Re: MySQL server has gone away...

2009-03-25 Thread Walter Heck -
Are you using large blobs by any chance? when max_allowed_packet
(google it ;) ) is set too small, the server will also terminate the
connection with this error message. Remember to set it correctly at
the server and at the client side.

One of the better explanations by monty is found here:


Walter Heck

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Jesse wrote:
 I thought that the # of connections might be a problem at some point too.
 The last time this happened, there were a lot of connections.  Right now,
 there are 19 connections.

 How do I tell what the TTL is?

 I'm not too familiar with perfmon.  How do I set it up to watch MySQL


 - Original Message - From: Gary Smith
 To: Jesse;
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 2:55 PM
 Subject: Re: MySQL server has gone away...

 Netstat -an. How many 3306 entries do you have in there. What's the TTL on
 them. Once the pool issues the bad connection multiple issuances of the same
 connection will probably result in the same error.if yoi birst to 20
 connections then drop to 10 for the next 24 hours then burst to 11 that 11th
 might have been dropped. Next asp request gets 11. Next one gets 11. And so
 on until the active requests drop to the point where the connections are
 still active. Does this make sense?

 It doesn't round robin them (at least to the best of my knowledge) so some
 may go stayle.

 When testing the odbc connection some time ago I had connections stay in
 the pool for a day whereas my timeout was 120 minutes.

 Anyway. Watch the connection count with the windows perfmon and see if
 there is a corrolation.

 Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

 -Original Message-
 From: Jesse

 Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:47:30
 Subject: Re: MySQL server has gone away...

 An update on this issue.  It just happened again, and the first error was:
 [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.67-community-nt-log]Lost connection
 MySQL server during que

 Then, after that, I got a BUNCH of [MySQL][ODBC 3.51
 Driver][mysqld-5.0.67-community-nt-log]MySQL server has gone away errors.

 I'm pretty sure that the 2nd errors were caused by the first error. Again,
 there is nothing strange in the IIS logs, or Windows Event log  The
 server is on the same machine as the web server, so the network should not
 be involved here.

 Why would it suddenly loose connection?


 - Original Message -
 From: Jesse
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 11:41 AM
 Subject: MySQL server has gone away...

 We are running MySQL Server version 5.0.67-community-nt-log on a WS03
 server.  It seems like every once in a while (sometimes once or twice a
 week, sometimes more), something will happen, then I'll start getting a
 lot of errors:
 [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.67-community-nt-log]MySQL server has
 gone away

 This is driving me absolutely nuts.  I don't see any errors in the Event
 Viewer, or the MySQL error log.    Does anyone know of any reasons that
 this might happen?


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Re: learning mysql

2009-03-25 Thread George Larson
I'm quite a distance from the best person to answer this question but MySQL
has weekly webinars and there are a ton of good tutorials on the web.

I started with WAMP (LAMP, MAMP and XAMP are suitable alternatives) and just
started reading tutorials.  Then I went to the local discount store and got
a book about MySQL  PHP.  It wasn't the most recent but it was only a few
dollars and the versions were new enough to not be problematic.

I like for books.  If you have trouble finding tutorials then leave
a message and I'll comb through my bookmarks and see if I can find some that
I used.

Good luck!

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:00 PM, solarflow99 wrote:

 hi, I'm looking for some advice where to learn mysql.  Not being a DBA, I
 have basic knowledge of databases, and have administered them in the past.
 The docs on the mysql site aren't very good for this, just a few examples
 commands, etc.  Ideally, something that is suited for system
 not looking to be a DBA.


Re: Solved Select query locks tables in Innodb

2009-03-25 Thread Carl

Just to close this off.

Baron was correct in that the core problem was a bug in MySQL (I was using 
version 5.0.37.)  There are some references to this bug in the MySQL bug 
stuff but they claim to have eliminated it in 5.0.30... apparently not.

I ungraded to version 5.1.32 and the original problem disappeared and the 
selects behave as one would expect.

Many thanks to all who offered advice.


- Original Message - 
From: Perrin Harkins

To: Carl
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: Select query locks tables in Innodb

2009/3/12 Carl
I am still a little puzzled about how we could have a relatively large 
of records (100,000+) and yet not cause any table to be locked as the 

has only 8GB of memory.

What's the relationship you're implying between memory and locking?
Multi-version concurrency doesn't necessarily mean the older versions
that are being read from have to be entirely in memory.

InnoDB will lock on a query that doesn't use an index.

It shouldn't lock on a SELECT query, regardless of the indexes involved.

- Perrin

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MySQL 6.0.10 Alpha has been released!

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Perkin
Dear MySQL users,

MySQL 6.0.10-alpha, a new version of the MySQL database system has been
released.  The main page for MySQL 6.0 release is at

MySQL 6.0 includes two new storage engines: the transactional Falcon
engine, and the crash-safe Maria engine.

If you are using the Falcon storage engine in MySQL 6.0.9-alpha, you are
encouraged to wait for the MySQL 6.0.11-alpha before upgrading.  Live
upgrade is not recommended for 6.0 alpha releases.  Users are strongly
encouraged to dump their database and reload them after the upgrade.  If
you are new to the Falcon storage engine, we encourage you to either test
Falcon in MySQL 6.0.9-alpha or wait for MySQL 6.0.11-alpha.

The 6.0.10 release contains a large number of bug fixes for Falcon.  After
6.0.10-alpha was built several bugs were reported and fixed, and will be
part of the MySQL 6.0.11-alpha release.

If you are new to the Falcon storage engine and need more information,
please read the Falcon Evaluation Guide at

and the Falcon White Paper at

The Maria storage engine is a crash-safe version of MyISAM.  Maria
supports all of the main functionality of the MyISAM engine, plus recovery
support (in the event of a system crash), all MyISAM row formats and a new
Maria-specific row format.  Maria is documented at

MySQL 6.0.10-alpha is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

and mirror sites.  Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
this point in time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes, and
patches at

The following section lists functionality which has been added or changed,
as well as security-related, incompatible and important bugs fixes since
the previous version of MySQL 6.0.  The full changelog including many
other changes can be viewed online at


Jonathan Perkin
The MySQL Build Team, Sun Microsystems


   Functionality added or changed:

 * Important Change: Replication: RESET MASTER and RESET SLAVE
   now reset the values shown for Last_IO_Error, Last_IO_Errno,
   Last_SQL_Error, and Last_SQL_Errno in the output of SHOW SLAVE
   STATUS. (Bug#34654:

 * Replication: A new global server variable sync_relay_log is
   introduced for use on replication slaves. Setting this
   variable to a nonzero integer value N causes the slave to
   synchonize the relay log to disk after every N events. It is
   analogous to how the sync_binlog variable works for binary
   logs on a replication master.
   This variable can also be set in my.cnf using the server
   option --sync-relay-log.
   For more information, see Section, Replication Slave
   Options and Variables.

 * Replication: In circular replication, it was sometimes
   possible for an event to propagate such that it would be
   reapplied on all servers. This could occur when the
   originating server was removed from the replication circle and
   so could no longer act as the terminator of its own events, as
   normally happens in circular replication.
   In order to prevent this from occurring, a new
   IGNORE_SERVER_IDS option is introduced for the CHANGE MASTER
   TO statement. This option takes a list of replication server
   IDs; events having a server ID which appears in this list are
   ignored and not applied. For more information, see Section, CHANGE MASTER TO Syntax.
   See also Bug#27808:

 * The libedit library was upgraded to version 2.11.

 * A new status variable, Queries, indicates the number of
   statements executed by the server. This includes statements
   executed within stored programs, unlike the Questions variable
   which includes only statements sent to the server by clients.

 * Columns that provide a catalog value in INFORMATION_SCHEMA
   tables (for example, TABLES.TABLE_CATALOG) now have a value of
   def rather than NULL. (Bug#35427:

 * now supports --client-bindir and

Re: Installation Problems

2009-03-25 Thread Manish Gupta
Hi Roland,
I wanted to know if you face the sae problems that i've faced or u get
somethng else.

@ Ian
I've already done that. I will do what Roland told me to, lets hope i have
some luck this time around.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Rolando Edwards redwa...@logicworks.netwrote:

 Ever since MySQL 5.0.27, I have never been able to install the MySQL
 Service either.
 I think this has something to do with the way Microsoft compiles its OS

 I use the no installer version now.

 1. Go to a DOS Window and create a directory called C:\ MySQL_5.1.32
 2. Click Start, Run, and type Open : C:\ MySQL_5.1.32. This will open a
 Windows Explorer Window in that new empty Folder.
 3. Download to the Windows Desktop
 4. Open the and another Windows Explorer window
 opens up containing the folder 'mysql-noinstall-5.1.32-win32'
 5. Double click that 'mysql-noinstall-5.1.32-win32' folder and another
 window shows the folders 'bin','data','Docs' and so forth.
 6. Select all files and folders by hitting Ctrl-A
 7. Drag and Drop those selected files and folders into the 'C:\
 MySQL_5.1.32' Window
 8. Right-click on 'My Computer', and click on 'Properties'
 9. Click on the Advanced Tab
 10. Click the Environment Variables button
 11. Scroll the bottom listbox to the PATH variable
 12. Double Click the PATH variable
 13. Append ';C:\MySQL_5.1.32' to the PATH variable
 14. Click OK 3 times
 15. In the 'C:\MySQL_5.1.32' Window, copy 'my-small' to 'my' (In other
 words, copy mysql-small.ini to my.ini)
If you do not do this, you will be starting mysqld with all server
 16. Create a DOS Batch File called start_mysqld.bat with the following
 lines@echo off
set MYSQL_HOME=C:\MySQL_5.1.32
echo %MYSQL_BIN%
pause (This line is optional)
start mysqld
 17. Create a DOS Batch File called stop_mysqld.bat with the following lines
@echo off
set MYSQL_HOME=C:\MySQL_5.1.32
%MYSQL_BIN%\mysqladmin -uroot shutdown
 18. Create a ShortCut for both batch files and place them on the Desktop
 19. Double Click the ShortCut for start_mysqld.bat
This should start up mysqld
Open the task manager and look for 'mysqld.exe'
 20. Goto a new DOS Window and type 'mysql -uroot'
You should be mysql now.

 If you got to this point successfully, have fun from here !!!

 Rolando A. Edwards

 155 Avenue of the Americas, Fifth Floor
 New York, NY 10013
 212-625-5307 (Work)
 201-660-3221 (Cell)
 AIM : RolandoLogicWorx
 Skype : RolandoLogicWorx

 -Original Message-
 From: Manish Gupta []
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:05 PM
 Subject: Installation Problems

 I had MySQL 4.0.
 Today i downloaded the recent version, mysql5.12.32-Win32 installer.
 I deleted the older verison of mysql that i had. I didnt have any data
 and thus no upgrade was needed as such.
 I used typical install option and after the install i used the standard
 configuration for the server configuration wizard. i typed the password
 required and the problems started.

 1. It couldnot install mysql as a service, named MySQL, although there is
 service with that name. i checked with the service option in control panel.

 2. I went back and installed it with the service name MySQL5. This time, it
 installed the service, but could not apply the security setting and
 terminated with the error, saying root doesnot have the permission to log
 from localhost.

 3. I opened the command line clien from the start menu. It asked for the
 password, i typed it in and the interface disappeared.

 I uninstalled and then installed it again a couple of times, but one or the
 other erroe kept reccuring. I'm still havent been able to use MySQL.

 Please Help.

Re: learning mysql

2009-03-25 Thread Olaf Stein
If you know in theory what you want to do then I recommend the certification
study guide


On 3/24/09 9:00 PM, solarflow99 wrote:

 hi, I'm looking for some advice where to learn mysql.  Not being a DBA, I
 have basic knowledge of databases, and have administered them in the past.
 The docs on the mysql site aren't very good for this, just a few examples of
 commands, etc.  Ideally, something that is suited for system administrators,
 not looking to be a DBA.

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Re: Re: learning mysql

2009-03-25 Thread claudio . nanni

I think in your case you should go for a traditional book approach to build  
a good background.
In my opinion finding the right book is a matter of match between the kind  
of book and your background.
My hint is to gather here 4/5 good book titles, go in a book shop take a  
while to run thru the books and 'feel' whats the best approach for you.

In your case, if you want to study quite well, the most complete book I can  
think of is Paul DuBois 'MySQL' 4th Edition.

While the certification study guide I find it not suitable for the needs of  
a beginner for structure, for contents and for difficulty.



On Mar 25, 2009 7:44pm, Olaf Stein  
If you know in theory what you want to do then I recommend the  

study guide


On 3/24/09 9:00 PM, solarflow99 wrote:

 hi, I'm looking for some advice where to learn mysql. Not being a DBA, I

 have basic knowledge of databases, and have administered them in the  

 The docs on the mysql site aren't very good for this, just a few  
examples of

 commands, etc. Ideally, something that is suited for system  

 not looking to be a DBA.


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immediately by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original

message. Thank you.


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Re: Re: learning mysql

2009-03-25 Thread Haidong Ji
I second Claudio's recommendation on Paul DuBois MySQL 4th edition. I've
followed his book and enjoyed it.

Depending on your background, especially if you work predominately in
Windows, I think you will need to have easy access to a *nix machine, either
a physical one or virtual machines, preferably a physical one. Learning is
all about satisfying your curiosities and repetition, therefore you will
need a machine as a sandbox to mess around.

Speaking of sandbox, I found Giuseppe's MySQL sandbox is a great learning
tool. Download it, get a tar ball binary, follow the instructions and you
will have as many instances as you like, even replication.

Another book that I like is Baron Schwartz's High Performance MySQL. Don't
let the title fool you into thinking that this is an advanced book just for
experienced practioners. It certainly is a great book for experienced
people, but it is written in a way that is very much approachable to
beginners as well.

Good luck. My personal experience has been that it was a bit frustrating to
get started, especially if you are used to other RDBMS platforms: the way
login and permissions are setup, each tables can have different storage
engines, different logging mechanism, MyISAM's table and index files, and
InnoDb's tablespace files, backup, etc. But once you get over that, it can
be pretty fun to tinker around.

Haidong Alex Ji

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:53 PM, wrote:

 I think in your case you should go for a traditional book approach to build
 a good background.
 In my opinion finding the right book is a matter of match between the kind
 of book and your background.
 My hint is to gather here 4/5 good book titles, go in a book shop take a
 while to run thru the books and 'feel' whats the best approach for you.

 In your case, if you want to study quite well, the most complete book I can
 think of is Paul DuBois 'MySQL' 4th Edition.

 While the certification study guide I find it not suitable for the needs of
 a beginner for structure, for contents and for difficulty.



 On Mar 25, 2009 7:44pm, Olaf Stein

 If you know in theory what you want to do then I recommend the

  study guide


  On 3/24/09 9:00 PM, solarflow99 wrote:

   hi, I'm looking for some advice where to learn mysql. Not being a DBA, I

   have basic knowledge of databases, and have administered them in the

   The docs on the mysql site aren't very good for this, just a few
 examples of

   commands, etc. Ideally, something that is suited for system

   not looking to be a DBA.



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  immediately by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original

  message. Thank you.


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