `clnd_Week` smallint(8) unsigned default NULL,
  `clnd_Real_Date` char(10) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`clnd_Date`),
  UNIQUE KEY `clnd_Real_Date_IDX` (`clnd_Real_Date`),
  KEY `clnd_Day_IDX` (`clnd_Day`),
  KEY `clnd_Char_Date` (`clnd_Char_Date`)
) TYPE=InnoDB |

mysql select * from calendar limit 10;
| clnd_Day | clnd_Date  | clnd_Week_Day_Txt | clnd_Week_Day_Num |
clnd_Char_Date | clnd_Week | clnd_Real_Date |
|1 | 2000-01-01 | Monday| 2 | 01/03/2000
| 1 | 01/01/2000 |
|1 | 2000-01-02 | Monday| 2 | 01/03/2000
| 1 | 01/02/2000 |
|1 | 2000-01-03 | Monday| 2 | 01/03/2000
| 1 | 01/03/2000 |
|2 | 2000-01-04 | Tuesday   | 3 | 01/04/2000
| 1 | 01/04/2000 |
|3 | 2000-01-05 | Wednesday | 4 | 01/05/2000
| 1 | 01/05/2000 |
|4 | 2000-01-06 | Thursday  | 5 | 01/06/2000
| 1 | 01/06/2000 |
|5 | 2000-01-07 | Friday| 6 | 01/07/2000
| 1 | 01/07/2000 |
|6 | 2000-01-08 | Monday| 2 | 01/10/2000
| 2 | 01/08/2000 |
|6 | 2000-01-09 | Monday| 2 | 01/10/2000
| 2 | 01/09/2000 |
|6 | 2000-01-10 | Monday| 2 | 01/10/2000
| 2 | 01/10/2000 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: Mike Rains [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: how to write this query?

   DATEDIFF(end_date, start_date) -
   (WEEK(end_date) - WEEK(start_date)) * 2
   AS business_days
FROM DateDiffs
ORDER BY start_date;

| start_date  | end_date| business_days |
| 2005-01-04 16:44:57 | 2005-01-10 17:53:33 | 4 |
| 2005-01-17 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |24 |
| 2005-01-21 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |20 |
| 2005-01-24 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |19 |
| 2005-01-28 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |15 |
| 2005-01-31 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |14 |
| 2005-02-04 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 |10 |
| 2005-02-07 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 | 9 |
| 2005-02-14 00:00:00 | 2005-02-18 00:00:00 | 4 |

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Re: select where multiple joined records match

2005-02-21 Thread Michael Stassen
AM Thomas wrote:
Hi there,
I'll answer your questions below, but I should tell you that it looks 
like  even three or four joins seem to make this too slow.  
Theoretically, the  user could select up to 15 or so GoalNumber values, 
12 for Grade, and  about 20 possibilities for Subject - clearly it 
wouldn't be useful to  specify that many items in a search, but that's 
the theoretical maximum; 4  or 5 values isn't unreasonable, though.

Four ANDed goal numbers plus a subject and a grade slowed the search 
(on  the shared commercial web host I'm using) into the 3 minute range, 
and  that's with a regular join, not a left join.  This is the SELECT 
that took  about 3 minutes (3 trials, simplifying slightly each time, 
simplest given  here):
You've removed necessary conditions on the JOINs, so you are getting lots of 
extra rows.  Furthermore, the logic isn't right, so I think this query will, 
in all likelihood, retrieve incorrect rows.  I'll explain.  For a given 
resource id,

select from resources as r
  join resource_goals as g0 on (
(adding the WHERE clause below), this retrieves every row in copy 0 with the 
right subject and grade, *regardless of goal*

  join resource_goals as g1 on ( and g1.GoalNumber=1)
and pairs it with every row in copy 1 with GoalNumber=1, *regardless of 
Subject or Grade*

  join resource_goals as g2 on ( and g2.GoalNumber=2)
and pairs it with every row in copy 2 with GoalNumber=2, *regardless of 
Subject or Grade*

  join resource_goals as g3 on ( and g3.GoalNumber=3)
and pairs it with every row in copy 3 with GoalNumber=3, *regardless of 
Subject or Grade*

  join resource_goals as g4 on ( and g4.GoalNumber=4)
and pairs it with every row in copy 4 with GoalNumber=4, *regardless of 
Subject or Grade*

where ((g0.Subject='Social_Studies')
  and (g0.Grade='4th'))
group by;
and finally, we pick one of those many rows to display (the effect of the 

Do you see why that is both more than and different from what you want? 
Consider a resource with the following rows in resource_goals:

| ResourceID | Grade | Subject| GoalNumber | NumericGrade |
| 14 | 4th   | Social_Studies |  7 |4 |
| 14 | 1st   | English|  1 |1 |
| 14 | 2nd   | English|  2 |2 |
| 14 | 3rd   | English|  3 |3 |
| 14 | 5th   | History|  4 |5 |
ResourceID 14 would be returned by your query, but isn't what you want.  I'd 
guess you haven't come across a case like this because you have few, if any, 
cross-subject resources, but I assume they are a possibility, since you have 
Subject part of the resource_goals table, rather than part of the resources 

The fastest time was 2 min 48 sec.
Last time (simplest query) was 3 min 2 sec.
If we join each row in resources to a single row in each copy of 
resource_goals using an index, this should be reasonably fast, but I expect 
you are getting multiple matching rows in each copy, as it stands now.  The 
total resulting rows per id is the product of the matches in each copy.  If 
just 3 rows match your current conditions per copy, that would be 3^5 = 243 
rows per resource id, where we expect only 1!  In other words, I expect some 
of the slow down is due to the overhead of retrieving many times the number 
of desired rows.  The rest is probably lack of a suitable index.

As I understand it, you are looking for a resource for 4th grade Social 
Studies which meets goals 1 through 4.  In terms of your tables, that 
corresponds to having 4 rows in resources_goals, *all* of which have 
grade=4th and Subject='Social_Studies'.  That is, we need to look in *4* 
copies of resources_goals (not 5).  For a given resource id, we want exactly 
one row from each copy, namely, the row with the correct resource id, 
correct subject, correct grade, and desired goal number.  I think this 
should do:

  FROM resources as r
  JOIN resource_goals as g1
ON = g1.ResourceID
AND g1.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
AND g1.Grade = '4th'
AND g1.GoalNumber = 1
  JOIN resource_goals as g2
ON = g2.ResourceID
AND g2.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
AND g2.Grade = '4th'
AND g2.GoalNumber = 2
  JOIN resource_goals as g3
ON = g3.ResourceID
AND g3.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
AND g3.Grade = '4th'
AND g3.GoalNumber = 3
  JOIN resource_goals as g4
ON = g4.ResourceID
AND g4.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
AND g4.Grade = '4th'
AND g4.GoalNumber = 4;
That should return 1 row per resource, so long as there are no duplicates 
rows in 

[ERROR] Got error 127 when reading table

2005-02-21 Thread Dan Tappin
I had a previously stable 4.1.8-standard MYSQL install on OS X 10.3.x 
Server using the binaries supplied by MySQL.

Recently I have had multiple corruption issues with a database on 
multiple tables.  I keep getting [ERROR] Got error 127 when reading 
table when trying to write to an effected table.  I went so far as to 
delete entire tables and recreate them.  I could reproduce the error 
from my default PHP and CLI attempts to write to the tables.

The only thing that I recently changed on the server was the location 
of the data directory.

The Mac OS X install / upgrade places the data in 
'/usr/local/mysql/data' where mysql is a symbolic link to the most 
recent version installed in /usr/local/.

I got tired of manually moving the data directory each time I upgraded 
so I created a /etc/my.cnf file and specified the new data dir location 
in /var/mysql/data/.  I moved the old data for the last time checked 
the permissions and ownership and restarted mysql.

When I created the new my.cnf file I used the my-medium.cnf default 
example as detailed below:

port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
datadir = /var/mysql/data/
key_buffer = 16M
max_allowed_packet = 1M
table_cache = 64
sort_buffer_size = 512K
net_buffer_length = 8K
read_buffer_size = 256K
read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
key_buffer = 20M
sort_buffer_size = 20M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M
key_buffer = 20M
sort_buffer_size = 20M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M
I have changed my my.cnf file to simply:
datadir = /var/mysql/data/
to see is one of these new parameters caused the problem
Because I had no my.cnf I suspect that this is the problem.  I tried 
some Google and list searches with no meaningful results.

Any tips / pointers / suggestions would be great.
Dan T
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2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 doesn't work. Is there really no workaround ? We have for about 1.5Go

MySQL will store used blocks in memory and minimize a disk I/O,

if your key_buffer_size variable has a sutable value and you 

have enough RAM. You may use CACHE INDEX to assign a separate 

cache for your table and get more performance.


 So this means we cannot combine both FULLTEXT and classical indexes if

 we want to use a LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE, and that we won't ever be able

 to ?


 How about being able to specify the indexes we want to load into the

 cache. It's supposed to work this way (but it is told in the doc it

 doesn't yet). This would solve the problem I believe, if we specify

 what index we want in cache.


 What I don't undestand is that when not cached using LOAD INDEX INTO

 CACHE, FULLTEXT indexes can be into cache, the ones on VARCHAR too,

 and this does not see to cause any trouble. But using LOAD INDEX, it

 doesn't work. Is there really no workaround ? We have for about 1.5Go

 of fulltext indexes and if they were in cache, this would speed up

 things so much !


 Thx for your advices




 On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 18:01:29 +0200, Gleb Paharenko




 Sergei Golubchik said that we can't change the value of the blocksize


 of a key (it is chosen in mi_create.c) and there is no workaround


 with this LOAD INDEX problem.





  Hello there.




  OK I'll paste the results of commands you asked right after my reply,


  because we found out where the problem comes from.


  The myisamchk command showed that the index on the VarChar has a block


  size of 2048 instead of 1024. However, when I turn this index to a


  FULLTEXT one, the block size is back to 1024, and the LOAD INDEX INTO


  CACHE works.




  Now this is a problem because our huge table needs both our FULLTEXT


  indexes and some on VARCHAR fields too. At least we know where it


  comes from. Now, is there a fast solution ? We were waiting for this


  bug correction to study a release date for our application :/




  Thank you, and here is the results :














  CREATE TABLE `tbltest` (


   `testid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,


   `testvalue` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',


   PRIMARY KEY  (`testid`),


   KEY `BOB` (`testvalue`)














  | Variable_name   | Value   |




  | back_log| 50  |


  | basedir | D:\mysql\4.1\   |


  | binlog_cache_size   | 32768   |


  | bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608 |


  | character_set_client| utf8|


  | character_set_connection| utf8|


  | character_set_database  | utf8|


  | character_set_results   | utf8|


  | character_set_server| utf8|


  | character_set_system| utf8|


  | character_sets_dir  | D:\mysql\4.1\share\charsets/|


  | collation_connection| utf8_general_ci |


  | collation_database  | utf8_general_ci |


  | collation_server| utf8_general_ci |


  | concurrent_insert   | ON  |


  | connect_timeout | 5   |


  | datadir | D:\mysql\4.1\Data\  |


  | date_format | %Y-%m-%d|


  | datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s   |


  | default_week_format | 0   |


  | delay_key_write | ON  |


  | delayed_insert_limit| 100 |


  | delayed_insert_timeout  | 300 |


  | delayed_queue_size  | 1000|


  | expire_logs_days| 0   |


  | flush   | OFF |


  | flush_time  | 1800|


  | ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|  |


  | ft_max_word_len | 84

re: can 5.0.2 be built for Solaris 8

2005-02-21 Thread Joerg Bruehe
Hi James!

Am Mo, den 21.02.2005 schrieb James Black um 14:20:
 Hash: SHA1
 I have tried to compile mysql, and got some linking errors. Any chance a
 binary for Solaris 8 can be made available?

Solaris 8 is a supported platform, and we (try to) generate binaries for
it. However, with 5.0.2 (which is still an alpha release!) we must
have had some problems on it, or else we would have published it. Then,
work on other releases was more important.

As we are currently working on 5.0.3-alpha (which is also being built on
Solaris 8, and has significant improvements), we will not go back to
If compiling from source does not work for you, please wait for 5.0.3
(and then tell us your experiences with it).

Joerg Bruehe

Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

Are you MySQL certified?

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access to mysql in linux

2005-02-21 Thread Sebastian Luque
Dear List members,

Having relatively recently moved to GNU/Debian Linux from Windows, I'd
like to move my MS Access databases to MySQL. I'm using the latest
unstable MySQL version and am all setup with user, passwords, and
privileges, so can create and modify databases in MySQL. Searching for
tools to migrate my MS Access databases, I've come across mdbtools, with
which I can see and export the tables to csv, but the process of getting
them into MySQL is tedious and cumbersome. The script mdb-schema in
mdbtools can export the tables to other DBMS formats, excluding MySQL

Can somebody please suggest other, more convenient, tools (free
preferably) to make this transition?

Best wishes,
Sebastian Luque

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2005-02-21 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Feb 21, HMax wrote:
 Thank you for your answer Sergei,
 It's all clear now, and I'm glad to know where the problem comes from.
 Now if I understand correctly, my only solution is to manage to create
 indexes in my tables that ALL have the same block size (1024). This
 would mean reducing the size of the indexes on my Varchar fields,
 which I think I can. What is the max characters I should use when
 indexing my Varchar so that block size are 1024 ? (if possible of
 course). I have no idea how to calculate this.

You'd better try with trial-and-error.
myisamchk -dvv shows block size. It's enough to create an empty table
and run myisamchk -dvv on it.

The formula is in mi_create.c but I would spend more time unrolling all
the defines and deriving max varchar langth, that you would do with
trial-and-error :)

 And is there absolutly no way to force 1024 block size even for
 varchar ?

No, but you can make it 2048 for normal indexes.
Block length is a multiple of myisam_block_size, so if you set it to
2048, all indexes will use it. (of course it'll be suboptimal for
everything but the long varchar keys. And even if you have an index over
VARCHAR(255), actual values are usually shorter, right ?)

   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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Re: can 5.0.2 be built for Solaris 8

2005-02-21 Thread Fredrick Bartlett
When will the 5.0.3 binaries be available?
- Original Message - 
From: Joerg Bruehe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 11:45 AM
Subject: re: can 5.0.2 be built for Solaris 8

 Hi James!

 Am Mo, den 21.02.2005 schrieb James Black um 14:20:
  Hash: SHA1
  I have tried to compile mysql, and got some linking errors. Any chance a
  binary for Solaris 8 can be made available?

 Solaris 8 is a supported platform, and we (try to) generate binaries for
 it. However, with 5.0.2 (which is still an alpha release!) we must
 have had some problems on it, or else we would have published it. Then,
 work on other releases was more important.

 As we are currently working on 5.0.3-alpha (which is also being built on
 Solaris 8, and has significant improvements), we will not go back to
 If compiling from source does not work for you, please wait for 5.0.3
 (and then tell us your experiences with it).

 Joerg Bruehe

 Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

 Are you MySQL certified?

 MySQL General Mailing List
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 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Effect of VARCHAR length?

2005-02-21 Thread Yves Goergen
Hi list,

I've just been wondering if the length parameter of a VARCHAR column has
any effect on storage efficiency or space requirements. Afaik, VARCHAR
columns only store the amount of data actually written into them and
require no significantly more memory. So to be especially flexible with
a particular table column, could I just define it VARCHAR(255) and face
no further disadvantage of it?

Thanks for the info...

Yves Goergen LonelyPixel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unclassified NewsBoard Forum --
Free (GPL), easy to use and install, secure, innovative! (PHP+MySQL)

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Re: select where multiple joined records match

2005-02-21 Thread AM Thomas
Such bounty of comments!  Thank you, Michael Stassen.
I see how my logic was faulty, and that a more correct solution would  
indeed be faster.  Thanks for pointing that out and not making me feel  
like too much of an idiot :)   I'll try the revised solution.  I am  
clueful about join making more rows/record, but didn't realize that it  
would be *that* dramatic.

As for the NumericGrade field, I'm basically getting the text grade (e.g.  
8th) from someone's MS Access CSV export; I figured I'd leave it in place,  
and use the numeric grade for sorting.  I'd never run into speed issues  
before, so I was just trying to save myself coding time by sticking with  
what I had already.  I wouldn't need the special lookup tables for grade  
and subject; if I were to use numeric fields, I could just do a lookup in  
Perl.  Next time, when I try to do this better from the start, I probably  
will.  At the moment, though, I'm trying to avoid changing the Perl code  
as much as I can (it's much recycled from an earlier project).

Will look into indexing - that's probably covered in my old O'Reilly  
MySQL/mSQL book.

I am curious about how much faster numeric field comparisons would be to  
string field comparisons for the Grade field; Would it make enough of a  
difference to this problem for me to go mucking with this Perl code?  This  
is a CGI Web app, so it's not lightning fast anyway, but then there are a  
lot of comparisons going on.  Currently it looks like it will have about  
300 resource records and about six thousand resource_goal records; I  
should test this myself...

I do have a lot of multi-subject and multi-grade resources; my testing was  
just not very good, I think.

Oh, and I think I see the error of my ways with regard to my TINYTEXT  
fields.  Probably would do well to shrink those.  Easy to change, too.

Thanks!  You've given excellent explanations here.  I feel like I should  
buy your book now, if you have one!

I'm wrestling with CSS issues on IE 4.0 for the Mac at the moment, but  
will return to SQL issues soon, I hope.

More later probably,

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:30:59 -0500, Michael Stassen  

As I understand it, you are looking for a resource for 4th grade Social  
Studies which meets goals 1 through 4.  In terms of your tables, that  
corresponds to having 4 rows in resources_goals, *all* of which have  
grade=4th and Subject='Social_Studies'.  That is, we need to look in *4*  
copies of resources_goals (not 5).  For a given resource id, we want  
exactly one row from each copy, namely, the row with the correct  
resource id, correct subject, correct grade, and desired goal number.  I  
think this should do:

   FROM resources as r
   JOIN resource_goals as g1
 ON = g1.ResourceID
 AND g1.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
 AND g1.Grade = '4th'
 AND g1.GoalNumber = 1
   JOIN resource_goals as g2
 ON = g2.ResourceID
 AND g2.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
 AND g2.Grade = '4th'
 AND g2.GoalNumber = 2
   JOIN resource_goals as g3
 ON = g3.ResourceID
 AND g3.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
 AND g3.Grade = '4th'
 AND g3.GoalNumber = 3
   JOIN resource_goals as g4
 ON = g4.ResourceID
 AND g4.Subject = 'Social_Studies'
 AND g4.Grade = '4th'
 AND g4.GoalNumber = 4;

Virtue of the Small / (919) 929-8687
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2005-02-21 Thread Jerome Campbell
Hello, I've been using MySQL for a while on my computer to host a
couple of things and since today I've got this error:

2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

I have no clue why MySQL isn't even connecting any more, if you have
any information why, please email me. Thanks.

- Jerome

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Re: mysqlbug

2005-02-21 Thread mos
At 03:31 PM 2/21/2005, Jerome Campbell wrote:
Hello, I've been using MySQL for a while on my computer to host a
couple of things and since today I've got this error:
2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
I have no clue why MySQL isn't even connecting any more, if you have
any information why, please email me. Thanks.
- Jerome
Perhaps the MySQL service is no longer running (in WIndows look at 
the Services Manager), or the password has changed.


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missing header file?

2005-02-21 Thread Sergei Skarupo
Hi all,
I'm trying to modify and recompile some UDFs for MySQL 4.1. I'm using the 
header files from the version 4.1.10 Linux source archive and am getting the 
following error:
/home/sskarupo/mysql-4.1.10/include/my_global.h:70: my_config.h: No such file 
or directory
my_config.h isn't there. It is included in the Windows source archive, though.
Can anyone explain this?
Thanks in advance,

Re: help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread Harald Fuchs

 and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in
 the last 3 months.

 In my database, there is a table for the users:

mysql desc user_table;
 | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
 | ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
 | uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:

mysql desc t20041209;
 | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
 | ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
 | cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
 | action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
 | virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
 | useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I
 would be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table
 name if the user's uid was present in there).

 Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?

Create a MERGE table over all the logs for at least the last three
months, and then proceed as described in the manual under
The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Field.

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relevance with complex fulltext query

2005-02-21 Thread leegold
I want to have the query cited at the very bottom return a result sorted
by FullText Relevance. I'm thinking I would modify each SELECT
separately. For example maybe the first SELECT clause something like:

SELECT page.* FROM `page` LEFT JOIN `keywords`  USING (`page_id`), MATCH
(`keywords`.`keyword_txt`)AGAINST ('$radio_keyword' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as
RELEVANCE FROM `page` WHERE MATCH (`keywords`.`keyword_txt`)AGAINST
('$radio_keyword' IN BOOLEAN MODE) 

and then the same idea for the other two (2) SELECT clauses(?) I'm not's the MYSQL (and php) query in question. Any help

 $query =
   SELECT page.* FROM `page` LEFT JOIN `keywords`  USING
   (`page_id`) WHERE MATCH (`keywords`.`keyword_txt`)AGAINST
   ('$radio_keyword' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
   SELECT page.* FROM `page` WHERE MATCH (`title`, `descrip`)
   AGAINST ('$radio_keyword' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
   SELECT page.* FROM `page` LEFT JOIN `url_pages` USING (`page_id`)
   WHERE MATCH (`url_pages`.`page_url`) AGAINST ('$radio_keyword' IN

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mySQL Mailing List

2005-02-21 Thread Chuck Flowers
mySQL Mailing List test

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Mysqlhotcopy on Windows

2005-02-21 Thread MightyData
Is it possible to use mysqlhotcopy on Windows 2000 Server? If so, how?

Kirk Bowman   Phone: 972-390-8600
MightyData, LLC
FileMaker 7 Certified Developer  FileMaker Authorized Trainer
   Check out our FileMaker 7 training classes!

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Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 16:14:05 +0000 To: From: Peter O'Brien Subject: Postcode Proximity Search? Message-Id: c429bcca97d9448795dc0ff9a62ae801@surreyfi

2005-02-21 Thread Brandon Carter
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 16:14:05 +
From: Peter O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Postcode Proximity Search?

Hi I'm just starting out with PHP and MySQL

My database has a postcode column and I want to be able to run a search
(using a part of full postcode) to return results in order of proximity
within a given range.

If anyone could point to a decent tutorial / resource, or give me any
advice or hints I would greatly appreciate it.


Sure, you can do that.  First, go to the US Census Bureau's website
and downloadthe file '' (Download from  This file
contains the zip codes, latitutude and longitudes of cities in the
United States.  One thing you should be aware of is that the zip codes
in this file do not fully correspond to the US Postal Service codes,
but they are darn close. If 'darn close' is not good enough, you can
pay the USPS to give you their current zip codes.  The USCB files are
free to all, though.

Next, study the formula at; (this site
is very well-written).  The Great Cirlce forumla is the one you
want, but read the whole thing.

Now, set up a script that implements the formula and the information
contained in

You said you wanted to return results in order of proximity within a
given range.  If, by that, you mean relative to a number you feed the
query script, the above works great.
If, however, by some off chance, you have a certain fixed point that
you want all your ordering to be based around, say New Orleans, then
you could simply pipe the entire file through a calculation
and stick the results in the database.  I'm guessing, though, that is
not what you had in mind.

One last note:  The Great Circle formula assumes a smooth, perfectly
round earth.  So, if you go up Pike's Peak and down again, you add 5.3
miles to you trip, but the Great Circle formula will not reflect this
because altitude is not used.

Hope this helps!

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Odd rounding errors with 4.1

2005-02-21 Thread Martin
Version: Using 4.1.10 on WinXP pro, currently interacting with it using 
the Query Browser for testing.

I have a table set up that contains a column of DECIMAL(15,12) -- 
financial data, where the precision is highly important.  I am building 
up a series of SQL statements, and I noticed that when doing SUM() on 
this decimal column, I get a strange rounding error (see below), and was 
hoping that someone out there can help me with this.

My recent test involved the following three values from the column:
(Chosen, for this example, as they are precise at few decimal places).
When I use a SUM() on these I get: 7.860
If I switch the column over to a FLOAT, then the SUM() becomes 

Using Excel to test the numbers, or hand-calculating, I get:
Shouldn't the SUM() remain with the precision of the DECIMAL type and 
not try to round to 2 decimal places?

Anyway, any help is appreciated.
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Re: Odd rounding errors with 4.1

2005-02-21 Thread Martin
Huh, you know.  Now that I'm not at work and therefore don't have my 
numbers to check against, you're right.

Man, I must need more coffee.
Never mind me. :)
May be back tomorrow, though, when I have the numbers in front of me.  I 
know they didn't add up earlier...

Hassan Schroeder wrote:
Martin wrote:
My recent test involved the following three values from the column:

When I use a SUM() on these I get: 7.860

Sounds good to me...
If I switch the column over to a FLOAT, then the SUM() becomes 

Using Excel to test the numbers, or hand-calculating, I get:

Time for a hand upgrade, I think :-)  5 + 5 = 5???  I don't even
want to think about how Excel would come up with this...
Shouldn't the SUM() remain with the precision of the DECIMAL type and 
not try to round to 2 decimal places?

My own, possibly suspect, hand calculations show that SUM() is right;
and it's common knowledge that floating point isn't the right thing to 
use for situations like this -- that's why there *is* a DECIMAL type.

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connect /sellect to 2 dbs

2005-02-21 Thread Vic
Can I select from one db and insert into another?
also...Can I join to a remote db?
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Using = in WHERE vs HAVING clause

2005-02-21 Thread Rene Churchill
Good evening folks, I'm seeing some odd behavior in MySQL 4.0.21
running on Mac OS X 10.3.7
I'm trying to compare two identical tables and find the rows
that are new/modified.  I can't use a timestamp column because
the new table is constantly regenerated.  So I'm using a large
WHERE clause and the = operator to detect changes.  (BTW, it
would be very nice if there was a NULL safe not equal operator)
I get empty sets returned when I use = in the WHERE clause,
which seems wrong to me.  However if I switch to a HAVING clause,
it works as expected.  Is this a bug or am I doing something
funky here?
Note, the testC table is used because in full query, the testA
and testB tables will have 100k+ rows and I need to effeciently
narrow the scope down to the ~250 rows that I'm interested in.
Test Script:
create table testA (id int, a int, b int, c int);
create table testB (id int, a int, b int, c int);
create table testC (id int);
insert into testB values(1,1,1,1),(2,2,2,2),(3,3,3,3),(4,4,4,4);
insert into testC values(2),(3),(4);
WHERE query:
select testA.a, testB.a, testA.b, testB.b, testA.c, testB.c
 from testC
left join testA on =
left join testB on =
where NOT ( testA.a = testB.a AND
testA.b = testB.b AND
testA.c = testB.c);
Empty set (0.00 sec)
HAVING query:
   select testA.a, testB.a, testA.b, testB.b, testA.c, testB.c
 from testC
left join testA on =
left join testB on =
   having NOT ( testA.a = testB.a AND
testA.b = testB.b AND
testA.c = testB.c);
| a| a| b| b| c| c|
| NULL |2 | NULL |2 | NULL |2 |
| NULL |3 | NULL |3 | NULL |3 |
| NULL |4 | NULL |4 | NULL |4 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Re: Odd rounding errors with 4.1

2005-02-21 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Feb 21), Martin said:
 Version: Using 4.1.10 on WinXP pro, currently interacting with it
 using the Query Browser for testing.
 I have a table set up that contains a column of DECIMAL(15,12) --
 financial data, where the precision is highly important.  I am
 building up a series of SQL statements, and I noticed that when doing
 SUM() on this decimal column, I get a strange rounding error (see
 below), and was hoping that someone out there can help me with this.
 My recent test involved the following three values from the column:
 (Chosen, for this example, as they are precise at few decimal places).
 When I use a SUM() on these I get: 7.860
 If I switch the column over to a FLOAT, then the SUM() becomes 
 Using Excel to test the numbers, or hand-calculating, I get:

You hand calculations (and Excel) are wrong, apparently.  Here's my

   1 11  1

   2.495   5.090
 + 2.595 + 2.770
 === ===
   5.090   7.860

, which matches MySQL's results.

Dan Nelson

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Re: Odd rounding errors with 4.1 [Duh, me!]

2005-02-21 Thread Martin
Yeah, I checked the math after another responder.  Either I was smoking 
crack at work today (a state likely induced by too much/too little 
caffeine) or I mis-noted my numbers.

I'm going to check again when I get back there tomorrow.
But thanks :)
Dan Nelson wrote:
In the last episode (Feb 21), Martin said:
Version: Using 4.1.10 on WinXP pro, currently interacting with it
using the Query Browser for testing.
I have a table set up that contains a column of DECIMAL(15,12) --
financial data, where the precision is highly important.  I am
building up a series of SQL statements, and I noticed that when doing
SUM() on this decimal column, I get a strange rounding error (see
below), and was hoping that someone out there can help me with this.
My recent test involved the following three values from the column:
(Chosen, for this example, as they are precise at few decimal places).
When I use a SUM() on these I get: 7.860
If I switch the column over to a FLOAT, then the SUM() becomes 

Using Excel to test the numbers, or hand-calculating, I get:

You hand calculations (and Excel) are wrong, apparently.  Here's my
   1 11  1
   2.495   5.090
 + 2.595 + 2.770
 === ===
   5.090   7.860
, which matches MySQL's results.
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Re: mySQL Mailing List

2005-02-21 Thread Daniel Kasak
Chuck Flowers wrote:
mySQL Mailing List test

Luckily there are only very few people who do this, otherwise I'd spend 
my whole day deleting people's test messages.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
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Joining on non unique index is irrationally slow, I can beat join performance with stored procedure 100 fold!!!!

2005-02-21 Thread Bereczki Gabor
I am working with 5.0.3 snapshot on x86_64. I am now experiencing with
features of MySQL, so please ignore that in my example I use self join .
I know that this particular example could be done much easier but
eventually I am going to join multiple tables with similar structure
(one preprocessing table and one final table).
My query is:

mysql insert into log select t1.uniprot_primary_ac from
uniprot_attributes as t1 left join uniprot_attributes as t2 on
(t1.attribute_name=t2.attribute_name and
t1.attribute_value=t2.attribute_value) where

Query OK, 748 rows affected (16.31 sec)
Records: 748  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql explain select t1.uniprot_primary_ac from uniprot_attributes as
t1 left join uniprot_attributes as t2 on
(t1.attribute_name=t2.attribute_name and
t1.attribute_value=t2.attribute_value) where
t2.uniprot_primary_ac=P15017; - ?
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys
| key  | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | t2| ref  |
up_att_1,up_att_3,up_att_4,up_att_5,up_att_2 | up_att_3 | 23  |
const  | 9 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | t1| ref  | up_att_4,up_att_5,up_att_2
| up_att_4 | 8   | test.t2.attribute_name | 35655 | Using where |

Why does it take 16 seconds to join 9 rows to 35655 rows on a x86_64
machine with 2GB RAM nearly all processor capacity available?
Why is it using where, when there are indexes for all possible
I indexed the table almost all possible ways to find a way to optimize
the query but no help:
mysql show index from uniprot_attributes;
- ?
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index |
Column_name| Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null
| Index_type | Comment |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_1 |1 |
uniprot_primary_ac | A |  170522 | NULL | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_1 |2 |
attribute_name | A | 1961014 |4 | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_3 |1 |
uniprot_primary_ac | A |  170522 | NULL | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_3 |2 |
attribute_name | A | 1961014 |5 | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_3 |3 |
attribute_value| A | 3922028 |7 | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_4 |1 |
attribute_name | A | 109 |5 | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_4 |2 |
attribute_value| A |  980507 |7 | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_4 |3 |
uniprot_primary_ac | A | 3922028 | NULL | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_5 |1 |
attribute_value| A |  980507 |7 | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_5 |2 |
attribute_name | A |  980507 |5 | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_5 |3 |
uniprot_primary_ac | A | 3922028 | NULL | NULL   | YES
| BTREE  | |
| uniprot_attributes |  1 | up_att_2 |1 |
attribute_value| NULL  |   1 | NULL | NULL   | YES
| FULLTEXT   | |
12 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Moreover I created a stored procedure that does exactly the same as the
select statement above:
mysql create procedure test_performance(IN uniprot_id VARCHAR(20) )
- begin
- declare v_attribute_name VARCHAR(20);
- declare v_attribute_value TEXT;
- declare done int default 0;
- declare cur1 cursor for select 

InnoDB Row Lock test (A query maybe?)

2005-02-21 Thread Begumisa Gerald M

I'm writing an application that uses InnoDB tables to provide
transactional integrity.  The front-end is a web-based interface.

I'd like to know - is there a way one can issue a query to test whether a
particular set of rows (or row) has already been locked by another session
- rather than the default action of waiting for quite long for the lock to
be granted.

The idea is so that a person using the front-end may know whether the
information they are attempting to access is unavailable at the time.
There will be situations where rows will be locked exclusively for
prolonged times and I wouldn't want the web application users to be
subjected to these lengthy delays but rather be told to try later.


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Postcode Proximity Search

2005-02-21 Thread Brandon Carter
I wrote to the list explaining about the Great Circle formula for
doing the desired calculations.  I also stated that was the
file to be used for these calculations--I misspoke. The correct file
is;.  Sorry for
the error!


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timediff and subtime: when is the result negativ?

2005-02-21 Thread schlubediwup
Hi listers,
could you please explain:
mysql select timediff(10:00:00, 12:13:14)
   - ;
| timediff(10:00:00, 12:13:14) |
| -02:13:14|
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql select subtime(10:00:00, 12:13:14);
| subtime(10:00:00, 12:13:14) |
| -02:13:14   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql select version();
| version()  |
| 4.1.9-standard |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
why is the result of timediff negativ?
timediff in the doc  (quote)  returns the time between the start time 
expr and the end time expr2. expr and expr2 are time or date-and-time 
expressions, but both must be of the same type(unquote)
the difference between start- and end-time, that is in our case 
start-time 10:00:00 and end_time 12:13:14.
in common sense, a difference in time is considered postiv, if the 
end-time is later than the start time, otherwise negativ.
is this not so in mysql?

talking about subtime (quote)subtracts expr2 from expr and returns the 
result. expr is a time or datetime expression, and expr2 is a time 
expression.(unquote): the result is correct, i.e. negativ.

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