Re: Heap table says its Fuul?

2005-03-25 Thread Harrison Fisk
On Mar 24, 2005, at 6:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mysql is telling me my Heap table is full.  Now I set it to 128M.
my.cnf line
tmp_table_size = 128M
Try changing the setting called max_heap_table_size.  tmp_table_size 
only has to do with internal temporary tables that are used to resolve 
a query (ie. when you see a 'Using Temporary' in the EXPLAIN)

  The Table filled up at 12.7M  This appears to be very close to 128M 
with a decimal out of place. 
 Did I find a Bug? 
 Am I doing something wrong?
Is the tmp_table_size a PER TABLE or for all mysql heap tables?
I can't seem to get past this 12.7M mark I need 128M of heap to run my 
looping searches with.
CREATE TABLE `fsearch_searchheap` (
  `searchAffid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `searchKeyword` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `searchReferrer` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `searchIp` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  KEY `searchAffid` (`searchAffid`),
  KEY `searchKeyword` (`searchKeyword`)
) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT Select * from fsearch_search;
Harrison C. Fisk, Trainer and Consultant
Get a jumpstart on MySQL Cluster --

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Re: Fulltext In Boolean Wildcard Questions

2005-03-25 Thread Jigal van Hemert
From: Freddie Bingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (1) Why is such a query as this allowed?
  WHERE MATCH (text)
  This returns everything that starts with an 's', as expected
  by the syntax.
  Why is it not stopped by the mysql minimum word length?  I

The minimum word length still applies to the items that are found! A record
with so very cruel in the `text` column will certainly not be found.

  have no desire to allow a search for every word that begins
  with an 's' as it can be resourceful and will return results
  with questionable usage. So I'll take care of not allowing
  these searches in a higher level

It is always wise to check user input before applying it to a query!

  (2) Why does this query also return everything that begins with an 's'
  WHERE MATCH (text)
  Mysql is obviously silently stripping the list of garbage
  characters away from the word, which I assume was also done
  with the indexed list of words.

 MySQL uses a very simple parser to split text into words. A ``word'' is any
sequence of true word characters (letters, digits, and underscores),
optionally separated by no more than one sequential ''' character. For
example, wasn't is parsed as a single word, but wasn''t is parsed as two
words wasn and t. (And then t would be ignored as too short according to the
rules following.) Also, single quotes at the ends of words are stripped;
only embedded single quotes are retained.

As documented, MySQL will 'ignore' those characters while building the index
as they are not part of a 'word' ('word' as defined in the paragraph I

As far as the search 'word' is concerned, MySQL supports a limited list of
operator, so you can assume that everything else is silently ignored...

  I now have a serious issue since I what appears to be a long
  word, but is really only one character long.  Putting quotes
  around the word seems to force it to be taken literally but
  that also takes the * literally, breaking the wildcard
  search.  Where can I find a list of these characters that are
  silently stripped out? lists the operators
that are supported:
 + -   () ~ * 

  WHERE MATCH (text)
  This returns all results that begin with a 't', but not 's'!

This will probably be equal to : '+t* s*' or: must contain word starting
with t, possible containing word(s) starting with s. Which is reflected in
these results:

text relevance
Type error   1
type sweetheart! 1.730698
supergranny  0

  then this query:

'+ qwerty* s* t*'
The first + is not leading a word, so it will be ignored: 'qwerty* s* t*'

So sweet sour set sells sins per se 1
so  0
passe   0
Type error  1
type sweetheart!!   2
supergranny 1
qwertyuiop  1
qwertyuiop same type2

  Matches all words that beginning with a 's' or a 't'!
or beginning with 'qwerty'

  Anyone have a concise explanation just exactly how the
  wildcard character works in terms of real world strings such as this?

Hopefully the examples above are clear enough.

If you want to only support searches for words longer than say three
characters it would be wise to:
- only allow alphanumeric characters, single quotes, white space and
supported operators
- remove anything else and check for length of 'words'
If the entry passes these checks you can probably apply it to a query (after
escaping quotes!!). The checks can be performed fairly easy if you use some
kind of regular expressions in the application that uses the query.

Regards Jigal.

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Re: Queries inside UDF

2005-03-25 Thread sguazt sguazt

From: Philippe Poelvoorde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: ' '
To: ' '
Subject: Re: Queries inside UDF
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 11:05:39 +
sguazt sguazt wrote:
From: Philippe Poelvoorde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: ' '
Subject: Re: Queries inside UDF
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 08:22:46 +
You can actually access a DB within a UDF, but you should do the same 
than when you're using the C api of mysql. So you need a way to get 
database name, user/passwd and port without user-input, and do 
mysql_init, mysql_connect, mysql_query, and so on, like when you are 
accessing that database using a 'external' C program. Also bear in mind 
that it should be thread-safe ;)
a way to extend udf, is ... stored procedure ?

Yes I did it ... look my first post (
There you can find and example of a C-code I used to write my UDF ... but 
when using the UDF inside MySQL I've got Can't connect to MySQL server on 
'localhost' (111)
you should check the permission.
Instead compiling the C-code as stand-alone program (removing the 
xxx_init/xxx_deinit functions and adding a main) all is OK, the query is 
executed and the program normally exits.
did you execute it on your DB server ? (not on your WS)

yes I did.
The strange fact is just the stand alone program works and the library 
doesn't even if the connection parameters (host, port, user, password) are 
the same.
The DBMS is on my machine, so to connect to it I use:
host: localhost (I've also tried, NULL, ...)
port: 3306 (I've also tried 0)
user: root
password: NULL (I've also tried )

-- Marco
Ricerche online più semplici e veloci con MSN Toolbar!

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Re: Adding an index without rebuilding all others

2005-03-25 Thread Gleb Paharenko

ALTER TABLE works in the following way:

Create a new table named A-xxx with the requested structural changes.

Copy all rows from the original table to A-xxx. Rename the original 

table to B-xxx. Rename A-xxx to your original table name. Delete B-xxx.

As ALTER table creates a new table, it rebuilds indexes. 


 Hello list,


 I have a big table, 25M records and a lot of indexes on it.

 Sometimes, it happens that we need to create an new index on the

 table, and I was wondering if there is a solution to do an

 ALTER TABLE... ADD INDEX without having mySQL to rebuild all indexes ?





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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Too many connections

2005-03-25 Thread Gleb Paharenko

May be this would be helpful:

Jan Pieter Kunst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,


 Suppose I have a LAMP server which functions good enough for daily use

 by humans, but is occasionally brought to its knees by an automated

 website-downloader, when such a download involves a lot of database

 searches, which uses up all the available MySQL connections.


 Is there anything to do in the MySQL layer of the server to mitigate

 this problem? I was thinking of a setting like 'database xxx can have

 only n percent of the maximum number of connections at any given

 time', but such a setting doesn't seem to exist.


 Any ideas?



 Jan Pieter Kunst


For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Repairing Data packing with zeros

2005-03-25 Thread zzapper
I needed to repair some data that had been entered inconsistently, I was in a 
rush so I did it
manually via SqlYOG. (too much of a rush to consider how to do it quickly!)

The bad data in one column propertyID

was of kind 
\w\w\w\d  eg ONE1
\w\w\w\d\d eg ABC23
\w\w\w\d\d\d eg FGH123

when they all needed to packed with zeros as necessary


ONE1-  ONE0001
ABC23   - ABC0023
FGH123 - FGH0123

What Update Query should/could I have used?

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About column privileges, COLUMN_INSERT...

2005-03-25 Thread Remo Tex
I want to allow some users to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE all columns in a 
table EXCEPT 1 (last one). Is it possile in MYSQL and how?

So my question is :
 What COLUMN_INSERT privilege does? How can I INSERT_COLUMN without 
having to insert whole row? Does COLUMN_INSERT = TABLE_INSERT?
I've found some answers in Manual but:
 In MySQL, if you have the INSERT privilege on only some of the columns 
in a table, you can execute INSERT statements on the table; the columns 
for which you don't have the INSERT privilege are set to their default 
values. Standard SQL requires you to have the INSERT privilege on all 
1. What about UPDATE privilege:
2. the columns for which you don't have the INSERT privilege are set to 
their default values.  seems incorrect:
When i try to INSERT or UPDATE last column for which I have only 
TABLE_SELECT privilege using MySQL Front 2.5 on Mysql 4.0.24 server it's 
OK ?!?! Value changed and visible from everywhere! NO error(s)... Mysql 
Front uses older client dll (3.23 I think) but shouldn't this rule be 
enforced from server (side)  not client (side)? MySQL Front 3.0+ behaves 
corectly : SQL Error 1142 UPDATE COMMAND denied to user ... for table 

yet again if I try the same with latest MySQl Query Browser 1.1.6:
! UPDATE command denied to user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for table 'tbl_name'
Nothing changes
P.S. How older client cheats newest server is still mistery to me...
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More on column privileges, COLUMN_UPDATE...

2005-03-25 Thread Remo Tex
Sorry for previous post - my mistake: I added record as admin and 
continued using that user ;-)
now logged as ordinary user another problem(s) arise:
  MySQL Server 4.0.24, trying varoius clients (dlls) 3.23, 4.0.x, 5.x? 
comes with MySQL Query Browser 1.1.6 to no avail

Manual still states privileges are evaluated this way:
global privileges
 OR (database privileges AND host privileges)
 OR table privileges
 OR column privileges 
i.e. my [EMAIL PROTECTED] has NO global priv, has DB_SELECT only, host = %, has 
TABLE_SELECT only and has NO column privileges on all columns except 
so.. by manual it is possible to INSERT a COLUMN/ROW and/or UPDATE 
last_col [OR column privileges IN effect]
 SHOW GRANTS FOR user - shows privs only downto  TABLE level only :( 
yet they really ARE in mysql.columns_priv?

 In MySQL, if you have the INSERT privilege on only some of the columns 
in a table, you can execute INSERT statements on the table; the columns 
for which you don't have the INSERT privilege are set to their default 
values. Standard SQL requires you to have the INSERT privilege on all 

alas :-(
UPDATE tbl set last_col=25;
!UPDATE command denued to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for table tbl
and for INSERT
!INSERT command denied to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for table tbl
Why SHOW GRANTS FOR user doesn't show Column_priv since they are in 
mysql.columns_priv? Is this server version issue mysql 4.0.24 accepts 
column_priv w/o error(s) justs doesn't enforce them?
Remo Tex wrote:
I want to allow some users to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE all columns in a 
table EXCEPT 1 (last one). Is it possile in MYSQL and how?

So my question is :
 What COLUMN_INSERT privilege does? How can I INSERT_COLUMN without 
having to insert whole row? Does COLUMN_INSERT = TABLE_INSERT?
I've found some answers in Manual but:
 In MySQL, if you have the INSERT privilege on only some of the columns 
in a table, you can execute INSERT statements on the table; the columns 
for which you don't have the INSERT privilege are set to their default 
values. Standard SQL requires you to have the INSERT privilege on all 
1. What about UPDATE privilege:
2. the columns for which you don't have the INSERT privilege are set to 
their default values.  seems incorrect:
When i try to INSERT or UPDATE last column for which I have only 
TABLE_SELECT privilege using MySQL Front 2.5 on Mysql 4.0.24 server it's 
OK ?!?! Value changed and visible from everywhere! NO error(s)... Mysql 
Front uses older client dll (3.23 I think) but shouldn't this rule be 
enforced from server (side)  not client (side)? MySQL Front 3.0+ behaves 
corectly : SQL Error 1142 UPDATE COMMAND denied to user ... for table 

yet again if I try the same with latest MySQl Query Browser 1.1.6:
! UPDATE command denied to user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for table 'tbl_name'
Nothing changes
P.S. How older client cheats newest server is still mistery to me...

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RE: Heap table says its Full?

2005-03-25 Thread gunmuse
I took a guess at that yesterday.

I left the
tmp_table_size 128M
added the line
max_heap_table_size 500M

But to no avale. Still limited in the number to 12.7M

I am using 4.1.8 as installed by Cpanel.

Donny Lairson
29 GunMuse Lane
P.O. box 166
Lakewood NM 88254
469 228 2183

-Original Message-
From: Harrison Fisk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:30 AM
Cc: Mysql
Subject: Re: Heap table says its Fuul?


On Mar 24, 2005, at 6:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mysql is telling me my Heap table is full.  Now I set it to 128M.
 my.cnf line
 tmp_table_size = 128M

Try changing the setting called max_heap_table_size.  tmp_table_size
only has to do with internal temporary tables that are used to resolve
a query (ie. when you see a 'Using Temporary' in the EXPLAIN)

   The Table filled up at 12.7M  This appears to be very close to 128M
 with a decimal out of place. 
  Did I find a Bug? 
  Am I doing something wrong?
 Is the tmp_table_size a PER TABLE or for all mysql heap tables?
 I can't seem to get past this 12.7M mark I need 128M of heap to run my
 looping searches with.
 CREATE TABLE `fsearch_searchheap` (
   `searchAffid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
   `searchKeyword` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   `searchReferrer` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   `searchIp` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
   KEY `searchAffid` (`searchAffid`),
   KEY `searchKeyword` (`searchKeyword`)
 ) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT Select * from fsearch_search;



Harrison C. Fisk, Trainer and Consultant

Get a jumpstart on MySQL Cluster --

MySQL General Mailing List
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SET question - @ or @@?

2005-03-25 Thread Stembridge, Michael
While I was RTFM to find out how long SET variables last, I noticed that my
book uses @@VarName but the sample code I'm using has @ VarName.  I didn't
see a reference to the single @ in the SET section of my book.   


So, what is the difference between @@ and @?


Thank you.

Re: SET question - @ or @@?

2005-03-25 Thread Paul DuBois
At 10:23 -0600 3/25/05, Stembridge, Michael wrote:
While I was RTFM to find out how long SET variables last, I noticed that my
book uses @@VarName but the sample code I'm using has @ VarName.  I didn't
see a reference to the single @ in the SET section of my book.  

So, what is the difference between @@ and @?
@ is used for user variables (variables that you define yourself)
@@ is used for system variables, such as storage_engine or sql_mode.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Re: SET question - @ or @@?

2005-03-25 Thread Jigal van Hemert

- Original Message - 
From: Stembridge, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 5:23 PM
Subject: SET question - @ or @@?

 While I was RTFM to find out how long SET variables last, I noticed that
 book uses @@VarName but the sample code I'm using has @ VarName.  I didn't
 see a reference to the single @ in the SET section of my book.

 So, what is the difference between @@ and @?

about different types of variables and their syntax and
about user variables in particular...

Regards, Jigal.

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RE: Heap table says its Full?

2005-03-25 Thread gunmuse
Ok, Never mind my last statement because I didn't change anything and it
worked this morning.

Next problem I copied a 21MB db to the heap and it reported 248M of data
once there?

Donny Lairson
29 GunMuse Lane
P.O. box 166
Lakewood NM 88254
469 228 2183

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 8:12 AM
To: Harrison Fisk
Cc: Mysql
Subject: RE: Heap table says its Full?

I took a guess at that yesterday.

I left the
tmp_table_size 128M
added the line
max_heap_table_size 500M

But to no avale. Still limited in the number to 12.7M

I am using 4.1.8 as installed by Cpanel.

Donny Lairson
29 GunMuse Lane
P.O. box 166
Lakewood NM 88254
469 228 2183

-Original Message-
From: Harrison Fisk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:30 AM
Cc: Mysql
Subject: Re: Heap table says its Fuul?


On Mar 24, 2005, at 6:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mysql is telling me my Heap table is full.  Now I set it to 128M.
 my.cnf line
 tmp_table_size = 128M

Try changing the setting called max_heap_table_size.  tmp_table_size
only has to do with internal temporary tables that are used to resolve
a query (ie. when you see a 'Using Temporary' in the EXPLAIN)

   The Table filled up at 12.7M  This appears to be very close to 128M
 with a decimal out of place. 
  Did I find a Bug? 
  Am I doing something wrong?
 Is the tmp_table_size a PER TABLE or for all mysql heap tables?
 I can't seem to get past this 12.7M mark I need 128M of heap to run my
 looping searches with.
 CREATE TABLE `fsearch_searchheap` (
   `searchAffid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
   `searchKeyword` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   `searchReferrer` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
   `searchIp` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
   KEY `searchAffid` (`searchAffid`),
   KEY `searchKeyword` (`searchKeyword`)
 ) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT Select * from fsearch_search;



Harrison C. Fisk, Trainer and Consultant

Get a jumpstart on MySQL Cluster --

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Re: Repairing Data packing with zeros

2005-03-25 Thread Keith Ivey
zzapper wrote:
ONE1-  ONE0001
ABC23   - ABC0023
FGH123 - FGH0123
What Update Query should/could I have used?
Something like this perhaps?
UPDATE table_name SET propertyID = CONCAT(LEFT(propertyID, 3), 
LPAD(SUBSTRING(propertyID, 4), 4, '0'))
WHERE propertyID REGEXP '^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{1,3}$';

Smokefree DC
Washington, DC
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Re: Repairing Data packing with zeros

2005-03-25 Thread zzapper
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 12:03:26 -0500,  wrote:

zzapper wrote:

 ONE1-  ONE0001
 ABC23   - ABC0023
 FGH123 - FGH0123
 What Update Query should/could I have used?

Something like this perhaps?

UPDATE table_name SET propertyID = CONCAT(LEFT(propertyID, 3), 
LPAD(SUBSTRING(propertyID, 4), 4, '0'))
WHERE propertyID REGEXP '^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{1,3}$';
Thanx that works just fine

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using between

2005-03-25 Thread Rob Brooks

Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular field
that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm guessing with
some type of composite key or something? ...


SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;

Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're looking
for a range of values instead of a particular value

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Segmentation fault while executing Mysql application.

2005-03-25 Thread Imran Irfan
Hello sir,
   I have written an application by using MySQL API for
retrieving result of simple query select * from Table_Name but there
are some modification in compilation process for getting desire

Modification or Alteration are:

1. I have Installed full packages of MySQL-3.23.54-11during Linux
RedHat (Shrike) installation.

2. I have written an application by using following MySQL API:

  i-   mysql_init(mysql);
  ii-  mysql_real_connect(mysql,host,user,pass,db,0,NULL,0)
  iii- mysql_real_query(mysql,query,50)
  iv- mysql_store_result(mysql)
  v-  mysql_fetch_row(res)
  vi- mysql_num_fields(res)
  viii-   mysql_close(mysql);

3. I am using following files:  

  i-   mysql.h -- Header file for fucntion prototyping
and use for
   Data-Type declaration.

 ii-mysql_com.h and mysql_version.h -- These
header files are
required for mysql.h file

 iii-   libmysqlclient.a -- Use for required API and
for compilation

 iv-   Esql.c -- My own Application

mysql.h, mysql_com.h and mysql_version.h are belong to 
MySQL-3.23.54-11 package but libmysqlclient.a is belong
to MySQL-4.1.10 package and all mentioned file are contains 
in a Folder 'Application'.

4.  Compilation procedure:
 i-   gcc -o App Esql.c -lz

5.  Execution procedure:

 i-  Application ./App

6. Execution Error:

 i-  I have retrieved desire result with respect to query.
 ii-  But Following error occur after print desire result
on screen at end:
 I- Segmentation fault.
7. Experiments:

 i-   I have examined application behaviour with
libmysqlclient.a file of
  same package MySQL-3.23.54-11.
ii-I have gained all those result what i had expected.

8. Reason:

i-Source distribution MySQL-3.23.54-11.tar.gz does not 
  install properly even all requirement are met as describe
  in mannual.

   ii-Source distribution MySQL-4.1.10.tar.gz install properly

   iii-   I required all those files which is required for
creating libmysqlclient.a
 file; *.c and *.o of MySQL-3.23.54-11 package which
install during linux

So, these were fact and figure which being happen in developing application.
Kindly, suggest me. I 'll be very greatful to you.

Software Engineer
Vibrant Wits Software Inc. Pakistan

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Re: using between

2005-03-25 Thread mos
At 01:48 PM 3/25/2005, you wrote:
Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular field
that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm guessing with
some type of composite key or something? ...
SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;
Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're looking
for a range of values instead of a particular value
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around your example.It's 
like the tail wagging the dog.g

Putting variables and columns to your syntax I get:
select cust_num from table_invoices where 5 between invoice_amt and tax;

I think you meant to say:
select aCol from aTable where aCol between val1 and val2;
If aCol is indexed, then MySQL will use the index to get a Range on val1 
and val2. Just use Explain and you'll see the index that it's using.


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Re: Heap table says its Full?

2005-03-25 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Setting this variable has no effect on any existing MEMORY table, unless

the table is re-created with a statement such as CREATE TABLE or



 I took a guess at that yesterday.


 I left the

 tmp_table_size 128M

 added the line

 max_heap_table_size 500M


 But to no avale. Still limited in the number to 12.7M


 I am using 4.1.8 as installed by Cpanel.





 Donny Lairson


 29 GunMuse Lane

 P.O. box 166

 Lakewood NM 88254

 469 228 2183



 -Original Message-

 From: Harrison Fisk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:30 AM


 Cc: Mysql

 Subject: Re: Heap table says its Fuul?





 On Mar 24, 2005, at 6:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Mysql is telling me my Heap table is full.  Now I set it to 128M.


 my.cnf line

 tmp_table_size = 128M


 Try changing the setting called max_heap_table_size.  tmp_table_size

 only has to do with internal temporary tables that are used to resolve

 a query (ie. when you see a 'Using Temporary' in the EXPLAIN)



   The Table filled up at 12.7M  This appears to be very close to 128M

 with a decimal out of place. 

  Did I find a Bug? 

  Am I doing something wrong?

 Is the tmp_table_size a PER TABLE or for all mysql heap tables?


 I can't seem to get past this 12.7M mark I need 128M of heap to run my

 looping searches with.



 CREATE TABLE `fsearch_searchheap` (

   `searchAffid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

   `searchKeyword` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',

   `searchReferrer` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',

   `searchIp` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',

   KEY `searchAffid` (`searchAffid`),

   KEY `searchKeyword` (`searchKeyword`)

 ) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT Select * from fsearch_search;









 Harrison C. Fisk, Trainer and Consultant



 Get a jumpstart on MySQL Cluster --




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Re: adding an incremented count from page hits

2005-03-25 Thread Andy Pieters
On Wednesday 23 March 2005 20:00, Chip Wiegand wrote:
 count=count+1;  --- This is the added bit ---
 The count doesn't increment in the database. The table has a column called

Two things: variables start with a $ and the variable count in your example 
does not... this means error!, change the count to $count

2nd, You should update your table like this:

mysql_query(UPDATE `manuals_list` SET `count`='$count' WHERE ...selection 
here... LIMIT 1;);

Also, I see that you are ignoring mysql security!  Please think about sql 
injection attacks.  You should use the mysql_escape_string function on any 
and all user inputed values, use backticks to delimit database/table/field 
names, and quotes to delimit values. 

  Can someone please please point me in the right direction?


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RE: using between

2005-03-25 Thread Rob Brooks
Well, we have this db with various ip address ranges and the country of
origin associated with each ... the format is:

countryOfOrigin FromIP  ToIP
--- --  
US  some lower boundsome upper bound
Canada  some lower boundsome upper bound

So the real statement would be:

Select countryOfOrigin From IPRangeTable where targetIP between FromIP and

Obviously, this looks at every record to see if targetIP is in the range.

I'm just trying to think of a better way to do it 

The ranges are mutually exclusive so once it finds it, that would be it.

I guess I could put a 'limit 1' on there to get it to quit once it finds it.
Is there something better?

-Original Message-
From: mos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 2:36 PM
To: MySQL list
Subject: Re: using between

At 01:48 PM 3/25/2005, you wrote:

Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular field
that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm guessing with
some type of composite key or something? ...


SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;

Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're looking
for a range of values instead of a particular value

 I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around your example.It's 
like the tail wagging the dog.g

Putting variables and columns to your syntax I get:

select cust_num from table_invoices where 5 between invoice_amt and tax;

I think you meant to say:

select aCol from aTable where aCol between val1 and val2;

If aCol is indexed, then MySQL will use the index to get a Range on val1 
and val2. Just use Explain and you'll see the index that it's using.


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re: using one query to save data in 4 tables

2005-03-25 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

I am curious if this would be possible, and which version of mysql would
be needed.

Basically,  I want to store a user in one table, then get the id for the
user I just saved, and store three more rows, each in a different
database, using the user's id in the insert statements.


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RE: using between

2005-03-25 Thread Matt Babineau
Have you considered just doing a parse on the the IP ranges and having 8
columns in your database, then write your query to work inside the 8 columns

Cols = from_zone, from_net, from_subnet, from_node, to_zone, to_net,
to_subnet, to_node

Then just parse the ip you are looking up and write your query that way.
MySQL should beable to reduce the amount of rows it needs to look at pretty
quickly this way.

Matt Babineau
p: 858.733.0160

-Original Message-
From: Rob Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:05 PM
To: 'mos'; 'MySQL list'
Subject: RE: using between

Well, we have this db with various ip address ranges and the country of
origin associated with each ... the format is:

countryOfOrigin FromIP  ToIP
--- --  
US  some lower boundsome upper bound
Canada  some lower boundsome upper bound

So the real statement would be:

Select countryOfOrigin From IPRangeTable where targetIP between FromIP and

Obviously, this looks at every record to see if targetIP is in the range.

I'm just trying to think of a better way to do it 

The ranges are mutually exclusive so once it finds it, that would be it.

I guess I could put a 'limit 1' on there to get it to quit once it finds it.
Is there something better?

-Original Message-
From: mos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 2:36 PM
To: MySQL list
Subject: Re: using between

At 01:48 PM 3/25/2005, you wrote:

Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular 
field that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm 
guessing with some type of composite key or something? ...


SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;

Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're 
looking for a range of values instead of a particular value

 I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around your example.It's
like the tail wagging the dog.g

Putting variables and columns to your syntax I get:

select cust_num from table_invoices where 5 between invoice_amt and tax;

I think you meant to say:

select aCol from aTable where aCol between val1 and val2;

If aCol is indexed, then MySQL will use the index to get a Range on val1 and
val2. Just use Explain and you'll see the index that it's using.


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MySQL C API problems

2005-03-25 Thread Andrew Prock

I'm having some difficulty with a program I wrote
which uses the MySQL C api.  I'm trying to migrate
my server from version 4.0 to version 4.1.

I have no difficulty connecting to the server using
the mysql.exe command line utility, but when I try to
connect from my program using the same parameters,
it fails to connect with the Error 1045 (Access denied
for user).

I use the mysqlclient.lib library to link to my
windows program.  The library I have is a bit old, but
I can't seem to figure out which version it is easily.

Is the solution as simple as getting the new developers

Specific versions are below.

works with   : 4.0.16-standard server
doesn't work with: 4.1.7-standard  server

- Andrew

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Re: MySQL C API problems

2005-03-25 Thread Michael Stassen
Password hashing was changed in 4.1 to improve authentication security, but 
this complicates backward compatibility.  See the manual for details:

Your best bet is to link your app against the 4.1 client library.
Andrew Prock wrote:
I'm having some difficulty with a program I wrote
which uses the MySQL C api.  I'm trying to migrate
my server from version 4.0 to version 4.1.
I have no difficulty connecting to the server using
the mysql.exe command line utility, but when I try to
connect from my program using the same parameters,
it fails to connect with the Error 1045 (Access denied
for user).
I use the mysqlclient.lib library to link to my
windows program.  The library I have is a bit old, but
I can't seem to figure out which version it is easily.
Is the solution as simple as getting the new developers
Specific versions are below.
works with   : 4.0.16-standard server
doesn't work with: 4.1.7-standard  server

- Andrew
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Fulltext boolean question

2005-03-25 Thread Ed Lazor

How can I limit the results of a fulltext search to the entries that only
have the keywords I'm searching for?

I'm searching the title field of a product database and I only want results
if the title has all of the words specified.  I tried putting the word AND
between each word and mysql responds with products even when the title only
has one of the key words.

Here's an example query:

select *, ( match(title) against ('dragon and ice and blue' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
) as score from products where ( match(title) against ('dragon and ice and
blue' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ) order by score DESC

This query returns products with titles like Land of Fire and Ice.  Since
that product title doesn't have the word dragon in it, I don't understand
why it's even showing up in the results set (and I'd like it to stop if
that's possible).



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mysqlconnecernet not closing connections w/2003

2005-03-25 Thread Daniel Cummings
We have a quote server on both a 2003 server and an XP machine.  The quote
server is an server.

The XP machine is closing the connections without a problem.


For some reason the mysqlconnecernet is not closing the connections when
used on the 2003 server.

It connection count climbs to 100 our maximum connection setting, and then
we get a

Time out when attempting to get a connection from the pool


Has anyone run into this problem?


Any help you can give use will be greatly appreciated.





Re: Fulltext boolean question

2005-03-25 Thread Chris
Try using:
+dragon +ice +blue
I'm fairly sure that's in the FULLTEXT search portion of the online docs.
Ed Lazor wrote:
How can I limit the results of a fulltext search to the entries that only
have the keywords I'm searching for?
I'm searching the title field of a product database and I only want results
if the title has all of the words specified.  I tried putting the word AND
between each word and mysql responds with products even when the title only
has one of the key words.
Here's an example query:
select *, ( match(title) against ('dragon and ice and blue' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
) as score from products where ( match(title) against ('dragon and ice and
blue' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ) order by score DESC
This query returns products with titles like Land of Fire and Ice.  Since
that product title doesn't have the word dragon in it, I don't understand
why it's even showing up in the results set (and I'd like it to stop if
that's possible).

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Re: MySQL C API problems

2005-03-25 Thread Andrew Prock
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Michael Stassen wrote:

 Password hashing was changed in 4.1 to improve authentication security, but
 this complicates backward compatibility.  See the manual for details:

 Your best bet is to link your app against the 4.1 client library.

I just tried this.  Or I think I did.  I uninstalled, and
reinstalled mysql v4.1.10a, which I assume has the 4.1
client library.  I recompiled, relinked, and I get the
same error.  Again, I can connect using the mysql CLI, it's
just connecting through the API which is giving me problems.

I can connect to the 4.1.1 server with the mysql CLI, but
only the 4.0 server with the API.  I did have to make one
minor change to the code to get it to recompile.  Is there
some other API issue which I need to be aware of?

The code I use to connect is:

  _mysqlconn = mysql_init (NULL);
  if (_mysqlconn == NULL)
  print_error (NULL, mysql_init() failed (probably out of memory));
  return -1;

  /* connect to server */
  if (mysql_real_connect (_mysqlconn, host_name, user_name, password,
  database_name, opt_port_num, opt_socket_name,
  opt_flags) == NULL)
  print_error (_mysqlconn, mysql_real_connect() failed);
  mysql_close (_mysqlconn);
  _mysqlconn = NULL;
  return -1;

And the failure occurs during mysql_real_connect with error 1045
Access denied for user: and not the

Client does not support authentication protocol requested
 by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

that the web-page indicates that I might expect.  Again, I
*can* connect with the mysql CLI, it is only from the API
where I'm having difficulty.

Referencing the web page, it appears that the 4.1 server is
using 16-byte passwords, and not the 41-byte passwords.  It
might be that the server was started with --old-passwords
option, but how can I find out if that is the case?

It might be that the API is generating long password values,
when I need short password values.  Can I control this behaviour
through the API?

- Andrew

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RE: Fulltext boolean question

2005-03-25 Thread Ed Lazor
Oh hey, very cool - thanks.  I was assuming that + and AND were the same
thing, guess not =)


-Original Message-
From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fulltext boolean question

Try using:

+dragon +ice +blue

I'm fairly sure that's in the FULLTEXT search portion of the 
online docs.


Ed Lazor wrote:


How can I limit the results of a fulltext search to the 
entries that only
have the keywords I'm searching for?

I'm searching the title field of a product database and I only 
want results
if the title has all of the words specified.  I tried putting 
the word AND
between each word and mysql responds with products even when 
the title only
has one of the key words.

Here's an example query:

select *, ( match(title) against ('dragon and ice and blue' IN 
) as score from products where ( match(title) against ('dragon 
and ice and
blue' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ) order by score DESC

This query returns products with titles like Land of Fire and 
Ice.  Since
that product title doesn't have the word dragon in it, I 
don't understand
why it's even showing up in the results set (and I'd like it to stop if
that's possible).




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Re: MySQL C API problems

2005-03-25 Thread Andrew Prock
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Andrew Prock wrote:

 On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Michael Stassen wrote:

  Password hashing was changed in 4.1 to improve authentication security, but
  this complicates backward compatibility.  See the manual for details:
  Your best bet is to link your app against the 4.1 client library.

Thank you for your assitance.  I have determined that
amidst all my horrid code there is a bug that is
totally unrelated to MySQL, and it's version number,
but that was related to port numbers.  Since both
servers are at the same domain, they are accessed
through different ports, and while I thought I was
handling ports correctly, I was always using the
default port.

Thanks again,

- Andrew

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2 MySQL Errors

2005-03-25 Thread David Blomstrom
I can't figure out why I get an error message relating
to fiels borderstates and bordernotes when I try
to create a new table. One is VARCHAR, the other TEXT,
and both are NULL, like almost every field on the

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.


`IDArea` CHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
`Name` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
`coordnotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`location` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`mapref` VARCHAR( 33 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`areak` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`arealandk` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`areawaterk` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`areanotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`aracomp` VARCHAR( 100 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`borderk` INT( 6, 1 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`borderstates` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`bordernotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`coastk` DECIMAL( 6.1 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`coastnotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`martersea` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marconzone` INT( 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marconshelf` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marexecon` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marexfish` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marnotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`climate` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevhighpt` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevhighm` INT( 4 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevlowpt` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevlowm` INT( 4 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevnotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`envagree` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`envagree2` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`envissues` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`landuse` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`landusecrops` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`landuseother` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`landusenotes` VARCHAR( 100 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`irrigate` INT( 6, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`irrigatenotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`geognotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
INDEX ( `IDArea` )

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check
the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use near '1) DEFAULT
NULL, `borderstates` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`bordernotes` TEXT DE' at line 1 

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Re: 2 MySQL Errors

2005-03-25 Thread Jim Winstead
On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 07:27:47PM -0800, David Blomstrom wrote:
 I can't figure out why I get an error message relating
 to fiels borderstates and bordernotes when I try
 to create a new table. One is VARCHAR, the other TEXT,
 and both are NULL, like almost every field on the
 Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.


 `borderk` INT( 6, 1 ) DEFAULT NULL ,

This is your problem. INT does not take two parameters.

 [ snip ]
 MySQL said: Documentation
 #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check
 the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
 version for the right syntax to use near '1) DEFAULT
 NULL, `borderstates` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 `bordernotes` TEXT DE' at line 1 

That's why the error message says near 1) 

Jim Winstead
MySQL Inc.

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Recovering Lost Database

2005-03-25 Thread David Blomstrom
If you accidentally drop a database instead of a
database TABLE in phpMyAdmin, is there any way to
recover the lost database, or is it gone forever?


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Re: Recovering Lost Database

2005-03-25 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Mar 25), David Blomstrom said:
 If you accidentally drop a database instead of a database TABLE in
 phpMyAdmin, is there any way to recover the lost database, or is it
 gone forever?

Only if you have a backup...

Dan Nelson

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Re: Recovering Lost Database

2005-03-25 Thread David Blomstrom

--- Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In the last episode (Mar 25), David Blomstrom said:
  If you accidentally drop a database instead of a
 database TABLE in
  phpMyAdmin, is there any way to recover the lost
 database, or is it
  gone forever?
 Only if you have a backup...


   Dan Nelson

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MySQL Create Table Error

2005-03-25 Thread David Blomstrom
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? When I first
tried to create this table, I got an error message
pointing out two fields that looked perfectly fine to
me. I couldn't figure it out, so I just deleted the
fields - but it then fingered two different fields. I
deleted them, and now it says there's a problem with
two other fields.

I don't get it. Thanks.

 CREATE TABLE `geog` (
`IDArea` CHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
`Name` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
`coordnotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`location` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`mapref` VARCHAR( 33 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`areak` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`arealandk` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`areawaterk` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`areanotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`aracomp` VARCHAR( 100 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`borderk` INT( 6, 1 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`borderstates` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`bordernotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`coastk` DECIMAL( 6.1 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`coastnotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`martersea` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marconzone` INT( 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marconshelf` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marexecon` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marexfish` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`marnotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`climate` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevhighpt` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevhighm` INT( 4 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevlowpt` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevlowm` INT( 4 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`elevnotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`envagree` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`envagree2` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`envissues` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
`landuse` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`landusecrops` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`landuseother` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`landusenotes` VARCHAR( 100 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`irrigate` INT( 6, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`irrigatenotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`geognotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
INDEX ( `IDArea` )

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check
the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use near ' 1 ) DEFAULT
`borderstates` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
`bordernotes`' at line 17

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Re: MySQL Create Table Error

2005-03-25 Thread David Blomstrom
Please ignore this thread. I think my main problem is
I need glasses!

--- David Blomstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? When I
 tried to create this table, I got an error message
 pointing out two fields that looked perfectly fine
 me. I couldn't figure it out, so I just deleted the
 fields - but it then fingered two different fields.
 deleted them, and now it says there's a problem with
 two other fields.
 I don't get it. Thanks.
  CREATE TABLE `geog` (
 `IDArea` CHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
 `Name` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
 `coordnotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
 `location` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `mapref` VARCHAR( 33 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `areak` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `arealandk` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `areawaterk` DECIMAL( 9, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `areanotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `aracomp` VARCHAR( 100 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `borderk` INT( 6, 1 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `borderstates` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `bordernotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
 `coastk` DECIMAL( 6.1 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `coastnotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
 `martersea` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `marconzone` INT( 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `marconshelf` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `marexecon` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `marexfish` INT( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `marnotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `climate` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `elevhighpt` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `elevhighm` INT( 4 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `elevlowpt` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `elevlowm` INT( 4 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `elevnotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `terrain` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
 `envagree` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
 `envagree2` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `envissues` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
 `landuse` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `landusecrops` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `landuseother` INT( 2, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `landusenotes` VARCHAR( 100 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `irrigate` INT( 6, 2 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `irrigatenotes` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `geognotes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL ,
 INDEX ( `IDArea` )
 MySQL said: Documentation
 #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check
 the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
 version for the right syntax to use near ' 1 )
 `borderstates` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
 `bordernotes`' at line 17
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