Re: Two Primary Keys

2010-06-29 Thread Dušan Pavlica


try this and you will see exactly how autoincrement behaves in MyISAM 
tables when it is part of primary key.

1) declare table like this:
CREATE TABLE  `test_tbl` (
 `field1` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `field2` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `field3` char(10) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`field1`,`field2`)

2) then insert some values
INSERT INTO test_tbl (field1, field3) 

3) see what's in the table
SELECT * FROM test_tbl ORDER BY field1;

result is:
1, 1, 'test1'
1, 2, 'test3'
2, 1, 'test2'
2, 2, 'test4'

field2 is unique only in context of  field1.


Victor Subervi napsal(a):

2010/6/29 João Cândido de Souza Neto


As far as I know, if you have an auto_increment primary key, you cant have
any other field in its primary key.

Makes sense. Actually, I was just copying what someone else gave me and
adding the auto_increment, then I got to wondering, what is the purpose of
having two primary keys?


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Re: Complex conditional statement during select

2008-08-28 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Try this:

SELECT this, that, theOther,
SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(myDate,1,10) = '20080101' AND SUBSTRING(myDate,1,10)
= '20080131', 1, 0)) AS `January`
FROM theTable
GROUP BY theOther

Problem was in parentheses


Jay Blanchard napsal(a):

SELECT this, that, theOther,
SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(myDate,1,10) = '20080101' AND SUBSTRING(myDate,1,10)
= '20080131'), 1, 0) AS `January`
FROM theTable
GROUP BY theOther

Throws this error...

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near ')), 1, 0) AS `January`

Can I even do something like this during the SELECT. I tried a BETWEEN
and while it did not throw errors it did not give back the expected
data...I just got 0


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Re: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

2008-08-15 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Hi Kandy,

this could be the query you are looking for. It should return record 
with the closest timestamp to your required time:

(SELECT TIMEDIFF('20080815091907', timestamp_column) AS diff, t.* FROM 
table1 t

WHERE timestamp_column = '20080815091907'
ORDER BY timestamp_column DESC LIMIT 1
(SELECT TIMEDIFF(timestamp_column, '20080815091907') AS diff, t.* FROM 
table1 t

WHERE timestamp_column = '20080815091907'
ORDER BY timestamp_column LIMIT 1


Kandy Wong napsal(a):


I need to write a C++ program in a Linux environment to query with a
The user will only provide with an approximate time so I'd like to know
how can I write a program or a query to return the closest data.

The followings are the timestamp in the MySQL database:
| 2008-08-05 03:56:09 | 1217933769 |
| 2008-08-05 03:56:19 | 1217933779 |
| 2008-08-05 03:56:29 | 1217933789 |
| 2008-08-05 03:59:39 | 1217933979 |
| 2008-08-05 03:59:49 | 1217933989 |
| 2008-08-05 03:59:59 | 1217933999 |
| 2008-08-05 04:02:39 | 1217934159 |
| 2008-08-05 04:02:49 | 1217934169 |
| 2008-08-05 04:02:59 | 1217934179 |

For example, '2008-08-05 04:01:39' is the time provided by the user which
does not exist in the database.  So, how can I return the closest data?  I
know I can make use of 'LIKE' but this will return more than one data.
What is the best method to get the closest one?
And what is the good connector (C++ to MySQL) to use?
Any suggestion?
Thank you.



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Re: Lost Connection each hour :(

2008-01-16 Thread Dušan Pavlica


can you post values of wait_timeout and interactive_timeout variables. 
You can get them from SHOW VARIABLES output. If they are set to 3600 (1 
hour in secs), set them to something bigger like one week and then you 
will see if it helps or not. You can read more about those timeouts also 
in manual.


MAS! napsal(a):
Can anyone help me to understand why my site (php 4.4.2 / ubuntu 
dapper) loose all connections to mysql server when /etc/cron/hourly 
starts? (there are no process to start hourly, the directory is empty)

I have heavvy web/apache2 traffic on my site and that is not so nice 
for my users..

thank you in advance



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Re: Lost Connection each hour :(

2008-01-16 Thread Dušan Pavlica

MAS! napsal(a):
can you post values of wait_timeout and interactive_timeout 
variables. You can get them from SHOW VARIABLES output. If they are 
set to 3600 (1 hour in secs), set them to something bigger like one 
week and then you will see if it helps or not. You can read more about

| Variable_name| Value |
| connect_timeout  | 5 |
| delayed_insert_timeout   | 300   |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50|
| interactive_timeout  | 28800 |
| net_read_timeout | 30|
| net_write_timeout| 60|
| slave_net_timeout| 3600  |
| table_lock_wait_timeout  | 50|
| wait_timeout | 28800 |

:( may be I have to increase the net_% variables?

I don't think that slave_net_timeout can cause you those problems but 
you can increase its value and you will see if it  it helps or not. But 
read about those timeouts anyway. Also try to look at:


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Re: load data infile and character set

2007-10-29 Thread Dušan Pavlica
Are you sure your file is coded in utf8? Character set of your file must 
be same as charset of your database.


Caleb Racey napsal(a):

Does anyone know how to get the load data infile command to load utf8 data?

I have setup a database as utf8 with a collation of utf8_general_ci,   the
mysqld server is started with --character-set-server=utf8. Server variables
say character_set_database = utf8. I use the sql below


Yet when i try to load a file with an accented value in it e.g. Agustín
the value gets truncated to Agust

anyone got any solutions to this?




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Re: utf8 problem in index

2007-09-05 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Marten Lehmann napsal(a):


I have a table like this:

CREATE TABLE `places` (
  `name` varchar(256) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (`name`)

Then I want to insert two values:

pjö and

But on the second record I get this message:

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry 'pjongjang' for key 1

Whats wrong with it? The character set and collation set is defined as 
utf8, so mysql should see a difference between ö and o.


It's not problem of charset but collation. Try to change collation to 
utf8_bin if it's possible. ö and o are of course stored as two 
different chars in utf8 but collation gives them weight for correct 
ordering and probably in utf8_unicode_ci collation they have same weight.


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Re: LOAD DATA INTO doesn't work correctly with utf8

2007-08-30 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Edward Kay napsal(a):

I would like to import data from a utf8-coded comma seperated file. I
created my database with DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE
utf8_general_ci and I started my mysql-client with the
--default-character-set=utf8 option. Nevertheless, when I input primary
key fields, which differ only in one umlaut character (e.g. achten and
ächten) I get the following error message:

ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'ächten' for key 1

(Same thing happens when I try to manually INSERT the row.)

When I display my variable settings with SHOW variables LIKE
'c%'; I receive the following result:

 | Variable_name| Value  |
 | character_set_client | utf8   |
 | character_set_connection | utf8   |
 | character_set_database   | utf8   |
 | character_set_filesystem | binary |
 | character_set_results| utf8   |
 | character_set_server | latin1 |
 | character_set_system | utf8   |
 | character_sets_dir   | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
 | collation_connection | utf8_general_ci|
 | collation_database   | utf8_general_ci|
 | collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci  |
 | completion_type  | 0  |
 | concurrent_insert| 1  |
 | connect_timeout  | 5  |
 14 rows in set (0.02 sec)

From this I conclude it is the server setting, which causes the trouble
here. When I manipulate the settings manually from the client (with SET
character_set_server=utf8; SET collation_server=utf8_general_ci;) the
values do change, but not the behaviour. But this can be expected, since
the server is already up and running with the wrong settings.

Does anybody know how I restart my mysql-server with the correct
character and collation settings, if this is the cause for my problem,
or if there might be any other reason for it. My mysql version is
5.0.26-12, running on a Suse Linux 10.2.

Best regards,

Try using the SET NAMES 'utf8' statement [1] to tell MySQL that your client
is sending data in UTF-8. I believe that as your server is latin1, it will
assume this is the character set used by the command line client.



From my experience SET NAMES doesn't work, but character set of the 
database must be same as file's character set and this condition is OK.

For sure I used script:

USE database_with_correct_charset;

And this worked fine for files with cp1250 and also with keybcs2 (I had 
two databases, of course)


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Re: LOAD DATA INTO doesn't work correctly with utf8

2007-08-30 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Harald Vajkonny napsal(a):

Ananda Kumar schrieb:

strange. did u exit and reconnect and did the select?

Yes, I tried it once more. I have to put the USE command before I change

session settings to latin to make it work without error (otherwise I
still get the duplicate message). But even after exiting I get the
national characters displayed as two (or more) bytes.
Try to convert  file to latin1, if it's possible, create database with 
latin1 charset, create table with required structure (you can set utf8 
charset to string fields ) and then load data. What client do you use to 
check whether data are OK? I can recommend MySQL Query Browser where I 
don't have to care about setting charset and collation parameters.


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Re: LOAD DATA INTO doesn't work correctly with utf8

2007-08-30 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Harald Vajkonny napsal(a):

Dušan Pavlica schrieb:

Try to convert  file to latin1, if it's possible, create database with
latin1 charset, create table with required structure (you can set utf8
charset to string fields ) and then load data. 

I can not convert the file into latin1, because it is multilingual (i.e.
European, Japanese, Korean etc.).


What client do you use to check whether data are OK? I can recommend
MySQL Query Browser where I don't have to care about setting charset
and collation parameters.

I checked the file in MySQL Query Browser too, but even there I get it
wrong, when I imported it with a latin session. I get it displayed
right, when I import it with utf8, but then I have the message with
duplicate keys and get only half of the data.

What's the charset and collation of your primary field in the table?


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Re: mysqldump problem with large innodb tables...

2007-06-19 Thread Dušan Pavlica
Try to look for Lost connection error in MySQL manual and it can give 
your some hints like


Hartleigh Burton napsal(a):

Hi All,

I have a database which is currently at ~10GB in it's test phase. It 
is containing uncompressed audio and is expected to reach 1.5TB in no 
time at all. I am just running some backup tests and I have been 
having lots of problems creating an accurate backup.

I have tried both MySQL Administrator  mysqldump, both applications 
drop out on the same table, the table `trackdata` which contains ~9GB 
worth of data. There is no single row any larger than 50MB, most 
average around 40MB. Windows 2000 Server, MySQL v5.0.37-community-nt 
and all tables are InnoDB.

If anyone can help me out with this problem the assistance is greatly 
appreciated. I have scoured google and various other sources and not 
found much information that has been useful to me. I hope I have 
enough info below... if more is required let me know.

mysqldump example

P:\mysqldump -u username -p mraentertainment  mraentertainment.sql 

--verbose --max_allowed_packet=500M --hex-blob --single_transaction
Enter password: **
-- Connecting to localhost...
-- Retrieving table structure for table albums...
-- Sending SELECT query...


-- Retrieving rows...
-- Retrieving table structure for table trackdata...
-- Sending SELECT query...
-- Retrieving rows...
mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query 
when dumping

 table `trackdata` at row: 1

my.ini configuration file










basedir=C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/

datadir=C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/Data/









#*** MyISAM Specific options














Hartleigh Burton
Resident Geek

MRA Entertainment Pty Ltd
5 Dividend St | Mansfield | QLD 4122 | Australia
Phone: (07) 3457 5041
Fax: (07) 3349 8806
Mobile: 0421 646 978

Internal Virus Database was built: Never
Checked by MAC OSX... we don't get viruses!

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Re: select first letters

2007-04-25 Thread Dušan Pavlica
I'm not sure, but I think that greek characters are sorted after English 
chars so try this:

SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(title,1) FROM odigos_details WHERE LEFT(title,1)  
'z' ORDER BY title


nikos napsal(a):

Hello list.
I want to select discinct the first letters of titles in a UTF8 table 
but only the greek ones.

There are both english and greek charakter titles.
How can I exclude the english from selection?

My table is:

CREATE TABLE `odigos_details` (
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `cat` tinyint(3) default NULL,
 `territory` tinyint(3) default NULL,
 `title` varchar(150) default NULL,
 `story` text,
 `link` varchar(100) default NULL,
 `address` varchar(150) default NULL,
 `tel` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `fax` varchar(11) default NULL,
 `photo` varchar(100) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

and I run:

SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(title,1) FROM odigos_details ORDER BY title

witch is working fine.

Thank you.

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Re: Borland C++ Builder 2006 DLL Woes

2007-02-21 Thread Dušan Pavlica

I had to buy dbExpress libraries for MySQL from third party.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal(a):
We just purchased The Borland Developer Studio 2006 IDE and are having 
significant problems using dbExpress objects to communicate with MySQL 
servers (both 4 and 5). Curiously, we can perform inserts but not selects, 
even though identical code in C++ Builder 6 worked just fine. The DLL in 
C++ Builder 2006 is dbxmys30.dll. Anybody having similar issues?



David P. Giragosian, Psy.D.
Database and Software Developer
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX

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Re: need a select query

2007-02-12 Thread Dušan Pavlica

select * from table1 order by field1 limit 10,1


balaraju mandala napsal(a):

Hi All,

I need a select query, with which i can reach to a particular row 

I mean if a table have 100 rows inserted,

we can use select * from table1 limit 10;

with this query i will have 10 rows, but my requirement is only 10th
row only should come as a result. If u have any solution for this please
share with me.

Thank you.

Bala Raju M.

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Re: running sum with a @variable

2007-02-06 Thread Dušan Pavlica
try to put parenthesis around @runsum := @runsum + 

SELECT @row := @row+1 AS `Row`, mycountries.Name AS `Country`
, ROUND(SUM(db.Jan+db.Feb+db.Mar)) AS `Q1`
, (@runsum := @runsum + SUM(db.Jan+db.Feb+db.Mar)) AS `RunSum`
FROM data2006 AS db
LEFT JOIN mycountries ON db.Country = mycountries.ID
GROUP BY db.Country;


C.R.Vegelin napsal(a):

I want to calc a running sum with @variables.
Using the command line client, I enter: 
SET @row := 0, @runsum := 0;

followed by:
SELECT @row := @row+1 AS `Row`, mycountries.Name AS `Country`
, ROUND(SUM(db.Jan+db.Feb+db.Mar)) AS `Q1`
, @runsum := @runsum + SUM(db.Jan+db.Feb+db.Mar) AS `RunSum`
 FROM data2006 AS db
 LEFT JOIN mycountries ON db.Country = mycountries.ID
 WHERE ...
 GROUP BY db.Country;

Results are:
Row  Country Q1RunSum
  1 Germany   9090
  2 France  6060
  3 Norway 2424

I expect the RunSum for Germany 60, France 150, Norway 174 etc.
Whay am I doing wrong ? Any help is appreciated !

Regards, Cor


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Re: SET @var and insert that as cunting var into table with insertselect

2007-02-05 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Barry napsal(a):

Dušan Pavlica schrieb:

Barry napsal(a):

Hello Everyone!

I am having a big problem with counting inserting rows.

This is my Query:

SELECT MAX(id) INTO @maxid FROM table1; // @maxid is now  44

INSERT INTO table2 (orderid, someothervars)
SELECT @maxid +1, blahvar FROM table3;

select @maxid:=max(id)-1 from table1;
insert into table2 (orderid, someothervars)
SELECT @maxid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +1, blahvar FROM table3;


Thanks dusan, thanks filip that works perfect :)

Can you tell me where i can find that  :=  function on the mysql dev 
site? Search function don't allow  :=  and i didn't found it.

That would be very nice :)

My best regards


it's not function, it's assignment operator. Try to search 'user-defined 
variables'  in manual. It's chapter 9.3 in version I have


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Re: SET @var and insert that as cunting var into table with insert select

2007-02-02 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Barry napsal(a):

Hello Everyone!

I am having a big problem with counting inserting rows.

This is my Query:

SELECT MAX(id) INTO @maxid FROM table1; // @maxid is now  44

INSERT INTO table2 (orderid, someothervars)
SELECT @maxid +1, blahvar FROM table3;

select @maxid:=max(id)-1 from table1;
insert into table2 (orderid, someothervars)
SELECT @maxid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +1, blahvar FROM table3;


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Re: CONCAT(int_col, string_col) and charset and collation problems

2007-02-01 Thread Dušan Pavlica

I know about CONVERT but I wanted to check character set of 'tt' column 
and this result use in CONVERT. Something like CONVERT(id USING 

which doesn't work.
I just wonder why CONCAT(1, ',', Name) works OK even if CHARSET(1) is 
binary string and CONCAT(id, ',', Name) doesn't


ViSolve DB Team napsal(a):


It is that, what you think a binary is , indeed a binary.

As per the manual, If a string input or function result is a binary 
string, the string has no character set or collation.

so the resultant 'binary' is expected.

if u want the resultant as:
mysql select charset(concat(tt,CONVERT(id USING latin1))) from test;

ViSolve DB Team
- Original Message - From: Dušan Pavlica [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: list mysql
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 5:31 PM
Subject: CONCAT(int_col, string_col) and charset and collation problems

I'm using MySQL 4.1.15, WinXP and my problem is that
SELECT CHARSET(CONCAT(int_column, string_column)) FROM mytable;
always returns charset 'binary' and I need resulting charset to be 
same as a charset of a string_column  because I don't want to look 
for charset of a column whenever I have to call CONCAT function.

Do you have any tips how to achieve it?
In my opinion, results of concatenating string and numeric columns 
should always have charset of string column(s) and not binary charset.

Thanks in advance for any response


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CONCAT(int_col, string_col) and charset and collation problems

2007-01-31 Thread Dušan Pavlica

I'm using MySQL 4.1.15, WinXP and my problem is that
SELECT CHARSET(CONCAT(int_column, string_column)) FROM mytable;
always returns charset 'binary' and I need resulting charset to be same 
as a charset of a string_column  because I don't want to look for 
charset of a column whenever I have to call CONCAT function.

Do you have any tips how to achieve it?
In my opinion, results of concatenating string and numeric columns 
should always have charset of string column(s) and not binary charset.

Thanks in advance for any response


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Re: Extracting data from MySQL into Access

2007-01-15 Thread Dušan Pavlica
Shortly, if you have MySQL ODBC driver installed, you can create ODBC 
data source and connect to this data source from Access, Excel, Open 


Dewald Troskie napsal(a):

I know this is a weird request, but I need a tool / tutorial on

extracting data from InnoDB tables in MySQL 5.x and putting the data
into Microsoft Access. COuld anybody advise me where to do this?
Dewald Troskie



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Re: Need any that can translate this

2007-01-11 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Temporary tables are stored in memory so they are as quick as joins.


Ran napsal(a):

Not necessarily to use temp tables,they are expensicve.
Temp tables introduce extra disk IOs which slows down compare to using
explicit JOINs which is done in memory.

Here is techniques on how to rewrite a subquery with JOINs:

On 1/11/07, Peter Bradley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ysgrifennodd Tomás Abad Fernández:
 I dont know why thease don't work at MySql 3.21 , anyone can help 
me to

 this compatible with mysql3?

 $query = SELECT * FROM facturas WHERE pedido IN (SELECT orders_id 

 orders WHERE user_id='.$user.') ORDER BY factura_id;

 Thanks for all.

If I remember correctly, 3.21 didn't do sub-queries.  You had to use
temp tables.

Someone else will correct me if I'm wrong.


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Re: MySQL 5.0.27: character problem

2006-12-14 Thread Dušan Pavlica

I think that you don't have to write a conversion program because MySQL 
have built-in pretty good character set conversions. All you need to do 
is to tell MySQL which character  set uses your file with your SQL 
commands. Create  your file with one of the character sets  MySQL 
understands and put as a first command to execute SET NAMES  
You can check MySQL's character sets by executing command SHOW CHARACTER 


Eric Lilja napsal(a):
Thanks for the reply, Mr Schwartz. I will see if I can find some clue 
on  how to write such a program myself.

- Eric

Jerry Schwartz skrev:

I have run into this as well. Windows uses CP-1522 (if I remember
correctly), which is not exactly equivalent to UTF-8. I presume it is 
not exactly equivalent to the character set you're using for MySQL. I 

up writing a program to convert the one character set to the other.


Jerry Schwartz
Global Information Incorporated
195 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06032

860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Lilja
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:03 PM
Subject: MySQL 5.0.27: character problem

Hello, I'm using MySQL version 5.0.27 under Windows XP
professional. I
have a text file with some SQL commands (I create a few tables and
insert some rows into them). I noticed that all columns where
I tried to
insert a swedish character, that character got corrupted. But
it works
if I type the same explicitly in mysql monitor. What do I
need to do so
I can use command files and still have proper handling of swedish

- Eric

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Re: Convert hex to decimal?

2006-11-06 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Frederic Wenzel napsal(a):


I have a table with a SMALLINT column that -- trough a mistake --
contains values like 57, 13 etc. which in fact are 0x57 and 0x13 (i.e.
HEX numbers).

How would I convert

13 (false decimal) to 0x13 (Hex) and from there to 19 (decimal)?

I tried my luck with UNHEX and CAST but I only got 0 or NULL back 

Thanks in advance

conv('column_name', 16, 10)


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Re: Deleting, skip the first n records

2006-10-05 Thread Dušan Pavlica

If you don't know the cutoff_date you can simply find it by
SELECT creation FROM tablename ORDER BY creation DESC LIMIT n, 1
which gives you the creation  of the n-th  newest record and then you 
can use Dan's solution

DELETE FROM tablename WHERE creation  cutoff_date


Dan Julson napsal(a):


My bad in steering you into the offset direction.  You are right.  Offset 
cannot be used within a delete statement.  However, if I am reading your 
email correctly, you could specify a cutoff date and use that in the Delete 
statement like this:

DELETE FROM tablename WHERE creation  cutoff_date


My bad, the = was my own typo just in the email, it's not in my
actual query. I've tried using offset (delete...limit 50,99) and
it returns an error, and it is not documented (search that page you
referenced for offset).

On Oct 4, 2006, at 9:04 AM, Rob Desbois wrote:

DELETE does support the offset (
en/delete.html) the problem is you have an erroneous equals character:

You wrote:
 DELETE FROM tablename ORDER BY creation DESC LIMIT=n
You need:
 DELETE FROM tablename ORDER BY creation DESC LIMIT offset, count


The offset is what I was thinking of - that would be the simplest -

but as far as I can tell, delete doesn't support the offset. It's not
documented, and it gives me an error when I try it. I was hoping to
avoid two queries but it sounds like that's what I might have to do.

On Oct 4, 2006, at 8:37 AM, Dan Julson wrote:

You can add an offset in the Limit statement.  Look at the Select
Syntax in
the docs.

There is an even simpler solution to this problem.  Use your
creation field
within a Where clause instead of using Order by and Limit.


I'm trying to delete all but the newest n records.

DELETE FROM tablename ORDER BY creation DESC LIMIT=n

This does the opposite of what I want. Is there some way to tell it
to start the delete after n and delete all the remaining records?


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-- Original Message --

DATE:  Wed, 4 Oct 2006 08:49:48 -0700

SUBJECT:   Re: Deleting, skip the first n records

The offset is what I was thinking of - that would be the simplest -
but as far as I can tell, delete doesn't support the offset. It's not
documented, and it gives me an error when I try it. I was hoping to
avoid two queries but it sounds like that's what I might have to do.

On Oct 4, 2006, at 8:37 AM, Dan Julson wrote:

You can add an offset in the Limit statement.  Look at the Select
Syntax in
the docs.

There is an even simpler solution to this problem.  Use your
creation field
within a Where clause instead of using Order by and Limit.


I'm trying to delete all but the newest n records.

DELETE FROM tablename ORDER BY creation DESC LIMIT=n

This does the opposite of what I want. Is there some way to tell it
to start the delete after n and delete all the remaining records?


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Converting string hex column to integer

2006-06-28 Thread Dušan Pavlica

I have column of type char(2) containing hex numbers (e.g. 0A, FF, 
...) and I cannot find correct function which could convert those hex 
numbers to integers so I can perform futher calculations. I experimented 
with HEX(), CAST(), CONVERT() but I wasn't succesfull.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Converting string hex column to integer

2006-06-28 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Wolfram Kraus napsal(a):

On 28.06.2006 13:54, Dušan Pavlica wrote:

I have column of type char(2) containing hex numbers (e.g. 0A, FF,
...) and I cannot find correct function which could convert those hex
numbers to integers so I can perform futher calculations. I experimented
with HEX(), CAST(), CONVERT() but I wasn't succesfull.

Thanks in advance,

Use conv:

mysql select conv('11', 16, 10);
| conv('11', 16, 10) |
| 17 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql select conv('0a', 16, 10) + conv('a0', 16, 10);
| conv('0a', 16, 10) + conv('a0', 16, 10) |
| 170 |




Thanks a lot. This is the function I was looking for.


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Strange Illegal mix of collations error

2006-06-16 Thread Dušan Pavlica

could someone help me to explain and resolve this error? Or maybe it is 
a bug.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`.`karty`;
CREATE TABLE  `test`.`karty` (
 `ICO` char(12) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `CisloProvozu` char(6) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `CisPrac` char(10) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `TypKarty` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
 `Vyhotoveni` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
 `Jmeno` char(20) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `CisloProgramu` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
 `Embasing` char(7) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `VnitrniCislo` char(15) character set latin2 default NULL,
 `Stanice` char(3) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`ICO`,`CisloProvozu`,`CisPrac`,`TypKarty`,`Vyhotoveni`),
 UNIQUE KEY `VnitrniCislo` (`VnitrniCislo`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin2 COLLATE=latin2_czech_cs;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`.`karty_imp_tmp`;
CREATE TABLE  `test`.`karty_imp_tmp` (
 `PracJmeno` char(30) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `VnitrniCislo` char(15) collate latin2_czech_cs default NULL,
 `CisPrac` char(10) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default ''

INSERT INTO test.karty 
INSERT INTO test.karty_imp_tmp 

SELECT k.*, kt.* FROM karty k JOIN karty_imp_tmp kt USING (vnitrnicislo);
returns error: Illegal mix of collations (latin2_general_ci,IMPLICIT) 
and (latin2_czech_cs,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

I don't know where latin2_general_ci collation comes from.

OS WinXP, MySQL 4.1.15-nt-log

Thanks in advance

Dusan Pavlica

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Re: Strange Illegal mix of collations error

2006-06-16 Thread Dušan Pavlica

flyerheaven - Barry Krein napsal(a):

Dušan Pavlica schrieb:

Barry napsal(a):

Dušan Pavlica schrieb:

could someone help me to explain and resolve this error? Or maybe 
it is a bug.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`.`karty`;
CREATE TABLE  `test`.`karty` (
 `ICO` char(12) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `CisloProvozu` char(6) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `CisPrac` char(10) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `TypKarty` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
 `Vyhotoveni` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
 `Jmeno` char(20) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `CisloProgramu` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
 `Embasing` char(7) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `VnitrniCislo` char(15) character set latin2 default NULL,
 `Stanice` char(3) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',

 UNIQUE KEY `VnitrniCislo` (`VnitrniCislo`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin2 COLLATE=latin2_czech_cs;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`.`karty_imp_tmp`;
CREATE TABLE  `test`.`karty_imp_tmp` (
 `PracJmeno` char(30) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `VnitrniCislo` char(15) collate latin2_czech_cs default NULL,
 `CisPrac` char(10) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default ''

INSERT INTO test.karty 

INSERT INTO test.karty_imp_tmp 

SELECT k.*, kt.* FROM karty k JOIN karty_imp_tmp kt USING 
returns error: Illegal mix of collations 
(latin2_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin2_czech_cs,IMPLICIT) for 
operation '='

I don't know where latin2_general_ci collation comes from.

Well one table or the column has this collation.
Check your structures.
= `VnitrniCislo` char(15) character set latin2 default NULL,
shouldn it be
= `VnitrniCislo` char(15) collate latin2_czech_cs default NULL,


I have seen it too and  checked both structures in MySQL Table Editor 
and both columns had exactly same definitions. And both tables have 
same character set and collation


Nah look at your structrue:
CisloProgramu` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `Embasing` char(7) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
  `VnitrniCislo` char(15) character set latin2 default NULL,
  `Stanice` char(3) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
Here its just character set latin2

 CREATE TABLE  `test`.`karty_imp_tmp` (
  `PracJmeno` char(30) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
  `VnitrniCislo` char(15) collate latin2_czech_cs default NULL,

And here is it collate latin2_czech_cs

That's causing the error.


You are right. If I create tables where both columns VnitrniCislo have 
exactly same definitions, it doesn't throw the error.
Bug must be in the MySQL Table Editor which shows in column details 
wrong collations

Thanks, Barry.


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Re: How can I keep character_set_client value after MyODBC auto reconnect?

2006-01-10 Thread Dušan Pavlica


did you try SET CHARACTER SET utf8 as Initial Statement under Connection 
Options of your MyODBC DSN?

- Original Message - 

To: MySQL List
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 10:19 AM
Subject: How can I keep character_set_client value after MyODBC auto 


I found that MyODBC use mysql_ping to check connection and reconnect.
After reconnect by using mysql_ping character_set_client, 
character_set_connection and character_set_results go back to latin1.

But I need them to be utf8.
What can I do with MyODBC?


gu lei

祝 事业有成,家庭和睦,身体健康,一切吉祥

电话:010 58022278-302

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Delete query problem

2005-12-21 Thread Dušan Pavlica
I have master-detail tables and I would like to delete in one statement master 
record and all detail records but not every master record has details. 
MySQL versions 4.1.10 and higher.
Could someone help me, please, to create such a query?

CREATE TABLE  `master_tbl` (
  `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Desc` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
  `Data` varchar(45)  NOT NULL default '',

CREATE TABLE  `detail_tbl` (
  `Master_ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Desc` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Master_ID`)

This query works only for master records which have at least one detail record:
DELETE master_tbl, detail_tbl FROM master_tbl, detail_tbl

WHERE detail_tbl.Master_ID = master_tbl.ID AND master_tbl.ID = 10

Thanks in advance

Dusan Pavlica

Re: Delete query problem

2005-12-21 Thread Dušan Pavlica

thanks that was the solution I couldn't find out.
I had to change only ON clause to master_tbl.ID=detail_tbl.Master_ID .

Thanks also to Felix, I know I could use referential integrity but I knew 
there is a way how to do it without it and I was trying to find that way.


- Original Message - 
From: Tomas Rasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Delete query problem

What about

DELETE master_tbl,detail_tbl FROM master_tbl LEFT JOIN detail_tbl ON 
master_tbl.ID=detail_tbl.ID WHERE .


Dušan Pavlica napsal(a):

Hello, I have master-detail tables and I would like to delete in one 
statement master record and all detail records but not every master record 
has details. MySQL versions 4.1.10 and higher.

Could someone help me, please, to create such a query?

CREATE TABLE  `master_tbl` (
 `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `Desc` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
 `Data` varchar(45)  NOT NULL default '',

CREATE TABLE  `detail_tbl` (
 `Master_ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `Desc` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`Master_ID`)

This query works only for master records which have at least one detail 

DELETE master_tbl, detail_tbl FROM master_tbl, detail_tbl

WHERE detail_tbl.Master_ID = master_tbl.ID AND master_tbl.ID = 10

Thanks in advance

Dusan Pavlica

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Re: Help with query

2005-10-13 Thread Dušan Pavlica

  - Original Message - 
  To: Dušan Pavlica 
  Cc: Michael Stassen ; list mysql 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:45 PM
  Subject: Re: Help with query

  Dušan Pavlica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/12/2005 10:00:53 AM:

   Thanks, Michal, for your help.
   Your query works as I need.
   I tried to use same syntax as in MS Access, but results are for some reason 
   different for this query. I'm working on application which should be able 
   connect to MySQL or to MSAccess (users' choice) and I didn't want to write 
   querries for each DB system separately. Now I see that I will have to.
   - Original Message - 
   From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Dušan Pavlica [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Cc: list mysql
   Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:54 PM
   Subject: Re: Help with query
Dušan Pavlica wrote:
could someone help me please to construct correct query or tell me what 
I'm doing wrong?
Kind regards,
Dusan Pavlica
In any case, does this do what you want?
  SELECT p.Description, p.ID, pp.Product_ID, pc.Code, pp.StartDate
  FROM products_prices pp
  JOIN products p ON p.ID = pp.Product_ID
  LEFT JOIN products_codes pc ON p.ID = pc.Product_ID AND pc.CodeType = 1
  WHERE StartDate  Now()
  ORDER BY p.ID, pp.StartDate DESC;

  I don't think you will need to change anything. MS Access should be able to 
work with Michael's query just fine. Just because the Query Builder in Access 
(I despise the SQL that comes out of that tool) always nests its JOINs doesn't 
mean that MS Access can't use un-nested joins. Give it a shot, you may be 

  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that MS Access is not able to work with un-nested 
joins. I tried Michael's solution also with different changes but Access keeps 
complaining about syntax error and on MSDN help and in one book about Access I 
have I saw that they use only syntax with nested joins. I don't know if it's 
matter but I use ADO for accessing MS Access database.


Help with query

2005-10-12 Thread Dušan Pavlica

could someone help me please to construct correct query or tell me what I'm 
doing wrong?

I have three tables:
table products
table products_codes where some products could have assigned another additional 
table products_prices
I want to get all rows from product_prices listed  with product Description and 
Code for particular CodeType

And here is the create script, sample data and the query:

CREATE TABLE  `products` (
  `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Description` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `Units` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',

INSERT INTO products VALUES(NULL, Product 1, lt);
INSERT INTO products VALUES(NULL, Product 2, lt);
INSERT INTO products VALUES(NULL, Product 3, lt);

CREATE TABLE  `products_codes` (
  `Product_ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Code` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `CodeType` tinyint NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Product_ID`,`CodeType`)

INSERT INTO products_codes VALUES(1, ABC, 1);
INSERT INTO products_codes VALUES(2, XYZ, 1);

CREATE TABLE  `products_prices` (
  `Product_ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `StartDate` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  `Price` double NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Product_ID`,`StartDate`)

INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(1, '2005090100', 20);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(1, '2005100100', 25);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(1, '2005110100', 30);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(2, '2005100100', 15);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(3, '2005100100', 10);

SELECT p.Description, p.ID, pp.Product_ID, pc.Code, pp.StartDate FROM 
products_prices pp
INNER JOIN (products p
LEFT JOIN products_codes pc ON p.ID = pc.Product_ID AND pc.CodeType = 1)
ON p.ID = pp.Product_ID
where StartDate  Now()
ORDER BY p.ID, pp.StartDate desc

Here is the result of the query:

Product 1,1,3,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 1,1,1,ABC,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 1,1,2,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 1,1,1,ABC,2005-09-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,2,XYZ,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,3,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,1,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,1,NULL,2005-09-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,2,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,3,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,1,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,1,NULL,2005-09-01 00:00:00

I don't know why this query returns also rows where p.ID != pp.ProductID

And another thing. If I remove from selected columns pp.Product_ID query 
returns error:
Column 'Product_ID' in field list is ambiguous (ErrorNr. 1052). Why??

MySQL 4.1.14, WinXP

Thanks a lot in advance for any help

Kind regards,
Dusan Pavlica

Re: Help with query

2005-10-12 Thread Dušan Pavlica

Thanks, Michal, for your help.
Your query works as I need.
I tried to use same syntax as in MS Access, but results are for some reason 
different for this query. I'm working on application which should be able to 
connect to MySQL or to MSAccess (users' choice) and I didn't want to write 
querries for each DB system separately. Now I see that I will have to.


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Dušan Pavlica [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: list mysql
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Help with query

Dušan Pavlica wrote:


could someone help me please to construct correct query or tell me what 
I'm doing wrong?

I have three tables:
table products
table products_codes where some products could have assigned another 
additional codes table products_prices
I want to get all rows from product_prices listed  with product 
Description and Code for particular CodeType

And here is the create script, sample data and the query:

CREATE TABLE  `products` (
  `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Description` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `Units` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',

INSERT INTO products VALUES(NULL, Product 1, lt);
INSERT INTO products VALUES(NULL, Product 2, lt);
INSERT INTO products VALUES(NULL, Product 3, lt);

CREATE TABLE  `products_codes` (
  `Product_ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Code` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `CodeType` tinyint NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Product_ID`,`CodeType`)

INSERT INTO products_codes VALUES(1, ABC, 1);
INSERT INTO products_codes VALUES(2, XYZ, 1);

CREATE TABLE  `products_prices` (
  `Product_ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `StartDate` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  `Price` double NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Product_ID`,`StartDate`)

INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(1, '2005090100', 20);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(1, '2005100100', 25);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(1, '2005110100', 30);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(2, '2005100100', 15);
INSERT INTO products_prices VALUES(3, '2005100100', 10);

SELECT p.Description, p.ID, pp.Product_ID, pc.Code, pp.StartDate FROM 
products_prices pp

INNER JOIN (products p
LEFT JOIN products_codes pc ON p.ID = pc.Product_ID AND pc.CodeType = 

ON p.ID = pp.Product_ID
where StartDate  Now()
ORDER BY p.ID, pp.StartDate desc

Here is the result of the query:

Product 1,1,3,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 1,1,1,ABC,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 1,1,2,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 1,1,1,ABC,2005-09-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,2,XYZ,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,3,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,1,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 2,2,1,NULL,2005-09-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,2,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,3,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,1,NULL,2005-10-01 00:00:00
Product 3,3,1,NULL,2005-09-01 00:00:00

I don't know why this query returns also rows where p.ID != pp.ProductID

And another thing. If I remove from selected columns pp.Product_ID query 
returns error:

Column 'Product_ID' in field list is ambiguous (ErrorNr. 1052). Why??

MySQL 4.1.14, WinXP

Thanks a lot in advance for any help

Kind regards,
Dusan Pavlica

I haven't really tried to figure out what mysql is doing with your query, 
but perhaps these lines from the manual are relevant:

  In versions of MySQL prior to 5.0.1, parentheses in table_references 
  just omitted and all join operations were grouped to the left. In 
  parentheses can be ignored in join expressions containing only inner 

  operations. As of 5.0.1, nested joins are allowed (see Section 7.2.10,
  “How MySQL Optimizes Nested Joins”).

In any case, does this do what you want?

  SELECT p.Description, p.ID, pp.Product_ID, pc.Code, pp.StartDate
  FROM products_prices pp
  JOIN products p ON p.ID = pp.Product_ID
  LEFT JOIN products_codes pc ON p.ID = pc.Product_ID AND pc.CodeType = 1
  WHERE StartDate  Now()
  ORDER BY p.ID, pp.StartDate DESC;


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Re: Problem with datetime values and MyODBC driver

2005-08-05 Thread Dušan Pavlica
Thanks Dwi for the tip, but unfortunately this solution is possible only in 
applications which connect only to MySQL and I am already using it in those 
applications but now I need to connect to MySQL or to MS Access (or to other DB 
engine) with one query using only different connection string (and different 
ODBC drivers). And thus I must set query parameters to their correct data types 
and ODBC driver should do the conversions. And that is what is not working. I 
will probably fill a bug report and will see.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dwi Putra L 
  To: Dušan Pavlica 
  Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 6:34 AM
  Subject: Re: Problem with datetime values and MyODBC driver

  Dušan Pavlica wrote: 
I'm working in C++ Builder 6.0 and I'm trying to create application which could 
connect through ADO components to different databases using ODBC drivers.
If I create TADOQuery object which has datetime parametr and I fill this 
parametr with valid datetime value then I can see in MYSQL's query log that 
only date portion is used. But if I use same query object to connect to MS 
Access then data in MS Access are OK. 

Win XP, MyODBC 3.51.11, MySQL 4.1.9

Does anybody have any idea how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance 

Dusan Pavlica
 I use delphi 7 and I have same problem with you

   MySQL save and search datetime data as string.
   My solution is to change datetime data into string
   with format : 2005-08-05  (year-month-day)

   str_year, str_month, str_day, str_date : string;
   year, month, day : word;


   str_year := inttostr(year);
   str_month := inttostr(month);
   if Length(str_month)  2 then
 str_month := '0' + str_month;
   str_day  := inttostr(day);
   if Length(str_day)  2 then
 str_day := '0' + str_day;

   str_date := str_year + '-' + str_month + '-' + str_day;

   The same thing when I want to conduct a query, 
   which using date as parameters. I change certain
   date into string.


Problem with datetime values and MyODBC driver

2005-08-04 Thread Dušan Pavlica
I'm working in C++ Builder 6.0 and I'm trying to create application which could 
connect through ADO components to different databases using ODBC drivers.
If I create TADOQuery object which has datetime parametr and I fill this 
parametr with valid datetime value then I can see in MYSQL's query log that 
only date portion is used. But if I use same query object to connect to MS 
Access then data in MS Access are OK. 

Win XP, MyODBC 3.51.11, MySQL 4.1.9

Does anybody have any idea how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance 

Dusan Pavlica

Re: [PARTIALLY SOLVED] Illegal mix of collations for operation IN

2005-06-03 Thread Dušan Pavlica

I did more investigation and found out that
1) with MySQL 4.1.10-nt  both queries executed from Query Browser work fine 
(no error) - I haven't chance to test it with my application through ODBC 
2) when I set initial statement in MyODBC SET CHARACTER SET 'cp1250' 
instead of SET NAMES 'cp1250' for connection to MySQL 4.1.9-nt-log queries 
from my application work fine and that is what I need

mysql show create table files \G
*** 1. row ***
  Table: files
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `files` (
 `FileName` char(100) collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default '',
 `CommandType` enum('NONE','ON_SUCCESS','ON_NOTRANSMIT') collate 
latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL default 'NONE',

 `Command` char(128) collate latin2_czech_cs default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`FileName`,`CommandType`)
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql show variables like '%char%';
| Variable_name| Value 

| character_set_client | cp1250 
| character_set_connection | latin2 
| character_set_database   | latin2 
| character_set_results| cp1250 
| character_set_server | latin2 
| character_set_system | utf8 
| character_sets_dir   | D:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 
4.1\share\charsets/ |

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql show variables like '%col%';
| Variable_name| Value |
| collation_connection | cp1250_general_ci |
| collation_database   | latin2_czech_cs   |
| collation_server | latin2_general_ci |
| protocol_version | 10|
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I am still wondering why
SELECT * FROM files WHERE filename = 'file1.txt' OR filename = 'file2.txt'
was working and
SELECT * FROM files WHERE filename IN('file1.txt', 'file2.txt')


- Original Message - 
From: Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: Illegal mix of collations for operation IN


Usually debugging of such kind of problems starts with examination of
the output of:
 show variables like '%char%';
 show variables like '%colla%';

Send the output of:
 show create table your_table;


I have problem which I don't understand.

if I send command (from Query Browser or from C++ Builder application)
SELECT FileName FROM Files WHERE FileName = 'FILE1.TXT' OR FileName =
query executes without any problem but command
throws error illegal mix of collations for operation 'IN' 

I thought that IN is somehow by optimizer translated to ORs
Could someone explain me why first query is OK and second not? Please.

I'm using WinXP SP2 and MySQL 4.1.9-nt-log
databases and tables use CHARSET=latin2 COLLATE=latin2_czech_cs
I already read some articles about the topic in MySQL forum but they
didn't helped me

Thanks in advance

Dusan Pavlica

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Illegal mix of collations for operation IN

2005-06-02 Thread Dušan Pavlica

I have problem which I don't understand.

if I send command (from Query Browser or from C++ Builder application) 
SELECT FileName FROM Files WHERE FileName = 'FILE1.TXT' OR FileName = 
query executes without any problem but command
throws error illegal mix of collations for operation 'IN' 

I thought that IN is somehow by optimizer translated to ORs 
Could someone explain me why first query is OK and second not? Please.

I'm using WinXP SP2 and MySQL 4.1.9-nt-log 
databases and tables use CHARSET=latin2 COLLATE=latin2_czech_cs
I already read some articles about the topic in MySQL forum but they didn't 
helped me much.

Thanks in advance

Dusan Pavlica