Re: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?

2005-10-11 Thread Jeremiah Gowdy
The Windows DLL is thread safe.  You do not have to call my_init() and 
my_thread_init() because Windows DLLs receive events when they are attached to 
a new process and when they are attached to a new thread in a process.  This is 
one of the nicer features of Windows shared libraries.  Other than that, you 
don't have to do anything special.  I am a heavy user of libmysql under Win32.  
You simply mysql_init() your MYSQL struct, and then mysql_real_connect() and 
you're ready to mysql_query().

You should not call my_init() or my_thread_init() as the previous poster 
suggested.  This could result in memory leaks.

From libmysql/dll.c

BOOL APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hInst,DWORD ul_reason_being_called,LPVOID 
  switch (ul_reason_being_called) {
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* case of libentry call in win 3.x */
  if (!inited++)
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* case of wep call in win 3.x */
  if (!--inited) /* Safety */
/* my_thread_init() */ /* This may give extra safety */
  /* Main thread will free by my_end() */
  if (main_thread != GetCurrentThreadId())
  } /* switch */
  return TRUE;
} /* LibMain */

- Original Message - 
From: John McCaskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?


First let me thank you for all the great posts and info I've seen you
put on this list for others.

I've been working in C with MySQL in a very multithreaded environment
for several years and think I can explain the thread safety issues
clearly.  Rather than try to respond point by point to your question I'm
going to give a summary and if that doesn't help please respond again
and I'll answer specific questions.

First, mysql is in fact pretty much threadsafe when using the _r
library.  You definitely do need to use the _r library and not the
normal one as the SIGPIPE discussion applies to both, the non _r library
has additional safety issues surrounding mysql_real_connect() and should
not be used.  On windows you don't really need to do anything here I
believe because the Windows binaries are by default compiled to be
thread-safe. (from To validate
this in your client code you should in the main() function close to
startup use mysql_thread_safe() to verify your linked in version is
thread safe.  

The next thing you need to do is initialize mysql globally before
creating any threads that will use it.  Simply call my_init(); in your
main thread.  After this you can go ahead and create any threads.  In
the threads you create you need to call mysql_thread_init(); and when
you end the thread mysql_thread_end();  in between these calls you can
just use mysql as normal and the mysql_real_connect function will be
thread safe, you do not need to perform any locking of your own to make
only one call at a time or anything along those lines.

Here is some pseudo code of what you need to do:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  if(!mysql_thread_safe()) {
fprintf(stderr, Not Thread safe!!!);
return 1;


  // your regular init code

  // create the threads that will use mysql


void *mysql_thread(void *arg) {

//regular mysql code and whatever else here
  //use mysql_real_connect and mysql_real_query 
  //and whatever without worrying about thread safety


John A. McCaskey
Software Development Engineer
Klir Technologies, Inc.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?

(please excuse the double post but I wanted to reach the two audiences I

thought could help the best)

This is a question about the interpreting the documentation in the
for the C API.
I searched the list archives (all lists) going back 365 days for the
(unquoted): mysql_real_connect thread (I also looked for 
alternatives:mysql_real_connect threaded, mysql_real_connect multi 
threaded, etc.). I searched on Google Groups for: mysql_real_connect 
thread and found a few interesting hits. However, I am still not 100% 
clear on how to interpret some of the information on this page:

I do a lot of MySQL administration and development using mostly the CLI 
and a few 

Re: Non-linear degradation in bulk loads?

2005-10-11 Thread Devananda

Jon Frisby wrote:


We're trying to do some bulk data loads on several different tables (on
several different machines, using several different techniques) and
seeing dramatically worse-than-linear performance.

We've tried the bulk-INSERT syntax, and the LOAD DATA INFILE syntax.
appropriate), and so forth.

The one that is the most immediate concern is a table of the form:

  `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `when_happened` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
  KEY `when_happened` (`when_happened`)
) TYPE=InnoDB;

I'm loading data using LOAD DATA INFILE with chunks containing 3.4m rows
each (~135MB files).  The first chunk was very quick (about 1.5
minutes), but the tenth chunk has taken 22.6 hours and is still going.
(It's been getting progessively slower with each chunk...)

The database is our main sites database but we've dramatically reduced
the load on that machine over the past couple months through careful
optimization of our code.  The box is a dual, dual-core Opteron, 8GB of
RAM running a 32-bit Linux 2.4 kernel and MySQL 4.0.20 (32-bit of
course).  We have 1GB allocated to the buffer pool, and our usual 1GB *
3 log files.  8 I/O threads.

Load on the box sits at around 6-7, with a large (50%) amount of time
spent in wait state, but actual disk throughput to our software RAID
array (No longer on a SAN...) is quite low -- 6-9k blocks/s out, 1-6k
blocks/s in.

Something *has* to be wrong here, but we're not sure what we've missed.
We've restored larger data sets from a mysqldump in the past in
dramatically less time on far inferior hardware. (A superset of this
same data to a schema which is also a superset, PLUS a bunch of other
rather large tables -- all in ~8 hours on a 3Ware RAID array on a dual
Xeon w/ 4GB of RAM)

We're inclined to believe that this is a configuration problem, as
opposed to a driver or hardware problem given the non-linear nature of
the performance degradation.  This implies we're doing something truly
stupid with our loads.  What could cause this kind of strangeness?


Hi Jon,

I experienced this same non-linear degradation during large imports, 
exactly like you are describing, about 18 months ago. I don't remember 
if I found a specific cause, but I am fairly certain that it was related 
to a few issues, and that we did resolve it. I have not seen this happen 
with MyISAM tables, and we were able import our full data by breaking it 
into chunks and waiting between each chunk, so I believe it to be 
related to InnoDB's logs in some way. Since you are already importing 
your data in chunks, try making each chunk a separate transaction, or 
waiting until disk activity slows to load the next chunk. Also, there 
have been major improvements to InnoDB in the later 4.1 releases, so if 
possible, I would suggest upgrading.

Hope that helps!
Devananda vdv

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Re: databse design and table join problems

2005-10-11 Thread inferno


   Ok, if you do not recommend a big ( about 20 columns ) table, how 
can I do the join then and how do I add to each customer with the same 
street name, street number, block of flats number and flat number, an id 
that will help me join them ?
   I need to be able to see a customer even if it only has a packet in 
cp2/cp3/cp4 table, not only if he has a packet in every table.

Best regards,
Cristi Stoica

Peter Brawley wrote:

I have the data from MS Access to MySQL, half imported by now,
 that is not the problem, the same with importing from excel files.
The problem is how can I get all the data in one big table ?

With the data you originally described, one big table looks like a bad 


inferno wrote:


I have the data from MS Access to MySQL, half imported by now, 
that is not the problem, the same with importing from excel files.

The problem is how can I get all the data in one big table ?

Best regards,
Cristian Stoica

Peter Brawley wrote:


In theory it is simple but I need some help on how that will be
translated to mysql, I have a concept in mind, but I do not know
how to exactly apply it to the situation.
I am in a situation where I have the data gathered from more 

and everybody had a personal way of designing the database or excel
table and now I need to build a database that will include all the 
data in

the tables bellow, that is way I was not able to give you a table
description from mysql since I do not have all the tables imported 


1. First thing may be to turn the spreadsheets into tables. It's 
trivial to turn a spreadsheet into an Access table (eg

2. Once you have all the representations in Access, you have a 
choice to make: standardise the data representation in Access, or 
export all the data in its various models to MySQL and standardise 
the mess there. Presumably you know Access much better than MySQL, 
so you may want to do this standardisation in Access before 
exporting to MySQL. In that case, you'll want to implement logic of 
the sort I described in Access, before exporting the data to MySQL.

3. You have choices for how to export tables from Access to MySQL. 
Simplest may be to export from Access to text files, then use the 
MySQL utility mysqlimport to import the data into a mysql table. Or, 
you can also use an Access-to-mysql converter script (Google for 
them), or a GUI tool like DbTools, which is freeware. Or (perhaps 
the most complex method), you can create the target MySQL table, use 
ODBCAdmin to create a DSN for it, and export to that.

Is that the info you are looking for?



inferno wrote:


First of all thank you for your reply.
The table names I've wrote in the e-mail were just for info, I 
do use underscore instead of space, as you can see I do the same 
for the fields in the table.
In theory it is simple but I need some help on how that will be 
translated to mysql, I have a concept in mind, but I do not know 
how to exactly apply it to the situation.
I am in a situation where I have the data gathered from more 
persons and everybody had a personal way of designing the database 
or excel table and now I need to build a database that will include 
all the data in the tables bellow, that is way I was not able to 
give you a table description from mysql since I do not have all the 
tables imported into mysql.
After I will import the tables into mysql I have to make 
somehow the new table and I would like it to be good, and that it 
can be further upgraded ( maybe a new service will need to be 
entered for a customer and I need to have all the data in one place 
) and to be able to handle each entry not by using 4 fields that 
are varchar.

If you / someone can help me with this task I will be very 
grateful, as I have said before I am a beginer and do not have much 
experience with MySQL.

Best regards and thank you for your advice,
Cristi Stoica

Peter Brawley wrote:


 I have the following tables: ( some in Microsoft Access and some
 in Excel ) and I want to migrate the data into MySQL and develop
 an interface in PHP for easy administration and control...

A few points:

1. Instead of spaces, use underscores or nothing in table names

2. If Address_Code contains addresses of Sales_Representatives, it 
needs an

column for Sales_Representative ids.

3. One way to merge cp2, cp3 and cp4 would be:
  (1) add int 'old_id' columns to cp2, cp3 and cp4,
  populate with sequential values such that
  old_id values are unique across cp2, cp3 or cp4
  (2) make a new customers table structure as desired, and include
the new cp2 cp3  cp4 old_ids, and
an auto_increment int primary key,
  (3) import into customer from cp2, cp3, cp4,
  excluding dupes computed without reference to old_id
  (4) make a customertype table whose columns include
all columns in cp2 

Re: MySQL Hangs

2005-10-11 Thread Velu Shk

No solutions mentioned here.

Slack 10.1 is booting and once the newly installed MySQL Standard 4.1.14 
starts up with:

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
 The system hangs and is dead to the world. I will need some time to 
prepare a disk for recovery to get past this inconvenience. Perhaps a hotkey 
workaround I am unaware of will allow init to skip this standstill?

- velusip

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RE: [SPAM] - Query help - Bayesian Filter detected spam

2005-10-11 Thread Gordon Bruce
You might try UNION with the 1st statement pulling all products with
groupid = 0 and the 2nd pulling 1 product with groupid  1.

-Original Message-
From: John Nichel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 3:31 PM
To: MySQL List
Subject: [SPAM] - Query help - Bayesian Filter detected spam

Hi, I have this query below, and I have been pulling my hair out for the

past couple of hours trying to get it to do what I want.  As is, it 
works, but I need it to consider other conditions.  One of the columns 
in the products table is called groupid.  I need it to pull all products

with a groupid of 0 and only 1 product with a groupid  0 (doesn't 
matter which one).  Any help will save my sanity. ;)

SELECT products.*, MIN(pricing.price) as price , products_lng.product as

product_lng, products_lng.descr as descr_lng, products_lng.full_descr as

fulldescr_lng, IF(variants.variantid IS NOT NULL,'Y','') as is_variant, 
IF(classes.classid IS NOT NULL,'Y','') as is_product_options, 
MIN(v_pricing.price) as v_price, products_lng.product as product_lng, 
products_lng.descr as descr_lng, products_lng.full_descr as 
fulldescr_lng, IF(variants.variantid IS NOT NULL,'Y','') as is_variant, 
IF(classes.classid IS NOT NULL,'Y','') as is_product_options, 
MIN(v_pricing.price) as v_price FROM products, pricing , 
products_categories, categories LEFT JOIN products_lng ON 
products_lng.productid = products.productid AND products_lng.code = 'US'

LEFT JOIN classes ON classes.productid = products.productid LEFT JOIN 
variants ON variants.productid = products.productid LEFT JOIN pricing as

v_pricing ON v_pricing.variantid = variants.variantid AND 
v_pricing.quantity = 1 AND v_pricing.membership IN ('','') WHERE 
pricing.productid=products.productid AND pricing.quantity=1 AND 
pricing.membership IN ('','') AND products.product_type  'C' AND 
products.product_type  'B' AND (pricing.variantid = 0 OR 
(variants.variantid = pricing.variantid AND variants.avail  0)) AND 
products_categories.productid=products.productid AND 
products_categories.categoryid = categories.categoryid AND 
categories.membership IN ('','') AND 
products_categories.categoryid='412' AND (products_categories.main='Y' 
OR products_categories.main!='Y') AND'Y' AND 
(products.avail0 OR products.product_type NOT IN ('','N')) GROUP BY 
products.productid ORDER BY products_categories.orderby ASC, 
products.product ASC LIMIT 10, 10

John C. Nichel

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Re: Help on writing a sql statement

2005-10-11 Thread SGreen
(my response bottom-posted. See below - SG)
Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/10/2005 09:16:13 PM:

 Hi Shawn .. Thanks for the offer. I am attaching the info that you
 mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE salesmaster\G;
 *** 1. row ***
Table: salesmaster
 Create Table: CREATE TABLE `salesmaster` (
   `ID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `PostingDate` datetime default NULL,
   `PostingDateJulian` double(15,5) default NULL,
   `CustNo` varchar(10) default NULL,
   `ProdNo` varchar(5) default NULL,
   `SalesMan` char(2) default NULL,
   `Branch` int(10) default NULL,
   `Kilos` decimal(19,4) default '0.',
   `Sales` decimal(19,4) default '0.',
   `Cost` decimal(19,4) default '0.',
   KEY `PostingDate` (`PostingDate`),
   KEY `CustNo` (`CustNo`),
   KEY `ProdNo` (`ProdNo`),
   KEY `Branch` (`Branch`)
 mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE customerintermediate\G;
 *** 1. row ***
Table: customerintermediate
 Create Table: CREATE TABLE `customerintermediate` (
   `ID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `CustNo` varchar(10) default NULL,
   `CustName` varchar(120) default NULL,
   `CustShipAdd1` varchar(50) default NULL,
   `CustShipAdd2` varchar(50) default NULL,
   `CustShipAdd3` varchar(50) default NULL,
   `CustShipPostal` varchar(50) default NULL,
   `Dept` int(10) default NULL,
   `Class` int(10) default NULL,
`Branch` int(10) default NULL,
   KEY `CustNo` (`CustNo`),
   KEY `Branch` (`Branch`),
   KEY `Dept` (`Dept`)
 mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE productintermediate\G;
 *** 1. row ***
Table: productintermediate
 Create Table: CREATE TABLE `productintermediate` (
   `ID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `ProdNo` varchar(5) default NULL,
   `Description` varchar(255) default NULL,
   `Status` smallint(5) default NULL,
`Branch` int(10) default NULL,
   `Source` int(10) default NULL,
   `Main` int(10) default NULL,
   `Report` int(10) default NULL,
   KEY `ProdNo` (`ProdNo`),
   KEY `Branch` (`Branch`)
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
  Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/10/2005 03:52:21 PM:
   Hi all:
   I need some help in writing a sql statement.
   I have three tables (Sales, Cust and Product). The sales table 
   large volume of data and I want to create a sql to group the sales 
   then join the resultant to both the Cust and Prod and to have 
   fields selected from the Cust and Prod.
   So in effect something like (obviously syntax is wrong)
   Select sm.prodno, sm.custno, sum(cost) as costs, sum(sales) as 
   from Sales SM where = date(‘2005-09-01 00:00:00’) Group by
   sm.prodno, sm.custno, ,
   (Select prod.desc, prod.code, cust.custno, from cust, 
   join sm.prodno = prod.code left join sm.custno=cust.custno) …
   Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  OK, you know you need a GROUP BY, that's good. You also recognized you
  needed to JOIN a few tables together, also good. There are at least 
  ways to do what you ask. One is a fairly complex query that does it 
all in
  one statement (might take a long time to compute) the other is a 
  of two simpler statements. I think the two-statement solution will be
  easier to understand and maintain so I would prefer to go over that.
  However, in order to provide an example of either method I will need 
  information from you.
  From the CLI (command line client), please provide the output from 
  three commands:
  That will tell me exactly which columns live on which tables and where 
  do or do not have any indexes. Good indexes will make or break the
  performance of your database. You will not be exposing any data, only 
  design of the tables.
  Please remember to CC the list on all responses.
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Let me see if I can translate what you want in a query into regular 
language. I think you would like to see, grouped by date, customer, and 
product, the total cost and total sales for each (date,customer,product) 
triple along with each product's description ,code, and the customer's 
number and name. All of that will be limited to activity on or before 
midnight of a certain date.

If I rephrased that correctly, here is how I would build your query. Step 
1 is to perform the (date,customer,product) summations. By minimizing the 
number of rows, columns, and/or tables we need to summarize against, we 

Re: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?

2005-10-11 Thread SGreen
Jeremiah Gowdy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 03:08:40 AM:

 The Windows DLL is thread safe.  You do not have to call my_init() 
 and my_thread_init() because Windows DLLs receive events when they 
 are attached to a new process and when they are attached to a new 
 thread in a process.  This is one of the nicer features of Windows 
 shared libraries.  Other than that, you don't have to do anything 
 special.  I am a heavy user of libmysql under Win32.  You simply 
 mysql_init() your MYSQL struct, and then mysql_real_connect() and 
 you're ready to mysql_query().
 You should not call my_init() or my_thread_init() as the previous 
 poster suggested.  This could result in memory leaks.
 From libmysql/dll.c
 BOOL APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hInst,DWORD ul_reason_being_called,
 LPVOID lpReserved)
   switch (ul_reason_being_called) {
 case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* case of libentry call in win 3.x */
   if (!inited++)
 case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* case of wep call in win 3.x */
   if (!--inited) /* Safety */
 /* my_thread_init() */ /* This may give extra safety */
   /* Main thread will free by my_end() */
   if (main_thread != GetCurrentThreadId())
   } /* switch */
   return TRUE;
 } /* LibMain */
 - Original Message - 
 From: John McCaskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 10:31 AM
 Subject: RE: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?
 First let me thank you for all the great posts and info I've seen you
 put on this list for others.
 I've been working in C with MySQL in a very multithreaded environment
 for several years and think I can explain the thread safety issues
 clearly.  Rather than try to respond point by point to your question I'm
 going to give a summary and if that doesn't help please respond again
 and I'll answer specific questions.
 First, mysql is in fact pretty much threadsafe when using the _r
 library.  You definitely do need to use the _r library and not the
 normal one as the SIGPIPE discussion applies to both, the non _r library
 has additional safety issues surrounding mysql_real_connect() and should
 not be used.  On windows you don't really need to do anything here I
 believe because the Windows binaries are by default compiled to be
 thread-safe. (from To validate
 this in your client code you should in the main() function close to
 startup use mysql_thread_safe() to verify your linked in version is
 thread safe. 
 The next thing you need to do is initialize mysql globally before
 creating any threads that will use it.  Simply call my_init(); in your
 main thread.  After this you can go ahead and create any threads.  In
 the threads you create you need to call mysql_thread_init(); and when
 you end the thread mysql_thread_end();  in between these calls you can
 just use mysql as normal and the mysql_real_connect function will be
 thread safe, you do not need to perform any locking of your own to make
 only one call at a time or anything along those lines.
 Here is some pseudo code of what you need to do:
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   if(!mysql_thread_safe()) {
 fprintf(stderr, Not Thread safe!!!);
 return 1;
   // your regular init code
   // create the threads that will use mysql
 void *mysql_thread(void *arg) {
 //regular mysql code and whatever else here
   //use mysql_real_connect and mysql_real_query 
   //and whatever without worrying about thread safety
 John A. McCaskey
 Software Development Engineer
 Klir Technologies, Inc.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 9:01 AM
 Subject: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Thank you very much!!

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Lost .frm files

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Maybe this will help, if you're using MyISAM tables. Create a table with

the same definition as a table from the backup has. Remove a new data

file, and put a data file from the backup instead of it. Then use REPAIR.

I have changed the OS on my database server. At that time, I forgot to

take the backup of the .frm files in /var/lib/mysql. I have taken all

the backup of all the data files. I can recreate all the tables. How

can I map these tables to existing data files. Is this possible. Please

help me out as the data is huge. (alomost 220G )

Sujay Koduri wrote:

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Re: How do you set a Primary Key when uploading data into a table?

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 The Id row gets values of 99897, and then increments by one.

Please, send the output of:

  SHOW CREATE TABLE sic_codes;

Probably you don't have auto_increment attribute in the Id definition.

Bill Abel wrote:

 How do you load data into a table and generate a primary key which 

 increments by 1.


 I want to end up with a primary key value of int 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.


 My table has three rows, Id, Code, Description. I'm loading data from  a

 text file into the table like this:


 load data local infile '/Users/billabel/Desktop/sic.txt' into table 

 sic_codes lines

 terminated by '\r' (code, description);


 The Id row gets values of 99897, and then increments by one.


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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: Relocation of database store

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I want to place my database on a NAS drive.

Usually it is not recommended to use network filesystems,

due to high performance penalty.

 I'm trying to relocate the database files for MySQL 4.1

 I've seen two primary techniques for doing this:

Have a look here as well:

William Fry wrote:

 I'm trying to relocate the database files for MySQL 4.1

 I've seen two primary techniques for doing this:

 1) create/alter a my.cnf file with 'datadir' set to new location

 2) moving the physical files and creating a symlink in the original location


 Unfortunately, neither of these methods work for me.


 I have my MySQL server running on a Mandrake 10.1 Linux box with limited

 hard drive space. I want to place my database on a NAS drive.

 The NAS drive support many protocols: NFS, SMB, AFP, etc. so I have no

 problem at all accessing the device from my database server. However, the

 problem seems to be that, as part of MySQL server's normal operation, it

 creates a socket file. Unfortunately, this activity is not allowed on a

 remote share. So, when the server starts up, its attempt to create

 mysql.sock fails.


 It appears that both relocation methods indicated above cause EVERYTHING to

 be relocated, i.e. not only the hard files, but the socket file also.


 Is there a way to have the hard files relocated but keep the socket file

 in /var/lib/mysql?



 - Liam




For technical support contracts, goto
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Re: Suppress table header when using ODBC

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql

What program?

 for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of

 the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that

Does you program show column names in the numeric fields?

Gerald Taylor wrote:



 I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql

 database using the ODBC mysql driver and everything works fine except

 for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of

 the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that

 column name row to NOT be there.  Do I do something to the query to

 suppress is or is it some setting I set up?  I've googled and nothing.

 MySQL 4.1 if it matters.  I know I remember reading somewhere how

 to suppress this.   Thanks




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Re: SOCKET directory

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 However, when I try to connect I get the error:

Have a look here:

Barbara Deaton wrote:

 With MySQL 4.0 when I wanted to run my application on any of the unix =

 boxes I had to set the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable to point to =

 the location of my socket file.  Looking through my 4.1.9 install I no =

 longer see a mysql/socket directory. =20


 However, when I try to connect I get the error:


 ERROR: Error trying to establish connection: Can't connect to local =


server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)


 Where did it go?  Is it no longer needed?


 Thanks for any information.




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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: Charset issue

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 Chinese can't be displayer propely.

What client do you use to connect to MySQL Server?

Check that it supports Chinese. I don't know Chinese

and can't suggest what character to use. But, certainly,

you should choose one from:

Check that SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%char%' returns this charset

for all variables except charset_system, which is always utf8.

王静 wrote:

 hi all.

 Here is the suituation. i've installed mysql 4.1.12 on WinXP

 plantform, it seems not to support Chinese by its default

 configuration, say, Chinese can't be displayer propely. as far as i

 know, what i need to do is modify the charset(server, connection,

 client...)concerned, but i'm not so sure and is there anything else i

 should do and howto?



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Re: Out Of Memory problems: One MySQL user, 86 minutes sleeping

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

  1981 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:03.53 mysqld

  1982 mysql 20   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1983 mysql 17   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1984 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

These are the threads of the same mysqld process which is using only

72m of virtual memory. May be you should find out other process

which is consuming memory. If you are sure that MySQL is guilty

than send to the list the output of 'SHOW VARIABLES' statement.

thomas Armstrong wrote:



 Using MySQL 4.1.9 on Linux FedoraCore2 (kernel 2.6.9),

 I'm suffering several memory problems ('Out Of Memory'

 problem) on my server.


 Playing around with my server:




  Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info

 20138 | user1 | localhost | user1_db | Sleep | 5295 | NULL


 (why is this user1 sleeping for 86 minutes?)





 Qcache_free_blocks  =0956

 Qcache_free_memory =0911676280

 Qcache_hits =09762140

 Qcache_inserts  =09109122

 Qcache_lowmem_prunes =0912575

 Qcache_not_cached =09897

 Qcache_queries_in_cache =09644

 Qcache_total_blocks =091582



 []# top


 top - 12:55:40 up 1 day,  2:18,  2 users,  load average: 0.39, 0.35, 0.29

 Tasks:  88 total,   2 running,  86 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie

 Cpu(s):  0.0% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 99.7% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% s=


 Mem:508072k total,   499980k used, 8092k free,69828k buffers

 Swap:  1084376k total, 2176k used,  1082200k free,   116264k cached


  1980 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:03.24 mysqld

  1981 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:03.53 mysqld

  1982 mysql 20   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1983 mysql 17   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1984 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1985 mysql 17   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1986 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.21 mysqld

  1987 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.13 mysqld

  1988 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1989 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.06 mysqld

 14337 mysql 20   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

 17323 apache15   0 42056  30m  16m S  0.0  6.1   0:02.44 httpd

  2316 ogo   16   0 36092  28m  23m S  0.0  5.7   0:01.25 ogo-webui-1.0a

 11228 apache16   0 36600  24m  18m S  0.0  4.9   1:51.20 httpd

 14276 apache15   0 34408  24m  16m S  0.0  4.8   0:58.17 httpd

 15737 apache15   0 34120  23m  16m S  0.0  4.8   0:32.92 httpd



 []# more /etc/my.conf









 # Slow queries log

 log-slow-queries =3D /var/log/mysql/slow-queries.log

 long_query_time =3D 5













 []# free -m


  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached

 Mem:   496487  8  0 68113

 -/+ buffers/cache:305190

 Swap: 1058  2   1056



 I'm trying to find out the reason of my memory problems. I suspect this

 sleeping user is to blame. Any suggestion?


 Thank you very much.


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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 the problem is that after around 160,000 rows inserted with success ,

then i get Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes) error many times.

Does your program report this error or MySQL Server?

 Can someone give me an advice with some optimization or if something

is wrong in mysql server configuration?

At least check that memory which might be used by MySQL Server can't be

more than amount of your RAM. See:

Use a formula similar to this:

min_memory_needed = global_buffers + (thread_buffers * max_connections)

where thread_buffers includes the following:








and global_buffers includes:





In case

Andrei wrote:

 Hi list,


 i have a linux server with mysql 4.1.14 


 and i'm trying to execute a program wich read a file with 100's tohusands 

 lines and for every line must do a SELECT and then an INSERT .


 the SELECT use 2 InnoDB tables and the INSERT use a MyISAM table.


 the problem is that after around 160,000 rows inserted with success , then i 

 get Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes) error many times.


 i will try to increase the RAM size but i don't know if this is the problem 

 (for sure it will help , but ... )


 so, i suspect that after these 160,000 rows ... the SELECT for the following 

 records is not successfully ending but the INSERT is ok.


 Can someone give me an advice with some optimization or if something is wrong

 in mysql server configuration?



  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached

 Mem:514460 238972 275488  0  28824 131024

 -/+ buffers/cache:  79124 435336

 Swap:  1975912  200521955860




 | Variable_name   | Value


 | back_log| 50

 | basedir | /opt/sql/mysql-4.1.14/

 | binlog_cache_size   | 32768

 | bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608

 | character_set_client| latin1

 | character_set_connection| latin1

 | character_set_database  | latin1

 | character_set_results   | latin1

 | character_set_server| latin1

 | character_set_system| utf8

 | character_sets_dir  

 | /opt/sql/mysql-4.1.14/share/mysql/charsets/

 | collation_connection| latin1_swedish_ci

 | collation_database  | latin1_swedish_ci

 | collation_server| latin1_swedish_ci

 | concurrent_insert   | ON

 | connect_timeout | 5

 | datadir | /opt/sql/mysql-data/

 | date_format | %Y-%m-%d

 | datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s

 | default_week_format | 0

 | delay_key_write | ON

 | delayed_insert_limit| 100

 | delayed_insert_timeout  | 300

 | delayed_queue_size  | 1000

 | expire_logs_days| 0

 | flush   | OFF

 | flush_time  | 0

 | ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|

 | ft_max_word_len | 84

 | ft_min_word_len | 4

 | ft_query_expansion_limit| 20

 | ft_stopword_file| (built-in)

 | group_concat_max_len| 1024

 | have_archive| NO

 | have_bdb| NO

 | have_blackhole_engine   | NO

 | have_compress   | YES

 | have_crypt  | YES

 | have_csv| NO

 | have_example_engine | NO

 | have_geometry   | YES

 | have_innodb | YES

 | have_isam   | NO

 | have_ndbcluster | NO

 | have_openssl| NO

 | have_query_cache| YES

 | have_raid   | NO

 | have_rtree_keys | YES

 | have_symlink| YES

 | init_connect|

 | init_file   |

 | init_slave  |

 | innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 20971520

 | innodb_autoextend_increment | 8

 | innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb   | 0

 | innodb_buffer_pool_size | 167772160

 | innodb_data_file_path   | ibdata1:10M:autoextend

 | innodb_data_home_dir| /opt/sql/mysql-data/

 | innodb_fast_shutdown| ON

 | innodb_file_io_threads  | 4

 | innodb_file_per_table   | OFF

 | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  | 1


RE: SOCKET directory

2005-10-11 Thread Barbara Deaton
Thank you for the link.  

I understand that I need a mysql.sock file, what I don't understand is that I 
used to get one when I installed MySQL.  When I look through all my 4.0.x mysql 
directories I see a socket directory that contains a mysql.sock file.  With my 
4.1 install I do not see this file.

Why do I no longer get a socket/mysql.sock with the install?

Thanks again for your time.

-Original Message-
From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: SOCKET directory


 However, when I try to connect I get the error:

Have a look here:

Barbara Deaton wrote:
 With MySQL 4.0 when I wanted to run my application on any of the unix 
 = boxes I had to set the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable to point 
 to = the location of my socket file.  Looking through my 4.1.9 install 
 I no = longer see a mysql/socket directory. =20
 However, when I try to connect I get the error:
 ERROR: Error trying to establish connection: Can't connect to local = 
server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
 Where did it go?  Is it no longer needed?
 Thanks for any information.

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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: SOCKET directory

2005-10-11 Thread gerald_clark

Barbara Deaton wrote:

Thank you for the link.  

I understand that I need a mysql.sock file, what I don't understand is that I 
used to get one when I installed MySQL.  When I look through all my 4.0.x mysql 
directories I see a socket directory that contains a mysql.sock file.  With my 
4.1 install I do not see this file.

Why do I no longer get a socket/mysql.sock with the install?

Thanks again for your time.

It is created by the server when the server starts, and deleted when the 
server stops.

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RE: SOCKET directory

2005-10-11 Thread SGreen
The sock file is not a permanent file. It is a socket descriptor that 
should only exist if the MySQL server is running and if the server is 
configured to supports socket-type connections. Most of the default 
installations DO NOT start the server as part of the installation process. 
That way you have a chance to customize any configurations before the 
first start (very convenient if you are migrating or upgrading).

If you do not see a sock file it means: a) you haven't started the server 
(either in stand-alone or daemon mode) or  b) you do not have a version of 
the server that supports system sockets or c) your server's configuration 
file is defined in such a way to suppress system socket usage.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Barbara Deaton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 10:25:46 AM:

 Thank you for the link. 
 I understand that I need a mysql.sock file, what I don't understand 
 is that I used to get one when I installed MySQL.  When I look 
 through all my 4.0.x mysql directories I see a socket directory that
 contains a mysql.sock file.  With my 4.1 install I do not see this file.
 Why do I no longer get a socket/mysql.sock with the install?
 Thanks again for your time.
 -Original Message-
 From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 6:21 PM
 Subject: Re: SOCKET directory
  However, when I try to connect I get the error:
 Have a look here:
 Barbara Deaton wrote:
  With MySQL 4.0 when I wanted to run my application on any of the unix 
  = boxes I had to set the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable to point 

  to = the location of my socket file.  Looking through my 4.1.9 install 

  I no = longer see a mysql/socket directory. =20
  However, when I try to connect I get the error:
  ERROR: Error trying to establish connection: Can't connect to local = 
 server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
  Where did it go?  Is it no longer needed?
  Thanks for any information.
 For technical support contracts, goto
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   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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RE: SOCKET directory

2005-10-11 Thread Barbara Deaton
Wow, totally didn't get that from the article.  Thanks so much everyone for the 
explanation and taking the time to write.
Time to recheck my servers.

Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:37 AM
To: Barbara Deaton
Cc: Gleb Paharenko;
Subject: RE: SOCKET directory

The sock file is not a permanent file. It is a socket descriptor that should 
only exist if the MySQL server is running and if the server is configured to 
supports socket-type connections. Most of the default installations DO NOT 
start the server as part of the installation process. That way you have a 
chance to customize any configurations before the first start (very convenient 
if you are migrating or upgrading). 

If you do not see a sock file it means: a) you haven't started the server 
(either in stand-alone or daemon mode) or  b) you do not have a version of the 
server that supports system sockets or c) your server's configuration file is 
defined in such a way to suppress system socket usage. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

Barbara Deaton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 10:25:46 AM:

 Thank you for the link.  
 I understand that I need a mysql.sock file, what I don't understand 
 is that I used to get one when I installed MySQL.  When I look 
 through all my 4.0.x mysql directories I see a socket directory that
 contains a mysql.sock file.  With my 4.1 install I do not see this file.
 Why do I no longer get a socket/mysql.sock with the install?
 Thanks again for your time.
 -Original Message-
 From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 6:21 PM
 Subject: Re: SOCKET directory
  However, when I try to connect I get the error:
 Have a look here:
 Barbara Deaton wrote:
  With MySQL 4.0 when I wanted to run my application on any of the unix 
  = boxes I had to set the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable to point 
  to = the location of my socket file.  Looking through my 4.1.9 install 
  I no = longer see a mysql/socket directory. =20
  However, when I try to connect I get the error:
  ERROR: Error trying to establish connection: Can't connect to local = 
 server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
  Where did it go?  Is it no longer needed?
  Thanks for any information.
 For technical support contracts, goto
 This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
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   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
  / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
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Re: MySQL Hangs

2005-10-11 Thread walt

Velu Shk wrote:

No solutions mentioned here.

Slack 10.1 is booting and once the newly installed MySQL Standard 
4.1.14 starts up with:

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
 The system hangs and is dead to the world. I will need some time to 
prepare a disk for recovery to get past this inconvenience. Perhaps a 
hotkey workaround I am unaware of will allow init to skip this 

- velusip

If you boot the system into run level 1, you should be able to remove 
the symlink from the appropriate rc.x directory. Once you've done that, 
the machine will boot and maybe you can find something in the mysql 
error log. If you don't see anything there, adding strace to the mysql 
startup script might give some more info which would be helpful in 
solving your problem.


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Append one table to another?

2005-10-11 Thread Brian Dunning
How do I append one table's contents to another? Both have identical  
structure. Problem is I don't have shell access, only phpAdmin or a  
PHP file I write  upload myself.

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Problem compiling MyODBC - looking for sql.h file

2005-10-11 Thread Ryan Stille
I posted this on the ODBC list, but there is not much traffic there and
no one replied.  Hopefully someone here has dealt with this.

I am setting up ColdFusion to access a MySQL 4.1.x database.  This
required new MyODBC drivers to be installed on the system for
ColdFusion.  After a lot of trial and error, I got it figured out.  I
install mysql on the system (using --without-server), then install
MyODBC.  Then copy the file to a directory under
ColdFusion, and change ColdFusion's odbc.ini file to reference this new

I am now trying to do it on a second system, but am getting errors
during the ./configure of MyODBC (3.5.11).  This is my configure

./configure --with-mysql-path=/usr/local/mysql \
--without-samples \
--disable-test \

And this is the resulting output:

checking for isql... No
checking for unixODBC version... Unknown
checking sql.h usability... No
checking sql.h presence... No
checking for sql.h... no
configure: error: Unable to find the unixODBC headers in

It's complaining about unixODBC headers, maybe specifically the sql.h
file in the second to last line?  But I don't have unixODBC installed on
the FIRST system, the one that is working just fine.  (ColdFusion has
it's one built in ODBC manager, unixODBC is not necessary.)  However
there is a /usr/local/include/sql.h file on that system.  I don't know
how it got there.  By looking inside the file it appears to be related
to MyODBC 3.5.11.

Just for kicks I copied this file to the second system, but got the same
error when trying to run ./configure.

Any ideas?


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Re: databse design and table join problems

2005-10-11 Thread Peter Brawley


  Ok, if you do not recommend a big ( about 20 columns ) table,
can I do the join then and how do I add to each customer with the
street name, street number, block of flats number and flat number,
an id 
that will help me join them ?

Oh, you mean get all the _customers_ into one big table. Didn't we
start with that question? Once you have imported all the tables to
 (1) add int 'old_id' columns to the cp2, cp3 and cp4 tables, 
 populate with sequential values such that
 old_id values are unique across cp2, cp3 or cp4
 (2) make a new customers table structure as desired, 
 add the new cp2 cp3  cp4 old_ids, and
 add an auto_increment int primary key,
 (3) import into customer from cp2, cp3, cp4, 
 excluding dupes based on name address or whatever you want
 (4) make a customertype table whose columns include 
 all columns in cp2 cp3  cp4 which are not in customers
 an auto_increment primary key id
 customer_type (whatever values you want corresponding to 'cp2'
 (5) populate customer_type from joins on 
 customer and cp2
 customer and cp3
 customer and cp4
 using old_id
 (6) drop the old_id column from customers
Now you have the generic customer info in customer, and the
type-specific info in customertypes.



inferno wrote:
 Ok, if you do not recommend a big ( about 20 columns ) table, how
can I do the join then and how do I add to each customer with the same
street name, street number, block of flats number and flat number, an
id that will help me join them ?
 I need to be able to see a customer even if it only has a packet in
cp2/cp3/cp4 table, not only if he has a packet in every table.
Best regards,
Cristi Stoica
Peter Brawley wrote:
   I have the data from MS Access to
MySQL, half imported by now,

 that is not the problem, the same with importing from excel files.

 The problem is how can I get all the data in one big table ?

With the data you originally described, one big table looks like a bad


inferno wrote:

 I have the data from MS Access to MySQL, half imported by now, that
is not the problem, the same with importing from excel files.
 The problem is how can I get all the data in one big table ?
Best regards,
Cristian Stoica
Peter Brawley wrote:

 In theory it is simple but I need some help on how that will be

"translated" to mysql, I have a concept in mind, but I do not know

how to exactly apply it to the situation.

 I am in a situation where I have the data gathered from more

and everybody had a personal way of designing the database or excel

table and now I need to build a database that will include all the
data in

the tables bellow, that is way I was not able to give you a table

description from mysql since I do not have all the tables imported


1. First thing may be to turn the spreadsheets into tables. It's
trivial to turn a spreadsheet into an Access table (eg

2. Once you have all the representations in Access, you have a choice
to make: standardise the data representation in Access, or export all
the data in its various models to MySQL and standardise the mess there.
Presumably you know Access much better than MySQL, so you may want to
do this standardisation in Access before exporting to MySQL. In that
case, you'll want to implement logic of the sort I described in Access,
before exporting the data to MySQL.

3. You have choices for how to export tables from Access to MySQL.
Simplest may be to export from Access to text files, then use the MySQL
utility mysqlimport to import the data into a mysql table. Or, you can
also use an Access-to-mysql converter script (Google for them), or a
GUI tool like DbTools, which is freeware. Or (perhaps the most complex
method), you can create the target MySQL table, use ODBCAdmin to create
a DSN for it, and export to that.

Is that the info you are looking for?



inferno wrote:

 First of all thank you for your reply.
 The table names I've wrote in the e-mail were just for info, I do
use underscore instead of space, as you can see I do the same for the
fields in the table.
 In theory it is simple but I need some help on how that will be
"translated" to mysql, I have a concept in mind, but I do not know how
to exactly apply it to the situation.
 I am in a situation where I have the data gathered from more
persons and everybody had a personal way of designing the database or
excel table and now I need to build a database that will include all

RE: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?

2005-10-11 Thread John McCaskey
Wow, thats good to know.  Thanks Jeremiah.  It is a little strange that the 
documentation doesn't mention that this behavior is different under windows and 
leads one to believe that calling mysql_thread_init/end is still neccesary.  

Sent: Tue 10/11/2005 6:52 AM
To: Jeremiah Gowdy
Cc: John McCaskey;; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?

Jeremiah Gowdy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 03:08:40 AM:

 The Windows DLL is thread safe.  You do not have to call my_init() 
 and my_thread_init() because Windows DLLs receive events when they 
 are attached to a new process and when they are attached to a new 
 thread in a process.  This is one of the nicer features of Windows 
 shared libraries.  Other than that, you don't have to do anything 
 special.  I am a heavy user of libmysql under Win32.  You simply 
 mysql_init() your MYSQL struct, and then mysql_real_connect() and 
 you're ready to mysql_query().
 You should not call my_init() or my_thread_init() as the previous 
 poster suggested.  This could result in memory leaks.
 From libmysql/dll.c
 BOOL APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hInst,DWORD ul_reason_being_called,
 LPVOID lpReserved)
   switch (ul_reason_being_called) {
 case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* case of libentry call in win 3.x */
   if (!inited++)
 case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* case of wep call in win 3.x */
   if (!--inited) /* Safety */
 /* my_thread_init() */ /* This may give extra safety */
   /* Main thread will free by my_end() */
   if (main_thread != GetCurrentThreadId())
   } /* switch */
   return TRUE;
 } /* LibMain */
 - Original Message - 
 From: John McCaskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 10:31 AM
 Subject: RE: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?
 First let me thank you for all the great posts and info I've seen you
 put on this list for others.
 I've been working in C with MySQL in a very multithreaded environment
 for several years and think I can explain the thread safety issues
 clearly.  Rather than try to respond point by point to your question I'm
 going to give a summary and if that doesn't help please respond again
 and I'll answer specific questions.
 First, mysql is in fact pretty much threadsafe when using the _r
 library.  You definitely do need to use the _r library and not the
 normal one as the SIGPIPE discussion applies to both, the non _r library
 has additional safety issues surrounding mysql_real_connect() and should
 not be used.  On windows you don't really need to do anything here I
 believe because the Windows binaries are by default compiled to be
 thread-safe. (from To validate
 this in your client code you should in the main() function close to
 startup use mysql_thread_safe() to verify your linked in version is
 thread safe.  
 The next thing you need to do is initialize mysql globally before
 creating any threads that will use it.  Simply call my_init(); in your
 main thread.  After this you can go ahead and create any threads.  In
 the threads you create you need to call mysql_thread_init(); and when
 you end the thread mysql_thread_end();  in between these calls you can
 just use mysql as normal and the mysql_real_connect function will be
 thread safe, you do not need to perform any locking of your own to make
 only one call at a time or anything along those lines.
 Here is some pseudo code of what you need to do:
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   if(!mysql_thread_safe()) {
 fprintf(stderr, Not Thread safe!!!);
 return 1;
   // your regular init code
   // create the threads that will use mysql
 void *mysql_thread(void *arg) {
 //regular mysql code and whatever else here
   //use mysql_real_connect and mysql_real_query 
   //and whatever without worrying about thread safety
 John A. McCaskey
 Software Development Engineer
 Klir Technologies, Inc.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 9:01 AM
 Subject: How thread-safe is mysql_real_connect()?
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator

Re: Append one table to another?

2005-10-11 Thread Paul DuBois

At 7:57 -0700 10/11/05, Brian Dunning wrote:
How do I append one table's contents to another? Both have identical 
structure. Problem is I don't have shell access, only phpAdmin or a 
PHP file I write  upload myself.

If the tables are identical, you can do this:


Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem compiling MyODBC - looking for sql.h file

2005-10-11 Thread walt

Ryan Stille wrote:

I posted this on the ODBC list, but there is not much traffic there and
no one replied.  Hopefully someone here has dealt with this.

I am setting up ColdFusion to access a MySQL 4.1.x database.  This
required new MyODBC drivers to be installed on the system for
ColdFusion.  After a lot of trial and error, I got it figured out.  I
install mysql on the system (using --without-server), then install
MyODBC.  Then copy the file to a directory under
ColdFusion, and change ColdFusion's odbc.ini file to reference this new

I am now trying to do it on a second system, but am getting errors
during the ./configure of MyODBC (3.5.11).  This is my configure

./configure --with-mysql-path=/usr/local/mysql \
   --without-samples \
   --disable-test \

And this is the resulting output:

checking for isql... No
checking for unixODBC version... Unknown
checking sql.h usability... No
checking sql.h presence... No
checking for sql.h... no
configure: error: Unable to find the unixODBC headers in

It's complaining about unixODBC headers, maybe specifically the sql.h
file in the second to last line?  But I don't have unixODBC installed on
the FIRST system, the one that is working just fine.  (ColdFusion has
it's one built in ODBC manager, unixODBC is not necessary.)  However
there is a /usr/local/include/sql.h file on that system.  I don't know
how it got there.  By looking inside the file it appears to be related
to MyODBC 3.5.11.

Just for kicks I copied this file to the second system, but got the same
error when trying to run ./configure.

Any ideas?



It's part of  unixODBC-devel


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Re: Append one table to another?

2005-10-11 Thread Peter Brawley


How do I append one table's contents to another? Both have
identical  structure. Problem is I don't have shell access, only
phpAdmin or a  PHP file I write  upload myself.

How about

 INSERT into tbl1 SELECT * FROM tbl2


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Re: Help on writing a sql statement

2005-10-11 Thread Imran
Hi Shawn:

Thank you very much for your solution. It certainly helped me in
understanding SQL a whole deal more.

I Have one followup question as to the proposed solution, This query will be
used in a multi-user situation and the logon to the database will be the
same user (a web based app) ... Since I am creating a temp table, will the
temp table creation fail for subsequent users prior to the drop i.e. the
table will exist already exist 

best regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement

 (my response bottom-posted. See below - SG)
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:17 PM
  Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
   Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/10/2005 03:52:21 PM:
Hi all:
I need some help in writing a sql statement.
I have three tables (Sales, Cust and Product). The sales table
large volume of data and I want to create a sql to group the sales
then join the resultant to both the Cust and Prod and to have
fields selected from the Cust and Prod.
So in effect something like (obviously syntax is wrong)
Select sm.prodno, sm.custno, sum(cost) as costs, sum(sales) as
from Sales SM where = date(‘2005-09-01 00:00:00’) Group by
sm.prodno, sm.custno, ,
(Select prod.desc, prod.code, cust.custno, from cust,
join sm.prodno = prod.code left join sm.custno=cust.custno) …
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
   OK, you know you need a GROUP BY, that's good. You also recognized you
   needed to JOIN a few tables together, also good. There are at least
   ways to do what you ask. One is a fairly complex query that does it
 all in
   one statement (might take a long time to compute) the other is a
   of two simpler statements. I think the two-statement solution will be
   easier to understand and maintain so I would prefer to go over that.
   However, in order to provide an example of either method I will need
   information from you.
   From the CLI (command line client), please provide the output from
   three commands:
   That will tell me exactly which columns live on which tables and where
   do or do not have any indexes. Good indexes will make or break the
   performance of your database. You will not be exposing any data, only
   design of the tables.
   Please remember to CC the list on all responses.
   Shawn Green
   Database Administrator
   Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

 Let me see if I can translate what you want in a query into regular
 language. I think you would like to see, grouped by date, customer, and
 product, the total cost and total sales for each (date,customer,product)
 triple along with each product's description ,code, and the customer's
 number and name. All of that will be limited to activity on or before
 midnight of a certain date.

 If I rephrased that correctly, here is how I would build your query. Step
 1 is to perform the (date,customer,product) summations. By minimizing the
 number of rows, columns, and/or tables we need to summarize against, we
 improve performance. So I do this part of the analysis before I join in
 the other tables.

 Note: Date, time, and datetime literals are represented by single-quoted
 strings. You do not need the DATE() function to create a date literal.

 , key(ProdNo)
 SELECT PostingDate
 , CustNo
 , ProdNo
 , sum(Cost) as costs
 , sum(Sales) as sales
 FROM salesmaster
 WHERE PostingDate = '2005-09-01 00:00:00'
 GROUP BY PostingDate, CustNo, ProdNo;

 Step 2: collect the rest of the information for the report.
 , c.Name as custname
 , ProdNo
 , p.Name as prodname
 , costs
 , sales
 , PostingDate
 FROM tmpTotals tt
 LEFT JOIN customerintermediate c
 ON c.CustNo = tt.CustNo
 LEFT JOIN productintermediate p
 ON p.ProdNo = tt.ProdNo
 ORDER BY ... your choice... ;

 Step 3: The database is not your momma. Always clean up after yourself.


 And you are done! The only trick to doing a sequence of statements in a
 row (like this) is that they all have to go through the same connection.
 As long as you do not close and re-open the connection between statements,
 any temp tables or @-variables you create or define remain in existence
 for the life of the connection. Depending on your connection library, you
 might be able to execute 

Re: Append one table to another?

2005-10-11 Thread Jose Miguel Pérez
Hi Brian!

 How do I append one table's contents to another? Both have identical
 structure. Problem is I don't have shell access, only phpAdmin or a
 PHP file I write  upload myself.

You can do it this way:

INSERT INTO table1 SELECT * FROM table2;

If you need to have more control over what is copied, you can add a
WHERE clause in the SELECT above. Also, you can restrict how it is done by
adding some fields restrictions:

INSERT INTO table1 (field1, field2)
SELECT field1, field FROM table2
WHERE field1 = Some value

Jose Miguel.

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Re: Help on writing a sql statement

2005-10-11 Thread SGreen
Will you have name collisions with the same temporary table names used 
from different connections? Nope. 

Temporary tables and user-defined (@-variables) are connection-specific. 
Even if the same username/password combination is used to create several 
connections, each connection will have its own set of user-defined 
variables and temporary tables. What may get confusing is if you are using 
a connection pool manager (like ODBC) and you pick up a connection that 
you thought was new but was really just recycled.

When you request a connection and close one and you are behind a 
connection pool manager, the manager doesn't actually create and destroy 
new connections each time. It merely loans you one it already has open and 
it will open or close the connections as it sees fit. When you try to 
close the connection, all you are really doing is telling the manager that 
it is OK for some other thread/process to use it.  So long as you do not 
assume a variable to have a particular value unless you set it to be 
something (do not assume that a variable you haven't set is still null) 
and so long as you destroy any temporary tables when you are through using 
them, you shouldn't run into any inheritance problems from thread to 

The good thing is that in the case of ODBC (at least on Win32) you can 
decide for each driver if you want the ODBC connection manager to pool 
connections or not.

Make sense?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 11:19:20 AM:

 Hi Shawn:
 Thank you very much for your solution. It certainly helped me in
 understanding SQL a whole deal more.
 I Have one followup question as to the proposed solution, This query 
will be
 used in a multi-user situation and the logon to the database will be the
 same user (a web based app) ... Since I am creating a temp table, will 
 temp table creation fail for subsequent users prior to the drop i.e. the
 table will exist already exist 
 best regards
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:49 AM
 Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
  (my response bottom-posted. See below - SG)
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:17 PM
   Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/10/2005 03:52:21 PM:
 Hi all:
 I need some help in writing a sql statement.

 I have three tables (Sales, Cust and Product). The sales table
 large volume of data and I want to create a sql to group the 
 then join the resultant to both the Cust and Prod and to have
 fields selected from the Cust and Prod.

 So in effect something like (obviously syntax is wrong)

 Select sm.prodno, sm.custno, sum(cost) as costs, sum(sales) as

 from Sales SM where = date(‘2005-09-01 00:00:00’) Group 
 sm.prodno, sm.custno, ,

 (Select prod.desc, prod.code, cust.custno, from cust,
 join sm.prodno = prod.code left join sm.custno=cust.custno) …

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OK, you know you need a GROUP BY, that's good. You also recognized 
needed to JOIN a few tables together, also good. There are at 
ways to do what you ask. One is a fairly complex query that does 
  all in
one statement (might take a long time to compute) the other is a
of two simpler statements. I think the two-statement solution will 
easier to understand and maintain so I would prefer to go over 
However, in order to provide an example of either method I will 
information from you.
From the CLI (command line client), please provide the output from
three commands:
That will tell me exactly which columns live on which tables and 
do or do not have any indexes. Good indexes will make or break the
performance of your database. You will not be exposing any data, 
design of the tables.
Please remember to CC the list on all responses.
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Let me see if I can translate what you want in a query into regular
  language. I think you would like to see, grouped by date, customer, 
  product, the total cost and total sales for each 
  triple along with each product's description ,code, and the customer's
  number and name. All of that will be limited to activity on or before
  midnight of a 

concat() function

2005-10-11 Thread Luciano Centeno
hello, my friends, the query option 1 return the right value,
the query option 2 not. Why concat function make the difference?

*nloc_num,ins_numero and ins_digi are decimal(3,0)

option 1 .-

select max(bi_num) as num
from b_inmuebles
where concat(nloc_num) = 1 and
  concat(ins_numero)= 1770 and
  concat(ins_digi)= 1

return it 1

option 2 .-

select max(bi_num) as num
from b_inmuebles
where nloc_num = 1 and
  ins_numero= 1770 and
  ins_digi= 1

return it NULL

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Re: Append one table to another?

2005-10-11 Thread Brian Dunning

INSERT into tbl1 SELECT * FROM tbl2

Thanks to both of you, but this is not working. Since one of the  
fields is a primary key that's duplicated in both tables (both tables  
have records numbered 1, 2, 3...), it won't allow the duplicate  
entries. Fortunately I do not need those primary key values to be  
preserved - it's OK to insert the new records with auto-increment  
values where the target table left off. So I tried:

insert into target_table select `field1`,`field2` from original_table;

and I listed all but the auto-increment field. This doesn't work  
either, it just says to check my syntax, but I can't see a problem.  
Any ideas?

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Help on writing a sql statement

2005-10-11 Thread Imran
Hi Shawn:

I tried to run the sequences as you suggested in MySql Query Browser. I ran
the first part with the create temp table then I ran the second select to
see the result but when I tried the second SQL to get the created rows I get
the message 'Table .tmpTotals doesn't exist' where =schema name.

In additon, THANK you for taking the time to clarify the confusion about
connections .. you are a wealth of information.

best regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement

 Will you have name collisions with the same temporary table names used
 from different connections? Nope.

 Temporary tables and user-defined (@-variables) are connection-specific.
 Even if the same username/password combination is used to create several
 connections, each connection will have its own set of user-defined
 variables and temporary tables. What may get confusing is if you are using
 a connection pool manager (like ODBC) and you pick up a connection that
 you thought was new but was really just recycled.

 When you request a connection and close one and you are behind a
 connection pool manager, the manager doesn't actually create and destroy
 new connections each time. It merely loans you one it already has open and
 it will open or close the connections as it sees fit. When you try to
 close the connection, all you are really doing is telling the manager that
 it is OK for some other thread/process to use it.  So long as you do not
 assume a variable to have a particular value unless you set it to be
 something (do not assume that a variable you haven't set is still null)
 and so long as you destroy any temporary tables when you are through using
 them, you shouldn't run into any inheritance problems from thread to

 The good thing is that in the case of ODBC (at least on Win32) you can
 decide for each driver if you want the ODBC connection manager to pool
 connections or not.

 Make sense?

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

 Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 11:19:20 AM:

  Hi Shawn:
  Thank you very much for your solution. It certainly helped me in
  understanding SQL a whole deal more.
  I Have one followup question as to the proposed solution, This query
 will be
  used in a multi-user situation and the logon to the database will be the
  same user (a web based app) ... Since I am creating a temp table, will
  temp table creation fail for subsequent users prior to the drop i.e. the
  table will exist already exist 
  best regards
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:49 AM
  Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
   (my response bottom-posted. See below - SG)
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
 Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/10/2005 03:52:21 PM:

  Hi all:
  I need some help in writing a sql statement.
  I have three tables (Sales, Cust and Product). The sales table
  large volume of data and I want to create a sql to group the
  then join the resultant to both the Cust and Prod and to have
  fields selected from the Cust and Prod.
  So in effect something like (obviously syntax is wrong)
  Select sm.prodno, sm.custno, sum(cost) as costs, sum(sales) as
  from Sales SM where = date(‘2005-09-01 00:00:00’) Group
  sm.prodno, sm.custno, ,
  (Select prod.desc, prod.code, cust.custno, from cust,
  join sm.prodno = prod.code left join sm.custno=cust.custno) …
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 OK, you know you need a GROUP BY, that's good. You also recognized
 needed to JOIN a few tables together, also good. There are at
 ways to do what you ask. One is a fairly complex query that does
   all in
 one statement (might take a long time to compute) the other is a
 of two simpler statements. I think the two-statement solution will
 easier to understand and maintain so I would prefer to go over
 However, in order to provide an example of either method I will
 information from you.

 From the CLI (command line client), please provide the output from
 three commands:


 That will tell me exactly which columns live on 

Re: Non-linear degradation in bulk loads?

2005-10-11 Thread Heikki Tuuri


my guess is that the inserts to the UNIQUE secondary index cause the 
workload to be seriously disk-bound.

Two solutions: 1) sort the rows to be inserted on the key 'email' before 

2) Or:

If you have UNIQUE constraints on secondary keys, starting from MySQL 
3.23.52 and 4.0.3, you can speed up table imports by temporarily turning off 
the uniqueness checks during the import session:


For big tables, this saves a lot of disk I/O because InnoDB can use its 
insert buffer to write secondary index records in a batch.

But make sure you do not have any duplicates in the rows!

Note that now you can get support on this MySQL mailing list from a Vice 
President of Oracle. I hope that the level of support improves.

Best regards,

Vice President, server technology
Oracle/Innobase Oy


We're trying to do some bulk data loads on several different tables (on
several different machines, using several different techniques) and
seeing dramatically worse-than-linear performance.

We've tried the bulk-INSERT syntax, and the LOAD DATA INFILE syntax.
appropriate), and so forth.

The one that is the most immediate concern is a table of the form:

 `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `when_happened` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
 UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
 KEY `when_happened` (`when_happened`)
) TYPE=InnoDB;

I'm loading data using LOAD DATA INFILE with chunks containing 3.4m rows
each (~135MB files).  The first chunk was very quick (about 1.5
minutes), but the tenth chunk has taken 22.6 hours and is still going.
(It's been getting progessively slower with each chunk...)

The database is our main sites database but we've dramatically reduced
the load on that machine over the past couple months through careful
optimization of our code.  The box is a dual, dual-core Opteron, 8GB of
RAM running a 32-bit Linux 2.4 kernel and MySQL 4.0.20 (32-bit of
course).  We have 1GB allocated to the buffer pool, and our usual 1GB *
3 log files.  8 I/O threads.

Load on the box sits at around 6-7, with a large (50%) amount of time
spent in wait state, but actual disk throughput to our software RAID
array (No longer on a SAN...) is quite low -- 6-9k blocks/s out, 1-6k
blocks/s in.

Something *has* to be wrong here, but we're not sure what we've missed.
We've restored larger data sets from a mysqldump in the past in
dramatically less time on far inferior hardware. (A superset of this
same data to a schema which is also a superset, PLUS a bunch of other
rather large tables -- all in ~8 hours on a 3Ware RAID array on a dual
Xeon w/ 4GB of RAM)

We're inclined to believe that this is a configuration problem, as
opposed to a driver or hardware problem given the non-linear nature of
the performance degradation.  This implies we're doing something truly
stupid with our loads.  What could cause this kind of strangeness?


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Append one table to another?

2005-10-11 Thread Paul DuBois

At 9:00 -0700 10/11/05, Brian Dunning wrote:

INSERT into tbl1 SELECT * FROM tbl2

Thanks to both of you, but this is not working. Since one of the 
fields is a primary key that's duplicated in both tables (both 
tables have records numbered 1, 2, 3...), it won't allow the 
duplicate entries. Fortunately I do not need those primary key 
values to be preserved - it's OK to insert the new records with 
auto-increment values where the target table left off. So I tried:

insert into target_table select `field1`,`field2` from original_table;

and I listed all but the auto-increment field. This doesn't work 
either, it just says to check my syntax, but I can't see a problem. 
Any ideas?

The manual is your friend:

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Append one table to another?

2005-10-11 Thread Brian Dunning

On Oct 11, 2005, at 8:24 AM, Jose Miguel Pérez wrote:

INSERT INTO table1 (field1, field2)
SELECT field1, field FROM table2

Jose's solution worked perfectly. Thanks everyone, sorry for being so  
dense today.  :)

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Help on writing a sql statement

2005-10-11 Thread SGreen
The CREATE TABLE ... SELECT ... command is all one command. You weren't 
supposed to break it up. Sorry if I didn't make that very clear (my 

You should probably be on a SCRIPT tab not a QUERY tab if you are running 
this through QueryBrowser in order to execute more than one statement at a 
time. I don't use it very often but I think that QB doesn't maintain 
connections between calls on the same tab (can't remember and can't test 
right now) and IIRC, the QUERY tabs only take one command at a time.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 12:00:25 PM:

 Hi Shawn:
 I tried to run the sequences as you suggested in MySql Query Browser. I 
 the first part with the create temp table then I ran the second select 
 see the result but when I tried the second SQL to get the created rows I 
 the message 'Table .tmpTotals doesn't exist' where =schema name.
 In additon, THANK you for taking the time to clarify the confusion about
 connections .. you are a wealth of information.
 best regards
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:33 AM
 Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
  Will you have name collisions with the same temporary table names used
  from different connections? Nope.
  Temporary tables and user-defined (@-variables) are 
  Even if the same username/password combination is used to create 
  connections, each connection will have its own set of user-defined
  variables and temporary tables. What may get confusing is if you are 
  a connection pool manager (like ODBC) and you pick up a connection 
  you thought was new but was really just recycled.
  When you request a connection and close one and you are behind a
  connection pool manager, the manager doesn't actually create and 
  new connections each time. It merely loans you one it already has open 
  it will open or close the connections as it sees fit. When you try to
  close the connection, all you are really doing is telling the manager 
  it is OK for some other thread/process to use it.  So long as you do 
  assume a variable to have a particular value unless you set it to be
  something (do not assume that a variable you haven't set is still 
  and so long as you destroy any temporary tables when you are through 
  them, you shouldn't run into any inheritance problems from thread to
  The good thing is that in the case of ODBC (at least on Win32) you can
  decide for each driver if you want the ODBC connection manager to pool
  connections or not.
  Make sense?
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 11:19:20 AM:
   Hi Shawn:
   Thank you very much for your solution. It certainly helped me in
   understanding SQL a whole deal more.
   I Have one followup question as to the proposed solution, This query
  will be
   used in a multi-user situation and the logon to the database will be 
   same user (a web based app) ... Since I am creating a temp table, 
   temp table creation fail for subsequent users prior to the drop i.e. 
   table will exist already exist 
   best regards
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:49 AM
   Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement
(my response bottom-posted. See below - SG)
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Help on writing a sql statement

  Imran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/10/2005 03:52:21 PM:
   Hi all:
   I need some help in writing a sql statement.
   I have three tables (Sales, Cust and Product). The sales 
   large volume of data and I want to create a sql to group the
   then join the resultant to both the Cust and Prod and to 
   fields selected from the Cust and Prod.
   So in effect something like (obviously syntax is wrong)
   Select sm.prodno, sm.custno, sum(cost) as costs, sum(sales) 
   from Sales SM where = date(‘2005-09-01 00:00:00’) 
   sm.prodno, sm.custno, ,
   (Select prod.desc, prod.code, cust.custno, from 
   join sm.prodno = prod.code left join sm.custno=cust.custno) 
   Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  OK, you know you need a GROUP BY, that's good. You also 

Re: Suppress table header when using ODBC

2005-10-11 Thread Gerald Taylor

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql

What program?

Printbench Pro

for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of
the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that

Does you program show column names in the numeric fields?

In a manner of speaking, Yes.  When you DO the query it shows all the 
data in spreadsheet fashion.  The columns all have headers and you can't 
edit it.  THen when you go to layout, all the field headers are used as 
placeholders and may be drug around and formatted in the layout.

I have also contacted Elkriver tech support about this, but I thought
it might be an issue I could solve with a mysql solution.

The problem is I want to bar encode one of the fields, and the bar
encoding I want to use is numeric only.  So it craps out the whole
column just because the first row has a non numeric field header.  and 
that is why I need it to go away.

Gerald Taylor wrote:


I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql
database using the ODBC mysql driver and everything works fine except
for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of
the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that
column name row to NOT be there.  Do I do something to the query to
suppress is or is it some setting I set up?  I've googled and nothing.
MySQL 4.1 if it matters.  I know I remember reading somewhere how
to suppress this.   Thanks

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Temp table full (I think) -- how do I fix this?

2005-10-11 Thread Walt Weaver

I have a job runnning that's modifying a column on a 15-million-row table
and is throwing out the following error:

Output: Replication Error 1114, slave: replicatenj07, error: Error 'The
table '#sql-5303_3c' is full' on query. Default database
'customer__upgrade'. Query: ALTER TABLE inc_performance MODIFY COLUMN.

This indicates to me that the temp table is full. Problem is, I'm not sure
what config parm or whatever needs to be changed to allow the temp table to
grow sufficiently.

Can someone push me in the right direction on what to change, or if I'm
barking up the wrong tree, show me which tree to bark at?

--Walt Weaver
Bozeman, Montana

Re: Temp table full (I think) -- how do I fix this?

2005-10-11 Thread walt

Walt Weaver wrote:


I have a job runnning that's modifying a column on a 15-million-row table
and is throwing out the following error:

Output: Replication Error 1114, slave: replicatenj07, error: Error 'The
table '#sql-5303_3c' is full' on query. Default database
'customer__upgrade'. Query: ALTER TABLE inc_performance MODIFY COLUMN.

This indicates to me that the temp table is full. Problem is, I'm not sure
what config parm or whatever needs to be changed to allow the temp table to
grow sufficiently.

Can someone push me in the right direction on what to change, or if I'm
barking up the wrong tree, show me which tree to bark at?

--Walt Weaver
Bozeman, Montana


mysql show variables;

There are several config options for temp stuff such as size  
directory. I don't know the syntax to change these off the top of my 
head but it should point you to the correct tree.



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query help

2005-10-11 Thread douglass_davis

lets say i have two tables:

VARCHAR module_name
INTEGER module_id


INTEGER module_id
VARCHAR config_name
VARCHAR config_value

config item names and values are rather arbitrary and depend on the module.

each module can have zero to many config items..

How do i find out the id of a module with the following two module_config 
config_name='mapping' and config_value='true'
config_name='loc_enabled' and config_value='true'

it seems like i would have to use a subquery to check two rows at the same 
time.  I wasn't really sure how to express it in SQL though.

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Re: query help

2005-10-11 Thread Michael Stassen


lets say i have two tables:

VARCHAR module_name
INTEGER module_id


INTEGER module_id
VARCHAR config_name
VARCHAR config_value

config item names and values are rather arbitrary and depend on the module.

each module can have zero to many config items..

How do i find out the id of a module with the following two module_config 
config_name='mapping' and config_value='true'
config_name='loc_enabled' and config_value='true'

it seems like i would have to use a subquery to check two rows at the
same time. I wasn't really sure how to express it in SQL though.

You have two options:

1) Join to table module_config twice, looking for one row in the first copy 
and the second row in the second copy:

  SELECT m.module_id, m.module_name
  FROM module m
  JOIN module_config mc1 ON m.module_id = mc1.module_id
  JOIN module_config mc2 ON m.module_id = mc2.module_id
  WHERE mc1.config_name = 'mapping' AND mc1.config_value = 'true'
AND mc2.config_name = 'loc_enabled' AND mc2.config_value = 'true'

2) Join to module_config once and look for either row.  Each module_id will 
have 0, 1, or 2 matching rows in module_config.  You want the ones with 2 
matching rows (met both requirements):

  SELECT m.module_id, m.module_name
  FROM module m
  JOIN module_config mc ON m.module_id = mc.module_id
  WHERE mc.config_value = 'true'
AND mc.config_name IN ('mapping', 'loc_enabled')
  GROUP BY m.module_id
  HAVING COUNT(*) = 2;

Try both ways to see which is faster for your data.  If you ever need to 
match more than 2 config_names, you'll definitely want option 2, as it will 
be easier to write and faster.


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Re: query help

2005-10-11 Thread SGreen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/11/2005 01:27:12 PM:

 lets say i have two tables:
 VARCHAR module_name
 INTEGER module_id
 INTEGER module_id
 VARCHAR config_name
 VARCHAR config_value
 config item names and values are rather arbitrary and depend on the 
 each module can have zero to many config items..
 How do i find out the id of a module with the following two 
 module_config entries:
 config_name='mapping' and config_value='true'
 config_name='loc_enabled' and config_value='true'
 it seems like i would have to use a subquery to check two rows at 
 the same time.  I wasn't really sure how to express it in SQL though.

No need for a subquery. There are at least two ways. The most direct uses 
a self join but it does not scale well to more than two or three 
conditions to match

SELECT a.module_id
FROM module_config a
INNER JOIN module_config b
on b.module_id = a.module_id
and b.config_name = 'loc_enabled'
and b.config_value = 'true'
WHERE a.config_name = 'mapping 
and a.config_value='true';

The more flexible method is to use a COUNT() and a HAVING() to test for 
how many conditions each module_id matches. It scales much better to more 
than 2 or 3 conditions to match

SELECT module_id, count(1) as matches
FROM module_config
WHERE config_name IN ('loc_enabled', 'mapping')
AND config_value='true'
GROUP BY module_id
HAVING matches = 2;

Make sense? If you need to reuse the list of module_id's in another query, 
just dump the results of this SELECT into a TEMPORARY TABLE and use them 
from there.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Temp table full (I think) -- how do I fix this?

2005-10-11 Thread Walt Weaver
Thanks, as it turns out the solution to the problem was a bit more mundane:
we ran out of disk space on the partition the tables are on. :)


On 10/11/05, walt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Walt Weaver wrote:

 I have a job runnning that's modifying a column on a 15-million-row table
 and is throwing out the following error:
 Output: Replication Error 1114, slave: replicatenj07, error: Error 'The
 table '#sql-5303_3c' is full' on query. Default database
 'customer__upgrade'. Query: ALTER TABLE inc_performance MODIFY
 This indicates to me that the temp table is full. Problem is, I'm not
 what config parm or whatever needs to be changed to allow the temp table
 grow sufficiently.
 Can someone push me in the right direction on what to change, or if I'm
 barking up the wrong tree, show me which tree to bark at?
 --Walt Weaver
 Bozeman, Montana
 mysql show variables;

 There are several config options for temp stuff such as size 
 directory. I don't know the syntax to change these off the top of my
 head but it should point you to the correct tree.


Re: Temp table full (I think) -- how do I fix this?

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Have a look here:

Walt Weaver wrote:


I have a job runnning that's modifying a column on a 15-million-row table

and is throwing out the following error:

Output: Replication Error 1114, slave: replicatenj07, error: Error 'The

table '#sql-5303_3c' is full' on query. Default database

'customer__upgrade'. Query: ALTER TABLE inc_performance MODIFY COLUMN.

This indicates to me that the temp table is full. Problem is, I'm not sure

what config parm or whatever needs to be changed to allow the temp table to

grow sufficiently.

Can someone push me in the right direction on what to change, or if I'm

barking up the wrong tree, show me which tree to bark at?

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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Suppress table header when using ODBC

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 Printbench Pro

I haven't found any information while was searching by the 'Printbench'

key word at (to say the truth I was unable to find a lot of

even in Google). So maybe someone other could help.

Gerald Taylor wrote:

 Gleb Paharenko wrote:



 I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql

 What program?

 Printbench Pro


 for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of

 the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that

 Does you program show column names in the numeric fields?

 In a manner of speaking, Yes.  When you DO the query it shows all the

 data in spreadsheet fashion.  The columns all have headers and you can't

 edit it.  THen when you go to layout, all the field headers are used as

 placeholders and may be drug around and formatted in the layout.


 I have also contacted Elkriver tech support about this, but I thought

 it might be an issue I could solve with a mysql solution.


 The problem is I want to bar encode one of the fields, and the bar

 encoding I want to use is numeric only.  So it craps out the whole

 column just because the first row has a non numeric field header.  and

 that is why I need it to go away.


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: concat() function

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 *nloc_num,ins_numero and ins_digi are decimal(3,0)

You're using 1770 for comparison which is not in the type range.

In my opinion, for incorrect data you may obtain incorrect answers.

Luciano Centeno wrote:

 hello, my friends, the query option 1 return the right value,

 the query option 2 not. Why concat function make the difference?



 *nloc_num,ins_numero and ins_digi are decimal(3,0)





 option 1 .-


 select max(bi_num) as num

 from b_inmuebles

 where concat(nloc_num) =3D 1 and

   concat(ins_numero)=3D 1770 and

   concat(ins_digi)=3D 1



 return it 1




 option 2 .-


 select max(bi_num) as num

 from b_inmuebles

 where nloc_num =3D 1 and

   ins_numero=3D 1770 and

   ins_digi=3D 1


 return it NULL


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Aborted connection problems

2005-10-11 Thread Jasper Bryant-Greene
I seem to be getting heaps of aborted connections, and I can't figure 
out why. MySQL's error (from mysqld.err, below) is Got an error reading 
communication packets, but this is a socket link to localhost so that 
rules out network problems. I simply can't figure it out. Has anyone got 
any ideas?

mysqld  Ver 5.0.13-rc-log for pc-linux-gnu on x86_64 (Gentoo Linux)

051012 21:53:44  27 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album
 27 Query   SET NAMES utf8
 28 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album
 28 Query   SET NAMES utf8
 28 Query   CALL getRandomPhoto()
 29 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album
 29 Query   SET NAMES utf8
 29 Query   CALL getHelp('gallery')
 29 Quit

051012 21:53:44 [Warning] Aborted connection 27 to db: 'album' user: 
'album_read' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
051012 21:53:44 [Warning] Aborted connection 28 to db: 'album' user: 
'album_read' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

Jasper Bryant-Greene
Freelance web developer

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directory path storage

2005-10-11 Thread Brian Boothe
Can someone pelase explain to me how to store the pathname and the filename
in a MySQL database , I need it to loop thru a Folder and grab all pathnames
and filesnames within that folder and store it in a MySQL database,,



2005-10-11 Thread inferno


   I would like to know if there is a way to do a full join in MySQL 
and if yes, what version should I use or if there is any other way to 
get the same result as a full join.

   I am curently using 4.0.24 on linux.

Best regards,
Cristian Stoica

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Re: Aborted connection problems

2005-10-11 Thread Jasper Bryant-Greene
Just to add to this further, if I reduce max_allowed_packet in my.cnf 
down to around 16M, then the error changes to Got a packet bigger than 
'max_allowed_packet' bytes.

However, as you can see from the SQL below, the longest SQL statement 
I'm executing is around 21 bytes, certainly nowhere near 16MB.

Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
I seem to be getting heaps of aborted connections, and I can't figure 
out why. MySQL's error (from mysqld.err, below) is Got an error reading 
communication packets, but this is a socket link to localhost so that 
rules out network problems. I simply can't figure it out. Has anyone got 
any ideas?

mysqld  Ver 5.0.13-rc-log for pc-linux-gnu on x86_64 (Gentoo Linux)

051012 21:53:44  27 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album
 27 Query   SET NAMES utf8
 28 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album
 28 Query   SET NAMES utf8
 28 Query   CALL getRandomPhoto()
 29 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album
 29 Query   SET NAMES utf8
 29 Query   CALL getHelp('gallery')
 29 Quit

051012 21:53:44 [Warning] Aborted connection 27 to db: 'album' user: 
'album_read' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
051012 21:53:44 [Warning] Aborted connection 28 to db: 'album' user: 
'album_read' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

Jasper Bryant-Greene
Freelance web developer

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Re: Non-linear degradation in bulk loads?

2005-10-11 Thread mos

At 11:41 PM 10/10/2005, you wrote:

Hi Jon,
Well, may be the next suggestions might help you.
Disable Keys does apply to non-unique keys only.
So I suggest to focus on your unique Email key.
You could do some tests with:
a. drop the unique key on Email
b. load the various bulks
c. after loading, define Email, eg. as (unique) Primary Key.
After b. you can do also ALTER TABLE ORDER BY Email,
to get Email index in pace with the physical order of the data.
Hope it helps ...
Best wishes, Cor

- Original Message - From: Jon Frisby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:12 AM
Subject: Non-linear degradation in bulk loads?


We're trying to do some bulk data loads on several different tables (on
several different machines, using several different techniques) and
seeing dramatically worse-than-linear performance.

We've tried the bulk-INSERT syntax, and the LOAD DATA INFILE syntax.
appropriate), and so forth.

The one that is the most immediate concern is a table of the form:

 `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `when_happened` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
 UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
 KEY `when_happened` (`when_happened`)
) TYPE=InnoDB;

I'm loading data using LOAD DATA INFILE with chunks containing 3.4m rows
each (~135MB files).  The first chunk was very quick (about 1.5
minutes), but the tenth chunk has taken 22.6 hours and is still going.
(It's been getting progessively slower with each chunk...)

The database is our main sites database but we've dramatically reduced
the load on that machine over the past couple months through careful
optimization of our code.  The box is a dual, dual-core Opteron, 8GB of
RAM running a 32-bit Linux 2.4 kernel and MySQL 4.0.20 (32-bit of
course).  We have 1GB allocated to the buffer pool, and our usual 1GB *
3 log files.  8 I/O threads.

Load on the box sits at around 6-7, with a large (50%) amount of time
spent in wait state, but actual disk throughput to our software RAID
array (No longer on a SAN...) is quite low -- 6-9k blocks/s out, 1-6k
blocks/s in.

Something *has* to be wrong here, but we're not sure what we've missed.
We've restored larger data sets from a mysqldump in the past in
dramatically less time on far inferior hardware. (A superset of this
same data to a schema which is also a superset, PLUS a bunch of other
rather large tables -- all in ~8 hours on a 3Ware RAID array on a dual
Xeon w/ 4GB of RAM)

We're inclined to believe that this is a configuration problem, as
opposed to a driver or hardware problem given the non-linear nature of
the performance degradation.  This implies we're doing something truly
stupid with our loads.  What could cause this kind of strangeness?


It's likely the indexes that are causing the slowdown. If you 
remove all indexes from the table definition and start with an empty table, 
you should see a dramatic speed increase. When all the data has been 
loaded, use one Alter Table command to rebuild all the indexes.  You could 
try to optimize the table after each load to see if that speeds things up 
(this will rebalance the index distribution). I was able to load 100 
million rows relatively fast, but failed miserably at 500 million rows 
because of insufficient memory.


P.S. I suppose you already know when you use Load Data to load data into an 
empty table, it won't update the indexes until the load has completed. This 
is why loading data into an empty table is much faster than loading data 
into a table that has rows in it (even if it is only 1 row). 

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Re: Aborted connection problems

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I was unable to find reported bugs with similar symptoms for the 5.0

version (hope I haven't missed something). But at the bottom of:

we have these lines:

 You can also get strange problems with large packets if you are using

large BLOB values but have not given mysqld access to enough memory to

handle the query. If you suspect this is the case, try adding ulimit -d

256000 to the beginning of the mysqld_safe script and restarting mysqld.

I don't know if you're using BLOBS in your SPs, but the problem could be

in that MySQL doesn't have enough memory to complete the query. If you

are able to make a repeatable test case you may want to report a bug

at (remember, you may win one of the iPods :) See:

Very often trace files might be helpful. See:

Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:

 Just to add to this further, if I reduce max_allowed_packet in my.cnf

 down to around 16M, then the error changes to Got a packet bigger than

 'max_allowed_packet' bytes.


 However, as you can see from the SQL below, the longest SQL statement

 I'm executing is around 21 bytes, certainly nowhere near 16MB.



 Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:


 I seem to be getting heaps of aborted connections, and I can't figure

 out why. MySQL's error (from mysqld.err, below) is Got an error

 reading communication packets, but this is a socket link to localhost

 so that rules out network problems. I simply can't figure it out. Has

 anyone got any ideas?

 mysqld  Ver 5.0.13-rc-log for pc-linux-gnu on x86_64 (Gentoo Linux)


 051012 21:53:44  27 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album

  27 Query   SET NAMES utf8

  28 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album

  28 Query   SET NAMES utf8

  28 Query   CALL getRandomPhoto()

  29 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on album

  29 Query   SET NAMES utf8

  29 Query   CALL getHelp('gallery')

  29 Quit


 051012 21:53:44 [Warning] Aborted connection 27 to db: 'album' user:

 'album_read' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication


 051012 21:53:44 [Warning] Aborted connection 28 to db: 'album' user:

 'album_read' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication



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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

MySQL doesn't support full joins, but you can emulate them. Read through

this article:

inferno wrote:



I would like to know if there is a way to do a full join in MySQL and

 if yes, what version should I use or if there is any other way to get

 the same result as a full join.

I am curently using 4.0.24 on linux.



 Best regards,

 Cristian Stoica


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Question about innodb, ibdata1

2005-10-11 Thread Heikki Tuuri


- Original Message - 
From: Fredrik Carlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 9:57 PM
Subject: Question about innodb, ibdata1


I'm using InnoDB with tablespaces for almost all tables. The last few
week the file ibdata1 has started to grow, should it really do this when
using tablespaces? i did an alter on one of the bigger tables some time

if you are using


in my.cnf, then the tables are stored in .ibd files.

If the table that you ALTER is not stored in the ibdata1 file, then the 
ibdata1 file should not grow in the ALTER.

Note that InnoDB stores undo logs to ibdata files. If you forget a 
transaction dangling then purge cannot remove the undo log files. That would 
cause ibdata1 to grow constantly. Use:


to determine if you have dangling transactions.

ago to alter the size of a varchar collumn, could this has something to
do with it?

I'm using MySQL 4.1.11

// Fredrik Carlsson



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RE: Non-linear degradation in bulk loads?

2005-10-11 Thread Jon Frisby
 Two solutions: 1) sort the rows to be inserted on the key 
 'email' before inserting.
 2) Or:
 If you have UNIQUE constraints on secondary keys, starting from MySQL
 3.23.52 and 4.0.3, you can speed up table imports by 
 temporarily turning off the uniqueness checks during the 
 import session:
 For big tables, this saves a lot of disk I/O because InnoDB 
 can use its insert buffer to write secondary index records in a batch.
 But make sure you do not have any duplicates in the rows!

After sending my mail, I discovered SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=0, and subsequent
to that it also occurred to me to try putting the data in in sorted
order.  Unfortunately, doing UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 did not work, and even the
combination of both did not work.  First chunk (3.4m rows) was ~1.5
minutes, second was ~5 minutes...

At this point I'm inclined to believe that there is something very wrong
with the disk subsystem because of this and other problems (doing a
large cp from the datapool filesystem to another filesystem brought the
database to a near-halt, among other things).

As a stop-gap solution, I created the table with no indexes, and loaded
all the data (loaded in linear time), and plan on doing a CREATE UNIQUE
INDEX on the table.  Will this happen in linear time, or near-linear



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MySQL Administrator Cron Errors

2005-10-11 Thread Rich
Hi folks.

Downloaded the new Admin for OS X.  I set a weekly cron and for some reason,
it's emailing my terminal Mail app saying it couldn't load a profile.

It's not the address I told it to send it to, and I don't quite get why it
can't load a profile.

Having just tried to back up my tables twice directly from the application,
it crashed twice.

Is this thing buggy?


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