Re: LEFT JOIN changes order of results

2005-06-01 Thread Johan Höök

Hi Scott,
I think you've been lucky so far...
As you're only ordering on listdate, which is the same
for both homes in your example you might definitely get different
results once you put in the limit.
A basic thing about rdb's is that you must never make assumptions
that it returns resultsets in the same order unless you specify what
to order by, of course quite often you'll get it back in the same order
but you must never bank on it.
I guess what happens in your case is that once you put in an extra LEFT
JOIN your query gets optimised differently and tables are read in a
different order which gives you a different reslutset.
I guess you somehow have to include the mls_num in your second query to
ensure that you get same resultset.


Scott Gifford wrote:


I have an application that does searches against a database of homes.
A summary of initial search results is displayed by showing a few
columns of information about each home.  When the user clicks on one
of the listings, it retrieves additional information (some from other
tables) and displays more detailed information about the house.

The summary listings are generated using a normal MySQL query.  The
detailed views are implemented by specifying which result row to
display using a LIMIT clause.  For example, if the user clicks on the
3rd listing on a page, the query will use this LIMIT clause:


We do this instead of specifying a value for the primary key so we can
have a Next and Previous button that will move between detailed
listings.  These result rows may pull information in from other tables
for display.  Sometimes the homes are sorted according to a particular
column, and sometimes they aren't.

Obviously this whole scheme depends on the homes staying in the same
order between the summary queries and the detail queries, even if the
ordering is ambiguous.

We've had this running for several years, and it's always worked
fine.  We're now seeing some problems with it, possibly because of a
move from a server running MySQL 3.x to one running 4.x.

The problem we're seeing is that when additional tables are pulled in
for the detailed view, the order is different from the summary view,
so the wrong homes are displayed.  Here's a simplified example.  A
summary query might ask:

mysql SELECT lutar_homes.mls_num, lutar_images.num_images,
   FROM lutar_homes, lutar_homes_supplemental 
   LEFT JOIN lutar_images ON lutar_homes.mls_num = lutar_images.mls_num
   WHERE ((lutar_homes.listdate = (NOW() - INTERVAL '14 00:00:00' DAY_SECOND))) 
 AND lutar_homes.mls_num = lutar_homes_supplemental.mls_num

   ORDER BY lutar_homes.listdate DESC
   LIMIT 1;

| mls_num | num_images | address | listdate   |
| 051768  |  1 | 7540 Country Pride Lane | 2005-05-31 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

When I add one more LEFT JOIN clause (the second one below) to get
additional fields for the detailed view, I get a different first home,
even though none of the search parameters have changed, and the table
hasn't changed:

mysql SELECT lutar_homes.mls_num, lutar_images.num_images,
   FROM lutar_homes, lutar_homes_supplemental 
   LEFT JOIN lutar_images ON lutar_homes.mls_num = lutar_images.mls_num

   LEFT JOIN lutar_homes_stats ON lutar_homes.mls_num = 
   WHERE ((lutar_homes.listdate = (NOW() - INTERVAL '14 00:00:00' DAY_SECOND))) 
 AND lutar_homes.mls_num = lutar_homes_supplemental.mls_num

   ORDER BY lutar_homes.listdate DESC
   LIMIT 1;

| mls_num | num_images | address  | listdate   |
| 051770  |  9 | 9149 Frankenmuth | 2005-05-31 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

This change in ordering screws up my system, since if the user clicked
on the first result in the summary view, the detailed view may display
a completely different home.

So my question is: Is this normal behavior for MySQL, or is it a bug?
Any suggestions for dealing with it?

Thanks!  Please let me know if any of this is confusing, and I'll


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Lost connection to MySQL server during query - on long queries

2005-06-01 Thread Amir Shay


Each time we run long queries (over around 5 seconds) the mySQL server
fails and restarts (you can see it in the error log that starts with
Database page corruption on disk or a fail.. and then there is a
dump...) and the query return with Lost connection to MySQL server
during query...

Using Linux 9 with mySQL 4.1.11-standard the tables are InnoDB

The error is happening from everywhere: mysql command line, Query
browser, from local and remote computers, running selects, insert and
even check table, EMS client . Java (see below the log)

The problem is probably not in the network parameters, see list of the
variables below

The database is quit big around 5 GB 

After the error the server restart automatically and continue to run for
the short queries 

We found one place where long queries work - when we run from the query
browser the same select * from some big table. However running
from the same place check table... reproduce the error !. Again
running the same select * from some big table from all the other
palaces cause the server to fall 


Server parameters

'back_log', '50'
'basedir', '/'
'binlog_cache_size', '32768'
'bulk_insert_buffer_size', '8388608'
'character_set_client', 'utf8'
'character_set_connection', 'utf8'
'character_set_database', 'hebrew'
'character_set_results', 'utf8'
'character_set_server', 'hebrew'
'character_set_system', 'utf8'
'character_sets_dir', '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/'
'collation_connection', 'utf8_general_ci'
'collation_database', 'hebrew_general_ci'
'collation_server', 'hebrew_general_ci'
'concurrent_insert', 'ON'
'connect_timeout', '100'
'datadir', '/var/lib/mysql/'
'date_format', '%Y-%m-%d'
'datetime_format', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'
'default_week_format', '0'
'delay_key_write', 'ON'
'delayed_insert_limit', '100'
'delayed_insert_timeout', '300'
'delayed_queue_size', '1000'
'expire_logs_days', '0'
'flush', 'OFF'
'flush_time', '0'
'ft_boolean_syntax', '+ -()~*:|'
'ft_max_word_len', '84'
'ft_min_word_len', '4'
'ft_query_expansion_limit', '20'
'ft_stopword_file', '(built-in)'
'group_concat_max_len', '1024'
'have_archive', 'NO'
'have_bdb', 'NO'
'have_blackhole_engine', 'NO'
'have_compress', 'YES'
'have_crypt', 'YES'
'have_csv', 'NO'
'have_example_engine', 'NO'
'have_geometry', 'YES'
'have_innodb', 'YES'
'have_isam', 'NO'
'have_ndbcluster', 'NO'
'have_openssl', 'NO'
'have_query_cache', 'YES'
'have_raid', 'NO'
'have_rtree_keys', 'YES'
'have_symlink', 'YES'
'init_connect', ''
'init_file', ''
'init_slave', ''
'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size', '14680064'
'innodb_autoextend_increment', '8'
'innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb', '0'
'innodb_buffer_pool_size', '1073741824'
'innodb_data_file_path', 'ibdata1:10M:autoextend'
'innodb_data_home_dir', '/var/lib/mysql'
'innodb_fast_shutdown', 'ON'
'innodb_file_io_threads', '4'
'innodb_file_per_table', 'OFF'
'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit', '1'
'innodb_flush_method', ''
'innodb_force_recovery', '0'
'innodb_lock_wait_timeout', '50'
'innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog', 'OFF'
'innodb_log_arch_dir', ''
'innodb_log_archive', 'OFF'
'innodb_log_buffer_size', '1048576'
'innodb_log_file_size', '5242880'
'innodb_log_files_in_group', '2'
'innodb_log_group_home_dir', './'
'innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct', '90'
'innodb_max_purge_lag', '0'
'innodb_mirrored_log_groups', '1'
'innodb_open_files', '300'
'innodb_table_locks', 'ON'
'innodb_thread_concurrency', '8'
'interactive_timeout', '100'
'join_buffer_size', '131072'
'key_buffer_size', '8388600'
'key_cache_age_threshold', '300'
'key_cache_block_size', '1024'
'key_cache_division_limit', '100'
'language', '/usr/share/mysql/english/'
'large_files_support', 'ON'
'license', 'GPL'
'local_infile', 'ON'
'locked_in_memory', 'OFF'

'long_query_time', '10'
'low_priority_updates', 'OFF'
'lower_case_file_system', 'OFF'
'lower_case_table_names', '1'
'max_allowed_packet', '1047552'
'max_binlog_cache_size', '4294967295'
'max_binlog_size', '1073741824'
'max_connect_errors', '10'
'max_connections', '100'
'max_delayed_threads', '20'
'max_error_count', '64'
'max_heap_table_size', '16777216'
'max_insert_delayed_threads', '20'
'max_join_size', '4294967295'
'max_length_for_sort_data', '1024'
'max_relay_log_size', '0'
'max_seeks_for_key', '4294967295'
'max_sort_length', '1024'
'max_tmp_tables', '32'
'max_user_connections', '0'
'max_write_lock_count', '4294967295'

'net_buffer_length', '16384'
'net_read_timeout', '30'
'net_retry_count', '10'
'net_write_timeout', '60'
'new', 'OFF'
'old_passwords', 'OFF'
'open_files_limit', '1024'
'pid_file', '/var/lib/mysql/'
'port', '3306'
'preload_buffer_size', '32768'
'protocol_version', '10'
'query_alloc_block_size', '8192'
'query_cache_limit', '67108864'
'query_cache_min_res_unit', '4096'
'query_cache_size', '67108864'
'query_cache_type', 'ON'
'query_cache_wlock_invalidate', 'OFF'
'query_prealloc_size', '8192'
'range_alloc_block_size', '2048'
'read_buffer_size', '131072'
'read_only', 'OFF'
'read_rnd_buffer_size', '262144'

Re: How do you become a MySQL DBA

2005-06-01 Thread Ian Sales (DBA)

Mark Ahlstrom wrote:

Here's an odd question for you, how do you become a MySQL DBA?

I've got enough Solaris/Linux Experience under my belt and I was a Jr.
Oracle DBA for a year, which got me really interested in RDBMS. I try
to work with MySQL as much as possible, but I work with one of those
large telco's that does not like anything where they can't pay large
amounts of money. This means I have to work it into my spare time.

I've been trying to tie MySQL into basic services: ftp, DSPAM, pop3,
AND offer help for what we do have: running backups and repairing the
odd table when needed.

But the question is, what else could I do to help develope DBA skills?
Right now I have very little data that goes beyond 2 tables, so my
query skills are withering.


- DBA skills are more important than the MySQL skills. Two very useful 
books on the subject are AN INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS and 
DATABASE IN DEPTH, both by CJ Date. For MySQL skills: there are plenty 
of books on the subject, and everyone no doubt has their favourite(s). 
Other than that: experience. You could try building yourself a MySQL 
database at home, for something like your book or DVD collection.

- ian

| Ian Sales  Database Administrator |
|   |
|  All your database are belong to us |
| ebuyer |

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2005-06-01 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello everybody.

I use mysql 4.0.24 as found in debian gnu/linux sarge.

$ mysql -u root
mysql use mydb

Database changed
mysql select * from SAMPLES S1 where exists (select * from SAMPLES S2 where
S1.ID = S2.ID);

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'exists (select * from SAMPLES S2 where S1.ID = S2.ID)' at line

What's wrong with my query? Obviously the table SAMPLES and its column ID


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ANN: Advanced Data Generator 1.5.0 released

2005-06-01 Thread Martijn Tonies
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is happy to announce a new version of
the database developer tool:
Advanced Data Generator (version 1.5.0)

A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library
of real-life data, can generate data to your database,
SQL script or CSV files, many filling options, presets and 
much more.

This new release consists of four versions:

- Pro: ADO and ODBC connectivity
- InterBase Edition
- Firebird Edition
- MySQL Edition

More info and a 30-day trial version on

Pricing information available on

Recent changes:

- New: ability to use Stored Procedures as items to be used
- New: ability to run custom (prepared) SQL statements instead of
   auto-generated statements
- New: ability to generate INSERT INTO statements into file(s)
- New: ability to generate CSV files
- New: ability to run a project from the command line
- New: ability to copy projects
- New: projects can be saved with items not to be filled, but with
   settings for individual fields

- Enhancement: better error reporting when things aren't alright
   for filling.
- Enhancement: ADO connection detects MS SQL Server and executes
SET IDENTITY INSERT if applicable. Cannot be done
for ODBC.
- Enhancement: when loading projects from file, you can merge them
   with the current project.
- Enhancement: ability to delete all logs for a database
- Enhancement: minor GUI enhancements
- Enhancement: more diagnostic messages and better error reporting
- Enhancement: updated documentation for new features

- Fixed: IB/Fb: could not select connection characterset
- Fixed: MySQL: fixed possible error with DELETE statement
- Fixed: MySQL: Field 'Index_type' not found error for MySQL 4.0.low
- Fixed: ODBC: escapes all identifiers, avoiding errors when SQL
   uses reserved words and spaces in names
- Fixed: ODBC: Possible BLOB error fixed
- Fixed: ODBC: error messages cut off at 255 characters
- Fixed: ODBC: issue with N(VAR)CHAR columns fixed
- Fixed: ADO: escapes all identifiers, avoiding errors  when SQL
  uses reserved words and spaces in names
- Fixed: Fixed item index error with using copy value from other
 column feature
- Fixed: When using the German Streets data, a dialog would popup
- Fixed: random length strings did not always honor the lower bound
- Fixed: memory leak removed when closing Run Project window
- Fixed: ADO/ODBC several other possible errors with regard to 
 datatypes and parameters

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions - Database Tools for Developers

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2005-06-01 Thread Felix Geerinckx
On 31/05/2005, Lucio Crusca wrote:

 I use mysql 4.0.24 as found in debian gnu/linux sarge.
 mysql select * from SAMPLES S1 where exists (select * from SAMPLES
 S2 where S1.ID = S2.ID);
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual
 that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
 use near 'exists (select * from SAMPLES S2 where S1.ID = S2.ID)' at

You need MySQL 4.1.x for subqueries.


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Re: LEFT JOIN changes order of results

2005-06-01 Thread Harald Fuchs
Scott Gifford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The problem we're seeing is that when additional tables are pulled in
 for the detailed view, the order is different from the summary view,
 so the wrong homes are displayed.  Here's a simplified example.  A
 summary query might ask:

mysql SELECT lutar_homes.mls_num, lutar_images.num_images,
FROM lutar_homes, lutar_homes_supplemental 
LEFT JOIN lutar_images ON lutar_homes.mls_num = 
WHERE ((lutar_homes.listdate = (NOW() - INTERVAL '14 00:00:00' 
  AND lutar_homes.mls_num = lutar_homes_supplemental.mls_num
ORDER BY lutar_homes.listdate DESC

 | mls_num | num_images | address | listdate   |
 | 051768  |  1 | 7540 Country Pride Lane | 2005-05-31 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 When I add one more LEFT JOIN clause (the second one below) to get
 additional fields for the detailed view, I get a different first home,
 even though none of the search parameters have changed, and the table
 hasn't changed:

mysql SELECT lutar_homes.mls_num, lutar_images.num_images,
FROM lutar_homes, lutar_homes_supplemental 
LEFT JOIN lutar_images ON lutar_homes.mls_num = 
LEFT JOIN lutar_homes_stats ON lutar_homes.mls_num = 
WHERE ((lutar_homes.listdate = (NOW() - INTERVAL '14 00:00:00' 
  AND lutar_homes.mls_num = lutar_homes_supplemental.mls_num
ORDER BY lutar_homes.listdate DESC

 | mls_num | num_images | address  | listdate   |
 | 051770  |  9 | 9149 Frankenmuth | 2005-05-31 |
 1 row in set (0.02 sec)

 This change in ordering screws up my system, since if the user clicked
 on the first result in the summary view, the detailed view may display
 a completely different home.

The ordering does not change.  You told the syetem to order by
listdate DESC, and that's exactly what the system does.

Your problem is that the listdate ordering is not complete - there can
be multiple homes with the same listdate.  LIMIT is only stable if
1. the tables don't change
2. the ordering is complete

If the additional tables joined in don't generate multiple rows for
one home, it's enough to add the home's primary key to your ORDER BY.

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unable to start mysqld_multi

2005-06-01 Thread PRASHANT N

as per the online manual, i have configured mysql and able to run the server as 
mysqld_safe. but if i want to run mysqld_multi with the following configuration 
it doesnt work... the config file is like
mysqld = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe
mysqladmin = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin
user   = mutli_admin
password   = admin_multi

socket = /tmp/mysql.sock2
port   = 3307
pid-file   = /usr/local/mysql/var2/hostname.pid2
datadir= /usr/local/mysql/var2
user   = amitg

socket = /tmp/mysql.sock3
port   = 3308
pid-file   = /usr/local/mysql/var3/hostname.pid3
datadir= /usr/local/mysql/var3
user   = shann
i am starting the server with the following command 
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_multi start
this command doesnt throw any errors as such and the report i am getting my 
executing the command
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_multi report is
Reporting MySQL servers
MySQL server from group: mysqld2 is not running
MySQL server from group: mysqld3 is not running
what am i doing wrong. please guide me

Have your own email and web address for life. - Homemaster. Come Together. Online.

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2005-06-01 Thread Shaun

Is it possible to update all my encoded data with another password?

Thanks for your advice 

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Import dump (4.0 4.1) and collation problem

2005-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 because of the multilingual support.

But importing the DB dump into the new 4.1 version all foreign characters
(french, spanish, portoguese) have been replaced by ? character...

I've been trying to understand the new collation feature but i seems quite
difficult to setup.

Anybody has already faced this problem ?

Here's my current configuration:

1) my.cnf (only the mysqld section)

user= mysql
pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port= 3306
# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
#log= /var/log/mysql.log
log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
basedir = /usr
datadir = /db
tmpdir  = /tmp
language= /usr/share/mysql/english

2) Output show variables like '%char%';

character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database latin1
character_set_results utf8
character_set_server latin1
character_set_system utf8
character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

3) Out put show variables like '%coll%';

collation_connection utf8_general_ci
collation_database latin1_swedish_ci
collation_server latin1_swedish_ci

Thanks for any help


Roberto Jobet

6X velocizzare la tua navigazione a 56k? 6X Web Accelerator di Libero!

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Import dump (4.0 4.1) and collation problem

2005-06-01 Thread mfatene
your config supports european charcters :

mysql select * from tst;
| a| txt   |
|1 | Ceci est un test en Français  |
|1 | se facilitará el conocimiento de la evolución del |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql show variables like '%coll%';
| Variable_name| Value |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

have you tried some inserts to see if it is an import problem, or just the
client display ?




 I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 because of the multilingual support.

 But importing the DB dump into the new 4.1 version all foreign characters
 (french, spanish, portoguese) have been replaced by ? character...

 I've been trying to understand the new collation feature but i seems quite
 difficult to setup.

 Anybody has already faced this problem ?

 Here's my current configuration:

 1) my.cnf (only the mysqld section)

 user= mysql
 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 port= 3306
 # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
 #log= /var/log/mysql.log
 log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
 basedir = /usr
 datadir = /db
 tmpdir  = /tmp
 language= /usr/share/mysql/english

 2) Output show variables like '%char%';

 character_set_client utf8
 character_set_connection utf8
 character_set_database latin1
 character_set_results utf8
 character_set_server latin1
 character_set_system utf8
 character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

 3) Out put show variables like '%coll%';

 collation_connection utf8_general_ci
 collation_database latin1_swedish_ci
 collation_server latin1_swedish_ci

 Thanks for any help


 Roberto Jobet

 6X velocizzare la tua navigazione a 56k? 6X Web Accelerator di Libero!
 Scaricalo su INTERNET GRATIS 6X

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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building php, using mysql for apache2

2005-06-01 Thread bruce

trying to build php4 with mysql4.1-12, for use in apache2. i have the
following ./compile that works for php5. however, when i try to use it for
php4, i get a msg, stating that it can't find the MySQL Headers...

can anybody provide any pointers as far as what the Headers are for mysql,
and where they'd be located? if i knew the files, i could do a search to
find where they're located.

./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config



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Re: building php, using mysql for apache2

2005-06-01 Thread mfatene
have you installed php4-mysql ?

look at for example.


Selon bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 trying to build php4 with mysql4.1-12, for use in apache2. i have the
 following ./compile that works for php5. however, when i try to use it for
 php4, i get a msg, stating that it can't find the MySQL Headers...

 can anybody provide any pointers as far as what the Headers are for mysql,
 and where they'd be located? if i knew the files, i could do a search to
 find where they're located.

 ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config



 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Lost connection to MySQL server during query - on long queries

2005-06-01 Thread Dobromir Velev
Can you send some more output from the MySQL error log (normally located 
at /var/lib/mysq/[hostname].err) . Have you tried myisamchk to check the 
tables that are giving the errors? Also you might want to take a look at

On Wednesday 01 June 2005 12:04, Amir Shay wrote:

 Each time we run long queries (over around 5 seconds) the mySQL server
 fails and restarts (you can see it in the error log that starts with
 Database page corruption on disk or a fail.. and then there is a
 dump...) and the query return with Lost connection to MySQL server
 during query...

 Using Linux 9 with mySQL 4.1.11-standard the tables are InnoDB

 The error is happening from everywhere: mysql command line, Query
 browser, from local and remote computers, running selects, insert and
 even check table, EMS client . Java (see below the log)

 The problem is probably not in the network parameters, see list of the
 variables below

 The database is quit big around 5 GB

 After the error the server restart automatically and continue to run for
 the short queries

 We found one place where long queries work - when we run from the query
 browser the same select * from some big table. However running
 from the same place check table... reproduce the error !. Again
 running the same select * from some big table from all the other
 palaces cause the server to fall


 Server parameters

 'back_log', '50'
 'basedir', '/'
 'binlog_cache_size', '32768'
 'bulk_insert_buffer_size', '8388608'
 'character_set_client', 'utf8'
 'character_set_connection', 'utf8'
 'character_set_database', 'hebrew'
 'character_set_results', 'utf8'
 'character_set_server', 'hebrew'
 'character_set_system', 'utf8'
 'character_sets_dir', '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/'
 'collation_connection', 'utf8_general_ci'
 'collation_database', 'hebrew_general_ci'
 'collation_server', 'hebrew_general_ci'
 'concurrent_insert', 'ON'
 'connect_timeout', '100'
 'datadir', '/var/lib/mysql/'
 'date_format', '%Y-%m-%d'
 'datetime_format', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'
 'default_week_format', '0'
 'delay_key_write', 'ON'
 'delayed_insert_limit', '100'
 'delayed_insert_timeout', '300'
 'delayed_queue_size', '1000'
 'expire_logs_days', '0'
 'flush', 'OFF'
 'flush_time', '0'
 'ft_boolean_syntax', '+ -()~*:|'
 'ft_max_word_len', '84'
 'ft_min_word_len', '4'
 'ft_query_expansion_limit', '20'
 'ft_stopword_file', '(built-in)'
 'group_concat_max_len', '1024'
 'have_archive', 'NO'
 'have_bdb', 'NO'
 'have_blackhole_engine', 'NO'
 'have_compress', 'YES'
 'have_crypt', 'YES'
 'have_csv', 'NO'
 'have_example_engine', 'NO'
 'have_geometry', 'YES'
 'have_innodb', 'YES'
 'have_isam', 'NO'
 'have_ndbcluster', 'NO'
 'have_openssl', 'NO'
 'have_query_cache', 'YES'
 'have_raid', 'NO'
 'have_rtree_keys', 'YES'
 'have_symlink', 'YES'
 'init_connect', ''
 'init_file', ''
 'init_slave', ''
 'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size', '14680064'
 'innodb_autoextend_increment', '8'
 'innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb', '0'
 'innodb_buffer_pool_size', '1073741824'
 'innodb_data_file_path', 'ibdata1:10M:autoextend'
 'innodb_data_home_dir', '/var/lib/mysql'
 'innodb_fast_shutdown', 'ON'
 'innodb_file_io_threads', '4'
 'innodb_file_per_table', 'OFF'
 'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit', '1'
 'innodb_flush_method', ''
 'innodb_force_recovery', '0'
 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout', '50'
 'innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog', 'OFF'
 'innodb_log_arch_dir', ''
 'innodb_log_archive', 'OFF'
 'innodb_log_buffer_size', '1048576'
 'innodb_log_file_size', '5242880'
 'innodb_log_files_in_group', '2'
 'innodb_log_group_home_dir', './'
 'innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct', '90'
 'innodb_max_purge_lag', '0'
 'innodb_mirrored_log_groups', '1'
 'innodb_open_files', '300'
 'innodb_table_locks', 'ON'
 'innodb_thread_concurrency', '8'
 'interactive_timeout', '100'
 'join_buffer_size', '131072'
 'key_buffer_size', '8388600'
 'key_cache_age_threshold', '300'
 'key_cache_block_size', '1024'
 'key_cache_division_limit', '100'
 'language', '/usr/share/mysql/english/'
 'large_files_support', 'ON'
 'license', 'GPL'
 'local_infile', 'ON'
 'locked_in_memory', 'OFF'

 'long_query_time', '10'
 'low_priority_updates', 'OFF'
 'lower_case_file_system', 'OFF'
 'lower_case_table_names', '1'
 'max_allowed_packet', '1047552'
 'max_binlog_cache_size', '4294967295'
 'max_binlog_size', '1073741824'
 'max_connect_errors', '10'
 'max_connections', '100'
 'max_delayed_threads', '20'
 'max_error_count', '64'
 'max_heap_table_size', '16777216'
 'max_insert_delayed_threads', '20'
 'max_join_size', '4294967295'
 'max_length_for_sort_data', '1024'
 'max_relay_log_size', '0'
 'max_seeks_for_key', '4294967295'
 'max_sort_length', '1024'
 'max_tmp_tables', '32'
 'max_user_connections', '0'
 'max_write_lock_count', '4294967295'

 'net_buffer_length', '16384'
 'net_read_timeout', '30'
 'net_retry_count', '10'
 'net_write_timeout', '60'
 'new', 'OFF'
 'old_passwords', 'OFF'
 'open_files_limit', '1024'

Re: Import dump (4.0 4.1) and collation problem

2005-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

je vois que tu es français, j'aimerai bien continuer en français mais il vaut
mieux en anglais si jamais il y avait quelqu'un avec le même problème ;-)

So what I'm trying to achieve is to have UTF-8 databases in order to support
multilingual content.

But first I have to understand how to recover foreign characters in my DB.

What do you mean by: try some inserts to see if it is an import problem  or
just the client display ?

Merci d'avance

Roberto Jobet

 your config supports european characters :

 mysql select * from tst;
 | a| txt   |
 |1 | Ceci est un test en Français  |
 |1 | se facilitará el conocimiento de la evolución del |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql show variables like '%coll%';
 | Variable_name| Value |
 | collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
 | collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
 | collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 have you tried some inserts to see if it is an import problem, or just the
 client display ?



  I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 because of the multilingual support.
  But importing the DB dump into the new 4.1 version all foreign characters
  (french, spanish, portoguese) have been replaced by ? character...
  I've been trying to understand the new collation feature but i seems quite
  difficult to setup.
  Anybody has already faced this problem ?
  Here's my current configuration:
  1) my.cnf (only the mysqld section)
  user= mysql
  pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
  socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  port= 3306
  # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
  #log= /var/log/mysql.log
  log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
  basedir = /usr
  datadir = /db
  tmpdir  = /tmp
  language= /usr/share/mysql/english
  2) Output show variables like '%char%';
  character_set_client utf8
  character_set_connection utf8
  character_set_database latin1
  character_set_results utf8
  character_set_server latin1
  character_set_system utf8
  character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
  3) Out put show variables like '%coll%';
  collation_connection utf8_general_ci
  collation_database latin1_swedish_ci
  collation_server latin1_swedish_ci
  Thanks for any help
  Roberto Jobet

6X velocizzare la tua navigazione a 56k? 6X Web Accelerator di Libero!

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

First In First Out stock calculation query

2005-06-01 Thread shantanu oak
Here is the table in question.

drop table `portfolio1`; 
CREATE TABLE `portfolio1` (
`ccode` varchar(99) default NULL,
`symbol` varchar(99) default NULL,
`transaction_date` date default NULL,
`rate` decimal(11,2) default NULL,
`quantity` int(11) default NULL,
`transaction` enum('buy','sell') default NULL

INSERT INTO `portfolio1` VALUES ( 'soak', 'A', '2002-09-02', '345.92',
'350', 'buy');
INSERT INTO `portfolio1` VALUES ( 'soak', 'D', '2003-03-25', '39.90',
'1000', 'buy');
INSERT INTO `portfolio1` VALUES ( 'soak', 'A', '2002-12-05', '500.00',
'100', 'sell');
INSERT INTO `portfolio1` VALUES ( 'soak', 'A', '2003-12-05', '900.00',
'100', 'sell');
INSERT INTO `portfolio1` VALUES ( 'soak', 'D', '2004-12-05', '67.00',
'200', 'sell');
INSERT INTO `portfolio1` VALUES ( 'soak', 'D', '2004-12-09', '87.00',
'500', 'sell');

query I know...

SUM(sub1.quantity_buy) buy,
SUM(sub1.quantity_sell) sell,
(SUM(sub1.quantity_buy) - SUM(sub1.quantity_sell)) stock,
MAX(sub1.transaction_date) transaction_date
SELECT ccode, symbol, quantity quantity_buy, 0 quantity_sell, transaction_date
FROM `portfolio1` p
WHERE transaction = 'buy'
union all
SELECT ccode, symbol, 0, quantity quantity_sell, ''
FROM `portfolio1` p
WHERE transaction = 'sell'
) sub1
sub1.ccode, sub1.symbol;

The results are as per my expectations.

ccode symbol buy sell stock transaction_date
soak A 300 275 25 2003-09-02
soak D 900 400 500 2003-03-25

But I do also want to know the corresponding quantity bought on that
particular transaction_date.

ccode |symbol | buy | sell | stock | transaction_date | bought
soak | A | 300 | 275 | 25 | 2003-09-02 | 150
soak | D | 900 | 400 | 500 | 2003-03-25 | 300

and if it is possible, the second last entry if the stock  bought like this...

ccode |symbol | buy | sell | stock | transaction_date | bought
soak | A | 300 | 275 | 25 | 2003-09-02 | 150
soak | D | 900 | 400 | 500 | 2003-03-25 | 300
soak | D | 900 | 400 | 500 | 2002-02-25 | 100
soak | D | 900 | 400 | 500 | 2001-03-25 | 100

Note: even if 500 quantity was bought on 2001-03-25 I want to display only 100
in the bought column above because 400 units have already been sold off.

Shantanu Oak

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Import dump (4.0 4.1) and collation problem

2005-06-01 Thread mfatene
i mean :
if you launch :
into into table (toto) values ('Ceci est un test en Français');
then :
select toto from table;

can you read it correctly ? And if the same row is imported, is there any
difference ?

A bientôt



 je vois que tu es français, j'aimerai bien continuer en français mais il vaut
 mieux en anglais si jamais il y avait quelqu'un avec le même problème ;-)

 So what I'm trying to achieve is to have UTF-8 databases in order to support
 multilingual content.

 But first I have to understand how to recover foreign characters in my DB.

 What do you mean by: try some inserts to see if it is an import problem  or
 just the client display ?

 Merci d'avance

 Roberto Jobet

  your config supports european characters :
  mysql select * from tst;
  | a| txt   |
  |1 | Ceci est un test en Français  |
  |1 | se facilitará el conocimiento de la evolución del |
  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  mysql show variables like '%coll%';
  | Variable_name| Value |
  | collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
  | collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
  | collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
  3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  have you tried some inserts to see if it is an import problem, or just the
  client display ?
   I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 because of the multilingual support.
   But importing the DB dump into the new 4.1 version all foreign characters
   (french, spanish, portoguese) have been replaced by ? character...
   I've been trying to understand the new collation feature but i seems
   difficult to setup.
   Anybody has already faced this problem ?
   Here's my current configuration:
   1) my.cnf (only the mysqld section)
   user= mysql
   pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
   socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
   port= 3306
   # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
   #log= /var/log/mysql.log
   log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
   basedir = /usr
   datadir = /db
   tmpdir  = /tmp
   language= /usr/share/mysql/english
   2) Output show variables like '%char%';
   character_set_client utf8
   character_set_connection utf8
   character_set_database latin1
   character_set_results utf8
   character_set_server latin1
   character_set_system utf8
   character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
   3) Out put show variables like '%coll%';
   collation_connection utf8_general_ci
   collation_database latin1_swedish_ci
   collation_server latin1_swedish_ci
   Thanks for any help
   Roberto Jobet

 6X velocizzare la tua navigazione a 56k? 6X Web Accelerator di Libero!
 Scaricalo su INTERNET GRATIS 6X

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

change field to auto increment

2005-06-01 Thread Reinhart Viane
Hey list,


I need a query that checks if a certain table column has type auto-increment

If not set it to auto increment, else do nothing.


Let's say I have the table objects (object_id, object_name) in which
object_id is the primary field.

Now check to see if object_id is auto_increment  and if not set it


Can anyone help me on this? I've been looking into the manual but I can't
get it right:

Alter table objects change object_id type auto_increment



Thx in advance, 



DBD::Oracle issue

2005-06-01 Thread christopher . l . hood


Can someone help out with this error:


DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication
protocol error (DBD ERROR: error possibly near * indicator at char 23 in
'select table_name from *all_tables') [for Statement select table_name
from all_tables] at ./ line 66.


I have tried to set TWO_TASK environment variable to no avail.


The oracle connection is a remote connection made.

I have successfully looked up other information in the database with this

The actual SQL command being run is select table_name from all_tables.


If anyone needs the actual script that is being run please mail me. But I
believe this error is specific to the select statement being run because
other selects work just fine.


ANY ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated,


Chris Hood


RE: MySQL 5.0.6-beta has been released

2005-06-01 Thread mel list_php


I downloaded and tried to install from the sources.
./configure, make seem ok, however the make install exit very quickly with 
an error code 127 (perror gives record-file is crashed, no idea of what 
that means!).

My old 5.0.4 istall is working fine, so I don't think the system is in 
cause,but in case of it's a mandriva cooker.

Anybody has any clue?


From: Matt Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: MySQL 5.0.6-beta has been released
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 18:01:48 -0500


A new version of MySQL Community Edition 5.0.6-beta Open Source database
management system has been released.  This version includes support for
Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views and many other features. It is now
available in source and binary form for a number of platforms from our
download pages at and mirror sites.

Note that not all mirror sites may be up-to-date at this point. If you
cannot find this version on a particular mirror, please try again later or
choose another download site.

This is the third published Beta release in the 5.0 series. All attention
will now be focused on fixing bugs and stabilizing 5.0 for later production

NOTE: This Beta release, as any other pre-production release, should not be
installed on ``production'' level systems or systems with critical data. It
is good practice to back up your data before installing any new version of
software.  Although MySQL has done its best to ensure a high level of
quality, protect your data by making a backup as you would for any software
beta release.

Please refer to our bug database at for more details
about the individual open and resolved bugs in this version.

Changes in release 5.0.6:

  Functionality added or changed:
* INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: `MyISAM' and `InnoDB' tables created
  with `DECIMAL' columns in MySQL 5.0.3 to 5.0.5 will appear corrupt
  after an upgrade to MySQL 5.0.6.  Dump such tables with
  `mysqldump' before upgrading, and then reload them after
  upgrading.  (The same incompatibility will occur for these tables
  created in MySQL 5.0.6 after a downgrade to MySQL 5.0.3 to 5.0.5.)
  (Bug #10465, Bug #10625)
  `REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME' columns to the `KEY_COLUMN_USAGE' table of
  `INFORMATION_SCHEMA'.  (Bug #9587)
* Added a `--show-warnings' option to `mysql' to cause warnings to
  be shown after each statement if there are any.  This option
  applies to interactive and batch mode.  In interactive mode, `\w'
  and `\W' may be used to enable and disable warning display.  (Bug
* Removed a limitation that prevented use of FIFOs as logging
  targets (such as for the general query log).  This modification
  _does not apply_ to the binary log and the relay log.  (Bug #8271)
* Added a `--debug' option to `my_print_defaults'.
* When the server cannot read a table because it cannot read the
  `.frm' file, print a message that the table was created with a
  different version of MySQL.  (This can happen if you create tables
  that use new features and then downgrade to an older version of
  MySQL.)  (Bug #10435)
* `SHOW VARIABLES' now shows the `slave_compresed_protocol',
  `slave_load_tmpdir' and `slave_skip_errors' system variables.
  (Bug #7800)
* Removed unused system variable `myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size'.
* Changed default value of `myisam_data_pointer_size' from 4 to 6.
  This allows us to avoid `table is full' errors for most cases.
* The variable `concurrent_insert' now takes 3 values.  Setting this
  to 2 changes MyISAM to do concurrent inserts to end of table if
  table is in use by another thread.
* New `/*' prompt for `mysql'. This prompt indicates that a `/* ...
  */' comment was begun on an earlier line and the closing `*/'
  sequence has not yet been seen.  (Bug #9186)
* If strict SQL mode is enabled, `VARCHAR' and `VARBINARY' columns
  with a length greater than 65,535 no longer are silently converted
  to `TEXT' or `BLOB' columns.  Instead, an error occurs.  (Bug
  #8295, Bug #8296)
  `DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME' column.  (Bug #8998)
* `InnoDB': When the maximum length of `SHOW INNODB STATUS' output
  would be exceeded, truncate the beginning of the list of active
  transactions, instead of truncating the end of the output.  (Bug
* `InnoDB': If `innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog' option is set and
  the isolation level of the transaction is not set to serializable
  then `InnoDB' uses a consistent read for select in clauses like
  `INSERT INTO ... SELECT' and `UPDATE ...  (SELECT)' that do not
  specify `FOR UPDATE' or `IN 

Re: DBD::Oracle issue

2005-06-01 Thread mfatene
I'll try even if this is not a neither oracle nor perl-dbd list.

1. verify that NLS_LANG is correct in your client env (and all the other ORA
2. verify the query is simply quoted ( needs \_ for _)
3. Put all oracle variables in BEGIN {ORACLe_HOME=}; in the perl script
4. verify that select * from dual is OK




 Can someone help out with this error:

 DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication
 protocol error (DBD ERROR: error possibly near * indicator at char 23 in
 'select table_name from *all_tables') [for Statement select table_name
 from all_tables] at ./ line 66.

 I have tried to set TWO_TASK environment variable to no avail.

 The oracle connection is a remote connection made.

 I have successfully looked up other information in the database with this

 The actual SQL command being run is select table_name from all_tables.

 If anyone needs the actual script that is being run please mail me. But I
 believe this error is specific to the select statement being run because
 other selects work just fine.

 ANY ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

 Chris Hood

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Import dump (4.0 4.1) and collation problem

2005-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Everything works fine: insert, select and importing. I have always the same 

'Ceci est un test en Français'

So what could be the problem ? and how to recover foreign characters ?


Roberto Jobet

 i mean :
 if you launch :
 into into table (toto) values ('Ceci est un test en Français');
 then :
 select toto from table;

 can you read it correctly ? And if the same row is imported, is there any
 difference ?

 A bientôt


  je vois que tu es français, j'aimerai bien continuer en français mais il 
  mieux en anglais si jamais il y avait quelqu'un avec le même problème ;-)
  So what I'm trying to achieve is to have UTF-8 databases in order to support
  multilingual content.
  But first I have to understand how to recover foreign characters in my DB.
  What do you mean by: try some inserts to see if it is an import problem  
  just the client display ?
  Merci d'avance
  Roberto Jobet
   your config supports european characters :
   mysql select * from tst;
   | a| txt   |
   |1 | Ceci est un test en Français  |
   |1 | se facilitará el conocimiento de la evolución del |
   2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
   mysql show variables like '%coll%';
   | Variable_name| Value |
   | collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
   | collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
   | collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
   3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
   have you tried some inserts to see if it is an import problem, or just the
   client display ?
I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 because of the multilingual support.
But importing the DB dump into the new 4.1 version all foreign 
(french, spanish, portoguese) have been replaced by ? character...
I've been trying to understand the new collation feature but i seems
difficult to setup.
Anybody has already faced this problem ?
Here's my current configuration:
1) my.cnf (only the mysqld section)
user= mysql
pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port= 3306
# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
#log= /var/log/mysql.log
log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
basedir = /usr
datadir = /db
tmpdir  = /tmp
language= /usr/share/mysql/english
2) Output show variables like '%char%';
character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database latin1
character_set_results utf8
character_set_server latin1
character_set_system utf8
character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
3) Out put show variables like '%coll%';
collation_connection utf8_general_ci
collation_database latin1_swedish_ci
collation_server latin1_swedish_ci
Thanks for any help
Roberto Jobet
  6X velocizzare la tua navigazione a 56k? 6X Web Accelerator di Libero!
  Scaricalo su INTERNET GRATIS 6X
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


6X velocizzare la tua navigazione a 56k? 6X Web Accelerator di Libero!

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MySQL preg_split functionality?

2005-06-01 Thread SGreen
Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005 06:57:19 

 -- How is 'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?
 It's not easier.  It is; however, accurate for the purpose at hand. 
 FIELD1 isn't completely would miss FIELD-1...
 -- However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation
 (cleanup) needs to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse.
 Sometimes FIELD-1 is the ACTUAL data, with no erroneus
 characters...and sometimes it is FIELD1 with an erroneous (or
 unwanted) - character before the 1) cleaning the data would
 actually be corrupting some of it.
 I need to keep the data in it's original form, but also allow for
 querying without worrying about the special characters inside the
 FYI, these are part numbers off of electronic components, many of them
 coming from, a Cisco part may have an MPN of RX321, or
 RX321-TR...either is valid.  Now, the corresponding Chinese part
 number for the first one, may come back as RX32-1...which is out of my
 Cleaning the data would be the wrong approach, because it would
 actually invalidate the second Cisco part number, which MEANT to
 include the special characters.
 For this reason, the user wants to be able to search for 'RX321' and
 'RX321TR' respectively, and not worry about whether the data is
 erroneous or valid; just to basically ignore all the characters and
 let a human decide what they want.
 If you have a more elegant solution, I'm all ears :-).
  Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005 
   Ya, it is a little too's why I need it.
   I have a client that wants to search for part numbers in his DB. The
   problem is, they come into his DB from external sources, with all
   sorts of special characters in them...
   So, he has fields like 
   fi--eld   2,
   but, he wants to do a search for 'fieldone' and return the first 
   'field2' returns the second, etc...basically disregard all 
   padding every character in the search string.
   On 5/27/05, Eric Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm working on a set of UDFs for preg functions.


I have a hard time figuring out when you would use such a 
function. I
not believe you will be able to duplicate this behavior without
constructing your own UDF or by writing a stored procedure. BTW, 
you want this function?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005

I'm trying to replicate this PHP behavior in a MySQL stored 
 The purpose is to pad every character of the string with a pad
character.  For example, if the pad character is 'x' and 
thestring is
'STRING', the result is 'xSxTxRxIxNxGx'.

Here is the PHP code if it helps.  I'd like to use a regular
expression to replace, but I guess I could loop through the 
char by char and build a new one, it's just less elegant. Thanks 

$regPattern =  implode('x', preg_split('//', STRING, -1,

  Thank you very much. I find this whole padding process very
  counterintuitive. I have a few minor questions, if you don't mind. How 
  'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?  Would you, could you 
  explain the theory behind why and when this kind of padding should be 
  What problem does it solve and how is it a solution to that problem? 
  is completely baffling to me and I thought I had seen a lot of weird 
  before :-) 
  However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation (cleanup) 
  to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse. What data import 
  is your client using? Can you not change the import process to scrub 
  data and does it not have a better facility to interleave padding into 
  string than a MySQL stored procedure or UDF? 
  Thanks for you patience! 
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

I would suggest the following technique. Keep your original data (trimmed 
of leading and trailing whitespace characters) in one field and a 
cleansed version of the same information in a second field. By cleansing 
you should eliminate all non-alphanumerics from your search string. 

I have some direct insight to searching similar but different product 
codes (same product/different codes  different products/same codes). My 
wife works for a company that consolidates medical inventories for major 
hospital and health care organizations and there is usually more than one 
vendor to the same product. This leads to the exact same 

RE: Database design query

2005-06-01 Thread rtroiana
I think I have found the solution for my problem. I made the following

- I added a new field RecordID in GroupMemberInfo to make the records
- Instead of MemberID and GroupID, I'm now using MemberName and GroupName.
I made this change since in Active Directory every name is unique.
- What I found out that in mysql, a FK field can refer to any index field
in parent table and not necessarily only Primary Key field.
- So instead of making MemberID and GroupID as primarykey, RecordID is
primary key now and MemberID is just an index. 

I don't know if it's a bug in Mysql or it's an added feature that a FK field
can refer to any index field in parent table.

CREATE TABLE `groupinfo` (
  `GroupID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `GroupName` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  `MemberCount` int(11) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`GroupID`),
  UNIQUE KEY `i_GroupName` TYPE BTREE (`GroupName`)

CREATE TABLE `groupmemberinfo` (
  `RecordID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `GroupName` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  `MemberName` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  `MemberType` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`RecordID`),
  KEY `i_MemberName` TYPE HASH (`MemberName`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_groupmemberinfo_GroupName` FOREIGN KEY (`GroupName`)
REFERENCES `groupinfo` (`GroupName`)

CREATE TABLE `hostinfo` (
  `HostID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `HostName` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  `Password` tinyblob NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`HostID`),
  KEY `i_HostName` (`HostName`),
`groupmemberinfo` (`MemberName`)

CREATE TABLE `userinfo` (
  `UserID` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
  `UserName` varchar(128) default NULL,
  `Password` tinyblob,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`UserID`),
  KEY `i_UserName` (`UserName`),
`groupmemberinfo` (`GroupName`)

I know for sure that this is not the best solution. But now both User and
Host are referring to GroupMemberInfo. So I have constraints at DB level

Thanks to all who replied,

-Original Message-
From: Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 8:39 AM
To: 'rtroiana'
Subject: RE: Database design query

I know what you are trying to do and I can see the logic advantage of having
a single table that defines the the group relationship for users hosts and
groups. I just don't think the rules governing foreign keys will allow this.

Your original thought of enforcing the relationships i.e. cascade
delete/update etc. at the application vs the database is the only way I can
see to make this happen. 

Otherwise you are back to three tables with the added code to find all
members of a group across the 3 tables. 

I don't know that I've added much, but I enjoyed the dialog.

-Original Message-
From: rtroiana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:23 PM
To: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Database design query

I can have three different foreign key definitions on one field, but it
expects the same value in all the three parent tables. So that's not the
right way to implement it

What I'm trying to do is:

Member id as primary key and UserID, HostID and groupID as foreign keys

But since in GroupMember table a member can be in more than 1 group, so I
have combination of MemberID, GroupId and MemberType as primary key

If I use these 3 as primary key, so UserID, HostID and groupID can't refer
MemberID as primary key. That's what the problem is.


-Original Message-
From: Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:14 PM
To: 'rtroiana';
Subject: RE: Database design query

IF GroupID, HostID and UserID are unique between the three sets then your
GroupMember  table will work although I would still be tempted to add a
MemberType in the GroupMember table.

Isn't MemberID the Foreign Key to UserID/HostID/GroupID althugh I don't know
if you can have three different foreign key definitions on one field. If not
I think you are stuck with 3 tables instead of trying to do it in one.

-Original Message-
From: rtroiana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:23 PM
Subject: Database design query

Hi All,


I'm trying to get data from Active Directory and storing in database. So I
have the following tables with their corresponding primary keys:


Group   (GroupID)

Host (HostID)

User (UserID)

GroupMember(GroupID, MemberID)


The relations between them according to Active Directory should be as


1)   Host and user can be in one or more groups

2)   Groups can be in one or more groups


I was trying to implement 


2005-06-01 Thread Neculai Macarie
 Is it possible to update all my encoded data with another password?

Yes. Example for the encoded/decode functions:

UPDATE table
SET pass_colum = encode(decode(pass_column, old_password), new_password);

mack /

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table full on mysql-cluster

2005-06-01 Thread Tilmann Grossmann
We have the following problem.

Cluster means table 'TABLENAME' is full 

We have 11076890 rows in this table. 
Where is the limit defined ?
Disk are Not full. RAM not full too.
Table engine is NDBCLUSTER.
Can anybody help ?

Powered by: T-Systems Multimedia Solutions BlackBerry Enterprise Server

Find the biggest blobs

2005-06-01 Thread Roland Carlsson


I've need to find the largest blobs in a table but I seem not to be able 
to figure out what it is. Could anyone please help me with this?


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RE: DBD::Oracle issue

2005-06-01 Thread TheRefUmp
Wrong forum for MySQL but you're getting the error because unless you created a 
view/table for all_tables then it doesn't exist. I suspect you're trying to 
use the view USER_TABLES or DBA_TABLES (if you have the GRANT to view that 
DBA view.




Can someone help out with this error:


DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication
protocol error (DBD ERROR: error possibly near * indicator at char 23 in
'select table_name from *all_tables') [for Statement select table_name
from all_tables] at ./ line 66.


I have tried to set TWO_TASK environment variable to no avail.


The oracle connection is a remote connection made.

I have successfully looked up other information in the database with this

The actual SQL command being run is select table_name from all_tables.


If anyone needs the actual script that is being run please mail me. But I
believe this error is specific to the select statement being run because
other selects work just fine.


ANY ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated,


Chris Hood


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2005-06-01 Thread Anoop kumar V
You can use joins instead of subqueries if you cannot upgrade to 4.1.x of 

Actually in my opinion joins are more efficient than subqueries. Subqueries 
(more often than not) tend to become bottlenecks in the long run.. has a some reference material about converting 
subqueries to joins

hope that helps,

On 1 Jun 2005 08:37:03 -, Felix Geerinckx [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 On 31/05/2005, Lucio Crusca wrote:
  I use mysql 4.0.24 as found in debian gnu/linux sarge.
  mysql select * from SAMPLES S1 where exists (select * from SAMPLES
  S2 where S1.ID http://S1.ID = S2.ID http://S2.ID);
  ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual
  that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
  use near 'exists (select * from SAMPLES S2 where S1.ID http://S1.ID = 
 S2.ID http://S2.ID)' at
 You need MySQL 4.1.x for subqueries.
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks and best regards,

Re: change field to auto increment

2005-06-01 Thread Michael Stassen

Reinhart Viane wrote:

Hey list,

I need a query that checks if a certain table column has type auto-increment

If not set it to auto increment, else do nothing.

Let's say I have the table objects (object_id, object_name) in which
object_id is the primary field.

Now check to see if object_id is auto_increment  and if not set it

Can anyone help me on this? I've been looking into the manual but I can't
get it right:

Alter table objects change object_id type auto_increment

Thx in advance, 


You can find out if objects.object_id is set to AUTO_INCREMENT in a 
couple of ways.

Use DESCRIBE tablename to see info about all 
the columns:

  mysql DESCRIBE objects;
  | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
  | id| int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
  | name  | char(30) | YES  | MUL | NULL||
  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

or use DESCRIBE tablename colname to see info about a specific column:

  mysql DESCRIBE objects id;
  | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
  | id| int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
  1 row in set (0.01 sec)

or use SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename

  mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE objects\G
  *** 1. row ***
 Table: objects
  Create Table: CREATE TABLE `objects` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` char(30) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `name` (`name`)
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The last is probably best for your purposes.

To change a column definition using ALTER TABLE, you have to give the 
complete new column definition, you can't simply add an attribute.  If in my example above had not been AUTO_INCREMENT:

  ALTER TABLE objects
  CHANGE id id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;

That is, I took the line from SHOW CREATE TABLE for id, added the 
AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, and used that as the new column definition.

See the manual for details on ALTER TABLE syntax


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RE: change field to auto increment

2005-06-01 Thread Reinhart Viane
Great!! Thx
I looked into the manual and the refer to the create syntax concerning
The one thing I did not get was the fact I have to 'recreate' the column
definition and can not just add something to it.

It works great now!
The for the effort of replying :)

Reinhart Viane
Btw, how do you show your tables layout like you did in this mail?

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Verzonden: woensdag 1 juni 2005 16:47
Onderwerp: Re: change field to auto increment

Reinhart Viane wrote:
 Hey list,
 I need a query that checks if a certain table column has type
 If not set it to auto increment, else do nothing.
 Let's say I have the table objects (object_id, object_name) in which
 object_id is the primary field.
 Now check to see if object_id is auto_increment  and if not set it
 Can anyone help me on this? I've been looking into the manual but I can't
 get it right:
 Alter table objects change object_id type auto_increment
 Thx in advance, 

You can find out if objects.object_id is set to AUTO_INCREMENT in a 
couple of ways.

Use DESCRIBE tablename to see info about all 
the columns:

   mysql DESCRIBE objects;
   | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
   | id| int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
   | name  | char(30) | YES  | MUL | NULL||
   2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

or use DESCRIBE tablename colname to see info about a specific column:

   mysql DESCRIBE objects id;
   | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
   | id| int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
   1 row in set (0.01 sec)

or use SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename

   mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE objects\G
   *** 1. row ***
  Table: objects
   Create Table: CREATE TABLE `objects` (
 `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `name` char(30) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `name` (`name`)
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The last is probably best for your purposes.

To change a column definition using ALTER TABLE, you have to give the 
complete new column definition, you can't simply add an attribute.  If in my example above had not been AUTO_INCREMENT:

   ALTER TABLE objects
   CHANGE id id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;

That is, I took the line from SHOW CREATE TABLE for id, added the 
AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, and used that as the new column definition.

See the manual for details on ALTER TABLE syntax


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Re: How to get the name of the last failed FK constraint

2005-06-01 Thread SGreen
Frank Schröder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/31/2005 03:18:11 AM:

 I have an InnoDB table running on MySQL 4.1.11 with multiple FK
 constraints. I'm accessing it via JDBC from Java.
 When an FK constraint fails with error 1216 I need to know which of the
 constraints failed.
 SHOW INNODB STATUS returns the following output
 CONSTRAINT `u_registration_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`DEVICE_ID`)
 REFERENCES `u_device` (`DEVICE_ID`)
 Is there a way of getting to the name of the last failed FK constraint
 without using SHOW INNODB STATUS? What I need is the
 'u_registration_ibfk_1' from the above example.
 Any help is highly appreciated

Have you looked at the results of SHOW INNODB STATUS; ?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Import dump (4.0 4.1) and collation problem

2005-06-01 Thread mfatene
i don't see what doesn't work ! Where characters are replaced by ?, since you
say that insert,select and import work fine ? is it in the export ?

see for migration.




 Everything works fine: insert, select and importing. I have always the same

 'Ceci est un test en Français'

 So what could be the problem ? and how to recover foreign characters ?


 Roberto Jobet

  i mean :
  if you launch :
  into into table (toto) values ('Ceci est un test en Français');
  then :
  select toto from table;
  can you read it correctly ? And if the same row is imported, is there any
  difference ?
  A bientôt
   je vois que tu es français, j'aimerai bien continuer en français mais il
   mieux en anglais si jamais il y avait quelqu'un avec le même problème ;-)
   So what I'm trying to achieve is to have UTF-8 databases in order to
   multilingual content.
   But first I have to understand how to recover foreign characters in my
   What do you mean by: try some inserts to see if it is an import problem
   just the client display ?
   Merci d'avance
   Roberto Jobet
your config supports european characters :
mysql select * from tst;
| a| txt   |
|1 | Ceci est un test en Français  |
|1 | se facilitará el conocimiento de la evolución del |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql show variables like '%coll%';
| Variable_name| Value |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
have you tried some inserts to see if it is an import problem, or just
client display ?

 I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 because of the multilingual

 But importing the DB dump into the new 4.1 version all foreign
 (french, spanish, portoguese) have been replaced by ? character...

 I've been trying to understand the new collation feature but i
 difficult to setup.

 Anybody has already faced this problem ?

 Here's my current configuration:

 1) my.cnf (only the mysqld section)

 user= mysql
 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 port= 3306
 # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
 #log= /var/log/mysql.log
 log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
 basedir = /usr
 datadir = /db
 tmpdir  = /tmp
 language= /usr/share/mysql/english

 2) Output show variables like '%char%';

 character_set_client utf8
 character_set_connection utf8
 character_set_database latin1
 character_set_results utf8
 character_set_server latin1
 character_set_system utf8
 character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

 3) Out put show variables like '%coll%';

 collation_connection utf8_general_ci
 collation_database latin1_swedish_ci
 collation_server latin1_swedish_ci

 Thanks for any help


 Roberto Jobet
   6X velocizzare la tua navigazione a 56k? 6X Web Accelerator di Libero!
   Scaricalo su INTERNET GRATIS 6X
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Re: Import dump (4.0 4.1) and collation problem

2005-06-01 Thread mfatene

look at automatic character set conversion



 i don't see what doesn't work ! Where characters are replaced by ?, since you
 say that insert,select and import work fine ? is it in the export ?

 see for migration.



  Everything works fine: insert, select and importing. I have always the same
  'Ceci est un test en Français'
  So what could be the problem ? and how to recover foreign characters ?
  Roberto Jobet
   i mean :
   if you launch :
   into into table (toto) values ('Ceci est un test en Français');
   then :
   select toto from table;
   can you read it correctly ? And if the same row is imported, is there any
   difference ?
   A bientôt
je vois que tu es français, j'aimerai bien continuer en français mais
mieux en anglais si jamais il y avait quelqu'un avec le même problème
So what I'm trying to achieve is to have UTF-8 databases in order to
multilingual content.
But first I have to understand how to recover foreign characters in my
What do you mean by: try some inserts to see if it is an import
just the client display ?
Merci d'avance
Roberto Jobet
 your config supports european characters :

 mysql select * from tst;
 | a| txt   |
 |1 | Ceci est un test en Français  |
 |1 | se facilitará el conocimiento de la evolución del |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql show variables like '%coll%';
 | Variable_name| Value |
 | collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
 | collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
 | collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 have you tried some inserts to see if it is an import problem, or
 client display ?



  I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 because of the multilingual
  But importing the DB dump into the new 4.1 version all foreign
  (french, spanish, portoguese) have been replaced by ? character...
  I've been trying to understand the new collation feature but i
  difficult to setup.
  Anybody has already faced this problem ?
  Here's my current configuration:
  1) my.cnf (only the mysqld section)
  user= mysql
  pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
  socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  port= 3306
  # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
  #log= /var/log/mysql.log
  log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
  basedir = /usr
  datadir = /db
  tmpdir  = /tmp
  language= /usr/share/mysql/english
  2) Output show variables like '%char%';
  character_set_client utf8
  character_set_connection utf8
  character_set_database latin1
  character_set_results utf8
  character_set_server latin1
  character_set_system utf8
  character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
  3) Out put show variables like '%coll%';
  collation_connection utf8_general_ci
  collation_database latin1_swedish_ci
  collation_server latin1_swedish_ci
  Thanks for any help
  Roberto Jobet

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Re: MySQL 5.0.6-beta has been released

2005-06-01 Thread Josh Trutwin
On Tue, 31 May 2005 18:01:48 -0500
Matt Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 This is the third published Beta release in the 5.0 series. All
 attention will now be focused on fixing bugs and stabilizing 5.0 for
 later production release.

Just curious - was there a 5.0.5-beta release?  The last beta I had
was 5.0.4 unless I missed a release announcement...



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Re: [Nevermind!] MySQL 5.0.6-beta has been released

2005-06-01 Thread Josh Trutwin
On Wed, 1 Jun 2005 10:40:10 -0500
Josh Trutwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 31 May 2005 18:01:48 -0500
 Matt Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is the third published Beta release in the 5.0 series. All
  attention will now be focused on fixing bugs and stabilizing 5.0
  for later production release.
 Just curious - was there a 5.0.5-beta release?  The last beta I had
 was 5.0.4 unless I missed a release announcement...

Just saw this in the release:

Changes in release 5.0.5 (not released):

Sorry for wasting bandwidth...


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RE: DBD::Oracle issue

2005-06-01 Thread christopher . l . hood
Well I sent this message to both the mysql mailing list and this perl
list, because I am using perl to accomplish this, and mysql to talk to.

But anyway, thank you very much your number 3 EXACTLY fixed my issues, so
the person with the right answer contacted me. 

Again, thank you very much for your assistance.

Chris Hood 

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 8:02 AM
To: Christopher L. Hood
Subject: Re: DBD::Oracle issue

I'll try even if this is not a neither oracle nor perl-dbd list.

1. verify that NLS_LANG is correct in your client env (and all the other
2. verify the query is simply quoted ( needs \_ for _)
3. Put all oracle variables in BEGIN {ORACLe_HOME=}; in the perl script
4. verify that select * from dual is OK




 Can someone help out with this error:

 DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication
 protocol error (DBD ERROR: error possibly near * indicator at char 23
 'select table_name from *all_tables') [for Statement select
 from all_tables] at ./ line 66.

 I have tried to set TWO_TASK environment variable to no avail.

 The oracle connection is a remote connection made.

 I have successfully looked up other information in the database with

 The actual SQL command being run is select table_name from all_tables.

 If anyone needs the actual script that is being run please mail me. But
 believe this error is specific to the select statement being run because
 other selects work just fine.

 ANY ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

 Chris Hood

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Re: MySQL 5.0.6-beta has been released

2005-06-01 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Wednesday 01 June 2005 10:40 am, Josh Trutwin wrote:

 Just curious - was there a 5.0.5-beta release?  The last beta I had
 was 5.0.4 unless I missed a release announcement...

You need to read that email.. it says it was never released.


Description: PGP signature

query help?

2005-06-01 Thread jabbott

I have two tables, cutting out the extra stuff they boil down to:

userID int,
username varchar(11),
realname varchar(40)

ID int,
lastLogin timestamp

So, what I am doing is:
 select, username, realname, lastLogin
 from users left join logins on = 
 group by username
 order by lastLogin DESC

What I want is all the users, no matter if they have logged in or not.  That is 
what the left join does.  But, if they have logged in, I want the last login 
date.  Right now I get the first login date.  Changing DESC to ASC only changes 
the display order of the return set.  I have added DESC and ASC to the group 
by, but that doesn't work at all.




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Re: query help?

2005-06-01 Thread SGreen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/01/2005 11:49:35 AM:

 I have two tables, cutting out the extra stuff they boil down to:
 userID int,
 username varchar(11),
 realname varchar(40)
 ID int,
 lastLogin timestamp
 So, what I am doing is:
  select, username, realname, lastLogin
  from users left join logins on = 
  group by username
  order by lastLogin DESC
 What I want is all the users, no matter if they have logged in or 
 not.  That is what the left join does.  But, if they have logged in,
 I want the last login date.  Right now I get the first login date. 
 Changing DESC to ASC only changes the display order of the return 
 set.  I have added DESC and ASC to the group by, but that doesn't work 
at all.
For dates, latest = greatest value or MAX().

select, username, realname, max(lastLogin) as lastLogin
from users 
left join logins 
on = 
group by, username, realname;

YOU MUST include all of your non-aggregated column in your group by 
statement. MySQL has a forgiveness built into this rule but other RDBMS 
systems would have rejected your query based on that very fact. What MySQL 
does is select any random record that falls into the GROUP BY condition 
and give you the values from it. In this case it was probably the first 
record in the logins table that matched each user.  This is a well-known 
MySQL gotcha and it got you, too.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: query help?

2005-06-01 Thread Digvijoy Chatterjee
Hello all,
My question  is if unix Epoch time started on January 1st 1970 ,and mysql uses 
the same implementation of time , what is the logic mysql developers have 
used to offset it by 30 odd years that is the max date for mysql is 2068 and 
not 2038 18th January, i work in a Financial services firm where its 
important to calculate mortgages beyond 2038 , Linux and Windows are caught 
in trouble ,rather my more general question is what effect does The Y-2038 
bug have on MySQL

Any sort of pointers will help


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Re: query help?

2005-06-01 Thread mfatene
try this :
mysql select * from users;
| userID | username | realname|
|  1 | toto1| toto1 toto1 |
|  2 | toto2| toto2 toto2 |
|  3 | toto3| toto3 toto3 |
|  4 | toto4| toto4 toto4 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from logins;
| ID   | lastLogin   |
|1 | 2005-01-01 00:10:00 |
|1 | 2005-06-01 12:00:00 |
|2 | 2005-01-25 00:00:00 |
|2 | 2005-05-24 01:00:00 |
|3 | 2005-01-15 10:10:00 |
|3 | 2005-06-25 14:00:00 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql  select userid, username, realname, max(lastLogin) lastLogin
-  from users left join logins on userid =
-group by username
-  order by lastLogin DESC;
| userid | username | realname| lastLogin   |
|  3 | toto3| toto3 toto3 | 2005-06-25 14:00:00 |
|  1 | toto1| toto1 toto1 | 2005-06-01 12:00:00 |
|  2 | toto2| toto2 toto2 | 2005-05-24 01:00:00 |
|  4 | toto4| toto4 toto4 |NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)



 I have two tables, cutting out the extra stuff they boil down to:

 userID int,
 username varchar(11),
 realname varchar(40)

 ID int,
 lastLogin timestamp

 So, what I am doing is:
  select, username, realname, lastLogin
  from users left join logins on =
  group by username
  order by lastLogin DESC

 What I want is all the users, no matter if they have logged in or not.  That
 is what the left join does.  But, if they have logged in, I want the last
 login date.  Right now I get the first login date.  Changing DESC to ASC only
 changes the display order of the return set.  I have added DESC and ASC to
 the group by, but that doesn't work at all.




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Re: query help?

2005-06-01 Thread Alec . Cawley
Digvijoy Chatterjee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01/06/2005 

 Hello all,
 My question  is if unix Epoch time started on January 1st 1970 ,and 
 mysql uses 
 the same implementation of time , what is the logic mysql developers 
 used to offset it by 30 odd years that is the max date for mysql is 2068 
 not 2038 18th January, i work in a Financial services firm where its 
 important to calculate mortgages beyond 2038 , Linux and Windows are 
 in trouble ,rather my more general question is what effect does The 
 bug have on MySQL
 Any sort of pointers will help

You should be using the DATETIME column thpe for this sort of calculation, 
not the timestamp. DATETIME has a suorted range from 1000AD to AD, 
which should be enough for your purposes. TIMESTAMP is, as its name 
applied, mostly used for timestamping records at create time. It should 
not generally be used for extensive chronological calculations. TIMESTAMP 
almost always point to the past. MySQL wil therefore have to take some 
action before about 2060 (to allow users a few years to upgrade). The 
obvious thing would be to implement a 64-bit LONGTIMESTAMP. This will 
become easier in a few years when 64-bit OSs become mor the norm.


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MySQL/InnoDB-5.0.6 has been released

2005-06-01 Thread Heikki Tuuri


InnoDB is the MySQL table type that supports foreign key constraints, 
transactions, two-phase commit in XA, row-level locking, non-locking 
consistent read (MVCC), all four SQL-1992 isolation levels of transactions, 
multiple tablespaces, asynchronous unbuffered disk I/O on Windows, and a 
non-free hot online backup tool.

MySQL-5.0.6 is a bugfix release of the 5.0 branch. The release is still 
labeled as beta, because 5.0 contains many new features, and more real-world 
testing is needed.

You can download MySQL-5.0.6 from

Functionality added or changed:

* When the maximum length of SHOW INNODB STATUS output would be exceeded, 
truncate the beginning of the list of active transactions, instead of 
truncating the end of theoutput. (Bug #5436)

* If innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog option is set and the isolation level of 
the transaction is not set to serializable then InnoDB uses a consistent 
read for select in clauses like INSERT INTO ... SELECT and UPDATE ... 
(SELECT) that do not specify FOR UPDATE or IN SHARE MODE. Thus no locks are 
set to rows read from selected table.

Bugs fixed:

* MyISAM and InnoDB tables created with DECIMAL or NUMERIC columns in MySQL 
5.0.3 to 5.0.5 will appear corrupt after an upgrade to MySQL 5.0.6. Dump 
suchtables with mysqldump before upgrading, and then reload them after 
upgrading. (The same incompatibility will occur for these tables created in 
MySQL 5.0.6 after a downgrade to MySQL 5.0.3 to 5.0.5.) (Bug #10465, Bug 

* Fixed a critical bug in InnoDB @code{AUTO_INCREMENT}: it could assign the 
same value for several rows.  (Bug #10359)

* All InnoDB bug fixes from 4.1.12 and earlier versions, and also the fixes 
to bugs #10335 and #10607 listed in the 4.1.13 change notes.

Upgrading from 4.1:

* MyISAM and InnoDB tables created with DECIMAL or NUMERIC columns in MySQL 
5.0.3 to 5.0.5 will appear corrupt after an upgrade to MySQL 5.0.6. Dump 
such tables with @command{mysqldump} before upgrading, and then reload them 
after upgrading.

* Starting from 5.0.3, a VARCHAR in MySQL is a 'true' VARCHAR. It remembers 
the number of spaces that there were at the end of the string. Previously, 
MySQL at storage trimmed end spaces from a VARCHAR. Tables created with  
5.0.3 will remain to have the old VARCHAR semantics, while new tables will 
have the new semantics.

* The sorting order for end-space in TEXT columns for InnoDB and MyISAM 
tables has changed. Starting from 5.0.3, InnoDB compares TEXT columns as 
space-padded at the end. If you have a non-unique index on a TEXT column, 
you should run CHECK TABLE on it, and run OPTIMIZE TABLE if the check 
reports errors. If you have a UNIQUE INDEX on a TEXT column, you should 
rebuild the table with OPTIMIZE TABLE.

* The sorting order of BINARY and VARBINARY may still change in some 5.0.x 

* In 4.0 - 4.1.11 there is a bug in the InnoDB sorting order of ENUMs if the 
collation of the ENUM is not latin1 or if there are more than about 100 
different values for the ENUM.

* InnoDB Hot Backup 2.0.1 or earlier does not work with MySQL-5.0.3 or 
later. A new version 2.1 will.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy

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Re: MySQL preg_split functionality?

2005-06-01 Thread Scott Klarenbach

 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005 06:57:19
  -- How is 'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?
  It's not easier.  It is; however, accurate for the purpose at hand. 
  FIELD1 isn't completely would miss FIELD-1...
  -- However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation
  (cleanup) needs to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse.
  Sometimes FIELD-1 is the ACTUAL data, with no erroneus
  characters...and sometimes it is FIELD1 with an erroneous (or
  unwanted) - character before the 1) cleaning the data would
  actually be corrupting some of it.
  I need to keep the data in it's original form, but also allow for
  querying without worrying about the special characters inside the
  FYI, these are part numbers off of electronic components, many of them
  coming from, a Cisco part may have an MPN of RX321, or
  RX321-TR...either is valid.  Now, the corresponding Chinese part
  number for the first one, may come back as RX32-1...which is out of my
  Cleaning the data would be the wrong approach, because it would
  actually invalidate the second Cisco part number, which MEANT to
  include the special characters.
  For this reason, the user wants to be able to search for 'RX321' and
  'RX321TR' respectively, and not worry about whether the data is
  erroneous or valid; just to basically ignore all the characters and
  let a human decide what they want.
  If you have a more elegant solution, I'm all ears :-).
   Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005
Ya, it is a little too's why I need it.

I have a client that wants to search for part numbers in his DB.  The
problem is, they come into his DB from external sources, with all
sorts of special characters in them...

So, he has fields like 
fi--eld   2,


but, he wants to do a search for 'fieldone' and return the first one,
'field2' returns the second, etc...basically disregard all non-alphas
padding every character in the search string.

On 5/27/05, Eric Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working on a set of UDFs for preg functions.
 I have a hard time figuring out when you would use such a function.
 not believe you will be able to duplicate this behavior without
 constructing your own UDF or by writing a stored procedure. BTW,
 you want this function?
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005
 I'm trying to replicate this PHP behavior in a MySQL stored
  The purpose is to pad every character of the string with a pad
 character.  For example, if the pad character is 'x' and thestring
 'STRING', the result is 'xSxTxRxIxNxGx'.
 Here is the PHP code if it helps.  I'd like to use a regular
 expression to replace, but I guess I could loop through the string
 char by char and build a new one, it's just less elegant.  Thanks
 $regPattern =  implode('x', preg_split('//', STRING, -1,
   Thank you very much. I find this whole padding process very
   counterintuitive. I have a few minor questions, if you don't mind. How
   'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?  Would you, could you
   explain the theory behind why and when this kind of padding should be
   What problem does it solve and how is it a solution to that problem? 
   is completely baffling to me and I thought I had seen a lot of weird
   before :-) 
   However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation (cleanup)
   to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse. What data import
   is your client using? Can you not change the import process to scrub the
   data and does it not have a better facility to interleave padding into a
   string than a MySQL stored procedure or UDF? 
   Thanks for you patience! 
   Shawn Green
   Database Administrator
   Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 
 I would suggest the following technique. Keep your original data (trimmed of
 leading and trailing whitespace characters) in one field and a cleansed
 version of the same information in a second field. By cleansing you should
 eliminate all non-alphanumerics from your search string. 
 I have some direct insight to searching similar but different product codes
 (same product/different codes  different products/same codes). My wife
 works for a 

Re: How to get the name of the last failed FK constraint

2005-06-01 Thread Frank Schröder


Frank Schröder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/31/2005 03:18:11 AM:


I have an InnoDB table running on MySQL 4.1.11 with multiple FK
constraints. I'm accessing it via JDBC from Java.

When an FK constraint fails with error 1216 I need to know which of the
constraints failed.

SHOW INNODB STATUS returns the following output

   CONSTRAINT `u_registration_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`DEVICE_ID`)

Is there a way of getting to the name of the last failed FK constraint
without using SHOW INNODB STATUS? What I need is the
'u_registration_ibfk_1' from the above example.

Any help is highly appreciated


Have you looked at the results of SHOW INNODB STATUS; ?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Yes, as you can see from my original post I'm actually trying to figure 
out how to do this  *without* SHOW INNODB STATUS as this reports the 
last FK failure for the entire engine and not just my session - at least 
that's how I interpret the documentation.

The thing that's really a headscratcher for me is why its possible for 
me to set a name for a constraint if it isn't displayed in an error and 
I can't get to it. It's useless. I have a hard time believing that so I 
figure that I just haven't figured out how to get to it. I just didn't 
think that it was so hard.


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Design of a Client-side MySQL Java Load Balancer

2005-06-01 Thread Kevin Burton

I'd love to get some feedback here:

MySQL currently falls down by not providing a solution to transparent 
MySQL load

balancing. There are some hardware solutions but these are expensive and
difficult to configure. Also none of them provide any information 
about the

current state of your MySQL configuration. For example they can't handle
transparent query failover if a MySQL box fails. They also can't 
disconnect and

reconnect to another host if the load grows too high.

To that end I think it makes a lot of sense to have a MySQL 
client-side load


This area is difficult to implement. There are a log of design issues. 
Also the

issues WRT distributed connection management start to make the problem

The other day I had a bit of an epiphany on this topic.


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  Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
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Re: How to get the name of the last failed FK constraint

2005-06-01 Thread Keith Ivey

Frank Schröder wrote:

The thing that's really a headscratcher for me is why its possible for 
me to set a name for a constraint if it isn't displayed in an error and 
I can't get to it. It's useless.

Same as setting a name for an index -- it allows you to alter or delete it 

Smokefree DC
Washington, DC

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Re: Design of a Client-side MySQL Java Load Balancer

2005-06-01 Thread SGreen
Kevin Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/01/2005 02:31:54 PM:

 I'd love to get some feedback here:
  MySQL currently falls down by not providing a solution to transparent 
  MySQL load
  balancing. There are some hardware solutions but these are expensive 
  difficult to configure. Also none of them provide any information 
  about the
  current state of your MySQL configuration. For example they can't 
  transparent query failover if a MySQL box fails. They also can't 
  disconnect and
  reconnect to another host if the load grows too high.
  To that end I think it makes a lot of sense to have a MySQL 
  client-side load
  This area is difficult to implement. There are a log of design issues. 

  Also the
  issues WRT distributed connection management start to make the problem
  The other day I had a bit of an epiphany on this topic.
 Use Rojo (RSS/Atom aggregator)! - visit 
 See #rojo if you want to chat.
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Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
   AIM/YIM - sfburtonator,  Web -
 GPG fingerprint: 5FB2 F3E2 760E 70A8 6174 D393 E84D 8D04 99F1 4412 

Wouldn't it make better sense to build on the NDB protocol and keep the 
native messaging infrastructure than it would be to build a similar 
wrapper from scratch?  I mean to use the NDB communications on top of 
regular MySQL servers to provide for failover, hotswaps, and client 
registration. Haven't they already solved some or most of your client 
registration and reconnection issues during the development of that tool? 
There is also the Federated database engine that allows for queries to 
be run across more than one server at a time (not only can a query include 
a table from another database on the same server but also from a table in 
a database hosted on a different server).

I think that between the two of those projects you have 80-90% of the 
wrapper you will need to run a MySQL cluster in a HA environment. The 
biggest problem I see is to prevent data collisions between servers (users 
connected to different servers trying to update the same record at the 
same time on different servers). Part of the NDB code has to contain the 
necessary cross-server locking messaging. And Federated servers will also 
do the same (at least to some degree).

If you can get a JDBC version working, that would be great but I think the 
best dev path would be to re-use what is already there as much as 
possible. I am not discouraging the effort as much as I am suggesting 
another body of work to consider (or incorporate) in your design.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Design of a Client-side MySQL Java Load Balancer

2005-06-01 Thread Kevin Burton


Wouldn't it make better sense to build on the NDB protocol and keep 
the native messaging infrastructure than it would be to build a 
similar wrapper from scratch?  I mean to use the NDB communications on 
top of regular MySQL 

Biting off an NDB migration would be a LOT harder than implementing 
slave load balancing.  NDB shows promise but I just don't think its 
there yet...



Use Rojo (RSS/Atom aggregator)! - visit 
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Rojo is Hiring! -

  Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
 AIM/YIM - sfburtonator,  Web -
GPG fingerprint: 5FB2 F3E2 760E 70A8 6174 D393 E84D 8D04 99F1 4412 

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Re: Select MAX(column1,column2)

2005-06-01 Thread Scott Klarenbach
You guys have been so helpful with this, I'm hoping that I can ask for
one more favor...

The reason I needed the greatest(max()) functionality, was to run the
following query...I can make it work from the command line, but
everytime I run it from PHP, the MySQL service shuts down, and needs
to be restarted manually.

I'm calling a stored procedure 'selectAllRequests' which is the following query:

functionGetHighestValue(r.partNumber, r.qty) AS 'highestValue'
FROM request r
WHERE r.deleted=0
ORDER BY highestValue DESC, r.dateSent DESC;

the function I'm calling is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION `functionGetHighestValue`(`MPNParam` varchar(60),
`qtyParam` DOUBLE(10,4)) RETURNS DOUBLE(10,4)

GREATEST(MAX(i.distySellCost), MAX(i.originalCost), 
FROM inventory i
WHERE i.MPN = 'MPNParam' AND i.status=1 INTO dHighest;

RETURN dHighest;

As I say, I can call this procedure from the command line and it
works, but calling it from PHP results in the MySQL service crashing
on my Windows 2003 server.  I'm using PHP 5.0.4 and MySQL 5.0.4.  Any
help is appreciated.  Thanks.

On 5/27/05, Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 select greatest(max(col1), max(col2), max(col3), max(col4)) from table
 works the best, as Keith pointed toward initially.  Remember, I forgot
 to mention that I wanted the greatest for the whole table, not just
 for each rowso, 10, 12, 8 is not what I wanted...out of
 10  2  3
 5  4  8
 1 12  7
 i want 12.
 thanks again.
  I forgot :
  10, 12, 8 is not a row !!!
   Hi Keith,
   yes concat makes an associative lost for max.
   But if we split the desc on all the columns, it works :
   mysql select * from numbers
   - order by a desc,b desc,c desc
   - limit 1;
   | a| b| c|
   |   10 |2 |3 |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)
   it's a real desc ordering.
   Selon Keith Ivey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi all,
 what is max ? it's the first row when we sort data in descending 


 select col1,col2,col3,col4 ... from table
 order by concat(col1,col2,col3,col4 ... ) desc
 LIMIt 1;

 should be silar to what is needed. I say should :o)
That would only work if the greatest values for col2, col3, col4, etc., 
occurred in the same row with the greatest value for col1, and if all 
for col1 had the same number of digits (and the same for col2, col3, 
Consider this table:
10  2  3
 5  4  8
 1 12  7
Your query would give 5, 4, 8 (because 548 as a string is greater than
or 1127), but he wants 10, 12, 8.
Smokefree DC
Washington, DC

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RE: Design of a Client-side MySQL Java Load Balancer

2005-06-01 Thread Dathan Pattishall
We have a client-side load balancer, as well as a central load balancer
for mySQL traffic. I've done many different models at a variety of
companies, all which still use the solutions. Building on top of the NDB
protocol would take a very long time to produce-a HA solution native to
mySQL, when other technologies already exist-free to do this for you.

For example use heartbeat from for failover. 

Now for client-side load balancing, memcache from has some
interesting ideas. DBI::Multiplex also has some interesting ideas.

One of the easiest solutions is to load a database definitions file on a
shared drive. Have an external program add or remove hosts from each
cluster of the shared definitions file. Then use a random algorithm to
pick a host from a list that is defined apart a cluster to connect to.

array ('mycluster' = array (  array ('host' = myhost1,
'db'='mydb',...), array ('host' = myhostN,));

If your algorithm is random enough and spread across enough servers, the
results coalesce into a even distribution among all the servers in a
list. Very basic, very easy to implement and works.

The monitor program, run out of cron-or something, can have logic of
what to keep in a pool or what to take out of a pool.


Dathan Vance Pattishall


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 1:21 PM
 To: Kevin Burton
 Subject: Re: Design of a Client-side MySQL Java oad Balancer
 Kevin Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/01/2005 02:31:54 PM:
  I'd love to get some feedback here:
   MySQL currently falls down by not providing a solution to 
   transparent MySQL load balancing. There are some hardware 
   but these are expensive
   difficult to configure. Also none of them provide any information 
   about the current state of your MySQL configuration. For example 
   they can't
   transparent query failover if a MySQL box fails. They also can't 
   disconnect and reconnect to another host if the load 
 grows too high.
   To that end I think it makes a lot of sense to have a MySQL 
   client-side load balancer.
   This area is difficult to implement. There are a log of 
 design issues. 
   Also the
   issues WRT distributed connection management start to make the 
   problem difficult.
   The other day I had a bit of an epiphany on this topic.
  Use Rojo (RSS/Atom aggregator)! - visit 
  See #rojo if you want to chat.
  Rojo is Hiring! -
 Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
AIM/YIM - sfburtonator,  Web - GPG 
  fingerprint: 5FB2 F3E2 760E 70A8 6174 D393 E84D 8D04 99F1 4412
 Wouldn't it make better sense to build on the NDB protocol 
 and keep the native messaging infrastructure than it would be 
 to build a similar wrapper from scratch?  I mean to use the 
 NDB communications on top of regular MySQL servers to provide 
 for failover, hotswaps, and client registration. Haven't they 
 already solved some or most of your client registration and 
 reconnection issues during the development of that tool? 
 There is also the Federated database engine that allows for 
 queries to be run across more than one server at a time (not 
 only can a query include a table from another database on the 
 same server but also from a table in a database hosted on a 
 different server).
 I think that between the two of those projects you have 
 80-90% of the wrapper you will need to run a MySQL cluster in 
 a HA environment. The biggest problem I see is to prevent 
 data collisions between servers (users connected to different 
 servers trying to update the same record at the same time on 
 different servers). Part of the NDB code has to contain the 
 necessary cross-server locking messaging. And Federated 
 servers will also do the same (at least to some degree).
 If you can get a JDBC version working, that would be great 
 but I think the best dev path would be to re-use what is 
 already there as much as possible. I am not discouraging the 
 effort as much as I am suggesting another body of work to 
 consider (or incorporate) in your design.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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Re: Design of a Client-side MySQL Java Load Balancer

2005-06-01 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

Kevin Burton wrote:
Wouldn't it make better sense to build on the NDB protocol and keep 
the native messaging infrastructure than it would be to build a 
similar wrapper from scratch?  I mean to use the NDB communications on 
top of regular MySQL 
 Biting off an NDB migration would be a LOT harder than implementing 
 slave load balancing.  NDB shows promise but I just don't think its 
 there yet...

Kevin, Shawn,

- From a _total_ client connectivity standpoint, NDB is probably a
dead-end, as it's based on message-passing. What we want is to support
both HA _and_ distribution/partitioning from a clients' perspective.

Federated and partitioning on the server side are a useful tool, and
would work for some situations, but other users are going to want/need
partitioning and load distribution at the _application_ level, which I
think is the problem Kevin's talking about.


- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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How to Insert a constant string into a table?-Have Brain Freeze-

2005-06-01 Thread mos
I'm having a brain freeze and can't seem to figure out why I can't insert a 
constant into a table using a column list.

Here is a simple query that inserts blanks instead of the constant.

insert into tmp (cust_id, custname) select cust_id, 'bob smith' from cust table

It inserts the cust_id but custname is is a blank (it is not null).

The select statement displays the cust_id and constant properly, so why 
won't it work with an Insert statement?

There is no syntax error and it executes without error.



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Re: How to Insert a constant string into a table?-Have Brain Freeze-

2005-06-01 Thread mos

At 04:58 PM 6/1/2005, you wrote:
I'm having a brain freeze and can't seem to figure out why I can't insert 
a constant into a table using a column list.

Here is a simple query that inserts blanks instead of the constant.

insert into tmp (cust_id, custname) select cust_id, 'bob smith' from cust 

It inserts the cust_id but custname is is a blank (it is not null).

The select statement displays the cust_id and constant properly, so why 
won't it work with an Insert statement?

There is no syntax error and it executes without error.



Solved it. My ice-cap has melted. :)
The custname column was an ENUM (I thought it was a Char) and of course the 
constant I was trying to insert wasn't one of the allowed values so it 
replaces it with '' instead. D'uh.


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2005-06-01 Thread ManojW
I took a dump of (pretty chunk) database, the output is close to 45G. I
am trying to reload this dump file onto a development  server but it's
taking long time to load the database. Is their a faster way to load the
data in? I am using plain and simple  mysql  dump.sql syntax on a Mysql
4.0.24 server.

Thanks in advance!



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Re: [PHP] building php, using mysql for apache2

2005-06-01 Thread Richard Lynch
--with-mysql is supposed to be the directory in which configure can find
the mysql header (.h) files and the mysql library ( underneath
that directory.

/usr/bin/mysql_config is a program -- a binary if you will

It's incredibly unlikely that your MySQL header files and the
library are in files underneath this binary, which isn't even a directory,
much less the directory where your header and library files are living...

Try --with-mysql=/usr  or --with-mysql=/usr/local or...

Do this:
locate mysql.h

Then find the common portion of the directories where those files live.

Silly Example:

You should use --with-mysql=/elephant because that's the common portion.

In theory, configure will dig around in there and find the files it needs.

In reality, it expects them to be in directories like 'include' and 'lib'
with maybe an intervening directory like 'local' somewhere in the mess...

On Wed, June 1, 2005 5:13 am, bruce said:

 trying to build php4 with mysql4.1-12, for use in apache2. i have the
 following ./compile that works for php5. however, when i try to use it
 php4, i get a msg, stating that it can't find the MySQL Headers...

 can anybody provide any pointers as far as what the Headers are for mysql,
 and where they'd be located? if i knew the files, i could do a search to
 find where they're located.

 ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config



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RE: Mysqldump

2005-06-01 Thread Richard Dale
 I took a dump of (pretty chunk) database, the output is close to 45G.
 am trying to reload this dump file onto a development  server but it's
 taking long time to load the database. Is their a faster way to load
 data in? I am using plain and simple  mysql  dump.sql syntax on a Mysql
 0.24 server.

Make sure you use the -e (extended insert) option on your mysqldump - this
speeds things up tremendously.  Also, make sure you use -q on your
mysqldump so it doesn't buffer the results in RAM during the dump.

I did a ~10GB dump and it took around 2 hours to load on an Opteron 250, 4GB
RAM, 8x15K RPM RAID 10 drive system.

Best regards,
Richard Dale.
Norgate Investor Services
- Premium quality Stock, Futures and Foreign Exchange Data for
  markets in Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, UK  USA - 

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server and my client in different time zone

2005-06-01 Thread Scott Haneda
Is there a way to tell NOW() in mysql to be based on a time in the future?
Bascially, I am in PST, and they are in EST, I have a ton of reports that
show the time and date, and they want them in EST time, not the time the
server is in.

it is trivial to modify the display output of the time, but there are
reports and other things that really need this taken into consideration, if
there is a way to tell a certain single database to oprtate 3 hours ahead, I
am pretty happy.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Replication problem

2005-06-01 Thread Weicheng Pan

Dear Gleb:
 The problem has occured again, and I grab some output.
This box run mysql 4.1.11 on FreeBSD 5.4 AMD64, with 8GB RAM

In this case,
The original query is INSERT INTO LOW_PRIORTY INTO `statistics`.`search` 
(`userid`, `id`, `func`) VALUES('lty0105', '8', 2)
The strange query is 'INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO `statistics`.`search` ( 
`userid` , `id` , `func` ) VALUES ( 'lty0105', '8', 2p)

Slave server got a strange character 'p' after character '2'

mysql show slave status\G;
*** 1. row ***
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
   Master_Host: db0
   Master_User: repl
   Master_Port: 3306
 Connect_Retry: 5
   Master_Log_File: db0-bin.56
   Read_Master_Log_Pos: 755005566
Relay_Log_File: db10-relay-bin.60
 Relay_Log_Pos: 572461705
 Relay_Master_Log_File: db0-bin.56
  Slave_IO_Running: Yes
 Slave_SQL_Running: No
   Replicate_Ignore_DB: blog,album_database
Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: album_database.%,blog.%
Last_Errno: 1054
Last_Error: Error 'Unknown column '2p' in 'field list'' on 
query. Default database: ''. Query: 'INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO 
`statistics`.`search` ( `userid` , `id` , `func` ) VALUES ( 'lty0105', '8', 

  Skip_Counter: 0
   Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 692584947
   Relay_Log_Space: 634882324
   Until_Condition: None
 Until_Log_Pos: 0
Master_SSL_Allowed: No
 Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql show master status\G;
*** 1. row ***
   File: db0-bin.56
   Position: 761127837
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Finally I dump the slave log:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [ /home/mysql ] mysqlbinlog  db10-relay-bin.60 | grep ( 
'lty0105', '8', 2p)
INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO `statistics`.`search` ( `userid` , `id` , `func` ) 
VALUES ( 'lty0105', '8', 2p);

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [ /home/mysql ]

With best regards,

- Original Message - 
From: Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: Replication problem


Not enough information to make a conclusion. What version of
MySQL do you use? Usually debugging of replication problems
begins from researching of binary logs with mysqlbinlog. See:

Please, next time include the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS
(executed on the slave) and SHOW MASTER STATUS (executed on
the master) as well.

Weicheng Pan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all:
  I have replication problem on my FreeBSD 5.4 AMD64 box.
Sometimes replication will stop and throw an error code 1054,
but the query is not the original one in the master.
A query like  UPDATE table_a SET col_a = 'abc' where col_b = 234
the right most character will become a strange character, and cannot 

out in error log.
I have twelve machines doing the replication work, but only got problem 

this AMD64 machine.
Anyone has encounter this type problem? please give me some advise.

Thanks and have a nice day.


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  __  ___ ___   __
 /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
/ /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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