Re: Getting around 2 queries

2004-03-30 Thread Chuck Gadd
Matt Chatterley wrote:

One option would be to 'union' the two queries (assuming the columns are the
same type and length), allowing you to run one query string:
Select serial from blacklist where serial = x
Select serial from seriallist where serial = x
Would return 1 or 2 rows, depending on whether rows are found in one table
or both. You wouldn't know which table though (but from your message, I
guess that is unimportant).
If you needed to know which table it came from, you could just
expand this query a little:
Select serial,'blacklist ' as Tablename from blacklist where serial = x
Select serial,'seriallist' as Tablename from seriallist where serial = x

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Re: Table is Read Only

2004-03-14 Thread Chuck Gadd
Smartyone wrote:
The database used to work, but then something must have broke, because now it 
is suddenly Read-Only (reports Read Only when I try to add a record using 

Make sure the owner and group of the database files is set
to mysql.

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Query optimization help

2004-02-25 Thread Chuck Gadd
I've got a query that I can't seem to get optimized, so I'm
hoping someone here can spot something I've missing!
Table has three columns:
CoordID int unsigned,
Zip_Lo char(9),
Zip_Hi char(9)
Table has 3 million records

acg_lo (Zip_Lo)
acg_hi (Zip_Hi)
acg_combined (Zip_Lo, Zip_Hi)

Here's the query:

select * from acg
where zip4_lo_pot = '80128' and
  zip4_hi_pot = '80128'

Explain shows:

type: ALL
possible keys: acg_lo,acg_hi,acg_combined
rows: 3022309
extra: Using where
So, how can I optimize this?

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Re: MySQL Lost 3 Weeks of Data

2004-02-13 Thread Chuck Gadd
Schmuck, Michael wrote:

I've got a big problem. My MySQL server has yesterday lost data since 20th
Yesterday at about 14 o'clock we resartet the demon on our bsd server since
september 03. I belive the deamon
didn't wrote the data into the files. At the restart of the database he
loaded the old files and lost erverything newer
then 20th. 
What do you mean: he loaded the old files and lost everything
newer than 20th.
Did he restore from a backup tape?  If so, then it's probably
a problem with your backup system not properly backing up the
mysql tables.   While the Mysql process is running, the files
are in-use by Mysqld, and many tape-backup programs cannot
properly copy files that are in-use.

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Re: Simple question : Find older CHILD for each PARENT

2004-01-27 Thread Chuck Gadd
Benjamin PERNOT wrote:

I want to get a list of all the parents with the age and the name of the older 
child they've got. Let's say that a parent can't have 2 children with the same 
I can solve my problem by using multiple queries but that's not very clean and a 
bit heavy (especially if there are lots of parents).
This is a perfect example of a max-concat query.

Look up max concat on the mysql website, and it should show you a similar
problem with solution.

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Re: Slow query times

2004-01-21 Thread Chuck Gadd
Balazs Rauznitz wrote:

However when the 'sex' column is involved:

mysql select count(*) from sex where id459000 and id =46 and sex = 'M';
| count(*) |
|  504 |
1 row in set (5.09 sec)
Any way to make this faster ?
Well, MySql can only use 1 index per table to optimize a query.

It's apparently using the index on ID, so it then needs to examine
all records in the right ID range to see if they meet the
sex='M' condition.
You could build an index on both fields as one index, and MySql
should be able to use it to resolve both parts of the query.
create index id_and_sex_index on sex (id,sex);

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Re: Efficient SQL Statement

2004-01-21 Thread Chuck Gadd
Roger Baklund wrote:

Either way, I was surprised to see the like to be in the top
performers and left() to be last.
I suppose the LIKE operator is optimized for the case when it begins with a
mysql select BENCHMARK(1000, 'dfsfsdfs' like '%F%' );
1 row in set (3.43 sec)

MySql will use indexes to optimize LIKE queries if the expression
does not start with a wildcard character.

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Re: Authentication screw up

2004-01-17 Thread Chuck Gadd
Nicholas Fitzgerald wrote:

go to the command prompt and use mysql or mysqladmin I get access 
deniged for user @localhost. No root or anything like that. I don't 
know where I screwed up, but I obviously screwed up something. Any ideas 
out there on how I can get back in control of this situation?
Shutdown mysqld, and restart mysqld with the --skip-grant-tables
option.  Now you will be able to connect as root without specifying
a password.
Once you've connected, give the command flush privileges to make
Mysql start using the grant tables.
Then you can add or edit records in the mysql.user table.

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Re: Compiling from source

2004-01-08 Thread Chuck Gadd
Christopher L. Everett wrote:

 I'm using AMD K7 servers and don't need/want InnoDB so I want to compile
 mysql from source and I was curious about what compiler flags to use, so
Without recompiling binaries, you can add
to your my.cnf file.

 2. What compiler flags do the binaries distributed on use?

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Re: Best Method for Learning mysql

2004-01-05 Thread Chuck Gadd
Marc Dver wrote:

Based on the collective experiences of the members of this group, what 
are the best methods for learning mysql, both from the perspective of 

I attended the week-long Mysql training course, and it was excellent.

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Re: Need help with a query..

2003-12-22 Thread Chuck Gadd
Tibby wrote:

..and I want to get this with a single query:

| key  | desc| value |
|   2   | book|   7 |
|   6   | pen |   7 |
I need to get only one row from col. DESC, the one with the highest VALUE.
With one query...

select `desc`, max(value) from mytable
group by `desc`

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Re: Documentation bug?

2003-12-14 Thread Chuck Gadd
Chris Nolan wrote:

This seems a bit confusing. On one hand, it says that updates don't 
fail, but on the other hand it says they are stalled until ALTER TABLE 
is done executing. Am I going blind/loosing my mind (a possibility I am 
open to) or do others agree with me?
It looks perfectly correct.   They are stalled, in other words, the
queries will be forced to wait.  They won't fail, they will simply
not complete until the ALTER TABLE is done.

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Re: customizing order by question

2003-12-12 Thread Chuck Gadd
Brandyn Riffle wrote:
What I'm trying to do is sort by a column with by pre-set criteria; I've 
a political database with events with columns for the year, month, day, 
and event. I'd like to order by months,  (e.g. JAN, FEB, MAR, etc...) 
after sorting by year. The sorting by year part was easy... the months 
are another matter.
First, the correct solution would probably be to store your event date
in an actual DateTime column.   Then MySql would know how to sort it
properly.   And you could still get the seperate pieces out easily.
For example if you had a EventDate column of type DateTime, then you
could do
select year(EventDate) as Year, monthname(EventDate) as month,
dayofmonth( EventDate) as Day, dayofweek(EventDate) as WeekDay from MyTable
and you'd get back columns like:
|year|month   |day|WeekDay|
|2003|December| 12|Friday |

So, that would be the RIGHT way to do it.  But, you can make do with
what you've got as well.
I'm assuming you've got a Month field that contains 3 letter month
abbreviations like JAN,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY, etc.  Adjust the actual
abbreviation/spelling as needed:
select case month
when 'JAN' then 1
when 'FEB' then 2
when 'MAR' then 3
when 'APR' then 4
when 'MAY' then 5
when 'JUN' then 6
when 'JUL' then 7
when 'AUG' then 8
when 'SEP' then 9
when 'OCT' then 10
when 'NOV' then 11
when 'DEC' then 12
else 13 end
as MonthNum, month,day,year
from test2
order by year,monthnum
The case statement here converts the month abbrev. into numbers
which will sort correctly.

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Re: MySQL Login Problems on 4.1

2003-12-12 Thread Chuck Gadd
At 14:42 -0400 12/12/03, Victor Medina wrote:
It happens that when a client tries to log into the db server using
passwords the server doesn't seems to authorize. Even the most recent
MyCC client fails to autorize users using passwords. Do I need to
compile the clients against the new server's library? The MyCC client
was linked againts the 4.0.16 server. was there any change in the
4.1 changed the authentication code.   You can tell mysqld to use
the old authentication by starting it with the --old-passwords
option (or add old-passwords to the [mysqld] group in my.cnf).

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Re: key is not used

2003-12-09 Thread Chuck Gadd
Corin Langosch wrote:


thanks for your fast reply. even when i use
the key isn't used. the query takes about 2s :-(

What does it show if you do a

show indexes from actions


If you are sure the optimizer is wrong, you can FORCE it
to use an index.
The USE INDEX option only suggests an index to mysql.

SELECT * FROM actions FORCE INDEX (datum) ORDER BY datum

And see if it makes a speed difference.  Most often, if MySql
didn't use it, then it won't help but I'm sure it can be wrong
once in a while.

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Re: Maximum query size

2003-12-09 Thread Chuck Gadd
Mark wrote:

Is there an easy way to determine the largest sql query I can
pass between a perl/C app to my MySQL database? It seems to wig
out around the 1 meg range but without resorting to trial and
error I'm not sure how to get an exact figure.
the max size would be limited by the variable max_allowed_packet
so, if you do a
show variables like 'max_allowed_packet'

it will show you the limit.  By default, it is set to
1047552 bytes.
If you want to increase that, add a line to the server's
my.cnf file, in the [mysqld] section :
set-variable = max_allowed_packet=2M

and restart mysql server.

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Re: Speed difference between boolean full-text searches and full-text searches

2003-12-08 Thread Chuck Gadd
Uros Kotnik wrote:

Time for first SQL : 21 sec.
SELECT, cds.title, tracks.title FROM artists, cds, tracks
WHERE artists.artistid = cds.artistid AND artists.artistid =
tracks.artistid AND cds.cdid = tracks.cdid AND MATCH (
MATCH (cds.title)AGAINST ('music mix 2001'IN BOOLEAN MODE)
In this case, it cannot resolve the query JUST using indexes.

After finding all records in the index where matches
madonna and title contains all the words music, mix, 2001,
then it must retrieve each record, and examine the title field to
see if the three words are found together in the phrase.
In your other example, it only needs to use the fulltext indexes
to know which records satisfy your query, resulting in MUCH
faster query time.

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Re: Speed difference between boolean full-text searches and full-text searches

2003-12-08 Thread Chuck Gadd
Uros Kotnik wrote:

It makes sense, but Sergei G. said : 
And are you sure the numbers are correct, the first query - the one
without IN BOOLEAN MODE - is faster ? I would expect the opposite.

I guess that for my DB I can't expect satisfied in boolena mode times
But also when searching without in boolean mode and include search
criteria from TRACKS table, 13,841,930 rows , like AND MATCH (
tracks.title) AGAINST ('remix') 
I get ~10 sec. times.
Am I doing something wrong or this results are correct for this amount
of data, I would be satisfied with  0.5 - 1 sec. times
If I'm not mistaken, IN BOOLEAN MODE simply changes the parser
logic.  It tells MySql to process the special characters, like
+-*.   I don't think it's the IN BOOLEAN MODE that is causing
the slow query, but the fact that you are looking for the phrase.
If you were to do

SELECT, cds.title, tracks.title FROM artists, cds, tracks
WHERE artists.artistid = cds.artistid AND artists.artistid =
tracks.artistid AND cds.cdid = tracks.cdid AND MATCH (
MATCH (cds.title) AGAINST ('+music +mix +2001'IN BOOLEAN MODE)
Then you'd probably still get the fast search time, since the query
simply requires all three words.   MySql can resolve this just using
the index.
In your example, the BOOLEAN MODE for


isn't doing anything special, since you aren't using any
special chars to modify the search expression.

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Re: Licence question

2003-12-07 Thread Chuck Gadd
Yves Goergen wrote:

(1) I want to start a (small, non-free) webhosting service and offer
webspace with PHP support and a MySQL database account. There will be some
standard tariffs that include a database account but I'm going to make them
available as extra upgrade, too, for a monthly fee. Do I need a MySQL
license for this use? I guess no, but I'm not really sure.
I do not think so.   You can download and install a GPL copy of MySql,
and let anyone you want use it.  You are not shipping or distributing
any part of MySql.  Your customers are simply users of your server.
(2) If I'm planning to choose MySQL as DBMS for future software I code in my
one-man-company, instead of MS Access, I'd need to compile the MySQL client
libraries into my application. Another way could be the ODBC interface, but
If the software was written for use BY your one-man-company, than no.

But if you are selling this software to a client, then yes, they would
need a commercial license.  The license is per server, so either you
or your client could purchase the license.   If your client was going to
install MySQL on two seperate servers, then two licenses would need to
be purchased.  If your client already had a commercial MySql license,
then they wouldn't need to purchase another license to use your app.
for this use? (Of course, they pay for my programs.) I guess yes, but what
in detail? Me for the client libraries? I haven't found pricing information
Typically, MySQL AB doesn't sell a license for the client libraries.  The
commercial license is a complete package, server and client.   If your
intention is to ship a functional MySql app, and just have the client
download the GPL server, you would just need to purchase the commercial
server.  Having the client download/install the server is basically
just an attempt at getting around the commercial license.
But, early in this thread, the situation where someone might ship an
application that could optionally connect up to many different databases.
MySql isn't required for the app to run, but the app COULD connect to
MySql if it was there.   That is a case where a specific CLIENT
license might be applicable.On the MySql site, on the Pricing
page, it says:
MySQL Client Prices

For circumstances where a MySQL client license is required, please
contact us for a quote.
So maybe they can deal with that scenario.

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Re: Large data set load and access

2003-12-05 Thread Chuck Gadd

 Thanks for the heads up on this.  Unfortunately the only
varchar is the gbl_locus field, so I'm not sure how much this
would by me for the space.
   Thanks again,
   Brad Eacker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
No, it wouldn't save you any space.  It would make your file a
little bigger on the drive.  varchar is a variable length
field.  As you've got it now, if you store a 10 byte string in
that field, it'll only take up something like 14 bytes.   If
you store 1 character, it'll take up 5 bytes.  So you are
currently saving a little space.
BUT!  Variable length fields slow Mysql down a little bit when
it's reading the table, since Mysql needs to read in each
record completely to get to the next record.  If you have no
variable length fields, then mysql can calculate right away the
starting position of any record based on the fixed record size.

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Re: Large data set load and access

2003-12-04 Thread Chuck Gadd

mysql create table gb_locus (
- gbl_id  int primary key,
- gbl_fileID  int,
- gbl_locus   varchar(20),
- gbl_sizeint,
- gbl_datedate,
- gbl_phylum  char(3),
- gbl_foffset int
- );
At a recent MySql class, I learned that using all fixed
length fields instead of variable length fields can improve
speed.  This is because MySql can skip thru records faster
if the records are all a fixed length.
So, if you were willing to give up a little storage space,
make the gbl_locus field a Char(20) instead of a varchar(20)
and see if it speeds things up.  I found noticable speed
increase in my selects doing this.

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Re: Licence question

2003-12-03 Thread Chuck Gadd
Stéphane Bischoff wrote:

We are programming a Delphi application that interacts with the MySQL server
from Windows.
Normally we would need a client side licence ?

But if we use a set of components (from a third party) that allow us to
interact with the MySQL server without using the MySQL client. In this case,
do we need to buy a client licence at all ?
This is your standard I am not a lawyer type answer, because reading
the text of the GPL can be overwhelming, but the way I understand it,
if you are shipping MySql with your app, then you've either got to
release your app under the GPL, or you've got to buy a commercial
Mysql license for each copy of your app that you ship.
If you were to simply download and install MySQL at your company
office, then write apps for in-house use at your company, then
you have no license issues.  Your apps would not need to be
GPL, and you do not need a Mysql commercial license.
This was discussed by a Mysql AB employee during the MySQL
training class I took a few weeks ago.

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Re: Linux access question

2003-12-03 Thread Chuck Gadd
Noamn wrote:

About a year ago, I set up mySQL on a computer running linux (probably
RH7.1). At the time I thought that I would investigate how I could use this
server in my business, but then I had more pressing issues and so neglected
the subject. Now that I have some spare times and correct tools (Delphi 7),
I want to renew my acquaintance with mySQL.
I am trying to access the server from two computers running Win98. Both of
them can connect to the linux machine via telnet and run programs such as
the command line 'mysql', but only one of them allows me to connect via
windows programs (I am using a program imaginatively called
'mysql_test.exe'). Of course, the machine which doesn't connect is the
machine on which I am doing the program development.

First, you need to install the Mysql windows client on any client
machine.   It's probably installed on one machine and not the other.
Then take a look at the permissions issues discussed by Victoria
in her response.

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Re: Replication

2003-12-02 Thread Chuck Gadd
rubn ruvalcaba wrote:

I want to know how could solve the next replication scenario:

I have a master.
I have 5 slaves.
At start the slaves has a master snapshot.

Now imagine slave 1, inserts a record. When it gets connected to the 
lan, it must replicate it's changes to the master.
No, a slave receives changes that occur at the master.   That's
why it's a slave.
I suspect you want each machine to be a Master and a slave.

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Re: Mysql won't start

2003-12-01 Thread Chuck Gadd
Michael Burke wrote:

I'm using mysql on redhat 9 and wanted to enable the query log file.I
copied one of the example my.cnf files to /etc and added an entry: --log
to enable the log file but when I boot red hat I get a message that

If you are specifying the option on the command line, then you need
the --   But in the my.cnf, just add a line that says



if you want to specify the path and filename for the log.

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Re: read: Off subject regarding the mysql list!

2003-12-01 Thread Chuck Gadd
karl james wrote:

Hey guys, (off Subject)


I want all emails that come from mysql list to go into a mysql folder
that I have setup for it, but no matter what rule I choose in Microsoft
outlook it doesn't work.
filter on the TO address.  The list does not re-write the FROM address.

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Re: Mysql won't start

2003-12-01 Thread Chuck Gadd
Michael Burke wrote:

InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
031201 20:00:49  mysqld ended
It seems strange since the only thing I've done is copy my.cnf to /etc.

Did you just now create the my.cnf?  My guess is that your data isn't where
mysql is looking.
In the [mysqld] section, there is an entry that says


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Re: MySql Server Overload

2003-11-29 Thread Chuck Gadd
Nev wrote:

 We have just upgraded to a Pentium 4 - 3ghz , with 1 gb ram because
 our last server was very slow.
What operating system?

 Another related point, in the MySQL documentation it says in the
 mysqladmin show extended status that the Select_full_join value should
 be zero mine is very high, what does this mean?
It means you don't have your tables properly indexed.

When you do a join, ideally MySQL should be able to join the tables
using indexed fields.  Instead, Mysql has to walk thru your entire
table to find the records for the join.

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Re: Database replication

2003-11-29 Thread Chuck Gadd
Richard Bewley wrote:

Ok, but the slave would also replicate to the master?  Is anyone using this
type of setup?
Both machines would be set up as both masters and slaves.

We tried it during the Mysql class I took a few weeks ago.  Worked
fine, except for when there were conflicting updates.

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Re: Disorder result with ORDER BY with ENUM, INT

2003-11-26 Thread Chuck Gadd
Kriengkrai J. wrote:

 -- System: MySQL 4.0.13, 4.0.16 on Linux x86
 -- Table type: MyISAM, InnoDB
 -- Description / How-To-Repeat:
 -- 1. When I use
 -- SELECT id, type FROM ORDER BY type, id;
 -- the result is in wrong order
 -- --
 -- ++-+
 -- | id | type|
 -- ++-+
 -- |  4 | general |
 -- |  3 | general |
 -- |  1 | general |
 -- |  2 | general |
 -- |  5 | inhouse |
 -- |  6 | inhouse |
 -- ..
It is sorted EXACTLY as you specified.  First by type, and then by ID.

If you want it sorted first by ID, then do ORDER BY id, type;

But, if your ID field is unique, then adding ,type doesn't do
 -- 2. But when I use
 -- SELECT id, type FROM ORDER BY type AND id;
 -- the result is in right order
 -- --
 -- ++-+
 -- | id | type|
 -- ++-+
 -- |  1 | general |
 -- |  2 | general |
 -- |  3 | general |
 -- |  4 | general |
 -- |  5 | inhouse |
 -- |  6 | inhouse |
 -- ..
The AND between the two fields is doing a BINARY AND on the
two values.   It is meaningless in this case.
1 AND general = 0
2 AND general = 0
5 AND inhouse = 0
So the system is just giving them to you in the natural
order, as if you didn't have an order by clause.
 -- 3. After running statement(2) I rerun statement(1) again and the result is then in order as (2).

you probably reversed the field order when you re-ran statement 1.

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Which Linux....

2003-11-24 Thread Chuck Gadd
I'm building up a new MySQL server.  The box specs are:

2U, Dual 3Ghz Xeon processors, 6 Gigs ram, 500 gigs of Raid 5
I'll have the hardware in my hands tomorrow.  I've used RedHat
on all my previous linux servers.  I'm planning on going with
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES.
But, I've heard that the new threading code in the latest linux
kernal (2.6) really improves MySQL performance.   The RedHat
site says that Enterprise is based on the 2.4 Kernal, with
numerous additions from the Linux 2.5/2.6 kernal.
And I just spotted another place where it mentions Native Posix
Thread Library:  A new high-performance multi-threading capability
provides improved performance for multi-threaded applications.
So, am I assuming correctly that RedHat Enterprise does offer the
new threading code?  Anyone know any problems using the new RedHat
Enterprise for MySQL?

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