Re: How to LOCK all the database??

2004-04-16 Thread David Bordas
 Hello colleagues.


 How can I global lock a database?
 Global means that no user/process should be able to access it; I want to
 keep the database
 in read only for a certain period, NOT ONLY for the current session.

Have a look to Grant and User Privileges.
You can create a read only user, put him only select priv, and then use this
user for read only ...
Or modify an existing user to only set select privilege to him, do you work,
and after give him back write access ...

Hope this help.

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Re: installation de mysql

2004-03-24 Thread David Bordas

 j'ai le red hat 9 et j'ai télécharger mysql-3.23.58-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz
 j'ai crée le repertoir /usr/local/src et j'ai fais
 gunzip mysql-3.23.58-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz
 tar xvf mysql-3.23.58-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz
 cd mysql-3.23.58-pc-linux-i686
 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql

 mais ca donnée l'erreur suivante:

 NOTE: This is a MySQL binary distribution. It's ready to run, you don't
 need to configure it!

 To help you a bit, I am now going to create the needed MySQL databasesand
 start the MySQL server for you.  If you run into any trouble, please
 consult the MySQL manual, that you can find in the Docs directory.
 Installing all prepared tables
 040324  9:51:43  ./bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

 To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.serverto
 the right place for your system

 This is done with:
 ./bin/mysqladmin -u root  password 'new-password'
 ./bin/mysqladmin -u root -h iamintrusion  password 'new-password'
 See the manual for more instructions.

 NOTE:  If you are upgrading from a MySQL = 3.22.10 you should runthe
 ./bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables. Otherwise you will not be
 able to use the new GRANT command!

 You can start the MySQL daemon with:
 cd . ; ./bin/safe_mysqld 

 You can test the MySQL daemon with the benchmarks in the 'sql-bench'
 cd sql-bench ; run-all-tests

 Please report any problems with the ./bin/mysqlbug script!

 The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
 Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at

 Starting the mysqld server.  You can test that it is up and running
 with the command:
 ./bin/mysqladmin version
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-3.23.58-pc-linux-i686]# Starting mysqld daemon
 databases from /usr/local/src/mysql-3.23.58-pc-linux-i686/data
 040324 09:51:44  mysqld ended

 j'aimerais bien savoir ou se trouve l'erreur et comment je peux le régler
 merci d'avance

Please refer to the INSTALL file located into the
mysql-3.23.58-pc-linux-i686 folder, all is described there.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
is not needed for binary distrib.

PS : this is an english list, so talk english please or do not expect any
answer ...


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Re: can MySql run over windows os?

2004-03-15 Thread David Bordas

Have a look here :


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Re: Optimise SELECT ... LIMIT

2004-03-11 Thread David Bordas
 Hi list,

 I'm trying to optimise a SELECT ... LIMIT query, perhaps i miss something
 important and so, i'm asking your help :)

 I'm using MySQL 4.0.15 under Linux.

 Here's a test query :
 mysql explain SELECT * FROM F4000 WHERE ReplyTo=8711465 ORDER BY Numero
 LIMIT 234599,20;

 | table | type | possible_keys  | key| key_len | ref   | rows
 | Extra   |

 | F4000 | ref  | ReplyTo_Numero | ReplyTo_Numero |   4 | const |
 | Using where |


 And here's index description :
 mysql show index from F4000;
 | F4000 |  0 | PRIMARY|  1 | Numero  | A
 | 2535091 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
 | F4000 |  1 | ReplyTo_Numero |  1 | ReplyTo | A
 | F4000 |  1 | ReplyTo_Numero |  2 | Numero  | A

 ReplyTo and Numero are both integer.

 This query took around 1 sec, could i made something to have better
 performance ?

 PS : I know that Richard Davey have post a question on limit, 2 two days
 ago, but i didn't find anything that can help me.
 I also look at without
 any success.


Any Idea ?

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Optimise SELECT ... LIMIT

2004-03-03 Thread David Bordas
Hi list,

I'm trying to optimise a SELECT ... LIMIT query, perhaps i miss something
important and so, i'm asking your help :)

I'm using MySQL 4.0.15 under Linux.

Here's a test query :
mysql explain SELECT * FROM F4000 WHERE ReplyTo=8711465 ORDER BY Numero
LIMIT 234599,20;
| table | type | possible_keys  | key| key_len | ref   | rows
| Extra   |
| F4000 | ref  | ReplyTo_Numero | ReplyTo_Numero |   4 | const | 188063
| Using where |

And here's index description :
mysql show index from F4000;
| F4000 |  0 | PRIMARY|  1 | Numero  | A
| 2535091 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| F4000 |  1 | ReplyTo_Numero |  1 | ReplyTo | A
| F4000 |  1 | ReplyTo_Numero |  2 | Numero  | A

ReplyTo and Numero are both integer.

This query took around 1 sec, could i made something to have better
performance ?

PS : I know that Richard Davey have post a question on limit, 2 two days
ago, but i didn't find anything that can help me.
I also look at without
any success.


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Re: French characters ok with mysql in Windows, nok with mysql in Linux

2004-01-06 Thread David Bordas
From: Willy Dockx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 7:23 PM
Subject: RE: French characters ok with mysql in Windows, nok with mysql in


 etc/sysconfig/i18n contains:


 Is that ok?

I can't remenber what was my conf, but google is you friend ...

Did you try to connect directly to MySQL through a standard MySQL client and
make an insert with é à ù ... and see if the select is ok after the insert

 What concerns the 'driver connection url' : should I leave
 'useUnicode=truecharacterEncoding=UTF-8' in it?

Don't know, i'm not using java ...


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Re: French characters ok with mysql in Windows, nok with mysql in Linux

2004-01-05 Thread David Bordas
From: Willy Dockx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: French characters ok with mysql in Windows, nok with mysql in Linux

 I already posted this problem end of 2003, but probably, the champagne has
 troubled the answers.

 The solution of this problem is really important for me. Can anybody help?

 I have  made a website using jboss, Hibernate, mysql 4.0.16 and

 In development this is installed on Windows2000 and everything works fine,
 when the user inputs characters like é, à, è, .

 In production this is installed on Linux (RedHat 8). There also everything
 fine, except for the strange characters é, à, è.

 I suppose the reason is that RedHat uses UTF-8 as encoding.

 I've tried to put 'useUnicode=truecharacterEncoding=UTF-8' in the driver
 connection url, but this doesn't help.

 Can anyone help me on this problem?


I'm storing french characters with MySQL under Linux RedHat.
Hox did you export your data to Linux ?

Did you look to the file /etc/sysconfig/i18n ?
The default file is quite buggy under RedHat 8.


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Delayed Insert Question

2003-12-09 Thread David Bordas
Hi list,

I've got a small MyISAM table which is used for some statistics.
I'm only doing insert into this table.
I need that clients doing INSERT queries can exit as soon as possible.

So, i'm using INSERT DELAYED with some good succes.

But I've got a question.
If i decrease delayed_insert_limit to ten secondes for example, is that mean
that delayed_queue will be flushed every ten secondes ?
Is there an other variable that specify the flush time ?

For the moment, MySQL can handle an average of 92.12 query/sec.


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Re: Delayed Insert Question

2003-12-09 Thread David Bordas
  So, i'm using INSERT DELAYED with some good succes.
  But I've got a question.
  If i decrease delayed_insert_limit to ten secondes for example, is that
  that delayed_queue will be flushed every ten secondes ?
  Is there an other variable that specify the flush time ?

 No - delayed_insert_limit refers to how many rows a DELAYED thread
 will insert at once before checking if any other SELECTs are waiting
 for the table. The process (and all related variables you can tweak)
 are documented here:

Thanks Chris,

I've read mysql doc sereval times, but i can't find any varaible that
specify when the delayed queue was flushed.

If I understand, I can increase delayed_insert_limit for better performance,
but I should also increase the delayed_queue as well ?


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Re: Delayed Insert Question

2003-12-09 Thread David Bordas
Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:51 PM
Chris Elsworth wrote:

 If you increase delayed_insert_limit then you're effectively giving
 the DELAYED thread more preferencee to the table; it will write more
 rows (once it can, ie there's a phase of time where there's no locks
 on the table) in a batch, which potentially makes other selects wait

 Inserting delayed_queue_size means the clients can pile more and more
 rows into the DELAYED thread while it gets chance to write. This may
 give your clients a bit of a boost, but only if the DELAYED thread
 fills up; at a default of 1000, you must be doing a lot of inserts to
 reach that.

Thank you Chris, I think I understand now.

Remember if you have a lot of rows waiting and mysql
 crashes, they're lost.

Well, I know that, but loosing 2000 inserts when i made more than 3 000 000
a day isn't a big problem.
This table is for statistics only, data isn't very important and MySQL
doesn't crash as often happyily :)
Now i just need to choose, I can boost the insert ratio but i'll take some
risks, or i can leave all as default ...


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Mysql 4.0.15 Warning: thr_alarm queue is full BUG

2003-10-23 Thread David Bordas
Hi list,

I think i've found a little bug in MySQL 4.0.15

Description :
Here's my error log :
Warning: thr_alarm queue is full
Warning: thr_alarm queue is full

How To Repeat :
Here's my conf file :
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

# Here follows entries for some specific programs
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
set-variable= max_connections=256
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= key_buffer = 64M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet = 1M
set-variable= sort_buffer_size = 512K
set-variable= net_buffer_length = 8K
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M

Then use SET to modify some variables :
set global max_connections=512;
set global table_cache = 1024;

And wait :)

It seems that thr_alarm queue was allocated when server starts and not
reallocated when modify some variables.

How To Solve :
Do not use SET, modify my.cnf and restart the server instead.

Hope this help.

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1044 : Access Denied problem Create Table

2003-10-23 Thread David Bordas
Hi list,

I've just a crazy problem with Mysql 4.0.15

I have 2 user, root and Dstats.
With root, i can do all i want (create database, create table ...).
With Dstats i can't create table in a database.

My Grant :
grant all privileges on Dstats_Stats.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED];

Here's the db table for my user Dstats :
mysql select * from db where Host=localhost and Db=Dstats_Stats;
| Host  | Db   | User   | Select_priv | Insert_priv |
Update_priv | Delete_priv | Create_priv | Drop_priv | Grant_priv |
References_priv | Index_priv | Alter_priv | Create_tmp_table_priv |
Lock_tables_priv |
| localhost | Dstats_Stats | Dstats | Y   | Y   | Y
| Y   | Y   | Y | N  | Y   | Y
| Y  | Y | Y|
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql flush privileges;

And now trying to create a db :
shell ./mysql -u Dstats -p Dstats_Stats
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2839807 to server version: 4.0.15-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql create table test (testi integer not null,PRIMARY KEY (testi))
ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database

Can someone please help me ?
I don't know what i'm doing wrong, all my MySQL servers work like a charm
except this one ...

PS : This is the my.cnf :
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

# Here follows entries for some specific programs
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
query_cache_type = 0
key_buffer = 64M
max_allowed_packet = 1M
sort_buffer_size = 512K
net_buffer_length = 8K
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Insert BUG into MyISAM table (Linux + MySQL 3.23.56)

2003-08-14 Thread David Bordas

 Can you create a repeatable test case ?


On the server where i've got problem, I tried making a dump and import dump
into a table with same name but into a different database.
There it works ...

So, i come back to my production database and table.
I've always got the same problem.

I tried a CHECK TABLE, but saying me that's all is OK :(
I'll try tomorow a myisamchk on this table, I can't take down my table for
the moment (too many people connected).

Here's the status;
Threads: 4  Questions: 46820537  Slow queries: 1324  Opens: 712  Flush
tables: 1  Open tables: 512 Queries per second avg: 27.049


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Re: Insert BUG into MyISAM table (Linux + MySQL 3.23.56)

2003-08-14 Thread David Bordas
 Hi list,

 I've got a little bug with MySQL.
 I can insert a row into my table but this row will not appear in the table
 Server is under linux redhat, MySQL is 3.23.56 installed from binary
 from MySQL team.

 Table Description :
 mysql desc Log_Forums;

 | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra

 | Pseudo   | char(16) |  | PRI | |
 | Date | timestamp(14)| YES  | PRI | NULL|
 | Numero   | smallint(5) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL|
 auto_increment |
 | Type_message | enum('0','1')|  | | 0   |

 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 And some code :
 mysql select * from Log_Forums where Date=2003080611;
 Empty set (0.08 sec)

 mysql insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

 mysql select * from Log_Forums where Date=2003080611;
 | Pseudo | Date   | Numero | Type_message |
 | doss08 | 2003080611 |  1 | 0|
 1 row in set (0.08 sec)

 mysql insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

 mysql select * from Log_Forums where Date=2003080611;
 | Pseudo | Date   | Numero | Type_message |
 | doss08 | 2003080611 |  1 | 0|
 1 row in set (0.08 sec)

 As you can see, i can't find coss08 in my table :(

 Table check is ok :
 mysql check table Log_Forums;
 | Table| Op| Msg_type | Msg_text |
 | jeuxvideo.Log_Forums | check | status   | OK   |
 1 row in set (0.15 sec)

 Table have got lots of records with pseudo=coucou.
 It seems now that i can't insert any row which pseudo  coucou

 Can someone help me ?


So i've make a dump of this table and import it on a new server.
There, i haven't got any problem.

Si i tried to understand how to make MySQL work like it must works.

In fact my table have got 1200 different pseudos and always 60K records.
When i'm doing an insert, i also do a delete ...
But pseudo coucou is repeated 53250 times.

I tried something like :
insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
Don't work.

But if i do :
update Log_Forums set pseudo =boucou where pseudo=coucou;
insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
WORK ...

That seems that a large number of one specific pseudo make MySQL consider
that this value will be the lowest possible value.

Can someone have some clue to help me ?


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Re: Insert BUG into MyISAM table (Linux + MySQL 3.23.56)

2003-08-14 Thread David Bordas

 I don't know if it has anything to do with your problem, I just wanted to
 comment on the use of a timestamp column in a primary key...

 * David Bordas
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra
| Pseudo   | char(16) |  | PRI | | |
| Date | timestamp(14)| YES  | PRI | NULL| |
| Numero   | smallint(5) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL
  |auto_increment |
| Type_message | enum('0','1')|  | | 0   | |
  -- --+

 The timestamp column will automatically be updated when any other field in
 the row is updated. This kind of magic is normally not wanted for
 keys... :)


I know that :)
But timestamp is quite great because it only uses 4 Bytes /row where
DateTime will use 8 Bytes / row.
And i'm only doing select / insert / delete so, timestamp is good for me.


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Re: Insert bug into MyISAM table (Linux + MySQL 3.23.56)

2003-08-12 Thread David Bordas

 mysql select * from Log_Forums where Date=2003080611;
 mysql insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
 insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
Same thing here.
But i solve my problem by update table like this :
UPDATE Table set pseudo=- where pseudo=coucou.

Now the lowest usable pseudo is - and not coucou.
- is the lowest word i can find, so ...


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Re: MySQL 3.23 vs. 4.0

2003-08-08 Thread David Bordas

 Currently, I'm running 3.23.51 on  Red Hat 7.1, and I'm contemplating
 upgrading to MySQL 4.0, but I'm not sure what to expect. I don't know if
 MySQL 4.0 is fully backwards-compatible with 3.23.x versions, or if
 something is going to break if I upgrade.

 What are the main advantages of upgrading to 4.0? Speed? Features? I can
 through the whole changelog if need be, but I'd prefer to hear what actual
 users are reporting as far as benefits and disadvantages.

 - Jonathan

Did you look at manual ?


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Insert bug into MyISAM table (Linux + MySQL 3.23.56)

2003-08-07 Thread David Bordas
Hi list,

I've got a little bug with MySQL.
I can insert a row into my table but this row will not appear in the table
Server is under linux redhat, MySQL is 3.23.56 installed from binary tar.gz
from MySQL team.

Table Description :
mysql desc Log_Forums;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra
| Pseudo   | char(16) |  | PRI | |
| Date | timestamp(14)| YES  | PRI | NULL|
| Numero   | smallint(5) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL|
auto_increment |
| Type_message | enum('0','1')|  | | 0   |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And some code :
mysql select * from Log_Forums where Date=2003080611;
Empty set (0.08 sec)

mysql insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from Log_Forums where Date=2003080611;
| Pseudo | Date   | Numero | Type_message |
| doss08 | 2003080611 |  1 | 0|
1 row in set (0.08 sec)

mysql insert into Log_Forums (pseudo,date,Type_Message) values
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from Log_Forums where Date=2003080611;
| Pseudo | Date   | Numero | Type_message |
| doss08 | 2003080611 |  1 | 0|
1 row in set (0.08 sec)

As you can see, i can't find coss08 in my table :(

Table check is ok :
mysql check table Log_Forums;
| Table| Op| Msg_type | Msg_text |
| jeuxvideo.Log_Forums | check | status   | OK   |
1 row in set (0.15 sec)

Table have got lots of records with pseudo=coucou.
It seems now that i can't insert any row which pseudo  coucou

Can someone help me ?


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Re: mysqld CPU usage is almost 100% !!!

2003-06-06 Thread David Bordas
 I'm using GNU/Linux Slackware 8.0 and not using any my.cnf (so the
 configs are all at default).. Is it possible that mysql is doing some
background tasks while the system is in idle state ?

Which MySQL version did you use ?
Some old mysql binary were compiled with wrong glibc and have this kind of
problem ...
Around 3.23.50, 3.23.51 ...

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Re: Storage issue

2003-01-30 Thread David Bordas
Here's an example of how much data could be stored in a year:

1 value/minute are stored = 1440 values/day.
365 days / year.

We have 100 different tables with 25 columns each.
This makes 100*25*365*1440 = 1 314 000 000 values per year.

A typical value could be 25,5624.

How much space (in Mb) could this take up after a year do you think?

You'll find something here :

Typically a float is stored on 4 Bytes ( a Byte is 8 bits ).

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Access denied database privilege question

2003-01-22 Thread David Bordas
Hi list,

I've a question about the database privilege and the Mysql.db table.
If i do something like this : GRANT SELECT ON MYDB.* TO [EMAIL PROTECTED];
( i'm using MyISAM tables ... )
And if MYDB contains something like 100 tables, could this make me problems

In fact, i have errors like this :
Failed to connect to database: 1044 Error: Access denied for user:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database 'MYDB'
2006 : MySQL server has gone away

All is working well, except sometimes i have such errors each day during a
small period of time and all is going back well later ...

I see that restarting the serveur could help me but i don't know why ...

All connections are through TCP / IP on a private 100Mb LAN.

Extract of my.cnf :
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock

Here :
I've find something :
 Another reason for this error on Linux is that you are using a binary
MySQL version that is compiled with a different glibc version than the one
you are using 

It's true, i'm using mysql-3.23.54a-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz and the system is
Red Hat 7.2 with red hat buggy glibc.
This could be my problem ?

Please, i need to solve my problem ...
Perhaps i'm not alone having this problem ...

Did someone hear ( and understand ) me ?


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3.23.54 Aborted_clients Aborted_connects

2003-01-17 Thread David Bordas
Hi list and thanks to read me.

Since december, I've got aborted_clients and aborted_connects to my mysql
server ...

Clients that connected to this server have errors like :
Failed to connect to database:
Error: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database 'mydb'
 MySQL server has gone away

Server is :
2 * Intel PIII
1GB ram
RAID 5 scsi disk
Linux Red Hat
Linux 2.4.7-10smp #1 SMP Thu Sep 6 17:09:31 EDT 2001 i686

Here's the my.cnf :
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= back_log=150
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4

The network is a 100Mb private LAN.
All ethernet cards on the network are fixed to 100Mb full duplex.

Error log of mysql didn't show anything :
030116 08:54:47  mysqld started
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections

and that's all ...

Logging queries didn't help me to find me problem ...

Here's some stats :
mysql status;
./mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.54, for pc-linux (i686)

Connection id:  337007
Current database:
Current user:   root@localhost
Current pager:  stdout
Using outfile:  ''
Server version: 3.23.54
Protocol version:   10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
Client characterset:latin1
Server characterset:latin1
UNIX socket:/tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 1 day 8 min 49 sec

Threads: 2  Questions: 833840  Slow queries: 28  Opens: 97  Flush tables: 1
Open tables: 72 Queries per second avg: 9.592

Extract of show table status :
Aborted_clients   1032
Aborted_connects   1380
Bytes_sent   2877636797

I try to upgrade kernel to 2.4.18 but all was the same so i came back to
default kernel.

I change mysql server from 3.23.53a to 3.23.54a but didn't solve anything

I check all table with CHECK TABLE mytable EXTENDED and all are ok ...

Please, i'm going mad, i didn't find the problem ...


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Re: 3.23.54 Aborted_clients Aborted_connects

2003-01-17 Thread David Bordas

Was found problems with some glibc system, please use temporally the
work around of the start the server with the option:

Ok i'll have a look to that.
For the glibc, i used binary tar.gz, so even if my glibc is buggy this'll
not affect me ...

The access denied is privilege issue.

Probably but what this works 99% of the time and sometimes have access
denied ?
Tables Mysql.* are clean ...


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Re: Re: Order by does not use an index when it should.

2003-01-07 Thread David Bordas
 Anybody else who has any idea why the index are not used as they should?

I've got same things with 3.23.xx and select query through a TCP/IP
I don't know why, but you can solve this issue using the USE INDEX syntax
for select queries ...


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Strange [Access denied for user], please help !!!

2002-12-26 Thread David Bordas
Hi all,

I've some problem with my Mysql servers since the beginning of last week :(

I've upgrade mysql from 3.23.53a to 3.23.54a and i still have same errors :(

I've got plenty of error like this :
Failed to connect to database: Error: Access denied for user:
´[EMAIL PROTECTED]´ to database ´DB1´
MySQL server has gone away

I connect from web servers which are on the same 100Mb LAN that mysql
I try during a ping during at least 2 hours and i didn't find anything, 0
packet loss ...

OS : linux

I tried check table extended on the table and status is ok, I try a new
flush privileges and this didn't change anything ...


Original message :
Subject : [Error] Mysql server has gone away  3.23.53a

Hi all,

I've some problem with my Mysql servers since the beginning of this week.

I've got plenty of error like this :
Failed to connect to database: Error: Access denied for user:
´[EMAIL PROTECTED]´ to database ´DB1´
MySQL server has gone away
Error Nø1, please contact webmaster ...

In fact, clients are C cgi compiled with libmysql ( in this package
MySQL-devel-3.23.49-1.i386.rpm )
The Cgi is ok and have worked well since several mounths.

Error Nø1 : connection mysql ok, can't execute my query

It seems that mysql disconnect me before i can execute my query.
But query is just after the connection in the code ... :(

Server : Linux Redhat
2 * PIII 1 Ghz
1Go ram
Scsi raid 5
mysql-3.23.53a-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz ( binary )

As you can see, i connect to my server via a 100Mb LAN.
The LAN is ok, all ethernet card are 100Mb Full Duplex without any collision
or packet dropped.
Exemple :

RX packets:259950587 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1809122347 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 lg file transmission:100
RX bytes:3130833186 (2985.7 Mb)  TX bytes:1637489037 (1561.6 Mb)

Here's the my.cnf :
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= back_log=150
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4

I can't see anything in the error log.

Mysqld is still alive and still responding 99% of the time.

Status : Threads: 3  Questions: 3065350  Slow queries: 46  Opens: 91  Flush
tables: 1  Open tables: 66 Queries per second avg: 9.052

Show Status :
Aborted_clients   4401
Bytes_sent  1691254415
Created_tmp_disk_tables   0
Created_tmp_files 1290
Handler_delete   | 11135  |
Handler_read_first   | 226|
Handler_read_key | 2005755|
Handler_read_next| 1714626349 |
Handler_read_prev| 0  |
Handler_read_rnd | 2613047|
Handler_read_rnd_next| 62634691   |
Handler_update   | 357300 |
Handler_write| 304440 |
Key_blocks_used  | 62869  |
Key_read_requests| 97082717   |
Key_reads| 60114  |
Key_write_requests   | 487582 |
Key_writes   | 392106 |
Max_used_connections | 23 |
Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0  |
Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0  |
Open_tables  | 66 |
Open_files   | 102|
Open_streams | 0  |
Opened_tables| 91
Questions| 3065612|
Select_full_join | 0  |
Select_full_range_join   | 0  |
Select_range | 600|
Select_range_check   | 0  |
Select_scan  | 51701  |
Slave_running| OFF|
Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0  |
Slow_launch_threads  | 0  |
Slow_queries | 46 |
Sort_merge_passes| 645|
Sort_range   | 99887  |
Sort_rows| 2613047|
Sort_scan| 20030  |
Table_locks_immediate| 1841001|
Table_locks_waited   | 1977   |
Threads_cached   | 0  |
Threads_created  | 1226346|
Threads_connected| 2  |
Threads_running  | 1  |
Uptime   | 338664

Extract of the mysql.db table : | DB1 | JForvC15 | Y ( select priv ... )

Thanks to all.

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Re: [Error] Mysql server has gone away

2002-12-23 Thread David BORDAS

I always have my problem and i didn't find any solution pour the moment.
Please, if somone have an idea ... :(


Subject: [Error] Mysql server has gone away  3.23.53a
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 17:23:31 +0100

I've some problem with my Mysql servers since the beginning of this week.

I've got plenty of error like this :
Failed to connect to database: Error: Access denied for user:
´[EMAIL PROTECTED]´ to database ´DB1´
MySQL server has gone away
Error Nø1, please contact webmaster ...

In fact, clients are C cgi compiled with libmysql ( in this package
MySQL-devel-3.23.49-1.i386.rpm )
The Cgi is ok and have worked well since several mounths.

Error Nø1 : connection mysql ok, can't execute my query

It seems that mysql disconnect me before i can execute my query.
But query is just after the connection in the code ... :(

Mysql server is always up and didn't gone away any more ...

Server : Linux Redhat
2 * PIII 1 Ghz
1Go ram
Scsi raid 5
mysql-3.23.53a-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz ( binary )

As you can see, i connect to my server via a 100Mb LAN.
The LAN is ok, all ethernet card are 100Mb Full Duplex without any collision
or packet dropped.
Exemple :

RX packets:259950587 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1809122347 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 lg file transmission:100
RX bytes:3130833186 (2985.7 Mb)  TX bytes:1637489037 (1561.6 Mb)

Here's the my.cnf :
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= back_log=150
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4

I can't see anything in the error log.

Mysqld is still alive and still responding 99% of the time.

Status : Threads: 3  Questions: 3065350  Slow queries: 46  Opens: 91  Flush
tables: 1  Open tables: 66 Queries per second avg: 9.052

Show Status :
Aborted_clients   4401
Bytes_sent  1691254415
Created_tmp_disk_tables   0
Created_tmp_files 1290
Handler_delete   | 11135  |
Handler_read_first   | 226|
Handler_read_key | 2005755|
Handler_read_next| 1714626349 |
Handler_read_prev| 0  |
Handler_read_rnd | 2613047|
Handler_read_rnd_next| 62634691   |
Handler_update   | 357300 |
Handler_write| 304440 |
Key_blocks_used  | 62869  |
Key_read_requests| 97082717   |
Key_reads| 60114  |
Key_write_requests   | 487582 |
Key_writes   | 392106 |
Max_used_connections | 23 |
Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0  |
Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0  |
Open_tables  | 66 |
Open_files   | 102|
Open_streams | 0  |
Opened_tables| 91
Questions| 3065612|
Select_full_join | 0  |
Select_full_range_join   | 0  |
Select_range | 600|
Select_range_check   | 0  |
Select_scan  | 51701  |
Slave_running| OFF|
Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0  |
Slow_launch_threads  | 0  |
Slow_queries | 46 |
Sort_merge_passes| 645|
Sort_range   | 99887  |
Sort_rows| 2613047|
Sort_scan| 20030  |
Table_locks_immediate| 1841001|
Table_locks_waited   | 1977   |
Threads_cached   | 0  |
Threads_created  | 1226346|
Threads_connected| 2  |
Threads_running  | 1  |
Uptime   | 338664

Extract of the mysql.db table : | DB1 | JForvC15 | Y ( select priv ... )

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[Error] Mysql server has gone away 3.23.53a

2002-12-19 Thread David Bordas
Hi all,

I've some problem with my Mysql servers since the beginning of this week.

I've got plenty of error like this :
Failed to connect to database: Error: Access denied for user:
´[EMAIL PROTECTED]´ to database ´DB1´
MySQL server has gone away
Error Nø1, please contact webmaster ...

In fact, clients are C cgi compiled with libmysql ( in this package
MySQL-devel-3.23.49-1.i386.rpm )
The Cgi is ok and have worked well since several mounths.

Error Nø1 : connection mysql ok, can't execute my query

It seems that mysql disconnect me before i can execute my query.
But query is just after the connection in the code ... :(

Server : Linux Redhat
2 * PIII 1 Ghz
1Go ram
Scsi raid 5
mysql-3.23.53a-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz ( binary )

As you can see, i connect to my server via a 100Mb LAN.
The LAN is ok, all ethernet card are 100Mb Full Duplex without any collision
or packet dropped.
Exemple :

RX packets:259950587 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1809122347 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 lg file transmission:100
RX bytes:3130833186 (2985.7 Mb)  TX bytes:1637489037 (1561.6 Mb)

Here's the my.cnf :
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= back_log=150
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4

I can't see anything in the error log.

Mysqld is still alive and still responding 99% of the time.

Status : Threads: 3  Questions: 3065350  Slow queries: 46  Opens: 91  Flush
tables: 1  Open tables: 66 Queries per second avg: 9.052

Show Status :
Aborted_clients   4401
Bytes_sent  1691254415
Created_tmp_disk_tables   0
Created_tmp_files 1290
Handler_delete   | 11135  |
Handler_read_first   | 226|
Handler_read_key | 2005755|
Handler_read_next| 1714626349 |
Handler_read_prev| 0  |
Handler_read_rnd | 2613047|
Handler_read_rnd_next| 62634691   |
Handler_update   | 357300 |
Handler_write| 304440 |
Key_blocks_used  | 62869  |
Key_read_requests| 97082717   |
Key_reads| 60114  |
Key_write_requests   | 487582 |
Key_writes   | 392106 |
Max_used_connections | 23 |
Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0  |
Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0  |
Open_tables  | 66 |
Open_files   | 102|
Open_streams | 0  |
Opened_tables| 91
Questions| 3065612|
Select_full_join | 0  |
Select_full_range_join   | 0  |
Select_range | 600|
Select_range_check   | 0  |
Select_scan  | 51701  |
Slave_running| OFF|
Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0  |
Slow_launch_threads  | 0  |
Slow_queries | 46 |
Sort_merge_passes| 645|
Sort_range   | 99887  |
Sort_rows| 2613047|
Sort_scan| 20030  |
Table_locks_immediate| 1841001|
Table_locks_waited   | 1977   |
Threads_cached   | 0  |
Threads_created  | 1226346|
Threads_connected| 2  |
Threads_running  | 1  |
Uptime   | 338664

Extract of the mysql.db table : | DB1 | JForvC15 | Y ( select priv ... )

Thanks to all.

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Re: Sub-Select query

2002-12-12 Thread David Bordas
 I have the following query. When executed in MySQL I get an error on the
 first sub-select, and I can't find why:

You'll see that sub-select query will be in future 4.1.xx release ...


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Re: Start up problem

2002-12-06 Thread David Bordas

 I upgrade my server from Mandrake 8.2 to Mandrake 9.0 and i have a little
problem with MySql 3.23 (Ver 3.23.52 for pc-linux-gnu on i686):
 When i try to start MySQL with this command with root user :
 # safe_mysqld --user=mysql 
 I obtains the following response:
 # Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
 # 021205 17:40:17  mysqld ended
 Then when i try to run under mysql user
 # safe_mysqld 
 Its OK

 I have make many reinstall and i have always the same problem.

 Any idea ?

Have a look to the mysql error log to see if you can find your problem ...
This file should be in /usr/local/mysql/data


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Re: Start up problem

2002-12-06 Thread David Bordas

 Have a look to the mysql error log to see if you can find your problem
 This file should be in /usr/local/mysql/data

 I have no log file, the only file created is serveur name.err with the
number of the thread who crash.


This file IS the mysql error log.
On one of mine i can see this for example :
021128 10:48:21  mysqld ended

021128 14:12:42  mysqld started
/usr/local/mysql-3.23.53a/bin/mysqld: ready for connections

So if mysql don't start, there'll normally be something there .


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Re: Tuning MySQL Server Parameter

2002-12-05 Thread David Bordas
 I wish to tune our MySQL Server Parameter to increase
 the speed of Join. I was trying to do a simple join
 with two tables. One is big (~2,500,000 records); the
 other one is small. The current join seems to take
 forever to finish even on the indexed attribute.

 I am trying to learn from but
 not confident enough to play with our server yet. Any
 advice will be much appreciated. I am running
 mysql3.23.49 on linux7.3 with 4 GB memory. So I want
 to try the following from that doc:

 shell safe_mysqld -O key_buffer=64M -O
 table_cache=256 -O sort_buffer=4M -O

 My questions: if I run the above command (as root),
 should I run it every time when the server starts? If
 so, how can I set the above option automatically when
 server starts. Thanks!

Modify you my.cnf to add or change this parameter and mysql will normally
read this cnf file each time you launch it via
mysql.server script ...


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Re: getting name of columns

2002-10-29 Thread David Bordas
 How can i extract names of columns from table? I am doing select *
 from table, then i want to get name of columnsis it possible?

Use desc or describe.


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Re: Socket Error

2002-10-25 Thread David Bordas
 Hi All,
 What's wrong if this error message appears when I try to run mysql:
 cannot connect to local Mysql server through socket
 If I run mysql_config, this appears:
 --socket /tmp/mysql.sock
 What should I do to correct this? Thanks.

Modify your my.cnf file ...


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Re: mySQL logs on Linux

2002-10-25 Thread David Bordas
 Could someone tell me where the logs are written to by default, for a 3.23
 install of MySQL on Linux?
 I looked in /usr/share/mysql/english and each directory leading up to it,
 but I didn't see anything resembling a log file.

Logs are in your data directory with the Tables ...
Perhaps /var/mysql/data or /usr/local/mysql/data


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Re: load problems on mysql 3.23.52 with and without Max

2002-10-16 Thread David BORDAS

This problem is due to the glibc used by mysql AB for building binary ...

Have a look to mysql 3.23.53 change log :

We've hopefully fixed the problem with spurious load spikes on Linux
 systems when accessing the Database via TCP/IP. This was caused by
 static glibc files we used to link against and should now be resolved

But 3.23.53 have other problems, so if you want to upgrade, wait some hours
for 3.23.53a binary ...


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Re: mysql highload

2002-10-02 Thread David Bordas

MR We run MySQL on a 2xP3 1Ghz (Coppermine), 1 GB RAM, 1 software RAID1 (2
MR SCSI), Linux 2.4.9-31 (RedHat patched kernel). We have run a older
MR of MySQL (we run only binary releases) for a long time (6 months) with
MR great success. We had uptimes like 100 days and almost 200 queries /
MR second (as reported by status).
MR We had to reinstall the OS and MySQL software along with it (but the
MR data dir of MySQL has not been touched). We installed a binary release
MR of last MySQL (3.23.52). We use the huge configuration file (the one
MR 1-2GB systems), with only change of the thread-concurency from 8 we
MR it 4 ( 2 x number of CPUs ). We even increased the priority of MySQL
MR (re)nice commands (made it max with -20 value). Problem is that from
MR to time (once a day) MySQL stops working properly. It starts to increase
MR the load average of the system, a ps ax show almost all mysqld
MR in state of R (running). The system is dedicated MySQL only so it seems
MR be problems related to mysqld. We dont have the my.cnf used in the old
MR installation (we dont know for sure which version we used at that time,
MR but we know it was 3.23.49 or 3.23.48). The solution for now is a
MR watchdog script which checks for system load and restarts mysql
MR (mysqladmin shutdown) when load is too high :(

MR Can somebody give us any hint ? Also if I need to give more info about
MR configuration of this server please ask.


This problem occurs to several people like me.
I have quite the same hardware than you.
In fact it's a problem with the binary version of mysql.

Solution for me was to downgrade mysql to version prior than 3.23.49 ...

And still waiting for a working binary version ...


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Re: MyISAM / Performance / Nb of table per DataBase

2002-09-25 Thread David Bordas

DB I found my problem and why Mysql lock my table for a select.  In
DB fact, mysql sometimes don't use the right index and so does a 'Table
DB sort' that lock my table.  I modify the query to add USE INDEX
DB clause and now, all seems to work well ...  I just need to test
DB during several days to be sure that's i'm right ..

JZ Did you first try an ANALYZE TABLE to update the optimizer stats?

Yes ...

I'm still having problem in fact, my search query is faster but also lock my
But it's just a select :(
I'm doing TCP connections to mysql and not localhost, perhaps the problem is
here ...
The network is ok and my app server is linking with the mysql server over a
100Mb LAN.
The network have been tested and tested and all is well.

I've given a try to fulltext index, not really better in query time
processing but indeces have gone bigger drasticully ...

Now, i should give a try to InnoDb.
And i 'll also try to split my MyISAM table into smaller ones ...

Thanks to all

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Max NB of MyISAM tables / DB ( Ext3 linux )

2002-09-25 Thread David Bordas

Hi list,

I've just a little question for the end.
I planned to have around 10K tables under a DB and this number surelly grow
up to 20K.
I know that a database is a directory and a table is 3 files.
I just want to know is mysql have a limit in the number of table per

If not, i know that ext3 can have ten of thousands files in a directory.
But commande like 'ls' will become slower and slower ...
Is this also slowing mysql ?


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Re: No my.cnf file on Linux?

2002-09-25 Thread David Bordas


I use mysql 3.23.4 max on linux and it have worked just fine.
Now I  want to use Transactions so I thougt that I should use the my.cnf to
configure for that.
Trouble is there is no my.cnf file on my computer.
Do I have to create the file myself ?
or is the InnoDB settings configured right by default?

have a look to the support_files sub-directory of you mysql directory.
( Something like /usr/local/mysql/support-files )
You'll find some examples of my.cnf ...


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Re: MyISAM / Performance / Nb of table per DataBase

2002-09-24 Thread David Bordas

 DBI still have performance problem with my big MyISAM table.
 DBIn fact, mysql keep locking my table, even for doing select :(

PDB That's how MyISAM works -- it uses table locks for everything.
PDB Given that fact, if it didn't lock the table for reading, that would
PDB allow other clients to update the table at the same time -- leading
PDB to disastrous results.

 DBI don't know why but it's very very annoying.
 DB1% of my query are search ones.
 DBTheses queries are slow, too slow.

I found my problem and why Mysql lock my table for a select.
In fact, mysql sometimes don't use the right index and so does a 'Table
sort' that lock my table.
I modify the query to add USE INDEX clause and now, all seems to work well
I just need to test during several days to be sure that's i'm right ..


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MyISAM / Performance / Nb of table per DataBase

2002-09-23 Thread David Bordas

Hi list,

I still have performance problem with my big MyISAM table.
In fact, mysql keep locking my table, even for doing select :(
I don't know why but it's very very annoying.
1% of my query are search ones.
Theses queries are slow, too slow.

So i'm thinking about splitting my table to lot of little tables.
Can i have around 5000 Tables under the same database ?
Or should i keep my big table and do not split ?


Config :
Mysql 3.23.45 ( tar.gz binary )
Linux Red-hat 7.1
kernel 2.4.19
1Go ram

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MyISAM and Lock table question

2002-09-02 Thread David Bordas

Hi all,

Just a little question on the MyISAM table lock implementation ...
I just see ( with show full processlist ) that my version of mysql ( 3.23.45
binary linux tar.gz ) locked my MyISAM table at every query and not only for
update / delete / insert.
Why is it locking table for select query ?

Did i miss something somewhere ?


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Re: Mysql on a separate server from webserver

2002-08-29 Thread David Bordas


 I have written previous websites where I used perl or PHP
 to access a Mysql DB wen bith the webserver and the Mysql
 db are on the same server.

 My questions is how different is it to access or connect
 to the Mysql database when the database is on a separate

Juste modify the DBI args in you .pl file to set IP of the mysql server.
That was or locahost when you are on the same server.

Other thing, verify that -skip-networking is not 'ON' in the mysql config if
you wish to allow network connection ...


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Re: Help please - MySQL 3.23 stability / binary

2002-08-29 Thread David Bordas

From: borracho 138 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've searched for more information on these issues, without luck.

 The system randomly spirals out of control - load avg increases very
 rapidly, resulting in loads of 200-300 in 2/3 minutes. At other times the
 server is fine, handling the busiest loads.
 It doen't appear to be using any swap space at all (0K) - the 'mysqld'
 process size gradually has grown to the point where no free RAM was
 available and 'spiralled' , but that isn't the general case.
 Restarting MySQL cures the problem, although system memory isn't being
 reclaimed (see below)

 I also have a memory related problem - the system doesn't free memory when
 MySQL is stopped and started. (I suspect this may be a kernel related
 RH have released a kernel update 2.4.18-10, which apparently fixes a
 with the filesystem cache - could this be related? (Again, I've been
 to find more information on the subject)

 As a result I'm tempted to try a compiled version (all tests ran fine, as
 did MySQL 3.22 in the past)
 Is a stability/corruption free MySQL guaranteed using gcc 2.95.3?

Several users ( like me ) have reported load problem using 3.23.51 and
3.23.52 linux binary version of mysql.
Something wrong with the glibc used by mysql AB i think ...

The only cure that works for me is not to use 3.23.51 and 3.23.52 binary
until that a new stable one will be released or building his own binary ...


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Re: Help please - MySQL 3.23 stability / binary

2002-08-29 Thread David Bordas

From: borracho 138 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Many thanks for the reply - nice to know that I'm not the only one with
 Seems like my problem is related to 2 areas:
 - I'm concerned about the lack of memory 'freeing' with the system, but a
 kernel upgrade may fix that
Don't have this problem i think or if i have it, don't have see for the
moment ...

 - The other is with the MySQL binary

 Which RPM versions of the RH kernel, gcc and glibc are/were you using?

 Currently my system has:

mine :
kernel : 2.4.7-10smp
gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-98)

using mysql binary from tar.gz.

 It looks like I'll try to install gcc-2.95.3 from source and then build
 mysql-3.23.52 from that.
 Were there are particular build options you used for gcc (and  mysql )?

Read doc for build here : ( all 2.3.xx chapters )

You can try too amd athlon optimisation but i don't know if it's working

NB : i can't downgrade gcc on my server so i'm only using binary
distribution of mysql.
Perhaps it's not the best solution, i don't know ...


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-28 Thread David Bordas

BS Have you tried the command : EXPLAIN SELECT select_options
BS ( Maybe it can help you to see
BS what Indexes are used ...

Yep i do that but varchar and text fields aren't index so ...

I'm also having a look to FULLTEXT index, but i think that the index will be
really really big ... :(

I'm also reading docs about locking. In fact i saw while using show full
processlist that when mysql is executing the query, all other ones are
'locked' but why lock table for a SELECT query ?
And that's a good question.
I surely missed something about the lock statement ...


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-28 Thread David Bordas

From: Shashank Tripathi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This will be fast if you have the right index--
field5 like 'John%'

These will NOT be fast --
field5 like '%John%'
field5 like '%John'

Putting a wildcard character (%) before the term will avoid the index.
Yep, and it's for that point that an index on varchars and text will not
help me ...

   alter table mytable add index (myvarchar, mytext(100))
I think that the index will too big to be usefull for me.
Other way if i need an index, so perhaps i can try FULLTEXT.
I'm currently building a fulltext index on a test server but it's lonnng
to do that :)

 One last resort that may work for you is to try the regexp instead of
 LIKE. The functionality of regexps for me has at best been
 unpredictable, sometimes it is faster, sometimes at par with LIKEs.


  where CONTENT like '%word1%'
or CONTENT like '%word2%'
or CONTENT like '%word3%'


  where CONTENT regexp 'word1|word2|word3'   

Why not regexp but this is not i mean, in fact
  where CONTENT like '%word1%'
or CONTENT like '%word2%'
or CONTENT like '%word3%'
shoud be :
  where CONTENT1 like '%word%'
or CONTENT2 like '%word%'
or CONTENT3 like '%word%'
So i'll be 3 regexp i think ...

Other big problem is why mysql locked all queries during executing this one


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-28 Thread David Bordas

From: Shashank Tripathi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Why not regexp but this is not i mean, in fact
 |   where CONTENT like '%word1%'
 | or CONTENT like '%word2%'
 | or CONTENT like '%word3%'
 | shoud be :
 |   where CONTENT1 like '%word%'
 | or CONTENT2 like '%word%'
 | or CONTENT3 like '%word%'
 | So i'll be 3 regexp i think ...

 No, that'll be one regexp. That is the beauty of using regexp. Try it.

I'll have a look to doc and try it soon ...

 | Other big problem is why mysql locked all queries during
 | executing this one ...

 Agree on this one, this is a little unfortunate. But MySQL 4 should give
 you row level locking, and well, using index on '%WORD%' as well.
 Meanwhile, a full text index should be the only way out for you. Its big
 but its worth it in your case.

As soon as fulltext index will be built, i'll try some test and see what's
is better ...


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Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David BORDAS

Hi all,

I've discovered that we have a select query that blocked all others query to
this table.

99% of query used indexs, no join ...
But this one is a problem :
SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6,Field7  FROM MyTable WHERE
Field7=15 AND Field2=0 AND (Field3 LIKE '%John%' OR Field4 LIKE '%John%' OR
Field5 LIKE '%John') ORDER BY Field6 LIMIT 0,20;

I know that  '(Field3 LIKE '%John%' OR Field4 LIKE '%John%' OR Field5 LIKE
'%John')' part is the problem.

Table desc :
Field1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
Field2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
Field3 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
Field4 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
Field5 text NOT NULL,
Field6  bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
Field7  int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (Field1),
KEY ReplyTo_Numero (Field2,Field1),
KEY indexF (Field7,Field2,Field6)

select count(*) from MyTabe ;

Table is growing about 10 000 record a day ...

So, what can i do to have better performance ?
Create a big index for Field3,Field4, Field5 ?

Not a very good idea i think because it'll be a very very big index and
Field 3-5 are varchar or text ...
But why not ...

Perhaps doing 3 select, one with Field3, one with Field4 and the other with
Field5 and then doing some code in the app for joining the 3 select results.

Or did i miss something in the select syntax that can help me ?


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

ME As first step, try to optimize table with help of
ME command.
ME Any progress?

Already done something like optimize :
myisamchk -v -a -S --sort-records=1 ../data/jeuxvideo/MyTable

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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

DB Already done something like optimize :
DB myisamchk -v -a -S --sort-records=1 ../data/jeuxvideo/MyTable

ME And? No result?
Some good result but nothing enough good :(

I'll have a look to fulltext search, perhaps i'll find something good.
I know that fulltext search only search for full word but perhaps it'll be
enough ...

ME P.S. Can you send a copy to mysql-list, please.
Already done ...


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

From: Franz, Fa. PostDirekt MA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

KF an Index wouldnt help much , because of the 'LIKE %... '.
KF If a wildcart is at the beginning of the search-string , an Index
KF cannot help much.

Ok as i thought, index text field is a bad thing ...

KF You have to think about why are there 3 fieds in your Table ,
KF in which it is possible that the same kind of data can appear.
KF This structure forces you to query like this.
KF If you cannot get rid of this , it might be helpfull to make another
KF for searching , where you concat Field 3,4 and 5 and just search on
KF this field.

I can't create a new field, this will increase dramatically my table growth

KF I think it is better , if you change the way the data is inserted in
your table ,
KF that you can search more specific - without LIKE '%...'

Hmm i've think about it but is quite difficult to find a better way.
All the app is well, except this search ...



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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

From: Andrew Izsof [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DB  I know that  '(Field3 LIKE '%John%' OR Field4 LIKE '%John%' OR Field5
DB  '%John')' part is the problem.

AI The formula : '%John%' always sweeps through all of the records, because
AI can't utilize any indexes, sorting, etc. But if you leave the wildcard %
AI from the beginning, then the optimizer quickly sorts out the relevant
AI records. Of course this reduces the effectiveness of the search pattern,
AI makes the query ultra-fast.

Hmm don't be enough for me :(.

AI Another way to speed up the whole thing (I recommend this one, because
AI the big text areas) is using fulltext indexes. The only drawback with
AI fulltext, that it can only search for full words.

I'll try to have a look to this ...


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

From: Mikhail Entaltsev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ME Check the query plan
ME EXPLAIN SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6,Field7  FROM
ME Field7=15 AND Field2=0 AND (Field3 LIKE '%John%' OR Field4 LIKE '%John%'
ME Field5 LIKE '%John') ORDER BY Field6 LIMIT 0,20;

| table   | type | possible_keys | key| key_len  |
ref |  rows  | Extra  |
| MyTable | ref  | ReplyTo_Numero,indexF | indexF |   8| const,const
| 51145   | where used |

1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Table desc :
Field1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
Field2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
Field3 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
Field4 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
Field5 text NOT NULL,
Field6  bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
Field7  int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (Field1),
KEY ReplyTo_Numero (Field2,Field1),
KEY indexF (Field7,Field2,Field6)


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

- Original Message -
From: Mikhail Entaltsev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ME Can you send result of the query, please:
ME  select * from MyTable PROCEDURE ANALYSE();

Here you are :
mysql select * from MyTable PROCEDURE ANALYSE();
|Field_name  |Min_length|Max_length|Empties_or_zeros|Nulls
|Avg_value_or_avg_length|Std  |Optimal_fieldtype
|MyTable.Field1| 1| 7 |  0 |
0|3988722.5930   |0.   |MEDIUMINT(7) UNSIGNED NOT
|MyTable.Field2| 1| 7 |573688 |
0|3212734.0355   |0.   |MEDIUMINT(7) UNSIGNED NOT
|MyTable.Field3| 1|   47 |  204 |
0|8.2074   |NULL|VARCHAR(47) NOT NULL
|MyTable.Field4| 1|   50 |71 |
0|24.5052 |NULL|VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
|MyTable.Field5| 1| 51723 |  1 |
0|174.5134   |NULL|TEXT NOT NULL
|MyTable.Field6|   12|   14 |  3809075 |
0|63688541485.2995   |0.   |BIGINT(14) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
|MyTable.Field7| 1| 4 |  0 |
0|1646.5029 |2596.7715 |SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT
NULL   |

 Table desc :
 Field1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 Field2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 Field3 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
 Field4 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
 Field5 text NOT NULL,
 Field6  bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
 Field7  int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (Field1),
 KEY ReplyTo_Numero (Field2,Field1),
 KEY indexF (Field7,Field2,Field6)


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

- Original Message -
From: Dicky Wahyu Purnomo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DB SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6,Field7  FROM MyTable
DB Field7=15 AND Field2=0 AND (Field3 LIKE '%John%' OR Field4 LIKE '%John%'
DB Field5 LIKE '%John') ORDER BY Field6 LIMIT 0,20;

DWP have you try to remove the ORDER BY Field6 ? and compare the query time

Yes but don't change anything in most of case.
Best i can do without the order by is 0.01s less than with ...


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

From: Mikhail Entaltsev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ME IMHO the problem is in this condition
ME ...Field5 LIKE '%John'...

ME Can you remove it from query and try again?

In fact it was  Field5 LIKE '%John%',
but Field5 LIKE '%John' and Field5 LIKE '%John%' don't change query
speed at all except about 0.01s ..

I try remove it and i was surprised, speed grow and do not decrease.
Perhaps because mysql has to analyse more rows before to have enough rows


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

From: Mikhail Entaltsev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 As I understand...
 After removing Field5 LIKE '%John' condition the query works much
Nop, sorry i'm not clear, the query works mush slower ...

 But it is different query... :)
 I mean that queries return different results.
Yep ...

 On other hand you can't change type of Field5 because you have a row with
 51723 symbols in Filed5. :(
I know that and that's a problem ...

 question: Do you actually need this condition? ;)

I need it yes, but i'm thinking about doing 2 or 3 queries or modify some
code of my app about this search ...


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Re: Slow select query, need some clues to speed it up please ...

2002-08-27 Thread David Bordas

ME In this case...
ME Can you try again?


query 1 :
 SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6,Field7  FROM MyTable
 Field7=15 AND Field2=0 AND (Field3 LIKE '%John%' OR Field4 LIKE '%John%'
OR Field5 LIKE
 '% John%' ) ORDER BY Field6 LIMIT 0,20;

 query 2:
 SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6,Field7  FROM MyTable
 Field7=15 AND Field2=0 AND (Field3 LIKE '%John%' OR Field4 LIKE '%John%' )
ORDER BY Field6 LIMIT 0,20;

Results :
query   | time
 1   0.78s
 2   1.20s
 1   0.77s
 2   1.21s
 1   0.78s
 2   1.22s

 IMHO there are 2 ways:
 1. It will work much faster.
 2. It won't change speed of execution significantly.
Third one ?
Remove a condition slow the query ...

Perhaps i've a problem somewhere, but where ..
Perhaps with some cache variables ? I don't know.

This is the my.cnf :
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=128M
set-variable= back_log=100
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600

Server have got 1Go and run only mysql ...
Table have 4M rows and index.
Mytable.MYD : 1109586816 bytes
Mytable.MYI : 93065216


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Re: Re: Re: Next working binary version ?

2002-08-26 Thread David BORDAS

Config for us :
Linux Red-Hat
Kernel 2.4.7-10smp #1 SMP
Dual intel PIII

The problem occurs with these versions :

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Re: Next working binary version ?

2002-08-22 Thread David BORDAS

Monday, August 19, 2002 11:58 AM, you wrote :

VR Hi, David!
VR You can find new 3.23.52 binary packages at
VR Could you install new packages and check if loading problem occurs
VR again?

One of our production server is running 3.23.52 ( the tar.gz one ).
Uptime is 26 Hours and all is ok for the moment ...


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Re: Re: Next working binary version ?

2002-08-22 Thread David BORDAS

 Thursday, August 22, 2002, 9:48:14 AM, you wrote:
 DB Victoria
 DB Monday, August 19, 2002 11:58 AM, you wrote :
 VR Hi, David!
 VR You can find new 3.23.52 binary packages at
 VR Could you install new packages and check if loading problem occurs
 VR again?
 DB One of our production server is running 3.23.52 ( the tar.gz one ).
 DB Uptime is 26 Hours and all is ok for the moment ...
 Glad to hear it!
 Thank you for your feedback.
Oups forget that i said :(
Serveur has just crashed, load average  200 !
Same problem that 3.23.51 but appear some hours after.
Surely 'cause we have less people during these days ...

Do we come back to 3.23.45 ...


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Re: Mysql command from the shell

2002-08-20 Thread David BORDAS

IK hi list
IK Can I also execute mysql commands from the shell.
IK Something like this:
IK % mysql -u root -pmypass --execute=use mydb; select * from mytable;

You can do something like this i think :
% mysql -u root -pmypass mydb --execute='select * from mytable'


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Next working binary version ?

2002-08-13 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

I've just a tiny question.
I used mysql 3.23.49 linux binary package but i've got some problems with
I should upgrade quite shortly because 3.23.49 binary package is buggy
... ).
We have load problems, memory eating ...

But i can't use mysql 3.23.51 binary package.
 ( see Re: 3.23.51 bug ? ( was RE: Load problems with 3.23.51 ))

My linux boxes have got gcc 2.96 and not patched glibc.
So i can't compile my own mysql until i upgrade or downgrade gcc ...

So, did someone have an idea of a date for a new mysql linux binary package
version ?

Next thing, for best performance should i use my own binary or mysql one ?
I thought that mysql ones are better but perhaps it depends  lots of things

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Performance Monitoring/Counters

2002-07-16 Thread David BORDAS


perhaps Mytop will be good for you ...

- Original Message -
From: Lasse Laursen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:56 AM
Subject: Performance Monitoring/Counters

 Hi all,

 Which tools would you recommend to performance monitoring of a MySQL
 database server?

 I'm thinking of the following:

 System: CPU utilization, disk I/O.

 RDBMS: buffer cache hit ratio, transactions/sec, connections.

 Lasse Laursen [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Systems Developer
 NetGroup A/S, St. Kongensgade 40H, DK-1264 København K, Denmark
 Phone: +45 3370 1526 - Fax: +45 3313 0066 - Web:

  - We don't surf the net, we make the waves.

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Re: Load problems with 3.23.51 ( same here )

2002-07-16 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

Same thing here, mysql 3.23.51 works well during about 2 hours then
suddently load average grow up to 200 and more ...
Load average is less than 4 with 3.23.49.

We're using binary tar.gz non max versions from

OS : Linux Red hat 7.2
kernel : 2.4.10
1 Go RAM
2 * Intel 1 Ghz

During the load pic i've run a ps -eo pid,tt,user,fname,tmout,f,wchan and
that's an extract of the output :
29309 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29347 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29390 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29391 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 -
29417 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29418 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29420 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29423 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29424 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29425 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29428 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29432 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 -
29433 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29434 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29436 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29439 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29442 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29443 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29445 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29448 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29450 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29451 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29453 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29454 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29455 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29458 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29462 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29463 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29464 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29465 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29468 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend

So we come back to 3.23.49 wich have a glibc bug and memory eating bug but
we can't upgrade to 3.23.51 :(

Thanks again.

NB : this is the my.cnf :
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=128M
set-variable= back_log=100
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600
# Start logging
# log
- Original Message -
From: Steven Roussey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Mysql'  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: RE: Load problems with 3.23.51

 Just a note: I tried MySQL 4.0.2 and it works fine. Seems to be only
 3.23.51 built by MySQL itself that has the issue. Releases before, and
 now a release after (albeit a 4.0.x version) work fine.

 Steven Roussey

  I have MySQL 3.23.47 running on our sever. I skipped 48 through 50 and
  tried 51. No dice. It does not handle load, CPU and the load average
  through the roof. I'm using Red Hat Linux 7.2 and the official mysql
  binaries. It appears to be slow to connect, causing 0.5 to 1.0 second
  delay on connection. Using persistent connections from PHP does not
  much of a difference. I thought it might be the hostname lookup
 changes so
  I chose skip-grant-tables. This doesn't actually skip the hostname
  though and had no effect.
  Most queries are shorter than 1 second so this problem causes
  problems by making queries last a multiple times longer, which make
  number of concurrent queries jump exponentially. This is a bad thing.
  sadly makes 3.23.51 unusable.

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3.23.51 bug ? ( was RE: Load problems with 3.23.51 )

2002-07-16 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

Same thing here, mysql 3.23.51 works well during about 2 hours then
suddently load average grow up to 200 and more ...
Load average is less than 4 with 3.23.49.

We're using binary tar.gz non max versions from

OS : Linux Red hat 7.2
kernel : 2.4.10
1 Go RAM
2 * Intel 1 Ghz

During the load pic i've run a ps -eo pid,tt,user,fname,tmout,f,wchan and
that's an extract of the output :
29309 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29347 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29390 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29391 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 -
29417 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29418 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29420 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29423 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29424 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29425 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29428 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29432 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 -
29433 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29434 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29436 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29439 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29442 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29443 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29445 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29448 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29450 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29451 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29453 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29454 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29455 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29458 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29462 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29463 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29464 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29465 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend
29468 ?mysqlmysqld   - 040 rt_sigsuspend

So we come back to 3.23.49 wich have a glibc bug and memory eating bug but
we can't upgrade to 3.23.51 :(

Thanks again.

NB : this is the my.cnf :
port= 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=128M
set-variable= back_log=100
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600
# Start logging
# log
- Original Message -
From: Steven Roussey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Mysql'  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: RE: Load problems with 3.23.51

 Just a note: I tried MySQL 4.0.2 and it works fine. Seems to be only
 3.23.51 built by MySQL itself that has the issue. Releases before, and
 now a release after (albeit a 4.0.x version) work fine.

 Steven Roussey

  I have MySQL 3.23.47 running on our sever. I skipped 48 through 50 and
  tried 51. No dice. It does not handle load, CPU and the load average
  through the roof. I'm using Red Hat Linux 7.2 and the official mysql
  binaries. It appears to be slow to connect, causing 0.5 to 1.0 second
  delay on connection. Using persistent connections from PHP does not
  much of a difference. I thought it might be the hostname lookup
 changes so
  I chose skip-grant-tables. This doesn't actually skip the hostname
  though and had no effect.
  Most queries are shorter than 1 second so this problem causes
  problems by making queries last a multiple times longer, which make
  number of concurrent queries jump exponentially. This is a bad thing.
  sadly makes 3.23.51 unusable.

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TCP TIME_WAIT strange problem ( LINUX mysql 3.23.49 )

2002-07-03 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

I've got lots of troubles with one of my mysql dedicated server.
The problem occurs time to time ( during peac or idle time ).
In fact mysql seem not to answer all connections.
Netstat show several connections TIME_WAIT and show process_list only show
1 ou 2 queries running ...

But on other way, 80% of the time, mysql works and answers well.
At those moments netstat show lots of ETABLISHED;

All connections are made through TCP/IP on a private LAN ( ip like
192.168.x.xx ).
Server don't have access to internet.

ifconfig show me that me eth0 config is clear :
RX packets:17728939 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:10940614 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 lg file transmission:100
RX bytes:1689574777 (1611.3 Mb)  TX bytes:347460048 (331.3 Mb)

Here is the config :

uname -a
Linux 2.4.7-10smp #1 SMP Thu Sep 6 17:09:31 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
Red Hat 7.2
2 * 1Ghz Intel
1 Go of ram
2 Go of swap
Raid 5 scsi hdds

Running mysql 3.23.49 from mysql team tar.gz binary.
I've got only one MYISAM table like this :
  8922 jun 19 07:43 Forums.frm
980150372 jui  3 17:24 Forums.MYD
  85792768 jui  3 17:24 Forums.MYI

mysql show table status;

| Name | Type| Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length |
Data_length   | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free |
| Forums   | MyISAM | Dynamic  | 3881810 |252 |
980155640 |  4294967295 |  85792768 |  0 |

| Name | Type | Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length |
Data_length  | Max_data_length |  Index_length | Data_free |
| Forums   | MyISAM | Dynamic   | 3881810 |   252 |
980155640 |   4294967295 | 85792768 |   0 |

my.cnf :
port= 3306
#socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=128M
set-variable= back_log=150
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= thread_cache_size=8
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600

I don't where to search.
Is that an hardware problem ?
Why not but the server isn't old ( only 3 mounths ).

Linux ?
Have a second mysq server with same hardware, same linux and same mysql and
this one don't have any problem.

Best rgds

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Re: TCP TIME_WAIT strange problem ( LINUX mysql 3.23.49 )

2002-07-03 Thread David BORDAS
| Sort_merge_passes| 16 |
| Sort_range   | 33150  |
| Sort_rows| 993404 |
| Sort_scan| 8522   |
| Table_locks_immediate| 556209 |
| Table_locks_waited   | 113411 |
| Threads_cached   | 0  |
| Threads_created  | 65680  |
| Threads_connected| 92 |
| Threads_running  | 87 |
| Uptime   | 132998 |
111 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 7:03 PM
 Subject: TCP  TIME_WAIT strange problem ( LINUX  mysql 3.23.49 )

  Hi list,
  I've got lots of troubles with one of my mysql dedicated server.
  The problem occurs time to time ( during peac or idle time ).
  In fact mysql seem not to answer all connections.
  Netstat show several connections TIME_WAIT and show process_list only
  1 ou 2 queries running ...
  But on other way, 80% of the time, mysql works and answers well.
  At those moments netstat show lots of ETABLISHED;
  All connections are made through TCP/IP on a private LAN ( ip like
  192.168.x.xx ).
  Server don't have access to internet.
  ifconfig show me that me eth0 config is clear :
  RX packets:17728939 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:10940614 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 lg file transmission:100
  RX bytes:1689574777 (1611.3 Mb)  TX bytes:347460048 (331.3 Mb)
  Here is the config :
  uname -a
  Linux 2.4.7-10smp #1 SMP Thu Sep 6 17:09:31 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
  Red Hat 7.2
  2 * 1Ghz Intel
  1 Go of ram
  2 Go of swap
  Raid 5 scsi hdds
  Running mysql 3.23.49 from mysql team tar.gz binary.
  I've got only one MYISAM table like this :
8922 jun 19 07:43 Forums.frm
  980150372 jui  3 17:24 Forums.MYD
85792768 jui  3 17:24 Forums.MYI
  mysql show table status;
  | Name | Type| Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length |
  Data_length   | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free |

  | Forums   | MyISAM | Dynamic  | 3881810 |252 |
  980155640 |  4294967295 |  85792768 |  0 |
  | Name | Type | Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length |
  Data_length  | Max_data_length |  Index_length | Data_free |

  | Forums   | MyISAM | Dynamic   | 3881810 |   252 |
  980155640 |   4294967295 | 85792768 |   0 |
  my.cnf :
  port= 3306
  #socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
  set-variable= key_buffer=128M
  set-variable= back_log=150
  set-variable= record_buffer=1M
  set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
  set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
  set-variable= thread_stack=128K
  set-variable= thread_cache_size=8
  set-variable= max_connections=700
  set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
  set-variable= table_cache=256
  set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
  set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
  set-variable= wait_timeout=3600
  I don't where to search.
  Is that an hardware problem ?
  Why not but the server isn't old ( only 3 mounths ).
  Linux ?
  Have a second mysq server with same hardware, same linux and same mysql
  this one don't have any problem.
  Best rgds

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Can't create a new thread (errno 12). ( 3.23.49 and Linux )

2002-06-20 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

just have this when connecting to my mysql dedicated server :(
The server is like this :
bi PIII 1 Ghz
1Go of ram
Raid 5 scsi hdds

Here is a tail of the error log :
020619 08:03:09  mysqld started
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections

The system don't swap.
Using Linux 2.4.7-10smp #1 SMP
And mysql : 3.23.49 from tar.gz binary 

Here's the my.cnf :
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
#socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= back_log=150
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= thread_cache_size=8
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= max_connections=700
set-variable= max_connect_errors=100
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= net_read_timeout=180
set-variable= net_write_timeout=180
set-variable= wait_timeout=3600

I only have one database and one table ( MyIsam ).
Forums.frm ( 8922 bytes )
Forums.MYD ( 935258712  bytes )
Forums.MYI ( 77645824 bytes )

Show staus say me that max_used_connection is 611.

Did someone have an idea about this ?


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Binary update log how to disable ?

2002-06-18 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

just a tiny question, i use mysql 3.23.51 ( tar.gz binary ) under linux.
All is fine, mysql is started without a problem ...

020618 14:28:04  mysqld started
/usr/local/mysql-3.23.51/bin/mysqld: ready for connections

I can see in /usr/local/mysql-3.23.51 some files like :

I assume that it's the binary update log, but i haven't that with my old

So please, how can i disable this log ??


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Use mysql binary or build my own ?

2002-06-14 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

I've got a mysql dedicated server.
Some piece of hardware :
SMP : 2 * Intel PIII 1 Ghz
1Go of ram
Scsi - Raid 5 Hdds
Linux red-hat 7.2

This system run mysql 3.23.49 (tar.gz binary from ).
I only have one MyIsam table with around 5 Millions of records ( around 1.2
Go disk space and 100 Mo indexes )

I plan to upgrade to 3.23.51.

So, this is my question :
Should i use a tar.gz binary mysql version or should i build my own ?

I've read mysql docs like here :,
and i know that if i want build my own mysql i should upgrade glibc and gcc
( currently have the bad 2.96 one ).


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Re: can't start mysql.server

2002-06-04 Thread David BORDAS

Have a look to mysql error log located in /usr/local/mysql/data

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 12:15 PM
Subject: can't start mysql.server

 my machine is compaq alphastation DS20E, and the mysql verision is
 mysql-3.23.49-dec-osf5.1-alphaev6(binary package)
 after executed scripts/mysql_install_db,  I copy the mysql.server from
 /usr/local/mysql/support-files to /usr/local/mysql/bin,
 then executed mysql.server start and some error message showed:
 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql.server: @HOSTNAME@: not found
 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql.server: my_print_defaults: not found
 # chown: unknown username mysql
 Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
 020604 17:02:58 mysqld end
 what can I do?
 Thanks for your help

 Best regards,


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Re: processlist

2002-06-04 Thread David BORDAS


Just connect to mysql and use this query :
show processlit;

You can also use slow query logs.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 1:07 PM
Subject: processlist

 Hello all,

 Please can any one tell me how do i see  all the queries in my mysql
 server in real-time?
 this is for checking witch ones are longer.


 Date: 04-Jun-2002
 Time: 12:04:29

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Re: processlist

2002-06-04 Thread David BORDAS

Think that even if mysql don't have connection, there are severals processes
running ...
For waiting connection for exemple.

 with 11.5 Mgs or so 
This memory is i think a buffer or a cache shared by each mysql process such
as indexes for exemple ...

To: Sergey S. Kostyliov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: processlist

 thanks Sergey,
 but that command line only shows the total processlist, it doesn't show
 exactlly witch queries are happening on my tables besids my one that says
 full processlist'.The others are sleep , but if they are really,  why is
 mysql server running severls processes with 11.5 Mgs or so?
 Do i need some kind of compilation option to show me more info on the

 best regards,

 On 04-Jun-2002 Sergey S. Kostyliov wrote:
  On Tuesday 04 June 2002 15:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,
  Please can any one tell me how do i see  all the queries in my mysql
  server in real-time?
  this is for checking witch ones are longer.
  `mysqladmin -v proc`
  Or (in mysql client)
   Best regards,
   Sergey S. Kostyliov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Date: 04-Jun-2002
 Time: 12:26:38
 PGP Fingerprint = 5519 0CE9 2553 6877 A929  8270 91C0 D92D 4063 559E

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Re: mysql-3.23.50

2002-05-30 Thread David BORDAS

I think you'll find some usefull infos here :

Just one thing : 3.23.50 tar.gz and rpm is little different because Mysql
team used a newer gcc version ...

- Original Message -
From: Inbal Ovadia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: mysql-3.23.50

 Hi all
 i have mysql-3.23.41
 should i install 3.23.50?
 what are the differences between this versions?

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a date for 3.23.50 declared as stable ?

2002-05-15 Thread David BORDAS

Hi list,

i know that 3.23.50 is a pre-released version. But if someone can tell me
when this version will be declared as stable so i will upgrade my linux
production servers running redhat 7.2 and gcc 2.96 with the tar.gz build


filter : sql,query

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Re: Re: mysql uses 99% cpu under freebsd 4.3

2002-05-13 Thread David BORDAS

SMP is System Multi Processor

Like a server with 2 or more CPUs ...

- Original Message -
From: webmaster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: Re: mysql uses 99% cpu under freebsd 4.3

 So far I've experienced it on one SMP box and one single CPU box.  I

 Silly question: what is SMP...?

 Best regards,=20
 Eivind :-)

sql, query

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Re: mysqldump

2002-04-23 Thread David BORDAS

- Original Message -
From: Harpreet Kaur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:44 PM
Subject: mysqldump

 Dear group members

 I did a mysqldump on my machine at home to backup a database. I saved the
 file to the /home/backup folder at my work and am trying to restore the
 database using
 mysql databasename  /home/backup/backup_databasename.sql

 I get the following error:
 Cannot connetc to local mysql server through socket

 What is wrong. Please help.

 Harpreet kaur

It seems that your mysql server isn't launched.
ps -Al | grep mysql

to see if there are somme mysql process up ...

Hope this help

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Re: Select with Order By that don't use my INDEX :(

2002-04-22 Thread David BORDAS

 - Original Message -
 From: MySQL Newsgroup @[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 2:55 PM
 Subject: Re: Select with Order By that don't use my INDEX :(

  Subject: Re: Select with Order By that don't use my INDEX :(
  From: Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Better yet, remove the order by.
  Make it sort by the index, ie, create an index that matches your select.
  Dr. Frank Ullrich wrote:
 Can someone tell me more about this index that matches select ?
 My query is always different :
 explain SELECT * FROM Forums WHERE Field2=5020 AND Field3=0 ORDER BY
 Field4 DESC LIMIT 0,20;

 1Field28000 like category number in fact ...
 Field4 is a datetime


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Select with Order By that don't use my INDEX :(

2002-04-19 Thread David BORDAS

I'm using mysql 3.23.49 on Linux redhat dedicated server.

Here is my query :

mysql show index from MyTable;

Table: MyTable
Non_unique  : 0
Key_name: PRIMARY
Seq_in_index: 1
Column_name   : Field0
Collation   : A
Cardinality: NULL
Sub_part  : NULL
Packed: NULL
Comment : NULL

Table: MyTable
Non_unique  : 0
Key_name: Index1
Seq_in_index: 1
Column_name   : Field3
Collation   : A
Cardinality: NULL
Sub_part  : NULL
Packed: NULL
Comment : NULL

Table: MyTable
Non_unique  : 0
Key_name: Index1
Seq_in_index: 2
Column_name   : Field0
Collation   : A
Cardinality: NULL
Sub_part  : NULL
Packed: NULL
Comment : NULL

Table: MyTable
Non_unique  : 0
Key_name: questions
Seq_in_index: 1
Column_name   : Field2
Collation   : A
Cardinality: NULL
Sub_part  : NULL
Packed: NULL
Comment : NULL

Table: MyTable
Non_unique  : 0
Key_name: questions
Seq_in_index: 2
Column_name   : Field3
Collation   : A
Cardinality: NULL
Sub_part  : NULL
Packed: NULL
Comment : NULL

Table: MyTable
Non_unique  : 0
Key_name: questions
Seq_in_index: 3
Column_name   : Field4
Collation   : A
Cardinality: NULL
Sub_part  : NULL
Packed: NULL
Comment : NULL

MyTable info :
Field0 : int(10) unsigned primary key
Field1 : int(10) unsigned
Field2 : int(10) unsigned
Field3 : int(10) unsigned
Field4 : datetime Null: Yes  default -00-00 00:00:00  ( but this field
don't have null values )
Field5 : varchar(50);

mysql explain SELECT * FROM Forums WHERE Field2=5020 AND Field3=0 ORDER BY
Field4 DESC LIMIT 0,20;
table  : MyTable
type   : ref
possible_keys: Index1,questions
key: questions
key_len  :  1
ref  : const,const
rows  : 390
Extra : where used; Using filesort
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

We can see that index questions which have Fields 2, 3 and 4 isn't use for
the order by.
Why ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Select with Order By that don't use my INDEX :(

2002-04-19 Thread David BORDAS

- Original Message -
From: Joseph Bueno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: Select with Order By that don't use my INDEX :(

 David BORDAS a écrit :
  I'm using mysql 3.23.49 on Linux redhat dedicated server.
  Here is my query :
  mysql show index from MyTable;
  Table: MyTable
  Non_unique  : 0
  Key_name: PRIMARY
  Seq_in_index: 1
  Column_name   : Field0
  Collation   : A
  Cardinality: NULL
  Sub_part  : NULL
  Packed: NULL
  Comment : NULL
  Table: MyTable
  Non_unique  : 0
  Key_name: Index1
  Seq_in_index: 1
  Column_name   : Field3
  Collation   : A
  Cardinality: NULL
  Sub_part  : NULL
  Packed: NULL
  Comment : NULL
  Table: MyTable
  Non_unique  : 0
  Key_name: Index1
  Seq_in_index: 2
  Column_name   : Field0
  Collation   : A
  Cardinality: NULL
  Sub_part  : NULL
  Packed: NULL
  Comment : NULL
  Table: MyTable
  Non_unique  : 0
  Key_name: questions
  Seq_in_index: 1
  Column_name   : Field2
  Collation   : A
  Cardinality: NULL
  Sub_part  : NULL
  Packed: NULL
  Comment : NULL
  Table: MyTable
  Non_unique  : 0
  Key_name: questions
  Seq_in_index: 2
  Column_name   : Field3
  Collation   : A
  Cardinality: NULL
  Sub_part  : NULL
  Packed: NULL
  Comment : NULL
  Table: MyTable
  Non_unique  : 0
  Key_name: questions
  Seq_in_index: 3
  Column_name   : Field4
  Collation   : A
  Cardinality: NULL
  Sub_part  : NULL
  Packed: NULL
  Comment : NULL
  MyTable info :
  Field0 : int(10) unsigned primary key
  Field1 : int(10) unsigned
  Field2 : int(10) unsigned
  Field3 : int(10) unsigned
  Field4 : datetime Null: Yes  default -00-00 00:00:00  ( but this
  don't have null values )
  Field5 : varchar(50);
  mysql explain SELECT * FROM Forums WHERE Field2=5020 AND Field3=0 ORDER
  Field4 DESC LIMIT 0,20;
  table  : MyTable
  type   : ref
  possible_keys: Index1,questions
  key: questions
  key_len  :  1
  ref  : const,const
  rows  : 390
  Extra : where used; Using filesort
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  We can see that index questions which have Fields 2, 3 and 4 isn't use
  the order by.
  Why ?
  Thanks in advance
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 MySQL 3.23.x doesn't use the index with DESC option of order by.
 It seems that it is fixed in 4.x but I haven't tested it yet.

 Hope this helps
 Joseph Bueno

Arf, i've tried with an ASC query and index is used :(

now i must wait a new mysql release :(


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TIMESTAMP(14) or Bigint ??

2002-04-09 Thread David BORDAS


i'd like to alter a table which have a date and time field so 3 Bytes for
date and 3 Bytes for time.
I'd table to add a new field to store date like this : MMDDHHMMSS.

In fact, I can't use indexes on sql query like select with order by with 2
fields date + time and with
one unique field i can.

So, for this new field that i'll insert and update manually, should i use a
Bigint which required 8 Bytes or a Timestamp(14) with 4 Bytes ?

Timestamp looks great but, can i insert and update it manually ??


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Re: TIMESTAMP(14) or Bigint ??

2002-04-09 Thread David BORDAS

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: TIMESTAMP(14) or Bigint ??

 I could be wrong but since bigint isn't a date or time oriented data
 type I imagine this would be completely useless to you unless you are
 storing unix timestamps.

In fact i'm looking to a way to store date and time in only one field and
with the smallest space.
I can take date and time with my C client client and then create a string
like MMDDHHMMSS manually ...

 You also have the option of using datetime data
 types. I'm not quite sure what you are asking nor what difference it makes
 how big the field is in bytes. Timestamp and Datetime are pretty much the
 same except the first timestamp field of every row will automatically be
 timestamped when you do update's or inserts with a null value in the


As we can see here :

TIMESTAMP is 4 Bytes and DATETIME is 8 Bytes.
So, 4 Bytes difference per 5 Millions records = a 20 MB bigger  table ...

But i think the feature timestamp field of every row will automatically be
timestamped ...  will anoy me.

In fact the mos efficient way to store date and time will be 2 fields : date
= 3 Bytes, time = 3 Bytes
but when i'm doing sql query like this : select * from Table where field4 =
15 order by date , time;
i can use index for the where but not for the order by, explain say me file

So i thought to store date and time in only one field ...


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Re: TIMESTAMP(14) or Bigint ??

2002-04-09 Thread David BORDAS

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: TIMESTAMP(14) or Bigint ??

 I could be wrong but since bigint isn't a date or time oriented data
 type I imagine this would be completely useless to you unless you are
 storing unix timestamps.

In fact i'm looking to a way to store date and time in only one field and
with the smallest space.
I can take date and time with my C client client and then create a string
like MMDDHHMMSS manually ...

 You also have the option of using datetime data
 types. I'm not quite sure what you are asking nor what difference it makes
 how big the field is in bytes. Timestamp and Datetime are pretty much the
 same except the first timestamp field of every row will automatically be
 timestamped when you do update's or inserts with a null value in the


As we can see here :

TIMESTAMP is 4 Bytes and DATETIME is 8 Bytes.
So, 4 Bytes difference per 5 Millions records = a 20 MB bigger  table ...

But i think the feature timestamp field of every row will automatically be
timestamped ...  will anoy me.

In fact the mos efficient way to store date and time will be 2 fields : date
= 3 Bytes, time = 3 Bytes
but when i'm doing sql query like this : select * from Table where field4 =
15 order by date , time;
i can use index for the where but not for the order by, explain say me file

So i thought to store date and time in only one field ...


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Re: Transfert Data from one DB to another

2002-04-04 Thread David BORDAS

Yes but in fact i forgot to say that i have to change a value of a column,
Ex dump all data from table where category = 2 and
insert all this data into the other mysql with category = 4 and not 2

I think with too connection
i can select all data then insert in new server
ben delete on the old server
with a C script but'll not be very efficient ... and not easy to make it

Look at mysqldump utility:

Look at replication:

i know mysqldump but in this case, i think this can't help me.

Replication ? i don't know, i'll have a look


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