Pivot Query Help

2013-11-04 Thread Jan Steinman
I'm using MySQL 5.0.92-log.

I'm trying to do a pivot-sort-of-thing. I've tried a few things from the 
O'Reilly SQL Cookbook, but I seem to be having a mental block.

I have a table of farm harvests. Each harvest has a date, quantity, and foreign 
keys into product and harvester tables:

CREATE TABLE s_product_harvest (
 id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `date` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Date and time of harvest.',
 product int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '53',
 quantity decimal(10,3) NOT NULL default '1.000',
character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'kilograms',
 who1 int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '2' COMMENT 'Who harvested this 
 notes varchar(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL,
 KEY product (product),
 KEY `date` (`date`),
 KEY who1 (who1),
) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='historical list 
of EcoReality farm products harvested';

What I want is a report with years as columns, and rows of:
first harvest (MIN(date)),
last harvest (MAX(date)),
days of harvest (DATEDIFF(MAX(date), MIN(date))) and
total (SUM(quantity)).

first/last  200720082009...
first   Aug 5   Sep 27  Aug 7
lastOct 1   Nov 24  Oct 16
days57  108 82
kg  10.17   16.746.53

This is my first attempt, and it appears to be giving me a row per year, with 
the first sequential harvest date for each year. I can get the data I want by 
making each one a separate column, but that's ugly and I want them in rows.

 'first_last' AS `First/Last`,
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2007' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2007',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2008' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2008',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2009' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2009',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2010' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2010',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2011' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2011',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2012' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2012',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2013' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2013',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2014' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2014'
 s_product_harvest harvest
WHERE harvest.product = 4 /* product ID for tomatoes */
GROUP BY YEAR(harvest.date)

Using an example from SQL Cookbook on page 372, I tried to select from a 
subquery, grouped by a rank, but I kept getting one result row, and I can't 
figure out how to get the literal row headers.

Any ideas?

 Compared to those on pasteurized milk, children who received raw certified 
milk had better weight gain and greater protection against rachitis. -- Ron 
 Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op 

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Re: Another query question...

2013-11-04 Thread Jan Steinman
The plot thickens...

I noticed that I have similar queries that work as expected. The difference 
appears to be that every query that is broken uses  WITH ROLLUP, and removing 
this makes them behave as expected.

Is this a known bug? Should I submit it as such?

If someone would be so kind as to point me to the bug system, I'll crawl around 
in there to see if it's a known problem.


Begin forwarded message:

 From: Jan Steinman j...@bytesmiths.com
 Date: 3 November 2013 18:35:47 PST
 MySQL 5.0.92-log
 I'm trying to form a clickable link using CONCAT, but the link as displayed 
 points to the NEXT row's URL, not the one from the same row as the other data 
 Is there something I don't understand about this?
 Below is the query. {{{1}}} is replaced by a year, like 2013.
 The second column is the problem one. When the table is displayed, the link 
 in the `Product` field points to the NEXT SEQUENTIAL product row! In other 
 words, if you click on the link for garlic, you'll get the page for 
 Live example is at: http://www.EcoReality.org/wiki/2013_harvest
 If you hover over the link in the `Product` column, you can clearly see that 
 the page at the link is not the same as that in the `ID` column, but is in 
 fact the same `ID` as the next sequential row. I am so confused.
   harvest.product AS ID,
   CONCAT('a href=http://www.EcoReality.org/wiki/Product/', s_product.ID, 
 '', COALESCE(s_product.name, 'TOTAL:'), '/a') AS `Product`,
   FORMAT(sum(harvest.quantity), 3) AS `a 
   harvest.units AS Units,
  CONCAT('$', FORMAT((SUM(harvest.quantity) * prices.price), 2)) AS Value,
   prices.market_type AS `R-W`,
   COUNT(*) AS Harvests,
   DATE(MIN(harvest.date)) AS Begin,
   DATE(MAX(harvest.date)) AS End
   s_product_harvest harvest
   s_product on s_product.ID = harvest.product AND
   s_product.units = harvest.units
   s_product_market_prices prices ON prices.product_ID = harvest.product AND
   prices.units = harvest.units AND
   year(prices.price_date) = year(harvest.date)
   year(harvest.date) = {{{1}}}
   s_product.name WITH ROLLUP
  Some days I wonder if it might not be better to culturally engineer 
 humans to enjoy small scale garden farming than to genetically engineer weeds 
 to save large scale agribusiness. -- Gene Logsdon
  Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op 

 The competition for grain between the wealthy car drivers of the world and 
the poorest people who are trying to survive is a moral issue that we should 
not ignore. The continued increase in biofuels production will result in a 
continued decrease in food availability, which we could someday consider to be 
a crime against humanity. -- Pat Murphy
 Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op 

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Another query question...

2013-11-04 Thread Jan Steinman
MySQL 5.0.92-log

I'm trying to form a clickable link using CONCAT, but the link as displayed 
points to the NEXT row's URL, not the one from the same row as the other data 

Is there something I don't understand about this?

Below is the query. {{{1}}} is replaced by a year, like 2013.

The second column is the problem one. When the table is displayed, the link in 
the `Product` field points to the NEXT SEQUENTIAL product row! In other words, 
if you click on the link for garlic, you'll get the page for gherkins.

Live example is at: http://www.EcoReality.org/wiki/2013_harvest

If you hover over the link in the `Product` column, you can clearly see that 
the page at the link is not the same as that in the `ID` column, but is in fact 
the same `ID` as the next sequential row. I am so confused.

   harvest.product AS ID,
   CONCAT('a href=http://www.EcoReality.org/wiki/Product/', s_product.ID, 
'', COALESCE(s_product.name, 'TOTAL:'), '/a') AS `Product`,
   FORMAT(sum(harvest.quantity), 3) AS `a 
   harvest.units AS Units,
  CONCAT('$', FORMAT((SUM(harvest.quantity) * prices.price), 2)) AS Value,
   prices.market_type AS `R-W`,
   COUNT(*) AS Harvests,
   DATE(MIN(harvest.date)) AS Begin,
   DATE(MAX(harvest.date)) AS End
   s_product_harvest harvest
   s_product on s_product.ID = harvest.product AND
   s_product.units = harvest.units
   s_product_market_prices prices ON prices.product_ID = harvest.product AND
   prices.units = harvest.units AND
   year(prices.price_date) = year(harvest.date)
   year(harvest.date) = {{{1}}}
   s_product.name WITH ROLLUP

 Some days I wonder if it might not be better to culturally engineer humans 
to enjoy small scale garden farming than to genetically engineer weeds to save 
large scale agribusiness. -- Gene Logsdon
 Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Another query question...

2013-11-04 Thread hsv
 2013/11/04 09:32 -0800, Jan Steinman 
I noticed that I have similar queries that work as expected. The difference 
appears to be that every query that is broken uses  WITH ROLLUP, and removing 
this makes them behave as expected.

Is this a known bug? Should I submit it as such?

If someone would be so kind as to point me to the bug system, I'll crawl around 
in there to see if it's a known problem. 

There is a bug that I about a half year ago reported, 
http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=68564, that the NULL one expects with WITH 
ROLLUP is not always NULL, but is instead the foregoing string in the same 
field. I suspect that other bugs with missing NULL found by searching for 
ROLLUP are the same problem. (note link titled Affects Me!)

Another, one year ago reported, bug of mine was handled in 5.7.2, but this one 

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Another query question...

2013-11-04 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 04.11.2013 22:55, schrieb h...@tbbs.net:
 2013/11/04 09:32 -0800, Jan Steinman 
 I noticed that I have similar queries that work as expected. The difference 
 appears to be that every query that is broken uses  WITH ROLLUP, and 
 removing this makes them behave as expected.
 Is this a known bug? Should I submit it as such?
 If someone would be so kind as to point me to the bug system, I'll crawl 
 around in there to see if it's a known problem. 
 There is a bug that I about a half year ago reported, 
 http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=68564, that the NULL one expects with WITH 
 ROLLUP is not always NULL, but is instead the foregoing string in the same 
 field. I suspect that other bugs with missing NULL found by searching for 
 ROLLUP are the same problem. (note link titled Affects Me!)
 Another, one year ago reported, bug of mine was handled in 5.7.2, but this 
 one not

would you please quote in a readable way instead  

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

how to create unique key for long varchar?

2013-11-04 Thread Li Li
hi all
I want to create a table with a long varchar column, maybe it's the url.
according to dns spec, the url's max length is fixed. but I have
to deal with url having long params such as
I want the url is unique when inserting it.
I googled and found
this post suggests use md5 of url. But in theory, there will be
conflict that two different urls will have the same md5(even it's
probablitiy is very small). I want to a absolute correct solution.
one method i can come up with is using select ... for update
1. begin transaction
2. select url from tb where md5='' for update
3. if the url is not exist, insert into this url; else do nothing

 also I need to set the transaction isolation to SERIALIZABLE

 is this solution correct in multithread/process environment?

 another method is using trigger to check whether the url exist. I
don't know whether this method will be faster than previous one. how
to ensure it's correctness in multithread environment?

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