MySQL install problems on OSX 10.4

2005-09-10 Thread Matt Scales
I've just installed MySQL 4 4.1.12_1 +server using darwinports but I
can't seem to get past this error. After installing it tells me that
it cold not resolve my IP.

Mattys-iMac-G5:/opt/local/bin matty$ sudo -u mysql ./mysql_install_db
WARNING: The host 'Mattys-iMac-G5' could not be looked up with resolveip.
This probably means that your libc libraries are not 100 % compatible
with this binary MySQL version. The MySQL daemon, mysqld, should work
normally with the exception that host name resolving will not work.
This means that you should use IP addresses instead of hostnames
when specifying MySQL privileges !
Installing all prepared tables
050910 15:52:28 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because
file system for /opt/local/var/db/mysql/ is case insensitive
Fill help tables
050910 15:52:30 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because
file system for /opt/local/var/db/mysql/ is case insensitive

I ignore this and try and start mysqld using
cd /opt/local ; /opt/local/bin/mysqld_safe 
but it won't work. It says

Mattys-iMac-G5:/opt/local/bin matty$ cd /opt/local ;
[1] 18533
Mattys-iMac-G5:/opt/local matty$ chown:
/opt/local/var/Mattys-iMac-G5.err: Operation not permitted
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/local/var
STOPPING server from pid file /opt/local/var/
050910 16:09:32  mysqld ended

Can anyone advise me on what's going on with the the mysqld not
starting? Typing mysql at the prompt tells me:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/opt/local/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

Very confused as to why it isn't working.

Any help most appreciated

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Which License of MySQL Should We Buy?

2005-09-10 Thread Shaghayegh Sahebie
I'm working in a company which wants to have a client/server application on 
our company uses MyODBC and MySQL Connector/.Net. We want to sell our 
application which license should we buy?
Should we buy MySQL Network license? or there are seperate licenses for 
and should our customers buy MySQL license so that they can use our application 
on a MySQL DBMS? or they can just download it and use it with our 
application?(They should have at least one MySQL Server so that our app. can 
work on it.)
Thanks in advance

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Oddity with data pointer size

2005-09-10 Thread Duncan Hill
I recently changed /etc/my.cnf to set myisam_data_pointer_size to 6, as we're 
starting to encounter quite a few tables that are larger than 4 GB.  However, 
the create table statements used by the software application using the DB 
don't seem to be creating tables with pointers  4 bytes.

Recent creation (a month or two! after restarting the DB service)
Creation time:   2005-09-07 16:35:06
Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4

Manually altering the table to a large max_rows and rebuilding the table works 
fine, and updates the pointer size to 5+.  Accessing files beyond 4 GB is not 
an issue.

What's the point of setting the value (and restarted the mysql service) if it 
doesn't actually do anything? :)  Or, what have I done wrong?

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Re: Replication started but not running

2005-09-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Check your error log. Have a look here:


 Hey all,


 Just brought up a new RH EL3 server and updated MySQL to ver



 I'm trying to get replication from an older server running version

 Server version 4.0.16-standard-log


 Replication on the slave system seems to start ok but then just sites

 there with connecting to master


 mysql show slave status \G

 *** 1. row ***

 Slave_IO_State: Connecting to master


Master_User: repl

Master_Port: 3306

  Connect_Retry: 60

Master_Log_File: DB01TC07927-bin.057

Read_Master_Log_Pos: 590592661

 Relay_Log_File: FIN01TC07927-relay-bin.03

  Relay_Log_Pos: 4

  Relay_Master_Log_File: DB01TC07927-bin.057

   Slave_IO_Running: Yes

  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes







 Last_Errno: 0


   Skip_Counter: 0

Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 590592661

Relay_Log_Space: 4

Until_Condition: None


  Until_Log_Pos: 0

 Master_SSL_Allowed: No






  Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL


 Any ideas as to what is locking it up?








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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Oddity with data pointer size

2005-09-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Looks like it is a bug. See:

Duncan Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I recently changed /etc/my.cnf to set myisam_data_pointer_size to 6, as we're 

 starting to encounter quite a few tables that are larger than 4 GB.  However, 

 the create table statements used by the software application using the DB 

 don't seem to be creating tables with pointers  4 bytes.


 Recent creation (a month or two! after restarting the DB service)

 Creation time:   2005-09-07 16:35:06

 Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4


 Manually altering the table to a large max_rows and rebuilding the table 

 fine, and updates the pointer size to 5+.  Accessing files beyond 4 GB is not 

 an issue.


 What's the point of setting the value (and restarted the mysql service) if it 

 doesn't actually do anything? :)  Or, what have I done wrong?



For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: MySQL install problems on OSX 10.4

2005-09-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 /opt/local/var/Mattys-iMac-G5.err: Operation not permitted

Check the permissions on /opt/local/var directory. Have a look here 

as well:

Matt Scales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just installed MySQL 4 4.1.12_1 +server using darwinports but I

 can't seem to get past this error. After installing it tells me that

 it cold not resolve my IP.


 Mattys-iMac-G5:/opt/local/bin matty$ sudo -u mysql ./mysql_install_db


 WARNING: The host 'Mattys-iMac-G5' could not be looked up with resolveip.

 This probably means that your libc libraries are not 100 % compatible

 with this binary MySQL version. The MySQL daemon, mysqld, should work

 normally with the exception that host name resolving will not work.

 This means that you should use IP addresses instead of hostnames

 when specifying MySQL privileges !

 Installing all prepared tables

 050910 15:52:28 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=3D2 because

 file system for /opt/local/var/db/mysql/ is case insensitive

 Fill help tables

 050910 15:52:30 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=3D2 because

 file system for /opt/local/var/db/mysql/ is case insensitive



 I ignore this and try and start mysqld using

 cd /opt/local ; /opt/local/bin/mysqld_safe 

 but it won't work. It says


 Mattys-iMac-G5:/opt/local/bin matty$ cd /opt/local ;


 [1] 18533

 Mattys-iMac-G5:/opt/local matty$ chown:

 /opt/local/var/Mattys-iMac-G5.err: Operation not permitted

 Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/local/var

 STOPPING server from pid file /opt/local/var/

 050910 16:09:32  mysqld ended


 Can anyone advise me on what's going on with the the mysqld not

 starting? Typing mysql at the prompt tells me:

 ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

 '/opt/local/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)


 Very confused as to why it isn't working.


 Any help most appreciated


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: stop loading when error

2005-09-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Maybe STRICT_ALL_TABLES sql mode is that you want? See:

Use 'SHOW WARNINGS' to find out the problems. See:


mysql set @@sql_mode='STRICT_ALL_TABLES';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql load data infile '/tmp/a.txt' into table at;

ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value adjusted for column 'a' at row 1

mysql select * from at;

Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql set @@sql_mode='';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql load data infile '/tmp/a.txt' into table at;

Query OK, 4 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)

Records: 4  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 2

mysql select * from at;


| a |


| 0 |

| 0 |

| 1 |

| 2 |


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-debug-5.0.12-beta-linux-i686-glibc23]$ cat /tmp/a.txt





Kemin Zhou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when using the loading command


 load data local infile '/home/kzhou/' into table mytable;


 it will run to completion, after a long time, then telling me that 90% 

 of the rows are skipped.


 load data local infile 

 '/home/kzhou/RUN_BLAST/' into table 


- ;

 Query OK, 206876 rows affected (7 min 19.26 sec)

 Records: 3700906  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 3494030  Warnings: 3700906



 When I check the key constraints in my data, I found there is no 

 duplicated rows

 in my input data.


 How do I tell the parser to stop when seeing the first error?  So that I 

 can figure what is wrong.


 The man page for this function, does not seem to give any hint:








For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: How to save graphs in a table?

2005-09-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

This is a frequently asked question. Search in Google and in the

archives at:

Pay attention to the mysql_real_escape and LOAD_FILE. See:

Logg, Connie A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to save graphs in a mysql data base. The table definition I =

 have set up is:



 `graphid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,=20

 `graphic` blob, `f_time_stamp` timestamp NOT NULL default =


 PRIMARY KEY (`graphid`)



 And I have allocated the user account the file privilege.


 The sql I am trying to use is:


 load data infile 'filename.png' into table GRAPHS (graphic);


 What happens is that the takes the file and breaks it up into lines and =

 loads each line as a row, thus storing it over many columns.=20


 How can I get it to store the file in the 'graphic' blob with one =




 Thanks in advance.


 Connie Logg, Network Analyst

 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

 ph: 650-926-2879=20

 Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road, and 'IF' =

 is the middle word in life.


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Which License of MySQL Should We Buy?

2005-09-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

The complete answer could only be obtained from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Shaghayegh Sahebie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [-- text/plain, encoding 8bit, charset: iso-8859-1, 15 lines --]



 I'm working in a company which wants to have a client/server application on 


 our company uses MyODBC and MySQL Connector/.Net. We want to sell our 
 application which license should we buy?


 Should we buy MySQL Network license? or there are seperate licenses for 

 and should our customers buy MySQL license so that they can use our 
 application on a MySQL DBMS? or they can just download it and use it with our 
 application?(They should have at least one MySQL Server so that our app. can 
 work on it.)


 Thanks in advance




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For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: default my.cnf vs huge.cnf nearly same performance with

2005-09-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 huge.cnf example.  What about that thread_concurrency setting in

 huge.cnf.. it doesn't seem to show up in a 'show variables' when using

 it.. is it deprecated?

In the manual it is meant that thead_concurrency is used on Solaris.

In the source files I've seen that thread_concurrency supported on those

platforms which have thr_setconcurrency function. See: (AC_CHECK_FUNCS macros)

Matthew Lenz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: US-ASCII, 61 lines --]


 infact .. the default debian config (some of these are just explicit

 defaults but this is what debian provides):



 user= mysql

 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 port= 3306

 basedir = /usr

 datadir = /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  = /tmp

 language= /usr/share/mysql/english


 old_passwords   = 1

 key_buffer  = 16M

 max_allowed_packet  = 16M

 thread_stack= 128K

 query_cache_limit   = 1048576

 query_cache_size= 16777216

 query_cache_type= 1

 log-bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

 max_binlog_size = 104857600



 outperforms the huge.cnf example:



 user= mysql

 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 port= 3306

 basedir = /usr

 datadir = /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  = /tmp

 language= /usr/share/mysql/english

 old_passwords   = 1

 key_buffer  = 384M

 max_allowed_packet  = 16M

 table_cache = 512

 sort_buffer_size= 2M

 read_buffer_size= 2M

 read_rnd_buffer_size= 8M

 myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M

 query_cache_size= 32M

 thread_concurrency  = 8

 log-bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

 server-id   = 1




 in almost every regard.  What gives? :)  This is a pretty beefy config:


 dual 3ghz HT xeon .. 2gig 800mhz fsb mem .. U320 SCSI RAID5.  I've

 attached a compare-results for a few machines.  the only important ones

 are 1 and 2.  1 is debians my.cnf and 2 is the slightly modified

 huge.cnf example.  What about that thread_concurrency setting in

 huge.cnf.. it doesn't seem to show up in a 'show variables' when using

 it.. is it deprecated?




 [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: UTF-8, 117 lines, name: results.txt 


 The result logs which where found and the options:

 1 mysql-Linux_2.4.27_2_686_smp_i686   : MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log

 2 mysql-Linux_2.4.27_2_686_smp_i686_db0_te: MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log

 3 mysql-Linux_2.4.27_2_686_smp_i686_db1   : MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log

 4 mysql-Linux_2.6.10-1.770_FC3smp_i686: MySQL 4.1.12 standard

 5 mysql-Linux_2.6.10-1.770_FC3smp_i686_rai: MySQL 4.1.12 standard

 6 mysql-Linux_2.6.11-1.14_FC3_x86_64  : MySQL 4.1.11 standard

 7 mysql-Linux_2.6.8_2_686_smp_i686_kevinz : MySQL 4.1.11 Debian_4sarge1 log



 Operation   |  1|  2|  3|  4|  5| 
  6|  7|



 Results per test in seconds:  


 ATIS|   8.00|   9.00|   8.00|  16.00|  17.00| 
  13.00|  32.00|

 alter-table |  14.00|  14.00|  13.00|  13.00|  10.00| 
  21.00|  49.00|

 big-tables  |  10.00|  10.00|  10.00|  13.00|  12.00| 
  10.00|  36.00|

 connect | 108.00| 105.00|  99.00|  72.00|  71.00| 
  58.00| 394.00|

 create  |  67.00|  89.00|  89.00| 223.00| 219.00| 
  98.00| 475.00|

 insert  | 904.00| 908.00| 873.00| 854.00| 845.00| 

 select  |  76.00|  76.00|  73.00| 353.00| 351.00| 
 250.00| 291.00|

 wisconsin   |   7.00|   7.00|   7.00|   6.00|   5.00| 
   5.00|  20.00|


 The results per operation:


 alter_table_add (100)   

Re: default my.cnf vs huge.cnf nearly same performance with

2005-09-10 Thread Matthew Lenz
- Original Message - 
From: Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]


huge.cnf example.  What about that thread_concurrency setting in
huge.cnf.. it doesn't seem to show up in a 'show variables' when using
it.. is it deprecated?

In the manual it is meant that thead_concurrency is used on Solaris.
In the source files I've seen that thread_concurrency supported on those
platforms which have thr_setconcurrency function. See: (AC_CHECK_FUNCS macros)

Makes sense.  Its fine that its ignored.  I'm still curious as to why I'm 
not seeing better performance from the config that give mysql more resources 
to play with :( 

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searching through a mysql db/tbl

2005-09-10 Thread bruce

i'm trying to figure out how to approach/solve a few issues. looking through
google hasn't made the light shine!!

1) i'm trying to figure out how to allow a user to search through a
query/tbl for a given string. ie, if i have the following as the result of a

  name   email   foo...

if i allow a user to search on say 'aa', i'd like the user to be able to

  name   email   foo...

any ideas as to how i could go about and create the query, or what would i
need to do to have this result...

2) if i have a query that produces a number of rows, how/what would i need
to do, to limit the number of rows displayed, and to allow the user to
select a 'back/next' button that would generate/display the next 'N' items
in the list/query results...

if anybody could direct me to sample docs/code that kind of describes/solves
what i've described, i'd appreciate it!!!



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Re: searching through a mysql db/tbl

2005-09-10 Thread Hassan Schroeder

bruce wrote:

1) i'm trying to figure out how to allow a user to search through a
query/tbl for a given string. ie, if i have the following as the result of a

Why wouldn't you simply create the query that would produce only
the rows you want (where name = '%aa%' OR email = '%aa%' OR...)??

2) if i have a query that produces a number of rows, how/what would i need
to do, to limit the number of rows displayed, and to allow the user to
select a 'back/next' button that would generate/display the next 'N' items
in the list/query results...

That would depend on, among other things, what language/environment
your server is using, eh? :-)

There's a nice JSP Taglib in the Sandbox for exactly this purpose:
:: if you're using Java, for example.

Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

  dream.  code.

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dynamic value like excel

2005-09-10 Thread liofr

i want to put a value in a column that is the date of today .
IS there a solution to do that in sql way ?

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Re: dynamic value like excel

2005-09-10 Thread Rich Allen

this may help you

test create table d (
- date date );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.45 sec)

test insert into d values(now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.12 sec)

test select * from d;
| date   |
| 2005-09-10 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

On Sep 10, 2005, at 8:52 AM, liofr wrote:

i want to put a value in a column that is the date of today .
IS there a solution to do that in sql way ?

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Rich Allen
Dare  Do

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MySQLHotCopy Error

2005-09-10 Thread Stephen P. Fracek, Jr.
We're having a problem with MySQLHotCopy.  It has worked flawlessly in the
past but now we're getting an error message similar to this:

Dumping database... DBD::mysql::db do failed: Can't find file:
'./file.frm' (errno: 24) at /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy line 468.
Deleting previous 'old' hotcopy directory ('mydirectory')
Existing hotcopy directory renamed to '/mydirectory/db_name_old'

The frm file it can't find varies with each attempt to use MySQLHotCopy.
The files are there.  We've flushed, optimized, and repaired all the tables
in the database without any luck.  The db appears to be working fine.

MySQLHotCopy works ok with other databases on this server.

MySQL 4.0.23

Server:  Mac OSX Server 10.3.8 dual 1.33 Ghz PPC G4 with 2 GB SDRAM

DB has 274 tables with 1.6 million records.  DB size is 400 MB.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.


Stephen P. Fracek, Jr.

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