Re: Automate Install/Configuration of MySQL on Linux

2010-07-29 Thread Todd E Thomas

To answer both emails...

My first install is Puppet :)

1) I have many clients (schools with Macs/Linux) that could use this 
package. This is in the works - good call.

For the sake of DRP (Disaster Recovery Planning) I automate all of my 
installs on the 1% off-chance that my backups are partially fouled for 
some reason.

2) I used the .sql file that you recommended and wow - it's so much 
easier than expect.

Once I had the right key-words (mysql .sql script) Google returned the 
right pages: Executing SQL Statements from a Text File

The problem I have now is variable substitution. But, that's another thread.

Thanks guys,


On 07/27/2010 11:40 PM, Andrés Tello wrote:
just place all your sql sentences in a file, setup the database and 
then use:

mysql -uroot -hlocalhost  file_with_allsql_you_need.sql
cat file_file_with_allsql_you_need.sql  | mysql -u root -hlocalhost

and you are done.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Todd E Thomas wrote:

I'm looking for automation direction...

I've found many packages that sit on top of MySQL. For the
purposes of consistency I'd like to automate these installs.

I've been able to automate the install and configuration of
everything except the mysql part.

I'm using CentOS 5.5. Installing/verifying is no big deal.

It's the MySQL configuration that's holding me up.

Basically I've created an expect script. It works 99% but it's a
PITA to finish. Here's what I'd like to accomplish:
 *Set the default admin password
   # mysqladmin -u root password 'root-password'

 *login to mysql
   mysql mysql -u root -p

 *Drop the anonymous accounts
   mysql DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

 *Sync all of the root passwords
   mysql UPDATE mysql.user SET Password =
PASSWORD('root-password') WHERE User = 'root';

 *Remove the test database:
   mysql  drop database test;

In another script I would like to create databases for specific
packages. EG:
Concrete5, for example needs:
concrete5.db TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin-password';

If there is a better way to do this than using expect I would
greatly appreciate any pointers in the right direction. Bash is
comfortable for me and perl is within reach. I'm not much versed
in anything else right now.

Thanks for the assist,

Todd E Thomas
It's a frail music knits the world together.
-Robert Dana

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RE: concatenate sql query with group by and having

2010-07-29 Thread Travis Ard

With some databases such as MySQL, subqueries have to be explicitly named.  For 

select * from (select * from (select * from table) sub1) sub2;

If not, you will see an error like: ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table 
must have its own alias

 I understand your problem correctly, you are looking to limit your 
result set to only those records that have symbols with a single unique 
combination of chrom, and strand.  If that's correct, something like the
 query below might work:

select geneName as symbol, name as refSeq, chrom, strand, txStart 
from refFlat 
where geneName in 
-- returns all geneNames (symbols) with one unique combination of chrom and 
(select geneName from
-- returns all unique combinations of symbol, chrom, and strand
(select distinct geneName, chrom, strand
from refFlat) sub1
group by geneName
having count(*) = 1) 
group by refSeq
having count(*) = 1;

 Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 11:10:32 -0500
 Subject: concatenate sql query with group by and having

 mysql -ugenome mm9 -A

 I start mysql with the above command. Then I want to select the rows
 from the result of the following query, provided that for any rows
 that have the same symbol, chrom and strand should be the same
 (basically, discard the rows that have the same symbols but different
 chrom and strand). Could anybody show me how to do it?

 select geneName as symbol, name as refSeq, chrom, strand, txStart from
 refFlat group by refSeq having count(*)=1;

 I think that something like

 SELECT name FROM (SELECT name, type_id FROM (SELECT * FROM foods));

 works for sqlite3 (in terms of syntax). But the following do not work
 for mysql. Is this a difference between mysql and sqlite3? (I'm always
 confused by the difference between different variants of SQL)

 select * from (select geneName as symbol, name as refSeq, chrom,
 strand, txStart from refFlat group by refSeq having count(*)=1);


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Can I have 30GB of Innodb Index on a 16GB 2CPU quad core server?

2010-07-29 Thread Nunzio Daveri
Hi All, I was running slamdb against one of our QA boxes and noticed that the 
innodb database is 190Gb in size BUT the worrying issue is that the indexes are 
30GB in size!!!  When I hit this server hard, it tanks on memory but still 
performs, slower of course ;-)  Any suggestions on what I should do?  I am 
thinking of doing one of these:

1. Remove all queries, run for a few days, look at the slow query logs and then 
find those queries that really need them and index those specificially for 
2. Split the single server into two servers both with 16 gb and 2 quad core 
cpu's. One master the other a slave.
3. Just add another 16gb (32GB total) and that should take care of the indexing 

Anyone had this problem before???

Oh this is a single box, 100% mysql only and it talks to 3 front end iPlanet 
servers that hit it with a few hundread queries per second.




Variable Expansion Using MySQL Client and .sql Files

2010-07-29 Thread Todd E Thomas

Hey all,

I've found many packages that sit on top of MySQL for various clients. 
For the purposes of consistency I'd like to automate these installs. 
I've been directed towards using .sql files and they work great.

The trouble I'm having now is that I would like to secure the 
installation but variable expansion isn't clicking for me.

My setup is fairly straight-forward:

I have a single installer script that calls all other scripts. This is 
how it works:
1) Source in all global environment variables from a working file:

2) execute script to create mysql db
3) secure mysql

. /root/payload/
### Configure MySQL
set -x
mysql -v  ${INST_SCRIPTS}/mysqld/secure_mysqld.sql
mysql -v  ${INST_SCRIPTS}/mysqld/create_db.sql

The create_db.sql should be similar to this:
Concrete5, for example needs:
concrete5.db TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT';


The secure_mysqld.sql script is fairly simple as well:

# Display the current user:
select user();

# Display all default accounts:
SELECT User,Host,password FROM mysql.user;

# Remove anonymous accounts:
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

# Display all remaining accounts:
SELECT User,Host,password FROM mysql.user;

# Sync root passowrds:
User = 'root';


It all works pretty well. Variable expansion is the problem. For now all 
of my other scripts substitute $PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT (from my for the actual password. The *.sql scripts do not.

If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate the help.

Thanks for the assist,

Todd E Thomas
C: 515.778.6913
It's a frail music knits the world together.
-Robert Dana

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CentOS 4.8 no-install of MySQL 5.1.4X???

2010-07-29 Thread Nunzio Daveri
Hello Gurus, I am trying to see if there is a no install version of MySQL 
for Cent OS 4.8?  We got a copy for Solaris x86 and it works AWESOME, I cant 
seem to find one for Cent OS?  We wanted to install several flavors and test a 
200 MB query script file against it to see how the performance changes between 
the iterations of the software.  Any help / advice is much appreciated.

P.S.  I know there are RPM's but the last time I tried using RPM's it started 
rip other components out of of prod boxes and I was in backup mode restoring 
from the AM snapshot.  Besides RPM's dont like to go up a version then down a 
version like in a sandbox ;-)




RE: Variable Expansion Using MySQL Client and .sql Files

2010-07-29 Thread Travis Ard

You could try it inside a here document:

mysql EOF
'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT';

 Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 14:29:55 -0500
 Subject: Variable Expansion Using MySQL Client and .sql Files

 Hey all,

 I've found many packages that sit on top of MySQL for various clients.
 For the purposes of consistency I'd like to automate these installs.
 I've been directed towards using .sql files and they work great.

 The trouble I'm having now is that I would like to secure the
 installation but variable expansion isn't clicking for me.

 My setup is fairly straight-forward:

 I have a single installer script that calls all other scripts. This is
 how it works:
 1) Source in all global environment variables from a working file:
 2) execute script to create mysql db
 3) secure mysql

 . /root/payload/
 ### Configure MySQL
 set -x
 mysql -v  ${INST_SCRIPTS}/mysqld/secure_mysqld.sql
 mysql -v  ${INST_SCRIPTS}/mysqld/create_db.sql

 The create_db.sql should be similar to this:
 Concrete5, for example needs:
 concrete5.db TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT';

 The secure_mysqld.sql script is fairly simple as well:

 # Display the current user:
 select user();

 # Display all default accounts:
 SELECT User,Host,password FROM mysql.user;

 # Remove anonymous accounts:
 DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

 # Display all remaining accounts:
 SELECT User,Host,password FROM mysql.user;

 # Sync root passowrds:
 User = 'root';


 It all works pretty well. Variable expansion is the problem. For now all
 of my other scripts substitute $PASSWD_PRIV_ROOT (from my for the actual password. The *.sql scripts do not.

 If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate the help.

 Thanks for the assist,

 Todd E Thomas
 C: 515.778.6913
 It's a frail music knits the world together.
 -Robert Dana

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Re: CentOS 4.8 no-install of MySQL 5.1.4X???

2010-07-29 Thread Claudio Nanni

Yes, I do it all the time.

download TAR archive at the bottom of the download list.

untar in a custom dir.
use dedicated user
watch the my.cnf location, its kind of  css style, if you have side 
effects its cause your mysql installation is picking it up also from the 
wrong location

remove /etc/my.cnf, put custom my.cnf into the basedir

good luck

You have Intel
On 7/29/2010 9:30 PM, Nunzio Daveri wrote:

Hello Gurus, I am trying to see if there is a no install version of MySQL 5.1.4X
for Cent OS 4.8?  We got a copy for Solaris x86 and it works AWESOME, I cant
seem to find one for Cent OS?  We wanted to install several flavors and test a
200 MB query script file against it to see how the performance changes between
the iterations of the software.  Any help / advice is much appreciated.

P.S.  I know there are RPM's but the last time I tried using RPM's it started to
rip other components out of of prod boxes and I was in backup mode restoring
from the AM snapshot.  Besides RPM's dont like to go up a version then down a
version like in a sandbox ;-)




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IS NULL returns Empty set, but I have empty items

2010-07-29 Thread Norman Khine
I don't know what I am missing, but I have this:

mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE url IS NULL;
Empty set (0.05 sec)

mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE product_Id = 67;
| url  |
|  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

what goes with this, how can i ensure that this is NULL?

here is the table structure

thanks for any insight.

˙uʍop ǝpısdn p,uɹnʇ pןɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ǝǝs noʎ 'ʇuǝɯɐן sǝɯıʇ ǝɥʇ puɐ 'ʇuǝʇuoɔ
ǝq s,ʇǝן ʇǝʎ
% .join( [ {'*':'@','^':'.'}.get(c,None) or
chr(97+(ord(c)-83)%26) for c in ,adym,*)uzq^zqf ] )

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Re: IS NULL returns Empty set, but I have empty items

2010-07-29 Thread Andy Wallace

blank is not null... I'll bet if you did

SELECT url FROM product WHERE url = '';

you'll get a row or three. If the field was NULL, your product_id
select would look like:

 | url  |
 |NULL  |


Norman Khine wrote:

I don't know what I am missing, but I have this:

mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE url IS NULL;
Empty set (0.05 sec)

mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE product_Id = 67;
| url  |
|  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

what goes with this, how can i ensure that this is NULL?

here is the table structure

thanks for any insight.

Andy Wallace
iHOUSEweb, Inc.
(866) 645-7700 ext 219
There are two ways to build software:
Make it so simple that there are obviously no bugs,
or make it so complex that there are no obvious bugs.

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Re: IS NULL returns Empty set, but I have empty items

2010-07-29 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Jul 29), Norman Khine said:
 I don't know what I am missing, but I have this:
 mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE url IS NULL;
 Empty set (0.05 sec)
 mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE product_Id = 67;
 | url  |
 |  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 what goes with this, how can i ensure that this is NULL?

Your url may be the empty string .  If it was really NULL, you would see
NULL in the resultset.  Try

SELECT * FROM product WHERE url=

Dan Nelson

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Re: IS NULL returns Empty set, but I have empty items

2010-07-29 Thread Norman Khine
thank you, this makes sense.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:29 PM, Dan Nelson wrote:
 In the last episode (Jul 29), Norman Khine said:
 I don't know what I am missing, but I have this:

 mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE url IS NULL;
 Empty set (0.05 sec)

 mysql SELECT url FROM product WHERE product_Id = 67;
 | url  |
 |      |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 what goes with this, how can i ensure that this is NULL?

 Your url may be the empty string .  If it was really NULL, you would see
 NULL in the resultset.  Try

 SELECT * FROM product WHERE url=

        Dan Nelson

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˙uʍop ǝpısdn p,uɹnʇ pןɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ǝǝs noʎ 'ʇuǝɯɐן sǝɯıʇ ǝɥʇ puɐ 'ʇuǝʇuoɔ
ǝq s,ʇǝן ʇǝʎ
% .join( [ {'*':'@','^':'.'}.get(c,None) or
chr(97+(ord(c)-83)%26) for c in ,adym,*)uzq^zqf ] )

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